diff --git a/DaVinciTests/tests/refs/test_stripping29r2_collision16_reco16.ref b/DaVinciTests/tests/refs/test_stripping29r2_collision16_reco16.ref
index 2f3e8997a1a2e9a73b94fbc59b4a68bd439feb41..18dfb1da63f230ac5121d100b7341d989c7d9220 100644
--- a/DaVinciTests/tests/refs/test_stripping29r2_collision16_reco16.ref
+++ b/DaVinciTests/tests/refs/test_stripping29r2_collision16_reco16.ref
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # setting LC_ALL to "C"
 # Restarting with LD_PRELOAD='libtcmalloc.so'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/DBASE/AppConfig/v3r347/options/DaVinci/DV-Stripping29r2-Stripping.py'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/DBASE/AppConfig/v3r349/options/DaVinci/DV-Stripping29r2-Stripping.py'
 # Redirecting CommonParticles to '/afs/cern.ch/user/s/sreicher/work/Stripping/Restrippings_2017/Clone_wars/Stripping/InstallArea/x86_64-slc6-gcc49-opt/python/CommonParticlesArchive/Stripping29r2'
 Requested Stripping29r2
 Trying to import module StrippingArchive.Stripping29r2
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Creating Semileptonic stream with 79 lines
 Creating BhadronCompleteEvent stream with 94 lines
 Creating Leptonic stream with 238 lines
 # WARNING: Line StrippingTau23MuDs23PiLine has prescale <= 0, it will be removed from stream Leptonic
-Creating Dimuon stream with 70 lines
+Creating Dimuon stream with 76 lines
 Creating Charm stream with 255 lines
 # WARNING: Line StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kpi_untagged_BoxMB has prescale <= 0, it will be removed from stream Charm
 # WARNING: Line StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kpi_untagged_BoxMBTrEff has prescale <= 0, it will be removed from stream Charm
@@ -447,18 +447,18 @@ Creating CharmCompleteEvent stream with 59 lines
 # DaVinci                   INFO    Append to Main Sequence has been called
 # DaVinci                   INFO    Append to Main Sequence has been called
 # DaVinci                   INFO    Append to Main Sequence has been called
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/DBASE/AppConfig/v3r347/options/DaVinci/DV-Stripping29r2-Stripping.py'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/DBASE/AppConfig/v3r347/options/DaVinci/DataType-2017.py'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/DBASE/AppConfig/v3r347/options/DaVinci/DataType-2017.py'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/DBASE/AppConfig/v3r349/options/DaVinci/DV-Stripping29r2-Stripping.py'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/DBASE/AppConfig/v3r349/options/DaVinci/DataType-2017.py'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/DBASE/AppConfig/v3r349/options/DaVinci/DataType-2017.py'
 # --> Including file '/afs/cern.ch/work/s/sreicher/work/Stripping/Restrippings_2017/Clone_wars/Stripping/Phys/StrippingSelections/tests/data/Reco17_Run198660.py'
 # <-- End of file '/afs/cern.ch/work/s/sreicher/work/Stripping/Restrippings_2017/Clone_wars/Stripping/Phys/StrippingSelections/tests/data/Reco17_Run198660.py'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/DBASE/AppConfig/v3r347/options/Persistency/Compression-ZLIB-1.py'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/DBASE/AppConfig/v3r347/options/Persistency/Compression-ZLIB-1.py'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/DBASE/AppConfig/v3r347/options/DaVinci/InputType-RDST.py'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/DBASE/AppConfig/v3r347/options/DaVinci/InputType-RDST.py'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/DBASE/AppConfig/v3r347/options/DaVinci/DV-RawEventJuggler-0_3-to-4_2.py'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/DBASE/AppConfig/v3r349/options/Persistency/Compression-ZLIB-1.py'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/DBASE/AppConfig/v3r349/options/Persistency/Compression-ZLIB-1.py'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/DBASE/AppConfig/v3r349/options/DaVinci/InputType-RDST.py'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/DBASE/AppConfig/v3r349/options/DaVinci/InputType-RDST.py'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/DBASE/AppConfig/v3r349/options/DaVinci/DV-RawEventJuggler-0_3-to-4_2.py'
 # DaVinci                   INFO    Append to Main Sequence has been called
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/DBASE/AppConfig/v3r347/options/DaVinci/DV-RawEventJuggler-0_3-to-4_2.py'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/DBASE/AppConfig/v3r349/options/DaVinci/DV-RawEventJuggler-0_3-to-4_2.py'
 # --> Including file '/afs/cern.ch/work/s/sreicher/work/Stripping/Restrippings_2017/Clone_wars/DaVinci/DaVinciTests/tests/options/DaVinci-1000events.py'
 # <-- End of file '/afs/cern.ch/work/s/sreicher/work/Stripping/Restrippings_2017/Clone_wars/DaVinci/DaVinciTests/tests/options/DaVinci-1000events.py'
 # --> Including file '/afs/cern.ch/work/s/sreicher/work/Stripping/Restrippings_2017/Clone_wars/DaVinci/DaVinciTests/tests/options/DisableLoKiPythonFunctors.py'
@@ -492,14 +492,14 @@ Creating CharmCompleteEvent stream with 59 lines
 # applying configuration of MyDSTWriter
 # Configuring BaseDSTWriter
 # /***** User SelDSTWriter/MyDSTWriter ***************************************************************
-# |-MicroDSTElements   = {'default': [<DSTWriters.microdstelements.FindDuplicates object at 0x7f0582c91290>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.CloneParticleTrees object at 0x7f0582c912d0>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.CloneBTaggingInfo object at 0x7f0582c91310>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.CloneRelatedInfo object at 0x7f0582c91350>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.ClonePVRelations object at 0x7f0582c91390>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.PackStrippingReports object at 0x7f0582c913d0>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.PackTrackingClusters object at 0x7f0582c91410>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.PackParticlesAndVertices object at 0x7f0582c91450>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.PackRecObjects object at 0x7f0582c91490>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.CleanEmptyEventNodes object at 0x7f0582c914d0>], 'Bhadron': [<DSTWriters.microdstelements.ClonePVs object at 0x7f0582c89f10>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.FindDuplicates object at 0x7f0582c89fd0>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.CloneParticleTrees object at 0x7f0582c91050>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.CloneBTaggingInfo object at 0x7f0582c91090>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.CloneRelatedInfo object at 0x7f0582c910d0>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.ClonePVRelations object at 0x7f0582c91110>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.PackStrippingReports object at 0x7f0582c91150>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.PackTrackingClusters object at 0x7f0582c91190>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.PackParticlesAndVertices object at 0x7f0582c911d0>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.PackRecObjects object at 0x7f0582c91210>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.CleanEmptyEventNodes object at 0x7f0582c91250>], 'Leptonic': [<DSTWriters.microdstelements.ClonePVs object at 0x7f0582c89f10>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.FindDuplicates object at 0x7f0582c89fd0>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.CloneParticleTrees object at 0x7f0582c91050>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.CloneBTaggingInfo object at 0x7f0582c91090>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.CloneRelatedInfo object at 0x7f0582c910d0>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.ClonePVRelations object at 0x7f0582c91110>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.PackStrippingReports object at 0x7f0582c91150>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.PackTrackingClusters object at 0x7f0582c91190>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.PackParticlesAndVertices object at 0x7f0582c911d0>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.PackRecObjects object at 0x7f0582c91210>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.CleanEmptyEventNodes object at 0x7f0582c91250>], 'Charm': [<DSTWriters.microdstelements.ClonePVs object at 0x7f0582c89f10>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.FindDuplicates object at 0x7f0582c89fd0>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.CloneParticleTrees object at 0x7f0582c91050>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.CloneBTaggingInfo object at 0x7f0582c91090>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.CloneRelatedInfo object at 0x7f0582c910d0>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.ClonePVRelations object at 0x7f0582c91110>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.PackStrippingReports object at 0x7f0582c91150>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.PackTrackingClusters object at 0x7f0582c91190>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.PackParticlesAndVertices object at 0x7f0582c911d0>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.PackRecObjects object at 0x7f0582c91210>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.CleanEmptyEventNodes object at 0x7f0582c91250>]}
-# |                    (default: {'default': [<DSTWriters.microdstelements.CloneParticleTrees object at 0x7f0582c89650>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.ClonePVRelations object at 0x7f0582c89690>]})
+# |-MicroDSTElements   = {'default': [<DSTWriters.microdstelements.FindDuplicates object at 0x7faabb339090>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.CloneParticleTrees object at 0x7faabb3390d0>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.CloneBTaggingInfo object at 0x7faabb339110>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.CloneRelatedInfo object at 0x7faabb339150>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.ClonePVRelations object at 0x7faabb339190>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.PackStrippingReports object at 0x7faabb3391d0>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.PackTrackingClusters object at 0x7faabb339210>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.PackParticlesAndVertices object at 0x7faabb339250>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.PackRecObjects object at 0x7faabb339290>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.CleanEmptyEventNodes object at 0x7faabb3392d0>], 'Bhadron': [<DSTWriters.microdstelements.ClonePVs object at 0x7faabb332d10>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.FindDuplicates object at 0x7faabb332dd0>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.CloneParticleTrees object at 0x7faabb332e10>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.CloneBTaggingInfo object at 0x7faabb332e50>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.CloneRelatedInfo object at 0x7faabb332e90>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.ClonePVRelations object at 0x7faabb332ed0>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.PackStrippingReports object at 0x7faabb332f10>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.PackTrackingClusters object at 0x7faabb332f50>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.PackParticlesAndVertices object at 0x7faabb332f90>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.PackRecObjects object at 0x7faabb332fd0>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.CleanEmptyEventNodes object at 0x7faabb339050>], 'Leptonic': [<DSTWriters.microdstelements.ClonePVs object at 0x7faabb332d10>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.FindDuplicates object at 0x7faabb332dd0>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.CloneParticleTrees object at 0x7faabb332e10>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.CloneBTaggingInfo object at 0x7faabb332e50>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.CloneRelatedInfo object at 0x7faabb332e90>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.ClonePVRelations object at 0x7faabb332ed0>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.PackStrippingReports object at 0x7faabb332f10>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.PackTrackingClusters object at 0x7faabb332f50>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.PackParticlesAndVertices object at 0x7faabb332f90>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.PackRecObjects object at 0x7faabb332fd0>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.CleanEmptyEventNodes object at 0x7faabb339050>], 'Charm': [<DSTWriters.microdstelements.ClonePVs object at 0x7faabb332d10>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.FindDuplicates object at 0x7faabb332dd0>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.CloneParticleTrees object at 0x7faabb332e10>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.CloneBTaggingInfo object at 0x7faabb332e50>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.CloneRelatedInfo object at 0x7faabb332e90>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.ClonePVRelations object at 0x7faabb332ed0>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.PackStrippingReports object at 0x7faabb332f10>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.PackTrackingClusters object at 0x7faabb332f50>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.PackParticlesAndVertices object at 0x7faabb332f90>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.PackRecObjects object at 0x7faabb332fd0>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.CleanEmptyEventNodes object at 0x7faabb339050>]}
+# |                    (default: {'default': [<DSTWriters.microdstelements.CloneParticleTrees object at 0x7faabb332450>, <DSTWriters.microdstelements.ClonePVRelations object at 0x7faabb332490>]})
 # |-RootInTES          = '/Event'
 # |-WriteFSR           = True
-# |-StreamConf         = {'default': <DSTWriters.streamconf.OutputStreamConf object at 0x7f0582c91510>, 'Bhadron': <DSTWriters.streamconf.OutputStreamConf object at 0x7f0582d78d90>, 'Leptonic': <DSTWriters.streamconf.OutputStreamConf object at 0x7f0582d78d90>, 'Charm': <DSTWriters.streamconf.OutputStreamConf object at 0x7f0582d78d90>}
-# |                    (default: {'default': <DSTWriters.streamconf.OutputStreamConf object at 0x7f0582c89610>})
+# |-StreamConf         = {'default': <DSTWriters.streamconf.OutputStreamConf object at 0x7faabb339310>, 'Bhadron': <DSTWriters.streamconf.OutputStreamConf object at 0x7faabb3a6f90>, 'Leptonic': <DSTWriters.streamconf.OutputStreamConf object at 0x7faabb3a6f90>, 'Charm': <DSTWriters.streamconf.OutputStreamConf object at 0x7faabb3a6f90>}
+# |                    (default: {'default': <DSTWriters.streamconf.OutputStreamConf object at 0x7faabb332410>})
 # |-OutputFileSuffix   = '000000'  (default: 'Sel')
-# |-SelectionSequences = [<StrippingConf.StrippingStream.StrippingStream object at 0x7f058a58c110>, <StrippingConf.StrippingStream.StrippingStream object at 0x7f0583f02e50>, <StrippingConf.StrippingStream.StrippingStream object at 0x7f0583f02e90>, <StrippingConf.StrippingStream.StrippingStream object at 0x7f0583f02ed0>, <StrippingConf.StrippingStream.StrippingStream object at 0x7f0583f02f10>, <StrippingConf.StrippingStream.StrippingStream object at 0x7f0583f02f50>, <StrippingConf.StrippingStream.StrippingStream object at 0x7f0583f02f90>, <StrippingConf.StrippingStream.StrippingStream object at 0x7f0583f02fd0>, <StrippingConf.StrippingStream.StrippingStream object at 0x7f058531b6d0>]
+# |-SelectionSequences = [<StrippingConf.StrippingStream.StrippingStream object at 0x7faac2c4b110>, <StrippingConf.StrippingStream.StrippingStream object at 0x7faabc524c10>, <StrippingConf.StrippingStream.StrippingStream object at 0x7faabc524c50>, <StrippingConf.StrippingStream.StrippingStream object at 0x7faabc524c90>, <StrippingConf.StrippingStream.StrippingStream object at 0x7faabc524cd0>, <StrippingConf.StrippingStream.StrippingStream object at 0x7faabc524d10>, <StrippingConf.StrippingStream.StrippingStream object at 0x7faabc524d50>, <StrippingConf.StrippingStream.StrippingStream object at 0x7faabc524d90>, <StrippingConf.StrippingStream.StrippingStream object at 0x7faabb3a6e50>]
 # |                    (default: [])
 # \----- (End of User SelDSTWriter/MyDSTWriter) ------------------------------------------------------
 # applying configuration of DaVinci
@@ -535,10 +535,10 @@ Creating CharmCompleteEvent stream with 59 lines
 |-EnableUnpack         = None
 |-EventPreFilters      = []  (default: [])
 \----- (End of User DaVinci/DaVinci) ---------------------------------------------------------------
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/lhcbdev.cern.ch/nightlies/lhcb-2017-patches/227/LHCB/LHCB_2017-patches/GaudiConf/options/PreloadUnits.opts'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/lhcbdev.cern.ch/nightlies/lhcb-2017-patches/227/LHCB/LHCB_2017-patches/GaudiConf/options/units.opts'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/lhcbdev.cern.ch/nightlies/lhcb-2017-patches/227/LHCB/LHCB_2017-patches/GaudiConf/options/units.opts'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/lhcbdev.cern.ch/nightlies/lhcb-2017-patches/227/LHCB/LHCB_2017-patches/GaudiConf/options/PreloadUnits.opts'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/lhcbdev.cern.ch/nightlies/lhcb-2017-patches/237/LHCB/LHCB_2017-patches/GaudiConf/options/PreloadUnits.opts'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/lhcbdev.cern.ch/nightlies/lhcb-2017-patches/237/LHCB/LHCB_2017-patches/GaudiConf/options/units.opts'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/lhcbdev.cern.ch/nightlies/lhcb-2017-patches/237/LHCB/LHCB_2017-patches/GaudiConf/options/units.opts'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/lhcbdev.cern.ch/nightlies/lhcb-2017-patches/237/LHCB/LHCB_2017-patches/GaudiConf/options/PreloadUnits.opts'
 # Apply CaloProcessor configuration for ['Digits', 'Clusters'] and ['InAcceptance', 'Match', 'Energy', 'Chi2', 'DLL', 'NeutralPID']
 # Configurabe : Counter level is 1
 # CaloDigits onDemand for ['Ecal', 'Hcal', 'Prs', 'Spd']
@@ -939,7 +939,7 @@ Creating CharmCompleteEvent stream with 59 lines
 # WARNING: |-VetoObjects               = []  (default: [])
 # WARNING: |-AuditRestart              = False
 # WARNING: |-StatEntityList            = []  (default: [])
-# WARNING: |-ZsupThreshold             = 544370534
+# WARNING: |-ZsupThreshold             = 0
 # WARNING: |-Enable                    = True
 # WARNING: |-Timeline                  = True
 # WARNING: |-OutputType                = 'Digits'  (default: 'Digits')
@@ -987,7 +987,7 @@ Creating CharmCompleteEvent stream with 59 lines
 # WARNING: |-VetoObjects               = []  (default: [])
 # WARNING: |-AuditRestart              = False
 # WARNING: |-StatEntityList            = []  (default: [])
-# WARNING: |-ZsupThreshold             = 544370534
+# WARNING: |-ZsupThreshold             = 0
 # WARNING: |-Enable                    = True
 # WARNING: |-Timeline                  = True
 # WARNING: |-OutputType                = 'Digits'  (default: 'Digits')
@@ -1440,8 +1440,8 @@ Creating CharmCompleteEvent stream with 59 lines
 ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
-                                                   Welcome to DaVinci version v43r1
-                                          running on lxplus021.cern.ch on Sat Dec  9 12:56:53 2017
+                                                   Welcome to DaVinci version v42r7
+                                          running on lxplus027.cern.ch on Mon Dec 18 16:54:03 2017
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
 ToolSvc.GitDDDB                  INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/git-conddb/DDDB.git'
@@ -1449,7 +1449,7 @@ ToolSvc.GitDDDB                  INFO using commit 'dddb-20150724' corresponding
 ToolSvc.GitLHCBCOND              INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/git-conddb/LHCBCOND.git'
 ToolSvc.GitLHCBCOND              INFO using commit 'cond-20170510' corresponding to 3c6022463fb1821266f4d227f42ffdc3a244ab3f
 ToolSvc.GitONLINE                INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/git-conddb/ONLINE.git'
-ToolSvc.GitONLINE                INFO using commit 'HEAD' corresponding to 444d235024ed99c6bf5660f7753c253bac6fe958
+ToolSvc.GitONLINE                INFO using commit 'HEAD' corresponding to 11e00b15201936700375b7ebb68052821e1ff61b
 ToolSvc.GitDQFLAGS               INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/git-conddb/DQFLAGS.git'
 ToolSvc.GitDQFLAGS               INFO using commit 'dq-20170829' corresponding to 5317c1e9643f33bcb198568247221b2aa47dc03a
 DetectorPersistencySvc           INFO Added successfully Conversion service:XmlCnvSvc
@@ -2233,7 +2233,6 @@ INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi-KS0DDPart...   INFO Member list: LoKi::VoidFilter/SelFilterPhy
 INPUT:ProtoD2K+K-KS0DDParti...   INFO Member list: LoKi::VoidFilter/SelFilterPhys_StdLooseKsDD_Particles, FilterDesktop/KS0_DDInputsBeauty2CharmFilter, LoKi::VoidFilter/SelFilterPhys_StdAllNoPIDsKaons_Particles, FilterDesktop/KInputsBeauty2CharmFilter, DaVinci::N3BodyDecays/ProtoD2K+K-KS0DDPartialDBeauty2Charm
 ForElectronRecoEffMakeVeloT...   INFO Member list: FastVeloTracking/ForElectronRecoEffFastVelo, TrackStateInitAlg/ForElectronRecoEffInitSeedFit, TrackContainerCopy/ForElectronRecoEffCopyVelo, TrackEventFitter/ForElectronRecoEffVeloRefitterAlg, ChargedProtoParticleMaker/ForElectronRecoEffVeloProtoMaker
 ToolSvc.OTRawBankDecoder         INFO  countsPerBX = 64 numberOfBX  = 3 timePerBX = 25 ForceBankVersion = 255 require window [-8,56], vetoing out of time hit pairs
-MagneticFieldSvc                 INFO Map scaled by factor 0 with polarity internally used: -1 signed relative current: 0
 ToolSvc.PatTTMagnetTool          INFO Start generation of VeloTT Bdl LUTs
 ToolSvc.PatTTMagnetTool          INFO Generation of VeloTT Bdl LUTs finished
 ToolSvc.PatTTMagnetTool          INFO Start generation of VeloTT deflection LUTs
@@ -2603,6 +2602,15 @@ TrackEffMuonTTJpsi_SelMuonT...   INFO Member list: ChargedProtoParticleMaker/Tra
 TrackEffMuonTTJpsi_SelMuonT...   INFO Using retuned RICH el and mu DLL values in combined DLLs
 TrackEffMuonTTZ_SelMuonTTPP...   INFO Member list: ChargedProtoParticleMaker/TrackEffMuonTTZ_SelMuonTTPPartsPPMaker, ChargedProtoCombineDLLsAlg/TrackEffMuonTTZ_SelMuonTTPPartsCombDLLs
 TrackEffMuonTTZ_SelMuonTTPP...   INFO Using retuned RICH el and mu DLL values in combined DLLs
+VeloMuonTrackingForTrackEff...   INFO Member list: FastVeloTracking/TrackEffVeloMuon_JpsiFastVelo, TrackPrepareVelo/TrackEffVeloMuon_Jpsipreve, StandaloneMuonRec/TrackEffVeloMuon_JpsiMuonStandalone, VeloMuonBuilder/VeloMuonBuilderTrackEffVeloMuon_Jpsi
+TrackEffVeloMuon_JpsiProtoPSeq   INFO Member list: ChargedProtoParticleMaker/TrackEffVeloMuon_JpsiProtoPMaker
+TrackEffVeloMuon_JpsiSelVel...   INFO Particle/AntiParticle to be created : 'mu+'/'mu-'
+VeloMuonTrackingForTrackEff...   INFO Member list: FastVeloTracking/TrackEffVeloMuon_ZFastVelo, TrackPrepareVelo/TrackEffVeloMuon_Zpreve, StandaloneMuonRec/TrackEffVeloMuon_ZMuonStandalone, VeloMuonBuilder/VeloMuonBuilderTrackEffVeloMuon_Z
+TrackEffVeloMuon_ZProtoPSeq      INFO Member list: ChargedProtoParticleMaker/TrackEffVeloMuon_ZProtoPMaker
+TrackEffVeloMuon_ZSelVeloMu...   INFO Particle/AntiParticle to be created : 'mu+'/'mu-'
+VeloMuonTrackingForTrackEff...   INFO Member list: FastVeloTracking/TrackEffVeloMuon_UpsilonFastVelo, TrackPrepareVelo/TrackEffVeloMuon_Upsilonpreve, StandaloneMuonRec/TrackEffVeloMuon_UpsilonMuonStandalone, VeloMuonBuilder/VeloMuonBuilderTrackEffVeloMuon_Upsilon
+TrackEffVeloMuon_UpsilonPro...   INFO Member list: ChargedProtoParticleMaker/TrackEffVeloMuon_UpsilonProtoPMaker
+TrackEffVeloMuon_UpsilonSel...   INFO Particle/AntiParticle to be created : 'mu+'/'mu-'
 StrippingBetaSJpsi2MuMuLine...   INFO Prescaling events; keeping 0.04 of events
 MERGED:BetaSJpsi2MuMuLine        INFO Member list: GaudiSequencer/MERGEDINPUTS:BetaSJpsi2MuMuLine, FilterDesktop/BetaSJpsi2MuMuLine
 MERGEDINPUTS:BetaSJpsi2MuMu...   INFO OR Member list: GaudiSequencer/INPUT:Phys_StdMassConstrainedJpsi2MuMu_Particles
@@ -2989,7 +2997,7 @@ ToolSvc.PatTTMagnetTool          INFO Start generation of VeloTT Bdl LUTs
 ToolSvc.PatTTMagnetTool          INFO Generation of VeloTT Bdl LUTs finished
 ToolSvc.PatTTMagnetTool          INFO Start generation of VeloTT deflection LUTs
 ToolSvc.PatTTMagnetTool          INFO Generation of VeloTT deflection LUTs finished
-LHCb::RawDataCnvSvc              INFO Opened(READ) MDF stream:4fb52580-933d-11e7-9e7f-001e67ddd3ca ID:0x2ef8ede0
+LHCb::RawDataCnvSvc              INFO Opened(READ) MDF stream:4fb52580-933d-11e7-9e7f-001e67ddd3ca ID:0x2efe2390
 StdAllNoPIDsPions                INFO Particle/AntiParticle to be created : 'pi+'/'pi-'
 UnpackChargedProtosSeq           INFO Member list: UnpackProtoParticle/UnpackChargedProtos, GaudiSequencer/ProtoParticleCombDLLs
 ProtoParticleCombDLLs            INFO Member list: TESCheck/CheckChargedProtosExist, ChargedProtoParticleAddMuonInfo/ChargedProtoPAddMuon, ChargedProtoParticleAddRichInfo/ChargedProtoPAddRich, ChargedProtoCombineDLLsAlg/ChargedProtoPCombDLL
@@ -3012,7 +3020,7 @@ StdNoPIDsDownPions               INFO Particle/AntiParticle to be created : 'pi+
 StdNoPIDsDownProtons             INFO Particle/AntiParticle to be created : 'p+'/'p~-'
 StdAllLooseANNProtons            INFO Particle/AntiParticle to be created : 'p+'/'p~-'
 PropertyConfigSvc                INFO  resolving alias TCK/0x11601707
-ConfigCDBAccessSvc               INFO  opening /cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/DBASE/TCK/HltTCK/v3r18p23/config.cdb in mode ReadOnly
+ConfigCDBAccessSvc               INFO  opening /cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/DBASE/TCK/HltTCK/v3r18p24/config.cdb in mode ReadOnly
 PropertyConfigSvc                INFO  resolved TCK/0x11601707 to 0495fe51b7860323d617897e29667d46
 PropertyConfigSvc                INFO  resolving alias TCK/0x21601707
 PropertyConfigSvc                INFO  resolved TCK/0x21601707 to d3aa711f3f9f7fbbbff3d276d60e6ea5
@@ -3137,7 +3145,7 @@ ToolSvc.CheckOverlap          WARNING CheckOverlap:: The WARNING message is supp
 WmuJetsTaggedLine.LoKi::Ver...WARNING LoKi::VertexFitter:: The special treatment of Jets-like objects is disabled
 WmuJetsTaggedLine.LoKi::Ver...   INFO Option for Optimised Kalman Filter fit is activated
 ToolSvc.CheckOverlap          WARNING CheckOverlap:: The WARNING message is suppressed : 'gamma has no proto nor endVertex. Assuming it's from MC. [WmuJetsTaggedLine]' StatusCode=10
-DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3216544 to 3536548 KB (320004KB, 9.94869%) in last  'Increment':10 events
+DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3219144 to 3539280 KB (320136KB, 9.94476%) in last  'Increment':10 events
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 11. Record number within stream 1: 11
 StdJetsNoJetIDBanDaughtersP...WARNING LoKi::PFJetMaker:: The WARNING message is suppressed : 'vselect: The extraction of secondary vertices is disabled'
 StdJetsNoJetIDBanDaughtersP...   INFO Only 4-momenta sum will be used (no ParticleTransporter specified)
@@ -3155,7 +3163,7 @@ LoKiSvc.REPORT                WARNING LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitterFun: 	 Err
 ChronoStatSvc                    INFO  Number of skipped events for MemStat-1
 FullDiJetsLine.LoKi::Vertex...WARNING LoKi::VertexFitter:: The special treatment of Jets-like objects is disabled
 FullDiJetsLine.LoKi::Vertex...   INFO Option for Optimised Kalman Filter fit is activated
-DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3536548 to 3584516 KB (47968KB, 1.35635%) in last  'Increment':10 events
+DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3539280 to 3588272 KB (48992KB, 1.38424%) in last  'Increment':10 events
 ToolSvc.CheckOverlap          WARNING CheckOverlap:: The WARNING message is suppressed : 'gamma has no proto nor endVertex. Assuming it's from MC. [SelTaggedJetsDiJetNoPT]' StatusCode=10
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 31. Record number within stream 1: 31
 LoKiSvc.REPORT                WARNING LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitterFun: 	 Error from IDecayTreeFit [ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingPion4BodySelD0] StatusCode=111
@@ -3163,7 +3171,7 @@ LoKiSvc.REPORT                WARNING The WARNING message is suppressed : 'LoKi:
 ToolSvc.CheckOverlap          WARNING CheckOverlap:: The WARNING message is suppressed : 'CELLjet has no proto nor endVertex. Assuming it's from MC. [MicroDiJetsLine]' StatusCode=10
 LoKiSvc.REPORT                  ERROR LoKi::Particles::TrackType: 	Track    is invalid! return -1000 [LooseLambda0LL] StatusCode=FAILURE
 TaggedJetsDiJetPairLine.LoK...   INFO Option for Optimised Kalman Filter fit is activated
-DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3584516 to 3594752 KB (10236KB, 0.285562%) in last  'Increment':10 events
+DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3588272 to 3591340 KB (3068KB, 0.0855008%) in last  'Increment':10 events
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 41. Record number within stream 1: 41
 DisplVerticesJetSingleLowMa...   INFO Only 4-momenta sum will be used (no ParticleTransporter specified)
 DisplVerticesJetSingleHighM...   INFO Only 4-momenta sum will be used (no ParticleTransporter specified)
@@ -3173,7 +3181,7 @@ LoKiSvc.REPORT                WARNING LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitterFun: 	 Err
 LoKiSvc.REPORT                WARNING The WARNING message is suppressed : 'LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitterFun: 	 Error from IDecayTreeFit [ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingPion4BodySelDstarf]' StatusCode=111
 StdJetsNoJetIDBanDaughtersD...WARNING LoKi::PFJetMaker:: The WARNING message is suppressed : 'vselect: The extraction of secondary vertices is disabled'
 StdJetsNoJetIDBanDaughtersD...   INFO Only 4-momenta sum will be used (no ParticleTransporter specified)
-DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3594752 to 3608000 KB (13248KB, 0.368537%) in last  'Increment':10 events
+DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3591340 to 3609652 KB (18312KB, 0.509893%) in last  'Increment':10 events
 Bu2rho0rhoPlusMergedLine.Of...WARNING OfflineVertexFitter is no longer maintained and thus depreciated.
 SplitClusterReco                 INFO Member list: CaloMergedPi0/SplitClustersRec
 SplitClustersRec                 INFO Producing SplitClusters only
@@ -3193,21 +3201,21 @@ EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 61. Record number wit
 StdAllTightGammaDD               INFO Particle/AntiParticle to be created : 'gamma'/'gamma'
 StdJetsNoJetIDBanSignal       WARNING LoKi::PFJetMaker:: The WARNING message is suppressed : 'vselect: The extraction of secondary vertices is disabled'
 StdJetsNoJetIDBanSignal.LoK...   INFO Only 4-momenta sum will be used (no ParticleTransporter specified)
+DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3609652 to 3657788 KB (48136KB, 1.33354%) in last  'Increment':10 events
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 71. Record number within stream 1: 71
-DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3608000 to 3610032 KB (2032KB, 0.0563193%) in last  'Increment':10 events
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 81. Record number within stream 1: 81
 StdNoPIDsDownKaons               INFO Particle/AntiParticle to be created : 'K+'/'K-'
 LoKiSvc.REPORT                WARNING LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitterFun: 	 Error from IDecayTreeFit [ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingKaon4BodySelD0] StatusCode=111
 LoKiSvc.REPORT                WARNING The WARNING message is suppressed : 'LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitterFun: 	 Error from IDecayTreeFit [ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingKaon4BodySelD0]' StatusCode=111
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 91. Record number within stream 1: 91
-DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3610032 to 3621944 KB (11912KB, 0.329969%) in last  'Increment':10 events
+DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3657788 to 3660856 KB (3068KB, 0.0838758%) in last  'Increment':10 events
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 101. Record number within stream 1: 101
 StdJets                       WARNING LoKi::PFJetMaker:: No Primary vertices StatusCode=FAILURE
 WeJetsLine.LoKi::VertexFitter WARNING LoKi::VertexFitter:: The special treatment of Jets-like objects is disabled
 WeJetsLine.LoKi::VertexFitter    INFO Option for Optimised Kalman Filter fit is activated
 WeJetsTaggedLine.LoKi::Vert...WARNING LoKi::VertexFitter:: The special treatment of Jets-like objects is disabled
 WeJetsTaggedLine.LoKi::Vert...   INFO Option for Optimised Kalman Filter fit is activated
-DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3621944 to 3628056 KB (6112KB, 0.168749%) in last  'Increment':10 events
+DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3660856 to 3668984 KB (8128KB, 0.222025%) in last  'Increment':10 events
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 111. Record number within stream 1: 111
 FindDuplicates_Leptonic       WARNING PrintDuplicates:: Found 3 duplicate Particles in '/Event/Phys/MicroDiJetsLine/Particles' StatusCode=FAILURE
 ToolSvc.PrintDuplicateDecays     INFO <-------------------------------------------- Particle -------------------------------------------->
@@ -3245,7 +3253,7 @@ ToolSvc.PrintDuplicateDecays     INFO       0 = '/Event/Phys/MicroDiJetsLine/Par
 ToolSvc.PrintDuplicateDecays     INFO
 LoKiSvc.REPORT                  ERROR The   ERROR message is suppressed : 'LoKi::Particles::TrackType: 	Track    is invalid! return -1000 [LooseLambda0LL]' StatusCode=FAILURE
 StdJets                       WARNING LoKi::PFJetMaker:: No Primary vertices StatusCode=FAILURE
-DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3628056 to 3633848 KB (5792KB, 0.159645%) in last  'Increment':10 events
+DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3668984 to 3672740 KB (3756KB, 0.102372%) in last  'Increment':10 events
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 121. Record number within stream 1: 121
 LoKiSvc.REPORT                WARNING LoKi::AParticles::ChildFun: 	 The child particle points to NULL! [BetacHHHBetacLb1Line] StatusCode=FAILURE
 LoKiSvc.REPORT                  ERROR LoKi::Particles::MinImpParChi2DV: 	LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return -1000 [BetacHHHBetacLb1Line] StatusCode=FAILURE
@@ -3266,7 +3274,7 @@ EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 181. Record number wi
 StdJets                       WARNING LoKi::PFJetMaker:: No Primary vertices StatusCode=FAILURE
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 191. Record number within stream 1: 191
 ToolSvc.lifetime              WARNING LoKi::LifetimeFitter:: Error from LoKi::Fitters::ctau_step,reset [RareStrangeSigmaPPi0CalLine] StatusCode=407
-DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3633848 to 3637912 KB (4064KB, 0.111837%) in last  'Increment':10 events
+DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3672740 to 3676800 KB (4060KB, 0.110544%) in last  'Increment':10 events
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 201. Record number within stream 1: 201
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 211. Record number within stream 1: 211
 ToolSvc.lifetime              WARNING LoKi::LifetimeFitter:: Error from LoKi::Fitters::ctau_step,reset [B2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2Charm] StatusCode=407
@@ -3274,12 +3282,11 @@ ToolSvc.lifetime              WARNING LoKi::LifetimeFitter:: Error from LoKi::Fi
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 221. Record number within stream 1: 221
 Bu2rho0rhoPlusUpMergedLine....WARNING OfflineVertexFitter:: Mass Error Squared < -999 -> Fit aborted [Bu2rho0rhoPlusUpMergedLine] StatusCode=FAILURE
 Bu2rho0rhoPlusUpMergedLine....WARNING OfflineVertexFitter:: Mass Error Squared < -999 -> Fit aborted [Bu2rho0rhoPlusUpMergedLine] StatusCode=FAILURE
-DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3637912 to 3639604 KB (1692KB, 0.0465102%) in last  'Increment':10 events
+DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3676800 to 3678832 KB (2032KB, 0.0552654%) in last  'Increment':10 events
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 231. Record number within stream 1: 231
 LoKiSvc.REPORT                WARNING LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitterFun: 	 Error from IDecayTreeFit [DetachedMuMuKPairLine] StatusCode=111
-DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3639604 to 3641204 KB (1600KB, 0.0439608%) in last  'Increment':10 events
 ToolSvc.RelInfoBstautauZVis...WARNING Name : ZViso
-XMLFile : /cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/PARAM/TMVAWeights/v1r999/data/IsolationTools_Bstautau_ZVisoBDTG_v1r4.xml
+XMLFile : /cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/PARAM/TMVAWeights/v1r9/data/IsolationTools_Bstautau_ZVisoBDTG_v1r4.xml
 KeepVars : 0
 RelInfoBstautauZVisoBDT:: The track was not in the preselected tracks!!! [RelatedInfo8_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_TOSLine] StatusCode=FAILURE
 ToolSvc.RelInfoBstautauZVis...WARNING RelInfoBstautauZVisoBDT:: The track was not in the preselected tracks!!! [RelatedInfo8_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_TOSLine] StatusCode=FAILURE
@@ -3305,19 +3312,21 @@ StdJets                       WARNING LoKi::PFJetMaker:: No Primary vertices Sta
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 321. Record number within stream 1: 321
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 331. Record number within stream 1: 331
 ToolSvc.RelInfoBKsttautauMu...WARNING Name :
-XMLFile : /cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/PARAM/TMVAWeights/v1r999/data/Bstautau_MuonIsolation_v1r4.xml
+XMLFile : /cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/PARAM/TMVAWeights/v1r9/data/Bstautau_MuonIsolation_v1r4.xml
 KeepVars : 0
 RelInfoBKsttautauMuonIsolationBDT:: The particle in question is not valid [RelatedInfo1_B2KstTauTau_MuMu_Line] StatusCode=FAILURE
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 341. Record number within stream 1: 341
+DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3678832 to 3680864 KB (2032KB, 0.0552349%) in last  'Increment':10 events
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 351. Record number within stream 1: 351
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 361. Record number within stream 1: 361
 ToolSvc.CheckOverlap          WARNING CheckOverlap:: The WARNING message is suppressed : 'gamma has no proto nor endVertex. Assuming it's from MC. [WeJetsLine]' StatusCode=10
 ToolSvc.CheckOverlap          WARNING CheckOverlap:: The WARNING message is suppressed : 'gamma has no proto nor endVertex. Assuming it's from MC. [WeJetsTaggedLine]' StatusCode=10
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 371. Record number within stream 1: 371
-DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3641204 to 3648816 KB (7612KB, 0.209052%) in last  'Increment':10 events
+DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3680864 to 3684932 KB (4068KB, 0.110518%) in last  'Increment':10 events
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 381. Record number within stream 1: 381
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 391. Record number within stream 1: 391
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 401. Record number within stream 1: 401
+DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3684932 to 3688992 KB (4060KB, 0.110178%) in last  'Increment':10 events
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 411. Record number within stream 1: 411
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 421. Record number within stream 1: 421
 ToolSvc.RelInfoBKsttautauMu...WARNING RelInfoBKsttautauMuonIsolationBDT:: The particle in question is not valid [RelatedInfo1_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line] StatusCode=FAILURE
@@ -3326,13 +3335,13 @@ EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 431. Record number wi
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 441. Record number within stream 1: 441
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 451. Record number within stream 1: 451
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 461. Record number within stream 1: 461
-DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3648816 to 3652880 KB (4064KB, 0.111379%) in last  'Increment':10 events
+DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3688992 to 3691028 KB (2036KB, 0.0551912%) in last  'Increment':10 events
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 471. Record number within stream 1: 471
 ToolSvc.lifetime              WARNING LoKi::LifetimeFitter:: The WARNING message is suppressed : 'Error from LoKi::Fitters::ctau_step,reset [B2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2Charm]' StatusCode=407
 ToolSvc.lifetime              WARNING LoKi::LifetimeFitter:: The WARNING message is suppressed : 'Error from LoKi::Fitters::ctau_step,reset [B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2Charm]' StatusCode=407
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 481. Record number within stream 1: 481
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 491. Record number within stream 1: 491
-DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3652880 to 3654908 KB (2028KB, 0.0555178%) in last  'Increment':10 events
+DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3691028 to 3698160 KB (7132KB, 0.193225%) in last  'Increment':10 events
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 501. Record number within stream 1: 501
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 511. Record number within stream 1: 511
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 521. Record number within stream 1: 521
@@ -3353,13 +3362,12 @@ PreSelConvPhotonHighPtDD.Lo...   INFO ``Massage''-option is ON
 LoKiSvc.REPORT                  ERROR LoKi::Particles::VertexZDistanceWithTheBestPV: 	LHCb::Particle::endVertex points to NULL, return InvalidDistance [SelConvPhotonHighPtDD] StatusCode=FAILURE
 LoKiSvc.REPORT                  ERROR The   ERROR message is suppressed : 'LoKi::Particles::VertexZDistanceWithTheBestPV: 	LHCb::Particle::endVertex points to NULL, return InvalidDistance [SelConvPhotonHighPtDD]' StatusCode=FAILURE
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 551. Record number within stream 1: 551
-DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3654908 to 3656940 KB (2032KB, 0.0555965%) in last  'Increment':10 events
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 561. Record number within stream 1: 561
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 571. Record number within stream 1: 571
-DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3656940 to 3665116 KB (8176KB, 0.223575%) in last  'Increment':10 events
+DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3698160 to 3703264 KB (5104KB, 0.138015%) in last  'Increment':10 events
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 581. Record number within stream 1: 581
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 591. Record number within stream 1: 591
-DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3665116 to 3668556 KB (3440KB, 0.0938579%) in last  'Increment':10 events
+DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3703264 to 3708736 KB (5472KB, 0.147762%) in last  'Increment':10 events
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 601. Record number within stream 1: 601
 ToolSvc.LoKi::PVReFitter      WARNING LoKi::PVReFitter:: The WARNING message is suppressed : 'Less than 4 tracks in vertex remain [B2KShh_DD_Run2_SS_Line]' StatusCode=FAILURE
 ToolSvc.LoKi::PVReFitter      WARNING LoKi::PVReFitter:: The WARNING message is suppressed : 'Less than 4 tracks in vertex remain [B2KShh_DD_Run2_OS_Line]' StatusCode=FAILURE
@@ -3370,9 +3378,9 @@ StdJets                       WARNING LoKi::PFJetMaker:: The WARNING message is
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 631. Record number within stream 1: 631
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 641. Record number within stream 1: 641
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 651. Record number within stream 1: 651
-DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3668556 to 3670588 KB (2032KB, 0.0553896%) in last  'Increment':10 events
+DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3708736 to 3710040 KB (1304KB, 0.0351602%) in last  'Increment':10 events
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 661. Record number within stream 1: 661
-DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3670588 to 3682780 KB (12192KB, 0.332154%) in last  'Increment':10 events
+DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3710040 to 3722232 KB (12192KB, 0.328622%) in last  'Increment':10 events
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 671. Record number within stream 1: 671
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 681. Record number within stream 1: 681
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 691. Record number within stream 1: 691
@@ -3394,7 +3402,6 @@ StdJets.LoKi__FastJetMaker....WARNING MomentumCombiner:: MassErr^2 < -999 -> Fit
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 751. Record number within stream 1: 751
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 761. Record number within stream 1: 761
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 771. Record number within stream 1: 771
-DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3682780 to 3686848 KB (4068KB, 0.11046%) in last  'Increment':10 events
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 781. Record number within stream 1: 781
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 791. Record number within stream 1: 791
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 801. Record number within stream 1: 801
@@ -3413,12 +3420,12 @@ EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 911. Record number wi
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 921. Record number within stream 1: 921
 TrackEffMuonTTJpsi_SelMakeM...WARNING TrackMasterExtrapolator:: The WARNING message is suppressed : 'Transport to wall using TrackEffMuonTTJpsi_SelMakeMuonTT.TrackMasterExtrapolator.TrackDistanceExtraSelector.LongDistanceExtrapolatorFAILED' StatusCode=FAILURE
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 931. Record number within stream 1: 931
-DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3686848 to 3718700 KB (31852KB, 0.863936%) in last  'Increment':10 events
+DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3722232 to 3756152 KB (33920KB, 0.911281%) in last  'Increment':10 events
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 941. Record number within stream 1: 941
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 951. Record number within stream 1: 951
 FindDuplicates_Leptonic       WARNING PrintDuplicates:: The WARNING message is suppressed : 'Found 3 duplicate Particles in '/Event/Phys/MicroDiJetsLine/Particles'' StatusCode=FAILURE
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 961. Record number within stream 1: 961
-DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3718700 to 3730892 KB (12192KB, 0.327857%) in last  'Increment':10 events
+DaVinciInitAlg                   INFO Memory has changed from 3756152 to 3768344 KB (12192KB, 0.324588%) in last  'Increment':10 events
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 971. Record number within stream 1: 971
 EventSelector                 SUCCESS Reading Event record 981. Record number within stream 1: 981
 ToolSvc.LoKi::PVReFitter      WARNING LoKi::PVReFitter:: The WARNING message is suppressed : 'No convergency has been reached [Hb2V0V0h_KSKShDD_Line]'
@@ -3924,7 +3931,7 @@ L0DUFromRaw                   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  | "L0DU RawBank Size (Bytes)"                     |      1000 |     124000 |     124.00 |     0.0000 |      124.00 |      124.00 |
 UnpackMuonTracks              SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# Unpacked Tracks"                             |       610 |       4591 |     7.5262 |     6.2458 |      1.0000 |      36.000 |
+ | "# Unpacked Tracks"                             |       663 |       4740 |     7.1493 |     6.1419 |      1.0000 |      36.000 |
 L0MuonFromRaw                    INFO --- L0Muon decoding error summary
 L0MuonFromRaw                    INFO L0MuonCtrlCand Side A -> nb of banks seen     : 489
 L0MuonFromRaw                    INFO L0MuonCtrlCand Side C -> nb of banks seen     : 489
@@ -77728,29 +77735,29 @@ PionsForZVTOP                 SUCCESS Number of counters : 5
  |*"#accept"                                       |       963 |        939 |(  97.5078 +- 0.502341 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
  | "#passed"                                       |       963 |       4701 |     4.8816 |     2.8307 |      0.0000 |      18.000 |
  |*"efficiency"                                    |     10486 |       4701 |(  44.8312 +- 0.485660 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
-ZVTOP_IncTopoVtxFor              INFO Passed 178 candidates in 167 accepted events among 939 events
+ZVTOP_IncTopoVtxFor              INFO Passed 180 candidates in 169 accepted events among 939 events
 ZVTOP_IncTopoVtxFor           SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "# Phys/PionsForZVTOP"                          |       939 |       4701 |     5.0064 |     2.7556 |      1.0000 |      18.000 |
  | "# input particles"                             |       939 |       4701 |     5.0064 |     2.7556 |      1.0000 |      18.000 |
- |*"#accept"                                       |       939 |        167 |(  17.7849 +- 1.24787  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |       939 |        169 |(  17.9979 +- 1.25369  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
 ZVTOP_TauFilter               SUCCESS Number of counters : 5
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# Phys/ZVTOP_IncTopoVtxFor"                    |       167 |        178 |     1.0659 |    0.24805 |      1.0000 |      2.0000 |
- | "# input particles"                             |       167 |        178 |     1.0659 |    0.24805 |      1.0000 |      2.0000 |
- |*"#accept"                                       |       167 |        143 |(  85.6287 +- 2.71456  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
- | "#passed"                                       |       167 |        151 |    0.90419 |    0.42713 |      0.0000 |      2.0000 |
- |*"efficiency"                                    |       178 |        151 |(  84.8315 +- 2.68869  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ | "# Phys/ZVTOP_IncTopoVtxFor"                    |       169 |        180 |     1.0651 |    0.24668 |      1.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "# input particles"                             |       169 |        180 |     1.0651 |    0.24668 |      1.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |       169 |        144 |(  85.2071 +- 2.73100  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ | "#passed"                                       |       169 |        152 |    0.89941 |    0.43029 |      0.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ |*"efficiency"                                    |       180 |        152 |(  84.4444 +- 2.70142  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
 ZVTOP_TauTau_Line             SUCCESS Number of counters : 10
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# B0 -> tau+  tau- "                           |       143 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/ZVTOP_TauFilter"                        |       143 |        151 |     1.0559 |    0.22981 |      1.0000 |      2.0000 |
- | "# input particles"                             |       143 |        151 |     1.0559 |    0.22981 |      1.0000 |      2.0000 |
- | "# max size B0 -> tau+  tau- "                  |       143 |          4 |   0.027972 |    0.16489 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "# selected"                                    |       143 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# tau+"                                        |       143 |         77 |    0.53846 |    0.51235 |      0.0000 |      2.0000 |
- | "# tau-"                                        |       143 |         73 |    0.51049 |    0.54023 |      0.0000 |      2.0000 |
- |*"#accept"                                       |       143 |          0 |(  0.00000 +- 0.699301 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ | "# B0 -> tau+  tau- "                           |       144 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/ZVTOP_TauFilter"                        |       144 |        152 |     1.0556 |    0.22906 |      1.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "# input particles"                             |       144 |        152 |     1.0556 |    0.22906 |      1.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "# max size B0 -> tau+  tau- "                  |       144 |          4 |   0.027778 |    0.16434 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "# selected"                                    |       144 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# tau+"                                        |       144 |         78 |    0.54167 |    0.51201 |      0.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "# tau-"                                        |       144 |         73 |    0.50694 |    0.54002 |      0.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |       144 |          0 |(  0.00000 +- 0.694444 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
  |*"#pass combcut"                                 |         4 |          3 |(  75.0000 +- 21.6506  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
  |*"#pass mother cut"                              |         3 |          0 |(  0.00000 +- 33.3333  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
 StrippingZVTOP_TauTau_LineP...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
@@ -77767,16 +77774,16 @@ StrippingZVTOP_TauTauSS_Lin...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |*"#accept"                                       |      1000 |       1000 |(  100.000 +- 0.100000 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
 ZVTOP_TauTauSS_Line           SUCCESS Number of counters : 12
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# B0 -> tau+  tau+ "                           |       143 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# B~0 -> tau-  tau- "                          |       143 |          1 |  0.0069930 |   0.083331 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "# Phys/ZVTOP_TauFilter"                        |       143 |        151 |     1.0559 |    0.22981 |      1.0000 |      2.0000 |
- | "# input particles"                             |       143 |        151 |     1.0559 |    0.22981 |      1.0000 |      2.0000 |
- | "# max size B0 -> tau+  tau+ "                  |       143 |         79 |    0.55245 |    0.57547 |      0.0000 |      4.0000 |
- | "# max size B~0 -> tau-  tau- "                 |       143 |         79 |    0.55245 |    0.70640 |      0.0000 |      4.0000 |
- | "# selected"                                    |       143 |          1 |  0.0069930 |   0.083331 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "# tau+"                                        |       143 |         77 |    0.53846 |    0.51235 |      0.0000 |      2.0000 |
- | "# tau-"                                        |       143 |         73 |    0.51049 |    0.54023 |      0.0000 |      2.0000 |
- |*"#accept"                                       |       143 |          1 |( 0.699301 +- 0.696851 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ | "# B0 -> tau+  tau+ "                           |       144 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# B~0 -> tau-  tau- "                          |       144 |          1 |  0.0069444 |   0.083043 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/ZVTOP_TauFilter"                        |       144 |        152 |     1.0556 |    0.22906 |      1.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "# input particles"                             |       144 |        152 |     1.0556 |    0.22906 |      1.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "# max size B0 -> tau+  tau+ "                  |       144 |         80 |    0.55556 |    0.57467 |      0.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "# max size B~0 -> tau-  tau- "                 |       144 |         79 |    0.54861 |    0.70543 |      0.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "# selected"                                    |       144 |          1 |  0.0069444 |   0.083043 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "# tau+"                                        |       144 |         78 |    0.54167 |    0.51201 |      0.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "# tau-"                                        |       144 |         73 |    0.50694 |    0.54002 |      0.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |       144 |          1 |( 0.694444 +- 0.692029 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
  |*"#pass combcut"                                 |         4 |          2 |(  50.0000 +- 25.0000  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
  |*"#pass mother cut"                              |         2 |          1 |(  50.0000 +- 35.3553  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
 StrippingZVTOP_TauTauSS_Lin...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
@@ -77798,19 +77805,19 @@ PionsHighForZVTOP             SUCCESS Number of counters : 5
  |*"#accept"                                       |       963 |        939 |(  97.5078 +- 0.502341 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
  | "#passed"                                       |       963 |       4701 |     4.8816 |     2.8307 |      0.0000 |      18.000 |
  |*"efficiency"                                    |     10486 |       4701 |(  44.8312 +- 0.485660 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
-ZVTOP_IncTopoVtxHighFor          INFO Passed 178 candidates in 167 accepted events among 939 events
+ZVTOP_IncTopoVtxHighFor          INFO Passed 180 candidates in 169 accepted events among 939 events
 ZVTOP_IncTopoVtxHighFor       SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "# Phys/PionsHighForZVTOP"                      |       939 |       4701 |     5.0064 |     2.7556 |      1.0000 |      18.000 |
  | "# input particles"                             |       939 |       4701 |     5.0064 |     2.7556 |      1.0000 |      18.000 |
- |*"#accept"                                       |       939 |        167 |(  17.7849 +- 1.24787  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |       939 |        169 |(  17.9979 +- 1.25369  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
 ZVTOP_High_Line               SUCCESS Number of counters : 5
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# Phys/ZVTOP_IncTopoVtxHighFor"                |       167 |        178 |     1.0659 |    0.24805 |      1.0000 |      2.0000 |
- | "# input particles"                             |       167 |        178 |     1.0659 |    0.24805 |      1.0000 |      2.0000 |
- |*"#accept"                                       |       167 |          1 |( 0.598802 +- 0.597007 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
- |*"#passed"                                       |       167 |          1 |( 0.598802 +- 0.597007 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
- |*"efficiency"                                    |       178 |          1 |( 0.561798 +- 0.560217 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ | "# Phys/ZVTOP_IncTopoVtxHighFor"                |       169 |        180 |     1.0651 |    0.24668 |      1.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "# input particles"                             |       169 |        180 |     1.0651 |    0.24668 |      1.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |       169 |          1 |( 0.591716 +- 0.589963 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ |*"#passed"                                       |       169 |          1 |( 0.591716 +- 0.589963 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ |*"efficiency"                                    |       180 |          1 |( 0.555556 +- 0.554010 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
 StrippingZVTOP_High_LinePos...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  |*"#accept"                                       |         1 |          1 |(  100.000 +- 100.000  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
@@ -94191,6 +94198,247 @@ StrippingB2KX2MuMuDDSSDarkB...SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |*"#accept"                                       |      1000 |          0 |(  0.00000 +- 0.100000 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
  | "#errors"                                       |      1000 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
  | "#slow events"                                  |      1000 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLi...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |      1000 |       1000 |(  100.000 +- 0.100000 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLi...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ |*"#passed"                                       |      1000 |       1000 |(  100.000 +- 0.100000 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLi...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ |*"#passed"                                       |      1000 |       1000 |(  100.000 +- 0.100000 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+TrackEffVeloMuonLongJpsiBot...SUCCESS Number of counters : 5
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "# Phys/StdLooseMuons"                          |       537 |        890 |     1.6574 |    0.98116 |      1.0000 |      8.0000 |
+ | "# input particles"                             |       537 |        890 |     1.6574 |    0.98116 |      1.0000 |      8.0000 |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |       537 |        358 |(  66.6667 +- 2.03426  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ | "#passed"                                       |       537 |        461 |    0.85847 |    0.74399 |      0.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ |*"efficiency"                                    |       890 |        461 |(  51.7978 +- 1.67492  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+TrackEffVeloMuonLongJpsiMin...SUCCESS Number of counters : 5
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "# Phys/TrackEffVeloMuonLongJpsiBoth_longFilterL|       358 |        461 |     1.2877 |    0.52684 |      1.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "# input particles"                             |       358 |        461 |     1.2877 |    0.52684 |      1.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |       358 |        220 |(  61.4525 +- 2.57233  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ | "#passed"                                       |       358 |        232 |    0.64804 |    0.54325 |      0.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ |*"efficiency"                                    |       461 |        232 |(  50.3254 +- 2.32868  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+TisTosFilter1JpsiforTrackEf...SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "# Phys/StdLooseMuons"                          |       358 |        646 |     1.8045 |     1.0653 |      1.0000 |      8.0000 |
+ | "# input particles"                             |       358 |        646 |     1.8045 |     1.0653 |      1.0000 |      8.0000 |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |       358 |        358 |(  100.000 +- 0.279330 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+TisTosFilter2JpsiforTrackEf...SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "# Phys/TisTosFilter1JpsiforTrackEffVeloMuon_Sel|       358 |        646 |     1.8045 |     1.0653 |      1.0000 |      8.0000 |
+ | "# input particles"                             |       358 |        646 |     1.8045 |     1.0653 |      1.0000 |      8.0000 |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |       358 |         15 |(  4.18994 +- 1.05893  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+TrackEffVeloMuon_JpsiMuonSt...   INFO Number of events processed: 15
+TrackEffVeloMuon_JpsiMuonSt...   INFO Average number of muon tracks: 2.4
+TrackEffVeloMuon_JpsiProtoP...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "Rec/VeloMuon/TrackEffVeloMuon_JpsiTracks ==> Re|        15 |         24 |     1.6000 |    0.87939 |      1.0000 |      4.0000 |
+TrackEffVeloMuon_JpsiSelVel...   INFO ********************************************************************************
+TrackEffVeloMuon_JpsiSelVel...   INFO  created 'mu+' and 'mu- : 24 per 15 calls (1.6+-0.879394)/event
+TrackEffVeloMuon_JpsiSelVel...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |        15 |         15 |(  100.000 +- 6.66667  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+TrackEffVeloMuonMuonVeloJps...SUCCESS Number of counters : 5
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "# Phys/TrackEffVeloMuon_JpsiSelVeloMuonParts"  |         6 |         10 |     1.6667 |     1.1055 |      1.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "# input particles"                             |         6 |         10 |     1.6667 |     1.1055 |      1.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |         6 |          2 |(  33.3333 +- 19.2450  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ | "#passed"                                       |         6 |          3 |    0.50000 |    0.76376 |      0.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ |*"efficiency"                                    |        10 |          3 |(  30.0000 +- 14.4914  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+TrackEffVeloMuonLine1         SUCCESS Number of counters : 11
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "# J/psi(1S) -> mu+  mu- "                      |         2 |          1 |    0.50000 |    0.50000 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ |*"# Phys/TrackEffVeloMuonLongJpsiMinus_chargeFilt|         2 |          2 |(  100.000 +- 50.0000  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ | "# Phys/TrackEffVeloMuonMuonVeloJpsiPlus_chargeF|         2 |          3 |     1.5000 |    0.50000 |      1.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "# input particles"                             |         2 |          5 |     2.5000 |    0.50000 |      2.0000 |      3.0000 |
+ | "# max size J/psi(1S) -> mu+  mu- "             |         2 |          3 |     1.5000 |    0.50000 |      1.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "# mu+"                                         |         2 |          3 |     1.5000 |    0.50000 |      1.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "# mu-"                                         |         2 |          2 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "# selected"                                    |         2 |          1 |    0.50000 |    0.50000 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |         2 |          1 |(  50.0000 +- 35.3553  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ |*"#pass combcut"                                 |         3 |          2 |(  66.6667 +- 27.2166  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ |*"#pass mother cut"                              |         2 |          1 |(  50.0000 +- 35.3553  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLi...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |         1 |          1 |(  100.000 +- 100.000  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine1SUCCESS Booked 5 Histogram(s) : 1D=4 1DProf=1
+StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine1SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |      1000 |          1 |( 0.100000 +- 0.0999500)%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ | "#errors"                                       |      1000 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "#slow events"                                  |      1000 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLi...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |      1000 |       1000 |(  100.000 +- 0.100000 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLi...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ |*"#passed"                                       |      1000 |       1000 |(  100.000 +- 0.100000 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLi...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ |*"#passed"                                       |      1000 |       1000 |(  100.000 +- 0.100000 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+TrackEffVeloMuonLongJpsiPlu...SUCCESS Number of counters : 5
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "# Phys/TrackEffVeloMuonLongJpsiBoth_longFilterL|       358 |        461 |     1.2877 |    0.52684 |      1.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "# input particles"                             |       358 |        461 |     1.2877 |    0.52684 |      1.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |       358 |        206 |(  57.5419 +- 2.61235  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ | "#passed"                                       |       358 |        229 |    0.63966 |    0.60841 |      0.0000 |      3.0000 |
+ |*"efficiency"                                    |       461 |        229 |(  49.6746 +- 2.32868  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+TrackEffVeloMuonMuonVeloJps...SUCCESS Number of counters : 5
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "# Phys/TrackEffVeloMuon_JpsiSelVeloMuonParts"  |        11 |         20 |     1.8182 |    0.93597 |      1.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "# input particles"                             |        11 |         20 |     1.8182 |    0.93597 |      1.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |        11 |          7 |(  63.6364 +- 14.5041  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ | "#passed"                                       |        11 |          8 |    0.72727 |    0.61658 |      0.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ |*"efficiency"                                    |        20 |          8 |(  40.0000 +- 10.9545  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+TrackEffVeloMuonLine2         SUCCESS Number of counters : 11
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "# J/psi(1S) -> mu+  mu- "                      |         7 |          1 |    0.14286 |    0.34993 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/TrackEffVeloMuonLongJpsiPlus_chargeFilte|         7 |          9 |     1.2857 |    0.45175 |      1.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/TrackEffVeloMuonMuonVeloJpsiMinus_charge|         7 |          8 |     1.1429 |    0.34993 |      1.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "# input particles"                             |         7 |         17 |     2.4286 |    0.49487 |      2.0000 |      3.0000 |
+ | "# max size J/psi(1S) -> mu+  mu- "             |         7 |         10 |     1.4286 |    0.49487 |      1.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "# mu+"                                         |         7 |          9 |     1.2857 |    0.45175 |      1.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "# mu-"                                         |         7 |          8 |     1.1429 |    0.34993 |      1.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "# selected"                                    |         7 |          1 |    0.14286 |    0.34993 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |         7 |          1 |(  14.2857 +- 13.2260  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ |*"#pass combcut"                                 |        10 |          4 |(  40.0000 +- 15.4919  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ |*"#pass mother cut"                              |         4 |          1 |(  25.0000 +- 21.6506  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLi...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |         1 |          1 |(  100.000 +- 100.000  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine2SUCCESS Booked 5 Histogram(s) : 1D=4 1DProf=1
+StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine2SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |      1000 |          1 |( 0.100000 +- 0.0999500)%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ | "#errors"                                       |      1000 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "#slow events"                                  |      1000 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonZL...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |      1000 |       1000 |(  100.000 +- 0.100000 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+TrackEffVeloMuonLongZBoth_l...SUCCESS Number of counters : 5
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "# Phys/StdLooseMuons"                          |       537 |        890 |     1.6574 |    0.98116 |      1.0000 |      8.0000 |
+ | "# input particles"                             |       537 |        890 |     1.6574 |    0.98116 |      1.0000 |      8.0000 |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |       537 |          1 |( 0.186220 +- 0.186046 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ |*"#passed"                                       |       537 |          1 |( 0.186220 +- 0.186046 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ |*"efficiency"                                    |       890 |          1 |( 0.112360 +- 0.112296 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+TrackEffVeloMuonLongZMinus_...SUCCESS Number of counters : 5
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ |*"# Phys/TrackEffVeloMuonLongZBoth_longFilterLong|         1 |          1 |(  100.000 +- 100.000  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ | "# input particles"                             |         1 |          1 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |         1 |          1 |(  100.000 +- 100.000  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ |*"#passed"                                       |         1 |          1 |(  100.000 +- 100.000  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ |*"efficiency"                                    |         1 |          1 |(  100.000 +- 100.000  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+TisTosFilter1ZforTrackEffVe...SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "# Phys/StdLooseMuons"                          |         1 |          1 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "# input particles"                             |         1 |          1 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |         1 |          1 |(  100.000 +- 100.000  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+TisTosFilter2ZforTrackEffVe...SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ |*"# Phys/TisTosFilter1ZforTrackEffVeloMuon_SelHlt|         1 |          1 |(  100.000 +- 100.000  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ | "# input particles"                             |         1 |          1 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |         1 |          1 |(  100.000 +- 100.000  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+TrackEffVeloMuon_ZMuonStand...   INFO Number of events processed: 1
+TrackEffVeloMuon_ZMuonStand...   INFO Average number of muon tracks: 0
+TrackEffVeloMuon_ZProtoPMaker SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ |*"Rec/VeloMuon/TrackEffVeloMuon_ZTracks ==> Rec/P|         1 |          0 |(  0.00000 +- 100.000  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+TrackEffVeloMuon_ZSelVeloMu...   INFO ********************************************************************************
+TrackEffVeloMuon_ZSelVeloMu...   INFO  created 'mu+' and 'mu- : 0 per 1 calls (0+-0)/event
+TrackEffVeloMuon_ZSelVeloMu...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |         1 |          0 |(  0.00000 +- 100.000  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonZL...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "#accept"                                       |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
+StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonZL...SUCCESS Booked 5 Histogram(s) : 1D=4 1DProf=1
+StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonZL...SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |      1000 |          0 |(  0.00000 +- 0.100000 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ | "#errors"                                       |      1000 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "#slow events"                                  |      1000 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonZL...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |      1000 |       1000 |(  100.000 +- 0.100000 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+TrackEffVeloMuonLongZPlus_c...SUCCESS Number of counters : 5
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ |*"# Phys/TrackEffVeloMuonLongZBoth_longFilterLong|         1 |          1 |(  100.000 +- 100.000  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ | "# input particles"                             |         1 |          1 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |         1 |          0 |(  0.00000 +- 100.000  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ |*"#passed"                                       |         1 |          0 |(  0.00000 +- 100.000  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ |*"efficiency"                                    |         1 |          0 |(  0.00000 +- 100.000  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonZL...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "#accept"                                       |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
+StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonZL...SUCCESS Booked 5 Histogram(s) : 1D=4 1DProf=1
+StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonZL...SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |      1000 |          0 |(  0.00000 +- 0.100000 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ | "#errors"                                       |      1000 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "#slow events"                                  |      1000 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonUp...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |      1000 |       1000 |(  100.000 +- 0.100000 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+TrackEffVeloMuonLongUpsilon...SUCCESS Number of counters : 5
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "# Phys/StdLooseMuons"                          |       537 |        890 |     1.6574 |    0.98116 |      1.0000 |      8.0000 |
+ | "# input particles"                             |       537 |        890 |     1.6574 |    0.98116 |      1.0000 |      8.0000 |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |       537 |        453 |(  84.3575 +- 1.56757  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ | "#passed"                                       |       537 |        646 |     1.2030 |    0.81521 |      0.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ |*"efficiency"                                    |       890 |        646 |(  72.5843 +- 1.49529  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+TrackEffVeloMuonLongUpsilon...SUCCESS Number of counters : 5
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "# Phys/TrackEffVeloMuonLongUpsilonBoth_longFilt|       453 |        646 |     1.4260 |    0.68534 |      1.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ | "# input particles"                             |       453 |        646 |     1.4260 |    0.68534 |      1.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |       453 |        296 |(  65.3422 +- 2.23588  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ | "#passed"                                       |       453 |        337 |    0.74393 |    0.64129 |      0.0000 |      3.0000 |
+ |*"efficiency"                                    |       646 |        337 |(  52.1672 +- 1.96537  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+TisTosFilter1UpsilonforTrac...SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "# Phys/StdLooseMuons"                          |       453 |        788 |     1.7395 |     1.0307 |      1.0000 |      8.0000 |
+ | "# input particles"                             |       453 |        788 |     1.7395 |     1.0307 |      1.0000 |      8.0000 |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |       453 |        453 |(  100.000 +- 0.220751 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+TisTosFilter2UpsilonforTrac...SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "# Phys/TisTosFilter1UpsilonforTrackEffVeloMuon_|       453 |        788 |     1.7395 |     1.0307 |      1.0000 |      8.0000 |
+ | "# input particles"                             |       453 |        788 |     1.7395 |     1.0307 |      1.0000 |      8.0000 |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |       453 |          0 |(  0.00000 +- 0.220751 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+TrackEffVeloMuon_UpsilonMuo...   INFO Number of events processed: 0
+TrackEffVeloMuon_UpsilonMuo...   INFO Average number of muon tracks: 0  (obviously)
+TrackEffVeloMuon_UpsilonSel...   INFO ********************************************************************************
+TrackEffVeloMuon_UpsilonSel...   INFO  created 'mu+' and 'mu- : 0 per 0 calls (0+-0)/event
+StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonUp...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "#accept"                                       |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
+StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonUp...SUCCESS Booked 5 Histogram(s) : 1D=4 1DProf=1
+StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonUp...SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |      1000 |          0 |(  0.00000 +- 0.100000 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ | "#errors"                                       |      1000 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "#slow events"                                  |      1000 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonUp...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |      1000 |       1000 |(  100.000 +- 0.100000 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+TrackEffVeloMuonLongUpsilon...SUCCESS Number of counters : 5
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "# Phys/TrackEffVeloMuonLongUpsilonBoth_longFilt|       453 |        646 |     1.4260 |    0.68534 |      1.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ | "# input particles"                             |       453 |        646 |     1.4260 |    0.68534 |      1.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |       453 |        271 |(  59.8234 +- 2.30342  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ | "#passed"                                       |       453 |        309 |    0.68212 |    0.62724 |      0.0000 |      3.0000 |
+ |*"efficiency"                                    |       646 |        309 |(  47.8328 +- 1.96537  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonUp...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "#accept"                                       |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
+StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonUp...SUCCESS Booked 5 Histogram(s) : 1D=4 1DProf=1
+StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonUp...SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |      1000 |          0 |(  0.00000 +- 0.100000 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ | "#errors"                                       |      1000 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "#slow events"                                  |      1000 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiPi0Det...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  |*"#accept"                                       |      1000 |       1000 |(  100.000 +- 0.100000 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
@@ -94790,11 +95038,11 @@ StrippingStreamDimuonPreScalerSUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |*"#accept"                                       |      1000 |       1000 |(  100.000 +- 0.100000 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
 StrippingStreamDimuonPostSc...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- |*"#accept"                                       |        28 |         28 |(  100.000 +- 3.57143  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |        29 |         29 |(  100.000 +- 3.44828  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
 StrippingStreamDimuon         SUCCESS Booked 5 Histogram(s) : 1D=4 1DProf=1
 StrippingStreamDimuon         SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- |*"#accept"                                       |      1000 |         28 |(  2.80000 +- 0.521690 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |      1000 |         29 |(  2.90000 +- 0.530651 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
  | "#errors"                                       |      1000 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
  | "#slow events"                                  |      1000 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 StrippingStreamCharmBadEven...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
@@ -121967,80 +122215,86 @@ PackMuonTracks_Leptonic       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
 Leptonic_OStream                 INFO Events output: 206
 FSRInputCopyStreamDimuon_OS...   INFO Set up File Summary Record
 FSRInputCopyStreamDimuon_OS...   INFO Events output: 1
-FindDuplicates_Dimuon         SUCCESS Number of counters : 72
- |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# Phys/A1MuMuLine"                             |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/A1MuMuSameSignLine"                     |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/B2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0KaonLine"              |        28 |          2 |   0.071429 |    0.25754 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "# Phys/B2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0Line"                  |        28 |          1 |   0.035714 |    0.18558 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "# Phys/B2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0wsLine"                |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/B2KX2MuMuDDDarkBosonLine"               |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/B2KX2MuMuDDSSDarkBosonLine"             |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/B2KpiX2MuMuDDDarkBosonLine"             |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/B2KpiX2MuMuDDSSDarkBosonLine"           |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/B2Lambda0MuBu2LambdaSSMuLine"           |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/B2MuMuMuMuB23MuPiLine"                  |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/B2MuMuMuMuB24MuLine"                    |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/B2MuMuMuMuB2DetachedDimuonAndJpsiLine"  |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/B2MuMuMuMuB2DetachedDimuonsLine"        |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/B2MuMuMuMuB2JpsiKmumuLine"              |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/B2MuMuMuMuB2JpsiPhimumuLine"            |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/B2MuMuMuMuD24MuLine"                    |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/B2XTauMu_K_3piLine"                     |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/B2XTauMu_K_3pi_WSLine"                  |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/B2XTauMu_KstLine"                       |        28 |          2 |   0.071429 |    0.37115 |      0.0000 |      2.0000 |
- | "# Phys/B2XTauMu_Kst_WSLine"                    |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/Bc2JpsiHBDTLine"                        |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/Bd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKstarFromTracksDetac|        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/Bd2JpsieeKSBu2JpsieeKFromTracksDetachedL|        28 |          2 |   0.071429 |    0.25754 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "# Phys/BetaSBd2JpsiKsDetachedLine"             |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/BetaSBd2JpsiKstarDetachedLine"          |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/BetaSBd2JpsiPi0DetachedLine"            |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/BetaSBs2JpsiPhiDetachedLine"            |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/BetaSBu2JpsiKDetachedLine"              |        28 |          1 |   0.035714 |    0.18558 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "# Phys/BetaSJpsi2MuMuLine"                     |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/Bs2MuMuLinesBu2JPsiKLine"               |        28 |          1 |   0.035714 |    0.18558 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "# Phys/Bs2MuMuLinesNoMuIDLine"                 |        28 |          1 |   0.035714 |    0.18558 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "# Phys/Bs2MuMuLinesWideMassLine"               |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/ChiCJPsiGammaConvChibLine"              |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/ChiCJPsiGammaConvChicLine"              |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/ExoticaDisplDiMuonHighMassLine"         |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/ExoticaDisplDiMuonLine"                 |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/ExoticaDisplDiMuonNoPointLine"          |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/ExoticaDisplDiMuonNoPointRLine"         |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/FullDSTDiMuonDiMuonHighMassLine"        |        28 |          1 |   0.035714 |    0.18558 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "# Phys/FullDSTDiMuonDiMuonHighMassSameSignLine"|        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/FullDSTDiMuonDiMuonNoPVLine"            |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/FullDSTDiMuonJpsi2MuMuDetachedLine"     |        28 |         10 |    0.35714 |    0.47916 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "# Phys/FullDSTDiMuonJpsi2MuMuTOSLine"          |        28 |          7 |    0.25000 |    0.43301 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "# Phys/FullDSTDiMuonPsi2MuMuDetachedLine"      |        28 |          2 |   0.071429 |    0.25754 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "# Phys/FullDSTDiMuonPsi2MuMuTOSLine"           |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/HeavyBaryonOmegab2JpsiOmega"            |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/HeavyBaryonXib2JpsiXi"                  |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/HeavyBaryonXibzero2JpsiXistar"          |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/K0s24eLine"                             |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/K0s2Mu3eLine"                           |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/K0s2MuMuLine"                           |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/K0s2MuMuMuMuLine"                       |        28 |          1 |   0.035714 |    0.18558 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "# Phys/K0s2MuMuMuMuSSLine"                     |        28 |          1 |   0.035714 |    0.18558 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "# Phys/K0s2MuMuSBLine"                         |        28 |          1 |   0.035714 |    0.18558 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "# Phys/K0s2PiPiMuMuLFVLine"                    |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/K0s2PiPiMuMuLine"                       |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/K0s2PiPiMuMuSSLine"                     |        28 |          1 |   0.035714 |    0.18558 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "# Phys/K0s2eMuLine"                            |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/Ks2PiPiForRnSLine"                      |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- |*"# Phys/TrackEffMuonTT_BJpsiKLine1"             |        28 |          0 |(  0.00000 +- 3.57143  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
- |*"# Phys/TrackEffMuonTT_BJpsiKLine2"             |        28 |          0 |(  0.00000 +- 3.57143  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
- |*"# Phys/TrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine1"               |        28 |          1 |(  3.57143 +- 3.50707  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
- |*"# Phys/TrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine2"               |        28 |          1 |(  3.57143 +- 3.50707  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
- |*"# Phys/TrackEffMuonTT_UpsilonLine1"            |        28 |          0 |(  0.00000 +- 3.57143  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
- |*"# Phys/TrackEffMuonTT_UpsilonLine2"            |        28 |          0 |(  0.00000 +- 3.57143  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
- |*"# Phys/TrackEffMuonTT_ZLine1"                  |        28 |          0 |(  0.00000 +- 3.57143  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
- |*"# Phys/TrackEffMuonTT_ZLine2"                  |        28 |          0 |(  0.00000 +- 3.57143  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
- | "# Phys/TriggerTestLine"                        |        28 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/XibcXibc2LcJpsi"                        |        28 |          3 |    0.10714 |    0.40877 |      0.0000 |      2.0000 |
- | "# input particles"                             |        28 |         39 |     1.3929 |    0.61756 |      1.0000 |      3.0000 |
- |*"#accept"                                       |        28 |         28 |(  100.000 +- 3.57143  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+FindDuplicates_Dimuon         SUCCESS Number of counters : 78
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "# Phys/A1MuMuLine"                             |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/A1MuMuSameSignLine"                     |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/B2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0KaonLine"              |        29 |          2 |   0.068966 |    0.25340 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/B2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0Line"                  |        29 |          1 |   0.034483 |    0.18247 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/B2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0wsLine"                |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/B2KX2MuMuDDDarkBosonLine"               |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/B2KX2MuMuDDSSDarkBosonLine"             |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/B2KpiX2MuMuDDDarkBosonLine"             |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/B2KpiX2MuMuDDSSDarkBosonLine"           |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/B2Lambda0MuBu2LambdaSSMuLine"           |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/B2MuMuMuMuB23MuPiLine"                  |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/B2MuMuMuMuB24MuLine"                    |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/B2MuMuMuMuB2DetachedDimuonAndJpsiLine"  |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/B2MuMuMuMuB2DetachedDimuonsLine"        |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/B2MuMuMuMuB2JpsiKmumuLine"              |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/B2MuMuMuMuB2JpsiPhimumuLine"            |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/B2MuMuMuMuD24MuLine"                    |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/B2XTauMu_K_3piLine"                     |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/B2XTauMu_K_3pi_WSLine"                  |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/B2XTauMu_KstLine"                       |        29 |          2 |   0.068966 |    0.36493 |      0.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/B2XTauMu_Kst_WSLine"                    |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/Bc2JpsiHBDTLine"                        |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/Bd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKstarFromTracksDetac|        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/Bd2JpsieeKSBu2JpsieeKFromTracksDetachedL|        29 |          2 |   0.068966 |    0.25340 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/BetaSBd2JpsiKsDetachedLine"             |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/BetaSBd2JpsiKstarDetachedLine"          |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/BetaSBd2JpsiPi0DetachedLine"            |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/BetaSBs2JpsiPhiDetachedLine"            |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/BetaSBu2JpsiKDetachedLine"              |        29 |          1 |   0.034483 |    0.18247 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/BetaSJpsi2MuMuLine"                     |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/Bs2MuMuLinesBu2JPsiKLine"               |        29 |          1 |   0.034483 |    0.18247 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/Bs2MuMuLinesNoMuIDLine"                 |        29 |          1 |   0.034483 |    0.18247 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/Bs2MuMuLinesWideMassLine"               |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/ChiCJPsiGammaConvChibLine"              |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/ChiCJPsiGammaConvChicLine"              |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/ExoticaDisplDiMuonHighMassLine"         |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/ExoticaDisplDiMuonLine"                 |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/ExoticaDisplDiMuonNoPointLine"          |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/ExoticaDisplDiMuonNoPointRLine"         |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/FullDSTDiMuonDiMuonHighMassLine"        |        29 |          1 |   0.034483 |    0.18247 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/FullDSTDiMuonDiMuonHighMassSameSignLine"|        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/FullDSTDiMuonDiMuonNoPVLine"            |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/FullDSTDiMuonJpsi2MuMuDetachedLine"     |        29 |         10 |    0.34483 |    0.47531 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/FullDSTDiMuonJpsi2MuMuTOSLine"          |        29 |          7 |    0.24138 |    0.42792 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/FullDSTDiMuonPsi2MuMuDetachedLine"      |        29 |          2 |   0.068966 |    0.25340 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/FullDSTDiMuonPsi2MuMuTOSLine"           |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/HeavyBaryonOmegab2JpsiOmega"            |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/HeavyBaryonXib2JpsiXi"                  |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/HeavyBaryonXibzero2JpsiXistar"          |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/K0s24eLine"                             |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/K0s2Mu3eLine"                           |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/K0s2MuMuLine"                           |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/K0s2MuMuMuMuLine"                       |        29 |          1 |   0.034483 |    0.18247 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/K0s2MuMuMuMuSSLine"                     |        29 |          1 |   0.034483 |    0.18247 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/K0s2MuMuSBLine"                         |        29 |          1 |   0.034483 |    0.18247 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/K0s2PiPiMuMuLFVLine"                    |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/K0s2PiPiMuMuLine"                       |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/K0s2PiPiMuMuSSLine"                     |        29 |          1 |   0.034483 |    0.18247 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/K0s2eMuLine"                            |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/Ks2PiPiForRnSLine"                      |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ |*"# Phys/TrackEffMuonTT_BJpsiKLine1"             |        29 |          0 |(  0.00000 +- 3.44828  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ |*"# Phys/TrackEffMuonTT_BJpsiKLine2"             |        29 |          0 |(  0.00000 +- 3.44828  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ |*"# Phys/TrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine1"               |        29 |          1 |(  3.44828 +- 3.38830  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ |*"# Phys/TrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine2"               |        29 |          1 |(  3.44828 +- 3.38830  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ |*"# Phys/TrackEffMuonTT_UpsilonLine1"            |        29 |          0 |(  0.00000 +- 3.44828  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ |*"# Phys/TrackEffMuonTT_UpsilonLine2"            |        29 |          0 |(  0.00000 +- 3.44828  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ |*"# Phys/TrackEffMuonTT_ZLine1"                  |        29 |          0 |(  0.00000 +- 3.44828  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ |*"# Phys/TrackEffMuonTT_ZLine2"                  |        29 |          0 |(  0.00000 +- 3.44828  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ |*"# Phys/TrackEffVeloMuonLine1"                  |        29 |          1 |(  3.44828 +- 3.38830  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ |*"# Phys/TrackEffVeloMuonLine2"                  |        29 |          1 |(  3.44828 +- 3.38830  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ |*"# Phys/TrackEffVeloMuonUpsilonLine1"           |        29 |          0 |(  0.00000 +- 3.44828  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ |*"# Phys/TrackEffVeloMuonUpsilonLine2"           |        29 |          0 |(  0.00000 +- 3.44828  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ |*"# Phys/TrackEffVeloMuonZLine1"                 |        29 |          0 |(  0.00000 +- 3.44828  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ |*"# Phys/TrackEffVeloMuonZLine2"                 |        29 |          0 |(  0.00000 +- 3.44828  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
+ | "# Phys/TriggerTestLine"                        |        29 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "# Phys/XibcXibc2LcJpsi"                        |        29 |          3 |    0.10345 |    0.40213 |      0.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "# input particles"                             |        29 |         41 |     1.4138 |    0.61685 |      1.0000 |      3.0000 |
+ |*"#accept"                                       |        29 |         29 |(  100.000 +- 3.44828  )%|   -------   |   -------   |
 CopyP2RelInfo_Dimuon          SUCCESS Number of counters : 86
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Dimuon/Phys/B2XTauMu_KstLine/ConeIsoInfo05"    |         1 |          2 |     2.0000 |     0.0000 |      2.0000 |      2.0000 |
@@ -122129,7 +122383,7 @@ CopyP2RelInfo_Dimuon          SUCCESS Number of counters : 86
  | "Dimuon/Phys/K0s2PiPiMuMuSSLine/Muon2BDT"       |         1 |          1 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
  | "Dimuon/Phys/K0s2PiPiMuMuSSLine/Muon3BDT"       |         1 |          1 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
  | "Dimuon/Phys/K0s2PiPiMuMuSSLine/Muon4BDT"       |         1 |          1 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
-Dimuon_OStream                   INFO Events output: 28
+Dimuon_OStream                   INFO Events output: 29
 FSROutputStreamCharm_OStream     INFO Set up File Summary Record
 FSROutputStreamCharm_OStream     INFO Events output: 1
 FindDuplicates_Charm          SUCCESS Number of counters : 255
@@ -123505,8 +123759,8 @@ CopyP2RelInfo_FTAG            SUCCESS Number of counters : 26
  | "FTAG/Phys/B24pB2JpsiKpiLine/VtxIsoInfoBDT"     |         1 |          2 |     2.0000 |     0.0000 |      2.0000 |      2.0000 |
 FTAG_OStream                     INFO Events output: 11
 EventLoopMgr                     INFO Histograms converted successfully according to request.
-LHCb::RawDataCnvSvc              INFO Closed connected MDF stream:4fb52580-933d-11e7-9e7f-001e67ddd3ca ID:0x2ef8ede0
-DataOnDemandSvc                  INFO Handled "DataFault" incidents: 110867/99234/8083527(Alg/Node/Total).
+LHCb::RawDataCnvSvc              INFO Closed connected MDF stream:4fb52580-933d-11e7-9e7f-001e67ddd3ca ID:0x2efe2390
+DataOnDemandSvc                  INFO Handled "DataFault" incidents: 110974/99234/8108419(Alg/Node/Total).
 TransportSvc                  SUCCESS  GEOMETRY ERRORS: 'Skip'     map has the size 2
    |                      Logical Volume                     |    |  #          mean             RMS          min              max    |
    | DownstreamRegion/Muon/StatPos/lvM4                      | mm | 2       -31.734391      2.2098777e-05 -31.734413         -31.7343 |
@@ -123514,8 +123768,10 @@ TransportSvc                  SUCCESS  GEOMETRY ERRORS: 'Skip'     map has the s
    | DownstreamRegion/lvDownstreamRegion                     | mm | 1       -7.347232       3.3423972e-08 -7.347232           -7.3472 |
    | DownstreamRegion/lvDownstreamRegion                     | X0 | 1       -0.0029880408   2.7616309e-11 -0.0029880408   -0.00298804 |
-TransportSvc                  SUCCESS  GEOMETRY ERRORS: 'Recover'  map has the size 6
+TransportSvc                  SUCCESS  GEOMETRY ERRORS: 'Recover'  map has the size 7
    |                      Logical Volume                     |    |  #          mean             RMS          min              max    |
+   | AfterMagnetRegion/T/lvT                                 | mm | 6       0.56801042         0.36355372 0.15922852          1.20884 |
+   | AfterMagnetRegion/T/lvT                                 | X0 | 6       0                           0 0                           |
    | DownstreamRegion/Ecal/Installation/MidBlock             | mm | 2       1.7145572e-13   6.8419729e-14 1.0303599e-13   2.3987545e- |
    | DownstreamRegion/Ecal/Installation/MidBlock             | X0 | 2       0                           0 0                           |
    | DownstreamRegion/Muon/Filters/lvMuFilter3               | mm | 1       4.5049164e-12   1.4671041e-20 4.5049164e-12   4.5049164e- |
@@ -123526,8 +123782,8 @@ TransportSvc                  SUCCESS  GEOMETRY ERRORS: 'Recover'  map has the s
    | DownstreamRegion/Muon/StatPos/lvM4                      | X0 | 5       0.24587433         0.28162133 0.015929811        0.590789 |
    | DownstreamRegion/Muon/StatPos/lvM5                      | mm | 2       2.600632        1.6746526e-05 2.6006152           2.60064 |
    | DownstreamRegion/Muon/StatPos/lvM5                      | X0 | 2       0.023009876     1.4816928e-07 0.023009728       0.0230100 |
-   | DownstreamRegion/lvDownstreamRegion                     | mm | 6       377.58264           148.71528 220.29434           600.216 |
-   | DownstreamRegion/lvDownstreamRegion                     | X0 | 6       2.2704068           4.7081018 0.1040804           12.7973 |
+   | DownstreamRegion/lvDownstreamRegion                     | mm | 10      226.82912           217.62279 0.65739155          600.216 |
+   | DownstreamRegion/lvDownstreamRegion                     | X0 | 10      1.3625881           3.8126023 0                   12.7973 |
 TransportSvc                  SUCCESS  GEOMETRY ERRORS: 'Codes'    map has the size 0
@@ -123803,6 +124059,8 @@ PreSelConvPhotonHighPtDD.Br...SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  | "Add to pair :  photon(s)"                      |         1 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
  | "Add to pair : 0 #photon(s)"                    |         1 |          1 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
  | "added NewBrem (meth=3)"                        |         2 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+VeloMuonBuilderTrackEffVelo...SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
+VeloMuonBuilderTrackEffVelo...SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 1        Message = 'Error in smooth function: non positive diagonal element in coveriance matrix'
 TrackEffMuonTTZ_SelMakeMuon...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "#MuonTracks"                                   |         3 |          4 |     1.3333 |    0.47140 |      1.0000 |      2.0000 |
@@ -123873,9 +124131,9 @@ ZVTOP_IncTopoVtxHighFor.Top...SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistic
 ZVTOP_IncTopoVtxHighFor.Top...SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 401      Message = 'fit didn't converge 2'
 ToolSvc.LoKi::FastVertexFitterSUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#iterations/1"                                 |      2052 |       3352 |     1.6335 |    0.48386 |      1.0000 |      3.0000 |
- | "#iterations/2"                                 |      1400 |       2810 |     2.0071 |   0.099745 |      2.0000 |      4.0000 |
- | "#iterations/Opt"                               |      2154 |       1410 |    0.65460 |    0.48708 |      0.0000 |      3.0000 |
+ | "#iterations/1"                                 |      2056 |       3358 |     1.6333 |    0.48393 |      1.0000 |      3.0000 |
+ | "#iterations/2"                                 |      1402 |       2814 |     2.0071 |   0.099674 |      2.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "#iterations/Opt"                               |      2158 |       1412 |    0.65431 |    0.48714 |      0.0000 |      3.0000 |
 ToolSvc.LoKi::FastVertexFitterSUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/2/0
 ToolSvc.LoKi::FastVertexFitterSUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 1        Message = 'fit(): Vertex is outside of fiducial volume [ZVTOP_IncTopoVtxFor]'
 ToolSvc.LoKi::FastVertexFitterSUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 1        Message = 'fit(): Vertex is outside of fiducial volume [ZVTOP_IncTopoVtxHighFor]'
@@ -124040,10 +124298,10 @@ ToolSvc.RelInfoBKsttautauMu...SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 1        Message = 'The par
 ToolSvc.RelInfoBKsttautauMu...SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 2        Message = 'The particle in question is not valid [RelatedInfo1_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line]'
 ToolSvc.HltFactory            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# loaded from CACHE"                           |      1227 |       1227 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "# loaded from CACHE"                           |      1231 |       1231 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
 ToolSvc.HybridFactory         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# loaded from CACHE"                           |     22377 |      22377 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "# loaded from CACHE"                           |     22416 |      22416 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
 ToolSvc.CoreFactory           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "# loaded from CACHE"                           |      2988 |       2988 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
@@ -124051,11 +124309,11 @@ DaVinciInitAlg.DaVinciMemory  WARNING MemoryTool:: Mean 'delta-memory' exceeds 3
 DaVinciInitAlg.DaVinciMemory  SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 DaVinciInitAlg.DaVinciMemory  SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |       990 |    194.344 |    0.19631 |     1.7207 |  -0.0080000 |      33.636 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |      1000 |    3656696 |     3656.7 |     37.478 |      3216.5 |      3730.9 |
+ | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |       990 |    229.064 |    0.23138 |     2.3313 |  -0.0080000 |      48.132 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |      1000 |    3693006 |     3693.0 |     43.212 |      3219.1 |      3768.4 |
 DaVinciInitAlg.DaVinciMemory  SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/3/0
 DaVinciInitAlg.DaVinciMemory  SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 4        Message = 'Delta Memory for the event exceeds 3*sigma'
-DaVinciInitAlg.DaVinciMemory  SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 22       Message = 'Mean 'Delta-Memory' exceeds 3*sigma'
+DaVinciInitAlg.DaVinciMemory  SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 2        Message = 'Mean 'Delta-Memory' exceeds 3*sigma'
 DaVinciInitAlg.DaVinciMemory  SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 1        Message = 'Mean 'delta-memory' exceeds 3*sigma'
 LoKiSvc.REPORT                SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/4/97/0
 LoKiSvc.REPORT                SUCCESS  #ERRORS     = 92       Message = 'LoKi::Particles::MinImpParChi2DV: 	LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return -1000 [BetacHHHBetacLb1Line]'
@@ -124189,6 +124447,8 @@ BDTTagJets.LoKi::BDTTag.LoK...SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 34       Message = '_iterat
 BDTTagJets.LoKi::BDTTag.LoK...SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 5        Message = 'fit(): Vertex is outside of fiducial volume'
 BDTTagJets.LoKi::BDTTag.LoK...SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 29       Message = 'fit(): failure from _iterate()'
 BDTTagJets.LoKi::BDTTag.LoK...SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 29       Message = 'fit(): failure from fit'
+VeloMuonBuilderTrackEffVelo...SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
+VeloMuonBuilderTrackEffVelo...SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 2        Message = 'Error in smooth function: non positive diagonal element in coveriance matrix'
 TrackEffMuonTTJpsi_SelMakeM...SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
 TrackEffMuonTTJpsi_SelMakeM...SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 1        Message = 'Error in compute residual:  non positive variance.'
 ToolSvc.RelInfoBs2MuMuZViso...SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/3/0
@@ -124243,10 +124503,10 @@ ToolSvc.TrackVertexerTool.T...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  | "Number of tracks seen"                         |      1001 |       4643 |     4.6384 |     3.0136 |      0.0000 |      18.000 |
 ToolSvc.LoKi::VertexFitter    SUCCESS Number of counters : 12
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#iterations/1"                                 |   1991408 |    3955992 |     1.9865 |    0.51412 |      1.0000 |      11.000 |
- | "#iterations/2"                                 |   2600722 |    6092947 |     2.3428 |    0.89602 |      2.0000 |      11.000 |
+ | "#iterations/1"                                 |   1991413 |    3956001 |     1.9865 |    0.51412 |      1.0000 |      11.000 |
+ | "#iterations/2"                                 |   2600727 |    6092957 |     2.3428 |    0.89602 |      2.0000 |      11.000 |
  | "#iterations/Gen"                               |     47610 |     119837 |     2.5171 |     1.0999 |      1.0000 |      10.000 |
- | "#iterations/Opt"                               |   2562417 |    3214844 |     1.2546 |    0.96169 |      0.0000 |      10.000 |
+ | "#iterations/Opt"                               |   2562423 |    3214849 |     1.2546 |    0.96168 |      0.0000 |      10.000 |
  | "#iterations/rho"                               |    204441 |     409781 |     2.0044 |   0.070671 |      2.0000 |      4.0000 |
  | "Seed:case(0)"                                  |     12117 |      12117 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
  | "Seed:case(1)"                                  |     31073 |      31073 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
@@ -126271,121 +126531,121 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO ------------------------------------------
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO Algorithm                                        (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO EVENT LOOP                                                  |   830.620 |   839.169 |   77.413   19316.3  1111.21 |    1000 |   839.169 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO  DaVinciEventSeq                                            |   819.950 |   826.942 |   71.338   19310.2  1067.22 |    1000 |   826.943 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO   DaVinciInitAlg                                            |     0.190 |     0.170 |    0.078      12.3     0.64 |    1000 |     0.171 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO   FilteredEventSeq                                          |   819.710 |   826.737 |   71.221   19310.1  1067.16 |    1000 |   826.738 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO    DaVinciEventInitSeq                                      |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO EVENT LOOP                                                  |   748.620 |   756.285 |   64.812   18323.4  1041.17 |    1000 |   756.286 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO  DaVinciEventSeq                                            |   740.310 |   747.110 |   60.486   18318.7  1015.05 |    1000 |   747.110 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO   DaVinciInitAlg                                            |     0.140 |     0.159 |    0.064       9.0     0.61 |    1000 |     0.160 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO   FilteredEventSeq                                          |   740.150 |   746.926 |   60.396   18318.5  1015.05 |    1000 |   746.927 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO    DaVinciEventInitSeq                                      |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO     PhysInitSeq                                             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO     AnalysisInitSeq                                         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO    DaVinciAnalysisSeq                                       |   819.710 |   826.716 |   71.205   19310.1  1067.16 |    1000 |   826.716 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO     DaVinciUserSequence                                     |   819.690 |   826.703 |   71.196   19310.0  1067.16 |    1000 |   826.704 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO      RawEventSplitSeq                                       |     2.030 |     5.621 |    1.924      97.2     3.78 |    1000 |     5.622 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       create_Calo_RawEvent                                  |     1.920 |     5.322 |    1.761      96.7     3.76 |    1000 |     5.322 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       create_Unstripped_RawEvent                            |     0.020 |     0.052 |    0.028       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.052 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       create_HC_RawEvent                                    |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       create_Tracker_RawEvent                               |     0.010 |     0.075 |    0.035       0.8     0.03 |    1000 |     0.076 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       create_Velo_RawEvent                                  |     0.020 |     0.044 |    0.017       0.3     0.02 |    1000 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       create_Muon_RawEvent                                  |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       create_Rich_RawEvent                                  |     0.020 |     0.022 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       create_Trigger_RawEvent                               |     0.020 |     0.032 |    0.017       0.6     0.02 |    1000 |     0.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO      StrippingGlobal                                        |   679.440 |   682.010 |   67.865   15889.4   811.70 |    1000 |   682.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       StrippingGlobal_Selection                             |   647.390 |   649.876 |   67.859   12292.2   691.35 |    1000 |   649.877 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        StrippingSequenceStreamBhadron                       |   233.180 |   234.381 |   30.240    8225.9   380.32 |    1000 |   234.382 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingBadEventSequenceBhadron                    |     1.890 |     1.961 |    0.271      73.6     5.88 |    1000 |     1.962 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamBhadronBadEvent                     |     1.890 |     1.953 |    0.266      73.6     5.88 |    1000 |     1.954 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamBhadronBadEventPreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamBhadronBadEventFilterSequence      |     1.840 |     1.854 |    0.214      71.3     5.85 |    1000 |     1.854 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            checkPVmin0                                      |     1.800 |     1.766 |    0.171      58.9     5.71 |    1000 |     1.767 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProcStatusCheck                                  |     0.040 |     0.073 |    0.033      12.3     0.39 |    1000 |     0.073 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO    DaVinciAnalysisSeq                                       |   740.140 |   746.910 |   60.382   18318.5  1015.04 |    1000 |   746.910 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO     DaVinciUserSequence                                     |   740.140 |   746.901 |   60.375   18318.5  1015.04 |    1000 |   746.901 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO      RawEventSplitSeq                                       |     1.480 |     4.347 |    2.150     273.4     8.61 |    1000 |     4.347 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       create_Calo_RawEvent                                  |     1.400 |     4.145 |    1.858     273.1     8.61 |    1000 |     4.146 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       create_Unstripped_RawEvent                            |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.023       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       create_HC_RawEvent                                    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       create_Tracker_RawEvent                               |     0.010 |     0.051 |    0.024       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       create_Velo_RawEvent                                  |     0.020 |     0.029 |    0.013       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       create_Muon_RawEvent                                  |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       create_Rich_RawEvent                                  |     0.010 |     0.016 |    0.008       0.5     0.02 |    1000 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       create_Trigger_RawEvent                               |     0.010 |     0.022 |    0.014       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO      StrippingGlobal                                        |   612.120 |   615.338 |   58.142   15048.3   793.87 |    1000 |   615.338 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       StrippingGlobal_Selection                             |   582.610 |   585.733 |   58.137   11665.7   691.54 |    1000 |   585.734 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        StrippingSequenceStreamBhadron                       |   201.160 |   202.633 |   25.948    7930.7   345.32 |    1000 |   202.634 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingBadEventSequenceBhadron                    |     1.280 |     1.638 |    0.203      39.9     5.14 |    1000 |     1.638 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamBhadronBadEvent                     |     1.260 |     1.632 |    0.199      39.9     5.14 |    1000 |     1.633 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamBhadronBadEventPreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamBhadronBadEventFilterSequence      |     1.250 |     1.564 |    0.154      39.0     5.13 |    1000 |     1.565 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            checkPVmin0                                      |     1.190 |     1.500 |    0.112      38.8     5.07 |    1000 |     1.500 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProcStatusCheck                                  |     0.050 |     0.053 |    0.026       6.4     0.20 |    1000 |     0.054 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamBhadronBadEventPostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingProtectedSequenceBhadron                   |   231.280 |   232.407 |   29.943    8224.8   379.60 |    1000 |   232.407 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2CharmlessInclusive4piAllX0SelectionLine |    14.070 |    13.901 |    0.037     368.0    21.56 |    1000 |    13.901 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2CharmlessInclusive4piAllX0SelectionLine|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2CharmlessInclusive4piAllX0SelectionLine|    14.020 |    13.837 |    0.014     367.9    21.55 |    1000 |    13.838 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingGoodEventConditionBhadron               |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            checkPVmin1                                      |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdNoPIDsPions_Particles           |     9.743 |     9.650 |    0.810     251.9    17.22 |     974 |     9.400 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackListB2CharmlessInclusive                    |     0.020 |     0.048 |    0.011       1.6     0.06 |     963 |     0.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseAllPhotons_Particles       |     2.464 |     2.375 |    0.006      67.1     6.22 |     974 |     2.314 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Gamma_for_Res_ListB2CharmlessInclusive           |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     933 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseResolvedPi0_Particles      |     1.714 |     1.731 |    0.008      38.7     1.88 |     974 |     1.686 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseMergedPi0_Particles        |     0.102 |     0.090 |    0.004      19.9     0.64 |     974 |     0.088 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi0_for_Res_ListB2CharmlessInclusive             |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     228 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DiTracksForCharmlessBB2CharmlessInclusive        |     0.614 |     0.509 |    0.101       4.8     0.64 |     228 |     0.116 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2CharmlessInclusive4piAllX0Selection            |     0.317 |     0.155 |    0.026       2.4     0.34 |     126 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2CharmlessInclusive4piAllX0SelectionLine        |     0.000 |     2.281 |    2.281       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2CharmlessInclusive4piAllX0Selectio|    10.000 |     3.067 |    3.067       3.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2CharmlessInclusive4piAllX0Selectio|     0.000 |     2.952 |    2.952       3.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2CharmlessInclusive4piAllX0Selectio|     0.000 |     2.905 |    2.905       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2CharmlessInclusive4piAllX0Selectio|    10.000 |     3.715 |    3.715       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2CharmlessInclusive4piAllX0Selectio|     0.000 |     1.226 |    1.226       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2CharmlessInclusive4piAllX0SelectionLine|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2CharmlessInclusive3piAllX0SelectionLine |     0.100 |     0.076 |    0.019       5.0     0.23 |    1000 |     0.077 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2CharmlessInclusive3piAllX0SelectionLine|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2CharmlessInclusive3piAllX0SelectionLine|     0.030 |     0.038 |    0.002       5.0     0.21 |    1000 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2CharmlessInclusive3piAllX0Selection            |     0.238 |     0.146 |    0.045       0.7     0.13 |     126 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2CharmlessInclusive3piAllX0SelectionLine        |     0.000 |     1.306 |    0.408       3.6     1.55 |       4 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2CharmlessInclusive3piAllX0Selectio|     0.000 |     0.801 |    0.707       0.9     0.09 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2CharmlessInclusive3piAllX0Selectio|     0.000 |     0.456 |    0.245       0.6     0.19 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingProtectedSequenceBhadron                   |   199.880 |   200.985 |   25.714    7929.9   344.92 |    1000 |   200.986 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2CharmlessInclusive4piAllX0SelectionLine |    12.510 |    12.402 |    0.034     138.4    17.83 |    1000 |    12.403 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2CharmlessInclusive4piAllX0SelectionLine|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2CharmlessInclusive4piAllX0SelectionLine|    12.470 |    12.359 |    0.013     138.4    17.82 |    1000 |    12.359 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingGoodEventConditionBhadron               |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            checkPVmin1                                      |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdNoPIDsPions_Particles           |     8.737 |     8.675 |    0.705      93.5    14.75 |     974 |     8.450 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackListB2CharmlessInclusive                    |     0.031 |     0.041 |    0.010       0.2     0.02 |     963 |     0.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseAllPhotons_Particles       |     2.145 |     2.102 |    0.006      63.1     5.75 |     974 |     2.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Gamma_for_Res_ListB2CharmlessInclusive           |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     933 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseResolvedPi0_Particles      |     1.694 |     1.544 |    0.004      17.3     1.36 |     974 |     1.504 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseMergedPi0_Particles        |     0.051 |     0.067 |    0.003       8.0     0.26 |     974 |     0.065 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi0_for_Res_ListB2CharmlessInclusive             |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     228 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DiTracksForCharmlessBB2CharmlessInclusive        |     0.307 |     0.423 |    0.073       4.5     0.50 |     228 |     0.097 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2CharmlessInclusive4piAllX0Selection            |     0.000 |     0.133 |    0.024       1.6     0.26 |     126 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2CharmlessInclusive4piAllX0SelectionLine        |     0.000 |     2.205 |    2.205       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2CharmlessInclusive4piAllX0Selectio|    10.000 |     3.222 |    3.222       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2CharmlessInclusive4piAllX0Selectio|     0.000 |     3.254 |    3.254       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2CharmlessInclusive4piAllX0Selectio|     0.000 |     2.971 |    2.971       3.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2CharmlessInclusive4piAllX0Selectio|    10.000 |     2.957 |    2.957       3.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2CharmlessInclusive4piAllX0Selectio|     0.000 |     1.281 |    1.281       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2CharmlessInclusive4piAllX0SelectionLine|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2CharmlessInclusive3piAllX0SelectionLine |     0.040 |     0.060 |    0.018       3.5     0.18 |    1000 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2CharmlessInclusive3piAllX0SelectionLine|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2CharmlessInclusive3piAllX0SelectionLine|     0.020 |     0.034 |    0.002       3.4     0.18 |    1000 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2CharmlessInclusive3piAllX0Selection            |     0.079 |     0.134 |    0.041       0.7     0.12 |     126 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2CharmlessInclusive3piAllX0SelectionLine        |     0.000 |     1.043 |    0.372       2.5     0.98 |       4 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2CharmlessInclusive3piAllX0Selectio|     0.000 |     0.783 |    0.668       0.9     0.14 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2CharmlessInclusive3piAllX0Selectio|     0.000 |     0.393 |    0.244       0.6     0.16 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2CharmlessInclusive3piAllX0SelectionLine|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2CharmlessInclusiveKSX_LLSelectionLine   |     0.190 |     0.196 |    0.019       8.0     0.54 |    1000 |     0.197 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2CharmlessInclusiveKSX_LLSelectionLinePr|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2CharmlessInclusiveKSX_LLSelectionLineFi|     0.140 |     0.165 |    0.001       7.9     0.53 |    1000 |     0.165 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseKsLL_Particles             |     0.246 |     0.346 |    0.065      13.1     0.62 |     974 |     0.338 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KSList_LLB2CharmlessInclusive                    |     0.363 |     0.029 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |      55 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2CharmlessInclusiveKSX_LLSelection              |     0.196 |     0.099 |    0.039       1.6     0.22 |      51 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2CharmlessInclusiveKSX_LLSelectionLine   |     0.140 |     0.160 |    0.017       3.5     0.40 |    1000 |     0.160 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2CharmlessInclusiveKSX_LLSelectionLinePr|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2CharmlessInclusiveKSX_LLSelectionLineFi|     0.140 |     0.134 |    0.001       3.4     0.39 |    1000 |     0.135 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseKsLL_Particles             |     0.328 |     0.286 |    0.060       8.5     0.41 |     974 |     0.279 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KSList_LLB2CharmlessInclusive                    |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.013       0.0     0.01 |      55 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2CharmlessInclusiveKSX_LLSelection              |     0.000 |     0.109 |    0.034       2.3     0.32 |      51 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2CharmlessInclusiveKSX_LLSelectionLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2CharmlessInclusiveKSX_LLSelectionL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2CharmlessInclusiveKSX_LLSelectionL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2CharmlessInclusiveKSX_LLSelectionLinePo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2CharmlessInclusiveKSX_DDSelectionLine   |     0.180 |     0.194 |    0.019       9.6     0.57 |    1000 |     0.194 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2CharmlessInclusiveKSX_DDSelectionLinePr|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2CharmlessInclusiveKSX_DDSelectionLineFi|     0.170 |     0.162 |    0.002       9.5     0.56 |    1000 |     0.163 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseKsDD_Particles             |     1.098 |     1.071 |    0.103      84.4     2.73 |     974 |     1.043 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KSList_DDB2CharmlessInclusive                    |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      75 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2CharmlessInclusiveKSX_DDSelection              |     0.000 |     0.133 |    0.039       1.0     0.17 |      71 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2CharmlessInclusiveKSX_DDSelectionLine          |     0.000 |     1.121 |    0.642       1.6     0.68 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2CharmlessInclusiveKSX_DDSelectionL|     5.000 |     2.503 |    0.771       4.2     2.45 |       2 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2CharmlessInclusiveKSX_DDSelectionL|     0.000 |     1.090 |    0.391       1.8     0.99 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2CharmlessInclusiveKSX_DDSelectionLinePo|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTauMu_K_3pi_looseLine                  |     1.150 |     1.241 |    0.020      93.9     3.58 |    1000 |     1.241 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2CharmlessInclusiveKSX_DDSelectionLine   |     0.180 |     0.165 |    0.016       8.2     0.48 |    1000 |     0.166 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2CharmlessInclusiveKSX_DDSelectionLinePr|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2CharmlessInclusiveKSX_DDSelectionLineFi|     0.180 |     0.142 |    0.001       8.2     0.48 |    1000 |     0.143 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseKsDD_Particles             |     0.872 |     0.904 |    0.098      46.8     1.54 |     974 |     0.881 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KSList_DDB2CharmlessInclusive                    |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |      75 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2CharmlessInclusiveKSX_DDSelection              |     0.281 |     0.109 |    0.036       0.7     0.11 |      71 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2CharmlessInclusiveKSX_DDSelectionLine          |     0.000 |     1.277 |    0.905       1.6     0.53 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2CharmlessInclusiveKSX_DDSelectionL|     5.000 |     2.032 |    0.782       3.3     1.77 |       2 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2CharmlessInclusiveKSX_DDSelectionL|     0.000 |     0.841 |    0.389       1.3     0.64 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2CharmlessInclusiveKSX_DDSelectionLinePo|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTauMu_K_3pi_looseLine                  |     0.980 |     1.019 |    0.018      92.5     3.03 |    1000 |     1.019 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_K_3pi_looseLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_K_3pi_looseLineFilterSequence   |     1.140 |     1.196 |    0.002      93.8     3.57 |    1000 |     1.196 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdTightDetachedTau3pi_Particles   |     0.975 |     1.045 |    0.134      60.8     2.02 |     974 |     1.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2XTauMu_K_3pi_loose_daughters            |     0.967 |     0.821 |    0.215       6.7     0.71 |      93 |     0.076 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2XTauMu_K_3pi_loose_daughters     |     0.860 |     0.765 |    0.209       2.6     0.39 |      93 |     0.071 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KMuOSForB2XTauMu                         |     0.388 |     0.337 |    0.002       2.4     0.33 |     360 |     0.122 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_StdLooseKaons_Particles         |     0.533 |     0.493 |    0.009      35.4     1.16 |     974 |     0.481 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KforB2XTauMu                                  |     0.056 |     0.035 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |     352 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_StdAllLooseMuons_Particles      |     0.030 |     0.017 |    0.003       0.5     0.04 |    1000 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MuforB2XTauMu                                 |     0.063 |     0.046 |    0.003       0.9     0.04 |     785 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KMuOSForB2XTauMu                              |     0.192 |     0.162 |    0.096       0.7     0.06 |     208 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KMuSSForB2XTauMu                         |     0.138 |     0.134 |    0.001       0.8     0.15 |     360 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KMuSSForB2XTauMu                              |     0.096 |     0.126 |    0.078       0.6     0.06 |     208 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             B2XTauMu_K_3pi_loose_daughters                  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTauMu_K_3pi_looseLine                         |     0.000 |     0.415 |    0.144       1.6     0.60 |       6 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_looseLine            |    10.000 |     5.051 |    5.051       5.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_looseLine            |    20.000 |    22.579 |   22.579      22.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_looseLine            |     0.000 |     0.474 |    0.474       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_looseLine            |     0.000 |     2.848 |    2.848       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_looseLine            |    10.000 |     3.622 |    3.622       3.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_looseLine            |    50.000 |    47.971 |   47.971      48.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.048 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_looseLine            |     0.000 |     4.733 |    4.733       4.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_looseLine            |     0.000 |     0.451 |    0.451       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_looseLine            |     0.000 |     0.436 |    0.436       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_looseLine           |     0.000 |     0.392 |    0.392       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_looseLine           |     0.000 |     0.295 |    0.295       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_looseLine           |     0.000 |     0.241 |    0.241       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo13_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_looseLine           |     0.000 |     0.236 |    0.236       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_K_3pi_looseLineFilterSequence   |     0.960 |     0.987 |    0.002      92.5     3.03 |    1000 |     0.987 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdTightDetachedTau3pi_Particles   |     0.852 |     0.847 |    0.132      22.6     0.84 |     974 |     0.825 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2XTauMu_K_3pi_loose_daughters            |     0.322 |     0.684 |    0.212       2.0     0.33 |      93 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2XTauMu_K_3pi_loose_daughters     |     0.322 |     0.675 |    0.208       2.0     0.32 |      93 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KMuOSForB2XTauMu                         |     0.222 |     0.296 |    0.001       1.9     0.28 |     360 |     0.107 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_StdLooseKaons_Particles         |     0.338 |     0.424 |    0.007      15.1     0.57 |     974 |     0.414 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KforB2XTauMu                                  |     0.056 |     0.031 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |     352 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_StdAllLooseMuons_Particles      |     0.020 |     0.015 |    0.003       0.3     0.04 |    1000 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MuforB2XTauMu                                 |     0.038 |     0.036 |    0.004       0.2     0.02 |     785 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KMuOSForB2XTauMu                              |     0.096 |     0.139 |    0.090       1.0     0.07 |     208 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KMuSSForB2XTauMu                         |     0.138 |     0.116 |    0.001       0.7     0.12 |     360 |     0.042 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KMuSSForB2XTauMu                              |     0.192 |     0.110 |    0.069       0.7     0.05 |     208 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             B2XTauMu_K_3pi_loose_daughters                  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTauMu_K_3pi_looseLine                         |     1.666 |     0.573 |    0.116       2.7     1.05 |       6 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_looseLine            |     0.000 |     5.145 |    5.145       5.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_looseLine            |    20.000 |    22.404 |   22.404      22.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_looseLine            |     0.000 |     0.446 |    0.446       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_looseLine            |     0.000 |     2.987 |    2.987       3.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_looseLine            |     0.000 |     3.695 |    3.695       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_looseLine            |    50.000 |    45.833 |   45.833      45.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_looseLine            |     0.000 |     4.652 |    4.652       4.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_looseLine            |     0.000 |     0.460 |    0.460       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_looseLine            |     0.000 |     0.352 |    0.352       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_looseLine           |     0.000 |     0.426 |    0.426       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_looseLine           |     0.000 |     0.225 |    0.225       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_looseLine           |     0.000 |     0.254 |    0.254       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo13_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_looseLine           |     0.000 |     0.239 |    0.239       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_K_3pi_looseLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTauMu_K_3pi_loose_WSLine               |     0.060 |     0.037 |    0.017       2.2     0.07 |    1000 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_K_3pi_loose_WSLinePreScaler     |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_K_3pi_loose_WSLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.002       2.2     0.10 |     472 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2XTauMu_K_3pi_loose_WS_daughters         |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.1     0.02 |      41 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2XTauMu_K_3pi_loose_WS_daughters  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      41 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             B2XTauMu_K_3pi_loose_WS_daughters               |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTauMu_K_3pi_loose_WSLine                      |     0.000 |     2.042 |    2.042       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTauMu_K_3pi_loose_WSLine               |     0.030 |     0.028 |    0.015       1.4     0.04 |    1000 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_K_3pi_loose_WSLinePreScaler     |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_K_3pi_loose_WSLineFilterSequence|     0.021 |     0.007 |    0.002       1.4     0.06 |     472 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2XTauMu_K_3pi_loose_WS_daughters         |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      41 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2XTauMu_K_3pi_loose_WS_daughters  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |      41 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             B2XTauMu_K_3pi_loose_WS_daughters               |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTauMu_K_3pi_loose_WSLine                      |     0.000 |     1.227 |    1.227       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_loose_WSLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_loose_WSLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_loose_WSLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -126400,256 +126660,256 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_lo
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_loose_WSLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo13_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_loose_WSLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_K_3pi_loose_WSLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02Lcmu_pKpiLine                          |     0.660 |     0.668 |    0.018      37.6     1.39 |    1000 |     0.668 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Lcmu_pKpiLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Lcmu_pKpiLineFilterSequence           |     0.630 |     0.631 |    0.002      37.4     1.38 |    1000 |     0.631 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseMuons_Particles            |     0.205 |     0.257 |    0.031      36.5     1.17 |     974 |     0.250 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Lcmu_pKpiSelMuons                             |     0.018 |     0.006 |    0.002       0.6     0.03 |     537 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseProtons_Particles          |     0.472 |     0.436 |    0.012      31.5     1.05 |     974 |     0.425 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Lcmu_pKpiSelProtons                           |     0.064 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     308 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Lcmu_pKpiSelKaons                             |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     258 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLoosePions_Particles            |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     974 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Lcmu_pKpiSelPions                             |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     255 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Lcmu_pKpiSelLc2pKpi                           |     0.196 |     0.123 |    0.071       1.4     0.10 |     254 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Lcmu_pKpiLine                                 |     0.714 |     0.181 |    0.053       1.5     0.39 |      14 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02Lcmu_pKpiLine                          |     0.650 |     0.565 |    0.016      16.0     0.81 |    1000 |     0.566 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Lcmu_pKpiLinePreScaler                |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Lcmu_pKpiLineFilterSequence           |     0.610 |     0.534 |    0.001      15.9     0.81 |    1000 |     0.534 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseMuons_Particles            |     0.225 |     0.204 |    0.026      15.7     0.51 |     974 |     0.199 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Lcmu_pKpiSelMuons                             |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     537 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseProtons_Particles          |     0.400 |     0.360 |    0.012      14.8     0.50 |     974 |     0.351 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Lcmu_pKpiSelProtons                           |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     308 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Lcmu_pKpiSelKaons                             |     0.038 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     258 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLoosePions_Particles            |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Lcmu_pKpiSelPions                             |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     255 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Lcmu_pKpiSelLc2pKpi                           |     0.275 |     0.122 |    0.067       0.9     0.12 |     254 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Lcmu_pKpiLine                                 |     0.000 |     0.141 |    0.049       1.1     0.27 |      14 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Lcmu_pKpiLinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2fourbodyLine                            |     5.540 |     5.736 |    0.070     304.0    10.72 |    1000 |     5.736 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2fourbodyLine                            |     4.900 |     4.870 |    0.061     186.2     7.27 |    1000 |     4.870 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2fourbodyLinePreScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2fourbodyLineFilterSequence             |     5.460 |     5.682 |    0.048     304.0    10.71 |    1000 |     5.682 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2fourbodyLineVOIDFilter                |     0.050 |     0.108 |    0.043       0.7     0.07 |    1000 |     0.108 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:InputForB2fourbody                        |     4.242 |     4.477 |    1.436     303.2    10.40 |     851 |     3.810 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:InputForB2fourbody                 |     4.124 |     4.367 |    1.431     303.1    10.39 |     851 |     3.717 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:PiForB2fourbody                          |     0.082 |     0.095 |    0.009       0.4     0.04 |     851 |     0.081 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PiForB2fourbody                               |     0.035 |     0.034 |    0.004       0.3     0.02 |     840 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KForB2fourbody                           |     0.411 |     0.349 |    0.003      35.6     1.23 |     851 |     0.297 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KForB2fourbody                                |     0.012 |     0.016 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     819 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:pForB2fourbody                           |     0.293 |     0.347 |    0.002      31.6     1.14 |     851 |     0.296 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               pForB2fourbody                                |     0.012 |     0.014 |    0.002       0.7     0.02 |     805 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KsForB2fourbody                          |     1.069 |     1.168 |    0.020      97.8     3.38 |     851 |     0.995 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:MergedKsForKsForB2fourbody             |     1.057 |     1.127 |    0.016      97.7     3.38 |     851 |     0.959 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:MergedKsForKsForB2fourbody      |     1.045 |     1.077 |    0.011      97.6     3.37 |     851 |     0.917 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Phys_StdLooseKsDD_Particles           |     0.749 |     0.755 |    0.002      84.4     2.73 |     974 |     0.736 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Phys_StdLooseKsLL_Particles           |     0.133 |     0.172 |    0.002      13.1     0.49 |     974 |     0.168 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2fourbodyLineFilterSequence             |     4.850 |     4.834 |    0.040     186.1     7.26 |    1000 |     4.835 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2fourbodyLineVOIDFilter                |     0.080 |     0.085 |    0.036       0.9     0.09 |    1000 |     0.085 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:InputForB2fourbody                        |     3.666 |     3.740 |    1.157     185.6     6.39 |     851 |     3.183 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:InputForB2fourbody                 |     3.572 |     3.644 |    1.153     185.4     6.39 |     851 |     3.101 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:PiForB2fourbody                          |     0.082 |     0.081 |    0.007       0.3     0.03 |     851 |     0.069 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PiForB2fourbody                               |     0.047 |     0.031 |    0.003       0.2     0.01 |     840 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KForB2fourbody                           |     0.235 |     0.289 |    0.003      15.2     0.58 |     851 |     0.247 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KForB2fourbody                                |     0.024 |     0.014 |    0.002       0.1     0.01 |     819 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:pForB2fourbody                           |     0.282 |     0.277 |    0.002      14.9     0.54 |     851 |     0.236 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               pForB2fourbody                                |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.002       0.1     0.01 |     805 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KsForB2fourbody                          |     1.022 |     0.967 |    0.017      55.6     1.94 |     851 |     0.823 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:MergedKsForKsForB2fourbody             |     0.975 |     0.933 |    0.013      55.5     1.94 |     851 |     0.794 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:MergedKsForKsForB2fourbody      |     0.940 |     0.892 |    0.009      55.3     1.93 |     851 |     0.760 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Phys_StdLooseKsDD_Particles           |     0.677 |     0.633 |    0.002      46.8     1.55 |     974 |     0.617 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Phys_StdLooseKsLL_Particles           |     0.133 |     0.140 |    0.002       8.5     0.29 |     974 |     0.137 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MergedKsForKsForB2fourbody                   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     562 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KsForB2fourbody                               |     0.017 |     0.026 |    0.004       0.1     0.03 |     562 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LmForB2fourbody                          |     0.834 |     0.915 |    0.255      43.8     1.57 |     851 |     0.779 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:MergedLmForLmForB2fourbody             |     0.799 |     0.887 |    0.251      43.8     1.57 |     851 |     0.755 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:MergedLmForLmForB2fourbody      |     0.752 |     0.844 |    0.245      43.8     1.57 |     851 |     0.718 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Phys_StdLooseLambdaDD_Particles       |     0.482 |     0.513 |    0.002      30.1     1.07 |     974 |     0.500 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  SelFilterPhys_StdLooseLambdaDD_Particles   |     0.636 |     0.689 |    0.114      30.1     1.13 |     974 |     0.671 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Phys_StdLooseLambdaLL_Particles       |     0.184 |     0.215 |    0.002      13.7     0.45 |     974 |     0.210 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  SelFilterPhys_StdLooseLambdaLL_Particles   |     0.236 |     0.276 |    0.088      13.7     0.47 |     974 |     0.269 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MergedLmForLmForB2fourbody                   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.4     0.02 |     440 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LmForB2fourbody                               |     0.022 |     0.016 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |     440 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DzForB2fourbody                          |     0.235 |     0.217 |    0.079      14.8     0.56 |     851 |     0.185 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_StdLooseD02KPi_Particles        |     0.184 |     0.173 |    0.006      14.1     0.51 |     974 |     0.169 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DzForB2fourbody                               |     0.106 |     0.038 |    0.004       0.5     0.05 |     188 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DpForB2fourbody                          |     0.293 |     0.272 |    0.074      14.2     0.52 |     851 |     0.232 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_StdLooseDplus2KPiPi_Particles   |     0.328 |     0.347 |    0.069      14.2     0.65 |     974 |     0.338 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DpForB2fourbody                               |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |     157 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DsForB2fourbody                          |     0.270 |     0.245 |    0.070      13.3     0.51 |     851 |     0.209 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_StdLooseDsplus2KKPi_Particles   |     0.277 |     0.324 |    0.065      13.3     0.69 |     974 |     0.316 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DsForB2fourbody                               |     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.005       0.1     0.03 |     136 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LcForB2fourbody                          |     0.141 |     0.214 |    0.090      13.5     0.48 |     851 |     0.183 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_StdLooseLambdac2PKPi_Particles  |     0.174 |     0.255 |    0.085      13.5     0.53 |     974 |     0.249 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LcForB2fourbody                               |     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.012       0.1     0.02 |      92 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:PhForB2fourbody                          |     0.152 |     0.177 |    0.060      13.1     0.45 |     851 |     0.151 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_StdLooseDetachedPhi2KK_Particles|     0.154 |     0.223 |    0.054      13.0     0.48 |     974 |     0.218 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PhForB2fourbody                               |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |     151 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:JpForB2fourbody                          |     0.105 |     0.177 |    0.059      11.5     0.47 |     851 |     0.151 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_StdLooseDiMuon_Particles        |     0.270 |     0.258 |    0.053      15.7     0.81 |    1000 |     0.259 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               JpForB2fourbody                               |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.004       0.4     0.04 |     298 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DSForB2fourbody                          |     0.199 |     0.136 |    0.071      13.5     0.46 |     851 |     0.116 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_StdLooseDstarWithD02KPi_Particle|     0.184 |     0.184 |    0.066      13.5     0.48 |     974 |     0.180 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DSForB2fourbody                               |     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.006       0.1     0.03 |      16 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             InputForB2fourbody                              |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     732 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            preselForB2fourbody                              |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     732 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2fourbodyLine                                   |    11.000 |    10.817 |    8.361      19.3     2.19 |     160 |     1.731 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KsForB2fourbody                               |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.003       0.5     0.04 |     562 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LmForB2fourbody                          |     0.740 |     0.757 |    0.212      26.9     0.94 |     851 |     0.645 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:MergedLmForLmForB2fourbody             |     0.728 |     0.733 |    0.208      26.9     0.94 |     851 |     0.624 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:MergedLmForLmForB2fourbody      |     0.681 |     0.699 |    0.205      26.9     0.93 |     851 |     0.595 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Phys_StdLooseLambdaDD_Particles       |     0.369 |     0.419 |    0.002      16.1     0.56 |     974 |     0.409 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  SelFilterPhys_StdLooseLambdaDD_Particles   |     0.523 |     0.573 |    0.102      16.1     0.64 |     974 |     0.558 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Phys_StdLooseLambdaLL_Particles       |     0.205 |     0.184 |    0.002      10.8     0.35 |     974 |     0.180 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  SelFilterPhys_StdLooseLambdaLL_Particles   |     0.236 |     0.236 |    0.078      10.8     0.37 |     974 |     0.230 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MergedLmForLmForB2fourbody                   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     440 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LmForB2fourbody                               |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.003       0.6     0.04 |     440 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DzForB2fourbody                          |     0.176 |     0.178 |    0.070      12.6     0.44 |     851 |     0.152 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_StdLooseD02KPi_Particles        |     0.164 |     0.141 |    0.005      11.9     0.39 |     974 |     0.138 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DzForB2fourbody                               |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.003       0.6     0.04 |     188 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DpForB2fourbody                          |     0.270 |     0.245 |    0.065      11.3     0.46 |     851 |     0.209 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_StdLooseDplus2KPiPi_Particles   |     0.379 |     0.311 |    0.060      11.3     0.54 |     974 |     0.303 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DpForB2fourbody                               |     0.063 |     0.057 |    0.004       3.9     0.31 |     157 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DsForB2fourbody                          |     0.188 |     0.215 |    0.063       9.3     0.39 |     851 |     0.183 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_StdLooseDsplus2KKPi_Particles   |     0.246 |     0.292 |    0.060      10.1     0.59 |     974 |     0.285 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DsForB2fourbody                               |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.005       0.2     0.03 |     136 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LcForB2fourbody                          |     0.176 |     0.184 |    0.078       8.8     0.33 |     851 |     0.157 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_StdLooseLambdac2PKPi_Particles  |     0.225 |     0.222 |    0.074       8.7     0.39 |     974 |     0.217 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LcForB2fourbody                               |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |      92 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:PhForB2fourbody                          |     0.094 |     0.150 |    0.052      11.2     0.38 |     851 |     0.128 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_StdLooseDetachedPhi2KK_Particles|     0.123 |     0.191 |    0.048      11.1     0.40 |     974 |     0.186 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PhForB2fourbody                               |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |     151 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:JpForB2fourbody                          |     0.176 |     0.140 |    0.051       9.4     0.33 |     851 |     0.120 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_StdLooseDiMuon_Particles        |     0.280 |     0.206 |    0.047       9.4     0.58 |    1000 |     0.207 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               JpForB2fourbody                               |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.004       0.4     0.03 |     298 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DSForB2fourbody                          |     0.070 |     0.113 |    0.064      10.2     0.35 |     851 |     0.096 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_StdLooseDstarWithD02KPi_Particle|     0.092 |     0.156 |    0.060      10.1     0.37 |     974 |     0.153 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DSForB2fourbody                               |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.006       0.1     0.03 |      16 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             InputForB2fourbody                              |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.7     0.05 |     732 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            preselForB2fourbody                              |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     732 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2fourbodyLine                                   |    10.250 |     9.642 |    8.434      18.9     1.48 |     160 |     1.543 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2fourbodyLinePostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingPPMuMuHcLine                              |     0.640 |     0.664 |    0.020      19.6     0.77 |    1000 |     0.665 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPPMuMuHcLinePreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPPMuMuHcLineFilterSequence               |     0.610 |     0.623 |    0.001      19.5     0.76 |    1000 |     0.623 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdAllLooseANNProtons_Particles    |     0.472 |     0.458 |    0.042      19.4     0.68 |     974 |     0.447 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PPMuMuSelHcProtons                               |     0.000 |     0.045 |    0.005       4.6     0.21 |     969 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PPMuMuHcSelMuons                                 |     0.031 |     0.017 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     641 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PPMuMuHcLine                                     |     0.062 |     0.093 |    0.045       1.6     0.14 |     321 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingPPMuMuHcLine                              |     0.520 |     0.541 |    0.018      17.4     0.62 |    1000 |     0.541 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPPMuMuHcLinePreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPPMuMuHcLineFilterSequence               |     0.490 |     0.509 |    0.001      17.3     0.62 |    1000 |     0.509 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdAllLooseANNProtons_Particles    |     0.338 |     0.380 |    0.037      17.2     0.58 |     974 |     0.371 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PPMuMuSelHcProtons                               |     0.041 |     0.030 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |     969 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PPMuMuHcSelMuons                                 |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.002       0.1     0.01 |     641 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PPMuMuHcLine                                     |     0.124 |     0.075 |    0.043       2.0     0.12 |     321 |     0.024 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPPMuMuHcLinePostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingPPMuMuHighLine                            |     0.090 |     0.116 |    0.017       1.8     0.10 |    1000 |     0.116 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingPPMuMuHighLine                            |     0.080 |     0.103 |    0.017       4.9     0.17 |    1000 |     0.103 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPPMuMuHighLinePreScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPPMuMuHighLineFilterSequence             |     0.060 |     0.081 |    0.002       1.8     0.09 |    1000 |     0.081 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PPMuMuSelHighProtons                             |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.003       0.2     0.02 |     969 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PPMuMuHighSelMuons                               |     0.026 |     0.013 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     372 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PPMuMuHighLine                                   |     0.111 |     0.073 |    0.041       1.4     0.15 |      90 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPPMuMuHighLinePostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingPPMuMuDetachedLine                        |     0.140 |     0.144 |    0.018       1.0     0.10 |    1000 |     0.144 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPPMuMuDetachedLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPPMuMuDetachedLineFilterSequence         |     0.130 |     0.109 |    0.002       0.9     0.10 |    1000 |     0.110 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PPMuMuSelDetachedProtons                         |     0.061 |     0.029 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |     969 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PPMuMuDetachedSelMuons                           |     0.021 |     0.015 |    0.002       0.1     0.01 |     470 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PPMuMuDetachedLine                               |     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.040       0.1     0.02 |     212 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPPMuMuHighLineFilterSequence             |     0.040 |     0.070 |    0.002       1.4     0.08 |    1000 |     0.071 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PPMuMuSelHighProtons                             |     0.010 |     0.018 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     969 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PPMuMuHighSelMuons                               |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     372 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PPMuMuHighLine                                   |     0.000 |     0.065 |    0.038       1.1     0.11 |      90 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPPMuMuHighLinePostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingPPMuMuDetachedLine                        |     0.160 |     0.121 |    0.016       0.9     0.08 |    1000 |     0.121 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPPMuMuDetachedLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPPMuMuDetachedLineFilterSequence         |     0.120 |     0.094 |    0.001       0.9     0.08 |    1000 |     0.094 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PPMuMuSelDetachedProtons                         |     0.051 |     0.025 |    0.003       0.2     0.02 |     969 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PPMuMuDetachedSelMuons                           |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     470 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PPMuMuDetachedLine                               |     0.047 |     0.054 |    0.037       0.1     0.01 |     212 |     0.012 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPPMuMuDetachedLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusMergedLine                  |     2.410 |     2.834 |    0.085    2209.1    69.86 |    1000 |     2.835 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusMergedLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusMergedLineHlt1Filter       |     0.530 |     0.959 |    0.014     869.5    27.49 |    1000 |     0.960 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusMergedLineHlt2Filter       |     1.853 |     1.891 |    0.195    1339.4    46.77 |     820 |     1.551 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusMergedLineFilterSequence   |     1.049 |     0.912 |    0.010      42.7     3.34 |     305 |     0.278 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusMergedLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     305 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdAllNoPIDsPions_Particles        |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            longTracksForBu2rho0rhoPlus                      |     0.232 |     0.239 |    0.053       1.5     0.14 |     301 |     0.072 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            rho0ForBu2rho0rhoPlusMerged                      |     2.500 |     2.017 |    0.044       9.3     1.95 |      72 |     0.145 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            rhoPForBu2rho0rhoPlusMerged                      |     0.000 |     0.114 |    0.054       2.4     0.29 |      66 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2rho0rhoPlusMergedLine                         |     0.250 |     0.554 |    0.047       5.3     0.92 |      40 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2rho0rhoPlusMergedLine            |     3.333 |     0.593 |    0.377       0.7     0.19 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2rho0rhoPlusMergedLine            |     0.000 |     0.509 |    0.255       0.7     0.23 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bu2rho0rhoPlusMergedLine            |     0.000 |     0.464 |    0.321       0.6     0.13 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bu2rho0rhoPlusMergedLine            |    20.000 |    17.928 |    5.769      30.1    12.15 |       3 |     0.054 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusMergedLine                  |     1.980 |     2.743 |    0.067    2191.5    69.31 |    1000 |     2.743 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusMergedLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusMergedLineHlt1Filter       |     0.440 |     1.060 |    0.013     988.9    31.27 |    1000 |     1.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusMergedLineHlt2Filter       |     1.609 |     1.698 |    0.179    1202.5    41.99 |     820 |     1.393 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusMergedLineFilterSequence   |     0.622 |     0.832 |    0.009      42.1     3.20 |     305 |     0.254 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusMergedLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     305 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdAllNoPIDsPions_Particles        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            longTracksForBu2rho0rhoPlus                      |     0.166 |     0.196 |    0.046       1.0     0.10 |     301 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            rho0ForBu2rho0rhoPlusMerged                      |     1.111 |     1.813 |    0.047       7.9     1.67 |      72 |     0.131 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            rhoPForBu2rho0rhoPlusMerged                      |     0.000 |     0.093 |    0.048       1.8     0.21 |      66 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2rho0rhoPlusMergedLine                         |     0.750 |     0.517 |    0.042       5.6     0.91 |      40 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2rho0rhoPlusMergedLine            |     0.000 |     0.539 |    0.378       0.6     0.14 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2rho0rhoPlusMergedLine            |     0.000 |     0.449 |    0.251       0.6     0.17 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bu2rho0rhoPlusMergedLine            |     0.000 |     0.448 |    0.261       0.6     0.16 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bu2rho0rhoPlusMergedLine            |    20.000 |    17.948 |    5.789      30.0    12.11 |       3 |     0.054 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusMergedLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusResolvedLine                |     1.630 |     1.629 |    0.022     186.5     8.06 |    1000 |     1.629 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusResolvedLinePreScaler      |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusResolvedLineHlt1Filter     |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusResolvedLineHlt2Filter     |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusResolvedLineFilterSequence |     5.114 |     5.163 |    0.009     186.4    13.94 |     305 |     1.575 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusResolvedLineVOIDFilter    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.2     0.01 |     305 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            rho0ForBu2rho0rhoPlusResolved                    |     1.627 |     1.680 |    0.035      17.9     2.02 |     301 |     0.506 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            rhoPForBu2rho0rhoPlusResolved                    |     0.323 |     0.358 |    0.089       2.0     0.25 |     278 |     0.100 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2rho0rhoPlusResolvedLine                       |     1.604 |     1.582 |    0.047     103.9     7.52 |     268 |     0.424 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2rho0rhoPlusResolvedLine          |     0.000 |     1.438 |    0.268       5.9     2.02 |       7 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2rho0rhoPlusResolvedLine          |     1.428 |     1.286 |    0.174       5.6     1.95 |       7 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bu2rho0rhoPlusResolvedLine          |     4.285 |     1.238 |    0.166       5.4     1.90 |       7 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bu2rho0rhoPlusResolvedLine          |    22.857 |    25.792 |    1.715     123.7    43.57 |       7 |     0.181 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusResolvedLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusUpMergedLine                |     0.450 |     0.418 |    0.019      36.7     1.97 |    1000 |     0.419 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusResolvedLine                |     1.380 |     1.339 |    0.020     123.6     5.54 |    1000 |     1.340 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusResolvedLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusResolvedLineHlt1Filter     |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusResolvedLineHlt2Filter     |     0.012 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusResolvedLineFilterSequence |     4.393 |     4.257 |    0.007     123.5     9.38 |     305 |     1.299 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusResolvedLineVOIDFilter    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.2     0.01 |     305 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            rho0ForBu2rho0rhoPlusResolved                    |     1.627 |     1.451 |    0.037       8.8     1.55 |     301 |     0.437 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            rhoPForBu2rho0rhoPlusResolved                    |     0.215 |     0.293 |    0.089       1.9     0.20 |     278 |     0.081 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2rho0rhoPlusResolvedLine                       |     1.380 |     1.244 |    0.044      54.0     4.66 |     268 |     0.334 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2rho0rhoPlusResolvedLine          |     1.428 |     1.141 |    0.243       3.8     1.27 |       7 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2rho0rhoPlusResolvedLine          |     0.000 |     1.004 |    0.156       3.6     1.24 |       7 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bu2rho0rhoPlusResolvedLine          |     1.428 |     0.957 |    0.168       3.5     1.18 |       7 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bu2rho0rhoPlusResolvedLine          |    22.857 |    21.021 |    1.639      89.7    30.89 |       7 |     0.147 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusResolvedLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusUpMergedLine                |     0.400 |     0.382 |    0.018      35.2     1.88 |    1000 |     0.383 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusUpMergedLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusUpMergedLineHlt1Filter     |     0.030 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusUpMergedLineHlt2Filter     |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusUpMergedLineFilterSequence |     1.311 |     1.208 |    0.009      36.6     3.40 |     305 |     0.369 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusUpMergedLineVOIDFilter    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     305 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdNoPIDsUpPions_Particles         |     0.667 |     0.708 |    0.058      15.8     0.87 |     974 |     0.690 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            upAndLongTracksForBu2rho0rhoPlus                 |     0.266 |     0.293 |    0.063       1.5     0.20 |     300 |     0.088 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            rho0ForBu2rho0rhoPlusUpMerged                    |     3.750 |     3.349 |    0.052      18.9     3.46 |      72 |     0.241 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            rhoPForBu2rho0rhoPlusUpMerged                    |     0.000 |     0.125 |    0.061       1.9     0.23 |      64 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2rho0rhoPlusUpMergedLine                       |     0.169 |     0.395 |    0.048       2.6     0.57 |      59 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2rho0rhoPlusUpMergedLine          |     0.000 |     0.965 |    0.965       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2rho0rhoPlusUpMergedLine          |     0.000 |     0.668 |    0.668       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bu2rho0rhoPlusUpMergedLine          |     0.000 |     0.669 |    0.669       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bu2rho0rhoPlusUpMergedLine          |    20.000 |    16.774 |   16.774      16.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusUpMergedLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusUpResolvedLine              |     1.630 |     1.661 |    0.020     148.2     6.15 |    1000 |     1.661 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusUpResolvedLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusUpResolvedLineHlt1Filter   |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusUpResolvedLineHlt2Filter   |     0.012 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusUpResolvedLineFilterSequenc|     5.114 |     5.264 |    0.008     148.1    10.19 |     305 |     1.606 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusUpResolvedLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     305 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            rho0ForBu2rho0rhoPlusUpResolved                  |     2.400 |     2.664 |    0.038      31.3     3.38 |     300 |     0.799 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            rhoPForBu2rho0rhoPlusUpResolved                  |     0.536 |     0.456 |    0.094       3.4     0.37 |     261 |     0.119 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2rho0rhoPlusUpResolvedLine                     |     0.677 |     0.694 |    0.047      31.4     2.29 |     251 |     0.174 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2rho0rhoPlusUpResolvedLine        |     0.000 |     1.173 |    0.460       2.4     1.05 |       3 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2rho0rhoPlusUpResolvedLine        |     3.333 |     1.073 |    0.353       2.4     1.15 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bu2rho0rhoPlusUpResolvedLine        |     0.000 |     1.020 |    0.351       2.3     1.08 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bu2rho0rhoPlusUpResolvedLine        |    46.666 |    46.657 |    3.048     130.2    72.34 |       3 |     0.140 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusUpResolvedLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KShh_DD_Run2_SS_Line                    |     0.800 |     0.769 |    0.020      73.5     3.88 |    1000 |     0.769 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusUpMergedLineHlt1Filter     |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusUpMergedLineHlt2Filter     |     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusUpMergedLineFilterSequence |     1.213 |     1.129 |    0.007      35.1     3.26 |     305 |     0.345 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusUpMergedLineVOIDFilter    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     305 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdNoPIDsUpPions_Particles         |     0.574 |     0.639 |    0.033      11.0     0.71 |     974 |     0.622 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            upAndLongTracksForBu2rho0rhoPlus                 |     0.400 |     0.251 |    0.059       1.5     0.16 |     300 |     0.075 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            rho0ForBu2rho0rhoPlusUpMerged                    |     3.472 |     3.218 |    0.038      17.2     3.40 |      72 |     0.232 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            rhoPForBu2rho0rhoPlusUpMerged                    |     0.156 |     0.102 |    0.053       1.6     0.19 |      64 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2rho0rhoPlusUpMergedLine                       |     0.338 |     0.348 |    0.043       2.3     0.49 |      59 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2rho0rhoPlusUpMergedLine          |     0.000 |     0.845 |    0.845       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2rho0rhoPlusUpMergedLine          |     0.000 |     0.675 |    0.675       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bu2rho0rhoPlusUpMergedLine          |     0.000 |     0.683 |    0.683       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bu2rho0rhoPlusUpMergedLine          |    10.000 |    16.044 |   16.044      16.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusUpMergedLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusUpResolvedLine              |     1.590 |     1.496 |    0.018     134.8     5.40 |    1000 |     1.497 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusUpResolvedLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusUpResolvedLineHlt1Filter   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusUpResolvedLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusUpResolvedLineFilterSequenc|     5.081 |     4.782 |    0.007     134.7     8.92 |     305 |     1.459 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusUpResolvedLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     305 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            rho0ForBu2rho0rhoPlusUpResolved                  |     2.500 |     2.500 |    0.031      24.7     3.01 |     300 |     0.750 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            rhoPForBu2rho0rhoPlusUpResolved                  |     0.613 |     0.408 |    0.096       4.3     0.39 |     261 |     0.107 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2rho0rhoPlusUpResolvedLine                     |     0.677 |     0.622 |    0.046      18.3     1.64 |     251 |     0.156 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2rho0rhoPlusUpResolvedLine        |     3.333 |     1.167 |    0.502       2.5     1.15 |       3 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2rho0rhoPlusUpResolvedLine        |     0.000 |     0.980 |    0.316       2.3     1.15 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bu2rho0rhoPlusUpResolvedLine        |     0.000 |     0.979 |    0.286       2.3     1.16 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bu2rho0rhoPlusUpResolvedLine        |    40.000 |    41.335 |    3.002     116.5    65.14 |       3 |     0.124 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2rho0rhoPlusUpResolvedLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KShh_DD_Run2_SS_Line                    |     0.600 |     0.647 |    0.018      64.3     3.21 |    1000 |     0.647 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_DD_Run2_SS_LinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_DD_Run2_SS_LineHlt1Filter         |     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.7     0.02 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_DD_Run2_SS_LineHlt2Filter         |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.6     0.03 |     823 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_DD_Run2_SS_LineFilterSequence     |     2.338 |     2.199 |    0.011      73.3     6.54 |     325 |     0.715 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KShh_DD_Run2_SS_LineVOIDFilter        |     0.030 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     325 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KSforB2KShhDD                                    |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     203 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KShh_DD_Run2_SS_Line                           |     4.609 |     4.283 |    0.526      40.1     5.60 |     128 |     0.548 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2KShh_DD_Run2_SS_Line              |     2.000 |     2.344 |    0.422       6.0     2.43 |       5 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2KShh_DD_Run2_SS_Line              |     2.000 |     2.746 |    0.291       8.5     3.45 |       5 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2KShh_DD_Run2_SS_Line              |     2.000 |     2.329 |    0.240       7.2     2.91 |       5 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2KShh_DD_Run2_SS_Line              |     2.000 |     2.358 |    0.266       7.3     2.96 |       5 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2KShh_DD_Run2_SS_Line              |     6.000 |     6.311 |    1.516      16.5     6.59 |       5 |     0.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_DD_Run2_SS_LinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KShh_LL_Run2_SS_Line                    |     0.440 |     0.372 |    0.020      19.6     1.49 |    1000 |     0.372 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_DD_Run2_SS_LineHlt1Filter         |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_DD_Run2_SS_LineHlt2Filter         |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.3     0.02 |     823 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_DD_Run2_SS_LineFilterSequence     |     1.723 |     1.865 |    0.010      64.2     5.42 |     325 |     0.606 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KShh_DD_Run2_SS_LineVOIDFilter        |     0.030 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     325 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KSforB2KShhDD                                    |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     203 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KShh_DD_Run2_SS_Line                           |     3.828 |     3.689 |    0.362      31.3     4.44 |     128 |     0.472 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2KShh_DD_Run2_SS_Line              |     0.000 |     2.165 |    0.199       6.2     2.50 |       5 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2KShh_DD_Run2_SS_Line              |     4.000 |     2.112 |    0.192       6.1     2.44 |       5 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2KShh_DD_Run2_SS_Line              |     2.000 |     2.109 |    0.153       6.2     2.51 |       5 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2KShh_DD_Run2_SS_Line              |     0.000 |     2.154 |    0.197       6.3     2.53 |       5 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2KShh_DD_Run2_SS_Line              |     4.000 |     5.290 |    1.340      13.2     5.34 |       5 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_DD_Run2_SS_LinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KShh_LL_Run2_SS_Line                    |     0.330 |     0.342 |    0.019      17.7     1.40 |    1000 |     0.342 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LL_Run2_SS_LinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LL_Run2_SS_LineHlt1Filter         |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LL_Run2_SS_LineHlt2Filter         |     0.036 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     823 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LL_Run2_SS_LineFilterSequence     |     1.138 |     0.992 |    0.008      19.4     2.47 |     325 |     0.323 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KShh_LL_Run2_SS_LineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     325 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KSforB2KShhLL                                    |     0.087 |     0.026 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     114 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KShh_LL_Run2_SS_Line                           |     4.177 |     3.679 |    0.305      18.8     3.59 |      79 |     0.291 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2KShh_LL_Run2_SS_Line              |     0.000 |     0.313 |    0.313       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2KShh_LL_Run2_SS_Line              |     0.000 |     0.177 |    0.177       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2KShh_LL_Run2_SS_Line              |     0.000 |     0.208 |    0.208       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2KShh_LL_Run2_SS_Line              |     0.000 |     0.199 |    0.199       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2KShh_LL_Run2_SS_Line              |     0.000 |     0.642 |    0.642       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LL_Run2_SS_LinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KShh_LD_Run2_SS_Line                    |     0.640 |     0.623 |    0.020      34.2     1.82 |    1000 |     0.623 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LD_Run2_SS_LinePreScaler          |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LD_Run2_SS_LineHlt1Filter         |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LD_Run2_SS_LineHlt2Filter         |     0.012 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     823 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LD_Run2_SS_LineFilterSequence     |     1.630 |     1.767 |    0.266      34.1     2.82 |     325 |     0.574 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KShh_LD_Run2_SS_LineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     325 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseKsLD_Particles             |     0.698 |     0.871 |    0.252      32.3     1.69 |     372 |     0.324 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KSforB2KShhLD                                    |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     233 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KShh_LD_Run2_SS_Line                           |     2.815 |     2.700 |    0.372      19.1     2.59 |     103 |     0.278 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LL_Run2_SS_LineHlt1Filter         |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LL_Run2_SS_LineHlt2Filter         |     0.012 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     823 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LL_Run2_SS_LineFilterSequence     |     0.892 |     0.935 |    0.007      17.6     2.33 |     325 |     0.304 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KShh_LL_Run2_SS_LineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     325 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KSforB2KShhLL                                    |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     114 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KShh_LL_Run2_SS_Line                           |     3.417 |     3.532 |    0.251      17.1     3.41 |      79 |     0.279 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2KShh_LL_Run2_SS_Line              |     0.000 |     0.183 |    0.183       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2KShh_LL_Run2_SS_Line              |     0.000 |     0.133 |    0.133       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2KShh_LL_Run2_SS_Line              |     0.000 |     0.140 |    0.140       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2KShh_LL_Run2_SS_Line              |     0.000 |     0.123 |    0.123       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2KShh_LL_Run2_SS_Line              |     0.000 |     0.563 |    0.563       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LL_Run2_SS_LinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KShh_LD_Run2_SS_Line                    |     0.530 |     0.538 |    0.018      19.6     1.47 |    1000 |     0.539 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LD_Run2_SS_LinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LD_Run2_SS_LineHlt1Filter         |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LD_Run2_SS_LineHlt2Filter         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     823 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LD_Run2_SS_LineFilterSequence     |     1.538 |     1.543 |    0.230      19.6     2.23 |     325 |     0.502 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KShh_LD_Run2_SS_LineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     325 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseKsLD_Particles             |     0.752 |     0.730 |    0.218      17.9     1.00 |     372 |     0.272 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KSforB2KShhLD                                    |     0.042 |     0.016 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     233 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KShh_LD_Run2_SS_Line                           |     2.524 |     2.484 |    0.351      17.1     2.33 |     103 |     0.256 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2KShh_LD_Run2_SS_Line              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2KShh_LD_Run2_SS_Line              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2KShh_LD_Run2_SS_Line              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2KShh_LD_Run2_SS_Line              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2KShh_LD_Run2_SS_Line              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LD_Run2_SS_LinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KShh_DD_Run2_OS_Line                    |     0.580 |     0.617 |    0.020      53.9     2.73 |    1000 |     0.617 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KShh_DD_Run2_OS_Line                    |     0.530 |     0.541 |    0.018      50.5     2.45 |    1000 |     0.541 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_DD_Run2_OS_LinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_DD_Run2_OS_LineHlt1Filter         |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_DD_Run2_OS_LineHlt2Filter         |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     823 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_DD_Run2_OS_LineFilterSequence     |     1.723 |     1.744 |    0.009      53.8     4.54 |     325 |     0.567 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KShh_DD_Run2_OS_LineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     325 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KShh_DD_Run2_OS_Line                           |     3.984 |     4.014 |    0.463      31.7     4.74 |     128 |     0.514 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2KShh_DD_Run2_OS_Line              |     2.000 |     1.413 |    0.236       4.3     1.69 |       5 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2KShh_DD_Run2_OS_Line              |     0.000 |     1.250 |    0.194       4.1     1.64 |       5 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2KShh_DD_Run2_OS_Line              |     0.000 |     1.262 |    0.164       4.3     1.72 |       5 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2KShh_DD_Run2_OS_Line              |     2.000 |     1.316 |    0.170       4.5     1.80 |       5 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2KShh_DD_Run2_OS_Line              |     4.000 |     2.557 |    0.485       6.0     2.26 |       5 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_DD_Run2_OS_LinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KShh_LL_Run2_OS_Line                    |     0.330 |     0.336 |    0.019      19.4     1.40 |    1000 |     0.337 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_DD_Run2_OS_LineHlt1Filter         |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_DD_Run2_OS_LineHlt2Filter         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     823 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_DD_Run2_OS_LineFilterSequence     |     1.600 |     1.548 |    0.009      50.4     4.11 |     325 |     0.503 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KShh_DD_Run2_OS_LineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     325 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KShh_DD_Run2_OS_Line                           |     3.671 |     3.522 |    0.367      29.9     4.12 |     128 |     0.451 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2KShh_DD_Run2_OS_Line              |     0.000 |     1.353 |    0.232       4.5     1.77 |       5 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2KShh_DD_Run2_OS_Line              |     2.000 |     1.292 |    0.239       4.3     1.72 |       5 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2KShh_DD_Run2_OS_Line              |     0.000 |     1.259 |    0.190       4.3     1.70 |       5 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2KShh_DD_Run2_OS_Line              |     2.000 |     1.285 |    0.222       4.4     1.75 |       5 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2KShh_DD_Run2_OS_Line              |     4.000 |     2.396 |    0.495       5.8     2.18 |       5 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_DD_Run2_OS_LinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KShh_LL_Run2_OS_Line                    |     0.360 |     0.306 |    0.018      17.9     1.29 |    1000 |     0.306 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LL_Run2_OS_LinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LL_Run2_OS_LineHlt1Filter         |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LL_Run2_OS_LineHlt2Filter         |     0.012 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     823 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LL_Run2_OS_LineFilterSequence     |     0.923 |     0.890 |    0.008      19.3     2.34 |     325 |     0.289 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KShh_LL_Run2_OS_LineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     325 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KShh_LL_Run2_OS_Line                           |     3.670 |     3.546 |    0.364      19.1     3.54 |      79 |     0.280 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LL_Run2_OS_LineHlt1Filter         |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LL_Run2_OS_LineHlt2Filter         |     0.012 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     823 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LL_Run2_OS_LineFilterSequence     |     1.046 |     0.824 |    0.007      17.9     2.14 |     325 |     0.268 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KShh_LL_Run2_OS_LineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     325 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KShh_LL_Run2_OS_Line                           |     4.177 |     3.302 |    0.319      17.8     3.21 |      79 |     0.261 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2KShh_LL_Run2_OS_Line              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2KShh_LL_Run2_OS_Line              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2KShh_LL_Run2_OS_Line              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2KShh_LL_Run2_OS_Line              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2KShh_LL_Run2_OS_Line              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LL_Run2_OS_LinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KShh_LD_Run2_OS_Line                    |     0.280 |     0.343 |    0.021      18.9     1.22 |    1000 |     0.344 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LD_Run2_OS_LinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LD_Run2_OS_LineHlt1Filter         |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LD_Run2_OS_LineHlt2Filter         |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     823 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LD_Run2_OS_LineFilterSequence     |     0.769 |     0.915 |    0.007      18.8     1.98 |     325 |     0.297 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KShh_LD_Run2_OS_LineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     325 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KShh_LD_Run2_OS_Line                           |     2.330 |     2.777 |    0.357      18.6     2.61 |     103 |     0.286 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2KShh_LD_Run2_OS_Line              |     0.000 |     0.281 |    0.281       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2KShh_LD_Run2_OS_Line              |     0.000 |     0.151 |    0.151       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2KShh_LD_Run2_OS_Line              |     0.000 |     0.299 |    0.299       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2KShh_LD_Run2_OS_Line              |     0.000 |     0.158 |    0.158       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2KShh_LD_Run2_OS_Line              |     0.000 |     0.436 |    0.436       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KShh_LD_Run2_OS_Line                    |     0.380 |     0.301 |    0.018      17.2     1.09 |    1000 |     0.302 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LD_Run2_OS_LinePreScaler          |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LD_Run2_OS_LineHlt1Filter         |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LD_Run2_OS_LineHlt2Filter         |     0.012 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     823 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LD_Run2_OS_LineFilterSequence     |     1.015 |     0.820 |    0.007      17.1     1.78 |     325 |     0.267 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KShh_LD_Run2_OS_LineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     325 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KShh_LD_Run2_OS_Line                           |     3.106 |     2.494 |    0.265      17.0     2.34 |     103 |     0.257 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2KShh_LD_Run2_OS_Line              |     0.000 |     0.267 |    0.267       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2KShh_LD_Run2_OS_Line              |     0.000 |     0.227 |    0.227       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2KShh_LD_Run2_OS_Line              |     0.000 |     0.219 |    0.219       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2KShh_LD_Run2_OS_Line              |     0.000 |     0.186 |    0.186       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2KShh_LD_Run2_OS_Line              |     0.000 |     0.599 |    0.599       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShh_LD_Run2_OS_LinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KstTauTau_TauTau_Line                   |     0.220 |     0.147 |    0.027       2.6     0.35 |    1000 |     0.148 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KstTauTau_TauTau_Line                   |     0.050 |     0.118 |    0.024       2.1     0.28 |    1000 |     0.119 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KstTauTau_TauTau_LinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KstTauTau_TauTau_LineFilterSequence    |     0.160 |     0.115 |    0.007       2.5     0.35 |    1000 |     0.116 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KstTauTau_TauTau_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdNoPIDsKaons_Particles           |     0.451 |     0.483 |    0.048      20.7     0.71 |     974 |     0.471 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KstarB2KstTauTau                                 |     0.309 |     0.199 |    0.073       0.8     0.11 |      97 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KstTauTau_TauTau_Line                          |     0.000 |     0.102 |    0.045       1.6     0.21 |      56 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KstTauTau_TauTau_LineFilterSequence    |     0.050 |     0.094 |    0.006       2.1     0.28 |    1000 |     0.094 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KstTauTau_TauTau_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdNoPIDsKaons_Particles           |     0.420 |     0.412 |    0.037      13.4     0.48 |     974 |     0.401 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KstarB2KstTauTau                                 |     0.206 |     0.155 |    0.074       0.7     0.08 |      97 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KstTauTau_TauTau_Line                          |     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.041       1.3     0.17 |      56 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2KstTauTau_TauTau_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2KstTauTau_TauTau_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2KstTauTau_TauTau_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2KstTauTau_TauTau_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2KstTauTau_TauTau_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KstTauTau_TauTau_LinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KstTauTau_TauMu_Line                    |     0.080 |     0.063 |    0.026       1.8     0.10 |    1000 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KstTauTau_TauMu_Line                    |     0.080 |     0.049 |    0.022       1.4     0.08 |    1000 |     0.050 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KstTauTau_TauMu_LinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KstTauTau_TauMu_LineFilterSequence     |     0.050 |     0.033 |    0.007       1.7     0.09 |    1000 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KstTauTau_TauMu_LineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdTightMuons_Particles            |     0.236 |     0.235 |    0.042      18.5     0.62 |     974 |     0.229 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuonsForB2KstTauTau                              |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      78 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KstTauTau_TauMu_Line                           |     0.000 |     0.188 |    0.067       1.5     0.32 |      19 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KstTauTau_TauMu_LineFilterSequence     |     0.060 |     0.026 |    0.006       1.4     0.07 |    1000 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KstTauTau_TauMu_LineVOIDFilter        |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdTightMuons_Particles            |     0.195 |     0.198 |    0.036      15.9     0.55 |     974 |     0.193 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuonsForB2KstTauTau                              |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      78 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KstTauTau_TauMu_Line                           |     0.000 |     0.146 |    0.059       1.2     0.25 |      19 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_Line              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_Line              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_Line              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -126667,58 +126927,58 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo14_B2KstTauTau_TauMu
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo15_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo16_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KstTauTau_TauMu_LinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KstTauTau_MuMu_Line                     |     0.510 |     0.562 |    0.024      69.7     2.58 |    1000 |     0.562 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KstTauTau_MuMu_Line                     |     0.480 |     0.470 |    0.021      45.3     1.78 |    1000 |     0.470 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KstTauTau_MuMu_LinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KstTauTau_MuMu_LineFilterSequence      |     0.450 |     0.525 |    0.006      69.6     2.58 |    1000 |     0.525 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KstTauTau_MuMu_LineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuonsKMMForB2KstTauTau                           |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     595 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Kstar_KMMB2KstTauTau                             |     0.289 |     0.220 |    0.100       1.1     0.10 |     276 |     0.061 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KstTauTau_MuMu_Line                            |     0.204 |     0.097 |    0.042       1.5     0.20 |      49 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2KstTauTau_MuMu_Line               |    30.000 |    37.665 |   37.665      37.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2KstTauTau_MuMu_Line               |    10.000 |    10.075 |   10.075      10.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2KstTauTau_MuMu_Line               |    20.000 |    17.311 |   17.311      17.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2KstTauTau_MuMu_Line               |     0.000 |     0.179 |    0.179       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2KstTauTau_MuMu_Line               |     0.000 |     0.903 |    0.903       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2KstTauTau_MuMu_Line               |     0.000 |     1.319 |    1.319       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KstTauTau_MuMu_LinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KstTauTau_TauTau_SameSign_Line          |     0.030 |     0.050 |    0.025       0.9     0.04 |    1000 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KstTauTau_MuMu_LineFilterSequence      |     0.470 |     0.440 |    0.005      45.2     1.77 |    1000 |     0.441 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KstTauTau_MuMu_LineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuonsKMMForB2KstTauTau                           |     0.016 |     0.015 |    0.003       0.3     0.02 |     595 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Kstar_KMMB2KstTauTau                             |     0.181 |     0.198 |    0.093       0.9     0.11 |     276 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KstTauTau_MuMu_Line                            |     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.040       1.2     0.17 |      49 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2KstTauTau_MuMu_Line               |    10.000 |    21.756 |   21.756      21.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2KstTauTau_MuMu_Line               |    10.000 |     8.531 |    8.531       8.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2KstTauTau_MuMu_Line               |    10.000 |    11.876 |   11.876      11.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2KstTauTau_MuMu_Line               |     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.062       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2KstTauTau_MuMu_Line               |    10.000 |     0.707 |    0.707       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2KstTauTau_MuMu_Line               |     0.000 |     0.937 |    0.937       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KstTauTau_MuMu_LinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KstTauTau_TauTau_SameSign_Line          |     0.030 |     0.042 |    0.022       0.7     0.04 |    1000 |     0.042 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KstTauTau_TauTau_SameSign_LinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KstTauTau_TauTau_SameSign_LineFilterSeq|     0.020 |     0.018 |    0.007       0.9     0.04 |    1000 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KstTauTau_TauTau_SameSign_LineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KstTauTau_TauTau_SameSign_Line                 |     0.000 |     0.083 |    0.045       0.8     0.10 |      56 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KstTauTau_TauTau_SameSign_LineFilterSeq|     0.010 |     0.015 |    0.006       0.7     0.03 |    1000 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KstTauTau_TauTau_SameSign_LineVOIDFilt|     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KstTauTau_TauTau_SameSign_Line                 |     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.042       0.7     0.08 |      56 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2KstTauTau_TauTau_SameSign_Line    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2KstTauTau_TauTau_SameSign_Line    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2KstTauTau_TauTau_SameSign_Line    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2KstTauTau_TauTau_SameSign_Line    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2KstTauTau_TauTau_SameSign_Line    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KstTauTau_TauTau_SameSign_LinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line           |     0.100 |     0.107 |    0.014      70.4     2.23 |    1000 |     0.107 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_LinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_LineFilterSequ|     0.135 |     0.151 |    0.007      70.4     3.10 |     516 |     0.078 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_LineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     516 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line                  |     0.000 |     0.138 |    0.051       0.7     0.17 |      13 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line     |    10.000 |     5.943 |    5.943       5.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line     |    10.000 |     9.526 |    9.526       9.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line     |    20.000 |    23.385 |   23.385      23.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line     |     0.000 |     0.098 |    0.098       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line     |     0.000 |     0.898 |    0.898       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line     |     0.000 |     1.124 |    1.124       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line     |     0.000 |     1.191 |    1.191       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line     |     0.000 |     0.847 |    0.847       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line     |    30.000 |    24.816 |   24.816      24.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line    |     0.000 |     0.424 |    0.424       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line    |     0.000 |     0.160 |    0.160       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line           |     0.070 |     0.090 |    0.013      60.8     1.92 |    1000 |     0.090 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_LinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_LineFilterSequ|     0.135 |     0.130 |    0.006      60.8     2.68 |     516 |     0.067 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_LineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     516 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line                  |     0.000 |     0.122 |    0.050       0.6     0.15 |      13 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line     |     0.000 |     4.504 |    4.504       4.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line     |    10.000 |     8.199 |    8.199       8.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line     |    20.000 |    18.982 |   18.982      19.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line     |     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.071       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line     |     0.000 |     0.808 |    0.808       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line     |     0.000 |     1.081 |    1.081       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line     |     0.000 |     1.114 |    1.114       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line     |     0.000 |     0.794 |    0.794       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line     |    30.000 |    22.993 |   22.993      23.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line    |     0.000 |     0.332 |    0.332       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line    |     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.108       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line    |     0.000 |     0.087 |    0.087       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo13_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line    |     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.084       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo14_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line    |     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.094       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo15_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line    |     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.071       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo16_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line    |     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.057       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_LinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KstTauTau_MuMu_SameSign_Line            |     0.030 |     0.048 |    0.025       1.5     0.05 |    1000 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo13_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line    |     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.094       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo14_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line    |     0.000 |     0.077 |    0.077       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo15_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line    |     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.057       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo16_B2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_Line    |     0.000 |     0.073 |    0.073       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KstTauTau_TauMu_SameSign_LinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KstTauTau_MuMu_SameSign_Line            |     0.060 |     0.038 |    0.022       1.3     0.05 |    1000 |     0.039 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KstTauTau_MuMu_SameSign_LinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KstTauTau_MuMu_SameSign_LineFilterSeque|     0.010 |     0.018 |    0.007       1.5     0.05 |    1000 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KstTauTau_MuMu_SameSign_LineVOIDFilter|     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KstTauTau_MuMu_SameSign_Line                   |     0.000 |     0.093 |    0.045       1.5     0.20 |      49 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KstTauTau_MuMu_SameSign_LineFilterSeque|     0.020 |     0.014 |    0.006       1.3     0.05 |    1000 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KstTauTau_MuMu_SameSign_LineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KstTauTau_MuMu_SameSign_Line                   |     0.000 |     0.083 |    0.042       1.3     0.17 |      49 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2KstTauTau_MuMu_SameSign_Line      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2KstTauTau_MuMu_SameSign_Line      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2KstTauTau_MuMu_SameSign_Line      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -126726,14 +126986,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2KstTauTau_MuMu_S
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2KstTauTau_MuMu_SameSign_Line      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2KstTauTau_MuMu_SameSign_Line      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KstTauTau_MuMu_SameSign_LinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KstTauTau_DDSL_Line                     |     0.310 |     0.342 |    0.025       2.0     0.25 |    1000 |     0.343 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KstTauTau_DDSL_Line                     |     0.200 |     0.280 |    0.022       1.8     0.20 |    1000 |     0.281 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KstTauTau_DDSL_LinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KstTauTau_DDSL_LineFilterSequence      |     0.280 |     0.300 |    0.006       1.9     0.24 |    1000 |     0.300 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KstTauTau_DDSL_LineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsDForB2KstTauTau                             |     0.057 |     0.056 |    0.013       0.8     0.03 |     868 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsDForB2KstTauTau                             |     0.012 |     0.029 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |     783 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DForB2KstTauTau                                  |     0.068 |     0.093 |    0.047       1.2     0.06 |     730 |     0.068 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KstTauTau_DDSL_Line                            |     0.000 |     0.240 |    0.057       1.4     0.48 |       8 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KstTauTau_DDSL_LineFilterSequence      |     0.190 |     0.247 |    0.005       1.8     0.20 |    1000 |     0.248 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KstTauTau_DDSL_LineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsDForB2KstTauTau                             |     0.023 |     0.047 |    0.015       0.1     0.02 |     868 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsDForB2KstTauTau                             |     0.012 |     0.023 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     783 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DForB2KstTauTau                                  |     0.041 |     0.078 |    0.042       0.9     0.04 |     730 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KstTauTau_DDSL_Line                            |     0.000 |     0.222 |    0.055       1.3     0.43 |       8 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2KstTauTau_DDSL_Line               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2KstTauTau_DDSL_Line               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2KstTauTau_DDSL_Line               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -126741,114 +127001,114 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2KstTauTau_DDSL_L
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2KstTauTau_DDSL_Line               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2KstTauTau_DDSL_Line               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KstTauTau_DDSL_LinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KsthhLine                               |     0.570 |     0.507 |    0.022      27.3     1.59 |    1000 |     0.508 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KsthhLine                               |     0.410 |     0.453 |    0.019      27.9     1.54 |    1000 |     0.453 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KsthhLinePreScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KsthhLineHlt1Filter                    |     0.020 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KsthhLineHlt2Filter                    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KsthhLineFilterSequence                |     1.597 |     1.443 |    0.103      27.2     2.56 |     313 |     0.452 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KsthhLineVOIDFilter                   |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     313 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdVeryLooseDetachedKst2Kpi_Particl|     0.481 |     0.519 |    0.064      10.7     0.57 |     790 |     0.410 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KstforB2Ksthh                                    |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     263 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KsthhLine                                      |     1.216 |     0.968 |    0.069      25.2     2.40 |     263 |     0.255 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2KsthhLine                         |     5.000 |     0.651 |    0.374       0.9     0.39 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2KsthhLine                         |     0.000 |     0.521 |    0.270       0.8     0.35 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2KsthhLine                         |     0.000 |     0.565 |    0.361       0.8     0.29 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2KsthhLine                         |     0.000 |     0.378 |    0.177       0.6     0.28 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KsthhLinePostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2HHPi0_R                                 |     0.400 |     0.361 |    0.019      19.4     0.93 |    1000 |     0.362 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KsthhLineHlt1Filter                    |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KsthhLineHlt2Filter                    |     0.012 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KsthhLineFilterSequence                |     1.277 |     1.304 |    0.096      27.9     2.52 |     313 |     0.408 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KsthhLineVOIDFilter                   |     0.031 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     313 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdVeryLooseDetachedKst2Kpi_Particl|     0.379 |     0.433 |    0.055       8.1     0.44 |     790 |     0.342 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KstforB2Ksthh                                    |     0.038 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     263 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KsthhLine                                      |     0.836 |     0.936 |    0.062      26.0     2.45 |     263 |     0.246 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2KsthhLine                         |     0.000 |     0.411 |    0.323       0.5     0.12 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2KsthhLine                         |     0.000 |     0.364 |    0.252       0.5     0.16 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2KsthhLine                         |     0.000 |     0.324 |    0.221       0.4     0.15 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2KsthhLine                         |     0.000 |     0.236 |    0.120       0.4     0.16 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KsthhLinePostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2HHPi0_R                                 |     0.270 |     0.303 |    0.016      17.3     0.83 |    1000 |     0.303 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2HHPi0_RPreScaler                       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2HHPi0_RFilterSequence                  |     0.330 |     0.328 |    0.001      19.4     0.93 |    1000 |     0.329 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2HHPi0_R                                        |     0.221 |     0.212 |    0.071       1.9     0.13 |     950 |     0.202 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2HHPi0_RFilterSequence                  |     0.250 |     0.276 |    0.001      17.3     0.83 |    1000 |     0.277 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2HHPi0_R                                        |     0.136 |     0.180 |    0.058       3.8     0.19 |     950 |     0.171 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ExtraInfo_StrippingB2HHPi0_R                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2HHPi0_RPostScaler                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2HHPi0_M                                 |     0.130 |     0.091 |    0.018       1.3     0.12 |    1000 |     0.092 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2HHPi0_MPreScaler                       |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2HHPi0_MFilterSequence                  |     0.090 |     0.059 |    0.002       1.2     0.12 |    1000 |     0.059 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2HHPi0_M                                        |     0.304 |     0.188 |    0.084       1.2     0.13 |     230 |     0.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2HHPi0_M                                 |     0.150 |     0.074 |    0.016       1.1     0.09 |    1000 |     0.074 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2HHPi0_MPreScaler                       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2HHPi0_MFilterSequence                  |     0.110 |     0.047 |    0.001       1.1     0.09 |    1000 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2HHPi0_M                                        |     0.391 |     0.156 |    0.065       1.0     0.10 |     230 |     0.036 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ExtraInfo_StrippingB2HHPi0_M                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2HHPi0_MPostScaler                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2hhh_pipipi_exclLine                    |     1.430 |     1.366 |    0.026      17.5     1.83 |    1000 |     1.366 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2hhh_pipipi_exclLine                    |     1.130 |     1.222 |    0.023      18.0     1.63 |    1000 |     1.223 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2hhh_pipipi_exclLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2hhh_pipipi_exclLineFilterSequence     |     1.400 |     1.329 |    0.007      17.4     1.83 |    1000 |     1.330 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2hhh_pipipi_exclLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2hhh_pipipi_exclLine                           |     1.355 |     1.267 |    0.079      17.0     1.67 |     974 |     1.235 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2hhh_pipipi_exclLine              |     1.666 |     0.869 |    0.384       2.0     0.64 |       6 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2hhh_pipipi_exclLine              |     0.000 |     0.965 |    0.278       2.6     0.96 |       6 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2hhh_pipipi_exclLine              |     1.666 |     0.753 |    0.284       1.7     0.59 |       6 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2hhh_pipipi_exclLine              |     1.666 |     0.712 |    0.284       1.8     0.59 |       6 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2hhh_pipipi_exclLine              |     0.000 |     1.342 |    0.793       2.6     0.69 |       6 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bc2hhh_pipipi_exclLine              |     1.666 |     0.363 |    0.159       0.8     0.26 |       6 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bc2hhh_pipipi_exclLine              |     0.000 |     0.375 |    0.200       0.8     0.24 |       6 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bc2hhh_pipipi_exclLine              |     0.000 |     0.381 |    0.186       0.9     0.28 |       6 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bc2hhh_pipipi_exclLine              |     0.000 |     0.492 |    0.268       1.0     0.27 |       6 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2hhh_pipipi_exclLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2hhh_Kpipi_exclLine                     |     1.180 |     1.345 |    0.023      20.2     1.46 |    1000 |     1.345 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2hhh_Kpipi_exclLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2hhh_Kpipi_exclLineFilterSequence      |     1.160 |     1.305 |    0.007      20.2     1.45 |    1000 |     1.306 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2hhh_Kpipi_exclLineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdAllNoPIDsKaons_Particles        |     0.338 |     0.388 |    0.003       3.4     0.43 |     974 |     0.378 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2hhh_Kpipi_exclLine                            |     0.811 |     0.865 |    0.095      16.9     1.06 |     974 |     0.843 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2hhh_Kpipi_exclLine               |     2.000 |     0.637 |    0.361       1.5     0.47 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2hhh_Kpipi_exclLine               |     0.000 |     0.607 |    0.366       1.4     0.43 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2hhh_Kpipi_exclLine               |     0.000 |     0.594 |    0.352       1.4     0.45 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2hhh_Kpipi_exclLine               |     0.000 |     0.602 |    0.295       1.5     0.49 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2hhh_Kpipi_exclLine               |     0.000 |     0.481 |    0.207       1.0     0.35 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bc2hhh_Kpipi_exclLine               |     0.000 |     0.298 |    0.178       0.6     0.18 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bc2hhh_Kpipi_exclLine               |     0.000 |     0.311 |    0.180       0.7     0.21 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bc2hhh_Kpipi_exclLine               |     0.000 |     0.297 |    0.167       0.6     0.19 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bc2hhh_Kpipi_exclLine               |     0.000 |     0.448 |    0.213       0.8     0.22 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2hhh_Kpipi_exclLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2hhh_KKpi_exclLine                      |     0.680 |     0.557 |    0.023       7.1     0.49 |    1000 |     0.558 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2hhh_pipipi_exclLineFilterSequence     |     1.120 |     1.193 |    0.006      17.9     1.62 |    1000 |     1.193 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2hhh_pipipi_exclLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2hhh_pipipi_exclLine                           |     1.098 |     1.146 |    0.056      17.0     1.51 |     974 |     1.117 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2hhh_pipipi_exclLine              |     0.000 |     0.705 |    0.334       1.9     0.60 |       6 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2hhh_pipipi_exclLine              |     0.000 |     0.626 |    0.279       1.9     0.62 |       6 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2hhh_pipipi_exclLine              |     0.000 |     0.632 |    0.291       1.9     0.61 |       6 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2hhh_pipipi_exclLine              |     0.000 |     0.640 |    0.259       1.9     0.62 |       6 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2hhh_pipipi_exclLine              |     3.333 |     1.060 |    0.748       1.9     0.40 |       6 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bc2hhh_pipipi_exclLine              |     0.000 |     0.319 |    0.170       0.9     0.28 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bc2hhh_pipipi_exclLine              |     0.000 |     0.311 |    0.145       0.8     0.25 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bc2hhh_pipipi_exclLine              |     1.666 |     0.321 |    0.174       0.9     0.26 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bc2hhh_pipipi_exclLine              |     0.000 |     0.457 |    0.232       1.0     0.30 |       6 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2hhh_pipipi_exclLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2hhh_Kpipi_exclLine                     |     0.940 |     1.159 |    0.022      12.8     1.16 |    1000 |     1.159 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2hhh_Kpipi_exclLinePreScaler           |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2hhh_Kpipi_exclLineFilterSequence      |     0.910 |     1.128 |    0.006      12.7     1.16 |    1000 |     1.128 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2hhh_Kpipi_exclLineVOIDFilter         |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdAllNoPIDsKaons_Particles        |     0.246 |     0.328 |    0.003       2.1     0.34 |     974 |     0.319 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2hhh_Kpipi_exclLine                            |     0.605 |     0.760 |    0.070      10.8     0.85 |     974 |     0.740 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2hhh_Kpipi_exclLine               |     0.000 |     0.647 |    0.342       1.4     0.45 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2hhh_Kpipi_exclLine               |     6.000 |     0.606 |    0.282       1.5     0.49 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2hhh_Kpipi_exclLine               |     0.000 |     0.610 |    0.337       1.4     0.44 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2hhh_Kpipi_exclLine               |     0.000 |     0.635 |    0.345       1.5     0.48 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2hhh_Kpipi_exclLine               |     0.000 |     0.443 |    0.167       1.1     0.39 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bc2hhh_Kpipi_exclLine               |     0.000 |     0.279 |    0.145       0.6     0.20 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bc2hhh_Kpipi_exclLine               |     2.000 |     0.295 |    0.174       0.6     0.20 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bc2hhh_Kpipi_exclLine               |     0.000 |     0.280 |    0.166       0.6     0.18 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bc2hhh_Kpipi_exclLine               |     0.000 |     0.423 |    0.223       0.8     0.23 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2hhh_Kpipi_exclLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2hhh_KKpi_exclLine                      |     0.340 |     0.483 |    0.022       6.9     0.41 |    1000 |     0.484 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2hhh_KKpi_exclLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2hhh_KKpi_exclLineFilterSequence       |     0.650 |     0.522 |    0.006       7.1     0.48 |    1000 |     0.523 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2hhh_KKpi_exclLineVOIDFilter          |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2hhh_KKpi_exclLine                             |     0.574 |     0.473 |    0.069       4.6     0.39 |     974 |     0.462 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2hhh_KKpi_exclLine                |     0.000 |     0.754 |    0.583       0.9     0.24 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2hhh_KKpi_exclLine                |     0.000 |     0.642 |    0.430       0.9     0.30 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2hhh_KKpi_exclLine                |     5.000 |     0.607 |    0.377       0.8     0.33 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2hhh_KKpi_exclLine                |     0.000 |     0.659 |    0.438       0.9     0.31 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2hhh_KKpi_exclLine                |     0.000 |     0.718 |    0.412       1.0     0.43 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bc2hhh_KKpi_exclLine                |     0.000 |     0.343 |    0.317       0.4     0.04 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bc2hhh_KKpi_exclLine                |     0.000 |     0.332 |    0.252       0.4     0.11 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bc2hhh_KKpi_exclLine                |     0.000 |     0.390 |    0.347       0.4     0.06 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bc2hhh_KKpi_exclLine                |     0.000 |     0.725 |    0.672       0.8     0.08 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2hhh_KKpi_exclLineFilterSequence       |     0.310 |     0.454 |    0.006       6.9     0.41 |    1000 |     0.455 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2hhh_KKpi_exclLineVOIDFilter          |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2hhh_KKpi_exclLine                             |     0.266 |     0.413 |    0.066       4.1     0.32 |     974 |     0.403 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2hhh_KKpi_exclLine                |     0.000 |     0.651 |    0.421       0.9     0.33 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2hhh_KKpi_exclLine                |     0.000 |     0.602 |    0.309       0.9     0.41 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2hhh_KKpi_exclLine                |     0.000 |     0.568 |    0.326       0.8     0.34 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2hhh_KKpi_exclLine                |     0.000 |     0.611 |    0.353       0.9     0.37 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2hhh_KKpi_exclLine                |     5.000 |     0.605 |    0.396       0.8     0.30 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bc2hhh_KKpi_exclLine                |     0.000 |     0.302 |    0.214       0.4     0.13 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bc2hhh_KKpi_exclLine                |     5.000 |     0.328 |    0.232       0.4     0.14 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bc2hhh_KKpi_exclLine                |     0.000 |     0.298 |    0.205       0.4     0.13 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bc2hhh_KKpi_exclLine                |     0.000 |     0.693 |    0.585       0.8     0.15 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2hhh_KKpi_exclLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2hhh_KKK_exclLine                       |     0.350 |     0.303 |    0.024       7.1     0.31 |    1000 |     0.304 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2hhh_KKK_exclLinePreScaler             |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2hhh_KKK_exclLineFilterSequence        |     0.320 |     0.269 |    0.006       7.0     0.31 |    1000 |     0.270 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2hhh_KKK_exclLineVOIDFilter           |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2hhh_KKK_exclLine                              |     0.277 |     0.228 |    0.059       6.9     0.29 |     974 |     0.223 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2hhh_KKK_exclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.338 |    0.338       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2hhh_KKK_exclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.342 |    0.342       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2hhh_KKK_exclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.320 |    0.320       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2hhh_KKK_exclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.310 |    0.310       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2hhh_KKK_exclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.259 |    0.259       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bc2hhh_KKK_exclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.221 |    0.221       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bc2hhh_KKK_exclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.205 |    0.205       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bc2hhh_KKK_exclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.209 |    0.209       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bc2hhh_KKK_exclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.616 |    0.616       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2hhh_KKK_exclLine                       |     0.320 |     0.261 |    0.022       4.4     0.21 |    1000 |     0.261 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2hhh_KKK_exclLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2hhh_KKK_exclLineFilterSequence        |     0.280 |     0.233 |    0.006       4.4     0.21 |    1000 |     0.233 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2hhh_KKK_exclLineVOIDFilter           |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2hhh_KKK_exclLine                              |     0.246 |     0.198 |    0.043       4.4     0.18 |     974 |     0.193 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2hhh_KKK_exclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.352 |    0.352       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2hhh_KKK_exclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.293 |    0.293       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2hhh_KKK_exclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.351 |    0.351       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2hhh_KKK_exclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.304 |    0.304       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2hhh_KKK_exclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.237 |    0.237       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bc2hhh_KKK_exclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.223 |    0.223       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bc2hhh_KKK_exclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.243 |    0.243       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bc2hhh_KKK_exclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.220 |    0.220       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bc2hhh_KKK_exclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.613 |    0.613       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2hhh_KKK_exclLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2hhh_pppi_exclLine                      |     0.650 |     0.677 |    0.023      11.8     0.87 |    1000 |     0.677 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2hhh_pppi_exclLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2hhh_pppi_exclLineFilterSequence       |     0.630 |     0.639 |    0.006      11.8     0.86 |    1000 |     0.639 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2hhh_pppi_exclLineVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdAllLooseProtons_Particles       |     0.112 |     0.073 |    0.003       2.0     0.25 |     974 |     0.072 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2hhh_pppi_exclLine                             |     0.455 |     0.520 |    0.075       9.8     0.66 |     967 |     0.503 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2hhh_pppi_exclLine                |     0.000 |     0.498 |    0.437       0.6     0.09 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2hhh_pppi_exclLine                |     0.000 |     0.400 |    0.248       0.6     0.22 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2hhh_pppi_exclLine                |     0.000 |     0.400 |    0.272       0.5     0.18 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2hhh_pppi_exclLine                |     0.000 |     0.424 |    0.295       0.6     0.18 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2hhh_pppi_exclLine                |     0.000 |     0.429 |    0.275       0.6     0.22 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bc2hhh_pppi_exclLine                |     0.000 |     0.261 |    0.259       0.3     0.00 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bc2hhh_pppi_exclLine                |     0.000 |     0.229 |    0.191       0.3     0.05 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bc2hhh_pppi_exclLine                |     0.000 |     0.247 |    0.228       0.3     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bc2hhh_pppi_exclLine                |     0.000 |     0.346 |    0.285       0.4     0.09 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2hhh_pppi_exclLine                      |     0.710 |     0.596 |    0.021      11.8     0.83 |    1000 |     0.597 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2hhh_pppi_exclLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2hhh_pppi_exclLineFilterSequence       |     0.690 |     0.567 |    0.006      11.8     0.83 |    1000 |     0.568 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2hhh_pppi_exclLineVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdAllLooseProtons_Particles       |     0.092 |     0.063 |    0.003       1.8     0.22 |     974 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2hhh_pppi_exclLine                             |     0.517 |     0.467 |    0.064       9.9     0.64 |     967 |     0.452 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2hhh_pppi_exclLine                |     5.000 |     0.476 |    0.346       0.6     0.18 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2hhh_pppi_exclLine                |     0.000 |     0.397 |    0.275       0.5     0.17 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2hhh_pppi_exclLine                |     0.000 |     0.414 |    0.252       0.6     0.23 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2hhh_pppi_exclLine                |     0.000 |     0.428 |    0.291       0.6     0.19 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2hhh_pppi_exclLine                |     0.000 |     0.417 |    0.271       0.6     0.21 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bc2hhh_pppi_exclLine                |     0.000 |     0.200 |    0.162       0.2     0.05 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bc2hhh_pppi_exclLine                |     0.000 |     0.235 |    0.206       0.3     0.04 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bc2hhh_pppi_exclLine                |     0.000 |     0.221 |    0.167       0.3     0.08 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bc2hhh_pppi_exclLine                |     0.000 |     0.314 |    0.284       0.3     0.04 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2hhh_pppi_exclLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2hhh_ppK_exclLine                       |     0.440 |     0.454 |    0.023       6.3     0.40 |    1000 |     0.454 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2hhh_ppK_exclLine                       |     0.400 |     0.396 |    0.022       5.7     0.36 |    1000 |     0.397 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2hhh_ppK_exclLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2hhh_ppK_exclLineFilterSequence        |     0.420 |     0.419 |    0.006       6.3     0.40 |    1000 |     0.420 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2hhh_ppK_exclLineVOIDFilter           |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2hhh_ppK_exclLine                              |     0.382 |     0.384 |    0.067       6.2     0.39 |     967 |     0.371 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2hhh_ppK_exclLineFilterSequence        |     0.370 |     0.367 |    0.007       5.7     0.36 |    1000 |     0.367 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2hhh_ppK_exclLineVOIDFilter           |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2hhh_ppK_exclLine                              |     0.361 |     0.337 |    0.073       5.6     0.35 |     967 |     0.327 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2hhh_ppK_exclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2hhh_ppK_exclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2hhh_ppK_exclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -126859,38 +127119,38 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bc2hhh_ppK_exclLin
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bc2hhh_ppK_exclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bc2hhh_ppK_exclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2hhh_ppK_exclLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHMergedBeauty2Char|     3.130 |     3.175 |    0.033     130.5     8.68 |    1000 |     3.175 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHMergedBeauty2Char|     3.080 |     2.981 |    0.030     127.5     8.35 |    1000 |     2.981 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHMergedBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHMergedBeauty2Cha|     0.070 |     0.064 |    0.010       0.7     0.10 |    1000 |     0.064 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHMergedBeauty2Cha|     7.481 |     7.549 |    0.769     130.4    12.34 |     405 |     3.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHMergedBeauty2Cha|     0.050 |     0.054 |    0.009       0.6     0.09 |    1000 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHMergedBeauty2Cha|     7.432 |     7.128 |    0.696     127.4    11.94 |     405 |     2.887 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHMergedBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2HHHHBeauty2Charm                        |     7.432 |     7.510 |    0.756     130.1    12.32 |     405 |     3.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2HHHHBeauty2Charm                 |     7.382 |     7.433 |    0.750     129.5    12.24 |     405 |     3.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi+pi-pi-Beauty2Charm          |     0.888 |     0.856 |    0.129      11.4     1.10 |     405 |     0.347 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PiInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                    |     0.246 |     0.148 |    0.029       0.7     0.10 |     405 |     0.060 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi+pi-pi-Beauty2Charm               |     0.592 |     0.571 |    0.035      10.7     1.01 |     405 |     0.232 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi+K-pi-Beauty2Charm           |     0.888 |     0.952 |    0.149      15.7     1.40 |     405 |     0.386 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                     |     0.049 |     0.137 |    0.026       0.7     0.10 |     405 |     0.056 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi+K-pi-Beauty2Charm                |     0.691 |     0.675 |    0.045      14.7     1.29 |     405 |     0.273 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi+pi-pi-Beauty2Charm           |     1.037 |     1.096 |    0.056      25.1     2.11 |     405 |     0.444 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi+pi-pi-Beauty2Charm                |     0.962 |     1.030 |    0.036      24.7     2.06 |     405 |     0.417 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K+pi-pi-Beauty2Charm            |     0.543 |     0.576 |    0.055       9.2     0.93 |     405 |     0.233 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K+pi-pi-Beauty2Charm                 |     0.469 |     0.522 |    0.036       8.9     0.89 |     405 |     0.212 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+K+K-pi-Beauty2Charm            |     1.185 |     1.226 |    0.054      24.8     2.30 |     405 |     0.497 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+K+K-pi-Beauty2Charm                 |     1.160 |     1.167 |    0.036      24.3     2.26 |     405 |     0.473 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi+K-K-Beauty2Charm            |     0.641 |     0.569 |    0.055       9.6     0.91 |     405 |     0.231 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi+K-K-Beauty2Charm                 |     0.592 |     0.519 |    0.036       9.2     0.87 |     405 |     0.210 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K+K-pi-Beauty2Charm             |     0.617 |     0.631 |    0.055      11.9     1.09 |     405 |     0.256 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K+K-pi-Beauty2Charm                  |     0.592 |     0.588 |    0.036      11.6     1.07 |     405 |     0.238 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi+K-K-Beauty2Charm             |     1.061 |     0.965 |    0.052      17.8     1.68 |     405 |     0.391 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi+K-K-Beauty2Charm                  |     1.037 |     0.922 |    0.035      17.7     1.66 |     405 |     0.374 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K+K-K-Beauty2Charm              |     0.493 |     0.512 |    0.039       9.1     0.86 |     405 |     0.208 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K+K-K-Beauty2Charm                   |     0.493 |     0.479 |    0.022       9.0     0.85 |     405 |     0.194 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2HHHHBeauty2Charm                              |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     134 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi0MergedInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                |     0.106 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      94 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar02D0D2HHHHPi0MergedBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     0.123 |    0.044       0.8     0.15 |      40 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2HHHHBeauty2Charm                        |     7.407 |     7.087 |    0.683     127.1    11.93 |     405 |     2.871 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2HHHHBeauty2Charm                 |     7.407 |     7.029 |    0.678     126.6    11.87 |     405 |     2.847 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi+pi-pi-Beauty2Charm          |     0.814 |     0.788 |    0.135      11.6     1.04 |     405 |     0.319 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PiInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                    |     0.098 |     0.130 |    0.024       0.6     0.09 |     405 |     0.053 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi+pi-pi-Beauty2Charm               |     0.592 |     0.546 |    0.031      11.0     0.98 |     405 |     0.221 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi+K-pi-Beauty2Charm           |     0.839 |     0.902 |    0.112      14.6     1.32 |     405 |     0.365 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                     |     0.074 |     0.125 |    0.023       0.6     0.09 |     405 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi+K-pi-Beauty2Charm                |     0.666 |     0.656 |    0.040      13.8     1.24 |     405 |     0.266 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi+pi-pi-Beauty2Charm           |     1.283 |     1.020 |    0.051      19.5     1.83 |     405 |     0.413 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi+pi-pi-Beauty2Charm                |     1.135 |     0.968 |    0.034      19.2     1.80 |     405 |     0.392 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K+pi-pi-Beauty2Charm            |     0.666 |     0.537 |    0.048       9.3     0.91 |     405 |     0.218 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K+pi-pi-Beauty2Charm                 |     0.592 |     0.498 |    0.032       9.1     0.89 |     405 |     0.202 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+K+K-pi-Beauty2Charm            |     0.938 |     1.172 |    0.048      24.2     2.31 |     405 |     0.475 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+K+K-pi-Beauty2Charm                 |     0.938 |     1.126 |    0.032      23.8     2.29 |     405 |     0.456 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi+K-K-Beauty2Charm            |     0.617 |     0.537 |    0.050       9.5     0.92 |     405 |     0.218 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi+K-K-Beauty2Charm                 |     0.567 |     0.497 |    0.033       9.2     0.90 |     405 |     0.201 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K+K-pi-Beauty2Charm             |     0.641 |     0.611 |    0.046      11.7     1.16 |     405 |     0.248 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K+K-pi-Beauty2Charm                  |     0.592 |     0.569 |    0.032      11.5     1.13 |     405 |     0.231 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi+K-K-Beauty2Charm             |     1.012 |     0.942 |    0.047      17.5     1.71 |     405 |     0.382 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi+K-K-Beauty2Charm                  |     0.938 |     0.908 |    0.030      17.4     1.71 |     405 |     0.368 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K+K-K-Beauty2Charm              |     0.518 |     0.479 |    0.034       8.6     0.78 |     405 |     0.194 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K+K-K-Beauty2Charm                   |     0.444 |     0.452 |    0.021       8.5     0.78 |     405 |     0.183 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2HHHHBeauty2Charm                              |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     134 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi0MergedInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      94 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar02D0D2HHHHPi0MergedBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.041       0.5     0.09 |      40 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KTopoInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                    |     0.026 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     373 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KTopoInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                    |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     373 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHMergedBeauty2Charm      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHMergedBeauty2CharmTISTOS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -126902,13 +127162,13 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHMergedBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHMergedBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHMergedBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHMergedBeauty2Cha|     0.070 |     0.055 |    0.025       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.056 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHMergedBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHMergedBeauty2Ch|     0.010 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHMergedBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHMergedBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHMergedBeauty2Cha|     0.060 |     0.042 |    0.022       0.2     0.02 |    1000 |     0.042 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHMergedBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHMergedBeauty2Ch|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHMergedBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHMergedBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHMergedBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PiTopoInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                   |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     365 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PiTopoInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                   |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     365 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHMergedBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHMergedBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHMergedBeauty2CharmTISTO|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -126920,16 +127180,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0P
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHMergedBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHMergedBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHMergedBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2Ch|     0.130 |     0.126 |    0.023       8.2     0.41 |    1000 |     0.126 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2Ch|     0.140 |     0.103 |    0.021       5.4     0.32 |    1000 |     0.103 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2C|     0.197 |     0.203 |    0.007       8.0     0.61 |     405 |     0.082 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi0ResolvedInputsBeauty2CharmFilter              |     0.025 |     0.031 |    0.007       0.1     0.02 |     400 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar02D0D2HHHHPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm           |     0.393 |     0.344 |    0.050       3.9     0.59 |     127 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2CharmComb|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2CharmComb|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2Charm    |     2.500 |     0.981 |    0.076       2.0     1.00 |       4 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2C|     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2C|     0.222 |     0.169 |    0.007       5.3     0.48 |     405 |     0.069 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi0ResolvedInputsBeauty2CharmFilter              |     0.050 |     0.022 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     400 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar02D0D2HHHHPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm           |     0.157 |     0.321 |    0.045       3.8     0.59 |     127 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2CharmComb|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2CharmComb|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2Charm    |     0.000 |     0.604 |    0.086       1.2     0.56 |       4 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2CharmTIST|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -126939,14 +127199,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBea|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBea|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2C|     0.030 |     0.050 |    0.022       1.5     0.07 |    1000 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2C|     0.010 |     0.039 |    0.019       1.2     0.05 |    1000 |     0.039 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2|     0.024 |     0.021 |    0.008       1.4     0.10 |     405 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2CharmCom|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2CharmCom|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2Charm   |     0.000 |     0.582 |    0.076       1.1     0.58 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.007       1.2     0.07 |     405 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2CharmCom|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2CharmCom|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2Charm   |     0.000 |     0.450 |    0.080       1.0     0.45 |       4 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2CharmTIS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2CharmB2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -126956,18 +127216,18 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0P
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBe|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBe|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHHHResolvedBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.330 |     0.293 |    0.022      27.0     1.26 |    1000 |     0.293 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.716 |     0.617 |    0.007      26.9     1.91 |     405 |     0.250 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            GammaBeauty2CharmFilter                          |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     296 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar02D0GammaLooseHHHHBeauty2Charm              |     1.194 |     1.068 |    0.098      16.3     1.98 |     134 |     0.143 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutDst|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      61 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutKTo|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      61 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2Charm          |     0.819 |     0.526 |    0.068       5.9     0.85 |      61 |     0.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS    |     3.333 |     2.251 |    1.066       3.8     1.38 |       3 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBea|     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.061       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.250 |     0.238 |    0.020      21.0     1.01 |    1000 |     0.238 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.518 |     0.506 |    0.007      20.9     1.52 |     405 |     0.205 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            GammaBeauty2CharmFilter                          |     0.033 |     0.018 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     296 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar02D0GammaLooseHHHHBeauty2Charm              |     0.895 |     0.908 |    0.085      13.0     1.50 |     134 |     0.122 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutDst|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      61 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutKTo|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      61 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2Charm          |     0.819 |     0.449 |    0.062       4.5     0.69 |      61 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS    |     0.000 |     2.046 |    0.994       3.4     1.21 |       3 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBea|     0.000 |     0.061 |    0.046       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -126975,16 +127235,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dstar0KDst02D0Ga
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.130 |     0.090 |    0.021       5.9     0.31 |    1000 |     0.091 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.123 |     0.120 |    0.007       5.8     0.47 |     405 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.070 |     0.074 |    0.019       5.5     0.27 |    1000 |     0.075 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.098 |     0.104 |    0.007       5.4     0.41 |     405 |     0.042 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2Charm|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutDs|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      61 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutPi|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      61 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2Charm         |     0.655 |     0.459 |    0.067       5.6     0.79 |      61 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS   |     0.000 |     1.615 |    0.503       3.4     1.53 |       3 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBe|     0.000 |     0.061 |    0.053       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutPi|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      61 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2Charm         |     0.327 |     0.404 |    0.056       4.2     0.63 |      61 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS   |     3.333 |     1.473 |    0.500       3.0     1.35 |       3 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBe|     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.044       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -126992,48 +127252,48 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0G
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Cha|     0.330 |     0.411 |    0.022       6.3     0.65 |    1000 |     0.412 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Cha|     0.350 |     0.343 |    0.019       5.5     0.55 |    1000 |     0.344 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Ch|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Ch|     0.716 |     0.904 |    0.269       6.2     0.71 |     405 |     0.366 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2HHBeauty2Charm                          |     0.543 |     0.735 |    0.257       3.3     0.43 |     405 |     0.298 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2HHBeauty2Charm                   |     0.419 |     0.668 |    0.252       3.2     0.37 |     405 |     0.271 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi-Beauty2Charm                |     0.074 |     0.160 |    0.064       1.1     0.11 |     405 |     0.065 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi-Beauty2Charm                     |     0.049 |     0.110 |    0.041       1.1     0.08 |     405 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi-Beauty2Charm                 |     0.148 |     0.180 |    0.064       0.8     0.12 |     405 |     0.073 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi-Beauty2Charm                      |     0.024 |     0.111 |    0.040       0.6     0.07 |     405 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K-Beauty2Charm                  |     0.123 |     0.145 |    0.043       0.7     0.09 |     405 |     0.059 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K-Beauty2Charm                       |     0.074 |     0.093 |    0.026       0.6     0.06 |     405 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K-pi+Beauty2Charm                 |     0.049 |     0.162 |    0.058       0.7     0.10 |     405 |     0.066 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K-pi+Beauty2Charm                      |     0.049 |     0.103 |    0.038       0.6     0.06 |     405 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2HHBeauty2Charm                                |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     206 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                        |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.2     0.01 |     206 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar02D0D2HHPIDPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm          |     0.281 |     0.132 |    0.040       2.2     0.20 |     142 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.009       0.1     0.03 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi_PIDInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                   |     0.098 |     0.119 |    0.030       0.4     0.05 |     405 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi_PIDTopoInputsBeauty2CharmFilter               |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     278 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Charm     |     1.428 |     0.357 |    0.117       1.5     0.51 |       7 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTO|     0.000 |     0.870 |    0.870       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Ch|     0.790 |     0.760 |    0.243       5.5     0.61 |     405 |     0.308 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2C|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2HHBeauty2Charm                          |     0.641 |     0.613 |    0.233       3.0     0.36 |     405 |     0.249 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2HHBeauty2Charm                   |     0.592 |     0.556 |    0.229       2.9     0.31 |     405 |     0.226 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi-Beauty2Charm                |     0.098 |     0.130 |    0.057       1.0     0.08 |     405 |     0.053 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi-Beauty2Charm                     |     0.074 |     0.091 |    0.038       0.9     0.06 |     405 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi-Beauty2Charm                 |     0.148 |     0.148 |    0.056       0.7     0.09 |     405 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi-Beauty2Charm                      |     0.074 |     0.094 |    0.037       0.6     0.05 |     405 |     0.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K-Beauty2Charm                  |     0.098 |     0.121 |    0.037       0.6     0.08 |     405 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K-Beauty2Charm                       |     0.049 |     0.080 |    0.023       0.6     0.06 |     405 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K-pi+Beauty2Charm                 |     0.222 |     0.139 |    0.049       0.7     0.09 |     405 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K-pi+Beauty2Charm                      |     0.148 |     0.089 |    0.034       0.6     0.05 |     405 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2HHBeauty2Charm                                |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     206 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                        |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     206 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar02D0D2HHPIDPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm          |     0.140 |     0.119 |    0.035       1.8     0.17 |     142 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi_PIDInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                   |     0.123 |     0.085 |    0.028       0.3     0.04 |     405 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi_PIDTopoInputsBeauty2CharmFilter               |     0.035 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     278 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Charm     |     1.428 |     0.323 |    0.118       1.3     0.44 |       7 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTO|    10.000 |     0.991 |    0.991       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBB|     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.057       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeau|     0.000 |     0.167 |    0.167       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeau|     0.000 |     0.059 |    0.059       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeau|     0.000 |     0.155 |    0.155       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeau|     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.062       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeau|     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.057       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeau|     0.000 |     0.478 |    0.478       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeau|     0.000 |     0.505 |    0.505       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeau|     0.000 |     0.737 |    0.737       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeau|     0.000 |     0.494 |    0.494       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Char|     0.080 |     0.053 |    0.022       1.2     0.07 |    1000 |     0.053 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Char|     0.030 |     0.053 |    0.019       5.9     0.24 |    1000 |     0.054 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Cha|     0.074 |     0.025 |    0.009       1.1     0.09 |     405 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Ch|     0.024 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K_PIDInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                    |     0.123 |     0.095 |    0.019       0.9     0.07 |     405 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K_PIDTopoInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     272 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Charm      |     0.000 |     0.259 |    0.067       0.8     0.25 |       7 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.004       5.8     0.18 |    1000 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Cha|     0.024 |     0.021 |    0.008       0.8     0.07 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K_PIDInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                    |     0.098 |     0.070 |    0.015       0.3     0.04 |     405 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K_PIDTopoInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     272 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Charm      |     1.428 |     0.206 |    0.069       0.6     0.16 |       7 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBBD|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -127043,32 +127303,32 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.160 |     0.148 |    0.021      10.8     0.49 |    1000 |     0.148 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.246 |     0.259 |    0.007      10.6     0.73 |     405 |     0.105 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar02D0GammaLooseHHPIDBeauty2Charm             |     0.270 |     0.250 |    0.081       3.1     0.29 |     148 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutDsta|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      55 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_P|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      55 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2Charm           |     0.000 |     0.219 |    0.058       2.2     0.36 |      55 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS     |     0.000 |     1.217 |    1.217       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeau|     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.068       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.143 |    0.143       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.121 |    0.121       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.119 |    0.119       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     1.027 |    1.027       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.318 |    0.318       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.140 |     0.078 |    0.023       2.0     0.15 |    1000 |     0.078 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.100 |     0.121 |    0.019       5.5     0.34 |    1000 |     0.122 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.020 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.172 |     0.216 |    0.007       5.4     0.50 |     405 |     0.088 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar02D0GammaLooseHHPIDBeauty2Charm             |     0.135 |     0.228 |    0.071       2.1     0.22 |     148 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutDsta|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      55 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_P|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      55 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2Charm           |     0.000 |     0.187 |    0.056       2.4     0.34 |      55 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS     |     0.000 |     1.299 |    1.299       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeau|     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.053       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.153 |    0.153       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.143 |    0.143       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.216 |    0.216       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     1.444 |    1.444       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.337 |    0.337       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.030 |     0.059 |    0.020       2.0     0.12 |    1000 |     0.059 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.123 |     0.068 |    0.006       1.9     0.17 |     405 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      55 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PID|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      55 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2Charm            |     0.363 |     0.166 |    0.054       1.8     0.26 |      55 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.074 |     0.063 |    0.006       1.9     0.17 |     405 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      55 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PID|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      55 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2Charm            |     0.000 |     0.147 |    0.055       1.8     0.25 |      55 |     0.008 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -127078,49 +127338,49 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dstar0KDst02D0Ga
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2HHmuDSTBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.110 |     0.092 |    0.022       3.7     0.18 |    1000 |     0.093 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2HHmuDSTBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.060 |     0.076 |    0.019       4.4     0.18 |    1000 |     0.076 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHmuDSTBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHmuDSTBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.8     0.02 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHmuDSTBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.098 |     0.120 |    0.007       3.7     0.25 |     405 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2HHmuDSTBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHmuDSTBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHmuDSTBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHmuDSTBeauty2Charm                      |     0.134 |     0.130 |    0.051       0.9     0.10 |     149 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHmuDSTBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     1.074 |    0.975       1.2     0.10 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHmuDSTBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.077 |    0.077       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHmuDSTBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiD2HHmuDSTBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.180 |    0.180       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiD2HHmuDSTBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.126       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD2HHmuDSTBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.126       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD2HHmuDSTBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.505 |    0.505       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD2HHmuDSTBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.625 |    0.625       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHmuDSTBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHmuDSTBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.098 |     0.104 |    0.006       4.3     0.26 |     405 |     0.042 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2HHmuDSTBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHmuDSTBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHmuDSTBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHmuDSTBeauty2Charm                      |     0.067 |     0.116 |    0.049       0.6     0.09 |     149 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHmuDSTBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     3.333 |     0.937 |    0.786       1.1     0.14 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHmuDSTBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.080       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHmuDSTBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiD2HHmuDSTBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.176 |    0.176       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiD2HHmuDSTBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.115       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD2HHmuDSTBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.112 |    0.112       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD2HHmuDSTBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.977 |    0.977       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD2HHmuDSTBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.589 |    0.589       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHmuDSTBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.040 |     0.070 |    0.015       6.2     0.30 |    1000 |     0.071 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      84 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.810 |     1.121 |    0.354       6.1     1.05 |      37 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      37 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2HHWSBeauty2Charm                        |     0.692 |     0.952 |    0.343       6.0     0.55 |     231 |     0.220 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2HHWSBeauty2Charm                 |     0.649 |     0.886 |    0.338       5.9     0.51 |     231 |     0.205 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi+WSPlusBeauty2Charm          |     0.043 |     0.143 |    0.061       1.5     0.12 |     231 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi+WSPlusBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.093 |    0.037       1.5     0.10 |     231 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi+WSPlusBeauty2Charm           |     0.129 |     0.180 |    0.063       1.1     0.13 |     231 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi+WSPlusBeauty2Charm                |     0.086 |     0.112 |    0.042       1.0     0.08 |     231 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K+WSPlusBeauty2Charm            |     0.173 |     0.125 |    0.045       1.0     0.11 |     231 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K+WSPlusBeauty2Charm                 |     0.043 |     0.072 |    0.026       0.7     0.06 |     231 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi-pi-WSMinusBeauty2Charm         |     0.043 |     0.114 |    0.043       0.8     0.08 |     231 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi-pi-WSMinusBeauty2Charm              |     0.043 |     0.073 |    0.026       0.7     0.06 |     231 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K-pi-WSMinusBeauty2Charm          |     0.173 |     0.164 |    0.057       0.9     0.11 |     231 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K-pi-WSMinusBeauty2Charm               |     0.173 |     0.107 |    0.038       0.9     0.08 |     231 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K-K-WSMinusBeauty2Charm           |     0.043 |     0.129 |    0.041       0.9     0.12 |     231 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K-K-WSMinusBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.024       0.8     0.06 |     231 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2HHWSBeauty2Charm                              |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     102 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHWSBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      16 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PiLooseTopoInputsLooseBeauty2CharmFilter         |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     227 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPiLooseTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      16 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KS0_LLInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                   |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     135 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHWSBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.622 |    0.080       1.5     0.68 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.070 |     0.056 |    0.013       4.5     0.23 |    1000 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      84 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     1.351 |     0.879 |    0.330       4.4     0.76 |      37 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2HHWSBeauty2Charm                        |     0.779 |     0.789 |    0.315       4.3     0.43 |     231 |     0.182 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2HHWSBeauty2Charm                 |     0.692 |     0.729 |    0.312       4.2     0.38 |     231 |     0.169 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi+WSPlusBeauty2Charm          |     0.000 |     0.119 |    0.053       1.1     0.08 |     231 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi+WSPlusBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.078 |    0.033       1.1     0.08 |     231 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi+WSPlusBeauty2Charm           |     0.259 |     0.149 |    0.057       0.8     0.10 |     231 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi+WSPlusBeauty2Charm                |     0.129 |     0.094 |    0.037       0.7     0.06 |     231 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K+WSPlusBeauty2Charm            |     0.173 |     0.099 |    0.040       0.6     0.06 |     231 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K+WSPlusBeauty2Charm                 |     0.086 |     0.062 |    0.024       0.5     0.05 |     231 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi-pi-WSMinusBeauty2Charm         |     0.173 |     0.098 |    0.038       0.6     0.06 |     231 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi-pi-WSMinusBeauty2Charm              |     0.129 |     0.063 |    0.024       0.6     0.05 |     231 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K-pi-WSMinusBeauty2Charm          |     0.043 |     0.140 |    0.052       0.6     0.09 |     231 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K-pi-WSMinusBeauty2Charm               |     0.043 |     0.089 |    0.035       0.6     0.06 |     231 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K-K-WSMinusBeauty2Charm           |     0.043 |     0.100 |    0.038       0.9     0.08 |     231 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K-K-WSMinusBeauty2Charm                |     0.043 |     0.060 |    0.022       0.5     0.05 |     231 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2HHWSBeauty2Charm                              |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     102 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHWSBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      16 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PiLooseTopoInputsLooseBeauty2CharmFilter         |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     227 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPiLooseTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      16 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KS0_LLInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     135 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHWSBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.508 |    0.067       1.3     0.59 |       4 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -127130,16 +127390,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KsPiLLD2HHWSBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KsPiLLD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KsPiLLD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.070 |     0.060 |    0.014       4.5     0.25 |    1000 |     0.061 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      88 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     1.081 |     0.949 |    0.012       4.5     0.83 |      37 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHWSBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      17 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPiLooseTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      17 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KS0_DDInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                   |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     243 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHWSBeauty2Charm                     |     1.250 |     0.467 |    0.137       1.5     0.44 |       8 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.050 |     0.058 |    0.013       5.2     0.26 |    1000 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      88 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.810 |     0.890 |    0.009       5.2     0.94 |      37 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHWSBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      17 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPiLooseTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      17 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KS0_DDInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     243 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHWSBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.584 |    0.109       1.3     0.50 |       8 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -127149,30 +127409,30 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KsPiDDD2HHWSBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KsPiDDD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KsPiDDD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.060 |     0.054 |    0.015       5.6     0.29 |    1000 |     0.054 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     106 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.789 |     0.728 |    0.047       5.5     1.31 |      38 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.020 |     0.044 |    0.013       4.2     0.24 |    1000 |     0.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     106 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.263 |     0.619 |    0.038       4.2     1.05 |      38 |     0.024 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      38 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2KsHHWSBeauty2Charm_LL                   |     0.595 |     0.566 |    0.030       7.1     1.06 |     319 |     0.181 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2KsHHWSBeauty2Charm_LL            |     0.595 |     0.540 |    0.026       6.3     1.00 |     319 |     0.172 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi+KS0WSPlusLLBeauty2Charm     |     0.062 |     0.095 |    0.001       1.7     0.19 |     319 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi+KS0WSPlusLLBeauty2Charm          |     0.206 |     0.217 |    0.064       1.6     0.21 |      97 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi+KS0WSPlusLLBeauty2Charm      |     0.188 |     0.107 |    0.001       1.9     0.24 |     319 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi+KS0WSPlusLLBeauty2Charm           |     0.206 |     0.270 |    0.061       1.6     0.26 |      97 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K+KS0WSPlusLLBeauty2Charm       |     0.031 |     0.065 |    0.001       0.9     0.13 |     319 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K+KS0WSPlusLLBeauty2Charm            |     0.103 |     0.151 |    0.040       0.8     0.14 |      97 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi-pi-KS0WSMinusLLBeauty2Charm    |     0.094 |     0.073 |    0.001       1.0     0.14 |     319 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi-pi-KS0WSMinusLLBeauty2Charm         |     0.309 |     0.175 |    0.040       0.7     0.14 |      97 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K-pi-KS0WSMinusLLBeauty2Charm     |     0.156 |     0.110 |    0.001       1.5     0.22 |     319 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K-pi-KS0WSMinusLLBeauty2Charm          |     0.412 |     0.265 |    0.055       1.1     0.20 |      97 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K-K-KS0WSMinusLLBeauty2Charm      |     0.031 |     0.064 |    0.001       0.8     0.12 |     319 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K-K-KS0WSMinusLLBeauty2Charm           |     0.000 |     0.153 |    0.039       0.7     0.12 |      97 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2KsHHWSBeauty2Charm_LL                         |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      24 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHWSBe|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPiLooseTop|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInpu|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     0.515 |    0.085       1.6     0.72 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2KsHHWSBeauty2Charm_LL                   |     0.532 |     0.508 |    0.026       7.4     0.95 |     319 |     0.162 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2KsHHWSBeauty2Charm_LL            |     0.501 |     0.486 |    0.022       6.5     0.90 |     319 |     0.155 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi+KS0WSPlusLLBeauty2Charm     |     0.156 |     0.082 |    0.001       1.1     0.16 |     319 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi+KS0WSPlusLLBeauty2Charm          |     0.412 |     0.188 |    0.060       1.0     0.16 |      97 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi+KS0WSPlusLLBeauty2Charm      |     0.094 |     0.099 |    0.001       2.1     0.22 |     319 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi+KS0WSPlusLLBeauty2Charm           |     0.206 |     0.253 |    0.055       1.6     0.24 |      97 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K+KS0WSPlusLLBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.001       0.9     0.12 |     319 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K+KS0WSPlusLLBeauty2Charm            |     0.000 |     0.139 |    0.037       0.7     0.12 |      97 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi-pi-KS0WSMinusLLBeauty2Charm    |     0.156 |     0.065 |    0.001       0.8     0.13 |     319 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi-pi-KS0WSMinusLLBeauty2Charm         |     0.309 |     0.156 |    0.038       0.6     0.12 |      97 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K-pi-KS0WSMinusLLBeauty2Charm     |     0.094 |     0.099 |    0.001       1.5     0.20 |     319 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K-pi-KS0WSMinusLLBeauty2Charm          |     0.309 |     0.244 |    0.055       1.0     0.19 |      97 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K-K-KS0WSMinusLLBeauty2Charm      |     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.001       0.7     0.12 |     319 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K-K-KS0WSMinusLLBeauty2Charm           |     0.000 |     0.144 |    0.037       0.7     0.12 |      97 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2KsHHWSBeauty2Charm_LL                         |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      24 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHWSBe|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPiLooseTop|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInpu|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     0.443 |    0.067       1.3     0.58 |       4 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -127182,30 +127442,30 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLL
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.050 |     0.052 |    0.014       4.8     0.24 |    1000 |     0.053 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     107 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.256 |     0.672 |    0.046       4.7     0.98 |      39 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      39 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2KsHHWSBeauty2Charm_DD                   |     0.838 |     0.803 |    0.031       6.3     1.08 |     322 |     0.259 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2KsHHWSBeauty2Charm_DD            |     0.838 |     0.779 |    0.026       6.0     1.05 |     322 |     0.251 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi+KS0WSPlusDDBeauty2Charm     |     0.124 |     0.141 |    0.002       1.6     0.20 |     322 |     0.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi+KS0WSPlusDDBeauty2Charm          |     0.268 |     0.207 |    0.062       1.2     0.16 |     149 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi+KS0WSPlusDDBeauty2Charm      |     0.093 |     0.153 |    0.001       1.6     0.24 |     322 |     0.050 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi+KS0WSPlusDDBeauty2Charm           |     0.134 |     0.264 |    0.049       1.5     0.23 |     149 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K+KS0WSPlusDDBeauty2Charm       |     0.124 |     0.090 |    0.001       0.8     0.13 |     322 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K+KS0WSPlusDDBeauty2Charm            |     0.201 |     0.143 |    0.031       0.8     0.12 |     149 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi-pi-KS0WSMinusDDBeauty2Charm    |     0.093 |     0.106 |    0.001       0.8     0.15 |     322 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi-pi-KS0WSMinusDDBeauty2Charm         |     0.067 |     0.170 |    0.037       0.7     0.13 |     149 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K-pi-KS0WSMinusDDBeauty2Charm     |     0.186 |     0.169 |    0.001       4.4     0.33 |     322 |     0.055 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K-pi-KS0WSMinusDDBeauty2Charm          |     0.268 |     0.287 |    0.047       4.3     0.39 |     149 |     0.043 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K-K-KS0WSMinusDDBeauty2Charm      |     0.093 |     0.092 |    0.001       0.8     0.13 |     322 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K-K-KS0WSMinusDDBeauty2Charm           |     0.201 |     0.145 |    0.034       0.7     0.11 |     149 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.040 |     0.044 |    0.013       3.9     0.21 |    1000 |     0.045 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.5     0.05 |     107 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.769 |     0.605 |    0.038       3.8     0.86 |      39 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      39 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2KsHHWSBeauty2Charm_DD                   |     0.559 |     0.714 |    0.027       6.2     0.96 |     322 |     0.230 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2KsHHWSBeauty2Charm_DD            |     0.559 |     0.693 |    0.023       5.8     0.92 |     322 |     0.223 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi+KS0WSPlusDDBeauty2Charm     |     0.124 |     0.123 |    0.001       1.4     0.18 |     322 |     0.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi+KS0WSPlusDDBeauty2Charm          |     0.201 |     0.180 |    0.051       1.0     0.13 |     149 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi+KS0WSPlusDDBeauty2Charm      |     0.124 |     0.142 |    0.001       1.7     0.23 |     322 |     0.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi+KS0WSPlusDDBeauty2Charm           |     0.268 |     0.248 |    0.065       1.6     0.22 |     149 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K+KS0WSPlusDDBeauty2Charm       |     0.031 |     0.081 |    0.001       0.9     0.12 |     322 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K+KS0WSPlusDDBeauty2Charm            |     0.067 |     0.131 |    0.028       0.8     0.11 |     149 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi-pi-KS0WSMinusDDBeauty2Charm    |     0.031 |     0.094 |    0.001       0.8     0.13 |     322 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi-pi-KS0WSMinusDDBeauty2Charm         |     0.067 |     0.153 |    0.032       0.7     0.11 |     149 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K-pi-KS0WSMinusDDBeauty2Charm     |     0.217 |     0.145 |    0.001       1.6     0.22 |     322 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K-pi-KS0WSMinusDDBeauty2Charm          |     0.402 |     0.245 |    0.042       1.3     0.19 |     149 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K-K-KS0WSMinusDDBeauty2Charm      |     0.031 |     0.084 |    0.001       0.7     0.12 |     322 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K-K-KS0WSMinusDDBeauty2Charm           |     0.000 |     0.134 |    0.028       0.7     0.10 |     149 |     0.020 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2KsHHWSBeauty2Charm_DD                         |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      26 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHWSBe|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPiLooseTop|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPiLooseTop|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInpu|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     1.518 |    1.518       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     1.180 |    1.180       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -127215,13 +127475,13 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDD
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.090 |     0.043 |    0.014       5.1     0.21 |    1000 |     0.043 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      85 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     1.052 |     0.441 |    0.012       5.0     0.98 |      38 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      38 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHWSBe|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.021       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPiLooseTop|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.070 |     0.034 |    0.013       3.0     0.16 |    1000 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      85 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.526 |     0.350 |    0.010       2.9     0.71 |      38 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      38 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHWSBe|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPiLooseTop|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInpu|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -127233,15 +127493,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLL
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.040 |     0.069 |    0.013       6.7     0.35 |    1000 |     0.070 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     109 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.625 |     0.898 |    0.010       6.6     1.32 |      48 |     0.043 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      48 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHWSBe|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.050 |     0.055 |    0.013       4.6     0.27 |    1000 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     109 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.416 |     0.719 |    0.008       4.4     0.96 |      48 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      48 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHWSBe|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPiLooseTop|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInpu|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     0.539 |    0.139       1.5     0.62 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Charm                 |     2.500 |     0.471 |    0.125       1.2     0.52 |       4 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -127251,157 +127511,157 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDD
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingUpsilon2BBBeauty2CharmLine                |     3.540 |     3.599 |    0.024     144.3     9.46 |    1000 |     3.599 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingUpsilon2BBBeauty2CharmLine                |     3.040 |     3.127 |    0.020     123.1     8.11 |    1000 |     3.127 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingUpsilon2BBBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingUpsilon2BBBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter     |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingUpsilon2BBBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence |     8.592 |     8.728 |    0.964     144.2    13.21 |     405 |     3.535 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingUpsilon2BBBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:AllB                                      |     8.592 |     8.708 |    0.951     144.0    13.21 |     405 |     3.527 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:AllB                               |     8.543 |     8.690 |    0.946     143.6    13.19 |     405 |     3.520 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:B2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmFilter             |     0.074 |     0.189 |    0.018       3.0     0.31 |     405 |     0.077 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:B2D0HForBcD2HH                         |     0.074 |     0.182 |    0.014       3.0     0.30 |     405 |     0.074 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:B2D0HForBcD2HH                  |     0.074 |     0.177 |    0.010       2.9     0.30 |     405 |     0.072 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2D0KD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.049 |     0.101 |    0.001       1.5     0.17 |     405 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     149 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KD2HHBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.118 |    0.052       0.6     0.08 |     149 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     0.667 |    0.436       0.8     0.18 |       4 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.040       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2D0PiD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.024 |     0.066 |    0.001       1.4     0.13 |     405 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0PiD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0PiD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0PiD2HHBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.101 |    0.041       0.7     0.08 |     149 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0PiD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     3.333 |     0.639 |    0.594       0.7     0.06 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0PiD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.071       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                B2D0HForBcD2HH                               |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:B2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmFilter           |     0.148 |     0.256 |    0.018       4.3     0.52 |     405 |     0.104 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:B2D0HForBcD2HHHH                       |     0.148 |     0.250 |    0.014       4.2     0.51 |     405 |     0.101 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:B2D0HForBcD2HHHH                |     0.148 |     0.241 |    0.010       4.0     0.50 |     405 |     0.098 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2D0KD2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.074 |     0.150 |    0.002       2.4     0.31 |     405 |     0.061 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  D2HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     134 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     117 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KD2HHHHBeauty2Charm                    |     0.085 |     0.192 |    0.051       0.9     0.18 |     117 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KD2HHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     2.000 |     0.908 |    0.489       1.4     0.35 |       5 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KD2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.044       0.1     0.02 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.074 |     0.081 |    0.001       1.8     0.19 |     405 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2Charm                   |     0.085 |     0.159 |    0.044       1.0     0.16 |     117 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     2.000 |     0.568 |    0.429       0.7     0.12 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.035       0.1     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                B2D0HForBcD2HHHH                             |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmFilter                |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:B2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmFilter        |     6.098 |     6.085 |    0.847      73.8     7.59 |     405 |     2.464 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:B2DHHForBcD2HHHCFPID                   |     6.074 |     6.075 |    0.842      73.8     7.59 |     405 |     2.461 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:B2DHHForBcD2HHHCFPID            |     6.049 |     6.064 |    0.838      72.8     7.56 |     405 |     2.456 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeau|     5.012 |     5.045 |    0.822      51.0     5.60 |     405 |     2.043 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  MERGED:D2HHHBeauty2Charm                   |     4.172 |     4.176 |    0.817      34.3     4.04 |     405 |     1.692 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                   MERGEDINPUTS:D2HHHBeauty2Charm            |     4.172 |     4.033 |    0.813      33.7     3.93 |     405 |     1.634 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:ProtoD+2pi+pi+pi-Beauty2Charm      |     0.345 |     0.316 |    0.055       2.6     0.31 |     405 |     0.128 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     ProtoD+2pi+pi+pi-Beauty2Charm           |     0.296 |     0.253 |    0.031       2.4     0.28 |     405 |     0.103 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:ProtoD+2pi+pi+K-Beauty2Charm       |     0.197 |     0.311 |    0.061       2.8     0.31 |     405 |     0.126 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     ProtoD+2pi+pi+K-Beauty2Charm            |     0.148 |     0.236 |    0.039       2.4     0.26 |     405 |     0.096 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:ProtoD+2K+pi+pi-Beauty2Charm       |     0.469 |     0.474 |    0.055       6.7     0.64 |     405 |     0.192 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     ProtoD+2K+pi+pi-Beauty2Charm            |     0.370 |     0.385 |    0.036       4.4     0.53 |     405 |     0.156 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:ProtoD+2K+pi+K-Beauty2Charm        |     0.493 |     0.416 |    0.055       3.8     0.46 |     405 |     0.169 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     ProtoD+2K+pi+K-Beauty2Charm             |     0.370 |     0.337 |    0.036       3.4     0.41 |     405 |     0.137 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:ProtoD+2K+K+pi-Beauty2Charm        |     0.222 |     0.270 |    0.053       2.1     0.26 |     405 |     0.110 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     ProtoD+2K+K+pi-Beauty2Charm             |     0.172 |     0.202 |    0.034       1.8     0.21 |     405 |     0.082 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:ProtoD+2K+K+K-Beauty2Charm         |     0.222 |     0.215 |    0.040       1.8     0.22 |     405 |     0.087 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     ProtoD+2K+K+K-Beauty2Charm              |     0.172 |     0.169 |    0.022       1.6     0.19 |     405 |     0.069 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:ProtoD-2pi-pi-pi+Beauty2Charm      |     0.370 |     0.289 |    0.041       4.9     0.37 |     405 |     0.117 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     ProtoD-2pi-pi-pi+Beauty2Charm           |     0.271 |     0.233 |    0.023       4.8     0.34 |     405 |     0.095 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:ProtoD-2pi-pi-K+Beauty2Charm       |     0.296 |     0.301 |    0.056       2.5     0.29 |     405 |     0.122 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     ProtoD-2pi-pi-K+Beauty2Charm            |     0.246 |     0.226 |    0.036       2.1     0.24 |     405 |     0.092 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:ProtoD-2K-pi-pi+Beauty2Charm       |     0.543 |     0.466 |    0.052       4.4     0.52 |     405 |     0.189 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     ProtoD-2K-pi-pi+Beauty2Charm            |     0.395 |     0.381 |    0.034       4.0     0.46 |     405 |     0.154 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:ProtoD-2K-pi-K+Beauty2Charm        |     0.493 |     0.417 |    0.051       3.7     0.44 |     405 |     0.169 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     ProtoD-2K-pi-K+Beauty2Charm             |     0.395 |     0.339 |    0.033       3.4     0.40 |     405 |     0.137 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:ProtoD-2K-K-pi+Beauty2Charm        |     0.246 |     0.271 |    0.051       2.2     0.25 |     405 |     0.110 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     ProtoD-2K-K-pi+Beauty2Charm             |     0.098 |     0.204 |    0.033       1.9     0.20 |     405 |     0.083 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:ProtoD-2K-K-K+Beauty2Charm         |     0.222 |     0.220 |    0.038       1.9     0.21 |     405 |     0.089 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     ProtoD-2K-K-K+Beauty2Charm              |     0.197 |     0.170 |    0.022       1.7     0.18 |     405 |     0.069 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                   D2HHHBeauty2Charm                         |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     267 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                 |     0.037 |     0.018 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     267 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  D2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmFilter               |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     240 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPI|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     132 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  HHPionsInputsBeauty2CharmFilter            |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     349 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  X2PiPiBeauty2Charm                         |     0.436 |     0.463 |    0.111       5.1     0.43 |     344 |     0.160 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  X2KKBeauty2CharmSel                        |     0.116 |     0.093 |    0.020       0.8     0.07 |     343 |     0.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  X2KKBeauty2CharmFilter                     |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     343 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  X2KKPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     216 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     120 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.142 |    0.050       1.2     0.15 |     120 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     2.000 |     3.961 |    1.276      11.5     4.25 |       5 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.239 |    0.079       0.9     0.34 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBea|     0.839 |     0.845 |    0.001      18.0     1.87 |     405 |     0.342 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFP|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     132 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  MERGED:X2KPiBeauty2Charm                   |     1.403 |     1.410 |    0.026      11.0     1.18 |     342 |     0.482 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                   MERGEDINPUTS:X2KPiBeauty2Charm            |     1.257 |     1.300 |    0.019      10.3     1.11 |     342 |     0.445 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:X2KPiBeauty2CharmFilter            |     0.555 |     0.658 |    0.007       5.0     0.56 |     342 |     0.225 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     X2KPiBeauty2CharmSel                    |     0.029 |     0.085 |    0.021       0.5     0.06 |     341 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     X2KPiBeauty2CharmFilter                 |     0.029 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     341 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:X2KPiBarBeauty2CharmFilter         |     0.701 |     0.630 |    0.004       5.3     0.58 |     342 |     0.216 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     X2KPiBarBeauty2CharmSel                 |     0.058 |     0.076 |    0.016       0.4     0.06 |     341 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     X2KPiBarBeauty2CharmFilter              |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     341 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                   X2KPiBeauty2Charm                         |     0.029 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     341 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  X2KPiPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                 |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     216 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiPID|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     131 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm               |     0.229 |     0.235 |    0.070       2.6     0.33 |     131 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     3.000 |     2.547 |    1.168       4.8     1.39 |      10 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.089 |    0.055       0.2     0.03 |       9 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2DPiPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBe|     0.148 |     0.158 |    0.001       5.3     0.45 |     405 |     0.064 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2DPiPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCF|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     132 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  X2PiPiPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.006       0.8     0.06 |     220 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2DPiPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiP|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     130 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2DPiPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm              |     0.076 |     0.165 |    0.044       1.6     0.21 |     130 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2DPiPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     2.500 |     1.448 |    0.467       2.8     0.80 |       8 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2DPiPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.065 |    0.040       0.1     0.02 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                B2DHHForBcD2HHHCFPID                         |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmFilter             |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:B2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmFilter        |     2.123 |     2.049 |    0.023      59.1     5.39 |     405 |     0.830 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:B2D0HHHForBcD2HHPID                    |     2.123 |     2.040 |    0.019      58.8     5.38 |     405 |     0.826 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:B2D0HHHForBcD2HHPID             |     2.098 |     2.029 |    0.015      58.1     5.35 |     405 |     0.822 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeau|     0.493 |     0.489 |    0.002      11.7     1.25 |     405 |     0.198 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     149 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  HHHPionsInputsBeauty2CharmFilter           |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     304 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  HHHKaonsInputsBeauty2CharmFilter           |     0.033 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     303 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  X2KKPiBeauty2Charm                         |     0.681 |     0.605 |    0.041       7.6     0.91 |     279 |     0.169 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKPiBea|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      93 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2Charm                |     0.107 |     0.146 |    0.052       1.1     0.16 |      93 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     1.428 |     2.472 |    0.475       4.1     1.50 |       7 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.056       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBea|     0.913 |     0.815 |    0.001      27.9     2.37 |     405 |     0.330 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDB|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.7     0.06 |     149 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  X2KPiPiBeauty2Charm                        |     1.433 |     1.241 |    0.047      15.9     1.98 |     279 |     0.346 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiPiB|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     121 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2Charm               |     0.165 |     0.176 |    0.051       2.3     0.26 |     121 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     2.857 |     2.314 |    0.674       7.4     1.99 |      14 |     0.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.170 |    0.053       0.9     0.26 |      10 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBe|     0.666 |     0.709 |    0.001      18.4     1.87 |     405 |     0.287 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPID|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |     149 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  X2PiPiPiBeauty2Charm                       |     1.032 |     1.169 |    0.031      13.6     1.68 |     281 |     0.329 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiP|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     123 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2Charm              |     0.162 |     0.156 |    0.049       1.6     0.18 |     123 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     2.666 |     1.545 |    0.469       3.1     0.77 |      15 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.073 |    0.043       0.1     0.03 |      11 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                B2D0HHHForBcD2HHPID                          |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingUpsilon2BBBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter     |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingUpsilon2BBBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence |     7.407 |     7.617 |    0.817     123.0    11.30 |     405 |     3.085 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingUpsilon2BBBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter    |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:AllB                                      |     7.407 |     7.602 |    0.807     122.9    11.30 |     405 |     3.079 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:AllB                               |     7.407 |     7.593 |    0.803     122.4    11.28 |     405 |     3.075 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:B2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmFilter             |     0.098 |     0.163 |    0.015       2.9     0.27 |     405 |     0.066 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:B2D0HForBcD2HH                         |     0.098 |     0.158 |    0.012       2.8     0.27 |     405 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:B2D0HForBcD2HH                  |     0.074 |     0.152 |    0.008       2.7     0.26 |     405 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2D0KD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.049 |     0.087 |    0.001       1.4     0.15 |     405 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KD2HHBeauty2Charm                      |     0.134 |     0.104 |    0.052       0.6     0.07 |     149 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     0.604 |    0.412       0.8     0.16 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.054 |    0.048       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2D0PiD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.024 |     0.058 |    0.001       1.3     0.12 |     405 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0PiD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0PiD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0PiD2HHBeauty2Charm                     |     0.067 |     0.087 |    0.039       0.5     0.07 |     149 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0PiD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     0.670 |    0.615       0.8     0.07 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0PiD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.042       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                B2D0HForBcD2HH                               |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:B2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmFilter           |     0.246 |     0.210 |    0.015       5.1     0.43 |     405 |     0.085 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:B2D0HForBcD2HHHH                       |     0.246 |     0.205 |    0.011       5.1     0.43 |     405 |     0.083 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:B2D0HForBcD2HHHH                |     0.246 |     0.200 |    0.008       5.1     0.43 |     405 |     0.081 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2D0KD2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.074 |     0.124 |    0.001       3.3     0.27 |     405 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  D2HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     134 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KD2HHHHBeauty2Charm                    |     0.170 |     0.158 |    0.050       1.1     0.15 |     117 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KD2HHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     0.000 |     0.687 |    0.503       0.8     0.12 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KD2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.038       0.1     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.172 |     0.069 |    0.001       1.9     0.16 |     405 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2Charm                   |     0.512 |     0.140 |    0.040       1.0     0.15 |     117 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     2.000 |     0.506 |    0.447       0.7     0.11 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.025       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                B2D0HForBcD2HHHH                             |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmFilter                |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:B2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmFilter        |     5.160 |     5.307 |    0.722      63.1     6.34 |     405 |     2.149 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:B2DHHForBcD2HHHCFPID                   |     5.160 |     5.300 |    0.707      63.0     6.34 |     405 |     2.147 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:B2DHHForBcD2HHHCFPID            |     5.160 |     5.290 |    0.703      62.1     6.32 |     405 |     2.143 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeau|     4.271 |     4.393 |    0.691      46.6     4.66 |     405 |     1.779 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  MERGED:D2HHHBeauty2Charm                   |     3.432 |     3.672 |    0.687      30.1     3.46 |     405 |     1.487 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                   MERGEDINPUTS:D2HHHBeauty2Charm            |     3.185 |     3.552 |    0.683      29.8     3.38 |     405 |     1.439 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:ProtoD+2pi+pi+pi-Beauty2Charm      |     0.197 |     0.276 |    0.058       2.6     0.29 |     405 |     0.112 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     ProtoD+2pi+pi+pi-Beauty2Charm           |     0.172 |     0.223 |    0.035       2.4     0.27 |     405 |     0.090 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:ProtoD+2pi+pi+K-Beauty2Charm       |     0.296 |     0.272 |    0.057       2.3     0.27 |     405 |     0.110 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     ProtoD+2pi+pi+K-Beauty2Charm            |     0.271 |     0.209 |    0.036       2.1     0.24 |     405 |     0.085 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:ProtoD+2K+pi+pi-Beauty2Charm       |     0.444 |     0.406 |    0.048       4.0     0.48 |     405 |     0.164 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     ProtoD+2K+pi+pi-Beauty2Charm            |     0.296 |     0.338 |    0.032       3.8     0.44 |     405 |     0.137 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:ProtoD+2K+pi+K-Beauty2Charm        |     0.419 |     0.369 |    0.048       3.6     0.40 |     405 |     0.150 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     ProtoD+2K+pi+K-Beauty2Charm             |     0.370 |     0.302 |    0.031       3.3     0.36 |     405 |     0.123 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:ProtoD+2K+K+pi-Beauty2Charm        |     0.172 |     0.242 |    0.048       1.9     0.23 |     405 |     0.098 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     ProtoD+2K+K+pi-Beauty2Charm             |     0.148 |     0.184 |    0.032       1.7     0.19 |     405 |     0.075 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:ProtoD+2K+K+K-Beauty2Charm         |     0.246 |     0.189 |    0.035       1.6     0.18 |     405 |     0.077 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     ProtoD+2K+K+K-Beauty2Charm              |     0.172 |     0.150 |    0.020       1.4     0.16 |     405 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:ProtoD-2pi-pi-pi+Beauty2Charm      |     0.172 |     0.253 |    0.039       2.8     0.27 |     405 |     0.103 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     ProtoD-2pi-pi-pi+Beauty2Charm           |     0.148 |     0.203 |    0.023       2.6     0.24 |     405 |     0.083 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:ProtoD-2pi-pi-K+Beauty2Charm       |     0.246 |     0.261 |    0.050       2.5     0.25 |     405 |     0.106 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     ProtoD-2pi-pi-K+Beauty2Charm            |     0.197 |     0.201 |    0.033       2.3     0.21 |     405 |     0.082 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:ProtoD-2K-pi-pi+Beauty2Charm       |     0.320 |     0.409 |    0.045       4.3     0.44 |     405 |     0.166 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     ProtoD-2K-pi-pi+Beauty2Charm            |     0.246 |     0.339 |    0.031       4.2     0.40 |     405 |     0.137 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:ProtoD-2K-pi-K+Beauty2Charm        |     0.395 |     0.377 |    0.047       3.8     0.40 |     405 |     0.153 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     ProtoD-2K-pi-K+Beauty2Charm             |     0.296 |     0.310 |    0.031       3.6     0.36 |     405 |     0.126 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:ProtoD-2K-K-pi+Beauty2Charm        |     0.098 |     0.249 |    0.047       1.9     0.22 |     405 |     0.101 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     ProtoD-2K-K-pi+Beauty2Charm             |     0.049 |     0.190 |    0.030       1.8     0.19 |     405 |     0.077 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:ProtoD-2K-K-K+Beauty2Charm         |     0.172 |     0.197 |    0.035       1.4     0.19 |     405 |     0.080 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     ProtoD-2K-K-K+Beauty2Charm              |     0.123 |     0.154 |    0.020       1.3     0.16 |     405 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                   D2HHHBeauty2Charm                         |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     267 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                 |     0.037 |     0.014 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     267 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  D2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmFilter               |     0.041 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     240 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPI|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  HHPionsInputsBeauty2CharmFilter            |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     349 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  X2PiPiBeauty2Charm                         |     0.552 |     0.397 |    0.083       2.4     0.29 |     344 |     0.137 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  X2KKBeauty2CharmSel                        |     0.000 |     0.077 |    0.017       0.6     0.06 |     343 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  X2KKBeauty2CharmFilter                     |     0.029 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     343 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  X2KKPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     216 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKPIDBe|     0.083 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     120 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm                |     0.166 |     0.122 |    0.042       1.1     0.13 |     120 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     4.000 |     3.007 |    0.721       7.4     2.61 |       5 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.070 |    0.059       0.1     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBea|     0.740 |     0.750 |    0.001      14.6     1.59 |     405 |     0.304 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFP|     0.075 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  MERGED:X2KPiBeauty2Charm                   |     1.432 |     1.238 |    0.016       7.2     0.90 |     342 |     0.424 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                   MERGEDINPUTS:X2KPiBeauty2Charm            |     1.315 |     1.142 |    0.012       6.7     0.85 |     342 |     0.391 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:X2KPiBeauty2CharmFilter            |     0.701 |     0.588 |    0.004       5.0     0.48 |     342 |     0.201 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     X2KPiBeauty2CharmSel                    |     0.146 |     0.084 |    0.019       4.5     0.25 |     341 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     X2KPiBeauty2CharmFilter                 |     0.029 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     341 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:X2KPiBarBeauty2CharmFilter         |     0.614 |     0.544 |    0.003       3.3     0.41 |     342 |     0.186 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     X2KPiBarBeauty2CharmSel                 |     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.014       0.3     0.04 |     341 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     X2KPiBarBeauty2CharmFilter              |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     341 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                   X2KPiBeauty2Charm                         |     0.087 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     341 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  X2KPiPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                 |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     216 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiPID|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     131 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm               |     0.229 |     0.204 |    0.059       2.1     0.29 |     131 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     1.000 |     2.467 |    0.913       4.6     1.48 |      10 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.041       0.1     0.02 |       9 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2DPiPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBe|     0.123 |     0.134 |    0.001       4.8     0.39 |     405 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2DPiPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCF|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  X2PiPiPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     220 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2DPiPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiP|     0.076 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     130 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2DPiPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm              |     0.153 |     0.144 |    0.036       1.2     0.18 |     130 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2DPiPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     1.250 |     1.297 |    0.466       2.6     0.76 |       8 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2DPiPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.034       0.1     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                B2DHHForBcD2HHHCFPID                         |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmFilter             |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:B2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmFilter        |     1.851 |     1.823 |    0.020      50.0     4.75 |     405 |     0.739 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:B2D0HHHForBcD2HHPID                    |     1.851 |     1.816 |    0.016      49.7     4.74 |     405 |     0.736 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:B2D0HHHForBcD2HHPID             |     1.802 |     1.806 |    0.013      49.0     4.71 |     405 |     0.732 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeau|     0.493 |     0.438 |    0.002      11.1     1.14 |     405 |     0.177 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  HHHPionsInputsBeauty2CharmFilter           |     0.032 |     0.019 |    0.005       0.9     0.07 |     304 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  HHHKaonsInputsBeauty2CharmFilter           |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     303 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  X2KKPiBeauty2Charm                         |     0.394 |     0.541 |    0.041       7.7     0.86 |     279 |     0.151 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKPiBea|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      93 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2Charm                |     0.322 |     0.132 |    0.050       1.0     0.15 |      93 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     5.714 |     2.364 |    0.504       4.3     1.59 |       7 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.036       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBea|     0.740 |     0.711 |    0.001      21.1     1.99 |     405 |     0.288 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDB|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  X2KPiPiBeauty2Charm                        |     1.146 |     1.086 |    0.042      15.4     1.66 |     279 |     0.303 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiPiB|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     121 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2Charm               |     0.165 |     0.150 |    0.049       1.7     0.20 |     121 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     2.142 |     2.045 |    0.483       6.0     1.78 |      14 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.066 |    0.040       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBe|     0.567 |     0.646 |    0.001      16.8     1.67 |     405 |     0.262 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPID|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  X2PiPiPiBeauty2Charm                       |     0.925 |     1.066 |    0.029      12.6     1.50 |     281 |     0.300 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiP|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     123 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.143 |    0.049       1.5     0.18 |     123 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     0.666 |     1.428 |    0.491       3.0     0.79 |      15 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.033       0.1     0.01 |      11 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                B2D0HHHForBcD2HHPID                          |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmFilter             |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:B2D0DBeauty2CharmFilter                  |     0.074 |     0.088 |    0.015       7.1     0.42 |     405 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:B2D0DForBc                             |     0.074 |     0.080 |    0.010       6.8     0.40 |     405 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:B2D0DForBc                      |     0.049 |     0.074 |    0.005       6.4     0.39 |     405 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2D0DD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeau|     0.049 |     0.068 |    0.001       6.4     0.39 |     405 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0DD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPI|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     132 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:B2D0DBeauty2CharmFilter                  |     0.049 |     0.072 |    0.012       6.0     0.34 |     405 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:B2D0DForBc                             |     0.049 |     0.065 |    0.008       5.7     0.33 |     405 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:B2D0DForBc                      |     0.049 |     0.060 |    0.005       5.5     0.32 |     405 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2D0DD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeau|     0.049 |     0.055 |    0.001       5.5     0.32 |     405 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0DD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPI|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     132 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0DD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      73 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0DD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm                |     0.136 |     0.121 |    0.043       0.7     0.12 |      73 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0DD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     1.780 |    0.724       3.7     1.35 |       4 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0DD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.088 |    0.064       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                B2D0DForBc                                   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2D0DBeauty2CharmFilter                       |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             AllB                                            |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Upsilon2BBBeauty2Charm                           |     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.047       0.1     0.02 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0DD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm                |     0.136 |     0.105 |    0.039       0.7     0.11 |      73 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0DD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     1.655 |    0.698       3.5     1.32 |       4 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2D0DD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.045       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                B2D0DForBc                                   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2D0DBeauty2CharmFilter                       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             AllB                                            |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Upsilon2BBBeauty2Charm                           |     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.032       0.1     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Upsilon2BBBeauty2CharmLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Upsilon2BBBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Upsilon2BBBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -127409,11 +127669,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Upsilon2BBBeauty2C
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Upsilon2BBBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Upsilon2BBBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingUpsilon2BBBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.080 |     0.057 |    0.024       0.2     0.03 |    1000 |     0.057 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.020 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.024 |     0.015 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.090 |     0.045 |    0.021       0.7     0.04 |    1000 |     0.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.030 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.008       0.7     0.04 |     405 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.7     0.04 |     405 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -127422,11 +127682,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HH
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.022       0.4     0.03 |    1000 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.030 |     0.035 |    0.019       0.1     0.02 |    1000 |     0.036 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -127435,12 +127695,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0HD02
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.050 |     0.047 |    0.022       0.5     0.03 |    1000 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.030 |     0.035 |    0.019       0.1     0.02 |    1000 |     0.036 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.024 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KLooseTopoInputsLooseBeauty2CharmFilter          |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     203 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KLooseTopoInputsLooseBeauty2CharmFilter          |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     203 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -127449,11 +127709,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHB
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.040 |     0.049 |    0.023       1.6     0.05 |    1000 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.050 |     0.036 |    0.020       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.037 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.2     0.01 |     405 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.049 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiKWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiKWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BPiKWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -127462,11 +127722,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BPiKWSB2D0HD02H
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BPiKWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BPiKWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.080 |     0.053 |    0.021       0.9     0.08 |    1000 |     0.053 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.074 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.040 |     0.036 |    0.019       0.1     0.02 |    1000 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -127475,11 +127735,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHB
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BKKB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.090 |     0.049 |    0.023       0.9     0.04 |    1000 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.024 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BKKB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BKKB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.040 |     0.036 |    0.020       0.1     0.02 |    1000 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.024 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BKKB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKKB2D0HD02HHBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKKB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BKKB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -127488,11 +127748,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BKKB2D0HD02HHBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BKKB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BKKB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.040 |     0.046 |    0.022       0.6     0.03 |    1000 |     0.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.040 |     0.039 |    0.019       3.3     0.10 |    1000 |     0.039 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.024 |     0.016 |    0.006       3.2     0.16 |     405 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.002       3.2     0.16 |     405 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKKWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKKWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BKKWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -127501,25 +127761,25 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BKKWSB2D0HD02HH
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BKKWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BKKWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0HD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.030 |     0.055 |    0.024       4.6     0.15 |    1000 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.060 |     0.041 |    0.019       4.2     0.13 |    1000 |     0.042 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.008       4.4     0.22 |     405 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     1.177 |    0.143       2.2     1.46 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.245 |    0.245       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.119 |    0.119       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.119 |    0.119       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.308 |    0.308       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.729 |    0.729       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.049 |     0.020 |    0.007       4.2     0.21 |     405 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.024 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2Charm                 |     5.000 |     1.497 |    0.082       2.9     2.00 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.123 |    0.123       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.069       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.074 |    0.074       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.187 |    0.187       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.422 |    0.422       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.060 |     0.051 |    0.023       2.1     0.07 |    1000 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.050 |     0.037 |    0.020       0.7     0.03 |    1000 |     0.038 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.049 |     0.016 |    0.007       1.9     0.10 |     405 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2Charm               |     5.000 |     0.967 |    0.156       1.8     1.15 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.7     0.03 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.337 |    0.064       0.6     0.39 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -127527,25 +127787,25 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0HD02
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.020 |     0.051 |    0.023       3.7     0.12 |    1000 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.020 |     0.039 |    0.020       1.6     0.05 |    1000 |     0.040 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.008       3.6     0.18 |     405 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     1.146 |    0.261       2.0     1.25 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.162 |    0.162       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.078 |    0.078       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.074 |    0.074       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.205 |    0.205       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.270 |    0.270       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.010 |     0.049 |    0.023       2.1     0.07 |    1000 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.024 |     0.013 |    0.007       1.5     0.08 |     405 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.438 |    0.158       0.7     0.40 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.062       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.046       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.046       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.103 |    0.103       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.119 |    0.119       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.010 |     0.037 |    0.019       0.8     0.04 |    1000 |     0.038 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.007       1.9     0.10 |     405 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiKWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.981 |    0.176       1.8     1.14 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.7     0.05 |     405 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiKWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.637 |    0.598       0.7     0.06 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiKWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BPiKWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BPiKWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -127553,12 +127813,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BPiKWSB2D0HD02H
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BPiKWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BPiKWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.090 |     0.049 |    0.023       1.7     0.06 |    1000 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.050 |     0.039 |    0.019       0.7     0.05 |    1000 |     0.040 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.024 |     0.015 |    0.007       1.6     0.08 |     405 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.846 |    0.220       1.5     0.89 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.024 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.7     0.03 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.361 |    0.129       0.6     0.33 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -127566,12 +127826,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHH
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BKKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.060 |     0.049 |    0.023       1.4     0.05 |    1000 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BKKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.050 |     0.036 |    0.019       0.7     0.03 |    1000 |     0.036 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.007       1.3     0.07 |     405 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BKKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.685 |    0.201       1.2     0.68 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.7     0.03 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BKKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.345 |    0.111       0.6     0.33 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BKKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BKKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -127579,12 +127839,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BKKB2D0HD02HHHH
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BKKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BKKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.070 |     0.049 |    0.022       2.2     0.08 |    1000 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.030 |     0.037 |    0.018       0.7     0.04 |    1000 |     0.038 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.049 |     0.019 |    0.007       2.1     0.12 |     405 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKKWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2Charm                 |     5.000 |     0.680 |    0.148       1.2     0.75 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.049 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.6     0.05 |     405 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.024 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKKWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     0.307 |    0.064       0.6     0.34 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKKWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BKKWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BKKWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -127592,12 +127852,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BKKWSB2D0HD02HH
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BKKWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BKKWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0HD02HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.100 |     0.057 |    0.024       4.7     0.17 |    1000 |     0.057 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.074 |     0.028 |    0.007       4.6     0.25 |     405 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.024 |     0.015 |    0.003       4.5     0.23 |     405 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     1.961 |    1.961       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.060 |     0.040 |    0.020       1.6     0.05 |    1000 |     0.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.024 |     0.012 |    0.007       1.5     0.07 |     405 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     1.381 |    1.381       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BPiPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BPiPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -127605,25 +127865,25 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BPiPiB2DHHD2HHH
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BPiPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BPiPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.040 |     0.050 |    0.022       3.5     0.11 |    1000 |     0.050 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.007       3.4     0.17 |     405 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiPiWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm            |     0.000 |     1.010 |    1.010       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiPiWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BPiPiWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.207 |    0.207       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BPiPiWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.104 |    0.104       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BPiPiWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.129 |    0.129       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BPiPiWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.649 |    0.649       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BPiPiWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.792 |    0.792       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.050 |     0.039 |    0.019       3.6     0.11 |    1000 |     0.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.020 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.006       3.5     0.18 |     405 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiPiWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm            |     0.000 |     0.855 |    0.855       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiPiWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BPiPiWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.130 |    0.130       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BPiPiWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.095       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BPiPiWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.086       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BPiPiWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.558 |    0.558       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BPiPiWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     1.334 |    1.334       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.030 |     0.048 |    0.023       1.2     0.04 |    1000 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.030 |     0.038 |    0.020       1.0     0.03 |    1000 |     0.038 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.024 |     0.013 |    0.007       1.1     0.05 |     405 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.960 |    0.960       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.024 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.9     0.04 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm               |    10.000 |     0.756 |    0.756       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BPiKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BPiKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -127631,25 +127891,25 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BPiKB2DHHD2HHHC
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BPiKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BPiKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.060 |     0.049 |    0.022       3.0     0.10 |    1000 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.080 |     0.038 |    0.019       2.4     0.08 |    1000 |     0.038 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.024 |     0.019 |    0.007       2.9     0.15 |     405 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm             |    10.000 |     1.185 |    1.185       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BPiKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.116 |    0.116       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BPiKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.089 |    0.089       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BPiKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.084       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BPiKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.633 |    0.633       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BPiKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.326 |    0.326       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.024 |     0.014 |    0.006       2.3     0.12 |     405 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     0.869 |    0.869       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BPiKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.105 |    0.105       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BPiKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.086       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BPiKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.110       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BPiKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.542 |    0.542       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BPiKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.203 |    0.203       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BKPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.050 |     0.049 |    0.022       2.6     0.09 |    1000 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.024 |     0.014 |    0.008       1.1     0.05 |     405 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BKPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.999 |    0.999       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BKPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.050 |     0.037 |    0.020       0.9     0.03 |    1000 |     0.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.9     0.04 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BKPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.773 |    0.773       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BKPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BKPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -127657,12 +127917,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BKPiB2DHHD2HHHC
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BKPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BKPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BKKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.050 |     0.046 |    0.022       0.9     0.04 |    1000 |     0.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.024 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.8     0.04 |     405 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BKKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.749 |    0.749       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BKKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.050 |     0.037 |    0.019       0.8     0.03 |    1000 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.7     0.04 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BKKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.691 |    0.691       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BKKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BKKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -127670,12 +127930,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BKKB2DHHD2HHHCF
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BKKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BKKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BKKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.030 |     0.048 |    0.023       1.0     0.04 |    1000 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BKKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.060 |     0.038 |    0.020       0.8     0.03 |    1000 |     0.038 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.008       0.9     0.04 |     405 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BKKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.785 |    0.785       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.7     0.04 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BKKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.657 |    0.657       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BKKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BKKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -127683,116 +127943,116 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BKKWSB2DHHD2HHH
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BKKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BKKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.070 |     0.084 |    0.023      33.2     1.05 |    1000 |     0.084 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.098 |     0.102 |    0.008      33.0     1.64 |     405 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm              |     2.500 |     1.344 |    0.199       2.2     1.02 |       4 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BPiPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmL|    10.000 |     3.709 |    3.709       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BPiPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     3.554 |    3.554       3.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BPiPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     3.643 |    3.643       3.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BPiPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmL|    10.000 |    12.046 |   12.046      12.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BPiPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     6.233 |    6.233       6.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.040 |     0.067 |    0.023      17.4     0.56 |    1000 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.030 |     0.065 |    0.019      26.4     0.84 |    1000 |     0.065 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.074 |     0.081 |    0.007      26.3     1.31 |     405 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     1.064 |    0.201       2.0     0.76 |       4 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BPiPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     3.332 |    3.332       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BPiPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     3.142 |    3.142       3.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BPiPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmL|    10.000 |     3.168 |    3.168       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BPiPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmL|    10.000 |     9.858 |    9.858       9.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BPiPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     3.448 |    3.448       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.030 |     0.048 |    0.019       9.2     0.30 |    1000 |     0.049 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.098 |     0.061 |    0.006      17.2     0.86 |     405 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm            |     0.000 |     0.878 |    0.099       2.1     0.88 |       4 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2Char|     5.000 |     1.228 |    0.234       2.2     1.41 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     1.056 |    0.099       2.0     1.35 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.756 |    0.094       1.4     0.94 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2Char|     5.000 |     3.146 |    0.219       6.1     4.14 |       2 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     1.209 |    0.890       1.5     0.45 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.080 |     0.081 |    0.024      29.5     0.93 |    1000 |     0.081 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.6     0.02 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.074 |     0.089 |    0.007      29.4     1.46 |     405 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     1.292 |    0.193       3.4     1.41 |       4 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BPiKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLi|    10.000 |     3.502 |    3.502       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BPiKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     3.295 |    3.295       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BPiKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     3.215 |    3.215       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BPiKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLi|    20.000 |    11.710 |   11.710      11.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BPiKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     1.994 |    1.994       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.100 |     0.062 |    0.023      13.6     0.43 |    1000 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.049 |     0.039 |    0.006       9.1     0.47 |     405 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.024 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm            |     0.000 |     0.566 |    0.129       0.9     0.34 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.698 |    0.179       1.2     0.73 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.587 |    0.096       1.1     0.69 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.601 |    0.115       1.1     0.69 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2Char|     5.000 |     1.626 |    0.206       3.0     2.01 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.783 |    0.671       0.9     0.16 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.090 |     0.064 |    0.020      21.6     0.69 |    1000 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.049 |     0.069 |    0.006      21.5     1.07 |     405 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.938 |    0.188       2.0     0.76 |       4 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BPiKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     2.927 |    2.927       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BPiKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLi|    10.000 |     2.864 |    2.864       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BPiKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     2.774 |    2.774       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BPiKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLi|    10.000 |     8.155 |    8.155       8.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BPiKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     1.459 |    1.459       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.070 |     0.049 |    0.020      11.0     0.35 |    1000 |     0.049 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.024 |     0.051 |    0.007      13.4     0.68 |     405 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     0.810 |    0.091       1.6     0.63 |       4 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BPiKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.939 |    0.156       1.7     1.11 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BPiKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.812 |    0.101       1.5     1.01 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BPiKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm|     5.000 |     0.838 |    0.098       1.6     1.05 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BPiKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     2.300 |    0.200       4.4     2.97 |       2 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BPiKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.578 |    0.195       1.0     0.54 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.070 |     0.080 |    0.023      31.8     1.00 |    1000 |     0.081 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.049 |     0.042 |    0.006      10.9     0.55 |     405 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm             |     2.500 |     0.689 |    0.101       1.3     0.48 |       4 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BPiKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.743 |    0.131       1.4     0.87 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BPiKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.735 |    0.096       1.4     0.90 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BPiKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm|     5.000 |     0.711 |    0.094       1.3     0.87 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BPiKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     1.960 |    0.215       3.7     2.47 |       2 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BPiKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.444 |    0.150       0.7     0.42 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.080 |     0.062 |    0.020      24.7     0.78 |    1000 |     0.063 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.098 |     0.094 |    0.008      31.6     1.57 |     405 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm               |     2.500 |     1.103 |    0.161       2.6     1.04 |       4 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BKPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     4.503 |    4.503       4.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BKPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLi|    10.000 |     4.705 |    4.705       4.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BKPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     4.024 |    4.024       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BKPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLi|    10.000 |    11.229 |   11.229      11.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BKPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     2.386 |    2.386       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BKKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.100 |     0.073 |    0.023      24.6     0.78 |    1000 |     0.073 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.098 |     0.075 |    0.007      24.4     1.21 |     405 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BKKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm                |     2.500 |     1.006 |    0.153       2.5     1.02 |       4 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BKKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     4.821 |    4.821       4.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BKKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLin|    10.000 |     2.730 |    2.730       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BKKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     2.702 |    2.702       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BKKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLin|    10.000 |     8.182 |    8.182       8.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BKKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     1.763 |    1.763       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.040 |     0.054 |    0.022       6.7     0.22 |    1000 |     0.054 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.007       6.6     0.33 |     405 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.481 |    0.068       0.8     0.35 |       4 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BKKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.850 |    0.850       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BKKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.685 |    0.685       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BKKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.671 |    0.671       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BKKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     1.932 |    1.932       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BKKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.447 |    0.447       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.049 |     0.074 |    0.006      24.6     1.22 |     405 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.958 |    0.202       2.1     0.83 |       4 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BKPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLi|    10.000 |     3.397 |    3.397       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BKPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     3.204 |    3.204       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BKPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     3.244 |    3.244       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BKPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLi|    10.000 |     9.547 |    9.547       9.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BKPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     1.782 |    1.782       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BKKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.070 |     0.059 |    0.019      22.1     0.70 |    1000 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.074 |     0.067 |    0.006      22.0     1.09 |     405 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BKKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm                |     2.500 |     0.853 |    0.139       1.8     0.70 |       4 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BKKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     3.104 |    3.104       3.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BKKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     2.947 |    2.947       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BKKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLin|    10.000 |     2.942 |    2.942       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BKKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     8.289 |    8.289       8.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BKKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLin|    10.000 |     1.664 |    1.664       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.010 |     0.043 |    0.018       6.8     0.22 |    1000 |     0.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.006       6.7     0.34 |     405 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.455 |    0.073       0.7     0.31 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BKKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.787 |    0.787       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BKKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.845 |    0.845       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BKKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.715 |    0.715       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BKKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     1.964 |    1.964       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BKKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.418 |    0.418       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0HHHD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.030 |     0.054 |    0.023       5.9     0.19 |    1000 |     0.054 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.049 |     0.026 |    0.008       5.7     0.28 |     405 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiPiB2D0DBeauty2Charm                        |    10.000 |     2.456 |    2.456       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BPiPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.345 |    0.345       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BPiPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.298 |    0.298       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BPiPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.271 |    0.271       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BPiPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.796 |    0.796       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BPiPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.277 |    0.277       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.040 |     0.041 |    0.020       4.4     0.14 |    1000 |     0.042 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.024 |     0.020 |    0.007       4.3     0.21 |     405 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiPiB2D0DBeauty2Charm                        |     0.000 |     1.740 |    1.740       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BPiPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine       |    10.000 |     0.261 |    0.261       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BPiPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.237 |    0.237       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BPiPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.238 |    0.238       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BPiPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.681 |    0.681       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BPiPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.194 |    0.194       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.060 |     0.048 |    0.023       2.0     0.07 |    1000 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.024 |     0.015 |    0.007       1.8     0.09 |     405 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0DBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     1.719 |    1.719       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.020       1.1     0.04 |    1000 |     0.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       1.0     0.05 |     405 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0DBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.928 |    0.928       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -127800,25 +128060,25 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0DBea
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BPiPiWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.030 |     0.050 |    0.022       5.9     0.19 |    1000 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.030 |     0.040 |    0.019       5.4     0.17 |    1000 |     0.040 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.024 |     0.025 |    0.007       5.8     0.29 |     405 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiKB2D0DBeauty2Charm                         |     0.000 |     1.500 |    1.500       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BPiKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.543 |    0.543       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BPiKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine        |    10.000 |     0.471 |    0.471       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BPiKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.435 |    0.435       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BPiKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     1.357 |    1.357       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BPiKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.381 |    0.381       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.006       5.4     0.27 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiKB2D0DBeauty2Charm                         |     0.000 |     1.246 |    1.246       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BPiKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.490 |    0.490       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BPiKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.473 |    0.473       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BPiKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.442 |    0.442       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BPiKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     1.306 |    1.306       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BPiKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.387 |    0.387       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.070 |     0.050 |    0.022       4.2     0.15 |    1000 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.010 |     0.035 |    0.019       1.2     0.04 |    1000 |     0.036 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.030 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.024 |     0.015 |    0.007       1.8     0.09 |     405 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiKWSB2D0DBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     1.659 |    1.659       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       1.1     0.06 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiKWSB2D0DBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     1.026 |    1.026       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BPiKWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BPiKWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BPiKWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -127826,38 +128086,38 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BPiKWSB2D0DBeau
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BPiKWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BPiKWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.070 |     0.052 |    0.023       5.9     0.19 |    1000 |     0.053 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.040 |     0.040 |    0.020       5.7     0.18 |    1000 |     0.041 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.049 |     0.025 |    0.007       5.8     0.29 |     405 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKPiB2D0DBeauty2Charm                         |     0.000 |     1.606 |    1.606       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BKPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.545 |    0.545       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BKPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.470 |    0.470       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BKPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.434 |    0.434       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BKPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine        |    10.000 |     1.311 |    1.311       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BKPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.327 |    0.327       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.049 |     0.022 |    0.006       5.7     0.28 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKPiB2D0DBeauty2Charm                         |    10.000 |     1.312 |    1.312       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BKPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.532 |    0.532       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BKPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.448 |    0.448       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BKPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.503 |    0.503       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BKPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     1.340 |    1.340       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BKPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.359 |    0.359       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKPiB2D0DBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BKKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.050 |     0.052 |    0.024       5.9     0.19 |    1000 |     0.053 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler     |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.007       5.8     0.29 |     405 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BKKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKKB2D0DBeauty2Charm                          |     0.000 |     1.568 |    1.568       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine                      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BKKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.526 |    0.526       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BKKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.451 |    0.451       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BKKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.444 |    0.444       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BKKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     1.326 |    1.326       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BKKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.338 |    0.338       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BKKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.060 |     0.045 |    0.019       5.6     0.22 |    1000 |     0.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter    |     0.020 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence|     0.049 |     0.022 |    0.006       5.5     0.27 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BKKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter   |     0.024 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKKB2D0DBeauty2Charm                          |     0.000 |     1.315 |    1.315       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine                      |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BKKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.482 |    0.482       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BKKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.465 |    0.465       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BKKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.464 |    0.464       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BKKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     1.369 |    1.369       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BKKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.310 |    0.310       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKB2D0DBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.050 |     0.046 |    0.022       1.4     0.05 |    1000 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.050 |     0.036 |    0.020       1.1     0.04 |    1000 |     0.037 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       1.3     0.06 |     405 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKKWSB2D0DBeauty2Charm                        |     0.000 |     1.185 |    1.185       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.049 |     0.010 |    0.006       1.0     0.05 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.024 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKKWSB2D0DBeauty2Charm                        |    10.000 |     0.890 |    0.890       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2BKKWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2BKKWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2BKKWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -127865,157 +128125,157 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2BKKWSB2D0DBeaut
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2BKKWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2BKKWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2BKKWSB2D0DBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.110 |     0.097 |    0.022       8.4     0.32 |    1000 |     0.098 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.090 |     0.069 |    0.020       3.4     0.15 |    1000 |     0.070 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.197 |     0.116 |    0.007       4.0     0.28 |     405 |     0.047 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm                      |     0.402 |     0.112 |    0.061       0.9     0.09 |     149 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.074 |     0.093 |    0.007       3.3     0.22 |     405 |     0.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.087 |    0.056       0.6     0.06 |     149 |     0.013 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.204 |    0.182       0.2     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.082       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.085 |    0.075       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     1.006 |    0.632       1.4     0.53 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     1.238 |    0.896       1.6     0.48 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.090 |     0.077 |    0.022       2.7     0.13 |    1000 |     0.077 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.136 |    0.131       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.078 |    0.076       0.1     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.072       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     5.000 |     0.824 |    0.532       1.1     0.41 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     5.000 |     1.034 |    0.703       1.4     0.47 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.030 |     0.060 |    0.020       2.8     0.11 |    1000 |     0.061 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.148 |     0.082 |    0.008       2.6     0.18 |     405 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Charm                    |     0.341 |     0.131 |    0.056       0.9     0.11 |     117 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.234 |    0.234       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.138 |    0.138       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.139 |    0.139       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.572 |    0.572       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.858 |    0.858       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2D0KD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.050 |     0.083 |    0.022       1.9     0.13 |    1000 |     0.084 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.024 |     0.066 |    0.007       2.4     0.15 |     405 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Charm                    |     0.085 |     0.106 |    0.050       0.5     0.08 |     117 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.191 |    0.191       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.128 |    0.128       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.160 |    0.160       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.542 |    0.542       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.834 |    0.834       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2D0KD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.070 |     0.068 |    0.019       1.8     0.11 |    1000 |     0.069 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2D0KD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2D0KD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2D0KD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.049 |     0.101 |    0.008       1.9     0.17 |     405 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2D0KD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2D0KD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm                       |     0.067 |     0.094 |    0.053       0.8     0.08 |     149 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2D0KD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2D0KD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.106       0.1     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2D0KD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.079       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2D0KD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.083 |    0.077       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2D0KD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.461 |    0.354       0.6     0.15 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2D0KD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.189 |    0.180       0.2     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2D0KD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.030 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2D0KD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.000 |     0.088 |    0.007       1.7     0.15 |     405 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2D0KD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2D0KD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     0.079 |    0.049       0.6     0.06 |     149 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2D0KD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2D0KD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.106 |    0.102       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2D0KD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.072       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2D0KD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.079 |    0.068       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2D0KD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.467 |    0.376       0.6     0.13 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2D0KD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.154 |    0.153       0.2     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2D0KD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2D0KD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.060 |     0.078 |    0.021       3.2     0.17 |    1000 |     0.079 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2D0KD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2D0KD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2D0KD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.074 |     0.087 |    0.007       3.1     0.25 |     405 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2D0KD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2D0KD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Charm                     |     0.170 |     0.117 |    0.051       0.6     0.09 |     117 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2D0KD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2D0KD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.217 |    0.144       0.3     0.07 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2D0KD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.150 |    0.106       0.2     0.05 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2D0KD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.131 |    0.089       0.2     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2D0KD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.727 |    0.525       1.0     0.24 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2D0KD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.575 |    0.218       0.8     0.32 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2D0KD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.060 |     0.064 |    0.019       2.9     0.16 |    1000 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2D0KD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2D0KD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2D0KD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.006       2.9     0.24 |     405 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2D0KD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2D0KD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.101 |    0.047       0.5     0.08 |     117 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2D0KD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2D0KD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.195 |    0.146       0.2     0.05 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2D0KD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.092       0.2     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2D0KD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.116 |    0.081       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2D0KD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.759 |    0.638       1.0     0.17 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2D0KD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.680 |    0.582       0.8     0.10 |       3 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2D0KD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.270 |     0.258 |    0.022      21.5     0.93 |    1000 |     0.258 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.200 |     0.212 |    0.019      14.3     0.71 |    1000 |     0.212 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.567 |     0.528 |    0.007      21.4     1.40 |     405 |     0.214 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHHPIDTIGHTBeauty2CharmFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     240 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DXD2HHHBeauty2CharmFilter                     |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     224 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                     |     0.201 |     0.149 |    0.050       2.9     0.24 |     199 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.577 |    0.238       0.8     0.28 |       4 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.369 |    0.119       0.6     0.23 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.335 |    0.108       0.5     0.20 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     7.500 |     4.131 |    1.384       7.0     2.89 |       4 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     1.480 |    0.248       2.4     0.92 |       4 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DHHWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.820 |     0.857 |    0.021      26.6     2.29 |    1000 |     0.857 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.444 |     0.438 |    0.007      14.2     1.05 |     405 |     0.178 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.024 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHHPIDTIGHTBeauty2CharmFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     240 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DXD2HHHBeauty2CharmFilter                     |     0.089 |     0.024 |    0.003       4.1     0.28 |     224 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                     |     0.201 |     0.125 |    0.043       1.8     0.16 |     199 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.467 |    0.167       0.7     0.28 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.360 |    0.077       0.6     0.24 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.360 |    0.069       0.6     0.26 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     2.500 |     4.071 |    0.823       7.2     3.16 |       4 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     1.174 |    0.212       2.4     0.89 |       4 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DHHWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.830 |     0.759 |    0.019      26.1     2.07 |    1000 |     0.760 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DHHWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DHHWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DHHWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     1.827 |     2.003 |    0.007      26.4     3.22 |     405 |     0.811 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DHHWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:X2HHWSBeauty2Charm                        |     2.970 |     3.181 |    0.675      22.2     2.67 |     239 |     0.760 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:X2HHWSBeauty2Charm                 |     2.803 |     2.964 |    0.608      19.2     2.45 |     239 |     0.708 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:X2HHWSPlusBeauty2CharmFilter             |     1.171 |     1.514 |    0.063      13.3     1.64 |     239 |     0.362 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               X2PiPiWSPlusBeauty2Charm                      |     0.251 |     0.292 |    0.035       1.6     0.24 |     239 |     0.070 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               X2HHWSPlusSubPIDSelBeauty2Charm               |     0.230 |     0.124 |    0.021       6.2     0.42 |     217 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               X2HHWSPlusBeauty2CharmFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     217 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:X2HHWSMinusBeauty2CharmFilter            |     1.631 |     1.437 |    0.076       7.6     1.22 |     239 |     0.344 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               X2PiPiWSMinusBeauty2Charm                     |     0.251 |     0.283 |    0.048       1.2     0.20 |     239 |     0.068 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               X2HHWSMinusSubPIDSelBeauty2Charm              |     0.046 |     0.090 |    0.020       0.4     0.07 |     216 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               X2HHWSMinusBeauty2CharmFilter                 |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     216 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             X2HHWSBeauty2Charm                              |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.004       0.2     0.02 |     239 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2HHWSPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                      |     0.138 |     0.036 |    0.007       0.2     0.03 |     217 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DHHWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                     |     0.246 |     0.170 |    0.053       2.3     0.23 |     203 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DHHWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DHHWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     1.827 |     1.788 |    0.007      26.0     2.92 |     405 |     0.724 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DHHWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:X2HHWSBeauty2Charm                        |     2.970 |     2.804 |    0.579      21.6     2.33 |     239 |     0.670 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:X2HHWSBeauty2Charm                 |     2.719 |     2.615 |    0.524      20.1     2.16 |     239 |     0.625 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:X2HHWSPlusBeauty2CharmFilter             |     1.548 |     1.282 |    0.061      13.5     1.30 |     239 |     0.306 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               X2PiPiWSPlusBeauty2Charm                      |     0.334 |     0.248 |    0.037       1.4     0.19 |     239 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               X2HHWSPlusSubPIDSelBeauty2Charm               |     0.046 |     0.073 |    0.018       0.5     0.06 |     217 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               X2HHWSPlusBeauty2CharmFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     217 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:X2HHWSMinusBeauty2CharmFilter            |     1.171 |     1.324 |    0.065       7.6     1.16 |     239 |     0.316 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               X2PiPiWSMinusBeauty2Charm                     |     0.376 |     0.257 |    0.040       3.8     0.28 |     239 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               X2HHWSMinusSubPIDSelBeauty2Charm              |     0.046 |     0.076 |    0.016       0.4     0.06 |     216 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               X2HHWSMinusBeauty2CharmFilter                 |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     216 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             X2HHWSBeauty2Charm                              |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     239 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2HHWSPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                      |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.008       0.2     0.02 |     217 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DHHWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                     |     0.246 |     0.163 |    0.047       2.4     0.24 |     203 |     0.033 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DHHWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DHHWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.429 |    0.193       0.7     0.21 |       6 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DHHWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.285 |    0.113       0.6     0.18 |       6 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DHHWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     1.666 |     0.291 |    0.145       0.6     0.17 |       6 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DHHWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     1.666 |     2.815 |    0.676       6.0     1.94 |       6 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DHHWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.680 |    0.317       1.1     0.34 |       6 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DHHWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.348 |    0.200       0.6     0.14 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DHHWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.269 |    0.133       0.6     0.18 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DHHWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     1.666 |     0.269 |    0.122       0.6     0.17 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DHHWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     1.666 |     2.782 |    0.780       5.8     1.85 |       6 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DHHWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.666 |    0.268       1.3     0.42 |       6 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DHHWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DHHNPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.080 |     0.105 |    0.021       8.2     0.32 |    1000 |     0.105 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DHHNPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.050 |     0.087 |    0.019       6.8     0.28 |    1000 |     0.088 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DHHNPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DHHNPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.020 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DHHNPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.098 |     0.151 |    0.007       8.1     0.48 |     405 |     0.061 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DHHNPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DHHNPD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                     |     0.147 |     0.164 |    0.047       2.6     0.24 |     203 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DHHNPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DHHNPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     2.500 |     0.358 |    0.117       0.8     0.33 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DHHNPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.267 |    0.057       0.7     0.30 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DHHNPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.276 |    0.050       0.7     0.30 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DHHNPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.850 |    0.107       2.3     0.98 |       4 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DHHNPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.494 |    0.222       0.7     0.22 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DHHNPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DHHNPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.049 |     0.131 |    0.006       6.8     0.42 |     405 |     0.053 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DHHNPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DHHNPD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                     |     0.049 |     0.143 |    0.046       2.5     0.22 |     203 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DHHNPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DHHNPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.284 |    0.097       0.7     0.27 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DHHNPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.251 |    0.050       0.7     0.29 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DHHNPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.263 |    0.048       0.7     0.29 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DHHNPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.775 |    0.089       1.9     0.80 |       4 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DHHNPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.405 |    0.171       0.6     0.18 |       4 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DHHNPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.290 |     0.262 |    0.021      14.1     0.93 |    1000 |     0.263 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.240 |     0.230 |    0.019      13.8     0.87 |    1000 |     0.230 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.617 |     0.542 |    0.007      14.0     1.39 |     405 |     0.220 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.493 |     0.484 |    0.006      13.7     1.31 |     405 |     0.196 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                      |     0.100 |     0.177 |    0.061       2.4     0.23 |     200 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.483 |    0.170       0.8     0.25 |       7 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.383 |    0.160       0.7     0.20 |       7 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.382 |    0.163       0.7     0.20 |       7 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     4.285 |     4.260 |    1.527       7.7     2.48 |       7 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     1.428 |     1.236 |    0.258       2.1     0.68 |       7 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DKKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.160 |     0.145 |    0.021       5.1     0.37 |    1000 |     0.145 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                      |     0.200 |     0.159 |    0.052       2.5     0.23 |     200 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.450 |    0.173       0.7     0.23 |       7 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.397 |    0.151       0.7     0.19 |       7 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.391 |    0.143       0.6     0.21 |       7 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     5.714 |     4.221 |    1.578       7.7     2.47 |       7 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     1.055 |    0.237       1.9     0.59 |       7 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DKKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.140 |     0.122 |    0.018       5.0     0.34 |    1000 |     0.123 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DKKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DKKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DKKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.320 |     0.251 |    0.007       5.0     0.53 |     405 |     0.102 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DKKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DKKD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                       |     0.173 |     0.110 |    0.044       0.9     0.12 |     173 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DKKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DKKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     2.500 |     0.277 |    0.215       0.3     0.05 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DKKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.225 |    0.154       0.3     0.05 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DKKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.230 |    0.158       0.3     0.05 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DKKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     2.500 |     1.943 |    1.686       2.4     0.30 |       4 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DKKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.266 |    0.220       0.3     0.05 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DKKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DPiKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.140 |     0.163 |    0.022      20.4     1.01 |    1000 |     0.163 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DKKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DKKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.246 |     0.219 |    0.007       5.0     0.49 |     405 |     0.089 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DKKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DKKD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                       |     0.057 |     0.096 |    0.038       1.3     0.13 |     173 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DKKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DKKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.233 |    0.166       0.3     0.05 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DKKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     2.500 |     0.236 |    0.166       0.3     0.05 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DKKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.201 |    0.143       0.3     0.05 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DKKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     2.500 |     1.974 |    1.729       2.4     0.28 |       4 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DKKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.222 |    0.159       0.3     0.07 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DKKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.001       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DPiKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.150 |     0.130 |    0.018      14.3     0.79 |    1000 |     0.131 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DPiKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DPiKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DPiKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.222 |     0.262 |    0.007      17.5     1.37 |     405 |     0.106 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DPiKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DPiKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.296 |     0.237 |    0.007      14.2     1.22 |     405 |     0.096 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DPiKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DPiKD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                      |     0.200 |     0.166 |    0.057       2.5     0.23 |     200 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DPiKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DPiKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.469 |    0.182       0.8     0.25 |       7 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DPiKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.417 |    0.146       0.7     0.23 |       7 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DPiKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.386 |    0.173       0.7     0.20 |       7 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DPiKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     5.714 |     4.740 |    1.567       9.3     3.02 |       7 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DPiKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     1.428 |     1.181 |    0.260       2.8     0.87 |       7 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DPiKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.002       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.080 |     0.104 |    0.023       2.3     0.19 |    1000 |     0.104 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DPiKD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                      |     0.250 |     0.148 |    0.049       2.5     0.22 |     200 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DPiKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DPiKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.413 |    0.186       0.7     0.21 |       7 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DPiKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.403 |    0.159       0.7     0.21 |       7 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DPiKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.417 |    0.170       0.8     0.24 |       7 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DPiKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     7.142 |     4.507 |    1.600       7.7     2.45 |       7 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DPiKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.982 |    0.266       2.0     0.60 |       7 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DPiKD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.110 |     0.083 |    0.020       2.3     0.16 |    1000 |     0.084 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.098 |     0.142 |    0.008       2.2     0.25 |     405 |     0.058 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2HHPID2D0PiBeauty2Charm                    |     0.201 |     0.247 |    0.065       1.3     0.18 |     149 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.183 |    0.054       1.5     0.33 |      20 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.246 |     0.121 |    0.007       2.2     0.22 |     405 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2HHPID2D0PiBeauty2Charm                    |     0.402 |     0.213 |    0.060       1.5     0.18 |     149 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.149 |    0.045       1.1     0.23 |      20 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128023,12 +128283,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstarPiPiDstar2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.050 |     0.058 |    0.024       3.8     0.15 |    1000 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.080 |     0.047 |    0.019       3.8     0.14 |    1000 |     0.047 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.007       3.7     0.22 |     405 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.187 |    0.057       0.9     0.25 |      20 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.049 |     0.034 |    0.006       3.8     0.22 |     405 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.158 |    0.050       0.7     0.18 |      20 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128036,12 +128296,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstarHHWSDstar2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.022       0.9     0.05 |    1000 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.040 |     0.039 |    0.019       0.7     0.04 |    1000 |     0.039 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.007       0.8     0.06 |     405 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.142 |    0.055       0.7     0.14 |      20 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.024 |     0.019 |    0.006       0.6     0.05 |     405 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.130 |    0.051       0.5     0.12 |      20 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128049,12 +128309,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstarHHNPDstar2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.040 |     0.054 |    0.023       2.7     0.10 |    1000 |     0.054 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.024 |     0.029 |    0.008       2.7     0.15 |     405 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm        |     0.000 |     0.176 |    0.069       0.7     0.18 |      20 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.080 |     0.043 |    0.020       2.4     0.09 |    1000 |     0.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.040 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.024 |     0.025 |    0.006       2.4     0.13 |     405 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm        |     0.000 |     0.155 |    0.063       0.6     0.15 |      20 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128062,12 +128322,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstarKPiDstar2D
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.030 |     0.051 |    0.022       1.4     0.07 |    1000 |     0.052 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       1.0     0.03 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.008       1.3     0.08 |     405 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.114 |    0.045       0.6     0.13 |      20 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.020 |     0.039 |    0.019       1.2     0.05 |    1000 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.024 |     0.019 |    0.007       1.2     0.07 |     405 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm         |     0.500 |     0.104 |    0.042       0.6     0.13 |      20 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128075,12 +128335,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstarKKDstar2D0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.070 |     0.051 |    0.023       0.8     0.05 |    1000 |     0.052 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.098 |     0.023 |    0.007       0.7     0.06 |     405 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm        |     1.000 |     0.166 |    0.063       0.6     0.15 |      20 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.010 |     0.038 |    0.019       0.7     0.04 |    1000 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.024 |     0.018 |    0.006       0.6     0.05 |     405 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.024 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm        |     0.000 |     0.143 |    0.060       0.5     0.14 |      20 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128088,65 +128348,65 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstarPiKDstar2D
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.190 |     0.137 |    0.022       9.9     0.53 |    1000 |     0.138 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.070 |     0.113 |    0.018       8.7     0.44 |    1000 |     0.113 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.320 |     0.235 |    0.007       9.8     0.81 |     405 |     0.095 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2HHHHPID2D0PiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.854 |     0.551 |    0.061       7.2     0.91 |     117 |     0.065 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Charm     |     0.689 |     0.217 |    0.064       1.4     0.32 |      29 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.361 |    0.361       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.169 |    0.169       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.182 |    0.182       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     1.517 |    1.517       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.277 |    0.277       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.070 |     0.066 |    0.022       8.6     0.30 |    1000 |     0.067 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.148 |     0.201 |    0.007       8.7     0.66 |     405 |     0.081 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2HHHHPID2D0PiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.512 |     0.496 |    0.055       5.6     0.80 |     117 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     0.196 |    0.056       1.1     0.27 |      29 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.211 |    0.211       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.147 |    0.147       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.157 |    0.157       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     1.475 |    1.475       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.159 |    0.159       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarPiPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.060 |     0.054 |    0.018       7.8     0.28 |    1000 |     0.055 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.074 |     0.060 |    0.007       8.5     0.46 |     405 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     0.260 |    0.068       2.3     0.42 |      29 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.433 |    0.433       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.280 |    0.280       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.315 |    0.315       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeau|    10.000 |     2.809 |    2.809       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.318 |    0.318       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.080 |     0.062 |    0.021       6.5     0.23 |    1000 |     0.062 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.049 |     0.046 |    0.007       6.4     0.33 |     405 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     0.217 |    0.071       1.2     0.25 |      29 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.765 |    0.765       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.626 |    0.626       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.584 |    0.584       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     1.404 |    1.404       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeau|    10.000 |     1.215 |    1.215       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.7     0.02 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.074 |     0.053 |    0.006       7.8     0.43 |     405 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Charm     |     0.344 |     0.234 |    0.059       2.2     0.40 |      29 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.332 |    0.332       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.261 |    0.261       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.305 |    0.305       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     2.746 |    2.746       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.271 |    0.271       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarHHWSDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.070 |     0.048 |    0.019       6.4     0.21 |    1000 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.049 |     0.041 |    0.007       6.3     0.32 |     405 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     0.193 |    0.052       1.0     0.22 |      29 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.654 |    0.654       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.637 |    0.637       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeau|    10.000 |     0.599 |    0.599       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     1.416 |    1.416       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     1.175 |    1.175       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarHHNPDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.030 |     0.060 |    0.023       4.8     0.18 |    1000 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.070 |     0.048 |    0.019       4.3     0.16 |    1000 |     0.048 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.024 |     0.045 |    0.007       4.7     0.27 |     405 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Charm      |     0.000 |     0.214 |    0.080       1.2     0.22 |      29 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.305 |    0.305       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.157 |    0.157       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.171 |    0.171       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     1.489 |    1.489       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.209 |    0.209       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.030 |     0.056 |    0.023       3.7     0.13 |    1000 |     0.056 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.024 |     0.034 |    0.007       3.5     0.19 |     405 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Charm       |     0.384 |     0.227 |    0.053       3.4     0.65 |      26 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.074 |     0.039 |    0.007       4.3     0.25 |     405 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Charm      |     0.000 |     0.188 |    0.064       1.1     0.21 |      29 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.170 |    0.170       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.142 |    0.142       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.170 |    0.170       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeaut|    10.000 |     1.435 |    1.435       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.159 |    0.159       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarKPiDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.020 |     0.040 |    0.018       1.5     0.07 |    1000 |     0.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.049 |     0.023 |    0.006       1.5     0.10 |     405 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Charm       |     0.384 |     0.136 |    0.044       1.4     0.26 |      26 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128154,27 +128414,27 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstarKKDstar2D0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarKKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.050 |     0.060 |    0.022       5.1     0.20 |    1000 |     0.060 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.007       4.9     0.25 |     405 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Charm      |     0.000 |     0.199 |    0.078       1.2     0.23 |      29 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.361 |    0.361       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.175 |    0.175       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.164 |    0.164       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     1.561 |    1.561       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.275 |    0.275       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.050 |     0.073 |    0.016       2.4     0.24 |    1000 |     0.074 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter    |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     111 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence|     0.227 |     0.907 |    0.009       2.4     0.67 |      44 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      44 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHWSBeauty2Charm |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2HHWSBeauty2Charm                          |     0.000 |     0.206 |    0.069       1.6     0.34 |      18 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.020 |     0.044 |    0.019       4.5     0.15 |    1000 |     0.045 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.049 |     0.033 |    0.006       4.4     0.22 |     405 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.024 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Charm      |     0.000 |     0.181 |    0.064       1.2     0.22 |      29 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.171 |    0.171       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.159 |    0.159       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.170 |    0.170       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     1.473 |    1.473       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.155 |    0.155       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstarPiKDstar2D0PiD02HHHHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.060 |     0.058 |    0.015       2.5     0.20 |    1000 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     111 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence|     0.454 |     0.779 |    0.008       2.3     0.56 |      44 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      44 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHWSBeauty2Charm |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2HHWSBeauty2Charm                          |     0.000 |     0.150 |    0.056       0.7     0.15 |      18 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2HHWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2HHWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128184,14 +128444,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KD2HHWSBeauty2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.070 |     0.058 |    0.014       2.9     0.20 |    1000 |     0.059 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      94 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.789 |     0.780 |    0.010       2.7     0.66 |      38 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      38 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHWSBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHWSBeauty2Charm                         |     0.000 |     0.187 |    0.059       1.5     0.32 |      20 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.070 |     0.047 |    0.013       1.8     0.16 |    1000 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      94 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     1.315 |     0.617 |    0.009       1.8     0.46 |      38 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      38 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHWSBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.006       0.5     0.12 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHWSBeauty2Charm                         |     0.000 |     0.147 |    0.052       1.0     0.21 |      20 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128201,125 +128461,125 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD2HHWSBeauty
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2HHUPBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.670 |     0.635 |    0.022      36.4     1.42 |    1000 |     0.635 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2HHUPBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.530 |     0.508 |    0.019      23.0     0.99 |    1000 |     0.508 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHUPBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHUPBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHUPBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     1.580 |     1.435 |    0.201      36.3     1.90 |     405 |     0.582 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2HHUPBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2HHUPBeauty2Charm                        |     1.456 |     1.357 |    0.186      35.6     1.79 |     405 |     0.550 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2HHUPBeauty2Charm                 |     1.407 |     1.326 |    0.180      35.5     1.78 |     405 |     0.537 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi-UPBeauty2Charm              |     0.370 |     0.423 |    0.007      16.7     0.84 |     405 |     0.171 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PiUPInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                  |     0.049 |     0.086 |    0.027       0.8     0.05 |     404 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi-UPBeauty2Charm                   |     0.104 |     0.101 |    0.046       0.6     0.05 |     383 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi-UPBeauty2Charm               |     0.716 |     0.603 |    0.004      17.3     0.88 |     405 |     0.244 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_StdNoPIDsUpKaons_Particles      |     0.493 |     0.342 |    0.081      16.3     0.81 |     405 |     0.139 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KaUPInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                  |     0.024 |     0.050 |    0.015       0.2     0.03 |     404 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi-UPBeauty2Charm                    |     0.026 |     0.113 |    0.053       0.8     0.06 |     383 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K-UPBeauty2Charm                |     0.197 |     0.139 |    0.054       0.8     0.09 |     405 |     0.056 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K-UPBeauty2Charm                     |     0.078 |     0.083 |    0.030       0.7     0.05 |     383 |     0.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K-pi+UPBeauty2Charm               |     0.123 |     0.142 |    0.004       0.8     0.08 |     405 |     0.058 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K-pi+UPBeauty2Charm                    |     0.078 |     0.097 |    0.042       0.7     0.05 |     383 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2HHUPBeauty2Charm                              |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      70 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHUPBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHUPBeauty2Charm|     0.142 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      70 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHUPBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHUPBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     1.234 |     1.160 |    0.081      22.9     1.26 |     405 |     0.470 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2HHUPBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2HHUPBeauty2Charm                        |     1.111 |     1.093 |    0.071      22.2     1.13 |     405 |     0.443 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2HHUPBeauty2Charm                 |     1.111 |     1.065 |    0.067      22.1     1.11 |     405 |     0.431 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi-UPBeauty2Charm              |     0.271 |     0.328 |    0.004      11.7     0.59 |     405 |     0.133 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PiUPInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                  |     0.024 |     0.063 |    0.022       0.2     0.03 |     404 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi-UPBeauty2Charm                   |     0.104 |     0.084 |    0.043       0.6     0.04 |     383 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi-UPBeauty2Charm               |     0.592 |     0.486 |    0.002       9.0     0.47 |     405 |     0.197 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_StdNoPIDsUpKaons_Particles      |     0.419 |     0.265 |    0.044       8.2     0.41 |     405 |     0.107 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KaUPInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                  |     0.049 |     0.045 |    0.012       0.2     0.02 |     404 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi-UPBeauty2Charm                    |     0.078 |     0.098 |    0.053       0.6     0.05 |     383 |     0.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K-UPBeauty2Charm                |     0.123 |     0.113 |    0.044       0.7     0.07 |     405 |     0.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K-UPBeauty2Charm                     |     0.104 |     0.070 |    0.026       0.6     0.05 |     383 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K-pi+UPBeauty2Charm               |     0.074 |     0.120 |    0.002       0.7     0.07 |     405 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K-pi+UPBeauty2Charm                    |     0.078 |     0.084 |    0.038       0.6     0.05 |     383 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2HHUPBeauty2Charm                              |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.002       0.6     0.07 |      70 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHUPBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHUPBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      70 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHUPBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      70 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHUPBeauty2Charm                         |     0.285 |     0.127 |    0.052       0.6     0.09 |      70 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHUPBeauty2CharmTISTOS                   |     0.000 |     2.268 |    2.150       2.4     0.17 |       2 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHUPBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter|     0.000 |     0.089 |    0.074       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHUPBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiD2HHUPBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.384 |    0.384       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiD2HHUPBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.327 |    0.327       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD2HHUPBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.303 |    0.303       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD2HHUPBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     2.065 |    2.065       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD2HHUPBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.425 |    0.425       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHUPBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.120 |     0.161 |    0.023       7.8     0.44 |    1000 |     0.162 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHUPBeauty2Charm                         |     0.000 |     0.107 |    0.048       0.6     0.09 |      70 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHUPBeauty2CharmTISTOS                   |     5.000 |     2.210 |    2.069       2.4     0.20 |       2 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHUPBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter|     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.054       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHUPBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiD2HHUPBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.368 |    0.368       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiD2HHUPBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.283 |    0.283       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD2HHUPBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.307 |    0.307       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD2HHUPBeauty2CharmLine        |    10.000 |     2.180 |    2.180       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD2HHUPBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.376 |    0.376       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHUPBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.080 |     0.133 |    0.019       4.1     0.34 |    1000 |     0.134 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.172 |     0.275 |    0.010       7.7     0.64 |     405 |     0.112 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHBeauty2Charm |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     267 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     267 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2HHHBeauty2Charm                         |     0.149 |     0.173 |    0.055       1.7     0.19 |     267 |     0.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                   |     1.000 |     1.890 |    0.760       3.7     0.91 |      10 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter|     0.000 |     0.083 |    0.060       0.1     0.03 |       8 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.297 |    0.161       0.4     0.11 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.210 |    0.084       0.3     0.11 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.178 |    0.079       0.3     0.08 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.510 |    0.182       0.9     0.29 |       4 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.861 |    0.569       1.1     0.23 |       4 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.180 |     0.146 |    0.022       7.8     0.39 |    1000 |     0.147 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.197 |     0.233 |    0.008       4.1     0.49 |     405 |     0.095 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHBeauty2Charm |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     267 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeauty2|     0.037 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     267 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2HHHBeauty2Charm                         |     0.112 |     0.163 |    0.052       3.3     0.26 |     267 |     0.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                   |     1.000 |     1.584 |    0.697       3.5     0.84 |      10 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter|     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.034       0.1     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.175 |    0.087       0.3     0.11 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.114 |    0.053       0.2     0.06 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.119 |    0.048       0.2     0.07 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.306 |    0.188       0.5     0.14 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.550 |    0.320       0.8     0.23 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.130 |     0.119 |    0.018       4.3     0.27 |    1000 |     0.119 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       1.4     0.05 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.419 |     0.242 |    0.007       7.7     0.56 |     405 |     0.098 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     267 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     267 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2HHHBeauty2Charm                        |     0.299 |     0.164 |    0.050       1.6     0.18 |     267 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |     3.333 |     1.690 |    0.507       3.6     0.88 |       9 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.050       0.1     0.02 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DPiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.213 |    0.096       0.3     0.13 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DPiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.158 |    0.072       0.3     0.09 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DPiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.178 |    0.071       0.3     0.11 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DPiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.501 |    0.172       0.9     0.38 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DPiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.361 |    0.186       0.6     0.20 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.210 |     0.169 |    0.023      10.5     0.54 |    1000 |     0.170 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.246 |     0.198 |    0.006       4.2     0.38 |     405 |     0.080 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     267 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBeaut|     0.037 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     267 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2HHHBeauty2Charm                        |     0.262 |     0.147 |    0.046       1.6     0.17 |     267 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |     1.111 |     1.270 |    0.492       2.0     0.53 |       9 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.042       0.1     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DPiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.120 |    0.073       0.2     0.06 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DPiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.091 |    0.054       0.2     0.05 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DPiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.051       0.2     0.08 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DPiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.264 |    0.159       0.5     0.17 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DPiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.209 |    0.141       0.3     0.10 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.120 |     0.137 |    0.020       8.2     0.45 |    1000 |     0.137 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.320 |     0.300 |    0.007      10.4     0.80 |     405 |     0.122 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ds2HHHPIDTIGHTBeauty2CharmFilter                 |     0.044 |     0.015 |    0.007       0.2     0.01 |     224 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutDs2HHHPIDTI|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     199 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     199 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                  |     0.100 |     0.110 |    0.050       0.6     0.08 |     199 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     1.333 |     1.903 |    0.576       6.3     1.59 |      15 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.142 |    0.038       0.7     0.21 |       9 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DPiNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.190 |    0.113       0.3     0.06 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DPiNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.102 |    0.075       0.2     0.04 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DPiNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.101 |    0.060       0.2     0.05 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DPiNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     2.000 |     0.658 |    0.449       0.9     0.17 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DPiNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.634 |    0.127       0.9     0.31 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.222 |     0.248 |    0.007       8.1     0.67 |     405 |     0.100 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ds2HHHPIDTIGHTBeauty2CharmFilter                 |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     224 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutDs2HHHPIDTI|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     199 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     199 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                  |     0.050 |     0.092 |    0.045       0.6     0.07 |     199 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.666 |     1.642 |    0.486       5.1     1.28 |      15 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.055 |    0.034       0.1     0.02 |       9 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DPiNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.167 |    0.074       0.3     0.09 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DPiNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.122 |    0.066       0.3     0.09 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DPiNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.106 |    0.040       0.3     0.09 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DPiNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     2.000 |     0.594 |    0.309       0.9     0.24 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DPiNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.522 |    0.107       0.8     0.30 |       5 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLine       |     1.010 |     1.095 |    0.023     116.1     5.46 |    1000 |     1.095 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     2.395 |     2.578 |    0.066     116.0     8.34 |     405 |     1.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2Pi0HHHBeauty2Charm_Merged               |     2.370 |     2.535 |    0.054     115.3     8.26 |     405 |     1.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2Pi0HHHBeauty2Charm_Merged        |     2.370 |     2.513 |    0.050     114.9     8.23 |     405 |     1.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2pi+pi+pi-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm   |     0.172 |     0.186 |    0.002       7.1     0.55 |     405 |     0.076 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2pi+pi+pi-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm        |     0.638 |     0.688 |    0.049       6.8     0.91 |      94 |     0.065 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2K+pi+pi-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm    |     0.271 |     0.296 |    0.001      13.1     0.99 |     405 |     0.120 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2K+pi+pi-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm         |     1.170 |     1.194 |    0.057      12.8     1.69 |      94 |     0.112 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2K+K+pi-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm     |     0.098 |     0.163 |    0.001       6.6     0.52 |     405 |     0.066 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2K+K+pi-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm          |     0.425 |     0.639 |    0.047       6.5     0.87 |      94 |     0.060 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2K+pi+K-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm     |     0.320 |     0.304 |    0.001      19.4     1.22 |     405 |     0.123 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2K+pi+K-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm          |     1.382 |     1.238 |    0.046      19.2     2.24 |      94 |     0.116 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2pi+pi+K-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm    |     0.197 |     0.180 |    0.001      10.8     0.68 |     405 |     0.073 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2pi+pi+K-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm         |     0.744 |     0.693 |    0.047       9.8     1.15 |      94 |     0.065 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2K+K+K-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm      |     0.197 |     0.153 |    0.001       6.6     0.51 |     405 |     0.062 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2K+K+K-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm           |     0.851 |     0.605 |    0.038       6.5     0.87 |      94 |     0.057 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2pi-pi-pi+pi0MergedBeauty2Charm   |     0.123 |     0.154 |    0.001       5.2     0.47 |     405 |     0.062 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2pi-pi-pi+pi0MergedBeauty2Charm        |     0.531 |     0.597 |    0.033       5.0     0.77 |      94 |     0.056 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2K-pi-pi+pi0MergedBeauty2Charm    |     0.197 |     0.287 |    0.001      15.1     1.05 |     405 |     0.116 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2K-pi-pi+pi0MergedBeauty2Charm         |     0.851 |     1.153 |    0.049      14.0     1.81 |      94 |     0.108 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2K-K-pi+pi0MergedBeauty2Charm     |     0.148 |     0.158 |    0.001       8.0     0.55 |     405 |     0.064 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2K-K-pi+pi0MergedBeauty2Charm          |     0.638 |     0.615 |    0.044       7.4     0.93 |      94 |     0.058 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2K-pi-K+pi0MergedBeauty2Charm     |     0.345 |     0.277 |    0.001      13.1     0.98 |     405 |     0.112 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2K-pi-K+pi0MergedBeauty2Charm          |     1.276 |     1.122 |    0.044      13.0     1.72 |      94 |     0.106 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2pi-pi-K+pi0MergedBeauty2Charm    |     0.222 |     0.160 |    0.001       5.1     0.48 |     405 |     0.065 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2pi-pi-K+pi0MergedBeauty2Charm         |     0.851 |     0.614 |    0.046       4.8     0.75 |      94 |     0.058 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2K-K-K+pi0MergedBeauty2Charm      |     0.074 |     0.144 |    0.001       4.6     0.44 |     405 |     0.058 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2K-K-K+pi0MergedBeauty2Charm           |     0.319 |     0.567 |    0.031       4.5     0.72 |      94 |     0.053 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2Pi0HHHBeauty2Charm_Merged                     |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      27 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Pi0HHHBea|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      27 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      27 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.248 |    0.055       1.7     0.31 |      27 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     1.009 |    1.009       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.950 |     0.991 |    0.020      97.8     4.73 |    1000 |     0.991 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     2.222 |     2.353 |    0.056      97.7     7.19 |     405 |     0.953 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2Pi0HHHBeauty2Charm_Merged               |     2.197 |     2.319 |    0.047      96.9     7.13 |     405 |     0.940 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2Pi0HHHBeauty2Charm_Merged        |     2.148 |     2.302 |    0.043      96.5     7.10 |     405 |     0.933 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2pi+pi+pi-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm   |     0.148 |     0.168 |    0.002       7.1     0.51 |     405 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2pi+pi+pi-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm        |     0.638 |     0.630 |    0.047       6.9     0.85 |      94 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2K+pi+pi-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm    |     0.320 |     0.284 |    0.001      13.5     0.96 |     405 |     0.115 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2K+pi+pi-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm         |     1.276 |     1.153 |    0.056      13.1     1.65 |      94 |     0.108 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2K+K+pi-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm     |     0.172 |     0.152 |    0.001       6.5     0.48 |     405 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2K+K+pi-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm          |     0.531 |     0.602 |    0.049       6.4     0.80 |      94 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2K+pi+K-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm     |     0.246 |     0.274 |    0.001      13.3     0.94 |     405 |     0.111 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2K+pi+K-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm          |     1.063 |     1.122 |    0.044      13.2     1.64 |      94 |     0.106 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2pi+pi+K-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm    |     0.148 |     0.156 |    0.001       7.2     0.51 |     405 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2pi+pi+K-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm         |     0.531 |     0.611 |    0.041       6.8     0.84 |      94 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2K+K+K-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm      |     0.074 |     0.144 |    0.001       6.7     0.47 |     405 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2K+K+K-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm           |     0.319 |     0.578 |    0.037       6.6     0.82 |      94 |     0.054 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2pi-pi-pi+pi0MergedBeauty2Charm   |     0.123 |     0.143 |    0.001       5.4     0.44 |     405 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2pi-pi-pi+pi0MergedBeauty2Charm        |     0.531 |     0.562 |    0.033       5.2     0.71 |      94 |     0.053 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2K-pi-pi+pi0MergedBeauty2Charm    |     0.197 |     0.257 |    0.001      10.1     0.81 |     405 |     0.104 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2K-pi-pi+pi0MergedBeauty2Charm         |     0.851 |     1.047 |    0.043       9.8     1.36 |      94 |     0.098 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2K-K-pi+pi0MergedBeauty2Charm     |     0.172 |     0.141 |    0.001       5.3     0.42 |     405 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2K-K-pi+pi0MergedBeauty2Charm          |     0.638 |     0.552 |    0.041       5.0     0.68 |      94 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2K-pi-K+pi0MergedBeauty2Charm     |     0.246 |     0.253 |    0.001      10.2     0.81 |     405 |     0.103 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2K-pi-K+pi0MergedBeauty2Charm          |     1.063 |     1.033 |    0.052      10.1     1.38 |      94 |     0.097 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2pi-pi-K+pi0MergedBeauty2Charm    |     0.148 |     0.147 |    0.001       6.1     0.46 |     405 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2pi-pi-K+pi0MergedBeauty2Charm         |     0.638 |     0.576 |    0.039       5.8     0.75 |      94 |     0.054 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2K-K-K+pi0MergedBeauty2Charm      |     0.098 |     0.135 |    0.001       5.2     0.42 |     405 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2K-K-K+pi0MergedBeauty2Charm           |     0.319 |     0.536 |    0.029       5.1     0.69 |      94 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2Pi0HHHBeauty2Charm_Merged                     |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      27 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Pi0HHHBea|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      27 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      27 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.193 |    0.053       1.2     0.24 |      27 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     0.902 |    0.902       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128328,58 +128588,58 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKD2Pi0HHHMerge
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine     |     5.970 |     6.186 |    0.023     346.9    20.75 |    1000 |     6.187 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine     |     5.300 |     5.357 |    0.019     290.0    17.17 |    1000 |     5.358 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineFilt|    14.641 |    15.126 |    0.071     346.7    30.43 |     405 |     6.126 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2Pi0HHHBeauty2Charm_Resolved             |    14.123 |    14.721 |    0.059     335.2    29.09 |     405 |     5.962 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2Pi0HHHBeauty2Charm_Resolved      |    13.925 |    14.459 |    0.054     331.4    28.75 |     405 |     5.856 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2pi+pi+pi-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm |     1.358 |     1.245 |    0.003      24.6     2.17 |     405 |     0.504 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2pi+pi+pi-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm      |     1.140 |     1.119 |    0.048      23.8     2.12 |     377 |     0.422 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2K+pi+pi-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm  |     1.728 |     1.802 |    0.002      52.0     3.91 |     405 |     0.730 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2K+pi+pi-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm       |     1.591 |     1.785 |    0.048      50.6     3.88 |     377 |     0.673 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2K+K+pi-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm   |     0.814 |     0.901 |    0.002      21.4     1.79 |     405 |     0.365 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2K+K+pi-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm        |     0.769 |     0.874 |    0.046      20.3     1.76 |     377 |     0.330 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2K+pi+K-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm   |     1.382 |     1.528 |    0.001      36.3     3.00 |     405 |     0.619 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2K+pi+K-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm        |     1.458 |     1.534 |    0.043      35.3     2.97 |     377 |     0.579 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2pi+pi+K-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm  |     1.037 |     1.036 |    0.002      27.1     2.29 |     405 |     0.420 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2pi+pi+K-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm       |     0.901 |     0.982 |    0.043      26.1     2.24 |     377 |     0.370 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2K+K+K-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm    |     0.814 |     0.763 |    0.001      20.8     1.59 |     405 |     0.309 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2K+K+K-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm         |     0.875 |     0.760 |    0.029      20.1     1.60 |     377 |     0.287 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2pi-pi-pi+pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm |     0.987 |     1.119 |    0.002      38.1     2.63 |     405 |     0.453 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2pi-pi-pi+pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm      |     0.954 |     1.076 |    0.033      37.4     2.61 |     377 |     0.406 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2K-pi-pi+pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm  |     1.679 |     1.799 |    0.001      56.3     4.18 |     405 |     0.729 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2K-pi-pi+pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm       |     1.697 |     1.781 |    0.044      55.6     4.17 |     377 |     0.672 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2K-K-pi+pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm   |     0.987 |     0.871 |    0.002      22.1     1.73 |     405 |     0.353 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2K-K-pi+pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm        |     0.981 |     0.836 |    0.044      21.6     1.69 |     377 |     0.315 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2K-pi-K+pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm   |     1.456 |     1.543 |    0.001      32.9     3.11 |     405 |     0.625 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2K-pi-K+pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm        |     1.485 |     1.543 |    0.044      32.5     3.09 |     377 |     0.582 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2pi-pi-K+pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm  |     1.012 |     1.016 |    0.002      23.6     2.06 |     405 |     0.412 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2pi-pi-K+pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm       |     1.061 |     0.962 |    0.043      21.9     2.00 |     377 |     0.363 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2K-K-K+pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm    |     0.592 |     0.762 |    0.002      16.9     1.47 |     405 |     0.309 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2K-K-K+pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm         |     0.610 |     0.748 |    0.031      16.1     1.44 |     377 |     0.282 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2Pi0HHHBeauty2Charm_Resolved                   |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     193 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Pi0HHHB|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     193 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     193 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2Charm                |     0.725 |     0.498 |    0.052      13.6     1.44 |     193 |     0.096 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     3.333 |     4.985 |    1.082      19.1     7.14 |       6 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.344 |    0.064       1.3     0.56 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.173 |    0.111       0.2     0.09 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.056       0.1     0.05 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.074 |    0.053       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.634 |    0.602       0.7     0.05 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.362 |    0.269       0.5     0.13 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.110 |     0.073 |    0.024       1.7     0.11 |    1000 |     0.074 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.020 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.020 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.024 |     0.042 |    0.009       1.6     0.14 |     405 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Pi0HHHBe|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      27 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      27 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     0.248 |    0.053       1.4     0.33 |      27 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineFilt|    13.037 |    13.123 |    0.061     289.9    24.99 |     405 |     5.315 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2Pi0HHHBeauty2Charm_Resolved             |    12.666 |    12.827 |    0.051     281.1    24.11 |     405 |     5.195 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2Pi0HHHBeauty2Charm_Resolved      |    12.419 |    12.598 |    0.046     277.3    23.79 |     405 |     5.102 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2pi+pi+pi-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm |     1.135 |     1.064 |    0.002      24.4     1.98 |     405 |     0.431 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2pi+pi+pi-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm      |     1.087 |     0.982 |    0.038      23.7     1.96 |     377 |     0.370 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2K+pi+pi-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm  |     1.481 |     1.590 |    0.001      40.5     3.21 |     405 |     0.644 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2K+pi+pi-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm       |     1.485 |     1.567 |    0.040      39.5     3.19 |     377 |     0.591 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2K+K+pi-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm   |     0.938 |     0.762 |    0.001      17.4     1.37 |     405 |     0.309 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2K+K+pi-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm        |     0.875 |     0.737 |    0.038      16.5     1.34 |     377 |     0.278 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2K+pi+K-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm   |     1.086 |     1.365 |    0.001      33.7     2.69 |     405 |     0.553 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2K+pi+K-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm        |     1.114 |     1.383 |    0.037      32.7     2.69 |     377 |     0.521 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2pi+pi+K-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm  |     0.913 |     0.857 |    0.001      20.7     1.61 |     405 |     0.347 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2pi+pi+K-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm       |     0.848 |     0.821 |    0.039      20.0     1.58 |     377 |     0.310 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2K+K+K-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm    |     0.617 |     0.664 |    0.001      13.8     1.17 |     405 |     0.269 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2K+K+K-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm         |     0.636 |     0.666 |    0.033      13.3     1.18 |     377 |     0.251 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2pi-pi-pi+pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm |     0.938 |     0.968 |    0.001      20.4     1.91 |     405 |     0.392 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2pi-pi-pi+pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm      |     0.848 |     0.937 |    0.030      20.1     1.89 |     377 |     0.353 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2K-pi-pi+pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm  |     1.654 |     1.613 |    0.001      46.6     3.60 |     405 |     0.653 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2K-pi-pi+pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm       |     1.671 |     1.611 |    0.040      46.0     3.60 |     377 |     0.608 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2K-K-pi+pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm   |     0.740 |     0.773 |    0.001      18.5     1.54 |     405 |     0.313 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2K-K-pi+pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm        |     0.769 |     0.747 |    0.041      18.2     1.52 |     377 |     0.282 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2K-pi-K+pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm   |     1.358 |     1.357 |    0.001      29.3     2.62 |     405 |     0.550 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2K-pi-K+pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm        |     1.273 |     1.366 |    0.040      28.2     2.61 |     377 |     0.515 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2pi-pi-K+pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm  |     0.864 |     0.872 |    0.001      17.4     1.61 |     405 |     0.353 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2pi-pi-K+pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm       |     0.875 |     0.831 |    0.039      16.6     1.57 |     377 |     0.313 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2K-K-K+pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm    |     0.617 |     0.658 |    0.001      11.8     1.17 |     405 |     0.267 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2K-K-K+pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm         |     0.636 |     0.656 |    0.027      11.3     1.16 |     377 |     0.247 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2Pi0HHHBeauty2Charm_Resolved                   |     0.051 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |     193 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Pi0HHHB|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.006       0.2     0.01 |     193 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     193 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2Charm                |     0.414 |     0.380 |    0.047       9.3     1.02 |     193 |     0.073 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     8.333 |     3.422 |    0.553      11.5     4.37 |       6 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.140 |    0.042       0.4     0.16 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.063       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.045 |    0.039       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.043       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.445 |    0.288       0.6     0.22 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.247 |    0.121       0.4     0.18 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.040 |     0.053 |    0.020       1.5     0.07 |    1000 |     0.053 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.024 |     0.030 |    0.008       1.4     0.10 |     405 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Pi0HHHBe|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      27 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      27 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     0.190 |    0.049       1.3     0.26 |      27 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128389,31 +128649,31 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DPiD2Pi0HHHMerg
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DPiD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DPiD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.240 |     0.179 |    0.024      19.6     0.90 |    1000 |     0.180 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.444 |     0.323 |    0.008      19.5     1.37 |     405 |     0.131 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Pi0HHH|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     193 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.1     0.01 |     193 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2Charm               |     0.673 |     0.424 |    0.052      13.4     1.28 |     193 |     0.082 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     1.666 |     3.436 |    0.516      12.5     4.71 |       6 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.083 |    0.068       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DPiD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.062       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DPiD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.085 |    0.055       0.1     0.04 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DPiD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.069       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DPiD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLi|     5.000 |     0.639 |    0.605       0.7     0.05 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DPiD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.238 |    0.236       0.2     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KKD2HHBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.190 |     0.128 |    0.022       3.1     0.29 |    1000 |     0.128 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.130 |     0.149 |    0.020      15.4     0.72 |    1000 |     0.150 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.271 |     0.276 |    0.007      15.3     1.11 |     405 |     0.112 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Pi0HHH|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     193 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoIn|     0.051 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.4     0.03 |     193 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2Charm               |     0.414 |     0.366 |    0.048      10.1     1.04 |     193 |     0.071 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     1.666 |     3.022 |    0.442      10.9     4.22 |       6 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.040       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DPiD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.070 |    0.066       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DPiD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.046       0.1     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DPiD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.038       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DPiD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.420 |    0.272       0.6     0.21 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DPiD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.145 |    0.116       0.2     0.04 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KKD2HHBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.120 |     0.104 |    0.020       2.5     0.23 |    1000 |     0.105 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter    |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence|     0.370 |     0.186 |    0.008       2.8     0.39 |     405 |     0.076 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KKD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     148 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHBeauty2Charm                          |     0.405 |     0.130 |    0.046       1.3     0.14 |     148 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter    |     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence|     0.222 |     0.158 |    0.007       2.4     0.33 |     405 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KKD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     148 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHBeauty2Charm                          |     0.067 |     0.109 |    0.038       1.1     0.12 |     148 |     0.016 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHBeauty2CharmLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128423,14 +128683,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0KKD2HHBeauty2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0KKD2HHBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0KKD2HHBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.140 |     0.137 |    0.023      10.2     0.43 |    1000 |     0.138 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.120 |     0.104 |    0.019       2.2     0.24 |    1000 |     0.105 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.197 |     0.200 |    0.008       3.0     0.42 |     405 |     0.081 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeauty2Charm |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     148 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2Charm                         |     0.337 |     0.175 |    0.059       2.9     0.26 |     148 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.148 |     0.170 |    0.007       2.2     0.34 |     405 |     0.069 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeauty2Charm |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     148 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2Charm                         |     0.135 |     0.149 |    0.048       1.8     0.19 |     148 |     0.022 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128440,16 +128700,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0KPiD2HHBeauty
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.060 |     0.049 |    0.015       5.8     0.25 |    1000 |     0.050 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     112 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.731 |     0.422 |    0.008       5.7     1.14 |      41 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      41 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2HHWSBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHBeauty2Charm                         |     0.000 |     0.234 |    0.061       0.7     0.20 |      12 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                   |     0.000 |     1.947 |    1.893       2.0     0.08 |       2 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter|     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.064       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.060 |     0.039 |    0.013       5.0     0.22 |    1000 |     0.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     112 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.487 |     0.357 |    0.007       5.0     1.00 |      41 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      41 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2HHWSBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHBeauty2Charm                         |     0.833 |     0.204 |    0.059       0.6     0.16 |      12 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                   |     0.000 |     1.816 |    1.702       1.9     0.16 |       2 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter|     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.081       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DHHWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DHHWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128457,42 +128717,42 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DHHWSD2HHBeauty
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DHHWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DHHWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0PPbarD2HHBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.390 |     0.329 |    0.024      20.9     1.03 |    1000 |     0.330 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0PPbarD2HHBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.250 |     0.286 |    0.020      18.3     0.89 |    1000 |     0.286 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PPbarD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PPbarD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PPbarD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.814 |     0.691 |    0.008      20.7     1.50 |     405 |     0.280 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0PPbarD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PPbarD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     149 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PPbarBeauty2Charm                              |     0.738 |     0.519 |    0.103       4.0     0.47 |     149 |     0.077 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PPbarSubPIDSelBeauty2Charm                     |     0.067 |     0.060 |    0.014       0.3     0.04 |     148 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PPbarBeauty2CharmFilter                        |     0.067 |     0.066 |    0.006       0.7     0.18 |     148 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PPbarPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                     |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     148 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PPbarD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PPbarPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     148 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PPbarD2HHBeauty2Charm                       |     0.202 |     0.086 |    0.042       1.3     0.11 |     148 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PPbarD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     5.000 |     1.343 |    1.166       1.5     0.25 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PPbarD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.111 |    0.111       0.1     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PPbarD2HHBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.006       0.1     0.07 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0PPbarD2HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.565 |    0.418       0.7     0.21 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0PPbarD2HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.375 |    0.302       0.4     0.10 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0PPbarD2HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.371 |    0.271       0.5     0.14 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0PPbarD2HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.999 |    0.775       1.2     0.32 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0PPbarD2HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.474 |    0.428       0.5     0.07 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PPbarD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0PPbarWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.080 |     0.061 |    0.016       6.1     0.29 |    1000 |     0.062 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PPbarWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PPbarWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     113 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PPbarWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.697 |     0.648 |    0.009       6.0     1.21 |      43 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0PPbarWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      43 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PPbarWSD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      14 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PPbarPlusWSBeauty2Charm                        |     0.714 |     0.333 |    0.105       1.6     0.39 |      14 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PPbarPlusWSSubPIDSelBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.010       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PPbarPlusWSBeauty2CharmFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PPbarMinusWSBeauty2Charm                       |     0.909 |     0.369 |    0.126       1.2     0.32 |      11 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PPbarMinusWSSubPIDSelBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.017       0.1     0.02 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PPbarMinusWSBeauty2CharmFilter                 |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PPbarWSPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                   |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PPbarWSD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PPbarWSPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PPbarWSD2HHBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.149 |    0.064       0.7     0.19 |       9 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PPbarD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PPbarD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.518 |     0.611 |    0.007      18.2     1.31 |     405 |     0.248 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0PPbarD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PPbarD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PPbarBeauty2Charm                              |     0.402 |     0.468 |    0.099       2.4     0.37 |     149 |     0.070 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PPbarSubPIDSelBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.010       0.2     0.04 |     148 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PPbarBeauty2CharmFilter                        |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     148 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PPbarPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                     |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     148 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PPbarD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PPbarPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     148 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PPbarD2HHBeauty2Charm                       |     0.067 |     0.075 |    0.040       1.1     0.10 |     148 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PPbarD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     0.000 |     1.319 |    1.230       1.4     0.13 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PPbarD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.077 |    0.053       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PPbarD2HHBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0PPbarD2HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.545 |    0.399       0.7     0.21 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0PPbarD2HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.359 |    0.260       0.5     0.14 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0PPbarD2HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     5.000 |     0.445 |    0.297       0.6     0.21 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0PPbarD2HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     1.041 |    0.727       1.4     0.44 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0PPbarD2HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.386 |    0.364       0.4     0.03 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PPbarD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0PPbarWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.040 |     0.047 |    0.014       4.6     0.24 |    1000 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PPbarWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PPbarWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     113 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PPbarWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.232 |     0.528 |    0.007       4.5     1.04 |      43 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0PPbarWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      43 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PPbarWSD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      14 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PPbarPlusWSBeauty2Charm                        |     0.000 |     0.289 |    0.056       1.3     0.33 |      14 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PPbarPlusWSSubPIDSelBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PPbarPlusWSBeauty2CharmFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PPbarMinusWSBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     0.323 |    0.107       1.0     0.27 |      11 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PPbarMinusWSSubPIDSelBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.016       0.1     0.02 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PPbarMinusWSBeauty2CharmFilter                 |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PPbarWSPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                   |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PPbarWSD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PPbarWSPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PPbarWSD2HHBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.136 |    0.060       0.6     0.16 |       9 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PPbarWSD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PPbarWSD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PPbarWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128502,16 +128762,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0PPbarWSD2HHBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0PPbarWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0PPbarWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PPbarWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KKD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.040 |     0.075 |    0.016       3.0     0.27 |    1000 |     0.076 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     114 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.681 |     0.958 |    0.009       2.9     0.79 |      44 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KKD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      44 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHWSBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KKD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.040 |     0.060 |    0.014       2.8     0.22 |    1000 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     114 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.454 |     0.795 |    0.008       2.7     0.67 |      44 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KKD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      44 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHWSBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      20 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHWSBeauty2Charm                        |     0.000 |     0.213 |    0.051       1.5     0.32 |      20 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |     0.000 |     0.955 |    0.955       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.044       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHWSBeauty2Charm                        |     0.000 |     0.184 |    0.046       1.3     0.28 |      20 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |     0.000 |     0.869 |    0.869       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.066 |    0.066       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0KKD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0KKD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128519,14 +128779,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0KKD2HHWSBeaut
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0KKD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0KKD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.050 |     0.055 |    0.014       3.0     0.20 |    1000 |     0.055 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     104 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.270 |     0.690 |    0.008       2.9     0.72 |      37 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHWSBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      14 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      14 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHWSBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.240 |    0.044       1.5     0.38 |      14 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.040 |     0.044 |    0.013       2.4     0.17 |    1000 |     0.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     104 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     1.081 |     0.609 |    0.007       2.3     0.60 |      37 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHWSBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      14 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      14 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHWSBeauty2Charm                      |     1.428 |     0.193 |    0.050       0.9     0.23 |      14 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128536,14 +128796,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0PiPiD2HHWSBea
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0PiPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0PiPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.060 |     0.071 |    0.015       6.0     0.31 |    1000 |     0.071 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.5     0.05 |      94 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.714 |     0.981 |    0.010       5.9     1.13 |      42 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHWSBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      17 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      17 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHWSBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     0.260 |    0.075       1.4     0.31 |      17 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.040 |     0.057 |    0.014       5.5     0.27 |    1000 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      94 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.476 |     0.826 |    0.008       5.4     1.01 |      42 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHWSBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      17 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeauty2Char|     0.588 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      17 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHWSBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     0.411 |    0.084       4.3     1.02 |      17 |     0.007 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128553,16 +128813,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0KPiD2HHWSBeau
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0KPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0KPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.070 |     0.084 |    0.015       7.4     0.39 |    1000 |     0.085 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     110 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     1.020 |     1.111 |    0.010       7.3     1.36 |      49 |     0.054 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      49 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHWSBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      24 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2HHWSBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      24 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHWSBeauty2Charm                       |     0.416 |     0.313 |    0.076       1.9     0.40 |      24 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     0.000 |     1.535 |    1.535       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.167 |    0.167       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.070 |     0.069 |    0.013       7.2     0.35 |    1000 |     0.069 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     110 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     1.020 |     0.936 |    0.008       7.1     1.25 |      49 |     0.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      49 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHWSBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      24 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2HHWSBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      24 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHWSBeauty2Charm                       |     0.416 |     0.294 |    0.071       1.7     0.38 |      24 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     0.000 |     1.432 |    1.432       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.112 |    0.112       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DHHWSD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DHHWSD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128570,14 +128830,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DHHWSD2HHWSBeau
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DHHWSD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DHHWSD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KSDDD2HHBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.110 |     0.079 |    0.024       2.5     0.16 |    1000 |     0.080 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KSDDD2HHBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.030 |     0.062 |    0.020       2.4     0.14 |    1000 |     0.063 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KSDDD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KSDDD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.020 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KSDDD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.098 |     0.077 |    0.009       2.4     0.22 |     405 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KSDDD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.049 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSDDD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     149 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSDDD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      72 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSDDD2HHBeauty2Charm                        |     0.000 |     0.087 |    0.045       1.3     0.15 |      72 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KSDDD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KSDDD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.024 |     0.065 |    0.007       2.4     0.20 |     405 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KSDDD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSDDD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSDDD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      72 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSDDD2HHBeauty2Charm                        |     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.041       0.8     0.09 |      72 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSDDD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSDDD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSDDD2HHBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128587,14 +128847,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0KSDDD2HHBeaut
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0KSDDD2HHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0KSDDD2HHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KSDDD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KSLLD2HHBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.050 |     0.068 |    0.024       1.7     0.10 |    1000 |     0.069 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KSLLD2HHBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.010 |     0.057 |    0.020       3.7     0.13 |    1000 |     0.057 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KSLLD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KSLLD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KSLLD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.024 |     0.053 |    0.008       1.6     0.12 |     405 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KSLLD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSLLD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.067 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |     149 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KSLLD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KSLLD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.000 |     0.045 |    0.007       0.7     0.09 |     405 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KSLLD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSLLD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSLLD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      47 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSLLD2HHBeauty2Charm                        |     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.043       1.5     0.21 |      47 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSLLD2HHBeauty2Charm                        |     0.000 |     0.079 |    0.039       0.6     0.08 |      47 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSLLD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSLLD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSLLD2HHBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128604,14 +128864,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0KSLLD2HHBeaut
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0KSLLD2HHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0KSLLD2HHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KSLLD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02Dst0PiPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Ch|     0.020 |     0.056 |    0.023       2.4     0.09 |    1000 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02Dst0PiPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Ch|     0.040 |     0.042 |    0.020       1.3     0.05 |    1000 |     0.042 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0PiPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0PiPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0PiPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.008       2.3     0.12 |     405 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02Dst0PiPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0PiPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2C|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0PiPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.007       1.2     0.07 |     405 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02Dst0PiPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0PiPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmComb|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0PiPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmComb|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0PiPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Charm    |     0.000 |     0.425 |    0.055       2.1     0.75 |       7 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0PiPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmComb|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0PiPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Charm    |     0.000 |     0.282 |    0.051       1.1     0.36 |       7 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0PiPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmTIST|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0PiPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0PiPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128621,14 +128881,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02Dst0PiPiDst02D0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02Dst0PiPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBea|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02Dst0PiPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBea|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0PiPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02Dst0KPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Cha|     0.080 |     0.058 |    0.023       4.4     0.15 |    1000 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02Dst0KPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Cha|     0.030 |     0.040 |    0.019       0.9     0.04 |    1000 |     0.041 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0KPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0KPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0KPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Ch|     0.098 |     0.032 |    0.008       4.2     0.23 |     405 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02Dst0KPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2C|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombC|     1.428 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Charm     |     1.428 |     0.410 |    0.070       1.5     0.50 |       7 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0KPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Ch|     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0KPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.007       0.8     0.06 |     405 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02Dst0KPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     0.296 |    0.063       0.7     0.24 |       7 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTO|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128638,14 +128898,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02Dst0KPiDst02D0P
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02Dst0KPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02Dst0KPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0KPiDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02Dst0KKDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Char|     0.030 |     0.054 |    0.024       1.4     0.06 |    1000 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02Dst0KKDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Char|     0.080 |     0.040 |    0.020       0.7     0.04 |    1000 |     0.041 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0KKDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0KKDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0KKDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.008       1.3     0.07 |     405 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02Dst0KKDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0KKDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0KKDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Cha|     0.024 |     0.015 |    0.007       0.6     0.05 |     405 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02Dst0KKDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KKDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KKDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KKDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KKDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Charm      |     0.000 |     0.298 |    0.073       1.1     0.36 |       7 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KKDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Charm      |     0.000 |     0.223 |    0.075       0.5     0.16 |       7 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KKDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KKDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBBD|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KKDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128655,11 +128915,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02Dst0KKDst02D0Pi
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02Dst0KKDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02Dst0KKDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0KKDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02Dst0HHWSDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.016       1.0     0.07 |    1000 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0HHWSDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0HHWSDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     113 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0HHWSDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.152 |    0.010       0.8     0.29 |      37 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02Dst0HHWSDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.139 |    0.003       0.8     0.28 |      37 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02Dst0HHWSDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Ch|     0.040 |     0.025 |    0.014       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0HHWSDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2C|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0HHWSDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     113 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0HHWSDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      37 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02Dst0HHWSDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0HHWSDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmComb|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0HHWSDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2CharmComb|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0HHWSDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2Charm    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128672,15 +128932,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02Dst0HHWSDst02D0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02Dst0HHWSDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBea|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02Dst0HHWSDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBea|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0HHWSDst02D0Pi0D2HHResolvedBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02Dst0PiPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.110 |     0.118 |    0.024       6.0     0.28 |    1000 |     0.118 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02Dst0PiPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.100 |     0.099 |    0.020       5.9     0.26 |    1000 |     0.100 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0PiPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0PiPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0PiPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.197 |     0.179 |    0.009       6.0     0.41 |     405 |     0.073 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02Dst0PiPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar02D0HHPIDBeauty2Charm                       |     0.202 |     0.267 |    0.092       1.9     0.22 |     148 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0PiPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutDst|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      32 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0PiPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2P|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      32 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0PiPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2Charm          |     0.000 |     0.244 |    0.054       2.7     0.46 |      32 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0PiPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0PiPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.197 |     0.157 |    0.007       5.8     0.38 |     405 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02Dst0PiPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar02D0HHPIDBeauty2Charm                       |     0.337 |     0.241 |    0.071       2.1     0.23 |     148 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0PiPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutDst|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      32 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0PiPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2P|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      32 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0PiPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2Charm          |     0.312 |     0.201 |    0.052       2.0     0.35 |      32 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0PiPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0PiPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBea|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0PiPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128690,14 +128950,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02Dst0PiPiDst02D0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02Dst0PiPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02Dst0PiPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0PiPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02Dst0KPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.050 |     0.065 |    0.023       4.2     0.16 |    1000 |     0.065 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02Dst0KPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.050 |     0.055 |    0.020       6.0     0.20 |    1000 |     0.055 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0KPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0KPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0KPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.049 |     0.051 |    0.007       4.1     0.24 |     405 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02Dst0KPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutDsta|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      32 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KP|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      32 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2Charm           |     0.312 |     0.386 |    0.065       4.0     0.70 |      32 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0KPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0KPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.006       5.8     0.30 |     405 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02Dst0KPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutDsta|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      32 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KP|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      32 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2Charm           |     0.000 |     0.378 |    0.064       5.6     0.97 |      32 |     0.012 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128707,14 +128967,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02Dst0KPiDst02D0G
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02Dst0KPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02Dst0KPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0KPiDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02Dst0KKDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.070 |     0.061 |    0.024       2.5     0.10 |    1000 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02Dst0KKDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.050 |     0.051 |    0.020       4.9     0.16 |    1000 |     0.052 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0KKDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0KKDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0KKDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.024 |     0.039 |    0.007       2.4     0.14 |     405 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02Dst0KKDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KKDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      32 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KKDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKB|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      32 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KKDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2Charm            |     0.000 |     0.236 |    0.049       2.3     0.39 |      32 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0KKDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0KKDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.074 |     0.040 |    0.006       4.8     0.25 |     405 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02Dst0KKDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KKDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      32 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KKDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKB|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      32 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KKDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2Charm            |     0.625 |     0.293 |    0.049       4.5     0.77 |      32 |     0.009 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KKDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KKDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0KKDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128724,14 +128984,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02Dst0KKDst02D0Ga
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02Dst0KKDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02Dst0KKDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0KKDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02Dst0HHWSDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.030 |     0.031 |    0.015       2.0     0.07 |    1000 |     0.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0HHWSDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0HHWSDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      83 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0HHWSDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.089 |    0.010       1.9     0.37 |      27 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02Dst0HHWSDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      27 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02Dst0HHWSDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.050 |     0.025 |    0.013       1.5     0.05 |    1000 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0HHWSDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0HHWSDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      83 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0HHWSDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.008       1.4     0.28 |      27 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02Dst0HHWSDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      27 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0HHWSDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutDst|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0HHWSDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2H|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0HHWSDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2Charm          |     0.000 |     1.776 |    1.776       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0HHWSDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2H|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0HHWSDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2Charm          |     0.000 |     1.325 |    1.325       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0HHWSDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0HHWSDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBea|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0HHWSDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128741,54 +129001,54 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02Dst0HHWSDst02D0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02Dst0HHWSDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02Dst0HHWSDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0HHWSDst02D0GammaD2HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.060 |     0.085 |    0.023       6.9     0.33 |    1000 |     0.085 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.040 |     0.070 |    0.020       6.8     0.33 |    1000 |     0.070 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.074 |     0.098 |    0.008       6.8     0.50 |     405 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     149 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsB|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi0FromBMergedBeauty2CharmFilter                 |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      60 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0FromBMerg|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      38 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2Charm                   |     0.263 |     0.269 |    0.071       1.1     0.27 |      38 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     0.000 |     2.421 |    0.980       4.6     1.56 |       4 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.075 |    0.051       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.384 |    0.384       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.239 |    0.239       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.257 |    0.257       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.621 |    0.621       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine  |    10.000 |     1.241 |    1.241       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.140 |     0.075 |    0.024       5.7     0.23 |    1000 |     0.075 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.123 |     0.071 |    0.008       5.6     0.35 |     405 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0FromBMer|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      38 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2Charm                  |     0.263 |     0.229 |    0.066       1.0     0.23 |      38 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     3.333 |     2.013 |    0.498       3.8     1.68 |       3 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.066 |    0.042       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.074 |     0.086 |    0.007       6.7     0.50 |     405 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsB|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi0FromBMergedBeauty2CharmFilter                 |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      60 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0FromBMerg|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      38 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.210 |    0.062       1.2     0.24 |      38 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     5.000 |     2.517 |    0.920       4.1     1.30 |       4 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.069       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.330 |    0.330       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.286 |    0.286       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.229 |    0.229       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.678 |    0.678       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     1.273 |    1.273       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.050 |     0.062 |    0.020       5.3     0.22 |    1000 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.049 |     0.064 |    0.007       5.2     0.34 |     405 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0FromBMer|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      38 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2Charm                  |     0.263 |     0.220 |    0.058       1.2     0.26 |      38 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     3.333 |     2.007 |    0.444       3.7     1.63 |       3 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.070 |    0.048       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.154 |    0.154       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.131 |    0.131       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.179 |    0.179       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.319 |    0.319       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.125 |    0.125       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.181 |    0.181       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.130 |    0.130       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.123 |    0.123       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.311 |    0.311       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.177 |    0.177       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.060 |     0.079 |    0.024       2.3     0.15 |    1000 |     0.079 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.040 |     0.064 |    0.019       2.7     0.14 |    1000 |     0.064 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.074 |     0.084 |    0.007       2.2     0.21 |     405 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |     149 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiLooseTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      72 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     0.251 |    0.069       1.9     0.26 |      72 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     5.000 |     0.862 |    0.786       0.9     0.11 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.089 |    0.089       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.049 |     0.074 |    0.006       2.6     0.21 |     405 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiLooseTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      72 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHBeauty2Charm                       |     0.138 |     0.223 |    0.060       1.8     0.24 |      72 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     5.000 |     1.022 |    0.747       1.3     0.39 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.076       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KsPiDDD2HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KsPiDDD2HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128796,36 +129056,36 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KsPiDDD2HHBeau
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KsPiDDD2HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KsPiDDD2HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.300 |     0.274 |    0.024      41.3     1.65 |    1000 |     0.275 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.290 |     0.246 |    0.020      41.0     1.60 |    1000 |     0.247 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.567 |     0.555 |    0.008      41.1     2.54 |     405 |     0.225 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi0FromBResolvedBeauty2CharmFilter               |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     232 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0FromBRe|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     142 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2Charm                 |     0.704 |     0.589 |    0.067      12.7     1.18 |     142 |     0.084 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     4.500 |     3.148 |    0.780      10.9     3.14 |      20 |     0.063 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.109 |    0.042       0.2     0.06 |      11 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     1.219 |    0.278       2.4     1.07 |       3 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     1.205 |    0.227       2.6     1.22 |       3 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.783 |    0.187       1.4     0.59 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine|     6.666 |     3.869 |    0.968       6.9     2.96 |       3 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.924 |    0.370       1.5     0.56 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.070 |     0.082 |    0.024       4.8     0.23 |    1000 |     0.082 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.641 |     0.518 |    0.007      40.9     2.48 |     405 |     0.210 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi0FromBResolvedBeauty2CharmFilter               |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     232 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0FromBRe|     0.070 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     142 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2Charm                 |     0.704 |     0.562 |    0.061      14.5     1.33 |     142 |     0.080 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     4.500 |     2.803 |    0.800      10.3     2.87 |      20 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.088 |    0.045       0.2     0.04 |      11 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     1.054 |    0.280       2.0     0.89 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine|     3.333 |     0.956 |    0.195       1.8     0.83 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine|     3.333 |     0.993 |    0.208       1.9     0.87 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     3.493 |    1.197       6.0     2.38 |       3 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine|     3.333 |     0.670 |    0.349       0.9     0.29 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.120 |     0.062 |    0.022       2.9     0.14 |    1000 |     0.063 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.098 |     0.084 |    0.008       4.7     0.34 |     405 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     149 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiLooseTopoInput|     0.067 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      47 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHBeauty2Charm                       |     0.425 |     0.381 |    0.066       4.5     0.74 |      47 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     0.000 |     1.027 |    1.027       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.125 |    0.125       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.123 |     0.061 |    0.007       2.8     0.21 |     405 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiLooseTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      47 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHBeauty2Charm                       |     0.638 |     0.253 |    0.062       1.9     0.33 |      47 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |    10.000 |     1.272 |    1.272       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.091 |    0.091       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KsPiLLD2HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KsPiLLD2HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128833,45 +129093,45 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KsPiLLD2HHBeau
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KsPiLLD2HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KsPiLLD2HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.170 |     0.241 |    0.023      37.0     1.48 |    1000 |     0.242 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.310 |     0.226 |    0.022      48.0     1.71 |    1000 |     0.226 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.370 |     0.478 |    0.008      36.9     2.28 |     405 |     0.194 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |     149 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0FromBR|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |     142 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2Charm                |     0.422 |     0.589 |    0.061      15.8     1.42 |     142 |     0.084 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     2.857 |     2.641 |    0.484       8.3     2.56 |      21 |     0.055 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.033       0.1     0.03 |      11 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.719 |    0.240       1.4     0.58 |       4 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLin|     2.500 |     0.577 |    0.104       1.2     0.52 |       4 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.592 |    0.158       1.2     0.47 |       4 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLin|     2.500 |     2.200 |    0.387       4.4     1.93 |       4 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.700 |    0.355       0.9     0.24 |       4 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.230 |     0.292 |    0.023       8.6     0.80 |    1000 |     0.293 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.592 |     0.463 |    0.007      47.9     2.66 |     405 |     0.188 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0FromBR|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     142 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2Charm                |     0.704 |     0.564 |    0.056      17.3     1.53 |     142 |     0.080 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     3.333 |     2.568 |    0.467      13.5     3.13 |      21 |     0.054 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.909 |     0.071 |    0.036       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.809 |    0.208       1.8     0.73 |       4 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLin|     2.500 |     0.754 |    0.105       1.7     0.71 |       4 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.666 |    0.099       1.6     0.68 |       4 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLin|     2.500 |     2.668 |    0.353       6.0     2.58 |       4 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLin|     2.500 |     0.749 |    0.423       0.9     0.23 |       4 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.240 |     0.259 |    0.021      10.5     0.73 |    1000 |     0.259 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.543 |     0.602 |    0.030       8.4     1.15 |     405 |     0.244 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2KsHHLLBeauty2Charm                      |     0.543 |     0.553 |    0.021       7.4     1.04 |     405 |     0.224 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2KsHHLLBeauty2Charm               |     0.493 |     0.524 |    0.017       6.8     0.98 |     405 |     0.213 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi-KS0LLBeauty2Charm           |     0.197 |     0.151 |    0.002       1.8     0.27 |     405 |     0.062 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi-KS0LLBeauty2Charm                |     0.400 |     0.336 |    0.090       1.5     0.27 |     125 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+K-KS0LLBeauty2Charm            |     0.098 |     0.127 |    0.001       2.0     0.27 |     405 |     0.052 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+K-KS0LLBeauty2Charm                 |     0.240 |     0.308 |    0.063       1.3     0.24 |     125 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi-KS0LLBeauty2Charm            |     0.148 |     0.124 |    0.001       2.3     0.26 |     405 |     0.050 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi-KS0LLBeauty2Charm                 |     0.320 |     0.299 |    0.060       1.7     0.24 |     125 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K-KS0LLBeauty2Charm             |     0.049 |     0.104 |    0.001       1.4     0.20 |     405 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K-KS0LLBeauty2Charm                  |     0.160 |     0.264 |    0.044       1.0     0.21 |     125 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2KsHHLLBeauty2Charm                            |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KsHHLLPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                    |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLL|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      33 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0FromB|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.322 |    0.081       1.8     0.49 |      12 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.543 |     0.541 |    0.029      10.3     1.05 |     405 |     0.219 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2KsHHLLBeauty2Charm                      |     0.493 |     0.498 |    0.020       8.9     0.96 |     405 |     0.202 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2KsHHLLBeauty2Charm               |     0.469 |     0.471 |    0.016       8.1     0.90 |     405 |     0.191 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi-KS0LLBeauty2Charm           |     0.148 |     0.130 |    0.002       1.7     0.23 |     405 |     0.053 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi-KS0LLBeauty2Charm                |     0.400 |     0.294 |    0.078       1.4     0.22 |     125 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+K-KS0LLBeauty2Charm            |     0.049 |     0.116 |    0.001       2.4     0.24 |     405 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+K-KS0LLBeauty2Charm                 |     0.080 |     0.283 |    0.060       1.5     0.23 |     125 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi-KS0LLBeauty2Charm            |     0.148 |     0.114 |    0.001       2.4     0.24 |     405 |     0.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi-KS0LLBeauty2Charm                 |     0.320 |     0.275 |    0.054       1.4     0.22 |     125 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K-KS0LLBeauty2Charm             |     0.098 |     0.095 |    0.001       1.6     0.19 |     405 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K-KS0LLBeauty2Charm                  |     0.240 |     0.244 |    0.043       1.5     0.20 |     125 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2KsHHLLBeauty2Charm                            |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KsHHLLPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                    |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLL|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      33 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0FromB|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.237 |    0.084       1.2     0.31 |      12 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128881,15 +129141,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KPi0MergedD2KS
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.060 |     0.060 |    0.022       4.1     0.14 |    1000 |     0.061 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.008       1.1     0.08 |     405 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHL|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.080 |     0.047 |    0.022       0.8     0.05 |    1000 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.074 |     0.022 |    0.007       0.7     0.06 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.049 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHL|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      33 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0From|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.248 |    0.079       1.0     0.26 |      12 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0From|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.190 |    0.087       0.6     0.14 |      12 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128899,16 +129159,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiPi0MergedD2K
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.080 |     0.062 |    0.021       5.1     0.18 |    1000 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.070 |     0.055 |    0.020       7.5     0.26 |    1000 |     0.055 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.049 |     0.045 |    0.008       5.0     0.28 |     405 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLLPIDB|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.074 |     0.049 |    0.007       7.4     0.40 |     405 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLLPIDB|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutPiLooseTopoI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      33 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputs|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      14 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm                   |     0.714 |     0.497 |    0.099       1.4     0.42 |      14 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     0.000 |     3.394 |    3.394       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputs|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      14 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm                   |     0.714 |     0.555 |    0.084       2.0     0.60 |      14 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     0.000 |     5.334 |    5.334       5.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128917,34 +129177,34 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLL
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.080 |     0.103 |    0.023       9.8     0.54 |    1000 |     0.104 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.080 |     0.092 |    0.020      12.1     0.56 |    1000 |     0.093 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.074 |     0.146 |    0.007       9.6     0.82 |     405 |     0.059 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHH|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.123 |     0.142 |    0.007      12.0     0.87 |     405 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHH|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      33 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      33 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0Fro|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      31 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     0.842 |    0.097       5.6     1.10 |      31 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |     2.000 |     3.095 |    1.446       6.2     1.96 |       5 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty|     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.073       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm|     5.000 |     0.291 |    0.212       0.4     0.11 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.171 |    0.088       0.3     0.12 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.152 |    0.081       0.2     0.10 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm|     5.000 |     0.594 |    0.334       0.9     0.37 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.583 |    0.409       0.8     0.25 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.030 |     0.061 |    0.023       4.3     0.16 |    1000 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0Fro|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      31 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm             |     0.645 |     0.846 |    0.077       5.6     1.20 |      31 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |     2.000 |     3.282 |    1.368       7.7     2.60 |       5 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty|     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.078       0.1     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.192 |    0.144       0.2     0.07 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.148 |    0.086       0.2     0.09 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm|     5.000 |     0.161 |    0.107       0.2     0.08 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.508 |    0.290       0.7     0.31 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.530 |    0.273       0.8     0.36 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.090 |     0.049 |    0.019       3.5     0.13 |    1000 |     0.050 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.024 |     0.045 |    0.008       4.1     0.23 |     405 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLLPIDB|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutPiLooseTopoI|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      33 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputs|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      33 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.177 |    0.069       0.8     0.17 |      33 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     0.000 |     1.889 |    0.955       2.8     1.32 |       2 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.074 |     0.038 |    0.007       3.5     0.19 |     405 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLLPIDB|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutPiLooseTopoI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      33 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputs|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      33 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm                   |     0.303 |     0.147 |    0.061       0.6     0.13 |      33 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |    10.000 |     1.659 |    0.917       2.4     1.05 |       2 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -128953,47 +129213,47 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLL
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine |     0.140 |     0.093 |    0.024       9.7     0.46 |    1000 |     0.094 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine|     0.197 |     0.119 |    0.008       9.6     0.71 |     405 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLin|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsH|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTop|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      33 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0Fr|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      31 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm            |     1.612 |     0.802 |    0.098       5.2     1.05 |      31 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS      |     3.333 |     3.471 |    1.637       6.2     2.41 |       3 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeaut|     0.000 |     0.098 |    0.094       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.295 |    0.295       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.239 |    0.239       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.209 |    0.209       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.786 |    0.786       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.300 |    0.300       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.410 |     0.364 |    0.023      12.5     0.87 |    1000 |     0.365 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine |     0.070 |     0.084 |    0.019       9.5     0.47 |    1000 |     0.085 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.004       3.4     0.11 |    1000 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine|     0.098 |     0.114 |    0.007       9.4     0.71 |     405 |     0.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsH|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      33 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTop|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      33 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0Fr|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      31 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm            |     0.645 |     0.809 |    0.079       6.1     1.20 |      31 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS      |     3.333 |     3.408 |    1.654       6.3     2.49 |       3 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeaut|     5.000 |     0.075 |    0.058       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.252 |    0.252       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.237 |    0.237       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.223 |    0.223       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.705 |    0.705       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.287 |    0.287       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.260 |     0.309 |    0.019      11.8     0.75 |    1000 |     0.310 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.7     0.02 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.864 |     0.781 |    0.033      12.4     1.20 |     405 |     0.317 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2KsHHDDBeauty2Charm                      |     0.814 |     0.710 |    0.022       7.0     0.99 |     405 |     0.288 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2KsHHDDBeauty2Charm               |     0.814 |     0.688 |    0.018       7.0     0.96 |     405 |     0.279 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi-KS0DDBeauty2Charm           |     0.246 |     0.209 |    0.002       2.6     0.31 |     405 |     0.085 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi-KS0DDBeauty2Charm                |     0.483 |     0.318 |    0.070       1.5     0.22 |     186 |     0.059 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+K-KS0DDBeauty2Charm            |     0.197 |     0.160 |    0.001       1.3     0.23 |     405 |     0.065 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+K-KS0DDBeauty2Charm                 |     0.376 |     0.275 |    0.075       1.1     0.19 |     186 |     0.051 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi-KS0DDBeauty2Charm            |     0.222 |     0.166 |    0.001       2.9     0.27 |     405 |     0.067 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi-KS0DDBeauty2Charm                 |     0.322 |     0.285 |    0.070       2.9     0.27 |     186 |     0.053 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K-KS0DDBeauty2Charm             |     0.098 |     0.134 |    0.002       1.1     0.19 |     405 |     0.055 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K-KS0DDBeauty2Charm                  |     0.215 |     0.236 |    0.052       1.0     0.17 |     186 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2KsHHDDBeauty2Charm                            |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      33 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KsHHDDPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                    |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      33 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDD|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0FromB|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm               |     1.428 |     0.614 |    0.090       1.5     0.49 |       7 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     5.300 |    5.300       5.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.114 |    0.114       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.592 |     0.674 |    0.029      11.8     1.04 |     405 |     0.273 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2KsHHDDBeauty2Charm                      |     0.543 |     0.624 |    0.019       4.8     0.86 |     405 |     0.253 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2KsHHDDBeauty2Charm               |     0.518 |     0.605 |    0.016       4.6     0.83 |     405 |     0.245 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi-KS0DDBeauty2Charm           |     0.148 |     0.178 |    0.002       2.5     0.26 |     405 |     0.072 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi-KS0DDBeauty2Charm                |     0.161 |     0.277 |    0.068       1.3     0.19 |     186 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+K-KS0DDBeauty2Charm            |     0.148 |     0.145 |    0.001       1.2     0.21 |     405 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+K-KS0DDBeauty2Charm                 |     0.215 |     0.252 |    0.064       1.1     0.17 |     186 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi-KS0DDBeauty2Charm            |     0.123 |     0.145 |    0.001       1.1     0.21 |     405 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi-KS0DDBeauty2Charm                 |     0.268 |     0.253 |    0.055       1.1     0.18 |     186 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K-KS0DDBeauty2Charm             |     0.098 |     0.122 |    0.001       1.0     0.17 |     405 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K-KS0DDBeauty2Charm                  |     0.215 |     0.216 |    0.039       0.9     0.16 |     186 |     0.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2KsHHDDBeauty2Charm                            |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      33 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KsHHDDPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                    |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      33 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDD|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0FromB|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.455 |    0.070       1.0     0.33 |       7 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |    10.000 |     4.958 |    4.958       5.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.095       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -129001,17 +129261,17 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KPi0MergedD2KS
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.070 |     0.068 |    0.023      10.7     0.35 |    1000 |     0.069 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.090 |     0.052 |    0.020       6.2     0.20 |    1000 |     0.053 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.049 |     0.049 |    0.008      10.5     0.53 |     405 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHD|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoI|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0From|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm              |     1.428 |     0.485 |    0.085       1.2     0.37 |       7 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     0.000 |     7.846 |    7.846       7.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.135 |    0.135       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.040 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.007       6.1     0.31 |     405 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHD|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0From|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.426 |    0.082       0.9     0.30 |       7 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     0.000 |     4.323 |    4.323       4.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.081       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -129019,125 +129279,125 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiPi0MergedD2K
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.040 |     0.074 |    0.024       6.8     0.28 |    1000 |     0.075 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.070 |     0.061 |    0.020       7.2     0.28 |    1000 |     0.061 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.049 |     0.054 |    0.007       4.4     0.27 |     405 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDDPIDB|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiLooseTopoI|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputs|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.273 |    0.067       1.3     0.27 |      29 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     0.000 |     1.158 |    1.046       1.3     0.16 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.090       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.227 |    0.227       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.105 |    0.105       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.102 |    0.102       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.320 |    0.320       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     1.005 |    1.005       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.098 |     0.064 |    0.006       7.1     0.44 |     405 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDDPIDB|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiLooseTopoI|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputs|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm                   |     0.344 |     0.236 |    0.065       1.1     0.23 |      29 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     5.000 |     1.061 |    0.873       1.2     0.27 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.069       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.198 |    0.198       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.101 |    0.101       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.095       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.282 |    0.282       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.992 |    0.992       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.150 |     0.150 |    0.023      35.9     1.42 |    1000 |     0.150 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.100 |     0.130 |    0.021      32.7     1.31 |    1000 |     0.131 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.271 |     0.257 |    0.007      35.8     2.22 |     405 |     0.104 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHH|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      29 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoI|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0Fro|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      28 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm             |     1.071 |     0.950 |    0.127       4.7     1.15 |      28 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |    10.000 |     9.066 |    1.953      21.4     9.11 |       5 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty|     0.000 |     0.159 |    0.104       0.2     0.06 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.505 |    0.231       0.7     0.24 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.384 |    0.107       0.6     0.24 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm|     3.333 |     0.382 |    0.098       0.6     0.25 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     1.369 |    0.755       2.0     0.60 |       3 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm|     3.333 |     1.443 |    0.660       2.5     0.97 |       3 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.050 |     0.082 |    0.022      12.6     0.46 |    1000 |     0.083 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.148 |     0.235 |    0.007      32.6     2.05 |     405 |     0.095 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHH|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoI|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0Fro|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      28 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm             |     0.357 |     0.847 |    0.079       3.9     0.98 |      28 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |     8.000 |     8.773 |    1.717      20.3     8.82 |       5 |     0.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty|     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.054       0.2     0.07 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.457 |    0.155       0.7     0.28 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.392 |    0.117       0.7     0.27 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.343 |    0.088       0.6     0.25 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm|     3.333 |     1.172 |    0.647       1.5     0.46 |       3 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     1.379 |    0.546       2.4     0.94 |       3 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.070 |     0.060 |    0.019      10.6     0.39 |    1000 |     0.060 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.049 |     0.093 |    0.007      12.5     0.71 |     405 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDDPIDB|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      29 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.049 |     0.064 |    0.007      10.5     0.60 |     405 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDDPIDB|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiLooseTopoI|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputs|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.469 |    0.073       1.1     0.36 |      11 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     6.666 |     4.108 |    0.949       8.0     3.55 |       3 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.127 |    0.099       0.2     0.05 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.248 |    0.248       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.173 |    0.173       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.208 |    0.208       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.698 |    0.698       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.761 |    0.761       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.170 |     0.145 |    0.023      28.2     1.29 |    1000 |     0.146 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputs|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm                   |     0.909 |     0.400 |    0.071       1.2     0.34 |      11 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     3.333 |     3.634 |    0.836       6.7     2.94 |       3 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.079 |    0.065       0.1     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.269 |    0.269       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.158 |    0.158       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.148 |    0.148       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.650 |    0.650       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.938 |    0.938       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.120 |     0.119 |    0.019      25.4     1.10 |    1000 |     0.120 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.271 |     0.248 |    0.008      28.1     2.02 |     405 |     0.101 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsH|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTop|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0Fr|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      28 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm            |     0.357 |     0.880 |    0.115       4.3     1.02 |      28 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS      |    12.000 |     9.110 |    1.032      19.2     8.75 |       5 |     0.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeaut|     0.000 |     0.149 |    0.095       0.2     0.06 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.510 |    0.197       0.8     0.29 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.377 |    0.100       0.6     0.27 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.369 |    0.096       0.7     0.28 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     1.351 |    0.798       1.7     0.48 |       3 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.437 |    0.266       0.7     0.21 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.060 |     0.083 |    0.024       5.8     0.28 |    1000 |     0.084 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.271 |     0.209 |    0.006      25.3     1.71 |     405 |     0.085 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsH|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTop|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0Fr|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      28 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm            |     0.714 |     0.863 |    0.106       4.2     0.99 |      28 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS      |    14.000 |     7.831 |    2.103      15.9     6.41 |       5 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeaut|     0.000 |     0.114 |    0.063       0.2     0.05 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.441 |    0.108       0.7     0.30 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.400 |    0.117       0.7     0.28 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.388 |    0.100       0.7     0.30 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2Char|     3.333 |     1.278 |    0.798       1.5     0.42 |       3 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.364 |    0.130       0.6     0.25 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.090 |     0.077 |    0.020       5.9     0.35 |    1000 |     0.077 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.098 |     0.088 |    0.008       5.6     0.43 |     405 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHPIDB|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0FromBMe|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      34 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2Charm                 |     0.294 |     0.370 |    0.076       3.0     0.58 |      34 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     4.000 |     1.334 |    0.640       2.1     0.70 |       5 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.042       0.1     0.04 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.431 |    0.431       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.281 |    0.281       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.254 |    0.254       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.468 |    0.468       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.361 |    0.361       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.100 |     0.082 |    0.022       7.1     0.31 |    1000 |     0.083 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.098 |     0.100 |    0.007       5.8     0.54 |     405 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHPIDB|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     117 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0FromBMe|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      34 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2Charm                 |     0.294 |     0.509 |    0.070       5.7     1.10 |      34 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     2.000 |     1.258 |    0.507       2.0     0.69 |       5 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.057       0.1     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine|    10.000 |     0.287 |    0.287       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.209 |    0.209       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.173 |    0.173       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.336 |    0.336       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.179 |    0.179       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.060 |     0.060 |    0.020       3.4     0.19 |    1000 |     0.061 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.098 |     0.070 |    0.008       3.5     0.31 |     405 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHPID|     0.085 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0FromBM|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      34 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2Charm                |     0.294 |     0.350 |    0.067       2.7     0.56 |      34 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     0.881 |    0.725       1.0     0.13 |       4 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.065 |    0.043       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.199 |    0.199       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.179 |    0.179       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.158 |    0.158       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.235 |    0.235       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.168 |    0.168       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.100 |     0.088 |    0.023       3.7     0.23 |    1000 |     0.088 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.020 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.049 |     0.061 |    0.007       3.3     0.28 |     405 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHPID|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0FromBM|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      34 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2Charm                |     0.588 |     0.331 |    0.062       2.8     0.57 |      34 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     0.741 |    0.551       0.9     0.14 |       4 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.061 |    0.057       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.197 |    0.197       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.207 |    0.207       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.176 |    0.176       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.234 |    0.234       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.177 |    0.177       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.070 |     0.071 |    0.020       3.2     0.20 |    1000 |     0.072 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.098 |     0.102 |    0.007       3.5     0.34 |     405 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHPIDBeaut|     0.085 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.074 |     0.088 |    0.006       3.1     0.30 |     405 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.024 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiLooseTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      53 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.487 |    0.083       2.2     0.56 |      53 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     1.541 |    0.836       2.2     1.00 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.085 |    0.085       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHBeauty2Charm                     |     0.188 |     0.422 |    0.076       2.1     0.49 |      53 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     1.423 |    0.731       2.1     0.98 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.058       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -129145,35 +129405,35 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.470 |     0.429 |    0.023      63.4     2.80 |    1000 |     0.430 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.987 |     0.940 |    0.007      63.3     4.33 |     405 |     0.381 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHPI|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     117 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0FromB|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     110 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2Charm               |     2.181 |     1.644 |    0.068      39.9     4.25 |     110 |     0.181 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     4.500 |     4.712 |    0.727      15.7     3.86 |      20 |     0.094 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.167 |    0.056       0.9     0.21 |      16 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      15 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.666 |     0.546 |    0.151       1.5     0.41 |      15 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.666 |     0.431 |    0.059       1.3     0.38 |      15 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.405 |    0.078       1.0     0.33 |      15 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     2.000 |     1.723 |    0.169       6.3     1.83 |      15 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.747 |    0.169       1.8     0.48 |      15 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      15 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.110 |     0.081 |    0.022       3.7     0.21 |    1000 |     0.081 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.390 |     0.375 |    0.021      49.6     2.37 |    1000 |     0.376 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.839 |     0.834 |    0.006      49.5     3.66 |     405 |     0.338 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHPI|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0FromB|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |     110 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2Charm               |     1.636 |     1.420 |    0.072      27.2     3.21 |     110 |     0.156 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     3.500 |     4.272 |    0.593      10.7     3.05 |      20 |     0.085 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.089 |    0.059       0.2     0.03 |      16 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      15 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.666 |     0.498 |    0.055       1.2     0.36 |      15 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.416 |    0.058       1.1     0.34 |      15 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.414 |    0.041       1.1     0.33 |      15 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     2.666 |     1.644 |    0.139       6.3     1.78 |      15 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.706 |    0.135       1.7     0.44 |      15 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |      15 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.070 |     0.066 |    0.018       3.3     0.19 |    1000 |     0.067 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.098 |     0.088 |    0.007       3.6     0.30 |     405 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.030 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.074 |     0.078 |    0.006       3.3     0.28 |     405 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiLooseTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      51 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHBeauty2Charm                     |     0.392 |     0.357 |    0.064       2.3     0.45 |      51 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     1.320 |    0.676       2.4     0.97 |       3 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.054 |    0.054       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiLooseTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      51 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHBeauty2Charm                     |     0.392 |     0.331 |    0.061       2.3     0.43 |      51 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     3.333 |     1.216 |    0.588       2.3     0.93 |       3 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.070 |    0.070       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -129181,56 +129441,56 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.420 |     0.368 |    0.022      46.3     2.24 |    1000 |     0.369 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.350 |     0.335 |    0.020      45.1     2.10 |    1000 |     0.336 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.030 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.790 |     0.793 |    0.008      46.2     3.45 |     405 |     0.321 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHP|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     117 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0From|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     110 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2Charm              |     1.818 |     1.417 |    0.073      26.9     3.09 |     110 |     0.156 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     3.000 |     4.205 |    0.619      16.2     4.06 |      20 |     0.084 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.103 |    0.054       0.2     0.05 |      17 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      15 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.666 |     0.403 |    0.060       1.1     0.31 |      15 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.666 |     0.323 |    0.055       0.9     0.26 |      15 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.666 |     0.320 |    0.046       0.9     0.26 |      15 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     1.242 |    0.150       3.6     1.23 |      15 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.370 |    0.120       1.0     0.23 |      15 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      15 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.220 |     0.200 |    0.015      27.9     1.32 |    1000 |     0.201 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      95 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineFil|     3.658 |     4.076 |    0.974      27.6     5.15 |      41 |     0.167 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      41 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm                      |     3.851 |     3.888 |    0.743      50.9     4.99 |     405 |     1.575 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm               |     3.827 |     3.855 |    0.737      50.4     4.94 |     405 |     1.561 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi+pi+pi+WSPlusBeauty2Charm    |     0.320 |     0.309 |    0.074       3.8     0.34 |     405 |     0.125 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi+pi+pi+WSPlusBeauty2Charm         |     0.246 |     0.253 |    0.043       3.5     0.33 |     405 |     0.103 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi+pi+pi+WSPlusBeauty2Charm     |     0.469 |     0.562 |    0.069      10.0     0.94 |     405 |     0.228 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi+pi+pi+WSPlusBeauty2Charm          |     0.419 |     0.496 |    0.045       9.8     0.89 |     405 |     0.201 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K+pi+pi+WSPlusBeauty2Charm      |     0.444 |     0.533 |    0.061      11.0     0.96 |     405 |     0.216 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K+pi+pi+WSPlusBeauty2Charm           |     0.419 |     0.480 |    0.040      10.8     0.93 |     405 |     0.194 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K+K+pi+WSPlusBeauty2Charm       |     0.320 |     0.300 |    0.059       5.7     0.43 |     405 |     0.122 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K+K+pi+WSPlusBeauty2Charm            |     0.296 |     0.251 |    0.039       5.5     0.42 |     405 |     0.102 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K+K+K+WSPlusBeauty2Charm        |     0.345 |     0.237 |    0.044       4.1     0.32 |     405 |     0.096 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K+K+K+WSPlusBeauty2Charm             |     0.320 |     0.196 |    0.024       4.0     0.31 |     405 |     0.080 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi-pi-pi-pi-WSMinusBeauty2Charm   |     0.370 |     0.262 |    0.045       3.8     0.33 |     405 |     0.106 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi-pi-pi-pi-WSMinusBeauty2Charm        |     0.296 |     0.216 |    0.027       3.5     0.30 |     405 |     0.088 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K-pi-pi-pi-WSMinusBeauty2Charm    |     0.543 |     0.545 |    0.062      10.8     0.88 |     405 |     0.221 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K-pi-pi-pi-WSMinusBeauty2Charm         |     0.518 |     0.488 |    0.040      10.1     0.84 |     405 |     0.198 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K-K-pi-pi-WSMinusBeauty2Charm     |     0.345 |     0.526 |    0.057      10.7     0.90 |     405 |     0.213 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K-K-pi-pi-WSMinusBeauty2Charm          |     0.296 |     0.475 |    0.039      10.3     0.88 |     405 |     0.192 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K-K-K-pi-WSMinusBeauty2Charm      |     0.395 |     0.293 |    0.056       4.5     0.38 |     405 |     0.119 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K-K-K-pi-WSMinusBeauty2Charm           |     0.395 |     0.247 |    0.037       4.4     0.36 |     405 |     0.100 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K-K-K-K-WSMinusBeauty2Charm       |     0.246 |     0.235 |    0.042       2.8     0.26 |     405 |     0.095 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K-K-K-K-WSMinusBeauty2Charm            |     0.246 |     0.192 |    0.025       2.7     0.25 |     405 |     0.078 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm                            |     0.200 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      50 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHWS|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0FromB|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.444 |    0.087       1.4     0.67 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.740 |     0.739 |    0.007      45.0     3.25 |     405 |     0.299 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHP|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoI|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0From|     0.090 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     110 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2Charm              |     1.181 |     1.359 |    0.063      26.4     3.06 |     110 |     0.150 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     3.500 |     3.726 |    0.594       9.8     3.05 |      20 |     0.075 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.087 |    0.040       0.1     0.03 |      17 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      15 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.666 |     0.374 |    0.055       1.0     0.29 |      15 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.666 |     0.336 |    0.044       1.0     0.27 |      15 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmL|     1.333 |     0.337 |    0.046       1.0     0.28 |      15 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmL|     1.333 |     1.220 |    0.120       3.6     1.21 |      15 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.327 |    0.106       0.9     0.22 |      15 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |      15 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.140 |     0.164 |    0.015      17.0     0.98 |    1000 |     0.165 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.7     0.02 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      95 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineFil|     3.170 |     3.379 |    0.637      16.9     3.52 |      41 |     0.139 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      41 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm                      |     3.555 |     3.612 |    0.626      70.5     5.33 |     405 |     1.463 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm               |     3.530 |     3.584 |    0.622      70.0     5.29 |     405 |     1.452 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi+pi+pi+WSPlusBeauty2Charm    |     0.469 |     0.272 |    0.064       3.5     0.33 |     405 |     0.111 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi+pi+pi+WSPlusBeauty2Charm         |     0.320 |     0.226 |    0.040       3.2     0.31 |     405 |     0.092 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi+pi+pi+WSPlusBeauty2Charm     |     0.518 |     0.531 |    0.064      13.3     1.01 |     405 |     0.215 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi+pi+pi+WSPlusBeauty2Charm          |     0.444 |     0.483 |    0.041      13.1     0.98 |     405 |     0.196 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K+pi+pi+WSPlusBeauty2Charm      |     0.543 |     0.514 |    0.058      18.9     1.20 |     405 |     0.208 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K+pi+pi+WSPlusBeauty2Charm           |     0.543 |     0.470 |    0.038      18.6     1.17 |     405 |     0.191 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K+K+pi+WSPlusBeauty2Charm       |     0.345 |     0.285 |    0.054       8.7     0.53 |     405 |     0.116 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K+K+pi+WSPlusBeauty2Charm            |     0.345 |     0.245 |    0.035       8.4     0.52 |     405 |     0.099 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K+K+K+WSPlusBeauty2Charm        |     0.098 |     0.222 |    0.038       5.3     0.36 |     405 |     0.090 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K+K+K+WSPlusBeauty2Charm             |     0.074 |     0.189 |    0.023       5.1     0.35 |     405 |     0.077 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi-pi-pi-pi-WSMinusBeauty2Charm   |     0.074 |     0.235 |    0.041       3.5     0.31 |     405 |     0.095 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi-pi-pi-pi-WSMinusBeauty2Charm        |     0.049 |     0.198 |    0.023       3.3     0.30 |     405 |     0.080 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K-pi-pi-pi-WSMinusBeauty2Charm    |     0.592 |     0.506 |    0.048       9.8     0.84 |     405 |     0.205 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K-pi-pi-pi-WSMinusBeauty2Charm         |     0.543 |     0.460 |    0.032       9.6     0.82 |     405 |     0.186 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K-K-pi-pi-WSMinusBeauty2Charm     |     0.444 |     0.486 |    0.048      10.3     0.84 |     405 |     0.197 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K-K-pi-pi-WSMinusBeauty2Charm          |     0.419 |     0.443 |    0.033      10.1     0.82 |     405 |     0.180 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K-K-K-pi-WSMinusBeauty2Charm      |     0.172 |     0.268 |    0.046       4.5     0.36 |     405 |     0.109 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K-K-K-pi-WSMinusBeauty2Charm           |     0.148 |     0.230 |    0.032       4.4     0.35 |     405 |     0.093 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K-K-K-K-WSMinusBeauty2Charm       |     0.222 |     0.220 |    0.034       2.7     0.28 |     405 |     0.089 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K-K-K-K-WSMinusBeauty2Charm            |     0.172 |     0.180 |    0.019       2.6     0.24 |     405 |     0.073 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm                            |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      50 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHWS|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0FromB|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.384 |    0.077       1.3     0.58 |       4 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -129240,15 +129500,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KPi0MergedD2HH
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.130 |     0.150 |    0.015      11.9     0.79 |    1000 |     0.150 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     115 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineFi|     2.380 |     2.837 |    0.012      11.8     2.61 |      42 |     0.119 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHW|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0From|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     1.452 |    1.452       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.160 |     0.139 |    0.013      17.8     0.86 |    1000 |     0.140 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     115 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineFi|     3.571 |     2.749 |    0.010      17.7     3.20 |      42 |     0.115 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHW|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0From|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     8.774 |    8.774       8.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -129258,15 +129518,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiPi0MergedD2H
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0MergedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.200 |     0.193 |    0.015      18.2     1.20 |    1000 |     0.193 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      98 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     4.250 |     4.086 |    0.012      18.0     4.46 |      40 |     0.163 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHWSBeau|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.019       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPiLooseTopoI|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputs|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     1.650 |    1.650       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.160 |     0.169 |    0.013      17.2     1.10 |    1000 |     0.169 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.102 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      98 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     3.500 |     3.659 |    0.010      17.1     4.19 |      40 |     0.146 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.250 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      40 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHWSBeau|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.017       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPiLooseTopoI|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputs|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.839 |    0.839       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -129276,33 +129536,33 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHWS
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiDDD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.190 |     0.242 |    0.015      32.2     1.68 |    1000 |     0.242 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     113 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineF|     3.478 |     4.515 |    0.012      32.1     6.45 |      46 |     0.208 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      46 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHH|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.014       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0Fro|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     1.933 |    0.174       5.3     1.85 |       6 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |     5.000 |     8.455 |    2.333      14.6     8.66 |       2 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty|     0.000 |     0.122 |    0.106       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.365 |    0.365       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.271 |    0.271       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.249 |    0.249       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     1.029 |    1.029       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.451 |    0.451       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.150 |     0.143 |    0.014      29.5     1.22 |    1000 |     0.144 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     109 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     3.589 |     2.903 |    0.010      29.3     5.53 |      39 |     0.113 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      39 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHWSBeau|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPiLooseTopoI|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputs|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.881 |    0.150       1.6     1.03 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.220 |     0.223 |    0.014      31.5     1.63 |    1000 |     0.223 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     113 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineF|     4.565 |     4.322 |    0.010      31.4     6.37 |      46 |     0.199 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      46 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHH|     0.000 |     0.097 |    0.008       0.6     0.21 |       7 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoI|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0Fro|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm             |     3.333 |     1.483 |    0.147       2.5     0.97 |       6 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |    15.000 |     8.345 |    2.287      14.4     8.57 |       2 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty|     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.080       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.280 |    0.280       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.254 |    0.254       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.255 |    0.255       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.948 |    0.948       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.386 |    0.386       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.120 |     0.127 |    0.012      30.8     1.17 |    1000 |     0.127 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     109 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     2.564 |     2.683 |    0.008      30.7     5.35 |      39 |     0.105 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      39 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHWSBeau|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPiLooseTopoI|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputs|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.652 |    0.131       1.2     0.74 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -129312,16 +129572,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHWS
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KsPiLLD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine |     0.110 |     0.129 |    0.015      12.5     0.75 |    1000 |     0.130 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine|     0.090 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     110 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine|     1.818 |     2.262 |    0.009      12.4     2.78 |      44 |     0.100 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      44 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHH|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTop|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0Fr|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm            |     1.666 |     0.783 |    0.224       2.1     0.73 |       6 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS      |     0.000 |     2.336 |    2.336       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine |     0.090 |     0.105 |    0.013      12.6     0.66 |    1000 |     0.106 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     110 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine|     1.590 |     1.868 |    0.008      12.6     2.57 |      44 |     0.082 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      44 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHH|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTop|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0Fr|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm            |     0.000 |     0.715 |    0.183       1.8     0.64 |       6 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS      |     0.000 |     2.360 |    2.360       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -129330,53 +129590,53 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPi0ResolvedD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.310 |     0.261 |    0.024       5.3     0.46 |    1000 |     0.261 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.200 |     0.214 |    0.020       4.5     0.39 |    1000 |     0.214 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.617 |     0.520 |    0.076       5.2     0.58 |     405 |     0.211 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PHI2KK4D2PhiMuNuBeauty2Charm                     |     0.222 |     0.170 |    0.040       1.2     0.13 |     405 |     0.069 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MUInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                       |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.019       0.1     0.02 |     223 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtoD2PhiMuNuBeauty2Charm                       |     0.261 |     0.140 |    0.057       1.5     0.13 |     153 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmCombCutProtoD2PhiMuNuBe|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      53 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.003       0.4     0.05 |      53 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2PhiMuNuBeauty2Charm                       |     0.188 |     0.152 |    0.058       1.7     0.23 |      53 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     0.000 |     1.160 |    0.716       1.6     0.63 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.106 |    0.106       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.320 |     0.430 |    0.056       4.5     0.49 |     405 |     0.174 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PHI2KK4D2PhiMuNuBeauty2Charm                     |     0.098 |     0.137 |    0.031       0.9     0.10 |     405 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MUInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                       |     0.089 |     0.028 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |     223 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtoD2PhiMuNuBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     0.124 |    0.043       1.4     0.13 |     153 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmCombCutProtoD2PhiMuNuBe|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      53 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      53 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2PhiMuNuBeauty2Charm                       |     0.188 |     0.139 |    0.052       1.9     0.25 |      53 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     0.000 |     1.009 |    0.561       1.5     0.63 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.048       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.247 |    0.247       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.108       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.104 |    0.104       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.821 |    0.821       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.215 |    0.215       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.137 |    0.137       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.098 |    0.098       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.105 |    0.105       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine      |    10.000 |     0.610 |    0.610       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.189 |    0.189       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.110 |     0.073 |    0.024       3.3     0.15 |    1000 |     0.074 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.070 |     0.059 |    0.020       2.7     0.12 |    1000 |     0.059 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.020 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.049 |     0.059 |    0.009       3.2     0.22 |     405 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmCombCutProtoD2PhiMuNuB|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      53 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      53 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2PhiMuNuBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.131 |    0.054       0.7     0.11 |      53 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     5.000 |     1.033 |    0.629       1.4     0.57 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.101 |    0.101       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DPiD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.124 |    0.124       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DPiD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.115       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DPiD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.124 |    0.124       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DPiD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.538 |    0.538       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DPiD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.162 |    0.162       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.074 |     0.048 |    0.008       2.7     0.18 |     405 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmCombCutProtoD2PhiMuNuB|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      53 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      53 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2PhiMuNuBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.119 |    0.052       0.6     0.10 |      53 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     5.000 |     0.953 |    0.475       1.4     0.68 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.046       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DPiD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.117 |    0.117       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DPiD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.096 |    0.096       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DPiD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.107 |    0.107       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DPiD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.585 |    0.585       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DPiD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.148 |    0.148       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.030 |     0.045 |    0.015       9.6     0.32 |    1000 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     103 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.263 |     0.369 |    0.009       9.5     1.58 |      38 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      38 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmCombCutProtoD2PhiMuNu|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.012       0.1     0.02 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.551 |    0.070       3.0     1.09 |       7 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     5.000 |     3.818 |    1.572       6.1     3.18 |       2 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.091 |    0.091       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.050 |     0.035 |    0.013       6.8     0.23 |    1000 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.020 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     103 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.278 |    0.007       6.7     1.15 |      38 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      38 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmCombCutProtoD2PhiMuNu|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.012       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.347 |    0.069       1.6     0.58 |       7 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     3.120 |    1.391       4.8     2.45 |       2 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.067       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -129384,14 +129644,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKWSD2PhiMuNuBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.050 |     0.033 |    0.014       1.7     0.08 |    1000 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.000 |     0.119 |    0.009       1.6     0.33 |      40 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmCombCutProtoD2PhiMuN|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsB|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.377 |    0.066       1.5     0.56 |       9 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.050 |     0.033 |    0.013       6.5     0.21 |    1000 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      96 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.009       1.5     0.25 |      40 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmCombCutProtoD2PhiMuN|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsB|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.261 |    0.057       1.4     0.44 |       9 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -129401,43 +129661,43 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DPiWSD2PhiMuNuB
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DPiWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DPiWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2PhiMuNuBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKD2HHHUPBeauty2CharmLine              |     1.970 |     2.006 |    0.024      49.8     3.79 |    1000 |     2.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2HHHUPBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler    |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2HHHUPBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2HHHUPBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     4.790 |     4.813 |    0.075      49.7     4.60 |     405 |     1.949 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKD2HHHUPBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2HHHUPBeauty2Charm                       |     4.592 |     4.668 |    0.064      48.2     4.45 |     405 |     1.891 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2HHHUPBeauty2Charm                |     4.543 |     4.538 |    0.059      47.2     4.34 |     405 |     1.838 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2pi+pi+pi-UPUPBeauty2Charm        |     0.345 |     0.365 |    0.004       4.7     0.36 |     405 |     0.148 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2pi+pi+pi-UPUPBeauty2Charm             |     0.313 |     0.300 |    0.052       4.1     0.32 |     383 |     0.115 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2pi+pi+K-UPUPBeauty2Charm         |     0.197 |     0.350 |    0.002       5.3     0.37 |     405 |     0.142 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2pi+pi+K-UPUPBeauty2Charm              |     0.130 |     0.279 |    0.053       4.7     0.32 |     383 |     0.107 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2K+pi+pi-UPUPBeauty2Charm         |     0.419 |     0.515 |    0.002       4.9     0.54 |     405 |     0.209 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2K+pi+pi-UPUPBeauty2Charm              |     0.391 |     0.444 |    0.053       4.4     0.48 |     383 |     0.170 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2K+pi+K-UPUPBeauty2Charm          |     0.641 |     0.480 |    0.002       6.3     0.55 |     405 |     0.195 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2K+pi+K-UPUPBeauty2Charm               |     0.600 |     0.415 |    0.052       5.6     0.47 |     383 |     0.159 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2K+K+pi-UPUPBeauty2Charm          |     0.419 |     0.307 |    0.002       3.4     0.30 |     405 |     0.124 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2K+K+pi-UPUPBeauty2Charm               |     0.365 |     0.249 |    0.049       3.0     0.25 |     383 |     0.096 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2K+K+K-UPUPBeauty2Charm           |     0.172 |     0.248 |    0.004       2.4     0.23 |     405 |     0.101 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2K+K+K-UPUPBeauty2Charm                |     0.156 |     0.207 |    0.035       2.1     0.20 |     383 |     0.080 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2pi-pi-pi+UPUPBeauty2Charm        |     0.271 |     0.324 |    0.002       6.4     0.43 |     405 |     0.131 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2pi-pi-pi+UPUPBeauty2Charm             |     0.234 |     0.274 |    0.034       6.3     0.41 |     383 |     0.105 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2pi-pi-K+UPUPBeauty2Charm         |     0.345 |     0.329 |    0.002       3.0     0.31 |     405 |     0.133 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2pi-pi-K+UPUPBeauty2Charm              |     0.287 |     0.260 |    0.045       2.6     0.25 |     383 |     0.100 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2K-pi-pi+UPUPBeauty2Charm         |     0.543 |     0.512 |    0.002       6.3     0.58 |     405 |     0.207 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2K-pi-pi+UPUPBeauty2Charm              |     0.496 |     0.440 |    0.046       5.3     0.51 |     383 |     0.169 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2K-pi-K+UPUPBeauty2Charm          |     0.419 |     0.478 |    0.002       5.1     0.54 |     405 |     0.194 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2K-pi-K+UPUPBeauty2Charm               |     0.287 |     0.407 |    0.048       4.5     0.45 |     383 |     0.156 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2K-K-pi+UPUPBeauty2Charm          |     0.320 |     0.320 |    0.002       6.6     0.42 |     405 |     0.130 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2K-K-pi+UPUPBeauty2Charm               |     0.287 |     0.249 |    0.045       2.2     0.23 |     383 |     0.095 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2K-K-K+UPUPBeauty2Charm           |     0.370 |     0.245 |    0.002       1.9     0.22 |     405 |     0.099 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2K-K-K+UPUPBeauty2Charm                |     0.339 |     0.202 |    0.032       1.7     0.19 |     383 |     0.077 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2HHHUPBeauty2Charm                             |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     198 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2HHHUPBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHUPBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     198 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2HHHUPBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeauty2|     0.050 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     198 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2HHHUPBeauty2Charm                         |     0.202 |     0.153 |    0.051       4.8     0.36 |     198 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2HHHUPBeauty2CharmTISTOS                   |     0.000 |     1.317 |    0.471       2.2     1.20 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2HHHUPBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter|     0.000 |     0.098 |    0.067       0.1     0.04 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKD2HHHUPBeauty2CharmLine              |     1.700 |     1.767 |    0.021      39.5     3.29 |    1000 |     1.767 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2HHHUPBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2HHHUPBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2HHHUPBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     4.172 |     4.258 |    0.066      39.4     3.96 |     405 |     1.725 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKD2HHHUPBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2HHHUPBeauty2Charm                       |     4.148 |     4.149 |    0.057      37.9     3.86 |     405 |     1.681 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2HHHUPBeauty2Charm                |     3.975 |     4.045 |    0.054      36.9     3.77 |     405 |     1.638 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2pi+pi+pi-UPUPBeauty2Charm        |     0.395 |     0.320 |    0.003       2.8     0.30 |     405 |     0.130 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2pi+pi+pi-UPUPBeauty2Charm             |     0.365 |     0.270 |    0.039       2.5     0.27 |     383 |     0.104 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2pi+pi+K-UPUPBeauty2Charm         |     0.172 |     0.305 |    0.002       2.9     0.28 |     405 |     0.124 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2pi+pi+K-UPUPBeauty2Charm              |     0.130 |     0.248 |    0.048       2.4     0.24 |     383 |     0.095 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2K+pi+pi-UPUPBeauty2Charm         |     0.592 |     0.474 |    0.002       4.7     0.51 |     405 |     0.192 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2K+pi+pi-UPUPBeauty2Charm              |     0.548 |     0.417 |    0.044       4.3     0.47 |     383 |     0.160 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2K+pi+K-UPUPBeauty2Charm          |     0.419 |     0.434 |    0.002       5.2     0.47 |     405 |     0.176 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2K+pi+K-UPUPBeauty2Charm               |     0.365 |     0.386 |    0.045       4.7     0.43 |     383 |     0.148 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2K+K+pi-UPUPBeauty2Charm          |     0.320 |     0.277 |    0.002       2.6     0.26 |     405 |     0.112 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2K+K+pi-UPUPBeauty2Charm               |     0.261 |     0.229 |    0.039       2.2     0.22 |     383 |     0.088 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2K+K+K-UPUPBeauty2Charm           |     0.197 |     0.228 |    0.003       2.4     0.22 |     405 |     0.092 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2K+K+K-UPUPBeauty2Charm                |     0.156 |     0.195 |    0.031       2.1     0.21 |     383 |     0.075 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2pi-pi-pi+UPUPBeauty2Charm        |     0.395 |     0.276 |    0.002       2.6     0.27 |     405 |     0.112 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2pi-pi-pi+UPUPBeauty2Charm             |     0.417 |     0.235 |    0.030       2.4     0.24 |     383 |     0.090 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2pi-pi-K+UPUPBeauty2Charm         |     0.222 |     0.292 |    0.002       2.6     0.27 |     405 |     0.119 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2pi-pi-K+UPUPBeauty2Charm              |     0.208 |     0.238 |    0.042       2.3     0.23 |     383 |     0.091 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2K-pi-pi+UPUPBeauty2Charm         |     0.370 |     0.458 |    0.001       4.5     0.48 |     405 |     0.186 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2K-pi-pi+UPUPBeauty2Charm              |     0.287 |     0.402 |    0.044       4.3     0.44 |     383 |     0.154 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2K-pi-K+UPUPBeauty2Charm          |     0.419 |     0.439 |    0.002       6.8     0.54 |     405 |     0.178 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2K-pi-K+UPUPBeauty2Charm               |     0.313 |     0.389 |    0.042       6.6     0.51 |     383 |     0.149 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2K-K-pi+UPUPBeauty2Charm          |     0.148 |     0.269 |    0.002       2.2     0.24 |     405 |     0.109 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2K-K-pi+UPUPBeauty2Charm               |     0.156 |     0.222 |    0.041       1.9     0.21 |     383 |     0.085 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2K-K-K+UPUPBeauty2Charm           |     0.246 |     0.220 |    0.002       1.8     0.20 |     405 |     0.089 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2K-K-K+UPUPBeauty2Charm                |     0.261 |     0.185 |    0.028       1.6     0.18 |     383 |     0.071 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2HHHUPBeauty2Charm                             |     0.050 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     198 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2HHHUPBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHUPBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     198 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2HHHUPBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     198 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2HHHUPBeauty2Charm                         |     0.050 |     0.114 |    0.046       1.3     0.12 |     198 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2HHHUPBeauty2CharmTISTOS                   |     0.000 |     0.694 |    0.479       0.9     0.30 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2HHHUPBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter|     0.000 |     0.059 |    0.048       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2HHHUPBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKD2HHHUPBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKD2HHHUPBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -129445,69 +129705,69 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKD2HHHUPBeauty
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKD2HHHUPBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKD2HHHUPBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2HHHUPBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiWSNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.110 |     0.109 |    0.025       6.7     0.35 |    1000 |     0.110 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.010 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |    1000 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.148 |     0.131 |    0.010       6.6     0.52 |     405 |     0.053 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiWSNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFP|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     132 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm               |     0.227 |     0.115 |    0.053       1.3     0.12 |     132 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     0.896 |    0.514       1.6     0.42 |       6 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.053       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DPiWSNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.377 |    0.145       0.5     0.16 |       4 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DPiWSNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     2.500 |     0.217 |    0.054       0.3     0.12 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DPiWSNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.216 |    0.052       0.3     0.12 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DPiWSNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     2.500 |     0.618 |    0.160       1.1     0.43 |       4 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DPiWSNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.656 |    0.169       1.7     0.72 |       4 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiWSNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.070 |     0.089 |    0.020       6.7     0.34 |    1000 |     0.090 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.123 |     0.114 |    0.008       6.5     0.52 |     405 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiWSNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFP|     0.075 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm               |     0.075 |     0.091 |    0.045       0.5     0.06 |     132 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     1.666 |     0.897 |    0.493       1.5     0.42 |       6 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.074 |    0.062       0.1     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DPiWSNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.330 |    0.090       0.4     0.16 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DPiWSNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.214 |    0.054       0.3     0.11 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DPiWSNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.205 |    0.054       0.3     0.11 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DPiWSNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.616 |    0.155       1.1     0.43 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DPiWSNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     2.500 |     0.648 |    0.143       1.8     0.79 |       4 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiWSNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.080 |     0.113 |    0.023       9.7     0.38 |    1000 |     0.114 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiWSNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.100 |     0.090 |    0.019       9.0     0.33 |    1000 |     0.091 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.098 |     0.150 |    0.008       9.6     0.55 |     405 |     0.061 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiWSNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutDs2HHHPID|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     199 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     199 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                |     0.100 |     0.108 |    0.052       1.2     0.10 |     199 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     1.666 |     1.691 |    0.514       4.5     1.67 |       6 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.043       0.1     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DPiWSNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.364 |    0.253       0.5     0.16 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DPiWSNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.244 |    0.218       0.3     0.04 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DPiWSNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.231 |    0.216       0.2     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DPiWSNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.580 |    0.382       0.8     0.28 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DPiWSNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.226 |    0.176       0.3     0.07 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.172 |     0.128 |    0.007       8.9     0.50 |     405 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiWSNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutDs2HHHPID|     0.050 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     199 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInp|     0.050 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     199 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                |     0.201 |     0.090 |    0.047       0.5     0.06 |     199 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     1.581 |    0.458       4.3     1.57 |       6 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.044       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DPiWSNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.245 |    0.219       0.3     0.04 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DPiWSNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.273 |    0.270       0.3     0.00 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DPiWSNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.266 |    0.264       0.3     0.00 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DPiWSNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.539 |    0.363       0.7     0.25 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DPiWSNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.229 |    0.211       0.2     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSNoIPDs2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKsKDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.070 |     0.084 |    0.023       3.6     0.19 |    1000 |     0.084 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKsKDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.090 |     0.067 |    0.019       3.0     0.17 |    1000 |     0.067 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsKDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsKDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsKDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.074 |     0.086 |    0.008       3.6     0.28 |     405 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKsKDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPIDB|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     132 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInput|     0.151 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      66 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm                  |     0.151 |     0.237 |    0.060       1.6     0.30 |      66 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     1.107 |    0.610       1.6     0.70 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.070 |    0.070       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKsKDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.201 |    0.201       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKsKDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.104 |    0.104       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKsKDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.091 |    0.091       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKsKDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.226 |    0.226       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKsKDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.864 |    0.864       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsKDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsKDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.049 |     0.073 |    0.007       3.0     0.25 |     405 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKsKDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPIDB|     0.075 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInput|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.002       0.0     0.01 |      66 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.199 |    0.058       1.8     0.27 |      66 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     5.000 |     1.064 |    0.601       1.5     0.65 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.056       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKsKDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.205 |    0.205       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKsKDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.094       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKsKDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.090       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKsKDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.284 |    0.284       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKsKDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.732 |    0.732       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsKDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKsKLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.090 |     0.080 |    0.023       3.0     0.16 |    1000 |     0.081 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKsKLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.060 |     0.060 |    0.019       2.7     0.12 |    1000 |     0.060 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsKLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsKLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsKLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.024 |     0.062 |    0.007       2.9     0.20 |     405 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKsKLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPIDB|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     132 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInput|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      52 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm                  |     0.192 |     0.202 |    0.059       1.4     0.27 |      52 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     1.443 |    1.443       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.092 |    0.092       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsKLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsKLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.049 |     0.054 |    0.007       2.6     0.17 |     405 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKsKLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPIDB|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     132 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInput|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      52 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm                  |     0.192 |     0.177 |    0.056       1.2     0.22 |      52 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |    10.000 |     1.281 |    1.281       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.078 |    0.078       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKsKLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKsKLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -129515,53 +129775,53 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKsKLLD2HHHCFPI
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKsKLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKsKLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsKLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.210 |     0.292 |    0.023      27.7     1.50 |    1000 |     0.292 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.280 |     0.257 |    0.020      22.6     1.37 |    1000 |     0.257 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.444 |     0.600 |    0.008      27.5     2.29 |     405 |     0.243 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HH|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     132 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutKTop|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0F|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     127 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm           |     0.393 |     0.667 |    0.060      10.9     1.41 |     127 |     0.085 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS     |     3.043 |     3.276 |    0.850      21.8     4.49 |      23 |     0.075 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeau|     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.063       0.2     0.04 |      18 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.365 |    0.136       0.8     0.16 |      13 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Cha|     2.307 |     0.247 |    0.109       0.5     0.13 |      13 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.238 |    0.104       0.5     0.13 |      13 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     1.055 |    0.414       2.0     0.54 |      13 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.586 |    0.246       1.8     0.44 |      13 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKsPiDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.110 |     0.081 |    0.023       3.2     0.17 |    1000 |     0.081 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.641 |     0.544 |    0.007      22.5     2.11 |     405 |     0.221 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HH|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutKTop|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0F|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     127 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm           |     0.944 |     0.636 |    0.059      11.9     1.58 |     127 |     0.081 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS     |     2.173 |     2.797 |    0.804      11.7     2.72 |      23 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeau|     0.000 |     0.085 |    0.049       0.2     0.03 |      18 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.325 |    0.130       0.9     0.22 |      13 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.236 |    0.087       0.7     0.17 |      13 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.241 |    0.099       0.7     0.17 |      13 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Cha|     1.538 |     1.068 |    0.353       3.3     0.82 |      13 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.769 |     0.519 |    0.219       1.1     0.32 |      13 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKsPiDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.050 |     0.069 |    0.019       2.8     0.17 |    1000 |     0.070 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsPiDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsPiDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsPiDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.074 |     0.084 |    0.007       3.1     0.25 |     405 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKsPiDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPID|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.4     0.03 |     132 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInpu|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      66 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm                 |     0.303 |     0.232 |    0.067       1.5     0.28 |      66 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     0.000 |     1.035 |    0.517       1.6     0.73 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.062       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKsPiDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.114 |    0.114       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKsPiDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.090       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKsPiDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.087 |    0.087       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKsPiDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.217 |    0.217       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKsPiDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.203 |    0.203       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsPiDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsPiDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.024 |     0.077 |    0.007       2.7     0.24 |     405 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKsPiDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPID|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     132 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInpu|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      66 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm                 |     0.151 |     0.202 |    0.056       1.7     0.27 |      66 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     0.000 |     0.995 |    0.522       1.5     0.67 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.055 |    0.055       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKsPiDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.128 |    0.128       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKsPiDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.095       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKsPiDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.085 |    0.085       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKsPiDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.190 |    0.190       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKsPiDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.149 |    0.149       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsPiDDD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.090 |     0.072 |    0.024       2.9     0.15 |    1000 |     0.072 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.074 |     0.061 |    0.008       2.8     0.22 |     405 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHH|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.020 |     0.058 |    0.020       2.7     0.14 |    1000 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.007       2.6     0.20 |     405 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHH|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTop|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0Fr|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      35 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm            |     0.285 |     0.257 |    0.070       1.3     0.31 |      35 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS      |     5.000 |     1.487 |    1.487       1.5     0.00 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeaut|     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.110       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0Fr|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      35 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm            |     0.000 |     0.214 |    0.060       1.3     0.28 |      35 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS      |     0.000 |     1.447 |    1.414       1.5     0.05 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeaut|     0.000 |     0.083 |    0.083       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DPiPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DPiPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -129569,17 +129829,17 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DPiPi0MergedD2H
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DPiPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DPiPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.070 |     0.070 |    0.024       3.2     0.15 |    1000 |     0.070 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.074 |     0.058 |    0.008       3.1     0.22 |     405 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHC|     0.075 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     132 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.060 |     0.058 |    0.020       2.6     0.14 |    1000 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.049 |     0.051 |    0.006       2.5     0.21 |     405 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHC|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0Fro|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      35 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm             |     0.285 |     0.223 |    0.060       1.0     0.25 |      35 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |     0.000 |     1.692 |    1.474       1.9     0.31 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty|     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.084       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0Fro|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      35 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm             |     0.571 |     0.218 |    0.057       1.6     0.32 |      35 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |     0.000 |     1.520 |    1.498       1.5     0.03 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty|     0.000 |     0.077 |    0.077       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -129587,35 +129847,35 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKPi0MergedD2HH
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPi0MergedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.300 |     0.287 |    0.023      23.1     1.52 |    1000 |     0.288 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.641 |     0.587 |    0.008      23.0     2.33 |     405 |     0.238 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2H|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     132 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiT|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     127 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm          |     0.551 |     0.718 |    0.062      19.7     2.02 |     127 |     0.091 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS    |     4.347 |     2.903 |    0.420      17.6     3.89 |      23 |     0.067 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBea|     0.000 |     0.089 |    0.046       0.1     0.03 |      19 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      14 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Ch|     1.428 |     0.628 |    0.121       5.4     1.37 |      14 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.190 |    0.089       0.6     0.13 |      14 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.189 |    0.088       0.6     0.13 |      14 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Ch|     1.428 |     0.842 |    0.288       2.3     0.53 |      14 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.323 |    0.134       0.6     0.15 |      14 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      14 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKsPiLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.060 |     0.074 |    0.024       2.2     0.13 |    1000 |     0.074 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsPiLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsPiLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsPiLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.049 |     0.065 |    0.008       2.1     0.19 |     405 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKsPiLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPID|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     132 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInpu|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |      52 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm                 |     0.192 |     0.223 |    0.063       1.3     0.29 |      52 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     0.000 |     0.642 |    0.642       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.081       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.270 |     0.245 |    0.019      25.2     1.35 |    1000 |     0.246 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.641 |     0.515 |    0.007      25.0     2.08 |     405 |     0.209 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2H|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiT|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     127 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm          |     1.023 |     0.647 |    0.060      10.8     1.59 |     127 |     0.082 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS    |     3.478 |     2.629 |    0.397      11.7     2.86 |      23 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBea|     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.037       0.2     0.03 |      19 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      14 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.244 |    0.103       0.9     0.20 |      14 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.198 |    0.085       0.7     0.16 |      14 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.188 |    0.086       0.7     0.16 |      14 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Ch|     1.428 |     0.872 |    0.244       3.2     0.73 |      14 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.272 |    0.130       0.7     0.15 |      14 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPi0ResolvedD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |      14 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKsPiLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.060 |     0.058 |    0.019       2.0     0.11 |    1000 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsPiLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsPiLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsPiLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.049 |     0.053 |    0.007       1.9     0.16 |     405 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKsPiLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPID|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInpu|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      52 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm                 |     0.384 |     0.188 |    0.055       1.3     0.25 |      52 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     0.000 |     0.587 |    0.587       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.067       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKsPiLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKsPiLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -129623,15 +129883,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKsPiLLD2HHHCFP
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKsPiLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKsPiLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsPiLLD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.070 |     0.038 |    0.016       1.6     0.06 |    1000 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.020 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     103 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.227 |     0.092 |    0.010       1.5     0.23 |      44 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.227 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      44 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HH|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |      21 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutKTop|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      21 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0F|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm           |     0.000 |     0.321 |    0.083       1.4     0.52 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.010 |     0.029 |    0.014       1.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     103 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.087 |    0.007       1.7     0.26 |      44 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      44 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HH|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      21 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutKTop|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      21 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0F|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm           |     0.000 |     0.346 |    0.074       1.6     0.59 |       6 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -129641,15 +129901,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKPi0MergedWSD2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKsPiDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.040 |     0.035 |    0.016       1.6     0.07 |    1000 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsPiDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsPiDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      91 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsPiDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.263 |     0.100 |    0.010       1.6     0.27 |      38 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKsPiDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      38 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFP|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDIn|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.462 |    0.135       1.4     0.56 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKsPiDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.010 |     0.027 |    0.013       1.5     0.05 |    1000 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsPiDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsPiDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      91 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsPiDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.008       1.4     0.23 |      38 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKsPiDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      38 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFP|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDIn|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.394 |    0.123       1.3     0.52 |       5 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -129659,33 +129919,33 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKsPiDDWSD2HHHC
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKsPiDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKsPiDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsPiDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.030 |     0.049 |    0.016       5.6     0.23 |    1000 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      95 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.243 |     0.438 |    0.010       5.5     1.03 |      41 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      41 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      14 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutKT|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      14 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPi|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      14 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm         |     0.714 |     0.499 |    0.155       2.4     0.56 |      14 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS   |     0.000 |     0.808 |    0.531       1.3     0.41 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBe|     0.000 |     0.078 |    0.059       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.224 |    0.124       0.3     0.14 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.118 |    0.069       0.2     0.07 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.059       0.2     0.08 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.476 |    0.262       0.7     0.30 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.923 |    0.830       1.0     0.13 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.040 |     0.039 |    0.014       4.2     0.17 |    1000 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.2     0.02 |      95 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.243 |     0.352 |    0.008       4.1     0.78 |      41 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      41 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      14 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutKT|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      14 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPi|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      14 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.443 |    0.126       1.8     0.41 |      14 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS   |     0.000 |     0.738 |    0.471       1.2     0.41 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBe|     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.050       0.1     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.070       0.2     0.06 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.111 |    0.057       0.2     0.08 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.112 |    0.057       0.2     0.08 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.396 |    0.201       0.6     0.28 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.190 |    0.175       0.2     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.040 |     0.034 |    0.016       1.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |     107 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.009       1.8     0.25 |      51 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      51 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2H|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      14 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.030 |     0.026 |    0.013       1.0     0.04 |    1000 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     107 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.008       1.0     0.14 |      51 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      51 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2H|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      14 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiT|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      14 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm          |     0.000 |     0.482 |    0.081       1.6     0.76 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPi0|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm          |     0.000 |     0.282 |    0.071       0.8     0.36 |       4 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBea|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -129695,15 +129955,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DPiPi0MergedWSD
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DPiPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DPiPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPi0MergedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKsPiLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.010 |     0.034 |    0.014       2.5     0.08 |    1000 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsPiLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsPiLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      91 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsPiLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.000 |     0.105 |    0.010       2.3     0.36 |      43 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKsPiLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      43 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFP|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      14 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKsPiLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.060 |     0.029 |    0.013       1.0     0.07 |    1000 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsPiLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsPiLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.329 |     0.048 |    0.005       0.9     0.16 |      91 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsPiLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.008       0.9     0.15 |      43 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKsPiLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      43 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFP|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      14 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      14 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLIn|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.455 |    0.074       2.2     0.84 |       6 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLIn|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.211 |    0.070       0.8     0.27 |       6 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsPiLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -129713,15 +129973,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKsPiLLWSD2HHHC
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKsPiLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKsPiLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsPiLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.020 |     0.038 |    0.016       1.6     0.09 |    1000 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      86 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.208 |    0.009       1.5     0.34 |      35 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      35 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutP|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutP|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm        |     0.000 |     0.432 |    0.114       1.4     0.39 |      12 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.014       1.8     0.08 |    1000 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.3     0.03 |      86 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.192 |    0.009       1.7     0.37 |      35 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      35 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutP|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutP|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm        |     0.000 |     0.415 |    0.099       1.6     0.46 |      12 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -129731,15 +129991,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DPiPi0ResolvedW
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DPiPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DPiPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPi0ResolvedWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKsKLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.050 |     0.034 |    0.016       1.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsKLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.7     0.02 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsKLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      99 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsKLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.270 |     0.086 |    0.010       1.8     0.29 |      37 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKsKLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPI|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInp|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.478 |    0.079       1.6     0.77 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKsKLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.020 |     0.027 |    0.014       1.3     0.05 |    1000 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsKLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsKLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      99 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsKLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.009       1.2     0.20 |      37 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKsKLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      37 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPI|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInp|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.326 |    0.076       1.0     0.48 |       4 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -129749,15 +130009,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKsKLLWSD2HHHCF
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKsKLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKsKLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsKLLWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKsKDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.040 |     0.033 |    0.015       1.4     0.05 |    1000 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsKDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsKDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      91 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsKDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.000 |     0.078 |    0.010       1.3     0.22 |      39 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKsKDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      39 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPI|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKsKDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.013       0.8     0.03 |    1000 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsKDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsKDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      91 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsKDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.009       0.8     0.13 |      39 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKsKDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      39 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPI|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInp|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.331 |    0.076       1.2     0.48 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInp|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.220 |    0.083       0.6     0.24 |       5 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKsKDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -129767,108 +130027,108 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKsKDDWSD2HHHCF
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKsKDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKsKDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKsKDDWSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.080 |     0.071 |    0.024       5.9     0.24 |    1000 |     0.071 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.5     0.01 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.049 |     0.049 |    0.008       5.8     0.36 |     405 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.252 |    0.158       0.3     0.10 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     3.333 |     0.204 |    0.122       0.4     0.14 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.181 |    0.131       0.3     0.07 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     1.415 |    0.796       2.3     0.82 |       3 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     1.020 |    0.922       1.1     0.12 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.070 |     0.054 |    0.020       6.9     0.23 |    1000 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.024 |     0.041 |    0.007       6.8     0.36 |     405 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.257 |    0.105       0.4     0.17 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.185 |    0.080       0.3     0.14 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.202 |    0.077       0.4     0.18 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     1.611 |    0.632       3.3     1.50 |       3 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     3.333 |     0.265 |    0.185       0.4     0.10 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DKKD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.090 |     0.088 |    0.023      11.1     0.48 |    1000 |     0.088 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.123 |     0.101 |    0.008      11.0     0.74 |     405 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.255 |    0.093       0.6     0.17 |       7 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     1.428 |     0.211 |    0.082       0.5     0.16 |       7 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.194 |    0.064       0.5     0.16 |       7 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     2.857 |     2.039 |    0.592       5.2     1.60 |       7 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     2.857 |     1.592 |    0.705       2.6     0.78 |       7 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DPiPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.060 |     0.069 |    0.024       6.9     0.29 |    1000 |     0.069 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.090 |     0.069 |    0.020       9.7     0.39 |    1000 |     0.069 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.123 |     0.078 |    0.006       9.6     0.60 |     405 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.220 |    0.095       0.6     0.19 |       7 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.194 |    0.080       0.5     0.16 |       7 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     1.428 |     0.185 |    0.081       0.5     0.16 |       7 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     1.428 |     1.474 |    0.587       4.0     1.22 |       7 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     1.171 |    0.595       2.4     0.62 |       7 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DKPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DPiPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.030 |     0.058 |    0.019       4.8     0.23 |    1000 |     0.058 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DPiPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DPiPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DPiPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.024 |     0.057 |    0.007       6.7     0.44 |     405 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DPiPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DPiPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DPiPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.221 |    0.122       0.4     0.12 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2DPiPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.167 |    0.083       0.3     0.09 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DPiPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.165 |    0.083       0.3     0.09 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DPiPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     2.000 |     1.883 |    0.714       4.7     1.71 |       5 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DPiPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.307 |    0.152       0.6     0.18 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DPiPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DPiPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.007       4.7     0.35 |     405 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DPiPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DPiPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DPiPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.183 |    0.092       0.3     0.10 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2DPiPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.163 |    0.102       0.3     0.09 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DPiPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.148 |    0.081       0.3     0.08 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DPiPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     1.509 |    0.540       3.4     1.22 |       5 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DPiPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.229 |    0.142       0.4     0.09 |       5 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DPiPiD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DHHOSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.170 |     0.147 |    0.022      25.8     0.88 |    1000 |     0.147 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DHHOSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.100 |     0.115 |    0.019      13.0     0.51 |    1000 |     0.115 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DHHOSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DHHOSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DHHOSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.296 |     0.248 |    0.008      25.6     1.35 |     405 |     0.101 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DHHOSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DHHOSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DHHOSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2HHWSPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DHHOSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm                    |     0.378 |     0.256 |    0.057       2.5     0.36 |     132 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DHHOSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     7.500 |     5.920 |    0.582      21.8    10.58 |       4 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DHHOSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.142 |    0.084       0.3     0.10 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DHHOSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DHHOSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.130 |    0.130       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DHHOSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DHHOSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.148 |     0.195 |    0.007      12.9     0.77 |     405 |     0.079 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DHHOSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DHHOSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DHHOSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2HHWSPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DHHOSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm                    |     0.151 |     0.208 |    0.052       2.1     0.28 |     132 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DHHOSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     2.500 |     3.176 |    0.563      10.8     5.11 |       4 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DHHOSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.101 |    0.075       0.2     0.04 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DHHOSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DHHOSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.118 |    0.118       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2DHHOSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.079 |    0.079       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DHHOSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.084       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DHHOSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     1.085 |    1.085       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DHHOSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.242 |    0.242       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DHHOSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.081       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DHHOSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |    10.000 |     0.885 |    0.885       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DHHOSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.205 |    0.205       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DHHOSD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DRho0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.160 |     0.168 |    0.023      14.1     0.52 |    1000 |     0.168 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DRho0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DRho0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.030 |     0.015 |    0.005       0.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DRho0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.296 |     0.278 |    0.008      13.9     0.77 |     405 |     0.113 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DRho0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DRho0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     240 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RHOBeauty2CharmFilter                            |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     239 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RHO02PiPiPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                   |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     180 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DRho0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutRHO02PiPiPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     167 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DRho0D2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                      |     0.239 |     0.126 |    0.050       1.3     0.16 |     167 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DRho0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     1.666 |     2.136 |    0.575       6.0     1.99 |       6 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DRho0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.045       0.2     0.07 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DRho0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DRho0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.407 |    0.407       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2DRho0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.252 |    0.252       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DRho0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.261 |    0.261       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DRho0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     1.761 |    1.761       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DRho0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.487 |    0.487       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DRho0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DKstar0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.180 |     0.192 |    0.022      18.2     0.83 |    1000 |     0.192 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DRho0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.090 |     0.131 |    0.019       6.7     0.33 |    1000 |     0.131 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DRho0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DRho0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DRho0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.172 |     0.230 |    0.007       6.6     0.47 |     405 |     0.094 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DRho0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DRho0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     240 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RHOBeauty2CharmFilter                            |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     239 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RHO02PiPiPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                   |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     180 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DRho0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutRHO02PiPiPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     167 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DRho0D2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.104 |    0.046       0.8     0.10 |     167 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DRho0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     1.666 |     1.522 |    0.661       2.6     0.78 |       6 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DRho0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.055       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DRho0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DRho0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.272 |    0.272       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2DRho0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.174 |    0.174       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DRho0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.166 |    0.166       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DRho0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |    10.000 |     1.030 |    1.030       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DRho0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.199 |    0.199       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DRho0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DKstar0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.170 |     0.149 |    0.019      15.6     0.59 |    1000 |     0.150 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DKstar0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DKstar0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DKstar0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.320 |     0.354 |    0.007      18.0     1.25 |     405 |     0.144 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DKstar0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKstar0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     240 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K*0Beauty2CharmFilter                            |     0.041 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     239 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Kstar02KPiPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     208 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKstar0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutKstar02KPiPID|     0.059 |     0.023 |    0.004       1.5     0.12 |     167 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKstar0D2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.146 |    0.061       1.8     0.19 |     167 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKstar0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     4.000 |     2.178 |    0.469       5.9     2.20 |       5 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKstar0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.114 |    0.039       0.2     0.08 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKstar0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DKstar0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.564 |    0.308       0.8     0.36 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2DKstar0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.377 |    0.216       0.5     0.23 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DKstar0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.400 |    0.227       0.6     0.25 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DKstar0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     5.000 |     3.249 |    1.806       4.7     2.04 |       2 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DKstar0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     1.860 |    1.703       2.0     0.22 |       2 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DKstar0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DPhiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.130 |     0.106 |    0.022       6.4     0.25 |    1000 |     0.107 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DPhiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DPhiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DPhiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.222 |     0.144 |    0.007       6.2     0.35 |     405 |     0.058 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DPhiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DPhiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     240 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PHIBeauty2CharmFilter                            |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     239 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PHI2KKPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                      |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     135 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DPhiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPHI2KKPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      56 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DPhiD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                       |     0.178 |     0.113 |    0.048       0.6     0.12 |      56 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DPhiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     0.000 |     3.930 |    3.930       3.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DKstar0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DKstar0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.370 |     0.279 |    0.006      15.5     0.88 |     405 |     0.113 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DKstar0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKstar0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     240 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K*0Beauty2CharmFilter                            |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |     239 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Kstar02KPiPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                  |     0.048 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     208 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKstar0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutKstar02KPiPID|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     167 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKstar0D2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                    |     0.059 |     0.119 |    0.052       1.3     0.13 |     167 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKstar0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     2.000 |     1.449 |    0.478       2.5     0.91 |       5 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKstar0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.033       0.1     0.04 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKstar0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DKstar0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.337 |    0.139       0.5     0.28 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2DKstar0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.324 |    0.118       0.5     0.29 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DKstar0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.330 |    0.128       0.5     0.29 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DKstar0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     5.000 |     2.563 |    0.955       4.2     2.27 |       2 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DKstar0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     1.195 |    0.767       1.6     0.61 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DKstar0D2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DPhiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.130 |     0.086 |    0.019       6.3     0.23 |    1000 |     0.087 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DPhiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DPhiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DPhiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.148 |     0.121 |    0.006       6.1     0.33 |     405 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DPhiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DPhiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     240 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PHIBeauty2CharmFilter                            |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     239 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PHI2KKPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     135 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DPhiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPHI2KKPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      56 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DPhiD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                       |     0.357 |     0.095 |    0.044       0.5     0.10 |      56 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DPhiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |    10.000 |     4.132 |    4.132       4.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DPhiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DPhiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DPhiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -129877,15 +130137,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DPhiD2HHHPIDBeau
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DPhiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DPhiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DPhiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DKSDDD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.050 |     0.083 |    0.023       2.1     0.13 |    1000 |     0.084 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DKSDDD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.060 |     0.068 |    0.020       2.1     0.11 |    1000 |     0.069 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DKSDDD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DKSDDD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DKSDDD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.049 |     0.089 |    0.007       2.0     0.18 |     405 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DKSDDD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKSDDD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHBeauty2Charm |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     267 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKSDDD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     118 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKSDDD2HHHBeauty2Charm                         |     0.169 |     0.152 |    0.051       1.4     0.18 |     118 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKSDDD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                   |     0.000 |     0.788 |    0.788       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DKSDDD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DKSDDD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.148 |     0.075 |    0.006       2.0     0.15 |     405 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DKSDDD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKSDDD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHBeauty2Charm |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     267 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKSDDD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     118 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKSDDD2HHHBeauty2Charm                         |     0.338 |     0.129 |    0.047       1.0     0.14 |     118 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKSDDD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                   |     0.000 |     0.828 |    0.828       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKSDDD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter|     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.080       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKSDDD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DKSDDD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -129894,14 +130154,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DKSDDD2HHHBeauty
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DKSDDD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DKSDDD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DKSDDD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DKSLLD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.070 |     0.076 |    0.023       2.8     0.13 |    1000 |     0.076 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DKSLLD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.080 |     0.059 |    0.019       1.1     0.08 |    1000 |     0.060 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DKSLLD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler    |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DKSLLD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DKSLLD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.098 |     0.075 |    0.007       2.6     0.18 |     405 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DKSLLD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKSLLD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHBeauty2Charm |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     267 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKSLLD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      97 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKSLLD2HHHBeauty2Charm                         |     0.206 |     0.159 |    0.046       2.3     0.29 |      97 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DKSLLD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DKSLLD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.074 |     0.058 |    0.006       1.0     0.10 |     405 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DKSLLD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.024 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKSLLD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHBeauty2Charm |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     267 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKSLLD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      97 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKSLLD2HHHBeauty2Charm                         |     0.103 |     0.114 |    0.044       0.9     0.12 |      97 |     0.011 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKSLLD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKSLLD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DKSLLD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -129911,76 +130171,76 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DKSLLD2HHHBeauty
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DKSLLD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DKSLLD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DKSLLD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DRhoPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.680 |     0.679 |    0.023      43.1     2.84 |    1000 |     0.680 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DRhoPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.620 |     0.587 |    0.020      42.4     2.34 |    1000 |     0.587 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DRhoPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DRhoPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DRhoPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     1.555 |     1.541 |    0.008      42.9     4.25 |     405 |     0.624 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DRhoPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DRhoPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPIDB|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     132 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:X2PiPi0Beauty2Charm                       |     3.939 |     3.986 |    0.021      40.4     5.73 |     132 |     0.526 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:X2PiPi0Beauty2Charm                |     3.787 |     3.555 |    0.017      38.4     5.29 |     132 |     0.469 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:X2PiPi0MergedBeauty2Charm                |     0.151 |     0.202 |    0.004       3.1     0.44 |     132 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               X2PiPi0MergedBeauty2Charm                     |     0.571 |     0.288 |    0.143       1.4     0.22 |      35 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:X2PiPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm              |     3.636 |     3.340 |    0.004      35.3     5.04 |     132 |     0.441 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               X2PiPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm                   |     1.338 |     1.012 |    0.156       8.0     1.11 |     127 |     0.129 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             X2PiPi0Beauty2Charm                             |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     128 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RHOPMBeauty2CharmFilter                          |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     128 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DRhoPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutRHOPMBeauty|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     115 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DRhoPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm                  |     0.347 |     0.176 |    0.056       1.7     0.25 |     115 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DRhoPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     1.542 |    1.060       1.9     0.42 |       3 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DRhoPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.165 |    0.147       0.2     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DRhoPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DRhoPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.321 |    0.310       0.3     0.02 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DRhoPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.205 |    0.205       0.2     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DRhoPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.183 |    0.165       0.2     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DRhoPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     5.000 |     2.919 |    2.622       3.2     0.42 |       2 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DRhoPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     5.000 |     0.344 |    0.339       0.3     0.01 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DRhoPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKstarPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.650 |     0.685 |    0.023      42.0     2.82 |    1000 |     0.686 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKstarPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKstarPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKstarPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     1.456 |     1.566 |    0.007      41.8     4.24 |     405 |     0.634 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKstarPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKstarPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPI|     0.075 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     132 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:X2KPi0Beauty2Charm                        |     3.939 |     3.990 |    0.016      35.7     5.44 |     132 |     0.527 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:X2KPi0Beauty2Charm                 |     3.484 |     3.549 |    0.012      33.2     4.96 |     132 |     0.469 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:X2KPi0MergedBeauty2Charm                 |     0.151 |     0.217 |    0.002       2.5     0.44 |     132 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               HHKaonsInputsBeauty2CharmFilter               |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     128 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               X2KPi0MergedBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.269 |    0.134       1.4     0.23 |      35 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:X2KPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm               |     3.333 |     3.320 |    0.003      33.1     4.74 |     132 |     0.438 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               X2KPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm                    |     1.102 |     1.011 |    0.136       7.4     1.07 |     127 |     0.128 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             X2KPi0Beauty2Charm                              |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     128 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K*PMBeauty2CharmFilter                           |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     128 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKstarPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutK*PMBeaut|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     116 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKstarPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm                |     0.086 |     0.200 |    0.051       3.7     0.38 |     116 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKstarPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     5.000 |     2.598 |    1.837       3.4     1.08 |       2 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKstarPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.185 |    0.141       0.2     0.06 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKstarPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKstarPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.398 |    0.326       0.5     0.10 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKstarPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.290 |    0.210       0.4     0.11 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKstarPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.274 |    0.205       0.3     0.10 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKstarPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     5.000 |     4.769 |    4.485       5.1     0.40 |       2 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKstarPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.555 |    0.509       0.6     0.07 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKstarPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.170 |     0.178 |    0.024       5.7     0.40 |    1000 |     0.178 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DRhoPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DRhoPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     1.407 |     1.356 |    0.007      42.2     3.52 |     405 |     0.549 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DRhoPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DRhoPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPIDB|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:X2PiPi0Beauty2Charm                       |     3.560 |     3.521 |    0.018      39.5     4.62 |     132 |     0.465 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:X2PiPi0Beauty2Charm                |     3.181 |     3.132 |    0.014      37.4     4.28 |     132 |     0.413 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:X2PiPi0MergedBeauty2Charm                |     0.227 |     0.170 |    0.004       2.6     0.36 |     132 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               X2PiPi0MergedBeauty2Charm                     |     0.285 |     0.239 |    0.114       0.7     0.15 |      35 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:X2PiPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm              |     2.954 |     2.951 |    0.004      34.8     4.07 |     132 |     0.390 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               X2PiPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm                   |     1.023 |     0.932 |    0.134       5.9     0.86 |     127 |     0.118 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             X2PiPi0Beauty2Charm                             |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     128 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RHOPMBeauty2CharmFilter                          |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     128 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DRhoPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutRHOPMBeauty|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     115 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DRhoPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm                  |     0.347 |     0.144 |    0.048       1.8     0.20 |     115 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DRhoPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     1.257 |    0.938       1.7     0.39 |       3 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DRhoPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.088 |    0.087       0.1     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DRhoPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DRhoPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.187 |    0.138       0.2     0.07 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DRhoPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.156 |    0.109       0.2     0.07 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DRhoPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.164 |    0.140       0.2     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DRhoPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     2.371 |    2.119       2.6     0.36 |       2 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DRhoPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.259 |    0.213       0.3     0.07 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DRhoPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKstarPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.570 |     0.603 |    0.020      41.3     2.41 |    1000 |     0.604 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKstarPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKstarPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKstarPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     1.333 |     1.396 |    0.007      41.2     3.61 |     405 |     0.566 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKstarPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKstarPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPI|     0.075 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:X2KPi0Beauty2Charm                        |     3.333 |     3.587 |    0.014      38.0     4.60 |     132 |     0.474 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:X2KPi0Beauty2Charm                 |     3.181 |     3.142 |    0.010      35.8     4.17 |     132 |     0.415 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:X2KPi0MergedBeauty2Charm                 |     0.075 |     0.187 |    0.002       2.6     0.38 |     132 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               HHKaonsInputsBeauty2CharmFilter               |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     128 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               X2KPi0MergedBeauty2Charm                      |     0.285 |     0.221 |    0.133       0.7     0.11 |      35 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:X2KPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm               |     3.106 |     2.946 |    0.002      33.2     3.96 |     132 |     0.389 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               X2KPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm                    |     0.944 |     0.916 |    0.123       5.9     0.86 |     127 |     0.116 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             X2KPi0Beauty2Charm                              |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     128 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K*PMBeauty2CharmFilter                           |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     128 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKstarPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutK*PMBeaut|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     116 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKstarPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm                |     0.344 |     0.158 |    0.048       1.5     0.21 |     116 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKstarPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     2.332 |    1.054       3.6     1.81 |       2 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKstarPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     5.000 |     0.094 |    0.084       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKstarPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKstarPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.269 |    0.114       0.4     0.22 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKstarPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.243 |    0.108       0.4     0.19 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKstarPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.223 |    0.106       0.3     0.17 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKstarPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     5.000 |     3.718 |    2.196       5.2     2.15 |       2 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKstarPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.577 |    0.224       0.9     0.50 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKstarPMD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.110 |     0.138 |    0.021       3.1     0.28 |    1000 |     0.138 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.271 |     0.294 |    0.032       3.7     0.49 |     405 |     0.119 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2KsHBeauty2Charm_LL                      |     0.271 |     0.255 |    0.023       3.5     0.43 |     405 |     0.103 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2KsHBeauty2Charm_LL               |     0.271 |     0.231 |    0.018       3.4     0.39 |     405 |     0.094 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2KS0pi+LLBeauty2Charm             |     0.123 |     0.065 |    0.002       1.2     0.12 |     405 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2KS0pi+LLBeauty2Charm                  |     0.080 |     0.122 |    0.043       1.1     0.10 |     125 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2KS0K+LLBeauty2Charm              |     0.098 |     0.050 |    0.001       0.9     0.10 |     405 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2KS0K+LLBeauty2Charm                   |     0.240 |     0.092 |    0.035       0.8     0.08 |     125 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2KS0pi-LLBeauty2Charm             |     0.024 |     0.051 |    0.001       1.0     0.11 |     405 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2KS0pi-LLBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.097 |    0.038       0.9     0.10 |     125 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2KS0K-LLBeauty2Charm              |     0.024 |     0.046 |    0.001       0.6     0.09 |     405 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2KS0K-LLBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.036       0.6     0.06 |     125 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.172 |     0.241 |    0.028       3.0     0.39 |     405 |     0.098 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2KsHBeauty2Charm_LL                      |     0.172 |     0.211 |    0.020       2.9     0.34 |     405 |     0.086 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2KsHBeauty2Charm_LL               |     0.172 |     0.192 |    0.016       2.7     0.30 |     405 |     0.078 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2KS0pi+LLBeauty2Charm             |     0.049 |     0.053 |    0.001       0.8     0.09 |     405 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2KS0pi+LLBeauty2Charm                  |     0.160 |     0.098 |    0.043       0.7     0.07 |     125 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2KS0K+LLBeauty2Charm              |     0.049 |     0.043 |    0.001       0.7     0.08 |     405 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2KS0K+LLBeauty2Charm                   |     0.080 |     0.078 |    0.035       0.6     0.06 |     125 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2KS0pi-LLBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.001       0.6     0.08 |     405 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2KS0pi-LLBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.075 |    0.032       0.6     0.06 |     125 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2KS0K-LLBeauty2Charm              |     0.074 |     0.040 |    0.001       0.6     0.07 |     405 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2KS0K-LLBeauty2Charm                   |     0.160 |     0.072 |    0.030       0.5     0.05 |     125 |     0.009 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2KsHBeauty2Charm_LL                            |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      36 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHBeauty2Charm_|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      36 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      36 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2KSHLLBeauty2Charm                         |     0.000 |     0.168 |    0.057       1.4     0.26 |      36 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHBeauty2Charm_|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      36 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      36 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2KSHLLBeauty2Charm                         |     0.000 |     0.114 |    0.053       1.0     0.16 |      36 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -129990,14 +130250,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKD2KSHLLBeauty
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.060 |     0.063 |    0.025       0.7     0.06 |    1000 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.020 |     0.049 |    0.021       0.7     0.05 |    1000 |     0.049 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.024 |     0.031 |    0.008       0.7     0.07 |     405 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      36 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      36 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2KSHLLBeauty2Charm                        |     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.056       0.6     0.09 |      36 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.024 |     0.025 |    0.007       0.7     0.06 |     405 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      36 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      36 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2KSHLLBeauty2Charm                        |     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.051       0.6     0.09 |      36 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130007,14 +130267,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DPiD2KSHLLBeaut
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DPiD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DPiD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.050 |     0.037 |    0.016       0.9     0.04 |    1000 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      98 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.009       0.8     0.13 |      41 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      41 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.012       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2KSHLLBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     0.298 |    0.108       0.7     0.32 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.020 |     0.028 |    0.014       0.7     0.03 |    1000 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      98 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.007       0.6     0.10 |      41 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      41 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2KSHLLBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     0.233 |    0.081       0.5     0.25 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130024,14 +130284,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKWSD2KSHLLBeau
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.050 |     0.040 |    0.015       5.2     0.17 |    1000 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      99 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.009       1.7     0.30 |      34 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      34 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.015       0.0     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.030 |     0.026 |    0.013       1.1     0.04 |    1000 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      99 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.008       1.0     0.18 |      34 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      34 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.014       0.0     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2KSHLLBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.986 |    0.398       1.6     0.83 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2KSHLLBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.584 |    0.232       0.9     0.50 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130041,25 +130301,25 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DPiWSD2KSHLLBea
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DPiWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DPiWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.190 |     0.207 |    0.024       3.9     0.38 |    1000 |     0.207 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.150 |     0.167 |    0.020       2.7     0.30 |    1000 |     0.168 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.320 |     0.387 |    0.033       3.8     0.50 |     405 |     0.157 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2KsHBeauty2Charm_DD                      |     0.271 |     0.343 |    0.022       3.3     0.44 |     405 |     0.139 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2KsHBeauty2Charm_DD               |     0.246 |     0.316 |    0.018       2.9     0.39 |     405 |     0.128 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2KS0pi+DDBeauty2Charm             |     0.098 |     0.088 |    0.002       0.8     0.12 |     405 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2KS0pi+DDBeauty2Charm                  |     0.215 |     0.112 |    0.049       0.7     0.07 |     186 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2KS0K+DDBeauty2Charm              |     0.049 |     0.072 |    0.001       0.8     0.10 |     405 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2KS0K+DDBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.091 |    0.040       0.7     0.07 |     186 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2KS0pi-DDBeauty2Charm             |     0.049 |     0.070 |    0.001       0.8     0.10 |     405 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2KS0pi-DDBeauty2Charm                  |     0.107 |     0.091 |    0.036       0.7     0.08 |     186 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2KS0K-DDBeauty2Charm              |     0.024 |     0.068 |    0.001       0.6     0.10 |     405 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2KS0K-DDBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.083 |    0.034       0.6     0.06 |     186 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2KsHBeauty2Charm_DD                            |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      52 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHBeauty2Charm_|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      52 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      52 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2KSHDDBeauty2Charm                         |     0.000 |     0.127 |    0.055       1.0     0.14 |      52 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.320 |     0.318 |    0.028       2.6     0.39 |     405 |     0.129 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2KsHBeauty2Charm_DD                      |     0.271 |     0.281 |    0.018       2.6     0.34 |     405 |     0.114 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2KsHBeauty2Charm_DD               |     0.271 |     0.258 |    0.015       2.6     0.31 |     405 |     0.105 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2KS0pi+DDBeauty2Charm             |     0.049 |     0.071 |    0.002       0.6     0.09 |     405 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2KS0pi+DDBeauty2Charm                  |     0.107 |     0.092 |    0.042       0.6     0.06 |     186 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD+2KS0K+DDBeauty2Charm              |     0.049 |     0.059 |    0.001       0.6     0.08 |     405 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD+2KS0K+DDBeauty2Charm                   |     0.053 |     0.075 |    0.034       0.6     0.05 |     186 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2KS0pi-DDBeauty2Charm             |     0.024 |     0.057 |    0.001       0.7     0.08 |     405 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2KS0pi-DDBeauty2Charm                  |     0.053 |     0.074 |    0.033       0.6     0.06 |     186 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD-2KS0K-DDBeauty2Charm              |     0.123 |     0.057 |    0.001       0.6     0.08 |     405 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD-2KS0K-DDBeauty2Charm                   |     0.161 |     0.069 |    0.031       0.5     0.05 |     186 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2KsHBeauty2Charm_DD                            |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      52 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHBeauty2Charm_|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      52 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      52 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2KSHDDBeauty2Charm                         |     0.192 |     0.105 |    0.050       0.6     0.09 |      52 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130069,14 +130329,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKD2KSHDDBeauty
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.060 |     0.064 |    0.024       0.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.065 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.050 |     0.051 |    0.020       0.7     0.06 |    1000 |     0.052 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.030 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.024 |     0.039 |    0.008       0.7     0.08 |     405 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHBeauty2Charm|     0.192 |     0.020 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      52 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      52 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2KSHDDBeauty2Charm                        |     0.000 |     0.114 |    0.054       0.6     0.09 |      52 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.024 |     0.032 |    0.007       0.6     0.07 |     405 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      52 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      52 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2KSHDDBeauty2Charm                        |     0.000 |     0.096 |    0.049       0.6     0.09 |      52 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130086,14 +130346,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DPiD2KSHDDBeaut
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DPiD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DPiD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.070 |     0.036 |    0.016       1.7     0.06 |    1000 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.108 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      92 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.009       1.7     0.28 |      36 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      36 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.017       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2KSHDDBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     0.375 |    0.070       1.6     0.67 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.020 |     0.028 |    0.014       1.3     0.05 |    1000 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      92 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.007       1.3     0.21 |      36 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      36 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2KSHDDBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     0.285 |    0.059       1.2     0.49 |       5 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130103,14 +130363,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKWSD2KSHDDBeau
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.040 |     0.038 |    0.016       3.7     0.13 |    1000 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      92 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.250 |     0.090 |    0.009       1.5     0.25 |      40 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.030 |     0.027 |    0.014       1.3     0.05 |    1000 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      92 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.000 |     0.075 |    0.008       1.2     0.20 |      40 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       9 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2KSHDDBeauty2Charm                      |     1.111 |     0.231 |    0.058       1.4     0.44 |       9 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2KSHDDBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.193 |    0.052       1.1     0.35 |       9 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130120,15 +130380,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DPiWSD2KSHDDBea
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DPiWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DPiWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuLLBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.040 |     0.074 |    0.024       2.6     0.10 |    1000 |     0.074 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.000 |     0.061 |    0.019       2.5     0.14 |     405 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2KsMuMuLLBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.010       2.5     0.14 |     405 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2KsMuMuLLBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.006       2.5     0.14 |     405 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2mu+mu-KS0LLBeauty2Charm           |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.002       2.5     0.14 |     405 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2mu+mu-KS0LLBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.093 |    0.037       2.4     0.27 |      73 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuLLBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.070 |     0.056 |    0.020       0.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.017       0.8     0.07 |     405 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.6     0.03 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2KsMuMuLLBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.008       0.8     0.06 |     405 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2KsMuMuLLBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.005       0.8     0.06 |     405 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2mu+mu-KS0LLBeauty2Charm           |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.001       0.7     0.06 |     405 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2mu+mu-KS0LLBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.061 |    0.035       0.7     0.08 |      73 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2KsMuMuLLBeauty2Charm                          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSMuMuLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsMuMuLLBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSMuMuLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130142,11 +130402,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KD2KSMuMuLLBea
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KD2KSMuMuLLBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KD2KSMuMuLLBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuLLBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuLLBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.080 |     0.053 |    0.023       0.5     0.03 |    1000 |     0.053 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuLLBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.020       0.2     0.02 |    1000 |     0.040 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.049 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSMuMuLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsMuMuLLBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSMuMuLLBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSMuMuLLBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130159,15 +130419,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD2KSMuMuLLBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD2KSMuMuLLBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD2KSMuMuLLBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuLLBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuDDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.010 |     0.077 |    0.023       1.5     0.09 |    1000 |     0.077 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuDDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.070 |     0.059 |    0.020       0.7     0.06 |    1000 |     0.060 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.024 |     0.074 |    0.020       1.5     0.11 |     405 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2KsMuMuDDBeauty2Charm                    |     0.024 |     0.058 |    0.010       1.4     0.11 |     405 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2KsMuMuDDBeauty2Charm             |     0.024 |     0.053 |    0.006       1.4     0.11 |     405 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2mu+mu-KS0DDBeauty2Charm           |     0.024 |     0.047 |    0.002       1.4     0.10 |     405 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2mu+mu-KS0DDBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.074 |    0.036       1.4     0.13 |     111 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.049 |     0.057 |    0.017       0.7     0.07 |     405 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2KsMuMuDDBeauty2Charm                    |     0.049 |     0.045 |    0.008       0.7     0.07 |     405 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2KsMuMuDDBeauty2Charm             |     0.049 |     0.040 |    0.005       0.7     0.07 |     405 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2mu+mu-KS0DDBeauty2Charm           |     0.049 |     0.036 |    0.001       0.7     0.07 |     405 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2mu+mu-KS0DDBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.031       0.6     0.06 |     111 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2KsMuMuDDBeauty2Charm                          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSMuMuDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsMuMuDDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSMuMuDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130181,11 +130441,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KD2KSMuMuDDBea
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KD2KSMuMuDDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KD2KSMuMuDDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuDDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuDDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.060 |     0.053 |    0.024       0.2     0.03 |    1000 |     0.053 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuDDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.070 |     0.041 |    0.021       0.2     0.02 |    1000 |     0.042 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.024 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSMuMuDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsMuMuDDBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSMuMuDDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSMuMuDDBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130198,16 +130458,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD2KSMuMuDDBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD2KSMuMuDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD2KSMuMuDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuDDBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0MuNuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.060 |     0.061 |    0.024       2.7     0.11 |    1000 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0MuNuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.050 |     0.049 |    0.020       2.3     0.09 |    1000 |     0.049 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0MuNuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0MuNuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0MuNuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.008       2.6     0.15 |     405 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0MuNuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0MuNuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLLPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0MuNuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      22 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0MuNuD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.162 |    0.055       0.7     0.14 |      22 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0MuNuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     1.586 |    1.586       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0MuNuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.124 |    0.124       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0MuNuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.6     0.03 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0MuNuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.007       2.2     0.12 |     405 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0MuNuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0MuNuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLLPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0MuNuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      22 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0MuNuD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.132 |    0.055       0.6     0.11 |      22 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0MuNuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     1.434 |    1.434       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0MuNuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.065 |    0.065       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0MuNuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0MuNuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0MuNuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130215,14 +130475,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0MuNuD2KSHHLLBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0MuNuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0MuNuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0MuNuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0MuNuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.050 |     0.058 |    0.024       1.6     0.07 |    1000 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0MuNuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.080 |     0.045 |    0.020       1.3     0.05 |    1000 |     0.046 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0MuNuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0MuNuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0MuNuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.024 |     0.029 |    0.008       1.5     0.10 |     405 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0MuNuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0MuNuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDDPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0MuNuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0MuNuD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm                     |     0.555 |     0.225 |    0.069       1.4     0.30 |      18 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0MuNuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0MuNuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.074 |     0.022 |    0.007       1.2     0.07 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0MuNuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.024 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0MuNuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDDPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0MuNuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0MuNuD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm                     |     0.555 |     0.160 |    0.051       1.1     0.24 |      18 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0MuNuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0MuNuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0MuNuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130232,33 +130492,33 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0MuNuD2KSHHDDBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0MuNuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0MuNuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0MuNuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.080 |     0.081 |    0.025       9.1     0.34 |    1000 |     0.082 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.090 |     0.071 |    0.021       8.8     0.35 |    1000 |     0.072 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.074 |     0.078 |    0.008       9.0     0.52 |     405 |     0.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLLPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      33 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm                      |     0.303 |     0.194 |    0.050       0.7     0.16 |      33 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     2.207 |    0.887       3.9     1.38 |       4 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.111 |    0.102       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0KKD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.336 |    0.336       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0KKD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.182 |    0.182       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0KKD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.200 |    0.200       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0KKD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine     |    10.000 |     0.841 |    0.841       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0KKD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.364 |    0.364       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.080 |     0.073 |    0.026       4.9     0.20 |    1000 |     0.073 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.148 |     0.082 |    0.007       8.7     0.54 |     405 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLLPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      33 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm                      |     0.606 |     0.238 |    0.054       1.4     0.32 |      33 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     5.000 |     2.173 |    0.851       3.6     1.31 |       4 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.091       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0KKD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.318 |    0.318       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0KKD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.221 |    0.221       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0KKD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.177 |    0.177       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0KKD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.755 |    0.755       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0KKD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.271 |    0.271       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.080 |     0.056 |    0.022       3.8     0.16 |    1000 |     0.057 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.098 |     0.056 |    0.007       4.7     0.30 |     405 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLLPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      33 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.181 |    0.049       0.6     0.14 |      33 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     7.500 |     1.353 |    0.773       3.0     1.07 |       4 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.325 |    0.077       0.8     0.40 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.024 |     0.046 |    0.007       3.8     0.24 |     405 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLLPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      33 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.159 |    0.048       0.6     0.13 |      33 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     2.500 |     1.182 |    0.621       2.5     0.85 |       4 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.053       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130266,32 +130526,32 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLB
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.050 |     0.086 |    0.024      12.9     0.45 |    1000 |     0.087 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.049 |     0.097 |    0.008      12.7     0.69 |     405 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLLPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      33 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.279 |    0.059       0.9     0.22 |      33 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     3.333 |     1.890 |    0.596       6.3     2.20 |       6 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.116 |    0.079       0.2     0.04 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.346 |    0.346       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.197 |    0.197       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.192 |    0.192       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.849 |    0.849       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.414 |    0.414       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.060 |     0.042 |    0.016       4.6     0.16 |    1000 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     104 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.256 |     0.212 |    0.009       4.5     0.74 |      39 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.080 |     0.072 |    0.020      11.1     0.39 |    1000 |     0.073 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.074 |     0.084 |    0.007      11.0     0.60 |     405 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLLPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      33 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm                     |     0.303 |     0.238 |    0.063       0.8     0.20 |      33 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     3.333 |     1.771 |    0.668       5.9     2.07 |       6 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.093 |    0.060       0.1     0.02 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.268 |    0.268       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.215 |    0.215       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.188 |    0.188       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.707 |    0.707       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.270 |    0.270       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.040 |     0.032 |    0.013       4.5     0.15 |    1000 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     104 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.184 |    0.008       4.4     0.71 |      39 |     0.007 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      39 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLLPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.014       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutX2HHWSBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.430 |    0.158       0.8     0.25 |       7 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |    10.000 |     3.459 |    3.459       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLLPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.014       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutX2HHWSBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.330 |    0.112       0.6     0.21 |       7 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     3.287 |    3.287       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DHHWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130300,65 +130560,65 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DHHWSD2KSHHLLBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DHHWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DHHWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.050 |     0.079 |    0.024       4.7     0.24 |    1000 |     0.079 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.040 |     0.062 |    0.020       4.5     0.20 |    1000 |     0.063 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.074 |     0.074 |    0.009       4.5     0.36 |     405 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDDPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.008       0.1     0.02 |      29 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm                      |     0.344 |     0.278 |    0.051       2.2     0.41 |      29 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     1.213 |    0.690       2.6     0.93 |       4 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.058       0.1     0.02 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.013       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0KKD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.195 |    0.123       0.3     0.10 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0KKD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.089       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0KKD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.107 |    0.093       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0KKD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.234 |    0.197       0.3     0.05 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0KKD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.240 |    0.228       0.3     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.024 |     0.061 |    0.007       4.4     0.31 |     405 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDDPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.192 |    0.049       0.7     0.17 |      29 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     1.146 |    0.577       2.7     1.03 |       4 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.074 |    0.054       0.1     0.02 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0KKD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.151 |    0.128       0.2     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0KKD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.101 |    0.089       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0KKD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.089       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0KKD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.193 |    0.189       0.2     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0KKD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.211 |    0.210       0.2     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.040 |     0.068 |    0.024       2.9     0.15 |    1000 |     0.069 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.024 |     0.051 |    0.007       2.8     0.23 |     405 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDDPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm                    |     0.344 |     0.214 |    0.044       0.6     0.16 |      29 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     0.000 |     0.621 |    0.609       0.6     0.02 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.065 |    0.047       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.050 |     0.054 |    0.020       2.7     0.13 |    1000 |     0.054 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.074 |     0.041 |    0.007       2.7     0.20 |     405 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.024 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDDPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm                    |     0.344 |     0.185 |    0.045       0.6     0.15 |      29 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     3.333 |     0.624 |    0.562       0.7     0.06 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.045       0.1     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.123 |    0.115       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.122 |    0.107       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.100 |    0.090       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.209 |    0.192       0.2     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.194 |    0.171       0.2     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.090 |     0.084 |    0.023       7.2     0.32 |    1000 |     0.084 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.116 |    0.103       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.093       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.114 |    0.104       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.189 |    0.168       0.2     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.164 |    0.155       0.2     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.050 |     0.069 |    0.020       7.1     0.30 |    1000 |     0.070 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.172 |     0.089 |    0.008       7.1     0.49 |     405 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.049 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDDPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm                     |     0.344 |     0.316 |    0.066       1.2     0.28 |      29 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     2.500 |     1.991 |    1.179       4.3     1.54 |       4 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.081       0.2     0.03 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0KPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.207 |    0.173       0.2     0.05 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0KPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.174 |    0.166       0.2     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0KPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.177 |    0.153       0.2     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0KPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     5.000 |     0.317 |    0.289       0.3     0.04 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0KPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.307 |    0.289       0.3     0.03 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.049 |     0.078 |    0.007       7.0     0.46 |     405 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDDPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      29 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.267 |    0.056       1.1     0.24 |      29 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     5.000 |     1.957 |    1.053       4.3     1.54 |       4 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.066       0.1     0.02 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0KPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.186 |    0.168       0.2     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0KPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.164 |    0.151       0.2     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0KPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.212 |    0.181       0.2     0.04 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0KPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.304 |    0.262       0.3     0.06 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0KPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.270 |    0.250       0.3     0.03 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.020 |     0.036 |    0.015       3.0     0.10 |    1000 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     104 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.104 |    0.008       2.9     0.45 |      43 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      43 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDDPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.012       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2HHWSBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     1.177 |    0.355       2.8     1.37 |       3 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.040 |     0.028 |    0.014       1.9     0.06 |    1000 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     104 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.465 |     0.071 |    0.007       1.8     0.28 |      43 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      43 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDDPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.012       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2HHWSBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm                     |     3.333 |     0.751 |    0.310       1.6     0.75 |       3 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130368,15 +130628,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DHHWSD2KSHHDDBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DHHWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DHHWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.030 |     0.052 |    0.017       3.9     0.19 |    1000 |     0.052 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     110 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.000 |     0.419 |    0.011       3.8     0.76 |      45 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.080 |     0.042 |    0.014       3.5     0.17 |    1000 |     0.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     110 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.444 |     0.393 |    0.010       3.5     0.72 |      45 |     0.018 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      45 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHWSBeaut|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.649 |    0.147       1.4     0.69 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     0.000 |     0.900 |    0.900       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHWSBeaut|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.535 |    0.133       1.2     0.61 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     0.000 |     0.886 |    0.886       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0KKD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130385,14 +130645,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0KKD2KSHHLLWSB
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0KKD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0KKD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.080 |     0.051 |    0.017       3.4     0.20 |    1000 |     0.051 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     102 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     1.000 |     0.463 |    0.009       3.3     0.85 |      40 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      40 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHWSBea|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Charm                  |     3.333 |     0.524 |    0.072       1.3     0.71 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.040 |     0.041 |    0.013       3.3     0.18 |    1000 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     102 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.500 |     0.417 |    0.008       3.2     0.81 |      40 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHWSBea|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.302 |    0.066       0.7     0.32 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130402,16 +130662,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLW
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.090 |     0.081 |    0.015      33.5     1.07 |    1000 |     0.082 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      99 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     1.458 |     1.043 |    0.011      33.3     4.81 |      48 |     0.050 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      48 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHWSBeau|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.012       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Charm                   |     2.500 |     0.994 |    0.140       2.3     1.03 |       4 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |    30.000 |    23.136 |   23.136      23.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.239 |    0.239       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.090 |     0.069 |    0.014      28.8     0.93 |    1000 |     0.070 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      99 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.625 |     0.916 |    0.008      28.7     4.16 |      48 |     0.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      48 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHWSBeau|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.014       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.887 |    0.129       1.9     0.87 |       4 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |    20.000 |    20.072 |   20.072      20.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.178 |    0.178       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130419,11 +130679,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLWS
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0KPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.020 |     0.052 |    0.015       5.5     0.23 |    1000 |     0.052 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     112 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.000 |     0.374 |    0.008       5.4     0.94 |      49 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      49 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.030 |     0.045 |    0.013       5.3     0.23 |    1000 |     0.045 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     112 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.000 |     0.362 |    0.008       5.1     0.92 |      49 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      49 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHWSBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2HHWSBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130436,16 +130696,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DHHWSD2KSHHLLWS
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DHHWSD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DHHWSD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.060 |     0.073 |    0.016      16.6     0.57 |    1000 |     0.074 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     101 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     1.086 |     0.887 |    0.014      16.5     2.51 |      46 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      46 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHWSBeaut|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.020       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Charm                    |     3.333 |     3.012 |    0.076       8.8     4.99 |       3 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     0.000 |     1.019 |    1.019       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.110       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.030 |     0.053 |    0.014       9.1     0.33 |    1000 |     0.053 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     101 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.434 |     0.622 |    0.009       9.0     1.43 |      46 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      46 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHWSBeaut|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.016       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.563 |    0.072       1.5     0.78 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     0.000 |     1.006 |    1.006       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.099       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0KKD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0KKD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130453,16 +130713,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0KKD2KSHHDDWSB
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0KKD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0KKD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.050 |     0.056 |    0.016       3.5     0.22 |    1000 |     0.057 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     102 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.681 |     0.545 |    0.012       3.4     0.88 |      44 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      44 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHWSBea|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.012       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.740 |    0.222       1.4     0.62 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     0.996 |    0.996       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.078 |    0.078       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.010 |     0.046 |    0.013       3.2     0.20 |    1000 |     0.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     102 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.227 |     0.480 |    0.008       3.2     0.79 |      44 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      44 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHWSBea|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.012       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.594 |    0.171       1.2     0.51 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     1.181 |    1.181       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.098 |    0.098       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130470,14 +130730,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDW
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.070 |     0.065 |    0.016       6.1     0.31 |    1000 |     0.065 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     112 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.588 |     0.653 |    0.009       6.0     1.18 |      51 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      51 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHWSBeau|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.013       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.857 |    0.336       1.6     0.67 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.040 |     0.057 |    0.013       6.0     0.29 |    1000 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.004       1.0     0.11 |     112 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.196 |     0.617 |    0.008       5.9     1.11 |      51 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      51 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHWSBeau|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.690 |    0.258       1.1     0.42 |       3 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130487,31 +130747,31 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0KPiD2KSHHDDWS
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0KPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0KPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.100 |     0.080 |    0.014      14.7     0.55 |    1000 |     0.081 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     100 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     1.489 |     1.045 |    0.011      14.6     2.30 |      47 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      47 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHWSBeau|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.012       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.070 |     0.073 |    0.013      15.0     0.55 |    1000 |     0.073 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     100 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     1.063 |     1.031 |    0.010      14.9     2.34 |      47 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      47 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHWSBeau|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2HHWSBeauty|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.580 |    0.083       1.1     0.35 |       8 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     0.000 |     4.337 |    4.337       4.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.613 |    0.090       1.2     0.38 |       8 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |    10.000 |     4.258 |    4.258       4.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.111 |    0.111       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DHHWSD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.749 |    0.749       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DHHWSD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.578 |    0.578       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DHHWSD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.659 |    0.659       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DHHWSD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine  |    10.000 |     3.507 |    3.507       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DHHWSD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.701 |    0.701       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DHHWSD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.693 |    0.693       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DHHWSD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.631 |    0.631       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DHHWSD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.616 |    0.616       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DHHWSD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     3.699 |    3.699       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DHHWSD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.795 |    0.795       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.090 |     0.072 |    0.024       1.2     0.11 |    1000 |     0.073 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.020 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.074 |     0.054 |    0.009       1.0     0.14 |     405 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.024 |     0.021 |    0.003       0.8     0.10 |     405 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLLPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      33 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm                        |     0.000 |     0.171 |    0.062       0.7     0.13 |      33 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.090 |     0.051 |    0.020       0.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.024 |     0.030 |    0.008       0.7     0.07 |     405 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLLPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      33 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm                        |     0.303 |     0.140 |    0.060       0.6     0.11 |      33 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130521,14 +130781,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KD2KSHHLLBeaut
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.050 |     0.062 |    0.015       6.4     0.28 |    1000 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.080 |     0.046 |    0.014       5.3     0.23 |    1000 |     0.046 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      90 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.243 |     0.578 |    0.009       6.2     1.17 |      41 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      41 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHWSBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.436 |    0.090       1.6     0.59 |       6 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      90 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.975 |     0.502 |    0.008       5.2     1.02 |      41 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      41 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHWSBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.294 |    0.082       1.0     0.34 |       6 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130538,14 +130798,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KD2KSHHLLWSBea
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.060 |     0.059 |    0.023       0.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.060 |     0.048 |    0.020       0.7     0.05 |    1000 |     0.049 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.074 |     0.032 |    0.008       0.7     0.08 |     405 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLLPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      33 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm                       |     0.606 |     0.142 |    0.061       0.6     0.11 |      33 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.024 |     0.027 |    0.007       0.6     0.07 |     405 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLLPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      33 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.056       0.6     0.10 |      33 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130555,14 +130815,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD2KSHHLLBeau
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.050 |     0.039 |    0.014       5.1     0.17 |    1000 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      86 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.555 |     0.229 |    0.008       4.9     0.85 |      36 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      36 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHWSBeauty|     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.037       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     1.433 |    1.433       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.013       2.9     0.11 |    1000 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      86 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.163 |    0.008       2.9     0.55 |      36 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      36 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHWSBeauty|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     1.404 |    1.404       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130572,17 +130832,17 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD2KSHHLLWSBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuLLWSBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.020 |     0.033 |    0.015       0.6     0.04 |    1000 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuLLWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuLLWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      89 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuLLWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.027       0.5     0.12 |      37 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuLLWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2KsMuMuWSBeauty2Charm_LL                 |     0.000 |     0.066 |    0.015       0.4     0.11 |      71 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2KsMuMuWSBeauty2Charm_LL          |     0.000 |     0.059 |    0.010       0.4     0.11 |      71 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2mu+mu+KS0WSPlusLLBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.002       0.2     0.06 |      71 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2mu+mu+KS0WSPlusLLBeauty2Charm          |     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.039       0.1     0.03 |      11 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2mu-mu-KS0WSMinusLLBeauty2Charm    |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.001       0.2     0.05 |      71 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2mu-mu-KS0WSMinusLLBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.079 |    0.029       0.2     0.04 |      11 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuLLWSBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.030 |     0.026 |    0.013       0.4     0.03 |    1000 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuLLWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuLLWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      89 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuLLWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.023       0.3     0.09 |      37 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuLLWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2KsMuMuWSBeauty2Charm_LL                 |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.012       0.3     0.08 |      71 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2KsMuMuWSBeauty2Charm_LL          |     0.000 |     0.045 |    0.009       0.3     0.08 |      71 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2mu+mu+KS0WSPlusLLBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.002       0.1     0.04 |      71 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2mu+mu+KS0WSPlusLLBeauty2Charm          |     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.035       0.1     0.01 |      11 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2mu-mu-KS0WSMinusLLBeauty2Charm    |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.001       0.2     0.04 |      71 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2mu-mu-KS0WSMinusLLBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.031       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2KsMuMuWSBeauty2Charm_LL                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSMuMuLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsMuMuWSBea|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSMuMuLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130596,11 +130856,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KD2KSMuMuLLWSB
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KD2KSMuMuLLWSBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KD2KSMuMuLLWSBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuLLWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuLLWSBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.020 |     0.032 |    0.015       0.6     0.04 |    1000 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuLLWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuLLWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      82 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuLLWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.000 |     0.074 |    0.009       0.5     0.11 |      37 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuLLWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuLLWSBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.020 |     0.026 |    0.013       0.4     0.03 |    1000 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuLLWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuLLWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      82 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuLLWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.008       0.3     0.07 |      37 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuLLWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |      37 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSMuMuLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsMuMuWSBe|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSMuMuLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSMuMuLLWSBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130613,31 +130873,31 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD2KSMuMuLLWS
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD2KSMuMuLLWSBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD2KSMuMuLLWSBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuLLWSBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.120 |     0.065 |    0.024       3.7     0.13 |    1000 |     0.065 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.020 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.024 |     0.041 |    0.008       3.6     0.19 |     405 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDDPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      29 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm                        |     0.344 |     0.189 |    0.064       0.6     0.12 |      29 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |     0.000 |     0.635 |    0.635       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.103 |    0.103       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.175 |    0.175       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.148 |    0.148       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.116 |    0.116       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.535 |    0.535       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.217 |    0.217       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.040 |     0.053 |    0.022       3.4     0.12 |    1000 |     0.053 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.024 |     0.035 |    0.007       3.3     0.18 |     405 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDDPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm                        |     0.344 |     0.159 |    0.058       0.6     0.12 |      29 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |     0.000 |     0.642 |    0.642       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.068       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.134 |    0.134       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.135 |    0.135       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.127 |    0.127       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.496 |    0.496       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.207 |    0.207       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.060 |     0.067 |    0.015       8.2     0.34 |    1000 |     0.068 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.102 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      98 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     1.025 |     0.744 |    0.009       8.1     1.48 |      39 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      39 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHWSBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.245 |    0.011       0.7     0.40 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Charm                      |     3.333 |     0.490 |    0.187       0.9     0.39 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.040 |     0.051 |    0.014       6.9     0.29 |    1000 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      98 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.769 |     0.680 |    0.008       6.9     1.33 |      39 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      39 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHWSBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Charm                      |     3.333 |     0.406 |    0.150       0.6     0.23 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130647,31 +130907,31 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KD2KSHHDDWSBea
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.060 |     0.063 |    0.024       3.4     0.12 |    1000 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.050 |     0.050 |    0.020       3.9     0.13 |    1000 |     0.051 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.7     0.02 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.024 |     0.040 |    0.009       3.3     0.18 |     405 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDDPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     0.167 |    0.061       0.6     0.12 |      29 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     0.000 |     0.630 |    0.630       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.089 |    0.089       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.131 |    0.131       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.110       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.119 |    0.119       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.506 |    0.506       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.177 |    0.177       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.070 |     0.048 |    0.015       3.5     0.18 |    1000 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     106 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.416 |     0.363 |    0.009       3.4     0.71 |      48 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      48 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHWSBeauty|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.017       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Charm                     |    10.000 |     0.900 |    0.127       1.7     1.09 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.007       3.3     0.17 |     405 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDDPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     0.136 |    0.053       0.5     0.10 |      29 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     0.000 |     0.662 |    0.662       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.060       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.174 |    0.174       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.124 |    0.124       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.111 |    0.111       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.513 |    0.513       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.163 |    0.163       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.030 |     0.041 |    0.013       2.3     0.14 |    1000 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     106 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.416 |     0.340 |    0.008       2.2     0.54 |      48 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      48 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHWSBeauty|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.013       0.0     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.706 |    0.128       1.3     0.82 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130681,17 +130941,17 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD2KSHHDDWSBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuDDWSBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.030 |     0.036 |    0.016       2.0     0.07 |    1000 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuDDWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     104 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuDDWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.000 |     0.143 |    0.026       1.9     0.29 |      42 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuDDWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2KsMuMuWSBeauty2Charm_DD                 |     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.015       1.8     0.22 |      78 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2KsMuMuWSBeauty2Charm_DD          |     0.000 |     0.101 |    0.010       1.8     0.22 |      78 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2mu+mu+KS0WSPlusDDBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.002       0.2     0.06 |      78 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2mu+mu+KS0WSPlusDDBeauty2Charm          |     0.000 |     0.061 |    0.039       0.1     0.02 |      24 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2mu-mu-KS0WSMinusDDBeauty2Charm    |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.001       1.6     0.19 |      78 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2mu-mu-KS0WSMinusDDBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.111 |    0.032       1.6     0.31 |      24 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuDDWSBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.050 |     0.031 |    0.014       3.8     0.13 |    1000 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuDDWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     104 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuDDWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.238 |     0.183 |    0.023       3.7     0.58 |      42 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuDDWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2KsMuMuWSBeauty2Charm_DD                 |     0.128 |     0.127 |    0.013       3.7     0.43 |      78 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2KsMuMuWSBeauty2Charm_DD          |     0.128 |     0.121 |    0.009       3.7     0.43 |      78 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2mu+mu+KS0WSPlusDDBeauty2Charm     |     0.128 |     0.081 |    0.001       3.6     0.41 |      78 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2mu+mu+KS0WSPlusDDBeauty2Charm          |     0.416 |     0.203 |    0.038       3.6     0.72 |      24 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2mu-mu-KS0WSMinusDDBeauty2Charm    |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.001       0.7     0.08 |      78 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2mu-mu-KS0WSMinusDDBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.066 |    0.028       0.6     0.12 |      24 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2KsMuMuWSBeauty2Charm_DD                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSMuMuDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsMuMuWSBea|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSMuMuDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130705,11 +130965,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KD2KSMuMuDDWSB
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KD2KSMuMuDDWSBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KD2KSMuMuDDWSBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSMuMuDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuDDWSBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.030 |     0.034 |    0.015       0.5     0.04 |    1000 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuDDWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      86 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuDDWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.000 |     0.105 |    0.010       0.4     0.10 |      40 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuDDWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      40 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuDDWSBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.020 |     0.026 |    0.013       0.4     0.03 |    1000 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuDDWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      86 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuDDWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.008       0.3     0.09 |      40 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuDDWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSMuMuDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsMuMuWSBe|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSMuMuDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSMuMuDDWSBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130722,15 +130982,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD2KSMuMuDDWS
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD2KSMuMuDDWSBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD2KSMuMuDDWSBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSMuMuDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine|     0.090 |     0.081 |    0.026       3.6     0.18 |    1000 |     0.082 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine|     0.090 |     0.064 |    0.020       2.4     0.14 |    1000 |     0.065 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLin|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLin|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLin|     0.074 |     0.080 |    0.009       3.5     0.26 |     405 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KSHHLL2D0PiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.238 |     0.368 |    0.071       1.3     0.26 |      42 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutDsta|     0.666 |     0.023 |    0.014       0.1     0.01 |      15 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKTop|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      15 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm           |     0.000 |     0.194 |    0.065       1.6     0.39 |      15 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLin|     0.098 |     0.067 |    0.008       2.4     0.21 |     405 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLi|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KSHHLL2D0PiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.238 |     0.316 |    0.062       1.3     0.24 |      42 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutDsta|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      15 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKTop|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      15 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm           |     0.666 |     0.161 |    0.064       1.2     0.30 |      15 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130740,14 +131000,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstarKDst2D0Pi_
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLin|     0.060 |     0.055 |    0.025       1.3     0.06 |    1000 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLin|     0.030 |     0.044 |    0.021       0.9     0.04 |    1000 |     0.045 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLi|     0.024 |     0.022 |    0.008       1.2     0.07 |     405 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmL|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutDst|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |      15 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutPiT|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      15 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm          |     0.000 |     0.153 |    0.060       1.1     0.25 |      15 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.007       0.8     0.06 |     405 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutDst|     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.013       0.4     0.11 |      15 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutPiT|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      15 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm          |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.058       0.6     0.15 |      15 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBea|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130757,15 +131017,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstarPiDst2D0Pi
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.100 |     0.073 |    0.024       3.0     0.17 |    1000 |     0.074 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.5     0.02 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.049 |     0.061 |    0.008       2.9     0.24 |     405 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KSHHDD2D0PiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.387 |    0.101       1.4     0.33 |      33 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.050 |     0.058 |    0.020       2.5     0.14 |    1000 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.049 |     0.052 |    0.008       2.4     0.21 |     405 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KSHHDD2D0PiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.606 |     0.346 |    0.081       1.6     0.34 |      33 |     0.011 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutDsta|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.012       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKTop|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm           |     2.000 |     0.442 |    0.106       1.6     0.67 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKTop|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm           |     0.000 |     0.241 |    0.078       0.7     0.27 |       5 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130775,14 +131035,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstarKDst2D0Pi_
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.080 |     0.054 |    0.024       2.5     0.08 |    1000 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.060 |     0.043 |    0.021       0.9     0.04 |    1000 |     0.043 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.024 |     0.020 |    0.008       2.4     0.12 |     405 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutDst|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.017       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiT|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm          |     0.000 |     0.546 |    0.093       2.2     0.94 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.8     0.05 |     405 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutDst|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.017       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiT|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm          |     0.000 |     0.234 |    0.059       0.7     0.28 |       5 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBea|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130792,14 +131052,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstarPiDst2D0Pi
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarPiDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmL|     0.070 |     0.055 |    0.024       1.1     0.05 |    1000 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmL|     0.060 |     0.044 |    0.021       0.8     0.04 |    1000 |     0.044 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm|     0.040 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.4     0.01 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm|     0.049 |     0.018 |    0.008       1.0     0.06 |     405 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2Char|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.013       0.0     0.01 |      15 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutM|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm        |     0.000 |     0.168 |    0.054       0.9     0.27 |       9 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.007       0.7     0.05 |     405 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |      15 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutM|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm        |     0.000 |     0.123 |    0.048       0.5     0.16 |       9 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130809,14 +131069,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstarMuNuDst2D0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2Char|     0.020 |     0.034 |    0.016       0.6     0.03 |    1000 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     104 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.009       0.2     0.04 |      42 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm      |     0.000 |     0.109 |    0.109       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2Char|     0.040 |     0.027 |    0.014       0.6     0.03 |    1000 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     104 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2Cha|     0.238 |     0.021 |    0.008       0.3     0.05 |      42 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      42 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.040       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm      |     0.000 |     0.160 |    0.160       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBD|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130826,14 +131086,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstarMuNuWSDst2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHLLBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmL|     0.060 |     0.056 |    0.025       1.5     0.06 |    1000 |     0.056 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm|     0.024 |     0.019 |    0.009       1.4     0.07 |     405 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.012       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutM|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm        |     0.000 |     0.408 |    0.103       1.2     0.56 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmL|     0.080 |     0.046 |    0.021       2.8     0.10 |    1000 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm|     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.007       0.8     0.06 |     405 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.013       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutM|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm        |     0.000 |     0.236 |    0.061       0.7     0.29 |       4 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130843,11 +131103,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstarMuNuDst2D0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2Char|     0.030 |     0.034 |    0.015       0.2     0.02 |    1000 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     100 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      47 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      47 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2Char|     0.030 |     0.027 |    0.014       0.2     0.02 |    1000 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     100 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      47 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      47 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130860,15 +131120,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstarMuNuWSDst2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2KSHHDDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.230 |     0.207 |    0.026      12.3     0.80 |    1000 |     0.207 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.130 |     0.191 |    0.021      18.6     0.90 |    1000 |     0.192 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.419 |     0.379 |    0.009      12.3     1.21 |     405 |     0.154 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2HHHH2D0PiBeauty2Charm                     |     0.820 |     0.920 |    0.066      12.2     1.70 |     134 |     0.123 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutDst|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutMUI|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      22 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2Charm          |     0.454 |     0.199 |    0.063       2.1     0.43 |      22 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.246 |     0.366 |    0.008      18.4     1.36 |     405 |     0.149 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2HHHH2D0PiBeauty2Charm                     |     0.522 |     0.926 |    0.058      18.2     2.06 |     134 |     0.124 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutDst|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutMUI|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      22 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2Charm          |     0.000 |     0.144 |    0.052       1.3     0.25 |      22 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBea|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130878,14 +131138,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstarMuNuDst2D0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.050 |     0.039 |    0.017       2.1     0.07 |    1000 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     103 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.008       2.0     0.30 |      44 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      44 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.014       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutM|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2Charm        |     0.000 |     0.958 |    0.110       1.8     1.20 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.020 |     0.030 |    0.014       3.0     0.10 |    1000 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     103 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.007       2.9     0.43 |      44 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      44 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.019       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutM|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2Charm        |     0.000 |     1.394 |    0.075       2.7     1.87 |       2 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130895,15 +131155,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstarMuNuWSDst2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmL|     0.910 |     0.854 |    0.025      52.0     3.06 |    1000 |     0.855 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.6     0.02 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm|     2.049 |     1.972 |    0.009      51.8     4.54 |     405 |     0.799 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2HHHHWS2D0PiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.200 |     0.452 |    0.065       2.8     0.48 |      50 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.016       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutM|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm        |     1.666 |     0.384 |    0.062       1.6     0.61 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmL|     0.770 |     0.811 |    0.021      71.3     3.33 |    1000 |     0.811 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm|     1.777 |     1.901 |    0.008      71.1     5.01 |     405 |     0.770 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2HHHHWS2D0PiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.400 |     0.444 |    0.073       3.0     0.57 |      50 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutM|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm        |     0.000 |     0.251 |    0.081       0.9     0.33 |       6 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130913,12 +131173,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstarMuNuDst2D0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2Char|     0.050 |     0.035 |    0.015       0.2     0.03 |    1000 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2Cha|     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      80 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2Cha|     0.270 |     0.022 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      37 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2Ch|     0.270 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      37 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.034       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2Char|     0.020 |     0.028 |    0.014       0.2     0.02 |    1000 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      80 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      37 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130930,15 +131190,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstarMuNuWSDst2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarMuNuWSDst2D0Pi_D2HHHHWSBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarKsPiDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.050 |     0.064 |    0.025       1.7     0.07 |    1000 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarKsPiDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.070 |     0.050 |    0.021       1.4     0.05 |    1000 |     0.051 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsPiDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsPiDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsPiDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.024 |     0.028 |    0.010       1.7     0.09 |     405 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarKsPiDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD2H|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.012       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDIn|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiDDDst2D0PiBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.346 |    0.096       1.5     0.52 |       7 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsPiDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsPiDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.009       1.3     0.07 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarKsPiDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD2H|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDIn|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiDDDst2D0PiBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.268 |    0.076       1.2     0.39 |       7 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130948,15 +131208,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstarKsPiDDDst2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstarKsPiDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstarKsPiDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsPiDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarKsKDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.020 |     0.058 |    0.025       1.0     0.05 |    1000 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarKsKDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.040 |     0.050 |    0.020       3.2     0.11 |    1000 |     0.050 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsKDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsKDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsKDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.024 |     0.019 |    0.008       0.9     0.05 |     405 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarKsKDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD2HH|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInp|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKDDDst2D0PiBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.201 |    0.092       0.7     0.21 |       7 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsKDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.6     0.02 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsKDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.024 |     0.017 |    0.007       0.7     0.05 |     405 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarKsKDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.3     0.01 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD2HH|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInp|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKDDDst2D0PiBeauty2Charm                |     1.428 |     0.181 |    0.065       0.6     0.18 |       7 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130966,15 +131226,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstarKsKDDDst2D
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstarKsKDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstarKsKDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsKDDDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarKsKLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.020 |     0.062 |    0.025       1.8     0.08 |    1000 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarKsKLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.060 |     0.046 |    0.020       1.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.047 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsKLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsKLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsKLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.009       1.7     0.11 |     405 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarKsKLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD2HH|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInp|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKLLDst2D0PiBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.339 |    0.092       1.6     0.45 |      10 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsKLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsKLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.049 |     0.020 |    0.007       1.6     0.09 |     405 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarKsKLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.024 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD2HH|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInp|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKLLDst2D0PiBeauty2Charm                |     1.000 |     0.274 |    0.067       1.5     0.42 |      10 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -130984,15 +131244,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstarKsKLLDst2D
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstarKsKLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstarKsKLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsKLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarKsPiLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.080 |     0.058 |    0.025       1.3     0.07 |    1000 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarKsPiLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.050 |     0.045 |    0.021       1.1     0.05 |    1000 |     0.046 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsPiLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsPiLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsPiLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.049 |     0.024 |    0.008       1.2     0.09 |     405 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarKsPiLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD2H|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLIn|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiLLDst2D0PiBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.261 |    0.066       1.1     0.31 |      10 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsPiLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsPiLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.007       1.0     0.06 |     405 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarKsPiLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD2H|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLIn|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiLLDst2D0PiBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.201 |    0.063       0.8     0.23 |      10 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -131002,15 +131262,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstarKsPiLLDst2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstarKsPiLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstarKsPiLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsPiLLDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarKsKDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.017       1.7     0.08 |    1000 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsKDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsKDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      94 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsKDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.009       1.6     0.26 |      37 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarKsKDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD2|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarKsKDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.020 |     0.031 |    0.014       2.0     0.07 |    1000 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsKDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsKDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      94 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsKDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.000 |     0.061 |    0.008       1.8     0.29 |      37 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarKsKDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD2|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDI|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     1.404 |    1.404       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDI|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     1.619 |    1.619       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -131020,11 +131280,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstarKsKDDWSDst
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstarKsKDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstarKsKDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsKDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarKsKLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.020 |     0.031 |    0.015       0.2     0.02 |    1000 |     0.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsKLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsKLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      86 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsKLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.010       0.1     0.02 |      36 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarKsKLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      36 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarKsKLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.010 |     0.026 |    0.014       0.6     0.03 |    1000 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsKLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsKLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      86 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsKLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      36 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarKsKLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      36 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsKLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLI|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -131038,15 +131298,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstarKsKLLWSDst
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstarKsKLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstarKsKLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsKLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarKsPiDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.020 |     0.034 |    0.016       2.0     0.07 |    1000 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsPiDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsPiDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      76 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsPiDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.000 |     0.093 |    0.010       1.9     0.37 |      25 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarKsPiDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      25 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.015       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopo|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DD|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     1.647 |    1.647       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarKsPiDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.010 |     0.025 |    0.014       1.3     0.04 |    1000 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsPiDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsPiDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      76 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsPiDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.009       1.2     0.24 |      25 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarKsPiDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      25 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopo|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DD|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     1.091 |    1.091       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -131056,15 +131316,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstarKsPiDDWSDs
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstarKsPiDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstarKsPiDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsPiDDWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarKsPiLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.050 |     0.034 |    0.016       1.7     0.06 |    1000 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsPiLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsPiLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      99 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsPiLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.285 |     0.070 |    0.011       1.6     0.27 |      35 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarKsPiLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      35 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopo|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LL|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2Charm             |    10.000 |     1.414 |    1.414       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstarKsPiLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.014       1.2     0.06 |    1000 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsPiLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsPiLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      99 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsPiLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.009       1.1     0.19 |      35 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstarKsPiLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      35 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopo|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LL|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     1.010 |    1.010       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstarKsPiLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -131074,38 +131334,38 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstarKsPiLLWSDs
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstarKsPiLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstarKsPiLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstarKsPiLLWSDst2D0PiBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.090 |     0.061 |    0.023       2.0     0.10 |    1000 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.070 |     0.048 |    0.021       1.6     0.08 |    1000 |     0.048 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter    |     0.030 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence|     0.024 |     0.028 |    0.008       1.9     0.14 |     405 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine                      |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine         |     3.333 |     0.186 |    0.105       0.3     0.11 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.100 |    0.059       0.1     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.057       0.1     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.457 |    0.378       0.5     0.07 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.273 |    0.237       0.3     0.05 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter    |     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence|     0.024 |     0.022 |    0.008       1.6     0.11 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine                      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine         |     3.333 |     0.119 |    0.088       0.2     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.088 |    0.047       0.2     0.06 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.048       0.1     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.338 |    0.283       0.4     0.05 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.193 |    0.172       0.2     0.02 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.020 |     0.057 |    0.024       1.5     0.08 |    1000 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.100 |     0.047 |    0.020       1.5     0.08 |    1000 |     0.048 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.008       1.5     0.10 |     405 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.096 |    0.070       0.1     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.075 |    0.044       0.1     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.089 |    0.043       0.2     0.07 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.345 |    0.248       0.5     0.10 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.183 |    0.156       0.2     0.03 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.017       1.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     110 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.009       1.7     0.26 |      44 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      44 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHWSBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.015       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm                        |     0.000 |     0.363 |    0.093       1.6     0.60 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.007       1.5     0.10 |     405 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.091 |    0.058       0.1     0.05 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.074 |    0.051       0.1     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.088 |    0.048       0.2     0.07 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.339 |    0.239       0.5     0.12 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.157 |    0.145       0.2     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.040 |     0.029 |    0.013       1.5     0.05 |    1000 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.090 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     110 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.227 |     0.068 |    0.008       1.4     0.22 |      44 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      44 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHWSBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.015       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm                        |     1.666 |     0.295 |    0.067       1.2     0.46 |       6 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -131115,14 +131375,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KD2HHHHWSBeaut
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.030 |     0.035 |    0.015       1.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     100 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.222 |     0.084 |    0.009       1.7     0.26 |      45 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.222 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      45 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHWSBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.015       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.030 |     0.027 |    0.014       0.9     0.04 |    1000 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     100 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.007       0.8     0.16 |      45 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      45 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHWSBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     0.404 |    0.084       1.5     0.56 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     0.282 |    0.099       0.7     0.24 |       6 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -131132,84 +131392,84 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD2HHHHWSBeau
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KKD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.170 |     0.170 |    0.025      27.5     1.09 |    1000 |     0.170 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KKD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.140 |     0.140 |    0.021      23.2     0.91 |    1000 |     0.141 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.246 |     0.292 |    0.009      27.4     1.69 |     405 |     0.119 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KKD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHHHBeauty2Charm                        |     0.085 |     0.276 |    0.057       3.4     0.43 |     117 |     0.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |     3.333 |     3.585 |    1.059       8.4     2.50 |       9 |     0.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.131 |    0.063       0.2     0.05 |       7 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0KKD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.736 |    0.337       1.9     0.68 |       5 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0KKD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.574 |    0.177       1.7     0.65 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0KKD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     2.000 |     0.534 |    0.153       1.7     0.63 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0KKD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     1.288 |    0.508       3.8     1.39 |       5 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0KKD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     2.000 |     0.908 |    0.446       1.8     0.62 |       5 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.130 |     0.150 |    0.025      23.6     0.96 |    1000 |     0.151 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.320 |     0.248 |    0.007      23.1     1.41 |     405 |     0.101 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KKD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHHHBeauty2Charm                        |     0.427 |     0.248 |    0.048       3.7     0.45 |     117 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |     0.000 |     2.929 |    0.851       6.4     2.10 |       9 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     1.428 |     0.093 |    0.047       0.1     0.03 |       7 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0KKD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     2.000 |     0.591 |    0.202       1.7     0.62 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0KKD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.492 |    0.142       1.5     0.59 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0KKD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.482 |    0.108       1.5     0.59 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0KKD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     2.000 |     1.162 |    0.286       3.6     1.38 |       5 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0KKD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.656 |    0.178       1.1     0.41 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.100 |     0.122 |    0.021      22.1     0.82 |    1000 |     0.123 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.222 |     0.242 |    0.007      23.4     1.48 |     405 |     0.098 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.049 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     117 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHHHBeauty2Charm                      |     0.085 |     0.233 |    0.047       2.8     0.36 |     117 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     5.000 |     3.677 |    0.684       9.0     3.12 |       8 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.118 |    0.065       0.2     0.05 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0PiPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.550 |    0.088       1.7     0.67 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0PiPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.440 |    0.061       1.5     0.59 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0PiPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine     |     2.000 |     0.441 |    0.059       1.5     0.58 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0PiPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     1.083 |    0.169       3.4     1.31 |       5 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0PiPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.480 |    0.180       1.2     0.39 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.250 |     0.227 |    0.023      54.0     1.95 |    1000 |     0.228 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.493 |     0.436 |    0.007      53.8     3.04 |     405 |     0.177 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     117 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHHHBeauty2Charm                       |     0.683 |     0.390 |    0.052       4.9     0.66 |     117 |     0.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     2.727 |     4.456 |    0.694      11.8     4.01 |      11 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.120 |    0.051       0.2     0.07 |       8 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0KPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     2.000 |     1.252 |    0.113       4.6     1.88 |       5 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0KPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     1.111 |    0.073       4.3     1.76 |       5 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0KPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     2.000 |     1.173 |    0.062       4.6     1.91 |       5 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0KPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     4.000 |     3.459 |    0.165      13.4     5.59 |       5 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0KPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     1.090 |    0.164       3.3     1.24 |       5 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.090 |     0.058 |    0.015       9.6     0.34 |    1000 |     0.058 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.091 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     109 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     1.162 |     0.536 |    0.009       9.4     1.55 |      43 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      43 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2HHWSBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHHHBeauty2Charm                       |     1.111 |     0.934 |    0.069       3.2     1.12 |       9 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |    10.000 |     3.055 |    3.055       3.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.122 |    0.122       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DHHWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.588 |    0.588       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DHHWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.405 |    0.405       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DHHWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.407 |    0.407       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DHHWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     2.348 |    2.348       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DHHWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.526 |    0.526       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KKD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.040 |     0.045 |    0.016       6.1     0.21 |    1000 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     116 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.416 |     0.232 |    0.010       5.9     0.91 |      48 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KKD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.208 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      48 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHWSBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.017       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.353 |    0.088       0.9     0.29 |       7 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     5.000 |     2.909 |    1.217       4.6     2.39 |       2 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.071       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.197 |     0.202 |    0.007      22.0     1.26 |     405 |     0.082 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHHHBeauty2Charm                      |     0.085 |     0.213 |    0.042       3.0     0.39 |     117 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     3.750 |     2.219 |    0.659       6.6     1.97 |       8 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.155 |    0.058       0.4     0.14 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0PiPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine     |     2.000 |     0.447 |    0.070       1.6     0.65 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0PiPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.417 |    0.100       1.6     0.64 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0PiPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.394 |    0.060       1.5     0.63 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0PiPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine     |     2.000 |     0.950 |    0.141       3.4     1.39 |       5 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0PiPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.395 |    0.141       1.1     0.40 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.150 |     0.183 |    0.020      42.5     1.51 |    1000 |     0.184 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.5     0.02 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.320 |     0.351 |    0.007      42.4     2.36 |     405 |     0.142 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHPIDBeauty2|     0.085 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHHHBeauty2Charm                       |     0.256 |     0.355 |    0.060       4.9     0.66 |     117 |     0.042 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     2.727 |     3.683 |    0.575      13.3     3.78 |      11 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.093 |    0.058       0.2     0.04 |       8 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0KPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     2.000 |     0.878 |    0.074       3.3     1.34 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0KPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.791 |    0.059       3.0     1.22 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0KPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.832 |    0.073       3.0     1.24 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0KPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     2.000 |     1.963 |    0.121       6.8     2.76 |       5 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0KPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.767 |    0.153       2.1     0.77 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.030 |     0.042 |    0.014       7.8     0.27 |    1000 |     0.042 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     109 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.232 |     0.356 |    0.008       7.7     1.25 |      43 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      43 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2HHWSBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHHHBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     0.721 |    0.062       2.0     0.80 |       9 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     0.000 |     2.270 |    2.270       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.069       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DHHWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine      |    10.000 |     0.509 |    0.509       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DHHWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.438 |    0.438       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DHHWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.437 |    0.437       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DHHWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     2.022 |    2.022       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DHHWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.411 |    0.411       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KKD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.030 |     0.035 |    0.014       4.4     0.16 |    1000 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     116 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.208 |     0.184 |    0.008       4.3     0.70 |      48 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KKD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      48 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHWSBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.012       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.284 |    0.055       0.6     0.20 |       7 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     5.000 |     2.283 |    1.259       3.3     1.45 |       2 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.075 |    0.075       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0KKD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0KKD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -131217,14 +131477,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0KKD2HHHHWSBea
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0KKD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0KKD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.020 |     0.036 |    0.016       1.3     0.05 |    1000 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      94 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.000 |     0.083 |    0.010       1.2     0.22 |      34 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      34 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHWSBeaut|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.346 |    0.066       1.1     0.41 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.010 |     0.028 |    0.014       1.3     0.05 |    1000 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      94 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.000 |     0.078 |    0.008       1.2     0.22 |      34 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      34 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHWSBeaut|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.347 |    0.065       1.1     0.44 |       5 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -131234,14 +131494,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0PiPiD2HHHHWSB
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0PiPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0PiPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.030 |     0.036 |    0.015       1.7     0.06 |    1000 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     102 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.010       1.6     0.25 |      48 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      48 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHWSBeauty|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.414 |    0.132       1.5     0.55 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.060 |     0.028 |    0.014       0.8     0.04 |    1000 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     102 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.008       0.8     0.14 |      48 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      48 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHWSBeauty|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.249 |    0.110       0.7     0.22 |       6 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -131251,14 +131511,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0KPiD2HHHHWSBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0KPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0KPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.070 |     0.034 |    0.015       2.0     0.07 |    1000 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.106 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      94 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.097 |    0.011       1.9     0.34 |      34 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      34 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHWSBeauty|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.026       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2HHWSBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.752 |    0.199       1.7     0.85 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.040 |     0.027 |    0.013       1.2     0.04 |    1000 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      94 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.009       1.1     0.21 |      34 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      34 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHWSBeauty|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.028       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2HHWSBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHHHWSBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.480 |    0.236       0.9     0.35 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -131268,15 +131528,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DHHWSD2HHHHWSBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DHHWSD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DHHWSD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2HHHHWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KSDDD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.110 |     0.095 |    0.026       1.2     0.14 |    1000 |     0.096 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KSDDD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.070 |     0.076 |    0.022       0.8     0.11 |    1000 |     0.076 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KSDDD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KSDDD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KSDDD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.148 |     0.106 |    0.009       1.0     0.18 |     405 |     0.043 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KSDDD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2K3PIBeauty2CharmFilter                         |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     134 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSDDD2K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIBeauty2Ch|     0.086 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     116 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSDDD2K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      47 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSDDD2K3PiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.118 |    0.048       0.7     0.12 |      47 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KSDDD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KSDDD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.074 |     0.087 |    0.008       0.7     0.14 |     405 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KSDDD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2K3PIBeauty2CharmFilter                         |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     134 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSDDD2K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIBeauty2Ch|     0.086 |     0.015 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     116 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSDDD2K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      47 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSDDD2K3PiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.092 |    0.044       0.5     0.09 |      47 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSDDD2K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSDDD2K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSDDD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -131286,14 +131546,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0KSDDD2K3PiBea
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0KSDDD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0KSDDD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KSDDD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KSLLD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.080 |     0.068 |    0.025       1.4     0.08 |    1000 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KSLLD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.030 |     0.053 |    0.021       0.7     0.05 |    1000 |     0.054 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KSLLD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KSLLD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KSLLD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.024 |     0.043 |    0.008       1.3     0.10 |     405 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KSLLD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSLLD2K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     116 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSLLD2K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      48 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSLLD2K3PiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.118 |    0.048       1.2     0.18 |      48 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KSLLD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KSLLD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.024 |     0.034 |    0.007       0.6     0.06 |     405 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KSLLD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.2     0.01 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSLLD2K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     116 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSLLD2K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      48 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSLLD2K3PiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.042       0.5     0.08 |      48 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSLLD2K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSLLD2K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KSLLD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -131303,76 +131563,76 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0KSLLD2K3PiBea
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0KSLLD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0KSLLD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KSLLD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine      |     1.880 |     1.872 |    0.024      95.1     4.69 |    1000 |     1.873 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine      |     1.660 |     1.618 |    0.020      59.0     3.70 |    1000 |     1.618 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     4.469 |     4.481 |    0.036      95.0     6.48 |     405 |     1.815 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2Pi0HHBeauty2Charm_Resolved              |     3.802 |     3.743 |    0.024      69.5     5.10 |     405 |     1.516 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2Pi0HHBeauty2Charm_Resolved       |     3.580 |     3.456 |    0.020      66.9     4.81 |     405 |     1.400 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm     |     1.185 |     1.044 |    0.003      20.3     1.56 |     405 |     0.423 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm          |     1.007 |     0.900 |    0.082      18.7     1.46 |     377 |     0.340 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+K-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm      |     1.086 |     0.873 |    0.001      19.2     1.28 |     405 |     0.354 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+K-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm           |     0.848 |     0.698 |    0.064      17.3     1.14 |     377 |     0.263 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm      |     0.790 |     0.853 |    0.001      18.7     1.26 |     405 |     0.346 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm           |     0.822 |     0.691 |    0.062      16.9     1.14 |     377 |     0.261 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm       |     0.493 |     0.663 |    0.001       8.7     0.80 |     405 |     0.269 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm            |     0.477 |     0.553 |    0.046       7.7     0.70 |     377 |     0.209 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2Pi0HHBeauty2Charm_Resolved                    |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     291 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2ResolvedPi0HHPIDBeauty2CharmFilter             |     0.034 |     0.024 |    0.008       0.2     0.02 |     291 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Resolved|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     285 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     285 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2Charm                 |     0.315 |     0.371 |    0.056       9.6     0.77 |     285 |     0.106 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     0.714 |     1.634 |    0.636       5.0     1.23 |      14 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.061       0.1     0.02 |       8 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.379 |    0.201       0.6     0.13 |       6 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.278 |    0.094       0.6     0.20 |       6 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     1.666 |     0.245 |    0.104       0.5     0.14 |       6 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     1.666 |     1.654 |    0.558       3.7     1.21 |       6 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     1.666 |     0.984 |    0.196       3.3     1.22 |       6 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.270 |     0.247 |    0.024      20.9     0.99 |    1000 |     0.247 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     4.024 |     3.889 |    0.030      58.9     4.96 |     405 |     1.575 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2Pi0HHBeauty2Charm_Resolved              |     3.358 |     3.242 |    0.020      34.9     3.79 |     405 |     1.313 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2Pi0HHBeauty2Charm_Resolved       |     3.185 |     2.990 |    0.017      32.2     3.51 |     405 |     1.211 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm     |     1.061 |     0.846 |    0.002       8.8     1.02 |     405 |     0.343 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm          |     0.822 |     0.728 |    0.067       8.0     0.93 |     377 |     0.275 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+K-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm      |     0.641 |     0.767 |    0.001       8.1     0.91 |     405 |     0.311 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+K-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm           |     0.503 |     0.616 |    0.057       7.2     0.78 |     377 |     0.233 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm      |     0.814 |     0.758 |    0.001       8.1     0.90 |     405 |     0.307 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm           |     0.503 |     0.614 |    0.061       7.2     0.78 |     377 |     0.232 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm       |     0.666 |     0.599 |    0.001       7.1     0.72 |     405 |     0.243 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K-pi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm            |     0.530 |     0.503 |    0.047       6.3     0.63 |     377 |     0.190 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2Pi0HHBeauty2Charm_Resolved                    |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |     291 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2ResolvedPi0HHPIDBeauty2CharmFilter             |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.007       0.1     0.02 |     291 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Resolved|     0.035 |     0.015 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     285 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     285 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2Charm                 |     0.245 |     0.331 |    0.050       8.0     0.71 |     285 |     0.094 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     1.428 |     1.568 |    0.576       5.3     1.30 |      14 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.060       0.1     0.02 |       8 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.268 |    0.158       0.5     0.12 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.218 |    0.104       0.3     0.08 |       6 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     1.666 |     0.205 |    0.110       0.3     0.08 |       6 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     1.231 |    0.445       2.0     0.68 |       6 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     1.666 |     0.558 |    0.121       1.4     0.49 |       6 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.270 |     0.204 |    0.021      19.8     0.80 |    1000 |     0.204 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.010 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.592 |     0.464 |    0.009      20.7     1.48 |     405 |     0.188 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Resolve|     0.035 |     0.019 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     285 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     285 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2Charm                |     0.456 |     0.348 |    0.057       9.9     0.84 |     285 |     0.099 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     3.076 |     1.871 |    0.522       7.7     2.02 |      13 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.104 |    0.056       0.2     0.05 |       8 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.284 |    0.106       0.5     0.17 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.243 |    0.093       0.5     0.15 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.232 |    0.088       0.5     0.15 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLin|     2.000 |     1.538 |    0.530       3.6     1.27 |       5 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.353 |    0.170       0.6     0.20 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.190 |     0.179 |    0.016      11.0     0.83 |    1000 |     0.180 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.3     0.03 |     102 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmLineFil|     3.469 |     2.883 |    0.046      10.9     2.40 |      49 |     0.141 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      49 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2Pi0HHWSBeauty2CharmResolved             |     2.857 |     2.625 |    0.031      10.1     2.11 |      91 |     0.239 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2Pi0HHWSBeauty2CharmResolved      |     2.637 |     2.407 |    0.027       9.1     1.91 |      91 |     0.219 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi+pi0WSPlusResolvedBeauty2Char|     0.439 |     0.372 |    0.002       1.8     0.35 |      91 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi+pi0WSPlusResolvedBeauty2Charm    |     0.365 |     0.283 |    0.055       1.6     0.27 |      82 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi+pi0WSPlusResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.439 |     0.521 |    0.001       2.4     0.49 |      91 |     0.047 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi+pi0WSPlusResolvedBeauty2Charm     |     0.243 |     0.414 |    0.058       1.9     0.38 |      82 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K+pi0WSPlusResolvedBeauty2Charm |     0.659 |     0.281 |    0.002       1.2     0.24 |      91 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K+pi0WSPlusResolvedBeauty2Charm      |     0.487 |     0.214 |    0.047       0.8     0.17 |      82 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi-pi-pi0WSMinusResolvedBeauty2Cha|     0.219 |     0.374 |    0.002       2.0     0.35 |      91 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi-pi-pi0WSMinusResolvedBeauty2Charm   |     0.243 |     0.282 |    0.044       1.7     0.26 |      82 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K-pi-pi0WSMinusResolvedBeauty2Char|     0.549 |     0.520 |    0.002       2.4     0.49 |      91 |     0.047 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K-pi-pi0WSMinusResolvedBeauty2Charm    |     0.609 |     0.419 |    0.052       1.9     0.36 |      82 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K-K-pi0WSMinusResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.329 |     0.301 |    0.002       1.3     0.27 |      91 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K-K-pi0WSMinusResolvedBeauty2Charm     |     0.365 |     0.230 |    0.035       0.8     0.18 |      82 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2Pi0HHWSBeauty2CharmResolved                   |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      53 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Pi0HHW|     0.333 |     0.018 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      30 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      30 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2Charm               |     0.333 |     0.209 |    0.068       0.6     0.15 |      30 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     0.679 |    0.679       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.419 |     0.396 |    0.007      19.7     1.21 |     405 |     0.161 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Resolve|     0.035 |     0.017 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     285 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |     285 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2Charm                |     0.350 |     0.308 |    0.049       8.3     0.69 |     285 |     0.088 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     1.538 |     1.684 |    0.531       8.6     2.18 |      13 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.227 |    0.055       0.7     0.26 |       8 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.194 |    0.110       0.3     0.07 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.192 |    0.092       0.3     0.07 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.179 |    0.094       0.3     0.08 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     1.038 |    0.491       1.7     0.53 |       5 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.245 |    0.122       0.4     0.12 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.140 |     0.159 |    0.014      10.6     0.76 |    1000 |     0.159 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     102 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmLineFil|     2.653 |     2.634 |    0.040      10.5     2.21 |      49 |     0.129 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      49 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2Pi0HHWSBeauty2CharmResolved             |     2.307 |     2.413 |    0.028      10.4     2.15 |      91 |     0.220 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2Pi0HHWSBeauty2CharmResolved      |     1.978 |     2.222 |    0.024       9.6     1.96 |      91 |     0.202 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi+pi0WSPlusResolvedBeauty2Char|     0.549 |     0.317 |    0.002       1.3     0.28 |      91 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi+pi0WSPlusResolvedBeauty2Charm    |     0.365 |     0.237 |    0.047       0.9     0.20 |      82 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi+pi0WSPlusResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.549 |     0.524 |    0.002       5.2     0.68 |      91 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi+pi0WSPlusResolvedBeauty2Charm     |     0.365 |     0.376 |    0.052       1.7     0.35 |      82 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K+pi0WSPlusResolvedBeauty2Charm |     0.439 |     0.256 |    0.001       1.2     0.23 |      91 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K+pi0WSPlusResolvedBeauty2Charm      |     0.487 |     0.196 |    0.035       0.8     0.16 |      82 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi-pi-pi0WSMinusResolvedBeauty2Cha|     0.219 |     0.342 |    0.001       2.2     0.35 |      91 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi-pi-pi0WSMinusResolvedBeauty2Charm   |     0.121 |     0.259 |    0.039       1.6     0.25 |      82 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K-pi-pi0WSMinusResolvedBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.482 |    0.002       3.4     0.53 |      91 |     0.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K-pi-pi0WSMinusResolvedBeauty2Charm    |     0.000 |     0.392 |    0.047       2.7     0.40 |      82 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K-K-pi0WSMinusResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.219 |     0.272 |    0.001       1.7     0.28 |      91 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K-K-pi0WSMinusResolvedBeauty2Charm     |     0.121 |     0.208 |    0.030       1.1     0.19 |      82 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2Pi0HHWSBeauty2CharmResolved                   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      53 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Pi0HHW|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      30 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      30 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2Charm               |     0.333 |     0.187 |    0.061       0.6     0.15 |      30 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     0.670 |    0.670       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.084       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -131381,14 +131641,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KD2Pi0HHWSReso
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.170 |     0.154 |    0.015       8.8     0.74 |    1000 |     0.154 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     105 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmLineFi|     2.978 |     2.547 |    0.018       8.7     2.30 |      47 |     0.120 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      47 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Pi0HH|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      26 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoI|     0.384 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      26 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2Charm              |     0.384 |     0.245 |    0.061       1.0     0.20 |      26 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.120 |     0.139 |    0.013      11.0     0.76 |    1000 |     0.140 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     105 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmLineFi|     2.127 |     2.423 |    0.009      10.9     2.59 |      47 |     0.114 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      47 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Pi0HH|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      26 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoI|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      26 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.230 |    0.061       1.3     0.26 |      26 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -131398,75 +131658,75 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSRes
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.260 |     0.266 |    0.025       8.8     0.81 |    1000 |     0.266 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.518 |     0.518 |    0.034       8.7     1.19 |     405 |     0.210 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2Pi0HHBeauty2Charm_Merged                |     0.395 |     0.422 |    0.023       7.1     0.93 |     405 |     0.171 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2Pi0HHBeauty2Charm_Merged         |     0.345 |     0.394 |    0.018       6.6     0.86 |     405 |     0.160 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm       |     0.024 |     0.104 |    0.002       2.0     0.24 |     405 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm            |     0.000 |     0.330 |    0.069       1.7     0.27 |      94 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+K-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm        |     0.123 |     0.099 |    0.001       1.8     0.23 |     405 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+K-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm             |     0.319 |     0.309 |    0.063       1.2     0.22 |      94 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm        |     0.074 |     0.094 |    0.001       1.8     0.22 |     405 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm             |     0.212 |     0.293 |    0.060       1.3     0.22 |      94 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm         |     0.123 |     0.080 |    0.001       1.5     0.18 |     405 |     0.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm              |     0.319 |     0.254 |    0.043       1.1     0.19 |      94 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2Pi0HHBeauty2Charm_Merged                      |     0.250 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2MergedPi0HHPIDBeauty2CharmFilter               |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      40 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2MergedPi0H|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      37 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsB|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      37 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.262 |    0.064       1.7     0.31 |      37 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     0.000 |     1.317 |    1.033       1.8     0.40 |       3 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.065 |    0.065       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.431 |    0.431       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.237 |    0.237       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.277 |    0.277       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     1.134 |    1.134       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.331 |    0.331       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.160 |     0.219 |    0.022       8.2     0.66 |    1000 |     0.220 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.320 |     0.435 |    0.029       8.1     0.97 |     405 |     0.177 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2Pi0HHBeauty2Charm_Merged                |     0.296 |     0.362 |    0.019       6.4     0.76 |     405 |     0.147 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2Pi0HHBeauty2Charm_Merged         |     0.271 |     0.340 |    0.015       5.9     0.71 |     405 |     0.138 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm       |     0.049 |     0.085 |    0.002       1.7     0.19 |     405 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm            |     0.212 |     0.275 |    0.051       1.4     0.20 |      94 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+K-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm        |     0.024 |     0.084 |    0.001       1.5     0.19 |     405 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+K-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm             |     0.106 |     0.264 |    0.054       1.1     0.17 |      94 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm        |     0.123 |     0.088 |    0.001       1.4     0.20 |     405 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm             |     0.212 |     0.257 |    0.058       1.0     0.16 |      94 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm         |     0.074 |     0.069 |    0.001       1.1     0.15 |     405 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K-pi0MergedBeauty2Charm              |     0.212 |     0.226 |    0.040       0.8     0.14 |      94 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2Pi0HHBeauty2Charm_Merged                      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2MergedPi0HHPIDBeauty2CharmFilter               |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      40 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2MergedPi0H|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      37 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsB|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      37 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.196 |    0.059       1.0     0.20 |      37 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     0.000 |     1.194 |    0.918       1.6     0.37 |       3 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.062       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.353 |    0.353       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.299 |    0.299       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.242 |    0.242       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     1.149 |    1.149       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.280 |    0.280       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.070 |     0.078 |    0.024       4.7     0.20 |    1000 |     0.078 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.090 |     0.061 |    0.021       4.8     0.19 |    1000 |     0.061 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.049 |     0.060 |    0.008       4.6     0.29 |     405 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2MergedPi0|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      37 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      37 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.208 |    0.062       1.0     0.20 |      37 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     5.000 |     1.364 |    1.000       1.7     0.52 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.064       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.263 |    0.263       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.255 |    0.255       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.218 |    0.218       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine |    10.000 |     1.069 |    1.069       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.275 |    0.275       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.070 |     0.060 |    0.015       6.8     0.29 |    1000 |     0.061 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     101 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.652 |     0.557 |    0.044       6.6     1.24 |      46 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      46 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2Pi0HHWSBeauty2CharmMerged               |     0.510 |     0.567 |    0.031       8.3     1.32 |      98 |     0.056 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2Pi0HHWSBeauty2CharmMerged        |     0.306 |     0.535 |    0.026       8.3     1.27 |      98 |     0.052 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi+pi0WSPlusMergedBeauty2Charm |     0.102 |     0.087 |    0.001       2.1     0.26 |      98 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi+pi0WSPlusMergedBeauty2Charm      |     0.000 |     0.281 |    0.057       2.1     0.42 |      23 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi+pi0WSPlusMergedBeauty2Charm  |     0.102 |     0.105 |    0.001       1.5     0.27 |      98 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi+pi0WSPlusMergedBeauty2Charm       |     0.434 |     0.346 |    0.063       1.4     0.37 |      23 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K+pi0WSPlusMergedBeauty2Charm   |     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.001       1.1     0.17 |      98 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K+pi0WSPlusMergedBeauty2Charm        |     0.000 |     0.213 |    0.044       1.1     0.23 |      23 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi-pi-pi0WSMinusMergedBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.001       1.1     0.17 |      98 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi-pi-pi0WSMinusMergedBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     0.210 |    0.054       1.0     0.22 |      23 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K-pi-pi0WSMinusMergedBeauty2Charm |     0.000 |     0.107 |    0.002       1.9     0.27 |      98 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K-pi-pi0WSMinusMergedBeauty2Charm      |     0.000 |     0.317 |    0.076       1.1     0.28 |      23 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K-K-pi0WSMinusMergedBeauty2Charm  |     0.102 |     0.067 |    0.001       1.1     0.16 |      98 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K-K-pi0WSMinusMergedBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.196 |    0.051       1.0     0.21 |      23 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2Pi0HHWSBeauty2CharmMerged                     |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Pi0HHWSB|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.074 |     0.051 |    0.007       4.7     0.29 |     405 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2MergedPi0|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.012       0.0     0.01 |      37 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2Charm                  |     0.270 |     0.172 |    0.055       0.8     0.16 |      37 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     1.268 |    0.950       1.6     0.45 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.059 |    0.059       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.308 |    0.308       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.245 |    0.245       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.253 |    0.253       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine |    10.000 |     1.144 |    1.144       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.277 |    0.277       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.060 |     0.050 |    0.014       6.8     0.28 |    1000 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     101 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.652 |     0.506 |    0.038       6.7     1.20 |      46 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      46 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2Pi0HHWSBeauty2CharmMerged               |     0.408 |     0.440 |    0.028       6.1     0.98 |      98 |     0.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2Pi0HHWSBeauty2CharmMerged        |     0.408 |     0.416 |    0.024       5.5     0.93 |      98 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi+pi0WSPlusMergedBeauty2Charm |     0.102 |     0.065 |    0.001       1.3     0.17 |      98 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi+pi0WSPlusMergedBeauty2Charm      |     0.434 |     0.203 |    0.048       1.2     0.25 |      23 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi+pi0WSPlusMergedBeauty2Charm  |     0.000 |     0.091 |    0.001       1.7     0.24 |      98 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi+pi0WSPlusMergedBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.298 |    0.068       1.3     0.31 |      23 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K+pi0WSPlusMergedBeauty2Charm   |     0.102 |     0.052 |    0.001       0.7     0.12 |      98 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K+pi0WSPlusMergedBeauty2Charm        |     0.000 |     0.164 |    0.039       0.7     0.16 |      23 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi-pi-pi0WSMinusMergedBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.054 |    0.001       0.7     0.12 |      98 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi-pi-pi0WSMinusMergedBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     0.166 |    0.050       0.6     0.14 |      23 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K-pi-pi0WSMinusMergedBeauty2Charm |     0.204 |     0.079 |    0.001       1.1     0.18 |      98 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K-pi-pi0WSMinusMergedBeauty2Charm      |     0.869 |     0.246 |    0.076       0.7     0.19 |      23 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K-K-pi0WSMinusMergedBeauty2Charm  |     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.001       0.7     0.12 |      98 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K-K-pi0WSMinusMergedBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.157 |    0.044       0.6     0.13 |      23 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2Pi0HHWSBeauty2CharmMerged                     |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Pi0HHWSB|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2Charm                 |     2.000 |     0.538 |    0.120       1.6     0.58 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     0.550 |    0.109       1.9     0.77 |       5 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -131476,14 +131736,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KD2Pi0HHWSMerg
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.150 |     0.071 |    0.015       8.5     0.42 |    1000 |     0.072 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     120 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.877 |     0.680 |    0.009       8.4     1.59 |      57 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      57 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Pi0HHWS|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.015       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.482 |    0.086       1.9     0.79 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.050 |     0.055 |    0.013       5.3     0.28 |    1000 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     120 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.526 |     0.520 |    0.008       5.2     1.03 |      57 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.175 |     0.039 |    0.003       0.6     0.13 |      57 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Pi0HHWS|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2Charm                |     2.000 |     0.485 |    0.075       2.0     0.85 |       5 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -131493,26 +131753,26 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSMer
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHWSMergedBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.500 |     0.480 |    0.025      33.5     2.02 |    1000 |     0.481 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.440 |     0.435 |    0.021      47.1     2.10 |    1000 |     0.436 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.020 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmLineF|     1.086 |     1.053 |    0.035      33.3     3.05 |     405 |     0.427 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2HHKSPi0ResolvedLL                       |     1.037 |     0.988 |    0.024      31.4     2.87 |     405 |     0.400 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2HHKSPi0ResolvedLL                |     0.987 |     0.951 |    0.020      30.2     2.76 |     405 |     0.385 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi-KS0pi0LL_ResolvedBeauty2Char|     0.345 |     0.276 |    0.002       9.4     0.85 |     405 |     0.112 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi-KS0pi0LL_ResolvedBeauty2Charm    |     1.008 |     0.782 |    0.094       8.3     1.23 |     119 |     0.093 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+K-KS0pi0LL_ResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.148 |     0.240 |    0.002       8.3     0.73 |     405 |     0.097 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+K-KS0pi0LL_ResolvedBeauty2Charm     |     0.420 |     0.688 |    0.080       7.1     1.06 |     119 |     0.082 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi-KS0pi0LL_ResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.197 |     0.229 |    0.002       7.8     0.68 |     405 |     0.093 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi-KS0pi0LL_ResolvedBeauty2Charm     |     0.420 |     0.651 |    0.076       6.6     0.98 |     119 |     0.078 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K-KS0pi0LL_ResolvedBeauty2Charm |     0.222 |     0.187 |    0.002       5.8     0.54 |     405 |     0.076 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K-KS0pi0LL_ResolvedBeauty2Charm      |     0.588 |     0.554 |    0.059       5.7     0.82 |     119 |     0.066 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2HHKSPi0ResolvedLL                             |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      28 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHKS|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      28 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoI|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      28 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     0.499 |    0.081       2.5     0.59 |      28 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |    10.000 |     1.074 |    1.074       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.6     0.03 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmLineF|     1.037 |     0.970 |    0.030      47.0     3.20 |     405 |     0.393 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2HHKSPi0ResolvedLL                       |     0.987 |     0.911 |    0.021      44.1     3.01 |     405 |     0.369 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2HHKSPi0ResolvedLL                |     0.962 |     0.863 |    0.017      42.5     2.85 |     405 |     0.350 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi-KS0pi0LL_ResolvedBeauty2Char|     0.370 |     0.258 |    0.002      12.5     0.87 |     405 |     0.104 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi-KS0pi0LL_ResolvedBeauty2Charm    |     0.924 |     0.734 |    0.102      11.3     1.31 |     119 |     0.087 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+K-KS0pi0LL_ResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.197 |     0.207 |    0.001      11.9     0.74 |     405 |     0.084 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+K-KS0pi0LL_ResolvedBeauty2Charm     |     0.588 |     0.588 |    0.074      10.4     1.10 |     119 |     0.070 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi-KS0pi0LL_ResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.246 |     0.213 |    0.001       9.7     0.69 |     405 |     0.087 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi-KS0pi0LL_ResolvedBeauty2Charm     |     0.672 |     0.613 |    0.073       9.5     1.07 |     119 |     0.073 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K-KS0pi0LL_ResolvedBeauty2Charm |     0.123 |     0.170 |    0.001       8.3     0.56 |     405 |     0.069 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K-KS0pi0LL_ResolvedBeauty2Charm      |     0.252 |     0.506 |    0.059       8.2     0.89 |     119 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2HHKSPi0ResolvedLL                             |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      28 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHKS|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      28 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoI|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      28 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2Charm             |     0.357 |     0.477 |    0.069       2.7     0.67 |      28 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |     0.000 |     1.052 |    1.052       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -131521,15 +131781,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLRe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmLine |     0.060 |     0.075 |    0.024       2.6     0.15 |    1000 |     0.075 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.049 |     0.056 |    0.008       2.5     0.22 |     405 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHK|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.014       0.1     0.01 |      28 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTop|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      28 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2Charm            |     0.357 |     0.451 |    0.082       2.3     0.52 |      28 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS      |     0.000 |     0.910 |    0.910       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmLine |     0.070 |     0.063 |    0.021       3.0     0.16 |    1000 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.074 |     0.053 |    0.007       2.9     0.23 |     405 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHK|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |      28 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTop|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      28 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2Charm            |     0.357 |     0.444 |    0.055       2.7     0.62 |      28 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS      |     0.000 |     0.897 |    0.897       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -131538,26 +131798,26 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLR
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.190 |     0.146 |    0.024       9.5     0.53 |    1000 |     0.146 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.070 |     0.120 |    0.021       6.0     0.42 |    1000 |     0.120 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.271 |     0.232 |    0.034       9.3     0.80 |     405 |     0.094 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2HHKSPi0MergedLL                         |     0.197 |     0.201 |    0.023       8.6     0.73 |     405 |     0.082 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2HHKSPi0MergedLL                  |     0.197 |     0.190 |    0.019       8.0     0.70 |     405 |     0.077 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi-KS0pi0LL_MergedBeauty2Charm |     0.024 |     0.050 |    0.002       2.4     0.21 |     405 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi-KS0pi0LL_MergedBeauty2Charm      |     0.303 |     0.453 |    0.122       1.6     0.37 |      33 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+K-KS0pi0LL_MergedBeauty2Charm  |     0.049 |     0.043 |    0.001       2.2     0.18 |     405 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+K-KS0pi0LL_MergedBeauty2Charm       |     0.303 |     0.396 |    0.128       1.9     0.35 |      33 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi-KS0pi0LL_MergedBeauty2Charm  |     0.049 |     0.043 |    0.001       1.9     0.17 |     405 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi-KS0pi0LL_MergedBeauty2Charm       |     0.606 |     0.401 |    0.126       1.7     0.32 |      33 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K-KS0pi0LL_MergedBeauty2Charm   |     0.049 |     0.036 |    0.001       1.5     0.15 |     405 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K-KS0pi0LL_MergedBeauty2Charm        |     0.606 |     0.344 |    0.118       1.4     0.30 |      33 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2HHKSPi0MergedLL                               |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHKSPi|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2Charm               |     1.250 |     0.427 |    0.153       1.6     0.49 |       8 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     1.223 |    1.223       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.098 |     0.194 |    0.028       5.9     0.63 |     405 |     0.079 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2HHKSPi0MergedLL                         |     0.074 |     0.170 |    0.020       5.4     0.57 |     405 |     0.069 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2HHKSPi0MergedLL                  |     0.049 |     0.161 |    0.016       5.0     0.55 |     405 |     0.065 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi-KS0pi0LL_MergedBeauty2Charm |     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.001       1.5     0.15 |     405 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi-KS0pi0LL_MergedBeauty2Charm      |     0.000 |     0.373 |    0.118       1.2     0.24 |      33 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+K-KS0pi0LL_MergedBeauty2Charm  |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.001       1.2     0.13 |     405 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+K-KS0pi0LL_MergedBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.335 |    0.121       1.0     0.22 |      33 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi-KS0pi0LL_MergedBeauty2Charm  |     0.024 |     0.038 |    0.001       1.1     0.14 |     405 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi-KS0pi0LL_MergedBeauty2Charm       |     0.303 |     0.354 |    0.122       0.9     0.22 |      33 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K-KS0pi0LL_MergedBeauty2Charm   |     0.024 |     0.031 |    0.001       1.1     0.12 |     405 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K-KS0pi0LL_MergedBeauty2Charm        |     0.303 |     0.304 |    0.111       1.0     0.21 |      33 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2HHKSPi0MergedLL                               |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHKSPi|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.314 |    0.120       1.1     0.32 |       8 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     1.059 |    1.059       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -131566,14 +131826,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLMe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.010 |     0.056 |    0.023       0.9     0.06 |    1000 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.030 |     0.045 |    0.020       1.4     0.06 |    1000 |     0.045 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.008       0.8     0.06 |     405 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHKSP|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.019       0.1     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoI|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.281 |    0.128       0.7     0.19 |       8 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.024 |     0.018 |    0.007       1.3     0.08 |     405 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHKSP|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.020       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoI|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.326 |    0.126       1.2     0.38 |       8 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -131583,25 +131843,25 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLM
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHLLMergedBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.670 |     0.745 |    0.025      30.8     2.41 |    1000 |     0.746 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.670 |     0.630 |    0.021      31.2     2.09 |    1000 |     0.631 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2CharmLineF|     1.604 |     1.706 |    0.035      30.6     3.52 |     405 |     0.691 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2HHKSPi0ResolvedDD                       |     1.580 |     1.654 |    0.024      30.0     3.44 |     405 |     0.670 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2HHKSPi0ResolvedDD                |     1.555 |     1.612 |    0.020      29.7     3.36 |     405 |     0.653 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi-KS0pi0DD_ResolvedBeauty2Char|     0.395 |     0.484 |    0.002       8.6     1.04 |     405 |     0.196 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi-KS0pi0DD_ResolvedBeauty2Charm    |     0.833 |     0.967 |    0.084       8.4     1.28 |     180 |     0.174 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+K-KS0pi0DD_ResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.493 |     0.394 |    0.001       7.9     0.86 |     405 |     0.160 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+K-KS0pi0DD_ResolvedBeauty2Charm     |     1.055 |     0.789 |    0.083       7.8     1.07 |     180 |     0.142 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi-KS0pi0DD_ResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.395 |     0.388 |    0.001       7.6     0.81 |     405 |     0.157 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi-KS0pi0DD_ResolvedBeauty2Charm     |     0.722 |     0.767 |    0.079       7.4     0.98 |     180 |     0.138 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K-KS0pi0DD_ResolvedBeauty2Charm |     0.246 |     0.326 |    0.002       6.5     0.69 |     405 |     0.132 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K-KS0pi0DD_ResolvedBeauty2Charm      |     0.555 |     0.663 |    0.066       6.4     0.86 |     180 |     0.119 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2HHKSPi0ResolvedDD                             |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      27 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHKS|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      27 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoI|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      27 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2Charm             |     0.370 |     0.416 |    0.099       1.5     0.38 |      27 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2CharmLineF|     1.506 |     1.453 |    0.030      31.2     3.07 |     405 |     0.589 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2HHKSPi0ResolvedDD                       |     1.506 |     1.411 |    0.020      31.1     3.01 |     405 |     0.572 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2HHKSPi0ResolvedDD                |     1.481 |     1.379 |    0.017      31.1     2.95 |     405 |     0.559 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi-KS0pi0DD_ResolvedBeauty2Char|     0.395 |     0.428 |    0.002      12.8     1.04 |     405 |     0.174 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi-KS0pi0DD_ResolvedBeauty2Charm    |     0.777 |     0.859 |    0.077      12.7     1.33 |     180 |     0.155 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+K-KS0pi0DD_ResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.419 |     0.336 |    0.002       6.9     0.72 |     405 |     0.136 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+K-KS0pi0DD_ResolvedBeauty2Charm     |     0.888 |     0.671 |    0.082       6.8     0.89 |     180 |     0.121 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi-KS0pi0DD_ResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.370 |     0.327 |    0.001       5.8     0.66 |     405 |     0.133 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi-KS0pi0DD_ResolvedBeauty2Charm     |     0.722 |     0.649 |    0.070       5.7     0.79 |     180 |     0.117 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K-KS0pi0DD_ResolvedBeauty2Charm |     0.271 |     0.272 |    0.001       5.5     0.57 |     405 |     0.110 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K-KS0pi0DD_ResolvedBeauty2Charm      |     0.444 |     0.553 |    0.057       5.4     0.71 |     180 |     0.100 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2HHKSPi0ResolvedDD                             |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      27 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHKS|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      27 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      27 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     0.350 |    0.077       1.2     0.31 |      27 |     0.009 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -131611,14 +131871,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDRe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2CharmLine |     0.100 |     0.070 |    0.024       1.4     0.11 |    1000 |     0.071 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2CharmLine |     0.070 |     0.059 |    0.020       4.0     0.15 |    1000 |     0.060 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.049 |     0.046 |    0.009       1.3     0.15 |     405 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHK|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      27 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTop|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      27 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2Charm            |     0.000 |     0.369 |    0.090       1.2     0.33 |      27 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.004       3.9     0.12 |    1000 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.098 |     0.038 |    0.007       1.3     0.13 |     405 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHK|     0.370 |     0.019 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      27 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTop|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      27 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2Charm            |     0.740 |     0.323 |    0.066       1.2     0.31 |      27 |     0.009 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -131628,25 +131888,25 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDR
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.180 |     0.153 |    0.024       7.3     0.46 |    1000 |     0.154 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.100 |     0.124 |    0.020       6.7     0.39 |    1000 |     0.125 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.020 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.9     0.03 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.271 |     0.238 |    0.033       7.1     0.63 |     405 |     0.097 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2HHKSPi0MergedDD                         |     0.271 |     0.217 |    0.022       5.5     0.58 |     405 |     0.088 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2HHKSPi0MergedDD                  |     0.271 |     0.208 |    0.018       5.1     0.57 |     405 |     0.084 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi-KS0pi0DD_MergedBeauty2Charm |     0.049 |     0.051 |    0.002       1.6     0.16 |     405 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi-KS0pi0DD_MergedBeauty2Charm      |     0.416 |     0.323 |    0.089       1.2     0.22 |      48 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+K-KS0pi0DD_MergedBeauty2Charm  |     0.049 |     0.050 |    0.001       1.6     0.16 |     405 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+K-KS0pi0DD_MergedBeauty2Charm       |     0.416 |     0.326 |    0.094       1.1     0.20 |      48 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi-KS0pi0DD_MergedBeauty2Charm  |     0.098 |     0.046 |    0.001       1.0     0.14 |     405 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi-KS0pi0DD_MergedBeauty2Charm       |     0.833 |     0.298 |    0.086       0.8     0.16 |      48 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K-KS0pi0DD_MergedBeauty2Charm   |     0.074 |     0.044 |    0.001       0.9     0.13 |     405 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K-KS0pi0DD_MergedBeauty2Charm        |     0.416 |     0.287 |    0.076       0.8     0.17 |      48 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2HHKSPi0MergedDD                               |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHKSPi|     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.032       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.781 |    0.092       1.5     0.98 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.123 |     0.208 |    0.029       6.6     0.57 |     405 |     0.084 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2HHKSPi0MergedDD                         |     0.123 |     0.192 |    0.020       5.1     0.53 |     405 |     0.078 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2HHKSPi0MergedDD                  |     0.123 |     0.185 |    0.015       4.7     0.52 |     405 |     0.075 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi-KS0pi0DD_MergedBeauty2Charm |     0.024 |     0.046 |    0.001       1.5     0.14 |     405 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi-KS0pi0DD_MergedBeauty2Charm      |     0.000 |     0.287 |    0.086       1.1     0.18 |      48 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+K-KS0pi0DD_MergedBeauty2Charm  |     0.024 |     0.043 |    0.001       1.4     0.13 |     405 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+K-KS0pi0DD_MergedBeauty2Charm       |     0.208 |     0.286 |    0.075       1.0     0.18 |      48 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi-KS0pi0DD_MergedBeauty2Charm  |     0.024 |     0.042 |    0.001       0.9     0.13 |     405 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi-KS0pi0DD_MergedBeauty2Charm       |     0.208 |     0.287 |    0.074       0.8     0.18 |      48 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K-KS0pi0DD_MergedBeauty2Charm   |     0.024 |     0.040 |    0.001       0.9     0.12 |     405 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K-KS0pi0DD_MergedBeauty2Charm        |     0.208 |     0.267 |    0.067       0.8     0.17 |      48 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2HHKSPi0MergedDD                               |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHKSPi|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.014       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.695 |    0.090       1.3     0.86 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -131656,14 +131916,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDMe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.040 |     0.056 |    0.023       2.2     0.08 |    1000 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.020 |     0.044 |    0.019       1.0     0.05 |    1000 |     0.044 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.024 |     0.018 |    0.008       2.1     0.11 |     405 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHKSP|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.023       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoI|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2Charm              |     5.000 |     1.002 |    0.086       1.9     1.30 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.9     0.03 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.7     0.04 |     405 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.3     0.02 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHKSP|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.024       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoI|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.300 |    0.067       0.5     0.33 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -131673,16 +131933,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDM
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSPi0HHDDMergedBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.100 |     0.098 |    0.024       2.2     0.20 |    1000 |     0.098 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.040 |     0.081 |    0.020       2.1     0.17 |    1000 |     0.082 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       1.0     0.03 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.123 |     0.120 |    0.009       2.0     0.28 |     405 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D02KSPi0KSLLPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm              |     0.084 |     0.087 |    0.042       0.7     0.07 |     119 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD02KSPi|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      43 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      43 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.156 |    0.060       0.6     0.11 |      43 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     0.000 |     0.857 |    0.857       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.074 |     0.108 |    0.008       2.0     0.24 |     405 |     0.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.6     0.03 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D02KSPi0KSLLPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm              |     0.084 |     0.072 |    0.038       0.6     0.06 |     119 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD02KSPi|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      43 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      43 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2Charm              |     0.232 |     0.137 |    0.058       0.6     0.10 |      43 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     0.000 |     0.889 |    0.889       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -131691,15 +131951,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KD02KSPi0LLRes
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.070 |     0.067 |    0.024       1.6     0.09 |    1000 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.030 |     0.054 |    0.021       1.7     0.08 |    1000 |     0.055 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.030 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.074 |     0.042 |    0.008       1.5     0.11 |     405 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD02KSP|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |      43 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopo|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      43 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2Charm             |     0.232 |     0.139 |    0.057       0.6     0.10 |      43 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |     0.000 |     0.832 |    0.832       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.007       1.6     0.11 |     405 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD02KSP|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |      43 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopo|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      43 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.052       0.6     0.10 |      43 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |     0.000 |     0.790 |    0.790       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -131708,12 +131968,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD02KSPi0LLRe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0LLResolvedBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0LLMergedBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.050 |     0.057 |    0.023       1.4     0.06 |    1000 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0LLMergedBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.030 |     0.045 |    0.019       0.7     0.04 |    1000 |     0.045 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0LLMergedBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0LLMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0LLMergedBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.008       1.3     0.07 |     405 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0LLMergedBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D02KSPi0KSLLPi0MergedBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.087 |    0.036       1.3     0.21 |      33 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0LLMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0LLMergedBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.024 |     0.019 |    0.007       0.6     0.04 |     405 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0LLMergedBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D02KSPi0KSLLPi0MergedBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.035       0.6     0.09 |      33 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KSPi0LLMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD02KSPi0K|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KSPi0LLMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KSPi0LLMergedBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -131726,11 +131986,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KD02KSPi0LLMer
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KD02KSPi0LLMergedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KD02KSPi0LLMergedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0LLMergedBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0LLMergedBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.060 |     0.053 |    0.024       0.2     0.03 |    1000 |     0.054 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0LLMergedBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0LLMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0LLMergedBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.024 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0LLMergedBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0LLMergedBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.040 |     0.042 |    0.021       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0LLMergedBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0LLMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0LLMergedBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.049 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.2     0.01 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0LLMergedBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.049 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.2     0.01 |     405 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KSPi0LLMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD02KSPi0|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KSPi0LLMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KSPi0LLMergedBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -131743,50 +132003,50 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD02KSPi0LLMe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD02KSPi0LLMergedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD02KSPi0LLMergedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0LLMergedBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.170 |     0.141 |    0.024       5.7     0.32 |    1000 |     0.142 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.140 |     0.117 |    0.019       5.5     0.28 |    1000 |     0.117 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.271 |     0.225 |    0.009       5.6     0.45 |     405 |     0.091 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D02KSPi0KSDDPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm              |     0.166 |     0.094 |    0.039       0.6     0.06 |     180 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD02KSPi|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      93 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |      93 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2Charm              |     0.107 |     0.171 |    0.058       0.6     0.11 |      93 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     0.000 |     1.434 |    1.019       1.9     0.59 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.081       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.244 |    0.244       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.124 |    0.124       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.110       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     1.195 |    1.195       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.212 |    0.212       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.120 |     0.083 |    0.024       5.1     0.19 |    1000 |     0.083 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.197 |     0.191 |    0.007       5.5     0.40 |     405 |     0.078 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D02KSPi0KSDDPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm              |     0.055 |     0.080 |    0.035       0.5     0.05 |     180 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD02KSPi|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      93 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.4     0.04 |      93 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2Charm              |     0.322 |     0.150 |    0.057       0.5     0.09 |      93 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     0.000 |     1.555 |    1.254       1.9     0.43 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.063       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.189 |    0.189       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.133 |    0.133       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.128 |    0.128       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     1.128 |    1.128       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.209 |    0.209       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.080 |     0.071 |    0.020       4.8     0.18 |    1000 |     0.071 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.098 |     0.085 |    0.008       5.0     0.28 |     405 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD02KSP|     0.107 |     0.021 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      93 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopo|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      93 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     0.151 |    0.059       0.6     0.09 |      93 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |     0.000 |     1.248 |    0.766       1.7     0.68 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty|     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.081       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.117 |    0.117       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.101 |    0.101       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.101 |    0.101       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     1.175 |    1.175       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.225 |    0.225       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.050 |     0.064 |    0.024       2.5     0.10 |    1000 |     0.064 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.024 |     0.038 |    0.008       2.4     0.14 |     405 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D02KSPi0KSDDPi0MergedBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.036       0.6     0.08 |      48 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD02KSPi0K|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.363 |    0.074       1.7     0.60 |       7 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.123 |     0.077 |    0.007       4.7     0.27 |     405 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD02KSP|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      93 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopo|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      93 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2Charm             |     0.107 |     0.132 |    0.052       0.6     0.08 |      93 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |     0.000 |     1.187 |    0.758       1.6     0.61 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty|     0.000 |     0.106 |    0.106       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.128 |    0.128       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.126       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.113       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     1.130 |    1.130       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.179 |    0.179       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0DDResolvedBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.070 |     0.051 |    0.020       0.9     0.06 |    1000 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.024 |     0.030 |    0.007       0.9     0.08 |     405 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D02KSPi0KSDDPi0MergedBeauty2Charm                |     0.208 |     0.060 |    0.033       0.6     0.08 |      48 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD02KSPi0K|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.184 |    0.071       0.6     0.19 |       7 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -131796,14 +132056,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KD02KSPi0DDMer
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.060 |     0.058 |    0.023       2.6     0.09 |    1000 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.020 |     0.044 |    0.020       0.7     0.04 |    1000 |     0.045 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.008       2.3     0.12 |     405 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD02KSPi0|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.399 |    0.078       2.0     0.72 |       7 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.007       0.6     0.04 |     405 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD02KSPi0|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.181 |    0.066       0.6     0.17 |       7 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -131813,133 +132073,133 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDMe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KSPi0DDMergedBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KKD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.750 |     0.766 |    0.026     165.5     5.74 |    1000 |     0.767 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineFil|     1.753 |     1.750 |    0.009     165.3     8.90 |     405 |     0.709 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KKD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Resolv|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     285 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKBeau|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     284 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2Charm               |     0.598 |     0.639 |    0.047      23.6     1.98 |     284 |     0.182 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     8.292 |     6.469 |    0.650      99.0    15.53 |      41 |     0.265 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.322 |     0.169 |    0.060       0.9     0.18 |      31 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      27 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0KKD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.740 |     0.668 |    0.140       5.8     1.07 |      27 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0KKD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.370 |     0.516 |    0.062       5.6     1.03 |      27 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0KKD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.370 |     0.492 |    0.063       5.5     1.02 |      27 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0KKD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLi|     1.111 |     1.209 |    0.229      12.5     2.34 |      27 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0KKD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLi|     1.111 |     0.849 |    0.195       3.9     0.80 |      27 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |      27 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.540 |     0.536 |    0.025      58.1     2.89 |    1000 |     0.537 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KKD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.580 |     0.644 |    0.021     124.3     4.47 |    1000 |     0.645 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineFil|     1.333 |     1.483 |    0.007     124.2     6.92 |     405 |     0.601 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KKD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.5     0.03 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Resolv|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     285 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKBeau|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     284 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2Charm               |     0.528 |     0.623 |    0.045      25.2     2.22 |     284 |     0.177 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     5.121 |     4.791 |    0.523      54.9     9.01 |      41 |     0.196 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.097 |    0.048       0.4     0.06 |      31 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      27 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0KKD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLi|     1.111 |     0.546 |    0.085       6.0     1.12 |      27 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0KKD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.606 |    0.063       6.0     1.37 |      27 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0KKD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.740 |     0.468 |    0.059       6.0     1.13 |      27 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0KKD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.370 |     1.086 |    0.180      13.1     2.47 |      27 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0KKD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.370 |     0.730 |    0.133       3.8     0.77 |      27 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |      27 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.490 |     0.458 |    0.022      65.6     2.76 |    1000 |     0.459 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.020 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineF|     1.160 |     1.178 |    0.008      58.0     4.42 |     405 |     0.477 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Reso|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     285 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPi|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |     284 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2Charm             |     0.704 |     0.620 |    0.042      19.8     1.97 |     284 |     0.176 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |     4.848 |     5.110 |    0.560      22.4     5.86 |      33 |     0.169 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty|     0.000 |     0.107 |    0.043       0.2     0.04 |      25 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineF|     1.160 |     1.022 |    0.007      65.5     4.25 |     405 |     0.414 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Reso|     0.070 |     0.018 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     285 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     284 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2Charm             |     0.704 |     0.551 |    0.039      20.6     1.89 |     284 |     0.157 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |     4.242 |     4.312 |    0.546      26.3     5.83 |      33 |     0.142 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty|     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.037       0.2     0.04 |      25 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2Charm|     1.500 |     0.518 |    0.118       2.5     0.61 |      20 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.500 |     0.311 |    0.094       1.3     0.31 |      20 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.314 |    0.096       1.3     0.31 |      20 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.500 |     0.757 |    0.206       3.0     0.82 |      20 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.500 |     0.439 |    0.156       1.1     0.31 |      20 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.326 |    0.106       1.5     0.36 |      20 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.300 |    0.081       1.4     0.33 |      20 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2Charm|     1.000 |     0.303 |    0.080       1.4     0.33 |      20 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.500 |     0.740 |    0.173       3.1     0.84 |      20 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.370 |    0.131       1.1     0.29 |      20 |     0.007 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine   |     1.020 |     1.045 |    0.024     148.5     6.40 |    1000 |     1.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine   |     1.060 |     0.950 |    0.020     185.7     6.89 |    1000 |     0.950 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineFi|     2.296 |     2.444 |    0.008     148.4     9.86 |     405 |     0.990 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.7     0.03 |     405 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Resol|     0.035 |     0.020 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     285 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBe|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.4     0.02 |     284 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2Charm              |     1.056 |     1.183 |    0.057      43.7     4.10 |     284 |     0.336 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     9.500 |     9.104 |    0.743      57.3    12.33 |      40 |     0.364 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.689 |     0.370 |    0.062       0.9     0.32 |      29 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.400 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      25 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.800 |     0.778 |    0.094       6.1     1.18 |      25 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.677 |    0.090       5.8     1.12 |      25 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.400 |     0.677 |    0.077       5.8     1.13 |      25 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.800 |     1.669 |    0.243      13.0     2.64 |      25 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     1.600 |     0.794 |    0.161       3.9     0.79 |      25 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      25 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DHHWSD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.210 |     0.234 |    0.016      94.0     3.15 |    1000 |     0.234 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     101 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineFi|     5.135 |     5.248 |    0.010      93.7    15.69 |      37 |     0.194 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DHHWSD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      37 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Resol|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |      27 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutX2HHWSB|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      27 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2Charm              |     2.962 |     3.279 |    0.065      32.7     7.44 |      27 |     0.089 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |    15.000 |    16.964 |    1.119      59.1    28.18 |       4 |     0.068 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.122 |    0.086       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DHHWSD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     5.000 |     0.270 |    0.225       0.3     0.06 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DHHWSD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.185 |    0.181       0.2     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DHHWSD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.192 |    0.189       0.2     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DHHWSD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     1.570 |    1.163       2.0     0.58 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DHHWSD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.606 |    0.355       0.9     0.36 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KKD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.090 |     0.125 |    0.025      11.8     0.65 |    1000 |     0.125 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineFi|     2.395 |     2.238 |    0.007     185.6    10.69 |     405 |     0.907 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Resol|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     285 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBe|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     284 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2Charm              |     1.021 |     1.124 |    0.049      57.5     4.47 |     284 |     0.319 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     9.500 |     8.210 |    0.645      77.8    13.91 |      40 |     0.328 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.111 |    0.049       0.4     0.07 |      29 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      25 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.800 |     0.714 |    0.124       6.2     1.22 |      25 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.800 |     0.675 |    0.082       6.1     1.20 |      25 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.400 |     0.665 |    0.078       6.1     1.19 |      25 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     2.400 |     1.569 |    0.183      13.9     2.82 |      25 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.400 |     0.711 |    0.158       4.1     0.84 |      25 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |      25 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DHHWSD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.180 |     0.180 |    0.015      62.7     2.22 |    1000 |     0.180 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     101 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineFi|     4.594 |     4.037 |    0.009      62.5    10.94 |      37 |     0.149 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DHHWSD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Resol|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |      27 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutX2HHWSB|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      27 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2Charm              |     2.962 |     2.765 |    0.061      21.5     6.19 |      27 |     0.075 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |    10.000 |    11.965 |    1.097      39.4    18.38 |       4 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.102 |    0.066       0.1     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DHHWSD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.228 |    0.210       0.2     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DHHWSD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.197 |    0.178       0.2     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DHHWSD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.204 |    0.182       0.2     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DHHWSD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     5.000 |     1.524 |    1.077       2.0     0.63 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DHHWSD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.611 |    0.319       0.9     0.41 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KKD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.080 |     0.111 |    0.020      12.5     0.68 |    1000 |     0.111 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.098 |     0.175 |    0.009      11.7     1.00 |     405 |     0.071 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KKD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2MergedPi|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      37 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKBeauty|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |      37 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2Charm                 |     0.540 |     0.403 |    0.046       3.5     0.69 |      37 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     1.250 |     2.763 |    0.662       5.3     1.77 |       8 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.100 |    0.074       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0KKD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.410 |    0.155       0.7     0.21 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0KKD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.293 |    0.165       0.6     0.18 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0KKD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.287 |    0.149       0.6     0.19 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0KKD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.597 |    0.285       1.0     0.26 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0KKD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.343 |    0.225       0.6     0.15 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.123 |     0.167 |    0.008      12.4     1.05 |     405 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KKD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2MergedPi|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      37 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKBeauty|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     0.351 |    0.048       2.9     0.62 |      37 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     2.500 |     3.041 |    0.557       7.2     2.36 |       8 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     2.000 |     0.076 |    0.053       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KKD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0KKD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.387 |    0.175       0.7     0.20 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0KKD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.318 |    0.171       0.6     0.20 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0KKD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.293 |    0.128       0.6     0.19 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0KKD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.581 |    0.214       1.1     0.32 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0KKD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.355 |    0.200       0.7     0.21 |       5 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KKD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.040 |     0.085 |    0.024       5.7     0.29 |    1000 |     0.086 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.090 |     0.071 |    0.020       6.0     0.27 |    1000 |     0.071 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.049 |     0.084 |    0.008       5.6     0.43 |     405 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Merged|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      37 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiBe|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      37 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.313 |    0.043       3.6     0.62 |      37 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     2.000 |     1.484 |    0.556       3.0     1.11 |       5 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.065       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.222 |    0.155       0.3     0.09 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.200 |    0.137       0.3     0.09 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLi|     5.000 |     0.258 |    0.229       0.3     0.04 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.319 |    0.250       0.4     0.10 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.258 |    0.207       0.3     0.07 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.130 |     0.120 |    0.024      15.2     0.67 |    1000 |     0.120 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.123 |     0.074 |    0.007       5.9     0.42 |     405 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Merged|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      37 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiBe|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2Charm               |     0.810 |     0.258 |    0.042       2.1     0.42 |      37 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     2.000 |     1.506 |    0.533       3.1     1.15 |       5 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.045       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.244 |    0.149       0.3     0.14 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.215 |    0.153       0.3     0.09 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.224 |    0.146       0.3     0.11 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.327 |    0.196       0.5     0.19 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLi|     5.000 |     0.236 |    0.180       0.3     0.08 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.002       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.120 |     0.103 |    0.020      15.9     0.68 |    1000 |     0.104 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.222 |     0.168 |    0.008      15.0     1.03 |     405 |     0.068 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2MergedP|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      37 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeau|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      37 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2Charm                |     1.621 |     0.537 |    0.064       4.3     0.92 |      37 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     3.333 |     3.976 |    1.199       8.9     3.39 |       6 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.091 |    0.065       0.1     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.469 |    0.189       0.9     0.41 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.462 |    0.207       0.9     0.38 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.506 |    0.179       1.0     0.47 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.700 |    0.400       1.3     0.52 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.465 |    0.294       0.7     0.25 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DHHWSD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.080 |     0.046 |    0.017       2.9     0.13 |    1000 |     0.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     102 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.185 |     0.153 |    0.008       2.8     0.49 |      54 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DHHWSD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      54 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2MergedP|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.017       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutX2HHWSBea|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     1.104 |    0.074       2.6     0.98 |       5 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.123 |     0.156 |    0.006      15.8     1.05 |     405 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2MergedP|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |      37 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeau|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2Charm                |     0.540 |     0.472 |    0.054       4.3     0.84 |      37 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     1.666 |     4.046 |    1.014       9.0     3.56 |       6 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.088 |    0.067       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLin|     3.333 |     0.500 |    0.237       1.0     0.43 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.465 |    0.202       0.9     0.39 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.458 |    0.164       0.9     0.40 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.712 |    0.337       1.4     0.56 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0KPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.440 |    0.206       0.8     0.35 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DHHWSD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.050 |     0.039 |    0.014       3.8     0.15 |    1000 |     0.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.098 |     0.026 |    0.005       0.7     0.10 |     102 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.185 |     0.159 |    0.008       3.7     0.57 |      54 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DHHWSD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      54 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2MergedP|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.014       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutX2HHWSBea|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2Charm                |     2.000 |     1.212 |    0.084       3.5     1.34 |       5 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DHHWSD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -131949,32 +132209,32 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DHHWSD2Pi0HHMer
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DHHWSD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DHHWSD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DHHWSD2Pi0HHMergedBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.030 |     0.045 |    0.016       3.7     0.17 |    1000 |     0.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      96 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.263 |     0.310 |    0.011       3.7     0.78 |      38 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      38 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Pi0HH|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      14 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      14 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.346 |    0.068       1.4     0.44 |      14 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     0.000 |     1.206 |    1.119       1.3     0.12 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.089 |    0.089       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.193 |    0.193       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.109 |    0.109       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.104 |    0.104       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.372 |    0.372       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.240 |    0.240       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.040 |     0.037 |    0.014       3.7     0.17 |    1000 |     0.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      96 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.526 |     0.290 |    0.009       3.7     0.80 |      38 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.263 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      38 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Pi0HH|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.008       0.1     0.02 |      14 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      14 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2Charm              |     0.714 |     0.311 |    0.068       1.5     0.43 |      14 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     0.000 |     1.282 |    1.224       1.3     0.08 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.083 |    0.083       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.135 |    0.135       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.102 |    0.102       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.101 |    0.101       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.357 |    0.357       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.259 |    0.259       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.080 |     0.045 |    0.015       2.9     0.13 |    1000 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      95 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.000 |     0.287 |    0.011       2.8     0.52 |      42 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Pi0H|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      22 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopo|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      22 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     0.339 |    0.067       1.8     0.42 |      22 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |     0.000 |     1.125 |    1.125       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.040 |     0.036 |    0.013       3.3     0.13 |    1000 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      95 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.238 |     0.246 |    0.008       3.1     0.53 |      42 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Pi0H|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      22 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopo|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      22 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2Charm             |     0.454 |     0.292 |    0.061       1.4     0.39 |      22 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |     0.000 |     1.201 |    1.201       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -131983,14 +132243,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHRe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.016       1.4     0.06 |    1000 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     113 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.011       1.3     0.21 |      53 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      53 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Pi0HHHB|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.528 |    0.135       1.2     0.46 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.020 |     0.028 |    0.013       0.8     0.04 |    1000 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     113 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.008       0.8     0.14 |      53 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      53 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Pi0HHHB|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.368 |    0.120       0.7     0.23 |       4 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132000,14 +132260,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKWSD2Pi0HHHMer
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.020 |     0.035 |    0.016       1.9     0.06 |    1000 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     100 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.217 |     0.064 |    0.009       1.8     0.27 |      46 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.217 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      46 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Pi0HHH|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.013       1.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     100 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.010       1.7     0.26 |      46 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      46 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutD2Pi0HHH|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.016       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.815 |    0.243       1.4     0.81 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.933 |    0.259       1.6     0.95 |       2 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132017,85 +132277,85 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHMe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiWSD2Pi0HHHMergedBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.100 |     0.138 |    0.025      31.5     1.33 |    1000 |     0.138 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.222 |     0.210 |    0.009      31.3     2.07 |     405 |     0.085 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     1.149 |    0.228       2.3     0.85 |       5 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     2.000 |     1.057 |    0.109       2.3     0.90 |       5 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     1.021 |    0.126       2.2     0.87 |       5 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     8.000 |     7.531 |    0.706      18.4     7.18 |       5 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     4.000 |     3.328 |    0.251       5.5     2.17 |       5 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.120 |     0.119 |    0.023      31.3     1.18 |    1000 |     0.119 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.172 |     0.169 |    0.007      31.2     1.84 |     405 |     0.069 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     1.037 |    0.076       3.0     1.17 |       5 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     1.001 |    0.077       2.6     1.01 |       5 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     2.000 |     0.934 |    0.074       2.5     0.99 |       5 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     8.000 |     7.179 |    0.396      19.7     8.00 |       5 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     1.040 |    0.268       1.9     0.72 |       5 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.110 |     0.106 |    0.020      33.2     1.16 |    1000 |     0.106 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.148 |     0.161 |    0.008      33.0     1.81 |     405 |     0.065 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     2.000 |     0.947 |    0.163       2.7     1.04 |       5 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.823 |    0.111       2.4     0.93 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.817 |    0.109       2.5     0.96 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     8.000 |     6.135 |    0.616      18.8     7.49 |       5 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     2.109 |    0.197       5.1     1.91 |       5 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KKPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.120 |     0.094 |    0.020      32.5     1.08 |    1000 |     0.095 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.197 |     0.135 |    0.007      32.4     1.69 |     405 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.818 |    0.064       2.8     1.12 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.794 |    0.052       2.7     1.09 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     2.000 |     0.811 |    0.060       2.8     1.13 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     6.000 |     6.026 |    0.404      20.5     8.34 |       5 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.724 |    0.163       2.0     0.74 |       5 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.070 |     0.081 |    0.024      14.1     0.56 |    1000 |     0.081 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.049 |     0.079 |    0.007      13.9     0.87 |     405 |     0.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.669 |    0.090       1.0     0.50 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.619 |    0.081       1.0     0.48 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.608 |    0.089       0.9     0.45 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     6.666 |     4.949 |    0.715       8.2     3.83 |       3 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.688 |    0.167       1.3     0.55 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KKPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.180 |     0.104 |    0.025      14.4     0.52 |    1000 |     0.104 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KKPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KKPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KKPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.197 |     0.114 |    0.008      14.3     0.79 |     405 |     0.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KKPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KKPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDDPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      29 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KKPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKPiBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      17 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KKPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm                     |     1.176 |     0.441 |    0.082       1.9     0.54 |      17 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KKPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |    10.000 |     5.925 |    5.925       5.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KKPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.106 |    0.106       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KKPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KKPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.443 |    0.443       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KKPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.421 |    0.421       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KKPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.421 |    0.421       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KKPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     4.638 |    4.638       4.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KKPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.767 |    0.767       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KKPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.120 |     0.099 |    0.023      11.2     0.45 |    1000 |     0.099 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.172 |     0.119 |    0.008      11.1     0.69 |     405 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDDPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      29 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiPiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |      22 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm                    |     1.363 |     0.352 |    0.069       1.3     0.35 |      22 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     0.000 |     3.053 |    0.798       5.3     3.19 |       2 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.091 |    0.084       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.060 |     0.062 |    0.019      11.0     0.42 |    1000 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.074 |     0.061 |    0.006      10.9     0.66 |     405 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.024 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.528 |    0.110       0.9     0.39 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.483 |    0.082       0.8     0.37 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.514 |    0.171       0.9     0.34 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     6.666 |     3.742 |    0.763       6.1     2.74 |       3 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.512 |    0.319       0.6     0.17 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KKPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.070 |     0.077 |    0.020      15.3     0.52 |    1000 |     0.078 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KKPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KKPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KKPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.074 |     0.097 |    0.007      15.3     0.81 |     405 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KKPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KKPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDDPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KKPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKPiBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      17 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KKPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.328 |    0.056       1.4     0.34 |      17 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KKPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |    10.000 |     6.510 |    6.510       6.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KKPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.110       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KKPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KKPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.463 |    0.463       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KKPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.466 |    0.466       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KKPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.468 |    0.468       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KKPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     4.893 |    4.893       4.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KKPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.744 |    0.744       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KKPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.070 |     0.080 |    0.021      11.1     0.42 |    1000 |     0.081 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.123 |     0.101 |    0.007      11.1     0.64 |     405 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDDPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiPiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      22 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.282 |    0.059       1.3     0.28 |      22 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     0.000 |     3.278 |    0.897       5.7     3.37 |       2 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.075 |    0.071       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.298 |    0.298       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.268 |    0.268       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.244 |    0.244       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     2.518 |    2.518       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine   |    10.000 |     0.509 |    0.509       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.040 |     0.055 |    0.016       4.8     0.25 |    1000 |     0.056 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     106 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.714 |     0.507 |    0.010       4.6     1.09 |      42 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.274 |    0.274       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.306 |    0.306       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.242 |    0.242       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine   |    10.000 |     2.454 |    2.454       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.378 |    0.378       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.020 |     0.044 |    0.014       4.1     0.19 |    1000 |     0.045 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     106 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.476 |     0.399 |    0.008       4.0     0.83 |      42 |     0.017 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KsHHDDWSPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.014       0.1     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDDWSP|     0.000 |     0.134 |    0.018       0.6     0.25 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiPiBeau|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.007       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.670 |    0.086       2.8     1.18 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KsHHDDWSPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDDWSP|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.012       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiPiBeau|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.323 |    0.075       1.1     0.45 |       5 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132105,16 +132365,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDW
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.060 |     0.085 |    0.024       5.2     0.28 |    1000 |     0.085 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.050 |     0.067 |    0.020       2.7     0.20 |    1000 |     0.067 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.030 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.074 |     0.089 |    0.008       4.9     0.40 |     405 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDDPIDB|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      29 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiPiBeau|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |      26 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.246 |    0.062       1.1     0.24 |      26 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     0.000 |     1.486 |    1.486       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.085 |    0.085       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.074 |     0.071 |    0.007       2.6     0.30 |     405 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDDPIDB|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiPiBeau|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      26 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.191 |    0.057       0.7     0.17 |      26 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |    10.000 |     1.451 |    1.451       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.174 |    0.174       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132122,12 +132382,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDD
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.020 |     0.037 |    0.014       1.6     0.08 |    1000 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      99 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.000 |     0.148 |    0.010       1.6     0.35 |      38 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      38 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDDWS|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.050 |     0.033 |    0.013       3.3     0.13 |    1000 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      99 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.000 |     0.133 |    0.008       1.4     0.32 |      38 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      38 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDDWS|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiPiBe|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132139,16 +132399,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDD
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KKPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.100 |     0.104 |    0.024      20.5     0.71 |    1000 |     0.105 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KKPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KKPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KKPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.123 |     0.130 |    0.009      20.3     1.10 |     405 |     0.053 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KKPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KKPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLLPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KKPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKPiBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      25 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KKPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm                     |     1.200 |     0.283 |    0.066       1.5     0.39 |      25 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KKPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     5.000 |    11.051 |    4.681      17.4     9.01 |       2 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KKPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.138 |    0.120       0.2     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KKPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.080 |     0.088 |    0.020      22.1     0.75 |    1000 |     0.089 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KKPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KKPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KKPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.098 |     0.122 |    0.007      22.0     1.17 |     405 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KKPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KKPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLLPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KKPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKPiBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      25 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KKPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.219 |    0.061       1.4     0.30 |      25 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KKPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |    15.000 |    11.737 |    4.817      18.7     9.79 |       2 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KKPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.098 |    0.083       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KKPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KKPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KKPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132156,29 +132416,29 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KKPiD2KSHHLLBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KKPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KKPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KKPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.140 |     0.128 |    0.022      27.5     0.95 |    1000 |     0.129 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.110 |     0.109 |    0.021      27.4     0.93 |    1000 |     0.109 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.020 |     0.015 |    0.005       0.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.123 |     0.176 |    0.008      27.3     1.48 |     405 |     0.071 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLLPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiPiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      32 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm                    |     0.625 |     0.277 |    0.062       1.8     0.34 |      32 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     2.500 |     7.176 |    1.029      19.9     8.64 |       4 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.128 |    0.105       0.2     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.237 |    0.237       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.120 |    0.120       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.153 |    0.153       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     2.090 |    2.090       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.242 |    0.242       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.020 |     0.039 |    0.015       1.8     0.08 |    1000 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     105 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.000 |     0.123 |    0.009       1.7     0.35 |      41 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      41 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KsHHLLWSPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                  |     1.111 |     0.535 |    0.013       0.8     0.33 |       9 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.4     0.01 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.148 |     0.166 |    0.007      27.3     1.45 |     405 |     0.067 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLLPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiPiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      32 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm                    |     0.625 |     0.250 |    0.055       1.8     0.32 |      32 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     5.000 |     6.955 |    0.978      19.9     8.75 |       4 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.101 |    0.057       0.2     0.06 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.214 |    0.214       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.124 |    0.124       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.130 |    0.130       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     1.768 |    1.768       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.228 |    0.228       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.030 |     0.030 |    0.013       1.2     0.06 |    1000 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     105 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.008       1.1     0.24 |      41 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      41 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KsHHLLWSPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       9 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLLWSP|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiPiBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132191,32 +132451,32 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLW
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.150 |     0.123 |    0.022      28.2     0.97 |    1000 |     0.123 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.010 |     0.013 |    0.005       4.7     0.15 |    1000 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.172 |     0.172 |    0.008      28.1     1.50 |     405 |     0.070 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLLPIDB|     0.303 |     0.017 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiPiBeau|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      33 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm                   |     0.303 |     0.229 |    0.059       1.3     0.26 |      33 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |    13.333 |     8.701 |    0.872      17.2     8.18 |       3 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.142 |    0.086       0.2     0.08 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.487 |    0.487       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.347 |    0.347       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.394 |    0.394       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine  |    10.000 |     5.281 |    5.281       5.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.599 |    0.599       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.080 |     0.074 |    0.015       8.2     0.49 |    1000 |     0.074 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.130 |     0.104 |    0.019      28.8     0.97 |    1000 |     0.104 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.148 |     0.164 |    0.008      28.7     1.51 |     405 |     0.066 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLLPIDB|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiPiBeau|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      33 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm                   |     0.303 |     0.219 |    0.061       1.3     0.26 |      33 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     6.666 |     8.505 |    0.929      17.4     8.29 |       3 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.064       0.2     0.07 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.471 |    0.471       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.425 |    0.425       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.379 |    0.379       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine  |    10.000 |     5.663 |    5.663       5.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.571 |    0.571       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.080 |     0.056 |    0.013       8.7     0.39 |    1000 |     0.057 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     109 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.851 |     0.886 |    0.009       8.0     2.06 |      47 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      47 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLLWS|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiPiBe|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     0.479 |    0.074       2.0     0.69 |       7 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |    10.000 |     5.384 |    5.384       5.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     109 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.851 |     0.666 |    0.008       8.5     1.68 |      47 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      47 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLLWS|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.007       0.1     0.02 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiPiBe|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     0.271 |    0.057       0.9     0.31 |       7 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |    10.000 |     4.907 |    4.907       4.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132225,49 +132485,49 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLL
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKPiPiSSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.620 |     0.587 |    0.025     105.1     4.21 |    1000 |     0.588 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKPiPiSSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.360 |     0.428 |    0.020      49.4     2.26 |    1000 |     0.429 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPiPiSSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPiPiSSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPiPiSSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     1.382 |     1.303 |    0.009     104.9     6.52 |     405 |     0.528 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKPiPiSSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiSSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     240 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2KPiPiSSBeauty2Charm                            |     0.791 |     0.848 |    0.090      12.3     1.19 |     240 |     0.204 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiSSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiPiSSBe|     0.055 |     0.020 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     180 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiSSD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                  |     0.222 |     0.165 |    0.055       1.8     0.27 |     180 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiSSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |    18.000 |    16.911 |    0.694      46.6    20.68 |       5 |     0.085 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiSSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.189 |    0.065       0.3     0.12 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiSSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.0     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKPiPiSSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     1.301 |    0.099       3.1     1.23 |       5 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKPiPiSSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     2.000 |     1.175 |    0.091       3.0     1.21 |       5 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKPiPiSSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     2.000 |     1.121 |    0.083       2.7     1.12 |       5 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKPiPiSSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     8.000 |     9.138 |    0.662      19.9     8.59 |       5 |     0.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKPiPiSSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     6.000 |     6.275 |    0.202      20.9     9.00 |       5 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPiPiSSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.280 |     0.315 |    0.026      63.2     2.84 |    1000 |     0.315 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.030 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.567 |     0.637 |    0.008      63.0     4.42 |     405 |     0.258 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     240 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKPiBeauty2C|     0.072 |     0.011 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     138 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.198 |    0.052       2.5     0.38 |     138 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |    15.000 |    11.974 |    3.242      23.4     9.21 |       6 |     0.072 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.216 |    0.092       0.3     0.09 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     1.707 |    0.336       3.2     1.43 |       3 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     3.333 |     1.579 |    0.229       3.0     1.39 |       3 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     1.704 |    0.309       3.2     1.44 |       3 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |    13.333 |    13.345 |    2.676      25.8    11.67 |       3 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     6.666 |     6.503 |    0.474      13.9     6.79 |       3 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPiPiSSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPiPiSSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.864 |     0.949 |    0.008      49.3     3.47 |     405 |     0.385 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKPiPiSSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiSSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     240 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2KPiPiSSBeauty2Charm                            |     0.583 |     0.722 |    0.075       6.9     0.89 |     240 |     0.173 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiSSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiPiSSBe|     0.055 |     0.016 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     180 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiSSD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                  |     0.055 |     0.135 |    0.051       1.6     0.21 |     180 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiSSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     6.000 |     6.949 |    0.646      14.1     6.38 |       5 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiSSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.044       0.2     0.06 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiSSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKPiPiSSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.900 |    0.107       1.9     0.79 |       5 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKPiPiSSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     2.000 |     0.855 |    0.086       1.9     0.78 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKPiPiSSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     1.628 |    0.097       5.8     2.38 |       5 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKPiPiSSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     6.000 |     6.412 |    0.676      11.1     5.20 |       5 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKPiPiSSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     2.000 |     3.134 |    0.173       9.7     4.08 |       5 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPiPiSSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.270 |     0.265 |    0.021      76.8     2.72 |    1000 |     0.266 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.493 |     0.538 |    0.007      76.7     4.24 |     405 |     0.218 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     240 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKPiBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |     138 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                     |     0.144 |     0.175 |    0.048       3.3     0.39 |     138 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     8.333 |     9.066 |    1.235      26.3     8.99 |       6 |     0.054 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.131 |    0.063       0.2     0.06 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |    10.000 |     1.830 |    0.513       3.4     1.44 |       3 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     1.716 |    0.284       3.2     1.48 |       3 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     1.686 |    0.302       3.2     1.46 |       3 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |    13.333 |    13.073 |    2.687      27.1    12.62 |       3 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     6.666 |     4.681 |    0.503       8.4     3.95 |       3 |     0.014 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKKPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKPiPiSSWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.040 |     0.044 |    0.016       1.1     0.07 |    1000 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPiPiSSWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPiPiSSWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      88 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPiPiSSWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.000 |     0.151 |    0.009       1.0     0.18 |      41 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKPiPiSSWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      41 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiSSWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDB|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      28 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiSSWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiPiSS|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiSSWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.141 |    0.057       0.8     0.16 |      20 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKPiPiSSWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.040 |     0.035 |    0.015       0.7     0.04 |    1000 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPiPiSSWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPiPiSSWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      88 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPiPiSSWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.487 |     0.116 |    0.007       0.6     0.12 |      41 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKPiPiSSWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      41 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiSSWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDB|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      28 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiSSWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiPiSS|     0.500 |     0.017 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiSSWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.111 |    0.055       0.5     0.10 |      20 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiSSWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiSSWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiSSWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132277,14 +132537,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKPiPiSSWSD2HHH
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKPiPiSSWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKPiPiSSWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPiPiSSWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKKPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.020 |     0.038 |    0.015       1.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKKPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKKPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      85 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKKPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.000 |     0.129 |    0.010       1.7     0.29 |      37 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKKPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKKPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      22 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKKPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKPiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKKPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.268 |    0.062       1.6     0.46 |      10 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKKPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.030 |     0.031 |    0.014       1.5     0.06 |    1000 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKKPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKKPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      85 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKKPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.000 |     0.109 |    0.008       1.5     0.24 |      37 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKKPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKKPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      22 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKKPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKPiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKKPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.221 |    0.052       1.3     0.40 |      10 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKKPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKKPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKKPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132294,175 +132554,175 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKKPiWSD2HHHPID
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKKPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKKPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKKPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.330 |     0.291 |    0.024      32.4     1.27 |    1000 |     0.291 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.230 |     0.233 |    0.023      15.2     0.72 |    1000 |     0.233 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.716 |     0.585 |    0.008      32.3     1.92 |     405 |     0.237 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBea|     0.041 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     240 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2KPiPiPIDREALTIGHTKBeauty2CharmFilter           |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     207 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiPiPIDR|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.007       0.2     0.02 |     163 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                  |     0.061 |     0.169 |    0.055       1.9     0.25 |     163 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     6.000 |     6.885 |    1.320      20.6     8.06 |       5 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.123 |    0.065       0.2     0.05 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.475 |    0.155       0.9     0.35 |       4 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.367 |    0.095       0.8     0.33 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     2.500 |     0.367 |    0.085       0.8     0.34 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.864 |    0.284       1.8     0.66 |       4 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.570 |    0.176       0.9     0.38 |       4 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.260 |     0.307 |    0.023      31.5     1.40 |    1000 |     0.308 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.518 |     0.625 |    0.008      31.3     2.13 |     405 |     0.253 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     240 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PiPiPiPIDTIGHTERPIBeauty2CharmFilter           |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     214 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiPiPI|     0.047 |     0.015 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     209 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                 |     0.095 |     0.169 |    0.054       1.9     0.25 |     209 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     5.000 |     6.120 |    1.306      20.0     7.34 |       6 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.131 |    0.070       0.3     0.08 |       6 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DPiPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.662 |    0.097       1.8     0.69 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DPiPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.578 |    0.093       1.7     0.65 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DPiPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.596 |    0.118       1.7     0.68 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DPiPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     2.000 |     1.396 |    0.196       3.3     1.24 |       5 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DPiPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.662 |    0.204       1.2     0.43 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0ppbarKD2HHBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.450 |     0.437 |    0.024      46.7     1.85 |    1000 |     0.438 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.444 |     0.464 |    0.007      15.1     1.06 |     405 |     0.188 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     240 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2KPiPiPIDREALTIGHTKBeauty2CharmFilter           |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     207 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiPiPIDR|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     163 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                  |     0.122 |     0.144 |    0.051       1.3     0.20 |     163 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     6.000 |     3.281 |    0.542       8.6     3.21 |       5 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.079 |    0.051       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.259 |    0.099       0.6     0.22 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.228 |    0.062       0.5     0.18 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.219 |    0.078       0.4     0.17 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     2.500 |     0.466 |    0.260       0.9     0.32 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.443 |    0.153       1.1     0.44 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.250 |     0.258 |    0.021      27.2     1.09 |    1000 |     0.258 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.543 |     0.529 |    0.007      27.1     1.65 |     405 |     0.215 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBe|     0.041 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     240 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PiPiPiPIDTIGHTERPIBeauty2CharmFilter           |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     214 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiPiPI|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     209 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                 |     0.095 |     0.145 |    0.051       2.1     0.23 |     209 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     3.333 |     4.145 |    1.101      10.2     4.00 |       6 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.089 |    0.052       0.1     0.03 |       6 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DPiPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     2.000 |     0.574 |    0.110       1.9     0.74 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DPiPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.508 |    0.088       1.7     0.68 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DPiPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.503 |    0.087       1.6     0.65 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DPiPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     1.128 |    0.183       3.3     1.26 |       5 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DPiPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     2.000 |     0.483 |    0.168       1.2     0.41 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPiPiWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0ppbarKD2HHBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.360 |     0.382 |    0.021      49.4     1.81 |    1000 |     0.382 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0ppbarKD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0ppbarKD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0ppbarKD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     1.012 |     0.948 |    0.008      46.5     2.80 |     405 |     0.384 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0ppbarKD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0ppbarKD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     149 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdAllNoPIDsProtons_Particles      |     0.954 |     0.922 |    0.110      15.6     0.88 |     974 |     0.899 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                        |     0.223 |     0.155 |    0.028       0.7     0.09 |     402 |     0.062 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            HHHProtonsInputsBeauty2CharmFilter               |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.005       0.5     0.03 |     300 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2ppbarKBeauty2Charm                             |     0.309 |     0.275 |    0.049       4.6     0.41 |     291 |     0.080 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0ppbarKD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2ppbarKBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0ppbarKD2HHBeauty2Charm                       |     0.909 |     0.159 |    0.059       1.0     0.19 |      33 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0ppbarKD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     5.000 |     4.971 |    0.607       9.3     6.17 |       2 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0ppbarKD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.122 |    0.057       0.2     0.09 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0ppbarKD2HHBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0ppbarKD2HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     1.800 |    1.800       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0ppbarKD2HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     1.651 |    1.651       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0ppbarKD2HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     1.595 |    1.595       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0ppbarKD2HHBeauty2CharmLine      |    10.000 |    12.033 |   12.033      12.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0ppbarKD2HHBeauty2CharmLine      |    10.000 |     1.980 |    1.980       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0ppbarKD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0ppbarPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.190 |     0.229 |    0.025      45.5     1.62 |    1000 |     0.230 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0ppbarKD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0ppbarKD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.814 |     0.838 |    0.007      49.2     2.75 |     405 |     0.340 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0ppbarKD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0ppbarKD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdAllNoPIDsProtons_Particles      |     0.687 |     0.773 |    0.084      11.8     0.70 |     974 |     0.753 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                        |     0.174 |     0.136 |    0.021       0.8     0.08 |     402 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            HHHProtonsInputsBeauty2CharmFilter               |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     300 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2ppbarKBeauty2Charm                             |     0.206 |     0.255 |    0.045       4.0     0.42 |     291 |     0.074 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0ppbarKD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2ppbarKBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0ppbarKD2HHBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     0.123 |    0.052       0.6     0.12 |      33 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0ppbarKD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |    10.000 |     7.465 |    4.414      10.5     4.32 |       2 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0ppbarKD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.098 |    0.052       0.1     0.07 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0ppbarKD2HHBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0ppbarKD2HHBeauty2CharmLine      |    10.000 |     1.816 |    1.816       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0ppbarKD2HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     1.630 |    1.630       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0ppbarKD2HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     1.612 |    1.612       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0ppbarKD2HHBeauty2CharmLine      |    10.000 |    12.447 |   12.447      12.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0ppbarKD2HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     1.242 |    1.242       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0ppbarKD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0ppbarPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.170 |     0.201 |    0.021      48.1     1.60 |    1000 |     0.201 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0ppbarPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0ppbarPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0ppbarPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.395 |     0.437 |    0.008      45.3     2.51 |     405 |     0.177 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0ppbarPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0ppbarPiD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     149 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2ppbarPiBeauty2Charm                            |     0.240 |     0.399 |    0.046       5.8     0.62 |     291 |     0.116 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0ppbarPiD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2ppbarPiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      62 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0ppbarPiD2HHBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.147 |    0.056       0.8     0.15 |      62 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0ppbarPiD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     6.666 |     6.586 |    2.653      12.5     5.20 |       3 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0ppbarPiD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.155 |    0.138       0.2     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0ppbarPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.021       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0ppbarPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine     |     5.000 |     1.537 |    0.715       2.4     1.16 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0ppbarPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     1.363 |    0.612       2.1     1.06 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0ppbarPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     1.380 |    0.598       2.2     1.11 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0ppbarPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine     |    10.000 |    10.521 |    5.339      15.7     7.33 |       2 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0ppbarPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     1.253 |    0.868       1.6     0.54 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0ppbarPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DppbarKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.350 |     0.339 |    0.025       8.1     0.82 |    1000 |     0.339 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0ppbarPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0ppbarPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.395 |     0.393 |    0.007      47.9     2.49 |     405 |     0.159 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0ppbarPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0ppbarPiD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2ppbarPiBeauty2Charm                            |     0.309 |     0.353 |    0.040       5.7     0.56 |     291 |     0.103 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0ppbarPiD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2ppbarPiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      62 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0ppbarPiD2HHBeauty2Charm                      |     0.322 |     0.123 |    0.055       0.8     0.12 |      62 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0ppbarPiD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     6.666 |     6.003 |    1.583      14.4     7.28 |       3 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0ppbarPiD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.109 |    0.060       0.2     0.07 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0ppbarPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0ppbarPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     1.355 |    0.351       2.4     1.42 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0ppbarPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     1.286 |    0.408       2.2     1.24 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0ppbarPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     1.221 |    0.340       2.1     1.25 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0ppbarPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine     |    10.000 |     9.714 |    2.980      16.4     9.52 |       2 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0ppbarPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.993 |    0.440       1.5     0.78 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0ppbarPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.001       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DppbarKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.270 |     0.280 |    0.021       8.4     0.67 |    1000 |     0.280 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DppbarKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DppbarKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.020 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DppbarKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.691 |     0.697 |    0.007       8.0     1.13 |     405 |     0.283 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DppbarKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DppbarKD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHBeauty2Cha|     0.037 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     267 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DppbarKD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2ppbarKBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      53 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DppbarKD2HHHBeauty2Charm                      |     0.188 |     0.215 |    0.058       1.7     0.29 |      53 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DppbarKD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     1.778 |    1.778       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DppbarKD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.102 |    0.102       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DppbarKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DppbarKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.543 |     0.584 |    0.007       8.3     0.93 |     405 |     0.237 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DppbarKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DppbarKD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     267 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DppbarKD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2ppbarKBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      53 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DppbarKD2HHHBeauty2Charm                      |     0.377 |     0.190 |    0.053       1.3     0.25 |      53 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DppbarKD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |    10.000 |     1.795 |    1.795       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DppbarKD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.090       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DppbarKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DppbarKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.292 |    0.292       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DppbarKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.242 |    0.242       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DppbarKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.242 |    0.242       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DppbarKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     3.065 |    3.065       3.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DppbarKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.370 |    0.370       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DppbarKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.307 |    0.307       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DppbarKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.240 |    0.240       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DppbarKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.218 |    0.218       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DppbarKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     3.293 |    3.293       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DppbarKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.347 |    0.347       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DppbarKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DppbarPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.300 |     0.254 |    0.024      38.3     1.56 |    1000 |     0.255 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DppbarPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.190 |     0.219 |    0.020      39.5     1.59 |    1000 |     0.220 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DppbarPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DppbarPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.030 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DppbarPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.493 |     0.494 |    0.008      38.2     2.40 |     405 |     0.200 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DppbarPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DppbarPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     267 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DppbarPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2ppbarPiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     108 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DppbarPiD2HHHBeauty2Charm                     |     0.092 |     0.228 |    0.052       1.9     0.30 |     108 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DppbarPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     5.714 |     5.596 |    0.601      12.6     5.17 |       7 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DppbarPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.157 |    0.102       0.2     0.03 |       6 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DppbarPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DppbarPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.803 |    0.469       1.2     0.40 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DppbarPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.689 |    0.309       1.1     0.39 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DppbarPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine    |     3.333 |     0.712 |    0.387       1.1     0.37 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DppbarPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine    |     6.666 |     8.644 |    2.308      16.8     7.40 |       3 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DppbarPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine    |     3.333 |     0.960 |    0.343       1.4     0.56 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DppbarPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstKKPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.090 |     0.088 |    0.024       9.9     0.44 |    1000 |     0.088 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DppbarPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DppbarPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.419 |     0.437 |    0.007      39.4     2.47 |     405 |     0.177 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DppbarPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DppbarPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     267 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DppbarPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2ppbarPiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |     108 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DppbarPiD2HHHBeauty2Charm                     |     0.277 |     0.206 |    0.048       1.7     0.30 |     108 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DppbarPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     5.714 |     5.312 |    0.557      13.9     5.76 |       7 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DppbarPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.064       0.2     0.04 |       6 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DppbarPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DppbarPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.855 |    0.469       1.3     0.44 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DppbarPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.753 |    0.428       1.1     0.34 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DppbarPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine    |     3.333 |     0.739 |    0.393       1.1     0.34 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DppbarPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine    |    10.000 |     9.094 |    3.217      16.7     6.87 |       3 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DppbarPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.994 |    0.371       1.5     0.57 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DppbarPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstKKPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.120 |     0.072 |    0.020      12.9     0.43 |    1000 |     0.073 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstKKPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstKKPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstKKPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.074 |     0.083 |    0.009       9.8     0.67 |     405 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstKKPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKKPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D|     0.500 |     0.028 |    0.010       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKKPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKPiB|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      15 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKKPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Charm              |     0.666 |     0.284 |    0.065       2.3     0.57 |      15 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKKPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     0.000 |     1.792 |    1.748       1.8     0.06 |       2 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKKPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.089 |    0.085       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKKPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DstKKPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.381 |    0.319       0.4     0.09 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DstKKPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.332 |    0.309       0.4     0.03 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstKKPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.299 |    0.290       0.3     0.01 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstKKPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     2.227 |    1.784       2.7     0.63 |       2 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstKKPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.382 |    0.358       0.4     0.03 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstKKPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstKPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.090 |     0.110 |    0.024      32.6     1.14 |    1000 |     0.111 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstKKPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstKKPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.148 |     0.072 |    0.008      12.7     0.67 |     405 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstKKPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKKPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKKPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKPiB|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      15 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKKPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Charm              |     0.666 |     0.199 |    0.052       1.3     0.32 |      15 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKKPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     5.000 |     1.753 |    0.767       2.7     1.40 |       2 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKKPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.066       0.2     0.06 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKKPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DstKKPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.338 |    0.182       0.5     0.22 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DstKKPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.281 |    0.144       0.4     0.19 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstKKPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.289 |    0.178       0.4     0.16 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstKKPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmL|     5.000 |     2.174 |    0.810       3.5     1.93 |       2 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstKKPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.315 |    0.226       0.4     0.13 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstKKPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstKPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.120 |     0.097 |    0.019      40.1     1.29 |    1000 |     0.097 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstKPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstKPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstKPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.123 |     0.143 |    0.008      32.5     1.78 |     405 |     0.058 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstKPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.018       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiP|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Charm             |     0.555 |     0.205 |    0.061       0.9     0.21 |      18 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |     5.000 |     7.844 |    5.449      10.2     3.39 |       2 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty|     0.000 |     0.150 |    0.137       0.2     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DstKPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Charm|     5.000 |     1.265 |    0.684       1.8     0.82 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DstKPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     1.058 |    0.504       1.6     0.78 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstKPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     1.053 |    0.527       1.6     0.74 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstKPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Charm|    10.000 |     7.261 |    2.839      11.7     6.25 |       2 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstKPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     1.024 |    0.765       1.3     0.37 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstKPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstPiPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.100 |     0.081 |    0.024      10.3     0.45 |    1000 |     0.082 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstKPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstKPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.123 |     0.137 |    0.007      40.0     2.02 |     405 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstKPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiP|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     0.189 |    0.056       0.7     0.21 |      18 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |     5.000 |     7.910 |    1.552      14.3     8.99 |       2 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty|     5.000 |     0.156 |    0.109       0.2     0.07 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DstKPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     1.288 |    0.309       2.3     1.39 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DstKPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     1.184 |    0.293       2.1     1.26 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstKPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     1.149 |    0.264       2.0     1.25 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstKPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Charm|    10.000 |     6.878 |    1.462      12.3     7.66 |       2 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstKPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.775 |    0.326       1.2     0.63 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstKPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstPiPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.080 |     0.064 |    0.020      11.2     0.39 |    1000 |     0.064 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstPiPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstPiPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.040 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstPiPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.098 |     0.072 |    0.008      10.0     0.69 |     405 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstPiPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstPiPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.017       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstPiPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiP|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      19 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstPiPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Charm            |     0.526 |     0.163 |    0.056       0.6     0.17 |      19 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstPiPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS      |     0.000 |     2.137 |    1.872       2.4     0.38 |       2 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstPiPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeaut|     0.000 |     0.152 |    0.126       0.2     0.04 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstPiPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DstPiPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.424 |    0.401       0.4     0.03 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DstPiPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.291 |    0.279       0.3     0.02 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstPiPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.315 |    0.304       0.3     0.02 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstPiPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     1.991 |    1.694       2.3     0.42 |       2 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstPiPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.382 |    0.278       0.5     0.15 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstPiPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstPiPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.040 |     0.040 |    0.017       2.5     0.09 |    1000 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstPiPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstPiPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     104 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstPiPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.100 |    0.009       2.4     0.40 |      38 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstPiPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      38 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstPiPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutDst|     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.033       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstPiPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2P|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.008       0.0     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstPiPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Charm          |     0.000 |     1.246 |    0.254       2.2     1.40 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstPiPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstPiPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.074 |     0.058 |    0.007      11.1     0.60 |     405 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstPiPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.024 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstPiPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.013       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstPiPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiP|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      19 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstPiPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Charm            |     0.000 |     0.137 |    0.052       0.5     0.13 |      19 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstPiPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS      |     0.000 |     1.401 |    0.796       2.0     0.86 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstPiPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeaut|     0.000 |     0.101 |    0.087       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstPiPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DstPiPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.365 |    0.157       0.6     0.29 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DstPiPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.241 |    0.150       0.3     0.13 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstPiPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.255 |    0.171       0.3     0.12 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstPiPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     1.668 |    0.892       2.4     1.10 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstPiPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.260 |    0.210       0.3     0.07 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstPiPiPiDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstPiPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.040 |     0.030 |    0.014       1.3     0.05 |    1000 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstPiPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstPiPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     104 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstPiPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.008       1.3     0.21 |      38 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstPiPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      38 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstPiPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutDst|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstPiPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2P|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstPiPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Charm          |     0.000 |     0.598 |    0.114       1.1     0.68 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstPiPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstPiPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBea|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstPiPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132472,14 +132732,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstPiPiPiWSDsta
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstPiPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstPiPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstPiPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstKPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.040 |     0.037 |    0.015       1.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstKPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstKPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     107 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstKPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.059 |    0.010       1.7     0.24 |      48 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstKPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      48 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutDsta|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.031       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KP|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.012       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Charm           |     0.000 |     0.782 |    0.110       1.5     0.95 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstKPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.050 |     0.029 |    0.014       1.5     0.05 |    1000 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstKPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstKPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     107 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstKPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.008       1.4     0.20 |      48 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstKPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      48 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutDsta|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.026       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KP|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Charm           |     0.000 |     0.634 |    0.075       1.2     0.79 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132489,11 +132749,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstKPiPiWSDstar
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstKPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstKPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstKPiPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstKKPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.030 |     0.034 |    0.016       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstKKPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstKKPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      74 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstKKPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstKKPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      33 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstKKPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.020 |     0.027 |    0.014       0.1     0.02 |    1000 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstKKPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstKKPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      74 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstKKPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      33 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstKKPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      33 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKKPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKKPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKP|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstKKPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Charm            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132506,31 +132766,31 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstKKPiWSDstar2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstKKPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstKKPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstKKPiWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuMuD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.110 |     0.102 |    0.025       4.7     0.24 |    1000 |     0.103 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuMuD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.030 |     0.082 |    0.020       4.6     0.21 |    1000 |     0.083 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.172 |     0.125 |    0.009       4.6     0.35 |     405 |     0.051 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuMuD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.041 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     240 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     149 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuD2HHHBeauty2Charm                         |     0.201 |     0.107 |    0.054       1.2     0.12 |     149 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                   |     0.000 |     1.388 |    1.070       1.8     0.36 |       3 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter|     5.000 |     0.088 |    0.081       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DMuMuD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.214 |    0.210       0.2     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2DMuMuD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.129 |    0.126       0.1     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DMuMuD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.112 |    0.096       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DMuMuD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     5.000 |     0.514 |    0.382       0.6     0.19 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DMuMuD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.699 |    0.332       1.1     0.52 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuMuWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.040 |     0.081 |    0.024       1.5     0.10 |    1000 |     0.082 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.024 |     0.079 |    0.008       1.4     0.12 |     405 |     0.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuMuWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     240 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     149 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuWSD2HHHBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.049       1.4     0.12 |     149 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.024 |     0.104 |    0.007       4.5     0.30 |     405 |     0.042 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuMuD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     240 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     149 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuD2HHHBeauty2Charm                         |     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.048       0.7     0.09 |     149 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                   |     0.000 |     1.261 |    0.945       1.7     0.36 |       3 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter|     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.066       0.1     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DMuMuD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.152 |    0.122       0.2     0.04 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2DMuMuD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.122 |    0.090       0.2     0.05 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DMuMuD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.124 |    0.088       0.2     0.05 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DMuMuD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.434 |    0.232       0.6     0.29 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DMuMuD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.552 |    0.242       0.9     0.44 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuMuWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.070 |     0.065 |    0.020       1.3     0.08 |    1000 |     0.065 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.098 |     0.065 |    0.007       1.2     0.09 |     405 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuMuWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeauty2C|     0.083 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     240 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuWSD2HHHBeauty2Charm                       |     0.067 |     0.073 |    0.044       1.1     0.09 |     149 |     0.011 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132540,14 +132800,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DMuMuWSD2HHHBeau
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DMuMuWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DMuMuWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuMuNPD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.070 |     0.080 |    0.024       1.0     0.10 |    1000 |     0.081 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuMuNPD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.100 |     0.068 |    0.021       0.8     0.09 |    1000 |     0.069 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuNPD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuNPD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuNPD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.049 |     0.076 |    0.008       0.9     0.10 |     405 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuMuNPD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuNPD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     240 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuNPD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     149 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuNPD2HHHBeauty2Charm                       |     0.067 |     0.078 |    0.046       0.8     0.08 |     149 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuNPD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuNPD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.098 |     0.066 |    0.007       0.6     0.08 |     405 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuMuNPD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.002       0.6     0.03 |     405 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuNPD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     240 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuNPD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuNPD2HHHBeauty2Charm                       |     0.201 |     0.069 |    0.042       0.6     0.06 |     149 |     0.010 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuNPD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuNPD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuNPD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132557,14 +132817,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DMuMuNPD2HHHBeau
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DMuMuNPD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DMuMuNPD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuNPD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuMuD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.040 |     0.061 |    0.023       2.0     0.08 |    1000 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuMuD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.040 |     0.050 |    0.020       1.4     0.07 |    1000 |     0.051 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.009       1.9     0.10 |     405 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuMuD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.008       0.2     0.03 |      36 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      21 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuD2KSHLLBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     0.150 |    0.050       1.7     0.36 |      21 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.007       1.3     0.10 |     405 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuMuD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      36 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |      21 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuD2KSHLLBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     0.145 |    0.044       1.2     0.27 |      21 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132574,14 +132834,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DMuMuD2KSHLLBeau
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DMuMuD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DMuMuD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuMuWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.100 |     0.061 |    0.024       1.7     0.07 |    1000 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuMuWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.050 |     0.047 |    0.020       1.3     0.06 |    1000 |     0.048 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.049 |     0.026 |    0.008       1.6     0.09 |     405 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuMuWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      36 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      21 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuWSD2KSHLLBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.145 |    0.049       1.5     0.31 |      21 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.007       1.1     0.08 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuMuWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      36 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      21 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuWSD2KSHLLBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.121 |    0.044       0.7     0.19 |      21 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132591,14 +132851,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DMuMuWSD2KSHLLBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DMuMuWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DMuMuWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuWSD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuMuNPD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.090 |     0.058 |    0.023       1.6     0.07 |    1000 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuMuNPD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.020 |     0.045 |    0.019       0.9     0.05 |    1000 |     0.046 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuNPD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuNPD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuNPD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.008       1.5     0.09 |     405 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuMuNPD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuNPD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      36 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuNPD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      21 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuNPD2KSHLLBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.137 |    0.050       1.3     0.27 |      21 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuNPD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuNPD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.007       0.7     0.06 |     405 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuMuNPD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuNPD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      36 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuNPD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |      21 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuNPD2KSHLLBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.092 |    0.045       0.6     0.12 |      21 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuNPD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuNPD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuNPD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132608,14 +132868,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DMuMuNPD2KSHLLBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DMuMuNPD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DMuMuNPD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuNPD2KSHLLBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuMuD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.020 |     0.062 |    0.024       1.7     0.08 |    1000 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuMuD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.040 |     0.049 |    0.019       1.3     0.06 |    1000 |     0.049 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.008       1.6     0.10 |     405 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuMuD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      52 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      28 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuD2KSHDDBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     0.153 |    0.050       1.5     0.28 |      28 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.007       1.2     0.07 |     405 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuMuD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      52 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      28 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuD2KSHDDBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     0.118 |    0.048       1.1     0.20 |      28 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132625,14 +132885,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DMuMuD2KSHDDBeau
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DMuMuD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DMuMuD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuMuWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.110 |     0.059 |    0.023       1.0     0.06 |    1000 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuMuWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.020 |     0.049 |    0.019       2.1     0.08 |    1000 |     0.049 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.049 |     0.026 |    0.007       0.9     0.06 |     405 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuMuWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      52 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.024 |     0.027 |    0.007       2.0     0.12 |     405 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuMuWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.006       1.9     0.26 |      52 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      28 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuWSD2KSHDDBeauty2Charm                     |     0.357 |     0.095 |    0.047       0.7     0.13 |      28 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuWSD2KSHDDBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.079 |    0.044       0.6     0.10 |      28 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132642,14 +132902,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DMuMuWSD2KSHDDBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DMuMuWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DMuMuWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuWSD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuMuNPD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.070 |     0.058 |    0.023       0.9     0.06 |    1000 |     0.059 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuNPD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuNPD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuNPD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.008       0.9     0.06 |     405 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuMuNPD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuNPD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      52 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuNPD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      28 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuNPD2KSHDDBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.089 |    0.049       0.7     0.12 |      28 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuMuNPD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.050 |     0.046 |    0.019       0.8     0.05 |    1000 |     0.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuNPD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuNPD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuNPD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.024 |     0.022 |    0.007       0.7     0.05 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuMuNPD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuNPD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      52 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuNPD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      28 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuNPD2KSHDDBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.042       0.6     0.10 |      28 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuNPD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuNPD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuMuNPD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132659,14 +132919,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DMuMuNPD2KSHDDBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DMuMuNPD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DMuMuNPD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuMuNPD2KSHDDBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstarMuMuD0PiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.040 |     0.060 |    0.024       1.6     0.08 |    1000 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstarMuMuD0PiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.060 |     0.049 |    0.020       1.9     0.08 |    1000 |     0.050 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuD0PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuD0PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuD0PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.024 |     0.025 |    0.008       1.5     0.10 |     405 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstarMuMuD0PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.015       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuD0PiBeauty2Charm                      |     1.000 |     0.230 |    0.064       1.4     0.42 |      10 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuD0PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuD0PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.007       1.9     0.10 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstarMuMuD0PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuD0PiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.249 |    0.058       1.7     0.50 |      10 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuD0PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuD0PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuD0PiBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132676,14 +132936,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstarMuMuD0PiBea
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstarMuMuD0PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstarMuMuD0PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuD0PiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstarMuMuWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.110 |     0.057 |    0.022       0.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstarMuMuWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.070 |     0.049 |    0.020       0.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.050 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.050 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.007       0.7     0.06 |     405 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstarMuMuWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuWSD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPID|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.012       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuWSD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuWSD0PiBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.134 |    0.061       0.6     0.17 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.024 |     0.019 |    0.007       0.7     0.06 |     405 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstarMuMuWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuWSD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPID|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.013       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuWSD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuWSD0PiBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.120 |    0.059       0.5     0.15 |      10 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuWSD0PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuWSD0PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132693,14 +132953,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstarMuMuWSD0PiB
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstarMuMuWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstarMuMuWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstarMuMuNPD0PiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.060 |     0.071 |    0.023       5.5     0.20 |    1000 |     0.071 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuNPD0PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuNPD0PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.010 |     0.015 |    0.005       0.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuNPD0PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.049 |     0.022 |    0.007       1.7     0.09 |     405 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstarMuMuNPD0PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuNPD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPID|     0.500 |     0.028 |    0.014       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuNPD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuNPD0PiBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.207 |    0.055       1.4     0.42 |      10 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstarMuMuNPD0PiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.060 |     0.046 |    0.019       1.4     0.06 |    1000 |     0.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuNPD0PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuNPD0PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuNPD0PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.074 |     0.019 |    0.007       1.3     0.08 |     405 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstarMuMuNPD0PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuNPD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPID|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuNPD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeaut|     1.000 |     0.026 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuNPD0PiBeauty2Charm                    |     1.000 |     0.167 |    0.062       1.0     0.28 |      10 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuNPD0PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuNPD0PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuNPD0PiBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132710,14 +132970,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstarMuMuNPD0PiB
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstarMuMuNPD0PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstarMuMuNPD0PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuNPD0PiBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstarMuMuD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.060 |     0.063 |    0.023       1.8     0.09 |    1000 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstarMuMuD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.070 |     0.048 |    0.020       1.0     0.06 |    1000 |     0.049 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.024 |     0.031 |    0.009       1.7     0.11 |     405 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstarMuMuD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD2HHHH|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuD2HHHHPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.201 |    0.051       1.5     0.36 |      20 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.049 |     0.022 |    0.007       0.9     0.06 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstarMuMuD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD2HHHH|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBea|     0.500 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuD2HHHHPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.049       0.8     0.16 |      20 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132727,14 +132987,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstarMuMuD2HHHHP
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstarMuMuD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstarMuMuD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstarMuMuWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.060 |     0.059 |    0.023       1.8     0.08 |    1000 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstarMuMuWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.050 |     0.049 |    0.020       1.1     0.07 |    1000 |     0.049 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.008       1.7     0.09 |     405 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstarMuMuWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.2     0.01 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD2HH|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsB|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.148 |    0.052       1.5     0.33 |      20 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.024 |     0.025 |    0.007       1.0     0.09 |     405 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstarMuMuWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD2HH|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsB|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.105 |    0.044       0.9     0.19 |      20 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132744,14 +133004,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstarMuMuWSD2HHH
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstarMuMuWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstarMuMuWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstarMuMuNPD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.070 |     0.057 |    0.022       1.5     0.07 |    1000 |     0.058 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuNPD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuNPD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuNPD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.008       1.4     0.08 |     405 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstarMuMuNPD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuNPD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD2HH|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuNPD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsB|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuNPD2HHHHPiBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.135 |    0.051       1.2     0.26 |      20 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstarMuMuNPD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.070 |     0.049 |    0.020       1.4     0.07 |    1000 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuNPD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuNPD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.004       1.3     0.04 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuNPD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.024 |     0.023 |    0.007       0.9     0.07 |     405 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstarMuMuNPD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuNPD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD2HH|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.006       0.2     0.04 |      29 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuNPD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsB|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuNPD2HHHHPiBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.105 |    0.046       0.7     0.15 |      20 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuNPD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuNPD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstarMuMuNPD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132761,15 +133021,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstarMuMuNPD2HHH
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstarMuMuNPD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstarMuMuNPD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstarMuMuNPD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0MuMuD2HHBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.110 |     0.081 |    0.026       2.2     0.12 |    1000 |     0.082 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0MuMuD2HHBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.070 |     0.064 |    0.022       2.0     0.10 |    1000 |     0.064 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.049 |     0.065 |    0.008       2.1     0.15 |     405 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0MuMuD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     149 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      92 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2HHBeauty2Charm                        |     0.000 |     0.096 |    0.051       0.6     0.08 |      92 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |     5.000 |     1.174 |    0.874       1.5     0.42 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.074 |     0.054 |    0.007       2.0     0.14 |     405 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0MuMuD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      92 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2HHBeauty2Charm                        |     0.217 |     0.081 |    0.047       0.6     0.07 |      92 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |     5.000 |     1.069 |    0.735       1.4     0.47 |       2 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2HHBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0MuMuD2HHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132778,14 +133038,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0MuMuD2HHBeaut
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0MuMuD2HHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0MuMuD2HHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.010 |     0.077 |    0.025       1.1     0.08 |    1000 |     0.077 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.008       1.0     0.09 |     405 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      92 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2HHBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.077 |    0.048       0.8     0.09 |      92 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.060 |     0.061 |    0.021       0.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.020 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.007       0.7     0.07 |     405 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     149 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      92 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2HHBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.066 |    0.043       0.6     0.06 |      92 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132795,15 +133055,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0MuMuWSD2HHBea
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0MuMuWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0MuMuWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0MuMuD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.090 |     0.079 |    0.024       3.9     0.15 |    1000 |     0.079 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.049 |     0.060 |    0.009       3.7     0.21 |     405 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0MuMuD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     117 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      77 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2HHHHBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.105 |    0.050       1.3     0.16 |      77 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2HHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     2.636 |    2.636       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0MuMuD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.070 |     0.064 |    0.021       3.4     0.13 |    1000 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.098 |     0.053 |    0.007       3.3     0.19 |     405 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0MuMuD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     117 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      77 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2HHHHBeauty2Charm                      |     0.259 |     0.094 |    0.042       1.2     0.15 |      77 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2HHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |    10.000 |     2.381 |    2.381       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0MuMuD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132812,14 +133072,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0MuMuD2HHHHBea
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0MuMuD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0MuMuD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.100 |     0.073 |    0.025       2.0     0.09 |    1000 |     0.074 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.070 |     0.059 |    0.021       0.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.059 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.148 |     0.048 |    0.008       1.9     0.11 |     405 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.024 |     0.039 |    0.007       0.7     0.07 |     405 |     0.016 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     117 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeaut|     0.129 |     0.013 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      77 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2HHHHBeauty2Charm                    |     0.519 |     0.090 |    0.047       1.7     0.19 |      77 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      77 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2HHHHBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.041       0.6     0.07 |      77 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132829,31 +133089,31 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0MuMuWSD2HHHHB
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0MuMuWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0MuMuWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2HHHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0MuMuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.090 |     0.083 |    0.025      16.5     0.54 |    1000 |     0.084 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.049 |     0.073 |    0.008      16.4     0.83 |     405 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0MuMuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLLBeaut|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      42 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      25 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.382 |    0.051       7.4     1.46 |      25 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     5.000 |     1.332 |    0.706       2.0     0.89 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.113       0.1     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0MuMuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.449 |    0.137       0.8     0.44 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0MuMuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.297 |    0.087       0.5     0.30 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0MuMuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.303 |    0.079       0.5     0.32 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0MuMuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     1.115 |    0.346       1.9     1.09 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0MuMuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.399 |    0.282       0.5     0.17 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0MuMuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.030 |     0.061 |    0.021       8.0     0.27 |    1000 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.007       7.9     0.42 |     405 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0MuMuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLLBeaut|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      42 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      25 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.109 |    0.047       0.8     0.14 |      25 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     0.000 |     1.152 |    0.603       1.7     0.78 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.060       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0MuMuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.359 |    0.086       0.6     0.39 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0MuMuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.299 |    0.074       0.5     0.32 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0MuMuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.275 |    0.086       0.5     0.27 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0MuMuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     1.062 |    0.338       1.8     1.02 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0MuMuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.272 |    0.150       0.4     0.17 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.040 |     0.064 |    0.024       1.9     0.08 |    1000 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.050 |     0.051 |    0.021       1.2     0.06 |    1000 |     0.052 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.024 |     0.027 |    0.008       1.7     0.09 |     405 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLLBea|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      42 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      25 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm                  |     0.400 |     0.130 |    0.049       1.6     0.30 |      25 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.030 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.007       1.2     0.08 |     405 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLLBea|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      42 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      25 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.096 |    0.049       0.6     0.13 |      25 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132863,14 +133123,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHL
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0MuMuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.080 |     0.066 |    0.025       1.6     0.08 |    1000 |     0.067 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0MuMuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.070 |     0.051 |    0.020       0.9     0.05 |    1000 |     0.052 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.024 |     0.029 |    0.008       1.5     0.10 |     405 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.074 |     0.023 |    0.008       0.8     0.06 |     405 |     0.009 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0MuMuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm                    |     0.500 |     0.189 |    0.058       1.4     0.30 |      20 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDDBeaut|     0.303 |     0.019 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.136 |    0.053       0.7     0.17 |      20 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132880,14 +133140,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0MuMuD2KSHHDDB
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0MuMuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0MuMuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.050 |     0.062 |    0.024       0.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.040 |     0.051 |    0.020       0.7     0.05 |    1000 |     0.051 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.024 |     0.024 |    0.007       0.7     0.06 |     405 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDDBea|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.055       0.6     0.12 |      20 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.024 |     0.021 |    0.007       0.7     0.06 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDDBea|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.109 |    0.044       0.6     0.16 |      20 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132897,52 +133157,52 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHD
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0MuMuWSD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmL|     1.440 |     1.480 |    0.025     203.3     7.42 |    1000 |     1.481 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmL|     1.240 |     1.239 |    0.021     107.2     4.90 |    1000 |     1.239 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Charm|     3.333 |     3.507 |    0.009     203.0    11.32 |     405 |     1.421 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.6     0.03 |     405 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdVeryLooseAllPhotons_Particles   |     1.666 |     1.322 |    0.250       9.7     1.20 |     240 |     0.317 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            VLAGammaBeauty2CharmFilter                       |     0.041 |     0.023 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     240 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dsst2DGammaCPVD2HHHBeauty2Charm                  |     1.375 |     1.600 |    0.098      20.1     2.25 |     240 |     0.384 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.007       0.1     0.02 |     231 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutP|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     231 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutK|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      84 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Charm        |     1.309 |     1.101 |    0.068      22.7     3.41 |      84 |     0.092 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS  |     8.000 |     9.458 |    2.170      14.8     5.51 |       5 |     0.047 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTB|     0.000 |     0.146 |    0.118       0.2     0.03 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.481 |    0.282       0.7     0.28 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.356 |    0.199       0.5     0.22 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2|     5.000 |     0.378 |    0.217       0.5     0.23 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     2.070 |    0.718       3.4     1.91 |       2 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.547 |    0.397       0.7     0.21 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DsstKsPiDDDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.200 |     0.225 |    0.024      18.5     1.08 |    1000 |     0.225 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Charm|     2.913 |     2.949 |    0.008     107.0     7.34 |     405 |     1.194 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Char|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdVeryLooseAllPhotons_Particles   |     0.791 |     1.139 |    0.261      10.8     1.05 |     240 |     0.273 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            VLAGammaBeauty2CharmFilter                       |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     240 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dsst2DGammaCPVD2HHHBeauty2Charm                  |     1.625 |     1.503 |    0.085      21.4     2.20 |     240 |     0.361 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD|     0.086 |     0.020 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     231 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutP|     0.043 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     231 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutK|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      84 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Charm        |     1.190 |     0.914 |    0.057      19.2     2.68 |      84 |     0.077 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS  |     8.000 |     9.496 |    1.955      15.4     5.65 |       5 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTB|     0.000 |     0.133 |    0.105       0.2     0.04 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.527 |    0.429       0.6     0.14 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.397 |    0.222       0.6     0.25 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.437 |    0.260       0.6     0.25 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2|     5.000 |     2.331 |    0.664       4.0     2.36 |       2 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.566 |    0.329       0.8     0.34 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DsstKsPiLLDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DsstKsPiDDDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.270 |     0.211 |    0.021      21.2     1.17 |    1000 |     0.212 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DsstKsPiDDDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DsstKsPiDDDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Charm|     0.020 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DsstKsPiDDDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Charm|     0.395 |     0.418 |    0.008      18.1     1.65 |     405 |     0.169 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DsstKsPiDDDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstKsPiDDDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     231 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstKsPiDDDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutP|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.002       0.0     0.01 |     231 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstKsPiDDDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutK|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      99 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstKsPiDDDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Charm        |     1.010 |     1.130 |    0.072      17.7     2.59 |      99 |     0.112 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstKsPiDDDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS  |     3.333 |     3.843 |    1.457       6.8     2.21 |       6 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstKsPiDDDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTB|     0.000 |     0.142 |    0.127       0.2     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstKsPiDDDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DsstKsPiDDDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.467 |    0.467       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DsstKsPiDDDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.291 |    0.291       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DsstKsPiDDDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.303 |    0.303       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DsstKsPiDDDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.809 |    0.809       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DsstKsPiDDDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2|    10.000 |     0.472 |    0.472       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DsstKsPiDDDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Charm|     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DsstKsPiDDDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Charm|     0.444 |     0.414 |    0.007      21.1     1.80 |     405 |     0.168 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DsstKsPiDDDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstKsPiDDDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     231 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstKsPiDDDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutP|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     231 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstKsPiDDDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutK|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      99 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstKsPiDDDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Charm        |     1.313 |     1.074 |    0.070      15.6     2.47 |      99 |     0.106 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstKsPiDDDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS  |     5.000 |     5.404 |    0.920      17.0     5.97 |       6 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstKsPiDDDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTB|     0.000 |     0.116 |    0.066       0.2     0.05 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstKsPiDDDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DsstKsPiDDDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.410 |    0.410       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DsstKsPiDDDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.283 |    0.283       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DsstKsPiDDDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.322 |    0.322       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DsstKsPiDDDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.722 |    0.722       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DsstKsPiDDDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.396 |    0.396       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DsstKsPiDDDsst2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DDWSBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.080 |     0.047 |    0.016       1.8     0.08 |    1000 |     0.047 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter        |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     111 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence    |     0.222 |     0.150 |    0.009       1.8     0.27 |      45 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DDWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      45 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDTIGHTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      23 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDWSBeauty2Charm                              |     0.000 |     0.163 |    0.039       1.6     0.32 |      23 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DDWSBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.015       1.4     0.06 |    1000 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter        |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.2     0.02 |     111 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence    |     0.000 |     0.116 |    0.008       1.4     0.22 |      45 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DDWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      45 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDTIGHTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      23 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDWSBeauty2Charm                              |     0.000 |     0.123 |    0.039       1.3     0.27 |      23 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDWSBeauty2CharmLine                          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -132952,48 +133212,48 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DDWSBeauty2Char
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DDWSBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DDWSBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.240 |     0.274 |    0.024     154.2     4.90 |    1000 |     0.274 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0DBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.210 |     0.217 |    0.019     122.9     3.90 |    1000 |     0.218 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter          |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence      |     0.518 |     0.533 |    0.009     154.1     7.68 |     405 |     0.216 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.083 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     240 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmFilter|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     118 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DBeauty2Charm                                |     0.084 |     0.179 |    0.056       2.6     0.27 |     118 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DBeauty2CharmTISTOS                          |    11.111 |     9.891 |    0.730      72.5    23.61 |       9 |     0.089 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter       |     0.000 |     0.136 |    0.061       0.4     0.13 |       7 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DBeauty2CharmLine                            |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0DBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     3.207 |    0.099       9.3     5.28 |       3 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0DBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     3.086 |    0.093       9.0     5.08 |       3 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0DBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     1.799 |    0.086       5.2     2.94 |       3 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0DBeauty2CharmLine               |    13.333 |    13.187 |    0.704      38.1    21.62 |       3 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0DBeauty2CharmLine               |     3.333 |     2.472 |    0.208       7.0     3.91 |       3 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter          |     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence      |     0.444 |     0.438 |    0.008     122.7     6.12 |     405 |     0.177 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0DBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     240 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmFilter|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     118 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DBeauty2Charm                                |     0.084 |     0.151 |    0.052       2.6     0.26 |     118 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DBeauty2CharmTISTOS                          |     6.666 |     5.965 |    0.547      39.1    12.58 |       9 |     0.054 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter       |     0.000 |     0.087 |    0.048       0.2     0.05 |       7 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DBeauty2CharmLine                            |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0DBeauty2CharmLine               |     3.333 |     1.927 |    0.109       5.5     3.13 |       3 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0DBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     1.838 |    0.099       5.3     2.99 |       3 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0DBeauty2CharmLine               |     3.333 |     1.819 |    0.096       5.2     2.95 |       3 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0DBeauty2CharmLine               |    16.666 |    17.860 |    0.657      52.2    29.75 |       3 |     0.054 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0DBeauty2CharmLine               |     3.333 |     2.573 |    0.151       7.4     4.16 |       3 |     0.008 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0DD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.150 |     0.138 |    0.024      17.3     0.61 |    1000 |     0.139 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0DD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.140 |     0.114 |    0.020      19.8     0.66 |    1000 |     0.115 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.246 |     0.199 |    0.008      17.2     0.91 |     405 |     0.081 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0DD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     240 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2K3PIPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                      |     0.086 |     0.018 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     116 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      90 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                         |     0.333 |     0.191 |    0.055       1.6     0.23 |      90 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                   |     2.000 |     1.670 |    0.568       3.8     1.26 |       5 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter|     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.058       0.1     0.03 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0DD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine        |    10.000 |     0.824 |    0.824       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0DD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.594 |    0.594       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0DD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.567 |    0.567       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0DD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     4.941 |    4.941       4.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0DD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.606 |    0.606       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0D0D02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.090 |     0.075 |    0.026       0.8     0.08 |    1000 |     0.076 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.148 |     0.179 |    0.007      19.6     1.01 |     405 |     0.073 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0DD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     240 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2K3PIPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                      |     0.086 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     116 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      90 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                         |     0.222 |     0.186 |    0.052       2.2     0.29 |      90 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                   |     2.000 |     1.748 |    0.522       4.8     1.73 |       5 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter|     0.000 |     0.070 |    0.047       0.1     0.04 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0DD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.869 |    0.869       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0DD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.650 |    0.650       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0DD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.707 |    0.707       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0DD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     5.264 |    5.264       5.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0DD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.506 |    0.506       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0D0D02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.030 |     0.061 |    0.021       0.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.062 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0D02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0D02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0D02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.008       0.7     0.08 |     405 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0D0D02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0D02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPID|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      93 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0D02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.066 |    0.034       0.6     0.08 |      93 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0D02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0D02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.007       0.7     0.08 |     405 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0D0D02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0D02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPID|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      93 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0D02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.029       0.6     0.08 |      93 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0D02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0D02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0D02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133003,50 +133263,50 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0D0D02K3PiD02K
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0D0D02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0D0D02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0D02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0D0D02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.100 |     0.091 |    0.024      15.5     0.51 |    1000 |     0.091 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0D0D02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.100 |     0.076 |    0.022      16.0     0.51 |    1000 |     0.077 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0D02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0D02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0D02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.123 |     0.084 |    0.008      15.4     0.78 |     405 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0D0D02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0D02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0D02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDBe|     0.196 |     0.021 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      51 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0D02HHD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.196 |     0.114 |    0.036       0.9     0.16 |      51 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0D02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     3.130 |    1.423       4.8     2.41 |       2 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0D02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.120 |    0.089       0.2     0.04 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0D02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0D02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.098 |     0.081 |    0.007      15.8     0.79 |     405 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0D0D02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0D02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeau|     0.067 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0D02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      51 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0D02HHD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.034       0.8     0.15 |      51 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0D02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     3.530 |    1.357       5.7     3.07 |       2 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0D02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.096 |    0.050       0.1     0.07 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0D02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0D0D02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     1.052 |    1.052       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0D0D02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.900 |    0.900       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0D0D02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.831 |    0.831       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0D0D02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     1.905 |    1.905       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0D0D02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.797 |    0.797       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0D02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0D0D02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.090 |     0.087 |    0.025       7.3     0.26 |    1000 |     0.088 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0D0D02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine |    10.000 |     1.074 |    1.074       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0D0D02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.914 |    0.914       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0D0D02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.914 |    0.914       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0D0D02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     1.976 |    1.976       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0D0D02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.748 |    0.748       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0D02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0D0D02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.080 |     0.076 |    0.022       8.5     0.31 |    1000 |     0.076 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0D02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0D02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0D02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.098 |     0.085 |    0.008       7.1     0.39 |     405 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0D0D02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0D02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0D02HHD02HHBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.061 |    0.033       0.6     0.06 |     149 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0D02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     0.000 |     0.943 |    0.597       1.5     0.47 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0D02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.091 |    0.062       0.1     0.05 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0D02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0D0D02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.269 |    0.211       0.3     0.08 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0D0D02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.208 |    0.105       0.3     0.15 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0D0D02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.222 |    0.115       0.3     0.15 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0D0D02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.489 |    0.299       0.7     0.27 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0D0D02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.296 |    0.261       0.3     0.05 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0D02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0D02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.074 |     0.082 |    0.007       8.3     0.47 |     405 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0D0D02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0D02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0D02HHD02HHBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.029       0.5     0.05 |     149 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0D02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     0.000 |     1.420 |    0.642       1.9     0.68 |       3 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0D02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.047       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0D02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0D0D02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.290 |    0.119       0.5     0.24 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0D0D02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.249 |    0.106       0.4     0.20 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0D0D02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.222 |    0.090       0.4     0.19 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0D0D02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.502 |    0.280       0.7     0.31 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0D0D02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.671 |    0.418       0.9     0.36 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0D02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLin|     0.080 |     0.084 |    0.026       7.3     0.26 |    1000 |     0.085 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLin|     0.090 |     0.066 |    0.022       1.3     0.11 |    1000 |     0.066 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLi|     0.074 |     0.061 |    0.009       1.4     0.17 |     405 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmL|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Pi0AllBeauty2Charm                        |     0.000 |     0.227 |    0.018       0.6     0.12 |      74 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Pi0AllBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |      74 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Pi0MergedInputsBeauty2CharmFilter        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      74 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Pi0ResolvedInputsBeauty2CharmFilter      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      74 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Pi0AllBeauty2Charm                              |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      70 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar02D0KsHHLLPi0allBeauty2Charm                |     0.512 |     0.188 |    0.051       1.1     0.19 |      39 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLi|     0.123 |     0.055 |    0.008       1.2     0.15 |     405 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Pi0AllBeauty2Charm                        |     0.135 |     0.183 |    0.014       0.5     0.09 |      74 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Pi0AllBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |      74 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Pi0MergedInputsBeauty2CharmFilter        |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      74 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Pi0ResolvedInputsBeauty2CharmFilter      |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      74 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Pi0AllBeauty2Charm                              |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      70 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar02D0KsHHLLPi0allBeauty2Charm                |     0.512 |     0.178 |    0.048       0.9     0.18 |      39 |     0.007 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutDst|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKTo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133059,12 +133319,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmL|     0.050 |     0.046 |    0.016       2.9     0.14 |    1000 |     0.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      80 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.314 |    0.010       2.8     0.62 |      37 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar02D0KsHHLLWSPi0allBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.299 |    0.081       1.1     0.46 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmL|     0.060 |     0.039 |    0.013       2.9     0.14 |    1000 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      80 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Charm|     0.270 |     0.308 |    0.008       2.8     0.62 |      37 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar02D0KsHHLLWSPi0allBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.289 |    0.064       1.1     0.47 |       5 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCutK|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Charm        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133077,11 +133337,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLWSBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLWSBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLi|     0.080 |     0.055 |    0.025       0.4     0.03 |    1000 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLi|     0.020 |     0.044 |    0.021       0.5     0.03 |    1000 |     0.044 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmL|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmL|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.4     0.03 |     405 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.4     0.02 |     405 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutDs|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutPi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133094,11 +133354,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0P
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Charm|     0.060 |     0.045 |    0.016       3.0     0.13 |    1000 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Char|     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.006       0.7     0.07 |     110 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Char|     0.208 |     0.181 |    0.009       2.9     0.52 |      48 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      48 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Charm|     0.030 |     0.035 |    0.013       3.0     0.12 |    1000 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Char|     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     110 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Char|     0.208 |     0.162 |    0.008       2.9     0.51 |      48 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      48 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133111,15 +133371,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0P
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLWSBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLWSBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.110 |     0.080 |    0.025       4.9     0.22 |    1000 |     0.080 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.6     0.02 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.098 |     0.076 |    0.009       4.8     0.32 |     405 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar02D0KsHHDDPi0allBeauty2Charm                |     0.312 |     0.337 |    0.049       1.6     0.43 |      32 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutDst|     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.060       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKTo|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm          |     0.000 |     1.384 |    1.384       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.080 |     0.059 |    0.020       3.5     0.14 |    1000 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.123 |     0.048 |    0.008       3.4     0.20 |     405 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar02D0KsHHDDPi0allBeauty2Charm                |     0.937 |     0.185 |    0.050       0.9     0.20 |      32 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutDst|     0.000 |     0.045 |    0.045       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKTo|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm          |     0.000 |     0.902 |    0.902       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBea|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133129,12 +133389,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmL|     0.090 |     0.052 |    0.016       5.2     0.23 |    1000 |     0.053 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Charm|     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     106 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Charm|     0.731 |     0.429 |    0.010       5.1     1.03 |      41 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      41 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar02D0KsHHDDWSPi0allBeauty2Charm              |     1.428 |     0.277 |    0.071       0.6     0.18 |       7 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmL|     0.070 |     0.046 |    0.014       4.3     0.23 |    1000 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Charm|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     106 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Charm|     0.243 |     0.375 |    0.008       4.2     0.91 |      41 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      41 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar02D0KsHHDDWSPi0allBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.275 |    0.050       0.7     0.23 |       7 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutK|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Charm        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133147,14 +133407,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDWSBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDWSBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.040 |     0.055 |    0.025       1.3     0.06 |    1000 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.060 |     0.045 |    0.020       0.9     0.04 |    1000 |     0.045 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmL|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.7     0.02 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.009       1.2     0.06 |     405 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutDs|     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.053       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutPi|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.654 |    0.654       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmL|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmL|     0.024 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.8     0.04 |     405 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutDs|     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.038       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutPi|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.631 |    0.631       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBe|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133164,11 +133424,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0P
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Charm|     0.020 |     0.040 |    0.015       3.3     0.13 |    1000 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      85 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Char|     0.277 |     0.234 |    0.010       3.1     0.61 |      36 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Cha|     0.277 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      36 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Charm|     0.030 |     0.036 |    0.013       4.4     0.16 |    1000 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Char|     0.020 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.004       4.3     0.46 |      85 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.164 |    0.008       2.0     0.40 |      36 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      36 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133181,15 +133441,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0P
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDWSBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDWSBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0Pi0D2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmL|     0.040 |     0.085 |    0.025       3.4     0.23 |    1000 |     0.085 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmL|     0.070 |     0.072 |    0.019       3.5     0.22 |    1000 |     0.073 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm|     0.049 |     0.089 |    0.009       3.2     0.34 |     405 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar02D0KsHHLLBeauty2Charm                      |     0.238 |     0.342 |    0.095       1.4     0.26 |      42 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.014       0.1     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutK|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm        |     0.000 |     0.529 |    0.110       1.7     0.48 |      10 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm|     0.123 |     0.084 |    0.007       3.4     0.33 |     405 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2Char|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar02D0KsHHLLBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.340 |    0.096       1.3     0.28 |      42 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD|     1.000 |     0.033 |    0.015       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutK|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm        |     1.000 |     0.421 |    0.083       0.9     0.26 |      10 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133199,15 +133459,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dstar0KDst02D0Ga
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Char|     0.020 |     0.051 |    0.016       6.0     0.25 |    1000 |     0.052 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     101 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Cha|     0.227 |     0.404 |    0.009       5.9     1.09 |      44 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |      44 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar02D0KsHHLLWSBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.544 |    0.081       2.3     0.78 |       7 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.021       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Charm      |     0.000 |     1.152 |    0.749       1.6     0.57 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Char|     0.010 |     0.043 |    0.014       3.7     0.21 |    1000 |     0.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     101 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Cha|     0.227 |     0.360 |    0.008       3.7     0.91 |      44 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      44 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar02D0KsHHLLWSBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.389 |    0.101       1.2     0.37 |       7 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.019       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Charm      |     0.000 |     1.701 |    0.644       2.8     1.50 |       2 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBD|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133217,14 +133477,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dstar0KDst02D0Ga
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm|     0.070 |     0.065 |    0.023       3.1     0.15 |    1000 |     0.065 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm|     0.050 |     0.048 |    0.019       1.1     0.07 |    1000 |     0.049 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2Char|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2Char|     0.098 |     0.044 |    0.008       3.0     0.22 |     405 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2Cha|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.020       0.1     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm       |     2.000 |     1.081 |    0.231       2.7     0.68 |      10 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2Char|     0.024 |     0.024 |    0.007       1.0     0.09 |     405 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.014       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2Charm       |     1.000 |     0.373 |    0.067       0.8     0.24 |      10 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDT|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133234,14 +133494,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0G
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Cha|     0.050 |     0.037 |    0.016       2.1     0.07 |    1000 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Ch|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      92 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.103 |    0.009       2.0     0.33 |      40 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      40 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Cha|     0.040 |     0.030 |    0.014       1.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Ch|     0.108 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      92 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Ch|     0.250 |     0.090 |    0.007       1.8     0.30 |      40 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     1.340 |    1.340       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Charm     |    10.000 |     1.116 |    1.116       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmTISTO|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmB2CBB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133251,33 +133511,33 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0G
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHLLWSBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmL|     0.140 |     0.130 |    0.024      48.1     1.54 |    1000 |     0.130 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm|     0.172 |     0.200 |    0.009      48.0     2.41 |     405 |     0.081 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar02D0KsHHDDBeauty2Charm                      |     0.303 |     0.493 |    0.142       2.7     0.52 |      33 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD|     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.016       0.1     0.03 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutK|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm        |     0.000 |     0.805 |    0.195       2.6     0.92 |       7 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS  |    20.000 |    25.385 |   25.385      25.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTB|     0.000 |     0.214 |    0.214       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2|     0.000 |     1.446 |    1.446       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2|     0.000 |     1.355 |    1.355       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2|     0.000 |     1.323 |    1.323       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2|    10.000 |     5.766 |    5.766       5.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2|     0.000 |     1.520 |    1.520       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Char|     0.060 |     0.052 |    0.015       3.3     0.20 |    1000 |     0.052 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     112 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Cha|     0.222 |     0.401 |    0.010       3.2     0.81 |      45 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      45 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar02D0KsHHDDWSBeauty2Charm                    |     1.666 |     0.674 |    0.250       2.2     0.76 |       6 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.046       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.021       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Charm      |     0.000 |     1.856 |    1.856       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmL|     0.080 |     0.084 |    0.019      20.2     0.66 |    1000 |     0.084 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm|     0.148 |     0.113 |    0.008      20.1     1.03 |     405 |     0.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar02D0KsHHDDBeauty2Charm                      |     0.606 |     0.395 |    0.093       2.0     0.38 |      33 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutK|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm        |     2.857 |     0.464 |    0.172       1.1     0.44 |       7 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS  |     0.000 |     9.021 |    9.021       9.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTB|     0.000 |     0.137 |    0.137       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.830 |    0.830       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.721 |    0.721       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.764 |    0.764       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2|     0.000 |     2.939 |    2.939       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.870 |    0.870       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Char|     0.060 |     0.042 |    0.014       3.8     0.18 |    1000 |     0.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     112 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Cha|     0.666 |     0.351 |    0.008       3.7     0.76 |      45 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      45 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar02D0KsHHDDWSBeauty2Charm                    |     1.666 |     0.477 |    0.159       1.1     0.38 |       6 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Charm      |     0.000 |     1.263 |    1.263       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBD|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133287,28 +133547,28 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dstar0KDst02D0Ga
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0KDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm|     0.060 |     0.085 |    0.024      27.7     0.88 |    1000 |     0.086 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm|     0.060 |     0.063 |    0.020      17.4     0.55 |    1000 |     0.064 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2Char|     0.074 |     0.090 |    0.008      27.5     1.37 |     405 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.017       0.1     0.03 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.682 |    0.152       2.5     0.85 |       7 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS |    20.000 |    16.904 |   16.904      16.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDT|     0.000 |     0.129 |    0.129       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.779 |    0.779       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.598 |    0.598       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.583 |    0.583       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty|     0.000 |     2.642 |    2.642       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty|    10.000 |     0.755 |    0.755       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Cha|     0.060 |     0.039 |    0.015       4.0     0.14 |    1000 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Ch|     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      84 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Ch|     0.312 |     0.205 |    0.010       3.9     0.71 |      32 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      32 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2Char|     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2Char|     0.049 |     0.059 |    0.008      17.3     0.86 |     405 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.377 |    0.117       1.1     0.35 |       7 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS |    10.000 |     9.059 |    9.059       9.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDT|     0.000 |     0.097 |    0.097       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.665 |    0.665       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.587 |    0.587       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.636 |    0.636       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty|     0.000 |     2.432 |    2.432       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.694 |    0.694       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Cha|     0.060 |     0.032 |    0.013       3.9     0.13 |    1000 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Ch|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      84 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.190 |    0.008       3.8     0.69 |      32 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      32 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133321,15 +133581,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0G
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dstar0PiDst02D0GammaD2KSHHDDWSBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstPiKFavD0PiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.070 |     0.070 |    0.025       2.3     0.14 |    1000 |     0.070 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstPiKFavD0PiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.050 |     0.057 |    0.020       2.2     0.12 |    1000 |     0.057 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKFavD0PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKFavD0PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKFavD0PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.009       2.2     0.20 |     405 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstPiKFavD0PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKFavD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKFavD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKFavD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKFavD0PiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.326 |    0.079       1.6     0.44 |      20 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKFavD0PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKFavD0PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.074 |     0.042 |    0.008       2.0     0.16 |     405 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstPiKFavD0PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKFavD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.013       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKFavD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKFavD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKFavD0PiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.500 |     0.264 |    0.068       1.7     0.37 |      20 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKFavD0PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKFavD0PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKFavD0PiBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133339,16 +133599,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstPiKFavD0PiBea
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstPiKFavD0PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstPiKFavD0PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKFavD0PiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstPiKFavD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.060 |     0.079 |    0.024       8.3     0.29 |    1000 |     0.080 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKFavD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKFavD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKFavD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.098 |     0.073 |    0.008       8.2     0.44 |     405 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstPiKFavD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKFavD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD2HHHH|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKFavD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoI|     0.344 |     0.015 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKFavD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKFavD2HHHHPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.689 |     0.380 |    0.095       4.5     0.82 |      29 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKFavD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     2.409 |    2.409       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstPiKFavD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.120 |     0.064 |    0.020       6.6     0.23 |    1000 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKFavD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKFavD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKFavD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.074 |     0.060 |    0.007       6.5     0.35 |     405 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstPiKFavD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKFavD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD2HHHH|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKFavD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoI|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKFavD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKFavD2HHHHPiBeauty2Charm                  |     1.034 |     0.325 |    0.078       3.7     0.69 |      29 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKFavD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     1.922 |    1.922       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKFavD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKFavD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DstPiKFavD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133357,15 +133617,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstPiKFavD2HHHHP
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstPiKFavD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstPiKFavD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKFavD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstPiKSupD0PiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.080 |     0.066 |    0.025       2.4     0.12 |    1000 |     0.067 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstPiKSupD0PiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.050 |     0.051 |    0.020       2.5     0.09 |    1000 |     0.051 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKSupD0PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKSupD0PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKSupD0PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.049 |     0.039 |    0.008       2.2     0.17 |     405 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstPiKSupD0PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKSupD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.016       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKSupD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKSupD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKSupD0PiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.500 |     0.339 |    0.071       2.0     0.56 |      20 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKSupD0PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKSupD0PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.049 |     0.029 |    0.007       2.3     0.13 |     405 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstPiKSupD0PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKSupD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKSupD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKSupD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKSupD0PiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.500 |     0.229 |    0.062       2.0     0.43 |      20 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKSupD0PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKSupD0PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKSupD0PiBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133375,32 +133635,32 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstPiKSupD0PiBea
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstPiKSupD0PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstPiKSupD0PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKSupD0PiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstPiKSupD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.070 |     0.084 |    0.023       8.3     0.33 |    1000 |     0.084 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstPiKSupD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.040 |     0.068 |    0.020      10.1     0.35 |    1000 |     0.069 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKSupD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKSupD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKSupD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.049 |     0.081 |    0.008       8.1     0.49 |     405 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstPiKSupD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKSupD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD2HHHH|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKSupD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoI|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKSupD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKSupD2HHHHPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.344 |     0.425 |    0.073       2.9     0.62 |      29 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKSupD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     2.882 |    2.765       3.0     0.17 |       2 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKSupD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.109 |    0.109       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKSupD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DstPiKSupD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine |    10.000 |     0.646 |    0.646       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2DstPiKSupD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.476 |    0.476       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstPiKSupD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.512 |    0.512       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstPiKSupD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.929 |    0.929       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstPiKSupD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.588 |    0.588       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKSupD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKSupD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.024 |     0.073 |    0.007      10.0     0.54 |     405 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstPiKSupD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKSupD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD2HHHH|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKSupD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoI|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKSupD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKSupD2HHHHPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.322 |    0.066       2.0     0.44 |      29 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKSupD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     2.976 |    2.307       3.6     0.95 |       2 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKSupD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.103 |    0.103       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKSupD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.031       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DstPiKSupD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.639 |    0.639       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2DstPiKSupD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.617 |    0.617       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstPiKSupD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.573 |    0.573       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstPiKSupD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.985 |    0.985       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstPiKSupD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.624 |    0.624       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKSupD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstPipPipD0PiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.060 |     0.061 |    0.023       1.9     0.09 |    1000 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstPipPipD0PiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.040 |     0.048 |    0.019       1.9     0.08 |    1000 |     0.049 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPipPipD0PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPipPipD0PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPipPipD0PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.049 |     0.030 |    0.008       1.7     0.11 |     405 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstPipPipD0PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPipPipD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBe|     0.500 |     0.029 |    0.015       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPipPipD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPipPipD0PiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.223 |    0.056       1.4     0.31 |      20 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPipPipD0PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPipPipD0PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.007       1.8     0.11 |     405 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstPipPipD0PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPipPipD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.013       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPipPipD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPipPipD0PiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.207 |    0.051       1.5     0.32 |      20 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPipPipD0PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPipPipD0PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPipPipD0PiBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133410,15 +133670,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstPipPipD0PiBea
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstPipPipD0PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstPipPipD0PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPipPipD0PiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstPipPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.060 |     0.069 |    0.023       6.0     0.21 |    1000 |     0.070 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstPipPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.100 |     0.056 |    0.019       5.1     0.17 |    1000 |     0.056 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPipPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPipPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPipPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.049 |     0.051 |    0.008       5.9     0.31 |     405 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstPipPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPipPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD2HHHH|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPipPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoI|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPipPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.344 |     0.370 |    0.064       4.3     0.80 |      29 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPipPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     1.010 |    1.010       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPipPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPipPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.098 |     0.043 |    0.007       5.0     0.26 |     405 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstPipPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPipPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD2HHHH|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPipPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoI|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPipPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.311 |    0.053       3.7     0.67 |      29 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPipPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |    10.000 |     0.922 |    0.922       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPipPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPipPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DstPipPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133427,14 +133687,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstPipPipD2HHHHP
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstPipPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstPipPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPipPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstPimPipD0PiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.090 |     0.067 |    0.024       2.7     0.13 |    1000 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstPimPipD0PiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.040 |     0.050 |    0.019       2.8     0.10 |    1000 |     0.051 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPimPipD0PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPimPipD0PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPimPipD0PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.049 |     0.047 |    0.008       2.6     0.17 |     405 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstPimPipD0PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.024 |     0.018 |    0.003       0.7     0.09 |     405 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPimPipD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.014       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPimPipD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPimPipD0PiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.500 |     0.288 |    0.057       2.3     0.49 |      20 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPimPipD0PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPimPipD0PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.024 |     0.030 |    0.007       2.7     0.15 |     405 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstPimPipD0PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPimPipD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPimPipD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPimPipD0PiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.272 |    0.055       2.4     0.51 |      20 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPimPipD0PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPimPipD0PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPimPipD0PiBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133444,14 +133704,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstPimPipD0PiBea
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstPimPipD0PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstPimPipD0PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPimPipD0PiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstPimPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.030 |     0.071 |    0.025       4.8     0.19 |    1000 |     0.071 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstPimPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.060 |     0.058 |    0.019       4.1     0.16 |    1000 |     0.058 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPimPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPimPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPimPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.024 |     0.053 |    0.008       4.7     0.28 |     405 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstPimPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.2     0.01 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPimPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD2HHHH|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPimPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPimPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.074 |     0.047 |    0.007       4.0     0.24 |     405 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstPimPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPimPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD2HHHH|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPimPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoI|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPimPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.344 |     0.458 |    0.072       4.6     0.88 |      29 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPimPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.689 |     0.406 |    0.058       3.9     0.77 |      29 |     0.012 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPimPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPimPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPimPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133461,15 +133721,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstPimPipD2HHHHP
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstPimPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstPimPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPimPipD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstPiKWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.040 |     0.062 |    0.025       1.9     0.09 |    1000 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstPiKWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.030 |     0.051 |    0.020       2.2     0.09 |    1000 |     0.052 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.007       1.8     0.12 |     405 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstPiKWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKWSD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.014       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKWSD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKWSD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsB|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKWSD0PiBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     0.229 |    0.066       1.5     0.35 |      20 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.5     0.02 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.007       2.0     0.12 |     405 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstPiKWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKWSD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKWSD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKWSD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsB|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKWSD0PiBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     0.210 |    0.064       1.6     0.34 |      20 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKWSD0PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKWSD0PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133479,15 +133739,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstPiKWSD0PiBeau
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstPiKWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstPiKWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstPiKWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.090 |     0.067 |    0.024       2.2     0.12 |    1000 |     0.067 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstPiKWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.040 |     0.056 |    0.020       1.9     0.11 |    1000 |     0.056 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.074 |     0.043 |    0.008       2.1     0.16 |     405 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstPiKWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD2HHHHP|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.344 |     0.286 |    0.073       1.9     0.39 |      29 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.9     0.03 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.074 |     0.038 |    0.007       1.9     0.15 |     405 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstPiKWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD2HHHHP|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      29 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.689 |     0.252 |    0.067       1.7     0.36 |      29 |     0.007 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiKWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133497,14 +133757,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstPiKWSD2HHHHPi
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstPiKWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstPiKWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiKWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstPiPiWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.070 |     0.060 |    0.023       1.4     0.08 |    1000 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstPiPiWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.040 |     0.049 |    0.019       1.5     0.07 |    1000 |     0.049 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiPiWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiPiWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiPiWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.024 |     0.028 |    0.008       1.2     0.10 |     405 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstPiPiWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiPiWSD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.014       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiPiWSD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiPiWSD0PiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.500 |     0.182 |    0.053       0.9     0.23 |      20 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiPiWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiPiWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.074 |     0.025 |    0.007       1.2     0.09 |     405 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstPiPiWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiPiWSD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBe|     0.500 |     0.027 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiPiWSD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiPiWSD0PiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.170 |    0.049       0.9     0.21 |      20 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiPiWSD0PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiPiWSD0PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiPiWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133514,14 +133774,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstPiPiWSD0PiBea
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstPiPiWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstPiPiWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiPiWSD0PiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstPiPiWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.050 |     0.072 |    0.024       2.1     0.15 |    1000 |     0.072 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiPiWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiPiWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiPiWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.024 |     0.056 |    0.008       2.0     0.21 |     405 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstPiPiWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiPiWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD2HHHH|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      29 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiPiWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoI|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiPiWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.267 |    0.065       1.8     0.38 |      29 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstPiPiWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.050 |     0.053 |    0.019       1.8     0.09 |    1000 |     0.053 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiPiWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.020 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiPiWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiPiWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.024 |     0.035 |    0.007       1.8     0.13 |     405 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstPiPiWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiPiWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD2HHHH|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiPiWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoI|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiPiWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.344 |     0.232 |    0.054       1.6     0.34 |      29 |     0.007 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiPiWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiPiWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstPiPiWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133531,49 +133791,49 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstPiPiWSD2HHHHP
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstPiPiWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstPiPiWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstPiPiWSD2HHHHPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0D0KD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.140 |     0.141 |    0.025       4.2     0.29 |    1000 |     0.142 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0D0KD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.130 |     0.114 |    0.021       4.2     0.24 |    1000 |     0.114 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0KD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0KD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0KD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.296 |     0.216 |    0.008       4.2     0.39 |     405 |     0.088 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0D0KD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHPIDTIGHTBeauty2CharmFilter                   |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |     149 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTB|     0.073 |     0.017 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     136 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |     135 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02HHD02HHBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.112 |    0.051       1.3     0.15 |     135 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     0.000 |     0.710 |    0.710       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.071       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0D0KD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.270 |    0.270       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0D0KD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.147 |    0.147       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0D0KD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.134 |    0.134       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0D0KD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.429 |    0.429       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0D0KD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.297 |    0.297       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0KD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0D0PiD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.100 |     0.105 |    0.026       9.8     0.38 |    1000 |     0.106 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0KD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0KD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.197 |     0.176 |    0.007       4.1     0.33 |     405 |     0.071 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0D0KD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHPIDTIGHTBeauty2CharmFilter                   |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTB|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     136 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |     135 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02HHD02HHBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.051       1.3     0.13 |     135 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     0.000 |     0.712 |    0.712       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.073 |    0.073       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0D0KD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.268 |    0.268       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0D0KD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.141 |    0.141       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0D0KD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.159 |    0.159       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0D0KD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |    10.000 |     0.429 |    0.429       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0D0KD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.202 |    0.202       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0KD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0D0PiD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.050 |     0.093 |    0.021       9.9     0.37 |    1000 |     0.093 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0PiD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0PiD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0PiD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.098 |     0.130 |    0.008       9.7     0.57 |     405 |     0.053 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0D0PiD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0PiD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHT|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     136 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0PiD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.003       0.4     0.04 |     136 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0PiD02HHD02HHBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.109 |    0.048       1.8     0.18 |     136 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0PiD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     5.000 |     2.756 |    1.787       3.7     1.37 |       2 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0PiD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.468 |    0.117       0.8     0.50 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0PiD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       3.7     0.12 |    1000 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0PiD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.098 |     0.112 |    0.007       9.8     0.53 |     405 |     0.045 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0D0PiD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0PiD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHT|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     136 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0PiD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     136 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0PiD02HHD02HHBeauty2Charm                   |     0.147 |     0.099 |    0.047       1.8     0.18 |     136 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0PiD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     5.000 |     2.431 |    1.924       2.9     0.72 |       2 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0PiD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.097 |    0.057       0.1     0.06 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0PiD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0D0PiD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.582 |    0.582       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0D0PiD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.370 |    0.370       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0D0PiD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.334 |    0.334       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0D0PiD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.922 |    0.922       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0D0PiD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.402 |    0.402       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0PiD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstD0Beauty2CharmLine                   |     0.090 |     0.062 |    0.024       1.2     0.07 |    1000 |     0.062 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0Beauty2CharmLinePreScaler         |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0Beauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter        |     0.020 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0Beauty2CharmLineFilterSequence    |     0.024 |     0.026 |    0.008       1.1     0.08 |     405 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstD0Beauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter       |     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0D0PiD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.495 |    0.495       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0D0PiD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.362 |    0.362       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0D0PiD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.341 |    0.341       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0D0PiD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.872 |    0.872       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0D0PiD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.333 |    0.333       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0PiD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstD0Beauty2CharmLine                   |     0.030 |     0.050 |    0.020       0.8     0.05 |    1000 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0Beauty2CharmLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0Beauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter        |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0Beauty2CharmLineFilterSequence    |     0.024 |     0.022 |    0.007       0.7     0.06 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstD0Beauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0Beauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0Beauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0Beauty2Charm                              |     0.000 |     0.148 |    0.062       0.9     0.21 |      20 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0Beauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0Beauty2Charm                              |     0.500 |     0.115 |    0.051       0.6     0.12 |      20 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0Beauty2CharmTISTOS                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0Beauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0Beauty2CharmLine                          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133583,14 +133843,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstD0Beauty2Char
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstD0Beauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstD0Beauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0Beauty2CharmLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstD0D02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.050 |     0.058 |    0.023       1.6     0.07 |    1000 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstD0D02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.020 |     0.047 |    0.020       1.0     0.05 |    1000 |     0.048 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0D02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0D02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0D02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.008       1.5     0.09 |     405 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstD0D02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0D02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0D02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0D02K3PiBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     0.214 |    0.058       1.4     0.37 |      12 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0D02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0D02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.007       0.9     0.07 |     405 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstD0D02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0D02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0D02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0D02K3PiBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     0.164 |    0.059       0.8     0.21 |      12 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0D02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0D02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0D02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133600,13 +133860,13 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstD0D02K3PiBeau
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstD0D02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstD0D02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0D02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstWSBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.040 |     0.047 |    0.018       1.6     0.08 |    1000 |     0.048 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter    |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     115 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.009       1.5     0.22 |      46 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      46 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.020       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstWSBeauty2Charm                          |     0.000 |     0.369 |    0.048       1.3     0.61 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstWSBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.060 |     0.032 |    0.015       1.4     0.05 |    1000 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler     |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     115 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.007       1.3     0.19 |      46 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      46 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.014       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstWSBeauty2Charm                          |     0.000 |     0.315 |    0.044       1.1     0.50 |       4 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstWSBeauty2CharmLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133616,14 +133876,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstDstWSBeauty2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstDstWSBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstDstWSBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDWSBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.020 |     0.040 |    0.016       2.5     0.10 |    1000 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter      |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      99 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence  |     0.000 |     0.117 |    0.010       2.4     0.40 |      39 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter     |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      39 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.041       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDWSBeauty2Charm                            |     0.000 |     0.728 |    0.096       1.4     0.89 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDWSBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.020 |     0.029 |    0.014       1.1     0.04 |    1000 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      99 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence  |     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.008       1.0     0.17 |      39 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter     |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      39 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.018       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDWSBeauty2Charm                            |     0.000 |     0.513 |    0.101       0.9     0.58 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDWSBeauty2CharmLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133633,40 +133893,40 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstDWSBeauty2Ch
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstDWSBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstDWSBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DDKBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.310 |     0.379 |    0.026      25.7     1.37 |    1000 |     0.379 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DDKBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.350 |     0.320 |    0.020      22.8     1.26 |    1000 |     0.320 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDKBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDKBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDKBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence      |     0.716 |     0.802 |    0.027      25.5     2.03 |     405 |     0.325 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DDKBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter         |     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:DANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Charm                   |     0.271 |     0.441 |    0.015       3.3     0.51 |     405 |     0.179 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:DANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Charm            |     0.197 |     0.354 |    0.010       2.7     0.40 |     405 |     0.144 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D2KpKmPip_cc_PIDBeauty2CharmFilter       |     0.098 |     0.189 |    0.002       1.3     0.22 |     405 |     0.077 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D2KpKmPip_ccBeauty2CharmFilter                |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     267 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D2KpKmPip_cc_PIDBeauty2CharmFilter            |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |     201 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D2KmPipPip_cc_PIDBeauty2CharmFilter      |     0.074 |     0.155 |    0.001       1.3     0.20 |     405 |     0.063 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D2KmPipPip_ccBeauty2CharmFilter               |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     267 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D2KmPipPip_cc_PIDBeauty2CharmFilter           |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     181 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Charm                         |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     169 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDKBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Charm  |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDKBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     167 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDKBeauty2Charm                                |     0.479 |     0.230 |    0.062       4.7     0.52 |     167 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDKBeauty2CharmTISTOS                          |    13.333 |     9.281 |    4.110      13.0     4.63 |       3 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDKBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter       |     0.000 |     0.856 |    0.839       0.9     0.02 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDKBeauty2CharmLine                            |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DDKBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.944 |    0.845       1.1     0.14 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2DDKBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.762 |    0.577       1.0     0.21 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DDKBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.758 |    0.622       1.0     0.19 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DDKBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     1.782 |    1.178       2.6     0.71 |       3 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DDKBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.786 |    0.570       1.1     0.26 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDKBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DDKWSBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.030 |     0.042 |    0.016       0.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDKWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDKWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter        |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      97 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDKWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence    |     0.243 |     0.135 |    0.009       0.7     0.16 |      41 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DDKWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      41 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDKWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.476 |     0.031 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |      21 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDKWSBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      21 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDKWSBeauty2Charm                              |     0.000 |     0.112 |    0.052       0.6     0.13 |      21 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDKBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter          |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDKBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence      |     0.765 |     0.686 |    0.023      22.7     1.90 |     405 |     0.278 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DDKBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:DANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Charm                   |     0.419 |     0.380 |    0.012       3.3     0.44 |     405 |     0.154 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:DANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Charm            |     0.345 |     0.308 |    0.009       2.6     0.35 |     405 |     0.125 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D2KpKmPip_cc_PIDBeauty2CharmFilter       |     0.222 |     0.154 |    0.001       1.3     0.18 |     405 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D2KpKmPip_ccBeauty2CharmFilter                |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     267 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D2KpKmPip_cc_PIDBeauty2CharmFilter            |     0.099 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     201 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D2KmPipPip_cc_PIDBeauty2CharmFilter      |     0.123 |     0.145 |    0.001       1.3     0.20 |     405 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D2KmPipPip_ccBeauty2CharmFilter               |     0.037 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     267 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D2KmPipPip_cc_PIDBeauty2CharmFilter           |     0.055 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     181 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Charm                         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     169 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDKBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Charm  |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDKBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     167 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDKBeauty2Charm                                |     0.359 |     0.210 |    0.057       4.6     0.53 |     167 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDKBeauty2CharmTISTOS                          |    13.333 |     9.568 |    4.433      12.2     4.45 |       3 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDKBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter       |     0.000 |     0.123 |    0.114       0.1     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDKBeauty2CharmLine                            |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DDKBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.837 |    0.735       1.0     0.11 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2DDKBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.772 |    0.601       0.9     0.15 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DDKBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.768 |    0.600       0.9     0.16 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DDKBeauty2CharmLine               |     3.333 |     1.790 |    1.264       2.5     0.63 |       3 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DDKBeauty2CharmLine               |     3.333 |     0.764 |    0.577       0.9     0.16 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDKBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DDKWSBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.030 |     0.033 |    0.013       0.7     0.05 |    1000 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDKWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDKWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter        |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      97 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDKWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence    |     0.000 |     0.120 |    0.008       0.6     0.14 |      41 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DDKWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      41 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDKWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      21 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDKWSBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |      21 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDKWSBeauty2Charm                              |     0.000 |     0.104 |    0.047       0.6     0.12 |      21 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDKWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDKWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDKWSBeauty2CharmLine                          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133676,36 +133936,36 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DDKWSBeauty2Char
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DDKWSBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DDKWSBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDKWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0DKBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.100 |     0.125 |    0.027      17.8     0.72 |    1000 |     0.126 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DKBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DKBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter        |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DKBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence    |     0.148 |     0.166 |    0.009      17.7     1.11 |     405 |     0.067 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0DKBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBeauty2Char|     0.113 |     0.016 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |      88 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |      88 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKBeauty2Charm                              |     0.340 |     0.213 |    0.067       2.4     0.35 |      88 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKBeauty2CharmTISTOS                        |     0.000 |     6.206 |    5.315       7.1     1.26 |       2 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter     |     0.000 |     0.156 |    0.138       0.2     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKBeauty2CharmLine                          |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0DKBeauty2CharmLine             |     5.000 |     0.728 |    0.421       1.0     0.43 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0DKBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.660 |    0.418       0.9     0.34 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0DKBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.617 |    0.368       0.9     0.35 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0DKBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     1.653 |    1.024       2.3     0.89 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0DKBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.603 |    0.433       0.8     0.24 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DKBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0DKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.120 |     0.112 |    0.026       3.2     0.24 |    1000 |     0.113 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0DKBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.090 |     0.105 |    0.021      19.3     0.72 |    1000 |     0.106 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DKBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DKBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter        |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DKBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence    |     0.148 |     0.144 |    0.007      19.2     1.11 |     405 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0DKBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      88 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      88 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKBeauty2Charm                              |     0.113 |     0.162 |    0.063       2.4     0.28 |      88 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKBeauty2CharmTISTOS                        |     5.000 |     6.587 |    6.485       6.7     0.14 |       2 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter     |     0.000 |     0.106 |    0.086       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKBeauty2CharmLine                          |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0DKBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.775 |    0.379       1.2     0.56 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0DKBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.659 |    0.394       0.9     0.38 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0DKBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.639 |    0.390       0.9     0.35 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0DKBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     1.662 |    1.009       2.3     0.92 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0DKBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.537 |    0.386       0.7     0.21 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DKBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0DKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.080 |     0.092 |    0.021       4.4     0.23 |    1000 |     0.092 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.222 |     0.137 |    0.008       3.1     0.34 |     405 |     0.056 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0DKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeaut|     0.059 |     0.027 |    0.009       0.2     0.01 |     169 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2K3PIPIDTIGHTBeauty2CharmFilter                 |     0.172 |     0.016 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     116 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIGHTBe|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      70 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsB|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      70 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                       |     0.142 |     0.228 |    0.068       2.4     0.40 |      70 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     0.000 |     1.005 |    1.005       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.089 |    0.089       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.098 |     0.117 |    0.007       4.2     0.33 |     405 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0DKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2K3PIPIDTIGHTBeauty2CharmFilter                 |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     116 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIGHTBe|     0.142 |     0.019 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      70 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsB|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |      70 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                       |     0.285 |     0.198 |    0.066       2.8     0.41 |      70 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     0.000 |     0.859 |    0.859       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.084       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0DKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0DKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133713,15 +133973,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0DKD02K3PiBeau
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0DKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0DKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0DKWSBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.050 |     0.046 |    0.017       1.7     0.07 |    1000 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0DKWSBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.060 |     0.039 |    0.015       1.5     0.07 |    1000 |     0.040 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DKWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DKWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter      |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     102 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DKWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence  |     0.256 |     0.137 |    0.009       1.5     0.28 |      39 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0DKWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter     |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      39 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKWSBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKWSBeauty2Charm                            |     0.000 |     0.269 |    0.065       1.3     0.38 |      10 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DKWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter      |     0.098 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     102 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DKWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence  |     0.256 |     0.125 |    0.008       1.4     0.25 |      39 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0DKWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter     |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      39 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKWSBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKWSBeauty2Charm                            |     0.000 |     0.246 |    0.066       1.2     0.34 |      10 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKWSBeauty2CharmLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133731,15 +133991,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0DKWSBeauty2Ch
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0DKWSBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0DKWSBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DKWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0DKWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.050 |     0.043 |    0.017       1.7     0.07 |    1000 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DKWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DKWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     110 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DKWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.109 |    0.010       1.6     0.26 |      42 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0DKWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.020 |     0.033 |    0.014       0.9     0.05 |    1000 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DKWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DKWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     110 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DKWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.088 |    0.009       0.8     0.16 |      42 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0DKWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      19 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIGHT|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKWSD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.292 |    0.069       1.5     0.50 |       8 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      19 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIGHT|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKWSD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.179 |    0.077       0.7     0.20 |       8 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DKWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133749,35 +134009,35 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0DKWSD02K3PiBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0DKWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0DKWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DKWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDKBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.140 |     0.104 |    0.026      29.4     0.95 |    1000 |     0.104 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDKBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.120 |     0.094 |    0.021      33.4     1.07 |    1000 |     0.095 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDKBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDKBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter        |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDKBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence    |     0.222 |     0.126 |    0.009      29.3     1.48 |     405 |     0.051 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDKBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter       |     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.118 |     0.026 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.555 |     0.018 |    0.007       0.1     0.02 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKBeauty2Charm                              |     0.000 |     0.313 |    0.090       2.2     0.50 |      18 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKBeauty2CharmTISTOS                        |    10.000 |     7.101 |    1.789      12.4     7.51 |       2 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter     |     0.000 |     0.135 |    0.104       0.2     0.04 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKBeauty2CharmLine                          |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DstDKBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     1.127 |    0.334       1.9     1.12 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2DstDKBeauty2CharmLine             |     5.000 |     0.957 |    0.259       1.7     0.99 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstDKBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.947 |    0.267       1.6     0.96 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstDKBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     2.353 |    0.487       4.2     2.64 |       2 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstDKBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.825 |    0.406       1.2     0.59 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDKBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.250 |     0.160 |    0.024       9.0     0.56 |    1000 |     0.160 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDKBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter        |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDKBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence    |     0.197 |     0.132 |    0.008      33.2     1.68 |     405 |     0.054 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDKBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.059 |     0.023 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKBeauty2Charm                              |     0.555 |     0.302 |    0.078       2.3     0.51 |      18 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKBeauty2CharmTISTOS                        |    10.000 |     8.599 |    1.948      15.2     9.41 |       2 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter     |     0.000 |     0.140 |    0.109       0.2     0.04 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKBeauty2CharmLine                          |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.013       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DstDKBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     1.144 |    0.368       1.9     1.10 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2DstDKBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     1.106 |    0.323       1.9     1.11 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstDKBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     1.049 |    0.318       1.8     1.03 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstDKBeauty2CharmLine             |     5.000 |     2.553 |    0.517       4.6     2.88 |       2 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstDKBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.781 |    0.331       1.2     0.64 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDKBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.100 |     0.134 |    0.020      12.1     0.56 |    1000 |     0.135 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.030 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.370 |     0.258 |    0.008       8.9     0.81 |     405 |     0.105 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPID|     0.118 |     0.023 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2K3Pi2D0PiBeauty2Charm                     |     0.862 |     0.601 |    0.065       8.8     1.03 |     116 |     0.070 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar2D0PiK3PiPIDBeauty2CharmFilter              |     0.370 |     0.021 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      27 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiK|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.010       0.1     0.02 |      19 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |      19 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.526 |     0.300 |    0.096       1.0     0.25 |      19 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.074 |     0.224 |    0.007      12.0     0.83 |     405 |     0.091 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPID|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2K3Pi2D0PiBeauty2Charm                     |     0.172 |     0.546 |    0.060      11.7     1.22 |     116 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar2D0PiK3PiPIDBeauty2CharmFilter              |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      27 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiK|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.014       0.1     0.01 |      19 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      19 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.256 |    0.083       0.8     0.21 |      19 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133787,15 +134047,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstDKDstarD02K3P
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstDKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstDKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDKWSBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.030 |     0.038 |    0.016       1.7     0.06 |    1000 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDKWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDKWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter      |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     101 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDKWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence  |     0.277 |     0.088 |    0.009       1.7     0.28 |      36 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDKWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter     |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      36 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |      15 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.020       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKWSBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKWSBeauty2Charm                            |     0.000 |     0.771 |    0.121       1.4     0.92 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDKWSBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.040 |     0.030 |    0.014       0.8     0.03 |    1000 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDKWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler       |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDKWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     101 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDKWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence  |     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.008       0.8     0.13 |      36 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDKWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter     |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      36 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.017       0.0     0.01 |      15 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKWSBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKWSBeauty2Charm                            |     0.000 |     0.353 |    0.088       0.6     0.38 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKWSBeauty2CharmLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133805,15 +134065,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstDKWSBeauty2Ch
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstDKWSBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstDKWSBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDKWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.030 |     0.036 |    0.016       2.0     0.07 |    1000 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      99 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.256 |     0.093 |    0.009       1.9     0.32 |      39 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.256 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      39 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFP|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      13 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0P|     0.000 |     0.054 |    0.033       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopo|     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.022       0.1     0.04 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.901 |    0.184       1.6     1.01 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.010 |     0.028 |    0.013       1.0     0.04 |    1000 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      99 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.008       1.0     0.16 |      39 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      39 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFP|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0P|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.015       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopo|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.449 |    0.119       0.8     0.47 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133823,14 +134083,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstDKWSDstarD02K
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstDKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstDKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0D0KD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.080 |     0.089 |    0.025       3.3     0.18 |    1000 |     0.090 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0KD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0KD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0KD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.000 |     0.077 |    0.009       3.2     0.23 |     405 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0D0KD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPID|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.008       0.1     0.02 |      75 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopo|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      75 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.174 |    0.054       3.0     0.42 |      75 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0D0KD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.040 |     0.068 |    0.022       3.4     0.14 |    1000 |     0.069 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0KD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0KD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0KD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.024 |     0.067 |    0.008       3.2     0.21 |     405 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0D0KD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPID|     0.133 |     0.027 |    0.007       0.2     0.02 |      75 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopo|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      75 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.152 |    0.048       3.1     0.39 |      75 |     0.011 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133840,33 +134100,33 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0D0KD02K3PiD02K
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0D0KD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0D0KD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0KD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.120 |     0.122 |    0.025      27.9     0.94 |    1000 |     0.122 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.120 |     0.107 |    0.022      29.8     1.01 |    1000 |     0.108 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.005       4.4     0.14 |    1000 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.222 |     0.158 |    0.009      27.7     1.45 |     405 |     0.064 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.049 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGH|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     136 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTI|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      42 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |      42 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.714 |     0.533 |    0.055       7.8     1.37 |      42 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     5.000 |     5.912 |    3.571       8.3     3.31 |       2 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.180 |    0.117       0.2     0.09 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.785 |    0.198       1.4     0.83 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.649 |    0.139       1.2     0.72 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.634 |    0.171       1.1     0.66 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine |     5.000 |     1.644 |    0.411       2.9     1.74 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.598 |    0.268       0.9     0.47 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstD0KBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.060 |     0.064 |    0.024       1.4     0.08 |    1000 |     0.064 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter      |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence  |     0.049 |     0.028 |    0.008       1.2     0.09 |     405 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstD0KBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter     |     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      17 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      17 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KBeauty2Charm                            |     0.000 |     0.187 |    0.072       0.9     0.24 |      17 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.246 |     0.160 |    0.007      29.7     1.57 |     405 |     0.065 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGH|     0.073 |     0.022 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     136 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTI|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      42 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.476 |     0.602 |    0.053       8.7     1.78 |      42 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |    10.000 |     6.546 |    3.254       9.8     4.66 |       2 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.117 |    0.090       0.1     0.04 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.764 |    0.172       1.4     0.84 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.715 |    0.178       1.3     0.76 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.684 |    0.140       1.2     0.77 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine |     5.000 |     1.675 |    0.353       3.0     1.87 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.516 |    0.161       0.9     0.50 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0KD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstD0KBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.100 |     0.053 |    0.022       1.3     0.07 |    1000 |     0.053 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler       |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.2     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter      |     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence  |     0.049 |     0.024 |    0.007       1.1     0.08 |     405 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstD0KBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter     |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      17 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      17 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KBeauty2Charm                            |     0.588 |     0.162 |    0.067       0.7     0.20 |      17 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KBeauty2CharmTISTOS                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KBeauty2CharmLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133876,15 +134136,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstD0KBeauty2Ch
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstD0KBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstD0KBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstD0KD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.030 |     0.066 |    0.026       1.6     0.09 |    1000 |     0.066 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstD0KD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.022       1.6     0.07 |    1000 |     0.052 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.008       1.6     0.11 |     405 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstD0KD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDB|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.021       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIGHT|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.321 |    0.073       1.3     0.44 |      11 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.007       1.4     0.09 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstD0KD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDB|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.018       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIGHT|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.245 |    0.063       1.0     0.31 |      11 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133894,15 +134154,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstD0KD02K3PiBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstD0KD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstD0KD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.080 |     0.074 |    0.026       1.9     0.12 |    1000 |     0.075 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.110 |     0.061 |    0.021       1.5     0.10 |    1000 |     0.061 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.024 |     0.046 |    0.007       1.8     0.15 |     405 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.5     0.03 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0P|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.018       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTI|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.010       0.1     0.03 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopo|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.253 |    0.081       1.1     0.30 |      11 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.049 |     0.045 |    0.007       1.4     0.14 |     405 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0P|     0.500 |     0.035 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTI|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopo|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.216 |    0.079       0.8     0.24 |      11 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133912,15 +134172,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstD0KDstarD02K
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.080 |     0.067 |    0.025       1.7     0.09 |    1000 |     0.067 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.050 |     0.054 |    0.021       1.4     0.07 |    1000 |     0.054 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.049 |     0.030 |    0.008       1.5     0.10 |     405 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDs|     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.012       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_|     0.555 |     0.016 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm         |     0.555 |     0.188 |    0.077       1.3     0.27 |      18 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.024 |     0.025 |    0.007       1.3     0.08 |     405 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDs|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.018       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_|     0.555 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.163 |    0.073       1.1     0.24 |      18 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBe|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133930,15 +134190,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstD0KDstarD02K
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstD0KWSBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.040 |     0.040 |    0.016       1.1     0.05 |    1000 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler     |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter    |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     111 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.009       1.0     0.15 |      41 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstD0KWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      41 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSBeauty2Charm                          |     0.000 |     0.779 |    0.779       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstD0KWSBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.040 |     0.031 |    0.014       0.8     0.03 |    1000 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler     |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter    |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     111 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.008       0.7     0.11 |      41 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstD0KWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      41 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSBeauty2Charm                          |     0.000 |     0.554 |    0.554       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSBeauty2CharmLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133948,15 +134208,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstD0KWSBeauty2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstD0KWSBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstD0KWSBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstD0KWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.020 |     0.039 |    0.017       1.4     0.06 |    1000 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      98 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.000 |     0.070 |    0.011       1.3     0.22 |      37 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstD0KWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPI|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.014       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIG|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstD0KWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.010 |     0.029 |    0.014       0.8     0.03 |    1000 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      98 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.009       0.7     0.13 |      37 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstD0KWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPI|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.021       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIG|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.421 |    0.069       1.1     0.60 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.233 |    0.070       0.6     0.28 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133966,11 +134226,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstD0KWSD02K3Pi
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstD0KWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstD0KWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.040 |     0.037 |    0.016       0.7     0.03 |    1000 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.006       0.6     0.06 |     108 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      34 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      34 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.040 |     0.029 |    0.014       0.3     0.02 |    1000 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     108 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      34 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      34 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPID|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -133984,15 +134244,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstD0KWSDstarD0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.040 |     0.038 |    0.017       3.3     0.11 |    1000 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      88 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Char|     0.333 |     0.120 |    0.008       3.0     0.55 |      30 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      30 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.071       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.046       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.058       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm       |    10.000 |     2.431 |    2.431       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.030 |     0.032 |    0.015       3.6     0.11 |    1000 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      88 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.129 |    0.008       3.5     0.63 |      30 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      30 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.032       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     3.254 |    3.254       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDT|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134002,14 +134262,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstD0KWSDstarD0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0KWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDstKBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.060 |     0.062 |    0.024       0.9     0.06 |    1000 |     0.063 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter      |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence  |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.009       0.8     0.07 |     405 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDstKBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter     |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDstKBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.040 |     0.052 |    0.021       0.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence  |     0.024 |     0.025 |    0.008       0.7     0.06 |     405 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDstKBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter     |     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.013       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKBeauty2Charm                            |     0.000 |     0.131 |    0.063       0.6     0.13 |      20 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKBeauty2Charm                            |     0.000 |     0.120 |    0.058       0.6     0.12 |      20 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKBeauty2CharmTISTOS                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKBeauty2CharmLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134019,15 +134279,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstDstKBeauty2Ch
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstDstKBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstDstKBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.040 |     0.059 |    0.023       1.4     0.07 |    1000 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.020 |     0.053 |    0.021       1.3     0.08 |    1000 |     0.054 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.024 |     0.024 |    0.009       1.2     0.09 |     405 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.3     0.02 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0P|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0P|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopo|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                |     1.250 |     0.286 |    0.073       0.8     0.33 |       8 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.007       1.2     0.11 |     405 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.003       0.6     0.08 |     405 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0P|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0P|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopo|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.241 |    0.057       0.7     0.26 |       8 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134037,14 +134297,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstDstKDstarD02K
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Ch|     0.050 |     0.062 |    0.025       1.3     0.07 |    1000 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Ch|     0.080 |     0.051 |    0.021       1.3     0.06 |    1000 |     0.052 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.008       1.2     0.09 |     405 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmComb|     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.018       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmComb|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm    |     0.000 |     0.156 |    0.065       1.0     0.21 |      20 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2C|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2C|     0.123 |     0.025 |    0.008       1.2     0.08 |     405 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmComb|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmComb|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm    |     0.500 |     0.137 |    0.057       1.0     0.20 |      20 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTIST|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134054,14 +134314,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstDstKDstarD02K
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBea|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBea|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDstKWSBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.030 |     0.037 |    0.015       2.0     0.07 |    1000 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter    |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     111 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.009       1.9     0.28 |      45 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDstKWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      45 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.021       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKWSBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKWSBeauty2Charm                          |     0.000 |     0.624 |    0.064       1.7     0.94 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDstKWSBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.040 |     0.030 |    0.014       1.3     0.04 |    1000 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler     |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     111 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.008       1.2     0.18 |      45 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDstKWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      45 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.021       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKWSBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKWSBeauty2Charm                          |     0.000 |     0.376 |    0.074       1.0     0.52 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKWSBeauty2CharmLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134071,12 +134331,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstDstKWSBeauty2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstDstKWSBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstDstKWSBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.030 |     0.033 |    0.015       0.2     0.02 |    1000 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      95 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      31 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      31 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.030 |     0.026 |    0.013       0.2     0.02 |    1000 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      95 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      31 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      31 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134089,14 +134349,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstDstKWSDstarD0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2|     0.030 |     0.034 |    0.016       0.4     0.03 |    1000 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      92 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.009       0.3     0.04 |      34 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      34 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCo|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.032       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCo|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm  |     0.000 |     0.121 |    0.121       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2|     0.020 |     0.026 |    0.014       0.3     0.02 |    1000 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      92 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.009       0.3     0.04 |      34 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      34 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCo|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCo|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm  |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.115       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTI|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134106,20 +134366,20 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstDstKWSDstarD0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstKWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dst2460DKBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.160 |     0.142 |    0.027       4.2     0.34 |    1000 |     0.142 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dst2460DKBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.130 |     0.110 |    0.021       4.1     0.28 |    1000 |     0.111 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst2460DKBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst2460DKBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter    |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst2460DKBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence|     0.222 |     0.221 |    0.009       4.1     0.48 |     405 |     0.090 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dst2460DKBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter   |     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KPIPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                       |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     149 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar24602D0PiBeauty2Charm                       |     0.098 |     0.196 |    0.063       1.4     0.15 |     102 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar24602D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmFilter              |     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.009       1.3     0.20 |      41 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DKBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar24602D0PiPIDBe|     0.243 |     0.022 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      41 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DKBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |      31 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst2460DKBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter    |     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst2460DKBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence|     0.222 |     0.175 |    0.008       3.9     0.39 |     405 |     0.071 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dst2460DKBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KPIPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                       |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     149 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar24602D0PiBeauty2Charm                       |     0.392 |     0.150 |    0.060       0.6     0.08 |     102 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar24602D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmFilter              |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.009       0.1     0.02 |      41 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DKBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar24602D0PiPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      41 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DKBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      31 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DKBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      31 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DKBeauty2Charm                          |     0.645 |     0.231 |    0.074       1.3     0.28 |      31 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DKBeauty2CharmTISTOS                    |     0.000 |     0.690 |    0.690       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DKBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter |     0.000 |     0.120 |    0.120       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DKBeauty2Charm                          |     0.322 |     0.215 |    0.068       1.3     0.28 |      31 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DKBeauty2CharmTISTOS                    |    10.000 |     0.655 |    0.655       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DKBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter |     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.095       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DKBeauty2CharmLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2Dst2460DKBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2Dst2460DKBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134127,17 +134387,17 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dst2460DKBeauty2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dst2460DKBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dst2460DKBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst2460DKBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dst2460DKWSBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.060 |     0.041 |    0.015       2.2     0.09 |    1000 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst2460DKWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst2460DKWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.126 |     0.047 |    0.006       0.8     0.15 |      79 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst2460DKWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.008       2.1     0.36 |      33 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dst2460DKWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      33 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DKWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar24602D0PiPID|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.012       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DKWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DKWSBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DKWSBeauty2Charm                        |     0.000 |     0.379 |    0.119       0.9     0.41 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DKWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |     0.000 |     0.697 |    0.697       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DKWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.106 |    0.106       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dst2460DKWSBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.020 |     0.030 |    0.014       1.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst2460DKWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst2460DKWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      79 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst2460DKWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.000 |     0.078 |    0.008       1.8     0.31 |      33 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dst2460DKWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      33 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DKWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar24602D0PiPID|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.012       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DKWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DKWSBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DKWSBeauty2Charm                        |     0.000 |     0.310 |    0.096       0.7     0.33 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DKWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |     0.000 |     0.605 |    0.605       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DKWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.055 |    0.055       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DKWSBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2Dst2460DKWSBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2Dst2460DKWSBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134145,35 +134405,35 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dst2460DKWSBeaut
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dst2460DKWSBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dst2460DKWSBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst2460DKWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0st2460D0KBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.150 |     0.141 |    0.025      13.4     0.51 |    1000 |     0.141 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0st2460D0KBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.120 |     0.119 |    0.022      10.7     0.44 |    1000 |     0.119 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0st2460D0KBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0st2460D0KBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0st2460D0KBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.271 |     0.216 |    0.009      13.3     0.77 |     405 |     0.088 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0st2460D0KBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D0star24602D0PiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.303 |     0.167 |    0.055       0.8     0.10 |     132 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D0star24602DPiPIDBeauty2CharmFilter              |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |      54 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0st2460D0KBeauty2CharmCombCutD0star24602DPiPID|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      54 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0st2460D0KBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KPIPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.370 |     0.019 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      27 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0st2460D0KBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      27 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0st2460D0KBeauty2Charm                        |     0.000 |     0.338 |    0.072       1.9     0.44 |      27 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0st2460D0KBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |    10.000 |     7.139 |    7.139       7.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0st2460D0KBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.145 |    0.145       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0st2460D0KBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0st2460D0KBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.341 |    0.341       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0st2460D0KBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.151 |    0.151       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0st2460D0KBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.141 |    0.141       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0st2460D0KBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.528 |    0.528       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0st2460D0KBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.375 |    0.375       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0st2460D0KBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0st2460D0KBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.197 |     0.192 |    0.008      10.6     0.66 |     405 |     0.078 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0st2460D0KBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D0star24602D0PiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.075 |     0.142 |    0.050       0.7     0.09 |     132 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D0star24602DPiPIDBeauty2CharmFilter              |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |      54 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0st2460D0KBeauty2CharmCombCutD0star24602DPiPID|     0.185 |     0.022 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      54 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0st2460D0KBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KPIPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      27 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0st2460D0KBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      27 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0st2460D0KBeauty2Charm                        |     0.000 |     0.361 |    0.066       2.4     0.52 |      27 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0st2460D0KBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |    10.000 |     6.331 |    6.331       6.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0st2460D0KBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.098 |    0.098       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0st2460D0KBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0st2460D0KBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.228 |    0.228       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0st2460D0KBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.144 |    0.144       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0st2460D0KBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.146 |    0.146       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0st2460D0KBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.409 |    0.409       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0st2460D0KBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.228 |    0.228       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0st2460D0KBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dst0D0KDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD02HHBeauty2Cha|     0.040 |     0.068 |    0.026       0.9     0.09 |    1000 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dst0D0KDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD02HHBeauty2Cha|     0.030 |     0.049 |    0.021       0.9     0.05 |    1000 |     0.050 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst0D0KDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst0D0KDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst0D0KDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.009       0.8     0.06 |     405 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dst0D0KDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD02HHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst0D0KDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD02HHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst0D0KDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD02HHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.013       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst0D0KDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD02HHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst0D0KDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD02HHBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     0.223 |    0.089       0.7     0.22 |       7 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst0D0KDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst0D0KDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.007       0.8     0.06 |     405 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dst0D0KDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD02HHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst0D0KDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD02HHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst0D0KDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD02HHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.012       0.1     0.02 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst0D0KDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD02HHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst0D0KDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD02HHBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     0.210 |    0.085       0.6     0.20 |       7 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst0D0KDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTO|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst0D0KDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst0D0KDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD02HHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134183,33 +134443,33 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dst0D0KDst02D0Pi
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dst0D0KDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD02HHBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dst0D0KDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD02HHBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst0D0KDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.050 |     0.082 |    0.024      11.0     0.38 |    1000 |     0.083 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.110 |     0.066 |    0.021       9.8     0.34 |    1000 |     0.067 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.049 |     0.073 |    0.008      10.9     0.58 |     405 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutDsta|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      32 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HH|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      31 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PI|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      31 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Charm           |     0.322 |     0.288 |    0.067       3.1     0.63 |      31 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS     |    10.000 |     3.705 |    3.705       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeau|     0.000 |     0.136 |    0.136       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.586 |    0.586       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.536 |    0.536       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.505 |    0.505       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     1.809 |    1.809       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.603 |    0.603       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02Dst0DKDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD2HHHBeauty2Cha|     0.040 |     0.069 |    0.025       1.2     0.09 |    1000 |     0.069 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.148 |     0.062 |    0.007       9.8     0.52 |     405 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutDsta|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      32 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HH|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      31 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PI|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      31 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Charm           |     0.967 |     0.250 |    0.064       3.2     0.59 |      31 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS     |    10.000 |     3.651 |    3.651       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeau|     0.000 |     0.112 |    0.112       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.469 |    0.469       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.507 |    0.507       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.490 |    0.490       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     1.642 |    1.642       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.499 |    0.499       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst0D0KDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02Dst0DKDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD2HHHBeauty2Cha|     0.040 |     0.049 |    0.021       1.2     0.05 |    1000 |     0.049 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0DKDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD2HHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0DKDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD2HHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0DKDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD2HHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.008       1.0     0.07 |     405 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02Dst0DKDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD2HHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0DKDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0DKDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0DKDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0DKDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD2HHHBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     0.326 |    0.064       0.8     0.35 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0DKDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD2HHHBeauty2Ch|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0DKDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD2HHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.007       1.0     0.06 |     405 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02Dst0DKDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD2HHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0DKDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0DKDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0DKDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0DKDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD2HHHBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     0.319 |    0.061       0.8     0.34 |       5 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0DKDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTO|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0DKDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0DKDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134219,32 +134479,32 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02Dst0DKDst02D0Pi
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02Dst0DKDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD2HHHBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02Dst0DKDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD2HHHBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0DKDst02D0Pi0ResolvedD2HHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.200 |     0.214 |    0.026     144.1     4.56 |    1000 |     0.214 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.230 |     0.232 |    0.023     174.6     5.52 |    1000 |     0.232 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.395 |     0.390 |    0.008     144.0     7.16 |     405 |     0.158 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutDsta|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |      32 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HH|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      23 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PI|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      23 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2Charm           |     0.434 |     0.770 |    0.064      12.5     2.59 |      23 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS     |    70.000 |    68.728 |   68.728      68.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.069 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeau|     0.000 |     0.316 |    0.316       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2Cha|    10.000 |     8.571 |    8.571       8.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2Cha|    10.000 |     8.333 |    8.333       8.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2Cha|    10.000 |     8.098 |    8.098       8.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2Cha|    20.000 |    26.618 |   26.618      26.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2Cha|    10.000 |     5.274 |    5.274       5.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DDKSDDBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.070 |     0.080 |    0.025       1.5     0.09 |    1000 |     0.081 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDKSDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDKSDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDKSDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence  |     0.000 |     0.059 |    0.008       1.4     0.11 |     405 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DDKSDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter     |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.009       0.2     0.02 |     169 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputsBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      78 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSDDBeauty2Charm                            |     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.043       1.3     0.15 |      78 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.444 |     0.459 |    0.007     174.5     8.67 |     405 |     0.186 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutDsta|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      32 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HH|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      23 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PI|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      23 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2Charm           |     1.304 |     1.083 |    0.060      20.4     4.23 |      23 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS     |    80.000 |    87.934 |   87.934      87.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.088 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeau|     0.000 |     0.325 |    0.325       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2Cha|    10.000 |     8.645 |    8.645       8.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2Cha|    10.000 |     8.447 |    8.447       8.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     8.491 |    8.491       8.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2Cha|    30.000 |    29.316 |   29.316      29.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2Cha|    10.000 |     5.281 |    5.281       5.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02Dst0DKDst02D0GammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DDKSDDBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.050 |     0.070 |    0.023       4.5     0.17 |    1000 |     0.071 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDKSDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDKSDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       1.7     0.05 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDKSDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence  |     0.024 |     0.050 |    0.008       0.7     0.08 |     405 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DDKSDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter     |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputsBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      78 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSDDBeauty2Charm                            |     0.128 |     0.079 |    0.040       0.6     0.08 |      78 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSDDBeauty2CharmLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134254,14 +134514,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DDKSDDBeauty2Ch
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DDKSDDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DDKSDDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDKSDDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.010 |     0.044 |    0.017       2.1     0.08 |    1000 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter    |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      86 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.168 |    0.009       2.0     0.41 |      25 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      25 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSWSDDBeauty2Charm                          |     0.000 |     0.455 |    0.060       1.8     0.69 |       6 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.030 |     0.036 |    0.016       1.4     0.06 |    1000 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter    |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      86 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.008       1.3     0.28 |      25 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      25 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.014       0.1     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSWSDDBeauty2Charm                          |     0.000 |     0.325 |    0.067       1.2     0.45 |       6 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134271,33 +134531,33 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DDKSWSDDBeauty2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0DKSDDBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.110 |     0.083 |    0.024       5.0     0.19 |    1000 |     0.083 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0DKSDDBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.050 |     0.067 |    0.021       5.2     0.18 |    1000 |     0.067 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKSDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKSDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter      |     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKSDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence  |     0.074 |     0.072 |    0.009       4.9     0.27 |     405 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0DKSDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter     |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBeauty2Ch|     0.113 |     0.016 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |      88 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKSDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter      |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKSDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence  |     0.098 |     0.062 |    0.007       5.1     0.27 |     405 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0DKSDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter     |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.059 |     0.021 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      88 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputsBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      43 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSDDBeauty2Charm                            |     0.232 |     0.193 |    0.067       0.8     0.19 |      43 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS                      |     0.000 |     1.777 |    1.777       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter   |     0.000 |     0.089 |    0.089       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSDDBeauty2CharmLine                        |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0DKSDDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.225 |    0.225       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0DKSDDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.162 |    0.162       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0DKSDDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.155 |    0.155       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0DKSDDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.489 |    0.489       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0DKSDDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.347 |    0.347       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSDDBeauty2Charm                            |     0.465 |     0.163 |    0.058       0.7     0.16 |      43 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS                      |     0.000 |     1.996 |    1.996       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter   |     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.082       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSDDBeauty2CharmLine                        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0DKSDDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.203 |    0.203       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0DKSDDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.199 |    0.199       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0DKSDDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.172 |    0.172       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0DKSDDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.475 |    0.475       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0DKSDDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.330 |    0.330       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKSDDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0DKSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.120 |     0.079 |    0.025       5.7     0.20 |    1000 |     0.080 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0DKSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.070 |     0.060 |    0.021       0.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.060 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.098 |     0.064 |    0.008       5.6     0.29 |     405 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0DKSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBea|     0.059 |     0.026 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIGHT|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      70 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      32 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSDDD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                     |     0.312 |     0.337 |    0.062       5.4     0.93 |      32 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.049 |     0.045 |    0.007       0.8     0.09 |     405 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0DKSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIGHT|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      70 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      32 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSDDD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.157 |    0.059       0.7     0.16 |      32 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134307,15 +134567,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0DKSDDD02K3PiBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0DKSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0DKSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDKSDDBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.040 |     0.068 |    0.025       1.6     0.07 |    1000 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDKSDDBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.030 |     0.054 |    0.021       1.4     0.06 |    1000 |     0.054 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter    |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence|     0.024 |     0.033 |    0.008       1.5     0.09 |     405 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDKSDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.006       0.1     0.02 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.005       0.1     0.04 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSDDBeauty2Charm                          |     0.000 |     0.315 |    0.080       1.3     0.46 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.007       1.3     0.07 |     405 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDKSDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSDDBeauty2Charm                          |     0.000 |     0.256 |    0.071       1.0     0.38 |       6 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSDDBeauty2CharmLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134325,15 +134585,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstDKSDDBeauty2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstDKSDDBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstDKSDDBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSDDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.070 |     0.073 |    0.023       4.2     0.16 |    1000 |     0.073 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.050 |     0.053 |    0.021       0.9     0.05 |    1000 |     0.054 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.008       2.0     0.11 |     405 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSC|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      19 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDI|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.301 |    0.071       1.8     0.57 |       9 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.024 |     0.030 |    0.007       0.8     0.06 |     405 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSC|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D|     0.526 |     0.017 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      19 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDI|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.167 |    0.071       0.7     0.18 |       9 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134343,13 +134603,13 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstDKSDDDstarD0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstDKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstDKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.080 |     0.042 |    0.016       0.6     0.04 |    1000 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.020 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     104 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.008       0.1     0.02 |      40 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      40 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      15 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.020 |     0.034 |    0.015       1.2     0.04 |    1000 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     104 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.008       0.1     0.02 |      40 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.009       0.1     0.02 |      15 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSDDBeauty2Charm                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134361,13 +134621,13 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstDKSWSDDBeaut
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.050 |     0.038 |    0.017       0.5     0.03 |    1000 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     111 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.009       0.2     0.04 |      47 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      47 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDD|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      15 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar|     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.047       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.020 |     0.030 |    0.015       0.3     0.02 |    1000 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     111 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.009       0.2     0.03 |      47 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      47 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDD|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |      15 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar|     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.021       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_D|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134379,14 +134639,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstDKSWSDDDstar
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstDKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstDKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.050 |     0.074 |    0.025       2.2     0.09 |    1000 |     0.074 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmLine |     0.030 |     0.057 |    0.023       1.0     0.06 |    1000 |     0.058 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.024 |     0.038 |    0.009       2.0     0.12 |     405 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3P|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      75 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_D|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      34 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiDDBeauty2Charm            |     0.294 |     0.123 |    0.043       1.8     0.30 |      34 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.024 |     0.031 |    0.008       0.9     0.07 |     405 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3P|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      75 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_D|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      34 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiDDBeauty2Charm            |     0.294 |     0.088 |    0.040       0.8     0.13 |      34 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134396,14 +134656,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0D0KSD02K3PiD0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiDDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiDDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHDDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.070 |     0.078 |    0.025       1.0     0.08 |    1000 |     0.078 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHDDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.090 |     0.062 |    0.022       0.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.062 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHDDBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.049 |     0.049 |    0.008       0.9     0.08 |     405 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTI|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     136 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInp|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      68 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHDDBeauty2Charm                |     0.294 |     0.076 |    0.042       0.7     0.08 |      68 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHDDBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.024 |     0.042 |    0.007       0.7     0.07 |     405 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHDDBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTI|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     136 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInp|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |      68 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHDDBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.066 |    0.039       0.6     0.07 |      68 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHDDBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134413,15 +134673,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0D0KSD02HHD02H
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHDDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHDDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHDDBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.050 |     0.072 |    0.025       0.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.072 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.050 |     0.056 |    0.021       0.7     0.06 |    1000 |     0.057 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.024 |     0.038 |    0.008       0.7     0.07 |     405 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPID|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     136 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIP|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      42 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDI|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      22 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiDDBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.122 |    0.050       0.6     0.11 |      22 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.049 |     0.032 |    0.008       0.6     0.06 |     405 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPID|     0.073 |     0.023 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     136 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIP|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      42 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDI|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      22 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiDDBeauty2Charm              |     0.454 |     0.109 |    0.044       0.5     0.11 |      22 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134431,15 +134691,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0D0KSD02HHD02K
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiDDBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstD0KSDDBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.070 |     0.064 |    0.024       1.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstD0KSDDBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.020 |     0.050 |    0.021       1.3     0.05 |    1000 |     0.051 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter    |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence|     0.024 |     0.023 |    0.008       1.7     0.09 |     405 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstD0KSDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.021       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter    |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.007       1.2     0.07 |     405 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstD0KSDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.019       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      17 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDBeauty2Charm                          |     1.428 |     0.298 |    0.080       1.5     0.53 |       7 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDBeauty2Charm                          |     0.000 |     0.222 |    0.061       1.0     0.36 |       7 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDBeauty2CharmLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134449,15 +134709,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstD0KSDDBeauty2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstD0KSDDBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstD0KSDDBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSDDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstD0KSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.070 |     0.059 |    0.024       1.5     0.08 |    1000 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstD0KSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.040 |     0.046 |    0.020       0.8     0.05 |    1000 |     0.047 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.024 |     0.021 |    0.008       1.1     0.09 |     405 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstD0KSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPI|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIG|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputs|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.257 |    0.072       0.7     0.29 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.024 |     0.017 |    0.007       0.7     0.05 |     405 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstD0KSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPI|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.013       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIG|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputs|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.229 |    0.064       0.6     0.22 |       4 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134467,15 +134727,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstD0KSDDD02K3Pi
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstD0KSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstD0KSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSDDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.050 |     0.061 |    0.025       1.2     0.06 |    1000 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.050 |     0.050 |    0.021       1.0     0.06 |    1000 |     0.050 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.024 |     0.023 |    0.008       1.1     0.07 |     405 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.6     0.03 |     405 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.009       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPID|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.009       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDI|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm              |     2.000 |     0.284 |    0.113       0.9     0.34 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.024 |     0.017 |    0.007       0.9     0.05 |     405 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPID|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDI|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.237 |    0.083       0.7     0.29 |       5 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134485,15 +134745,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstD0KSDDDstarD0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.110 |     0.063 |    0.026       1.2     0.07 |    1000 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.020 |     0.048 |    0.020       1.0     0.05 |    1000 |     0.049 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Char|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Char|     0.098 |     0.023 |    0.008       1.1     0.07 |     405 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Cha|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.017       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.205 |    0.070       0.8     0.24 |       9 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.007       0.9     0.06 |     405 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.175 |    0.066       0.7     0.21 |       9 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDT|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134503,14 +134763,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstD0KSDDDstarD0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSDDDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKSDDBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.070 |     0.063 |    0.025       0.8     0.05 |    1000 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKSDDBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.070 |     0.052 |    0.021       0.7     0.05 |    1000 |     0.052 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.024 |     0.018 |    0.008       0.3     0.03 |     405 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKSDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.014       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSDDBeauty2Charm                        |     0.000 |     0.075 |    0.045       0.1     0.02 |       7 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.6     0.04 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.007       0.3     0.03 |     405 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKSDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.013       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSDDBeauty2Charm                        |     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.040       0.1     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSDDBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134520,15 +134780,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstDstKSDDBeaut
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstDstKSDDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstDstKSDDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSDDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.060 |     0.064 |    0.027       0.6     0.05 |    1000 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.050 |     0.050 |    0.023       0.4     0.04 |    1000 |     0.050 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.020 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.008       0.3     0.02 |     405 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.020       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.008       0.1     0.02 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_D|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm            |     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.063       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.3     0.02 |     405 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_D|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm            |     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.056       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134538,14 +134798,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstDstKSDDDstar
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeaut|     0.070 |     0.065 |    0.025       0.9     0.06 |    1000 |     0.066 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeau|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeau|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeau|     0.074 |     0.022 |    0.008       0.8     0.06 |     405 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBea|     0.049 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.3     0.02 |     405 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.500 |     0.038 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.130 |    0.047       0.6     0.18 |       9 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeaut|     0.060 |     0.051 |    0.022       0.8     0.04 |    1000 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeau|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeau|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeau|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.007       0.7     0.04 |     405 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBea|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.041       0.6     0.17 |       9 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134555,14 +134815,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstDstKSDDDstar
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3P|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3P|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.090 |     0.048 |    0.018       6.1     0.20 |    1000 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      93 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.009       0.9     0.14 |      43 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      43 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.023       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSDDBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.232 |    0.075       0.7     0.31 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.020 |     0.034 |    0.016       1.2     0.04 |    1000 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.3     0.03 |      93 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.008       1.0     0.16 |      43 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      43 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.025       0.1     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSDDBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSDDBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.249 |    0.043       0.8     0.39 |       4 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSDDBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSDDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134572,13 +134832,13 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstDstKSWSDDBea
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstDstKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstDstKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSDDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.060 |     0.036 |    0.016       0.2     0.03 |    1000 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      77 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      36 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      36 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDst|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.028       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDst|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.040 |     0.029 |    0.015       0.2     0.02 |    1000 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      77 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.009       0.1     0.02 |      36 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      36 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDst|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.035       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDst|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.030       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134590,11 +134850,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstDstKSWSDDDst
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBea|     0.040 |     0.037 |    0.016       0.2     0.03 |    1000 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBe|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBe|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     107 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBe|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      38 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiB|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      38 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBea|     0.020 |     0.030 |    0.015       0.2     0.02 |    1000 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBe|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBe|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     107 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBe|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      38 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiB|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      38 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134607,14 +134867,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstDstKSWSDDDst
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSDDDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBe|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DDKSLLBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.020 |     0.082 |    0.028       2.0     0.11 |    1000 |     0.082 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DDKSLLBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.030 |     0.063 |    0.022       0.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.064 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDKSLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDKSLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter      |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDKSLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence  |     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.009       1.9     0.13 |     405 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DDKSLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter     |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputsBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      71 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSLLBeauty2Charm                            |     0.000 |     0.119 |    0.045       1.6     0.20 |      71 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDKSLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter      |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDKSLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence  |     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.008       0.8     0.08 |     405 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DDKSLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter     |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputsBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      71 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSLLBeauty2Charm                            |     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.043       0.6     0.08 |      71 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSLLBeauty2CharmLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134624,14 +134884,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DDKSLLBeauty2Ch
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DDKSLLBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DDKSLLBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDKSLLBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.080 |     0.045 |    0.017       2.3     0.09 |    1000 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter    |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      88 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence|     0.256 |     0.123 |    0.009       2.2     0.39 |      39 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      39 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |      18 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSWSLLBeauty2Charm                          |     3.333 |     0.511 |    0.060       1.3     0.69 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.030 |     0.036 |    0.015       1.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler     |     0.020 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter    |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      88 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.097 |    0.008       1.8     0.31 |      39 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      39 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.012       0.0     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSWSLLBeauty2Charm                          |     0.000 |     0.844 |    0.093       1.6     0.77 |       3 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134641,16 +134901,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DDKSWSLLBeauty2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0DKSLLBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.030 |     0.083 |    0.026       2.4     0.15 |    1000 |     0.083 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0DKSLLBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.030 |     0.069 |    0.022       2.4     0.14 |    1000 |     0.070 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKSLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKSLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKSLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence  |     0.049 |     0.068 |    0.009       2.3     0.20 |     405 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0DKSLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter     |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      88 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputsBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      38 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSLLBeauty2Charm                            |     0.263 |     0.205 |    0.060       1.4     0.26 |      38 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS                      |     0.000 |     1.167 |    1.162       1.2     0.01 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKSLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKSLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence  |     0.024 |     0.063 |    0.007       2.3     0.19 |     405 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0DKSLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter     |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      88 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputsBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      38 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSLLBeauty2Charm                            |     0.000 |     0.207 |    0.061       1.4     0.28 |      38 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS                      |     5.000 |     1.130 |    1.002       1.3     0.18 |       2 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSLLBeauty2CharmLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0DKSLLBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134659,15 +134919,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0DKSLLBeauty2Ch
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0DKSLLBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0DKSLLBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKSLLBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0DKSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.080 |     0.077 |    0.025       1.8     0.11 |    1000 |     0.077 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.4     0.01 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.074 |     0.051 |    0.008       1.7     0.12 |     405 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0DKSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIGHT|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      70 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0DKSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.040 |     0.060 |    0.021       1.2     0.08 |    1000 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.049 |     0.043 |    0.007       1.1     0.10 |     405 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0DKSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBea|     0.059 |     0.022 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIGHT|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      70 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      34 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSLLD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                     |     0.882 |     0.170 |    0.063       1.6     0.26 |      34 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSLLD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                     |     0.294 |     0.135 |    0.056       0.7     0.15 |      34 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134677,15 +134937,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0DKSLLD02K3PiBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0DKSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0DKSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDKSLLBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.060 |     0.072 |    0.026       1.8     0.09 |    1000 |     0.072 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter    |     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence|     0.049 |     0.042 |    0.008       1.7     0.12 |     405 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDKSLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2C|     0.059 |     0.043 |    0.008       0.7     0.09 |     169 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.006       0.1     0.02 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSLLBeauty2Charm                          |     1.000 |     0.242 |    0.061       1.5     0.44 |      10 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDKSLLBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.100 |     0.055 |    0.022       0.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter    |     0.040 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence|     0.098 |     0.029 |    0.007       0.7     0.06 |     405 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDKSLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2C|     0.177 |     0.022 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSLLBeauty2Charm                          |     0.000 |     0.134 |    0.059       0.5     0.15 |      10 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSLLBeauty2CharmLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134695,15 +134955,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstDKSLLBeauty2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstDKSLLBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstDKSLLBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSLLBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.060 |     0.072 |    0.026       1.7     0.09 |    1000 |     0.073 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.040 |     0.055 |    0.022       1.0     0.06 |    1000 |     0.056 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       1.5     0.05 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.008       1.0     0.08 |     405 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSC|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.007       0.1     0.02 |      19 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLI|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.178 |    0.070       0.8     0.21 |      11 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.007       0.9     0.06 |     405 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSC|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      19 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLI|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.148 |    0.065       0.7     0.19 |      11 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134713,15 +134973,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstDKSLLDstarD0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstDKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstDKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.020 |     0.044 |    0.018       1.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      95 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.232 |     0.075 |    0.009       1.7     0.25 |      43 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      43 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |      18 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSLLBeauty2Charm                        |     5.000 |     0.780 |    0.084       1.5     0.98 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.030 |     0.035 |    0.015       1.4     0.05 |    1000 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      95 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.232 |     0.066 |    0.008       1.3     0.20 |      43 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      43 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.014       0.0     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSLLBeauty2Charm                        |     5.000 |     0.606 |    0.080       1.1     0.74 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134731,15 +134991,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstDKSWSLLBeaut
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.050 |     0.041 |    0.017       1.1     0.05 |    1000 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      95 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.061 |    0.011       1.0     0.15 |      41 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      41 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDD|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_L|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm            |     0.000 |     0.769 |    0.769       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.040 |     0.031 |    0.015       1.4     0.05 |    1000 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      95 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.009       1.3     0.21 |      41 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      41 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDD|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.017       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_L|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm            |     0.000 |     1.182 |    1.182       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134749,14 +135009,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstDKSWSLLDstar
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstDKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstDKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmLine |     0.080 |     0.075 |    0.028       1.8     0.08 |    1000 |     0.076 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmLine |     0.110 |     0.059 |    0.023       1.0     0.07 |    1000 |     0.060 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.4     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmLine|     0.074 |     0.039 |    0.009       1.6     0.10 |     405 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3P|     0.133 |     0.029 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |      75 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmLine|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmLine|     0.024 |     0.034 |    0.008       0.9     0.08 |     405 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3P|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      75 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_L|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      35 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiLLBeauty2Charm            |     0.000 |     0.111 |    0.045       1.4     0.22 |      35 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiLLBeauty2Charm            |     0.285 |     0.092 |    0.038       0.5     0.11 |      35 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134766,14 +135026,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0D0KSD02K3PiD0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiLLBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiLLBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02K3PiD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHLLBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.060 |     0.081 |    0.027       4.7     0.17 |    1000 |     0.081 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHLLBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.040 |     0.061 |    0.023       1.0     0.07 |    1000 |     0.062 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHLLBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.020 |     0.012 |    0.005       4.5     0.14 |    1000 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.000 |     0.045 |    0.008       1.0     0.09 |     405 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTI|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.009       0.1     0.02 |     136 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInp|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      45 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHLLBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.093 |    0.042       0.8     0.12 |      45 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHLLBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.024 |     0.038 |    0.008       0.9     0.08 |     405 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHLLBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTI|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     136 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInp|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      45 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHLLBeauty2Charm                |     0.222 |     0.078 |    0.040       0.7     0.11 |      45 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHLLBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134783,15 +135043,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0D0KSD02HHD02H
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHLLBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHLLBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02HHLLBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.040 |     0.076 |    0.027       1.8     0.09 |    1000 |     0.076 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.080 |     0.063 |    0.023       1.8     0.10 |    1000 |     0.063 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.008       1.6     0.11 |     405 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPID|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     136 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIP|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      42 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLI|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiLLBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.205 |    0.048       1.2     0.26 |      20 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.074 |     0.040 |    0.007       1.7     0.13 |     405 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPID|     0.073 |     0.023 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     136 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIP|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      42 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLI|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.004       0.1     0.03 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiLLBeauty2Charm              |     0.500 |     0.182 |    0.042       0.6     0.19 |      20 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134801,15 +135061,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0D0KSD02HHD02K
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KSD02HHD02K3PiLLBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstD0KSLLBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.020 |     0.065 |    0.026       1.4     0.07 |    1000 |     0.065 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstD0KSLLBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.100 |     0.054 |    0.021       1.5     0.08 |    1000 |     0.055 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter    |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.008       1.4     0.09 |     405 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstD0KSLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |      17 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLBeauty2Charm                          |     0.000 |     0.232 |    0.064       1.2     0.33 |      10 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter    |     0.040 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence|     0.049 |     0.027 |    0.007       1.4     0.11 |     405 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstD0KSLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter   |     0.049 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.059 |    0.006       0.8     0.19 |      17 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLBeauty2Charm                          |     0.000 |     0.158 |    0.060       0.6     0.17 |      10 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLBeauty2CharmLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134819,15 +135079,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstD0KSLLBeauty2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstD0KSLLBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstD0KSLLBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSLLBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstD0KSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.040 |     0.061 |    0.024       1.2     0.07 |    1000 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstD0KSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.040 |     0.049 |    0.021       0.9     0.05 |    1000 |     0.050 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.024 |     0.022 |    0.008       1.1     0.07 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.007       0.8     0.06 |     405 |     0.008 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstD0KSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPI|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.018       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIG|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputs|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.232 |    0.083       0.8     0.26 |       7 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPI|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIG|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.008       0.1     0.03 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputs|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.187 |    0.067       0.6     0.20 |       7 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134837,15 +135097,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstD0KSLLD02K3Pi
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstD0KSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstD0KSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSLLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.110 |     0.060 |    0.023       1.4     0.07 |    1000 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.070 |     0.048 |    0.020       1.1     0.06 |    1000 |     0.049 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.030 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.098 |     0.025 |    0.009       1.2     0.08 |     405 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D|     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPID|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.009       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLI|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm              |     1.250 |     0.244 |    0.082       1.0     0.32 |       8 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.024 |     0.020 |    0.007       1.0     0.07 |     405 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.020       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPID|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLI|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.007       0.1     0.02 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm              |     1.250 |     0.193 |    0.064       0.8     0.27 |       8 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134855,15 +135115,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstD0KSLLDstarD0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.040 |     0.061 |    0.025       1.3     0.07 |    1000 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.050 |     0.053 |    0.020       1.7     0.10 |    1000 |     0.053 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Char|     0.024 |     0.025 |    0.008       1.2     0.08 |     405 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.500 |     0.036 |    0.018       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.008       0.1     0.02 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.187 |    0.066       1.0     0.26 |      11 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Char|     0.049 |     0.026 |    0.007       1.3     0.11 |     405 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm       |     0.909 |     0.197 |    0.062       0.9     0.25 |      11 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDT|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134873,14 +135133,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstD0KSLLDstarD0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KSLLDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKSLLBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.100 |     0.064 |    0.025       1.5     0.07 |    1000 |     0.065 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKSLLBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.060 |     0.050 |    0.021       1.2     0.05 |    1000 |     0.050 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.024 |     0.021 |    0.008       1.4     0.08 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.007       1.1     0.06 |     405 |     0.008 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKSLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeau|     0.500 |     0.032 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSLLBeauty2Charm                        |     0.000 |     0.183 |    0.044       1.2     0.37 |      10 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSLLBeauty2Charm                        |     0.000 |     0.138 |    0.041       0.9     0.27 |      10 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSLLBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134890,15 +135150,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstDstKSLLBeaut
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstDstKSLLBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstDstKSLLBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSLLBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.100 |     0.062 |    0.025       0.9     0.05 |    1000 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.030 |     0.052 |    0.022       0.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.053 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.049 |     0.019 |    0.007       0.8     0.05 |     405 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar|     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.019       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.009       0.1     0.02 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_L|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm            |     0.000 |     0.178 |    0.062       0.6     0.24 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.024 |     0.022 |    0.007       0.7     0.07 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_L|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm            |     0.000 |     0.167 |    0.059       0.5     0.19 |       5 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134908,14 +135168,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstDstKSLLDstar
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeaut|     0.050 |     0.071 |    0.027       4.9     0.16 |    1000 |     0.071 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeaut|     0.040 |     0.054 |    0.022       0.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.054 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeau|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeau|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeau|     0.049 |     0.034 |    0.009       4.7     0.24 |     405 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBea|     0.024 |     0.016 |    0.003       4.7     0.23 |     405 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.019       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.833 |     0.106 |    0.044       0.6     0.17 |      12 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeau|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeau|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.008       0.7     0.06 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBea|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.5     0.02 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.101 |    0.040       0.6     0.15 |      12 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134925,14 +135185,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstDstKSLLDstar
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3P|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3P|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.060 |     0.041 |    0.017       0.5     0.03 |    1000 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.083 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     120 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.009       0.4     0.05 |      45 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      45 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.049       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSLLBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.131 |    0.131       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.040 |     0.032 |    0.016       0.4     0.02 |    1000 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     120 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.008       0.3     0.05 |      45 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      45 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.054 |    0.054       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSLLBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSLLBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.088 |    0.088       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSLLBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSLLBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134942,11 +135202,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstDstKSWSLLBea
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstDstKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstDstKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSLLBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.050 |     0.045 |    0.017       1.0     0.08 |    1000 |     0.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.106 |     0.084 |    0.006       0.9     0.22 |      94 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      40 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      40 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.020 |     0.029 |    0.015       0.2     0.02 |    1000 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      94 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      40 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDst|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDst|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134960,14 +135220,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstDstKSWSLLDst
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBea|     0.020 |     0.039 |    0.016       1.9     0.06 |    1000 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBe|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBe|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     102 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBe|     0.000 |     0.065 |    0.009       1.8     0.27 |      42 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiB|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      42 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.834 |    0.086       1.6     1.06 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBea|     0.020 |     0.031 |    0.015       1.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBe|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBe|     0.098 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     102 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBe|     0.238 |     0.066 |    0.009       1.7     0.27 |      42 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiB|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.028       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Cha|     5.000 |     0.671 |    0.056       1.3     0.87 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134977,14 +135237,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstDstKSWSLLDst
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKSWSLLDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBe|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0D0KstD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.080 |     0.123 |    0.027      23.8     0.79 |    1000 |     0.123 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0D0KstD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.100 |     0.105 |    0.023      27.9     0.90 |    1000 |     0.105 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KstD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KstD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KstD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.123 |     0.156 |    0.009      23.7     1.22 |     405 |     0.063 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0D0KstD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KstD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PI|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      75 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KstD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiB|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      75 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KstD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm             |     0.533 |     0.643 |    0.061      23.5     2.76 |      75 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KstD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KstD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.172 |     0.149 |    0.007      27.7     1.41 |     405 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0D0KstD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KstD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PI|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      75 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KstD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiB|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      75 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KstD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm             |     0.800 |     0.642 |    0.058      27.3     3.18 |      75 |     0.048 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KstD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KstD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KstD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -134994,67 +135254,67 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0D0KstD02K3PiD
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0D0KstD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0D0KstD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KstD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0D0KstD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.150 |     0.115 |    0.028      17.5     0.56 |    1000 |     0.116 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KstD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KstD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KstD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.172 |     0.137 |    0.008      17.3     0.87 |     405 |     0.056 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0D0KstD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.7     0.03 |     405 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KstD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIG|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     136 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KstD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     135 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KstD02HHD02HHBeauty2Charm                 |     0.444 |     0.155 |    0.056       3.2     0.30 |     135 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KstD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     0.000 |     4.524 |    4.524       4.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KstD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.163 |    0.163       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0D0KstD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.110 |     0.097 |    0.022      17.7     0.57 |    1000 |     0.097 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KstD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KstD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KstD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.123 |     0.124 |    0.008      17.5     0.88 |     405 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0D0KstD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KstD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIG|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     136 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KstD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     135 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KstD02HHD02HHBeauty2Charm                 |     0.148 |     0.130 |    0.048       2.9     0.27 |     135 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KstD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     0.000 |     5.163 |    5.163       5.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KstD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.157 |    0.157       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KstD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0D0KstD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine|    10.000 |     0.871 |    0.871       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0D0KstD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.635 |    0.635       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0D0KstD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.627 |    0.627       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0D0KstD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     1.458 |    1.458       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0D0KstD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.616 |    0.616       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KstD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.130 |     0.154 |    0.027      29.4     1.32 |    1000 |     0.154 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.197 |     0.232 |    0.009      29.2     2.05 |     405 |     0.094 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDT|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |     136 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPI|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |      42 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBea|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.002       0.0     0.01 |      42 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2Charm               |     1.190 |     1.522 |    0.076      29.0     4.93 |      42 |     0.064 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |    10.000 |     4.452 |    4.452       4.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.161 |    0.161       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0D0KstD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.821 |    0.821       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0D0KstD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.662 |    0.662       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0D0KstD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.638 |    0.638       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0D0KstD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     1.424 |    1.424       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0D0KstD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.542 |    0.542       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KstD02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.170 |     0.138 |    0.023      31.4     1.37 |    1000 |     0.139 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.5     0.02 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.246 |     0.224 |    0.008      31.2     2.14 |     405 |     0.091 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDT|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     136 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPI|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      42 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBea|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.002       0.0     0.01 |      42 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2Charm               |     1.904 |     1.502 |    0.069      30.9     5.19 |      42 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     4.981 |    4.981       5.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.153 |    0.153       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.860 |    0.860       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.607 |    0.607       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.600 |    0.600       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|    10.000 |     1.477 |    1.477       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.666 |    0.666       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DDKstBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.080 |     0.139 |    0.026      19.6     0.68 |    1000 |     0.140 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.854 |    0.854       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.683 |    0.683       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.671 |    0.671       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     1.599 |    1.599       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.562 |    0.562       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0D0KstD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DDKstBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.120 |     0.120 |    0.021      20.6     0.70 |    1000 |     0.121 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDKstBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDKstBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter       |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDKstBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence   |     0.172 |     0.199 |    0.008      19.5     1.04 |     405 |     0.081 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DDKstBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter      |     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKstBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Char|     0.059 |     0.028 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKstBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKstBeauty2Charm                             |     0.177 |     0.236 |    0.051       4.3     0.57 |     169 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKstBeauty2CharmTISTOS                       |    10.000 |     7.424 |    7.424       7.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKstBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter    |     0.000 |     0.151 |    0.151       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDKstBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter       |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDKstBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence   |     0.098 |     0.184 |    0.007      20.4     1.08 |     405 |     0.075 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DDKstBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKstBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKstBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     169 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKstBeauty2Charm                             |     0.000 |     0.218 |    0.046       4.3     0.58 |     169 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKstBeauty2CharmTISTOS                       |    10.000 |     8.799 |    8.799       8.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKstBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter    |     0.000 |     0.145 |    0.145       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDKstBeauty2CharmLine                         |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DDKstBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.826 |    0.826       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DDKstBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.672 |    0.672       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DDKstBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.627 |    0.627       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DDKstBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     2.994 |    2.994       3.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DDKstBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.850 |    0.850       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDKstBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDKstBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.070 |     0.069 |    0.025       1.9     0.09 |    1000 |     0.070 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKstBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKstBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter     |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKstBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence |     0.049 |     0.033 |    0.008       1.7     0.12 |     405 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDKstBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKstBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKstBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKstBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeauty2Charm   |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKstBeauty2Charm                           |     0.000 |     0.259 |    0.080       1.3     0.34 |      18 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DDKstBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.767 |    0.767       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DDKstBeauty2CharmLine            |    10.000 |     0.686 |    0.686       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DDKstBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.745 |    0.745       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DDKstBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     2.634 |    2.634       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DDKstBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.746 |    0.746       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDKstBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDKstBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.060 |     0.056 |    0.021       1.8     0.08 |    1000 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKstBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler      |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKstBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter     |     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKstBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence |     0.024 |     0.029 |    0.008       1.6     0.10 |     405 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDKstBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter    |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKstBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.020       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKstBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKstBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeauty2Charm   |     0.555 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKstBeauty2Charm                           |     0.000 |     0.218 |    0.069       1.2     0.28 |      18 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKstBeauty2CharmTISTOS                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKstBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKstBeauty2CharmLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135064,15 +135324,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstDKstBeauty2C
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstDKstBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstDKstBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKstBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.090 |     0.076 |    0.026       2.6     0.14 |    1000 |     0.077 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.070 |     0.061 |    0.021       2.3     0.12 |    1000 |     0.061 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.049 |     0.048 |    0.009       2.5     0.20 |     405 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0|     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.020       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCF|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.006       0.1     0.02 |      19 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBea|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      19 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm               |     1.052 |     0.525 |    0.087       2.2     0.59 |      19 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.024 |     0.039 |    0.007       2.2     0.17 |     405 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.014       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCF|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      19 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBea|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      19 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm               |     0.526 |     0.431 |    0.073       2.0     0.50 |      19 |     0.008 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135082,14 +135342,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstDKstDstarD02
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstDKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstDKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKstBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.110 |     0.067 |    0.025       0.9     0.06 |    1000 |     0.067 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKstBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKstBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKstBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.009       0.9     0.07 |     405 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKstBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKstBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.019       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKstBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeauty2Charm |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKstBeauty2Charm                         |     0.000 |     0.112 |    0.055       0.7     0.14 |      20 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKstBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.050 |     0.053 |    0.022       0.8     0.05 |    1000 |     0.053 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKstBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler    |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKstBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKstBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.049 |     0.022 |    0.007       0.7     0.06 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKstBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKstBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeaut|     0.500 |     0.033 |    0.018       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKstBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeauty2Charm |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKstBeauty2Charm                         |     0.000 |     0.097 |    0.052       0.6     0.11 |      20 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKstBeauty2CharmTISTOS                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKstBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKstBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135099,15 +135359,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstDstKstBeauty
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstDstKstBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstDstKstBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKstBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.080 |     0.065 |    0.027       1.2     0.07 |    1000 |     0.066 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.020 |     0.052 |    0.022       1.2     0.06 |    1000 |     0.052 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.030 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.024 |     0.022 |    0.008       1.0     0.08 |     405 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.019       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiB|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     0.240 |    0.070       0.8     0.28 |       8 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.007       1.0     0.07 |     405 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.017       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiB|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     0.215 |    0.061       0.7     0.25 |       8 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135117,14 +135377,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstDstKstDstarD
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty|     0.060 |     0.069 |    0.025       1.7     0.09 |    1000 |     0.069 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeaut|     0.020 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeaut|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeaut|     0.024 |     0.030 |    0.008       1.6     0.11 |     405 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeau|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmC|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.020       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmC|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm |     0.500 |     0.195 |    0.057       1.4     0.33 |      20 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty|     0.100 |     0.054 |    0.021       1.5     0.07 |    1000 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeaut|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeaut|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeaut|     0.024 |     0.026 |    0.007       1.4     0.10 |     405 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeau|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmC|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.019       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmC|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm |     0.500 |     0.178 |    0.051       1.2     0.30 |      20 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmT|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135134,105 +135394,105 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstDstKstDstarD
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3Pi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3Pi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKstDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DD0KstBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.210 |     0.213 |    0.025      93.0     2.96 |    1000 |     0.214 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DD0KstBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.190 |     0.200 |    0.021     100.1     3.19 |    1000 |     0.201 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DD0KstBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DD0KstBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter       |     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DD0KstBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence   |     0.370 |     0.394 |    0.008      92.8     4.64 |     405 |     0.160 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DD0KstBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DD0KstBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Char|     0.059 |     0.026 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DD0KstBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBeauty2Cha|     0.113 |     0.015 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      88 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DD0KstBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      88 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DD0KstBeauty2Charm                             |     0.227 |     0.497 |    0.073      13.5     1.53 |      88 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DD0KstBeauty2CharmTISTOS                       |    13.333 |    16.241 |    1.212      43.7    23.81 |       3 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DD0KstBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter    |     0.000 |     0.184 |    0.107       0.3     0.11 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DD0KstBeauty2CharmLine                         |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DD0KstBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     2.720 |    0.274       5.2     3.46 |       2 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2DD0KstBeauty2CharmLine            |     5.000 |     2.550 |    0.226       4.9     3.29 |       2 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DD0KstBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     2.580 |    0.242       4.9     3.31 |       2 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DD0KstBeauty2CharmLine            |     5.000 |     5.957 |    0.552      11.4     7.64 |       2 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DD0KstBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     1.822 |    0.430       3.2     1.97 |       2 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DD0KstBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.170 |     0.149 |    0.024      26.1     1.14 |    1000 |     0.150 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DD0KstBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter       |     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.004       3.3     0.11 |    1000 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DD0KstBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence   |     0.395 |     0.379 |    0.008     100.0     4.99 |     405 |     0.154 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DD0KstBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DD0KstBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Char|     0.059 |     0.024 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DD0KstBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      88 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DD0KstBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      88 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DD0KstBeauty2Charm                             |     0.340 |     0.461 |    0.065      14.0     1.59 |      88 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DD0KstBeauty2CharmTISTOS                       |    20.000 |    18.264 |    1.179      49.4    27.02 |       3 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DD0KstBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter    |     0.000 |     0.191 |    0.107       0.3     0.12 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DD0KstBeauty2CharmLine                         |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DD0KstBeauty2CharmLine            |     5.000 |     2.771 |    0.293       5.2     3.51 |       2 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2DD0KstBeauty2CharmLine            |     5.000 |     2.756 |    0.233       5.3     3.57 |       2 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DD0KstBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     2.687 |    0.260       5.1     3.43 |       2 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DD0KstBeauty2CharmLine            |     5.000 |     6.177 |    0.545      11.8     7.97 |       2 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DD0KstBeauty2CharmLine            |     5.000 |     1.833 |    0.393       3.3     2.04 |       2 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DD0KstBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.120 |     0.131 |    0.019      26.3     1.13 |    1000 |     0.131 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.050 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.172 |     0.232 |    0.008      25.9     1.76 |     405 |     0.094 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeau|     0.059 |     0.024 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIGHTB|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      70 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      70 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.428 |     0.800 |    0.076      23.2     2.98 |      70 |     0.056 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     6.666 |     2.941 |    1.412       6.0     2.63 |       3 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.148 |    0.131       0.2     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.037       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.983 |    0.983       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2DD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.626 |    0.626       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.600 |    0.600       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     1.552 |    1.552       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.686 |    0.686       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.030 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.197 |     0.222 |    0.007      26.2     1.76 |     405 |     0.090 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIGHTB|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      70 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.002       0.6     0.10 |      70 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.857 |     0.766 |    0.065      22.8     2.93 |      70 |     0.054 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     3.033 |    1.026       6.6     3.13 |       3 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.112 |    0.079       0.1     0.05 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.804 |    0.804       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2DD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.678 |    0.678       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.640 |    0.640       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     1.452 |    1.452       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.634 |    0.634       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstD0KstBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.070 |     0.096 |    0.023      32.4     1.03 |    1000 |     0.096 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstD0KstBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.080 |     0.085 |    0.020      33.3     1.05 |    1000 |     0.085 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KstBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KstBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter     |     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KstBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence |     0.123 |     0.108 |    0.008      32.2     1.60 |     405 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstD0KstBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.013       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      17 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeauty2Charm   |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      17 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstBeauty2Charm                           |     0.588 |     0.424 |    0.076       3.6     0.87 |      17 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstBeauty2CharmTISTOS                     |    10.000 |    13.454 |   13.454      13.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter  |     0.000 |     0.209 |    0.209       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstBeauty2CharmLine                       |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DstD0KstBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     1.713 |    1.713       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2DstD0KstBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     1.476 |    1.476       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstD0KstBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     1.451 |    1.451       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstD0KstBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     3.197 |    3.197       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstD0KstBeauty2CharmLine          |    10.000 |     1.195 |    1.195       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KstBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.090 |     0.081 |    0.025      17.4     0.56 |    1000 |     0.082 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.5     0.01 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.098 |     0.071 |    0.008      17.3     0.87 |     405 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDT|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBea|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm               |     1.818 |     0.500 |    0.125       2.2     0.69 |      11 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     6.310 |    6.310       6.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.173 |    0.173       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KstBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter     |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KstBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence |     0.123 |     0.105 |    0.007      33.1     1.65 |     405 |     0.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstD0KstBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter    |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      17 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeauty2Charm   |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      17 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstBeauty2Charm                           |     0.588 |     0.365 |    0.073       3.8     0.89 |      17 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstBeauty2CharmTISTOS                     |    10.000 |    15.103 |   15.103      15.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter  |     0.000 |     0.182 |    0.182       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstBeauty2CharmLine                       |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DstD0KstBeauty2CharmLine          |    10.000 |     1.674 |    1.674       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2DstD0KstBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     1.503 |    1.503       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstD0KstBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     1.434 |    1.434       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstD0KstBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     3.202 |    3.202       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstD0KstBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     1.028 |    1.028       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KstBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.030 |     0.070 |    0.021      18.5     0.59 |    1000 |     0.070 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.024 |     0.070 |    0.007      18.4     0.92 |     405 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDT|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBea|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.450 |    0.098       2.0     0.64 |      11 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |    10.000 |     7.435 |    7.435       7.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.168 |    0.168       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.810 |    0.810       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.634 |    0.634       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.642 |    0.642       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     1.428 |    1.428       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.540 |    0.540       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.160 |     0.113 |    0.025      50.7     1.60 |    1000 |     0.113 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.020 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.172 |     0.151 |    0.008      50.5     2.51 |     405 |     0.061 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPID|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIGH|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                    |     1.818 |     0.695 |    0.085       4.5     1.35 |      11 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |    20.000 |    26.244 |   26.244      26.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.238 |    0.238       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine   |    10.000 |     2.569 |    2.569       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     2.292 |    2.292       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     2.247 |    2.247       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine   |    10.000 |     5.160 |    5.160       5.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     1.611 |    1.611       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.775 |    0.775       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.739 |    0.739       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.732 |    0.732       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     1.493 |    1.493       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.532 |    0.532       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.120 |     0.103 |    0.021      53.8     1.70 |    1000 |     0.104 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.222 |     0.153 |    0.007      53.7     2.67 |     405 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPID|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIGH|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                    |     0.909 |     0.600 |    0.081       4.5     1.29 |      11 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |    30.000 |    28.769 |   28.769      28.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.200 |    0.200       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     2.608 |    2.608       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine   |    10.000 |     2.413 |    2.413       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     2.471 |    2.471       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     5.545 |    5.545       5.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine   |    10.000 |     1.696 |    1.696       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KstD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.040 |     0.071 |    0.026       5.2     0.19 |    1000 |     0.072 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.050 |     0.060 |    0.020       4.6     0.17 |    1000 |     0.060 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.024 |     0.049 |    0.008       5.1     0.29 |     405 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutX|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm        |     0.555 |     0.635 |    0.111       4.9     1.14 |      18 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.049 |     0.044 |    0.007       4.5     0.26 |     405 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Char|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutX|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm        |     0.555 |     0.570 |    0.076       4.4     1.02 |      18 |     0.010 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135242,18 +135502,18 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstD0KstDstarD02
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstD0KstDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0DKPiBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.110 |     0.147 |    0.025      21.6     0.86 |    1000 |     0.148 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0DKPiBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.140 |     0.128 |    0.021      22.8     0.88 |    1000 |     0.129 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter       |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence   |     0.197 |     0.228 |    0.009      21.3     1.32 |     405 |     0.093 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0DKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Char|     0.059 |     0.025 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.004       1.0     0.10 |      88 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |      88 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      88 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKPiBeauty2Charm                             |     0.681 |     0.724 |    0.083      19.7     2.50 |      88 |     0.064 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                       |     0.000 |     4.029 |    4.029       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter    |     0.000 |     0.134 |    0.134       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter       |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence   |     0.222 |     0.211 |    0.007      22.6     1.36 |     405 |     0.086 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0DKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Char|     0.059 |     0.021 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      88 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      88 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      88 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKPiBeauty2Charm                             |     0.681 |     0.716 |    0.077      22.1     2.74 |      88 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                       |    10.000 |     3.533 |    3.533       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter    |     0.000 |     0.087 |    0.087       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKPiBeauty2CharmLine                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0DKPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0DKPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135261,18 +135521,18 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0DKPiBeauty2Cha
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0DKPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0DKPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0DKPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.130 |     0.135 |    0.025      19.5     0.82 |    1000 |     0.135 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0DKPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.090 |     0.119 |    0.021      20.1     0.82 |    1000 |     0.119 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.148 |     0.194 |    0.008      19.3     1.26 |     405 |     0.079 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.148 |     0.184 |    0.007      19.8     1.27 |     405 |     0.075 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0DKPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIGHTB|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      70 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |      70 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIGHTB|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      70 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      70 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      70 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKPiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.714 |     0.799 |    0.080      18.8     2.85 |      70 |     0.056 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     2.251 |    2.251       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.104 |    0.104       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKPiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.714 |     0.766 |    0.074      19.3     2.87 |      70 |     0.054 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     2.049 |    2.049       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.076       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0DKPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0DKPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135280,50 +135540,50 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0DKPiD02K3PiBea
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0DKPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0DKPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0DKKBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.200 |     0.169 |    0.026      32.7     1.34 |    1000 |     0.170 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0DKKBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.140 |     0.146 |    0.022      35.6     1.32 |    1000 |     0.146 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKKBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKKBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter        |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKKBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence    |     0.345 |     0.281 |    0.008      32.5     2.08 |     405 |     0.114 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0DKKBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKKBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.059 |     0.027 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKKBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBeauty2Char|     0.113 |     0.015 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      88 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKKBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |      88 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKKBeauty2Charm                              |     1.022 |     0.717 |    0.071      18.7     2.80 |      88 |     0.063 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKKBeauty2CharmTISTOS                        |    10.000 |     6.633 |    4.775       8.5     2.63 |       2 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKKBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter     |     0.000 |     0.136 |    0.112       0.2     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKKBeauty2CharmLine                          |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0DKKBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.885 |    0.882       0.9     0.00 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0DKKBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.649 |    0.631       0.7     0.03 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0DKKBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.694 |    0.670       0.7     0.03 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0DKKBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     1.963 |    1.932       2.0     0.04 |       2 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0DKKBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.740 |    0.594       0.9     0.21 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKKBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0DKKD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.110 |     0.137 |    0.026      34.0     1.13 |    1000 |     0.138 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKKBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter        |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKKBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence    |     0.296 |     0.251 |    0.007      35.4     2.06 |     405 |     0.102 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0DKKBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKKBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Charm|     0.236 |     0.024 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKKBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      88 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKKBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      88 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKKBeauty2Charm                              |     0.454 |     0.635 |    0.068      19.5     2.64 |      88 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKKBeauty2CharmTISTOS                        |    10.000 |     6.207 |    5.500       6.9     1.00 |       2 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKKBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter     |     0.000 |     0.130 |    0.120       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKKBeauty2CharmLine                          |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0DKKBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.814 |    0.682       0.9     0.19 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0DKKBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.656 |    0.590       0.7     0.09 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0DKKBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.648 |    0.603       0.7     0.06 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0DKKBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     2.019 |    1.946       2.1     0.10 |       2 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0DKKBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.979 |    0.641       1.3     0.48 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKKBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0DKKD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.150 |     0.123 |    0.022      35.6     1.19 |    1000 |     0.124 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKKD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKKD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKKD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.172 |     0.200 |    0.008      33.8     1.76 |     405 |     0.081 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0DKKD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKKD2K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKKD2K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIGHTBea|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      70 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKKD2K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |      70 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKKD2K3PiBeauty2Charm                        |     0.428 |     0.674 |    0.072      18.8     2.52 |      70 |     0.047 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKKD2K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |    10.000 |     5.705 |    5.705       5.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKKD2K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.149 |    0.149       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKKD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0DKKD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.903 |    0.903       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0DKKD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.686 |    0.686       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0DKKD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.696 |    0.696       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0DKKD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLine       |    10.000 |     1.896 |    1.896       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0DKKD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.582 |    0.582       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKKD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKKD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.271 |     0.196 |    0.008      35.4     1.85 |     405 |     0.080 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0DKKD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKKD2K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKKD2K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIGHTBea|     0.142 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      70 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKKD2K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      70 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKKD2K3PiBeauty2Charm                        |     0.857 |     0.664 |    0.069      18.7     2.54 |      70 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKKD2K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |     0.000 |     6.860 |    6.860       6.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKKD2K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.161 |    0.161       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0DKKD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0DKKD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.856 |    0.856       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0DKKD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.644 |    0.644       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0DKKD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.667 |    0.667       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0DKKD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     1.936 |    1.936       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0DKKD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     1.143 |    1.143       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0DKKD2K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKKBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.050 |     0.069 |    0.027       1.1     0.07 |    1000 |     0.069 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKKBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.050 |     0.055 |    0.023       0.9     0.06 |    1000 |     0.056 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKKBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKKBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter    |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKKBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence|     0.049 |     0.026 |    0.008       0.9     0.07 |     405 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKKBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter   |     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKKBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.014       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKKBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKKBeauty2Charm                          |     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.051       0.7     0.14 |      20 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKKBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKKBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.008       0.8     0.06 |     405 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKKBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKKBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKKBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKKBeauty2Charm                          |     0.000 |     0.088 |    0.047       0.5     0.11 |      20 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKKBeauty2CharmTISTOS                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKKBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKKBeauty2CharmLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135333,15 +135593,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstDstKKBeauty2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstDstKKBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstDstKKBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKKBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.040 |     0.067 |    0.026       1.8     0.08 |    1000 |     0.067 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.008       1.5     0.09 |     405 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.016       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTo|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.253 |    0.054       1.1     0.36 |       8 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.070 |     0.055 |    0.023       1.6     0.09 |    1000 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.020 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.007       1.4     0.11 |     405 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.009       0.1     0.02 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTo|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.179 |    0.049       0.5     0.19 |       8 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135351,14 +135611,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstDstKKDstarD0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2|     0.080 |     0.068 |    0.025       1.1     0.07 |    1000 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2|     0.050 |     0.058 |    0.022       1.4     0.09 |    1000 |     0.059 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty|     0.074 |     0.028 |    0.009       1.0     0.08 |     405 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeaut|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCo|     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.023       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCo|     0.500 |     0.018 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm  |     0.000 |     0.119 |    0.052       0.8     0.17 |      20 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty|     0.049 |     0.031 |    0.008       1.3     0.11 |     405 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCo|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.014       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCo|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm  |     0.500 |     0.272 |    0.050       1.2     0.31 |      20 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTI|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135368,31 +135628,31 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstDstKKDstarD0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstKKDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DDPiBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.190 |     0.202 |    0.025      37.5     1.49 |    1000 |     0.202 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DDPiBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.100 |     0.178 |    0.021      31.6     1.41 |    1000 |     0.179 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter         |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.7     0.02 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence     |     0.271 |     0.360 |    0.009      37.4     2.32 |     405 |     0.146 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DDPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Charm |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInputsBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDPiBeauty2Charm                               |     0.355 |     0.319 |    0.057       6.0     0.72 |     169 |     0.054 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                         |    10.000 |    13.618 |    4.965      24.4     9.90 |       3 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter      |     0.000 |     0.169 |    0.136       0.2     0.03 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDPiBeauty2CharmLine                           |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.014       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DDPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.994 |    0.894       1.2     0.16 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2DDPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.781 |    0.585       1.0     0.22 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DDPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     3.333 |     0.789 |    0.632       1.0     0.20 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DDPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     1.867 |    1.287       2.6     0.69 |       3 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DDPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.844 |    0.579       1.1     0.29 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DDPiWSBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.060 |     0.043 |    0.016       1.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.043 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDPiWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDPiWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter       |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      97 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDPiWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.154 |    0.008       1.7     0.29 |      39 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DDPiWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      39 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDPiWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.022       0.1     0.01 |      17 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDPiWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      17 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDPiWSBeauty2Charm                             |     0.000 |     0.178 |    0.054       1.5     0.35 |      17 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter         |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       3.8     0.12 |    1000 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence     |     0.222 |     0.323 |    0.007      31.6     2.19 |     405 |     0.131 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DDPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter        |     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Charm |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInputsBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDPiBeauty2Charm                               |     0.118 |     0.264 |    0.053       6.0     0.77 |     169 |     0.045 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                         |    10.000 |    13.662 |    5.346      21.2     7.94 |       3 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter      |     0.000 |     0.158 |    0.150       0.2     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDPiBeauty2CharmLine                           |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DDPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     3.333 |     0.919 |    0.822       1.0     0.09 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2DDPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.838 |    0.694       1.0     0.16 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DDPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.817 |    0.607       1.0     0.20 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DDPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     1.771 |    1.253       2.4     0.61 |       3 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DDPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.745 |    0.563       0.9     0.16 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DDPiWSBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.010 |     0.035 |    0.015       1.4     0.06 |    1000 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDPiWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDPiWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter       |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      97 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDPiWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.130 |    0.008       1.3     0.23 |      39 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DDPiWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      39 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDPiWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.015       0.0     0.01 |      17 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDPiWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      17 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDPiWSBeauty2Charm                             |     0.000 |     0.151 |    0.052       1.2     0.27 |      17 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDPiWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDPiWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDPiWSBeauty2CharmLine                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135402,35 +135662,35 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DDPiWSBeauty2Cha
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DDPiWSBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DDPiWSBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDPiWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0DPiBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.150 |     0.141 |    0.027      22.0     0.96 |    1000 |     0.142 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter       |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence   |     0.246 |     0.202 |    0.008      21.8     1.48 |     405 |     0.082 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0DPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBeauty2Cha|     0.113 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      88 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |      88 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiBeauty2Charm                             |     0.454 |     0.232 |    0.064       4.1     0.46 |      88 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                       |     6.666 |     7.030 |    1.619      12.6     5.48 |       3 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter    |     0.000 |     0.137 |    0.087       0.2     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiBeauty2CharmLine                         |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0DPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.657 |    0.320       1.2     0.47 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0DPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     3.333 |     0.495 |    0.169       1.0     0.42 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0DPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.483 |    0.157       1.0     0.42 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0DPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     1.468 |    0.546       2.4     0.92 |       3 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0DPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.563 |    0.383       0.8     0.22 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0DPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.110 |     0.107 |    0.031       5.8     0.30 |    1000 |     0.108 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.148 |     0.109 |    0.008       5.6     0.45 |     405 |     0.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0DPiBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.130 |     0.124 |    0.024      23.1     0.93 |    1000 |     0.125 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler        |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter       |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence   |     0.222 |     0.195 |    0.007      23.0     1.44 |     405 |     0.079 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0DPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Char|     0.059 |     0.023 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      88 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      88 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiBeauty2Charm                             |     0.340 |     0.220 |    0.058       4.4     0.52 |      88 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                       |     6.666 |     7.272 |    1.929      11.8     4.99 |       3 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter    |     0.000 |     0.141 |    0.108       0.2     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiBeauty2CharmLine                         |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0DPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.578 |    0.202       1.1     0.47 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0DPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.457 |    0.216       0.9     0.38 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0DPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.491 |    0.192       1.0     0.46 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0DPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     3.333 |     1.199 |    0.482       2.4     1.01 |       3 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0DPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     3.333 |     0.449 |    0.306       0.7     0.24 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0DPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.080 |     0.089 |    0.026       6.1     0.27 |    1000 |     0.090 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.098 |     0.096 |    0.007       6.0     0.41 |     405 |     0.039 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0DPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIGHTB|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      70 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      70 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.428 |     0.268 |    0.065       3.8     0.59 |      70 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     2.375 |    1.238       3.5     1.61 |       2 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.164 |    0.164       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIGHTB|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      70 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      70 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.142 |     0.256 |    0.060       4.0     0.61 |      70 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     1.781 |    1.339       2.2     0.63 |       2 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.092 |    0.092       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0DPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0DPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135438,15 +135698,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0DPiD02K3PiBea
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0DPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0DPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DPiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0DPiWSBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.030 |     0.046 |    0.019       1.7     0.07 |    1000 |     0.047 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DPiWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DPiWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter     |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      91 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DPiWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence |     0.000 |     0.117 |    0.010       1.6     0.28 |      37 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0DPiWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter    |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      18 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiWSBeauty2Charm                           |     0.000 |     0.368 |    0.095       1.4     0.53 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0DPiWSBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.040 |     0.037 |    0.016       1.3     0.06 |    1000 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DPiWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler      |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DPiWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter     |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      91 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DPiWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence |     0.000 |     0.134 |    0.008       1.2     0.26 |      37 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0DPiWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.012       0.0     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiWSBeauty2Charm                           |     0.000 |     0.291 |    0.073       1.1     0.40 |       6 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiWSBeauty2CharmLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135456,15 +135716,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0DPiWSBeauty2C
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0DPiWSBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0DPiWSBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DPiWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0DPiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.050 |     0.050 |    0.018       3.7     0.13 |    1000 |     0.051 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DPiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DPiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     101 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DPiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.238 |     0.170 |    0.010       3.5     0.56 |      42 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0DPiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.013       0.1     0.01 |      15 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIGH|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.005       0.0     0.02 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiWSD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                    |     1.666 |     0.835 |    0.071       3.0     1.14 |       6 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0DPiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.040 |     0.042 |    0.016       3.5     0.15 |    1000 |     0.042 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DPiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DPiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     101 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DPiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.238 |     0.148 |    0.008       3.3     0.52 |      42 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0DPiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBe|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.013       0.1     0.01 |      15 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIGH|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiWSD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                    |     1.666 |     0.730 |    0.075       2.9     1.08 |       6 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0DPiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135474,33 +135734,33 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0DPiWSD02K3PiB
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0DPiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0DPiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0DPiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDPiBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.130 |     0.113 |    0.027      37.0     1.18 |    1000 |     0.114 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter       |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence   |     0.148 |     0.146 |    0.008      36.8     1.85 |     405 |     0.060 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter      |     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Char|     0.059 |     0.026 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiBeauty2Charm                             |     0.000 |     0.449 |    0.088       4.1     0.94 |      18 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                       |    15.000 |     9.183 |    1.921      16.4    10.27 |       2 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter    |     0.000 |     0.146 |    0.113       0.2     0.05 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiBeauty2CharmLine                         |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DstDPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     1.225 |    0.351       2.1     1.24 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2DstDPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     5.000 |     1.055 |    0.273       1.8     1.11 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstDPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     1.035 |    0.289       1.8     1.06 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstDPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     2.485 |    0.522       4.4     2.78 |       2 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstDPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.848 |    0.398       1.3     0.64 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.100 |     0.077 |    0.026       3.8     0.17 |    1000 |     0.077 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.020 |     0.012 |    0.005       3.8     0.12 |    1000 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.024 |     0.050 |    0.008       1.6     0.15 |     405 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPI|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0Pi|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      19 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopo|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      19 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                 |     0.526 |     0.393 |    0.090       1.3     0.39 |      19 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDPiBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.100 |     0.102 |    0.022      37.3     1.20 |    1000 |     0.103 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter       |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence   |     0.123 |     0.146 |    0.008      37.1     1.88 |     405 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiBeauty2Charm                             |     0.555 |     0.428 |    0.081       3.8     0.88 |      18 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                       |    10.000 |     9.816 |    2.163      17.5    10.82 |       2 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter    |     0.000 |     0.129 |    0.097       0.2     0.05 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiBeauty2CharmLine                         |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2DstDPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     5.000 |     1.177 |    0.420       1.9     1.07 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2DstDPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     1.021 |    0.304       1.7     1.01 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstDPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     1.033 |    0.322       1.7     1.01 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstDPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     5.000 |     2.515 |    0.472       4.6     2.89 |       2 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstDPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.862 |    0.392       1.3     0.67 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.020 |     0.061 |    0.020       1.6     0.11 |    1000 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.024 |     0.047 |    0.007       1.4     0.15 |     405 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPI|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0Pi|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.006       0.2     0.04 |      19 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopo|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |      19 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                 |     0.526 |     0.369 |    0.074       1.2     0.36 |      19 |     0.007 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135510,15 +135770,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstDPiDstarD02K3
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstDPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstDPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDPiWSBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.030 |     0.045 |    0.017       3.1     0.12 |    1000 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDPiWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDPiWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter     |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      93 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDPiWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence |     0.487 |     0.218 |    0.009       2.9     0.50 |      41 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDPiWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      41 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.013       0.1     0.01 |      21 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiWSBeauty2Charm                           |     0.000 |     0.531 |    0.070       1.8     0.86 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDPiWSBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.020 |     0.033 |    0.014       2.8     0.09 |    1000 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDPiWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDPiWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter     |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      93 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDPiWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence |     0.000 |     0.106 |    0.008       2.6     0.40 |      41 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDPiWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      41 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.013       0.1     0.01 |      21 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.010       0.1     0.03 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.007       0.0     0.02 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiWSBeauty2Charm                           |     0.000 |     0.564 |    0.068       2.0     0.97 |       4 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiWSBeauty2CharmLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135528,15 +135788,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstDPiWSBeauty2C
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstDPiWSBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstDPiWSBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDPiWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.040 |     0.038 |    0.017       1.7     0.06 |    1000 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     102 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.000 |     0.092 |    0.010       1.6     0.28 |      37 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCF|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |      16 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.008       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTo|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.018       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.806 |    0.173       1.4     0.90 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.040 |     0.030 |    0.014       1.4     0.05 |    1000 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     102 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.270 |     0.069 |    0.008       1.3     0.21 |      37 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.270 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCF|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |      16 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTo|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.615 |    0.101       1.1     0.73 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135546,14 +135806,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstDPiWSDstarD02
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstDPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstDPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0D0PiD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.080 |     0.088 |    0.026       6.7     0.25 |    1000 |     0.089 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0PiD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0PiD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0PiD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.098 |     0.081 |    0.009       6.6     0.37 |     405 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0D0PiD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0D0PiD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.080 |     0.074 |    0.022       7.3     0.25 |    1000 |     0.075 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0PiD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0PiD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0PiD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.074 |     0.076 |    0.008       7.1     0.38 |     405 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0D0PiD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0PiD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPI|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      75 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0PiD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTo|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      75 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0PiD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm               |     0.266 |     0.243 |    0.054       6.5     0.79 |      75 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0PiD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTo|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      75 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0PiD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm               |     0.133 |     0.227 |    0.048       6.9     0.82 |      75 |     0.017 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0PiD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0PiD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0PiD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135563,33 +135823,33 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0D0PiD02K3PiD02
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0D0PiD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0D0PiD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0PiD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.120 |     0.155 |    0.027      51.4     1.68 |    1000 |     0.155 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.100 |     0.139 |    0.022      54.3     1.76 |    1000 |     0.140 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.6     0.02 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.148 |     0.238 |    0.008      51.2     2.62 |     405 |     0.097 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIG|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     136 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDT|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      42 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopo|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      42 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                 |     0.714 |     0.821 |    0.055      10.8     2.23 |      42 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |    10.000 |    13.197 |    5.290      21.1    11.18 |       2 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.202 |    0.170       0.2     0.05 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     2.622 |    2.622       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     2.256 |    2.256       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|    10.000 |     2.247 |    2.247       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     5.712 |    5.712       5.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     1.696 |    1.696       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstD0PiBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.090 |     0.071 |    0.027       2.5     0.11 |    1000 |     0.072 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler      |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter     |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence |     0.024 |     0.033 |    0.008       2.4     0.15 |     405 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstD0PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter    |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      17 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      17 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiBeauty2Charm                           |     0.588 |     0.300 |    0.074       2.1     0.51 |      17 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.222 |     0.233 |    0.007      54.2     2.76 |     405 |     0.095 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIG|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     136 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDT|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      42 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopo|     0.238 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      42 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                 |     0.714 |     0.804 |    0.056      10.8     2.29 |      42 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |    10.000 |    13.189 |    3.645      22.7    13.50 |       2 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.153 |    0.097       0.2     0.08 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|    10.000 |     2.657 |    2.657       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     2.402 |    2.402       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     2.463 |    2.463       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|    10.000 |     5.874 |    5.874       5.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     1.633 |    1.633       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0D0PiD02HHD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstD0PiBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.070 |     0.056 |    0.022       1.7     0.08 |    1000 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter     |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence |     0.024 |     0.026 |    0.007       1.5     0.10 |     405 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstD0PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter    |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      17 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      17 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiBeauty2Charm                           |     0.000 |     0.196 |    0.071       1.0     0.25 |      17 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiBeauty2CharmLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135599,15 +135859,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstD0PiBeauty2C
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstD0PiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstD0PiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstD0PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.040 |     0.069 |    0.026       2.4     0.11 |    1000 |     0.069 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.049 |     0.030 |    0.008       2.2     0.15 |     405 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstD0PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPID|     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIGH|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.008       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.398 |    0.073       1.8     0.62 |      11 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstD0PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.060 |     0.055 |    0.022       2.5     0.10 |    1000 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.024 |     0.025 |    0.007       2.2     0.13 |     405 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstD0PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPID|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.017       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIGH|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.329 |    0.076       1.8     0.52 |      11 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135617,15 +135877,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstD0PiD02K3PiB
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstD0PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstD0PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.060 |     0.070 |    0.026       1.8     0.09 |    1000 |     0.070 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.070 |     0.056 |    0.021       1.4     0.08 |    1000 |     0.056 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.009       1.6     0.11 |     405 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.013       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDT|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTo|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.311 |    0.093       1.4     0.41 |      11 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.074 |     0.025 |    0.007       1.3     0.10 |     405 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0|     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDT|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.008       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTo|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm               |     0.909 |     0.277 |    0.080       1.1     0.33 |      11 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135635,15 +135895,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstD0PiDstarD02
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.050 |     0.070 |    0.026       2.0     0.09 |    1000 |     0.071 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.100 |     0.057 |    0.022       1.8     0.09 |    1000 |     0.058 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.008       1.9     0.12 |     405 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD|     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.020       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutP|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm        |     0.000 |     0.259 |    0.083       1.7     0.37 |      18 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.074 |     0.031 |    0.007       1.7     0.11 |     405 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.6     0.03 |     405 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutP|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm        |     0.555 |     0.233 |    0.066       1.5     0.33 |      18 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135653,15 +135913,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstD0PiDstarD02
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstD0PiWSBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.070 |     0.045 |    0.017       1.6     0.06 |    1000 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler    |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     109 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.009       1.5     0.23 |      43 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstD0PiWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      43 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.017       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBeauty|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.021       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSBeauty2Charm                         |     0.000 |     1.196 |    1.196       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstD0PiWSBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.020 |     0.034 |    0.016       0.8     0.03 |    1000 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     109 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.008       0.7     0.11 |      43 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstD0PiWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      43 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBeauty|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSBeauty2Charm                         |     0.000 |     0.556 |    0.556       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135671,15 +135931,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstD0PiWSBeauty
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstD0PiWSBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstD0PiWSBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstD0PiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.050 |     0.044 |    0.017       3.6     0.12 |    1000 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      97 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.008       3.5     0.54 |      40 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstD0PiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiP|     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.046       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTI|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.024       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoI|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     1.558 |    0.093       3.0     2.07 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstD0PiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.030 |     0.035 |    0.015       3.1     0.10 |    1000 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      97 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.000 |     0.096 |    0.008       3.0     0.47 |      40 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstD0PiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiP|     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.041       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTI|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.022       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoI|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     1.292 |    0.108       2.5     1.68 |       2 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135689,15 +135949,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstD0PiWSD02K3P
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstD0PiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstD0PiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiWSD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.030 |     0.044 |    0.018       1.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     100 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.010       1.6     0.26 |      46 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      46 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2|     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.040       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPI|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.014       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PID|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     0.893 |    0.357       1.4     0.76 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.040 |     0.034 |    0.015       1.6     0.06 |    1000 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     100 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.009       1.4     0.23 |      46 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      46 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2|     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.024       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPI|     0.000 |     0.061 |    0.013       0.1     0.07 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PID|     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.005       0.1     0.05 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     0.583 |    0.534       0.6     0.07 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135707,15 +135967,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstD0PiWSDstarD
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Char|     0.060 |     0.042 |    0.017       2.0     0.07 |    1000 |     0.043 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Cha|     0.090 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     110 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Cha|     0.204 |     0.071 |    0.009       1.9     0.27 |      49 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      49 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.020       0.1     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.012       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm      |     3.333 |     0.624 |    0.136       1.6     0.83 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Char|     0.060 |     0.035 |    0.015       1.6     0.07 |    1000 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.005       1.0     0.09 |     110 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.009       1.5     0.22 |      49 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      49 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.021       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Charm      |     0.000 |     0.539 |    0.112       1.3     0.70 |       3 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBD|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135725,14 +135985,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstD0PiWSDstarD
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstD0PiWSDstarD02K3PiD02K3PiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDstPiBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.070 |     0.073 |    0.027       1.5     0.12 |    1000 |     0.074 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDstPiBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.030 |     0.055 |    0.021       1.0     0.06 |    1000 |     0.055 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter     |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence |     0.123 |     0.045 |    0.009       1.4     0.17 |     405 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDstPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.019       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiBeauty2Charm                           |     0.500 |     0.154 |    0.069       0.8     0.17 |      20 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter     |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.008       0.8     0.07 |     405 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDstPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter    |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiBeauty2Charm                           |     0.000 |     0.131 |    0.060       0.6     0.14 |      20 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiBeauty2CharmLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135742,15 +136002,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstDstPiBeauty2C
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstDstPiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstDstPiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.030 |     0.062 |    0.025       2.0     0.09 |    1000 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.030 |     0.050 |    0.021       1.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.050 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.5     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.008       1.9     0.12 |     405 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.017       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.008       0.1     0.02 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTo|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.380 |    0.076       1.3     0.49 |       8 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.024 |     0.021 |    0.007       1.6     0.09 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.018       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTo|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.302 |    0.061       1.1     0.38 |       8 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135760,14 +136020,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstDstPiDstarD02
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2C|     0.080 |     0.062 |    0.025       1.7     0.08 |    1000 |     0.063 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2|     0.074 |     0.030 |    0.008       1.6     0.10 |     405 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCom|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.014       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCom|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm   |     1.000 |     0.181 |    0.061       1.4     0.29 |      20 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2C|     0.050 |     0.059 |    0.021       7.7     0.25 |    1000 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2|     0.024 |     0.026 |    0.007       1.4     0.09 |     405 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCom|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.018       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCom|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm   |     0.000 |     0.164 |    0.054       1.3     0.28 |      20 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTIS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135777,14 +136037,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstDstPiDstarD02
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBe|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBe|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDstPiWSBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.060 |     0.038 |    0.017       0.5     0.03 |    1000 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      92 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.009       0.4     0.08 |      38 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDstPiWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      38 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.017       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiWSBeauty2Charm                         |     0.000 |     0.106 |    0.070       0.1     0.03 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDstPiWSBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.020 |     0.031 |    0.014       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      92 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.008       0.2     0.06 |      38 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDstPiWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      38 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.016       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiWSBeauty2Charm                         |     0.000 |     0.077 |    0.054       0.1     0.02 |       4 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiWSBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135794,12 +136054,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstDstPiWSBeauty
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstDstPiWSBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstDstPiWSBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.020 |     0.034 |    0.017       0.4     0.02 |    1000 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.010 |     0.028 |    0.014       0.2     0.02 |    1000 |     0.028 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      91 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.011       0.2     0.03 |      37 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2|     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.082       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      91 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      37 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PID|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135812,14 +136072,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstDstPiWSDstarD
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty|     0.010 |     0.036 |    0.016       1.4     0.05 |    1000 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      86 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.010       1.2     0.18 |      41 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeau|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      41 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmC|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.030       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmC|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm |     0.000 |     1.006 |    1.006       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty|     0.010 |     0.028 |    0.014       1.1     0.04 |    1000 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      86 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.008       1.0     0.16 |      41 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeau|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      41 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmC|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.031       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmC|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2Charm |     0.000 |     0.814 |    0.814       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmT|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135829,33 +136089,33 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2DstDstPiWSDstarD
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3Pi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3Pi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstDstPiWSDstarD02K3PiDstarD02K3PiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dst2460DPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.060 |     0.078 |    0.024       7.1     0.25 |    1000 |     0.079 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dst2460DPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.080 |     0.062 |    0.021       4.4     0.17 |    1000 |     0.063 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst2460DPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst2460DPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst2460DPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.024 |     0.064 |    0.008       7.0     0.38 |     405 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst2460DPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst2460DPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.074 |     0.052 |    0.007       4.3     0.26 |     405 |     0.021 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dst2460DPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar24602D0PiPIDB|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      41 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      31 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      31 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DPiBeauty2Charm                         |     0.322 |     0.288 |    0.078       1.8     0.37 |      31 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                   |     0.000 |     1.674 |    1.674       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter|     0.000 |     0.119 |    0.119       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DPiBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2Dst2460DPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.366 |    0.366       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2Dst2460DPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.257 |    0.257       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dst2460DPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.193 |    0.193       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dst2460DPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.587 |    0.587       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dst2460DPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.411 |    0.411       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst2460DPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dst2460DPiWSBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.050 |     0.040 |    0.015       3.0     0.10 |    1000 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst2460DPiWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst2460DPiWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      96 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst2460DPiWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.000 |     0.104 |    0.009       2.8     0.45 |      39 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dst2460DPiWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      39 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DPiWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar24602D0PiPI|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.026       0.1     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DPiWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DPiWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DPiWSBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     1.367 |    0.256       2.5     1.57 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar24602D0PiPIDB|     0.243 |     0.025 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      41 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      31 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.002       0.0     0.01 |      31 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DPiBeauty2Charm                         |     0.322 |     0.244 |    0.077       1.8     0.34 |      31 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                   |     0.000 |     1.059 |    1.059       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter|     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.072       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DPiBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2Dst2460DPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.213 |    0.213       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2Dst2460DPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.157 |    0.157       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dst2460DPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.152 |    0.152       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dst2460DPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.401 |    0.401       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dst2460DPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.215 |    0.215       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst2460DPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Dst2460DPiWSBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.030 |     0.031 |    0.013       1.3     0.05 |    1000 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst2460DPiWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst2460DPiWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      96 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst2460DPiWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.008       1.2     0.20 |      39 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Dst2460DPiWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      39 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DPiWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar24602D0PiPI|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DPiWSBeauty2CharmCombCutDANDDSCFPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DPiWSBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DPiWSBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     0.635 |    0.263       1.0     0.53 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DPiWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DPiWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Dst2460DPiWSBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135865,68 +136125,68 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Dst2460DPiWSBeau
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Dst2460DPiWSBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Dst2460DPiWSBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Dst2460DPiWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.140 |     0.096 |    0.024      20.2     0.65 |    1000 |     0.097 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.100 |     0.077 |    0.021      15.8     0.51 |    1000 |     0.078 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.172 |     0.110 |    0.009      20.0     1.01 |     405 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD0star24602DPiPI|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.010       0.1     0.02 |      54 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KPIPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      27 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.004       0.4     0.07 |      27 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2Charm                       |     0.370 |     0.457 |    0.072       2.1     0.50 |      27 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |    30.000 |    14.678 |   14.678      14.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.205 |    0.205       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.305 |    0.305       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.155 |    0.155       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.179 |    0.179       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.479 |    0.479       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.285 |    0.285       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.590 |     0.551 |    0.024       6.5     0.82 |    1000 |     0.552 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.098 |     0.089 |    0.008      15.7     0.80 |     405 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD0star24602DPiPI|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      54 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KPIPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      27 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      27 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2Charm                       |     0.370 |     0.395 |    0.062       2.3     0.51 |      27 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |    10.000 |    11.492 |   11.492      11.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.165 |    0.165       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.279 |    0.279       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.181 |    0.181       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.146 |    0.146       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.437 |    0.437       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2CharmLine      |    10.000 |     0.250 |    0.250       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0st2460D0PiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.450 |     0.448 |    0.020       7.4     0.68 |    1000 |     0.448 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     1.308 |     1.215 |    0.180       5.7     0.78 |     405 |     0.492 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            P_PIDInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                    |     0.100 |     0.108 |    0.015       0.4     0.07 |     400 |     0.043 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                              |     0.225 |     0.342 |    0.087       2.5     0.30 |     400 |     0.137 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      96 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                        |     0.208 |     0.130 |    0.062       1.0     0.11 |      96 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |     0.000 |     0.810 |    0.550       0.9     0.23 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.091 |    0.056       0.1     0.05 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.123 |    0.123       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.053       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.051       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.408 |    0.408       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.181 |    0.181       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     1.037 |     0.998 |    0.165       7.3     0.71 |     405 |     0.404 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            P_PIDInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                    |     0.050 |     0.080 |    0.013       0.6     0.05 |     400 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                              |     0.300 |     0.285 |    0.063       2.4     0.28 |     400 |     0.114 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      96 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                        |     0.000 |     0.103 |    0.055       0.6     0.06 |      96 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |     0.000 |     0.702 |    0.496       0.8     0.18 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.077 |    0.050       0.1     0.04 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.086       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.072       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.046       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.370 |    0.370       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.176 |    0.176       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.090 |     0.086 |    0.024       2.5     0.15 |    1000 |     0.087 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.060 |     0.074 |    0.020       2.3     0.13 |    1000 |     0.074 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.074 |     0.083 |    0.012       2.4     0.20 |     405 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      96 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                       |     0.208 |     0.119 |    0.058       1.0     0.11 |      96 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     0.000 |     0.699 |    0.451       0.8     0.22 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.054       0.1     0.04 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.063       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |    10.000 |     0.077 |    0.077       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.057       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.313 |    0.313       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.139 |    0.139       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.074 |     0.073 |    0.011       2.2     0.18 |     405 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      96 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                       |     0.312 |     0.100 |    0.048       0.6     0.07 |      96 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     0.000 |     0.678 |    0.488       0.8     0.17 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.043       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.074 |    0.074       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.048       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.045 |    0.045       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.513 |    0.513       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.124 |    0.124       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.020 |     0.044 |    0.015       5.6     0.19 |    1000 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.006       1.9     0.19 |      95 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.285 |     0.074 |    0.012       1.3     0.22 |      35 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      35 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.023       0.1     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                      |     2.500 |     0.365 |    0.088       1.1     0.51 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.040 |     0.029 |    0.013       0.8     0.03 |    1000 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      95 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.285 |     0.055 |    0.011       0.7     0.13 |      35 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.285 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      35 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.018       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.215 |    0.057       0.6     0.25 |       4 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135936,14 +136196,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2LcKWSLc2PKPiBea
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2LcKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2LcKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.060 |     0.041 |    0.015       7.4     0.24 |    1000 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      82 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.319 |    0.013       7.1     1.25 |      32 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      32 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.022       0.1     0.02 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     1.000 |    0.074       6.7     2.32 |       8 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.050 |     0.033 |    0.013       4.7     0.15 |    1000 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.001       4.5     0.14 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      82 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.101 |    0.011       0.7     0.17 |      32 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      32 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.019       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.200 |    0.070       0.6     0.17 |       8 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135953,15 +136213,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2LcPiWSLc2PKPiBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2LcPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2LcPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcPiNoIPWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.010 |     0.038 |    0.015       2.5     0.10 |    1000 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiNoIPWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiNoIPWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      98 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiNoIPWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.238 |     0.171 |    0.011       2.3     0.42 |      42 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcPiNoIPWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      42 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiNoIPWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBea|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiNoIPWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiNoIPWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                 |     0.833 |     0.248 |    0.071       1.4     0.39 |      12 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiNoIPWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     0.000 |     1.071 |    1.071       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcPiNoIPWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.020 |     0.031 |    0.013       2.2     0.09 |    1000 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiNoIPWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiNoIPWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      98 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiNoIPWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.000 |     0.144 |    0.011       2.1     0.37 |      42 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcPiNoIPWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiNoIPWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBea|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.012       0.0     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiNoIPWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiNoIPWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     0.189 |    0.058       1.1     0.29 |      12 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiNoIPWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     0.000 |     1.001 |    1.001       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiNoIPWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiNoIPWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2LcPiNoIPWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135970,17 +136230,17 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2LcPiNoIPWSLc2PK
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2LcPiNoIPWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2LcPiNoIPWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiNoIPWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.260 |     0.250 |    0.023       4.3     0.42 |    1000 |     0.250 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.210 |     0.220 |    0.020       4.1     0.38 |    1000 |     0.220 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.469 |     0.487 |    0.012       4.2     0.50 |     405 |     0.197 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xic2PKPiBeauty2Charm                             |     0.275 |     0.307 |    0.057       3.0     0.33 |     400 |     0.123 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PKPiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      78 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      78 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.120 |    0.060       0.9     0.10 |      78 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     0.904 |    0.904       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.058       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.5     0.02 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.419 |     0.437 |    0.010       4.0     0.46 |     405 |     0.177 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xic2PKPiBeauty2Charm                             |     0.275 |     0.278 |    0.053       2.9     0.31 |     400 |     0.111 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PKPiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      78 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      78 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm                     |     0.128 |     0.112 |    0.052       0.7     0.10 |      78 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     0.846 |    0.846       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.069       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -135988,16 +136248,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2XicPiXic2PKPiBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2XicKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.100 |     0.093 |    0.024       2.1     0.17 |    1000 |     0.094 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2XicKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.050 |     0.067 |    0.019       1.2     0.10 |    1000 |     0.067 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.123 |     0.102 |    0.010       2.1     0.24 |     405 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2XicKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PKPiBeauty2|     0.128 |     0.030 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      78 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      78 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicKXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.128 |     0.207 |    0.058       1.4     0.28 |      78 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     0.630 |    0.604       0.7     0.04 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.076       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.024 |     0.060 |    0.009       1.1     0.12 |     405 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2XicKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PKPiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      78 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      78 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicKXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.100 |    0.049       0.6     0.08 |      78 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     0.552 |    0.498       0.6     0.08 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.065 |    0.059       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2XicKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2XicKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136005,14 +136265,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2XicKXic2PKPiBea
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2XicKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2XicKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2XicKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.050 |     0.036 |    0.015       1.2     0.05 |    1000 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      86 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.011       1.1     0.21 |      30 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2XicKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      30 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PKPiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.029       0.1     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.276 |    0.100       0.9     0.33 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2XicKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.060 |     0.029 |    0.013       1.0     0.04 |    1000 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      86 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.000 |     0.073 |    0.009       0.9     0.17 |      30 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2XicKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      30 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PKPiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.019       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.229 |    0.079       0.8     0.31 |       5 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136022,14 +136282,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2XicKWSXic2PKPiB
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2XicKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2XicKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2XicPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.020 |     0.038 |    0.016       2.3     0.08 |    1000 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     119 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.000 |     0.101 |    0.012       2.2     0.30 |      55 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2XicPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      55 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PKPiBeau|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.023       0.1     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.280 |    0.067       1.9     0.53 |      11 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2XicPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.060 |     0.031 |    0.013       1.0     0.05 |    1000 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     119 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.363 |     0.084 |    0.010       1.0     0.18 |      55 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2XicPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      55 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PKPiBeau|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.018       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.212 |    0.060       0.8     0.23 |      11 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136039,32 +136299,32 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2XicPiWSXic2PKPi
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2XicPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2XicPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2XicPiNoIPWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.050 |     0.047 |    0.015       4.7     0.23 |    1000 |     0.048 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicPiNoIPWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicPiNoIPWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      91 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicPiNoIPWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.512 |     0.412 |    0.012       4.6     1.06 |      39 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2XicPiNoIPWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      39 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiNoIPWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PKPi|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.014       0.1     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiNoIPWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiNoIPWSXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.258 |    0.080       0.7     0.18 |      10 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiNoIPWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     2.500 |     1.658 |    0.988       2.6     0.67 |       4 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiNoIPWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.096 |    0.087       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiNoIPWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2XicPiNoIPWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.231 |    0.231       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2XicPiNoIPWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.131 |    0.131       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2XicPiNoIPWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.177 |    0.177       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2XicPiNoIPWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.344 |    0.344       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2XicPiNoIPWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.272 |    0.272       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2XicPiNoIPWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.050 |     0.039 |    0.013       3.9     0.19 |    1000 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicPiNoIPWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicPiNoIPWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      91 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicPiNoIPWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.769 |     0.342 |    0.012       3.8     0.88 |      39 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2XicPiNoIPWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      39 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiNoIPWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PKPi|     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.008       0.3     0.10 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiNoIPWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoIn|     1.000 |     0.006 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiNoIPWSXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.188 |    0.050       0.6     0.14 |      10 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiNoIPWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     5.000 |     1.417 |    0.952       2.5     0.76 |       4 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiNoIPWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.078 |    0.077       0.1     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiNoIPWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2XicPiNoIPWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.176 |    0.176       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2XicPiNoIPWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.136 |    0.136       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2XicPiNoIPWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.104 |    0.104       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2XicPiNoIPWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.393 |    0.393       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2XicPiNoIPWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.220 |    0.220       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicPiNoIPWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2Xic0KXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.300 |     0.262 |    0.024       6.8     0.54 |    1000 |     0.262 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2Xic0KXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.230 |     0.238 |    0.021       7.2     0.53 |    1000 |     0.239 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0KXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0KXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0KXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.617 |     0.519 |    0.012       6.6     0.72 |     405 |     0.210 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2Xic0KXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xic02PKKPiBeauty2Charm                           |     0.450 |     0.416 |    0.060       6.4     0.68 |     400 |     0.167 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic02PKKPiB|     0.833 |     0.032 |    0.020       0.0     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KXic02PKKPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.194 |    0.071       1.3     0.36 |      12 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0KXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0KXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.395 |     0.481 |    0.011       7.1     0.71 |     405 |     0.195 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2Xic0KXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xic02PKKPiBeauty2Charm                           |     0.300 |     0.393 |    0.053       7.0     0.68 |     400 |     0.157 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic02PKKPiB|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.015       0.0     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KXic02PKKPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.173 |    0.064       1.1     0.28 |      12 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136074,14 +136334,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2Xic0KXic02PKKP
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2Xic0KXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2Xic0KXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0KXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.100 |     0.063 |    0.024       0.9     0.06 |    1000 |     0.063 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.024 |     0.026 |    0.010       0.8     0.06 |     405 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.080 |     0.056 |    0.020       4.3     0.14 |    1000 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.020 |     0.011 |    0.004       3.9     0.12 |    1000 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.009       0.7     0.06 |     405 |     0.010 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic02PKKPi|     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.026       0.1     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     0.162 |    0.065       0.6     0.17 |      12 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic02PKKPi|     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.022       0.1     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     0.149 |    0.061       0.6     0.14 |      12 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136091,11 +136351,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2Xic0PiXic02PKK
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2Xic0PiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.020 |     0.032 |    0.015       0.2     0.02 |    1000 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      94 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.012       0.1     0.02 |      24 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2Xic0PiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      24 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2Xic0PiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.040 |     0.027 |    0.013       0.4     0.02 |    1000 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      94 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |      24 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2Xic0PiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      24 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic02PKK|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136108,14 +136368,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2Xic0PiWSXic02P
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2Xic0PiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2Xic0PiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2Xic0KWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.020 |     0.035 |    0.015       1.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0KWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0KWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     103 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0KWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.200 |     0.062 |    0.012       1.8     0.26 |      50 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2Xic0KWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      50 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic02PKKP|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.871 |    0.074       1.7     1.13 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2Xic0KWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.040 |     0.029 |    0.014       1.0     0.04 |    1000 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0KWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0KWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     103 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0KWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.011       1.0     0.15 |      50 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2Xic0KWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      50 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic02PKKP|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.026       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.457 |    0.065       0.9     0.56 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136125,11 +136385,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2Xic0KWSXic02PK
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2Xic0KWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2Xic0KWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0KWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2Xic0PiNoIPWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.030 |     0.032 |    0.015       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiNoIPWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiNoIPWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      97 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiNoIPWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |      36 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2Xic0PiNoIPWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      36 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2Xic0PiNoIPWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.060 |     0.026 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |    1000 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiNoIPWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiNoIPWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      97 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiNoIPWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |      36 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2Xic0PiNoIPWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      36 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiNoIPWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic0|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiNoIPWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiNoIPWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2Charm           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136142,17 +136402,17 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2Xic0PiNoIPWSXi
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2Xic0PiNoIPWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2Xic0PiNoIPWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiNoIPWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.390 |     0.289 |    0.024       8.6     0.71 |    1000 |     0.289 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm|     0.740 |     0.586 |    0.012       8.3     0.99 |     405 |     0.238 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm                        |     0.575 |     0.439 |    0.058       7.5     0.80 |     400 |     0.176 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutO|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |      35 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutP|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      35 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm        |     0.000 |     0.181 |    0.059       2.1     0.34 |      35 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS  |     0.000 |     1.300 |    0.598       2.0     0.99 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTB|     0.000 |     0.157 |    0.112       0.2     0.06 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.250 |     0.254 |    0.021       8.4     0.60 |    1000 |     0.254 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm|     0.493 |     0.521 |    0.010       8.3     0.84 |     405 |     0.211 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm                        |     0.400 |     0.401 |    0.049       7.5     0.73 |     400 |     0.161 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutO|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |      35 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutP|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |      35 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm        |     0.285 |     0.120 |    0.052       0.6     0.10 |      35 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS  |     0.000 |     0.692 |    0.493       0.9     0.28 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTB|     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.053       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Omegab2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Omegab2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136160,16 +136420,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Omegab2Omegac0PiOm
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Omegab2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Omegab2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingOmegab2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.050 |     0.076 |    0.024       5.9     0.21 |    1000 |     0.077 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingOmegab2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.060 |     0.060 |    0.021       2.1     0.10 |    1000 |     0.061 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.024 |     0.057 |    0.010       5.7     0.31 |     405 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingOmegab2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutOm|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |      35 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKT|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      35 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.145 |    0.057       1.3     0.21 |      35 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS   |     0.000 |     1.856 |    0.585       3.1     1.80 |       2 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBe|     0.000 |     0.143 |    0.107       0.2     0.05 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.024 |     0.041 |    0.009       2.0     0.13 |     405 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingOmegab2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutOm|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      35 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKT|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      35 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.114 |    0.049       0.6     0.09 |      35 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS   |     0.000 |     0.689 |    0.506       0.9     0.26 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBe|     0.000 |     0.088 |    0.052       0.1     0.05 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Omegab2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Omegab2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136177,14 +136437,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Omegab2Omegac0KOme
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Omegab2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Omegab2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingOmegab2Omegac0KWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm|     0.040 |     0.037 |    0.015       1.6     0.06 |    1000 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0KWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0KWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      76 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0KWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.105 |    0.011       1.5     0.29 |      29 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingOmegab2Omegac0KWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0KWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.045 |    0.036       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0KWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0KWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.570 |    0.176       1.3     0.60 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingOmegab2Omegac0KWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm|     0.050 |     0.030 |    0.014       1.7     0.07 |    1000 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0KWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Char|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0KWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      76 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0KWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Char|     0.344 |     0.112 |    0.009       1.6     0.33 |      29 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingOmegab2Omegac0KWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Cha|     0.344 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0KWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.036       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0KWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0KWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.745 |    0.147       1.3     0.60 |       3 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0KWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0KWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDT|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0KWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136194,14 +136454,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Omegab2Omegac0KWSO
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Omegab2Omegac0KWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Omegab2Omegac0KWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0KWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Char|     0.040 |     0.033 |    0.015       1.0     0.05 |    1000 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      92 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.013       0.9     0.17 |      36 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      36 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.015       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm      |     0.000 |     0.340 |    0.099       0.8     0.36 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Char|     0.030 |     0.028 |    0.013       1.3     0.05 |    1000 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      92 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.011       1.1     0.21 |      36 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      36 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.016       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm      |     0.000 |     0.472 |    0.088       0.7     0.34 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBD|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136211,14 +136471,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Omegab2Omegac0PiWS
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Omegab2Omegac0PiWSOmegac02PKKPiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Omegab2Omegac0PiWSOmegac02PKKPiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiNoIPWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2|     0.030 |     0.032 |    0.014       1.7     0.06 |    1000 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiNoIPWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiNoIPWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     106 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiNoIPWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.077 |    0.013       1.6     0.27 |      34 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiNoIPWSOmegac02PKKPiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      34 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiNoIPWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCo|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.019       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiNoIPWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCo|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiNoIPWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm  |     0.000 |     0.800 |    0.106       1.5     0.98 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiNoIPWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2|     0.020 |     0.027 |    0.013       1.3     0.05 |    1000 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiNoIPWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiNoIPWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     106 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiNoIPWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.012       1.3     0.22 |      34 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiNoIPWSOmegac02PKKPiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      34 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiNoIPWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCo|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.019       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiNoIPWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCo|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiNoIPWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm  |     0.000 |     0.594 |    0.094       1.1     0.71 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiNoIPWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmTI|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiNoIPWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmB2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiNoIPWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136228,31 +136488,31 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Omegab2Omegac0PiNo
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Omegab2Omegac0PiNoIPWSOmegac02PKKPiB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Omegab2Omegac0PiNoIPWSOmegac02PKKPiB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiNoIPWSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib02XicDXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.060 |     0.092 |    0.024       9.3     0.34 |    1000 |     0.092 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib02XicDXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.070 |     0.072 |    0.020       9.7     0.33 |    1000 |     0.073 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicDXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicDXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.020 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.9     0.06 |    1000 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicDXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.049 |     0.090 |    0.011       9.2     0.50 |     405 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib02XicDXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicDXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PKPiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      78 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicDXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      59 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicDXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.133 |    0.054       1.1     0.15 |      59 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicDXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     0.000 |     1.857 |    1.600       2.1     0.36 |       2 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicDXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.131 |    0.123       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicDXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicDXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.049 |     0.077 |    0.009       9.7     0.51 |     405 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib02XicDXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicDXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PKPiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      78 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicDXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      59 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicDXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.097 |    0.048       0.6     0.08 |      59 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicDXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     0.000 |     1.705 |    1.267       2.1     0.62 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicDXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.100 |    0.089       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicDXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xib02XicDXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.381 |    0.381       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xib02XicDXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.216 |    0.216       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib02XicDXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.218 |    0.218       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib02XicDXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |    10.000 |     2.373 |    2.373       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib02XicDXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     1.706 |    1.706       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicDXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib02XicDWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.050 |     0.036 |    0.014       1.1     0.05 |    1000 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xib02XicDXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.315 |    0.315       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xib02XicDXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.231 |    0.231       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib02XicDXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.253 |    0.253       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib02XicDXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     2.330 |    2.330       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib02XicDXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |    10.000 |     2.360 |    2.360       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicDXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib02XicDWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.040 |     0.030 |    0.013       0.7     0.04 |    1000 |     0.030 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicDWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicDWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      95 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicDWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.256 |     0.077 |    0.012       1.0     0.17 |      39 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib02XicDWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.256 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      39 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicDWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PKPiBea|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicDWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPIDB|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicDWSXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.191 |    0.062       0.9     0.29 |       7 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicDWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      95 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicDWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.256 |     0.060 |    0.010       0.6     0.11 |      39 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib02XicDWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      39 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicDWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PKPiBea|     1.428 |     0.027 |    0.018       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicDWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPIDB|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicDWSXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.131 |    0.056       0.5     0.16 |       7 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicDWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicDWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicDWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136262,14 +136522,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib02XicDWSXic2PKP
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib02XicDWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib02XicDWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicDWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2Xic0DXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.030 |     0.060 |    0.023       1.0     0.06 |    1000 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2Xic0DXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.040 |     0.049 |    0.020       1.0     0.05 |    1000 |     0.050 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0DXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0DXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0DXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.010       0.9     0.06 |     405 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2Xic0DXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0DXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic02PKKPiB|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.017       0.0     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0DXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPIDB|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0DXic02PKKPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.177 |    0.061       0.8     0.24 |       8 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0DXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0DXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.010       0.9     0.05 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2Xic0DXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0DXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic02PKKPiB|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.020       0.1     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0DXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPIDB|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0DXic02PKKPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.166 |    0.057       0.7     0.23 |       8 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0DXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0DXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0DXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136279,11 +136539,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2Xic0DXic02PKKP
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2Xic0DXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2Xic0DXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0DXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2Xic0DWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.060 |     0.036 |    0.016       1.1     0.04 |    1000 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0DWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0DWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.005       0.7     0.07 |     104 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0DWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      34 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2Xic0DWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      34 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2Xic0DWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.030 |     0.032 |    0.013       4.2     0.13 |    1000 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0DWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0DWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.005       4.1     0.40 |     104 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0DWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      34 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2Xic0DWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      34 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0DWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic02PKKP|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0DWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPI|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0DWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136296,48 +136556,48 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2Xic0DWSXic02PK
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2Xic0DWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2Xic0DWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0DWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib02XicKPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.120 |     0.157 |    0.023      37.6     1.36 |    1000 |     0.157 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib02XicKPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.110 |     0.112 |    0.019      13.5     0.72 |    1000 |     0.113 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicKPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicKPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicKPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.271 |     0.263 |    0.012      37.4     2.11 |     405 |     0.107 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib02XicKPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicKPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PKPiB|     0.128 |     0.029 |    0.007       0.1     0.02 |      78 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicKPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiPiBe|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      72 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicKPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm                |     0.416 |     0.191 |    0.057       1.5     0.24 |      72 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicKPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     5.000 |     6.190 |    0.671      33.9    11.31 |       8 |     0.050 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicKPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     1.250 |     0.122 |    0.060       0.2     0.05 |       8 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicKPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xib02XicKPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.364 |    0.211       0.6     0.21 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xib02XicKPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.247 |    0.136       0.4     0.15 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib02XicKPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.238 |    0.141       0.4     0.12 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib02XicKPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     3.333 |     1.909 |    1.246       3.0     0.98 |       3 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib02XicKPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.437 |    0.215       0.7     0.23 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicKPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib02XicPiPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.070 |     0.111 |    0.024      12.8     0.57 |    1000 |     0.111 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicKPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicKPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.222 |     0.179 |    0.010      13.4     1.12 |     405 |     0.073 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib02XicKPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicKPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PKPiB|     0.384 |     0.025 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      78 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicKPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiPiBe|     0.138 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      72 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicKPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.142 |    0.053       0.8     0.14 |      72 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicKPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     1.250 |     3.267 |    0.598      10.4     3.53 |       8 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicKPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.093 |    0.052       0.1     0.02 |       8 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicKPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xib02XicKPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.343 |    0.137       0.6     0.23 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xib02XicKPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.242 |    0.133       0.4     0.14 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib02XicKPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.246 |    0.122       0.4     0.16 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib02XicKPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     3.333 |     1.774 |    1.196       2.7     0.80 |       3 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib02XicKPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.316 |    0.193       0.4     0.12 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicKPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib02XicPiPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.080 |     0.094 |    0.019      12.2     0.55 |    1000 |     0.094 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicPiPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicPiPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicPiPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.098 |     0.149 |    0.010      12.6     0.87 |     405 |     0.061 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib02XicPiPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicPiPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PKPi|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      78 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicPiPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiPi|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      72 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicPiPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.172 |    0.053       1.9     0.24 |      72 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicPiPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     4.000 |     4.026 |    0.972      10.4     3.83 |       5 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicPiPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.120 |    0.081       0.2     0.04 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicPiPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xib02XicPiPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.215 |    0.160       0.3     0.08 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xib02XicPiPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.160 |    0.142       0.2     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib02XicPiPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.173 |    0.124       0.2     0.07 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib02XicPiPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     1.335 |    1.209       1.5     0.18 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib02XicPiPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.318 |    0.217       0.4     0.14 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicPiPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib02XicPiPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.040 |     0.039 |    0.015       3.3     0.11 |    1000 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicPiPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicPiPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      97 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicPiPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.000 |     0.150 |    0.011       3.2     0.55 |      34 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib02XicPiPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      34 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicPiPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PK|     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.029       0.1     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicPiPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPi|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicPiPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     0.706 |    0.071       3.0     1.26 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicPiPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicPiPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.098 |     0.132 |    0.009      12.0     0.84 |     405 |     0.054 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib02XicPiPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicPiPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PKPi|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      78 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicPiPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiPi|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      72 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicPiPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm               |     0.138 |     0.130 |    0.050       0.6     0.12 |      72 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicPiPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     4.000 |     4.025 |    0.936      10.3     3.82 |       5 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicPiPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.089 |    0.072       0.1     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicPiPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xib02XicPiPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.193 |    0.139       0.2     0.08 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xib02XicPiPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.158 |    0.119       0.2     0.06 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib02XicPiPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.174 |    0.124       0.2     0.07 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib02XicPiPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     1.340 |    1.204       1.5     0.19 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib02XicPiPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.277 |    0.196       0.4     0.12 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicPiPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib02XicPiPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.040 |     0.031 |    0.013       1.5     0.06 |    1000 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicPiPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicPiPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      97 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicPiPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.000 |     0.087 |    0.011       1.5     0.25 |      34 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib02XicPiPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      34 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicPiPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PK|     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.025       0.1     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicPiPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPi|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.007       0.0     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicPiPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     0.330 |    0.069       1.2     0.51 |       5 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicPiPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicPiPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicPiPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136347,14 +136607,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib02XicPiPiPiWSXi
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib02XicPiPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib02XicPiPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicPiPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib02XicKPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.030 |     0.036 |    0.015       1.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicKPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicKPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     117 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicKPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.012       1.8     0.26 |      53 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib02XicKPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      53 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicKPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PKP|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.020       0.1     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicKPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiPi|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.007       0.1     0.02 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicKPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.366 |    0.111       1.6     0.55 |       7 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib02XicKPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.030 |     0.030 |    0.013       1.2     0.05 |    1000 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicKPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicKPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicKPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.188 |     0.076 |    0.011       1.1     0.19 |      53 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib02XicKPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      53 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicKPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PKP|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.013       0.1     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicKPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiPi|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicKPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm              |     1.428 |     0.302 |    0.074       1.0     0.36 |       7 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicKPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicKPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02XicKPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136364,15 +136624,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib02XicKPiPiWSXic
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib02XicKPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib02XicKPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02XicKPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2Xic0KPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.070 |     0.065 |    0.023       5.3     0.18 |    1000 |     0.066 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2Xic0KPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.050 |     0.057 |    0.019       4.6     0.16 |    1000 |     0.057 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0KPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0KPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0KPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.074 |     0.041 |    0.011       5.1     0.26 |     405 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2Xic0KPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic02PK|     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.019       0.1     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiPi|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.224 |    0.074       0.9     0.23 |      12 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     0.000 |     3.524 |    3.524       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0KPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0KPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.049 |     0.038 |    0.009       4.5     0.24 |     405 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2Xic0KPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic02PK|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.022       0.1     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiPi|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.231 |    0.066       0.8     0.24 |      12 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |    10.000 |     3.497 |    3.497       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xib2Xic0KPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136381,14 +136641,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2Xic0KPiPiXic02
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2Xic0KPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2Xic0KPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0KPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2Xic0PiPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.070 |     0.059 |    0.024       1.0     0.06 |    1000 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2Xic0PiPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.020 |     0.048 |    0.020       0.9     0.05 |    1000 |     0.048 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.074 |     0.024 |    0.010       0.8     0.06 |     405 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2Xic0PiPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic02P|     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.020       0.0     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPi|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     0.151 |    0.057       0.7     0.17 |      12 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.009       0.8     0.06 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2Xic0PiPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic02P|     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.021       0.1     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPi|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     0.149 |    0.068       0.6     0.16 |      12 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136398,14 +136658,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2Xic0PiPiPiXic0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2Xic0PiPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2Xic0PiPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiPiPiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2Xic0KPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.050 |     0.054 |    0.016      18.9     0.60 |    1000 |     0.055 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0KPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0KPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     113 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0KPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.434 |     0.431 |    0.011      18.7     2.75 |      46 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2Xic0KPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      46 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic02|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.028       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPi|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2Charm            |    10.000 |     9.251 |    0.111      18.4    12.93 |       2 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2Xic0KPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.070 |     0.035 |    0.013       5.3     0.17 |    1000 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0KPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0KPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     113 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0KPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.144 |    0.011       5.2     0.77 |      46 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2Xic0KPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      46 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic02|     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.030       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPi|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.007       0.0     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2Charm            |     0.000 |     2.682 |    0.281       5.1     3.40 |       2 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0KPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136415,16 +136675,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2Xic0KPiPiWSXic
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2Xic0KPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2Xic0KPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0KPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2Xic0PiPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.020 |     0.039 |    0.015       5.6     0.18 |    1000 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      95 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.222 |     0.175 |    0.013       5.4     0.83 |      45 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2Xic0PiPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      45 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic0|     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.031       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2Pi|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2Charm           |     0.000 |     0.959 |    0.492       1.4     0.66 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS     |     0.000 |     3.390 |    3.390       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeau|    10.000 |     0.144 |    0.144       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2Xic0PiPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.010 |     0.034 |    0.013       5.8     0.19 |    1000 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      95 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.160 |    0.011       5.7     0.85 |      45 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2Xic0PiPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      45 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic0|     0.000 |     0.045 |    0.022       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2Pi|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2Charm           |     0.000 |     0.538 |    0.477       0.6     0.09 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS     |     0.000 |     3.826 |    3.826       3.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeau|     0.000 |     0.155 |    0.155       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xib2Xic0PiPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xib2Xic0PiPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136432,33 +136692,33 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2Xic0PiPiPiWSXi
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2Xic0PiPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2Xic0PiPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiPiPiWSXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.090 |     0.113 |    0.024      14.3     0.53 |    1000 |     0.114 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.120 |     0.099 |    0.020      15.1     0.54 |    1000 |     0.099 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.098 |     0.155 |    0.012      14.2     0.81 |     405 |     0.063 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPi|     0.104 |     0.028 |    0.009       0.1     0.02 |      96 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDs2HHHP|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      81 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputs|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      81 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2Charm              |     0.246 |     0.303 |    0.073       3.5     0.51 |      81 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     0.000 |     3.137 |    1.289       5.3     2.01 |       3 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.144 |    0.117       0.2     0.04 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.148 |     0.140 |    0.010      15.0     0.84 |     405 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPi|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDs2HHHP|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      81 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputs|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      81 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2Charm              |     0.493 |     0.258 |    0.065       3.4     0.47 |      81 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     6.666 |     3.307 |    1.136       5.4     2.13 |       3 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.164 |    0.084       0.2     0.11 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.568 |    0.568       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.384 |    0.384       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.397 |    0.397       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.935 |    0.935       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.458 |    0.458       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.423 |    0.423       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     1.015 |    1.015       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.424 |    0.424       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2LcDsKWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.030 |     0.040 |    0.015       2.4     0.11 |    1000 |     0.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2LcDsKWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.070 |     0.033 |    0.013       2.3     0.09 |    1000 |     0.034 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2LcDsKWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2LcDsKWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      84 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2LcDsKWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.241 |    0.012       2.2     0.53 |      28 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2LcDsKWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      28 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2LcDsKWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PK|     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.022       0.1     0.02 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2LcDsKWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDs2HH|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2LcDsKWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInpu|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2LcDsKWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2Charm            |     0.000 |     0.805 |    0.074       2.0     0.75 |       6 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2LcDsKWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      84 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2LcDsKWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.714 |     0.185 |    0.010       2.2     0.45 |      28 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2LcDsKWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      28 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2LcDsKWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PK|     1.250 |     0.031 |    0.021       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2LcDsKWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDs2HH|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2LcDsKWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInpu|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2LcDsKWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2Charm            |     1.666 |     0.621 |    0.091       2.0     0.71 |       6 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2LcDsKWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2LcDsKWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2LcDsKWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136468,18 +136728,18 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2LcDsKWSLc2PKPi
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2LcDsKWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2LcDsKWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2LcDsKWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib02LcDsKPiLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.270 |     0.247 |    0.023      45.7     1.98 |    1000 |     0.248 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib02LcDsKPiLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.210 |     0.227 |    0.021      48.0     1.96 |    1000 |     0.228 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02LcDsKPiLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02LcDsKPiLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02LcDsKPiLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.617 |     0.487 |    0.011      45.4     3.07 |     405 |     0.198 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02LcDsKPiLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02LcDsKPiLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.419 |     0.454 |    0.011      47.6     3.04 |     405 |     0.184 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib02LcDsKPiLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02LcDsKPiLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2P|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02LcDsKPiLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDs2H|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      81 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02LcDsKPiLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInp|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      81 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02LcDsKPiLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiIn|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      81 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02LcDsKPiLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2Charm           |     2.345 |     1.899 |    0.084      44.9     6.24 |      81 |     0.154 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02LcDsKPiLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS     |     3.333 |     5.289 |    1.314      12.9     6.63 |       3 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02LcDsKPiLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeau|     0.000 |     0.118 |    0.109       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02LcDsKPiLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2P|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02LcDsKPiLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDs2H|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      81 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02LcDsKPiLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInp|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      81 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02LcDsKPiLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiIn|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      81 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02LcDsKPiLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2Charm           |     1.851 |     1.840 |    0.077      47.0     6.28 |      81 |     0.149 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02LcDsKPiLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS     |     3.333 |     4.989 |    0.594      13.2     7.14 |       3 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02LcDsKPiLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeau|     0.000 |     0.435 |    0.066       0.8     0.52 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02LcDsKPiLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xib02LcDsKPiLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xib02LcDsKPiLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136487,16 +136747,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib02LcDsKPiLc2PKP
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib02LcDsKPiLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib02LcDsKPiLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02LcDsKPiLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib02LcDsKPiWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.040 |     0.039 |    0.015       1.6     0.07 |    1000 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02LcDsKPiWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02LcDsKPiWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.090 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     110 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02LcDsKPiWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.011       1.5     0.24 |      40 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib02LcDsKPiWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02LcDsKPiWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.023       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02LcDsKPiWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDs|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02LcDsKPiWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib02LcDsKPiWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.030 |     0.032 |    0.013       1.0     0.05 |    1000 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02LcDsKPiWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02LcDsKPiWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     110 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02LcDsKPiWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.074 |    0.009       0.9     0.15 |      40 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib02LcDsKPiWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02LcDsKPiWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.017       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02LcDsKPiWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDs|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02LcDsKPiWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKI|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02LcDsKPiWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02LcDsKPiWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.288 |    0.092       1.3     0.43 |       7 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02LcDsKPiWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.201 |    0.090       0.7     0.20 |       7 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02LcDsKPiWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02LcDsKPiWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBe|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib02LcDsKPiWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136506,34 +136766,34 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib02LcDsKPiWSLc2P
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib02LcDsKPiWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib02LcDsKPiWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib02LcDsKPiWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LcDspbarLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.190 |     0.143 |    0.024      21.7     0.80 |    1000 |     0.143 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LcDspbarLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.130 |     0.130 |    0.021      29.5     1.00 |    1000 |     0.130 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcDspbarLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcDspbarLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcDspbarLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.296 |     0.222 |    0.011      21.5     1.23 |     405 |     0.090 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2LcDspbarLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcDspbarLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKP|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcDspbarLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHP|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      93 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PTopoInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                    |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     274 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcDspbarLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPTopoI|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      93 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcDspbarLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2Charm             |     0.215 |     0.290 |    0.070       4.2     0.60 |      93 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcDspbarLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |     5.000 |     7.954 |    6.576       9.3     1.95 |       2 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcDspbarLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty|     0.000 |     0.155 |    0.155       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcDspbarLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcDspbarLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.197 |     0.216 |    0.010      29.3     1.56 |     405 |     0.088 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2LcDspbarLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcDspbarLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKP|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcDspbarLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHP|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      93 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PTopoInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                    |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     274 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcDspbarLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPTopoI|     0.107 |     0.017 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      93 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcDspbarLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2Charm             |     0.107 |     0.287 |    0.062       7.1     0.82 |      93 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcDspbarLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |    10.000 |     8.324 |    8.216       8.4     0.15 |       2 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcDspbarLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty|     0.000 |     0.254 |    0.254       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcDspbarLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2LcDspbarLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2Charm|    10.000 |     0.985 |    0.985       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2LcDspbarLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.724 |    0.724       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LcDspbarLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.627 |    0.627       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LcDspbarLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     1.733 |    1.733       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LcDspbarLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.568 |    0.568       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2LcDspbarLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     1.082 |    1.082       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2LcDspbarLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.902 |    0.902       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LcDspbarLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2Charm|    10.000 |     0.937 |    0.937       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LcDspbarLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     2.417 |    2.417       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LcDspbarLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.697 |    0.697       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcDspbarLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LcDspbarWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.040 |     0.046 |    0.016       2.8     0.12 |    1000 |     0.047 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcDspbarWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcDspbarWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      97 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcDspbarWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.256 |     0.227 |    0.012       2.6     0.51 |      39 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2LcDspbarWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      39 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcDspbarWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2P|     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.026       0.1     0.02 |      13 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcDspbarWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HH|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      13 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcDspbarWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPTop|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      13 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcDspbarWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2Charm           |     0.769 |     0.428 |    0.077       2.3     0.69 |      13 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LcDspbarWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.060 |     0.042 |    0.013       2.7     0.12 |    1000 |     0.042 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcDspbarWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcDspbarWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      97 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcDspbarWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.175 |    0.010       2.6     0.44 |      39 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2LcDspbarWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      39 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcDspbarWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2P|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.027       0.1     0.01 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcDspbarWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HH|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcDspbarWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPTop|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcDspbarWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2Charm           |     0.000 |     0.337 |    0.065       2.4     0.64 |      13 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcDspbarWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcDspbarWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcDspbarWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136543,48 +136803,48 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LcDspbarWSLc2PKP
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LcDspbarWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LcDspbarWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcDspbarWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingSb2D0PD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.080 |     0.117 |    0.025       3.2     0.22 |    1000 |     0.118 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingSb2D0PD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.120 |     0.096 |    0.020       2.9     0.18 |    1000 |     0.097 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSb2D0PD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSb2D0PD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSb2D0PD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.098 |     0.160 |    0.009       3.1     0.29 |     405 |     0.065 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingSb2D0PD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sb2D0PD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     149 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sb2D0PD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPTopoInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     149 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sb2D0PD2HHPIDBeauty2Charm                        |     0.201 |     0.149 |    0.057       1.1     0.13 |     149 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sb2D0PD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |     0.000 |     0.897 |    0.530       1.3     0.39 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sb2D0PD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.073 |    0.073       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sb2D0PD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Sb2D0PD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.153 |    0.153       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Sb2D0PD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.071       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Sb2D0PD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.070 |    0.070       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Sb2D0PD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.570 |    0.570       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Sb2D0PD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.232 |    0.232       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSb2D0PD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSb2D0PD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.172 |     0.135 |    0.008       2.8     0.24 |     405 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingSb2D0PD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sb2D0PD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sb2D0PD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPTopoInputsBeauty|     0.067 |     0.016 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     149 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sb2D0PD2HHPIDBeauty2Charm                        |     0.201 |     0.126 |    0.057       1.2     0.12 |     149 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sb2D0PD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |     0.000 |     0.603 |    0.530       0.7     0.07 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sb2D0PD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.051       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sb2D0PD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Sb2D0PD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.117 |    0.117       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Sb2D0PD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.185 |    0.185       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Sb2D0PD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.076       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Sb2D0PD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine       |    10.000 |     0.501 |    0.501       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Sb2D0PD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.162 |    0.162       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSb2D0PD2HHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingSb02DPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.110 |     0.161 |    0.023       7.6     0.44 |    1000 |     0.162 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingSb02DPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.180 |     0.137 |    0.020       6.9     0.37 |    1000 |     0.138 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSb02DPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSb02DPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSb02DPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.197 |     0.271 |    0.009       7.5     0.63 |     405 |     0.110 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingSb02DPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sb02DPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     240 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sb02DPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPTopoInputsBeaut|     0.041 |     0.016 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     240 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sb02DPD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                       |     0.041 |     0.163 |    0.057       1.2     0.15 |     240 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sb02DPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     0.000 |     1.544 |    0.657       3.8     0.98 |       9 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sb02DPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.071       0.1     0.02 |       6 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sb02DPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Sb02DPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     2.500 |     0.293 |    0.137       0.4     0.11 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Sb02DPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.179 |    0.078       0.3     0.08 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Sb02DPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.170 |    0.080       0.2     0.07 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Sb02DPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     2.500 |     1.014 |    0.572       1.7     0.50 |       4 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Sb02DPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.328 |    0.217       0.4     0.08 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSb02DPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingSb02DPWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.070 |     0.044 |    0.015       1.5     0.08 |    1000 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSb02DPWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSb02DPWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     103 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSb02DPWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.217 |     0.219 |    0.009       1.4     0.25 |      46 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingSb02DPWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      46 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sb02DPWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      30 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sb02DPWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPTopoInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      30 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sb02DPWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                     |     0.333 |     0.192 |    0.059       1.3     0.23 |      30 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSb02DPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.4     0.01 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSb02DPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.246 |     0.232 |    0.007       6.8     0.54 |     405 |     0.094 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingSb02DPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sb02DPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeauty2C|     0.083 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     240 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sb02DPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPTopoInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     240 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sb02DPD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                       |     0.083 |     0.147 |    0.050       1.6     0.16 |     240 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sb02DPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     3.333 |     1.326 |    0.655       3.5     0.90 |       9 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sb02DPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.047       0.1     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sb02DPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Sb02DPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.203 |    0.103       0.3     0.09 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Sb02DPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.148 |    0.075       0.3     0.09 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Sb02DPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.146 |    0.069       0.2     0.08 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Sb02DPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.870 |    0.331       1.6     0.59 |       4 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Sb02DPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.248 |    0.143       0.3     0.09 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSb02DPD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingSb02DPWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.040 |     0.035 |    0.013       0.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSb02DPWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSb02DPWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     103 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSb02DPWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.168 |    0.008       0.7     0.15 |      46 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingSb02DPWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      46 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sb02DPWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |      30 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sb02DPWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPTopoInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      30 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sb02DPWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.137 |    0.051       0.6     0.11 |      30 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sb02DPWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sb02DPWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sb02DPWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136594,98 +136854,98 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Sb02DPWSD2HHHPIDBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Sb02DPWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Sb02DPWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSb02DPWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2D0PHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine              |     1.590 |     1.637 |    0.023     192.5     8.01 |    1000 |     1.637 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2D0PHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine              |     1.440 |     1.411 |    0.021     202.9     7.51 |    1000 |     1.411 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0PHD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0PHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0PHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     3.802 |     3.903 |    0.009     192.3    12.20 |     405 |     1.581 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2D0PHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHBeauty2Charm  |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     206 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PPiBeauty2Charm                                |     0.582 |     0.538 |    0.153       5.2     0.50 |     206 |     0.111 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PHSubPIDSelBeauty2Charm                        |     0.243 |     0.213 |    0.028       6.0     0.43 |     205 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PHBeauty2CharmFilter                           |     0.048 |     0.037 |    0.009       0.2     0.03 |     205 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PHPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                        |     0.048 |     0.031 |    0.009       0.1     0.02 |     205 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.006       0.1     0.02 |     205 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHD02HHBeauty2Charm                         |     0.097 |     0.232 |    0.057       4.1     0.42 |     205 |     0.048 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                   |     5.000 |     4.563 |    0.671      16.8     5.45 |      12 |     0.055 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter|     0.000 |     0.125 |    0.062       0.3     0.07 |      11 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0PHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0PHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     3.432 |     3.374 |    0.008     202.8    11.49 |     405 |     1.367 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2D0PHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHBeauty2Charm  |     0.048 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     206 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PPiBeauty2Charm                                |     0.291 |     0.447 |    0.127       2.5     0.32 |     206 |     0.092 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PHSubPIDSelBeauty2Charm                        |     0.195 |     0.155 |    0.027       1.0     0.13 |     205 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PHBeauty2CharmFilter                           |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.009       0.2     0.03 |     205 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PHPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                        |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.007       0.2     0.02 |     205 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PHPIDBeauty2Char|     0.048 |     0.019 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     205 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHD02HHBeauty2Charm                         |     0.146 |     0.204 |    0.054       5.7     0.48 |     205 |     0.042 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                   |     6.666 |     4.847 |    0.614      16.6     6.08 |      12 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter|     0.000 |     0.111 |    0.047       0.3     0.07 |      11 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2D0PHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.659 |    0.142       1.7     0.62 |       6 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2D0PHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine        |     1.666 |     0.534 |    0.063       1.5     0.60 |       6 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2D0PHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine        |     3.333 |     0.665 |    0.067       1.7     0.75 |       6 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2D0PHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     1.202 |    0.198       3.5     1.39 |       6 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2D0PHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.620 |    0.182       1.3     0.50 |       6 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0PHD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.390 |     0.330 |    0.015     232.1     7.36 |    1000 |     0.330 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.108 |     0.080 |    0.005       0.8     0.21 |      92 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     9.705 |     8.478 |    0.008     231.9    39.58 |      34 |     0.288 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      34 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PPiPlusWSBeauty2Charm                          |     0.555 |     0.355 |    0.049       2.2     0.47 |      18 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PHPlusWSSubPIDSelBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.129 |    0.028       0.8     0.19 |      14 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PHPlusWSBeauty2CharmFilter                     |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.009       0.1     0.03 |      14 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PHPlusWSBeauty|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.006       0.1     0.02 |      14 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PPiMinusWSBeauty2Charm                         |     0.000 |     0.313 |    0.095       1.0     0.26 |      14 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PHMinusWSSubPIDSelBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     0.083 |    0.020       0.3     0.07 |      12 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PHMinusWSBeauty2CharmFilter                    |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.008       0.1     0.02 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PHMinusWSBeaut|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.007       0.1     0.03 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2Charm                       |     2.500 |     1.082 |    0.082       9.2     2.56 |      12 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |    35.000 |    33.865 |    2.228      65.5    44.74 |       2 |     0.068 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.202 |    0.202       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLine      |    10.000 |     3.036 |    3.036       3.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     2.801 |    2.801       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     3.950 |    3.950       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLine      |    10.000 |    11.431 |   11.431      11.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     3.238 |    3.238       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2D0PHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.733 |    0.104       2.3     0.84 |       6 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2D0PHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.584 |    0.065       1.9     0.74 |       6 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2D0PHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine        |     1.666 |     0.624 |    0.091       2.0     0.77 |       6 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2D0PHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine        |     1.666 |     1.420 |    0.166       5.1     1.95 |       6 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2D0PHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.637 |    0.159       1.6     0.58 |       6 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0PHD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.310 |     0.306 |    0.013     219.2     6.96 |    1000 |     0.306 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      92 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     7.941 |     8.157 |    0.008     219.0    37.37 |      34 |     0.277 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      34 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PPiPlusWSBeauty2Charm                          |     0.000 |     0.348 |    0.044       2.3     0.49 |      18 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PHPlusWSSubPIDSelBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.117 |    0.022       0.8     0.19 |      14 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PHPlusWSBeauty2CharmFilter                     |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.009       0.1     0.02 |      14 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PHPlusWSBeauty|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.007       0.1     0.02 |      14 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PPiMinusWSBeauty2Charm                         |     0.000 |     0.294 |    0.082       1.0     0.26 |      14 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PHMinusWSSubPIDSelBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.015       0.2     0.05 |      12 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PHMinusWSBeauty2CharmFilter                    |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PHMinusWSBeaut|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     0.964 |    0.063       8.2     2.30 |      12 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |    30.000 |    30.987 |    2.206      59.8    40.70 |       2 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.187 |    0.187       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     3.239 |    3.239       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     3.019 |    3.019       3.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLine      |    10.000 |     3.015 |    3.015       3.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     6.257 |    6.257       6.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLine      |    10.000 |     2.218 |    2.218       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0PHWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2D0PHNoPIDD02HHBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.920 |     0.931 |    0.025     155.9     5.45 |    1000 |     0.932 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0PHNoPIDD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0PHNoPIDD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0PHNoPIDD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     2.197 |     2.160 |    0.009     155.7     8.38 |     405 |     0.875 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2D0PHNoPIDD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHNoPIDD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     206 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PPiNoPIDBeauty2Charm                           |     0.436 |     0.510 |    0.109       5.5     0.51 |     206 |     0.105 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PHNoPIDSubPIDSelBeauty2Charm                   |     0.146 |     0.131 |    0.026       1.9     0.18 |     205 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PHNoPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                      |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.007       0.1     0.02 |     205 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHNoPIDD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PHNoPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.006       0.2     0.02 |     169 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHNoPIDD02HHBeauty2Charm                    |     0.295 |     0.187 |    0.059       2.9     0.27 |     169 |     0.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHNoPIDD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     5.000 |     4.032 |    0.490      35.4     7.77 |      20 |     0.081 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHNoPIDD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.526 |     0.100 |    0.042       0.2     0.05 |      19 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHNoPIDD02HHBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2D0PHNoPIDD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.648 |    0.112       4.0     1.18 |      10 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2D0PHNoPIDD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     1.000 |     0.524 |    0.057       3.7     1.13 |      10 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2D0PHNoPIDD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.515 |    0.056       3.6     1.08 |      10 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2D0PHNoPIDD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     1.000 |     1.287 |    0.159       8.7     2.64 |      10 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2D0PHNoPIDD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.955 |    0.176       3.5     1.09 |      10 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0PHNoPIDD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcKKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.100 |     0.112 |    0.026      19.3     0.64 |    1000 |     0.112 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.7     0.02 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.123 |     0.138 |    0.012      19.1     0.98 |     405 |     0.056 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcKKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKPiBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      74 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                     |     0.270 |     0.162 |    0.056       2.2     0.28 |      74 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     5.000 |     5.573 |    1.269       9.9     6.09 |       2 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.174 |    0.152       0.2     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2LcKKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.367 |    0.367       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2LcKKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.201 |    0.201       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2LcKKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.203 |    0.203       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2LcKKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     1.455 |    1.455       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2LcKKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     1.480 |    1.480       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcppbarKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.090 |     0.076 |    0.024       3.9     0.16 |    1000 |     0.077 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcppbarKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcppbarKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcppbarKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.024 |     0.061 |    0.011       3.7     0.22 |     405 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcppbarKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2ppbarKBeau|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      40 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarKLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.134 |    0.052       1.4     0.21 |      40 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     0.000 |     1.433 |    1.433       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.107 |    0.107       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2D0PHNoPIDD02HHBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.840 |     0.825 |    0.021     146.6     5.05 |    1000 |     0.825 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0PHNoPIDD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0PHNoPIDD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0PHNoPIDD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     1.777 |     1.927 |    0.007     146.5     7.78 |     405 |     0.781 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2D0PHNoPIDD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHNoPIDD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHBeauty2Ch|     0.048 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     206 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PPiNoPIDBeauty2Charm                           |     0.388 |     0.443 |    0.113       2.5     0.34 |     206 |     0.091 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PHNoPIDSubPIDSelBeauty2Charm                   |     0.195 |     0.098 |    0.026       0.5     0.07 |     205 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PHNoPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                      |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.008       0.5     0.04 |     205 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHNoPIDD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PHNoPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     169 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHNoPIDD02HHBeauty2Charm                    |     0.236 |     0.155 |    0.052       2.7     0.24 |     169 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHNoPIDD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     4.000 |     3.919 |    0.415      40.3     8.86 |      20 |     0.078 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHNoPIDD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.100 |    0.045       0.3     0.07 |      19 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0PHNoPIDD02HHBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2D0PHNoPIDD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.706 |    0.097       5.0     1.51 |      10 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2D0PHNoPIDD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     1.000 |     0.635 |    0.065       4.8     1.48 |      10 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2D0PHNoPIDD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.651 |    0.068       4.9     1.49 |      10 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2D0PHNoPIDD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     2.000 |     1.623 |    0.139      12.7     3.90 |      10 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2D0PHNoPIDD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     2.000 |     1.000 |    0.154       3.3     1.16 |      10 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0PHNoPIDD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcKKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.110 |     0.087 |    0.021      12.8     0.43 |    1000 |     0.087 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.098 |     0.103 |    0.010      12.6     0.67 |     405 |     0.042 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcKKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKPiBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      74 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.112 |    0.051       1.0     0.13 |      74 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     5.000 |     4.167 |    1.253       7.1     4.12 |       2 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.114       0.1     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2LcKKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.157 |    0.157       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2LcKKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.148 |    0.148       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2LcKKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.135 |    0.135       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2LcKKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     1.075 |    1.075       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2LcKKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |    10.000 |     1.258 |    1.258       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcppbarKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.090 |     0.062 |    0.020       3.7     0.13 |    1000 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcppbarKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcppbarKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcppbarKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.098 |     0.049 |    0.009       3.5     0.19 |     405 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcppbarKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeaut|     0.104 |     0.026 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2ppbarKBeau|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      40 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarKLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.052       0.5     0.09 |      40 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     0.000 |     1.432 |    1.432       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.101 |    0.101       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2LcppbarKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2LcppbarKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136693,16 +136953,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2LcppbarKLc2PKPi
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2LcppbarKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2LcppbarKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcppbarKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcppbarPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.100 |     0.089 |    0.024       5.4     0.24 |    1000 |     0.090 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcppbarPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.080 |     0.074 |    0.020       7.9     0.29 |    1000 |     0.074 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcppbarPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcppbarPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcppbarPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.123 |     0.095 |    0.010       5.1     0.34 |     405 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcppbarPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.024 |     0.021 |    0.003       0.7     0.10 |     405 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeau|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2ppbarPiBe|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      65 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarPiLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.114 |    0.051       0.9     0.13 |      65 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     5.000 |     2.039 |    1.304       2.8     1.04 |       2 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.131 |    0.115       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcppbarPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.7     0.02 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcppbarPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.098 |     0.075 |    0.009       7.7     0.43 |     405 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcppbarPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeau|     0.104 |     0.024 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2ppbarPiBe|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      65 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarPiLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.153 |     0.093 |    0.048       0.6     0.09 |      65 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     1.227 |    1.113       1.3     0.16 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.109 |    0.108       0.1     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2LcppbarPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2LcppbarPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136710,82 +136970,82 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2LcppbarPiLc2PKP
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2LcppbarPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2LcppbarPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcppbarPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcKPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.090 |     0.139 |    0.025      32.0     1.16 |    1000 |     0.139 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.148 |     0.214 |    0.010      31.8     1.80 |     405 |     0.087 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcKPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiPiBeauty|     0.116 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      86 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.144 |    0.054       1.2     0.18 |      86 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     5.000 |     7.496 |    1.097      24.5    11.34 |       4 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.145 |    0.124       0.2     0.02 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2LcKPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.552 |    0.321       0.8     0.33 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2LcKPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.380 |    0.189       0.6     0.27 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2LcKPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.376 |    0.260       0.5     0.16 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2LcKPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     5.000 |     2.165 |    1.412       2.9     1.06 |       2 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2LcKPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.377 |    0.271       0.5     0.15 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.130 |     0.107 |    0.023      19.3     0.64 |    1000 |     0.108 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcKPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.100 |     0.106 |    0.020      19.2     0.79 |    1000 |     0.107 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.2     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.148 |     0.158 |    0.009      19.1     1.23 |     405 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcKPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiPiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      86 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.117 |    0.048       0.7     0.12 |      86 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     5.000 |     4.753 |    0.572      13.5     5.96 |       4 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.106 |    0.052       0.1     0.04 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2LcKPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.413 |    0.232       0.6     0.26 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2LcKPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.333 |    0.178       0.5     0.22 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2LcKPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.340 |    0.189       0.5     0.21 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2LcKPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     5.000 |     2.018 |    1.235       2.8     1.11 |       2 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2LcKPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.316 |    0.247       0.4     0.10 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.040 |     0.092 |    0.020      17.4     0.58 |    1000 |     0.092 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.123 |     0.140 |    0.010      19.2     1.00 |     405 |     0.057 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiPiBeau|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      82 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.243 |     0.145 |    0.052       1.6     0.20 |      82 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     7.500 |     4.006 |    0.763      13.0     6.01 |       4 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.119 |    0.075       0.2     0.05 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2LcPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.241 |    0.164       0.3     0.11 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2LcPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.130 |    0.088       0.2     0.06 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2LcPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.124 |    0.071       0.2     0.07 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2LcPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.905 |    0.538       1.3     0.52 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2LcPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.274 |    0.192       0.4     0.12 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.074 |     0.123 |    0.009      17.3     0.90 |     405 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeaut|     0.104 |     0.025 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiPiBeau|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      82 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.112 |    0.048       0.6     0.10 |      82 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     2.500 |     3.735 |    0.796      12.0     5.54 |       4 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.080       0.1     0.02 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2LcPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.166 |    0.118       0.2     0.07 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2LcPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.117 |    0.070       0.2     0.07 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2LcPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.121 |    0.091       0.2     0.04 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2LcPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     5.000 |     0.932 |    0.621       1.2     0.44 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2LcPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.216 |    0.211       0.2     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcKPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.060 |     0.044 |    0.015       3.9     0.15 |    1000 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     107 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.000 |     0.237 |    0.012       3.8     0.68 |      39 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcKPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      39 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeau|     0.000 |     0.345 |    0.023       0.8     0.39 |       7 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiPiBeau|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.297 |    0.056       1.4     0.49 |       7 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     1.366 |    1.366       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.084       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2LcKPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.132 |    0.132       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2LcKPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.113       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2LcKPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.115       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2LcKPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.204 |    0.204       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2LcKPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.186 |    0.186       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.040 |     0.044 |    0.016       5.5     0.24 |    1000 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      95 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.285 |     0.338 |    0.012       5.4     1.21 |      35 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      35 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBea|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.013       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiPiBe|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                 |     2.000 |     1.078 |    0.083       4.7     2.05 |       5 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     0.000 |     2.317 |    2.317       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.100 |    0.100       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2LcPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.219 |    0.219       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2LcPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.205 |    0.205       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2LcPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.217 |    0.217       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2LcPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.406 |    0.406       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2LcPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.284 |    0.284       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcppbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.060 |     0.035 |    0.015       1.4     0.06 |    1000 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcppbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcppbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      91 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcppbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.526 |     0.105 |    0.013       1.3     0.24 |      38 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcppbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      38 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBea|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2ppbarKBe|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.009       0.1     0.03 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                 |     1.666 |     0.271 |    0.064       1.2     0.45 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcKPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.030 |     0.034 |    0.014       3.5     0.12 |    1000 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     107 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.256 |     0.148 |    0.010       3.4     0.55 |      39 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcKPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      39 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeau|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.019       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiPiBeau|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.192 |    0.062       0.6     0.21 |       7 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     1.173 |    1.173       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.068       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2LcKPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.120 |    0.120       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2LcKPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.109 |    0.109       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2LcKPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.126       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2LcKPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.199 |    0.199       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2LcKPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.165 |    0.165       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.030 |     0.037 |    0.013       5.4     0.19 |    1000 |     0.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.001       2.2     0.07 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      95 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.000 |     0.238 |    0.011       5.3     0.92 |      35 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      35 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBea|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.020       0.1     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiPiBe|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     0.428 |    0.077       1.5     0.62 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     0.000 |     2.409 |    2.409       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.084       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2LcPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.236 |    0.236       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2LcPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.207 |    0.207       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2LcPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.209 |    0.209       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2LcPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.356 |    0.356       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2LcPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.274 |    0.274       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcppbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.030 |     0.028 |    0.012       0.8     0.04 |    1000 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcppbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcppbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      91 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcppbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.000 |     0.078 |    0.013       0.7     0.16 |      38 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcppbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      38 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBea|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2ppbarKBe|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.008       0.1     0.04 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     0.167 |    0.063       0.6     0.21 |       6 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136795,14 +137055,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2LcppbarKWSLc2PK
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2LcppbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2LcppbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcppbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcppbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.060 |     0.037 |    0.015       1.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcppbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcppbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     110 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcppbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.208 |     0.093 |    0.012       1.8     0.26 |      48 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcppbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      48 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBe|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      13 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2ppbarPi|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                |     1.428 |     0.304 |    0.073       1.5     0.55 |       7 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcppbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.060 |     0.029 |    0.013       1.0     0.04 |    1000 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcppbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcppbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     110 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcppbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.011       0.9     0.14 |      48 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcppbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      48 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBe|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2ppbarPi|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.172 |    0.055       0.7     0.25 |       7 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcppbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136812,14 +137072,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2LcppbarPiWSLc2P
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2LcppbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2LcppbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcppbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcKKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.040 |     0.033 |    0.015       1.7     0.06 |    1000 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      88 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.014       1.6     0.27 |      33 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcKKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      33 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.018       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKPiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.734 |    0.058       1.4     0.96 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcKKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.030 |     0.028 |    0.013       1.5     0.05 |    1000 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      88 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.000 |     0.066 |    0.013       1.4     0.25 |      33 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcKKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      33 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.019       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KKPiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.658 |    0.058       1.3     0.85 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcKKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136829,15 +137089,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2LcKKPiWSLc2PKPi
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2LcKKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2LcKKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcKKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02LcpbarKKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.160 |     0.163 |    0.028       7.1     0.48 |    1000 |     0.163 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02LcpbarKKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.140 |     0.130 |    0.024       7.2     0.39 |    1000 |     0.130 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.197 |     0.241 |    0.012       6.9     0.70 |     405 |     0.098 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02LcpbarKKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2pKKOSBeauty2Charm                              |     0.312 |     0.576 |    0.050       5.9     0.86 |      96 |     0.055 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2pKKOSBeaut|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      43 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKKLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.114 |    0.053       1.1     0.17 |      43 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.296 |     0.200 |    0.010       7.1     0.58 |     405 |     0.081 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02LcpbarKKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2pKKOSBeauty2Charm                              |     0.625 |     0.516 |    0.047       5.8     0.81 |      96 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2pKKOSBeaut|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      43 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKKLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.232 |     0.093 |    0.051       0.5     0.08 |      43 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136847,15 +137107,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02LcpbarKKLc2PKPi
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02LcpbarKKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02LcpbarKKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02LcpbarpbarpLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.090 |     0.107 |    0.028       2.0     0.19 |    1000 |     0.107 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarpbarpLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarpbarpLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarpbarpLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.074 |     0.111 |    0.010       1.9     0.25 |     405 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02LcpbarpbarpLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarpbarpLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBe|     0.104 |     0.031 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2pppbarBeauty2Charm                             |     0.000 |     0.195 |    0.032       1.3     0.21 |      96 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarpbarpLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2pppbarB|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.010       0.1     0.02 |      27 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarpbarpLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.117 |    0.052       1.0     0.17 |      27 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02LcpbarpbarpLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.090 |     0.091 |    0.023       1.8     0.17 |    1000 |     0.092 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarpbarpLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarpbarpLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.5     0.02 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarpbarpLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.123 |     0.103 |    0.009       1.7     0.23 |     405 |     0.042 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02LcpbarpbarpLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarpbarpLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBe|     0.104 |     0.030 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2pppbarBeauty2Charm                             |     0.000 |     0.183 |    0.032       1.2     0.21 |      96 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarpbarpLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2pppbarB|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |      27 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarpbarpLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.098 |    0.052       0.6     0.10 |      27 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarpbarpLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarpbarpLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarpbarpLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136865,33 +137125,33 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02LcpbarpbarpLc2P
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02LcpbarpbarpLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02LcpbarpbarpLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarpbarpLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02LcpbarPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.340 |     0.288 |    0.026      18.0     1.13 |    1000 |     0.288 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02LcpbarPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.310 |     0.247 |    0.023      14.8     0.97 |    1000 |     0.247 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.641 |     0.561 |    0.011      17.8     1.70 |     405 |     0.227 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02LcpbarPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.024 |     0.021 |    0.003       6.6     0.33 |     405 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBea|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2pPiPiOSBeauty2Charm                            |     1.354 |     1.623 |    0.056      17.0     2.43 |      96 |     0.156 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2pPiPiOSB|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      85 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                 |     0.235 |     0.115 |    0.054       1.0     0.12 |      85 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     0.000 |     1.616 |    1.272       1.9     0.31 |       3 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.102 |    0.094       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02LcpbarPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.321 |    0.321       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02LcpbarPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.164 |    0.164       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02LcpbarPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.176 |    0.176       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02LcpbarPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|    10.000 |     1.847 |    1.847       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02LcpbarPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     1.004 |    1.004       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02LcpbarKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.190 |     0.191 |    0.025      10.0     0.64 |    1000 |     0.192 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.567 |     0.487 |    0.009      14.7     1.46 |     405 |     0.198 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02LcpbarPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBea|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2pPiPiOSBeauty2Charm                            |     1.666 |     1.464 |    0.063      14.1     2.07 |      96 |     0.141 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2pPiPiOSB|     0.117 |     0.023 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      85 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     0.096 |    0.052       0.5     0.08 |      85 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     0.000 |     1.562 |    1.152       1.9     0.37 |       3 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.085 |    0.081       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02LcpbarPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.283 |    0.283       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02LcpbarPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.169 |    0.169       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02LcpbarPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.189 |    0.189       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02LcpbarPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     1.740 |    1.740       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02LcpbarPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|    10.000 |     0.322 |    0.322       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02LcpbarKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.130 |     0.167 |    0.023       8.4     0.57 |    1000 |     0.167 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.296 |     0.323 |    0.010       9.9     0.94 |     405 |     0.131 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02LcpbarKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeau|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2pKPiOSBeauty2Charm                             |     0.833 |     0.867 |    0.068       9.2     1.30 |      96 |     0.083 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2pKPiOSBea|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.012       0.1     0.02 |      56 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.178 |     0.131 |    0.052       1.4     0.20 |      56 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.222 |     0.290 |    0.009       8.3     0.84 |     405 |     0.118 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02LcpbarKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeau|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2pKPiOSBeauty2Charm                             |     0.416 |     0.808 |    0.064       7.8     1.21 |      96 |     0.078 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2pKPiOSBea|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |      56 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.053       0.6     0.08 |      56 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136901,16 +137161,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02LcpbarKPiLc2PKP
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02LcpbarKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02LcpbarKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02LcpbarPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.050 |     0.052 |    0.018       5.9     0.19 |    1000 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02LcpbarPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.040 |     0.040 |    0.015       2.5     0.09 |    1000 |     0.040 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      94 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.454 |     0.187 |    0.012       5.7     0.85 |      44 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02LcpbarPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      44 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiB|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2pPiPiO|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.008       0.0     0.02 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.283 |    0.060       1.4     0.50 |       7 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |    10.000 |     2.896 |    2.896       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.134 |    0.134       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      94 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.227 |     0.110 |    0.011       2.4     0.38 |      44 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02LcpbarPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      44 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiB|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.012       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2pPiPiO|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.007       0.1     0.02 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm               |     1.428 |     0.185 |    0.057       0.7     0.24 |       7 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     1.114 |    1.114       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.061 |    0.061       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02LcpbarPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02LcpbarPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136918,14 +137178,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02LcpbarPiPiWSLc2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02LcpbarPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02LcpbarPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02LcpbarpbarpWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.050 |     0.043 |    0.016       1.5     0.06 |    1000 |     0.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02LcpbarpbarpWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.040 |     0.036 |    0.015       0.8     0.04 |    1000 |     0.036 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarpbarpWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarpbarpWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     114 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarpbarpWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.208 |     0.080 |    0.015       1.4     0.20 |      48 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02LcpbarpbarpWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      48 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarpbarpWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPi|     0.625 |     0.035 |    0.014       0.1     0.01 |      16 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarpbarpWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2pppba|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarpbarpWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.371 |    0.072       1.2     0.58 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarpbarpWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     114 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarpbarpWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.011       0.7     0.11 |      48 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02LcpbarpbarpWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      48 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarpbarpWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPi|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.017       0.1     0.02 |      16 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarpbarpWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2pppba|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarpbarpWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.198 |    0.068       0.6     0.25 |       4 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarpbarpWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarpbarpWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarpbarpWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136935,14 +137195,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02LcpbarpbarpWSLc
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02LcpbarpbarpWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02LcpbarpbarpWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarpbarpWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02LcpbarKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.080 |     0.043 |    0.017       1.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02LcpbarKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.070 |     0.035 |    0.015       1.7     0.06 |    1000 |     0.035 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      90 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.000 |     0.136 |    0.013       1.7     0.35 |      31 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02LcpbarKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      31 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBea|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.018       0.0     0.01 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2pKKOSBea|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     0.437 |    0.056       1.5     0.61 |       6 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      90 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.322 |     0.105 |    0.012       1.6     0.28 |      31 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02LcpbarKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      31 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBea|     1.111 |     0.037 |    0.019       0.1     0.02 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2pKKOSBea|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     0.286 |    0.059       1.4     0.53 |       6 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136952,14 +137212,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02LcpbarKKWSLc2PK
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02LcpbarKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02LcpbarKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02LcpbarKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.050 |     0.044 |    0.016       1.2     0.07 |    1000 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     104 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.000 |     0.106 |    0.014       1.1     0.21 |      44 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02LcpbarKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      44 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBe|     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.020       0.1     0.03 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2pKPiOSB|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.008       0.1     0.02 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.253 |    0.088       1.0     0.32 |       7 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02LcpbarKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.040 |     0.035 |    0.015       0.9     0.05 |    1000 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     104 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.000 |     0.083 |    0.011       0.8     0.16 |      44 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02LcpbarKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      44 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBe|     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2pKPiOSB|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.198 |    0.076       0.6     0.21 |       7 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136969,16 +137229,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02LcpbarKPiWSLc2P
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02LcpbarKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02LcpbarKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcDD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.050 |     0.091 |    0.025       5.5     0.21 |    1000 |     0.092 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.123 |     0.096 |    0.009       5.3     0.30 |     405 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcDD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     240 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcDD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.090 |     0.078 |    0.020       4.9     0.18 |    1000 |     0.078 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.049 |     0.083 |    0.008       4.7     0.26 |     405 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcDD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     240 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      93 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                       |     0.107 |     0.135 |    0.056       2.0     0.21 |      93 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     0.000 |     2.819 |    2.819       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.179 |    0.179       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                       |     0.107 |     0.112 |    0.048       1.1     0.14 |      93 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     0.000 |     2.574 |    2.574       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.108       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2LcDD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2LcDD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -136986,16 +137246,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2LcDD2HHHPIDBeau
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2LcDD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2LcDD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcDWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.070 |     0.086 |    0.023       4.5     0.19 |    1000 |     0.087 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcDWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.040 |     0.073 |    0.020       4.4     0.17 |    1000 |     0.074 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.098 |     0.090 |    0.008       4.4     0.26 |     405 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcDWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     240 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.008       0.5     0.05 |      93 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                     |     0.107 |     0.133 |    0.050       1.7     0.19 |      93 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     2.720 |    2.720       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.125 |    0.125       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.049 |     0.076 |    0.007       4.2     0.23 |     405 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcDWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |     240 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      93 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.047       0.6     0.10 |      93 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |    10.000 |     2.826 |    2.826       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.098 |    0.098       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2LcDWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2LcDWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137003,15 +137263,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2LcDWSD2HHHPIDBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2LcDWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2LcDWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDWSD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcDKstBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.160 |     0.117 |    0.023       7.6     0.44 |    1000 |     0.118 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcDKstBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.090 |     0.100 |    0.020       8.1     0.42 |    1000 |     0.101 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDKstBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDKstBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter      |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDKstBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence  |     0.197 |     0.155 |    0.009       7.4     0.62 |     405 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDKstBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter      |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDKstBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence  |     0.148 |     0.143 |    0.007       7.9     0.63 |     405 |     0.058 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcDKstBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter     |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDKstBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     240 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDKstBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm  |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      93 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDKstBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeauty2Charm    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      93 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDKstBeauty2Charm                            |     0.645 |     0.454 |    0.069       7.0     1.15 |      93 |     0.042 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDKstBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     240 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDKstBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm  |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      93 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDKstBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeauty2Charm    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      93 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDKstBeauty2Charm                            |     0.537 |     0.428 |    0.061       7.4     1.18 |      93 |     0.040 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDKstBeauty2CharmTISTOS                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDKstBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDKstBeauty2CharmLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137021,15 +137281,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2LcDKstBeauty2Ch
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2LcDKstBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2LcDKstBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDKstBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcDstKstBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.030 |     0.061 |    0.023       1.7     0.09 |    1000 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcDstKstBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.030 |     0.050 |    0.020       1.2     0.07 |    1000 |     0.051 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDstKstBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDstKstBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter    |     0.020 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDstKstBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.008       1.6     0.11 |     405 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcDstKstBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDstKstBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.018       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDstKstBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.010       0.1     0.02 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDstKstBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeauty2Charm  |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDstKstBeauty2Charm                          |     0.000 |     0.341 |    0.079       1.4     0.43 |       9 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDstKstBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDstKstBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.007       1.0     0.08 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcDstKstBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDstKstBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDstKstBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDstKstBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiBeauty2Charm  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDstKstBeauty2Charm                          |     0.000 |     0.230 |    0.067       0.6     0.23 |       9 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDstKstBeauty2CharmTISTOS                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDstKstBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDstKstBeauty2CharmLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137039,17 +137299,17 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2LcDstKstBeauty2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2LcDstKstBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2LcDstKstBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDstKstBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.160 |     0.122 |    0.023       5.8     0.31 |    1000 |     0.122 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.090 |     0.100 |    0.021       5.5     0.25 |    1000 |     0.100 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.271 |     0.180 |    0.007       5.6     0.44 |     405 |     0.073 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KPiBeauty2CharmFilter                          |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     206 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KPiBeauty2CharmF|     0.121 |     0.022 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     165 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.006       0.1     0.02 |      55 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2Charm                         |     0.000 |     0.133 |    0.057       1.3     0.18 |      55 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                   |     0.000 |     2.467 |    1.327       3.6     1.61 |       2 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter|     0.000 |     0.153 |    0.132       0.2     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.098 |     0.143 |    0.006       5.3     0.35 |     405 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KPiBeauty2CharmFilter                          |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     206 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KPiBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     165 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2Char|     0.181 |     0.018 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      55 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2Charm                         |     0.000 |     0.104 |    0.053       0.6     0.09 |      55 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                   |     0.000 |     2.423 |    1.239       3.6     1.68 |       2 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter|     0.000 |     0.109 |    0.077       0.1     0.05 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_X2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_X2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137057,51 +137317,51 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X2LcD0D02KPiBeauty
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.160 |     0.141 |    0.023      23.5     1.06 |    1000 |     0.142 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.140 |     0.124 |    0.020      24.0     1.07 |    1000 |     0.125 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.020 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.246 |     0.225 |    0.008      23.2     1.64 |     405 |     0.091 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KPiBeauty2Char|     0.242 |     0.026 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |     165 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |      55 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputsBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      55 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2Charm                       |     0.181 |     0.398 |    0.070       3.6     0.61 |      55 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |    10.000 |     8.821 |    2.701      20.4     7.90 |       4 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.196 |    0.154       0.3     0.06 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.172 |     0.206 |    0.007      23.9     1.67 |     405 |     0.083 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     165 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      55 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputsBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      55 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2Charm                       |     0.181 |     0.346 |    0.066       3.7     0.59 |      55 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |    10.000 |     8.718 |    1.059      21.5     8.89 |       4 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.070       0.2     0.04 |       4 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_X2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     1.003 |    1.003       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_X2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.666 |    0.666       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.662 |    0.662       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     1.725 |    1.725       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.730 |    0.730       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.140 |     0.147 |    0.024      24.6     1.20 |    1000 |     0.148 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_X2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.899 |    0.899       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_X2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine      |    10.000 |     0.747 |    0.747       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.745 |    0.745       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     1.821 |    1.821       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.626 |    0.626       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.100 |     0.127 |    0.020      26.5     1.13 |    1000 |     0.127 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.172 |     0.242 |    0.008      24.4     1.86 |     405 |     0.098 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KPiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.006       0.1     0.02 |     165 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |      55 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      55 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2Charm                        |     0.363 |     0.438 |    0.068       4.5     0.84 |      55 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |    10.000 |    10.154 |    1.865      21.4     8.51 |       4 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.187 |    0.106       0.2     0.06 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_X2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.917 |    0.917       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_X2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.681 |    0.681       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.667 |    0.667       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     1.722 |    1.722       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.624 |    0.624       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcD0PiWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.040 |     0.038 |    0.015       2.0     0.08 |    1000 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcD0PiWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcD0PiWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      97 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcD0PiWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.512 |     0.127 |    0.008       1.9     0.32 |      39 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcD0PiWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      39 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0PiWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KPiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      19 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0PiWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0PiWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0PiWSD02KPiBeauty2Charm                     |     2.500 |     0.354 |    0.073       1.7     0.55 |       8 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.197 |     0.211 |    0.007      26.3     1.76 |     405 |     0.086 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.2     0.01 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KPiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     165 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      55 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      55 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2Charm                        |     0.181 |     0.361 |    0.069       4.5     0.69 |      55 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |    10.000 |     9.192 |    1.076      23.7     9.99 |       4 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     2.500 |     0.122 |    0.055       0.2     0.05 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_X2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine       |    10.000 |     0.862 |    0.862       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_X2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.703 |    0.703       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.709 |    0.709       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     1.714 |    1.714       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.562 |    0.562       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcD0KD02KPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcD0PiWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.060 |     0.032 |    0.014       1.1     0.05 |    1000 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcD0PiWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.020 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcD0PiWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      97 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcD0PiWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.256 |     0.102 |    0.008       1.0     0.20 |      39 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcD0PiWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      39 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0PiWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KPiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.013       0.0     0.01 |      19 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0PiWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0PiWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0PiWSD02KPiBeauty2Charm                     |     1.250 |     0.242 |    0.068       0.8     0.25 |       8 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0PiWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0PiWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0PiWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137111,15 +137371,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X2LcD0PiWSD02KPiBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X2LcD0PiWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X2LcD0PiWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcD0PiWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcD0KWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.020 |     0.041 |    0.015       6.0     0.20 |    1000 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcD0KWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcD0KWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     110 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcD0KWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.232 |     0.218 |    0.009       5.6     0.89 |      43 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcD0KWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      43 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0KWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KPiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.009       0.1     0.02 |      18 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0KWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0KWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0KWSD02KPiBeauty2Charm                      |     2.000 |     1.378 |    0.086       5.1     2.15 |       5 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcD0KWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.040 |     0.032 |    0.013       3.0     0.11 |    1000 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcD0KWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcD0KWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     110 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcD0KWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.232 |     0.141 |    0.008       2.9     0.49 |      43 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcD0KWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      43 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0KWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KPiBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0KWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0KWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0KWSD02KPiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.828 |    0.071       2.7     1.14 |       5 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0KWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0KWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcD0KWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137129,15 +137389,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X2LcD0KWSD02KPiBea
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X2LcD0KWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X2LcD0KWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcD0KWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.020 |     0.069 |    0.024       2.9     0.13 |    1000 |     0.070 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.020 |     0.059 |    0.020       2.3     0.11 |    1000 |     0.059 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.011       2.8     0.19 |     405 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xiccp2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiPBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.340 |    0.148       1.6     0.41 |      12 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutXiccp2Xi|     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.031       0.1     0.01 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.011       2.2     0.16 |     405 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xiccp2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiPBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.277 |    0.122       1.2     0.29 |      12 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutXiccp2Xi|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.024       0.0     0.01 |       9 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputs|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.223 |    0.091       0.7     0.18 |       9 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.190 |    0.076       0.5     0.14 |       9 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137147,14 +137407,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X02XiccpPiXiccp2Xi
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX02XiccpKXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.060 |     0.060 |    0.024       0.9     0.06 |    1000 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX02XiccpKXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.050 |     0.051 |    0.021       0.9     0.05 |    1000 |     0.052 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX02XiccpKXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX02XiccpKXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX02XiccpKXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.024 |     0.024 |    0.010       0.8     0.06 |     405 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX02XiccpKXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X02XiccpKXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutXiccp2Xic|     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.028       0.0     0.01 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX02XiccpKXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX02XiccpKXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.010       0.8     0.06 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX02XiccpKXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X02XiccpKXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutXiccp2Xic|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.028       0.0     0.01 |       9 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X02XiccpKXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X02XiccpKXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2Charm                |     1.111 |     0.219 |    0.087       0.6     0.17 |       9 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X02XiccpKXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.201 |    0.072       0.6     0.18 |       9 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X02XiccpKXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X02XiccpKXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X02XiccpKXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137164,14 +137424,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X02XiccpKXiccp2Xic
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X02XiccpKXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X02XiccpKXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX02XiccpKXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX02XiccpPiWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.050 |     0.037 |    0.015       2.1     0.08 |    1000 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX02XiccpPiWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX02XiccpPiWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     105 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX02XiccpPiWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.000 |     0.066 |    0.010       2.0     0.29 |      49 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX02XiccpPiWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      49 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X02XiccpPiWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutXiccp2|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.032       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X02XiccpPiWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInpu|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X02XiccpPiWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     1.005 |    0.177       1.8     1.17 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX02XiccpPiWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.020 |     0.033 |    0.013       1.7     0.07 |    1000 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX02XiccpPiWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX02XiccpPiWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     105 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX02XiccpPiWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.204 |     0.093 |    0.010       1.6     0.25 |      49 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX02XiccpPiWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      49 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X02XiccpPiWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutXiccp2|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.028       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X02XiccpPiWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInpu|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X02XiccpPiWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     0.776 |    0.113       1.4     0.94 |       2 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X02XiccpPiWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X02XiccpPiWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X02XiccpPiWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137181,14 +137441,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X02XiccpPiWSXiccp2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X02XiccpPiWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X02XiccpPiWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX02XiccpPiWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX02XiccpKWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.020 |     0.034 |    0.015       0.9     0.05 |    1000 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX02XiccpKWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX02XiccpKWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.005       0.6     0.06 |      88 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX02XiccpKWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.000 |     0.054 |    0.011       0.8     0.15 |      37 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX02XiccpKWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X02XiccpKWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutXiccp2X|     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.031       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X02XiccpKWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputs|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X02XiccpKWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.384 |    0.141       0.6     0.34 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX02XiccpKWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.040 |     0.027 |    0.013       0.8     0.04 |    1000 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX02XiccpKWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX02XiccpKWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      88 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX02XiccpKWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.011       0.8     0.13 |      37 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX02XiccpKWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X02XiccpKWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutXiccp2X|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.026       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X02XiccpKWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputs|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X02XiccpKWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.364 |    0.118       0.6     0.35 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X02XiccpKWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X02XiccpKWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X02XiccpKWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137198,17 +137458,17 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X02XiccpKWSXiccp2X
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X02XiccpKWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X02XiccpKWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX02XiccpKWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2XiccppKXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.090 |     0.120 |    0.022       4.5     0.34 |    1000 |     0.120 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2XiccppKXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2XiccppKXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2XiccppKXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.098 |     0.169 |    0.011       4.3     0.48 |     405 |     0.069 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2XiccppKXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xiccpp2XicPiXic2PKPiPBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.232 |    0.067       1.5     0.21 |      78 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppKXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXiccpp2Xi|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.010       0.1     0.02 |      42 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppKXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppKXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.213 |    0.059       1.1     0.23 |      42 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppKXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     1.366 |    0.631       1.8     0.64 |       3 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppKXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.093 |    0.074       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2XiccppKXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.110 |     0.096 |    0.020       4.2     0.27 |    1000 |     0.097 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2XiccppKXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2XiccppKXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2XiccppKXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.172 |     0.135 |    0.009       4.1     0.39 |     405 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2XiccppKXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xiccpp2XicPiXic2PKPiPBeauty2Charm                |     0.256 |     0.172 |    0.065       1.0     0.12 |      78 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppKXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXiccpp2Xi|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.010       0.1     0.02 |      42 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppKXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppKXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Charm                |     0.238 |     0.165 |    0.058       0.7     0.14 |      42 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppKXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     1.295 |    0.537       1.9     0.68 |       3 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppKXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.088 |    0.061       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppKXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_X2XiccppKXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_X2XiccppKXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137216,16 +137476,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X2XiccppKXiccpp2Xi
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X2XiccppKXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X2XiccppKXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2XiccppKXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.100 |     0.080 |    0.024       3.7     0.19 |    1000 |     0.081 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.4     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.049 |     0.069 |    0.010       3.5     0.26 |     405 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXiccpp2X|     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |      42 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputs|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Charm               |     0.238 |     0.197 |    0.062       1.0     0.20 |      42 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     1.419 |    1.160       1.8     0.32 |       3 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.078       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.060 |     0.064 |    0.020       3.4     0.16 |    1000 |     0.065 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.049 |     0.058 |    0.010       3.3     0.23 |     405 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXiccpp2X|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |      42 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputs|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Charm               |     0.476 |     0.150 |    0.057       0.6     0.12 |      42 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     1.213 |    0.569       1.7     0.58 |       3 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.104 |    0.065       0.2     0.06 |       3 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_X2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_X2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137233,14 +137493,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X2XiccppPiXiccpp2X
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2XiccppKWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.040 |     0.038 |    0.015       1.7     0.06 |    1000 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2XiccppKWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2XiccppKWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     100 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2XiccppKWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.011       1.6     0.26 |      40 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2XiccppKWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppKWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXiccpp2|     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.025       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppKWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputs|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppKWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.406 |    0.122       1.5     0.60 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2XiccppKWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.030 |     0.031 |    0.013       1.1     0.04 |    1000 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2XiccppKWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2XiccppKWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.100 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     100 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2XiccppKWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.000 |     0.066 |    0.010       1.0     0.17 |      40 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2XiccppKWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppKWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXiccpp2|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.022       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppKWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputs|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppKWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.280 |    0.075       0.9     0.35 |       5 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppKWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppKWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppKWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137250,14 +137510,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X2XiccppKWSXiccpp2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X2XiccppKWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X2XiccppKWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2XiccppKWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2XiccppPiWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.020 |     0.034 |    0.015       1.0     0.04 |    1000 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2XiccppPiWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2XiccppPiWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     108 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2XiccppPiWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.000 |     0.066 |    0.012       0.9     0.15 |      41 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2XiccppPiWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      41 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppPiWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXiccpp|     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.014       0.1     0.02 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppPiWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInpu|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppPiWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     0.266 |    0.086       0.8     0.33 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2XiccppPiWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.020 |     0.028 |    0.013       0.8     0.03 |    1000 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2XiccppPiWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2XiccppPiWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     108 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2XiccppPiWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.012       0.7     0.12 |      41 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2XiccppPiWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      41 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppPiWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXiccpp|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.014       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppPiWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInpu|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppPiWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     0.209 |    0.073       0.6     0.26 |       4 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppPiWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppPiWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2XiccppPiWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137267,51 +137527,51 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X2XiccppPiWSXiccpp
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X2XiccppPiWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X2XiccppPiWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2XiccppPiWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.170 |     0.190 |    0.024      23.0     1.05 |    1000 |     0.190 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.160 |     0.162 |    0.020      18.7     0.93 |    1000 |     0.163 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.320 |     0.331 |    0.010      22.8     1.59 |     405 |     0.134 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.009       0.1     0.02 |      96 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      96 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                    |     0.625 |     0.662 |    0.065      12.8     1.42 |      96 |     0.064 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     1.666 |     2.652 |    0.593       9.4     2.81 |      12 |     0.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     1.000 |     0.108 |    0.057       0.2     0.05 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_X2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.206 |    0.194       0.2     0.01 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_X2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.079       0.1     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.077       0.1     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     3.333 |     0.286 |    0.270       0.3     0.02 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.238 |    0.224       0.3     0.01 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.296 |     0.298 |    0.010      18.5     1.42 |     405 |     0.121 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      96 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                    |     0.625 |     0.598 |    0.064      10.8     1.25 |      96 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     2.500 |     2.776 |    0.542      11.2     3.22 |      12 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.087 |    0.040       0.1     0.04 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_X2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.145 |    0.123       0.2     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_X2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.087       0.2     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.102 |    0.068       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.242 |    0.214       0.3     0.03 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     3.333 |     0.228 |    0.177       0.3     0.07 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.160 |     0.178 |    0.024      14.6     0.81 |    1000 |     0.178 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.160 |     0.167 |    0.020      17.2     0.89 |    1000 |     0.167 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.320 |     0.315 |    0.009      14.3     1.23 |     405 |     0.128 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.049 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      96 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      96 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                     |     0.416 |     0.647 |    0.077       6.9     0.99 |      96 |     0.062 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     3.846 |     2.241 |    0.537       7.8     2.34 |      13 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.047       0.2     0.04 |      11 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_X2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.139 |    0.095       0.2     0.05 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_X2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.078       0.1     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.105 |    0.075       0.2     0.04 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.254 |    0.232       0.3     0.04 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.482 |    0.185       1.1     0.41 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.296 |     0.307 |    0.008      17.0     1.36 |     405 |     0.125 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      96 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      96 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                     |     0.520 |     0.649 |    0.071      11.1     1.32 |      96 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     2.307 |     2.278 |    0.516       7.7     2.41 |      13 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.909 |     0.082 |    0.031       0.2     0.04 |      11 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_X2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.117 |    0.087       0.1     0.02 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_X2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.104 |    0.070       0.1     0.02 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.098 |    0.086       0.1     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.255 |    0.219       0.3     0.04 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.401 |    0.147       1.1     0.46 |       4 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcPiPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.160 |     0.141 |    0.023      25.9     0.93 |    1000 |     0.142 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcPiPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.060 |     0.117 |    0.019      19.0     0.74 |    1000 |     0.118 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcPiPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcPiPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcPiPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.296 |     0.226 |    0.010      25.6     1.43 |     405 |     0.092 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcPiPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      96 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                    |     0.520 |     0.357 |    0.057       4.2     0.52 |      96 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |    11.666 |     5.375 |    0.512      22.1     8.35 |       6 |     0.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.048       0.2     0.06 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcPiPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcPiPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.123 |     0.189 |    0.009      18.9     1.14 |     405 |     0.077 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcPiPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      96 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.351 |    0.053       6.7     0.73 |      96 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     5.000 |     3.824 |    0.522      16.0     6.05 |       6 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.061       0.1     0.04 |       5 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_X2LcPiPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_X2LcPiPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137319,16 +137579,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X2LcPiPiSSLc2PKPiB
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X2LcPiPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X2LcPiPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcPiPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcKKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.130 |     0.146 |    0.024      23.1     0.87 |    1000 |     0.146 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.246 |     0.236 |    0.010      22.9     1.33 |     405 |     0.096 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcKKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.012       0.1     0.02 |      96 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      96 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.312 |     0.418 |    0.061       4.4     0.61 |      96 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     3.333 |     4.959 |    0.523      19.4     7.25 |       6 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.148 |    0.049       0.2     0.08 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcKKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.110 |     0.119 |    0.019      19.0     0.70 |    1000 |     0.120 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.172 |     0.195 |    0.009      18.9     1.08 |     405 |     0.079 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcKKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      96 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.312 |     0.373 |    0.049       4.3     0.58 |      96 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     3.333 |     3.706 |    0.545      16.3     6.22 |       6 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.092 |    0.050       0.2     0.05 |       5 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_X2LcKKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_X2LcKKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137336,52 +137596,52 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X2LcKKSSLc2PKPiBea
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X2LcKKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X2LcKKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.170 |     0.166 |    0.022      11.9     0.68 |    1000 |     0.166 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.8     0.02 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.395 |     0.285 |    0.011      11.7     1.02 |     405 |     0.116 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2|     0.104 |     0.029 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      96 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      96 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                     |     0.833 |     0.655 |    0.080       7.1     1.04 |      96 |     0.063 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     3.636 |     1.803 |    0.535       6.8     1.87 |      11 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.047       0.1     0.03 |       9 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.130 |     0.147 |    0.019      11.9     0.64 |    1000 |     0.148 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.271 |     0.260 |    0.009      11.7     0.97 |     405 |     0.105 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2|     0.104 |     0.030 |    0.012       0.5     0.05 |      96 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      96 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputsBeauty|     0.104 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      96 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                     |     0.208 |     0.599 |    0.070       7.2     1.01 |      96 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     1.818 |     1.828 |    0.488       7.3     2.02 |      11 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.047       0.1     0.03 |       9 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_X2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.128 |    0.118       0.1     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_X2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.098 |    0.090       0.1     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.105 |    0.082       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.261 |    0.233       0.3     0.03 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.220 |    0.214       0.2     0.01 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_X2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.107 |    0.100       0.1     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_X2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.104 |    0.074       0.2     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.092 |    0.080       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.247 |    0.231       0.3     0.02 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.192 |    0.185       0.2     0.01 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcKKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.140 |     0.171 |    0.023      11.8     0.71 |    1000 |     0.172 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcKKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.190 |     0.151 |    0.019      11.4     0.65 |    1000 |     0.152 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.172 |     0.297 |    0.010      11.6     1.06 |     405 |     0.121 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcKKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.012       0.1     0.02 |      96 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      96 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.416 |     0.695 |    0.065       7.0     1.18 |      96 |     0.067 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     1.666 |     1.796 |    0.544       7.2     1.92 |      12 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.051       0.1     0.03 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.320 |     0.273 |    0.009      11.2     0.99 |     405 |     0.111 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcKKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2C|     0.104 |     0.027 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      96 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.729 |     0.641 |    0.054       7.1     1.10 |      96 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     2.500 |     1.743 |    0.527       7.0     1.85 |      12 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.045       0.1     0.03 |      10 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_X2LcKKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.136 |    0.116       0.2     0.03 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_X2LcKKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.100 |    0.080       0.1     0.02 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X2LcKKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.101 |    0.078       0.1     0.02 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X2LcKKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.280 |    0.238       0.3     0.04 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X2LcKKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.196 |    0.135       0.3     0.06 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcKPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.180 |     0.195 |    0.023      37.5     1.42 |    1000 |     0.196 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_X2LcKKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.106 |    0.093       0.1     0.02 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_X2LcKKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.097 |    0.075       0.1     0.02 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X2LcKKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.098 |    0.084       0.1     0.02 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X2LcKKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.258 |    0.213       0.3     0.04 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X2LcKKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.170 |    0.132       0.3     0.06 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcKPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.190 |     0.164 |    0.020      36.9     1.30 |    1000 |     0.164 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.296 |     0.357 |    0.010      37.3     2.19 |     405 |     0.145 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcKPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      96 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.370 |     0.303 |    0.009      36.7     2.01 |     405 |     0.123 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcKPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.009       0.3     0.03 |      96 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      96 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      96 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                     |     0.312 |     0.650 |    0.069       8.2     1.06 |      96 |     0.062 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     6.666 |     9.036 |    0.987      33.2    12.30 |       6 |     0.054 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     2.000 |     0.148 |    0.051       0.2     0.09 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                     |     0.625 |     0.582 |    0.063       8.2     1.02 |      96 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     8.333 |     7.480 |    0.925      33.2    12.69 |       6 |     0.045 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.050       0.2     0.05 |       5 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_X2LcKPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_X2LcKPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137389,14 +137649,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X2LcKPiSSLc2PKPiBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X2LcKPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X2LcKPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.010 |     0.049 |    0.015       2.8     0.13 |    1000 |     0.050 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      91 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.000 |     0.091 |    0.011       1.1     0.20 |      39 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      39 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.021       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.264 |    0.081       1.0     0.31 |       7 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.030 |     0.035 |    0.014       4.0     0.13 |    1000 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      91 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.010       0.7     0.15 |      39 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      39 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.033       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.210 |    0.079       0.6     0.16 |       7 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137406,15 +137666,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X2LcPiPiWSLc2PKPiB
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X2LcPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X2LcPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.050 |     0.043 |    0.015       3.6     0.16 |    1000 |     0.043 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.240 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      83 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.360 |    0.013       3.3     0.82 |      28 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      28 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.021       0.1     0.02 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.050 |     0.034 |    0.013       1.9     0.10 |    1000 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.120 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      83 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.357 |     0.260 |    0.012       1.7     0.52 |      28 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      28 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.016       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     1.351 |    0.103       2.9     1.04 |       6 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                     |     1.666 |     0.906 |    0.093       1.5     0.58 |       6 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137424,16 +137684,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X2LcKPiWSLc2PKPiBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X2LcKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X2LcKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.020 |     0.041 |    0.015       3.1     0.13 |    1000 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     103 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.222 |     0.206 |    0.012       3.0     0.54 |      45 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      45 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.060 |     0.035 |    0.013       2.3     0.10 |    1000 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     103 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.222 |     0.160 |    0.011       2.2     0.39 |      45 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      45 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.014       0.1     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.425 |    0.077       1.5     0.50 |      11 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     1.333 |    1.333       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.109 |    0.109       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.304 |    0.078       0.9     0.29 |      11 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     0.967 |    0.967       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.075 |    0.075       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_X2LcKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_X2LcKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137441,33 +137701,33 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X2LcKKWSLc2PKPiBea
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X2LcKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X2LcKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.280 |     0.174 |    0.025      29.0     1.25 |    1000 |     0.175 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.170 |     0.145 |    0.020      29.1     1.11 |    1000 |     0.145 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.469 |     0.302 |    0.011      28.8     1.92 |     405 |     0.122 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiPiBeau|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      82 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      82 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                   |     1.219 |     0.495 |    0.065       5.2     0.95 |      82 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     6.000 |     7.620 |    0.807      25.9    10.47 |       5 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.158 |    0.104       0.2     0.04 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_X2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.637 |    0.627       0.6     0.01 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_X2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.441 |    0.391       0.5     0.07 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.433 |    0.426       0.4     0.01 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     5.000 |     1.250 |    1.052       1.4     0.28 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     5.000 |     0.589 |    0.506       0.7     0.12 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcKPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.060 |     0.044 |    0.015       3.8     0.14 |    1000 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.030 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     107 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.487 |     0.219 |    0.011       3.6     0.61 |      41 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcKPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      41 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBea|     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.013       0.2     0.05 |      13 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiPiBe|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                 |     0.909 |     0.553 |    0.080       3.1     0.90 |      11 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.296 |     0.251 |    0.009      28.9     1.73 |     405 |     0.102 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiPiBeau|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      82 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBeaut|     0.121 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      82 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.609 |     0.447 |    0.067       5.4     0.90 |      82 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     4.000 |     6.735 |    0.750      26.4    11.05 |       5 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.124 |    0.078       0.2     0.06 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_X2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.405 |    0.220       0.6     0.26 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_X2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     5.000 |     0.305 |    0.141       0.5     0.23 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.300 |    0.131       0.5     0.24 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.686 |    0.389       1.0     0.42 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.300 |    0.207       0.4     0.13 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKPiPiPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcKPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.030 |     0.036 |    0.014       3.3     0.12 |    1000 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     107 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.487 |     0.192 |    0.010       3.1     0.53 |      41 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcKPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      41 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBea|     0.769 |     0.032 |    0.015       0.1     0.02 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiPiBe|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     0.503 |    0.065       2.8     0.83 |      11 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcKPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137477,16 +137737,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X2LcKPiPiPiWSLc2PK
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X2LcKPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X2LcKPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcKPiPiPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2XicPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.070 |     0.109 |    0.024       8.3     0.40 |    1000 |     0.110 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2XicPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.050 |     0.090 |    0.021       7.0     0.33 |    1000 |     0.091 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.148 |     0.142 |    0.011       8.1     0.58 |     405 |     0.058 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2XicPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PKPiBea|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.008       0.2     0.02 |      78 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      78 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.512 |     0.387 |    0.068       6.2     0.77 |      78 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     2.194 |    0.581       5.4     2.76 |       3 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.060       0.2     0.06 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.049 |     0.119 |    0.010       6.9     0.50 |     405 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2XicPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PKPiBea|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      78 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      78 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.128 |     0.325 |    0.060       6.1     0.71 |      78 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     1.943 |    0.511       4.7     2.39 |       3 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.074 |    0.046       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xib2XicPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xib2XicPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137494,66 +137754,66 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2XicPiPiXic2PKP
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2XicPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2XicPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicPiPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2XicKPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.090 |     0.150 |    0.022      14.3     0.78 |    1000 |     0.150 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2XicKPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.120 |     0.124 |    0.020      13.7     0.66 |    1000 |     0.125 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicKPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicKPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicKPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.172 |     0.248 |    0.010      14.1     1.19 |     405 |     0.100 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2XicKPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PKPiBeau|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.008       0.2     0.02 |      78 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      78 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.01 |      78 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKPiXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.256 |     0.644 |    0.083      11.2     1.43 |      78 |     0.050 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     3.333 |     3.256 |    0.520       9.9     3.56 |       6 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     1.666 |     0.822 |    0.723       1.0     0.09 |       6 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xib2XicKPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.190 |    0.190       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xib2XicKPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.174 |    0.174       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2XicKPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.136 |    0.136       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2XicKPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.377 |    0.377       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2XicKPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.190 |    0.190       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicKPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicKPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.222 |     0.206 |    0.009      13.5     1.01 |     405 |     0.083 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2XicKPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PKPiBeau|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      78 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      78 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      78 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKPiXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.769 |     0.581 |    0.078      11.2     1.34 |      78 |     0.045 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     3.333 |     2.810 |    0.551      10.0     3.65 |       6 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.036       0.1     0.03 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xib2XicKPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.102 |    0.102       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xib2XicKPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |    10.000 |     0.105 |    0.105       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2XicKPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.109 |    0.109       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2XicKPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.294 |    0.294       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2XicKPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.182 |    0.182       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicKPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2XicKKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.100 |     0.119 |    0.023       8.3     0.48 |    1000 |     0.120 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2XicKKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.090 |     0.098 |    0.020       7.7     0.40 |    1000 |     0.099 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicKKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicKKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicKKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.123 |     0.167 |    0.010       8.1     0.70 |     405 |     0.068 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2XicKKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PKPiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.007       0.1     0.02 |      78 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      78 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKKXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm                    |     0.384 |     0.406 |    0.062       5.9     0.78 |      78 |     0.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     3.333 |     1.847 |    0.501       5.3     1.89 |       6 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.049       0.2     0.05 |       6 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xib2XicKKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.113       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xib2XicKKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.193 |    0.193       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2XicKKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.113       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2XicKKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.311 |    0.311       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2XicKKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.198 |    0.198       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicKKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2XicKKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.040 |     0.045 |    0.014       4.0     0.16 |    1000 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicKKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicKKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.106 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      94 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicKKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.256 |     0.280 |    0.010       3.9     0.72 |      39 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2XicKKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      39 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PKPiBea|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.020       0.1     0.01 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.480 |    0.113       1.5     0.47 |       9 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     0.740 |    0.577       0.9     0.23 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.073 |    0.071       0.1     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xib2XicKKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.182 |    0.182       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xib2XicKKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.111 |    0.111       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2XicKKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.107 |    0.107       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2XicKKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.341 |    0.341       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2XicKKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.245 |    0.245       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicKKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2XicPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.020 |     0.042 |    0.014       4.4     0.16 |    1000 |     0.043 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     113 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.208 |     0.219 |    0.012       3.9     0.61 |      48 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2XicPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      48 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PKPiB|     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.015       0.2     0.04 |      12 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputsB|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.002       0.0     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm                |     0.833 |     0.587 |    0.079       3.2     0.88 |      12 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicKKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicKKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.098 |     0.139 |    0.009       7.6     0.60 |     405 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2XicKKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PKPiBeaut|     0.128 |     0.026 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      78 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBeauty|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      78 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKKXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm                    |     0.384 |     0.353 |    0.059       6.0     0.73 |      78 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     0.000 |     1.557 |    0.494       5.3     1.86 |       6 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.065 |    0.032       0.1     0.03 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xib2XicKKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.104 |    0.104       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xib2XicKKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.090       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2XicKKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.092 |    0.092       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2XicKKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.297 |    0.297       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2XicKKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.163 |    0.163       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicKKXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2XicKKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.010 |     0.038 |    0.014       4.2     0.16 |    1000 |     0.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicKKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicKKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      94 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicKKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.256 |     0.258 |    0.010       4.2     0.73 |      39 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2XicKKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      39 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PKPiBea|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.019       0.0     0.01 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.378 |    0.086       0.9     0.31 |       9 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     0.796 |    0.572       1.0     0.32 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.075       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xib2XicKKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.215 |    0.215       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xib2XicKKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.123 |    0.123       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2XicKKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.119 |    0.119       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2XicKKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.355 |    0.355       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2XicKKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.217 |    0.217       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicKKWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2XicPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.020 |     0.034 |    0.013       2.5     0.10 |    1000 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     113 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.000 |     0.157 |    0.010       2.2     0.37 |      48 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2XicPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      48 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PKPiB|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.014       0.1     0.02 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputsB|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.417 |    0.055       1.9     0.51 |      12 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137563,32 +137823,32 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2XicPiPiWSXic2P
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2XicPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2XicPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicPiPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.090 |     0.065 |    0.014      22.9     0.74 |    1000 |     0.066 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.020 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     109 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.750 |     0.833 |    0.012      22.7     3.61 |      40 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PKPiBe|     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.017       0.1     0.02 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm                 |     1.111 |     0.837 |    0.108       2.7     0.89 |       9 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     5.000 |     7.605 |    0.896      14.3     9.49 |       2 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.103       0.2     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.322 |    0.119       0.5     0.29 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.216 |    0.110       0.3     0.15 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     5.000 |     0.244 |    0.121       0.4     0.17 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.588 |    0.282       0.9     0.43 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.321 |    0.202       0.4     0.17 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcDstDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.030 |     0.063 |    0.024       1.6     0.08 |    1000 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.030 |     0.059 |    0.013      20.6     0.67 |    1000 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     109 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.500 |     0.757 |    0.010      20.5     3.29 |      40 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PKPiBe|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm                 |     1.111 |     0.720 |    0.117       2.3     0.80 |       9 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     5.000 |     7.104 |    1.084      13.1     8.51 |       2 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.155 |    0.110       0.2     0.06 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.297 |    0.129       0.5     0.24 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.191 |    0.118       0.3     0.10 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.223 |    0.128       0.3     0.14 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.514 |    0.283       0.7     0.33 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.274 |    0.200       0.3     0.10 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2XicKPiWSXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcDstDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.050 |     0.053 |    0.021       0.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.054 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDstDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDstDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDstDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.009       1.5     0.10 |     405 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcDstDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDstDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0P|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.014       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDstDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBe|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.009       0.1     0.04 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDstDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.250 |    0.071       1.2     0.37 |       9 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDstDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDstDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.009       0.8     0.06 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcDstDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDstDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0P|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.014       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDstDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBe|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDstDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.134 |    0.054       0.6     0.17 |       9 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDstDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDstDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDstDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137598,14 +137858,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2LcDstDstar2D0Pi
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2LcDstDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2LcDstDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDstDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcDstWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.010 |     0.039 |    0.016       1.6     0.06 |    1000 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcDstWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.010 |     0.031 |    0.014       0.9     0.04 |    1000 |     0.032 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDstWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDstWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     116 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDstWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.000 |     0.055 |    0.009       1.5     0.22 |      46 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcDstWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      46 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDstWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D|     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.036       0.1     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDstWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     116 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDstWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.008       0.9     0.12 |      46 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcDstWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      46 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDstWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.015       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDstWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPi|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDstWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     1.322 |    1.322       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDstWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.679 |    0.679       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDstWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDstWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcDstWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137615,13 +137875,13 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2LcDstWSDstar2D0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2LcDstWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2LcDstWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcDstWSDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcLcBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.120 |     0.078 |    0.024       1.6     0.10 |    1000 |     0.078 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcLcBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.070 |     0.063 |    0.021       0.7     0.07 |    1000 |     0.063 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcLcBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcLcBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter         |     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcLcBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence     |     0.098 |     0.063 |    0.012       1.5     0.11 |     405 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcLcBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.6     0.03 |     405 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcLcBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |      96 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcLcBeauty2Charm                               |     0.208 |     0.070 |    0.036       1.4     0.14 |      96 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcLcBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter         |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcLcBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence     |     0.074 |     0.050 |    0.010       0.6     0.07 |     405 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcLcBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcLcBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm     |     0.104 |     0.025 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcLcBeauty2Charm                               |     0.000 |     0.054 |    0.033       0.5     0.05 |      96 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcLcBeauty2CharmTISTOS                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcLcBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcLcBeauty2CharmLine                           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137631,13 +137891,13 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X2LcLcBeauty2Charm
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X2LcLcBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X2LcLcBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcLcBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcLcWSBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.050 |     0.036 |    0.015       0.6     0.04 |    1000 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcLcWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcLcWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter       |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      94 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcLcWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.010       0.4     0.08 |      42 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcLcWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcLcWSBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm   |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.014       0.1     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcLcWSBeauty2Charm                             |     0.000 |     0.073 |    0.053       0.1     0.03 |       8 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2LcLcWSBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.020 |     0.031 |    0.013       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcLcWSBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcLcWSBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter       |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      94 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcLcWSBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.010       0.2     0.06 |      42 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2LcLcWSBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcLcWSBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm   |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcLcWSBeauty2Charm                             |     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.038       0.1     0.02 |       8 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcLcWSBeauty2CharmTISTOS                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcLcWSBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2LcLcWSBeauty2CharmLine                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137647,33 +137907,33 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X2LcLcWSBeauty2Cha
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X2LcLcWSBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X2LcLcWSBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2LcLcWSBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.120 |     0.144 |    0.024      18.3     0.80 |    1000 |     0.144 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.060 |     0.106 |    0.022       7.0     0.43 |    1000 |     0.106 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.197 |     0.225 |    0.011      18.1     1.22 |     405 |     0.091 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.010       0.2     0.02 |      96 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiPiBeau|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      82 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      82 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2Charm                   |     0.609 |     0.580 |    0.064      10.2     1.54 |      82 |     0.048 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     5.000 |     6.205 |    4.875       7.5     1.88 |       2 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.203 |    0.176       0.2     0.04 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.556 |    0.556       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.444 |    0.444       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.466 |    0.466       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     1.167 |    1.167       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.617 |    0.617       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2D0Lambda0DDD02HHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.150 |     0.145 |    0.024       6.3     0.43 |    1000 |     0.145 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.123 |     0.155 |    0.009       6.9     0.64 |     405 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiPiBeau|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      82 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      82 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2Charm                   |     0.365 |     0.431 |    0.054       6.6     0.98 |      82 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     5.000 |     3.111 |    1.373       4.8     2.46 |       2 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.089       0.1     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.184 |    0.184       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.142 |    0.142       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.146 |    0.146       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.402 |    0.402       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.196 |    0.196       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2Lc5PiLc2PKPiPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2D0Lambda0DDD02HHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.140 |     0.126 |    0.021       6.0     0.40 |    1000 |     0.126 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0Lambda0DDD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0Lambda0DDD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0Lambda0DDD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.222 |     0.230 |    0.008       5.8     0.63 |     405 |     0.093 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0Lambda0DDD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0Lambda0DDD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.197 |     0.207 |    0.008       5.8     0.59 |     405 |     0.084 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2D0Lambda0DDD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0DDD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHBeauty2|     0.048 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     206 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda0_DDInputsBeauty2CharmFilter               |     0.074 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     135 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0DDD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda0_DDI|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      81 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0DDD02HHBeauty2Charm                  |     0.123 |     0.119 |    0.062       1.4     0.15 |      81 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0DDD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     206 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda0_DDInputsBeauty2CharmFilter               |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     135 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0DDD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda0_DDI|     0.246 |     0.017 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      81 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0DDD02HHBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.098 |    0.055       1.1     0.11 |      81 |     0.008 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0DDD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0DDD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0DDD02HHBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137683,15 +137943,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2D0Lambda0DDD02H
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2D0Lambda0DDD02HHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2D0Lambda0DDD02HHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0Lambda0DDD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2D0Lambda0LLD02HHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.140 |     0.096 |    0.024       4.8     0.24 |    1000 |     0.096 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0Lambda0LLD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0Lambda0LLD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0Lambda0LLD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.172 |     0.111 |    0.008       4.5     0.34 |     405 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2D0Lambda0LLD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0LLD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     206 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda0_LLInputsBeauty2CharmFilter               |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      38 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0LLD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda0_LLI|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.009       0.1     0.02 |      30 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0LLD02HHBeauty2Charm                  |     0.333 |     0.154 |    0.056       1.7     0.29 |      30 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2D0Lambda0LLD02HHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.060 |     0.081 |    0.020       4.0     0.21 |    1000 |     0.081 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0Lambda0LLD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0Lambda0LLD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0Lambda0LLD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.049 |     0.097 |    0.007       3.8     0.30 |     405 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2D0Lambda0LLD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0LLD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     206 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda0_LLInputsBeauty2CharmFilter               |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      38 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0LLD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda0_LLI|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      30 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0LLD02HHBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.058       0.9     0.16 |      30 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0LLD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0LLD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0LLD02HHBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137701,16 +137961,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2D0Lambda0LLD02H
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2D0Lambda0LLD02HHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2D0Lambda0LLD02HHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0Lambda0LLD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2D0Lambda0DDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.150 |     0.105 |    0.023       3.4     0.24 |    1000 |     0.105 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2D0Lambda0DDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.130 |     0.085 |    0.020       2.3     0.17 |    1000 |     0.086 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0Lambda0DDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0Lambda0DDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.030 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0Lambda0DDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.098 |     0.124 |    0.009       2.7     0.29 |     405 |     0.050 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2D0Lambda0DDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2K3PIPIDTIGHTER1Beauty2CharmFilter              |     0.086 |     0.021 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     116 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2K3PIPIDTIGHTER1NARROWMWBeauty2CharmFilter      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      71 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0DDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPID|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.009       0.1     0.02 |      45 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0DDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda0_D|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0DDD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.171 |    0.059       1.4     0.29 |      20 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0Lambda0DDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0Lambda0DDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.148 |     0.105 |    0.008       2.2     0.24 |     405 |     0.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2D0Lambda0DDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2K3PIPIDTIGHTER1Beauty2CharmFilter              |     0.086 |     0.015 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     116 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2K3PIPIDTIGHTER1NARROWMWBeauty2CharmFilter      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      71 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0DDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPID|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      45 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0DDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda0_D|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0DDD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.116 |    0.062       0.6     0.11 |      20 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0DDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0DDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0DDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137720,14 +137980,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2D0Lambda0DDD02K
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2D0Lambda0DDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2D0Lambda0DDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0Lambda0DDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2D0Lambda0LLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.090 |     0.065 |    0.024       2.4     0.11 |    1000 |     0.065 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0Lambda0LLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0Lambda0LLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0Lambda0LLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.049 |     0.033 |    0.008       2.3     0.15 |     405 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2D0Lambda0LLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0LLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPID|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.016       0.1     0.02 |      45 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0LLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda0_L|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.010       0.1     0.03 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0LLD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                |     1.111 |     0.260 |    0.075       1.4     0.42 |       9 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2D0Lambda0LLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.030 |     0.056 |    0.021       2.3     0.11 |    1000 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0Lambda0LLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0Lambda0LLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0Lambda0LLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.007       2.2     0.14 |     405 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2D0Lambda0LLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0LLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPID|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      45 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0LLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda0_L|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0LLD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.229 |    0.067       1.3     0.39 |       9 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0LLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     1.344 |    1.344       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0LLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0Lambda0LLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137737,126 +137997,126 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2D0Lambda0LLD02K
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2D0Lambda0LLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2D0Lambda0LLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0Lambda0LLD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2DpKKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.130 |     0.168 |    0.023      18.3     0.69 |    1000 |     0.168 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2DpKKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.160 |     0.138 |    0.019      16.2     0.59 |    1000 |     0.138 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DpKKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DpKKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DpKKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.197 |     0.280 |    0.009      18.1     1.04 |     405 |     0.114 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2DpKKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.2     0.01 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpKKD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2C|     0.075 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     132 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2pKKBeauty2Charm                                |     0.331 |     0.310 |    0.052       3.3     0.35 |     241 |     0.075 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2pKKTIGHTPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |      60 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpKKD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2pKKTIGHTPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.008       0.1     0.02 |      32 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpKKD2HHHBeauty2Charm                         |     0.312 |     0.163 |    0.058       1.4     0.24 |      32 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpKKD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                   |     0.000 |     3.889 |    3.889       3.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpKKD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter|     0.000 |     0.173 |    0.173       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpKKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2DpKKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.663 |    0.663       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2DpKKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.389 |    0.389       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2DpKKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.388 |    0.388       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2DpKKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     2.905 |    2.905       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2DpKKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.463 |    0.463       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DpKKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter   |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DpKKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequenc|     0.320 |     0.235 |    0.007      16.0     0.90 |     405 |     0.096 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2DpKKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter  |     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpKKD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2C|     0.075 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     132 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2pKKBeauty2Charm                                |     0.331 |     0.256 |    0.046       3.0     0.31 |     241 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2pKKTIGHTPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      60 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpKKD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2pKKTIGHTPIDBeaut|     0.312 |     0.029 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      32 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpKKD2HHHBeauty2Charm                         |     0.000 |     0.119 |    0.056       0.6     0.11 |      32 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpKKD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                   |    10.000 |     3.458 |    3.458       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpKKD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter|     0.000 |     0.142 |    0.142       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpKKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2DpKKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.637 |    0.637       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2DpKKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.419 |    0.419       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2DpKKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.405 |    0.405       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2DpKKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     2.632 |    2.632       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2DpKKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.400 |    0.400       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DpKKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2DpPiPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.260 |     0.283 |    0.023      21.8     1.13 |    1000 |     0.284 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DpPiPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DpPiPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DpPiPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.469 |     0.572 |    0.008      21.6     1.68 |     405 |     0.232 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2DpPiPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpPiPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     132 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2pPiPiBeauty2Charm                              |     0.705 |     0.655 |    0.068       8.1     0.88 |     241 |     0.158 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2pPiPiTIGHTPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     154 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpPiPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2pPiPiTIGHTPIDB|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpPiPiD2HHHBeauty2Charm                       |     0.104 |     0.123 |    0.055       0.7     0.11 |      96 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpPiPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     4.000 |     4.329 |    0.707      12.8     5.24 |       5 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpPiPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.137 |    0.087       0.2     0.05 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2DpPiPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.220 |     0.254 |    0.020      19.3     0.94 |    1000 |     0.254 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DpPiPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DpPiPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DpPiPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.419 |     0.519 |    0.007      19.2     1.40 |     405 |     0.210 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2DpPiPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.2     0.01 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpPiPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPIDBeauty|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2pPiPiBeauty2Charm                              |     0.539 |     0.594 |    0.062       6.9     0.81 |     241 |     0.143 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2pPiPiTIGHTPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     154 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpPiPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2pPiPiTIGHTPIDB|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpPiPiD2HHHBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     0.106 |    0.050       0.6     0.09 |      96 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpPiPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     2.000 |     3.359 |    0.619      10.3     4.07 |       5 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpPiPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.061       0.1     0.04 |       5 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpPiPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2DpPiPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.355 |    0.355       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2DpPiPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.226 |    0.226       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2DpPiPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.194 |    0.194       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2DpPiPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     1.400 |    1.400       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2DpPiPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.321 |    0.321       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2DpPiPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.197 |    0.197       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2DpPiPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.224 |    0.224       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2DpPiPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.166 |    0.166       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2DpPiPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     1.186 |    1.186       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2DpPiPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.259 |    0.259       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DpPiPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2DpKPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.310 |     0.304 |    0.024      31.9     1.50 |    1000 |     0.304 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2DpKPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.200 |     0.275 |    0.020      29.6     1.37 |    1000 |     0.275 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DpKPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DpKPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DpKPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.592 |     0.617 |    0.008      31.7     2.29 |     405 |     0.250 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2DpKPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpKPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     132 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2pKPiBeauty2Charm                               |     0.663 |     0.604 |    0.059       9.7     0.98 |     241 |     0.146 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2pKPiTIGHTPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                 |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     131 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpKPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2pKPiTIGHTPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.010       0.1     0.02 |      74 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpKPiD2HHHBeauty2Charm                        |     0.135 |     0.156 |    0.057       1.5     0.22 |      74 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpKPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |    10.000 |     7.556 |    1.644      22.3     9.85 |       4 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpKPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.165 |    0.149       0.2     0.02 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpKPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2DpKPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.487 |    0.356       0.6     0.14 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2DpKPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.311 |    0.251       0.4     0.10 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2DpKPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.341 |    0.206       0.5     0.18 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2DpKPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     3.333 |     2.141 |    1.364       2.7     0.69 |       3 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2DpKPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.420 |    0.344       0.5     0.07 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DpKPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2D0pKKD02HHBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.170 |     0.167 |    0.023      57.4     1.82 |    1000 |     0.167 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DpKPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DpKPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.444 |     0.571 |    0.007      29.4     2.09 |     405 |     0.231 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2DpKPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpKPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2pKPiBeauty2Charm                               |     0.414 |     0.553 |    0.054       8.7     0.89 |     241 |     0.133 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2pKPiTIGHTPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                 |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |     131 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpKPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2pKPiTIGHTPIDBea|     0.135 |     0.025 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      74 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpKPiD2HHHBeauty2Charm                        |     0.135 |     0.124 |    0.051       0.9     0.14 |      74 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpKPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |     5.000 |     6.827 |    1.436      20.8     9.36 |       4 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpKPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.134 |    0.112       0.2     0.02 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DpKPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2DpKPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.398 |    0.358       0.5     0.07 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2DpKPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.260 |    0.153       0.4     0.15 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2DpKPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.294 |    0.179       0.5     0.16 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2DpKPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     3.333 |     1.915 |    1.317       2.7     0.70 |       3 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2DpKPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.323 |    0.244       0.4     0.09 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DpKPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.002       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2D0pKKD02HHBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.210 |     0.147 |    0.019      58.6     1.86 |    1000 |     0.148 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0pKKD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0pKKD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0pKKD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.320 |     0.282 |    0.008      57.3     2.85 |     405 |     0.115 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2D0pKKD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pKKD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     206 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pKKD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2pKKTIGHTPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |      28 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pKKD02HHBeauty2Charm                       |     0.357 |     0.186 |    0.059       1.2     0.24 |      28 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pKKD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |    10.000 |    13.361 |    1.479      25.2    16.80 |       2 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pKKD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.193 |    0.193       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0pKKD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0pKKD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.320 |     0.256 |    0.008      58.4     2.91 |     405 |     0.104 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2D0pKKD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pKKD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     206 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pKKD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2pKKTIGHTPIDBea|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.008       0.1     0.02 |      28 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pKKD02HHBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     0.131 |    0.052       0.6     0.12 |      28 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pKKD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |    15.000 |    13.178 |    1.160      25.2    17.00 |       2 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pKKD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.169 |    0.169       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pKKD02HHBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xib2D0pKKD02HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     2.526 |    2.526       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xib2D0pKKD02HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     2.389 |    2.389       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2D0pKKD02HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     2.569 |    2.569       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2D0pKKD02HHBeauty2CharmLine      |    20.000 |    16.598 |   16.598      16.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2D0pKKD02HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     1.903 |    1.903       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0pKKD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2D0pPiPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.270 |     0.243 |    0.023      42.4     1.77 |    1000 |     0.244 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xib2D0pKKD02HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     2.535 |    2.535       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xib2D0pKKD02HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     2.468 |    2.468       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2D0pKKD02HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     2.519 |    2.519       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2D0pKKD02HHBeauty2CharmLine      |    20.000 |    17.598 |   17.598      17.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2D0pKKD02HHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     1.787 |    1.787       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0pKKD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2D0pPiPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.250 |     0.217 |    0.020      44.8     1.76 |    1000 |     0.218 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0pPiPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0pPiPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0pPiPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.493 |     0.474 |    0.008      42.3     2.75 |     405 |     0.192 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2D0pPiPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pPiPiD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.004       0.5     0.04 |     206 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pPiPiD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2pPiPiTIGHTPI|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     119 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pPiPiD02HHBeauty2Charm                     |     0.168 |     0.141 |    0.056       0.9     0.14 |     119 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pPiPiD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |    10.000 |     8.172 |    0.987      20.3     8.22 |       5 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pPiPiD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.147 |    0.054       0.2     0.08 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pPiPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xib2D0pPiPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     1.561 |    1.459       1.7     0.14 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xib2D0pPiPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine    |     5.000 |     1.261 |    0.954       1.6     0.43 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2D0pPiPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     1.277 |    0.937       1.6     0.48 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2D0pPiPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine    |    10.000 |    10.081 |    9.283      10.9     1.13 |       2 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2D0pPiPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine    |     5.000 |     1.380 |    0.914       1.8     0.66 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0pPiPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0pPiPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.518 |     0.429 |    0.007      44.7     2.74 |     405 |     0.174 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2D0pPiPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pPiPiD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     206 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pPiPiD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2pPiPiTIGHTPI|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     119 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pPiPiD02HHBeauty2Charm                     |     0.168 |     0.120 |    0.049       0.9     0.11 |     119 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pPiPiD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     8.000 |     8.753 |    0.907      22.6     9.40 |       5 |     0.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pPiPiD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.047       0.2     0.05 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pPiPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xib2D0pPiPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     1.489 |    1.182       1.8     0.43 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xib2D0pPiPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     1.304 |    0.973       1.6     0.47 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2D0pPiPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine    |     5.000 |     1.316 |    0.972       1.7     0.49 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2D0pPiPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine    |    10.000 |     8.769 |    6.556      11.0     3.13 |       2 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2D0pPiPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     1.268 |    0.826       1.7     0.63 |       2 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0pPiPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2D0pKPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.290 |     0.293 |    0.025      92.9     3.23 |    1000 |     0.294 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2D0pKPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.250 |     0.270 |    0.020      93.2     3.27 |    1000 |     0.271 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0pKPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0pKPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0pKPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.592 |     0.580 |    0.008      89.6     4.91 |     405 |     0.235 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2D0pKPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pKPiD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     206 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pKPiD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2pKPiTIGHTPIDB|     0.125 |     0.024 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      80 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pKPiD02HHBeauty2Charm                      |     0.125 |     0.213 |    0.056       3.6     0.48 |      80 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pKPiD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |    17.500 |    16.269 |    2.891      38.9    16.99 |       4 |     0.065 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pKPiD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.168 |    0.140       0.2     0.03 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pKPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xib2D0pKPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine     |     3.333 |     2.056 |    0.700       4.1     1.77 |       3 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xib2D0pKPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     1.823 |    0.529       3.6     1.62 |       3 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2D0pKPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine     |     3.333 |     1.843 |    0.525       3.6     1.61 |       3 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2D0pKPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine     |    10.000 |    12.874 |    3.029      27.1    12.59 |       3 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2D0pKPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine     |     6.666 |     1.887 |    0.675       2.8     1.09 |       3 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0pKPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2D0pKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.110 |     0.119 |    0.024       6.5     0.34 |    1000 |     0.120 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0pKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0pKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0pKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.172 |     0.150 |    0.008       3.8     0.39 |     405 |     0.061 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2D0pKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0pKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      93 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            P_PIDTopoInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                |     0.064 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |     156 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0pKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutP_PIDTopoInputsB|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      92 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0pKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsB|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      92 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0pKD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                       |     0.217 |     0.205 |    0.070       1.9     0.28 |      92 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0pKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     5.000 |     1.752 |    1.706       1.8     0.07 |       2 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0pKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.098       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0pKPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0pKPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.543 |     0.560 |    0.007      93.0     5.12 |     405 |     0.227 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2D0pKPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pKPiD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     206 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pKPiD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2pKPiTIGHTPIDB|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      80 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pKPiD02HHBeauty2Charm                      |     0.125 |     0.137 |    0.050       1.2     0.17 |      80 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pKPiD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |    20.000 |    17.283 |    2.298      42.6    18.62 |       4 |     0.069 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pKPiD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.151 |    0.120       0.2     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0pKPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xib2D0pKPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     2.222 |    0.657       4.2     1.79 |       3 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xib2D0pKPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine     |     3.333 |     1.912 |    0.527       3.9     1.73 |       3 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2D0pKPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     1.897 |    0.539       3.8     1.73 |       3 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2D0pKPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine     |    13.333 |    14.735 |    3.118      28.2    12.66 |       3 |     0.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2D0pKPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     1.667 |    0.705       2.9     1.11 |       3 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0pKPiD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2D0pKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.120 |     0.100 |    0.021       4.4     0.28 |    1000 |     0.100 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0pKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0pKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0pKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.172 |     0.139 |    0.007       4.2     0.40 |     405 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2D0pKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0pKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDBeauty2|     0.107 |     0.026 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      93 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            P_PIDTopoInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       1.0     0.08 |     156 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0pKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutP_PIDTopoInputsB|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      92 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0pKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsB|     0.108 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      92 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0pKD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                       |     0.217 |     0.179 |    0.062       2.0     0.27 |      92 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0pKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     0.000 |     1.818 |    1.501       2.1     0.45 |       2 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0pKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.106 |    0.101       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2D0pKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2D0pKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2D0pKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137864,53 +138124,53 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2D0pKD02K3PiBeau
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2D0pKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2D0pKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2D0pKD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.180 |     0.130 |    0.024      10.0     0.43 |    1000 |     0.131 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.296 |     0.196 |    0.008       9.8     0.64 |     405 |     0.080 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     132 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutP_PIDTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     130 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |     129 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2Charm                        |     0.310 |     0.229 |    0.063       4.8     0.46 |     129 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |     2.000 |     1.699 |    0.620       3.0     1.14 |       5 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.114 |    0.097       0.1     0.02 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.080 |     0.111 |    0.020       8.6     0.37 |    1000 |     0.112 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.148 |     0.170 |    0.007       8.5     0.55 |     405 |     0.069 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutP_PIDTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     130 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     129 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2Charm                        |     0.310 |     0.201 |    0.058       4.5     0.44 |     129 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |     0.000 |     1.465 |    0.450       2.9     1.12 |       5 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.088 |    0.067       0.1     0.03 |       4 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.222 |    0.222       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.112 |    0.112       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.108       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.382 |    0.382       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.253 |    0.253       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LcpbarKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.130 |     0.173 |    0.025      34.2     1.24 |    1000 |     0.173 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.145 |    0.145       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.104 |    0.104       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.093 |    0.093       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.235 |    0.235       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.189 |    0.189       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2DpKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LcpbarKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.120 |     0.156 |    0.021      33.2     1.23 |    1000 |     0.156 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.271 |     0.291 |    0.013      34.0     1.91 |     405 |     0.118 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2LcpbarKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      96 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPTopoInputsB|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.520 |     0.423 |    0.074       4.3     0.66 |      96 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     5.000 |     7.634 |    0.877      31.0    12.09 |       6 |     0.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.187 |    0.112       0.3     0.11 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.246 |     0.273 |    0.011      33.0     1.90 |     405 |     0.111 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2LcpbarKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      96 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPTopoInputsB|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      96 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.208 |     0.392 |    0.063       4.4     0.66 |      96 |     0.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |    11.666 |     7.768 |    0.830      30.5    11.97 |       6 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.115       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2LcpbarKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.298 |    0.298       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2LcpbarKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.167 |    0.167       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LcpbarKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.202 |    0.202       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LcpbarKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.515 |    0.515       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LcpbarKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.337 |    0.337       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2LcpbarKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.246 |    0.246       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2LcpbarKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.178 |    0.178       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LcpbarKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.170 |    0.170       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LcpbarKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.530 |    0.530       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LcpbarKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.286 |    0.286       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarKSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LcpbarPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.100 |     0.156 |    0.024      31.9     1.11 |    1000 |     0.157 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LcpbarPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.140 |     0.144 |    0.021      32.2     1.13 |    1000 |     0.144 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.197 |     0.253 |    0.011      31.6     1.72 |     405 |     0.103 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2LcpbarPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeau|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      96 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.520 |     0.404 |    0.072       4.3     0.65 |      96 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     6.000 |     7.796 |    0.577      28.7    12.02 |       5 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.155 |    0.073       0.2     0.12 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.4     0.01 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.222 |     0.240 |    0.010      32.0     1.74 |     405 |     0.098 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2LcpbarPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeau|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      96 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.416 |     0.371 |    0.065       4.4     0.63 |      96 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     8.000 |     8.001 |    0.521      29.4    12.36 |       5 |     0.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.093 |    0.044       0.1     0.07 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2LcpbarPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2LcpbarPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137918,15 +138178,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LcpbarPiSSLc2PKP
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LcpbarPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LcpbarPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarPiSSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LcpbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.030 |     0.044 |    0.016       2.8     0.10 |    1000 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      91 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.000 |     0.146 |    0.012       2.6     0.43 |      40 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2LcpbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LcpbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.030 |     0.038 |    0.014       2.1     0.08 |    1000 |     0.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.5     0.05 |      91 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.000 |     0.131 |    0.011       2.0     0.35 |      40 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2LcpbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPTopoInputsB|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.567 |    0.125       2.3     0.80 |       7 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.511 |    0.168       1.9     0.61 |       7 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137936,17 +138196,17 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LcpbarKWSLc2PKPi
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LcpbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LcpbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarKWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LcpbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.030 |     0.044 |    0.016       3.0     0.14 |    1000 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      86 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.540 |     0.253 |    0.013       2.8     0.67 |      37 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2LcpbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeau|     2.000 |     0.034 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                  |     2.000 |     1.130 |    0.508       2.4     0.81 |       5 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     1.270 |    1.270       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.100 |    0.100       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LcpbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.070 |     0.037 |    0.014       2.7     0.12 |    1000 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      86 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.540 |     0.222 |    0.012       2.6     0.59 |      37 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2LcpbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeau|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.021       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                  |     4.000 |     1.052 |    0.344       2.4     0.84 |       5 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     1.040 |    1.040       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.067       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2LcpbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2LcpbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137954,31 +138214,31 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LcpbarPiWSLc2PKP
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LcpbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LcpbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarPiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LcpbarLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.090 |     0.096 |    0.025       4.7     0.23 |    1000 |     0.096 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.098 |     0.103 |    0.009       4.5     0.33 |     405 |     0.042 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LcpbarLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.090 |     0.081 |    0.021       4.5     0.21 |    1000 |     0.082 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.148 |     0.092 |    0.010       4.3     0.31 |     405 |     0.037 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2LcpbarLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2C|     0.104 |     0.029 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPTopoInputsBeau|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.121 |    0.055       0.8     0.11 |      96 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     1.156 |    0.488       2.7     1.02 |       4 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.078       0.2     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2LcpbarLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.169 |    0.145       0.2     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2LcpbarLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.079 |    0.056       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LcpbarLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.057       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LcpbarLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.517 |    0.339       0.7     0.25 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LcpbarLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.206 |    0.200       0.2     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty2C|     0.104 |     0.026 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPTopoInputsBeau|     0.104 |     0.011 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.104 |     0.097 |    0.053       0.6     0.07 |      96 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     5.000 |     1.152 |    0.485       2.7     1.04 |       4 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.029       0.1     0.05 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2LcpbarLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.062       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2LcpbarLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.075 |    0.049       0.1     0.04 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LcpbarLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.088 |    0.056       0.1     0.05 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LcpbarLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.549 |    0.329       0.8     0.31 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LcpbarLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.139 |    0.106       0.2     0.05 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LcpbarWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.040 |     0.042 |    0.016       1.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.043 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     116 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.357 |     0.090 |    0.011       1.8     0.25 |      56 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2LcpbarWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      56 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.023       0.1     0.01 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                    |     1.111 |     0.285 |    0.062       1.7     0.52 |       9 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LcpbarWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.060 |     0.038 |    0.015       1.3     0.06 |    1000 |     0.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     116 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.000 |     0.070 |    0.009       1.2     0.18 |      56 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2LcpbarWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      56 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeauty|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.024       0.0     0.01 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPTopoInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.209 |    0.060       1.1     0.32 |       9 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LcpbarWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -137988,16 +138248,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LcpbarWSLc2PKPiB
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LcpbarWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LcpbarWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LcpbarWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02LcpbarKSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.100 |     0.092 |    0.029       2.0     0.13 |    1000 |     0.093 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02LcpbarKSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.040 |     0.073 |    0.024       1.9     0.11 |    1000 |     0.073 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.098 |     0.065 |    0.011       1.9     0.17 |     405 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02LcpbarKSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBea|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInpu|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      41 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      41 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                 |     0.731 |     0.205 |    0.068       1.4     0.23 |      41 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     0.000 |     0.983 |    0.983       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.024 |     0.056 |    0.010       1.8     0.14 |     405 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02LcpbarKSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBea|     0.104 |     0.027 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDInpu|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      41 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      41 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     0.161 |    0.068       0.6     0.13 |      41 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     0.000 |     0.935 |    0.935       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02LcpbarKSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138006,15 +138266,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02LcpbarKSDDLc2PK
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02LcpbarKSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02LcpbarKSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02LcpbarKSWSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.020 |     0.050 |    0.018       1.1     0.06 |    1000 |     0.051 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKSWSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKSWSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     110 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKSWSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.000 |     0.104 |    0.013       0.9     0.20 |      46 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02LcpbarKSWSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      46 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSWSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiB|     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.020       0.1     0.01 |      14 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSWSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDIn|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSWSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSWSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.262 |    0.077       0.7     0.25 |       8 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02LcpbarKSWSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.050 |     0.041 |    0.016       1.1     0.06 |    1000 |     0.042 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKSWSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKSWSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     110 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKSWSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.434 |     0.102 |    0.010       0.9     0.20 |      46 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02LcpbarKSWSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      46 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSWSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiB|     0.714 |     0.040 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |      14 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSWSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_DDIn|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSWSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSWSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.263 |    0.087       0.7     0.23 |       8 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSWSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSWSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSWSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138024,17 +138284,17 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02LcpbarKSWSDDLc2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02LcpbarKSWSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02LcpbarKSWSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKSWSDDLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02LcpbarKSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.090 |     0.105 |    0.027       6.9     0.34 |    1000 |     0.105 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02LcpbarKSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.040 |     0.081 |    0.023       7.0     0.28 |    1000 |     0.082 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.074 |     0.096 |    0.011       6.6     0.45 |     405 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02LcpbarKSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.003       2.2     0.11 |     405 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBea|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInpu|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      42 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      42 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                 |     0.476 |     0.188 |    0.066       1.6     0.25 |      42 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     3.333 |     2.540 |    1.514       4.5     1.67 |       3 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.161 |    0.161       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.049 |     0.079 |    0.009       6.7     0.41 |     405 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02LcpbarKSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBea|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLInpu|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      42 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPTopoInput|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      42 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     0.141 |    0.063       0.7     0.13 |      42 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     6.666 |     2.439 |    1.255       4.6     1.89 |       3 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.115       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02LcpbarKSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02LcpbarKSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138042,15 +138302,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02LcpbarKSLLLc2PK
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02LcpbarKSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02LcpbarKSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02LcpbarKSWSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.050 |     0.054 |    0.018       4.8     0.17 |    1000 |     0.055 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKSWSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKSWSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     103 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKSWSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.000 |     0.172 |    0.012       4.6     0.73 |      40 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02LcpbarKSWSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      40 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSWSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiB|     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.024       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSWSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLIn|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSWSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.009       0.0     0.02 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSWSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     1.185 |    0.098       4.4     2.12 |       4 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02LcpbarKSWSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.020 |     0.039 |    0.015       1.5     0.06 |    1000 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKSWSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKSWSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.097 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     103 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKSWSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.009       1.4     0.23 |      40 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02LcpbarKSWSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSWSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiB|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.025       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSWSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKS0_LLIn|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSWSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPTopoInp|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSWSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.389 |    0.077       1.2     0.55 |       4 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSWSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSWSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcpbarKSWSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138060,15 +138320,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02LcpbarKSWSLLLc2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02LcpbarKSWSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02LcpbarKSWSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcpbarKSWSLLLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2DLambda0DDpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.110 |     0.100 |    0.025       3.4     0.23 |    1000 |     0.101 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2DLambda0DDpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.080 |     0.081 |    0.022       2.7     0.18 |    1000 |     0.082 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DLambda0DDpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DLambda0DDpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DLambda0DDpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.148 |     0.106 |    0.010       3.3     0.33 |     405 |     0.043 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2DLambda0DDpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0DDpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPID|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     132 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0DDpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda0_DD|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      59 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0DDpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      59 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0DDpiD2HHHBeauty2Charm                 |     0.338 |     0.220 |    0.075       1.6     0.23 |      59 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DLambda0DDpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DLambda0DDpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.123 |     0.088 |    0.008       2.6     0.26 |     405 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2DLambda0DDpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0DDpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPID|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     132 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0DDpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda0_DD|     0.169 |     0.019 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      59 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0DDpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      59 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0DDpiD2HHHBeauty2Charm                 |     0.169 |     0.182 |    0.062       0.6     0.14 |      59 |     0.011 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0DDpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0DDpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0DDpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138078,15 +138338,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2DLambda0DDpiD2H
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2DLambda0DDpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2DLambda0DDpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DLambda0DDpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2DLambda0LLpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.100 |     0.073 |    0.024       2.6     0.14 |    1000 |     0.073 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2DLambda0LLpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.040 |     0.060 |    0.020       1.9     0.10 |    1000 |     0.060 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DLambda0LLpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DLambda0LLpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DLambda0LLpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.049 |     0.056 |    0.008       2.5     0.19 |     405 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2DLambda0LLpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0LLpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPID|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     132 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0LLpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda0_LL|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.013       0.1     0.01 |      21 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0LLpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      21 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0LLpiD2HHHBeauty2Charm                 |     0.476 |     0.371 |    0.083       2.2     0.55 |      21 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DLambda0LLpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DLambda0LLpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.000 |     0.045 |    0.007       1.7     0.14 |     405 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2DLambda0LLpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0LLpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPID|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0LLpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda0_LL|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      21 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0LLpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputsBe|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      21 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0LLpiD2HHHBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     0.247 |    0.073       1.3     0.32 |      21 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0LLpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0LLpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0LLpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138096,15 +138356,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2DLambda0LLpiD2H
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2DLambda0LLpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2DLambda0LLpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DLambda0LLpiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2DLambda0DDpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.040 |     0.040 |    0.016       2.1     0.08 |    1000 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DLambda0DDpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DLambda0DDpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      99 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DLambda0DDpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.434 |     0.109 |    0.008       2.0     0.31 |      46 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2DLambda0DDpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      46 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0DDpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFP|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      14 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0DDpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda0_|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.013       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0DDpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputs|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0DDpiWSD2HHHBeauty2Charm               |     2.857 |     0.441 |    0.088       1.8     0.61 |       7 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2DLambda0DDpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.020 |     0.034 |    0.013       1.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DLambda0DDpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DLambda0DDpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      99 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DLambda0DDpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.000 |     0.093 |    0.008       1.6     0.26 |      46 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2DLambda0DDpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      46 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0DDpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFP|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |      14 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0DDpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda0_|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.013       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0DDpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputs|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0DDpiWSD2HHHBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.369 |    0.086       1.4     0.48 |       7 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0DDpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0DDpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0DDpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138114,15 +138374,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2DLambda0DDpiWSD
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2DLambda0DDpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2DLambda0DDpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DLambda0DDpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2DLambda0LLpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.040 |     0.035 |    0.015       0.6     0.03 |    1000 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DLambda0LLpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DLambda0LLpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     104 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DLambda0LLpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.009       0.5     0.06 |      50 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2DLambda0LLpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      50 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0LLpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFP|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      13 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0LLpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda0_|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.032       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0LLpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputs|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0LLpiWSD2HHHBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.171 |    0.171       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2DLambda0LLpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.030 |     0.028 |    0.013       0.4     0.02 |    1000 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DLambda0LLpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DLambda0LLpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     104 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DLambda0LLpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.009       0.3     0.05 |      50 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2DLambda0LLpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      50 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0LLpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFP|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0LLpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda0_|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.028       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0LLpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputs|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0LLpiWSD2HHHBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.127 |    0.127       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0LLpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0LLpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2DLambda0LLpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138132,33 +138392,33 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2DLambda0LLpiWSD
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2DLambda0LLpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2DLambda0LLpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2DLambda0LLpiWSD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.070 |     0.091 |    0.022       3.5     0.18 |    1000 |     0.091 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.060 |     0.078 |    0.020       3.3     0.17 |    1000 |     0.078 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.049 |     0.103 |    0.008       3.4     0.26 |     405 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHBeau|     0.048 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     206 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda0_|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      81 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputs|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      81 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.231 |    0.078       1.3     0.19 |      81 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     0.959 |    0.933       1.0     0.03 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.060       0.1     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.127 |    0.127       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.067       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.144 |    0.144       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.296 |    0.296       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.678 |    0.678       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2D0Lambda0LLpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.060 |     0.071 |    0.023       3.1     0.15 |    1000 |     0.071 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.098 |     0.092 |    0.008       3.3     0.24 |     405 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHBeau|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     206 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda0_|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      81 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputs|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      81 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2Charm               |     0.493 |     0.205 |    0.071       1.1     0.16 |      81 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     0.904 |    0.883       0.9     0.03 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.059 |    0.057       0.1     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.105 |    0.105       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.113       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.068       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.264 |    0.264       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.708 |    0.708       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0Lambda0DDpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2D0Lambda0LLpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.060 |     0.061 |    0.020       3.2     0.14 |    1000 |     0.062 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0Lambda0LLpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0Lambda0LLpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0Lambda0LLpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.074 |     0.055 |    0.007       2.8     0.21 |     405 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2D0Lambda0LLpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0LLpiD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHBeau|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     206 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0LLpiD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda0_|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      30 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0LLpiD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputs|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      30 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0LLpiD02HHBeauty2Charm               |     0.333 |     0.334 |    0.076       2.4     0.55 |      30 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0Lambda0LLpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0Lambda0LLpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.074 |     0.051 |    0.007       3.0     0.20 |     405 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2D0Lambda0LLpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0LLpiD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHBeau|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     206 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0LLpiD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda0_|     0.000 |     0.065 |    0.007       1.2     0.22 |      30 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0LLpiD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputs|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      30 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0LLpiD02HHBeauty2Charm               |     0.666 |     0.288 |    0.069       2.6     0.51 |      30 |     0.009 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0LLpiD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0LLpiD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0LLpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138168,15 +138428,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2D0Lambda0LLpiD
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2D0Lambda0LLpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2D0Lambda0LLpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0Lambda0LLpiD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2D0Lambda0DDpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.030 |     0.039 |    0.015       2.0     0.08 |    1000 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0Lambda0DDpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0Lambda0DDpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.2     0.02 |      88 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0Lambda0DDpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.333 |     0.166 |    0.010       1.8     0.41 |      30 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2D0Lambda0DDpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      30 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHBe|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      16 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.014       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInpu|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiWSD02HHBeauty2Charm             |     2.000 |     0.406 |    0.092       1.6     0.64 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2D0Lambda0DDpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.040 |     0.031 |    0.014       1.1     0.04 |    1000 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0Lambda0DDpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0Lambda0DDpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.113 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      88 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0Lambda0DDpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.000 |     0.083 |    0.008       1.0     0.19 |      30 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2D0Lambda0DDpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      30 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHBe|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      16 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInpu|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiWSD02HHBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     0.250 |    0.100       0.8     0.32 |       5 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138186,15 +138446,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiW
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiWSD02HHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2D0Lambda0DDpiWSD02HHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0Lambda0DDpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2D0Lambda0LLpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.080 |     0.043 |    0.015       2.2     0.11 |    1000 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0Lambda0LLpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0Lambda0LLpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.112 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      89 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0Lambda0LLpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.512 |     0.286 |    0.008       2.1     0.45 |      39 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2D0Lambda0LLpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      39 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0LLpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHBe|     0.500 |     0.015 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0LLpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.016       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0LLpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInpu|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0LLpiWSD02HHBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     0.961 |    0.096       1.8     1.22 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2D0Lambda0LLpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.030 |     0.030 |    0.013       1.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0Lambda0LLpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0Lambda0LLpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      89 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0Lambda0LLpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.256 |     0.072 |    0.008       1.8     0.28 |      39 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2D0Lambda0LLpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      39 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0LLpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHBe|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0LLpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.015       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0LLpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInpu|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0LLpiWSD02HHBeauty2Charm             |     5.000 |     0.832 |    0.101       1.6     1.03 |       2 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0LLpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0LLpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2D0Lambda0LLpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138204,16 +138464,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2D0Lambda0LLpiW
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2D0Lambda0LLpiWSD02HHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2D0Lambda0LLpiWSD02HHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2D0Lambda0LLpiWSD02HHBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02LcLambda0KLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.060 |     0.081 |    0.029       1.9     0.10 |    1000 |     0.081 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcLambda0KLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcLambda0KLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.7     0.02 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcLambda0KLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.024 |     0.046 |    0.012       1.9     0.12 |     405 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02LcLambda0KLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0KLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBea|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0KLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      96 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0KLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda0_DD|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      44 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0KLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda0_LL|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0KLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     0.231 |    0.094       1.0     0.31 |       8 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02LcLambda0KLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.080 |     0.064 |    0.023       1.9     0.08 |    1000 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcLambda0KLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcLambda0KLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcLambda0KLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.012       1.9     0.11 |     405 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02LcLambda0KLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0KLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBea|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0KLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      96 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0KLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda0_DD|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      44 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0KLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda0_LL|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0KLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     0.172 |    0.101       0.6     0.16 |       8 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0KLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0KLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0KLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138223,16 +138483,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02LcLambda0KLc2PK
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02LcLambda0KLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02LcLambda0KLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcLambda0KLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02LcLambda0PiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.070 |     0.077 |    0.027       1.6     0.08 |    1000 |     0.078 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcLambda0PiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcLambda0PiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcLambda0PiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.024 |     0.037 |    0.009       1.4     0.08 |     405 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02LcLambda0PiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0PiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBe|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0PiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputsB|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      96 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0PiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda0_D|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      44 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0PiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda0_L|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0PiLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.235 |    0.097       1.0     0.33 |       8 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02LcLambda0PiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.120 |     0.062 |    0.023       0.9     0.06 |    1000 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcLambda0PiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcLambda0PiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcLambda0PiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.049 |     0.030 |    0.009       0.8     0.06 |     405 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02LcLambda0PiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0PiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBe|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0PiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInputsB|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      96 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0PiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda0_D|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      44 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0PiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda0_L|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0PiLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.163 |    0.084       0.6     0.18 |       8 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0PiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0PiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0PiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138242,14 +138502,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02LcLambda0PiLc2P
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02LcLambda0PiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02LcLambda0PiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcLambda0PiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02LcLambda0PiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.060 |     0.046 |    0.019       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.047 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcLambda0PiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcLambda0PiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      99 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcLambda0PiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.322 |     0.034 |    0.011       0.1     0.04 |      31 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02LcLambda0PiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      31 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0PiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPi|     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.027       0.1     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0PiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInput|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0PiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda0|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02LcLambda0PiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.090 |     0.038 |    0.015       0.6     0.03 |    1000 |     0.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcLambda0PiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcLambda0PiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      99 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcLambda0PiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.010       0.1     0.03 |      31 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02LcLambda0PiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      31 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0PiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPi|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.024       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0PiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiInput|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0PiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda0|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0PiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda0|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0PiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0PiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138261,14 +138521,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02LcLambda0PiWSLc
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02LcLambda0PiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02LcLambda0PiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcLambda0PiWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02LcLambda0KWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.030 |     0.043 |    0.017       0.4     0.03 |    1000 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcLambda0KWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcLambda0KWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      90 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcLambda0KWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.016       0.1     0.03 |      31 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02LcLambda0KWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      31 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0KWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiB|     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.027       0.1     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0KWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsB|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0KWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda0_|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02LcLambda0KWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.030 |     0.034 |    0.015       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcLambda0KWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcLambda0KWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      90 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcLambda0KWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.015       0.1     0.02 |      31 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02LcLambda0KWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      31 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0KWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiB|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.024       0.1     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0KWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutKInputsB|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0KWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda0_|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0KWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLambda0_|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0KWSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02LcLambda0KWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138280,33 +138540,33 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02LcLambda0KWSLc2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02LcLambda0KWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02LcLambda0KWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02LcLambda0KWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.140 |     0.087 |    0.019      30.0     0.98 |    1000 |     0.088 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.080 |     0.073 |    0.016      29.5     0.97 |    1000 |     0.073 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     2.307 |     2.871 |    0.011      29.8     8.27 |      13 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      13 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PromptKaonsTopoInputsBeauty2CharmFilter          |     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.018       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKLTUBD2HHHBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     0.519 |    0.068       1.6     0.66 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     1.462 |    0.437       2.5     1.45 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     1.321 |    0.358       2.3     1.36 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     1.266 |    0.301       2.2     1.37 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine      |    10.000 |     6.931 |    1.376      12.5     7.86 |       2 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     1.142 |    0.450       1.8     0.98 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DsKPiPiLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.130 |     0.160 |    0.019     116.7     3.69 |    1000 |     0.161 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DsKPiPiLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DsKPiPiLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DsKPiPiLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilter|    55.000 |    58.275 |    0.025     116.5    82.38 |       2 |     0.117 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DsKPiPiLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2OCLTUDs2HHHBeauty2CharmFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdTightKaons_Particles            |     0.000 |     0.172 |    0.044       0.3     0.18 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PromptKaonsPidTopoInputsBeauty2CharmFilter       |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2OCLTUTIGHTKBeauty2CharmFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdTightPions_Particles            |   110.000 |   115.417 |  115.417     115.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.115 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PromptPionsPidTopoInputsBeauty2CharmFilter       |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2OCLTUTIGHTPIBeauty2CharmFilter                 |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsKPiPiLTUBD2HHHBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.137 |    0.137       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     3.076 |     3.035 |    0.011      29.3     8.27 |      13 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PromptKaonsTopoInputsBeauty2CharmFilter          |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.015       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKLTUBD2HHHBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     0.999 |    0.087       4.1     1.74 |       5 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     5.000 |     1.523 |    0.463       2.6     1.50 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     1.387 |    0.361       2.4     1.45 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     5.000 |     1.371 |    0.371       2.4     1.41 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     5.000 |     7.191 |    1.479      12.9     8.08 |       2 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     5.000 |     1.153 |    0.499       1.8     0.92 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DsKPiPiLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.090 |     0.069 |    0.016      34.8     1.10 |    1000 |     0.069 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DsKPiPiLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DsKPiPiLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DsKPiPiLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilter|    15.000 |    17.374 |    0.017      34.7    24.55 |       2 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DsKPiPiLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2OCLTUDs2HHHBeauty2CharmFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdTightKaons_Particles            |     0.000 |     0.164 |    0.043       0.3     0.17 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PromptKaonsPidTopoInputsBeauty2CharmFilter       |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2OCLTUTIGHTKBeauty2CharmFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdTightPions_Particles            |    30.000 |    33.619 |   33.619      33.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PromptPionsPidTopoInputsBeauty2CharmFilter       |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2OCLTUTIGHTPIBeauty2CharmFilter                 |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsKPiPiLTUBD2HHHBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.153 |    0.153       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsKPiPiLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DsKPiPiLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DsKPiPiLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138314,11 +138574,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DsKPiPiLTUBD2HH
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DsKPiPiLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DsKPiPiLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DsKPiPiLTUBD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarUPB02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.060 |     0.066 |    0.026       0.5     0.04 |    1000 |     0.067 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarUPB02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarUPB02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarUPB02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.011       0.2     0.01 |     405 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDstarUPB02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarUPB02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.080 |     0.056 |    0.023       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarUPB02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarUPB02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.030 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarUPB02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDstarUPB02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarUPB02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138329,77 +138589,77 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_DstarUPB02D0KPiD2H
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_DstarUPB02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_DstarUPB02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarUPB02D0KPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine        |     3.840 |     3.753 |    0.024     245.2    13.32 |    1000 |     3.753 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine        |     3.500 |     3.503 |    0.021     185.1    11.81 |    1000 |     3.503 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     9.333 |     9.105 |    0.151     244.9    19.68 |     405 |     3.688 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:BC2DD-D2KSHHH-Beauty2Charm                |     9.283 |     9.063 |    0.137     244.5    19.61 |     405 |     3.671 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:BC2DD-D2KSHHH-Beauty2Charm         |     9.259 |     9.015 |    0.132     244.0    19.52 |     405 |     3.651 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D2KsHHHLLPIDNOSSKBeauty2CharmFilter      |     4.123 |     3.988 |    0.061     137.6    11.62 |     405 |     1.615 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:D2KsHHHBeauty2Charm_LL                 |     4.074 |     3.933 |    0.058     136.4    11.46 |     405 |     1.593 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:D2KsHHHBeauty2Charm_LL          |     3.975 |     3.880 |    0.053     135.3    11.32 |     405 |     1.571 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD+2pi+pi-pi+KS0LLBeauty2Charm    |     0.222 |     0.296 |    0.002       8.5     0.79 |     405 |     0.120 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD+2pi+pi-pi+KS0LLBeauty2Charm         |     0.480 |     0.824 |    0.111       7.7     1.06 |     125 |     0.103 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD+2K+pi-pi+KS0LLBeauty2Charm     |     0.395 |     0.439 |    0.001      15.0     1.34 |     405 |     0.178 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD+2K+pi-pi+KS0LLBeauty2Charm          |     1.200 |     1.292 |    0.089      13.9     1.97 |     125 |     0.162 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD+2pi+K-pi+KS0LLBeauty2Charm     |     0.271 |     0.267 |    0.001       9.2     0.81 |     405 |     0.109 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD+2pi+K-pi+KS0LLBeauty2Charm          |     0.640 |     0.736 |    0.071       8.9     1.08 |     125 |     0.092 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD+2K+K-pi+KS0LLBeauty2Charm      |     0.419 |     0.420 |    0.001      14.4     1.31 |     405 |     0.170 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD+2K+K-pi+KS0LLBeauty2Charm           |     1.200 |     1.259 |    0.081      14.1     2.03 |     125 |     0.157 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD+2K+pi-K+KS0LLBeauty2Charm      |     0.074 |     0.251 |    0.001       7.4     0.70 |     405 |     0.102 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD+2K+pi-K+KS0LLBeauty2Charm           |     0.240 |     0.720 |    0.074       7.2     1.03 |     125 |     0.090 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD+2K+K-K+KS0LLBeauty2Charm       |     0.296 |     0.241 |    0.001       7.3     0.69 |     405 |     0.098 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD+2K+K-K+KS0LLBeauty2Charm            |     0.880 |     0.698 |    0.054       7.0     1.02 |     125 |     0.087 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD-2pi-pi+pi-KS0LLBeauty2Charm    |     0.320 |     0.270 |    0.001      13.2     0.89 |     405 |     0.110 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD-2pi-pi+pi-KS0LLBeauty2Charm         |     0.880 |     0.764 |    0.053      12.4     1.33 |     125 |     0.096 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD-2K-pi+pi-KS0LLBeauty2Charm     |     0.518 |     0.459 |    0.001      25.3     1.62 |     405 |     0.186 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD-2K-pi+pi-KS0LLBeauty2Charm          |     1.440 |     1.357 |    0.074      24.5     2.55 |     125 |     0.170 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD-2pi-K+pi-KS0LLBeauty2Charm     |     0.345 |     0.268 |    0.001      10.2     0.79 |     405 |     0.109 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD-2pi-K+pi-KS0LLBeauty2Charm          |     1.040 |     0.759 |    0.072       9.9     1.16 |     125 |     0.095 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD-2K-K+pi-KS0LLBeauty2Charm      |     0.345 |     0.429 |    0.001      15.5     1.29 |     405 |     0.174 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD-2K-K+pi-KS0LLBeauty2Charm           |     1.120 |     1.291 |    0.073      15.2     1.98 |     125 |     0.161 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD-2K-pi+K-KS0LLBeauty2Charm      |     0.345 |     0.246 |    0.001       8.0     0.67 |     405 |     0.100 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD-2K-pi+K-KS0LLBeauty2Charm           |     1.120 |     0.706 |    0.073       7.7     0.98 |     125 |     0.088 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD-2K-K+K-KS0LLBeauty2Charm       |     0.197 |     0.238 |    0.001       9.5     0.70 |     405 |     0.097 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD-2K-K+K-KS0LLBeauty2Charm            |     0.560 |     0.690 |    0.052       9.2     1.06 |     125 |     0.086 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                D2KsHHHBeauty2Charm_LL                       |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      33 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D2KsHHHLLPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D2KsHHHLLPIDNOSSKBeauty2CharmFilter           |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      30 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D2KsHHHDDPIDNOSSKBeauty2CharmFilter      |     5.135 |     5.016 |    0.057     106.4    10.23 |     405 |     2.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:D2KsHHHBeauty2Charm_DD                 |     5.111 |     4.980 |    0.053     106.4    10.17 |     405 |     2.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:D2KsHHHBeauty2Charm_DD          |     5.111 |     4.952 |    0.049     106.3    10.12 |     405 |     2.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD+2pi+pi-pi+KS0DDBeauty2Charm    |     0.419 |     0.383 |    0.002       8.4     0.76 |     405 |     0.155 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD+2pi+pi-pi+KS0DDBeauty2Charm         |     0.752 |     0.730 |    0.060       8.1     0.91 |     186 |     0.136 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD+2K+pi-pi+KS0DDBeauty2Charm     |     0.740 |     0.580 |    0.001      16.4     1.37 |     405 |     0.235 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD+2K+pi-pi+KS0DDBeauty2Charm          |     1.290 |     1.165 |    0.073      16.2     1.76 |     186 |     0.217 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD+2pi+K-pi+KS0DDBeauty2Charm     |     0.271 |     0.338 |    0.001       6.9     0.69 |     405 |     0.137 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD+2pi+K-pi+KS0DDBeauty2Charm          |     0.537 |     0.641 |    0.065       6.6     0.81 |     186 |     0.119 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD+2K+K-pi+KS0DDBeauty2Charm      |     0.419 |     0.550 |    0.001      17.0     1.33 |     405 |     0.223 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD+2K+K-pi+KS0DDBeauty2Charm           |     0.913 |     1.115 |    0.064      16.7     1.73 |     186 |     0.207 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD+2K+pi-K+KS0DDBeauty2Charm      |     0.370 |     0.326 |    0.001       5.4     0.66 |     405 |     0.132 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD+2K+pi-K+KS0DDBeauty2Charm           |     0.698 |     0.633 |    0.062       5.3     0.80 |     186 |     0.118 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD+2K+K-K+KS0DDBeauty2Charm       |     0.296 |     0.301 |    0.001       5.7     0.60 |     405 |     0.122 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD+2K+K-K+KS0DDBeauty2Charm            |     0.591 |     0.586 |    0.049       5.6     0.73 |     186 |     0.109 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD-2pi-pi+pi-KS0DDBeauty2Charm    |     0.246 |     0.342 |    0.001       6.1     0.69 |     405 |     0.139 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD-2pi-pi+pi-KS0DDBeauty2Charm         |     0.537 |     0.661 |    0.054       6.0     0.83 |     186 |     0.123 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD-2K-pi+pi-KS0DDBeauty2Charm     |     0.617 |     0.554 |    0.001      12.5     1.22 |     405 |     0.225 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD-2K-pi+pi-KS0DDBeauty2Charm          |     1.290 |     1.119 |    0.060      12.4     1.53 |     186 |     0.208 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD-2pi-K+pi-KS0DDBeauty2Charm     |     0.518 |     0.329 |    0.001       5.9     0.64 |     405 |     0.133 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD-2pi-K+pi-KS0DDBeauty2Charm          |     0.913 |     0.632 |    0.055       5.7     0.74 |     186 |     0.118 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD-2K-K+pi-KS0DDBeauty2Charm      |     0.370 |     0.529 |    0.001      12.0     1.14 |     405 |     0.214 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD-2K-K+pi-KS0DDBeauty2Charm           |     0.698 |     1.075 |    0.053      11.9     1.43 |     186 |     0.200 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD-2K-pi+K-KS0DDBeauty2Charm      |     0.345 |     0.338 |    0.001       7.8     0.73 |     405 |     0.137 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD-2K-pi+K-KS0DDBeauty2Charm           |     0.591 |     0.606 |    0.061       6.2     0.71 |     186 |     0.113 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD-2K-K+K-KS0DDBeauty2Charm       |     0.395 |     0.316 |    0.001       5.9     0.62 |     405 |     0.128 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD-2K-K+K-KS0DDBeauty2Charm            |     0.806 |     0.618 |    0.040       5.8     0.74 |     186 |     0.115 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                D2KsHHHBeauty2Charm_DD                       |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      21 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D2KsHHHDDPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      21 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D2KsHHHDDPIDNOSSKBeauty2CharmFilter           |     0.500 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             BC2DD-D2KSHHH-Beauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      44 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC2DD-D2KSHH|     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.011       1.1     0.16 |      44 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHT|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      19 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2Charm                   |     0.526 |     0.243 |    0.062       1.4     0.31 |      19 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     8.518 |     8.527 |    0.122     185.0    17.33 |     405 |     3.454 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:BC2DD-D2KSHHH-Beauty2Charm                |     8.493 |     8.494 |    0.113     184.6    17.28 |     405 |     3.440 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:BC2DD-D2KSHHH-Beauty2Charm         |     8.493 |     8.442 |    0.108     184.2    17.19 |     405 |     3.419 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D2KsHHHLLPIDNOSSKBeauty2CharmFilter      |     3.802 |     3.729 |    0.052     110.2    10.30 |     405 |     1.510 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:D2KsHHHBeauty2Charm_LL                 |     3.728 |     3.678 |    0.048     108.1    10.16 |     405 |     1.490 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:D2KsHHHBeauty2Charm_LL          |     3.728 |     3.636 |    0.044     106.3    10.04 |     405 |     1.473 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD+2pi+pi-pi+KS0LLBeauty2Charm    |     0.296 |     0.268 |    0.002       8.2     0.73 |     405 |     0.109 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD+2pi+pi-pi+KS0LLBeauty2Charm         |     0.640 |     0.762 |    0.083       7.6     1.04 |     125 |     0.095 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD+2K+pi-pi+KS0LLBeauty2Charm     |     0.419 |     0.426 |    0.001      15.3     1.30 |     405 |     0.173 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD+2K+pi-pi+KS0LLBeauty2Charm          |     1.360 |     1.265 |    0.072      14.4     1.95 |     125 |     0.158 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD+2pi+K-pi+KS0LLBeauty2Charm     |     0.296 |     0.246 |    0.001       7.3     0.67 |     405 |     0.100 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD+2pi+K-pi+KS0LLBeauty2Charm          |     0.720 |     0.699 |    0.065       6.9     0.95 |     125 |     0.087 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD+2K+K-pi+KS0LLBeauty2Charm      |     0.246 |     0.404 |    0.001      14.1     1.21 |     405 |     0.164 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD+2K+K-pi+KS0LLBeauty2Charm           |     0.720 |     1.218 |    0.070      13.8     1.87 |     125 |     0.152 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD+2K+pi-K+KS0LLBeauty2Charm      |     0.296 |     0.241 |    0.001       7.3     0.64 |     405 |     0.098 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD+2K+pi-K+KS0LLBeauty2Charm           |     0.720 |     0.693 |    0.060       6.9     0.92 |     125 |     0.087 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD+2K+K-K+KS0LLBeauty2Charm       |     0.222 |     0.232 |    0.001       7.2     0.64 |     405 |     0.094 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD+2K+K-K+KS0LLBeauty2Charm            |     0.720 |     0.678 |    0.047       7.0     0.94 |     125 |     0.085 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD-2pi-pi+pi-KS0LLBeauty2Charm    |     0.172 |     0.251 |    0.001       7.3     0.71 |     405 |     0.102 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD-2pi-pi+pi-KS0LLBeauty2Charm         |     0.400 |     0.692 |    0.068       7.1     0.98 |     125 |     0.087 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD-2K-pi+pi-KS0LLBeauty2Charm     |     0.469 |     0.420 |    0.001      14.0     1.24 |     405 |     0.170 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD-2K-pi+pi-KS0LLBeauty2Charm          |     1.440 |     1.245 |    0.073      13.6     1.85 |     125 |     0.156 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD-2pi-K+pi-KS0LLBeauty2Charm     |     0.172 |     0.247 |    0.001       6.7     0.66 |     405 |     0.100 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD-2pi-K+pi-KS0LLBeauty2Charm          |     0.480 |     0.695 |    0.063       6.6     0.93 |     125 |     0.087 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD-2K-K+pi-KS0LLBeauty2Charm      |     0.493 |     0.403 |    0.001      13.1     1.18 |     405 |     0.163 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD-2K-K+pi-KS0LLBeauty2Charm           |     1.520 |     1.217 |    0.066      13.0     1.81 |     125 |     0.152 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD-2K-pi+K-KS0LLBeauty2Charm      |     0.320 |     0.232 |    0.001       6.5     0.62 |     405 |     0.094 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD-2K-pi+K-KS0LLBeauty2Charm           |     1.040 |     0.660 |    0.060       6.4     0.88 |     125 |     0.083 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD-2K-K+K-KS0LLBeauty2Charm       |     0.271 |     0.220 |    0.001       6.3     0.59 |     405 |     0.089 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD-2K-K+K-KS0LLBeauty2Charm            |     0.800 |     0.640 |    0.048       6.2     0.87 |     125 |     0.080 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                D2KsHHHBeauty2Charm_LL                       |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      33 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D2KsHHHLLPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D2KsHHHLLPIDNOSSKBeauty2CharmFilter           |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      30 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D2KsHHHDDPIDNOSSKBeauty2CharmFilter      |     4.666 |     4.705 |    0.051      87.4     9.31 |     405 |     1.906 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:D2KsHHHBeauty2Charm_DD                 |     4.617 |     4.671 |    0.048      87.4     9.25 |     405 |     1.892 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:D2KsHHHBeauty2Charm_DD          |     4.567 |     4.648 |    0.044      87.4     9.21 |     405 |     1.882 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD+2pi+pi-pi+KS0DDBeauty2Charm    |     0.370 |     0.341 |    0.001       5.0     0.65 |     405 |     0.138 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD+2pi+pi-pi+KS0DDBeauty2Charm         |     0.752 |     0.657 |    0.049       4.8     0.76 |     186 |     0.122 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD+2K+pi-pi+KS0DDBeauty2Charm     |     0.370 |     0.536 |    0.001      10.0     1.15 |     405 |     0.217 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD+2K+pi-pi+KS0DDBeauty2Charm          |     0.752 |     1.084 |    0.065       9.9     1.44 |     186 |     0.202 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD+2pi+K-pi+KS0DDBeauty2Charm     |     0.320 |     0.324 |    0.001       4.6     0.64 |     405 |     0.131 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD+2pi+K-pi+KS0DDBeauty2Charm          |     0.698 |     0.630 |    0.061       4.5     0.76 |     186 |     0.117 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD+2K+K-pi+KS0DDBeauty2Charm      |     0.493 |     0.514 |    0.001       9.9     1.11 |     405 |     0.208 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD+2K+K-pi+KS0DDBeauty2Charm           |     0.913 |     1.047 |    0.074       9.8     1.41 |     186 |     0.195 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD+2K+pi-K+KS0DDBeauty2Charm      |     0.296 |     0.306 |    0.001       5.0     0.61 |     405 |     0.124 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD+2K+pi-K+KS0DDBeauty2Charm           |     0.591 |     0.598 |    0.063       4.8     0.74 |     186 |     0.111 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD+2K+K-K+KS0DDBeauty2Charm       |     0.395 |     0.295 |    0.001       5.1     0.60 |     405 |     0.120 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD+2K+K-K+KS0DDBeauty2Charm            |     0.752 |     0.579 |    0.047       5.0     0.74 |     186 |     0.108 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD-2pi-pi+pi-KS0DDBeauty2Charm    |     0.172 |     0.321 |    0.001       6.5     0.64 |     405 |     0.130 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD-2pi-pi+pi-KS0DDBeauty2Charm         |     0.376 |     0.623 |    0.044       6.4     0.76 |     186 |     0.116 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD-2K-pi+pi-KS0DDBeauty2Charm     |     0.518 |     0.533 |    0.001      12.4     1.16 |     405 |     0.216 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD-2K-pi+pi-KS0DDBeauty2Charm          |     1.021 |     1.082 |    0.061      12.3     1.46 |     186 |     0.201 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD-2pi-K+pi-KS0DDBeauty2Charm     |     0.246 |     0.314 |    0.001       6.0     0.61 |     405 |     0.127 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD-2pi-K+pi-KS0DDBeauty2Charm          |     0.483 |     0.609 |    0.053       5.9     0.72 |     186 |     0.113 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD-2K-K+pi-KS0DDBeauty2Charm      |     0.617 |     0.513 |    0.001      12.3     1.10 |     405 |     0.208 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD-2K-K+pi-KS0DDBeauty2Charm           |     1.182 |     1.047 |    0.059      12.2     1.39 |     186 |     0.195 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD-2K-pi+K-KS0DDBeauty2Charm      |     0.419 |     0.313 |    0.001       6.0     0.63 |     405 |     0.127 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD-2K-pi+K-KS0DDBeauty2Charm           |     0.698 |     0.614 |    0.059       5.9     0.76 |     186 |     0.114 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtoD-2K-K+K-KS0DDBeauty2Charm       |     0.222 |     0.290 |    0.001       6.0     0.57 |     405 |     0.118 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtoD-2K-K+K-KS0DDBeauty2Charm            |     0.483 |     0.568 |    0.047       5.9     0.69 |     186 |     0.106 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                D2KsHHHBeauty2Charm_DD                       |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      21 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D2KsHHHDDPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      21 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D2KsHHHDDPIDNOSSKBeauty2CharmFilter           |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             BC2DD-D2KSHHH-Beauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      44 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC2DD-D2KSHH|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      44 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHT|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      19 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.171 |    0.054       0.6     0.14 |      19 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138409,14 +138669,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HH
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.040 |     0.075 |    0.024       1.2     0.09 |    1000 |     0.075 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.024 |     0.039 |    0.008       1.1     0.10 |     405 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC2DD-D2KS|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |      44 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.060 |     0.066 |    0.022       3.7     0.14 |    1000 |     0.066 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.010 |     0.011 |    0.004       3.6     0.11 |    1000 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.024 |     0.034 |    0.008       0.7     0.09 |     405 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC2DD-D2KS|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.015       0.1     0.02 |      44 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDT|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      26 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     0.166 |    0.056       0.9     0.18 |      26 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     0.137 |    0.059       0.6     0.12 |      26 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138426,21 +138686,21 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KH
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLine     |     0.150 |     0.096 |    0.026       6.6     0.32 |    1000 |     0.097 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLine     |     0.050 |     0.080 |    0.022       6.6     0.28 |    1000 |     0.081 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.123 |     0.100 |    0.008       6.4     0.48 |     405 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCutBC2DD-D2K|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.013       0.1     0.01 |      44 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:BC2DD-D02HHPI0-Beauty2Charm               |     0.243 |     0.324 |    0.016       5.0     0.57 |     246 |     0.080 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:BC2DD-D02HHPI0-Beauty2Charm        |     0.121 |     0.205 |    0.012       3.0     0.32 |     246 |     0.051 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D2MergedTightPi0HHPIDBeauty2CharmFilter  |     0.040 |     0.036 |    0.003       0.8     0.11 |     246 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D2MergedTightPi0HHPIDBeauty2CharmFilter       |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D2ResolvedTightPi0HHPIDBeauty2CharmFilter|     0.081 |     0.158 |    0.002       2.2     0.26 |     246 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D2ResolvedTightPi0HHPIDBeauty2CharmFilter     |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.007       0.2     0.03 |     205 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             BC2DD-D02HHPI0-Beauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      69 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCutBC2DD-D02|     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.012       0.1     0.02 |      17 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.345 |    0.070       1.2     0.35 |      17 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.049 |     0.086 |    0.007       6.4     0.41 |     405 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCutBC2DD-D2K|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.013       0.1     0.01 |      44 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:BC2DD-D02HHPI0-Beauty2Charm               |     0.162 |     0.275 |    0.014       5.2     0.49 |     246 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:BC2DD-D02HHPI0-Beauty2Charm        |     0.081 |     0.174 |    0.011       3.0     0.28 |     246 |     0.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D2MergedTightPi0HHPIDBeauty2CharmFilter  |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.002       0.9     0.11 |     246 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D2MergedTightPi0HHPIDBeauty2CharmFilter       |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D2ResolvedTightPi0HHPIDBeauty2CharmFilter|     0.081 |     0.130 |    0.002       2.2     0.22 |     246 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D2ResolvedTightPi0HHPIDBeauty2CharmFilter     |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.006       0.2     0.02 |     205 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             BC2DD-D02HHPI0-Beauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      69 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCutBC2DD-D02|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.010       0.1     0.02 |      17 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm                |     0.588 |     0.240 |    0.069       0.7     0.20 |      17 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138450,43 +138710,43 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HH
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.100 |     0.100 |    0.024      17.9     0.59 |    1000 |     0.100 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.098 |     0.114 |    0.008      17.6     0.91 |     405 |     0.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC2DD-D2KS|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |      44 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:BC2DD-D02KSHH-Beauty2Charm                |     0.121 |     0.102 |    0.016       1.7     0.21 |     246 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:BC2DD-D02KSHH-Beauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |     246 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D2KsHHLLPIDBeauty2CharmFilter            |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     246 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.140 |     0.080 |    0.022      10.3     0.35 |    1000 |     0.081 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.030 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.098 |     0.086 |    0.007      10.2     0.54 |     405 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC2DD-D2KS|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.014       0.1     0.01 |      44 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:BC2DD-D02KSHH-Beauty2Charm                |     0.081 |     0.090 |    0.014       1.0     0.16 |     246 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:BC2DD-D02KSHH-Beauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |     246 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D2KsHHLLPIDBeauty2CharmFilter            |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     246 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D2KsHHDDPIDBeauty2CharmFilter            |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     246 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             BC2DD-D02KSHH-Beauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      52 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC2DD-D02K|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.010       0.1     0.02 |      31 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm                 |     0.645 |     0.349 |    0.063       5.4     0.99 |      31 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     0.000 |     2.270 |    2.270       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.136 |    0.136       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             BC2DD-D02KSHH-Beauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      52 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC2DD-D02K|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      31 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm                 |     0.322 |     0.137 |    0.052       1.1     0.19 |      31 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     0.000 |     1.927 |    1.927       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.144 |    0.144       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine|    10.000 |     0.608 |    0.608       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.238 |    0.238       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.233 |    0.233       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     2.565 |    2.565       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.446 |    0.446       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.150 |     0.124 |    0.025       4.7     0.27 |    1000 |     0.125 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.305 |    0.305       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.214 |    0.214       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.240 |    0.240       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     2.447 |    2.447       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.297 |    0.297       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.080 |     0.101 |    0.022       2.4     0.20 |    1000 |     0.102 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.148 |     0.154 |    0.026       2.3     0.31 |     405 |     0.063 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:BC2DD-D2KSH-Beauty2Charm                  |     0.123 |     0.112 |    0.016       1.5     0.22 |     405 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:BC2DD-D2KSH-Beauty2Charm           |     0.049 |     0.066 |    0.011       1.0     0.12 |     405 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D2KsHLLPIDBeauty2CharmFilter             |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.002       0.7     0.08 |     405 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D2KsHLLPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      36 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D2KsHDDPIDBeauty2CharmFilter             |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.002       0.6     0.08 |     405 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D2KsHDDPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      52 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             BC2DD-D2KSH-Beauty2Charm                        |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      69 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC2DD-D2KSH-Be|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      69 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBe|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      31 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.165 |    0.061       1.7     0.29 |      31 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.074 |     0.134 |    0.023       2.1     0.27 |     405 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:BC2DD-D2KSH-Beauty2Charm                  |     0.074 |     0.099 |    0.013       1.5     0.21 |     405 |     0.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:BC2DD-D2KSH-Beauty2Charm           |     0.049 |     0.057 |    0.010       0.8     0.11 |     405 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D2KsHLLPIDBeauty2CharmFilter             |     0.049 |     0.024 |    0.002       0.7     0.08 |     405 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D2KsHLLPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      36 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D2KsHDDPIDBeauty2CharmFilter             |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.002       0.5     0.07 |     405 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D2KsHDDPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      52 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             BC2DD-D2KSH-Beauty2Charm                        |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      69 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC2DD-D2KSH-Be|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      69 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBe|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      31 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.112 |    0.058       0.5     0.09 |      31 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138496,14 +138756,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DD0D2KSHD02HHBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DD0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DD0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.070 |     0.071 |    0.025       2.2     0.10 |    1000 |     0.072 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.020 |     0.058 |    0.022       1.2     0.07 |    1000 |     0.059 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.024 |     0.039 |    0.008       2.1     0.13 |     405 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC2DD-D2KSH-|     0.144 |     0.030 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      69 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIG|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.006       0.1     0.02 |      24 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.192 |    0.063       1.9     0.37 |      24 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.007       1.1     0.09 |     405 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC2DD-D2KSH-|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      69 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIG|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      24 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.141 |    0.056       1.0     0.19 |      24 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138513,15 +138773,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DD0D2KSHD02KHHH
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DD0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DD0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLine       |     0.070 |     0.087 |    0.024       3.5     0.24 |    1000 |     0.088 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLine       |     0.060 |     0.072 |    0.022       2.7     0.18 |    1000 |     0.072 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.074 |     0.084 |    0.008       3.3     0.35 |     405 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCutBC2DD-D2KSH|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.007       0.1     0.02 |      69 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCutBC2DD-D02HH|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.008       0.1     0.02 |      21 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.250 |    0.063       1.7     0.35 |      21 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmTISTOS            |    10.000 |     2.302 |    2.302       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.024 |     0.068 |    0.007       2.6     0.27 |     405 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCutBC2DD-D2KSH|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      69 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCutBC2DD-D02HH|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.009       0.1     0.02 |      21 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.154 |    0.061       0.6     0.12 |      21 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     1.575 |    1.575       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DD0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138530,107 +138790,107 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DD0D2KSHD02HHPI
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DD0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DD0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.060 |     0.098 |    0.024      14.3     0.52 |    1000 |     0.098 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.100 |     0.080 |    0.021      12.7     0.46 |    1000 |     0.080 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.074 |     0.105 |    0.008      14.1     0.80 |     405 |     0.043 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC2DD-D2KSH-|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.010       0.1     0.02 |      69 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC2DD-D02KSH|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |      30 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.215 |    0.059       1.6     0.33 |      30 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     5.000 |     2.770 |    1.656       3.9     1.58 |       2 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.120 |    0.119       0.1     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DD0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.376 |    0.286       0.5     0.13 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DD0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.275 |    0.149       0.4     0.18 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DD0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.299 |    0.175       0.4     0.18 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DD0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     5.000 |     2.831 |    1.571       4.1     1.78 |       2 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DD0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.418 |    0.323       0.5     0.13 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.098 |     0.089 |    0.007      12.6     0.71 |     405 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC2DD-D2KSH-|     0.144 |     0.028 |    0.007       0.1     0.02 |      69 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC2DD-D02KSH|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      30 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.127 |    0.056       0.6     0.11 |      30 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |    10.000 |     2.523 |    1.555       3.5     1.37 |       2 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.118 |    0.113       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DD0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.315 |    0.208       0.4     0.15 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DD0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.304 |    0.177       0.4     0.18 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DD0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.277 |    0.145       0.4     0.19 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DD0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     2.823 |    1.471       4.2     1.91 |       2 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DD0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.359 |    0.269       0.4     0.13 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.200 |     0.194 |    0.024      23.8     0.95 |    1000 |     0.194 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.180 |     0.164 |    0.022      24.5     0.96 |    1000 |     0.164 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.320 |     0.346 |    0.008      23.7     1.45 |     405 |     0.140 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHHPIDTIGHTNOSSKBeauty2CharmFilter             |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     224 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDTIGHTN|     0.044 |     0.023 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     223 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBe|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     104 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2Charm                     |     0.096 |     0.157 |    0.058       1.0     0.15 |     104 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |    10.000 |     6.115 |    1.452      12.3     5.57 |       3 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.157 |    0.135       0.2     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.655 |    0.620       0.7     0.05 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.473 |    0.428       0.5     0.06 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.473 |    0.417       0.5     0.08 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine    |     5.000 |     3.076 |    2.506       3.6     0.81 |       2 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     1.568 |    0.472       2.7     1.55 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.120 |     0.115 |    0.024      14.6     0.65 |    1000 |     0.115 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.271 |     0.295 |    0.007      24.3     1.47 |     405 |     0.120 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHHPIDTIGHTNOSSKBeauty2CharmFilter             |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     224 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDTIGHTN|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     223 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDTIGHTBe|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     104 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2Charm                     |     0.192 |     0.124 |    0.056       0.9     0.11 |     104 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     6.666 |     5.937 |    1.285      11.7     5.28 |       3 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.411 |    0.086       0.7     0.46 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.624 |    0.588       0.7     0.05 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.495 |    0.449       0.5     0.07 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.513 |    0.477       0.5     0.05 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine    |    10.000 |     3.310 |    2.601       4.0     1.00 |       2 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     1.527 |    0.509       2.5     1.44 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.070 |     0.103 |    0.021      14.9     0.61 |    1000 |     0.103 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.222 |     0.153 |    0.008      14.4     1.00 |     405 |     0.062 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDTIGH|     0.089 |     0.027 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     223 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIG|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      72 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm                   |     0.277 |     0.179 |    0.054       1.6     0.23 |      72 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     5.000 |     4.174 |    3.418       4.9     1.07 |       2 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.187 |    0.153       0.2     0.05 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.613 |    0.561       0.7     0.07 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     5.000 |     0.466 |    0.429       0.5     0.05 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.395 |    0.390       0.4     0.01 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     2.975 |    2.844       3.1     0.19 |       2 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.518 |    0.465       0.6     0.07 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLine       |     0.180 |     0.274 |    0.024      73.0     2.61 |    1000 |     0.274 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.074 |     0.136 |    0.007      14.7     0.93 |     405 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDTIGH|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     223 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIG|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |      72 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm                   |     0.138 |     0.150 |    0.051       0.9     0.17 |      72 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     0.000 |     3.937 |    3.871       4.0     0.09 |       2 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.129 |    0.084       0.2     0.06 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.483 |    0.397       0.6     0.12 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.395 |    0.360       0.4     0.05 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.412 |    0.381       0.4     0.04 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     2.785 |    2.670       2.9     0.16 |       2 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.430 |    0.398       0.5     0.05 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLine       |     0.220 |     0.239 |    0.021      76.2     2.62 |    1000 |     0.239 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.395 |     0.545 |    0.007      72.9     4.07 |     405 |     0.221 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.444 |     0.480 |    0.007      76.0     4.09 |     405 |     0.194 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDTIG|     0.044 |     0.027 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     223 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCutBC2DD-D02HH|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |      66 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm                  |     0.151 |     0.360 |    0.056       9.0     1.11 |      66 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmTISTOS            |     8.333 |     9.260 |    1.708      31.2    11.16 |       6 |     0.056 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.148 |    0.100       0.2     0.05 |       6 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.876 |    0.378       2.1     0.68 |       6 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.732 |    0.245       1.8     0.64 |       6 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.704 |    0.137       1.8     0.65 |       6 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLine |     8.333 |     5.931 |    2.652      15.2     4.83 |       6 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.838 |    0.444       1.6     0.43 |       6 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.110 |     0.106 |    0.025       7.5     0.31 |    1000 |     0.106 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDTIG|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     223 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCutBC2DD-D02HH|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      66 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm                  |     0.303 |     0.326 |    0.052       9.0     1.11 |      66 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmTISTOS            |    13.333 |     8.826 |    1.099      33.8    12.58 |       6 |     0.053 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.114 |    0.083       0.2     0.06 |       6 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.798 |    0.210       2.1     0.76 |       6 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLine |     1.666 |     0.744 |    0.147       2.0     0.73 |       6 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.749 |    0.140       1.9     0.74 |       6 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLine |     5.000 |     5.487 |    1.489      15.3     5.27 |       6 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLine |     1.666 |     0.704 |    0.269       1.5     0.53 |       6 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.070 |     0.092 |    0.021       9.4     0.35 |    1000 |     0.092 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.123 |     0.121 |    0.008       7.4     0.45 |     405 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDTIGH|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.008       0.3     0.02 |     223 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC2DD-D02KSH|     0.217 |     0.022 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      46 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.232 |    0.058       1.7     0.29 |      46 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     0.000 |     1.651 |    1.096       2.5     0.59 |       4 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.110       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.256 |    0.256       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.211 |    0.211       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.186 |    0.186       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     1.478 |    1.478       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.382 |    0.382       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.200 |     0.181 |    0.024      12.3     0.50 |    1000 |     0.181 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.4     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.370 |     0.312 |    0.025      12.0     0.72 |     405 |     0.126 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:BC2DD-Dst2DPI0D2HHH-Beauty2Charm          |     0.320 |     0.285 |    0.014      10.5     0.63 |     405 |     0.116 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:BC2DD-Dst2DPI0D2HHH-Beauty2Charm   |     0.296 |     0.265 |    0.009       8.5     0.54 |     405 |     0.108 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar2DD2HHHPIDPi0MergedBeauty2Charm     |     0.024 |     0.034 |    0.001       2.1     0.13 |     405 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar2DD2HHHPIDPi0MergedBeauty2Charm          |     0.175 |     0.136 |    0.052       1.9     0.25 |      57 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar2DD2HHHPIDPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm   |     0.271 |     0.221 |    0.001       8.0     0.50 |     405 |     0.090 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar2DD2HHHPIDPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm        |     0.347 |     0.264 |    0.050       2.9     0.34 |     230 |     0.061 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             BC2DD-Dst2DPI0D2HHH-Beauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC2D|     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.015       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HH|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.017       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2Charm           |     3.333 |     0.991 |    0.125       1.8     0.85 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       3.8     0.12 |    1000 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.123 |     0.108 |    0.007       9.3     0.51 |     405 |     0.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDTIGH|     0.134 |     0.025 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     223 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC2DD-D02KSH|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      46 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.166 |    0.055       0.6     0.14 |      46 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     0.000 |     1.874 |    1.013       3.8     1.30 |       4 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.145 |    0.145       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.267 |    0.267       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.217 |    0.217       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.208 |    0.208       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine  |    10.000 |     1.595 |    1.595       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DD0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.356 |    0.356       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DD0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.180 |     0.155 |    0.022      11.9     0.45 |    1000 |     0.156 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.271 |     0.270 |    0.023      11.7     0.66 |     405 |     0.110 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:BC2DD-Dst2DPI0D2HHH-Beauty2Charm          |     0.246 |     0.249 |    0.013      10.0     0.58 |     405 |     0.101 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:BC2DD-Dst2DPI0D2HHH-Beauty2Charm   |     0.246 |     0.235 |    0.009       8.8     0.52 |     405 |     0.095 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar2DD2HHHPIDPi0MergedBeauty2Charm     |     0.024 |     0.028 |    0.001       0.8     0.07 |     405 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar2DD2HHHPIDPi0MergedBeauty2Charm          |     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.043       0.7     0.09 |      57 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar2DD2HHHPIDPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm   |     0.222 |     0.198 |    0.001       8.4     0.49 |     405 |     0.080 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar2DD2HHHPIDPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm        |     0.347 |     0.238 |    0.043       3.2     0.34 |     230 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             BC2DD-Dst2DPI0D2HHH-Beauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC2D|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HH|     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.004       0.1     0.05 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2Charm           |     0.000 |     0.652 |    0.086       1.0     0.49 |       3 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138640,14 +138900,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.080 |     0.067 |    0.026       1.8     0.09 |    1000 |     0.067 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.080 |     0.055 |    0.022       1.7     0.07 |    1000 |     0.055 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.009       1.7     0.10 |     405 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC|     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.016       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.019       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.690 |    0.211       1.5     0.74 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.049 |     0.018 |    0.007       1.6     0.09 |     405 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.020       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2|     3.333 |     0.047 |    0.014       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.603 |    0.121       1.4     0.69 |       3 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBe|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138657,31 +138917,31 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmL|     0.210 |     0.222 |    0.026     160.7     5.08 |    1000 |     0.222 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm|     0.395 |     0.413 |    0.008     160.5     7.98 |     405 |     0.168 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmL|     0.190 |     0.180 |    0.021     127.4     4.03 |    1000 |     0.180 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm|     0.370 |     0.328 |    0.008     127.2     6.32 |     405 |     0.133 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCutB|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.015       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCutB|     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.011       0.1     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm        |     0.000 |     2.260 |    0.135       5.1     2.59 |       3 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmTISTOS  |   100.000 |    93.250 |   93.250      93.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.093 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmB2CBBDTB|     0.000 |     0.483 |    0.483       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2|     0.000 |     5.320 |    5.320       5.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2|    10.000 |     4.228 |    4.228       4.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2|     0.000 |     4.437 |    4.437       4.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2|    40.000 |    32.898 |   32.898      32.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2|     0.000 |     2.266 |    2.266       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCutB|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.017       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCutB|     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.009       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm        |     6.666 |     2.135 |    0.111       5.3     2.79 |       3 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmTISTOS  |    80.000 |    75.797 |   75.797      75.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.076 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmB2CBBDTB|     0.000 |     0.264 |    0.264       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2|     0.000 |     3.277 |    3.277       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2|     0.000 |     3.156 |    3.156       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2|    10.000 |     3.177 |    3.177       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2|    20.000 |    26.604 |   26.604      26.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2|    10.000 |     2.305 |    2.305       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.060 |     0.067 |    0.024       1.4     0.09 |    1000 |     0.067 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.030 |     0.051 |    0.021       1.3     0.06 |    1000 |     0.051 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.010 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.008       1.1     0.07 |     405 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.014       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC|     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.016       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.600 |    0.549       0.7     0.07 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.024 |     0.016 |    0.007       1.0     0.06 |     405 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.012       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC|     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.017       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.557 |    0.489       0.6     0.10 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBe|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138691,21 +138951,21 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.170 |     0.122 |    0.025       3.9     0.26 |    1000 |     0.122 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.150 |     0.106 |    0.022       3.7     0.23 |    1000 |     0.106 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.246 |     0.166 |    0.026       3.8     0.37 |     405 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.271 |     0.147 |    0.022       3.6     0.33 |     405 |     0.060 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:BC2DD-Dst2DGammaD2KSH-Beauty2Charm        |     0.197 |     0.142 |    0.014       2.3     0.31 |     405 |     0.058 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:BC2DD-Dst2DGammaD2KSH-Beauty2Charm |     0.148 |     0.121 |    0.010       2.0     0.26 |     405 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar2DGammaD2KsHLLBeauty2Charm          |     0.098 |     0.045 |    0.002       1.9     0.17 |     405 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar2DGammaD2KsHLLBeauty2Charm               |     0.277 |     0.266 |    0.127       1.8     0.27 |      36 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar2DGammaD2KsHDDBeauty2Charm          |     0.024 |     0.067 |    0.002       1.5     0.19 |     405 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar2DGammaD2KsHDDBeauty2Charm               |     0.192 |     0.322 |    0.132       1.4     0.22 |      52 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             BC2DD-Dst2DGammaD2KSH-Beauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      19 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      19 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.347 |    0.098       1.5     0.52 |       7 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:BC2DD-Dst2DGammaD2KSH-Beauty2Charm        |     0.246 |     0.125 |    0.013       2.0     0.27 |     405 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:BC2DD-Dst2DGammaD2KSH-Beauty2Charm |     0.222 |     0.106 |    0.009       1.5     0.22 |     405 |     0.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar2DGammaD2KsHLLBeauty2Charm          |     0.074 |     0.038 |    0.002       1.0     0.13 |     405 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar2DGammaD2KsHLLBeauty2Charm               |     0.555 |     0.219 |    0.095       0.6     0.11 |      36 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar2DGammaD2KsHDDBeauty2Charm          |     0.123 |     0.060 |    0.001       1.5     0.17 |     405 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar2DGammaD2KsHDDBeauty2Charm               |     0.384 |     0.287 |    0.122       0.8     0.15 |      52 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             BC2DD-Dst2DGammaD2KSH-Beauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      19 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      19 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.344 |    0.096       1.4     0.49 |       7 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBe|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138715,14 +138975,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGamma
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm|     0.060 |     0.063 |    0.026       1.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm|     0.040 |     0.054 |    0.022       1.3     0.06 |    1000 |     0.054 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.008       1.7     0.10 |     405 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      19 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.414 |    0.107       1.6     0.57 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.049 |     0.019 |    0.008       1.2     0.07 |     405 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      19 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm       |     3.333 |     0.308 |    0.089       1.1     0.39 |       6 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDT|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138732,14 +138992,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGamma
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KHHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KHHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2Char|     0.040 |     0.061 |    0.025       1.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2Char|     0.070 |     0.051 |    0.021       1.4     0.06 |    1000 |     0.051 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.008       1.8     0.09 |     405 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.008       1.4     0.08 |     405 |     0.008 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      19 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.015       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm      |     0.000 |     0.444 |    0.085       1.6     0.66 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      19 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm      |     0.000 |     0.365 |    0.091       1.2     0.48 |       5 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmTISTOS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmB2CBBD|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138749,14 +139009,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGamma
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHPI0Beaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHPI0Beaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm|     0.040 |     0.061 |    0.025       0.9     0.06 |    1000 |     0.061 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.007       0.8     0.06 |     405 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.2     0.01 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |      19 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.267 |    0.100       0.7     0.21 |       7 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm|     0.040 |     0.051 |    0.021       0.9     0.06 |    1000 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.8     0.03 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.049 |     0.017 |    0.007       0.8     0.06 |     405 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.526 |     0.026 |    0.009       0.1     0.02 |      19 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm       |     1.428 |     0.266 |    0.103       0.6     0.19 |       7 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDT|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138766,17 +139026,17 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGamma
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KSHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KSHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.190 |     0.193 |    0.025       8.3     0.56 |    1000 |     0.194 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.210 |     0.164 |    0.022       7.0     0.48 |    1000 |     0.164 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.271 |     0.343 |    0.008       8.2     0.82 |     405 |     0.139 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2K3HBeauty2CharmFilter                          |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     134 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2K3HPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                       |     0.081 |     0.026 |    0.008       0.7     0.06 |     122 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2K3HPID2D0PiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.510 |     0.488 |    0.067       4.9     0.67 |      98 |     0.048 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutDs|     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |      22 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.482 |    0.097       3.6     1.04 |      11 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.395 |     0.296 |    0.007       6.9     0.69 |     405 |     0.120 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHBeauty2Charm|     0.024 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2K3HBeauty2CharmFilter                          |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     134 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2K3HPIDBeauty2CharmFilter                       |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.006       0.4     0.04 |     122 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2K3HPID2D0PiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.510 |     0.436 |    0.073       4.5     0.62 |      98 |     0.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutDs|     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.012       0.1     0.02 |      22 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHBeauty2Charm         |     0.909 |     0.359 |    0.076       2.5     0.71 |      11 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBe|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138786,14 +139046,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm|     0.020 |     0.068 |    0.025       1.8     0.09 |    1000 |     0.069 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.024 |     0.034 |    0.008       1.7     0.12 |     405 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.023       0.1     0.02 |      22 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.007       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm       |     0.500 |     0.203 |    0.078       1.6     0.32 |      20 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm|     0.100 |     0.057 |    0.022       1.2     0.08 |    1000 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.098 |     0.028 |    0.007       1.2     0.09 |     405 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.015       0.1     0.02 |      22 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.008       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm       |     1.000 |     0.155 |    0.069       0.9     0.18 |      20 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDT|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138803,31 +139063,31 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KHHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KHHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Char|     0.080 |     0.073 |    0.024       5.3     0.21 |    1000 |     0.074 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Char|     0.030 |     0.060 |    0.022       5.6     0.19 |    1000 |     0.061 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Cha|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Cha|     0.074 |     0.043 |    0.008       5.2     0.28 |     405 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.2     0.01 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.015       0.1     0.02 |      22 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCu|     0.769 |     0.039 |    0.009       0.1     0.02 |      13 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm      |     0.769 |     0.253 |    0.087       0.8     0.22 |      13 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmTISTOS|     0.000 |     1.348 |    1.348       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmB2CBBD|     0.000 |     0.088 |    0.088       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHPI0Beaut|     0.000 |     0.233 |    0.233       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHPI0Beaut|     0.000 |     0.132 |    0.132       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHPI0Beaut|     0.000 |     0.120 |    0.120       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHPI0Beaut|     0.000 |     1.025 |    1.025       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHPI0Beaut|     0.000 |     0.283 |    0.283       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm|     0.060 |     0.063 |    0.024       1.2     0.07 |    1000 |     0.063 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.008       1.0     0.08 |     405 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.018       0.1     0.02 |      22 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.019       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.174 |    0.073       0.8     0.20 |      11 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Cha|     0.074 |     0.040 |    0.008       5.6     0.29 |     405 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.021       0.1     0.01 |      22 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.008       0.1     0.02 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm      |     0.769 |     0.227 |    0.076       0.6     0.18 |      13 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmTISTOS|    10.000 |     1.405 |    1.405       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmB2CBBD|     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.099       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHPI0Beaut|     0.000 |     0.265 |    0.265       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHPI0Beaut|     0.000 |     0.163 |    0.163       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHPI0Beaut|     0.000 |     0.186 |    0.186       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHPI0Beaut|     0.000 |     1.038 |    1.038       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHPI0Beaut|     0.000 |     0.282 |    0.282       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm|     0.040 |     0.053 |    0.021       0.9     0.06 |    1000 |     0.053 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.007       0.8     0.07 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.018       0.1     0.02 |      22 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.014       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.144 |    0.078       0.6     0.16 |      11 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDT|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138837,21 +139097,21 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KSHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KSHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2Charm|     0.170 |     0.120 |    0.023       5.4     0.37 |    1000 |     0.120 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2Charm|     0.110 |     0.101 |    0.021       5.6     0.31 |    1000 |     0.102 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2Char|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2Char|     0.172 |     0.164 |    0.025       5.2     0.54 |     405 |     0.067 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:BC2DD-Dst2DGammaD2KSHHH-Beauty2Charm      |     0.148 |     0.131 |    0.015       4.3     0.45 |     405 |     0.053 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:BC2DD-Dst2DGammaD2KSHHH-Beauty2Char|     0.123 |     0.113 |    0.010       3.1     0.38 |     405 |     0.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar2DGammaD2KsHHHLLPIDBeauty2Charm     |     0.024 |     0.054 |    0.002       3.0     0.25 |     405 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar2DGammaD2KsHHHLLPIDBeauty2Charm          |     0.000 |     0.433 |    0.107       2.3     0.45 |      30 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar2DGammaD2KsHHHDDPIDBeauty2Charm     |     0.098 |     0.050 |    0.002       3.1     0.27 |     405 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar2DGammaD2KsHHHDDPIDBeauty2Charm          |     2.000 |     0.700 |    0.125       2.8     0.70 |      20 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             BC2DD-Dst2DGammaD2KSHHH-Beauty2Charm            |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.026       0.1     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.031       0.1     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.284 |    0.122       0.7     0.23 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2Char|     0.098 |     0.138 |    0.023       5.3     0.46 |     405 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2Cha|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.2     0.01 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:BC2DD-Dst2DGammaD2KSHHH-Beauty2Charm      |     0.074 |     0.117 |    0.013       4.4     0.40 |     405 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:BC2DD-Dst2DGammaD2KSHHH-Beauty2Char|     0.074 |     0.100 |    0.009       3.1     0.33 |     405 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar2DGammaD2KsHHHLLPIDBeauty2Charm     |     0.024 |     0.050 |    0.002       3.1     0.23 |     405 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar2DGammaD2KsHHHLLPIDBeauty2Charm          |     0.333 |     0.401 |    0.086       1.9     0.37 |      30 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar2DGammaD2KsHHHDDPIDBeauty2Charm     |     0.049 |     0.042 |    0.001       2.4     0.21 |     405 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar2DGammaD2KsHHHDDPIDBeauty2Charm          |     0.500 |     0.567 |    0.113       1.5     0.39 |      20 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             BC2DD-Dst2DGammaD2KSHHH-Beauty2Charm            |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.021       0.1     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.019       0.1     0.02 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.250 |    0.096       0.6     0.20 |       6 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDT|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138861,14 +139121,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGamma
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Cha|     0.020 |     0.062 |    0.025       0.9     0.06 |    1000 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Cha|     0.030 |     0.053 |    0.022       0.9     0.06 |    1000 |     0.053 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.024 |     0.020 |    0.008       0.8     0.06 |     405 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2C|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.033       0.1     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     0.179 |    0.094       0.6     0.18 |       8 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.024 |     0.019 |    0.007       0.8     0.06 |     405 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.036       0.1     0.01 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm     |     1.250 |     0.174 |    0.091       0.6     0.18 |       8 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmTISTO|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138878,14 +139138,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGamma
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KHHHBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KHHHBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Ch|     0.050 |     0.064 |    0.025       1.8     0.09 |    1000 |     0.065 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Ch|     0.040 |     0.053 |    0.021       1.7     0.08 |    1000 |     0.053 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2C|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2C|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.5     0.02 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2C|     0.024 |     0.024 |    0.008       1.7     0.12 |     405 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmComb|     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.033       0.1     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmComb|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.021       0.1     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm    |     0.000 |     0.643 |    0.088       1.4     0.53 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2C|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2C|     0.024 |     0.021 |    0.007       1.5     0.11 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmComb|     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.030       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmComb|     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.023       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm    |     2.000 |     0.576 |    0.110       1.2     0.44 |       5 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmTIST|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmB2CB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138895,14 +139155,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGamma
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHPI0Bea|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHPI0Bea|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Cha|     0.080 |     0.061 |    0.025       0.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Cha|     0.060 |     0.051 |    0.021       1.0     0.06 |    1000 |     0.051 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.024 |     0.020 |    0.008       0.8     0.07 |     405 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.035       0.1     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.020       0.1     0.02 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm     |     1.428 |     0.240 |    0.109       0.6     0.17 |       7 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.049 |     0.018 |    0.007       0.8     0.07 |     405 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.033       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.016       0.1     0.03 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     0.211 |    0.091       0.6     0.18 |       7 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmTISTO|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmB2CBB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138912,16 +139172,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGamma
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KSHHBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KSHHBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.320 |     0.353 |    0.025      49.9     1.75 |    1000 |     0.353 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.350 |     0.323 |    0.021      49.5     1.72 |    1000 |     0.324 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.641 |     0.738 |    0.008      49.4     2.67 |     405 |     0.299 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.790 |     0.691 |    0.008      49.3     2.63 |     405 |     0.280 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar2DGammaD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                 |     0.666 |     0.730 |    0.105      12.8     1.12 |     240 |     0.175 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutDs|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.010       0.1     0.02 |      67 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.006       0.1     0.02 |      30 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.290 |    0.077       2.0     0.42 |      30 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS   |    10.000 |     8.652 |    1.622      15.7     9.94 |       2 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar2DGammaD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                 |     0.791 |     0.692 |    0.084      13.0     1.11 |     240 |     0.166 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutDs|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.010       0.1     0.02 |      67 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      30 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.202 |    0.076       1.5     0.27 |      30 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS   |    10.000 |     8.611 |    1.467      15.8    10.10 |       2 |     0.017 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBe|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138930,48 +139190,48 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGamma
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm|     0.100 |     0.101 |    0.025      27.5     0.88 |    1000 |     0.102 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm|     0.060 |     0.087 |    0.022      26.4     0.84 |    1000 |     0.088 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.148 |     0.116 |    0.008      27.3     1.36 |     405 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.074 |     0.104 |    0.007      26.2     1.31 |     405 |     0.043 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.012       0.1     0.02 |      67 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |      36 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm       |     0.555 |     0.238 |    0.079       2.0     0.41 |      36 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS |     0.000 |     9.761 |    9.761       9.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDT|     0.000 |     0.194 |    0.194       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KHHHBeauty|     0.000 |     1.024 |    1.024       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KHHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.746 |    0.746       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KHHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.762 |    0.762       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KHHHBeauty|    10.000 |     5.621 |    5.621       5.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KHHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.810 |    0.810       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.013       0.1     0.01 |      67 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      36 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.183 |    0.074       1.5     0.26 |      36 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS |    10.000 |     9.494 |    9.494       9.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDT|     0.000 |     0.242 |    0.242       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KHHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.912 |    0.912       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KHHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.765 |    0.765       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KHHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.774 |    0.774       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KHHHBeauty|    10.000 |     5.395 |    5.395       5.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KHHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.704 |    0.704       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Char|     0.320 |     0.333 |    0.024     262.9     8.31 |    1000 |     0.333 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Char|     0.330 |     0.345 |    0.022     282.8     8.94 |    1000 |     0.346 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Cha|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Cha|     0.666 |     0.692 |    0.008     262.7    13.05 |     405 |     0.281 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |      67 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |      28 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm      |     0.357 |     0.646 |    0.082      11.8     2.20 |      28 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmTISTOS|   150.000 |   146.076 |  146.076     146.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.146 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmB2CBBD|     0.000 |     0.381 |    0.381       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHPI0Beaut|    10.000 |     7.426 |    7.426       7.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHPI0Beaut|    10.000 |     7.088 |    7.088       7.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHPI0Beaut|    10.000 |     7.058 |    7.058       7.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHPI0Beaut|    60.000 |    58.989 |   58.989      59.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.059 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHPI0Beaut|     0.000 |     4.960 |    4.960       5.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm|     0.070 |     0.071 |    0.024       1.9     0.12 |    1000 |     0.072 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.9     0.03 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.024 |     0.042 |    0.008       1.7     0.14 |     405 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.012       0.1     0.02 |      67 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.007       0.1     0.02 |      19 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm       |     0.526 |     0.311 |    0.096       1.3     0.35 |      19 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Cha|     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Cha|     0.691 |     0.735 |    0.007     282.7    14.04 |     405 |     0.298 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      67 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |      28 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm      |     0.357 |     0.623 |    0.082      12.4     2.31 |      28 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmTISTOS|   160.000 |   167.654 |  167.654     167.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.168 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmB2CBBD|    10.000 |     0.392 |    0.392       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHPI0Beaut|    10.000 |     7.658 |    7.658       7.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHPI0Beaut|    10.000 |     7.559 |    7.559       7.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHPI0Beaut|     0.000 |     7.496 |    7.496       7.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHPI0Beaut|    70.000 |    61.513 |   61.513      61.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHPI0Beaut|     0.000 |     5.562 |    5.562       5.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm|     0.070 |     0.059 |    0.022       1.7     0.09 |    1000 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.049 |     0.036 |    0.007       1.4     0.12 |     405 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.149 |     0.030 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |      67 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      19 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm       |     0.526 |     0.255 |    0.070       0.8     0.26 |      19 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDT|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138981,14 +139241,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGamma
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KSHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KSHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DGammaD2HHHD02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.070 |     0.066 |    0.025       2.0     0.09 |    1000 |     0.067 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.030 |     0.054 |    0.022       1.0     0.06 |    1000 |     0.054 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.098 |     0.033 |    0.008       1.9     0.12 |     405 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.049 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutDsta|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.020       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HH|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      17 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHBeauty2Charm           |     0.000 |     0.228 |    0.080       1.7     0.37 |      17 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.007       0.8     0.08 |     405 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutDsta|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.014       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HH|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      17 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHBeauty2Charm           |     0.000 |     0.160 |    0.072       0.7     0.16 |      17 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -138998,14 +139258,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.050 |     0.065 |    0.025       1.8     0.09 |    1000 |     0.066 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.6     0.02 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.008       1.6     0.10 |     405 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutDs|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.007       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.264 |    0.083       1.4     0.39 |      11 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.050 |     0.053 |    0.021       1.6     0.07 |    1000 |     0.053 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.024 |     0.023 |    0.007       1.5     0.09 |     405 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutDs|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.225 |    0.067       1.2     0.33 |      11 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBe|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139015,31 +139275,31 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KHHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KHHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmL|     0.140 |     0.117 |    0.025      46.5     1.49 |    1000 |     0.117 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmL|     0.070 |     0.102 |    0.022      43.2     1.38 |    1000 |     0.103 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm|     0.172 |     0.156 |    0.009      46.3     2.33 |     405 |     0.063 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHPI0Beauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCutD|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCutB|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.010       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm        |     2.000 |     0.349 |    0.098       1.0     0.31 |      10 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmTISTOS  |     5.000 |     9.027 |    2.041      16.0     9.88 |       2 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmB2CBBDTB|     0.000 |     0.158 |    0.101       0.2     0.08 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHPI0Beauty2|     0.000 |     1.055 |    0.530       1.6     0.74 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHPI0Beauty2|     0.000 |     0.799 |    0.310       1.3     0.69 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHPI0Beauty2|     0.000 |     0.794 |    0.277       1.3     0.73 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHPI0Beauty2|    10.000 |     6.535 |    1.573      11.5     7.02 |       2 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHPI0Beauty2|     0.000 |     0.778 |    0.371       1.2     0.58 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.050 |     0.061 |    0.025       1.3     0.07 |    1000 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm|     0.098 |     0.141 |    0.007      43.0     2.16 |     405 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHPI0Beauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCutD|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.014       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCutB|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm        |     0.000 |     0.310 |    0.080       1.0     0.31 |      10 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmTISTOS  |    10.000 |     9.956 |    1.851      18.1    11.46 |       2 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmB2CBBDTB|     0.000 |     0.142 |    0.090       0.2     0.07 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHPI0Beauty2|     0.000 |     0.912 |    0.316       1.5     0.84 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHPI0Beauty2|     0.000 |     0.851 |    0.330       1.4     0.74 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHPI0Beauty2|     5.000 |     0.854 |    0.270       1.4     0.83 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHPI0Beauty2|     5.000 |     6.192 |    1.543      10.8     6.58 |       2 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHPI0Beauty2|     0.000 |     0.706 |    0.258       1.2     0.63 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.090 |     0.055 |    0.021       1.2     0.08 |    1000 |     0.055 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.008       1.0     0.07 |     405 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCutDs|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.018       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC|     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.025       0.1     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.289 |    0.099       0.6     0.25 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.049 |     0.018 |    0.007       0.9     0.07 |     405 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCutDs|     0.500 |     0.033 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC|     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.024       0.1     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.247 |    0.073       0.6     0.23 |       5 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBe|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139049,21 +139309,21 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KSHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KSHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02HHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.100 |     0.110 |    0.024       3.5     0.25 |    1000 |     0.110 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.090 |     0.094 |    0.021       2.3     0.21 |    1000 |     0.095 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.172 |     0.139 |    0.024       3.4     0.36 |     405 |     0.057 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:BC2DD-Dst2D0PID02KSHH-Beauty2Charm        |     0.123 |     0.115 |    0.015       3.3     0.32 |     405 |     0.047 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:BC2DD-Dst2D0PID02KSHH-Beauty2Charm |     0.098 |     0.099 |    0.010       2.6     0.27 |     405 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DstarD2KSHHLLPID2D0PiBeauty2Charm        |     0.024 |     0.043 |    0.002       2.0     0.17 |     405 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DstarD2KSHHLLPID2D0PiBeauty2Charm             |     0.303 |     0.327 |    0.074       1.9     0.31 |      33 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DstarD2KSHHDDPID2D0PiBeauty2Charm        |     0.074 |     0.047 |    0.002       2.6     0.21 |     405 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DstarD2KSHHDDPID2D0PiBeauty2Charm             |     0.689 |     0.440 |    0.100       1.8     0.43 |      29 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.148 |     0.125 |    0.022       2.2     0.30 |     405 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHBeauty2Charm|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:BC2DD-Dst2D0PID02KSHH-Beauty2Charm        |     0.098 |     0.105 |    0.013       1.8     0.27 |     405 |     0.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:BC2DD-Dst2D0PID02KSHH-Beauty2Charm |     0.074 |     0.090 |    0.009       1.5     0.24 |     405 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DstarD2KSHHLLPID2D0PiBeauty2Charm        |     0.024 |     0.047 |    0.001       1.3     0.18 |     405 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DstarD2KSHHLLPID2D0PiBeauty2Charm             |     0.303 |     0.408 |    0.066       1.3     0.32 |      33 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DstarD2KSHHDDPID2D0PiBeauty2Charm        |     0.049 |     0.035 |    0.002       1.4     0.15 |     405 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DstarD2KSHHDDPID2D0PiBeauty2Charm             |     0.689 |     0.326 |    0.101       1.2     0.31 |      29 |     0.009 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             BC2DD-Dst2D0PID02KSHH-Beauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC|     0.833 |     0.038 |    0.019       0.1     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.420 |    0.115       1.4     0.58 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC|     0.833 |     0.036 |    0.019       0.1     0.02 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.305 |    0.097       1.1     0.45 |       5 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBe|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139073,14 +139333,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm|     0.050 |     0.063 |    0.026       1.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.064 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.008       1.7     0.09 |     405 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KHHHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.022       0.1     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.015       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.372 |    0.095       1.5     0.60 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm|     0.030 |     0.055 |    0.022       3.7     0.13 |    1000 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.007       1.2     0.07 |     405 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KHHHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.020       0.1     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.016       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.301 |    0.110       1.0     0.39 |       5 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDT|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139090,14 +139350,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KHHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KHHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Char|     0.050 |     0.063 |    0.026       1.0     0.07 |    1000 |     0.064 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Cha|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.007       0.9     0.08 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Char|     0.020 |     0.051 |    0.022       0.9     0.06 |    1000 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.007       0.8     0.07 |     405 |     0.008 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.022       0.1     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.016       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm      |     0.000 |     0.340 |    0.120       0.8     0.25 |       7 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.024       0.1     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.017       0.1     0.02 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm      |     0.000 |     0.279 |    0.096       0.6     0.21 |       7 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmTISTOS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmB2CBBD|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139107,14 +139367,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHPI0Beaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHPI0Beaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm|     0.090 |     0.062 |    0.024       1.0     0.06 |    1000 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm|     0.060 |     0.051 |    0.021       0.9     0.05 |    1000 |     0.051 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.024 |     0.023 |    0.009       0.9     0.07 |     405 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.008       0.8     0.06 |     405 |     0.008 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KSHHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.023       0.1     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm       |     0.833 |     0.175 |    0.081       0.7     0.16 |      12 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.023       0.1     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.142 |    0.073       0.6     0.15 |      12 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDT|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139124,21 +139384,21 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KSHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KSHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2D0PID02KSHHD02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.140 |     0.100 |    0.026       3.3     0.19 |    1000 |     0.100 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.172 |     0.108 |    0.033       3.1     0.26 |     405 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2Charm|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:BC2DD-Dst2DPI0D2KSHHH-Beauty2Charm        |     0.148 |     0.094 |    0.023       3.0     0.26 |     405 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:BC2DD-Dst2DPI0D2KSHHH-Beauty2Charm |     0.148 |     0.088 |    0.019       3.0     0.26 |     405 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar2DD2KSHHHLLPIDPi0MergedBeauty2Charm |     0.024 |     0.014 |    0.002       2.0     0.11 |     405 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar2DD2KSHHHLLPIDPi0MergedBeauty2Charm      |     0.909 |     0.270 |    0.051       1.9     0.53 |      11 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar2DD2KSHHHLLPIDPi0ResolvedBeauty2Char|     0.024 |     0.026 |    0.001       1.4     0.11 |     405 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar2DD2KSHHHLLPIDPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm    |     0.344 |     0.204 |    0.065       1.3     0.22 |      29 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar2DD2KSHHHDDPIDPi0MergedBeauty2Charm |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.002       1.7     0.09 |     405 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar2DD2KSHHHDDPIDPi0MergedBeauty2Charm      |     0.000 |     0.355 |    0.054       1.5     0.63 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar2DD2KSHHHDDPIDPi0ResolvedBeauty2Char|     0.024 |     0.023 |    0.001       1.6     0.12 |     405 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar2DD2KSHHHDDPIDPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm    |     0.500 |     0.303 |    0.046       1.4     0.35 |      20 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.130 |     0.082 |    0.022       1.5     0.14 |    1000 |     0.082 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.222 |     0.084 |    0.029       1.4     0.16 |     405 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:BC2DD-Dst2DPI0D2KSHHH-Beauty2Charm        |     0.222 |     0.072 |    0.020       1.3     0.16 |     405 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:BC2DD-Dst2DPI0D2KSHHH-Beauty2Charm |     0.172 |     0.068 |    0.017       1.3     0.16 |     405 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar2DD2KSHHHLLPIDPi0MergedBeauty2Charm |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.002       0.7     0.05 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar2DD2KSHHHLLPIDPi0MergedBeauty2Charm      |     0.000 |     0.142 |    0.047       0.7     0.18 |      11 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar2DD2KSHHHLLPIDPi0ResolvedBeauty2Char|     0.098 |     0.021 |    0.001       0.7     0.08 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar2DD2KSHHHLLPIDPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm    |     0.344 |     0.160 |    0.056       0.6     0.11 |      29 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar2DD2KSHHHDDPIDPi0MergedBeauty2Charm |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.002       0.7     0.04 |     405 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar2DD2KSHHHDDPIDPi0MergedBeauty2Charm      |     0.000 |     0.182 |    0.065       0.6     0.23 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar2DD2KSHHHDDPIDPi0ResolvedBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.001       0.7     0.08 |     405 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar2DD2KSHHHDDPIDPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm    |     0.000 |     0.214 |    0.044       0.6     0.17 |      20 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             BC2DD-Dst2DPI0D2KSHHH-Beauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139152,11 +139412,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm|     0.060 |     0.059 |    0.026       0.3     0.04 |    1000 |     0.060 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.009       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm|     0.040 |     0.048 |    0.022       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.024 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139169,10 +139429,10 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Char|     0.040 |     0.062 |    0.024       4.9     0.16 |    1000 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Char|     0.030 |     0.048 |    0.021       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.049 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Cha|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCu|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139186,10 +139446,10 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02HHPI0Beauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm|     0.030 |     0.061 |    0.026       0.9     0.05 |    1000 |     0.061 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.008       0.2     0.01 |     405 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm|     0.050 |     0.049 |    0.022       0.2     0.03 |    1000 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139203,21 +139463,21 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHD02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.110 |     0.114 |    0.025       8.6     0.32 |    1000 |     0.114 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmLine|     0.050 |     0.087 |    0.022       1.4     0.13 |    1000 |     0.087 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.020 |     0.016 |    0.005       7.8     0.25 |    1000 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.123 |     0.119 |    0.032       2.0     0.21 |     405 |     0.048 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:BC2DD-Dst2DPI0D2KSH-Beauty2Charm          |     0.098 |     0.103 |    0.022       2.0     0.20 |     405 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:BC2DD-Dst2DPI0D2KSH-Beauty2Charm   |     0.074 |     0.097 |    0.017       2.0     0.20 |     405 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar2DD2KSHLLPi0MergedBeauty2Charm      |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.002       1.2     0.07 |     405 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar2DD2KSHLLPi0MergedBeauty2Charm           |     0.000 |     0.183 |    0.051       1.1     0.31 |      11 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar2DD2KSHLLPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm    |     0.024 |     0.026 |    0.001       1.9     0.11 |     405 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar2DD2KSHLLPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.167 |    0.053       1.7     0.27 |      35 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar2DD2KSHDDPi0MergedBeauty2Charm      |     0.024 |     0.010 |    0.002       1.2     0.06 |     405 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar2DD2KSHDDPi0MergedBeauty2Charm           |     0.769 |     0.168 |    0.064       1.1     0.29 |      13 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar2DD2KSHDDPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm    |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.001       0.8     0.09 |     405 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar2DD2KSHDDPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.158 |    0.052       0.7     0.11 |      51 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.074 |     0.097 |    0.030       1.3     0.15 |     405 |     0.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:BC2DD-Dst2DPI0D2KSH-Beauty2Charm          |     0.074 |     0.085 |    0.020       1.3     0.15 |     405 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:BC2DD-Dst2DPI0D2KSH-Beauty2Charm   |     0.074 |     0.080 |    0.017       1.3     0.15 |     405 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar2DD2KSHLLPi0MergedBeauty2Charm      |     0.024 |     0.009 |    0.002       0.7     0.05 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar2DD2KSHLLPi0MergedBeauty2Charm           |     0.909 |     0.126 |    0.048       0.6     0.17 |      11 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar2DD2KSHLLPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm    |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.001       0.7     0.07 |     405 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar2DD2KSHLLPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.125 |    0.049       0.6     0.10 |      35 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar2DD2KSHDDPi0MergedBeauty2Charm      |     0.024 |     0.008 |    0.002       0.6     0.04 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar2DD2KSHDDPi0MergedBeauty2Charm           |     0.000 |     0.112 |    0.050       0.6     0.14 |      13 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar2DD2KSHDDPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm    |     0.024 |     0.029 |    0.001       0.6     0.08 |     405 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar2DD2KSHDDPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm         |     0.196 |     0.145 |    0.044       0.6     0.11 |      51 |     0.007 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             BC2DD-Dst2DPI0D2KSH-Beauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC2D|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HH|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139231,11 +139491,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02HHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.120 |     0.066 |    0.026       0.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.066 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.040 |     0.049 |    0.021       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.050 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.040 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.8     0.05 |    1000 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.024 |     0.012 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139248,11 +139508,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02KHHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmL|     0.050 |     0.060 |    0.025       0.5     0.04 |    1000 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmL|     0.080 |     0.050 |    0.022       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.051 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm|     0.049 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2Char|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCutB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2CharmCombCutB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139265,11 +139525,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02HHPI0Beauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.040 |     0.059 |    0.025       0.7     0.04 |    1000 |     0.059 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.6     0.02 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.008       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.040 |     0.049 |    0.021       0.2     0.03 |    1000 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.024 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139282,21 +139542,21 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstD0Dst2DPI0D2KSHD02KSHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2C|     0.130 |     0.098 |    0.024       4.3     0.30 |    1000 |     0.098 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2|     0.123 |     0.105 |    0.008       4.0     0.45 |     405 |     0.043 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCom|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.013       0.1     0.01 |      44 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:BC2DD-Dst02D0GammaD02KSHH-Beauty2Charm    |     0.325 |     0.195 |    0.015       3.3     0.52 |     246 |     0.048 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:BC2DD-Dst02D0GammaD02KSHH-Beauty2Ch|     0.284 |     0.164 |    0.011       2.7     0.43 |     246 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar02D0KsHHLLPIDBeauty2Charm           |     0.203 |     0.084 |    0.002       2.7     0.30 |     246 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar02D0KsHHLLPIDBeauty2Charm                |     1.290 |     0.364 |    0.097       2.5     0.45 |      31 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar02D0KsHHDDPIDBeauty2Charm           |     0.081 |     0.071 |    0.002       2.5     0.29 |     246 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar02D0KsHHDDPIDBeauty2Charm                |     0.400 |     0.462 |    0.138       2.3     0.52 |      25 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             BC2DD-Dst02D0GammaD02KSHH-Beauty2Charm          |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCom|     0.000 |     0.045 |    0.019       0.1     0.02 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2Charm   |     1.250 |     0.249 |    0.069       1.1     0.36 |       8 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2C|     0.100 |     0.082 |    0.022       4.3     0.26 |    1000 |     0.082 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2|     0.020 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2|     0.049 |     0.090 |    0.008       4.1     0.39 |     405 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCom|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.013       0.1     0.01 |      44 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:BC2DD-Dst02D0GammaD02KSHH-Beauty2Charm    |     0.121 |     0.159 |    0.014       3.4     0.43 |     246 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:BC2DD-Dst02D0GammaD02KSHH-Beauty2Ch|     0.121 |     0.129 |    0.010       2.5     0.32 |     246 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar02D0KsHHLLPIDBeauty2Charm           |     0.121 |     0.063 |    0.002       2.1     0.22 |     246 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar02D0KsHHLLPIDBeauty2Charm                |     0.322 |     0.248 |    0.108       0.8     0.17 |      31 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar02D0KsHHDDPIDBeauty2Charm           |     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.002       2.4     0.23 |     246 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar02D0KsHHDDPIDBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.354 |    0.120       1.0     0.30 |      25 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             BC2DD-Dst02D0GammaD02KSHH-Beauty2Charm          |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCom|     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.014       0.1     0.02 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2Charm   |     0.000 |     0.174 |    0.065       0.6     0.17 |       8 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2CharmTIS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2CharmB2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139306,15 +139566,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBe|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBe|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2C|     0.110 |     0.100 |    0.026      11.0     0.41 |    1000 |     0.101 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2|     0.148 |     0.113 |    0.008      10.7     0.63 |     405 |     0.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCom|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.014       0.1     0.01 |      44 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar02D0K3HPIDBeauty2Charm                      |     0.430 |     0.506 |    0.101       4.0     0.61 |      93 |     0.047 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCom|     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.033       0.1     0.01 |      11 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2Charm   |     0.000 |     0.189 |    0.073       0.7     0.21 |      11 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2C|     0.120 |     0.091 |    0.022      11.9     0.43 |    1000 |     0.092 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2|     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2|     0.123 |     0.112 |    0.008      11.6     0.66 |     405 |     0.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCom|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |      44 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dstar02D0K3HPIDBeauty2Charm                      |     0.752 |     0.454 |    0.087       3.6     0.54 |      93 |     0.042 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCom|     0.000 |     0.045 |    0.014       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2Charm   |     0.000 |     0.162 |    0.060       0.6     0.19 |      11 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2CharmTIS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2CharmB2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139324,20 +139584,20 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBe|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBe|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Charm|     0.030 |     0.068 |    0.024       4.3     0.16 |    1000 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.021       3.5     0.12 |    1000 |     0.057 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Char|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.008       4.0     0.22 |     405 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.013       0.1     0.01 |      44 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:BC2DD-Dst02D0PI0D02HH-Beauty2Charm        |     0.040 |     0.064 |    0.014       1.9     0.17 |     246 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:BC2DD-Dst02D0PI0D02HH-Beauty2Charm |     0.040 |     0.048 |    0.010       1.9     0.14 |     246 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar02D0D2HHPIDPi0MergedBeauty2Charm    |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.002       1.8     0.13 |     246 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar02D0D2HHPIDPi0MergedBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.047       1.7     0.28 |      32 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar02D0D2HHPIDPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |     246 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             BC2DD-Dst02D0PI0D02HH-Beauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.079 |    0.079       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     1.935 |    1.935       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.007       3.3     0.17 |     405 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |      44 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:BC2DD-Dst02D0PI0D02HH-Beauty2Charm        |     0.040 |     0.052 |    0.013       1.5     0.13 |     246 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:BC2DD-Dst02D0PI0D02HH-Beauty2Charm |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.010       0.7     0.07 |     246 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar02D0D2HHPIDPi0MergedBeauty2Charm    |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.002       0.7     0.07 |     246 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar02D0D2HHPIDPi0MergedBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.083 |    0.042       0.6     0.09 |      32 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar02D0D2HHPIDPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |     246 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             BC2DD-Dst02D0PI0D02HH-Beauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.094       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     1.163 |    1.163       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDT|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139347,21 +139607,21 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Cha|     0.090 |     0.082 |    0.025       3.4     0.19 |    1000 |     0.082 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Cha|     0.090 |     0.070 |    0.022       3.3     0.18 |    1000 |     0.071 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.030 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.098 |     0.068 |    0.008       3.3     0.27 |     405 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.013       0.1     0.01 |      44 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:BC2DD-Dst02D0PI0D02KHHH-Beauty2Charm      |     0.203 |     0.161 |    0.014       2.2     0.30 |     246 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:BC2DD-Dst02D0PI0D02KHHH-Beauty2Char|     0.203 |     0.151 |    0.010       1.7     0.28 |     246 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar02D0D2K3HPIDPi0MergedBeauty2Charm   |     0.081 |     0.030 |    0.002       1.1     0.10 |     246 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar02D0D2K3HPIDPi0MergedBeauty2Charm        |     0.000 |     0.116 |    0.046       1.0     0.18 |      28 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar02D0D2K3HPIDPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm |     0.121 |     0.110 |    0.001       1.5     0.23 |     246 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar02D0D2K3HPIDPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm      |     0.344 |     0.194 |    0.044       1.2     0.24 |      87 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             BC2DD-Dst02D0PI0D02KHHH-Beauty2Charm            |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.055       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     0.672 |    0.091       1.3     0.82 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.098 |     0.063 |    0.008       3.2     0.26 |     405 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.012       0.1     0.02 |      44 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:BC2DD-Dst02D0PI0D02KHHH-Beauty2Charm      |     0.081 |     0.142 |    0.013       2.0     0.27 |     246 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:BC2DD-Dst02D0PI0D02KHHH-Beauty2Char|     0.081 |     0.132 |    0.009       1.7     0.24 |     246 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar02D0D2K3HPIDPi0MergedBeauty2Charm   |     0.040 |     0.026 |    0.002       0.7     0.07 |     246 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar02D0D2K3HPIDPi0MergedBeauty2Charm        |     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.043       0.5     0.10 |      28 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar02D0D2K3HPIDPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm |     0.040 |     0.098 |    0.001       1.6     0.20 |     246 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar02D0D2K3HPIDPi0ResolvedBeauty2Charm      |     0.114 |     0.172 |    0.041       1.2     0.22 |      87 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             BC2DD-Dst02D0PI0D02KHHH-Beauty2Charm            |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.030       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     0.622 |    0.099       1.1     0.74 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2CharmTISTO|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139371,18 +139631,18 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Cha|     0.100 |     0.073 |    0.025       1.6     0.11 |    1000 |     0.074 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.074 |     0.046 |    0.008       1.4     0.13 |     405 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.014       0.1     0.01 |      44 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:BC2DD-Dst02D0PI0D02KSHH-Beauty2Charm      |     0.162 |     0.088 |    0.014       1.9     0.19 |     246 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:BC2DD-Dst02D0PI0D02KSHH-Beauty2Char|     0.121 |     0.081 |    0.010       1.9     0.19 |     246 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar02D0KsHHLLPIDPi0allBeauty2Charm     |     0.040 |     0.038 |    0.002       1.9     0.15 |     246 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar02D0KsHHLLPIDPi0allBeauty2Charm          |     0.000 |     0.182 |    0.052       1.7     0.30 |      29 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar02D0KsHHDDPIDPi0allBeauty2Charm     |     0.081 |     0.032 |    0.002       1.4     0.12 |     246 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar02D0KsHHDDPIDPi0allBeauty2Charm          |     0.400 |     0.199 |    0.043       1.1     0.23 |      25 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Cha|     0.120 |     0.063 |    0.021       0.9     0.10 |    1000 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.6     0.04 |    1000 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.098 |     0.040 |    0.007       0.8     0.11 |     405 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.013       0.1     0.01 |      44 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:BC2DD-Dst02D0PI0D02KSHH-Beauty2Charm      |     0.243 |     0.072 |    0.014       0.8     0.13 |     246 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:BC2DD-Dst02D0PI0D02KSHH-Beauty2Char|     0.243 |     0.067 |    0.010       0.8     0.13 |     246 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar02D0KsHHLLPIDPi0allBeauty2Charm     |     0.121 |     0.030 |    0.002       0.7     0.09 |     246 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar02D0KsHHLLPIDPi0allBeauty2Charm          |     0.344 |     0.132 |    0.049       0.6     0.11 |      29 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Dstar02D0KsHHDDPIDPi0allBeauty2Charm     |     0.121 |     0.028 |    0.002       0.8     0.10 |     246 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Dstar02D0KsHHDDPIDPi0allBeauty2Charm          |     0.800 |     0.169 |    0.044       0.7     0.16 |      25 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             BC2DD-Dst02D0PI0D02KSHH-Beauty2Charm            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139395,14 +139655,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Cha|     0.080 |     0.068 |    0.026       3.2     0.12 |    1000 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Cha|     0.030 |     0.054 |    0.023       1.3     0.07 |    1000 |     0.055 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.008       3.1     0.16 |     405 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.015       0.1     0.02 |      44 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.014       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     0.951 |    0.120       2.9     1.34 |       4 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.007       1.3     0.08 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |      44 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     0.463 |    0.113       1.1     0.47 |       4 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTO|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139412,14 +139672,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2Cha|     0.090 |     0.079 |    0.024       3.0     0.16 |    1000 |     0.079 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2Cha|     0.140 |     0.062 |    0.022       2.0     0.11 |    1000 |     0.062 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.6     0.02 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.098 |     0.057 |    0.009       2.8     0.23 |     405 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.144 |     0.031 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |      69 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.019       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     0.308 |    0.076       1.8     0.53 |      10 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.074 |     0.042 |    0.008       1.9     0.15 |     405 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.289 |     0.029 |    0.008       0.1     0.02 |      69 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     0.161 |    0.056       0.6     0.18 |      10 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2CharmTISTO|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2CharmB2CBB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139429,14 +139689,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2Cha|     0.080 |     0.073 |    0.024       3.0     0.14 |    1000 |     0.074 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.030 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.008       2.7     0.19 |     405 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      69 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     0.195 |    0.092       0.7     0.19 |      10 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2Cha|     0.050 |     0.063 |    0.022       2.3     0.12 |    1000 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.049 |     0.042 |    0.007       2.2     0.17 |     405 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      69 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.008       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     0.161 |    0.053       0.6     0.16 |      10 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2CharmTISTO|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139446,14 +139706,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.070 |     0.068 |    0.023       3.9     0.15 |    1000 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.040 |     0.053 |    0.021       1.5     0.06 |    1000 |     0.054 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.008       1.9     0.10 |     405 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      69 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.007       1.2     0.07 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      69 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC|     0.000 |     0.070 |    0.070       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     1.307 |    1.307       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.673 |    0.673       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBe|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139463,12 +139723,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Charm|     0.050 |     0.075 |    0.025       8.1     0.26 |    1000 |     0.075 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Charm|     0.040 |     0.055 |    0.022       1.1     0.06 |    1000 |     0.055 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.024 |     0.029 |    0.008       1.4     0.08 |     405 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.008       0.9     0.07 |     405 |     0.011 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.009       0.1     0.02 |      69 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      69 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139480,12 +139740,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Charm|     0.040 |     0.075 |    0.025       4.2     0.17 |    1000 |     0.076 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Charm|     0.020 |     0.057 |    0.022       2.8     0.10 |    1000 |     0.057 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.024 |     0.040 |    0.008       4.1     0.23 |     405 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.003       4.1     0.20 |     405 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.007       0.1     0.02 |      69 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.024 |     0.023 |    0.007       0.8     0.05 |     405 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      69 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139497,14 +139757,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Charm|     0.080 |     0.065 |    0.026       1.7     0.09 |    1000 |     0.065 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Charm|     0.030 |     0.058 |    0.023       4.1     0.14 |    1000 |     0.058 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Char|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Char|     0.049 |     0.028 |    0.008       1.6     0.12 |     405 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Cha|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.144 |     0.029 |    0.007       0.1     0.02 |      69 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.365 |    0.097       1.4     0.50 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Char|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.007       1.3     0.08 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      69 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.296 |    0.105       1.1     0.38 |       6 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDT|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139514,15 +139774,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2Cha|     0.130 |     0.084 |    0.024       3.7     0.16 |    1000 |     0.085 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.098 |     0.073 |    0.009       3.6     0.22 |     405 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.044 |     0.029 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     223 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.017       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2Charm     |     1.000 |     0.446 |    0.080       1.5     0.47 |      10 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2CharmTISTO|     0.000 |     1.921 |    1.921       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2Cha|     0.070 |     0.068 |    0.022       3.5     0.14 |    1000 |     0.069 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.074 |     0.059 |    0.008       3.4     0.19 |     405 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     223 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.012       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     0.304 |    0.067       0.7     0.26 |      10 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2CharmTISTO|     0.000 |     1.959 |    1.959       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2CharmB2CBB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139531,31 +139791,31 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeau|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2Cha|     0.130 |     0.137 |    0.026      17.5     0.67 |    1000 |     0.138 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.222 |     0.204 |    0.008      17.3     1.02 |     405 |     0.083 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.044 |     0.029 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     223 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.013       0.1     0.01 |      30 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2Charm     |     0.666 |     0.389 |    0.064       5.1     0.94 |      30 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2CharmTISTO|     0.000 |     2.991 |    1.512       4.5     2.09 |       2 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBB|     0.000 |     0.142 |    0.125       0.2     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.013       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeau|     0.000 |     0.486 |    0.280       0.7     0.29 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeau|     0.000 |     0.289 |    0.152       0.4     0.19 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeau|     0.000 |     0.308 |    0.168       0.4     0.20 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeau|     0.000 |     2.217 |    1.474       3.0     1.05 |       2 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeau|     0.000 |     0.476 |    0.414       0.5     0.09 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.060 |     0.079 |    0.024       2.0     0.11 |    1000 |     0.079 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2Cha|     0.060 |     0.112 |    0.021      19.4     0.66 |    1000 |     0.113 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.098 |     0.169 |    0.007      19.3     1.02 |     405 |     0.069 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     223 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombC|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      30 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2Charm     |     0.000 |     0.206 |    0.057       1.5     0.28 |      30 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2CharmTISTO|     0.000 |     2.986 |    0.692       5.3     3.24 |       2 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBB|     0.000 |     0.129 |    0.092       0.2     0.05 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeau|     0.000 |     0.406 |    0.161       0.7     0.35 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeau|     0.000 |     0.302 |    0.091       0.5     0.30 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeau|     0.000 |     0.292 |    0.088       0.5     0.29 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeau|     0.000 |     2.008 |    0.813       3.2     1.69 |       2 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeau|     0.000 |     0.361 |    0.197       0.5     0.23 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.130 |     0.065 |    0.021       1.9     0.10 |    1000 |     0.066 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.5     0.02 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.049 |     0.062 |    0.008       1.9     0.13 |     405 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     223 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.018       0.1     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Charm         |     2.000 |     0.476 |    0.064       1.4     0.57 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.148 |     0.053 |    0.007       1.8     0.13 |     405 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2|     0.134 |     0.025 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     223 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmCombCutBC|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.023       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Charm         |     2.000 |     0.430 |    0.080       1.2     0.50 |       5 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBe|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139565,14 +139825,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Charm|     0.100 |     0.083 |    0.025       1.6     0.12 |    1000 |     0.084 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Charm|     0.070 |     0.070 |    0.021       1.7     0.10 |    1000 |     0.071 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.123 |     0.074 |    0.008       1.5     0.14 |     405 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.134 |     0.028 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     223 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.019       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.376 |    0.091       0.7     0.40 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.024 |     0.064 |    0.007       1.6     0.13 |     405 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     223 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.022       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.747 |    0.086       1.4     0.93 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDT|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139582,12 +139842,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Charm|     0.080 |     0.071 |    0.025       0.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.071 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Charm|     0.080 |     0.059 |    0.021       0.5     0.05 |    1000 |     0.060 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.049 |     0.044 |    0.007       0.6     0.05 |     405 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     223 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.049 |     0.037 |    0.007       0.4     0.04 |     405 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     223 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139599,31 +139859,31 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Charm|     0.190 |     0.187 |    0.024      70.4     2.54 |    1000 |     0.188 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Charm|     0.120 |     0.165 |    0.022      73.5     2.48 |    1000 |     0.166 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Char|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.5     0.02 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Char|     0.345 |     0.329 |    0.008      70.2     3.98 |     405 |     0.133 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.089 |     0.028 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     223 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      22 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Charm       |     0.454 |     0.522 |    0.059       5.3     1.12 |      22 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS |    16.666 |    16.330 |    0.746      31.2    15.22 |       3 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDT|     0.000 |     0.178 |    0.096       0.2     0.07 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty|     6.666 |     1.289 |    0.239       2.1     0.95 |       3 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty|     3.333 |     2.818 |    0.110       7.0     3.66 |       3 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty|     3.333 |     0.956 |    0.070       1.8     0.89 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty|     6.666 |     8.778 |    0.497      14.7     7.38 |       3 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty|     0.000 |     1.173 |    0.318       1.7     0.74 |       3 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHH|     0.110 |     0.071 |    0.024       2.9     0.12 |    1000 |     0.072 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Char|     0.271 |     0.302 |    0.007      73.3     3.88 |     405 |     0.123 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     223 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmCombCut|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      22 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Charm       |     0.000 |     0.456 |    0.065       4.6     0.99 |      22 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS |    16.666 |    16.935 |    0.690      38.2    19.25 |       3 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDT|     0.000 |     0.162 |    0.083       0.3     0.10 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty|     3.333 |     1.184 |    0.099       2.4     1.17 |       3 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty|     0.000 |     1.024 |    0.069       2.0     0.99 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty|     0.000 |     1.000 |    0.122       1.9     0.90 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty|    10.000 |     7.611 |    0.475      14.9     7.21 |       3 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty|     0.000 |     1.014 |    0.187       1.8     0.80 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DDst0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHH|     0.030 |     0.052 |    0.022       2.8     0.09 |    1000 |     0.053 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSH|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSH|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.005       0.7     0.07 |    1000 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSH|     0.049 |     0.020 |    0.008       2.6     0.13 |     405 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KS|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.019       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.068       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2|    10.000 |     1.952 |    1.952       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSH|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSH|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.008       2.5     0.12 |     405 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KS|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.012       0.1     0.03 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.084       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     1.830 |    1.830       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139633,14 +139893,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSH|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHH|     0.070 |     0.059 |    0.024       1.5     0.07 |    1000 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHH|     0.040 |     0.050 |    0.021       1.5     0.06 |    1000 |     0.051 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHH|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHH|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHH|     0.024 |     0.018 |    0.008       1.2     0.08 |     405 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KH|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.015       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.045 |    0.024       0.1     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.500 |    0.144       0.7     0.31 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHH|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHH|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.007       1.2     0.08 |     405 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KH|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.016       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.025       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.444 |    0.132       0.7     0.28 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139650,14 +139910,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHH|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeau|     0.040 |     0.066 |    0.026       4.9     0.18 |    1000 |     0.066 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeau|     0.030 |     0.051 |    0.023       1.1     0.05 |    1000 |     0.051 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBea|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBea|     0.010 |     0.012 |    0.005       4.8     0.15 |    1000 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBea|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.008       1.6     0.12 |     405 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBe|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.014       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.021       0.1     0.05 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     1.115 |    0.821       1.4     0.42 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBea|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBea|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.007       0.8     0.06 |     405 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBe|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.010       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.059 |    0.024       0.1     0.05 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.430 |    0.189       0.7     0.34 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139667,14 +139927,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBea|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBe|     0.030 |     0.059 |    0.026       1.0     0.05 |    1000 |     0.059 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHB|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHB|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHB|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.008       0.9     0.04 |     405 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHH|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.015       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.694 |    0.694       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBe|     0.060 |     0.050 |    0.022       1.1     0.04 |    1000 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHB|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHB|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHB|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       1.0     0.05 |     405 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHH|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.758 |    0.758       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139684,12 +139944,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBe|     0.050 |     0.056 |    0.024       0.8     0.05 |    1000 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBe|     0.010 |     0.047 |    0.021       0.4     0.03 |    1000 |     0.047 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHB|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHB|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHB|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.008       0.7     0.04 |     405 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHB|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHB|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHH|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.010       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139701,31 +139961,31 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBe|     0.220 |     0.218 |    0.025     160.5     5.07 |    1000 |     0.219 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBe|     0.140 |     0.172 |    0.021     124.7     3.94 |    1000 |     0.172 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHB|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHB|     0.030 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHB|     0.395 |     0.410 |    0.008     160.2     7.96 |     405 |     0.166 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HH|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.014       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.013       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     1.761 |    0.813       2.7     1.34 |       2 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Ch|    60.000 |    71.434 |   71.434      71.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.071 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.471 |    0.471       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD|     0.000 |     4.127 |    4.127       4.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD|    10.000 |     3.760 |    3.760       3.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD|     0.000 |     3.715 |    3.715       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD|    50.000 |    50.581 |   50.581      50.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.051 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD|    10.000 |     4.574 |    4.574       4.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHB|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KS|     0.100 |     0.065 |    0.024       2.3     0.10 |    1000 |     0.066 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHB|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHB|     0.345 |     0.319 |    0.007     124.5     6.19 |     405 |     0.130 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HH|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.014       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Ch|    10.000 |     1.706 |    0.571       2.8     1.61 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Ch|    60.000 |    66.732 |   66.732      66.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.067 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.279 |    0.279       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD|     0.000 |     4.343 |    4.343       4.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD|    10.000 |     3.690 |    3.690       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD|     0.000 |     3.733 |    3.733       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD|    30.000 |    30.461 |   30.461      30.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD|    10.000 |     3.497 |    3.497       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHB|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KS|     0.070 |     0.052 |    0.022       0.8     0.05 |    1000 |     0.053 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.049 |     0.026 |    0.008       2.2     0.12 |     405 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |      19 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.451 |    0.118       1.9     0.70 |       6 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.049 |     0.017 |    0.008       0.8     0.05 |     405 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |      19 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.008       0.1     0.02 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.218 |    0.083       0.6     0.20 |       6 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139735,14 +139995,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGam
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KH|     0.040 |     0.066 |    0.026       5.1     0.17 |    1000 |     0.066 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KH|     0.060 |     0.050 |    0.022       0.8     0.05 |    1000 |     0.051 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.024 |     0.028 |    0.008       4.9     0.25 |     405 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      19 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.010       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     1.026 |    0.108       4.5     1.96 |       5 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.049 |     0.016 |    0.007       0.8     0.05 |     405 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.526 |     0.025 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      19 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.010       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.214 |    0.073       0.6     0.21 |       5 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139752,12 +140012,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGam
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBe|     0.060 |     0.058 |    0.024       0.6     0.04 |    1000 |     0.059 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHB|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHB|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHB|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HH|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      19 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBe|     0.050 |     0.048 |    0.022       0.4     0.03 |    1000 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHB|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHB|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHB|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HH|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      19 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139769,12 +140029,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGam
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHH|     0.050 |     0.059 |    0.024       0.8     0.05 |    1000 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHH|     0.040 |     0.048 |    0.022       0.4     0.03 |    1000 |     0.048 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHH|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHH|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHH|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KH|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.009       0.1     0.02 |      19 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHH|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHH|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KH|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      19 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139786,12 +140046,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGam
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHH|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHH|     0.060 |     0.059 |    0.025       0.6     0.04 |    1000 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHH|     0.040 |     0.049 |    0.022       0.6     0.04 |    1000 |     0.050 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSH|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSH|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSH|     0.024 |     0.013 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KS|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      19 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSH|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSH|     0.024 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KS|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2|     0.526 |     0.026 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      19 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139803,14 +140063,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGam
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSH|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HH|     0.060 |     0.059 |    0.024       1.5     0.07 |    1000 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HH|     0.020 |     0.049 |    0.021       0.9     0.05 |    1000 |     0.049 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02H|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02H|     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02H|     0.024 |     0.017 |    0.008       1.0     0.06 |     405 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      19 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     3.333 |     0.378 |    0.139       0.8     0.37 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02H|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02H|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.007       0.8     0.05 |     405 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      19 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.301 |    0.106       0.6     0.28 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139820,14 +140080,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGam
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHDst02D0GammaD02H|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02KS|     0.030 |     0.066 |    0.026       2.2     0.11 |    1000 |     0.067 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.020 |     0.010 |    0.005       2.0     0.06 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.009       1.8     0.11 |     405 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.2     0.01 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.015       0.1     0.03 |      22 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.092 |    0.030       0.2     0.09 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.885 |    0.256       1.5     0.89 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02KS|     0.050 |     0.052 |    0.021       1.6     0.07 |    1000 |     0.053 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.008       1.4     0.09 |     405 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.045 |    0.016       0.1     0.03 |      22 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.042       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.662 |    0.206       1.1     0.65 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139837,14 +140097,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PI
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02KH|     0.050 |     0.064 |    0.025       1.8     0.10 |    1000 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02KH|     0.080 |     0.054 |    0.021       1.3     0.08 |    1000 |     0.055 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.008       1.5     0.13 |     405 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.024 |     0.024 |    0.007       1.2     0.10 |     405 |     0.010 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.017       0.1     0.02 |      22 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.013       0.2     0.06 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.262 |    0.118       0.8     0.24 |       8 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.014       0.1     0.02 |      22 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.014       0.1     0.02 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.201 |    0.084       0.6     0.18 |       8 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139854,14 +140114,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PI
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBe|     0.020 |     0.060 |    0.023       3.8     0.12 |    1000 |     0.061 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHB|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHB|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHB|     0.024 |     0.021 |    0.008       3.2     0.16 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBe|     0.070 |     0.050 |    0.021       2.4     0.08 |    1000 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHB|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHB|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHB|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.007       2.1     0.10 |     405 |     0.007 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02HH|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.012       0.1     0.02 |      22 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.078 |    0.078       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Ch|    10.000 |     2.367 |    2.367       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.014       0.2     0.03 |      22 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.145 |    0.145       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     1.247 |    1.247       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139871,14 +140131,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PI
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHH|     0.050 |     0.060 |    0.024       1.4     0.07 |    1000 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHH|     0.020 |     0.049 |    0.020       2.0     0.07 |    1000 |     0.049 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHH|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHH|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHH|     0.049 |     0.018 |    0.009       0.9     0.05 |     405 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02KH|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.015       0.1     0.02 |      22 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.716 |    0.716       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHH|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHH|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.008       1.8     0.09 |     405 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02KH|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.025       0.1     0.02 |      22 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     1.645 |    1.645       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139888,12 +140148,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PI
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHH|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHH|     0.150 |     0.057 |    0.023       0.7     0.04 |    1000 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHH|     0.050 |     0.051 |    0.021       3.6     0.12 |    1000 |     0.051 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSH|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSH|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSH|     0.049 |     0.015 |    0.008       0.2     0.02 |     405 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSH|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       3.5     0.11 |    1000 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSH|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02KS|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2|     0.454 |     0.049 |    0.020       0.2     0.03 |      22 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.019       0.1     0.01 |      22 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139905,14 +140165,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PI
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSH|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02HH|     0.060 |     0.064 |    0.024       3.0     0.14 |    1000 |     0.065 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02H|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02H|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02H|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.008       2.8     0.17 |     405 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |      22 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.014       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     1.180 |    0.344       2.4     1.11 |       3 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02HH|     0.070 |     0.050 |    0.021       1.7     0.07 |    1000 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02H|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02H|     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02H|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.007       1.5     0.09 |     405 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.015       0.1     0.02 |      22 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.016       0.0     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.629 |    0.128       1.3     0.61 |       3 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139922,14 +140182,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PI
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KHHHDst02D0GammaD02H|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02|     0.080 |     0.065 |    0.025       2.6     0.11 |    1000 |     0.066 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD0|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD0|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD0|     0.049 |     0.026 |    0.009       2.0     0.14 |     405 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBea|     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.038       0.1     0.03 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBea|     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.022       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBea|     2.000 |     0.504 |    0.172       1.5     0.58 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02|     0.040 |     0.059 |    0.022       4.6     0.17 |    1000 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD0|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD0|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD0|     0.024 |     0.026 |    0.008       2.0     0.13 |     405 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBea|     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.030       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBea|     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.037       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBea|     0.000 |     0.345 |    0.125       1.1     0.44 |       5 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBea|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBea|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBea|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139939,14 +140199,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGam
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0Ga|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0Ga|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD0|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02|     0.060 |     0.067 |    0.025       4.4     0.16 |    1000 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02|     0.060 |     0.055 |    0.022       1.4     0.08 |    1000 |     0.055 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD0|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD0|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD0|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.008       1.0     0.07 |     405 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBea|     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.033       0.1     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBea|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.020       0.1     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBea|     0.000 |     0.239 |    0.115       0.8     0.25 |       6 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD0|     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD0|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.007       1.3     0.10 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBea|     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.031       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBea|     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.021       0.1     0.02 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBea|     0.000 |     0.459 |    0.133       1.1     0.37 |       6 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBea|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBea|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBea|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139956,14 +140216,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGam
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0Ga|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0Ga|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD0|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HH|     0.060 |     0.061 |    0.024       2.6     0.09 |    1000 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HH|     0.040 |     0.050 |    0.021       2.0     0.07 |    1000 |     0.051 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02H|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02H|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02H|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.008       2.4     0.12 |     405 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.033       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.065 |    0.065       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     1.856 |    1.856       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02H|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02H|     0.024 |     0.015 |    0.007       1.8     0.09 |     405 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.034       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.072       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     1.190 |    1.190       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139973,14 +140233,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGam
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02H|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KH|     0.020 |     0.061 |    0.025       1.9     0.08 |    1000 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KH|     0.050 |     0.049 |    0.022       1.5     0.05 |    1000 |     0.050 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02K|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02K|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02K|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.008       1.8     0.09 |     405 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.029       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.042       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     1.380 |    1.380       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02K|     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02K|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.007       1.4     0.07 |     405 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.032       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.038       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     1.073 |    1.073       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -139990,12 +140250,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGam
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02K|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KS|     0.040 |     0.057 |    0.024       0.4     0.04 |    1000 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KS|     0.030 |     0.048 |    0.022       0.4     0.03 |    1000 |     0.049 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02K|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02K|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02K|     0.024 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02K|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02K|     0.024 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.029       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.031       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140007,14 +140267,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGam
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02K|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02|     0.030 |     0.064 |    0.026       1.9     0.09 |    1000 |     0.064 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD0|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD0|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD0|     0.024 |     0.020 |    0.008       1.7     0.11 |     405 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.028       0.1     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeaut|     0.000 |     1.248 |    1.111       1.4     0.19 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02|     0.050 |     0.052 |    0.023       1.3     0.06 |    1000 |     0.053 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD0|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD0|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD0|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.007       1.0     0.07 |     405 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.045 |    0.031       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.558 |    0.523       0.6     0.05 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140024,14 +140284,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGam
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0Ga|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0Ga|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD0|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KS|     0.040 |     0.070 |    0.024       2.7     0.12 |    1000 |     0.070 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.009       2.6     0.16 |     405 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |      67 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.021       0.1     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.422 |    0.102       2.3     0.67 |      11 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KS|     0.060 |     0.057 |    0.021       1.9     0.08 |    1000 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.024 |     0.030 |    0.008       1.6     0.10 |     405 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |      67 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.010       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.246 |    0.073       1.0     0.29 |      11 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140041,48 +140301,48 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGam
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KH|     0.180 |     0.110 |    0.025      34.9     1.13 |    1000 |     0.111 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KH|     0.120 |     0.096 |    0.022      34.6     1.10 |    1000 |     0.097 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.246 |     0.143 |    0.008      34.6     1.76 |     405 |     0.058 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.012       0.1     0.02 |      67 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.740 |     0.028 |    0.006       0.1     0.02 |      27 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.740 |     0.284 |    0.098       2.7     0.51 |      27 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     5.000 |     6.715 |    1.868      11.6     6.86 |       2 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.147 |    0.093       0.2     0.08 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     0.654 |    0.274       1.0     0.54 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0Gamm|     5.000 |     0.497 |    0.139       0.9     0.51 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     0.427 |    0.114       0.7     0.44 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     3.392 |    1.122       5.7     3.21 |       2 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0Gamm|     5.000 |     0.564 |    0.321       0.8     0.34 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBe|     0.110 |     0.092 |    0.024      32.0     1.01 |    1000 |     0.093 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.123 |     0.127 |    0.007      34.4     1.72 |     405 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |      67 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.007       0.1     0.02 |      27 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.740 |     0.264 |    0.079       3.1     0.58 |      27 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     5.000 |     7.033 |    0.735      13.3     8.91 |       2 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.136 |    0.070       0.2     0.09 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     0.568 |    0.112       1.0     0.64 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     0.501 |    0.136       0.9     0.52 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     0.459 |    0.100       0.8     0.51 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0Gamm|     5.000 |     3.202 |    0.777       5.6     3.43 |       2 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     0.641 |    0.203       1.1     0.62 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBe|     0.100 |     0.082 |    0.022      32.4     1.03 |    1000 |     0.083 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHB|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHB|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHB|     0.098 |     0.102 |    0.008      31.8     1.58 |     405 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HH|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.010       0.1     0.02 |      67 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.018       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.724 |    0.156       1.2     0.51 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Ch|    10.000 |    12.185 |   12.185      12.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.249 |    0.249       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     1.424 |    1.424       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     0.896 |    0.896       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     0.762 |    0.762       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D|    10.000 |     5.539 |    5.539       5.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     0.744 |    0.744       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHB|     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHB|     0.074 |     0.099 |    0.007      32.3     1.60 |     405 |     0.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HH|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      67 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.021       0.1     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.627 |    0.115       1.0     0.45 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Ch|    10.000 |    12.598 |   12.598      12.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.281 |    0.281       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     1.043 |    1.043       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     0.760 |    0.760       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     0.852 |    0.852       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D|    10.000 |     6.012 |    6.012       6.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     0.657 |    0.657       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02HHB|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHH|     0.050 |     0.059 |    0.024       0.9     0.05 |    1000 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHH|     0.050 |     0.054 |    0.021       4.5     0.15 |    1000 |     0.054 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHH|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHH|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHH|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.008       0.8     0.05 |     405 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHH|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHH|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.007       0.8     0.05 |     405 |     0.008 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KH|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.010       0.1     0.02 |      67 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.020       0.0     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.393 |    0.150       0.6     0.34 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.013       0.1     0.01 |      67 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.019       0.0     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.370 |    0.131       0.6     0.34 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140092,12 +140352,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGam
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KHH|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHH|     0.070 |     0.061 |    0.026       0.4     0.05 |    1000 |     0.062 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSH|     0.020 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSH|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSH|     0.024 |     0.020 |    0.009       0.2     0.02 |     405 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KS|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.010       0.1     0.02 |      67 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHH|     0.050 |     0.049 |    0.021       0.4     0.03 |    1000 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSH|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSH|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSH|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.008       0.1     0.02 |     405 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KS|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      67 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140109,31 +140369,31 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGam
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0PI0D02KSH|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HH|     0.190 |     0.195 |    0.024     129.3     4.09 |    1000 |     0.195 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HH|     0.160 |     0.199 |    0.022     147.6     4.67 |    1000 |     0.200 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02H|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02H|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02H|     0.320 |     0.353 |    0.008     129.1     6.41 |     405 |     0.143 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02H|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02H|     0.395 |     0.389 |    0.007     147.4     7.33 |     405 |     0.158 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.149 |     0.033 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |      67 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      14 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.555 |    0.088       3.9     1.03 |      14 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|    70.000 |    71.543 |   71.543      71.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.072 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.447 |    0.447       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0Gamm|    10.000 |     3.652 |    3.652       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     3.465 |    3.465       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0Gamm|    10.000 |     4.121 |    4.121       4.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0Gamm|    30.000 |    29.262 |   29.262      29.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     4.133 |    4.133       4.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02H|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KSHH|     0.070 |     0.062 |    0.025       1.3     0.07 |    1000 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      67 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      14 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.714 |     0.470 |    0.081       4.4     1.13 |      14 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|    90.000 |    81.052 |   81.052      81.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.081 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.332 |    0.332       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.048       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0Gamm|    10.000 |     4.845 |    4.845       4.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     4.646 |    4.646       4.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0Gamm|    10.000 |     4.539 |    4.539       4.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0Gamm|    30.000 |    35.866 |   35.866      35.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0Gamm|    10.000 |     2.680 |    2.680       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DGammaD2HHHDst02D0GammaD02H|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KSHH|     0.050 |     0.052 |    0.023       1.2     0.06 |    1000 |     0.052 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KSH|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KSH|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KSH|     0.024 |     0.021 |    0.009       1.1     0.07 |     405 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KS|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.036       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.584 |    0.493       0.7     0.13 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KSH|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KSH|     0.049 |     0.017 |    0.008       0.9     0.06 |     405 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KS|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2|     0.500 |     0.032 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.039       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.442 |    0.388       0.5     0.08 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140143,14 +140403,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PI
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KSH|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KHHH|     0.080 |     0.065 |    0.024       2.1     0.10 |    1000 |     0.066 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KHHH|     0.030 |     0.051 |    0.021       1.3     0.06 |    1000 |     0.052 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KHH|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KHH|     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KHH|     0.074 |     0.027 |    0.008       1.8     0.12 |     405 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KH|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.020       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KHH|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KHH|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.007       1.0     0.08 |     405 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KH|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.015       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.025       0.1     0.02 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.419 |    0.105       1.4     0.47 |       7 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.268 |    0.106       0.6     0.19 |       7 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140160,14 +140420,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PI
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02KHH|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeau|     0.090 |     0.062 |    0.026       1.1     0.07 |    1000 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeau|     0.070 |     0.051 |    0.022       1.8     0.08 |    1000 |     0.052 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02HHBea|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02HHBea|     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02HHBea|     0.024 |     0.018 |    0.008       1.0     0.06 |     405 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02HHBe|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.013       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.019       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.565 |    0.276       0.9     0.41 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02HHBea|     0.030 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02HHBea|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.007       1.7     0.11 |     405 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02HHBe|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.013       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.055 |    0.036       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.550 |    0.262       0.8     0.41 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140177,14 +140437,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PI
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02HHBea|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBe|     0.040 |     0.062 |    0.025       1.3     0.06 |    1000 |     0.062 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHB|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHB|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHB|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.008       1.1     0.06 |     405 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KHHH|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.037       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.740 |    0.740       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBe|     0.070 |     0.051 |    0.022       1.0     0.04 |    1000 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHB|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHB|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHB|     0.024 |     0.014 |    0.008       0.8     0.04 |     405 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KHHH|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.500 |     0.032 |    0.014       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.047       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.548 |    0.548       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140194,12 +140454,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PI
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBe|     0.030 |     0.059 |    0.025       0.4     0.04 |    1000 |     0.059 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHB|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHB|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHB|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KSHH|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.018       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBe|     0.050 |     0.049 |    0.021       0.8     0.04 |    1000 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHB|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.7     0.02 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHB|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHB|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KSHH|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140211,31 +140471,31 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PI
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02HHBe|     0.070 |     0.080 |    0.025      16.4     0.53 |    1000 |     0.081 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02HHB|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02HHB|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.7     0.02 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02HHB|     0.049 |     0.066 |    0.008      16.3     0.82 |     405 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02HHBe|     0.050 |     0.068 |    0.021      17.3     0.55 |    1000 |     0.069 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02HHB|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02HHB|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02HHB|     0.074 |     0.058 |    0.007      17.2     0.85 |     405 |     0.024 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02HH|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.016       0.1     0.02 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.959 |    0.449       1.9     0.58 |       5 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     4.368 |    4.368       4.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.184 |    0.184       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD|     0.000 |     0.698 |    0.698       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD|     0.000 |     0.470 |    0.470       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD|     0.000 |     0.443 |    0.443       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD|     0.000 |     3.233 |    3.233       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD|     0.000 |     0.672 |    0.672       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02HHB|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02KS|     0.080 |     0.064 |    0.026       2.0     0.08 |    1000 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.013       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.283 |    0.102       0.6     0.22 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Ch|    10.000 |     4.842 |    4.842       4.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.200 |    0.200       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD|     0.000 |     0.721 |    0.721       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD|     0.000 |     0.530 |    0.530       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD|     0.000 |     0.522 |    0.522       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD|     0.000 |     3.253 |    3.253       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD|     0.000 |     0.534 |    0.534       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02HHDst02D0GammaD02HHB|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02KS|     0.030 |     0.050 |    0.021       1.0     0.05 |    1000 |     0.051 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.049 |     0.022 |    0.008       1.8     0.10 |     405 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.022       0.1     0.02 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.031       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     3.333 |     0.591 |    0.096       1.5     0.81 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.008       0.8     0.05 |     405 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.019       0.1     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.021       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.266 |    0.098       0.6     0.29 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140245,14 +140505,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PI
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02KH|     0.060 |     0.061 |    0.025       2.0     0.08 |    1000 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02KH|     0.040 |     0.050 |    0.021       1.2     0.05 |    1000 |     0.050 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.008       1.9     0.10 |     405 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.023       0.1     0.02 |      12 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.034       0.1     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.628 |    0.111       1.6     0.87 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.008       1.1     0.06 |     405 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.022       0.1     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.032       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.347 |    0.090       0.8     0.43 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140262,12 +140522,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PI
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBe|     0.100 |     0.065 |    0.025       0.8     0.08 |    1000 |     0.065 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02HHB|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02HHB|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02HHB|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02HH|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.022       0.1     0.02 |      12 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBe|     0.050 |     0.048 |    0.022       0.7     0.04 |    1000 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02HHB|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02HHB|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02HHB|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02HH|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.020       0.1     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140279,14 +140539,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PI
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02HHB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHH|     0.040 |     0.060 |    0.025       1.2     0.06 |    1000 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHH|     0.060 |     0.048 |    0.021       1.0     0.04 |    1000 |     0.048 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02KHH|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02KHH|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.7     0.02 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02KHH|     0.024 |     0.015 |    0.008       1.0     0.05 |     405 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02KHH|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02KHH|     0.024 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.9     0.04 |     405 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02KH|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.023       0.1     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.039       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.704 |    0.704       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.018       0.1     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.036       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.525 |    0.525       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140296,12 +140556,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PI
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02KHH|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHH|     0.030 |     0.059 |    0.024       0.4     0.04 |    1000 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHH|     0.020 |     0.048 |    0.021       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.049 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02KSH|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02KSH|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02KSH|     0.024 |     0.013 |    0.008       0.2     0.01 |     405 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02KS|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.021       0.1     0.02 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02KSH|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02KSH|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.2     0.01 |     405 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02KS|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.018       0.1     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140313,14 +140573,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PI
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0PI0D02KSH|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02HH|     0.080 |     0.068 |    0.024       1.2     0.09 |    1000 |     0.068 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02H|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02H|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02H|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.007       1.1     0.05 |     405 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.024       0.1     0.02 |      12 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.062       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.689 |    0.689       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02HH|     0.040 |     0.047 |    0.021       0.9     0.04 |    1000 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02H|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02H|     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02H|     0.024 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.8     0.04 |     405 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.019       0.1     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.021       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.527 |    0.527       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140330,11 +140590,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PI
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2D0PID02KSHHDst02D0GammaD02H|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KS|     0.070 |     0.061 |    0.025       0.5     0.04 |    1000 |     0.061 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KS|     0.070 |     0.054 |    0.021       3.2     0.11 |    1000 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140347,11 +140607,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KH|     0.070 |     0.057 |    0.025       0.3     0.04 |    1000 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KH|     0.030 |     0.047 |    0.021       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.047 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.024 |     0.011 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.024 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140364,11 +140624,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02K|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBe|     0.030 |     0.058 |    0.025       0.3     0.04 |    1000 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBe|     0.070 |     0.046 |    0.022       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.047 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHB|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHB|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHB|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.008       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HH|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHB|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHB|     0.024 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HH|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140381,11 +140641,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02HHB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHH|     0.090 |     0.058 |    0.025       0.3     0.04 |    1000 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHH|     0.040 |     0.048 |    0.022       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.049 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHH|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHH|     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHH|     0.024 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KH|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHH|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHH|     0.024 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KH|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140398,11 +140658,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KHH|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHH|     0.030 |     0.060 |    0.026       1.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.060 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSH|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSH|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.6     0.02 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSH|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KS|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHH|     0.070 |     0.047 |    0.021       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSH|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSH|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSH|     0.024 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KS|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140415,11 +140675,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0PI0D02KSH|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HH|     0.100 |     0.057 |    0.024       0.3     0.04 |    1000 |     0.057 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02H|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02H|     0.030 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02H|     0.024 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HH|     0.050 |     0.049 |    0.021       1.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02H|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02H|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02H|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140432,11 +140692,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0Gamm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHHHDst02D0GammaD02H|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHH|     0.070 |     0.059 |    0.025       0.8     0.04 |    1000 |     0.060 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSH|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSH|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.6     0.02 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSH|     0.024 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KS|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHH|     0.090 |     0.049 |    0.021       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSH|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSH|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSH|     0.024 |     0.010 |    0.008       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KS|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140449,11 +140709,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KSH|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHH|     0.050 |     0.058 |    0.025       0.3     0.04 |    1000 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHH|     0.060 |     0.051 |    0.021       3.6     0.12 |    1000 |     0.052 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHH|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHH|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHH|     0.024 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KH|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHH|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHH|     0.024 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KH|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140466,11 +140726,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02KHH|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeau|     0.030 |     0.061 |    0.025       0.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeau|     0.040 |     0.047 |    0.021       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.048 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBea|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBea|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBea|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBe|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBea|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBea|     0.024 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBe|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140483,11 +140743,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02HHBea|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBe|     0.030 |     0.058 |    0.025       0.3     0.04 |    1000 |     0.058 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHB|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHB|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHB|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHH|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBe|     0.050 |     0.047 |    0.021       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHB|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHB|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHB|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHH|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140500,11 +140760,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KHHHB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBe|     0.040 |     0.058 |    0.024       0.4     0.04 |    1000 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBe|     0.060 |     0.048 |    0.022       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.048 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHB|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHB|     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHB|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.008       0.2     0.01 |     405 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHH|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHB|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHB|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHH|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140517,10 +140777,10 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0PI0D02KSHHB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHBe|     0.060 |     0.064 |    0.025       0.8     0.08 |    1000 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHBe|     0.070 |     0.048 |    0.022       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.048 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHB|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHB|     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHB|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.3     0.02 |     405 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHB|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHB|     0.024 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HH|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140534,20 +140794,20 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2DstDst0Dst2DPI0D2KSHDst02D0GammaD02HHB|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.190 |     0.195 |    0.024      16.0     0.82 |    1000 |     0.195 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.160 |     0.159 |    0.020      10.5     0.66 |    1000 |     0.160 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.395 |     0.354 |    0.009      15.7     1.23 |     405 |     0.144 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KPITIGHTER1PIDBeauty2CharmFilter               |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |     102 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KPITIGHTER1PIDNARROWMWBeauty2CharmFilter       |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      75 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KPITIGHTER1PI|     0.270 |     0.029 |    0.007       0.1     0.02 |      37 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi_Xc_XibcInputsBeauty2CharmFilter               |     0.271 |     0.281 |    0.071       1.0     0.14 |     405 |     0.114 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K_Xc_XibcInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                |     0.172 |     0.154 |    0.023       0.9     0.11 |     405 |     0.063 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            P_Xc_XibcInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                |     0.049 |     0.110 |    0.018       0.4     0.07 |     404 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LooseLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                         |     0.550 |     0.575 |    0.076       6.8     0.72 |     400 |     0.230 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLooseLc2PKPiBea|     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.026       0.1     0.02 |      13 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.222 |    0.070       1.5     0.38 |      13 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.296 |     0.291 |    0.008      10.3     0.99 |     405 |     0.118 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KPITIGHTER1PIDBeauty2CharmFilter               |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     102 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KPITIGHTER1PIDNARROWMWBeauty2CharmFilter       |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      75 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KPITIGHTER1PI|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.006       0.1     0.02 |      37 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi_Xc_XibcInputsBeauty2CharmFilter               |     0.123 |     0.204 |    0.045       0.8     0.11 |     405 |     0.083 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K_Xc_XibcInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                |     0.197 |     0.136 |    0.021       0.6     0.09 |     405 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            P_Xc_XibcInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                |     0.049 |     0.096 |    0.017       0.4     0.06 |     404 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LooseLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                         |     0.575 |     0.489 |    0.059       5.5     0.63 |     400 |     0.196 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLooseLc2PKPiBea|     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.017       0.1     0.02 |      13 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.000 |     0.172 |    0.055       1.2     0.32 |      13 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140557,34 +140817,34 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xibc2LcD0D02KPiBea
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xibc2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xibc2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcD0D02KPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.100 |     0.083 |    0.025      14.3     0.46 |    1000 |     0.083 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.040 |     0.071 |    0.022      15.1     0.48 |    1000 |     0.071 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.098 |     0.075 |    0.008      14.1     0.72 |     405 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KPITIGHTER1|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.009       0.1     0.02 |      37 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLooseLc2PKPiB|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |      13 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi_Xb_XibcInputsBeauty2CharmFilter               |     0.096 |     0.072 |    0.030       0.2     0.04 |     104 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_Xb_XibcInp|     0.000 |     0.045 |    0.019       0.1     0.02 |      13 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.257 |    0.097       0.7     0.17 |      13 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |    10.000 |     3.695 |    3.695       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.154 |    0.154       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.685 |    0.685       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.466 |    0.466       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.433 |    0.433       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine   |    10.000 |     1.021 |    1.021       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.541 |    0.541       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2D0D0pD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.070 |     0.076 |    0.023       2.9     0.15 |    1000 |     0.076 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.024 |     0.070 |    0.007      14.9     0.75 |     405 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KPITIGHTER1|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.006       0.1     0.02 |      37 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLooseLc2PKPiB|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.010       0.1     0.02 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi_Xb_XibcInputsBeauty2CharmFilter               |     0.000 |     0.061 |    0.027       0.2     0.02 |     104 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_Xb_XibcInp|     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.012       0.1     0.02 |      13 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.206 |    0.070       0.5     0.14 |      13 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     0.000 |     4.322 |    4.322       4.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.168 |    0.168       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.579 |    0.579       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.484 |    0.484       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.485 |    0.485       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.997 |    0.997       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.516 |    0.516       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcD0PiD02KPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2D0D0pD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.050 |     0.069 |    0.021       5.3     0.21 |    1000 |     0.070 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2D0D0pD02KPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2D0D0pD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2D0D0pD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.098 |     0.061 |    0.008       2.7     0.21 |     405 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2D0D0pD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.049 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2D0D0pD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KPITIGHTER1P|     0.270 |     0.031 |    0.006       0.1     0.02 |      37 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            P_Xb_XibcInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                |     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.024       0.2     0.03 |      37 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2D0D0pD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutP_Xb_XibcInput|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.006       0.1     0.02 |      36 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2D0D0pD02KPiBeauty2Charm                     |     0.277 |     0.141 |    0.058       1.7     0.28 |      36 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2D0D0pD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2D0D0pD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.074 |     0.052 |    0.007       1.7     0.16 |     405 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2D0D0pD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2D0D0pD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KPITIGHTER1P|     0.270 |     0.031 |    0.009       0.1     0.02 |      37 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            P_Xb_XibcInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.019       0.1     0.02 |      37 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2D0D0pD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutP_Xb_XibcInput|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      36 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2D0D0pD02KPiBeauty2Charm                     |     0.277 |     0.100 |    0.051       1.0     0.16 |      36 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2D0D0pD02KPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2D0D0pD02KPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2D0D0pD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140594,70 +140854,70 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xibc2D0D0pD02KPiBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xibc2D0D0pD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xibc2D0D0pD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2D0D0pD02KPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.630 |     0.701 |    0.024       9.9     1.15 |    1000 |     0.702 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.660 |     0.579 |    0.019       8.0     0.95 |    1000 |     0.579 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     1.382 |     1.595 |    0.014       9.7     1.26 |     405 |     0.646 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLooseLc2PK|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |      63 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_Xb_Xibc|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.008       0.1     0.02 |      63 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                 |     0.158 |     0.374 |    0.071       4.5     0.60 |      63 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     2.000 |     1.845 |    0.608       3.9     1.32 |       5 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.085 |    0.066       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xibc2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.177 |    0.160       0.2     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xibc2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.075       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xibc2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.077       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xibc2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.333 |    0.284       0.4     0.07 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xibc2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.502 |    0.225       0.8     0.39 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     1.456 |     1.319 |    0.012       8.0     1.05 |     405 |     0.534 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLooseLc2PK|     0.158 |     0.030 |    0.010       0.1     0.02 |      63 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_Xb_Xibc|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      63 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                 |     0.317 |     0.265 |    0.057       1.1     0.25 |      63 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     4.000 |     1.537 |    0.602       3.5     1.17 |       5 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.055 |    0.054       0.1     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xibc2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.140 |    0.138       0.1     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xibc2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.103 |    0.100       0.1     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xibc2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.093 |    0.086       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xibc2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.272 |    0.215       0.3     0.08 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xibc2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.571 |    0.163       1.0     0.58 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcPiPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.130 |     0.118 |    0.024       7.1     0.35 |    1000 |     0.119 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.070 |     0.101 |    0.021       6.5     0.31 |    1000 |     0.102 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.098 |     0.154 |    0.011       7.0     0.50 |     405 |     0.063 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLooseLc2PKP|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |      63 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K_Xb_XibcInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                |     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.030       0.2     0.03 |      63 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_Xb_XibcIn|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.008       0.1     0.02 |      63 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_Xb_XibcI|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |      63 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.317 |     0.258 |    0.076       1.5     0.24 |      63 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     3.333 |     2.622 |    0.665       5.8     2.76 |       3 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.071       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.149 |    0.149       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.075 |    0.075       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.100 |    0.100       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.270 |    0.270       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.879 |    0.879       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.110 |     0.111 |    0.023       9.8     0.48 |    1000 |     0.112 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.074 |     0.137 |    0.010       6.3     0.45 |     405 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLooseLc2PKP|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      63 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K_Xb_XibcInputsBeauty2CharmFilter                |     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.025       0.1     0.02 |      63 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_Xb_XibcIn|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      63 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_Xb_XibcI|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      63 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.158 |     0.236 |    0.073       0.8     0.20 |      63 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     2.465 |    0.544       5.2     2.41 |       3 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.049       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.112 |    0.112       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.069       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.071       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.206 |    0.206       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.177 |    0.177       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcKPiOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.080 |     0.094 |    0.021      10.0     0.42 |    1000 |     0.094 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.123 |     0.148 |    0.010       9.7     0.73 |     405 |     0.060 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLooseLc2PKP|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |      63 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_Xb_XibcIn|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |      63 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_Xb_XibcI|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |      63 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.241 |    0.072       0.8     0.19 |      63 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     2.355 |    0.612       4.3     1.32 |       5 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.135 |    0.081       0.2     0.07 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xibc2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.291 |    0.187       0.4     0.09 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xibc2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.190 |    0.098       0.3     0.09 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xibc2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.199 |    0.104       0.3     0.10 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xibc2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     3.333 |     0.465 |    0.261       0.6     0.19 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xibc2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.289 |    0.189       0.4     0.10 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.098 |     0.125 |    0.010       9.8     0.64 |     405 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLooseLc2PKP|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |      63 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_Xb_XibcIn|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |      63 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_Xb_XibcI|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      63 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.158 |     0.222 |    0.064       0.7     0.18 |      63 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     1.861 |    0.596       4.6     1.59 |       5 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.072       0.1     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xibc2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.234 |    0.116       0.3     0.11 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xibc2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     3.333 |     0.182 |    0.091       0.2     0.08 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xibc2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.197 |    0.111       0.3     0.08 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xibc2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.395 |    0.238       0.5     0.14 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xibc2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.238 |    0.142       0.3     0.10 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcPiKOSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.600 |     0.620 |    0.023      28.8     2.02 |    1000 |     0.621 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine|     1.358 |     1.397 |    0.011      28.7     2.95 |     405 |     0.566 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LooseXic02PKKPiBeauty2Charm                      |     1.275 |     1.262 |    0.054      28.5     2.85 |     400 |     0.505 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LooseXiccp2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiPBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.276 |    0.069       1.7     0.41 |      16 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutLoose|     0.000 |     0.061 |    0.031       0.1     0.03 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PI|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.008       0.1     0.02 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2Charm            |     0.000 |     0.472 |    0.121       1.4     0.64 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.660 |     0.566 |    0.021      26.5     1.86 |    1000 |     0.567 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine|     1.506 |     1.287 |    0.009      26.5     2.73 |     405 |     0.521 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LooseXic02PKKPiBeauty2Charm                      |     1.400 |     1.177 |    0.056      26.3     2.66 |     400 |     0.471 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LooseXiccp2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiPBeauty2Charm         |     0.000 |     0.180 |    0.069       0.7     0.16 |      16 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutLoose|     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.012       0.1     0.03 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PI|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2Charm            |     0.000 |     0.269 |    0.109       0.7     0.28 |       4 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140667,34 +140927,34 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xibc02XiccpPiXiccp
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xibc02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xibc02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc02XiccpPiXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.410 |     0.400 |    0.022      12.3     0.97 |    1000 |     0.400 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.839 |     0.848 |    0.011      12.2     1.33 |     405 |     0.344 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LooseXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm                        |     0.575 |     0.566 |    0.055       8.5     0.85 |     400 |     0.227 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LooseXiccpp2XicPiXic2PKPiPBeauty2Charm           |     0.138 |     0.188 |    0.066       1.9     0.22 |      72 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLoose|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.010       0.1     0.02 |      32 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PI|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      32 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Charm            |     0.625 |     0.161 |    0.058       1.2     0.19 |      32 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS      |     0.000 |     1.020 |    1.020       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeaut|     0.000 |     0.177 |    0.177       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.350 |     0.354 |    0.021      11.1     0.86 |    1000 |     0.355 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.666 |     0.760 |    0.009      11.0     1.18 |     405 |     0.308 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LooseXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm                        |     0.500 |     0.521 |    0.048       8.9     0.80 |     400 |     0.209 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LooseXiccpp2XicPiXic2PKPiPBeauty2Charm           |     0.277 |     0.144 |    0.061       0.7     0.09 |      72 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLoose|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |      32 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PI|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      32 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Charm            |     0.312 |     0.127 |    0.050       0.6     0.10 |      32 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS      |     0.000 |     0.792 |    0.792       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeaut|     0.000 |     0.109 |    0.109       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xibc2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.535 |    0.535       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xibc2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Char|    10.000 |     0.325 |    0.325       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xibc2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.340 |    0.340       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xibc2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     1.052 |    1.052       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xibc2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     2.613 |    2.613       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.090 |     0.085 |    0.022       4.3     0.19 |    1000 |     0.086 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xibc2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.479 |    0.479       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xibc2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.306 |    0.306       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xibc2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.302 |    0.302       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xibc2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.940 |    0.940       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xibc2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Char|    10.000 |     2.764 |    2.764       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2XiccppPiXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.050 |     0.070 |    0.020       2.2     0.12 |    1000 |     0.070 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.020 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.074 |     0.075 |    0.010       4.0     0.26 |     405 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLooseLc2PKPiBe|     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |      63 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      63 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                     |     0.158 |     0.129 |    0.060       1.2     0.16 |      63 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |    10.000 |     1.957 |    1.881       2.0     0.11 |       2 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeq|     0.074 |     0.058 |    0.008       2.1     0.15 |     405 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLooseLc2PKPiBe|     0.158 |     0.032 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |      63 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      63 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                     |     0.000 |     0.097 |    0.054       0.6     0.07 |      63 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS               |     0.000 |     1.150 |    0.899       1.4     0.36 |       2 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xibc2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140703,15 +140963,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xibc2LcPiLc2PKPiBe
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xibc2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xibc2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcPiLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.050 |     0.078 |    0.023       2.6     0.13 |    1000 |     0.078 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.049 |     0.063 |    0.010       2.5     0.18 |     405 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLooseLc2PKPiBea|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.010       0.1     0.02 |      63 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      63 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.158 |     0.117 |    0.054       1.4     0.17 |      63 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     1.853 |    1.853       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.060 |     0.064 |    0.021       2.2     0.10 |    1000 |     0.065 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequ|     0.074 |     0.052 |    0.009       2.1     0.13 |     405 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilte|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLooseLc2PKPiBea|     0.158 |     0.031 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      63 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      63 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                      |     0.158 |     0.091 |    0.048       0.6     0.07 |      63 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                |     0.000 |     1.371 |    1.371       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xibc2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140720,14 +140980,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xibc2LcKLc2PKPiBea
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xibc2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xibc2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcKLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.110 |     0.077 |    0.022       1.4     0.11 |    1000 |     0.077 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.020 |     0.064 |    0.021       0.9     0.09 |    1000 |     0.064 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.024 |     0.063 |    0.010       1.3     0.13 |     405 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLooseXic2PKP|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.009       0.1     0.02 |      72 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.009       0.7     0.10 |     405 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLooseXic2PKP|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.008       0.1     0.02 |      72 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      72 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.123 |    0.057       1.0     0.14 |      72 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.048       0.6     0.07 |      72 |     0.007 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140737,14 +140997,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xibc2XicPiXic2PKPi
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xibc2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xibc2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2XicPiXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.080 |     0.063 |    0.022       1.9     0.09 |    1000 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.020 |     0.052 |    0.020       0.9     0.06 |    1000 |     0.053 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.049 |     0.031 |    0.009       1.7     0.11 |     405 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLooseXic0|     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.018       0.1     0.02 |      16 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTop|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      16 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2Charm                |     1.250 |     0.203 |    0.062       1.5     0.36 |      16 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.024 |     0.025 |    0.008       0.7     0.07 |     405 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLooseXic0|     0.625 |     0.037 |    0.017       0.1     0.02 |      16 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PIDTop|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      16 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.056       0.6     0.12 |      16 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140754,14 +141014,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xibc2Xic0PiXic02PK
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xibc2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xibc2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2Xic0PiXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc02XiccpMuXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.090 |     0.061 |    0.022       2.0     0.08 |    1000 |     0.061 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc02XiccpMuXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc02XiccpMuXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc02XiccpMuXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.010       1.8     0.10 |     405 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc02XiccpMuXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc02XiccpMuXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutLoose|     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.031       0.1     0.02 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc02XiccpMuXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInp|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.017       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc02XiccpMuXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2Charm            |     0.000 |     0.585 |    0.099       1.5     0.82 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc02XiccpMuXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.070 |     0.049 |    0.021       1.5     0.06 |    1000 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc02XiccpMuXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc02XiccpMuXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc02XiccpMuXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.049 |     0.017 |    0.008       1.3     0.07 |     405 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc02XiccpMuXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc02XiccpMuXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutLoose|     0.000 |     0.061 |    0.026       0.1     0.04 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc02XiccpMuXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInp|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.017       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc02XiccpMuXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2Charm            |     3.333 |     0.402 |    0.084       1.0     0.55 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc02XiccpMuXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc02XiccpMuXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc02XiccpMuXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140771,31 +141031,31 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xibc02XiccpMuXiccp
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xibc02XiccpMuXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xibc02XiccpMuXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc02XiccpMuXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2XiccppMuXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.100 |     0.090 |    0.022      15.5     0.54 |    1000 |     0.090 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2XiccppMuXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2XiccppMuXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       1.1     0.03 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2XiccppMuXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.123 |     0.091 |    0.010      15.3     0.84 |     405 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2XiccppMuXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppMuXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLoose|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |      32 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppMuXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInp|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppMuXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Charm            |     1.000 |     0.291 |    0.059       1.9     0.45 |      20 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppMuXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS      |     5.000 |     0.778 |    0.673       0.9     0.15 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppMuXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeaut|     0.000 |     0.453 |    0.102       0.8     0.50 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppMuXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xibc2XiccppMuXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.383 |    0.352       0.4     0.04 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xibc2XiccppMuXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.252 |    0.189       0.3     0.09 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xibc2XiccppMuXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.242 |    0.203       0.3     0.06 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xibc2XiccppMuXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Char|     5.000 |     1.967 |    1.769       2.2     0.28 |       2 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xibc2XiccppMuXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Char|     5.000 |     4.073 |    0.278       7.9     5.37 |       2 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2XiccppMuXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc02XiccpMuWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.070 |     0.061 |    0.024       2.6     0.10 |    1000 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2XiccppMuXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.070 |     0.068 |    0.021       9.7     0.36 |    1000 |     0.069 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2XiccppMuXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2XiccppMuXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.030 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2XiccppMuXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.024 |     0.065 |    0.008       9.6     0.55 |     405 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2XiccppMuXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppMuXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLoose|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.012       0.1     0.02 |      32 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppMuXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInp|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppMuXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Charm            |     0.000 |     0.176 |    0.051       1.1     0.23 |      20 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppMuXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS      |     0.000 |     0.790 |    0.634       0.9     0.22 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppMuXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeaut|     0.000 |     0.083 |    0.081       0.1     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppMuXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xibc2XiccppMuXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.336 |    0.311       0.4     0.04 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xibc2XiccppMuXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.271 |    0.217       0.3     0.08 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xibc2XiccppMuXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.249 |    0.204       0.3     0.06 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xibc2XiccppMuXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.903 |    0.827       1.0     0.11 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xibc2XiccppMuXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Char|     5.000 |     1.893 |    0.214       3.6     2.37 |       2 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2XiccppMuXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc02XiccpMuWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.060 |     0.049 |    0.020       0.9     0.05 |    1000 |     0.049 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc02XiccpMuWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc02XiccpMuWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc02XiccpMuWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.010       2.4     0.14 |     405 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc02XiccpMuWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc02XiccpMuWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.049 |     0.017 |    0.008       0.8     0.05 |     405 |     0.007 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc02XiccpMuWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc02XiccpMuWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutLoo|     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.023       0.1     0.03 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc02XiccpMuWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutMUI|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.017       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc02XiccpMuWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2Charm          |     0.000 |     0.975 |    0.069       2.1     1.01 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc02XiccpMuWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutLoo|     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.025       0.1     0.03 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc02XiccpMuWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmCombCutMUI|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.017       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc02XiccpMuWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2Charm          |     0.000 |     0.248 |    0.075       0.6     0.28 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc02XiccpMuWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc02XiccpMuWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBea|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc02XiccpMuWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140805,32 +141065,32 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xibc02XiccpMuWSXic
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xibc02XiccpMuWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xibc02XiccpMuWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc02XiccpMuWSXiccp2Xic0PiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2XiccppMuWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.050 |     0.070 |    0.023       5.0     0.18 |    1000 |     0.071 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2XiccppMuWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2XiccppMuWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.6     0.02 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2XiccppMuWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.009       4.9     0.26 |     405 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2XiccppMuWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.070 |     0.058 |    0.020       4.3     0.15 |    1000 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2XiccppMuWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.020 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2XiccppMuWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2XiccppMuWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.024 |     0.038 |    0.009       4.3     0.22 |     405 |     0.016 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2XiccppMuWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppMuWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLoo|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.010       0.1     0.02 |      32 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppMuWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmCombCutMUI|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppMuWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Charm          |     0.000 |     0.190 |    0.056       1.1     0.22 |      20 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppMuWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS    |     0.000 |     0.849 |    0.849       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppMuWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBea|     0.000 |     0.096 |    0.096       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppMuWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xibc2XiccppMuWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.243 |    0.243       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xibc2XiccppMuWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.149 |    0.149       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xibc2XiccppMuWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.127 |    0.127       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xibc2XiccppMuWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     1.110 |    1.110       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xibc2XiccppMuWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.255 |    0.255       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2XiccppMuWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.660 |     0.675 |    0.025      35.1     2.33 |    1000 |     0.675 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineF|     1.530 |     1.528 |    0.010      34.9     3.43 |     405 |     0.619 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LooseOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm                   |     1.425 |     1.403 |    0.057      34.7     3.35 |     400 |     0.561 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLooseO|     0.000 |     0.045 |    0.014       0.1     0.02 |      21 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PID|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      21 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     0.194 |    0.064       1.4     0.28 |      21 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppMuWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLoo|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.015       0.1     0.02 |      32 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppMuWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmCombCutMUI|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppMuWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Charm          |     0.000 |     0.154 |    0.053       0.6     0.12 |      20 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppMuWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS    |    10.000 |     0.933 |    0.933       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppMuWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBea|     0.000 |     0.134 |    0.134       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2XiccppMuWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xibc2XiccppMuWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.273 |    0.273       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xibc2XiccppMuWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.143 |    0.143       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xibc2XiccppMuWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.111 |    0.111       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xibc2XiccppMuWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.376 |    0.376       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xibc2XiccppMuWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.238 |    0.238       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2XiccppMuWSXiccpp2XicPiBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.620 |     0.616 |    0.021      34.2     2.13 |    1000 |     0.617 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineF|     1.358 |     1.407 |    0.009      34.1     3.15 |     405 |     0.570 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LooseOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm                   |     1.325 |     1.302 |    0.056      34.0     3.10 |     400 |     0.521 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLooseO|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |      21 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPi_PID|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      21 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     0.124 |    0.060       0.6     0.12 |      21 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140840,14 +141100,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X2Omegac0PiOmegac0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2Omegac0PiOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.090 |     0.069 |    0.023       0.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.070 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.024 |     0.032 |    0.009       0.8     0.08 |     405 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLooseOm|     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |      21 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTo|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      21 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm              |     0.476 |     0.122 |    0.054       0.6     0.12 |      21 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.060 |     0.058 |    0.021       0.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLinePr|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineHl|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineFi|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.009       0.7     0.07 |     405 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineV|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLooseOm|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |      21 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PIDTo|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      21 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm              |     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.053       0.5     0.10 |      21 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140857,14 +141117,14 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X2Omegac0KOmegac02
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2Omegac0KOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLinePo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2Omegac0KOSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.060 |     0.065 |    0.024       0.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.066 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2Omegac0KOSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2Omegac0KOSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2Omegac0KOSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.024 |     0.031 |    0.010       0.8     0.08 |     405 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2Omegac0KOSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2Omegac0KOSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLoose|     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.012       0.1     0.02 |      21 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2Omegac0KOSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PID|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      21 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2Omegac0KOSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm            |     0.000 |     0.135 |    0.054       0.7     0.13 |      21 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingX2Omegac0KOSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.040 |     0.056 |    0.020       0.8     0.08 |    1000 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2Omegac0KOSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2Omegac0KOSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2Omegac0KOSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.009       0.7     0.09 |     405 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingX2Omegac0KOSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2Omegac0KOSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLoose|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.018       0.1     0.01 |      21 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2Omegac0KOSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutK_PID|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      21 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2Omegac0KOSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm            |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.051       0.6     0.12 |      21 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2Omegac0KOSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2Omegac0KOSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeaut|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2Omegac0KOSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140874,15 +141134,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_X2Omegac0KOSOmegac
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_X2Omegac0KOSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_X2Omegac0KOSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingX2Omegac0KOSOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2LcD0MuD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.080 |     0.065 |    0.023       1.8     0.09 |    1000 |     0.065 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2LcD0MuD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.050 |     0.053 |    0.021       1.1     0.07 |    1000 |     0.053 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcD0MuD02KPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcD0MuD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcD0MuD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.074 |     0.031 |    0.009       1.7     0.11 |     405 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2LcD0MuD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0MuD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KPITIGHTER1|     0.270 |     0.032 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      37 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0MuD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLooseLc2PKPiB|     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.014       0.1     0.02 |      13 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0MuD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0MuD02KPiBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.249 |    0.083       1.4     0.39 |      10 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcD0MuD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcD0MuD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.008       1.0     0.08 |     405 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2LcD0MuD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0MuD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KPITIGHTER1|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.009       0.1     0.02 |      37 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0MuD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLooseLc2PKPiB|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.010       0.1     0.02 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0MuD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0MuD02KPiBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.198 |    0.076       0.8     0.22 |      10 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0MuD02KPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0MuD02KPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0MuD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140892,35 +141152,35 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xibc2LcD0MuD02KPiB
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xibc2LcD0MuD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xibc2LcD0MuD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcD0MuD02KPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2LcD0MuWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.110 |     0.068 |    0.022       5.8     0.21 |    1000 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2LcD0MuWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.050 |     0.059 |    0.021       8.3     0.27 |    1000 |     0.059 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcD0MuWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcD0MuWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcD0MuWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.049 |     0.043 |    0.008       5.7     0.31 |     405 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2LcD0MuWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0MuWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KPITIGHTE|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.006       0.1     0.02 |      37 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0MuWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLooseLc2PKP|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |      13 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0MuWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0MuWSD02KPiBeauty2Charm                  |     1.000 |     0.362 |    0.078       2.3     0.69 |      10 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0MuWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     1.738 |    1.738       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0MuWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.098 |    0.098       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0MuWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xibc2LcD0MuWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.306 |    0.306       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xibc2LcD0MuWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.220 |    0.220       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xibc2LcD0MuWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.239 |    0.239       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xibc2LcD0MuWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.685 |    0.685       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xibc2LcD0MuWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.359 |    0.359       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcD0MuWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcD0MuWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.049 |     0.042 |    0.007       8.2     0.41 |     405 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2LcD0MuWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0MuWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KPITIGHTE|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |      37 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0MuWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLooseLc2PKP|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.009       0.1     0.03 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0MuWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0MuWSD02KPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.183 |    0.069       0.5     0.15 |      10 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0MuWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |    10.000 |     2.619 |    2.619       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0MuWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.131 |    0.131       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcD0MuWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xibc2LcD0MuWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.375 |    0.375       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xibc2LcD0MuWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.340 |    0.340       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xibc2LcD0MuWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.306 |    0.306       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xibc2LcD0MuWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     1.040 |    1.040       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xibc2LcD0MuWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.432 |    0.432       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcD0MuWSD02KPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2LcDMuD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.260 |     0.164 |    0.024       3.1     0.30 |    1000 |     0.165 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2LcDMuD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.080 |     0.143 |    0.020       3.1     0.26 |    1000 |     0.143 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcDMuD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcDMuD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcDMuD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.469 |     0.280 |    0.009       2.8     0.38 |     405 |     0.114 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2LcDMuD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHHPIDTIGHTPIBeauty2CharmFilter                |     0.125 |     0.024 |    0.008       0.8     0.05 |     240 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dplus2HHHCFBeauty2CharmFilter                    |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     234 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcDMuD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDplus2HHHCFBe|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.010       0.1     0.02 |      85 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcDMuD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLooseLc2PKPiB|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      36 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcDMuD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      28 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcDMuD2KPiPiBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.161 |    0.073       1.5     0.27 |      28 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcDMuD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcDMuD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.098 |     0.236 |    0.007       2.8     0.32 |     405 |     0.096 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2LcDMuD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHHPIDTIGHTPIBeauty2CharmFilter                |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     240 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dplus2HHHCFBeauty2CharmFilter                    |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     234 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcDMuD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDplus2HHHCFBe|     0.117 |     0.025 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      85 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcDMuD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLooseLc2PKPiB|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.008       0.1     0.02 |      36 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcDMuD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBeaut|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      28 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcDMuD2KPiPiBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.147 |    0.073       1.2     0.21 |      28 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcDMuD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcDMuD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcDMuD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140930,47 +141190,47 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xibc2LcDMuD2KPiPiB
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xibc2LcDMuD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xibc2LcDMuD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcDMuD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.100 |     0.074 |    0.024       4.2     0.16 |    1000 |     0.074 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.123 |     0.055 |    0.008       4.1     0.23 |     405 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDplus2HHHCF|     0.235 |     0.036 |    0.012       0.1     0.02 |      85 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLooseLc2PKP|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      36 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      28 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.144 |    0.066       1.1     0.19 |      28 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     0.930 |    0.930       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.091 |    0.091       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.146 |    0.146       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.170 |    0.170       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.129 |    0.129       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.393 |    0.393       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.198 |    0.198       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.050 |     0.065 |    0.021       5.9     0.20 |    1000 |     0.065 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.074 |     0.053 |    0.008       5.8     0.30 |     405 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmCombCutDplus2HHHCF|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      85 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLooseLc2PKP|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      36 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmCombCutMUInputsBea|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      28 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.116 |    0.064       0.6     0.10 |      28 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |    10.000 |     1.459 |    1.459       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.107 |    0.107       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.244 |    0.244       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.174 |    0.174       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.193 |    0.193       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.578 |    0.578       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.246 |    0.246       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibc2LcDMuWSD2KPiPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBsPhiRhoLine                              |     0.550 |     0.609 |    0.025      25.1     1.42 |    1000 |     0.609 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBsPhiRhoLine                              |     0.470 |     0.526 |    0.022      25.1     1.23 |    1000 |     0.527 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBsPhiRhoLinePreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBsPhiRhoLineHlt1Filter                   |     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBsPhiRhoLineHlt2Filter                   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBsPhiRhoLineFilterSequence               |     1.552 |     1.691 |    0.157      24.9     2.03 |     322 |     0.545 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackListBsPhiRho                                |     0.093 |     0.061 |    0.023       0.2     0.03 |     322 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DiTracksForCharmlessBBsPhiRho                    |     0.155 |     0.200 |    0.039       1.5     0.15 |     322 |     0.065 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdTightPhi2KK_Particles           |     0.954 |     1.030 |    0.129      28.5     1.40 |     974 |     1.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KKTracksForCharmlessBBsPhiRho                    |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      62 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BsPhiRhoLine                                     |     0.172 |     0.123 |    0.038       1.5     0.22 |      58 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_BsPhiRhoLine                        |     0.000 |     1.023 |    1.023       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_BsPhiRhoLine                        |     0.000 |     0.959 |    0.959       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_BsPhiRhoLine                        |     0.000 |     1.038 |    1.038       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_BsPhiRhoLine                        |     0.000 |     1.085 |    1.085       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_BsPhiRhoLine                        |     0.000 |     0.263 |    0.263       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBsPhiRhoLinePostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXb2ppphLine                               |     0.630 |     0.701 |    0.025       9.7     0.48 |    1000 |     0.701 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBsPhiRhoLineHlt1Filter                   |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBsPhiRhoLineHlt2Filter                   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBsPhiRhoLineFilterSequence               |     1.304 |     1.476 |    0.151      25.0     1.76 |     322 |     0.476 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackListBsPhiRho                                |     0.031 |     0.050 |    0.024       0.2     0.02 |     322 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DiTracksForCharmlessBBsPhiRho                    |     0.093 |     0.172 |    0.037       1.0     0.11 |     322 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdTightPhi2KK_Particles           |     0.913 |     0.878 |    0.133      17.3     0.94 |     974 |     0.856 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KKTracksForCharmlessBBsPhiRho                    |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      62 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BsPhiRhoLine                                     |     0.172 |     0.089 |    0.037       1.1     0.14 |      58 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_BsPhiRhoLine                        |     0.000 |     1.254 |    1.254       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_BsPhiRhoLine                        |     0.000 |     1.329 |    1.329       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_BsPhiRhoLine                        |     0.000 |     1.124 |    1.124       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_BsPhiRhoLine                        |    10.000 |     1.221 |    1.221       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_BsPhiRhoLine                        |     0.000 |     0.257 |    0.257       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBsPhiRhoLinePostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXb2ppphLine                               |     0.610 |     0.578 |    0.021       6.2     0.34 |    1000 |     0.578 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXb2ppphLinePreScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXb2ppphLineFilterSequence                |     0.600 |     0.657 |    0.004       9.7     0.47 |    1000 |     0.657 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseANNProtons_Particles       |     0.225 |     0.305 |    0.066       9.3     0.32 |     974 |     0.298 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtonsForXb23ph                                 |     0.021 |     0.040 |    0.012       1.0     0.04 |     938 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForXb23ph                                   |     0.052 |     0.058 |    0.009       0.2     0.03 |     769 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xb2ppphLine                                      |     0.143 |     0.109 |    0.046       2.5     0.11 |     769 |     0.085 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXb2ppphLineFilterSequence                |     0.580 |     0.540 |    0.004       6.1     0.34 |    1000 |     0.541 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseANNProtons_Particles       |     0.195 |     0.246 |    0.048       5.8     0.21 |     974 |     0.240 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtonsForXb23ph                                 |     0.021 |     0.035 |    0.010       0.6     0.03 |     938 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForXb23ph                                   |     0.104 |     0.049 |    0.010       0.2     0.03 |     769 |     0.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xb2ppphLine                                      |     0.078 |     0.088 |    0.041       1.8     0.07 |     769 |     0.068 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xb2ppphLine                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xb2ppphLine                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xb2ppphLine                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140981,10 +141241,10 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Xb2ppphLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Xb2ppphLine                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Xb2ppphLine                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXb2ppphLinePostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB24pB24pLine                              |     0.290 |     0.270 |    0.027       1.5     0.14 |    1000 |     0.271 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB24pB24pLine                              |     0.230 |     0.223 |    0.023       3.3     0.16 |    1000 |     0.223 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB24pB24pLinePreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB24pB24pLineFilterSequence               |     0.210 |     0.206 |    0.002       1.4     0.13 |    1000 |     0.207 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B24pB24pLine                                     |     0.140 |     0.155 |    0.086       1.2     0.06 |     928 |     0.144 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB24pB24pLineFilterSequence               |     0.190 |     0.180 |    0.002       3.3     0.15 |    1000 |     0.180 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B24pB24pLine                                     |     0.150 |     0.130 |    0.067       1.1     0.06 |     928 |     0.121 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B24pB24pLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B24pB24pLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B24pB24pLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -140994,23 +141254,23 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B24pB24pLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_B24pB24pLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_B24pB24pLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB24pB24pLinePostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB24pB2JpsiKpiLine                         |     0.390 |     0.470 |    0.023      66.8     2.14 |    1000 |     0.470 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB24pB2JpsiKpiLine                         |     0.400 |     0.402 |    0.021      52.8     1.70 |    1000 |     0.403 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB24pB2JpsiKpiLinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB24pB2JpsiKpiLineFilterSequence          |     0.350 |     0.416 |    0.002      66.5     2.13 |    1000 |     0.416 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B24pB2JpsiKpiLine                                |     0.204 |     0.268 |    0.121       7.1     0.26 |     927 |     0.249 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B24pB2JpsiKpiLine                   |     0.000 |     2.475 |    2.475       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B24pB2JpsiKpiLine                   |     0.000 |     2.361 |    2.361       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B24pB2JpsiKpiLine                   |     0.000 |     2.186 |    2.186       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B24pB2JpsiKpiLine                   |    30.000 |    29.894 |   29.894      29.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B24pB2JpsiKpiLine                   |    10.000 |    10.417 |   10.417      10.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B24pB2JpsiKpiLine                   |     0.000 |     2.648 |    2.648       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_B24pB2JpsiKpiLine                   |     0.000 |     6.150 |    6.150       6.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_B24pB2JpsiKpiLine                   |     0.000 |     2.514 |    2.514       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB24pB2JpsiKpiLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB24pB2PhiKhLine                           |     0.320 |     0.301 |    0.024       9.8     0.34 |    1000 |     0.301 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB24pB2JpsiKpiLineFilterSequence          |     0.350 |     0.360 |    0.002      52.6     1.69 |    1000 |     0.361 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B24pB2JpsiKpiLine                                |     0.237 |     0.236 |    0.104       6.1     0.22 |     927 |     0.219 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B24pB2JpsiKpiLine                   |     0.000 |     2.191 |    2.191       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B24pB2JpsiKpiLine                   |     0.000 |     2.058 |    2.058       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B24pB2JpsiKpiLine                   |     0.000 |     2.080 |    2.080       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B24pB2JpsiKpiLine                   |    30.000 |    26.727 |   26.727      26.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B24pB2JpsiKpiLine                   |    10.000 |     9.638 |    9.638       9.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B24pB2JpsiKpiLine                   |     0.000 |     1.820 |    1.820       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_B24pB2JpsiKpiLine                   |    10.000 |     2.554 |    2.554       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_B24pB2JpsiKpiLine                   |     0.000 |     0.893 |    0.893       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB24pB2JpsiKpiLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB24pB2PhiKhLine                           |     0.310 |     0.250 |    0.021       1.3     0.12 |    1000 |     0.251 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB24pB2PhiKhLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB24pB2PhiKhLineFilterSequence            |     0.280 |     0.247 |    0.002       9.5     0.33 |    1000 |     0.247 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B24pB2PhiKhLine                                  |     0.244 |     0.214 |    0.086       9.0     0.32 |     941 |     0.201 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB24pB2PhiKhLineFilterSequence            |     0.260 |     0.210 |    0.001       1.3     0.11 |    1000 |     0.210 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B24pB2PhiKhLine                                  |     0.233 |     0.180 |    0.074       1.3     0.09 |     941 |     0.170 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B24pB2PhiKhLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B24pB2PhiKhLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B24pB2PhiKhLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -141020,10 +141280,10 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B24pB2PhiKhLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_B24pB2PhiKhLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_B24pB2PhiKhLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB24pB2PhiKhLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBLVLa2KmuLine                             |     0.150 |     0.177 |    0.022       1.5     0.14 |    1000 |     0.178 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBLVLa2KmuLine                             |     0.190 |     0.152 |    0.020       0.8     0.11 |    1000 |     0.152 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVLa2KmuLinePreScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVLa2KmuLineFilterSequence              |     0.110 |     0.127 |    0.002       1.5     0.14 |    1000 |     0.128 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BLVLa2KmuLine                                    |     0.189 |     0.183 |    0.110       1.4     0.09 |     529 |     0.097 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVLa2KmuLineFilterSequence              |     0.130 |     0.111 |    0.002       0.8     0.11 |    1000 |     0.112 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BLVLa2KmuLine                                    |     0.245 |     0.159 |    0.099       0.7     0.05 |     529 |     0.084 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_BLVLa2KmuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_BLVLa2KmuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_BLVLa2KmuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -141033,23 +141293,23 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_BLVLa2KmuLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_BLVLa2KmuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_BLVLa2KmuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVLa2KmuLinePostScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBLVLb2KmuLine                             |     0.190 |     0.177 |    0.020       7.4     0.35 |    1000 |     0.178 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVLb2KmuLinePreScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVLb2KmuLineFilterSequence              |     0.140 |     0.135 |    0.002       7.2     0.34 |    1000 |     0.136 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BLVLb2KmuLine                                    |     0.207 |     0.192 |    0.098       7.1     0.33 |     529 |     0.102 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_BLVLb2KmuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.309 |    0.309       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_BLVLb2KmuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.250 |    0.250       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_BLVLb2KmuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.278 |    0.278       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_BLVLb2KmuLine                       |     0.000 |     2.805 |    2.805       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_BLVLb2KmuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.690 |    0.690       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_BLVLb2KmuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.314 |    0.314       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_BLVLb2KmuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.607 |    0.607       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_BLVLb2KmuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.223 |    0.223       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVLb2KmuLinePostScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBLVXib2KhmuLine                           |     0.170 |     0.204 |    0.021       2.0     0.19 |    1000 |     0.205 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVXib2KhmuLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVXib2KhmuLineFilterSequence            |     0.120 |     0.160 |    0.002       1.8     0.18 |    1000 |     0.161 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BLVXib2KhmuLine                                  |     0.226 |     0.247 |    0.121       1.6     0.12 |     529 |     0.131 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBLVLb2KmuLine                             |     0.190 |     0.141 |    0.018       6.0     0.21 |    1000 |     0.141 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVLb2KmuLinePreScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVLb2KmuLineFilterSequence              |     0.140 |     0.107 |    0.002       6.0     0.21 |    1000 |     0.107 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BLVLb2KmuLine                                    |     0.151 |     0.144 |    0.091       0.7     0.04 |     529 |     0.076 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_BLVLb2KmuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.275 |    0.275       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_BLVLb2KmuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.255 |    0.255       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_BLVLb2KmuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.282 |    0.282       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_BLVLb2KmuLine                       |     0.000 |     2.463 |    2.463       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_BLVLb2KmuLine                       |    10.000 |     0.671 |    0.671       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_BLVLb2KmuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.328 |    0.328       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_BLVLb2KmuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.536 |    0.536       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_BLVLb2KmuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.183 |    0.183       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVLb2KmuLinePostScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBLVXib2KhmuLine                           |     0.140 |     0.185 |    0.018       1.2     0.17 |    1000 |     0.186 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVXib2KhmuLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVXib2KhmuLineFilterSequence            |     0.110 |     0.149 |    0.002       1.2     0.17 |    1000 |     0.150 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BLVXib2KhmuLine                                  |     0.207 |     0.233 |    0.114       1.2     0.12 |     529 |     0.123 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_BLVXib2KhmuLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_BLVXib2KhmuLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_BLVXib2KhmuLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -141059,10 +141319,10 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_BLVXib2KhmuLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_BLVXib2KhmuLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_BLVXib2KhmuLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVXib2KhmuLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBLVB2KhhLine                              |     0.290 |     0.284 |    0.020       2.3     0.16 |    1000 |     0.285 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBLVB2KhhLine                              |     0.260 |     0.263 |    0.019       5.9     0.26 |    1000 |     0.264 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVB2KhhLinePreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVB2KhhLineFilterSequence               |     0.270 |     0.241 |    0.002       2.1     0.14 |    1000 |     0.242 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BLVB2KhhLine                                     |     0.244 |     0.208 |    0.088       1.7     0.12 |     941 |     0.197 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVB2KhhLineFilterSequence               |     0.230 |     0.221 |    0.001       5.8     0.21 |    1000 |     0.221 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BLVB2KhhLine                                     |     0.148 |     0.192 |    0.085       5.6     0.20 |     941 |     0.181 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_BLVB2KhhLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_BLVB2KhhLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_BLVB2KhhLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -141072,10 +141332,10 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_BLVB2KhhLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_BLVB2KhhLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_BLVB2KhhLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVB2KhhLinePostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBLVLb2DmuLine                             |     0.080 |     0.203 |    0.020       8.4     0.52 |    1000 |     0.203 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBLVLb2DmuLine                             |     0.240 |     0.181 |    0.019       5.9     0.44 |    1000 |     0.181 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVLb2DmuLinePreScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVLb2DmuLineFilterSequence              |     0.080 |     0.153 |    0.002       8.2     0.52 |    1000 |     0.153 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BLVLb2DmuLine                                    |     0.000 |     0.138 |    0.087       1.5     0.13 |     128 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVLb2DmuLineFilterSequence              |     0.180 |     0.139 |    0.002       5.8     0.44 |    1000 |     0.140 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BLVLb2DmuLine                                    |     0.078 |     0.124 |    0.079       1.1     0.09 |     128 |     0.016 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_BLVLb2DmuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_BLVLb2DmuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_BLVLb2DmuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -141085,10 +141345,10 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_BLVLb2DmuLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_BLVLb2DmuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_BLVLb2DmuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVLb2DmuLinePostScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBLVLb2DsmuLine                            |     0.160 |     0.202 |    0.021       9.9     0.60 |    1000 |     0.203 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBLVLb2DsmuLine                            |     0.140 |     0.176 |    0.019      10.3     0.53 |    1000 |     0.176 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVLb2DsmuLinePreScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVLb2DsmuLineFilterSequence             |     0.120 |     0.149 |    0.002       9.8     0.58 |    1000 |     0.150 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BLVLb2DsmuLine                                   |     0.280 |     0.134 |    0.086       0.7     0.08 |     107 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVLb2DsmuLineFilterSequence             |     0.110 |     0.139 |    0.002      10.3     0.53 |    1000 |     0.139 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BLVLb2DsmuLine                                   |     0.093 |     0.120 |    0.077       0.6     0.06 |     107 |     0.013 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_BLVLb2DsmuLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_BLVLb2DsmuLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_BLVLb2DsmuLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -141098,10 +141358,10 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_BLVLb2DsmuLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_BLVLb2DsmuLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_BLVLb2DsmuLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVLb2DsmuLinePostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBLVLb2LcpiLine                            |     0.060 |     0.058 |    0.017       4.1     0.17 |    1000 |     0.059 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVLb2LcpiLinePreScaler                  |     0.020 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVLb2LcpiLineFilterSequence             |     0.108 |     0.172 |    0.002       4.0     0.51 |      92 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BLVLb2LcpiLine                                   |     0.833 |     0.437 |    0.118       3.1     0.85 |      12 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBLVLb2LcpiLine                            |     0.040 |     0.050 |    0.015       3.7     0.15 |    1000 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVLb2LcpiLinePreScaler                  |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVLb2LcpiLineFilterSequence             |     0.108 |     0.159 |    0.002       3.6     0.47 |      92 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BLVLb2LcpiLine                                   |     0.000 |     0.396 |    0.132       2.9     0.78 |      12 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_BLVLb2LcpiLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_BLVLb2LcpiLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_BLVLb2LcpiLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -141111,10 +141371,10 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_BLVLb2LcpiLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_BLVLb2LcpiLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_BLVLb2LcpiLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVLb2LcpiLinePostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBLVB2LcmuLine                             |     0.120 |     0.133 |    0.021       5.7     0.36 |    1000 |     0.134 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBLVB2LcmuLine                             |     0.150 |     0.116 |    0.018       5.0     0.29 |    1000 |     0.116 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVB2LcmuLinePreScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVB2LcmuLineFilterSequence              |     0.070 |     0.090 |    0.002       5.5     0.35 |    1000 |     0.091 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BLVB2LcmuLine                                    |     0.142 |     0.157 |    0.094       1.1     0.13 |      70 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVB2LcmuLineFilterSequence              |     0.090 |     0.080 |    0.002       5.0     0.29 |    1000 |     0.080 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BLVB2LcmuLine                                    |     0.000 |     0.133 |    0.086       0.6     0.07 |      70 |     0.009 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_BLVB2LcmuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_BLVB2LcmuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_BLVB2LcmuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -141124,10 +141384,10 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_BLVB2LcmuLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_BLVB2LcmuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_BLVB2LcmuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVB2LcmuLinePostScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBLVB2DpiLine                              |     0.050 |     0.044 |    0.015       1.2     0.06 |    1000 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVB2DpiLinePreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVB2DpiLineFilterSequence               |     0.114 |     0.062 |    0.002       1.1     0.16 |      87 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BLVB2DpiLine                                     |     0.000 |     0.248 |    0.122       1.1     0.22 |      16 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBLVB2DpiLine                              |     0.060 |     0.037 |    0.014       0.8     0.04 |    1000 |     0.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVB2DpiLinePreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVB2DpiLineFilterSequence               |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.002       0.7     0.12 |      87 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BLVB2DpiLine                                     |     0.000 |     0.193 |    0.096       0.7     0.14 |      16 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_BLVB2DpiLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_BLVB2DpiLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_BLVB2DpiLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -141137,10 +141397,10 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_BLVB2DpiLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_BLVB2DpiLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_BLVB2DpiLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVB2DpiLinePostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBLVBs2DspiLine                            |     0.020 |     0.042 |    0.015       1.5     0.06 |    1000 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVBs2DspiLinePreScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVBs2DspiLineFilterSequence             |     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.002       1.5     0.17 |      97 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BLVBs2DspiLine                                   |     0.000 |     0.224 |    0.126       0.9     0.17 |      17 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBLVBs2DspiLine                            |     0.070 |     0.035 |    0.014       0.7     0.04 |    1000 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVBs2DspiLinePreScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVBs2DspiLineFilterSequence             |     0.103 |     0.048 |    0.002       0.6     0.11 |      97 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BLVBs2DspiLine                                   |     0.000 |     0.198 |    0.118       0.6     0.11 |      17 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_BLVBs2DspiLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_BLVBs2DspiLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_BLVBs2DspiLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -141150,10 +141410,10 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_BLVBs2DspiLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_BLVBs2DspiLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_BLVBs2DspiLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVBs2DspiLinePostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBLVB2LcpLine                              |     0.060 |     0.042 |    0.015       0.9     0.06 |    1000 |     0.043 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVB2LcpLinePreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVB2LcpLineFilterSequence               |     0.059 |     0.043 |    0.002       0.9     0.12 |     169 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BLVB2LcpLine                                     |     0.000 |     0.200 |    0.124       0.8     0.14 |      24 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBLVB2LcpLine                              |     0.020 |     0.036 |    0.014       0.7     0.05 |    1000 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVB2LcpLinePreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVB2LcpLineFilterSequence               |     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.002       0.7     0.11 |     169 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BLVB2LcpLine                                     |     0.000 |     0.186 |    0.100       0.6     0.11 |      24 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_BLVB2LcpLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_BLVB2LcpLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_BLVB2LcpLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -141163,827 +141423,827 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_BLVB2LcpLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_BLVB2LcpLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_BLVB2LcpLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBLVB2LcpLinePostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2KSKS_LL_Run2_Line                      |     0.180 |     0.132 |    0.020       1.5     0.17 |    1000 |     0.132 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2KSKS_LL_Run2_LinePreScaler            |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2KSKS_LL_Run2_LineFilterSequence       |     0.100 |     0.091 |    0.002       1.4     0.17 |    1000 |     0.092 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            selKS_LL_KSforBs2KSKS_LL                         |     0.074 |     0.038 |    0.020       0.2     0.01 |     269 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2KSKS_LL_Run2_Line                             |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.028       1.3     0.08 |     269 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2KSKS_LL_Run2_LinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2KSKS_DD_Run2_Line                      |     0.290 |     0.264 |    0.018       5.2     0.52 |    1000 |     0.265 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2KSKS_LL_Run2_Line                      |     0.160 |     0.111 |    0.019       1.1     0.14 |    1000 |     0.111 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2KSKS_LL_Run2_LinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2KSKS_LL_Run2_LineFilterSequence       |     0.100 |     0.076 |    0.002       1.1     0.13 |    1000 |     0.077 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            selKS_LL_KSforBs2KSKS_LL                         |     0.148 |     0.029 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |     269 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2KSKS_LL_Run2_Line                             |     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.024       1.0     0.06 |     269 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2KSKS_LL_Run2_LinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2KSKS_DD_Run2_Line                      |     0.180 |     0.222 |    0.017       3.4     0.42 |    1000 |     0.223 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2KSKS_DD_Run2_LinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2KSKS_DD_Run2_LineFilterSequence       |     0.280 |     0.226 |    0.001       5.1     0.51 |    1000 |     0.227 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            selKS_DD_KSforBs2KSKS_DD                         |     0.017 |     0.028 |    0.013       0.1     0.01 |     582 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2KSKS_DD_Run2_Line                             |     0.086 |     0.053 |    0.024       4.5     0.19 |     581 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2KSKS_DD_Run2_LinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2KSKS_LD_Run2_Line                      |     0.090 |     0.067 |    0.019       1.2     0.08 |    1000 |     0.067 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2KSKS_LD_Run2_LinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2KSKS_LD_Run2_LineFilterSequence       |     0.030 |     0.026 |    0.001       1.1     0.07 |    1000 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2KSKS_LD_Run2_Line                             |     0.112 |     0.060 |    0.025       1.0     0.09 |     177 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2KSKS_LD_Run2_LinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KShhh_KPiPi_DDLine                      |     0.300 |     0.238 |    0.025       6.0     0.49 |    1000 |     0.238 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2KSKS_DD_Run2_LineFilterSequence       |     0.160 |     0.190 |    0.001       3.4     0.41 |    1000 |     0.191 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            selKS_DD_KSforBs2KSKS_DD                         |     0.034 |     0.022 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |     582 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2KSKS_DD_Run2_Line                             |     0.017 |     0.039 |    0.022       0.5     0.02 |     581 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2KSKS_DD_Run2_LinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2KSKS_LD_Run2_Line                      |     0.060 |     0.056 |    0.017       0.6     0.06 |    1000 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2KSKS_LD_Run2_LinePreScaler            |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2KSKS_LD_Run2_LineFilterSequence       |     0.040 |     0.022 |    0.002       0.5     0.05 |    1000 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2KSKS_LD_Run2_Line                             |     0.112 |     0.047 |    0.023       0.5     0.04 |     177 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2KSKS_LD_Run2_LinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KShhh_KPiPi_DDLine                      |     0.130 |     0.200 |    0.022       5.7     0.43 |    1000 |     0.201 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KPiPi_DDLinePreScaler            |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KPiPi_DDLineHlt1Filter           |     0.010 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KPiPi_DDLineHlt2Filter           |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KPiPi_DDLineFilterSequence       |     0.734 |     0.535 |    0.004       5.8     0.73 |     313 |     0.168 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelKSDDForB2KShhh                                |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |     196 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KShhh_KPiPi_DDLine                             |     0.666 |     0.436 |    0.131       3.2     0.40 |     120 |     0.052 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2KShhh_KPiPi_DDLine                |     0.000 |     0.657 |    0.514       0.8     0.14 |       4 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2KShhh_KPiPi_DDLine                |     0.000 |     0.543 |    0.396       0.8     0.15 |       4 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2KShhh_KPiPi_DDLine                |     2.500 |     0.567 |    0.414       0.8     0.15 |       4 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2KShhh_KPiPi_DDLine                |     0.000 |     0.558 |    0.406       0.8     0.18 |       4 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2KShhh_KPiPi_DDLine                |     0.000 |     0.491 |    0.235       0.7     0.27 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KPiPi_DDLineHlt1Filter           |     0.020 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.4     0.01 |    1000 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KPiPi_DDLineHlt2Filter           |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KPiPi_DDLineFilterSequence       |     0.255 |     0.462 |    0.004       5.4     0.63 |     313 |     0.145 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelKSDDForB2KShhh                                |     0.051 |     0.015 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     196 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KShhh_KPiPi_DDLine                             |     0.166 |     0.382 |    0.123       1.8     0.29 |     120 |     0.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2KShhh_KPiPi_DDLine                |     0.000 |     0.612 |    0.405       0.8     0.15 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2KShhh_KPiPi_DDLine                |     0.000 |     0.566 |    0.412       0.7     0.12 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2KShhh_KPiPi_DDLine                |     0.000 |     0.513 |    0.348       0.7     0.13 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2KShhh_KPiPi_DDLine                |     0.000 |     0.519 |    0.388       0.6     0.10 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2KShhh_KPiPi_DDLine                |     0.000 |     0.489 |    0.205       0.7     0.27 |       4 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KPiPi_DDLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KShhh_KPiPi_LLLine                      |     0.150 |     0.139 |    0.022       5.3     0.33 |    1000 |     0.140 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KShhh_KPiPi_LLLine                      |     0.090 |     0.126 |    0.020       5.2     0.30 |    1000 |     0.127 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KPiPi_LLLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KPiPi_LLLineHlt1Filter           |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KPiPi_LLLineHlt2Filter           |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KPiPi_LLLineFilterSequence       |     0.287 |     0.248 |    0.003       5.2     0.52 |     313 |     0.078 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelKSLLForB2KShhh                                |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |     112 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KShhh_KPiPi_LLLine                             |     0.618 |     0.463 |    0.124       2.2     0.40 |      97 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2KShhh_KPiPi_LLLine                |     0.000 |     0.557 |    0.557       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2KShhh_KPiPi_LLLine                |     0.000 |     0.491 |    0.491       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2KShhh_KPiPi_LLLine                |     0.000 |     0.539 |    0.539       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2KShhh_KPiPi_LLLine                |     0.000 |     0.518 |    0.518       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2KShhh_KPiPi_LLLine                |     0.000 |     0.675 |    0.675       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KPiPi_LLLineHlt1Filter           |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.4     0.01 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KPiPi_LLLineHlt2Filter           |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KPiPi_LLLineFilterSequence       |     0.223 |     0.226 |    0.003       5.1     0.48 |     313 |     0.071 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelKSLLForB2KShhh                                |     0.089 |     0.021 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |     112 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KShhh_KPiPi_LLLine                             |     0.515 |     0.421 |    0.118       2.4     0.35 |      97 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2KShhh_KPiPi_LLLine                |     0.000 |     0.574 |    0.574       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2KShhh_KPiPi_LLLine                |     0.000 |     0.486 |    0.486       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2KShhh_KPiPi_LLLine                |     0.000 |     0.511 |    0.511       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2KShhh_KPiPi_LLLine                |     0.000 |     0.497 |    0.497       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2KShhh_KPiPi_LLLine                |     0.000 |     0.666 |    0.666       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KPiPi_LLLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KShhh_PiPiPi_DDLine                     |     0.130 |     0.106 |    0.021       3.1     0.18 |    1000 |     0.106 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KShhh_PiPiPi_DDLine                     |     0.140 |     0.091 |    0.020       1.6     0.14 |    1000 |     0.091 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_PiPiPi_DDLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_PiPiPi_DDLineHlt1Filter          |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_PiPiPi_DDLineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_PiPiPi_DDLineFilterSequence      |     0.127 |     0.141 |    0.002       1.6     0.23 |     313 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KShhh_PiPiPi_DDLine                            |     0.166 |     0.267 |    0.085       1.5     0.21 |     120 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_PiPiPi_DDLineHlt1Filter          |     0.020 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_PiPiPi_DDLineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_PiPiPi_DDLineFilterSequence      |     0.191 |     0.132 |    0.002       1.5     0.21 |     313 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KShhh_PiPiPi_DDLine                            |     0.416 |     0.245 |    0.103       1.2     0.18 |     120 |     0.029 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2KShhh_PiPiPi_DDLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2KShhh_PiPiPi_DDLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2KShhh_PiPiPi_DDLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2KShhh_PiPiPi_DDLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2KShhh_PiPiPi_DDLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_PiPiPi_DDLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KShhh_PiPiPi_LLLine                     |     0.080 |     0.103 |    0.022       4.2     0.21 |    1000 |     0.103 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KShhh_PiPiPi_LLLine                     |     0.090 |     0.085 |    0.018       2.1     0.15 |    1000 |     0.086 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_PiPiPi_LLLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_PiPiPi_LLLineHlt1Filter          |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_PiPiPi_LLLineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_PiPiPi_LLLineFilterSequence      |     0.159 |     0.146 |    0.002       4.1     0.34 |     313 |     0.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KShhh_PiPiPi_LLLine                            |     0.515 |     0.352 |    0.109       4.0     0.46 |      97 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_PiPiPi_LLLineHlt1Filter          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_PiPiPi_LLLineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_PiPiPi_LLLineFilterSequence      |     0.127 |     0.120 |    0.002       2.0     0.23 |     313 |     0.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KShhh_PiPiPi_LLLine                            |     0.412 |     0.277 |    0.101       1.9     0.23 |      97 |     0.027 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2KShhh_PiPiPi_LLLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2KShhh_PiPiPi_LLLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2KShhh_PiPiPi_LLLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2KShhh_PiPiPi_LLLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2KShhh_PiPiPi_LLLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_PiPiPi_LLLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KShhh_KKK_DDLine                        |     0.080 |     0.104 |    0.022       7.2     0.26 |    1000 |     0.104 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KShhh_KKK_DDLine                        |     0.090 |     0.086 |    0.019       1.7     0.13 |    1000 |     0.086 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKK_DDLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKK_DDLineHlt1Filter             |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKK_DDLineHlt2Filter             |     0.012 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKK_DDLineFilterSequence         |     0.127 |     0.147 |    0.003       6.9     0.43 |     313 |     0.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KShhh_KKK_DDLine                               |     0.250 |     0.219 |    0.092       1.8     0.19 |     120 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKK_DDLineHlt1Filter             |     0.020 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKK_DDLineHlt2Filter             |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKK_DDLineFilterSequence         |     0.095 |     0.118 |    0.003       1.6     0.19 |     313 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KShhh_KKK_DDLine                               |     0.083 |     0.201 |    0.106       1.5     0.16 |     120 |     0.024 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2KShhh_KKK_DDLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2KShhh_KKK_DDLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2KShhh_KKK_DDLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2KShhh_KKK_DDLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2KShhh_KKK_DDLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKK_DDLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KShhh_KKK_LLLine                        |     0.110 |     0.094 |    0.023       4.6     0.19 |    1000 |     0.095 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKK_LLLinePreScaler              |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKK_LLLineHlt1Filter             |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKK_LLLineHlt2Filter             |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKK_LLLineFilterSequence         |     0.159 |     0.118 |    0.003       4.5     0.30 |     313 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KShhh_KKK_LLLine                               |     0.412 |     0.260 |    0.115       4.2     0.42 |      97 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KShhh_KKK_LLLine                        |     0.060 |     0.084 |    0.019       3.8     0.17 |    1000 |     0.084 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKK_LLLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKK_LLLineHlt1Filter             |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKK_LLLineHlt2Filter             |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKK_LLLineFilterSequence         |     0.095 |     0.100 |    0.002       1.6     0.18 |     313 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KShhh_KKK_LLLine                               |     0.000 |     0.204 |    0.094       1.4     0.15 |      97 |     0.020 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2KShhh_KKK_LLLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2KShhh_KKK_LLLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2KShhh_KKK_LLLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2KShhh_KKK_LLLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2KShhh_KKK_LLLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKK_LLLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KShhh_KKPi_DDLine                       |     0.120 |     0.113 |    0.022       2.9     0.20 |    1000 |     0.114 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKPi_DDLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.2     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKPi_DDLineHlt1Filter            |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKPi_DDLineHlt2Filter            |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKPi_DDLineFilterSequence        |     0.223 |     0.174 |    0.003       2.8     0.30 |     313 |     0.055 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KShhh_KKPi_DDLine                              |     0.416 |     0.344 |    0.115       2.5     0.31 |     120 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KShhh_KKPi_DDLine                       |     0.130 |     0.106 |    0.020       8.7     0.32 |    1000 |     0.107 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKPi_DDLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKPi_DDLineHlt1Filter            |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKPi_DDLineHlt2Filter            |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKPi_DDLineFilterSequence        |     0.287 |     0.179 |    0.003       8.6     0.53 |     313 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KShhh_KKPi_DDLine                              |     0.583 |     0.365 |    0.123       8.4     0.77 |     120 |     0.044 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2KShhh_KKPi_DDLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2KShhh_KKPi_DDLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2KShhh_KKPi_DDLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2KShhh_KKPi_DDLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2KShhh_KKPi_DDLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKPi_DDLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KShhh_KKPi_LLLine                       |     0.150 |     0.119 |    0.022      12.3     0.43 |    1000 |     0.120 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KShhh_KKPi_LLLine                       |     0.090 |     0.097 |    0.019       7.1     0.27 |    1000 |     0.098 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKPi_LLLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKPi_LLLineHlt1Filter            |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKPi_LLLineHlt2Filter            |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKPi_LLLineFilterSequence        |     0.159 |     0.192 |    0.003      12.1     0.74 |     313 |     0.060 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KShhh_KKPi_LLLine                              |     0.412 |     0.384 |    0.104       2.7     0.35 |      97 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2KShhh_KKPi_LLLine                 |     0.000 |     1.520 |    1.520       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2KShhh_KKPi_LLLine                 |     0.000 |     1.517 |    1.517       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2KShhh_KKPi_LLLine                 |     0.000 |     1.470 |    1.470       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2KShhh_KKPi_LLLine                 |    10.000 |     1.644 |    1.644       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2KShhh_KKPi_LLLine                 |     0.000 |     2.196 |    2.196       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKPi_LLLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2EtacPhiBDT_KsKPiLine                   |     0.250 |     0.220 |    0.024      29.3     1.03 |    1000 |     0.220 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKPi_LLLineHlt1Filter            |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKPi_LLLineHlt2Filter            |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKPi_LLLineFilterSequence        |     0.255 |     0.153 |    0.003       7.0     0.46 |     313 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KShhh_KKPi_LLLine                              |     0.618 |     0.313 |    0.109       1.5     0.23 |      97 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2KShhh_KKPi_LLLine                 |     0.000 |     0.969 |    0.969       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2KShhh_KKPi_LLLine                 |     0.000 |     0.907 |    0.907       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2KShhh_KKPi_LLLine                 |     0.000 |     0.886 |    0.886       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2KShhh_KKPi_LLLine                 |     0.000 |     0.882 |    0.882       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2KShhh_KKPi_LLLine                 |    10.000 |     1.332 |    1.332       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KShhh_KKPi_LLLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2EtacPhiBDT_KsKPiLine                   |     0.130 |     0.175 |    0.022      17.4     0.66 |    1000 |     0.175 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2EtacPhiBDT_KsKPiLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2EtacPhiBDT_KsKPiLineHlt2Filter        |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2EtacPhiBDT_KsKPiLineFilterSequence    |     0.469 |     0.388 |    0.002      28.5     1.55 |     405 |     0.157 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2EtacPhiBDTSelPhi                              |     0.119 |     0.037 |    0.025       0.1     0.01 |      84 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Bs2EtacPhiBDTInputKs                      |     0.000 |     0.136 |    0.009       0.6     0.13 |      48 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Bs2EtacPhiBDTInputKs               |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      48 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2EtacPhiBDT_KsKPiLineHlt2Filter        |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2EtacPhiBDT_KsKPiLineFilterSequence    |     0.271 |     0.316 |    0.002      17.3     1.00 |     405 |     0.128 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2EtacPhiBDTSelPhi                              |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.021       0.1     0.01 |      84 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Bs2EtacPhiBDTInputKs                      |     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.008       0.6     0.11 |      48 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Bs2EtacPhiBDTInputKs               |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      48 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Bs2EtacPhiBDTInputKs                            |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      36 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2EtacPhiBDTSelKs                               |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      36 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2EtacPhiBDTSelKaons                            |     0.208 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      48 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2EtacPhiBDTSelPions                            |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      48 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2EtacPhiBDTSelEtac2KsKPi                       |     1.000 |     0.331 |    0.073       3.0     0.53 |      30 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2EtacPhiBDT_KsKPiLine                          |     0.000 |     0.225 |    0.053       1.3     0.42 |       9 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2EtacPhiBDTSelKs                               |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |      36 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2EtacPhiBDTSelKaons                            |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.005       0.6     0.08 |      48 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2EtacPhiBDTSelPions                            |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      48 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2EtacPhiBDTSelEtac2KsKPi                       |     0.000 |     0.240 |    0.061       1.1     0.20 |      30 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2EtacPhiBDT_KsKPiLine                          |     0.000 |     0.201 |    0.049       1.2     0.38 |       9 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2EtacPhiBDT_KsKPiLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2EtacPhiBDTLine                         |     0.150 |     0.138 |    0.023       8.0     0.56 |    1000 |     0.138 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2EtacPhiBDTLine                         |     0.060 |     0.113 |    0.020       8.7     0.50 |    1000 |     0.114 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2EtacPhiBDTLinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2EtacPhiBDTLineHlt2Filter              |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2EtacPhiBDTLineFilterSequence          |     0.296 |     0.187 |    0.002       7.8     0.84 |     405 |     0.076 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Bs2EtacPhiBDTSelEtac                      |     2.083 |     1.463 |    0.232       7.8     1.81 |      48 |     0.070 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Bs2EtacPhiBDTSelEtac               |     2.083 |     1.372 |    0.226       7.8     1.67 |      48 |     0.066 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Bs2EtacPhiBDTSelEtac2KKPiPi              |     0.208 |     0.534 |    0.033       3.4     0.67 |      48 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Bs2EtacPhiBDTSelEtac2KKPiPi                   |     0.000 |     0.293 |    0.048       3.0     0.50 |      47 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Bs2EtacPhiBDTSelEtac2KKKK                |     0.416 |     0.178 |    0.003       1.3     0.19 |      48 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Bs2EtacPhiBDTSelEtac2KKKK                     |     0.425 |     0.100 |    0.025       1.1     0.16 |      47 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Bs2EtacPhiBDTSelEtac2PiPiPiPi            |     1.041 |     0.640 |    0.061       4.4     0.99 |      48 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Bs2EtacPhiBDTSelEtac2PiPiPiPi                 |     0.833 |     0.462 |    0.028       3.1     0.75 |      48 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Bs2EtacPhiBDTSelEtac                            |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2EtacPhiBDTSelBs2EtacPhi                       |     0.833 |     0.214 |    0.045       1.6     0.45 |      12 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2EtacPhiBDTLineHlt2Filter              |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2EtacPhiBDTLineFilterSequence          |     0.098 |     0.167 |    0.002       8.4     0.76 |     405 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Bs2EtacPhiBDTSelEtac                      |     0.833 |     1.303 |    0.231       7.9     1.61 |      48 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Bs2EtacPhiBDTSelEtac               |     0.833 |     1.214 |    0.226       6.9     1.45 |      48 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Bs2EtacPhiBDTSelEtac2KKPiPi              |     0.208 |     0.443 |    0.031       2.7     0.48 |      48 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Bs2EtacPhiBDTSelEtac2KKPiPi                   |     0.212 |     0.234 |    0.045       1.6     0.31 |      47 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Bs2EtacPhiBDTSelEtac2KKKK                |     0.208 |     0.146 |    0.003       0.7     0.12 |      48 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Bs2EtacPhiBDTSelEtac2KKKK                     |     0.212 |     0.079 |    0.024       0.6     0.09 |      47 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Bs2EtacPhiBDTSelEtac2PiPiPiPi            |     0.416 |     0.609 |    0.050       4.8     1.00 |      48 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Bs2EtacPhiBDTSelEtac2PiPiPiPi                 |     0.416 |     0.431 |    0.025       3.0     0.71 |      48 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Bs2EtacPhiBDTSelEtac                            |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2EtacPhiBDTSelBs2EtacPhi                       |     0.000 |     0.185 |    0.044       1.3     0.37 |      12 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2EtacPhiBDTLine                                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2EtacPhiBDTLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2KsthhDDLine                            |     0.490 |     0.526 |    0.024      36.8     2.21 |    1000 |     0.526 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2KsthhDDLine                            |     0.440 |     0.470 |    0.021      34.2     1.86 |    1000 |     0.470 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2KsthhDDLinePreScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2KsthhDDLineHlt1Filter                 |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2KsthhDDLineHlt2Filter                 |     0.012 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2KsthhDDLineFilterSequence             |     1.341 |     1.490 |    0.011      36.6     3.73 |     313 |     0.467 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2KsthhDDLineVOIDFilter                |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     313 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KSforBu2KsthhDD                                  |     0.051 |     0.019 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     196 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KstforBu2KsthhDD                                 |     0.314 |     0.340 |    0.149       1.5     0.23 |     127 |     0.043 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2KsthhDDLine                                   |     1.811 |     1.684 |    0.088      22.1     3.08 |     127 |     0.214 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2KsthhDDLine                      |     0.000 |     1.493 |    1.493       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2KsthhDDLine                      |     0.000 |     1.345 |    1.345       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bu2KsthhDDLine                      |     0.000 |     1.375 |    1.375       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bu2KsthhDDLine                      |     0.000 |     1.021 |    1.021       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2KsthhDDLinePostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2KsthhLLLine                            |     0.390 |     0.314 |    0.022      41.2     1.76 |    1000 |     0.314 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2KsthhLLLinePreScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2KsthhLLLineHlt1Filter                 |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2KsthhLLLineHlt2Filter                 |     0.012 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2KsthhLLLineFilterSequence             |     0.990 |     0.815 |    0.009      41.0     3.05 |     313 |     0.255 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2KsthhLLLineVOIDFilter                |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     313 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KSforBu2KsthhLL                                  |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     112 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KstforBu2KsthhLL                                 |     0.384 |     0.272 |    0.119       1.7     0.20 |      78 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2KsthhLLLine                                   |     1.410 |     1.566 |    0.077      23.9     3.67 |      78 |     0.122 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2KsthhDDLineHlt1Filter                 |     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.5     0.03 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2KsthhDDLineHlt2Filter                 |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2KsthhDDLineFilterSequence             |     1.277 |     1.337 |    0.009      34.0     3.13 |     313 |     0.419 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2KsthhDDLineVOIDFilter                |     0.031 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     313 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KSforBu2KsthhDD                                  |     0.051 |     0.016 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     196 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KstforBu2KsthhDD                                 |     0.236 |     0.336 |    0.111       4.3     0.40 |     127 |     0.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2KsthhDDLine                                   |     1.417 |     1.548 |    0.078      21.4     2.61 |     127 |     0.197 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2KsthhDDLine                      |     0.000 |     1.455 |    1.455       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2KsthhDDLine                      |    10.000 |     1.302 |    1.302       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bu2KsthhDDLine                      |     0.000 |     1.471 |    1.471       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bu2KsthhDDLine                      |     0.000 |     0.880 |    0.880       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2KsthhDDLinePostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2KsthhLLLine                            |     0.300 |     0.280 |    0.019      41.2     1.60 |    1000 |     0.280 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2KsthhLLLinePreScaler                  |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2KsthhLLLineHlt1Filter                 |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2KsthhLLLineHlt2Filter                 |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2KsthhLLLineFilterSequence             |     0.830 |     0.740 |    0.008      41.0     2.78 |     313 |     0.232 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2KsthhLLLineVOIDFilter                |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     313 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KSforBu2KsthhLL                                  |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     112 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KstforBu2KsthhLL                                 |     0.384 |     0.241 |    0.117       1.1     0.14 |      78 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2KsthhLLLine                                   |     1.794 |     1.349 |    0.084      21.2     2.82 |      78 |     0.105 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2KsthhLLLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2KsthhLLLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bu2KsthhLLLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bu2KsthhLLLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2KsthhLLLinePostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingOmegab2XicKpiLine                         |     2.420 |     2.399 |    0.022      50.6     3.37 |    1000 |     2.400 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingOmegab2XicKpiLine                         |     2.010 |     2.085 |    0.019      49.1     2.71 |    1000 |     2.085 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2XicKpiLinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2XicKpiLineFilterSequence          |     2.320 |     2.341 |    0.003      50.5     3.35 |    1000 |     2.342 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseANNKaons_Particles         |     1.016 |     0.983 |    0.098      26.6     1.53 |     974 |     0.958 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseANNPions_Particles         |     1.088 |     1.153 |    0.051      23.4     1.74 |     974 |     1.124 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XicForOmegab2XicKpi                              |     0.171 |     0.145 |    0.072       1.4     0.11 |     932 |     0.136 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdAllLooseANNKaons_Particles      |     0.010 |     0.011 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     974 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdAllLooseANNPions_Particles      |     0.030 |     0.019 |    0.002       0.8     0.06 |     974 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2XicKpiLine                                |     0.697 |     1.238 |    0.087       4.5     1.16 |      43 |     0.053 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2XicKpiLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingOmegab2XicKpiWSLine                       |     0.090 |     0.116 |    0.021       6.5     0.43 |    1000 |     0.116 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2XicKpiWSLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2XicKpiWSLineFilterSequence        |     0.060 |     0.066 |    0.002       6.4     0.42 |    1000 |     0.066 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2XicKpiWSLine                              |     1.162 |     1.350 |    0.075       6.3     1.44 |      43 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2XicKpiLineFilterSequence          |     1.950 |     2.037 |    0.002      48.8     2.70 |    1000 |     2.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseANNKaons_Particles         |     0.882 |     0.817 |    0.091      20.4     1.12 |     974 |     0.796 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseANNPions_Particles         |     0.903 |     1.038 |    0.049      27.6     1.47 |     974 |     1.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XicForOmegab2XicKpi                              |     0.160 |     0.127 |    0.064       4.0     0.15 |     932 |     0.119 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdAllLooseANNKaons_Particles      |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     974 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdAllLooseANNPions_Particles      |     0.010 |     0.016 |    0.002       0.7     0.05 |     974 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2XicKpiLine                                |     0.697 |     1.170 |    0.080       4.7     1.17 |      43 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2XicKpiLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingOmegab2XicKpiWSLine                       |     0.120 |     0.096 |    0.018       4.9     0.35 |    1000 |     0.096 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2XicKpiWSLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2XicKpiWSLineFilterSequence        |     0.060 |     0.056 |    0.002       4.8     0.35 |    1000 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2XicKpiWSLine                              |     0.930 |     1.147 |    0.075       4.8     1.18 |      43 |     0.049 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2XicKpiWSLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXB2DPiPBd2DPiLine                         |     0.550 |     0.631 |    0.019      12.6     0.99 |    1000 |     0.631 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXB2DPiPBd2DPiLinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXB2DPiPBd2DPiLineFilterSequence          |     0.530 |     0.581 |    0.002      12.5     0.98 |    1000 |     0.581 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:XB2DPiPSelDpDs                            |     0.441 |     0.460 |    0.105      12.5     0.76 |     974 |     0.449 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:XB2DPiPSelDpDs                     |     0.379 |     0.407 |    0.101      12.5     0.71 |     974 |     0.397 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Phys_StdLooseDplus2KPiPi_Particles       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Phys_StdLooseDplus2KKPi_Particles        |     0.369 |     0.394 |    0.090      12.4     0.71 |     974 |     0.384 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_StdLooseDplus2KKPi_Particles    |     0.369 |     0.387 |    0.086      12.4     0.71 |     974 |     0.377 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             XB2DPiPSelDpDs                                  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     260 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DpDsForXB2DPiPXB2DPiP                            |     0.115 |     0.070 |    0.018       0.4     0.05 |     260 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForXB2DPiPXB2DPiP                           |     0.056 |     0.063 |    0.018       0.2     0.03 |     176 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XB2DPiPBd2DPiLine                                |     0.123 |     0.152 |    0.059       1.5     0.16 |     162 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_XB2DPiPBd2DPiLine                   |     0.000 |     0.694 |    0.242       1.1     0.64 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_XB2DPiPBd2DPiLine                   |     0.000 |     1.140 |    0.417       1.9     1.02 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_XB2DPiPBd2DPiLine                   |     0.000 |     0.337 |    0.200       0.5     0.19 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_XB2DPiPBd2DPiLine                   |     0.000 |     0.222 |    0.140       0.3     0.12 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_XB2DPiPBd2DPiLine                   |     0.000 |     0.227 |    0.137       0.3     0.13 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXB2DPiPBd2DPiLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXB2DPiPBd2DstarPiLine                     |     0.090 |     0.136 |    0.020       5.5     0.33 |    1000 |     0.137 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXB2DPiPBd2DPiLine                         |     0.500 |     0.549 |    0.018      10.1     0.77 |    1000 |     0.549 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXB2DPiPBd2DPiLinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXB2DPiPBd2DPiLineFilterSequence          |     0.460 |     0.507 |    0.001      10.0     0.76 |    1000 |     0.508 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:XB2DPiPSelDpDs                            |     0.338 |     0.404 |    0.100       9.9     0.59 |     974 |     0.394 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:XB2DPiPSelDpDs                     |     0.318 |     0.359 |    0.095       9.6     0.55 |     974 |     0.350 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Phys_StdLooseDplus2KPiPi_Particles       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Phys_StdLooseDplus2KKPi_Particles        |     0.318 |     0.348 |    0.087       9.6     0.55 |     974 |     0.339 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_StdLooseDplus2KKPi_Particles    |     0.318 |     0.342 |    0.082       9.6     0.55 |     974 |     0.333 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             XB2DPiPSelDpDs                                  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     260 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DpDsForXB2DPiPXB2DPiP                            |     0.038 |     0.060 |    0.014       0.4     0.04 |     260 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForXB2DPiPXB2DPiP                           |     0.056 |     0.059 |    0.019       0.2     0.03 |     176 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XB2DPiPBd2DPiLine                                |     0.185 |     0.133 |    0.052       1.2     0.12 |     162 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_XB2DPiPBd2DPiLine                   |     0.000 |     0.411 |    0.263       0.6     0.21 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_XB2DPiPBd2DPiLine                   |     5.000 |     0.735 |    0.532       0.9     0.29 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_XB2DPiPBd2DPiLine                   |     0.000 |     0.213 |    0.184       0.2     0.04 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_XB2DPiPBd2DPiLine                   |     0.000 |     0.154 |    0.140       0.2     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_XB2DPiPBd2DPiLine                   |     0.000 |     0.138 |    0.138       0.1     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXB2DPiPBd2DPiLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXB2DPiPBd2DstarPiLine                     |     0.070 |     0.115 |    0.018       3.1     0.25 |    1000 |     0.116 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXB2DPiPBd2DstarPiLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXB2DPiPBd2DstarPiLineFilterSequence      |     0.050 |     0.090 |    0.001       5.3     0.32 |    1000 |     0.091 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarForXB2DPiPXB2DPiP                           |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      23 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XB2DPiPBd2DstarPiLine                            |     0.000 |     0.246 |    0.059       1.9     0.41 |      23 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXB2DPiPBd2DstarPiLineFilterSequence      |     0.050 |     0.077 |    0.001       3.1     0.24 |    1000 |     0.077 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarForXB2DPiPXB2DPiP                           |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      23 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XB2DPiPBd2DstarPiLine                            |     0.000 |     0.182 |    0.059       1.4     0.27 |      23 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_XB2DPiPBd2DstarPiLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_XB2DPiPBd2DstarPiLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_XB2DPiPBd2DstarPiLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_XB2DPiPBd2DstarPiLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_XB2DPiPBd2DstarPiLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXB2DPiPBd2DstarPiLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXB2DPiPBd2DPiPLine                        |     0.120 |     0.111 |    0.020       4.5     0.30 |    1000 |     0.111 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXB2DPiPBd2DPiPLine                        |     0.100 |     0.095 |    0.018       4.4     0.26 |    1000 |     0.096 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXB2DPiPBd2DPiPLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXB2DPiPBd2DPiPLineFilterSequence         |     0.090 |     0.068 |    0.002       4.3     0.29 |    1000 |     0.068 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtonsForXB2DPiPXB2DPiP                         |     0.056 |     0.054 |    0.024       0.1     0.03 |     176 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XB2DPiPBd2DPiPLine                               |     0.224 |     0.284 |    0.076       3.3     0.44 |      89 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_XB2DPiPBd2DPiPLine                  |     0.000 |     0.557 |    0.447       0.7     0.16 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_XB2DPiPBd2DPiPLine                  |     0.000 |     1.115 |    1.026       1.2     0.13 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_XB2DPiPBd2DPiPLine                  |     5.000 |     0.287 |    0.192       0.4     0.14 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_XB2DPiPBd2DPiPLine                  |     0.000 |     0.169 |    0.143       0.2     0.04 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_XB2DPiPBd2DPiPLine                  |     0.000 |     0.159 |    0.127       0.2     0.05 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXB2DPiPBd2DPiPLineFilterSequence         |     0.070 |     0.059 |    0.001       4.3     0.26 |    1000 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtonsForXB2DPiPXB2DPiP                         |     0.056 |     0.047 |    0.018       0.1     0.02 |     176 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XB2DPiPBd2DPiPLine                               |     0.337 |     0.256 |    0.072       3.2     0.42 |      89 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_XB2DPiPBd2DPiPLine                  |     0.000 |     0.392 |    0.364       0.4     0.04 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_XB2DPiPBd2DPiPLine                  |     0.000 |     0.999 |    0.443       1.6     0.79 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_XB2DPiPBd2DPiPLine                  |     0.000 |     0.221 |    0.087       0.4     0.19 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_XB2DPiPBd2DPiPLine                  |     0.000 |     0.129 |    0.085       0.2     0.06 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_XB2DPiPBd2DPiPLine                  |     0.000 |     0.144 |    0.073       0.2     0.10 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXB2DPiPBd2DPiPLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXB2DPiPBd2DstarPiPLine                    |     0.030 |     0.050 |    0.019       1.6     0.08 |    1000 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXB2DPiPBd2DstarPiPLine                    |     0.040 |     0.042 |    0.018       1.3     0.07 |    1000 |     0.043 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXB2DPiPBd2DstarPiPLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXB2DPiPBd2DstarPiPLineFilterSequence     |     0.020 |     0.009 |    0.002       1.6     0.07 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XB2DPiPBd2DstarPiPLine                           |     1.000 |     0.349 |    0.075       1.5     0.46 |      10 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXB2DPiPBd2DstarPiPLineFilterSequence     |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.002       1.3     0.06 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XB2DPiPBd2DstarPiPLine                           |     0.000 |     0.290 |    0.076       1.2     0.37 |      10 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_XB2DPiPBd2DstarPiPLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_XB2DPiPBd2DstarPiPLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_XB2DPiPBd2DstarPiPLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_XB2DPiPBd2DstarPiPLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_XB2DPiPBd2DstarPiPLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXB2DPiPBd2DstarPiPLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXiccBDT_XiccPP2LcPiLine                   |     1.420 |     1.357 |    0.019      24.6     1.74 |    1000 |     1.357 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccPP2LcPiLinePreScaler         |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccPP2LcPiLineFilterSequence    |     1.300 |     1.301 |    0.002      24.5     1.73 |    1000 |     1.302 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelProtons                                |     0.041 |     0.068 |    0.005       0.5     0.04 |     969 |     0.066 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelKaons                                  |     0.041 |     0.056 |    0.005       5.2     0.17 |     953 |     0.053 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelPions                                  |     0.158 |     0.115 |    0.016       0.5     0.08 |     944 |     0.109 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelLambdaC                                |     0.339 |     0.411 |    0.064      12.5     0.74 |     943 |     0.388 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelUnPions                                |     0.056 |     0.022 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |     353 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelXiccPP2LcPi                            |     0.585 |     0.355 |    0.070       2.4     0.37 |     239 |     0.085 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDT_XiccPP2LcPiLine                          |     0.992 |     0.944 |    0.245       6.2     0.94 |     141 |     0.133 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXiccBDT_XiccPP2LcPiLine                   |     1.290 |     1.198 |    0.018      22.5     1.51 |    1000 |     1.198 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccPP2LcPiLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccPP2LcPiLineFilterSequence    |     1.260 |     1.151 |    0.002      22.5     1.51 |    1000 |     1.152 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelProtons                                |     0.030 |     0.059 |    0.005       0.4     0.04 |     969 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelKaons                                  |     0.052 |     0.046 |    0.004       0.4     0.03 |     953 |     0.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelPions                                  |     0.084 |     0.105 |    0.014       0.5     0.07 |     944 |     0.100 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelLambdaC                                |     0.519 |     0.379 |    0.058      11.2     0.69 |     943 |     0.357 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelUnPions                                |     0.028 |     0.020 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     353 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelXiccPP2LcPi                            |     0.376 |     0.308 |    0.065       2.3     0.31 |     239 |     0.074 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDT_XiccPP2LcPiLine                          |     0.851 |     0.773 |    0.222       6.0     0.77 |     141 |     0.109 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccPP2LcPiLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXiccBDT_XiccPP2LcKpipiLine                |     0.770 |     0.785 |    0.019      70.0     4.13 |    1000 |     0.785 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccPP2LcKpipiLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccPP2LcKpipiLineFilterSequence |     0.710 |     0.732 |    0.002      69.8     4.12 |    1000 |     0.732 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelTightKaons                             |     0.083 |     0.085 |    0.028       0.4     0.05 |     239 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelTightPions                             |     0.083 |     0.156 |    0.042       0.5     0.09 |     239 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelXiccPP2LcKpipi                         |     1.841 |     1.830 |    0.073      63.2     6.36 |     239 |     0.438 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDT_XiccPP2LcKpipiLine                       |     2.352 |     2.629 |    0.349      23.3     3.97 |      51 |     0.134 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccPP2LcKpipiLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXiccBDT_XiccPP2DpLine                     |     0.140 |     0.126 |    0.020       3.2     0.33 |    1000 |     0.127 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXiccBDT_XiccPP2LcKpipiLine                |     0.710 |     0.705 |    0.017      68.1     3.88 |    1000 |     0.705 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccPP2LcKpipiLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccPP2LcKpipiLineFilterSequence |     0.670 |     0.660 |    0.002      68.0     3.88 |    1000 |     0.661 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelTightKaons                             |     0.083 |     0.073 |    0.026       0.4     0.04 |     239 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelTightPions                             |     0.251 |     0.140 |    0.038       0.4     0.08 |     239 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelXiccPP2LcKpipi                         |     1.506 |     1.736 |    0.068      63.6     6.34 |     239 |     0.415 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDT_XiccPP2LcKpipiLine                       |     2.941 |     2.087 |    0.251      21.0     3.51 |      51 |     0.106 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccPP2LcKpipiLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXiccBDT_XiccPP2DpLine                     |     0.070 |     0.105 |    0.018       4.0     0.30 |    1000 |     0.106 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccPP2DpLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccPP2DpLineFilterSequence      |     0.100 |     0.078 |    0.001       3.2     0.32 |    1000 |     0.078 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelDplus                                  |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.004       0.2     0.02 |     205 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelUnProtons                              |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     201 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelXiccPP2Dp                              |     0.253 |     0.163 |    0.049       1.7     0.19 |      79 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDT_XiccPP2DpLine                            |     2.142 |     1.338 |    0.257       2.2     0.66 |      14 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccPP2DpLineFilterSequence      |     0.020 |     0.067 |    0.001       4.0     0.29 |    1000 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelDplus                                  |     0.048 |     0.034 |    0.004       3.7     0.26 |     205 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelUnProtons                              |     0.049 |     0.016 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     201 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelXiccPP2Dp                              |     0.000 |     0.132 |    0.050       0.9     0.10 |      79 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDT_XiccPP2DpLine                            |     0.714 |     1.005 |    0.278       2.3     0.66 |      14 |     0.014 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccPP2DpLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXiccBDT_XiccPP2DpKpiLine                  |     0.290 |     0.243 |    0.020      32.1     1.65 |    1000 |     0.244 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccPP2DpKpiLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccPP2DpKpiLineFilterSequence   |     0.210 |     0.200 |    0.002      32.0     1.64 |    1000 |     0.201 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelUnKaons                                |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     353 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelXiccPP2DpKpi                           |     1.392 |     1.552 |    0.078      22.7     3.59 |      79 |     0.123 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDT_XiccPP2DpKpiLine                         |     5.000 |     3.405 |    0.299      11.0     3.29 |      12 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXiccBDT_XiccPP2DpKpiLine                  |     0.300 |     0.214 |    0.018      30.5     1.43 |    1000 |     0.215 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccPP2DpKpiLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccPP2DpKpiLineFilterSequence   |     0.270 |     0.178 |    0.002      30.5     1.42 |    1000 |     0.179 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelUnKaons                                |     0.028 |     0.015 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     353 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelXiccPP2DpKpi                           |     1.898 |     1.419 |    0.077      21.0     3.24 |      79 |     0.112 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDT_XiccPP2DpKpiLine                         |     5.000 |     2.900 |    0.279       8.4     2.52 |      12 |     0.035 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccPP2DpKpiLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXiccBDT_XiccPP2D0pKpipiLine               |     0.870 |     0.872 |    0.019      88.2     5.17 |    1000 |     0.873 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXiccBDT_XiccPP2D0pKpipiLine               |     0.830 |     0.813 |    0.017      85.9     4.97 |    1000 |     0.814 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccPP2D0pKpipiLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccPP2D0pKpipiLineFilterSequence|     0.830 |     0.827 |    0.001      88.1     5.15 |    1000 |     0.827 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelD0                                     |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.004       0.2     0.02 |     250 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelXiccPP2D0pKpipi                        |     5.104 |     5.017 |    0.090      69.0    11.43 |     143 |     0.718 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDT_XiccPP2D0pKpipiLine                      |     6.000 |     5.527 |    0.412      17.2     7.07 |       5 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccPP2D0pKpipiLineFilterSequence|     0.800 |     0.777 |    0.001      85.8     4.96 |    1000 |     0.777 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelD0                                     |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |     250 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelXiccPP2D0pKpipi                        |     4.685 |     4.757 |    0.081      71.0    11.15 |     143 |     0.680 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDT_XiccPP2D0pKpipiLine                      |     4.000 |     5.128 |    0.795      15.1     6.23 |       5 |     0.026 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccPP2D0pKpipiLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXiccBDT_XiccP2LcKpiLine                   |     1.050 |     1.017 |    0.021     101.2     5.33 |    1000 |     1.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXiccBDT_XiccP2LcKpiLine                   |     0.830 |     0.884 |    0.018      95.7     4.80 |    1000 |     0.884 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccP2LcKpiLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccP2LcKpiLineFilterSequence    |     0.970 |     0.967 |    0.002     101.1     5.32 |    1000 |     0.967 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelXiccP2LcKpi                            |     1.924 |     2.053 |    0.084      58.7     5.79 |     239 |     0.491 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDT_XiccP2LcKpiLine                          |     2.932 |     2.830 |    0.246      39.6     5.76 |     133 |     0.376 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccP2LcKpiLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXiccBDT_XiccP2D0pLine                     |     0.070 |     0.105 |    0.020       2.2     0.22 |    1000 |     0.105 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccP2LcKpiLineFilterSequence    |     0.810 |     0.844 |    0.001      95.7     4.79 |    1000 |     0.845 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelXiccP2LcKpi                            |     1.757 |     1.823 |    0.076      55.1     5.22 |     239 |     0.436 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDT_XiccP2LcKpiLine                          |     2.481 |     2.447 |    0.197      37.9     5.35 |     133 |     0.326 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccP2LcKpiLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXiccBDT_XiccP2D0pLine                     |     0.120 |     0.095 |    0.018       2.6     0.24 |    1000 |     0.096 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccP2D0pLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccP2D0pLineFilterSequence      |     0.030 |     0.059 |    0.001       2.1     0.21 |    1000 |     0.059 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelXiccP2D0p                              |     0.069 |     0.153 |    0.051       0.7     0.08 |     143 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDT_XiccP2D0pLine                            |     0.000 |     0.571 |    0.237       1.2     0.30 |      27 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccP2D0pLineFilterSequence      |     0.080 |     0.058 |    0.001       2.6     0.24 |    1000 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelXiccP2D0p                              |     0.069 |     0.133 |    0.047       0.6     0.08 |     143 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDT_XiccP2D0pLine                            |     1.851 |     0.715 |    0.208       1.9     0.66 |      27 |     0.019 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccP2D0pLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXiccBDT_XiccP2D0pKpiLine                  |     0.360 |     0.333 |    0.018      67.8     2.41 |    1000 |     0.334 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccP2D0pKpiLinePreScaler        |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccP2D0pKpiLineFilterSequence   |     0.310 |     0.290 |    0.002      67.7     2.40 |    1000 |     0.290 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelXiccP2D0pKpi                           |     1.188 |     1.371 |    0.083      30.3     3.28 |     143 |     0.196 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDT_XiccP2D0pKpiLine                         |     4.666 |     3.811 |    0.276      34.7     8.62 |      15 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXiccBDT_XiccP2D0pKpiLine                  |     0.330 |     0.288 |    0.018      40.5     1.69 |    1000 |     0.288 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccP2D0pKpiLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccP2D0pKpiLineFilterSequence   |     0.270 |     0.251 |    0.001      40.4     1.69 |    1000 |     0.252 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelXiccP2D0pKpi                           |     1.188 |     1.283 |    0.077      21.6     2.86 |     143 |     0.184 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDT_XiccP2D0pKpiLine                         |     3.333 |     2.433 |    0.235      17.5     4.27 |      15 |     0.037 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccP2D0pKpiLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXiccBDT_XiccP2DpKLine                     |     0.120 |     0.098 |    0.019       6.2     0.36 |    1000 |     0.099 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccP2DpKLinePreScaler           |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccP2DpKLineFilterSequence      |     0.040 |     0.055 |    0.002       6.0     0.35 |    1000 |     0.055 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelXiccP2DpK                              |     0.126 |     0.265 |    0.063       2.0     0.38 |      79 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDT_XiccP2DpKLine                            |     0.000 |     1.610 |    0.360       3.4     1.06 |      10 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXiccBDT_XiccP2DpKLine                     |     0.120 |     0.078 |    0.018       4.0     0.26 |    1000 |     0.079 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccP2DpKLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccP2DpKLineFilterSequence      |     0.070 |     0.042 |    0.002       3.9     0.25 |    1000 |     0.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDTSelXiccP2DpK                              |     0.506 |     0.213 |    0.061       1.2     0.23 |      79 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiccBDT_XiccP2DpKLine                            |     0.000 |     1.065 |    0.240       2.7     0.70 |      10 |     0.011 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiccBDT_XiccP2DpKLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XEtaB2etapKSLLLine                      |     0.960 |     1.077 |    0.028      88.8     5.04 |    1000 |     1.077 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XEtaB2etapKSLLLine                      |     1.000 |     0.942 |    0.025      88.4     4.51 |    1000 |     0.943 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2etapKSLLLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2etapKSLLLineHlt1Filter           |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.7     0.02 |    1000 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2etapKSLLLineFilterSequence       |     1.060 |     1.213 |    0.010      88.6     5.53 |     820 |     0.995 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XEtaB2etapKSLLLineVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     820 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KSforB2XEtaB2etapKSLL                            |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |     245 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:DaughtersForB2XEta                        |     0.420 |     0.318 |    0.074       1.2     0.17 |     666 |     0.212 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:DaughtersForB2XEta                 |     0.015 |     0.026 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |     666 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2etapKSLLLineHlt1Filter           |     0.020 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2etapKSLLLineFilterSequence       |     1.109 |     1.075 |    0.009      88.3     4.95 |     820 |     0.882 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XEtaB2etapKSLLLineVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KSforB2XEtaB2etapKSLL                            |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.004       3.8     0.24 |     245 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:DaughtersForB2XEta                        |     0.345 |     0.279 |    0.069       1.7     0.16 |     666 |     0.186 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:DaughtersForB2XEta                 |     0.030 |     0.020 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |     666 |     0.014 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Phys_StdLoosePions_Particles             |     0.015 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     666 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Phys_StdLooseAllPhotons_Particles        |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     666 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Phys_StdLooseResolvedPi0_Particles       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DaughtersForB2XEta                              |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     666 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseEta2gg_Particles           |     8.039 |     7.963 |    0.378     181.9    13.59 |     408 |     3.249 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            EtaforEtapforB2XEta                              |     0.098 |     0.039 |    0.007       0.2     0.03 |     408 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            EtapforB2XEta                                    |     1.421 |     1.524 |    0.071      13.6     1.86 |     408 |     0.622 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XEtaB2etapKSLLLine                             |     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.039       1.4     0.17 |      73 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Phys_StdLooseAllPhotons_Particles        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     666 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Phys_StdLooseResolvedPi0_Particles       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DaughtersForB2XEta                              |     0.015 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     666 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseEta2gg_Particles           |     7.524 |     7.575 |    0.376     179.3    13.09 |     408 |     3.091 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            EtaforEtapforB2XEta                              |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.006       0.4     0.03 |     408 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            EtapforB2XEta                                    |     1.299 |     1.320 |    0.060      12.4     1.64 |     408 |     0.539 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XEtaB2etapKSLLLine                             |     0.000 |     0.093 |    0.038       1.0     0.13 |      73 |     0.007 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2etapKSLLLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XEtaB2etapKSDDLine                      |     0.970 |     1.043 |    0.025     138.1     5.40 |    1000 |     1.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XEtaB2etapKSDDLine                      |     0.970 |     0.986 |    0.021     116.7     5.09 |    1000 |     0.986 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2etapKSDDLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2etapKSDDLineHlt1Filter           |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2etapKSDDLineFilterSequence       |     1.121 |     1.188 |    0.008     137.9     5.93 |     820 |     0.974 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XEtaB2etapKSDDLineVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KSforB2XEtaB2etapKSDD                            |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     498 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XEtaB2etapKSDDLine                             |     0.175 |     0.181 |    0.043       2.1     0.30 |      57 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2etapKSDDLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XEtaB2eta3piKSLLLine                    |     0.170 |     0.126 |    0.024       4.3     0.25 |    1000 |     0.127 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2etapKSDDLineHlt1Filter           |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2etapKSDDLineFilterSequence       |     1.134 |     1.135 |    0.008     116.5     5.60 |     820 |     0.931 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XEtaB2etapKSDDLineVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KSforB2XEtaB2etapKSDD                            |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     498 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XEtaB2etapKSDDLine                             |     0.000 |     0.133 |    0.039       0.9     0.17 |      57 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2etapKSDDLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XEtaB2eta3piKSLLLine                    |     0.050 |     0.105 |    0.021       3.5     0.21 |    1000 |     0.106 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2eta3piKSLLLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2eta3piKSLLLineHlt1Filter         |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2eta3piKSLLLineFilterSequence     |     0.146 |     0.073 |    0.007       4.2     0.27 |     820 |     0.061 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XEtaB2eta3piKSLLLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Eta3PiforB2XEta                                  |     0.315 |     0.320 |    0.047       2.4     0.30 |     666 |     0.213 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XEtaB2eta3piKSLLLine                           |     0.645 |     0.094 |    0.038       1.1     0.18 |      31 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2eta3piKSLLLineHlt1Filter         |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2eta3piKSLLLineFilterSequence     |     0.048 |     0.063 |    0.007       3.4     0.22 |     820 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XEtaB2eta3piKSLLLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Eta3PiforB2XEta                                  |     0.240 |     0.274 |    0.040       2.0     0.26 |     666 |     0.183 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XEtaB2eta3piKSLLLine                           |     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.034       0.5     0.09 |      31 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2eta3piKSLLLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XEtaB2eta3piKSDDLine                    |     0.070 |     0.113 |    0.022       3.6     0.20 |    1000 |     0.113 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XEtaB2eta3piKSDDLine                    |     0.060 |     0.094 |    0.020       1.5     0.15 |    1000 |     0.094 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2eta3piKSDDLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2eta3piKSDDLineHlt1Filter         |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2eta3piKSDDLineFilterSequence     |     0.036 |     0.062 |    0.007       3.5     0.21 |     820 |     0.051 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XEtaB2eta3piKSDDLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XEtaB2eta3piKSDDLine                           |     0.000 |     0.130 |    0.044       0.6     0.17 |      17 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2eta3piKSDDLineHlt1Filter         |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2eta3piKSDDLineFilterSequence     |     0.036 |     0.052 |    0.006       1.4     0.16 |     820 |     0.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XEtaB2eta3piKSDDLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XEtaB2eta3piKSDDLine                           |     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.042       0.5     0.12 |      17 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2eta3piKSDDLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XEtaLb2etapLLLLine                      |     0.610 |     0.595 |    0.030     219.9     7.16 |    1000 |     0.595 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XEtaLb2etapLLLLine                      |     0.510 |     0.550 |    0.029     218.0     7.07 |    1000 |     0.551 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaLb2etapLLLLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaLb2etapLLLLineFilterSequence       |     0.600 |     0.543 |    0.008     219.7     7.15 |    1000 |     0.544 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XEtaLb2etapLLLLineVOIDFilter          |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaforB2XEtaLb2etapLLL                        |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      99 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XEtaLb2etapLLLLine                             |     0.312 |     0.182 |    0.054       1.5     0.28 |      32 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaLb2etapLLLLineFilterSequence       |     0.490 |     0.508 |    0.007     217.9     7.06 |    1000 |     0.508 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XEtaLb2etapLLLLineVOIDFilter          |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaforB2XEtaLb2etapLLL                        |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      99 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XEtaLb2etapLLLLine                             |     0.312 |     0.166 |    0.052       1.6     0.30 |      32 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaLb2etapLLLLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XEtaLb2etapLDDLine                      |     0.750 |     0.678 |    0.027      51.6     3.24 |    1000 |     0.678 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XEtaLb2etapLDDLine                      |     0.570 |     0.594 |    0.024      54.1     2.98 |    1000 |     0.594 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaLb2etapLDDLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaLb2etapLDDLineFilterSequence       |     0.660 |     0.625 |    0.006      51.4     3.23 |    1000 |     0.626 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XEtaLb2etapLDDLineVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaforB2XEtaLb2etapLDD                        |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |     493 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XEtaLb2etapLDDLine                             |     0.377 |     0.128 |    0.054       1.4     0.19 |      53 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaLb2etapLDDLineFilterSequence       |     0.520 |     0.552 |    0.006      54.0     2.97 |    1000 |     0.553 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XEtaLb2etapLDDLineVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaforB2XEtaLb2etapLDD                        |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     493 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XEtaLb2etapLDDLine                             |     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.053       1.2     0.16 |      53 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaLb2etapLDDLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XEtaLb2eta3piLLLLine                    |     0.070 |     0.081 |    0.026       3.6     0.17 |    1000 |     0.082 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaLb2eta3piLLLLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaLb2eta3piLLLLineFilterSequence     |     0.030 |     0.032 |    0.007       3.5     0.16 |    1000 |     0.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XEtaLb2eta3piLLLLineVOIDFilter        |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XEtaLb2eta3piLLLLine                           |     1.428 |     0.198 |    0.052       1.6     0.41 |      14 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XEtaLb2eta3piLLLLine                    |     0.070 |     0.070 |    0.023       3.6     0.17 |    1000 |     0.070 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaLb2eta3piLLLLinePreScaler          |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaLb2eta3piLLLLineFilterSequence     |     0.010 |     0.029 |    0.006       3.5     0.16 |    1000 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XEtaLb2eta3piLLLLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XEtaLb2eta3piLLLLine                           |     0.000 |     0.142 |    0.048       1.1     0.26 |      14 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaLb2eta3piLLLLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XEtaLb2eta3piLDDLine                    |     0.060 |     0.082 |    0.026       2.4     0.15 |    1000 |     0.083 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XEtaLb2eta3piLDDLine                    |     0.050 |     0.071 |    0.022       2.7     0.15 |    1000 |     0.071 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaLb2eta3piLDDLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaLb2eta3piLDDLineFilterSequence     |     0.030 |     0.034 |    0.007       2.3     0.14 |    1000 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XEtaLb2eta3piLDDLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XEtaLb2eta3piLDDLine                           |     0.588 |     0.154 |    0.048       1.5     0.34 |      17 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaLb2eta3piLDDLineFilterSequence     |     0.030 |     0.031 |    0.006       2.6     0.15 |    1000 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XEtaLb2eta3piLDDLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XEtaLb2eta3piLDDLine                           |     0.000 |     0.130 |    0.044       1.1     0.26 |      17 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaLb2eta3piLDDLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XEtaB2etapKstarLine                     |     3.250 |     3.228 |    0.024     120.3    10.04 |    1000 |     3.228 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XEtaB2etapKstarLine                     |     3.030 |     3.048 |    0.021     127.9     9.57 |    1000 |     3.048 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2etapKstarLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2etapKstarLineHlt1Filter          |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2etapKstarLineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2etapKstarLineFilterSequence      |    10.191 |    10.070 |    0.154     120.0    15.85 |     313 |     3.152 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XEtaB2etapKstarLineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     313 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseKstar2Kpi_Particles        |     4.320 |     4.468 |    0.110     117.2     7.62 |     956 |     4.272 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KstarForB2XEtaB2etapKstar                        |     0.122 |     0.113 |    0.005       3.9     0.16 |     818 |     0.093 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XEtaB2etapKstarLine                            |     0.204 |     0.153 |    0.055       1.8     0.20 |      98 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2etapKstarLineHlt1Filter          |     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2etapKstarLineHlt2Filter          |     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2etapKstarLineFilterSequence      |     9.392 |     9.548 |    0.143     127.7    15.14 |     313 |     2.989 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XEtaB2etapKstarLineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     313 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseKstar2Kpi_Particles        |     3.891 |     4.106 |    0.105     124.7     7.24 |     956 |     3.926 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KstarForB2XEtaB2etapKstar                        |     0.061 |     0.088 |    0.005       0.9     0.07 |     818 |     0.073 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XEtaB2etapKstarLine                            |     0.204 |     0.130 |    0.049       1.1     0.15 |      98 |     0.013 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2etapKstarLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XEtaB2eta3piKstarLine                   |     2.360 |     2.349 |    0.023      56.8     4.80 |    1000 |     2.350 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XEtaB2eta3piKstarLine                   |     1.910 |     2.062 |    0.020      54.3     4.21 |    1000 |     2.063 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2eta3piKstarLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2eta3piKstarLineHlt1Filter        |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2eta3piKstarLineFilterSequence    |     2.780 |     2.767 |    0.010      56.8     5.15 |     820 |     2.269 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XEtaB2eta3piKstarLineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XEtaB2eta3piKstarLine                          |     0.232 |     0.105 |    0.051       1.9     0.20 |      86 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2eta3piKstarLineHlt1Filter        |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2eta3piKstarLineFilterSequence    |     2.243 |     2.439 |    0.009      54.2     4.52 |     820 |     2.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XEtaB2eta3piKstarLineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XEtaB2eta3piKstarLine                          |     0.232 |     0.088 |    0.048       1.2     0.12 |      86 |     0.008 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaB2eta3piKstarLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XEtaLb2pKetapLine                       |     0.820 |     0.865 |    0.023     107.0     4.74 |    1000 |     0.866 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaLb2pKetapLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaLb2pKetapLineHlt1Filter            |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |    1000 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaLb2pKetapLineHlt2Filter            |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaLb2pKetapLineFilterSequence        |     2.555 |     2.528 |    0.009     106.8     8.20 |     313 |     0.791 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XEtaLb2pKetapLineVOIDFilter           |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     313 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtonsForB2XEtaLb2pKetap                        |     0.012 |     0.036 |    0.003       0.2     0.02 |     796 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsForB2XEtaLb2pKetap                          |     0.040 |     0.027 |    0.004       0.2     0.01 |     500 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XEtaLb2pKetapLine                              |     0.076 |     0.117 |    0.053       1.9     0.17 |     131 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XEtaLb2pKetapLine                       |     0.780 |     0.803 |    0.019     103.4     4.42 |    1000 |     0.804 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaLb2pKetapLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaLb2pKetapLineHlt1Filter            |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaLb2pKetapLineHlt2Filter            |     0.012 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaLb2pKetapLineFilterSequence        |     2.364 |     2.375 |    0.008     103.3     7.64 |     313 |     0.744 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XEtaLb2pKetapLineVOIDFilter           |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     313 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtonsForB2XEtaLb2pKetap                        |     0.050 |     0.031 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |     796 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsForB2XEtaLb2pKetap                          |     0.020 |     0.024 |    0.003       0.2     0.01 |     500 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XEtaLb2pKetapLine                              |     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.048       1.1     0.10 |     131 |     0.013 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaLb2pKetapLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XEtaLb2pKeta3piLine                     |     0.210 |     0.240 |    0.022       5.4     0.34 |    1000 |     0.240 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XEtaLb2pKeta3piLine                     |     0.270 |     0.202 |    0.020       3.2     0.28 |    1000 |     0.203 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaLb2pKeta3piLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaLb2pKeta3piLineHlt1Filter          |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaLb2pKeta3piLineFilterSequence      |     0.158 |     0.208 |    0.008       5.2     0.36 |     820 |     0.171 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XEtaLb2pKeta3piLineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XEtaLb2pKeta3piLine                            |     0.319 |     0.161 |    0.051       3.9     0.44 |      94 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaLb2pKeta3piLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc3piForBc3h                              |     0.450 |     0.375 |    0.020       1.9     0.21 |    1000 |     0.375 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaLb2pKeta3piLineHlt1Filter          |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaLb2pKeta3piLineFilterSequence      |     0.256 |     0.177 |    0.007       3.1     0.29 |     820 |     0.146 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XEtaLb2pKeta3piLineVOIDFilter         |     0.012 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XEtaLb2pKeta3piLine                            |     0.106 |     0.131 |    0.047       2.1     0.27 |      94 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XEtaLb2pKeta3piLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc3piForBc3h                              |     0.370 |     0.317 |    0.018       1.9     0.17 |    1000 |     0.318 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc3piForBc3hPreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc3piForBc3hFilterSequence               |     0.380 |     0.330 |    0.002       1.8     0.20 |    1000 |     0.331 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelPionForBc3h                                   |     0.154 |     0.116 |    0.007       0.5     0.07 |     974 |     0.113 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc3piForBc3h                                     |     0.103 |     0.083 |    0.031       1.5     0.07 |     870 |     0.072 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc3piForBc3hFilterSequence               |     0.330 |     0.280 |    0.002       1.7     0.16 |    1000 |     0.281 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelPionForBc3h                                   |     0.112 |     0.091 |    0.006       0.4     0.05 |     974 |     0.089 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc3piForBc3h                                     |     0.045 |     0.073 |    0.028       1.2     0.06 |     870 |     0.064 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc3piForBc3hPostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc3kForBc3h                               |     0.270 |     0.238 |    0.019       1.5     0.16 |    1000 |     0.239 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc3kForBc3h                               |     0.280 |     0.205 |    0.018       1.5     0.13 |    1000 |     0.206 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc3kForBc3hPreScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc3kForBc3hFilterSequence                |     0.210 |     0.195 |    0.001       1.4     0.15 |    1000 |     0.195 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelKaonForBc3h                                   |     0.082 |     0.053 |    0.004       0.2     0.03 |     971 |     0.052 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc3kForBc3h                                      |     0.058 |     0.050 |    0.028       1.3     0.05 |     685 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc3kForBc3hFilterSequence                |     0.260 |     0.168 |    0.002       1.4     0.12 |    1000 |     0.168 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelKaonForBc3h                                   |     0.072 |     0.045 |    0.004       0.2     0.02 |     971 |     0.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc3kForBc3h                                      |     0.072 |     0.044 |    0.025       1.3     0.05 |     685 |     0.031 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc3kForBc3hPostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc3kpiForBc3h                             |     0.180 |     0.143 |    0.019       7.1     0.25 |    1000 |     0.144 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc3kpiForBc3h                             |     0.140 |     0.118 |    0.018       1.2     0.09 |    1000 |     0.119 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc3kpiForBc3hPreScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc3kpiForBc3hFilterSequence              |     0.110 |     0.101 |    0.001       6.8     0.24 |    1000 |     0.102 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc3kpiForBc3h                                    |     0.031 |     0.085 |    0.037       1.6     0.08 |     644 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc3kpiForBc3hFilterSequence              |     0.090 |     0.083 |    0.002       1.2     0.09 |    1000 |     0.084 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc3kpiForBc3h                                    |     0.093 |     0.073 |    0.034       0.5     0.04 |     644 |     0.048 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc3kpiForBc3hPostScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc3pppiForBc3h                            |     0.160 |     0.228 |    0.019       2.0     0.17 |    1000 |     0.228 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc3pppiForBc3hPreScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc3pppiForBc3hFilterSequence             |     0.120 |     0.174 |    0.001       1.1     0.14 |    1000 |     0.175 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelProtonForBc3h                                 |     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.003       0.3     0.02 |     969 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc3pppiForBc3h                                   |     0.074 |     0.068 |    0.040       0.8     0.05 |     535 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc3pppiForBc3hPostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc3ppkForBc3h                             |     0.090 |     0.104 |    0.019       1.6     0.11 |    1000 |     0.104 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc3pppiForBc3h                            |     0.190 |     0.193 |    0.017       1.4     0.13 |    1000 |     0.193 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc3pppiForBc3hPreScaler                  |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc3pppiForBc3hFilterSequence             |     0.150 |     0.155 |    0.001       1.3     0.12 |    1000 |     0.155 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelProtonForBc3h                                 |     0.010 |     0.037 |    0.004       0.2     0.02 |     969 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc3pppiForBc3h                                   |     0.056 |     0.060 |    0.036       0.5     0.03 |     535 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc3pppiForBc3hPostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc3ppkForBc3h                             |     0.170 |     0.087 |    0.017       1.2     0.08 |    1000 |     0.087 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc3ppkForBc3hPreScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc3ppkForBc3hFilterSequence              |     0.060 |     0.059 |    0.001       1.5     0.09 |    1000 |     0.060 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc3ppkForBc3h                                    |     0.107 |     0.064 |    0.035       1.5     0.07 |     463 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc3ppkForBc3hFilterSequence              |     0.130 |     0.051 |    0.002       1.2     0.07 |    1000 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc3ppkForBc3h                                    |     0.129 |     0.055 |    0.032       1.1     0.05 |     463 |     0.026 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc3ppkForBc3hPostScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSBs2PhiPhiWideLine                    |     0.100 |     0.106 |    0.014       3.8     0.22 |    1000 |     0.107 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2PhiPhiWideLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2PhiPhiWideLineFilterSequence     |     0.349 |     0.416 |    0.002       3.8     0.40 |     143 |     0.060 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBs2PhiPhiWide_LoosePhi2KK                   |     0.071 |     0.218 |    0.080       1.3     0.14 |     139 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBs2PhiPhiWideLine                           |     0.256 |     0.066 |    0.029       1.3     0.15 |      78 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_BetaSBs2PhiPhiWideLine              |     0.000 |     0.704 |    0.704       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_BetaSBs2PhiPhiWideLine              |     0.000 |     0.510 |    0.510       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_BetaSBs2PhiPhiWideLine              |     0.000 |     0.590 |    0.590       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_BetaSBs2PhiPhiWideLine              |     0.000 |     0.522 |    0.522       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_BetaSBs2PhiPhiWideLine              |     0.000 |     0.374 |    0.374       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2PhiPhiWideLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShLL_Line                     |     0.150 |     0.127 |    0.022       5.7     0.33 |    1000 |     0.128 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSBs2PhiPhiWideLine                    |     0.090 |     0.091 |    0.014       3.2     0.19 |    1000 |     0.092 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2PhiPhiWideLinePreScaler          |     0.020 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2PhiPhiWideLineFilterSequence     |     0.139 |     0.370 |    0.002       3.2     0.35 |     143 |     0.053 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBs2PhiPhiWide_LoosePhi2KK                   |     0.071 |     0.178 |    0.070       0.8     0.10 |     139 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBs2PhiPhiWideLine                           |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.024       0.6     0.07 |      78 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_BetaSBs2PhiPhiWideLine              |     0.000 |     0.564 |    0.564       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_BetaSBs2PhiPhiWideLine              |     0.000 |     0.456 |    0.456       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_BetaSBs2PhiPhiWideLine              |     0.000 |     0.502 |    0.502       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_BetaSBs2PhiPhiWideLine              |     0.000 |     0.455 |    0.455       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_BetaSBs2PhiPhiWideLine              |     0.000 |     0.315 |    0.315       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2PhiPhiWideLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShLL_Line                     |     0.090 |     0.108 |    0.020       4.4     0.28 |    1000 |     0.108 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShLL_LinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShLL_LineHlt1Filter          |     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShLL_LineHlt2Filter          |     0.012 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShLL_LineFilterSequence      |     0.191 |     0.183 |    0.010       5.5     0.51 |     313 |     0.057 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShLL_LineVOIDFilter         |     0.031 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.6     0.03 |     313 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            V0forHb2V0V0hKSLL                                |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     269 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSKShLL_Line                            |     0.384 |     0.342 |    0.065       5.0     0.78 |      78 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShLL_LineHlt1Filter          |     0.030 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShLL_LineHlt2Filter          |     0.012 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShLL_LineFilterSequence      |     0.063 |     0.154 |    0.010       4.4     0.41 |     313 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShLL_LineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     313 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            V0forHb2V0V0hKSLL                                |     0.037 |     0.019 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     269 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSKShLL_Line                            |     0.256 |     0.278 |    0.057       4.1     0.59 |      78 |     0.022 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_KSKShLL_Line               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_KSKShLL_Line               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_KSKShLL_Line               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_KSKShLL_Line               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShLL_LinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShLD_Line                     |     0.090 |     0.138 |    0.021      11.0     0.61 |    1000 |     0.139 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShLD_LinePreScaler           |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShLD_LineHlt1Filter          |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShLD_LineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShLD_LineFilterSequence      |     0.159 |     0.246 |    0.008      10.8     1.04 |     313 |     0.077 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShLD_LineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     313 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            V0forHb2V0V0hKSDD                                |     0.017 |     0.020 |    0.003       0.3     0.02 |     582 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSKShLD_Line                            |     0.937 |     1.853 |    0.208      10.1     2.32 |      32 |     0.059 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_KSKShLD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.340 |    0.340       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_KSKShLD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.213 |    0.213       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_KSKShLD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.168 |    0.168       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_KSKShLD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.626 |    0.626       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShLD_LinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShDD_Line                     |     0.190 |     0.142 |    0.020       8.0     0.40 |    1000 |     0.142 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShDD_LinePreScaler           |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShDD_LineHlt1Filter          |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShDD_LineHlt2Filter          |     0.012 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShDD_LineFilterSequence      |     0.415 |     0.271 |    0.008       7.8     0.65 |     313 |     0.085 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShDD_LineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     313 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSKShDD_Line                            |     0.629 |     0.404 |    0.064       7.5     0.83 |     127 |     0.051 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_KSKShDD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.231 |    0.181       0.3     0.05 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_KSKShDD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.122 |    0.097       0.2     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_KSKShDD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.092       0.2     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_KSKShDD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.260 |    0.143       0.3     0.10 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShDD_LinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhLL_Line                     |     0.100 |     0.084 |    0.020       4.5     0.22 |    1000 |     0.085 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShLD_Line                     |     0.100 |     0.118 |    0.019       9.3     0.51 |    1000 |     0.118 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShLD_LinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShLD_LineHlt1Filter          |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShLD_LineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShLD_LineFilterSequence      |     0.255 |     0.216 |    0.007       9.1     0.88 |     313 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShLD_LineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     313 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            V0forHb2V0V0hKSDD                                |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.003       0.2     0.01 |     582 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSKShLD_Line                            |     2.187 |     1.631 |    0.192       8.6     1.94 |      32 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_KSKShLD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.183 |    0.183       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_KSKShLD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.147 |    0.147       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_KSKShLD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.176 |    0.176       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_KSKShLD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.550 |    0.550       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShLD_LinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShDD_Line                     |     0.100 |     0.126 |    0.018       7.3     0.37 |    1000 |     0.127 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShDD_LinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShDD_LineHlt1Filter          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShDD_LineHlt2Filter          |     0.012 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShDD_LineFilterSequence      |     0.191 |     0.249 |    0.007       7.1     0.61 |     313 |     0.078 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShDD_LineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     313 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSKShDD_Line                            |     0.393 |     0.366 |    0.058       6.9     0.75 |     127 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_KSKShDD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.227 |    0.178       0.3     0.05 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_KSKShDD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.149 |    0.119       0.2     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_KSKShDD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.148 |    0.114       0.2     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_KSKShDD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.254 |    0.191       0.3     0.05 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKShDD_LinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhLL_Line                     |     0.120 |     0.076 |    0.019       4.2     0.21 |    1000 |     0.077 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhLL_LinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhLL_LineHlt1Filter          |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhLL_LineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhLL_LineFilterSequence      |     0.127 |     0.079 |    0.008       4.3     0.37 |     313 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhLL_LineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     313 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            V0forHb2V0V0hLzLL                                |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.004       0.2     0.02 |      99 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSLzhLL_Line                            |     1.333 |     0.869 |    0.089       3.0     0.85 |      15 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhLL_LineHlt1Filter          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhLL_LineHlt2Filter          |     0.012 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhLL_LineFilterSequence      |     0.095 |     0.069 |    0.007       4.0     0.33 |     313 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhLL_LineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     313 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            V0forHb2V0V0hLzLL                                |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |      99 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSLzhLL_Line                            |     0.000 |     0.780 |    0.088       2.7     0.79 |      15 |     0.012 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_KSLzhLL_Line               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_KSLzhLL_Line               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_KSLzhLL_Line               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_KSLzhLL_Line               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhLL_LinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhLD_Line                     |     0.060 |     0.095 |    0.018       2.6     0.23 |    1000 |     0.096 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhLD_Line                     |     0.110 |     0.083 |    0.018       3.3     0.21 |    1000 |     0.084 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhLD_LinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhLD_LineHlt1Filter          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhLD_LineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhLD_LineFilterSequence      |     0.095 |     0.120 |    0.008       2.5     0.37 |     313 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhLD_LineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     313 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            V0forHb2V0V0hLzDD                                |     0.040 |     0.021 |    0.004       0.3     0.02 |     493 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSLzhLD_Line                            |     0.322 |     0.723 |    0.105       2.2     0.59 |      31 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_KSLzhLD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.219 |    0.219       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_KSLzhLD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.113       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_KSLzhLD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.103 |    0.103       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_KSLzhLD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.192 |    0.192       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhLD_LineHlt1Filter          |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhLD_LineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhLD_LineFilterSequence      |     0.159 |     0.110 |    0.007       3.2     0.35 |     313 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhLD_LineVOIDFilter         |     0.031 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     313 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            V0forHb2V0V0hLzDD                                |     0.040 |     0.016 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     493 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSLzhLD_Line                            |     0.322 |     0.666 |    0.081       2.5     0.58 |      31 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_KSLzhLD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.161 |    0.161       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_KSLzhLD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.117 |    0.117       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_KSLzhLD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.104 |    0.104       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_KSLzhLD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.198 |    0.198       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhLD_LinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhDD_Line                     |     0.120 |     0.127 |    0.019      10.1     0.43 |    1000 |     0.127 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhDD_Line                     |     0.100 |     0.101 |    0.018       3.2     0.25 |    1000 |     0.102 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhDD_LinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhDD_LineHlt1Filter          |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhDD_LineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhDD_LineFilterSequence      |     0.159 |     0.205 |    0.009       9.8     0.67 |     313 |     0.064 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhDD_LineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     313 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSLzhDD_Line                            |     0.454 |     0.673 |    0.082       9.4     1.19 |      66 |     0.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhDD_LineHlt1Filter          |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhDD_LineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhDD_LineFilterSequence      |     0.063 |     0.169 |    0.007       3.2     0.41 |     313 |     0.053 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhDD_LineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     313 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSLzhDD_Line                            |     0.151 |     0.538 |    0.076       2.9     0.59 |      66 |     0.036 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_KSLzhDD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_KSLzhDD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_KSLzhDD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_KSLzhDD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSLzhDD_LinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhLL_Line                     |     0.020 |     0.073 |    0.020       3.0     0.12 |    1000 |     0.074 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhLL_Line                     |     0.050 |     0.063 |    0.019       2.9     0.12 |    1000 |     0.063 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhLL_LinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhLL_LineHlt1Filter          |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhLL_LineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhLL_LineFilterSequence      |     0.031 |     0.042 |    0.009       2.0     0.16 |     313 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhLL_LineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     313 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_LzLzhLL_Line                            |     0.000 |     0.252 |    0.071       1.7     0.47 |      20 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhLL_LineHlt1Filter          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhLL_LineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhLL_LineFilterSequence      |     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.007       2.8     0.19 |     313 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhLL_LineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     313 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_LzLzhLL_Line                            |     0.000 |     0.278 |    0.064       2.7     0.63 |      20 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzhLL_Line               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzhLL_Line               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzhLL_Line               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzhLL_Line               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhLL_LinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhLD_Line                     |     0.050 |     0.064 |    0.019       1.6     0.07 |    1000 |     0.065 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhLD_LinePreScaler           |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhLD_LineHlt1Filter          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhLD_LineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhLD_LineFilterSequence      |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.007       1.5     0.10 |     313 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhLD_LineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     313 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_LzLzhLD_Line                            |     0.000 |     0.578 |    0.168       1.4     0.57 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhLD_Line                     |     0.000 |     0.054 |    0.018       1.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhLD_LinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhLD_LineHlt1Filter          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhLD_LineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhLD_LineFilterSequence      |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.007       1.8     0.11 |     313 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhLD_LineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     313 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_LzLzhLD_Line                            |     0.000 |     0.615 |    0.102       1.6     0.69 |       4 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzhLD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzhLD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzhLD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzhLD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhLD_LinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhDD_Line                     |     0.130 |     0.096 |    0.019       4.6     0.21 |    1000 |     0.096 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhDD_Line                     |     0.080 |     0.079 |    0.018       2.3     0.14 |    1000 |     0.080 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhDD_LinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhDD_LineHlt1Filter          |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhDD_LineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhDD_LineFilterSequence      |     0.159 |     0.127 |    0.008       4.4     0.34 |     313 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhDD_LineVOIDFilter         |     0.031 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     313 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_LzLzhDD_Line                            |     0.095 |     0.200 |    0.068       4.2     0.51 |     105 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhDD_LineHlt1Filter          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhDD_LineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhDD_LineFilterSequence      |     0.095 |     0.105 |    0.007       2.2     0.21 |     313 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhDD_LineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     313 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_LzLzhDD_Line                            |     0.095 |     0.156 |    0.059       2.1     0.28 |     105 |     0.016 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzhDD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzhDD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzhDD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzhDD_Line               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzhDD_LinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLLL_Line                   |     0.070 |     0.095 |    0.028       2.1     0.11 |    1000 |     0.095 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLLL_Line                   |     0.110 |     0.084 |    0.027       3.8     0.15 |    1000 |     0.084 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLLL_LinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLLL_LineFilterSequence    |     0.050 |     0.049 |    0.008       2.0     0.10 |    1000 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLLL_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLLL_Line                          |     0.053 |     0.050 |    0.027       1.7     0.12 |     188 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLLL_LineFilterSequence    |     0.050 |     0.045 |    0.008       3.8     0.14 |    1000 |     0.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLLL_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLLL_Line                          |     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.023       1.5     0.11 |     188 |     0.008 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLLL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLLL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLLL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLLL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLLL_LinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLLD_Line                   |     0.100 |     0.080 |    0.024       1.7     0.12 |    1000 |     0.081 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLLD_LinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLLD_LineFilterSequence    |     0.030 |     0.028 |    0.006       1.6     0.08 |    1000 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLLD_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLLD_Line                          |     0.128 |     0.099 |    0.026       1.5     0.19 |      78 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLLD_Line                   |     0.120 |     0.062 |    0.023       0.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLLD_LinePreScaler         |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLLD_LineFilterSequence    |     0.050 |     0.024 |    0.006       0.9     0.06 |    1000 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLLD_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.020 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLLD_Line                          |     0.000 |     0.077 |    0.024       0.7     0.11 |      78 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLLD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLLD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLLD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLLD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLLD_LinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLDL_Line                   |     0.100 |     0.111 |    0.023       1.5     0.10 |    1000 |     0.111 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLDL_Line                   |     0.090 |     0.096 |    0.023       1.2     0.08 |    1000 |     0.096 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLDL_LinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLDL_LineFilterSequence    |     0.060 |     0.069 |    0.006       1.5     0.09 |    1000 |     0.069 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLDL_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLDL_Line                          |     0.051 |     0.046 |    0.023       1.4     0.07 |     386 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLDL_LineFilterSequence    |     0.060 |     0.059 |    0.006       1.2     0.08 |    1000 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLDL_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLDL_Line                          |     0.025 |     0.043 |    0.021       1.1     0.07 |     386 |     0.017 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLDL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLDL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLDL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLDL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLDL_LinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLDD_Line                   |     0.050 |     0.068 |    0.023       0.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLDD_Line                   |     0.040 |     0.059 |    0.023       0.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.059 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLDD_LinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLDD_LineFilterSequence    |     0.010 |     0.022 |    0.006       0.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLDD_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLDD_Line                          |     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.022       0.7     0.12 |      78 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLDD_LineFilterSequence    |     0.010 |     0.020 |    0.006       0.7     0.05 |    1000 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLDD_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLDD_Line                          |     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.020       0.7     0.11 |      78 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLDD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLDD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLDD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLDD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSLDD_LinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSDDL_Line                   |     0.070 |     0.084 |    0.024       0.7     0.07 |    1000 |     0.085 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSDDL_Line                   |     0.080 |     0.071 |    0.022       0.5     0.05 |    1000 |     0.072 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSDDL_LinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSDDL_LineFilterSequence    |     0.030 |     0.043 |    0.006       0.6     0.06 |    1000 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSDDL_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSDDL_Line                          |     0.025 |     0.038 |    0.021       0.6     0.03 |     386 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSDDL_LineFilterSequence    |     0.040 |     0.037 |    0.006       0.5     0.05 |    1000 |     0.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSDDL_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSDDL_Line                          |     0.025 |     0.033 |    0.019       0.5     0.03 |     386 |     0.013 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSDDL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSDDL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSDDL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSDDL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSDDL_LinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSDDD_Line                   |     0.100 |     0.087 |    0.024       2.0     0.11 |    1000 |     0.088 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSDDD_Line                   |     0.070 |     0.070 |    0.023       0.6     0.05 |    1000 |     0.070 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSDDD_LinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSDDD_LineFilterSequence    |     0.020 |     0.045 |    0.006       1.8     0.09 |    1000 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSDDD_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSDDD_Line                          |     0.025 |     0.045 |    0.020       1.6     0.10 |     386 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSDDD_LineFilterSequence    |     0.030 |     0.036 |    0.006       0.6     0.05 |    1000 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSDDD_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSDDD_Line                          |     0.025 |     0.031 |    0.018       0.5     0.03 |     386 |     0.012 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSDDD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSDDD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSDDD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSKSDDD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSKSDDD_LinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLLL_Line                   |     0.070 |     0.062 |    0.023       0.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLLL_Line                   |     0.040 |     0.053 |    0.022       1.0     0.05 |    1000 |     0.053 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLLL_LinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLLL_LineFilterSequence    |     0.020 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.7     0.05 |    1000 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLLL_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLLL_Line                          |     0.000 |     0.092 |    0.040       0.7     0.13 |      23 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLLL_LineFilterSequence    |     0.020 |     0.015 |    0.006       0.9     0.04 |    1000 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLLL_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLLL_Line                          |     0.000 |     0.087 |    0.040       0.8     0.16 |      23 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLLL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLLL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLLL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLLL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLLL_LinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLLD_Line                   |     0.100 |     0.067 |    0.024       1.7     0.08 |    1000 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLLD_Line                   |     0.080 |     0.061 |    0.022       0.8     0.08 |    1000 |     0.062 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLLD_LinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLLD_LineFilterSequence    |     0.040 |     0.024 |    0.006       1.6     0.07 |    1000 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLLD_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLLD_Line                          |     0.000 |     0.077 |    0.040       1.3     0.16 |      67 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLLD_LineFilterSequence    |     0.030 |     0.025 |    0.006       0.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLLD_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLLD_Line                          |     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.036       0.6     0.09 |      67 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLLD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLLD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLLD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLLD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLLD_LinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLDL_Line                   |     0.040 |     0.057 |    0.024       2.4     0.09 |    1000 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLDL_Line                   |     0.030 |     0.052 |    0.022       3.9     0.13 |    1000 |     0.052 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLDL_LinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLDL_LineFilterSequence    |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       2.4     0.08 |    1000 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLDL_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLDL_Line                          |     0.000 |     0.279 |    0.040       1.9     0.62 |       9 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLDL_LineFilterSequence    |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       1.3     0.04 |    1000 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLDL_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLDL_Line                          |     0.000 |     0.179 |    0.041       1.1     0.36 |       9 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLDL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLDL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLDL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLDL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLDL_LinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLDD_Line                   |     0.040 |     0.061 |    0.024       1.7     0.08 |    1000 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLDD_Line                   |     0.050 |     0.053 |    0.022       1.7     0.07 |    1000 |     0.053 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLDD_LinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLDD_LineFilterSequence    |     0.030 |     0.018 |    0.006       1.7     0.07 |    1000 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLDD_LineFilterSequence    |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       1.6     0.06 |    1000 |     0.017 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLDD_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLDD_Line                          |     0.232 |     0.128 |    0.040       1.6     0.28 |      43 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLDD_Line                          |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.035       1.6     0.25 |      43 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLDD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLDD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLDD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLDD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzLDD_LinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzDDL_Line                   |     0.060 |     0.062 |    0.025       3.1     0.11 |    1000 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzDDL_Line                   |     0.050 |     0.051 |    0.022       1.6     0.06 |    1000 |     0.051 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzDDL_LinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzDDL_LineFilterSequence    |     0.040 |     0.018 |    0.007       3.0     0.10 |    1000 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzDDL_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.020 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzDDL_Line                          |     0.526 |     0.196 |    0.039       2.4     0.55 |      19 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzDDL_LineFilterSequence    |     0.010 |     0.014 |    0.006       1.6     0.06 |    1000 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzDDL_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzDDL_Line                          |     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.037       1.4     0.30 |      19 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzDDL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzDDL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzDDL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzDDL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzDDL_LinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzDDD_Line                   |     0.040 |     0.091 |    0.023       2.0     0.11 |    1000 |     0.091 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzDDD_LinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzDDD_LineFilterSequence    |     0.030 |     0.046 |    0.006       1.5     0.09 |    1000 |     0.047 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzDDD_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzDDD_Line                          |     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.037       1.4     0.10 |     197 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzDDD_Line                   |     0.050 |     0.076 |    0.022       1.2     0.08 |    1000 |     0.076 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzDDD_LinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzDDD_LineFilterSequence    |     0.040 |     0.040 |    0.006       1.2     0.07 |    1000 |     0.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzDDD_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzDDD_Line                          |     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.033       1.1     0.08 |     197 |     0.012 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzDDD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzDDD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzDDD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_KSKSLzDDD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_KSKSLzDDD_LinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLLL_Line                   |     0.080 |     0.061 |    0.023       0.7     0.05 |    1000 |     0.061 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLLL_LinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLLL_LineFilterSequence    |     0.010 |     0.017 |    0.006       0.7     0.04 |    1000 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLLL_Line                   |     0.070 |     0.052 |    0.022       0.8     0.05 |    1000 |     0.053 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLLL_LinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLLL_LineFilterSequence    |     0.020 |     0.015 |    0.005       0.8     0.04 |    1000 |     0.015 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLLL_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLLL_Line                          |     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.039       0.6     0.11 |      23 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLLL_Line                          |     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.035       0.7     0.14 |      23 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLLL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLLL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLLL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLLL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLLL_LinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLLD_Line                   |     0.040 |     0.055 |    0.024       0.5     0.04 |    1000 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLLD_Line                   |     0.030 |     0.046 |    0.021       0.4     0.03 |    1000 |     0.047 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLLD_LinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLLD_LineFilterSequence    |     0.010 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.5     0.02 |    1000 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLLD_LineFilterSequence    |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.3     0.02 |    1000 |     0.011 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLLD_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLLD_Line                          |     0.000 |     0.059 |    0.036       0.1     0.02 |      19 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLLD_Line                          |     0.000 |     0.045 |    0.034       0.1     0.01 |      19 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLLD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLLD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLLD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLLD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLLD_LinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLDL_Line                   |     0.030 |     0.053 |    0.023       1.1     0.05 |    1000 |     0.054 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLDL_Line                   |     0.060 |     0.045 |    0.022       0.7     0.04 |    1000 |     0.046 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLDL_LinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLDL_LineFilterSequence    |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       1.1     0.04 |    1000 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLDL_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLDL_Line                          |     0.000 |     0.237 |    0.045       0.9     0.35 |       6 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLDL_LineFilterSequence    |     0.030 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.6     0.03 |    1000 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLDL_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLDL_Line                          |     0.000 |     0.156 |    0.049       0.5     0.18 |       6 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLDL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLDL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLDL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLDL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLDL_LinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLDD_Line                   |     0.080 |     0.052 |    0.022       1.5     0.05 |    1000 |     0.053 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLDD_LinePreScaler         |     0.020 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLDD_LineFilterSequence    |     0.010 |     0.011 |    0.006       1.4     0.05 |    1000 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLDD_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLDD_Line                          |     0.000 |     0.248 |    0.043       1.4     0.46 |       8 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLDD_Line                   |     0.010 |     0.045 |    0.022       1.0     0.04 |    1000 |     0.045 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLDD_LinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLDD_LineFilterSequence    |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       1.0     0.03 |    1000 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLDD_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLDD_Line                          |     0.000 |     0.180 |    0.038       0.9     0.29 |       8 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLDD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLDD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLDD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLDD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSLDD_LinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSDDL_Line                   |     0.120 |     0.068 |    0.024       0.8     0.05 |    1000 |     0.069 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSDDL_Line                   |     0.060 |     0.058 |    0.022       0.7     0.05 |    1000 |     0.058 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSDDL_LinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSDDL_LineFilterSequence    |     0.080 |     0.025 |    0.006       0.8     0.05 |    1000 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSDDL_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSDDL_Line                          |     0.149 |     0.065 |    0.037       0.8     0.09 |      67 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSDDL_LineFilterSequence    |     0.050 |     0.022 |    0.006       0.7     0.04 |    1000 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSDDL_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSDDL_Line                          |     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.035       0.6     0.08 |      67 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSDDL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSDDL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSDDL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSDDL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSDDL_LinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSDDD_Line                   |     0.140 |     0.080 |    0.024       4.4     0.16 |    1000 |     0.080 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSDDD_LinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSDDD_LineFilterSequence    |     0.090 |     0.037 |    0.006       4.3     0.16 |    1000 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSDDD_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.002       4.3     0.14 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSDDD_Line                          |     0.101 |     0.064 |    0.033       1.8     0.13 |     197 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSDDD_Line                   |     0.050 |     0.063 |    0.022       1.2     0.06 |    1000 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSDDD_LinePreScaler         |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSDDD_LineFilterSequence    |     0.020 |     0.028 |    0.006       1.1     0.06 |    1000 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSDDD_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSDDD_Line                          |     0.050 |     0.053 |    0.032       1.1     0.08 |     197 |     0.011 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSDDD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSDDD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSDDD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzKSDDD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzKSDDD_LinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLLL_Line                   |     0.040 |     0.060 |    0.023       0.8     0.05 |    1000 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLLL_Line                   |     0.050 |     0.053 |    0.021       3.3     0.11 |    1000 |     0.053 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLLL_LinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLLL_LineFilterSequence    |     0.020 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.5     0.03 |    1000 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLLL_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLLL_Line                          |     0.185 |     0.056 |    0.031       0.2     0.02 |      54 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLLL_LineFilterSequence    |     0.030 |     0.017 |    0.006       3.2     0.10 |    1000 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLLL_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.002       3.2     0.10 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLLL_Line                          |     0.185 |     0.042 |    0.028       0.1     0.01 |      54 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLLL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLLL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLLL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLLL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLLL_LinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLLD_Line                   |     0.020 |     0.056 |    0.025       0.8     0.04 |    1000 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLLD_Line                   |     0.050 |     0.050 |    0.022       0.7     0.05 |    1000 |     0.050 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLLD_LinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLLD_LineFilterSequence    |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.8     0.03 |    1000 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLLD_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLLD_Line                          |     0.000 |     0.120 |    0.030       0.7     0.19 |      13 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLLD_LineFilterSequence    |     0.020 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.6     0.02 |    1000 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLLD_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLLD_Line                          |     0.000 |     0.091 |    0.032       0.5     0.14 |      13 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLLD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLLD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLLD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLLD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLLD_LinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLDL_Line                   |     0.050 |     0.079 |    0.025       1.4     0.07 |    1000 |     0.080 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLDL_Line                   |     0.100 |     0.066 |    0.021       1.2     0.06 |    1000 |     0.067 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLDL_LinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLDL_LineFilterSequence    |     0.030 |     0.038 |    0.006       1.4     0.07 |    1000 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLDL_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLDL_Line                          |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.029       1.3     0.08 |     292 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLDL_LineFilterSequence    |     0.050 |     0.032 |    0.006       1.1     0.05 |    1000 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLDL_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLDL_Line                          |     0.068 |     0.042 |    0.025       1.1     0.06 |     292 |     0.012 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLDL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLDL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLDL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLDL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLDL_LinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLDD_Line                   |     0.050 |     0.056 |    0.023       0.8     0.05 |    1000 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLDD_Line                   |     0.040 |     0.046 |    0.021       0.6     0.03 |    1000 |     0.047 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLDD_LinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLDD_LineFilterSequence    |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.7     0.03 |    1000 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLDD_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.7     0.02 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLDD_Line                          |     0.000 |     0.092 |    0.031       0.6     0.15 |      13 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLDD_LineFilterSequence    |     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.5     0.02 |    1000 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLDD_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLDD_Line                          |     0.000 |     0.077 |    0.028       0.5     0.13 |      13 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLDD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLDD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLDD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLDD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzLDD_LinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzDDL_Line                   |     0.130 |     0.077 |    0.024       0.7     0.06 |    1000 |     0.077 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzDDL_Line                   |     0.030 |     0.065 |    0.021       0.6     0.05 |    1000 |     0.066 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzDDL_LinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzDDL_LineFilterSequence    |     0.080 |     0.036 |    0.006       0.7     0.05 |    1000 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzDDL_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzDDL_Line                          |     0.034 |     0.043 |    0.027       0.6     0.04 |     292 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzDDL_LineFilterSequence    |     0.020 |     0.031 |    0.006       0.5     0.04 |    1000 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzDDL_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzDDL_Line                          |     0.034 |     0.038 |    0.024       0.5     0.03 |     292 |     0.011 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzDDL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzDDL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzDDL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzDDL_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzDDL_LinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzDDD_Line                   |     0.050 |     0.085 |    0.024       7.0     0.23 |    1000 |     0.085 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzDDD_Line                   |     0.100 |     0.064 |    0.022       0.6     0.05 |    1000 |     0.065 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzDDD_LinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzDDD_LineFilterSequence    |     0.010 |     0.035 |    0.006       0.6     0.05 |    1000 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzDDD_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzDDD_Line                          |     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.027       0.5     0.03 |     292 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzDDD_LineFilterSequence    |     0.080 |     0.029 |    0.006       0.6     0.04 |    1000 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzDDD_LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzDDD_Line                          |     0.136 |     0.034 |    0.022       0.6     0.03 |     292 |     0.010 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzDDD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzDDD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzDDD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Hb2V0V0h_LzLzLzDDD_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2V0V0h_LzLzLzDDD_LinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBd2eeKstarBDTLine2                        |     5.010 |     5.011 |    0.021     104.7     7.88 |    1000 |     5.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBd2eeKstarBDTLine2                        |     4.240 |     4.340 |    0.019      62.7     6.01 |    1000 |     4.340 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2eeKstarBDTLine2PreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2eeKstarBDTLine2FilterSequence         |     4.920 |     4.943 |    0.002     104.6     7.86 |    1000 |     4.943 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdDiElectronFromTracks_Particles  |     4.548 |     4.587 |    0.055      97.1     7.39 |     974 |     4.468 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            filterEEForBd2eeKstarBDT                         |     0.051 |     0.081 |    0.006       1.4     0.09 |     772 |     0.063 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KstarForBd2eeKstarBDT                            |     0.048 |     0.054 |    0.005       0.3     0.04 |     412 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sel2_Bd2eeKstarBDT                               |     0.063 |     0.125 |    0.048       1.8     0.15 |     314 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bd2eeKstarBDTLine2                               |     0.909 |     0.845 |    0.224       1.9     0.57 |      11 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2eeKstarBDTLine2FilterSequence         |     4.180 |     4.289 |    0.002      62.6     6.00 |    1000 |     4.289 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdDiElectronFromTracks_Particles  |     3.911 |     4.000 |    0.047      58.5     5.64 |     974 |     3.897 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            filterEEForBd2eeKstarBDT                         |     0.103 |     0.065 |    0.005       0.7     0.06 |     772 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KstarForBd2eeKstarBDT                            |     0.024 |     0.045 |    0.005       0.4     0.03 |     412 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sel2_Bd2eeKstarBDT                               |     0.159 |     0.095 |    0.044       0.7     0.07 |     314 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bd2eeKstarBDTLine2                               |     0.909 |     0.368 |    0.179       1.0     0.22 |      11 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bd2eeKstarBDTLine2                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2eeKstarBDTLine2PostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2K0stK0stNominalLine                    |     0.450 |     0.437 |    0.019       6.5     0.34 |    1000 |     0.437 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2K0stK0stNominalLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2K0stK0stNominalLineFilterSequence     |     0.390 |     0.381 |    0.002       6.4     0.33 |    1000 |     0.381 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Kst_02KpiForBs2K0stK0st                          |     0.223 |     0.232 |    0.084       3.6     0.15 |     941 |     0.219 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2K0stK0stNominalLine                           |     0.025 |     0.051 |    0.034       1.3     0.07 |     388 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2K0stK0stNominalLine                    |     0.360 |     0.366 |    0.019       3.5     0.25 |    1000 |     0.367 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2K0stK0stNominalLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2K0stK0stNominalLineFilterSequence     |     0.350 |     0.320 |    0.002       3.4     0.24 |    1000 |     0.320 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Kst_02KpiForBs2K0stK0st                          |     0.233 |     0.185 |    0.077       0.6     0.05 |     941 |     0.174 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2K0stK0stNominalLine                           |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.033       1.0     0.05 |     388 |     0.018 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2K0stK0stNominalLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2HHBDTLine                               |     0.240 |     0.221 |    0.023       1.6     0.10 |    1000 |     0.221 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2HHBDTLine                               |     0.250 |     0.187 |    0.020       1.1     0.09 |    1000 |     0.187 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2HHBDTLinePreScaler                     |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2HHBDTLineFilterSequence                |     0.170 |     0.154 |    0.001       1.5     0.08 |    1000 |     0.155 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2HH                                             |     0.114 |     0.108 |    0.041       1.4     0.06 |     963 |     0.105 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2HHBDTLine                                      |     0.000 |     0.242 |    0.240       0.2     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2HHBDTLinePostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTau_TauTau_TOSLine                     |     0.130 |     0.087 |    0.023       1.5     0.11 |    1000 |     0.087 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2HHBDTLineFilterSequence                |     0.130 |     0.135 |    0.001       1.0     0.07 |    1000 |     0.135 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2HH                                             |     0.083 |     0.094 |    0.038       0.9     0.04 |     963 |     0.091 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2HHBDTLine                                      |     5.000 |     0.330 |    0.257       0.4     0.10 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2HHBDTLinePostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTau_TauTau_TOSLine                     |     0.060 |     0.076 |    0.022       1.4     0.11 |    1000 |     0.076 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauTau_TOSLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauTau_TOSLineFilterSequence      |     0.050 |     0.030 |    0.002       1.2     0.09 |    1000 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_TauFilter                                 |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      93 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_TauTau                                    |     0.215 |     0.058 |    0.035       0.7     0.07 |      93 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauTau_TOSLineFilterSequence      |     0.020 |     0.027 |    0.002       1.1     0.09 |    1000 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_TauFilter                                 |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      93 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_TauTau                                    |     0.215 |     0.057 |    0.030       0.6     0.08 |      93 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_TauTau_TOSLine                            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XTau_TauTau_TOSLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XTau_TauTau_TOSLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -141996,13 +142256,13 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_B2XTau_TauTau_TOSL
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_B2XTau_TauTau_TOSLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_B2XTau_TauTau_TOSLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauTau_TOSLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTau_DD_Line                            |     0.460 |     0.471 |    0.023       6.6     0.41 |    1000 |     0.471 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTau_DD_Line                            |     0.390 |     0.398 |    0.021       2.5     0.25 |    1000 |     0.398 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_DD_LinePreScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_DD_LineFilterSequence             |     0.430 |     0.401 |    0.002       5.8     0.34 |    1000 |     0.402 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsDForB2XTau                                  |     0.083 |     0.059 |    0.020       0.7     0.04 |     963 |     0.058 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsDForB2XTau                                  |     0.045 |     0.034 |    0.010       0.2     0.02 |     876 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DForB2XTau                                       |     0.085 |     0.108 |    0.046       5.1     0.19 |     821 |     0.089 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_DD_Line                                   |     0.000 |     0.073 |    0.033       1.3     0.18 |      48 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_DD_LineFilterSequence             |     0.320 |     0.345 |    0.002       2.4     0.24 |    1000 |     0.345 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsDForB2XTau                                  |     0.041 |     0.051 |    0.018       0.2     0.02 |     963 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsDForB2XTau                                  |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.004       0.2     0.02 |     876 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DForB2XTau                                       |     0.048 |     0.089 |    0.039       0.6     0.06 |     821 |     0.074 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_DD_Line                                   |     0.000 |     0.065 |    0.032       1.1     0.16 |      48 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XTau_DD_Line                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XTau_DD_Line                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XTau_DD_Line                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -142023,28 +142283,28 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo17_B2XTau_DD_Line
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo18_B2XTau_DD_Line                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo19_B2XTau_DD_Line                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_DD_LinePostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTau_TauMu_TOSLine                      |     0.110 |     0.146 |    0.023      64.1     2.04 |    1000 |     0.147 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauMu_TOSLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauMu_TOSLineFilterSequence       |     0.070 |     0.083 |    0.002      64.0     2.03 |    1000 |     0.083 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuonsForB2XTau                                   |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.004       0.2     0.02 |     188 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_TauMu                                     |     0.000 |     0.191 |    0.052       1.5     0.31 |      20 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_TauMu_TOSLine                             |     0.000 |     0.985 |    0.985       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XTau_TauMu_TOSLine                |    10.000 |     3.953 |    3.953       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XTau_TauMu_TOSLine                |     0.000 |     0.273 |    0.273       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XTau_TauMu_TOSLine                |     0.000 |     3.337 |    3.337       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2XTau_TauMu_TOSLine                |     0.000 |     0.335 |    0.335       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2XTau_TauMu_TOSLine                |    10.000 |     7.614 |    7.614       7.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2XTau_TauMu_TOSLine                |     0.000 |     0.379 |    0.379       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_B2XTau_TauMu_TOSLine                |     0.000 |     0.178 |    0.178       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_B2XTau_TauMu_TOSLine                |    40.000 |    42.297 |   42.297      42.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_B2XTau_TauMu_TOSLine                |     0.000 |     0.851 |    0.851       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_B2XTau_TauMu_TOSLine               |     0.000 |     0.498 |    0.498       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTau_TauMu_TOSLine                      |     0.140 |     0.131 |    0.021      65.4     2.07 |    1000 |     0.132 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauMu_TOSLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauMu_TOSLineFilterSequence       |     0.070 |     0.082 |    0.002      65.3     2.07 |    1000 |     0.082 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuonsForB2XTau                                   |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.004       0.2     0.02 |     188 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_TauMu                                     |     0.000 |     0.174 |    0.054       1.2     0.25 |      20 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_TauMu_TOSLine                             |     0.000 |     1.133 |    1.133       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XTau_TauMu_TOSLine                |    10.000 |     4.330 |    4.330       4.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XTau_TauMu_TOSLine                |     0.000 |     0.306 |    0.306       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XTau_TauMu_TOSLine                |     0.000 |     4.128 |    4.128       4.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2XTau_TauMu_TOSLine                |     0.000 |     0.284 |    0.284       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2XTau_TauMu_TOSLine                |    10.000 |     8.302 |    8.302       8.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2XTau_TauMu_TOSLine                |     0.000 |     0.421 |    0.421       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_B2XTau_TauMu_TOSLine                |     0.000 |     0.154 |    0.154       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_B2XTau_TauMu_TOSLine                |    40.000 |    41.441 |   41.441      41.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_B2XTau_TauMu_TOSLine                |     0.000 |     0.723 |    0.723       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_B2XTau_TauMu_TOSLine               |     0.000 |     0.441 |    0.441       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauMu_TOSLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTau_DPi_Line                           |     0.080 |     0.079 |    0.021       2.9     0.14 |    1000 |     0.079 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTau_DPi_Line                           |     0.060 |     0.067 |    0.020       1.3     0.10 |    1000 |     0.067 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_DPi_LinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_DPi_LineFilterSequence            |     0.030 |     0.026 |    0.002       2.7     0.13 |    1000 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForB2XTau                                   |     0.208 |     0.046 |    0.022       0.3     0.03 |      48 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_DPi_Line                                  |     0.000 |     0.142 |    0.051       2.1     0.30 |      48 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_DPi_LineFilterSequence            |     0.050 |     0.023 |    0.002       1.3     0.09 |    1000 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForB2XTau                                   |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.024       0.1     0.01 |      48 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_DPi_Line                                  |     0.625 |     0.109 |    0.048       1.1     0.15 |      48 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XTau_DPi_Line                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XTau_DPi_Line                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XTau_DPi_Line                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -142056,26 +142316,26 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_B2XTau_DPi_Line
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_B2XTau_DPi_Line                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_B2XTau_DPi_Line                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_DPi_LinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTau_TauTau_SameSign_TOSLine            |     0.680 |     0.718 |    0.022     649.4    20.53 |    1000 |     0.719 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTau_TauTau_SameSign_TOSLine            |     0.640 |     0.639 |    0.020     580.9    18.37 |    1000 |     0.640 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauTau_SameSign_TOSLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauTau_SameSign_TOSLineFilterSeque|     0.660 |     0.664 |    0.002     649.3    20.53 |    1000 |     0.665 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_TauTauSS                                  |     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.035       0.6     0.08 |      93 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_TauTau_SameSign_TOSLine                   |     0.000 |     1.150 |    1.150       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XTau_TauTau_SameSign_TOSLine      |     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.081       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XTau_TauTau_SameSign_TOSLine      |     0.000 |     0.055 |    0.055       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XTau_TauTau_SameSign_TOSLine      |    10.000 |    11.900 |   11.900      11.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2XTau_TauTau_SameSign_TOSLine      |     0.000 |     0.694 |    0.694       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2XTau_TauTau_SameSign_TOSLine      |    40.000 |    34.852 |   34.852      34.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2XTau_TauTau_SameSign_TOSLine      |     0.000 |     1.264 |    1.264       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_B2XTau_TauTau_SameSign_TOSLine      |     0.000 |     0.147 |    0.147       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_B2XTau_TauTau_SameSign_TOSLine      |   590.000 |   593.601 |  593.601     593.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.594 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_B2XTau_TauTau_SameSign_TOSLine      |     0.000 |     2.512 |    2.512       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_B2XTau_TauTau_SameSign_TOSLine     |     0.000 |     0.439 |    0.439       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauTau_SameSign_TOSLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTau_DD_SameSign_Line                   |     0.080 |     0.077 |    0.018       7.2     0.28 |    1000 |     0.077 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_DD_SameSign_LinePreScaler         |     0.020 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_DD_SameSign_LineFilterSequence    |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.002       1.6     0.08 |     502 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_DD_SameSign_Line                          |     0.000 |     0.136 |    0.035       1.5     0.31 |      25 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauTau_SameSign_TOSLineFilterSeque|     0.610 |     0.595 |    0.002     580.8    18.37 |    1000 |     0.595 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_TauTauSS                                  |     0.215 |     0.064 |    0.032       1.2     0.13 |      93 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_TauTau_SameSign_TOSLine                   |     0.000 |     1.018 |    1.018       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XTau_TauTau_SameSign_TOSLine      |     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.076       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XTau_TauTau_SameSign_TOSLine      |     0.000 |     0.089 |    0.089       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XTau_TauTau_SameSign_TOSLine      |    10.000 |    12.793 |   12.793      12.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2XTau_TauTau_SameSign_TOSLine      |     0.000 |     0.537 |    0.537       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2XTau_TauTau_SameSign_TOSLine      |    30.000 |    33.994 |   33.994      34.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2XTau_TauTau_SameSign_TOSLine      |     0.000 |     1.097 |    1.097       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_B2XTau_TauTau_SameSign_TOSLine      |     0.000 |     0.102 |    0.102       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_B2XTau_TauTau_SameSign_TOSLine      |   520.000 |   525.875 |  525.875     525.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.526 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_B2XTau_TauTau_SameSign_TOSLine      |     0.000 |     2.226 |    2.226       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_B2XTau_TauTau_SameSign_TOSLine     |     0.000 |     0.447 |    0.447       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauTau_SameSign_TOSLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTau_DD_SameSign_Line                   |     0.050 |     0.054 |    0.016       3.6     0.12 |    1000 |     0.054 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_DD_SameSign_LinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_DD_SameSign_LineFilterSequence    |     0.019 |     0.019 |    0.002       3.5     0.16 |     502 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_DD_SameSign_Line                          |     0.400 |     0.200 |    0.034       3.4     0.68 |      25 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XTau_DD_SameSign_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XTau_DD_SameSign_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XTau_DD_SameSign_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -142087,10 +142347,10 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_B2XTau_DD_SameSign
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_B2XTau_DD_SameSign_Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_B2XTau_DD_SameSign_Line            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_DD_SameSign_LinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTau_TauMu_SameSign_TOSLine             |     0.050 |     0.056 |    0.017       1.0     0.06 |    1000 |     0.056 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauMu_SameSign_TOSLinePreScaler   |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauMu_SameSign_TOSLineFilterSequen|     0.020 |     0.010 |    0.002       0.9     0.05 |     494 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_TauMuSS                                   |     0.909 |     0.148 |    0.048       0.8     0.21 |      11 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTau_TauMu_SameSign_TOSLine             |     0.020 |     0.047 |    0.015       1.1     0.05 |    1000 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauMu_SameSign_TOSLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauMu_SameSign_TOSLineFilterSequen|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.002       1.0     0.06 |     494 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_TauMuSS                                   |     0.000 |     0.160 |    0.050       0.9     0.25 |      11 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_TauMu_SameSign_TOSLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XTau_TauMu_SameSign_TOSLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XTau_TauMu_SameSign_TOSLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -142103,10 +142363,10 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_B2XTau_TauMu_SameS
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_B2XTau_TauMu_SameSign_TOSLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_B2XTau_TauMu_SameSign_TOSLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauMu_SameSign_TOSLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTau_DPi_SameSign_Line                  |     0.030 |     0.057 |    0.016       2.8     0.10 |    1000 |     0.057 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_DPi_SameSign_LinePreScaler        |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_DPi_SameSign_LineFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.002       2.6     0.13 |     481 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_DPi_SameSign_Line                         |     0.000 |     0.233 |    0.053       2.4     0.53 |      19 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTau_DPi_SameSign_Line                  |     0.070 |     0.048 |    0.016       0.8     0.05 |    1000 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_DPi_SameSign_LinePreScaler        |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_DPi_SameSign_LineFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.002       0.6     0.05 |     481 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_DPi_SameSign_Line                         |     0.000 |     0.127 |    0.051       0.5     0.11 |      19 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XTau_DPi_SameSign_Line            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XTau_DPi_SameSign_Line            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XTau_DPi_SameSign_Line            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -142118,11 +142378,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_B2XTau_DPi_SameSig
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_B2XTau_DPi_SameSign_Line            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_B2XTau_DPi_SameSign_Line           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_DPi_SameSign_LinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTau_DD0_Line                           |     0.180 |     0.184 |    0.022       2.2     0.15 |    1000 |     0.185 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_DD0_LinePreScaler                 |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_DD0_LineFilterSequence            |     0.120 |     0.126 |    0.002       2.1     0.13 |    1000 |     0.126 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D0ForB2XTau                                      |     0.036 |     0.084 |    0.049       1.3     0.07 |     821 |     0.069 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_DD0_Line                                  |     0.000 |     0.873 |    0.098       1.6     1.10 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTau_DD0_Line                           |     0.150 |     0.157 |    0.019       1.4     0.11 |    1000 |     0.157 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_DD0_LinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_DD0_LineFilterSequence            |     0.130 |     0.109 |    0.002       1.1     0.09 |    1000 |     0.110 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D0ForB2XTau                                      |     0.073 |     0.072 |    0.045       0.7     0.03 |     821 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_DD0_Line                                  |     0.000 |     0.362 |    0.058       0.7     0.43 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XTau_DD0_Line                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XTau_DD0_Line                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XTau_DD0_Line                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -142142,302 +142402,302 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo16_B2XTau_DD0_Line
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo17_B2XTau_DD0_Line                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo18_B2XTau_DD0_Line                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_DD0_LinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_TOSLine              |     1.390 |     1.367 |    0.022     176.4    10.16 |    1000 |     1.367 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_TOSLinePreScaler    |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_TOSLineFilterSequenc|     1.290 |     1.301 |    0.002     176.3    10.16 |    1000 |     1.302 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pions_3pi3piForB2XTau                            |     0.020 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     963 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Tau_3pi3piForB2XTau                              |     0.417 |     0.382 |    0.036       6.1     0.57 |     959 |     0.367 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi                             |     0.081 |     0.058 |    0.031       0.6     0.06 |     245 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_TOSLine                     |     3.333 |     2.794 |    0.865       4.9     1.54 |       9 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_TOSLine        |     2.000 |     0.140 |    0.072       0.2     0.05 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_TOSLine        |     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.044       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_TOSLine        |     6.000 |     9.072 |    6.276      12.4     2.26 |       5 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_TOSLine        |     2.000 |     0.669 |    0.460       1.4     0.38 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_TOSLine        |    26.000 |    26.367 |   13.376      33.8     8.47 |       5 |     0.132 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_TOSLine        |     2.000 |     1.139 |    0.640       2.2     0.62 |       5 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_TOSLine        |     0.000 |     0.195 |    0.101       0.4     0.12 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_TOSLine        |    94.000 |    96.914 |   65.364     147.5    32.44 |       5 |     0.485 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_TOSLine        |     2.000 |     1.041 |    0.705       1.3     0.23 |       5 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_TOSLine       |     0.000 |     0.502 |    0.404       0.6     0.07 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_TOSLine              |     1.400 |     1.265 |    0.020     172.1     9.80 |    1000 |     1.265 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_TOSLinePreScaler    |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_TOSLineFilterSequenc|     1.350 |     1.213 |    0.002     172.0     9.79 |    1000 |     1.213 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pions_3pi3piForB2XTau                            |     0.010 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.4     0.01 |     963 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Tau_3pi3piForB2XTau                              |     0.500 |     0.355 |    0.032       5.6     0.53 |     959 |     0.341 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi                             |     0.081 |     0.055 |    0.029       0.6     0.06 |     245 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_TOSLine                     |     1.111 |     2.080 |    0.572       4.7     1.15 |       9 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_TOSLine        |     0.000 |     0.121 |    0.067       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_TOSLine        |     0.000 |     0.089 |    0.034       0.1     0.05 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_TOSLine        |    10.000 |     8.988 |    5.886      12.9     2.54 |       5 |     0.045 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_TOSLine        |     0.000 |     0.595 |    0.356       1.1     0.30 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_TOSLine        |    22.000 |    23.153 |   10.414      35.0     8.97 |       5 |     0.116 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_TOSLine        |     0.000 |     0.950 |    0.774       1.2     0.21 |       5 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_TOSLine        |     0.000 |     0.195 |    0.071       0.3     0.09 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_TOSLine        |    96.000 |    94.728 |   53.339     137.6    35.30 |       5 |     0.474 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_TOSLine        |     2.000 |     1.016 |    0.801       1.3     0.23 |       5 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_TOSLine       |     0.000 |     0.546 |    0.263       0.9     0.22 |       5 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_TOSLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_SameSign_TOSLine     |     0.210 |     0.203 |    0.023      95.0     3.02 |    1000 |     0.204 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_SameSign_TOSLinePreS|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_SameSign_TOSLineFilt|     0.120 |     0.146 |    0.002      94.9     3.02 |    1000 |     0.147 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3piSS                           |     0.081 |     0.062 |    0.032       1.0     0.08 |     245 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_SameSign_TOSLine            |     0.000 |     2.803 |    1.508       5.1     1.43 |       5 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_SameSign_TOSLin|     0.000 |     0.147 |    0.147       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_SameSign_TOSLin|     0.000 |     0.140 |    0.140       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_SameSign_TOSLin|    10.000 |     7.176 |    7.176       7.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_SameSign_TOSLin|     0.000 |     0.702 |    0.702       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_SameSign_TOSLin|    20.000 |    21.200 |   21.200      21.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_SameSign_TOSLin|     0.000 |     0.584 |    0.584       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_SameSign_TOSLin|     0.000 |     0.177 |    0.177       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_SameSign_TOSLin|    60.000 |    57.138 |   57.138      57.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.057 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_SameSign_TOSLin|     0.000 |     1.425 |    1.425       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_SameSign_TOSLi|     0.000 |     0.501 |    0.501       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_SameSign_TOSLinePost|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTau_TauMu_3pi_TOSLine                  |     0.140 |     0.157 |    0.022      60.9     1.93 |    1000 |     0.157 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_SameSign_TOSLine     |     0.140 |     0.168 |    0.020      82.9     2.63 |    1000 |     0.169 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_SameSign_TOSLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_SameSign_TOSLineFilt|     0.130 |     0.122 |    0.001      82.8     2.62 |    1000 |     0.122 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3piSS                           |     0.081 |     0.051 |    0.030       0.5     0.04 |     245 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_SameSign_TOSLine            |     0.000 |     2.107 |    1.470       3.4     0.80 |       5 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_SameSign_TOSLin|     0.000 |     0.118 |    0.118       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_SameSign_TOSLin|     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.090       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_SameSign_TOSLin|    10.000 |     6.384 |    6.384       6.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_SameSign_TOSLin|     0.000 |     0.350 |    0.350       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_SameSign_TOSLin|    20.000 |    19.022 |   19.022      19.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_SameSign_TOSLin|     0.000 |     0.593 |    0.593       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_SameSign_TOSLin|     0.000 |     0.184 |    0.184       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_SameSign_TOSLin|    50.000 |    50.054 |   50.054      50.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_SameSign_TOSLin|     0.000 |     1.168 |    1.168       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_B2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_SameSign_TOSLi|     0.000 |     0.422 |    0.422       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauTau_3pi3pi_SameSign_TOSLinePost|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTau_TauMu_3pi_TOSLine                  |     0.110 |     0.140 |    0.019      60.9     1.93 |    1000 |     0.141 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauMu_3pi_TOSLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauMu_3pi_TOSLineFilterSequence   |     0.090 |     0.102 |    0.002      60.8     1.93 |    1000 |     0.103 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_TauMu_3pi                                 |     0.000 |     0.135 |    0.051       1.4     0.18 |      54 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_TOSLine                         |     0.000 |     1.843 |    1.428       2.6     0.64 |       3 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_TOSLine            |     0.000 |     5.448 |    5.448       5.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_TOSLine            |     0.000 |     1.361 |    1.361       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_TOSLine            |     0.000 |     3.706 |    3.706       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_TOSLine            |     0.000 |     0.286 |    0.286       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_TOSLine            |    10.000 |    10.065 |   10.065      10.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_TOSLine            |     0.000 |     0.420 |    0.420       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_TOSLine            |     0.000 |     0.085 |    0.085       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_TOSLine            |    30.000 |    34.718 |   34.718      34.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_TOSLine            |     0.000 |     0.577 |    0.577       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_TOSLine           |     0.000 |     1.173 |    1.173       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauMu_3pi_TOSLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTau_TauMu_3pi_SameSign_TOSLine         |     0.130 |     0.137 |    0.021      68.7     2.17 |    1000 |     0.138 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauMu_3pi_TOSLineFilterSequence   |     0.090 |     0.096 |    0.001      60.8     1.93 |    1000 |     0.097 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_TauMu_3pi                                 |     0.000 |     0.107 |    0.045       0.6     0.08 |      54 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_TOSLine                         |     0.000 |     1.679 |    1.251       2.4     0.61 |       3 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_TOSLine            |     0.000 |     5.731 |    5.731       5.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_TOSLine            |     0.000 |     0.996 |    0.996       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_TOSLine            |    10.000 |     3.344 |    3.344       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_TOSLine            |     0.000 |     0.206 |    0.206       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_TOSLine            |    10.000 |    10.052 |   10.052      10.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_TOSLine            |     0.000 |     0.397 |    0.397       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_TOSLine            |     0.000 |     0.065 |    0.065       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_TOSLine            |    30.000 |    35.587 |   35.587      35.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_TOSLine            |     0.000 |     0.658 |    0.658       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_TOSLine           |    10.000 |     1.114 |    1.114       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauMu_3pi_TOSLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTau_TauMu_3pi_SameSign_TOSLine         |     0.130 |     0.137 |    0.020      79.5     2.51 |    1000 |     0.137 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauMu_3pi_SameSign_TOSLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauMu_3pi_SameSign_TOSLineFilterSe|     0.090 |     0.084 |    0.002      68.6     2.17 |    1000 |     0.085 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_TauMu_3piSS                               |     0.185 |     0.131 |    0.045       1.5     0.20 |      54 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_SameSign_TOSLine                |     0.000 |     0.858 |    0.858       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_SameSign_TOSLine   |    10.000 |     6.764 |    6.764       6.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_SameSign_TOSLine   |     0.000 |     0.347 |    0.347       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_SameSign_TOSLine   |     0.000 |     6.104 |    6.104       6.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_SameSign_TOSLine   |     0.000 |     0.369 |    0.369       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_SameSign_TOSLine   |    20.000 |    15.547 |   15.547      15.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_SameSign_TOSLine   |     0.000 |     0.625 |    0.625       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_SameSign_TOSLine   |     0.000 |     0.135 |    0.135       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_SameSign_TOSLine   |    40.000 |    34.126 |   34.126      34.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_SameSign_TOSLine   |     0.000 |     0.656 |    0.656       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_SameSign_TOSLine  |     0.000 |     0.424 |    0.424       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauMu_3pi_SameSign_TOSLineFilterSe|     0.090 |     0.093 |    0.002      79.4     2.51 |    1000 |     0.093 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_TauMu_3piSS                               |     0.000 |     0.117 |    0.043       1.2     0.15 |      54 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_SameSign_TOSLine                |     0.000 |     1.627 |    1.627       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_SameSign_TOSLine   |    10.000 |     9.971 |    9.971      10.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_SameSign_TOSLine   |     0.000 |     0.606 |    0.606       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_SameSign_TOSLine   |     0.000 |     8.357 |    8.357       8.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_SameSign_TOSLine   |    10.000 |     0.499 |    0.499       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_SameSign_TOSLine   |    10.000 |    17.903 |   17.903      17.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_SameSign_TOSLine   |     0.000 |     0.628 |    0.628       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_SameSign_TOSLine   |     0.000 |     0.120 |    0.120       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_SameSign_TOSLine   |    40.000 |    34.834 |   34.834      34.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_SameSign_TOSLine   |     0.000 |     0.621 |    0.621       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_B2XTau_TauMu_3pi_SameSign_TOSLine  |     0.000 |     0.381 |    0.381       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTau_TauMu_3pi_SameSign_TOSLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2twobodyLine                             |     1.160 |     1.186 |    0.029       9.9     1.00 |    1000 |     1.187 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2twobodyLinePreScaler                   |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2twobodyLineFilterSequence              |     1.080 |     1.125 |    0.008       9.7     0.97 |    1000 |     1.126 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2twobodyLineVOIDFilter                 |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:InputForB2twobody                         |     0.928 |     0.857 |    0.087       7.8     0.67 |     851 |     0.730 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:InputForB2twobody                  |     0.646 |     0.674 |    0.083       5.5     0.52 |     851 |     0.574 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:PiForB2twobody                           |     0.117 |     0.123 |    0.002       1.1     0.08 |     851 |     0.105 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PiForB2twobody                                |     0.035 |     0.037 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |     840 |     0.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KForB2twobody                            |     0.082 |     0.066 |    0.002       0.3     0.05 |     851 |     0.057 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KForB2twobody                                 |     0.012 |     0.018 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     819 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:pForB2twobody                            |     0.047 |     0.057 |    0.002       0.5     0.05 |     851 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               pForB2twobody                                 |     0.012 |     0.016 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     805 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KsForB2twobody                           |     0.082 |     0.132 |    0.011       1.2     0.14 |     851 |     0.113 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:MergedKsForKsForB2twobody              |     0.058 |     0.073 |    0.008       0.6     0.07 |     851 |     0.063 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:MergedKsForKsForB2twobody       |     0.011 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     851 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MergedKsForKsForB2twobody                    |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     562 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KsForB2twobody                                |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.003       0.2     0.03 |     562 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LmForB2twobody                           |     0.129 |     0.102 |    0.012       1.3     0.13 |     851 |     0.087 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:MergedLmForLmForB2twobody              |     0.058 |     0.063 |    0.007       1.0     0.08 |     851 |     0.054 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:MergedLmForLmForB2twobody       |     0.011 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     851 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MergedLmForLmForB2twobody                    |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     440 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LmForB2twobody                                |     0.045 |     0.018 |    0.004       0.3     0.03 |     440 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DzForB2twobody                           |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.002       0.4     0.05 |     851 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DzForB2twobody                                |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |     188 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DpForB2twobody                           |     0.058 |     0.023 |    0.002       0.8     0.06 |     851 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DpForB2twobody                                |     0.127 |     0.045 |    0.004       0.7     0.06 |     157 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DsForB2twobody                           |     0.011 |     0.022 |    0.002       1.0     0.06 |     851 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DsForB2twobody                                |     0.073 |     0.052 |    0.005       0.9     0.08 |     136 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LcForB2twobody                           |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.002       0.6     0.05 |     851 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LcForB2twobody                                |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.015       0.2     0.03 |      92 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:PhForB2twobody                           |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.002       0.5     0.04 |     851 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PhForB2twobody                                |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |     151 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:JpForB2twobody                           |     0.035 |     0.030 |    0.002       0.7     0.05 |     851 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               JpForB2twobody                                |     0.067 |     0.033 |    0.004       0.2     0.03 |     298 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DSForB2twobody                           |     0.011 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.4     0.02 |     851 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DSForB2twobody                                |     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.007       0.1     0.03 |      16 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             InputForB2twobody                               |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     732 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            preselForB2twobody                               |     0.027 |     0.014 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     732 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2twobodyLine                                    |     0.488 |     0.625 |    0.515       2.0     0.14 |     532 |     0.333 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2twobodyLine                             |     0.850 |     1.014 |    0.027       5.7     0.78 |    1000 |     1.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2twobodyLinePreScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2twobodyLineFilterSequence              |     0.810 |     0.969 |    0.008       5.6     0.78 |    1000 |     0.970 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2twobodyLineVOIDFilter                 |     0.030 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:InputForB2twobody                         |     0.517 |     0.715 |    0.067       4.7     0.50 |     851 |     0.609 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:InputForB2twobody                  |     0.446 |     0.558 |    0.063       3.8     0.39 |     851 |     0.475 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:PiForB2twobody                           |     0.105 |     0.107 |    0.002       0.8     0.06 |     851 |     0.092 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PiForB2twobody                                |     0.023 |     0.033 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     840 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KForB2twobody                            |     0.070 |     0.057 |    0.002       0.3     0.04 |     851 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KForB2twobody                                 |     0.024 |     0.015 |    0.002       0.1     0.01 |     819 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:pForB2twobody                            |     0.035 |     0.047 |    0.002       0.3     0.04 |     851 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               pForB2twobody                                 |     0.012 |     0.013 |    0.002       0.2     0.01 |     805 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KsForB2twobody                           |     0.094 |     0.110 |    0.009       0.8     0.11 |     851 |     0.094 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:MergedKsForKsForB2twobody              |     0.047 |     0.061 |    0.007       0.5     0.06 |     851 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:MergedKsForKsForB2twobody       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     851 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MergedKsForKsForB2twobody                    |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     562 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KsForB2twobody                                |     0.017 |     0.021 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |     562 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LmForB2twobody                           |     0.011 |     0.084 |    0.010       0.7     0.09 |     851 |     0.072 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:MergedLmForLmForB2twobody              |     0.011 |     0.052 |    0.006       0.4     0.06 |     851 |     0.045 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:MergedLmForLmForB2twobody       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     851 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MergedLmForLmForB2twobody                    |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     440 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LmForB2twobody                                |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |     440 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DzForB2twobody                           |     0.023 |     0.021 |    0.002       0.3     0.04 |     851 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DzForB2twobody                                |     0.106 |     0.033 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |     188 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DpForB2twobody                           |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.001       0.3     0.04 |     851 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DpForB2twobody                                |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |     157 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DsForB2twobody                           |     0.023 |     0.017 |    0.001       0.5     0.04 |     851 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DsForB2twobody                                |     0.073 |     0.036 |    0.003       0.1     0.03 |     136 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LcForB2twobody                           |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.002       0.5     0.04 |     851 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LcForB2twobody                                |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.010       0.2     0.02 |      92 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:PhForB2twobody                           |     0.023 |     0.011 |    0.002       0.3     0.03 |     851 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PhForB2twobody                                |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     151 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:JpForB2twobody                           |     0.035 |     0.025 |    0.002       0.5     0.04 |     851 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               JpForB2twobody                                |     0.067 |     0.026 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |     298 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DSForB2twobody                           |     0.011 |     0.004 |    0.001       0.2     0.02 |     851 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DSForB2twobody                                |     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.004       0.1     0.03 |      16 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             InputForB2twobody                               |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     732 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            preselForB2twobody                               |     0.013 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     732 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2twobodyLine                                    |     0.582 |     0.576 |    0.468       1.7     0.08 |     532 |     0.307 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2twobodyLinePostScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2V0hDDLine                              |     0.130 |     0.158 |    0.027       4.6     0.20 |    1000 |     0.158 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hDDLinePreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hDDLineFilterSequence               |     0.050 |     0.104 |    0.007       4.5     0.19 |    1000 |     0.104 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2V0hDDLineVOIDFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda0DDLbLines                                 |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.004       0.8     0.04 |     493 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2V0hDDLine                                     |     0.074 |     0.117 |    0.063       4.3     0.26 |     270 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2V0hDDLine                              |     0.160 |     0.129 |    0.024       0.8     0.12 |    1000 |     0.129 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hDDLinePreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hDDLineFilterSequence               |     0.070 |     0.085 |    0.007       0.7     0.11 |    1000 |     0.085 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2V0hDDLineVOIDFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda0DDLbLines                                 |     0.020 |     0.014 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     493 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2V0hDDLine                                     |     0.000 |     0.088 |    0.056       0.6     0.05 |     270 |     0.024 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2V0hDDLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2V0hDDLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2V0hDDLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2V0hDDLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2V0hDDLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hDDLinePostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2V0hLLLine                              |     0.090 |     0.087 |    0.024       1.9     0.13 |    1000 |     0.088 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2V0hLLLine                              |     0.100 |     0.072 |    0.021       1.4     0.10 |    1000 |     0.072 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hLLLinePreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hLLLineFilterSequence               |     0.040 |     0.036 |    0.006       1.8     0.11 |    1000 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2V0hLLLineVOIDFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda0LLLbLines                                 |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      99 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2V0hLLLine                                     |     0.327 |     0.128 |    0.056       1.4     0.18 |      61 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hLLLineFilterSequence               |     0.040 |     0.031 |    0.006       1.3     0.09 |    1000 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2V0hLLLineVOIDFilter                  |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda0LLLbLines                                 |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      99 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2V0hLLLine                                     |     0.000 |     0.105 |    0.054       0.8     0.10 |      61 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2V0hLLLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2V0hLLLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2V0hLLLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2V0hLLLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2V0hLLLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hLLLinePostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2V0hLDLine                              |     0.890 |     0.918 |    0.023      32.1     1.13 |    1000 |     0.919 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2V0hLDLine                              |     0.790 |     0.785 |    0.022      20.8     0.77 |    1000 |     0.786 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hLDLinePreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hLDLineFilterSequence               |     0.890 |     0.865 |    0.006      32.0     1.12 |    1000 |     0.865 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2V0hLDLineVOIDFilter                  |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.4     0.01 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseLambdaLD_Particles         |     0.882 |     0.833 |    0.255      32.0     1.10 |     974 |     0.812 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda0LDLbLines                                 |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.004       0.2     0.02 |     291 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2V0hLDLine                                     |     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.063       1.0     0.10 |      90 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hLDLineFilterSequence               |     0.760 |     0.741 |    0.006      20.7     0.76 |    1000 |     0.741 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2V0hLDLineVOIDFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseLambdaLD_Particles         |     0.749 |     0.714 |    0.237      20.6     0.73 |     974 |     0.696 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda0LDLbLines                                 |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     291 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2V0hLDLine                                     |     0.111 |     0.084 |    0.057       0.6     0.06 |      90 |     0.008 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2V0hLDLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2V0hLDLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2V0hLDLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2V0hLDLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2V0hLDLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hLDLinePostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2V0hhDDLine                             |     0.090 |     0.131 |    0.026       2.1     0.17 |    1000 |     0.132 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhDDLinePreScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhDDLineFilterSequence              |     0.050 |     0.081 |    0.007       2.0     0.16 |    1000 |     0.082 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2V0hhDDLineVOIDFilter                 |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2V0hhDDLine                                    |     0.148 |     0.177 |    0.067       1.1     0.15 |     270 |     0.048 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2V0hhDDLine                       |     0.000 |     0.251 |    0.220       0.3     0.04 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2V0hhDDLine                       |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.096       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2V0hhDDLine                       |     3.333 |     0.119 |    0.084       0.2     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2V0hhDDLine                       |     0.000 |     0.121 |    0.088       0.2     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2V0hhDDLine                       |     0.000 |     0.207 |    0.116       0.3     0.08 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhDDLinePostScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2V0hhLLLine                             |     0.050 |     0.077 |    0.025       1.4     0.10 |    1000 |     0.078 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2V0hhDDLine                             |     0.110 |     0.116 |    0.022       2.1     0.16 |    1000 |     0.117 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhDDLinePreScaler                   |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhDDLineFilterSequence              |     0.070 |     0.074 |    0.007       2.1     0.15 |    1000 |     0.074 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2V0hhDDLineVOIDFilter                 |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2V0hhDDLine                                    |     0.222 |     0.160 |    0.062       1.0     0.13 |     270 |     0.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2V0hhDDLine                       |     0.000 |     0.224 |    0.154       0.3     0.06 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2V0hhDDLine                       |     0.000 |     0.116 |    0.092       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2V0hhDDLine                       |     0.000 |     0.127 |    0.080       0.2     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2V0hhDDLine                       |     0.000 |     0.128 |    0.111       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2V0hhDDLine                       |     0.000 |     0.220 |    0.134       0.3     0.08 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhDDLinePostScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2V0hhLLLine                             |     0.090 |     0.066 |    0.021       1.5     0.09 |    1000 |     0.066 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhLLLinePreScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhLLLineFilterSequence              |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.007       1.2     0.10 |    1000 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2V0hhLLLineVOIDFilter                 |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2V0hhLLLine                                    |     0.000 |     0.228 |    0.059       1.1     0.23 |      61 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhLLLineFilterSequence              |     0.040 |     0.026 |    0.006       1.4     0.09 |    1000 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2V0hhLLLineVOIDFilter                 |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2V0hhLLLine                                    |     0.491 |     0.202 |    0.053       1.3     0.21 |      61 |     0.012 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2V0hhLLLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2V0hhLLLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2V0hhLLLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2V0hhLLLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2V0hhLLLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhLLLinePostScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2V0hhLDLine                             |     0.130 |     0.078 |    0.025       1.0     0.08 |    1000 |     0.079 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2V0hhLDLine                             |     0.060 |     0.066 |    0.021       0.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.066 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhLDLinePreScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhLDLineFilterSequence              |     0.090 |     0.031 |    0.006       0.9     0.08 |    1000 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2V0hhLDLineVOIDFilter                 |     0.020 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2V0hhLDLine                                    |     0.444 |     0.151 |    0.067       0.7     0.11 |      90 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhLDLineFilterSequence              |     0.040 |     0.027 |    0.006       0.7     0.07 |    1000 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2V0hhLDLineVOIDFilter                 |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2V0hhLDLine                                    |     0.222 |     0.133 |    0.060       0.6     0.08 |      90 |     0.012 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2V0hhLDLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2V0hhLDLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2V0hhLDLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2V0hhLDLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2V0hhLDLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhLDLinePostScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2V0hhDDSSLine                           |     0.140 |     0.118 |    0.026       4.1     0.18 |    1000 |     0.118 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2V0hhDDSSLine                           |     0.100 |     0.097 |    0.023       3.7     0.16 |    1000 |     0.097 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhDDSSLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhDDSSLineHlt1Filter                |     0.030 |     0.019 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhDDSSLineHlt2Filter                |     0.024 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhDDSSLineFilterSequence            |     0.127 |     0.120 |    0.008       4.0     0.28 |     313 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2V0hhDDSSLineVOIDFilter               |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     313 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2V0hhDDSSLine                                  |     0.100 |     0.213 |    0.069       1.3     0.18 |     100 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2V0hhDDSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.423 |    0.423       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2V0hhDDSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.249 |    0.249       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2V0hhDDSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.253 |    0.253       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2V0hhDDSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.237 |    0.237       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2V0hhDDSSLine                     |    10.000 |     0.755 |    0.755       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhDDSSLineHlt1Filter                |     0.010 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhDDSSLineHlt2Filter                |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhDDSSLineFilterSequence            |     0.191 |     0.111 |    0.008       3.6     0.25 |     313 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2V0hhDDSSLineVOIDFilter               |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     313 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2V0hhDDSSLine                                  |     0.100 |     0.190 |    0.067       1.2     0.16 |     100 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2V0hhDDSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.309 |    0.309       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2V0hhDDSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.221 |    0.221       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2V0hhDDSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.236 |    0.236       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2V0hhDDSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.232 |    0.232       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2V0hhDDSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.733 |    0.733       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhDDSSLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2V0hhLLSSLine                           |     0.070 |     0.075 |    0.021       1.8     0.09 |    1000 |     0.076 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2V0hhLLSSLine                           |     0.050 |     0.063 |    0.018       1.1     0.07 |    1000 |     0.063 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhLLSSLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhLLSSLineHlt1Filter                |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhLLSSLineHlt2Filter                |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhLLSSLineFilterSequence            |     0.031 |     0.038 |    0.008       1.7     0.14 |     313 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2V0hhLLSSLineVOIDFilter               |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     313 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2V0hhLLSSLine                                  |     0.000 |     0.262 |    0.080       1.6     0.34 |      20 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhLLSSLineHlt1Filter                |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhLLSSLineHlt2Filter                |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhLLSSLineFilterSequence            |     0.031 |     0.031 |    0.007       1.0     0.10 |     313 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2V0hhLLSSLineVOIDFilter               |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     313 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2V0hhLLSSLine                                  |     0.500 |     0.206 |    0.075       0.7     0.18 |      20 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2V0hhLLSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2V0hhLLSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2V0hhLLSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2V0hhLLSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2V0hhLLSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhLLSSLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2V0hhLDSSLine                           |     0.090 |     0.078 |    0.021       2.3     0.11 |    1000 |     0.078 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhLDSSLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhLDSSLineHlt1Filter                |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhLDSSLineHlt2Filter                |     0.012 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhLDSSLineFilterSequence            |     0.063 |     0.052 |    0.008       2.2     0.16 |     313 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2V0hhLDSSLineVOIDFilter               |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     313 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2V0hhLDSSLine                                  |     0.285 |     0.240 |    0.071       2.0     0.33 |      35 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2V0hhLDSSLine                           |     0.080 |     0.064 |    0.017       1.0     0.08 |    1000 |     0.065 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhLDSSLinePreScaler                 |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhLDSSLineHlt1Filter                |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhLDSSLineHlt2Filter                |     0.012 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     820 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhLDSSLineFilterSequence            |     0.031 |     0.043 |    0.007       0.9     0.11 |     313 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2V0hhLDSSLineVOIDFilter               |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     313 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2V0hhLDSSLine                                  |     0.000 |     0.181 |    0.071       0.8     0.14 |      35 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2V0hhLDSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2V0hhLDSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2V0hhLDSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2V0hhLDSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2V0hhLDSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2V0hhLDSSLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingButo5h_5pi_exclLine                       |     0.650 |     0.611 |    0.021      12.6     0.90 |    1000 |     0.612 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingButo5h_5pi_exclLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingButo5h_5pi_exclLineFilterSequence        |     0.570 |     0.563 |    0.002      12.5     0.89 |    1000 |     0.564 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Buto5hGlobalEVventCutFilter                      |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Buto5h_5pi_exclLine                              |     0.544 |     0.506 |    0.060      12.4     0.88 |     974 |     0.494 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingButo5h_5pi_exclLine                       |     0.520 |     0.549 |    0.019      12.9     0.86 |    1000 |     0.550 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingButo5h_5pi_exclLinePreScaler             |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingButo5h_5pi_exclLineFilterSequence        |     0.460 |     0.511 |    0.002      12.9     0.85 |    1000 |     0.511 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Buto5hGlobalEVventCutFilter                      |     0.030 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Buto5h_5pi_exclLine                              |     0.410 |     0.463 |    0.051      12.7     0.85 |     974 |     0.452 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingButo5h_5pi_exclLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingButo5h_K4pi_exclLine                      |     0.580 |     0.550 |    0.020       6.4     0.48 |    1000 |     0.551 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingButo5h_K4pi_exclLine                      |     0.620 |     0.490 |    0.018       4.9     0.40 |    1000 |     0.490 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingButo5h_K4pi_exclLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingButo5h_K4pi_exclLineFilterSequence       |     0.530 |     0.502 |    0.002       6.3     0.47 |    1000 |     0.502 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Buto5h_K4pi_exclLine                             |     0.462 |     0.450 |    0.073       6.1     0.45 |     974 |     0.438 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingButo5h_K4pi_exclLineFilterSequence       |     0.570 |     0.445 |    0.001       3.8     0.37 |    1000 |     0.446 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Buto5h_K4pi_exclLine                             |     0.472 |     0.397 |    0.068       3.8     0.35 |     974 |     0.387 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingButo5h_K4pi_exclLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingButo5h_pp3pi_exclLine                     |     0.360 |     0.448 |    0.021       9.1     0.44 |    1000 |     0.449 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingButo5h_pp3pi_exclLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingButo5h_pp3pi_exclLineFilterSequence      |     0.310 |     0.401 |    0.002       9.0     0.43 |    1000 |     0.401 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Buto5h_pp3pi_exclLine                            |     0.258 |     0.352 |    0.070       9.0     0.42 |     967 |     0.340 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingButo5h_pp3pi_exclLine                     |     0.460 |     0.400 |    0.018       7.1     0.39 |    1000 |     0.401 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingButo5h_pp3pi_exclLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingButo5h_pp3pi_exclLineFilterSequence      |     0.390 |     0.360 |    0.002       7.0     0.38 |    1000 |     0.361 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Buto5h_pp3pi_exclLine                            |     0.351 |     0.316 |    0.064       6.9     0.36 |     967 |     0.306 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingButo5h_pp3pi_exclLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingButo5h_ppKpipi_exclLine                   |     0.640 |     0.570 |    0.020      12.3     0.55 |    1000 |     0.571 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingButo5h_ppKpipi_exclLine                   |     0.530 |     0.506 |    0.017       6.5     0.41 |    1000 |     0.506 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingButo5h_ppKpipi_exclLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingButo5h_ppKpipi_exclLineFilterSequence    |     0.570 |     0.521 |    0.002      11.4     0.52 |    1000 |     0.521 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Buto5h_ppKpipi_exclLine                          |     0.537 |     0.467 |    0.096       6.5     0.40 |     967 |     0.452 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingButo5h_ppKpipi_exclLineFilterSequence    |     0.480 |     0.465 |    0.001       6.4     0.40 |    1000 |     0.466 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Buto5h_ppKpipi_exclLine                          |     0.403 |     0.422 |    0.091       6.3     0.39 |     967 |     0.409 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingButo5h_ppKpipi_exclLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2threebodyLine                           |     2.130 |     2.021 |    0.029      13.5     2.27 |    1000 |     2.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2threebodyLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2threebodyLineFilterSequence            |     2.070 |     1.948 |    0.008      13.3     2.25 |    1000 |     1.948 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2threebodyLineVOIDFilter               |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:InputForB2threebody                       |     0.893 |     0.841 |    0.081       5.8     0.63 |     851 |     0.716 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:InputForB2threebody                |     0.634 |     0.654 |    0.077       4.7     0.49 |     851 |     0.557 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:PiForB2threebody                         |     0.117 |     0.120 |    0.002       0.6     0.07 |     851 |     0.103 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PiForB2threebody                              |     0.023 |     0.032 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     840 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KForB2threebody                          |     0.070 |     0.069 |    0.002       0.4     0.05 |     851 |     0.059 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KForB2threebody                               |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.002       0.3     0.02 |     819 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:pForB2threebody                          |     0.047 |     0.054 |    0.002       0.3     0.04 |     851 |     0.047 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               pForB2threebody                               |     0.012 |     0.015 |    0.002       0.1     0.01 |     805 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KsForB2threebody                         |     0.152 |     0.129 |    0.010       1.2     0.13 |     851 |     0.110 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:MergedKsForKsForB2threebody            |     0.105 |     0.072 |    0.006       0.7     0.07 |     851 |     0.062 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:MergedKsForKsForB2threebody     |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     851 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MergedKsForKsForB2threebody                  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     562 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KsForB2threebody                              |     0.017 |     0.025 |    0.003       0.4     0.03 |     562 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LmForB2threebody                         |     0.094 |     0.102 |    0.011       4.4     0.19 |     851 |     0.088 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:MergedLmForLmForB2threebody            |     0.070 |     0.064 |    0.006       4.3     0.16 |     851 |     0.055 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:MergedLmForLmForB2threebody     |     0.011 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     851 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MergedLmForLmForB2threebody                  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     440 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LmForB2threebody                              |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |     440 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DzForB2threebody                         |     0.023 |     0.024 |    0.002       0.7     0.05 |     851 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DzForB2threebody                              |     0.053 |     0.036 |    0.002       0.1     0.02 |     188 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DpForB2threebody                         |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.002       0.7     0.05 |     851 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DpForB2threebody                              |     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.003       0.1     0.03 |     157 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DsForB2threebody                         |     0.058 |     0.021 |    0.002       0.4     0.05 |     851 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DsForB2threebody                              |     0.073 |     0.042 |    0.004       0.1     0.03 |     136 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LcForB2threebody                         |     0.011 |     0.015 |    0.002       0.4     0.04 |     851 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LcForB2threebody                              |     0.108 |     0.043 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |      92 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:PhForB2threebody                         |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.002       0.4     0.03 |     851 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PhForB2threebody                              |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |     151 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:JpForB2threebody                         |     0.011 |     0.029 |    0.002       0.5     0.05 |     851 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               JpForB2threebody                              |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.004       0.2     0.03 |     298 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DSForB2threebody                         |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.2     0.01 |     851 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DSForB2threebody                              |     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.011       0.1     0.03 |      16 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             InputForB2threebody                             |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     732 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            preselForB2threebody                             |     0.013 |     0.013 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     732 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2threebodyLine                                  |     3.853 |     3.590 |    2.985      12.4     1.02 |     327 |     1.174 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2threebodyLine                           |     1.890 |     1.798 |    0.027      11.5     1.98 |    1000 |     1.798 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2threebodyLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2threebodyLineFilterSequence            |     1.820 |     1.747 |    0.007      11.4     1.98 |    1000 |     1.747 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2threebodyLineVOIDFilter               |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:InputForB2threebody                       |     0.705 |     0.713 |    0.071       4.9     0.52 |     851 |     0.607 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:InputForB2threebody                |     0.552 |     0.551 |    0.068       4.2     0.41 |     851 |     0.469 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:PiForB2threebody                         |     0.117 |     0.102 |    0.002       0.4     0.06 |     851 |     0.087 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PiForB2threebody                              |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.003       0.3     0.01 |     840 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KForB2threebody                          |     0.035 |     0.059 |    0.002       0.4     0.04 |     851 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KForB2threebody                               |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.002       0.3     0.01 |     819 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:pForB2threebody                          |     0.047 |     0.048 |    0.002       0.5     0.04 |     851 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               pForB2threebody                               |     0.012 |     0.013 |    0.002       0.1     0.01 |     805 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KsForB2threebody                         |     0.152 |     0.109 |    0.009       1.0     0.11 |     851 |     0.093 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:MergedKsForKsForB2threebody            |     0.047 |     0.059 |    0.006       0.4     0.05 |     851 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:MergedKsForKsForB2threebody     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     851 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MergedKsForKsForB2threebody                  |     0.017 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     562 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KsForB2threebody                              |     0.088 |     0.020 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |     562 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LmForB2threebody                         |     0.058 |     0.084 |    0.009       0.9     0.10 |     851 |     0.072 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:MergedLmForLmForB2threebody            |     0.047 |     0.051 |    0.005       0.6     0.06 |     851 |     0.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:MergedLmForLmForB2threebody     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     851 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MergedLmForLmForB2threebody                  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     440 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LmForB2threebody                              |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |     440 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DzForB2threebody                         |     0.011 |     0.020 |    0.001       0.4     0.04 |     851 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DzForB2threebody                              |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |     188 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DpForB2threebody                         |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.001       0.6     0.05 |     851 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DpForB2threebody                              |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |     157 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DsForB2threebody                         |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.002       0.4     0.04 |     851 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DsForB2threebody                              |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.004       0.1     0.03 |     136 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LcForB2threebody                         |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.002       0.4     0.04 |     851 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LcForB2threebody                              |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |      92 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:PhForB2threebody                         |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.002       0.3     0.03 |     851 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PhForB2threebody                              |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     151 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:JpForB2threebody                         |     0.070 |     0.024 |    0.001       0.3     0.04 |     851 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               JpForB2threebody                              |     0.067 |     0.024 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |     298 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DSForB2threebody                         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.001       0.2     0.01 |     851 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DSForB2threebody                              |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.005       0.1     0.03 |      16 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             InputForB2threebody                             |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     732 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            preselForB2threebody                             |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     732 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2threebodyLine                                  |     3.639 |     3.338 |    2.904       9.7     0.59 |     327 |     1.092 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2threebodyLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2hhh_KKK_inclLine                       |     2.720 |     2.831 |    0.028      37.7     3.77 |    1000 |     2.831 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2hhh_KKK_inclLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2hhh_KKK_inclLineFilterSequence        |     2.700 |     2.772 |    0.007      37.6     3.75 |    1000 |     2.773 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2hhh_KKK_inclLineVOIDFilter           |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2hhh_KKK_inclLine                              |     2.659 |     2.747 |    0.075      37.4     3.73 |     974 |     2.676 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2hhh_KKK_inclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.793 |    0.693       0.9     0.14 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2hhh_KKK_inclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.715 |    0.639       0.8     0.11 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bu2hhh_KKK_inclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.646 |    0.514       0.8     0.19 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bu2hhh_KKK_inclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.710 |    0.614       0.8     0.14 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bu2hhh_KKK_inclLine                 |     5.000 |     0.607 |    0.497       0.7     0.16 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bu2hhh_KKK_inclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.563 |    0.371       0.8     0.27 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bu2hhh_KKK_inclLine                 |     5.000 |     0.529 |    0.408       0.7     0.17 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bu2hhh_KKK_inclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.530 |    0.411       0.6     0.17 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bu2hhh_KKK_inclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.576 |    0.416       0.7     0.23 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2hhh_KKK_inclLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2hhh_KKK_samesignLine                   |     1.720 |     1.798 |    0.028      26.6     2.40 |    1000 |     1.798 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2hhh_KKK_samesignLinePreScaler         |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2hhh_KKK_samesignLineFilterSequence    |     1.680 |     1.741 |    0.007      26.5     2.39 |    1000 |     1.742 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2hhh_KKK_samesignLineVOIDFilter       |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2hhh_KKK_samesignLine                          |     1.642 |     1.698 |    0.066      26.3     2.36 |     974 |     1.655 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2hhh_KKK_inclLine                       |     2.470 |     2.637 |    0.025      38.0     3.59 |    1000 |     2.638 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2hhh_KKK_inclLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2hhh_KKK_inclLineFilterSequence        |     2.460 |     2.593 |    0.007      38.0     3.58 |    1000 |     2.594 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2hhh_KKK_inclLineVOIDFilter           |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2hhh_KKK_inclLine                              |     2.443 |     2.574 |    0.069      37.8     3.57 |     974 |     2.508 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2hhh_KKK_inclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.731 |    0.593       0.9     0.20 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2hhh_KKK_inclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.691 |    0.586       0.8     0.15 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bu2hhh_KKK_inclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.631 |    0.541       0.7     0.13 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bu2hhh_KKK_inclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.671 |    0.538       0.8     0.19 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bu2hhh_KKK_inclLine                 |     5.000 |     0.572 |    0.444       0.7     0.18 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bu2hhh_KKK_inclLine                 |     5.000 |     0.574 |    0.364       0.8     0.30 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bu2hhh_KKK_inclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.543 |    0.404       0.7     0.20 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bu2hhh_KKK_inclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.543 |    0.354       0.7     0.27 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bu2hhh_KKK_inclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.592 |    0.392       0.8     0.28 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2hhh_KKK_inclLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2hhh_KKK_samesignLine                   |     1.560 |     1.686 |    0.024      26.0     2.26 |    1000 |     1.686 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2hhh_KKK_samesignLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2hhh_KKK_samesignLineFilterSequence    |     1.550 |     1.643 |    0.006      25.9     2.25 |    1000 |     1.644 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2hhh_KKK_samesignLineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2hhh_KKK_samesignLine                          |     1.570 |     1.607 |    0.058      25.8     2.24 |     974 |     1.565 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2hhh_KKK_samesignLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2hhh_KKK_samesignLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bu2hhh_KKK_samesignLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -142448,11 +142708,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bu2hhh_KKK_samesig
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bu2hhh_KKK_samesignLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bu2hhh_KKK_samesignLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2hhh_KKK_samesignLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2hhh_pph_inclLine                       |     1.660 |     1.697 |    0.028      43.4     3.15 |    1000 |     1.697 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2hhh_pph_inclLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2hhh_pph_inclLineFilterSequence        |     1.650 |     1.640 |    0.007      43.2     3.14 |    1000 |     1.640 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2hhh_pph_inclLineVOIDFilter           |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2hhh_pph_inclLine                              |     1.602 |     1.606 |    0.093      43.1     3.14 |     967 |     1.554 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2hhh_pph_inclLine                       |     1.540 |     1.552 |    0.023      42.8     2.91 |    1000 |     1.552 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2hhh_pph_inclLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2hhh_pph_inclLineFilterSequence        |     1.510 |     1.507 |    0.007      42.7     2.90 |    1000 |     1.508 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2hhh_pph_inclLineVOIDFilter           |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2hhh_pph_inclLine                              |     1.499 |     1.487 |    0.094      42.6     2.92 |     967 |     1.439 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2hhh_pph_inclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2hhh_pph_inclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bu2hhh_pph_inclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -142463,1618 +142723,1618 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bu2hhh_pph_inclLin
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bu2hhh_pph_inclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bu2hhh_pph_inclLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2hhh_pph_inclLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2pKpiLine                    |     1.410 |     1.358 |    0.021      15.3     1.69 |    1000 |     1.358 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2pKpiLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2pKpiLineFilterSequence     |     1.330 |     1.284 |    0.002      15.2     1.67 |    1000 |     1.284 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelHighPTProtons                          |     0.041 |     0.051 |    0.005       0.3     0.03 |     969 |     0.050 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelHighPTKaons                            |     0.036 |     0.042 |    0.004       0.2     0.02 |     819 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelPions                                  |     0.148 |     0.135 |    0.014       0.8     0.09 |     944 |     0.128 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelXibcP2pKpi                             |     0.635 |     0.526 |    0.061      10.3     0.95 |     787 |     0.414 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDT_XibcP2pKpiLine                           |     1.075 |     1.097 |    0.320       7.0     0.94 |     251 |     0.276 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2pKpiLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2D0pKpiLine                  |     1.310 |     1.416 |    0.021      99.9     6.87 |    1000 |     1.416 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2D0pKpiLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2D0pKpiLineFilterSequence   |     1.260 |     1.357 |    0.002      99.8     6.86 |    1000 |     1.357 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelD0                                     |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |     250 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelUnProtons                              |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     201 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelUnKaons                                |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     328 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelHighPTPions                            |     0.378 |     0.116 |    0.036       0.8     0.08 |     291 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelXibcP2D0pKpi                           |     5.874 |     6.514 |    0.086      90.4    12.75 |     143 |     0.932 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDT_XibcP2D0pKpiLine                         |     3.731 |     3.782 |    0.292      31.1     6.02 |      67 |     0.253 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2D0pKpiLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2DpKLine                     |     0.220 |     0.226 |    0.020      18.3     0.94 |    1000 |     0.226 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2pKpiLine                    |     1.140 |     1.190 |    0.019      15.6     1.53 |    1000 |     1.191 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2pKpiLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2pKpiLineFilterSequence     |     1.110 |     1.134 |    0.001      15.6     1.53 |    1000 |     1.135 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelHighPTProtons                          |     0.051 |     0.040 |    0.004       0.2     0.03 |     969 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelHighPTKaons                            |     0.024 |     0.036 |    0.004       0.2     0.02 |     819 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelPions                                  |     0.148 |     0.115 |    0.013       0.7     0.08 |     944 |     0.109 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelXibcP2pKpi                             |     0.457 |     0.485 |    0.058      10.6     0.90 |     787 |     0.382 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDT_XibcP2pKpiLine                           |     0.916 |     0.943 |    0.249       6.7     0.89 |     251 |     0.237 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2pKpiLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2D0pKpiLine                  |     1.440 |     1.394 |    0.017     100.6     6.81 |    1000 |     1.395 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2D0pKpiLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2D0pKpiLineFilterSequence   |     1.400 |     1.346 |    0.001     100.4     6.80 |    1000 |     1.346 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelD0                                     |     0.040 |     0.021 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |     250 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelUnProtons                              |     0.049 |     0.015 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     201 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelUnKaons                                |     0.030 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     328 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelHighPTPions                            |     0.103 |     0.100 |    0.030       0.5     0.06 |     291 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelXibcP2D0pKpi                           |     6.713 |     6.602 |    0.083      87.3    12.97 |     143 |     0.944 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDT_XibcP2D0pKpiLine                         |     3.432 |     3.638 |    0.290      24.6     5.75 |      67 |     0.244 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2D0pKpiLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2DpKLine                     |     0.150 |     0.189 |    0.018      17.8     0.79 |    1000 |     0.190 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2DpKLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2DpKLineFilterSequence      |     0.190 |     0.175 |    0.002      18.2     0.93 |    1000 |     0.175 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelDplus                                  |     0.048 |     0.023 |    0.003       0.4     0.03 |     205 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelXibcP2DpK                              |     1.012 |     0.717 |    0.067       5.1     0.96 |      79 |     0.057 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDT_XibcP2DpKLine                            |     1.379 |     1.659 |    0.240      13.6     2.51 |      29 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2DpKLineFilterSequence      |     0.060 |     0.142 |    0.002      17.7     0.77 |    1000 |     0.142 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelDplus                                  |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.003       0.5     0.04 |     205 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelXibcP2DpK                              |     0.253 |     0.594 |    0.064       2.9     0.69 |      79 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDT_XibcP2DpKLine                            |     0.689 |     1.330 |    0.189      13.4     2.41 |      29 |     0.039 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2DpKLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2LcKpiLine                   |     2.000 |     1.914 |    0.020     124.6     6.28 |    1000 |     1.915 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2LcKpiLine                   |     1.710 |     1.747 |    0.018     122.9     6.18 |    1000 |     1.748 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2LcKpiLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2LcKpiLineFilterSequence    |     1.890 |     1.839 |    0.001     124.4     6.26 |    1000 |     1.840 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelProtons                                |     0.123 |     0.069 |    0.003       3.5     0.12 |     969 |     0.067 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelKaons                                  |     0.052 |     0.059 |    0.004       5.1     0.17 |     953 |     0.057 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelLambdaC                                |     0.349 |     0.328 |    0.063       8.6     0.57 |     943 |     0.309 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelUnPions                                |     0.018 |     0.021 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     538 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelXibcP2LcKpi                            |     2.512 |     2.733 |    0.077      52.6     6.29 |     195 |     0.533 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDT_XibcP2LcKpiLine                          |     3.076 |     3.288 |    0.353      58.0     6.61 |     130 |     0.427 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2LcKpiLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2LambdaPiLine                |     0.770 |     0.811 |    0.021       8.8     0.70 |    1000 |     0.811 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2LambdaPiLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2LambdaPiLineFilterSequence |     0.710 |     0.745 |    0.001       8.7     0.68 |    1000 |     0.746 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:XibcBDTSelLambda                          |     0.595 |     0.597 |    0.016       8.4     0.52 |     974 |     0.582 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:XibcBDTSelLambda                   |     0.544 |     0.519 |    0.011       8.0     0.43 |     974 |     0.506 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:XibcBDTSelLambdaDD                       |     0.092 |     0.055 |    0.002       0.6     0.07 |     974 |     0.054 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               XibcBDTSelLambdaDD                            |     0.020 |     0.018 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     493 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:XibcBDTSelLambdaLL                       |     0.441 |     0.452 |    0.002       7.8     0.40 |     974 |     0.440 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               XibcBDTSelPions4LP                            |     0.146 |     0.153 |    0.017       6.8     0.29 |     953 |     0.146 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               XibcBDTSelLambdaLL                            |     0.096 |     0.108 |    0.049       0.8     0.07 |     935 |     0.102 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             XibcBDTSelLambda                                |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.002       0.7     0.03 |     461 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelXibcP2LambdaPi                         |     0.086 |     0.106 |    0.052       2.4     0.12 |     460 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDT_XibcP2LambdaPiLine                       |     0.600 |     0.507 |    0.221       1.5     0.27 |      50 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2LambdaPiLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2pKLine                       |     0.320 |     0.244 |    0.020       7.1     0.35 |    1000 |     0.244 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2pKLinePreScaler             |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2pKLineFilterSequence        |     0.230 |     0.184 |    0.002       6.9     0.34 |    1000 |     0.185 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelXibc2pK                                |     0.114 |     0.103 |    0.044       6.8     0.25 |     787 |     0.081 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDT_Xibc2pKLine                              |     0.862 |     0.604 |    0.231       2.0     0.53 |      58 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2LcKpiLineFilterSequence    |     1.680 |     1.691 |    0.001     122.8     6.18 |    1000 |     1.692 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelProtons                                |     0.041 |     0.059 |    0.003       0.7     0.05 |     969 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelKaons                                  |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.004       0.4     0.03 |     953 |     0.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelLambdaC                                |     0.286 |     0.291 |    0.061       8.0     0.49 |     943 |     0.275 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelUnPions                                |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     538 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelXibcP2LcKpi                            |     2.512 |     2.630 |    0.073      54.7     6.42 |     195 |     0.513 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDT_XibcP2LcKpiLine                          |     3.615 |     3.088 |    0.297      55.1     6.53 |     130 |     0.401 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2LcKpiLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2LambdaPiLine                |     0.830 |     0.705 |    0.018       5.6     0.55 |    1000 |     0.706 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2LambdaPiLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2LambdaPiLineFilterSequence |     0.770 |     0.649 |    0.001       5.5     0.54 |    1000 |     0.650 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:XibcBDTSelLambda                          |     0.636 |     0.517 |    0.013       3.4     0.36 |     974 |     0.504 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:XibcBDTSelLambda                   |     0.554 |     0.448 |    0.010       2.3     0.28 |     974 |     0.436 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:XibcBDTSelLambdaDD                       |     0.051 |     0.047 |    0.001       0.6     0.06 |     974 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               XibcBDTSelLambdaDD                            |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     493 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:XibcBDTSelLambdaLL                       |     0.482 |     0.390 |    0.001       2.2     0.24 |     974 |     0.381 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               XibcBDTSelPions4LP                            |     0.136 |     0.125 |    0.017       0.9     0.09 |     953 |     0.120 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               XibcBDTSelLambdaLL                            |     0.149 |     0.095 |    0.045       0.7     0.05 |     935 |     0.089 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             XibcBDTSelLambda                                |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     461 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelXibcP2LambdaPi                         |     0.108 |     0.091 |    0.049       0.5     0.04 |     460 |     0.042 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDT_XibcP2LambdaPiLine                       |     1.000 |     0.498 |    0.202       1.5     0.32 |      50 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2LambdaPiLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.002       0.0     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2pKLine                       |     0.250 |     0.205 |    0.017       1.7     0.21 |    1000 |     0.205 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2pKLinePreScaler             |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2pKLineFilterSequence        |     0.170 |     0.148 |    0.001       1.7     0.19 |    1000 |     0.149 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelXibc2pK                                |     0.114 |     0.085 |    0.040       1.2     0.06 |     787 |     0.067 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDT_Xibc2pKLine                              |     0.517 |     0.391 |    0.219       1.2     0.23 |      58 |     0.023 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2pKLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2D0pKLine                     |     0.190 |     0.216 |    0.020       7.1     0.60 |    1000 |     0.217 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2D0pKLine                     |     0.250 |     0.199 |    0.018       5.6     0.54 |    1000 |     0.199 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2D0pKLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2D0pKLineFilterSequence      |     0.160 |     0.162 |    0.002       6.9     0.59 |    1000 |     0.163 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelXibc2D0pK                              |     0.419 |     0.550 |    0.062       2.9     0.52 |     143 |     0.079 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDT_Xibc2D0pKLine                            |     1.632 |     0.973 |    0.284       3.6     0.73 |      49 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2D0pKLineFilterSequence      |     0.180 |     0.152 |    0.002       5.5     0.53 |    1000 |     0.152 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelXibc2D0pK                              |     0.559 |     0.540 |    0.055       3.0     0.55 |     143 |     0.077 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDT_Xibc2D0pKLine                            |     1.224 |     0.847 |    0.223       2.6     0.59 |      49 |     0.042 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2D0pKLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2LambdaPhiLine                |     0.880 |     0.914 |    0.020      25.8     2.05 |    1000 |     0.915 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2LambdaPhiLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2LambdaPhiLineFilterSequence |     0.790 |     0.856 |    0.001      25.6     2.03 |    1000 |     0.857 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLoosePhi2KK_Particles           |     1.149 |     1.211 |    0.064      24.2     1.98 |     974 |     1.180 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelPhi                                    |     0.112 |     0.083 |    0.006       0.8     0.10 |     443 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelXibc2LambdaPhi                         |     0.106 |     0.087 |    0.049       2.6     0.15 |     283 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDT_Xibc2LambdaPhiLine                       |     1.000 |     0.794 |    0.329       1.8     0.53 |      10 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2LambdaPhiLine                |     0.940 |     0.845 |    0.017      22.4     1.93 |    1000 |     0.845 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2LambdaPhiLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2LambdaPhiLineFilterSequence |     0.860 |     0.798 |    0.001      22.2     1.92 |    1000 |     0.798 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLoosePhi2KK_Particles           |     0.985 |     1.067 |    0.058      21.1     1.72 |     974 |     1.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelPhi                                    |     0.158 |     0.076 |    0.005       0.8     0.10 |     443 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelXibc2LambdaPhi                         |     0.141 |     0.084 |    0.045       1.1     0.11 |     283 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDT_Xibc2LambdaPhiLine                       |     1.000 |     0.858 |    0.270       1.6     0.57 |      10 |     0.009 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2LambdaPhiLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2LcPiLine                     |     0.130 |     0.180 |    0.021       5.2     0.47 |    1000 |     0.180 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2LcPiLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2LcPiLineFilterSequence      |     0.090 |     0.123 |    0.002       5.1     0.45 |    1000 |     0.124 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelXibc2LcPi                              |     0.205 |     0.182 |    0.063       1.8     0.16 |     195 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDT_Xibc2LcPiLine                            |     0.232 |     0.994 |    0.242       3.7     0.93 |      43 |     0.043 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2LcPiLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2LcKLine                      |     0.150 |     0.155 |    0.020       6.1     0.39 |    1000 |     0.155 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2LcKLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2LcKLineFilterSequence       |     0.090 |     0.100 |    0.002       6.0     0.38 |    1000 |     0.101 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelXibc2LcK                               |     0.205 |     0.152 |    0.052       1.6     0.17 |     195 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDT_Xibc2LcKLine                             |     1.282 |     0.887 |    0.330       2.9     0.68 |      39 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2LcKLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2LbKpiLine                    |     0.180 |     0.146 |    0.021       6.5     0.32 |    1000 |     0.147 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2LcPiLine                     |     0.080 |     0.137 |    0.018       3.1     0.27 |    1000 |     0.137 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2LcPiLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2LcPiLineFilterSequence      |     0.030 |     0.088 |    0.002       3.0     0.27 |    1000 |     0.088 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelXibc2LcPi                              |     0.051 |     0.149 |    0.053       1.2     0.11 |     195 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDT_Xibc2LcPiLine                            |     0.232 |     0.495 |    0.224       1.7     0.30 |      43 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2LcPiLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2LcKLine                      |     0.070 |     0.128 |    0.018       3.4     0.29 |    1000 |     0.129 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2LcKLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2LcKLineFilterSequence       |     0.050 |     0.080 |    0.001       3.3     0.28 |    1000 |     0.081 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelXibc2LcK                               |     0.051 |     0.122 |    0.045       0.7     0.08 |     195 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDT_Xibc2LcKLine                             |     0.512 |     0.674 |    0.276       1.9     0.54 |      39 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2LcKLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2LbKpiLine                    |     0.080 |     0.132 |    0.019       5.7     0.32 |    1000 |     0.132 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2LbKpiLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2LbKpiLineFilterSequence     |     0.170 |     0.091 |    0.002       6.4     0.30 |    1000 |     0.092 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelLambdaB                                |     0.051 |     0.093 |    0.057       0.7     0.06 |     195 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelXibc2LbKpi                             |     0.000 |     2.079 |    0.546       3.7     1.58 |       3 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDT_Xibc2LbKpiLine                           |     0.000 |     1.512 |    1.284       1.7     0.32 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2LbKpiLineFilterSequence     |     0.060 |     0.083 |    0.002       5.6     0.31 |    1000 |     0.083 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelLambdaB                                |     0.102 |     0.084 |    0.053       0.6     0.05 |     195 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDTSelXibc2LbKpi                             |     0.000 |     2.074 |    0.633       3.4     1.38 |       3 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcBDT_Xibc2LbKpiLine                           |     0.000 |     1.289 |    1.220       1.4     0.10 |       2 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2LbKpiLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02a1PiBDTLine                            |     8.020 |     7.809 |    0.028     191.7    14.57 |    1000 |     7.809 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02a1PiBDTLine                            |     7.300 |     7.345 |    0.024     225.3    13.93 |    1000 |     7.346 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02a1PiBDTLinePreScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02a1PiBDTLineFilterSequence             |     7.920 |     7.689 |    0.002     191.4    14.55 |    1000 |     7.690 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02a1PiBDTSelBachelorPion                        |     0.030 |     0.068 |    0.005       0.3     0.04 |     974 |     0.067 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02a1PiBDTSela1Pions                             |     0.098 |     0.127 |    0.014       0.7     0.09 |     910 |     0.116 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02a1PiBDTSela12PiPiPi                           |     5.769 |     5.548 |    0.037     145.7    10.45 |     910 |     5.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02a1PiBDTSelB02a1Pi                             |     0.223 |     0.266 |    0.048       4.6     0.39 |     849 |     0.226 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02a1PiBDTLine                                   |     1.081 |     0.978 |    0.306      18.3     1.75 |     111 |     0.109 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02a1PiBDTLineFilterSequence             |     7.260 |     7.271 |    0.001     225.1    13.92 |    1000 |     7.272 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02a1PiBDTSelBachelorPion                        |     0.051 |     0.057 |    0.004       0.2     0.03 |     974 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02a1PiBDTSela1Pions                             |     0.142 |     0.114 |    0.014       0.7     0.08 |     910 |     0.104 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02a1PiBDTSela12PiPiPi                           |     5.208 |     5.385 |    0.037     143.9     9.89 |     910 |     4.901 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02a1PiBDTSelB02a1Pi                             |     0.247 |     0.231 |    0.045       4.2     0.35 |     849 |     0.196 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02a1PiBDTLine                                   |     0.810 |     0.896 |    0.276      12.1     1.25 |     111 |     0.099 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02a1PiBDTLinePostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuLine                       |     0.180 |     0.235 |    0.032       5.9     0.37 |    1000 |     0.236 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuLinePreScaler             |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuLineHlt2Filter            |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuLineFilterSequence        |     0.144 |     0.294 |    0.012       5.8     0.49 |     415 |     0.122 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuLineVOIDFilter           |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Mu_forB2DXD2HMuNu                                |     0.039 |     0.024 |    0.006       0.1     0.02 |     252 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi_forB2DXD2HMuNu                                |     0.070 |     0.064 |    0.005       5.1     0.30 |     282 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D02PiMuNu_forB2DXD2HMuNu                         |     0.000 |     0.124 |    0.053       1.4     0.13 |     149 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02PiMuNuLine                              |     0.000 |     0.149 |    0.051       0.8     0.10 |      45 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuLine                       |     0.190 |     0.183 |    0.029       2.1     0.26 |    1000 |     0.184 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuLineHlt2Filter            |     0.020 |     0.017 |    0.008       0.4     0.01 |    1000 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuLineFilterSequence        |     0.265 |     0.242 |    0.010       1.9     0.33 |     415 |     0.101 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuLineVOIDFilter           |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Mu_forB2DXD2HMuNu                                |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     252 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi_forB2DXD2HMuNu                                |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |     282 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D02PiMuNu_forB2DXD2HMuNu                         |     0.067 |     0.099 |    0.050       0.6     0.05 |     149 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02PiMuNuLine                              |     0.222 |     0.133 |    0.047       0.6     0.08 |      45 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuLine                        |     0.070 |     0.127 |    0.027       2.5     0.18 |    1000 |     0.127 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuLine                        |     0.080 |     0.106 |    0.025       1.5     0.14 |    1000 |     0.106 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuLineHlt2Filter             |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuLineFilterSequence         |     0.048 |     0.106 |    0.008       2.4     0.24 |     415 |     0.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuLineHlt2Filter             |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuLineFilterSequence         |     0.048 |     0.092 |    0.008       1.4     0.18 |     415 |     0.038 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuLineVOIDFilter            |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K_forB2DXD2HMuNu                                 |     0.098 |     0.024 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |     406 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D02KMuNu_forB2DXD2HMuNu                          |     0.000 |     0.120 |    0.052       2.0     0.24 |      69 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KMuNuLine                               |     0.000 |     0.270 |    0.093       1.5     0.43 |      10 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K_forB2DXD2HMuNu                                 |     0.024 |     0.020 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     406 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D02KMuNu_forB2DXD2HMuNu                          |     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.046       1.0     0.12 |      69 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KMuNuLine                               |     0.000 |     0.211 |    0.094       1.0     0.27 |      10 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuLine                    |     0.230 |     0.167 |    0.029       2.2     0.21 |    1000 |     0.168 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuLinePreScaler          |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuLineHlt2Filter         |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuLineFilterSequence     |     0.265 |     0.209 |    0.009       2.0     0.23 |     415 |     0.087 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuLineVOIDFilter        |     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D02KPiPiMuNu_forB2DXD2HMuNu                      |     0.000 |     0.134 |    0.060       1.1     0.15 |      69 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuLine                           |     0.000 |     1.275 |    1.275       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuLine                    |     0.160 |     0.148 |    0.026       6.3     0.26 |    1000 |     0.148 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuLineHlt2Filter         |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuLineFilterSequence     |     0.168 |     0.196 |    0.008       6.2     0.35 |     415 |     0.081 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.4     0.02 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D02KPiPiMuNu_forB2DXD2HMuNu                      |     0.000 |     0.104 |    0.049       0.6     0.08 |      69 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuLine                           |     0.000 |     5.241 |    5.241       5.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuLine                        |     0.080 |     0.097 |    0.028       1.2     0.08 |    1000 |     0.097 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuLine                        |     0.120 |     0.083 |    0.026       4.4     0.15 |    1000 |     0.084 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuLineHlt2Filter             |     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.6     0.02 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuLineFilterSequence         |     0.072 |     0.032 |    0.010       1.0     0.08 |     415 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuLineVOIDFilter            |     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02PiMuNuLine                               |     0.000 |     0.141 |    0.054       0.9     0.16 |      25 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuLineHlt2Filter             |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuLineFilterSequence         |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.009       0.6     0.06 |     415 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuLineVOIDFilter            |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02PiMuNuLine                               |     0.000 |     0.103 |    0.048       0.5     0.09 |      25 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuLine                         |     0.080 |     0.092 |    0.028       1.0     0.07 |    1000 |     0.093 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuLine                         |     0.060 |     0.077 |    0.026       0.8     0.05 |    1000 |     0.078 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuLinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuLineHlt2Filter              |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuLineFilterSequence          |     0.048 |     0.020 |    0.009       0.9     0.06 |     415 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuLineVOIDFilter             |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KMuNuLine                                |     0.000 |     0.164 |    0.052       0.8     0.24 |      10 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuLineHlt2Filter              |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuLineFilterSequence          |     0.024 |     0.018 |    0.008       0.7     0.05 |     415 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuLineVOIDFilter             |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KMuNuLine                                |     0.000 |     0.137 |    0.054       0.6     0.17 |      10 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuLine                     |     0.090 |     0.091 |    0.030       1.0     0.06 |    1000 |     0.092 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuLineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuLineFilterSequence      |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.008       0.9     0.04 |     415 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuLine                     |     0.050 |     0.076 |    0.026       1.0     0.06 |    1000 |     0.076 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuLineHlt2Filter          |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuLineFilterSequence      |     0.024 |     0.014 |    0.008       0.9     0.04 |     415 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuLineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuLine                            |     0.000 |     0.674 |    0.674       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuLine                            |     0.000 |     0.707 |    0.707       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuLine                    |     0.080 |     0.106 |    0.029       7.4     0.26 |    1000 |     0.107 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuLine                    |     0.090 |     0.081 |    0.025       1.5     0.09 |    1000 |     0.082 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuLineHlt2Filter         |     0.020 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuLineFilterSequence     |     0.024 |     0.056 |    0.009       7.1     0.38 |     415 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            HHH_forB2DXD2HMuNu                               |     0.000 |     0.166 |    0.049       1.1     0.19 |      31 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuLine                           |     0.000 |     0.231 |    0.055       0.9     0.37 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuLineHlt2Filter         |     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuLineFilterSequence     |     0.048 |     0.032 |    0.008       1.5     0.11 |     415 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuLineVOIDFilter        |     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            HHH_forB2DXD2HMuNu                               |     0.000 |     0.142 |    0.046       0.7     0.13 |      31 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuLine                           |     0.000 |     0.157 |    0.057       0.5     0.21 |       5 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuLine                     |     0.080 |     0.089 |    0.028       1.0     0.07 |    1000 |     0.090 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuLineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuLineFilterSequence      |     0.024 |     0.017 |    0.008       0.8     0.04 |     415 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuLineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuLine                            |     0.000 |     0.573 |    0.573       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuLine                     |     0.050 |     0.073 |    0.025       0.8     0.05 |    1000 |     0.073 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuLineHlt2Filter          |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuLineFilterSequence      |     0.024 |     0.015 |    0.007       0.7     0.04 |     415 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuLineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuLine                            |     0.000 |     0.502 |    0.502       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuLine                 |     0.090 |     0.094 |    0.026       5.0     0.17 |    1000 |     0.095 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuLine                 |     0.050 |     0.072 |    0.025       0.8     0.05 |    1000 |     0.073 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuLineHlt2Filter      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuLineFilterSequence  |     0.024 |     0.017 |    0.008       0.8     0.05 |     415 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuLineHlt2Filter      |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuLineFilterSequence  |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.7     0.03 |     415 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuLineVOIDFilter     |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuLine                        |     0.000 |     0.614 |    0.614       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuLine                        |     0.000 |     0.431 |    0.431       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuLine                     |     0.170 |     0.120 |    0.033       2.2     0.15 |    1000 |     0.120 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuLine                     |     0.110 |     0.089 |    0.028       1.6     0.10 |    1000 |     0.090 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuLineHlt2Filter          |     0.040 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuLineFilterSequence      |     0.120 |     0.052 |    0.009       2.1     0.20 |     415 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuLineHlt2Filter          |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuLineFilterSequence      |     0.048 |     0.039 |    0.008       1.5     0.14 |     415 |     0.016 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuLineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            HH_forB2DXD2HMuNu                                |     0.666 |     0.208 |    0.058       1.1     0.26 |      30 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD02PiMuNuLine                            |     0.000 |     0.184 |    0.054       1.3     0.34 |      13 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            HH_forB2DXD2HMuNu                                |     0.000 |     0.132 |    0.060       0.6     0.11 |      30 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD02PiMuNuLine                            |     0.000 |     0.155 |    0.055       1.2     0.31 |      13 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuLine                      |     0.070 |     0.118 |    0.030      20.5     0.65 |    1000 |     0.119 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuLine                      |     0.070 |     0.079 |    0.028       1.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.079 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuLineHlt2Filter           |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuLineFilterSequence       |     0.048 |     0.064 |    0.008      20.3     1.00 |     415 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuLineVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD02KMuNuLine                             |    10.000 |     9.867 |    0.068      19.7    13.86 |       2 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuLineHlt2Filter           |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuLineFilterSequence       |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.008       1.7     0.09 |     415 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuLineVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD02KMuNuLine                             |     0.000 |     0.669 |    0.062       1.3     0.86 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuLine                  |     0.100 |     0.096 |    0.031       0.4     0.05 |    1000 |     0.097 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuLineHlt2Filter       |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuLineFilterSequence   |     0.024 |     0.014 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     415 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuLine                  |     0.060 |     0.079 |    0.027       0.4     0.04 |    1000 |     0.080 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuLinePreScaler        |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuLineHlt2Filter       |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuLineFilterSequence   |     0.048 |     0.013 |    0.008       0.3     0.02 |     415 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuLineVOIDFilter      |     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuLine                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuSUPLine                    |     0.080 |     0.103 |    0.028       1.0     0.09 |    1000 |     0.103 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuSUPLine                    |     0.100 |     0.086 |    0.025       0.8     0.08 |    1000 |     0.087 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuSUPLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuSUPLineHlt2Filter         |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuSUPLineFilterSequence     |     0.072 |     0.050 |    0.009       0.9     0.12 |     415 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuSUPLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.7     0.03 |     415 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02PiMuNuSUPLine                           |     0.000 |     0.177 |    0.055       0.9     0.12 |      45 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuSUPLineHlt2Filter         |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuSUPLineFilterSequence     |     0.048 |     0.041 |    0.007       0.7     0.09 |     415 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuSUPLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02PiMuNuSUPLine                           |     0.222 |     0.147 |    0.050       0.7     0.09 |      45 |     0.007 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuSUPLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuSUPLine                     |     0.110 |     0.091 |    0.028       1.2     0.07 |    1000 |     0.091 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuSUPLine                     |     0.070 |     0.075 |    0.025       0.9     0.06 |    1000 |     0.075 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuSUPLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuSUPLineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuSUPLineFilterSequence      |     0.048 |     0.022 |    0.009       1.1     0.07 |     415 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuSUPLineHlt2Filter          |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuSUPLineFilterSequence      |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.007       0.8     0.06 |     415 |     0.008 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuSUPLineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KMuNuSUPLine                            |     1.000 |     0.235 |    0.063       0.9     0.25 |      10 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuSUPLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLine                 |     0.090 |     0.088 |    0.028       0.9     0.06 |    1000 |     0.089 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KMuNuSUPLine                            |     0.000 |     0.166 |    0.047       0.6     0.16 |      10 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuSUPLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLine                 |     0.190 |     0.072 |    0.024       0.9     0.05 |    1000 |     0.073 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLineHlt2Filter      |     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.4     0.01 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLineFilterSequence  |     0.048 |     0.016 |    0.008       0.8     0.04 |     415 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLineHlt2Filter      |     0.030 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLineFilterSequence  |     0.024 |     0.014 |    0.008       0.8     0.04 |     415 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLineVOIDFilter     |     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLine                        |     0.000 |     0.655 |    0.655       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLine                        |     0.000 |     0.561 |    0.561       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuSUPLine                     |     0.120 |     0.107 |    0.029      11.4     0.37 |    1000 |     0.107 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuSUPLinePreScaler           |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuSUPLineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuSUPLineFilterSequence      |     0.048 |     0.034 |    0.009       1.2     0.10 |     415 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuSUPLineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02PiMuNuSUPLine                            |     0.800 |     0.155 |    0.053       1.0     0.19 |      25 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuSUPLine                     |     0.130 |     0.076 |    0.024       0.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.077 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuSUPLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuSUPLineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuSUPLineFilterSequence      |     0.072 |     0.027 |    0.008       0.7     0.06 |     415 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuSUPLineVOIDFilter         |     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02PiMuNuSUPLine                            |     0.000 |     0.112 |    0.049       0.6     0.10 |      25 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuSUPLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuSUPLine                      |     0.120 |     0.093 |    0.029       1.5     0.07 |    1000 |     0.093 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuSUPLinePreScaler            |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuSUPLineHlt2Filter           |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuSUPLineFilterSequence       |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.008       1.4     0.08 |     415 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuSUPLine                      |     0.100 |     0.084 |    0.025       8.0     0.26 |    1000 |     0.085 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuSUPLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuSUPLineHlt2Filter           |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuSUPLineFilterSequence       |     0.024 |     0.017 |    0.007       1.0     0.06 |     415 |     0.007 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuSUPLineVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KMuNuSUPLine                             |     0.000 |     0.207 |    0.048       1.3     0.40 |      10 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KMuNuSUPLine                             |     0.000 |     0.150 |    0.052       0.9     0.25 |      10 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuSUPLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLine                  |     0.050 |     0.086 |    0.027       0.4     0.05 |    1000 |     0.087 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLine                  |     0.080 |     0.072 |    0.023       0.4     0.04 |    1000 |     0.072 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLineHlt2Filter       |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLineFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.008       0.3     0.01 |     415 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLineHlt2Filter       |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLineFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.3     0.02 |     415 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLine                         |     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.084       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLine                         |     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.090       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuSUPLine                 |     0.030 |     0.087 |    0.027       1.4     0.07 |    1000 |     0.087 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuSUPLine                 |     0.050 |     0.075 |    0.024       3.6     0.12 |    1000 |     0.075 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuSUPLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuSUPLineHlt2Filter      |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuSUPLineFilterSequence  |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.008       1.2     0.06 |     415 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuSUPLineVOIDFilter     |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuSUPLine                        |     0.000 |     0.271 |    0.055       1.1     0.45 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuSUPLineHlt2Filter      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuSUPLineFilterSequence  |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.008       0.7     0.04 |     415 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuSUPLineVOIDFilter     |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuSUPLine                        |     0.000 |     0.161 |    0.050       0.6     0.23 |       5 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuSUPLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuSUPLine                  |     0.150 |     0.092 |    0.027       4.8     0.22 |    1000 |     0.093 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuSUPLine                  |     0.070 |     0.070 |    0.024       0.4     0.04 |    1000 |     0.070 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuSUPLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuSUPLineHlt2Filter       |     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuSUPLineFilterSequence   |     0.048 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.3     0.02 |     415 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuSUPLineVOIDFilter      |     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuSUPLine                         |     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.094       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuSUPLineHlt2Filter       |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuSUPLineFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.3     0.01 |     415 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuSUPLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuSUPLine                         |     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.081       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuSUPLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLine              |     0.050 |     0.084 |    0.028       0.4     0.05 |    1000 |     0.084 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLine              |     0.060 |     0.071 |    0.024       0.4     0.04 |    1000 |     0.072 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLineFilterSequenc|     0.024 |     0.013 |    0.008       0.3     0.01 |     415 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLine                     |     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.076       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLineHlt2Filter   |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLineFilterSequenc|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.3     0.02 |     415 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLine                     |     0.000 |     0.083 |    0.083       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuSUPLine                  |     0.070 |     0.095 |    0.031       1.3     0.07 |    1000 |     0.095 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuSUPLinePreScaler        |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuSUPLineHlt2Filter       |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuSUPLineFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.008       1.2     0.07 |     415 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuSUPLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD02PiMuNuSUPLine                         |     0.000 |     0.168 |    0.061       1.0     0.25 |      13 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuSUPLine                  |     0.040 |     0.080 |    0.027       0.7     0.06 |    1000 |     0.081 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuSUPLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuSUPLineHlt2Filter       |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuSUPLineFilterSequence   |     0.024 |     0.020 |    0.008       0.6     0.05 |     415 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuSUPLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD02PiMuNuSUPLine                         |     0.000 |     0.120 |    0.059       0.6     0.13 |      13 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuSUPLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuSUPLine                   |     0.080 |     0.096 |    0.032       1.3     0.06 |    1000 |     0.097 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuSUPLinePreScaler         |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuSUPLineHlt2Filter        |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuSUPLineFilterSequence    |     0.024 |     0.013 |    0.008       0.2     0.02 |     415 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuSUPLine                   |     0.100 |     0.080 |    0.028       0.7     0.05 |    1000 |     0.081 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuSUPLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuSUPLineHlt2Filter        |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuSUPLineFilterSequence    |     0.024 |     0.011 |    0.008       0.2     0.01 |     415 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuSUPLineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD02KMuNuSUPLine                          |     0.000 |     0.085 |    0.062       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD02KMuNuSUPLine                          |     0.000 |     0.078 |    0.056       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuSUPLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLine               |     0.050 |     0.100 |    0.032       4.1     0.14 |    1000 |     0.100 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLineHlt2Filter    |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLineFilterSequence|     0.024 |     0.014 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |     415 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLineVOIDFilter   |     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLine               |     0.050 |     0.078 |    0.026       0.4     0.04 |    1000 |     0.078 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLineHlt2Filter    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuSUPLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuWSLine                     |     0.070 |     0.073 |    0.021       1.1     0.06 |    1000 |     0.073 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuWSLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuWSLineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      92 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuWSLineFilterSequence      |     0.000 |     0.111 |    0.010       0.7     0.17 |      35 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuWSLineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      35 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D02PiMuNuWS_forB2DXD2HMuNu                       |     0.111 |     0.140 |    0.053       0.9     0.09 |      90 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuWSLine                     |     0.100 |     0.064 |    0.018       5.3     0.17 |    1000 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuWSLinePreScaler           |     0.030 |     0.009 |    0.003       5.2     0.16 |    1000 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuWSLineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      92 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuWSLineFilterSequence      |     0.000 |     0.093 |    0.008       0.5     0.12 |      35 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuWSLineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      35 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D02PiMuNuWS_forB2DXD2HMuNu                       |     0.222 |     0.122 |    0.055       0.6     0.07 |      90 |     0.011 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02PiMuNuWSLine                            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuWSLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuWSLine                      |     0.040 |     0.063 |    0.019       0.8     0.05 |    1000 |     0.063 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuWSLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuWSLineHlt2Filter           |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     102 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuWSLineFilterSequence       |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.009       0.6     0.08 |      50 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuWSLineVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      50 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D02KMuNuWS_forB2DXD2HMuNu                        |     0.263 |     0.131 |    0.051       0.9     0.14 |      38 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuWSLine                      |     0.050 |     0.050 |    0.015       0.4     0.04 |    1000 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuWSLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuWSLineHlt2Filter           |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     102 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuWSLineFilterSequence       |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.009       0.2     0.03 |      50 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuWSLineVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      50 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D02KMuNuWS_forB2DXD2HMuNu                        |     0.000 |     0.102 |    0.051       0.6     0.09 |      38 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KMuNuWSLine                             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuWSLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLine                  |     0.070 |     0.065 |    0.019       5.7     0.19 |    1000 |     0.066 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLineHlt2Filter       |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.006       0.7     0.07 |      90 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLineFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.009       0.2     0.04 |      35 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      35 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D02KPiPiMuNuWS_forB2DXD2HMuNu                    |     0.000 |     0.173 |    0.059       1.2     0.25 |      34 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLine                  |     0.020 |     0.049 |    0.016       0.5     0.03 |    1000 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLineHlt2Filter       |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      90 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLineFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.009       0.2     0.03 |      35 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      35 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D02KPiPiMuNuWS_forB2DXD2HMuNu                    |     0.000 |     0.125 |    0.058       0.6     0.11 |      34 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLine                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuWSLine                      |     0.050 |     0.070 |    0.019       2.0     0.10 |    1000 |     0.070 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuWSLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuWSLineHlt2Filter           |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     101 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuWSLineFilterSequence       |     0.196 |     0.189 |    0.011       1.9     0.32 |      51 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuWSLineVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      51 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02PiMuNuWSLine                             |     0.000 |     0.591 |    0.089       1.1     0.71 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuWSLine                      |     0.060 |     0.057 |    0.017       1.0     0.08 |    1000 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuWSLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuWSLineHlt2Filter           |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     101 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuWSLineFilterSequence       |     0.196 |     0.162 |    0.009       0.9     0.22 |      51 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuWSLineVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      51 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02PiMuNuWSLine                             |     0.000 |     0.352 |    0.110       0.6     0.34 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuWSLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuWSLine                       |     0.080 |     0.068 |    0.019       6.0     0.19 |    1000 |     0.068 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuWSLinePreScaler             |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuWSLine                       |     0.030 |     0.052 |    0.017       0.4     0.04 |    1000 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuWSLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuWSLineHlt2Filter            |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     107 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuWSLineFilterSequence        |     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.010       0.3     0.07 |      51 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuWSLineVOIDFilter           |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      51 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuWSLineFilterSequence        |     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.009       0.3     0.07 |      51 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuWSLineVOIDFilter           |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      51 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KMuNuWSLine                              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuWSLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuWSLine                   |     0.070 |     0.061 |    0.018       0.7     0.04 |    1000 |     0.062 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuWSLinePreScaler         |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuWSLineHlt2Filter        |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     108 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuWSLineFilterSequence    |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.010       0.3     0.05 |      47 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuWSLineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      47 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuWSLine                   |     0.040 |     0.050 |    0.016       0.4     0.03 |    1000 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuWSLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuWSLineHlt2Filter        |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     108 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuWSLineFilterSequence    |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.009       0.3     0.05 |      47 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuWSLineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      47 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuWSLine                          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuWSLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuWSLine                  |     0.060 |     0.072 |    0.017       1.6     0.11 |    1000 |     0.073 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuWSLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuWSLineHlt2Filter       |     0.204 |     0.075 |    0.006       0.8     0.19 |      98 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuWSLineFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.182 |    0.010       1.5     0.31 |      41 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuWSLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      41 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuWSLine                         |     0.000 |     0.507 |    0.070       0.9     0.62 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuWSLine                  |     0.060 |     0.054 |    0.016       1.5     0.07 |    1000 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuWSLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuWSLineHlt2Filter       |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      98 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuWSLineFilterSequence   |     0.243 |     0.152 |    0.010       1.4     0.25 |      41 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuWSLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      41 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuWSLine                         |     0.000 |     0.306 |    0.070       0.5     0.33 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuWSLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuWSLine                   |     0.110 |     0.061 |    0.018       0.4     0.04 |    1000 |     0.061 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuWSLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuWSLineHlt2Filter        |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |     100 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuWSLineFilterSequence    |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.010       0.2     0.04 |      41 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuWSLineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      41 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuWSLine                   |     0.060 |     0.049 |    0.016       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuWSLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuWSLineHlt2Filter        |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     100 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuWSLineFilterSequence    |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.010       0.2     0.04 |      41 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuWSLineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      41 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuWSLine                          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuWSLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLine               |     0.050 |     0.063 |    0.018       1.5     0.06 |    1000 |     0.063 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLineHlt2Filter    |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |     104 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.011       1.3     0.21 |      40 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLine               |     0.090 |     0.052 |    0.017       0.8     0.05 |    1000 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLineHlt2Filter    |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     104 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.010       0.7     0.15 |      40 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuWSLine                   |     0.070 |     0.070 |    0.020       0.7     0.06 |    1000 |     0.070 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuWSLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuWSLineHlt2Filter        |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     114 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuWSLineFilterSequence    |     0.338 |     0.076 |    0.009       0.6     0.13 |      59 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuWSLine                   |     0.030 |     0.057 |    0.018       0.7     0.05 |    1000 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuWSLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuWSLineHlt2Filter        |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     114 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuWSLineFilterSequence    |     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.009       0.6     0.13 |      59 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuWSLineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      59 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD02PiMuNuWSLine                          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuWSLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuWSLine                    |     0.120 |     0.071 |    0.019       2.2     0.08 |    1000 |     0.071 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuWSLinePreScaler          |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuWSLineHlt2Filter         |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      98 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuWSLineFilterSequence     |     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.012       2.0     0.37 |      30 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuWSLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      30 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD02KMuNuWSLine                           |     0.000 |     1.418 |    1.418       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuWSLine                    |     0.030 |     0.057 |    0.018       1.6     0.06 |    1000 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuWSLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuWSLineHlt2Filter         |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      98 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuWSLineFilterSequence     |     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.009       1.5     0.28 |      30 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuWSLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      30 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD02KMuNuWSLine                           |     0.000 |     0.979 |    0.979       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuWSLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLine                |     0.090 |     0.072 |    0.021       2.2     0.08 |    1000 |     0.073 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLineHlt2Filter     |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      98 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLineFilterSequence |     0.238 |     0.088 |    0.011       1.8     0.28 |      42 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLineVOIDFilter    |     0.238 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLine                |     0.020 |     0.059 |    0.019       1.4     0.06 |    1000 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLineHlt2Filter     |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      98 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLineFilterSequence |     0.000 |     0.065 |    0.010       1.1     0.17 |      42 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLineVOIDFilter    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLine                  |     0.060 |     0.066 |    0.018       2.1     0.08 |    1000 |     0.067 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLineHlt2Filter       |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     106 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLineFilterSequence   |     0.243 |     0.098 |    0.011       2.0     0.33 |      41 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      41 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLine                         |     0.000 |     0.829 |    0.109       1.5     1.02 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLine                  |     0.080 |     0.056 |    0.017       2.1     0.08 |    1000 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLinePreScaler        |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLineHlt2Filter       |     0.094 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     106 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLineFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.096 |    0.009       2.1     0.33 |      41 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      41 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLine                         |     0.000 |     0.673 |    0.104       1.2     0.81 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuWSSUPLine                   |     0.080 |     0.061 |    0.017       0.5     0.05 |    1000 |     0.061 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuWSSUPLinePreScaler         |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuWSSUPLineHlt2Filter        |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      93 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuWSSUPLineFilterSequence    |     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.011       0.3     0.08 |      41 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuWSSUPLineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      41 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuWSSUPLine                   |     0.010 |     0.050 |    0.017       0.4     0.04 |    1000 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuWSSUPLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuWSSUPLineHlt2Filter        |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      93 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuWSSUPLineFilterSequence    |     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.009       0.3     0.07 |      41 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuWSSUPLineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      41 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KMuNuWSSUPLine                          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KMuNuWSSUPLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLine               |     0.030 |     0.060 |    0.017       0.5     0.05 |    1000 |     0.061 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLineHlt2Filter    |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      95 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.012       0.3     0.09 |      34 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      34 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLine               |     0.070 |     0.050 |    0.016       0.4     0.04 |    1000 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLineHlt2Filter    |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      95 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.010       0.3     0.08 |      34 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      34 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuWSSUPLine                   |     0.060 |     0.059 |    0.017       0.4     0.04 |    1000 |     0.060 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuWSSUPLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuWSSUPLineHlt2Filter        |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      97 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuWSSUPLineFilterSequence    |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.009       0.3     0.06 |      42 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuWSSUPLineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuWSSUPLine                   |     0.060 |     0.049 |    0.017       0.3     0.04 |    1000 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuWSSUPLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuWSSUPLineHlt2Filter        |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      97 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuWSSUPLineFilterSequence    |     0.238 |     0.032 |    0.009       0.2     0.06 |      42 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuWSSUPLineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02PiMuNuWSSUPLine                          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02PiMuNuWSSUPLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuWSSUPLine                    |     0.110 |     0.075 |    0.017      10.6     0.34 |    1000 |     0.076 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuWSSUPLinePreScaler          |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuWSSUPLineHlt2Filter         |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      99 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuWSSUPLineFilterSequence     |     0.476 |     0.342 |    0.011      10.3     1.59 |      42 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuWSSUPLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KMuNuWSSUPLine                           |     0.000 |     4.303 |    0.074       8.5     5.98 |       2 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuWSSUPLine                    |     0.060 |     0.055 |    0.017       2.1     0.08 |    1000 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuWSSUPLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuWSSUPLineHlt2Filter         |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      99 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuWSSUPLineFilterSequence     |     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.010       2.0     0.33 |      42 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuWSSUPLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KMuNuWSSUPLine                           |     0.000 |     0.578 |    0.078       1.1     0.71 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KMuNuWSSUPLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLine                |     0.090 |     0.061 |    0.017       0.3     0.04 |    1000 |     0.061 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLineHlt2Filter     |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      90 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLineFilterSequence |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.012       0.2     0.03 |      43 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLineVOIDFilter    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      43 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLine                |     0.080 |     0.051 |    0.017       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLineHlt2Filter     |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      90 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLineFilterSequence |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.009       0.2     0.03 |      43 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLineVOIDFilter    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      43 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLine               |     0.040 |     0.065 |    0.018       0.6     0.06 |    1000 |     0.066 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLineHlt2Filter    |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      99 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.092 |    0.010       0.5     0.14 |      43 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      43 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLine               |     0.040 |     0.053 |    0.018       0.5     0.05 |    1000 |     0.054 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLineHlt2Filter    |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      99 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.009       0.3     0.11 |      43 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      43 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuWSSUPLine                |     0.060 |     0.061 |    0.018       1.2     0.05 |    1000 |     0.062 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuWSSUPLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuWSSUPLineHlt2Filter     |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      93 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuWSSUPLineFilterSequence |     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.009       0.7     0.12 |      37 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuWSSUPLineVOIDFilter    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuWSSUPLine                |     0.030 |     0.051 |    0.017       0.9     0.04 |    1000 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuWSSUPLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuWSSUPLineHlt2Filter     |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      93 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuWSSUPLineFilterSequence |     0.270 |     0.038 |    0.010       0.6     0.10 |      37 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuWSSUPLineVOIDFilter    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      37 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuWSSUPLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KMuNuWSSUPLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLine            |     0.090 |     0.063 |    0.019       1.0     0.06 |    1000 |     0.064 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      89 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLineFilterSeque|     0.294 |     0.067 |    0.012       0.5     0.11 |      34 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      34 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLine            |     0.080 |     0.056 |    0.018       4.0     0.13 |    1000 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      89 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLineFilterSeque|     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.012       0.5     0.11 |      34 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      34 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KPiPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLine                |     0.070 |     0.068 |    0.021       0.4     0.05 |    1000 |     0.068 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLineHlt2Filter     |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |     100 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLineFilterSequence |     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.011       0.3     0.07 |      42 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLine                |     0.030 |     0.055 |    0.019       0.6     0.04 |    1000 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLineHlt2Filter     |     0.100 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     100 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLineFilterSequence |     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.010       0.5     0.09 |      42 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLineVOIDFilter    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02PiMuNuWSSUPLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuWSSUPLine                 |     0.050 |     0.078 |    0.021       5.1     0.17 |    1000 |     0.078 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuWSSUPLine                 |     0.040 |     0.059 |    0.019       0.4     0.04 |    1000 |     0.059 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuWSSUPLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuWSSUPLineHlt2Filter      |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      91 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuWSSUPLineFilterSequence  |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.011       0.3     0.06 |      42 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuWSSUPLineVOIDFilter     |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      42 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD02KMuNuWSSUPLine                        |     0.000 |     0.085 |    0.085       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuWSSUPLineHlt2Filter      |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      91 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuWSSUPLineFilterSequence  |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.009       0.2     0.06 |      42 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuWSSUPLineVOIDFilter     |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD02KMuNuWSSUPLine                        |     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.099       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KMuNuWSSUPLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLine             |     0.020 |     0.079 |    0.021       5.1     0.17 |    1000 |     0.080 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |     111 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLineFilterSequen|     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.011       0.4     0.09 |      42 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLine             |     0.100 |     0.061 |    0.021       0.9     0.05 |    1000 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     111 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLineFilterSequen|     0.000 |     0.054 |    0.011       0.3     0.08 |      42 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      42 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0KPiD02KPiPiMuNuWSSUPLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2pphh_kkLine                             |     1.170 |     1.236 |    0.033      16.9     0.97 |    1000 |     1.237 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2pphh_kkLine                             |     0.870 |     1.036 |    0.032       8.3     0.70 |    1000 |     1.037 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2pphh_kkLinePreScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2pphh_kkLineFilterSequence              |     1.130 |     1.176 |    0.011      16.7     0.96 |    1000 |     1.177 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2pphh_kkLineVOIDFilter                 |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtonForB2pphh                                  |     0.174 |     0.154 |    0.005       0.6     0.09 |     974 |     0.150 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonForB2pphh                                    |     0.121 |     0.126 |    0.011       0.5     0.08 |     906 |     0.115 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2pphh_kkLine                                    |     0.080 |     0.160 |    0.048      12.1     0.48 |     874 |     0.140 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2pphh_kkLineFilterSequence              |     0.840 |     0.988 |    0.010       8.2     0.70 |    1000 |     0.989 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2pphh_kkLineVOIDFilter                 |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       4.1     0.13 |    1000 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtonForB2pphh                                  |     0.102 |     0.123 |    0.006       0.5     0.08 |     974 |     0.121 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonForB2pphh                                    |     0.099 |     0.110 |    0.012       0.5     0.07 |     906 |     0.101 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2pphh_kkLine                                    |     0.057 |     0.124 |    0.043       4.3     0.23 |     874 |     0.109 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2pphh_kkLinePostScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2pphh_kpiLine                            |     0.630 |     0.568 |    0.028      28.1     1.05 |    1000 |     0.569 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2pphh_kpiLinePreScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2pphh_kpiLineFilterSequence             |     0.570 |     0.505 |    0.007      27.9     1.03 |    1000 |     0.505 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2pphh_kpiLineVOIDFilter                |     0.030 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionForB2pphh                                    |     0.132 |     0.128 |    0.021       1.2     0.08 |     906 |     0.116 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2pphh_kpiLine                                   |     0.233 |     0.241 |    0.054      26.1     1.01 |     858 |     0.208 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2pphh_kpiLine                            |     0.480 |     0.483 |    0.025      14.7     0.60 |    1000 |     0.484 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2pphh_kpiLinePreScaler                  |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2pphh_kpiLineFilterSequence             |     0.420 |     0.434 |    0.007      14.6     0.59 |    1000 |     0.435 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2pphh_kpiLineVOIDFilter                |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionForB2pphh                                    |     0.077 |     0.112 |    0.015       0.5     0.07 |     906 |     0.102 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2pphh_kpiLine                                   |     0.163 |     0.192 |    0.049      13.8     0.54 |     858 |     0.165 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2pphh_kpiLinePostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2pphh_pipiLine                           |     0.290 |     0.259 |    0.028       7.4     0.36 |    1000 |     0.260 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2pphh_pipiLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2pphh_pipiLineFilterSequence            |     0.230 |     0.203 |    0.007       7.3     0.35 |    1000 |     0.203 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2pphh_pipiLineVOIDFilter               |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2pphh_pipiLine                                  |     0.124 |     0.141 |    0.037       6.7     0.34 |     885 |     0.125 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2pphh_pipiLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2PhiKstNominalLine                      |     0.320 |     0.271 |    0.020       6.0     0.32 |    1000 |     0.271 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2pphh_pipiLine                           |     0.270 |     0.229 |    0.026       6.4     0.32 |    1000 |     0.230 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2pphh_pipiLinePreScaler                 |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2pphh_pipiLineFilterSequence            |     0.240 |     0.184 |    0.007       6.3     0.31 |    1000 |     0.184 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2pphh_pipiLineVOIDFilter               |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2pphh_pipiLine                                  |     0.146 |     0.129 |    0.035       5.9     0.31 |     885 |     0.114 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2pphh_pipiLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2PhiKstNominalLine                      |     0.250 |     0.214 |    0.019       2.2     0.14 |    1000 |     0.214 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2PhiKstNominalLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2PhiKstNominalLineFilterSequence       |     0.250 |     0.194 |    0.002       4.1     0.20 |    1000 |     0.195 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Phi2KKForBs2PhiKst                               |     0.170 |     0.124 |    0.046       1.3     0.06 |     941 |     0.118 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Kst2KpiForBs2PhiKst                              |     0.000 |     0.275 |    0.117       1.9     0.36 |      24 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2PhiKstNominalLine                             |     0.000 |     0.151 |    0.048       1.1     0.31 |      12 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2PhiKstNominalLineFilterSequence       |     0.180 |     0.159 |    0.001       2.2     0.13 |    1000 |     0.159 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Phi2KKForBs2PhiKst                               |     0.148 |     0.100 |    0.041       0.7     0.03 |     941 |     0.094 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Kst2KpiForBs2PhiKst                              |     0.416 |     0.221 |    0.105       1.2     0.21 |      24 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2PhiKstNominalLine                             |     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.049       0.5     0.13 |      12 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2PhiKstNominalLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXb2phhhLine                               |     0.490 |     0.530 |    0.021      28.4     1.10 |    1000 |     0.530 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXb2phhhLinePreScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXb2phhhLineFilterSequence                |     0.460 |     0.481 |    0.001      28.2     1.09 |    1000 |     0.482 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtonsForXb2phhh                                |     0.042 |     0.047 |    0.017       0.9     0.04 |     938 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForXb2phhh                                  |     0.026 |     0.053 |    0.012       0.7     0.04 |     769 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xb2phhhLine                                      |     0.130 |     0.132 |    0.042       1.7     0.15 |     769 |     0.102 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xb2phhhLine                         |     1.428 |     0.723 |    0.200       1.9     0.55 |       7 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xb2phhhLine                         |     0.000 |     0.876 |    0.306       2.6     0.79 |       7 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xb2phhhLine                         |     1.428 |     0.724 |    0.199       2.5     0.78 |       7 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xb2phhhLine                         |     1.428 |     0.807 |    0.304       2.2     0.64 |       7 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xb2phhhLine                         |     2.857 |     0.726 |    0.203       1.9     0.60 |       7 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Xb2phhhLine                         |     1.428 |     0.816 |    0.310       2.2     0.62 |       7 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Xb2phhhLine                         |     1.428 |     0.605 |    0.125       1.8     0.56 |       7 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Xb2phhhLine                         |     0.000 |     0.876 |    0.385       2.2     0.63 |       7 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Xb2phhhLine                         |     1.428 |     0.911 |    0.174       3.0     0.99 |       7 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXb2phhhLinePostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXb2phhLine                                |     0.370 |     0.466 |    0.020       9.3     0.44 |    1000 |     0.467 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXb2phhhLine                               |     0.500 |     0.473 |    0.018      27.8     1.04 |    1000 |     0.473 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXb2phhhLinePreScaler                     |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXb2phhhLineFilterSequence                |     0.430 |     0.431 |    0.002      27.7     1.03 |    1000 |     0.431 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtonsForXb2phhh                                |     0.042 |     0.040 |    0.015       0.4     0.02 |     938 |     0.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForXb2phhh                                  |     0.026 |     0.048 |    0.010       0.2     0.03 |     769 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xb2phhhLine                                      |     0.078 |     0.118 |    0.038       1.6     0.13 |     769 |     0.091 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xb2phhhLine                         |     0.000 |     0.674 |    0.167       1.9     0.57 |       7 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xb2phhhLine                         |     1.428 |     0.849 |    0.334       2.5     0.72 |       7 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xb2phhhLine                         |     2.857 |     0.668 |    0.144       2.1     0.65 |       7 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xb2phhhLine                         |     0.000 |     0.824 |    0.297       2.5     0.73 |       7 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xb2phhhLine                         |     0.000 |     0.660 |    0.149       2.1     0.67 |       7 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Xb2phhhLine                         |     5.714 |     0.824 |    0.298       2.5     0.73 |       7 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Xb2phhhLine                         |     0.000 |     0.618 |    0.137       1.9     0.58 |       7 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Xb2phhhLine                         |     0.000 |     0.809 |    0.262       2.4     0.70 |       7 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Xb2phhhLine                         |     0.000 |     0.706 |    0.206       2.3     0.72 |       7 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXb2phhhLinePostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXb2phhLine                                |     0.430 |     0.415 |    0.017       7.2     0.37 |    1000 |     0.416 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXb2phhLinePreScaler                      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXb2phhLineFilterSequence                 |     0.320 |     0.417 |    0.002       9.1     0.43 |    1000 |     0.417 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtonsForXb2phh                                 |     0.021 |     0.041 |    0.012       0.3     0.02 |     938 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForXb2phh                                   |     0.026 |     0.051 |    0.010       0.2     0.03 |     756 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xb2phhLine                                       |     0.119 |     0.139 |    0.049       2.0     0.13 |     756 |     0.106 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xb2phhLine                          |     0.000 |     0.168 |    0.092       0.4     0.14 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xb2phhLine                          |     2.500 |     0.127 |    0.048       0.3     0.13 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xb2phhLine                          |     0.000 |     0.129 |    0.057       0.3     0.12 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xb2phhLine                          |     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.035       0.3     0.13 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xb2phhLine                          |     0.000 |     0.800 |    0.229       2.3     0.98 |       4 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXb2phhLineFilterSequence                 |     0.410 |     0.373 |    0.002       7.2     0.36 |    1000 |     0.373 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtonsForXb2phh                                 |     0.042 |     0.037 |    0.011       1.1     0.04 |     938 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForXb2phh                                   |     0.092 |     0.046 |    0.010       0.4     0.03 |     756 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xb2phhLine                                       |     0.158 |     0.122 |    0.041       1.2     0.08 |     756 |     0.093 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Xb2phhLine                          |     0.000 |     0.132 |    0.059       0.3     0.10 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Xb2phhLine                          |     0.000 |     0.104 |    0.036       0.3     0.11 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xb2phhLine                          |     0.000 |     0.136 |    0.038       0.4     0.17 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xb2phhLine                          |     0.000 |     0.111 |    0.045       0.3     0.12 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xb2phhLine                          |     2.500 |     0.635 |    0.236       1.7     0.69 |       4 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXb2phhLinePostScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DDphi_B2DstDpPhiLine                    |     0.310 |     0.269 |    0.022       4.7     0.22 |    1000 |     0.269 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DDphi_B2DstDpPhiLine                    |     0.210 |     0.227 |    0.021       5.3     0.23 |    1000 |     0.227 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDphi_B2DstDpPhiLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDphi_B2DstDpPhiLineFilterSequence     |     0.170 |     0.187 |    0.001       2.0     0.14 |    1000 |     0.187 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KForB2DDphi                                      |     0.051 |     0.071 |    0.004       0.5     0.05 |     971 |     0.070 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dst2D0Pi_D02KPiForB2DDphi                        |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.007       0.1     0.03 |      23 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KPiPiForB2DDphi                                |     0.098 |     0.038 |    0.006       0.2     0.02 |     204 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDphi_B2DstDpPhiLineFilterSequence     |     0.160 |     0.160 |    0.001       3.4     0.15 |    1000 |     0.160 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KForB2DDphi                                      |     0.041 |     0.059 |    0.004       0.5     0.04 |     971 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dst2D0Pi_D02KPiForB2DDphi                        |     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.007       0.1     0.02 |      23 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KPiPiForB2DDphi                                |     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.006       4.0     0.28 |     204 |     0.011 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDphi_B2DstDpPhiLine                           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDphi_B2DstDpPhiLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DDphi_B2DDPhiLine                       |     0.110 |     0.114 |    0.022       2.3     0.16 |    1000 |     0.114 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDphi_B2DDPhiLinePreScaler             |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDphi_B2DDPhiLineFilterSequence        |     0.050 |     0.045 |    0.002       2.2     0.15 |    1000 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDphi_B2DDPhiLine                              |     0.192 |     0.101 |    0.049       1.6     0.21 |      52 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DDphi_B2DDPhiLine                       |     0.100 |     0.100 |    0.021       4.3     0.18 |    1000 |     0.101 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDphi_B2DDPhiLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDphi_B2DDPhiLineFilterSequence        |     0.050 |     0.043 |    0.002       4.1     0.17 |    1000 |     0.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDphi_B2DDPhiLine                              |     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.042       1.0     0.13 |      52 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDphi_B2DDPhiLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DDphi_B2DsDsPhiLine                     |     0.130 |     0.115 |    0.022       2.1     0.16 |    1000 |     0.115 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DDphi_B2DsDsPhiLine                     |     0.050 |     0.097 |    0.021       1.7     0.14 |    1000 |     0.097 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDphi_B2DsDsPhiLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDphi_B2DsDsPhiLineFilterSequence      |     0.070 |     0.048 |    0.002       2.1     0.15 |    1000 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ds2KKPiForB2DDphi                                |     0.057 |     0.047 |    0.006       0.2     0.03 |     173 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDphi_B2DsDsPhiLine                            |     0.147 |     0.093 |    0.043       1.6     0.19 |      68 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDphi_B2DsDsPhiLineFilterSequence      |     0.010 |     0.042 |    0.002       1.7     0.13 |    1000 |     0.042 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ds2KKPiForB2DDphi                                |     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.005       0.2     0.02 |     173 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDphi_B2DsDsPhiLine                            |     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.044       1.3     0.15 |      68 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDphi_B2DsDsPhiLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DDphi_B2DstDstPhiLine                   |     0.040 |     0.072 |    0.024       0.5     0.04 |    1000 |     0.073 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DDphi_B2DstDstPhiLine                   |     0.080 |     0.062 |    0.020       0.5     0.04 |    1000 |     0.063 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDphi_B2DstDstPhiLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDphi_B2DstDstPhiLineFilterSequence    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.002       0.4     0.02 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDphi_B2DstDstPhiLine                          |     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.053       0.1     0.01 |      12 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDphi_B2DstDstPhiLineFilterSequence    |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.001       0.4     0.02 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDphi_B2DstDstPhiLine                          |     0.000 |     0.066 |    0.050       0.1     0.02 |      12 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDphi_B2DstDstPhiLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCcbar2PPPiPiLine                          |     6.470 |     6.436 |    0.021     198.8    15.33 |    1000 |     6.436 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCcbar2PPPiPiLine                          |     5.950 |     5.886 |    0.019     178.4    14.05 |    1000 |     5.886 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PPPiPiLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PPPiPiLineFilterSequence           |     6.410 |     6.362 |    0.002     198.6    15.32 |    1000 |     6.362 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ccbar2PPPiPiSelProtons                           |     0.051 |     0.058 |    0.005       0.3     0.04 |     969 |     0.057 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ccbar2PPPiPiSelPions                             |     0.095 |     0.141 |    0.013       0.7     0.09 |     938 |     0.133 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ccbar2PPPiPiSelCcbar2PPPiPi                      |     5.373 |     5.272 |    0.042     184.3    13.96 |     936 |     4.935 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ccbar2PPPiPiLine                                 |     2.546 |     2.604 |    0.308      35.6     4.27 |     326 |     0.849 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PPPiPiLineFilterSequence           |     5.890 |     5.828 |    0.001     178.4    14.04 |    1000 |     5.829 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ccbar2PPPiPiSelProtons                           |     0.030 |     0.056 |    0.003       3.6     0.12 |     969 |     0.054 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ccbar2PPPiPiSelPions                             |     0.138 |     0.122 |    0.013       3.6     0.14 |     938 |     0.115 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ccbar2PPPiPiSelCcbar2PPPiPi                      |     4.882 |     4.854 |    0.040     170.0    12.98 |     936 |     4.544 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ccbar2PPPiPiLine                                 |     2.423 |     2.398 |    0.259      22.7     3.78 |     326 |     0.782 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PPPiPiLinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2EtacKp_KsKPiLine                       |     0.540 |     0.570 |    0.021       9.2     0.75 |    1000 |     0.571 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2EtacKp_KsKPiLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2EtacKp_KsKPiLineFilterSequence        |     0.480 |     0.500 |    0.002       9.0     0.73 |    1000 |     0.501 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2EtacKpSelProtons                              |     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.4     0.01 |     928 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2EtacKpSelKaons                                |     0.015 |     0.014 |    0.003       0.8     0.07 |     658 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2EtacKpSelLambdaS                              |     0.139 |     0.165 |    0.048       2.1     0.14 |     645 |     0.107 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Lb2EtacKpInputKs                          |     0.122 |     0.137 |    0.009       0.7     0.11 |     245 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Lb2EtacKpInputKs                   |     0.040 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |     245 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Lb2EtacKpInputKs                                |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     192 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2EtacKpSelKs                                   |     0.052 |     0.019 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     192 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2EtacKpSelPions                                |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     245 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2EtacKpSelEtac2KsKPi                           |     0.273 |     0.271 |    0.062       1.4     0.21 |     146 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2EtacKp_KsKPiLine                              |     0.204 |     0.116 |    0.049       1.4     0.19 |      49 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2EtacKp_KsKPiLine                 |     0.000 |     0.543 |    0.543       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2EtacKp_KsKPiLine                 |     0.000 |     1.318 |    1.318       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2EtacKp_KsKPiLine                 |    10.000 |     0.356 |    0.356       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2EtacKp_KsKPiLine                 |     0.000 |     0.242 |    0.242       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2EtacKp_KsKPiLine                 |     0.000 |     0.231 |    0.231       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2EtacKp_KsKPiLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2EtacKp_PPbarLine                       |     0.140 |     0.108 |    0.021       5.3     0.21 |    1000 |     0.109 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2EtacKp_PPbarLinePreScaler             |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2EtacKp_PPbarLineFilterSequence        |     0.070 |     0.048 |    0.001       5.2     0.19 |    1000 |     0.048 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2EtacKpSelEtac2PPbar                           |     0.122 |     0.062 |    0.033       1.3     0.09 |     245 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2EtacKp_PPbarLine                              |     0.000 |     0.161 |    0.048       1.4     0.31 |      17 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2EtacKp_KsKPiLine                       |     0.500 |     0.492 |    0.019       8.3     0.67 |    1000 |     0.493 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2EtacKp_KsKPiLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2EtacKp_KsKPiLineFilterSequence        |     0.410 |     0.435 |    0.002       8.1     0.66 |    1000 |     0.436 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2EtacKpSelProtons                              |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.4     0.01 |     928 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2EtacKpSelKaons                                |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     658 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2EtacKpSelLambdaS                              |     0.155 |     0.138 |    0.046       1.2     0.11 |     645 |     0.089 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Lb2EtacKpInputKs                          |     0.122 |     0.119 |    0.008       0.7     0.10 |     245 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Lb2EtacKpInputKs                   |     0.040 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |     245 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Lb2EtacKpInputKs                                |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     192 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2EtacKpSelKs                                   |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     192 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2EtacKpSelPions                                |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     245 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2EtacKpSelEtac2KsKPi                           |     0.136 |     0.240 |    0.056       1.1     0.16 |     146 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2EtacKp_KsKPiLine                              |     0.000 |     0.103 |    0.045       1.1     0.16 |      49 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2EtacKp_KsKPiLine                 |     0.000 |     0.520 |    0.520       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2EtacKp_KsKPiLine                 |     0.000 |     1.107 |    1.107       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2EtacKp_KsKPiLine                 |     0.000 |     0.263 |    0.263       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2EtacKp_KsKPiLine                 |     0.000 |     0.227 |    0.227       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2EtacKp_KsKPiLine                 |     0.000 |     0.212 |    0.212       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2EtacKp_KsKPiLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2EtacKp_PPbarLine                       |     0.080 |     0.091 |    0.019       2.8     0.13 |    1000 |     0.092 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2EtacKp_PPbarLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2EtacKp_PPbarLineFilterSequence        |     0.020 |     0.039 |    0.002       2.7     0.12 |    1000 |     0.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2EtacKpSelEtac2PPbar                           |     0.040 |     0.056 |    0.029       1.1     0.07 |     245 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2EtacKp_PPbarLine                              |     0.000 |     0.209 |    0.043       2.3     0.54 |      17 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2EtacKp_PPbarLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2EtacKp_PPbarLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2EtacKp_PPbarLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2EtacKp_PPbarLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2EtacKp_PPbarLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2EtacKp_PPbarLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2EtacKp_4hLine                          |     0.520 |     0.586 |    0.033      26.4     1.65 |    1000 |     0.587 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2EtacKp_4hLine                          |     0.500 |     0.529 |    0.028      22.0     1.44 |    1000 |     0.529 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2EtacKp_4hLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2EtacKp_4hLineFilterSequence           |     0.430 |     0.514 |    0.001      26.2     1.64 |    1000 |     0.514 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Lb2EtacKpSelEtac                          |     1.673 |     1.994 |    0.375      25.9     2.63 |     245 |     0.489 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Lb2EtacKpSelEtac                   |     1.591 |     1.892 |    0.367      24.9     2.51 |     245 |     0.464 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Lb2EtacKpSelEtac2KKPiPi                  |     0.367 |     0.578 |    0.082       8.0     0.81 |     245 |     0.142 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Lb2EtacKpSelEtac2KKPiPi                       |     0.163 |     0.397 |    0.044       7.3     0.75 |     245 |     0.097 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Lb2EtacKpSelEtac2KKKK                    |     0.163 |     0.164 |    0.045       1.1     0.12 |     245 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Lb2EtacKpSelEtac2KKKK                         |     0.122 |     0.086 |    0.022       1.1     0.09 |     245 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Lb2EtacKpSelEtac2PiPiPiPi                |     0.897 |     0.892 |    0.049      15.6     1.63 |     245 |     0.219 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Lb2EtacKpSelEtac2PiPiPiPi                     |     0.775 |     0.784 |    0.027      15.1     1.56 |     245 |     0.192 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Lb2EtacKpSelEtac2PPbarPiPi               |     0.122 |     0.233 |    0.062       4.4     0.35 |     245 |     0.057 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Lb2EtacKpSelEtac2PPbarPiPi                    |     0.081 |     0.145 |    0.037       4.3     0.33 |     245 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Lb2EtacKpSelEtac                                |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      86 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2EtacKp_4hLine                                 |     0.116 |     0.135 |    0.043       2.8     0.30 |      86 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2EtacKp_4hLineFilterSequence           |     0.480 |     0.468 |    0.001      21.9     1.44 |    1000 |     0.469 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Lb2EtacKpSelEtac                          |     1.959 |     1.824 |    0.300      21.6     2.29 |     245 |     0.447 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Lb2EtacKpSelEtac                   |     1.959 |     1.731 |    0.295      21.1     2.20 |     245 |     0.424 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Lb2EtacKpSelEtac2KKPiPi                  |     0.775 |     0.543 |    0.070       7.5     0.77 |     245 |     0.133 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Lb2EtacKpSelEtac2KKPiPi                       |     0.612 |     0.367 |    0.041       7.2     0.68 |     245 |     0.090 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Lb2EtacKpSelEtac2KKKK                    |     0.122 |     0.148 |    0.044       1.2     0.11 |     245 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Lb2EtacKpSelEtac2KKKK                         |     0.122 |     0.079 |    0.021       1.1     0.09 |     245 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Lb2EtacKpSelEtac2PiPiPiPi                |     0.775 |     0.821 |    0.046      12.2     1.39 |     245 |     0.201 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Lb2EtacKpSelEtac2PiPiPiPi                     |     0.693 |     0.724 |    0.025      11.9     1.35 |     245 |     0.177 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Lb2EtacKpSelEtac2PPbarPiPi               |     0.244 |     0.199 |    0.059       1.6     0.20 |     245 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Lb2EtacKpSelEtac2PPbarPiPi                    |     0.081 |     0.119 |    0.034       1.5     0.18 |     245 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Lb2EtacKpSelEtac                                |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      86 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2EtacKp_4hLine                                 |     0.000 |     0.112 |    0.045       1.6     0.18 |      86 |     0.010 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2EtacKp_4hLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2EtacKp_4hLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2EtacKp_4hLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2EtacKp_4hLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2EtacKp_4hLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2EtacKp_4hLinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamBhadron                             |     1.390 |     1.392 |    0.352       6.1     0.42 |    1000 |     1.392 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamBhadron                             |     0.840 |     1.005 |    0.319       3.7     0.26 |    1000 |     1.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamBhadronPreScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamBhadronFilterSequence              |     1.210 |     1.214 |    0.012       5.9     0.41 |    1000 |     1.214 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingStreamSeqBhadron                        |     1.190 |     1.203 |    0.004       5.9     0.41 |    1000 |     1.203 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamBhadronPostScaler                  |     0.062 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |     161 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        StrippingSequenceStreamSemileptonic                  |    13.100 |    13.139 |    3.040    1653.7    52.47 |    1000 |    13.140 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingBadEventSequenceSemileptonic               |     0.070 |     0.079 |    0.028       5.1     0.16 |    1000 |     0.079 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamSemileptonicBadEvent                |     0.050 |     0.068 |    0.023       0.7     0.05 |    1000 |     0.069 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamSemileptonicBadEventPreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamSemileptonicBadEventFilterSequence |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamBhadronFilterSequence              |     0.710 |     0.856 |    0.009       2.1     0.26 |    1000 |     0.857 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingStreamSeqBhadron                        |     0.710 |     0.848 |    0.004       2.1     0.26 |    1000 |     0.848 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamBhadronPostScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |     161 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        StrippingSequenceStreamSemileptonic                  |    11.150 |    11.292 |    2.678    1494.9    47.40 |    1000 |    11.292 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingBadEventSequenceSemileptonic               |     0.090 |     0.066 |    0.026       2.2     0.08 |    1000 |     0.066 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamSemileptonicBadEvent                |     0.080 |     0.061 |    0.022       2.2     0.08 |    1000 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamSemileptonicBadEventPreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamSemileptonicBadEventFilterSequence |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamSemileptonicBadEventPostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingProtectedSequenceSemileptonic              |    13.020 |    13.048 |    3.005    1653.6    52.47 |    1000 |    13.048 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2pMuNuVubLine                           |     2.230 |     2.141 |    0.326    1544.8    48.83 |    1000 |     2.142 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubLineL0DUFilter                |     0.700 |     0.558 |    0.277     183.5     5.79 |    1000 |     0.559 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubLineHlt2Filter                |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.010       0.5     0.03 |     311 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubLineFilterSequence            |    14.693 |    15.276 |    0.020    1361.1   137.35 |      98 |     1.497 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingGoodEventConditionSemileptonic          |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2pMuNuVubLineVOIDFilter               |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      98 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Mu_forLb2pMuNuVub                                |     0.108 |     0.045 |    0.006       0.1     0.02 |      92 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Mu_forLb2pMuNuVubTOS                             |    16.352 |    17.158 |    0.830    1357.9   147.15 |      85 |     1.459 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            p_forLb2pMuNuVub                                 |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.007       0.2     0.02 |      91 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            pMu_Lb_forLb2pMuNuVub                            |     2.500 |     0.666 |    0.114       2.2     0.99 |       4 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingProtectedSequenceSemileptonic              |    11.040 |    11.215 |    2.634    1494.8    47.39 |    1000 |    11.216 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2pMuNuVubLine                           |     1.800 |     1.926 |    0.263    1423.9    45.02 |    1000 |     1.926 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubLineL0DUFilter                |     0.470 |     0.486 |    0.228     168.9     5.34 |    1000 |     0.486 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubLineHlt2Filter                |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     311 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubLineFilterSequence            |    13.163 |    13.983 |    0.018    1254.9   126.64 |      98 |     1.370 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingGoodEventConditionSemileptonic          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2pMuNuVubLineVOIDFilter               |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      98 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Mu_forLb2pMuNuVub                                |     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.006       0.2     0.02 |      92 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Mu_forLb2pMuNuVubTOS                             |    15.058 |    15.725 |    0.722    1252.4   135.73 |      85 |     1.337 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            p_forLb2pMuNuVub                                 |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.2     0.02 |      91 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            pMu_Lb_forLb2pMuNuVub                            |     2.500 |     0.478 |    0.060       1.6     0.74 |       4 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2pMuNuVubLine                                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2pMuNuVubSSLine                         |     0.050 |     0.072 |    0.024       2.5     0.10 |    1000 |     0.072 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2pMuNuVubSSLine                         |     0.050 |     0.062 |    0.023       1.6     0.06 |    1000 |     0.063 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubSSLinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubSSLineL0DUFilter              |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.5     0.02 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubSSLineHlt2Filter              |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     311 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubSSLineFilterSequence          |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.010       2.3     0.23 |      98 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2pMuNuVubSSLineVOIDFilter             |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      98 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            pMuSS_Lb_forLb2pMuNuVub                          |     0.000 |     0.577 |    0.071       2.0     0.96 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubSSLineL0DUFilter              |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubSSLineHlt2Filter              |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     311 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubSSLineFilterSequence          |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.009       1.5     0.15 |      98 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2pMuNuVubSSLineVOIDFilter             |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      98 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            pMuSS_Lb_forLb2pMuNuVub                          |     0.000 |     0.399 |    0.051       1.4     0.66 |       4 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2pMuNuVubSSLine                                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubSSLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakepLine                      |     0.060 |     0.049 |    0.018       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.050 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakepLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakepLineL0DUFilter           |     0.526 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      19 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakepLineHlt2Filter           |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakepLine                      |     0.010 |     0.043 |    0.016       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakepLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakepLineL0DUFilter           |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      19 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakepLineHlt2Filter           |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakepLineFilterSequence       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakepLineVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            fakep_forLb2pMuNuVub                             |     0.000 |     0.188 |    0.143       0.2     0.06 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            fakep_forLb2pMuNuVub                             |     0.000 |     0.144 |    0.128       0.2     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            pMu_fakep_Lb_forLb2pMuNuVub                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2pMuNuVubFakepLine                             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakepLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakeSSpLine                    |     0.050 |     0.050 |    0.017       3.8     0.12 |    1000 |     0.051 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakeSSpLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakeSSpLineL0DUFilter         |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      15 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakeSSpLineHlt2Filter         |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakeSSpLineFilterSequence     |     5.000 |     1.926 |    0.420       3.4     2.13 |       2 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakeSSpLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            pMuSS_fakep_Lb_forLb2pMuNuVub                    |    10.000 |     2.279 |    2.279       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakeSSpLine                    |     0.070 |     0.045 |    0.015       4.7     0.15 |    1000 |     0.045 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakeSSpLinePreScaler          |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakeSSpLineL0DUFilter         |     0.666 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |      15 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakeSSpLineHlt2Filter         |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.018       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakeSSpLineFilterSequence     |     5.000 |     2.410 |    0.325       4.5     2.95 |       2 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakeSSpLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            pMuSS_fakep_Lb_forLb2pMuNuVub                    |    10.000 |     3.611 |    3.611       3.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2pMuNuVubFakeSSpLine                           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakeSSpLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakemuLine                     |     0.070 |     0.066 |    0.016       9.1     0.32 |    1000 |     0.067 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakemuLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakemuLineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      46 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakemuLineFilterSequence      |     2.727 |     1.843 |    0.212       8.9     2.45 |      11 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakemuLineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdAllNoPIDsMuons_Particles        |     0.220 |     0.243 |    0.007      15.1     0.94 |    1000 |     0.244 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            fakeMu_forLb2pMuNuVub                            |     0.952 |     0.098 |    0.037       0.2     0.05 |      21 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            pMu_fakemu_Lb_forLb2pMuNuVub                     |     0.000 |     1.696 |    1.696       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2pMuNuVubFakemuLine                            |     0.000 |     0.942 |    0.942       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakemuLine                     |     0.070 |     0.058 |    0.014       9.4     0.32 |    1000 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakemuLinePreScaler           |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakemuLineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      46 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakemuLineFilterSequence      |     1.818 |     1.707 |    0.154       9.3     2.61 |      11 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakemuLineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdAllNoPIDsMuons_Particles        |     0.160 |     0.208 |    0.007      13.1     0.81 |    1000 |     0.208 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            fakeMu_forLb2pMuNuVub                            |     0.476 |     0.067 |    0.031       0.1     0.03 |      21 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            pMu_fakemu_Lb_forLb2pMuNuVub                     |     0.000 |     2.213 |    2.213       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2pMuNuVubFakemuLine                            |     0.000 |     0.793 |    0.793       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakemuLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakeSSmuLine                   |     0.090 |     0.073 |    0.016       9.0     0.39 |    1000 |     0.073 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakeSSmuLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakeSSmuLineHlt2Filter        |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      49 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakeSSmuLineFilterSequence    |     5.000 |     2.753 |    0.266       8.8     2.77 |      10 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakeSSmuLineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            pMuSS_fakemu_Lb_forLb2pMuNuVub                   |     0.000 |     1.389 |    1.389       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakeSSmuLine                   |     0.100 |     0.072 |    0.014      13.9     0.50 |    1000 |     0.073 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakeSSmuLinePreScaler         |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakeSSmuLineHlt2Filter        |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      49 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakeSSmuLineFilterSequence    |     2.000 |     2.958 |    0.307      13.7     3.99 |      10 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakeSSmuLineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            pMuSS_fakemu_Lb_forLb2pMuNuVub                   |     0.000 |     2.399 |    2.399       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2pMuNuVubFakeSSmuLine                          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pMuNuVubFakeSSmuLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_Electron                      |     1.410 |     1.571 |    0.066      52.0     1.99 |    1000 |     1.571 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_Electron                      |     1.390 |     1.333 |    0.056      31.2     1.40 |    1000 |     1.334 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_ElectronPreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_ElectronHlt1Filter           |     0.050 |     0.014 |    0.006       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_ElectronHlt2Filter           |     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_ElectronFilterSequence       |     1.300 |     1.449 |    0.018      51.8     1.96 |    1000 |     1.450 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_ElectronVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseElectrons_Particles        |     1.170 |     1.318 |    0.072      51.7     1.89 |     974 |     1.284 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            eforB2DMuNuX                                     |     0.029 |     0.022 |    0.004       0.7     0.03 |     672 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KforB2DMuNuX                                     |     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.005       0.3     0.02 |     402 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PiforB2DMuNuX                                    |     0.073 |     0.061 |    0.015       1.4     0.07 |     406 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmSelForD0_ElectronB2DMuNuX                   |     0.243 |     0.152 |    0.062       2.3     0.20 |     123 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_D0_Electron                             |     0.000 |     0.198 |    0.048       1.4     0.38 |      12 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_ElectronPostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0                               |     0.290 |     0.293 |    0.047       3.3     0.35 |    1000 |     0.293 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0PreScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0Hlt1Filter                    |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0Hlt2Filter                    |     0.020 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0FilterSequence                |     0.150 |     0.190 |    0.008       3.1     0.34 |    1000 |     0.190 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0VOIDFilter                   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuforB2DMuNuX                                    |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |     537 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmSelForD0B2DMuNuX                            |     0.041 |     0.131 |    0.062       1.5     0.10 |     243 |     0.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_D0                                      |     0.000 |     0.134 |    0.059       0.7     0.12 |      27 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0PostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_K3Pi                          |     0.320 |     0.214 |    0.047       7.1     0.42 |    1000 |     0.215 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_K3PiPreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_K3PiHlt1Filter               |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_K3PiHlt2Filter               |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_K3PiFilterSequence           |     0.180 |     0.112 |    0.008       6.9     0.40 |    1000 |     0.113 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_K3PiVOIDFilter              |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmSelForD0_K3PiB2DMuNuX                       |     0.406 |     0.300 |    0.052       6.6     0.65 |     246 |     0.074 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_D0_K3Pi                                 |     0.000 |     0.201 |    0.060       1.6     0.34 |      19 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_ElectronHlt1Filter           |     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.4     0.01 |    1000 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_ElectronHlt2Filter           |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_ElectronFilterSequence       |     1.320 |     1.250 |    0.016      31.0     1.38 |    1000 |     1.251 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_ElectronVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseElectrons_Particles        |     1.170 |     1.139 |    0.064      31.0     1.30 |     974 |     1.110 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            eforB2DMuNuX                                     |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     672 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KforB2DMuNuX                                     |     0.049 |     0.034 |    0.005       0.2     0.02 |     402 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PiforB2DMuNuX                                    |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.014       0.2     0.03 |     406 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmSelForD0_ElectronB2DMuNuX                   |     0.325 |     0.118 |    0.061       1.2     0.11 |     123 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_D0_Electron                             |     0.000 |     0.132 |    0.050       0.7     0.17 |      12 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_ElectronPostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0                               |     0.320 |     0.246 |    0.045       2.9     0.28 |    1000 |     0.247 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0PreScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0Hlt1Filter                    |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0Hlt2Filter                    |     0.030 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0FilterSequence                |     0.190 |     0.160 |    0.007       2.8     0.27 |    1000 |     0.161 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0VOIDFilter                   |     0.020 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuforB2DMuNuX                                    |     0.018 |     0.017 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     537 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmSelForD0B2DMuNuX                            |     0.082 |     0.104 |    0.055       0.7     0.06 |     243 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_D0                                      |     0.000 |     0.127 |    0.056       0.6     0.13 |      27 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0PostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_K3Pi                          |     0.190 |     0.185 |    0.044       6.9     0.38 |    1000 |     0.185 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_K3PiPreScaler                |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_K3PiHlt1Filter               |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_K3PiHlt2Filter               |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_K3PiFilterSequence           |     0.080 |     0.102 |    0.007       6.8     0.37 |    1000 |     0.102 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_K3PiVOIDFilter              |     0.020 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.4     0.01 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmSelForD0_K3PiB2DMuNuX                       |     0.203 |     0.275 |    0.049       6.5     0.62 |     246 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_D0_K3Pi                                 |     0.000 |     0.161 |    0.056       1.1     0.23 |      19 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_K3PiPostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_Dp_Electron                      |     0.090 |     0.157 |    0.047       2.3     0.18 |    1000 |     0.158 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_Dp_Electron                      |     0.140 |     0.134 |    0.043       2.6     0.17 |    1000 |     0.134 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Dp_ElectronPreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Dp_ElectronHlt1Filter           |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Dp_ElectronHlt2Filter           |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Dp_ElectronFilterSequence       |     0.030 |     0.058 |    0.008       2.1     0.17 |    1000 |     0.059 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_Dp_ElectronVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmSelForDp_ElectronB2DMuNuX                   |     0.162 |     0.206 |    0.057       1.7     0.21 |     123 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_Dp_Electron                             |     0.000 |     0.209 |    0.066       1.5     0.38 |      14 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Dp_ElectronHlt1Filter           |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Dp_ElectronHlt2Filter           |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Dp_ElectronFilterSequence       |     0.040 |     0.051 |    0.007       2.5     0.16 |    1000 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_Dp_ElectronVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmSelForDp_ElectronB2DMuNuX                   |     0.081 |     0.182 |    0.050       1.6     0.19 |     123 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_Dp_Electron                             |     0.714 |     0.228 |    0.058       1.9     0.48 |      14 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Dp_ElectronPostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_Dp                               |     0.140 |     0.183 |    0.048       3.0     0.24 |    1000 |     0.183 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_Dp                               |     0.130 |     0.156 |    0.043       2.7     0.21 |    1000 |     0.157 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_DpPreScaler                     |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_DpHlt1Filter                    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_DpHlt2Filter                    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_DpFilterSequence                |     0.080 |     0.087 |    0.008       2.8     0.22 |    1000 |     0.087 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_DpVOIDFilter                   |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmSelForDpB2DMuNuX                            |     0.161 |     0.163 |    0.050       1.7     0.18 |     248 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_Dp                                      |     0.000 |     0.163 |    0.062       1.5     0.24 |      32 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_DpHlt1Filter                    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_DpHlt2Filter                    |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_DpFilterSequence                |     0.080 |     0.077 |    0.007       2.6     0.20 |    1000 |     0.078 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_DpVOIDFilter                   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmSelForDpB2DMuNuX                            |     0.040 |     0.148 |    0.046       1.7     0.17 |     248 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_Dp                                      |     0.312 |     0.176 |    0.058       1.2     0.25 |      32 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_DpPostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_Ds_Electron                      |     0.150 |     0.155 |    0.047       3.7     0.22 |    1000 |     0.156 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_Ds_Electron                      |     0.150 |     0.133 |    0.042       2.9     0.19 |    1000 |     0.133 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Ds_ElectronPreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Ds_ElectronHlt1Filter           |     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Ds_ElectronHlt2Filter           |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Ds_ElectronFilterSequence       |     0.050 |     0.057 |    0.007       3.5     0.20 |    1000 |     0.057 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_Ds_ElectronVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmSelForDs_ElectronB2DMuNuX                   |     0.243 |     0.187 |    0.053       3.4     0.33 |     123 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_Ds_Electron                             |     0.588 |     0.238 |    0.080       1.9     0.44 |      17 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Ds_ElectronHlt1Filter           |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Ds_ElectronHlt2Filter           |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Ds_ElectronFilterSequence       |     0.080 |     0.051 |    0.007       2.9     0.18 |    1000 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_Ds_ElectronVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmSelForDs_ElectronB2DMuNuX                   |     0.325 |     0.177 |    0.048       2.8     0.31 |     123 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_Ds_Electron                             |     0.588 |     0.184 |    0.062       1.2     0.27 |      17 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Ds_ElectronPostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_Ds                               |     0.200 |     0.175 |    0.042       2.9     0.22 |    1000 |     0.176 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_DsPreScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_DsHlt1Filter                    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_DsHlt2Filter                    |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_DsFilterSequence                |     0.060 |     0.078 |    0.007       2.7     0.21 |    1000 |     0.079 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_DsVOIDFilter                   |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmSelForDsB2DMuNuX                            |     0.081 |     0.146 |    0.049       1.6     0.18 |     245 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_Ds                                      |     0.400 |     0.174 |    0.068       1.6     0.29 |      25 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_Ds                               |     0.220 |     0.147 |    0.040       2.5     0.18 |    1000 |     0.147 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_DsPreScaler                     |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_DsHlt1Filter                    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_DsHlt2Filter                    |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_DsFilterSequence                |     0.120 |     0.068 |    0.006       2.4     0.17 |    1000 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_DsVOIDFilter                   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmSelForDsB2DMuNuX                            |     0.367 |     0.132 |    0.043       1.6     0.16 |     245 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_Ds                                      |     0.000 |     0.117 |    0.054       0.7     0.12 |      25 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_DsPostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_Lc_Electron                      |     0.170 |     0.154 |    0.046       3.1     0.19 |    1000 |     0.154 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_Lc_Electron                      |     0.100 |     0.130 |    0.042       2.0     0.16 |    1000 |     0.131 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Lc_ElectronPreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Lc_ElectronHlt1Filter           |     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Lc_ElectronHlt2Filter           |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Lc_ElectronFilterSequence       |     0.060 |     0.056 |    0.007       2.9     0.18 |    1000 |     0.057 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_Lc_ElectronVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtonsForB2DMuNuX                               |     0.052 |     0.049 |    0.006       0.3     0.03 |     378 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmSelForLc_ElectronB2DMuNuX                   |     0.123 |     0.151 |    0.071       2.1     0.23 |      81 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_Lc_Electron                             |     0.000 |     0.312 |    0.082       1.3     0.49 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Lc_ElectronHlt1Filter           |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Lc_ElectronHlt2Filter           |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Lc_ElectronFilterSequence       |     0.030 |     0.049 |    0.007       1.9     0.15 |    1000 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_Lc_ElectronVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtonsForB2DMuNuX                               |     0.052 |     0.041 |    0.005       0.2     0.02 |     378 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmSelForLc_ElectronB2DMuNuX                   |     0.000 |     0.132 |    0.064       1.4     0.17 |      81 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_Lc_Electron                             |     0.000 |     0.213 |    0.065       0.8     0.30 |       6 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Lc_ElectronPostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_Lc                               |     0.220 |     0.182 |    0.045       5.1     0.25 |    1000 |     0.183 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_LcPreScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_LcHlt1Filter                    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_LcHlt2Filter                    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_LcFilterSequence                |     0.080 |     0.079 |    0.007       1.9     0.18 |    1000 |     0.079 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_LcVOIDFilter                   |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmSelForLcB2DMuNuX                            |     0.209 |     0.129 |    0.067       0.6     0.09 |     143 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_Lc                                      |     0.000 |     0.220 |    0.083       1.2     0.33 |      11 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_Lc                               |     0.140 |     0.148 |    0.042       1.5     0.16 |    1000 |     0.148 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_LcPreScaler                     |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_LcHlt1Filter                    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_LcHlt2Filter                    |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_LcFilterSequence                |     0.060 |     0.068 |    0.007       1.4     0.15 |    1000 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_LcVOIDFilter                   |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmSelForLcB2DMuNuX                            |     0.069 |     0.113 |    0.059       0.6     0.08 |     143 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_Lc                                      |     0.000 |     0.141 |    0.076       0.6     0.16 |      11 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_LcPostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_Omegac                           |     0.190 |     0.144 |    0.048       2.5     0.16 |    1000 |     0.145 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_OmegacPreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_OmegacHlt1Filter                |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_OmegacHlt2Filter                |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_OmegacFilterSequence            |     0.060 |     0.046 |    0.007       2.4     0.14 |    1000 |     0.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_OmegacVOIDFilter               |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmSelForOmegacB2DMuNuX                        |     0.347 |     0.135 |    0.063       1.7     0.20 |     144 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_Omegac                                  |     0.000 |     1.903 |    1.903       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_Omegac                           |     0.150 |     0.120 |    0.042       1.9     0.12 |    1000 |     0.121 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_OmegacPreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_OmegacHlt1Filter                |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_OmegacHlt2Filter                |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_OmegacFilterSequence            |     0.050 |     0.039 |    0.007       1.7     0.11 |    1000 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_OmegacVOIDFilter               |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmSelForOmegacB2DMuNuX                        |     0.138 |     0.114 |    0.056       1.4     0.14 |     144 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_Omegac                                  |     0.000 |     0.985 |    0.985       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_OmegacPostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic                              |     0.170 |     0.142 |    0.044       2.5     0.15 |    1000 |     0.143 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_XicPreScaler                    |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_XicHlt1Filter                   |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_XicHlt2Filter                   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_XicFilterSequence               |     0.050 |     0.048 |    0.007       2.3     0.13 |    1000 |     0.048 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_XicVOIDFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmSelForXicB2DMuNuX                           |     0.136 |     0.128 |    0.060       0.9     0.11 |     147 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_Xic                                     |     0.000 |     0.209 |    0.067       0.8     0.25 |       8 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic                              |     0.090 |     0.120 |    0.040       2.1     0.12 |    1000 |     0.121 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_XicPreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_XicHlt1Filter                   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_XicHlt2Filter                   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_XicFilterSequence               |     0.050 |     0.041 |    0.007       1.9     0.11 |    1000 |     0.042 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_XicVOIDFilter                  |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmSelForXicB2DMuNuX                           |     0.204 |     0.112 |    0.059       0.7     0.09 |     147 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_Xic                                     |     0.000 |     0.148 |    0.073       0.5     0.15 |       8 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_XicPostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic0                             |     0.090 |     0.149 |    0.046       6.8     0.26 |    1000 |     0.150 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic0                             |     0.110 |     0.120 |    0.042       1.8     0.12 |    1000 |     0.120 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic0PreScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic0Hlt1Filter                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic0Hlt2Filter                  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic0FilterSequence              |     0.020 |     0.045 |    0.007       2.1     0.13 |    1000 |     0.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic0VOIDFilter                 |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmSelForXic0B2DMuNuX                          |     0.069 |     0.125 |    0.058       1.3     0.16 |     144 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_Xic0                                    |     0.000 |     1.562 |    1.562       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic0Hlt1Filter                  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic0Hlt2Filter                  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic0FilterSequence              |     0.060 |     0.039 |    0.006       1.8     0.11 |    1000 |     0.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic0VOIDFilter                 |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmSelForXic0B2DMuNuX                          |     0.138 |     0.111 |    0.058       1.3     0.13 |     144 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_Xic0                                    |     0.000 |     1.241 |    1.241       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic0PostScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_FakeMuon                      |     0.060 |     0.095 |    0.020       6.4     0.30 |    1000 |     0.096 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_FakeMuonPreScaler            |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_FakeMuon                      |     0.050 |     0.085 |    0.018       7.3     0.32 |    1000 |     0.085 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_FakeMuonPreScaler            |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_FakeMuonHlt1Filter           |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      15 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_FakeMuonHlt2Filter           |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      15 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_FakeMuonFilterSequence       |     1.333 |     1.893 |    0.353       6.3     1.57 |      15 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_FakeMuonHlt2Filter           |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      15 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_FakeMuonFilterSequence       |     1.333 |     1.912 |    0.351       7.1     1.80 |      15 |     0.029 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_FakeMuonVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      15 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdNoPIDsMuons_Particles           |     1.242 |     1.371 |    0.119      20.6     1.58 |     974 |     1.336 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            FakeMuonsForB2DMuNuX                             |     0.068 |     0.042 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |     146 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_D0_FakeMuon                             |     0.000 |     1.941 |    1.941       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdNoPIDsMuons_Particles           |     1.283 |     1.191 |    0.103      12.7     1.26 |     974 |     1.161 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            FakeMuonsForB2DMuNuX                             |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     146 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_D0_FakeMuon                             |     0.000 |     1.154 |    1.154       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_FakeMuonPostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_K3Pi_FakeMuon                 |     0.100 |     0.100 |    0.018       6.3     0.33 |    1000 |     0.101 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_K3Pi_FakeMuonPreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_K3Pi_FakeMuonHlt1Filter      |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      21 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_K3Pi_FakeMuonHlt2Filter      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      21 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_K3Pi_FakeMuonFilterSequence  |     1.904 |     1.811 |    0.011       6.1     1.34 |      21 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_K3Pi_FakeMuonVOIDFilter     |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      21 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_D0_K3Pi_FakeMuon                        |     0.000 |     0.913 |    0.224       1.6     0.98 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_K3Pi_FakeMuonPostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_Dp_FakeMuon                      |     0.100 |     0.110 |    0.018       5.8     0.40 |    1000 |     0.111 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Dp_FakeMuonPreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Dp_FakeMuonHlt1Filter           |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      22 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Dp_FakeMuonHlt2Filter           |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      22 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Dp_FakeMuonFilterSequence       |     1.818 |     2.191 |    0.030       5.7     1.45 |      22 |     0.048 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_Dp_FakeMuonVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      22 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_Dp_FakeMuon                             |     0.000 |     2.107 |    0.266       3.9     2.60 |       2 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_K3Pi_FakeMuon                 |     0.060 |     0.086 |    0.016       4.2     0.29 |    1000 |     0.086 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_K3Pi_FakeMuonPreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_K3Pi_FakeMuonHlt1Filter      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      21 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_K3Pi_FakeMuonHlt2Filter      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      21 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_K3Pi_FakeMuonFilterSequence  |     1.428 |     1.634 |    0.009       4.2     1.09 |      21 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_K3Pi_FakeMuonVOIDFilter     |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      21 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_D0_K3Pi_FakeMuon                        |     0.000 |     1.008 |    0.259       1.8     1.06 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_K3Pi_FakeMuonPostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_Dp_FakeMuon                      |     0.070 |     0.095 |    0.015       6.8     0.39 |    1000 |     0.095 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Dp_FakeMuonPreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Dp_FakeMuonHlt1Filter           |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      22 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Dp_FakeMuonHlt2Filter           |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      22 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Dp_FakeMuonFilterSequence       |     2.272 |     2.047 |    0.015       6.7     1.66 |      22 |     0.045 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_Dp_FakeMuonVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      22 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_Dp_FakeMuon                             |     0.000 |     0.948 |    0.265       1.6     0.97 |       2 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Dp_FakeMuonPostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_Ds_FakeMuon                      |     0.090 |     0.100 |    0.018       4.3     0.31 |    1000 |     0.101 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Ds_FakeMuonPreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Ds_FakeMuonHlt1Filter           |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      22 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Ds_FakeMuonHlt2Filter           |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      22 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Ds_FakeMuonFilterSequence       |     1.818 |     1.683 |    0.010       4.1     1.15 |      22 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_Ds_FakeMuonVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      22 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_Ds_FakeMuon                             |     2.500 |     0.548 |    0.092       1.7     0.77 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_Ds_FakeMuon                      |     0.060 |     0.084 |    0.015       5.1     0.30 |    1000 |     0.084 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Ds_FakeMuonPreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Ds_FakeMuonHlt1Filter           |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      22 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Ds_FakeMuonHlt2Filter           |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      22 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Ds_FakeMuonFilterSequence       |     1.818 |     1.572 |    0.009       5.0     1.26 |      22 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_Ds_FakeMuonVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      22 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_Ds_FakeMuon                             |     0.000 |     0.965 |    0.098       3.4     1.64 |       4 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Ds_FakeMuonPostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_Lc_FakeMuon                      |     0.130 |     0.100 |    0.017       8.7     0.42 |    1000 |     0.101 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Lc_FakeMuonPreScaler            |     0.020 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Lc_FakeMuonHlt1Filter           |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      16 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Lc_FakeMuonHlt2Filter           |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      16 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Lc_FakeMuonFilterSequence       |     3.125 |     2.449 |    0.297       8.5     2.15 |      16 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_Lc_FakeMuonVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      16 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_Lc_FakeMuon                      |     0.090 |     0.089 |    0.015      12.8     0.50 |    1000 |     0.089 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Lc_FakeMuonPreScaler            |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Lc_FakeMuonHlt1Filter           |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      16 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Lc_FakeMuonHlt2Filter           |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      16 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Lc_FakeMuonFilterSequence       |     3.125 |     2.477 |    0.245      12.6     3.05 |      16 |     0.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_Lc_FakeMuonVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      16 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_Lc_FakeMuon                             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Lc_FakeMuonPostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_Omegac_FakeMuon                  |     0.080 |     0.086 |    0.019       3.4     0.21 |    1000 |     0.087 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Omegac_FakeMuonPreScaler        |     0.020 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Omegac_FakeMuonHlt1Filter       |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      21 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Omegac_FakeMuonHlt2Filter       |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      21 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Omegac_FakeMuonFilterSequence   |     0.952 |     1.148 |    0.115       3.2     0.75 |      21 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_Omegac_FakeMuonVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      21 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_Omegac_FakeMuon                  |     0.080 |     0.077 |    0.016       3.5     0.21 |    1000 |     0.077 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Omegac_FakeMuonPreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Omegac_FakeMuonHlt1Filter       |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      21 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Omegac_FakeMuonHlt2Filter       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      21 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Omegac_FakeMuonFilterSequence   |     0.952 |     1.062 |    0.106       2.2     0.60 |      21 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_Omegac_FakeMuonVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      21 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_Omegac_FakeMuon                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Omegac_FakeMuonPostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic_FakeMuon                     |     0.170 |     0.090 |    0.018       3.4     0.24 |    1000 |     0.090 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic_FakeMuonPreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic_FakeMuonHlt1Filter          |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic_FakeMuonHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic_FakeMuonFilterSequence      |     3.000 |     1.396 |    0.015       3.3     0.82 |      20 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic_FakeMuonVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic_FakeMuon                     |     0.110 |     0.077 |    0.016       3.2     0.22 |    1000 |     0.078 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic_FakeMuonPreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic_FakeMuonHlt1Filter          |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic_FakeMuonHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic_FakeMuonFilterSequence      |     2.000 |     1.328 |    0.020       3.0     0.77 |      20 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic_FakeMuonVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      20 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_Xic_FakeMuon                            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic_FakeMuonPostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic0_FakeMuon                    |     0.100 |     0.096 |    0.019       5.9     0.32 |    1000 |     0.096 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic0_FakeMuonPreScaler          |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic0_FakeMuonHlt1Filter         |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      22 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic0_FakeMuon                    |     0.060 |     0.084 |    0.016       6.0     0.32 |    1000 |     0.085 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic0_FakeMuonPreScaler          |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic0_FakeMuonHlt1Filter         |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      22 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic0_FakeMuonHlt2Filter         |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      22 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic0_FakeMuonFilterSequence     |     0.454 |     1.574 |    0.015       5.7     1.42 |      22 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic0_FakeMuonVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      22 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic0_FakeMuonFilterSequence     |     0.909 |     1.569 |    0.018       5.9     1.48 |      22 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic0_FakeMuonVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      22 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_Xic0_FakeMuon                           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_Xic0_FakeMuonPostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstMuNuInclLine                         |     0.340 |     0.356 |    0.025       5.6     0.32 |    1000 |     0.356 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstMuNuInclLine                         |     0.360 |     0.311 |    0.021       6.8     0.35 |    1000 |     0.312 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstMuNuInclLinePreScaler               |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstMuNuInclLineFilterSequence          |     0.280 |     0.284 |    0.003       5.5     0.30 |    1000 |     0.284 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D0ForB2DstMuNuIncl                               |     0.138 |     0.151 |    0.066       0.6     0.07 |     941 |     0.143 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdAllLoosePions_Particles         |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstForB2DstMuNuIncl                              |     0.000 |     0.141 |    0.070       1.5     0.11 |     162 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstMuNuInclLine                                |     0.000 |     0.205 |    0.057       4.5     0.74 |      35 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstMuNuInclLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstMuNuInclWSLine                       |     0.110 |     0.121 |    0.022       2.9     0.18 |    1000 |     0.121 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstMuNuInclWSLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstMuNuInclWSLineFilterSequence        |     0.050 |     0.050 |    0.001       2.1     0.15 |    1000 |     0.051 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstWSForB2DstMuNuIncl                            |     0.061 |     0.117 |    0.063       0.7     0.06 |     162 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstMuNuInclWSLine                              |     1.111 |     0.157 |    0.061       1.4     0.31 |      18 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstMuNuInclLineFilterSequence          |     0.260 |     0.244 |    0.002       4.2     0.27 |    1000 |     0.245 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D0ForB2DstMuNuIncl                               |     0.127 |     0.127 |    0.065       4.1     0.14 |     941 |     0.120 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdAllLoosePions_Particles         |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |     974 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstForB2DstMuNuIncl                              |     0.123 |     0.122 |    0.063       1.0     0.08 |     162 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstMuNuInclLine                                |     0.000 |     0.118 |    0.052       1.7     0.27 |      35 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstMuNuInclLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DstMuNuInclWSLine                       |     0.130 |     0.107 |    0.020       2.1     0.16 |    1000 |     0.108 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstMuNuInclWSLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstMuNuInclWSLineFilterSequence        |     0.100 |     0.047 |    0.002       2.0     0.15 |    1000 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstWSForB2DstMuNuIncl                            |     0.308 |     0.106 |    0.058       0.6     0.05 |     162 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DstMuNuInclWSLine                              |     0.555 |     0.143 |    0.053       1.1     0.25 |      18 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DstMuNuInclWSLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXB2DMuForTauMuLine                  |     0.020 |     0.084 |    0.025       2.7     0.14 |    1000 |     0.085 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXB2DMuForTauMuLine                  |     0.040 |     0.079 |    0.022       3.9     0.19 |    1000 |     0.080 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXB2DMuForTauMuLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXB2DMuForTauMuLineHlt2Filter       |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXB2DMuForTauMuLineFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.803 |    0.142       2.6     0.60 |      19 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuXB2DMuForTauMuLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      19 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuforB2DMuForTauMu                               |     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.027       0.1     0.02 |      19 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KforB2DMuForTauMu                                |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      28 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PiforB2DMuForTauMu                               |     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.023       0.1     0.03 |      27 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D02KPiforB2DMuForTauMu                           |     0.370 |     0.114 |    0.059       0.7     0.12 |      27 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0MuXB2DMuForTauMuLine                         |     0.000 |     0.595 |    0.102       1.6     0.83 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXB2DMuForTauMuLineHlt2Filter       |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXB2DMuForTauMuLineFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.745 |    0.156       3.5     0.71 |      19 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuXB2DMuForTauMuLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      19 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuforB2DMuForTauMu                               |     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.022       0.1     0.02 |      19 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KforB2DMuForTauMu                                |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      28 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PiforB2DMuForTauMu                               |     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.025       0.1     0.02 |      27 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D02KPiforB2DMuForTauMu                           |     0.000 |     0.100 |    0.052       0.5     0.09 |      27 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0MuXB2DMuForTauMuLine                         |     0.000 |     0.973 |    0.121       2.7     1.45 |       3 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXB2DMuForTauMuLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0K3piMuXB2DMuForTauMuLine              |     0.080 |     0.064 |    0.022       1.7     0.09 |    1000 |     0.064 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0K3piMuXB2DMuForTauMuLinePreScaler    |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0K3piMuXB2DMuForTauMuLineHlt2Filter   |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0K3piMuXB2DMuForTauMuLineFilterSequenc|     1.578 |     0.332 |    0.012       1.6     0.43 |      19 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0K3piMuXB2DMuForTauMuLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      19 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D02K3PiforB2DMuForTauMu                          |     1.111 |     0.126 |    0.054       0.7     0.13 |      27 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0K3piMuXB2DMuForTauMuLine                     |     0.000 |     0.304 |    0.106       0.6     0.29 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0K3piMuXB2DMuForTauMuLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DpMuXB2DMuForTauMuLine                  |     0.070 |     0.063 |    0.021       1.9     0.08 |    1000 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0K3piMuXB2DMuForTauMuLine              |     0.020 |     0.056 |    0.020       1.5     0.07 |    1000 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0K3piMuXB2DMuForTauMuLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0K3piMuXB2DMuForTauMuLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0K3piMuXB2DMuForTauMuLineFilterSequenc|     0.526 |     0.288 |    0.020       1.5     0.37 |      19 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0K3piMuXB2DMuForTauMuLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      19 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D02K3PiforB2DMuForTauMu                          |     0.370 |     0.107 |    0.044       0.7     0.12 |      27 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0K3piMuXB2DMuForTauMuLine                     |     0.000 |     0.293 |    0.094       0.6     0.29 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0K3piMuXB2DMuForTauMuLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DpMuXB2DMuForTauMuLine                  |     0.050 |     0.059 |    0.019       2.3     0.10 |    1000 |     0.059 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXB2DMuForTauMuLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXB2DMuForTauMuLineHlt2Filter       |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXB2DMuForTauMuLineFilterSequence   |     0.526 |     0.363 |    0.020       1.8     0.41 |      19 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXB2DMuForTauMuLineHlt2Filter       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXB2DMuForTauMuLineFilterSequence   |     0.526 |     0.336 |    0.014       2.2     0.48 |      19 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DpMuXB2DMuForTauMuLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      19 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dp2K2PiforB2DMuForTauMu                          |     0.000 |     0.127 |    0.057       0.6     0.12 |      27 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DpMuXB2DMuForTauMuLine                         |     2.500 |     0.451 |    0.079       1.4     0.65 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dp2K2PiforB2DMuForTauMu                          |     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.050       0.5     0.10 |      27 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DpMuXB2DMuForTauMuLine                         |     2.500 |     0.503 |    0.067       1.7     0.81 |       4 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXB2DMuForTauMuLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DsMuXB2DMuForTauMuLine                  |     0.030 |     0.060 |    0.021       2.1     0.08 |    1000 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DsMuXB2DMuForTauMuLine                  |     0.100 |     0.052 |    0.019       1.5     0.06 |    1000 |     0.052 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DsMuXB2DMuForTauMuLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DsMuXB2DMuForTauMuLineHlt2Filter       |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DsMuXB2DMuForTauMuLineFilterSequence   |     0.526 |     0.294 |    0.010       2.1     0.44 |      19 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DsMuXB2DMuForTauMuLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      19 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ds2KKPiforB2DMuForTauMu                          |     0.370 |     0.126 |    0.053       0.8     0.14 |      27 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DsMuXB2DMuForTauMuLine                         |     0.000 |     0.885 |    0.130       1.6     1.07 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DsMuXB2DMuForTauMuLineHlt2Filter       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DsMuXB2DMuForTauMuLineFilterSequence   |     1.052 |     0.236 |    0.019       1.5     0.31 |      19 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DsMuXB2DMuForTauMuLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      19 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ds2KKPiforB2DMuForTauMu                          |     0.740 |     0.097 |    0.047       0.5     0.10 |      27 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DsMuXB2DMuForTauMuLine                         |     5.000 |     0.584 |    0.115       1.1     0.66 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DsMuXB2DMuForTauMuLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2LcMuXB2DMuForTauMuLine                  |     0.010 |     0.062 |    0.021       1.9     0.09 |    1000 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2LcMuXB2DMuForTauMuLine                  |     0.050 |     0.054 |    0.019       1.7     0.08 |    1000 |     0.054 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXB2DMuForTauMuLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXB2DMuForTauMuLineHlt2Filter       |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXB2DMuForTauMuLineFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.461 |    0.011       1.8     0.40 |      19 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2LcMuXB2DMuForTauMuLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      19 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PforB2DMuForTauMu                                |     0.000 |     0.055 |    0.029       0.1     0.02 |      26 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lc2pKPiforB2DMuForTauMu                          |     0.000 |     0.146 |    0.076       0.7     0.12 |      26 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2LcMuXB2DMuForTauMuLine                         |     0.000 |     0.314 |    0.103       0.7     0.31 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXB2DMuForTauMuLineHlt2Filter       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.4     0.01 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXB2DMuForTauMuLineFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.407 |    0.015       1.7     0.36 |      19 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2LcMuXB2DMuForTauMuLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      19 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PforB2DMuForTauMu                                |     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.025       0.1     0.01 |      26 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lc2pKPiforB2DMuForTauMu                          |     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.066       0.6     0.10 |      26 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2LcMuXB2DMuForTauMuLine                         |     0.000 |     0.316 |    0.135       0.7     0.30 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXB2DMuForTauMuLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLine              |     0.050 |     0.088 |    0.021       9.2     0.43 |    1000 |     0.088 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLine              |     0.040 |     0.063 |    0.018       4.0     0.19 |    1000 |     0.063 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLineFilterSequenc|     2.307 |     2.365 |    0.022       9.0     2.88 |      13 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      13 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            FakeMuforB2DMuForTauMu                           |     0.000 |     0.203 |    0.056       0.4     0.10 |      12 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0MuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLine                     |     0.000 |     0.844 |    0.158       1.5     0.97 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0K3piMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLine          |     0.030 |     0.061 |    0.023       2.3     0.09 |    1000 |     0.062 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0K3piMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0K3piMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0K3piMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLineFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.351 |    0.018       2.2     0.57 |      13 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0K3piMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0K3piMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLine                 |     0.000 |     0.892 |    0.202       1.6     0.98 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0K3piMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DpMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLine              |     0.110 |     0.056 |    0.021       0.7     0.05 |    1000 |     0.057 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLinePreScaler    |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLineFilterSequenc|     0.000 |     0.174 |    0.019       0.5     0.15 |      13 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DpMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLineFilterSequenc|     0.769 |     1.293 |    0.024       3.9     1.02 |      13 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            FakeMuforB2DMuForTauMu                           |     0.000 |     0.139 |    0.063       0.2     0.06 |      12 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0MuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLine                     |     0.000 |     0.852 |    0.112       1.6     1.05 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0K3piMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLine          |     0.040 |     0.052 |    0.019       1.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0K3piMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0K3piMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0K3piMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLineFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.285 |    0.020       1.8     0.47 |      13 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0K3piMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0K3piMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLine                 |     0.000 |     0.731 |    0.128       1.3     0.85 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0K3piMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DpMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLine              |     0.030 |     0.048 |    0.018       0.5     0.04 |    1000 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLineFilterSequenc|     0.000 |     0.130 |    0.016       0.3     0.10 |      13 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DpMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DpMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DsMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLine              |     0.080 |     0.064 |    0.021       1.3     0.10 |    1000 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DsMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLine              |     0.060 |     0.049 |    0.018       1.3     0.07 |    1000 |     0.049 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DsMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DsMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLineHlt2Filter   |     0.030 |     0.012 |    0.003       1.0     0.06 |    1000 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DsMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLineFilterSequenc|     0.000 |     0.405 |    0.019       1.2     0.42 |      13 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DsMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      13 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DsMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLine                     |     0.000 |     0.402 |    0.180       0.8     0.37 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DsMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLineHlt2Filter   |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DsMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLineFilterSequenc|     0.769 |     0.340 |    0.012       1.2     0.39 |      13 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DsMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DsMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLine                     |     0.000 |     0.337 |    0.152       0.7     0.30 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DsMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2LcMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLine              |     0.050 |     0.061 |    0.020       2.7     0.11 |    1000 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2LcMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLine              |     0.070 |     0.051 |    0.018       2.4     0.09 |    1000 |     0.051 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLineFilterSequenc|     0.000 |     0.494 |    0.013       2.6     0.69 |      13 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2LcMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2LcMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLine                     |     0.000 |     0.887 |    0.147       1.6     1.05 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLineHlt2Filter   |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLineFilterSequenc|     0.000 |     0.405 |    0.011       2.3     0.60 |      13 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2LcMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2LcMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLine                     |     0.000 |     0.625 |    0.111       1.1     0.73 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXFakeB2DMuForTauMuLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXB2DMuForLNuLine                    |     0.160 |     0.149 |    0.021       2.5     0.27 |    1000 |     0.149 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXB2DMuForLNuLine                    |     0.130 |     0.133 |    0.019       2.7     0.24 |    1000 |     0.133 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXB2DMuForLNuLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXB2DMuForLNuLineHlt2Filter         |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXB2DMuForLNuLineFilterSequence     |     0.228 |     0.221 |    0.011       2.3     0.35 |     394 |     0.087 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuXB2DMuForLNuLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     394 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuforB2DMuForLNu                                 |     0.047 |     0.045 |    0.023       0.1     0.02 |     211 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KforB2DMuForLNu                                  |     0.041 |     0.031 |    0.005       0.2     0.02 |     242 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PiforB2DMuForLNu                                 |     0.058 |     0.047 |    0.021       0.2     0.02 |     170 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D02KPiforB2DMuForLNu                             |     0.060 |     0.095 |    0.057       1.7     0.13 |     166 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0MuXB2DMuForLNuLine                           |     0.000 |     0.726 |    0.145       1.3     0.82 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXB2DMuForLNuLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0EXB2DMuForLNuLine                     |     0.150 |     0.171 |    0.022       4.0     0.32 |    1000 |     0.171 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXB2DMuForLNuLineHlt2Filter         |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXB2DMuForLNuLineFilterSequence     |     0.177 |     0.195 |    0.009       2.6     0.30 |     394 |     0.077 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuXB2DMuForLNuLineVOIDFilter        |     0.025 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     394 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuforB2DMuForLNu                                 |     0.047 |     0.038 |    0.020       0.1     0.01 |     211 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KforB2DMuForLNu                                  |     0.041 |     0.028 |    0.004       0.6     0.04 |     242 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PiforB2DMuForLNu                                 |     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.018       0.1     0.02 |     170 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D02KPiforB2DMuForLNu                             |     0.000 |     0.075 |    0.048       0.6     0.04 |     166 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0MuXB2DMuForLNuLine                           |     0.000 |     0.873 |    0.101       1.6     1.09 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXB2DMuForLNuLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0EXB2DMuForLNuLine                     |     0.170 |     0.153 |    0.019       4.1     0.30 |    1000 |     0.154 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0EXB2DMuForLNuLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0EXB2DMuForLNuLineHlt2Filter          |     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0EXB2DMuForLNuLineFilterSequence      |     0.228 |     0.278 |    0.009       3.8     0.42 |     394 |     0.110 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0EXB2DMuForLNuLineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     394 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            EforB2DMuForLNu                                  |     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.021       0.1     0.02 |     267 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0EXB2DMuForLNuLine                            |     0.000 |     0.422 |    0.113       1.5     0.62 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0EXB2DMuForLNuLineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0EXB2DMuForLNuLineFilterSequence      |     0.279 |     0.253 |    0.007       3.9     0.39 |     394 |     0.100 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0EXB2DMuForLNuLineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     394 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            EforB2DMuForLNu                                  |     0.074 |     0.039 |    0.019       0.1     0.01 |     267 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0EXB2DMuForLNuLine                            |     0.000 |     0.314 |    0.096       1.1     0.43 |       5 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0EXB2DMuForLNuLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0LXFakeB2DMuForLNuLine                 |     0.120 |     0.162 |    0.016      12.2     0.70 |    1000 |     0.162 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0LXFakeB2DMuForLNuLine                 |     0.060 |     0.140 |    0.014       6.1     0.56 |    1000 |     0.140 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0LXFakeB2DMuForLNuLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0LXFakeB2DMuForLNuLineHlt2Filter      |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     122 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0LXFakeB2DMuForLNuLineFilterSequence  |     1.851 |     2.086 |    0.009      11.9     2.18 |      54 |     0.113 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0LXFakeB2DMuForLNuLineHlt2Filter      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     122 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0LXFakeB2DMuForLNuLineFilterSequence  |     0.740 |     1.812 |    0.009       6.0     1.60 |      54 |     0.098 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0LXFakeB2DMuForLNuLineVOIDFilter     |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      54 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            FakeMuforB2DMuForLNu                             |     0.000 |     0.165 |    0.043       0.4     0.07 |      51 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0LXFakeB2DMuForLNuLine                        |     0.000 |     0.358 |    0.151       0.8     0.36 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            FakeMuforB2DMuForLNu                             |     0.000 |     0.144 |    0.031       0.3     0.06 |      51 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0LXFakeB2DMuForLNuLine                        |     0.000 |     0.420 |    0.154       0.9     0.45 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0LXFakeB2DMuForLNuLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuLine                     |     0.030 |     0.078 |    0.027       3.2     0.13 |    1000 |     0.078 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuLine                     |     0.050 |     0.064 |    0.023       2.3     0.10 |    1000 |     0.064 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuLineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuLineFilterSequence      |     0.000 |     0.505 |    0.016       3.0     0.69 |      19 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuLineHlt2Filter          |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuLineFilterSequence      |     0.000 |     0.441 |    0.011       2.2     0.54 |      19 |     0.008 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuLineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      19 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Mu_forB2PPbarMuForTauMu                          |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.020       0.1     0.01 |     107 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Selection_mergeddaughtersB2PPbarMuForTauMu|     0.280 |     0.182 |    0.016       2.5     0.33 |     107 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_mergeddaughtersB2PPbarMuF|     0.280 |     0.144 |    0.011       2.4     0.26 |     107 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:p_forB2PPbarMuForTauMu                   |     0.186 |     0.082 |    0.002       0.6     0.08 |     107 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               p_forB2PPbarMuForTauMu                        |     0.101 |     0.016 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      99 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:PPbar_B_forB2PPbarMuForTauMu             |     0.093 |     0.050 |    0.001       2.2     0.22 |     107 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PPbar_B_forB2PPbarMuForTauMu                  |     0.000 |     0.151 |    0.038       2.1     0.43 |      22 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Selection_mergeddaughtersB2PPbarMuForTauMu      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      22 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2PPbarMuForTauMuLine                            |     0.000 |     0.075 |    0.039       0.2     0.04 |       9 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Mu_forB2PPbarMuForTauMu                          |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |     107 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Selection_mergeddaughtersB2PPbarMuForTauMu|     0.000 |     0.156 |    0.014       1.9     0.24 |     107 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_mergeddaughtersB2PPbarMuF|     0.000 |     0.123 |    0.010       1.8     0.20 |     107 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:p_forB2PPbarMuForTauMu                   |     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.002       0.4     0.06 |     107 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               p_forB2PPbarMuForTauMu                        |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |      99 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:PPbar_B_forB2PPbarMuForTauMu             |     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.001       1.6     0.16 |     107 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PPbar_B_forB2PPbarMuForTauMu                  |     0.000 |     0.124 |    0.036       1.5     0.32 |      22 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Selection_mergeddaughtersB2PPbarMuForTauMu      |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      22 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2PPbarMuForTauMuLine                            |     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.039       0.1     0.01 |       9 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuTopoLine                 |     0.080 |     0.101 |    0.025       3.1     0.16 |    1000 |     0.101 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuTopoLine                 |     0.050 |     0.087 |    0.023       1.5     0.13 |    1000 |     0.087 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuTopoLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuTopoLineHlt2Filter      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuTopoLineFilterSequence  |     0.306 |     0.317 |    0.009       2.9     0.37 |      98 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuTopoLineVOIDFilter     |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      98 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2PPbarMuForTauMuTopoLine                        |     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.041       0.1     0.02 |      13 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuTopoLineHlt2Filter      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuTopoLineFilterSequence  |     0.102 |     0.281 |    0.008       1.4     0.26 |      98 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuTopoLineVOIDFilter     |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      98 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2PPbarMuForTauMuTopoLine                        |     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.042       0.1     0.02 |      13 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuTopoLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuSSLine                   |     0.090 |     0.081 |    0.024       1.7     0.10 |    1000 |     0.082 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuSSLine                   |     0.060 |     0.067 |    0.022       0.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.068 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuSSLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuSSLineHlt2Filter        |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuSSLineFilterSequence    |     0.204 |     0.115 |    0.009       1.5     0.25 |      98 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuSSLineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.4     0.04 |      98 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Selection_same-sign_mergeddaughtersB2PPbar|     0.217 |     0.068 |    0.011       1.1     0.16 |      92 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_same-sign_mergeddaughters|     0.217 |     0.033 |    0.006       0.4     0.07 |      92 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:PPbar_SS_B_forB2PPbarMuForTauMu          |     0.217 |     0.027 |    0.002       0.4     0.07 |      92 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PPbar_SS_B_forB2PPbarMuForTauMu               |     1.538 |     0.054 |    0.039       0.1     0.02 |      13 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Selection_same-sign_mergeddaughtersB2PPbarMuForT|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2PPbarMuForTauMuSSLine                          |     0.000 |     0.109 |    0.039       0.6     0.16 |      13 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuSSLineHlt2Filter        |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuSSLineFilterSequence    |     0.000 |     0.087 |    0.008       0.8     0.17 |      98 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuSSLineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      98 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Selection_same-sign_mergeddaughtersB2PPbar|     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.009       0.6     0.13 |      92 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_same-sign_mergeddaughters|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.005       0.3     0.06 |      92 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:PPbar_SS_B_forB2PPbarMuForTauMu          |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.001       0.3     0.06 |      92 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PPbar_SS_B_forB2PPbarMuForTauMu               |     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.036       0.1     0.02 |      13 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Selection_same-sign_mergeddaughtersB2PPbarMuForT|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2PPbarMuForTauMuSSLine                          |     0.000 |     0.054 |    0.039       0.1     0.01 |      13 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuSSLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMufakePLine                |     0.060 |     0.077 |    0.018       2.0     0.15 |    1000 |     0.078 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMufakePLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMufakePLineHlt2Filter     |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     198 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMufakePLineFilterSequence |     0.740 |     0.673 |    0.010       1.9     0.49 |      27 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMufakePLineVOIDFilter    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      27 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Selection_fakemergeddaughtersB2PPbarMuForT|     0.937 |     0.607 |    0.122       1.8     0.39 |      32 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_fakemergeddaughtersB2PPba|     0.937 |     0.457 |    0.116       1.7     0.32 |      32 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:fakep_forB2PPbarMuForTauMu               |     0.312 |     0.230 |    0.099       0.5     0.10 |      32 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               fakep_forB2PPbarMuForTauMu                    |     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.030       0.2     0.03 |      32 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:fakePPbar_B_forB2PPbarMuForTauMu         |     0.625 |     0.210 |    0.003       1.5     0.27 |      32 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               fakePPbar_B_forB2PPbarMuForTauMu              |     0.384 |     0.161 |    0.039       1.4     0.26 |      26 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Selection_fakemergeddaughtersB2PPbarMuForTauMu  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      26 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2PPbarMuForTauMufakePLine                       |     0.000 |     0.061 |    0.041       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMufakePLine                |     0.060 |     0.066 |    0.016       1.4     0.12 |    1000 |     0.067 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMufakePLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMufakePLineHlt2Filter     |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     198 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMufakePLineFilterSequence |     0.740 |     0.598 |    0.007       1.3     0.39 |      27 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMufakePLineVOIDFilter    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      27 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Selection_fakemergeddaughtersB2PPbarMuForT|     0.625 |     0.523 |    0.098       1.2     0.31 |      32 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_fakemergeddaughtersB2PPba|     0.312 |     0.394 |    0.094       0.9     0.23 |      32 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:fakep_forB2PPbarMuForTauMu               |     0.000 |     0.223 |    0.084       0.9     0.15 |      32 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               fakep_forB2PPbarMuForTauMu                    |     0.000 |     0.077 |    0.024       0.8     0.13 |      32 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:fakePPbar_B_forB2PPbarMuForTauMu         |     0.312 |     0.159 |    0.002       0.8     0.15 |      32 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               fakePPbar_B_forB2PPbarMuForTauMu              |     0.384 |     0.115 |    0.037       0.7     0.14 |      26 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Selection_fakemergeddaughtersB2PPbarMuForTauMu  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      26 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2PPbarMuForTauMufakePLine                       |     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.041       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMufakePLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuSSfakePLine              |     0.060 |     0.065 |    0.017       1.7     0.10 |    1000 |     0.066 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuSSfakePLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuSSfakePLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     187 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuSSfakePLineFilterSequenc|     0.714 |     0.505 |    0.101       1.6     0.50 |      14 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuSSfakePLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      14 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2PPbarMuForTauMuSSfakePLine                     |     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.044       0.1     0.02 |      12 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuSSfakePLine              |     0.050 |     0.056 |    0.017       1.6     0.08 |    1000 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuSSfakePLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuSSfakePLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.5     0.03 |     187 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuSSfakePLineFilterSequenc|     0.000 |     0.414 |    0.113       1.5     0.38 |      14 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuSSfakePLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      14 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2PPbarMuForTauMuSSfakePLine                     |     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.043       0.1     0.02 |      12 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuSSfakePLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMufakeMuLine               |     0.070 |     0.058 |    0.016       0.3     0.04 |    1000 |     0.058 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMufakeMuLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMufakeMuLineHlt2Filter    |     0.048 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     206 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMufakeMuLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.235 |    0.235       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMufakeMuLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            fakeMu_forB2PPbarMuForTauMu                      |     0.000 |     0.154 |    0.031       0.6     0.08 |      92 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMufakeMuLine               |     0.100 |     0.049 |    0.016       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMufakeMuLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMufakeMuLineHlt2Filter    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     206 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMufakeMuLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.181 |    0.181       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMufakeMuLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            fakeMu_forB2PPbarMuForTauMu                      |     0.326 |     0.136 |    0.027       0.5     0.08 |      92 |     0.013 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2PPbarMuForTauMufakeMuLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMufakeMuLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuSSfakeMuLine             |     0.160 |     0.188 |    0.025      15.7     0.69 |    1000 |     0.189 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuSSfakeMuLine             |     0.200 |     0.158 |    0.023      12.1     0.55 |    1000 |     0.158 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuSSfakeMuLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuSSfakeMuLineHlt2Filter  |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuSSfakeMuLineFilterSequen|     0.918 |     1.188 |    0.010      15.5     1.87 |      98 |     0.116 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuSSfakeMuLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      98 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2PPbarMuForTauMuSSfakeMuLine                    |     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.046       0.1     0.03 |      13 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuSSfakeMuLineHlt2Filter  |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuSSfakeMuLineFilterSequen|     1.326 |     0.990 |    0.008      12.0     1.45 |      98 |     0.097 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuSSfakeMuLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      98 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2PPbarMuForTauMuSSfakeMuLine                    |     0.769 |     0.060 |    0.046       0.1     0.01 |      13 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2PPbarMuForTauMuSSfakeMuLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2st2KKMuLine                            |     0.260 |     0.242 |    0.031       3.5     0.26 |    1000 |     0.242 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2st2KKMuLine                            |     0.230 |     0.202 |    0.029       1.7     0.18 |    1000 |     0.203 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2st2KKMuLinePreScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2st2KKMuLineFilterSequence             |     0.220 |     0.177 |    0.010       3.3     0.24 |    1000 |     0.178 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBs2st2KKMuLineVOIDFilter                |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K2_forBs2st2KKMuX                                |     0.021 |     0.041 |    0.006       0.2     0.02 |     941 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Mu_forBs2st2KKMuX                                |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     206 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2KMu_forBs2st2KKMuX                            |     0.666 |     0.153 |    0.058       1.9     0.22 |      75 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdAllLooseKaons_Particles         |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K1_forBs2st2KKMuX                                |     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.038       0.2     0.06 |      11 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2st2KKMuLine                                   |     0.000 |     0.221 |    0.062       1.3     0.39 |      10 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2st2KKMuLineFilterSequence             |     0.170 |     0.147 |    0.010       1.6     0.16 |    1000 |     0.148 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBs2st2KKMuLineVOIDFilter                |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K2_forBs2st2KKMuX                                |     0.021 |     0.033 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |     941 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Mu_forBs2st2KKMuX                                |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     206 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2KMu_forBs2st2KKMuX                            |     0.133 |     0.108 |    0.058       0.6     0.07 |      75 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdAllLooseKaons_Particles         |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K1_forBs2st2KKMuX                                |     0.000 |     0.074 |    0.027       0.1     0.04 |      11 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2st2KKMuLine                                   |     0.000 |     0.119 |    0.054       0.6     0.16 |      10 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bs2st2KKMuLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2st2KKMuLinePostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2st2KKMuWSLine                          |     0.060 |     0.079 |    0.028       1.6     0.07 |    1000 |     0.079 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2st2KKMuWSLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2st2KKMuWSLineFilterSequence           |     0.020 |     0.017 |    0.007       1.5     0.06 |    1000 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBs2st2KKMuWSLineVOIDFilter              |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2st2KKMuWSLine                                 |     0.000 |     0.235 |    0.061       1.4     0.43 |      10 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2st2KKMuWSLine                          |     0.060 |     0.068 |    0.024       1.3     0.05 |    1000 |     0.069 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2st2KKMuWSLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2st2KKMuWSLineFilterSequence           |     0.020 |     0.014 |    0.007       1.2     0.04 |    1000 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBs2st2KKMuWSLineVOIDFilter              |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2st2KKMuWSLine                                 |     0.000 |     0.179 |    0.055       1.1     0.32 |      10 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bs2st2KKMuWSLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2st2KKMuWSLinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2st2KKJpsiLine                          |     0.170 |     0.163 |    0.026      12.3     0.42 |    1000 |     0.164 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2st2KKJpsiLine                          |     0.130 |     0.139 |    0.023       7.0     0.28 |    1000 |     0.140 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2st2KKJpsiLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2st2KKJpsiLineFilterSequence           |     0.100 |     0.103 |    0.007      12.2     0.41 |    1000 |     0.103 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBs2st2KKJpsiLineVOIDFilter              |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdMassConstrainedJpsi2MuMu_Particl|     0.215 |     0.212 |    0.084      12.2     0.42 |     974 |     0.207 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Jpsi_forBs2st2KKMuX                              |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2KJpsi_forBs2st2KKMuX                          |     0.000 |     0.767 |    0.079       2.0     1.08 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2st2KKJpsiLineFilterSequence           |     0.070 |     0.089 |    0.006       7.0     0.27 |    1000 |     0.089 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBs2st2KKJpsiLineVOIDFilter              |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdMassConstrainedJpsi2MuMu_Particl|     0.225 |     0.189 |    0.079       6.9     0.28 |     974 |     0.184 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Jpsi_forBs2st2KKMuX                              |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2KJpsi_forBs2st2KKMuX                          |     0.000 |     0.448 |    0.076       1.1     0.55 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K1Loose_forBs2st2KKMuX                           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2st2KKJpsiLine                                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2st2KKJpsiLinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2st2KKJpsiWSLine                        |     0.070 |     0.075 |    0.027       0.9     0.05 |    1000 |     0.076 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2st2KKJpsiWSLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2st2KKJpsiWSLineFilterSequence         |     0.010 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBs2st2KKJpsiWSLineVOIDFilter            |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2st2KKJpsiWSLine                        |     0.080 |     0.064 |    0.024       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2st2KKJpsiWSLinePreScaler              |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2st2KKJpsiWSLineFilterSequence         |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBs2st2KKJpsiWSLineVOIDFilter            |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2st2KKJpsiWSLine                               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2st2KKJpsiWSLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingbhad2PMuXLine                             |     0.100 |     0.129 |    0.022       5.6     0.31 |    1000 |     0.130 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingbhad2PMuXLine                             |     0.100 |     0.105 |    0.020       2.6     0.20 |    1000 |     0.106 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXLinePreScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXLineL0DUFilter                  |     0.030 |     0.015 |    0.004       4.9     0.16 |    1000 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXLineHlt2Filter                  |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     311 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXLineFilterSequence              |     0.204 |     0.545 |    0.010       5.4     0.62 |      98 |     0.053 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingbhad2PMuXLineVOIDFilter                 |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      98 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Mu_forbhad2PMuX                                  |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |      92 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Mu_forbhad2PMuXTOS                               |     0.235 |     0.168 |    0.072       0.7     0.10 |      85 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Selection_mergeddaughtersbhad2PMuX        |     0.000 |     0.155 |    0.022       3.9     0.43 |      84 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_mergeddaughtersbhad2PMuX |     0.000 |     0.138 |    0.016       3.4     0.37 |      84 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:p_forbhad2PMuX                           |     0.000 |     0.066 |    0.002       0.3     0.05 |      84 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               p_forbhad2PMuX                                |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      76 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:PPbar_Lb_forbhad2PMuX                    |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.001       0.3     0.04 |      84 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PPbar_Lb_forbhad2PMuX                         |     0.000 |     0.087 |    0.059       0.2     0.04 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Ppipi_Lb_forbhad2PMuX                    |     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.001       2.7     0.30 |      84 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               pi_forbhad2PMuX                               |     0.000 |     0.066 |    0.043       0.1     0.02 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Ppipi_Lb_forbhad2PMuX                         |     0.000 |     0.567 |    0.072       2.0     0.95 |       4 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Selection_mergeddaughtersbhad2PMuX              |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            pMu_Lb_forbhad2PMuX                              |     0.000 |     0.454 |    0.098       1.4     0.66 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXLineL0DUFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXLineHlt2Filter                  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     311 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXLineFilterSequence              |     0.306 |     0.469 |    0.009       2.4     0.39 |      98 |     0.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingbhad2PMuXLineVOIDFilter                 |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      98 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Mu_forbhad2PMuX                                  |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      92 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Mu_forbhad2PMuXTOS                               |     0.000 |     0.145 |    0.066       0.7     0.09 |      85 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Selection_mergeddaughtersbhad2PMuX        |     0.238 |     0.130 |    0.019       1.8     0.24 |      84 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_mergeddaughtersbhad2PMuX |     0.238 |     0.116 |    0.014       1.6     0.21 |      84 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:p_forbhad2PMuX                           |     0.119 |     0.067 |    0.002       0.7     0.08 |      84 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               p_forbhad2PMuX                                |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      76 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:PPbar_Lb_forbhad2PMuX                    |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.001       0.2     0.03 |      84 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PPbar_Lb_forbhad2PMuX                         |     0.000 |     0.061 |    0.052       0.1     0.02 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Ppipi_Lb_forbhad2PMuX                    |     0.119 |     0.029 |    0.001       1.3     0.15 |      84 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               pi_forbhad2PMuX                               |     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.041       0.1     0.02 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Ppipi_Lb_forbhad2PMuX                         |     0.000 |     0.305 |    0.075       0.9     0.43 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Selection_mergeddaughtersbhad2PMuX              |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            pMu_Lb_forbhad2PMuX                              |     0.000 |     0.264 |    0.065       0.8     0.37 |       4 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            bhad2PMuXLine                                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXLinePostScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingbhad2PMuXSSLine                           |     0.050 |     0.050 |    0.016       0.4     0.04 |    1000 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingbhad2PMuXSSLine                           |     0.020 |     0.043 |    0.013       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.043 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXSSLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXSSLineL0DUFilter                |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     202 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXSSLineHlt2Filter                |     0.158 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      63 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXSSLineFilterSequence            |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.010       0.2     0.05 |      17 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingbhad2PMuXSSLineVOIDFilter               |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      17 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            pMuSS_Lb_forbhad2PMuX                            |     0.000 |     0.129 |    0.129       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXSSLineL0DUFilter                |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     202 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXSSLineHlt2Filter                |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      63 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXSSLineFilterSequence            |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.011       0.1     0.03 |      17 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingbhad2PMuXSSLineVOIDFilter               |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      17 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            pMuSS_Lb_forbhad2PMuX                            |     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.080       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            bhad2PMuXSSLine                                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXSSLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingbhad2PMuXFakepLine                        |     0.090 |     0.050 |    0.013       6.6     0.21 |    1000 |     0.051 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXFakepLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXFakepLineL0DUFilter             |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      21 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXFakepLineHlt2Filter             |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXFakepLineFilterSequence         |     5.000 |     3.723 |    0.989       6.5     3.87 |       2 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingbhad2PMuXFakepLineVOIDFilter            |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Selection_fakemergeddaughtersbhad2PMuX    |     0.000 |     2.512 |    0.787       4.2     2.44 |       2 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_fakemergeddaughtersbhad2P|     0.000 |     2.324 |    0.681       4.0     2.32 |       2 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:fakep_forbhad2PMuX                       |     0.000 |     0.289 |    0.171       0.4     0.17 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               fakep_forbhad2PMuX                            |     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.067       0.2     0.06 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:fakePPbar_Lb_forbhad2PMuX                |     0.000 |     0.847 |    0.110       1.6     1.04 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               fakePPbar_Lb_forbhad2PMuX                     |     0.000 |     0.757 |    0.066       1.4     0.98 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:fakePpipi_Lb_forbhad2PMuX                |     0.000 |     1.159 |    0.376       1.9     1.11 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               fakePpipi_Lb_forbhad2PMuX                     |     0.000 |     0.823 |    0.183       1.5     0.91 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Selection_fakemergeddaughtersbhad2PMuX          |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            pMu_fakep_Lb_forbhad2PMuX                        |     5.000 |     0.418 |    0.121       0.7     0.42 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            bhad2PMuXFakepLine                               |     0.000 |     0.968 |    0.968       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingbhad2PMuXFakepLine                        |     0.030 |     0.046 |    0.013       7.7     0.24 |    1000 |     0.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXFakepLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXFakepLineL0DUFilter             |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      21 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXFakepLineHlt2Filter             |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXFakepLineFilterSequence         |     5.000 |     4.187 |    0.857       7.5     4.71 |       2 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingbhad2PMuXFakepLineVOIDFilter            |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Selection_fakemergeddaughtersbhad2PMuX    |     5.000 |     3.093 |    0.702       5.5     3.38 |       2 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_fakemergeddaughtersbhad2P|     5.000 |     2.909 |    0.596       5.2     3.27 |       2 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:fakep_forbhad2PMuX                       |     0.000 |     0.264 |    0.173       0.4     0.13 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               fakep_forbhad2PMuX                            |     0.000 |     0.092 |    0.055       0.1     0.05 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:fakePPbar_Lb_forbhad2PMuX                |     5.000 |     1.538 |    0.093       3.0     2.04 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               fakePPbar_Lb_forbhad2PMuX                     |     5.000 |     1.455 |    0.049       2.9     1.99 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:fakePpipi_Lb_forbhad2PMuX                |     0.000 |     1.087 |    0.318       1.9     1.09 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               fakePpipi_Lb_forbhad2PMuX                     |     0.000 |     0.773 |    0.153       1.4     0.88 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Selection_fakemergeddaughtersbhad2PMuX          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            pMu_fakep_Lb_forbhad2PMuX                        |     0.000 |     0.341 |    0.092       0.6     0.35 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            bhad2PMuXFakepLine                               |     0.000 |     0.911 |    0.911       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXFakepLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingbhad2PMuXFakeSSpLine                      |     0.020 |     0.044 |    0.015       0.9     0.04 |    1000 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXFakeSSpLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXFakeSSpLineL0DUFilter           |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.011       0.0     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingbhad2PMuXFakeSSpLine                      |     0.020 |     0.038 |    0.013       0.5     0.03 |    1000 |     0.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXFakeSSpLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXFakeSSpLineL0DUFilter           |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.004       0.0     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXFakeSSpLineHlt2Filter           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXFakeSSpLineFilterSequence       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingbhad2PMuXFakeSSpLineVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            pMuSS_fakep_Lb_forbhad2PMuX                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            bhad2PMuXFakeSSpLine                             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXFakeSSpLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingbhad2PMuXFakemuLine                       |     0.020 |     0.043 |    0.015       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.043 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXFakemuLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXFakemuLineHlt2Filter            |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      19 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingbhad2PMuXFakemuLine                       |     0.050 |     0.037 |    0.012       0.5     0.03 |    1000 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXFakemuLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXFakemuLineHlt2Filter            |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      19 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXFakemuLineFilterSequence        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingbhad2PMuXFakemuLineVOIDFilter           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            fakeMu_forbhad2PMuX                              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            pMu_fakemu_Lb_forbhad2PMuX                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            bhad2PMuXFakemuLine                              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXFakemuLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingbhad2PMuXFakeSSmuLine                     |     0.010 |     0.042 |    0.015       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.043 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXFakeSSmuLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXFakeSSmuLineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingbhad2PMuXFakeSSmuLine                     |     0.040 |     0.037 |    0.013       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXFakeSSmuLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXFakeSSmuLineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXFakeSSmuLineFilterSequence      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingbhad2PMuXFakeSSmuLineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            pMuSS_fakemu_Lb_forbhad2PMuX                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            bhad2PMuXFakeSSmuLine                            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingbhad2PMuXFakeSSmuLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuB2PiLine                          |     0.130 |     0.088 |    0.018       2.8     0.23 |    1000 |     0.088 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuB2PiLinePreScaler                |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuB2PiLineFilterSequence           |     0.400 |     0.333 |    0.009       2.5     0.61 |     100 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuB2PiLineVOIDFilter              |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     100 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuL0TOS_forB2XuMuNu                              |     0.037 |     0.018 |    0.004       0.2     0.02 |     537 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuL0TOS_forB2XuMuNuTOS                           |     0.658 |     0.828 |    0.072       3.3     0.73 |     167 |     0.138 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi_forB2XuMuNu                                   |     0.000 |     0.055 |    0.010       0.4     0.08 |      28 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PiMu_forB2XuMuNu                                 |     0.000 |     0.249 |    0.057       1.5     0.46 |      10 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuB2PiLine                          |     0.090 |     0.073 |    0.016       2.0     0.19 |    1000 |     0.074 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuB2PiLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuB2PiLineFilterSequence           |     0.300 |     0.289 |    0.009       2.0     0.52 |     100 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuB2PiLineVOIDFilter              |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     100 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuL0TOS_forB2XuMuNu                              |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     537 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuL0TOS_forB2XuMuNuTOS                           |     0.479 |     0.719 |    0.067       5.4     0.70 |     167 |     0.120 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi_forB2XuMuNu                                   |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      28 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PiMu_forB2XuMuNu                                 |     0.000 |     0.195 |    0.057       1.2     0.35 |      10 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XuMuNuB2PiLine                                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuB2PiLinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuB2PiSSLine                        |     0.070 |     0.079 |    0.018       3.1     0.18 |    1000 |     0.080 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuB2PiSSLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuB2PiSSLineFilterSequence         |     0.194 |     0.186 |    0.009       3.0     0.49 |     103 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuB2PiSSLineVOIDFilter            |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     103 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PiMuSS_forB2XuMuNu                               |     0.000 |     0.384 |    0.076       1.4     0.59 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuB2PiSSLine                        |     0.040 |     0.066 |    0.016       2.8     0.14 |    1000 |     0.066 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuB2PiSSLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuB2PiSSLineFilterSequence         |     0.097 |     0.152 |    0.008       2.7     0.40 |     103 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuB2PiSSLineVOIDFilter            |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     103 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PiMuSS_forB2XuMuNu                               |     0.000 |     0.367 |    0.069       1.4     0.58 |       5 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XuMuNuB2PiSSLine                               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuB2PiSSLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KLine                          |     0.320 |     0.264 |    0.029       5.5     0.53 |    1000 |     0.265 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KLine                          |     0.200 |     0.228 |    0.027       6.2     0.47 |    1000 |     0.229 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KLineFilterSequence           |     0.200 |     0.198 |    0.008       5.2     0.52 |    1000 |     0.199 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KLineVOIDFilter              |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K_forB2XuMuNu                                    |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.005       0.2     0.02 |     152 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KMu_forB2XuMuNu                                  |     0.000 |     0.187 |    0.058       1.5     0.25 |      34 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XuMuNuBs2KLine                                 |     0.000 |     0.586 |    0.586       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KLineFilterSequence           |     0.150 |     0.174 |    0.007       6.1     0.46 |    1000 |     0.174 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KLineVOIDFilter              |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K_forB2XuMuNu                                    |     0.065 |     0.017 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     152 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KMu_forB2XuMuNu                                  |     0.294 |     0.145 |    0.054       1.0     0.16 |      34 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XuMuNuBs2KLine                                 |     0.000 |     0.573 |    0.573       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KLinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSSLine                        |     0.080 |     0.065 |    0.018       1.7     0.07 |    1000 |     0.065 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSSLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSSLineFilterSequence         |     0.092 |     0.041 |    0.008       1.6     0.18 |     108 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSSLineVOIDFilter            |     0.092 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     108 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KMuSS_forB2XuMuNu                                |     0.000 |     0.387 |    0.057       1.5     0.63 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XuMuNuBs2KSSLine                               |     0.000 |     0.601 |    0.601       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSSLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2K_FakeMuLine                   |     0.090 |     0.089 |    0.016       6.5     0.31 |    1000 |     0.090 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2K_FakeMuLinePreScaler         |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2K_FakeMuLineFilterSequence    |     0.384 |     1.305 |    0.071       6.3     1.35 |      26 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2K_FakeMuLineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      26 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuTightNoPIDCuts_forB2XuMuNu                     |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     155 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KMu_NoPIDmu_forB2XuMuNu                          |     0.000 |     0.366 |    0.064       1.5     0.55 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSSLine                        |     0.020 |     0.054 |    0.016       1.0     0.05 |    1000 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSSLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSSLineFilterSequence         |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.007       0.9     0.11 |     108 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSSLineVOIDFilter            |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     108 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KMuSS_forB2XuMuNu                                |     0.000 |     0.185 |    0.062       0.5     0.20 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XuMuNuBs2KSSLine                               |     0.000 |     0.574 |    0.574       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSSLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2K_FakeMuLine                   |     0.130 |     0.075 |    0.015       4.2     0.25 |    1000 |     0.075 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2K_FakeMuLinePreScaler         |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2K_FakeMuLineFilterSequence    |     1.538 |     0.948 |    0.037       4.0     0.86 |      26 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2K_FakeMuLineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      26 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuTightNoPIDCuts_forB2XuMuNu                     |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     155 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KMu_NoPIDmu_forB2XuMuNu                          |     0.000 |     0.211 |    0.083       0.7     0.23 |       6 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XuMuNuBs2K_FakeMuLine                          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2K_FakeMuLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSS_FakeMuLine                 |     0.040 |     0.073 |    0.017       4.2     0.21 |    1000 |     0.073 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSS_FakeMuLinePreScaler       |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSS_FakeMuLineFilterSequence  |     0.909 |     1.598 |    0.558       4.1     1.16 |      11 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSS_FakeMuLineVOIDFilter     |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KMuSS_NoPIDmu_forB2XuMuNu                        |     0.000 |     0.561 |    0.063       3.3     1.19 |       7 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSS_FakeMuLine                 |     0.050 |     0.062 |    0.016       3.5     0.17 |    1000 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSS_FakeMuLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSS_FakeMuLineFilterSequence  |     1.818 |     1.287 |    0.450       3.2     0.77 |      11 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSS_FakeMuLineVOIDFilter     |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KMuSS_NoPIDmu_forB2XuMuNu                        |     0.000 |     0.244 |    0.066       1.2     0.41 |       7 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XuMuNuBs2KSS_FakeMuLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSS_FakeMuLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2K_FakeKLine                    |     0.040 |     0.058 |    0.016       1.6     0.07 |    1000 |     0.059 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2K_FakeKLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2K_FakeKLineFilterSequence     |     0.000 |     0.176 |    0.011       1.6     0.41 |      16 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2K_FakeKLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      16 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KNoPID_forB2XuMuNu                               |     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |      31 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KMu_NoPIDK_forB2XuMuNu                           |     0.000 |     0.564 |    0.110       1.4     0.72 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2K_FakeKLine                    |     0.080 |     0.049 |    0.016       1.2     0.05 |    1000 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2K_FakeKLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2K_FakeKLineFilterSequence     |     0.000 |     0.130 |    0.009       1.2     0.30 |      16 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2K_FakeKLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      16 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KNoPID_forB2XuMuNu                               |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      31 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KMu_NoPIDK_forB2XuMuNu                           |     0.000 |     0.377 |    0.086       0.9     0.48 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XuMuNuBs2K_FakeKLine                           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2K_FakeKLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSS_FakeKLine                  |     0.090 |     0.056 |    0.016       0.4     0.04 |    1000 |     0.056 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSS_FakeKLinePreScaler        |     0.020 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSS_FakeKLineFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.011       0.1     0.03 |      22 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSS_FakeKLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      22 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSS_FakeKLine                  |     0.020 |     0.046 |    0.015       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSS_FakeKLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSS_FakeKLineFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.010       0.1     0.02 |      22 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSS_FakeKLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      22 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KMuSS_NoPIDK_forB2XuMuNu                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XuMuNuBs2KSS_FakeKLine                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSS_FakeKLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2K_FakeKMuLine                  |     0.080 |     0.083 |    0.016       6.9     0.33 |    1000 |     0.084 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2K_FakeKMuLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2K_FakeKMuLineFilterSequence   |     2.500 |     1.811 |    0.016       6.8     1.92 |      16 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2K_FakeKMuLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      16 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KMu_NoPIDKmu_forB2XuMuNu                         |     0.000 |     0.346 |    0.084       1.6     0.48 |       9 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2K_FakeKMuLine                  |     0.070 |     0.070 |    0.016       5.1     0.26 |    1000 |     0.070 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2K_FakeKMuLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2K_FakeKMuLineFilterSequence   |     2.500 |     1.530 |    0.009       5.0     1.33 |      16 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2K_FakeKMuLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      16 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KMu_NoPIDKmu_forB2XuMuNu                         |     1.111 |     0.262 |    0.067       1.2     0.35 |       9 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XuMuNuBs2K_FakeKMuLine                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2K_FakeKMuLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSS_FakeKMuLine                |     0.110 |     0.080 |    0.018       6.1     0.28 |    1000 |     0.080 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSS_FakeKMuLinePreScaler      |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSS_FakeKMuLineFilterSequence |     2.500 |     1.513 |    0.010       6.0     1.59 |      16 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSS_FakeKMuLineVOIDFilter    |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      16 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KMuSS_NoPIDKmu_forB2XuMuNu                       |     0.909 |     0.279 |    0.054       1.6     0.44 |      11 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSS_FakeKMuLine                |     0.070 |     0.071 |    0.016       5.5     0.28 |    1000 |     0.071 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSS_FakeKMuLinePreScaler      |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSS_FakeKMuLineFilterSequence |     1.250 |     1.472 |    0.008       5.4     1.66 |      16 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSS_FakeKMuLineVOIDFilter    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      16 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KMuSS_NoPIDKmu_forB2XuMuNu                       |     0.909 |     0.599 |    0.059       4.0     1.20 |      11 |     0.007 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XuMuNuBs2KSS_FakeKMuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KSS_FakeKMuLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuB2PhiLine                         |     0.170 |     0.113 |    0.029       2.9     0.17 |    1000 |     0.114 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuB2PhiLinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuB2PhiLineFilterSequence          |     0.080 |     0.047 |    0.008       2.7     0.16 |    1000 |     0.048 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuB2PhiLineVOIDFilter             |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K_PhiB2XuMuNu                                    |     0.105 |     0.034 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |     190 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhiKK_forB2XuMuNu                                |     0.236 |     0.076 |    0.037       1.4     0.12 |     127 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhiMu_forB2XuMuNu                                |     0.000 |     0.376 |    0.165       0.9     0.36 |       4 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XuMuNuB2PhiLine                                |     0.000 |     1.062 |    1.062       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuB2PhiLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuB2Phi_FakeMuLine                  |     0.240 |     0.196 |    0.016       8.8     0.63 |    1000 |     0.196 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuB2Phi_FakeMuLinePreScaler        |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuB2Phi_FakeMuLineFilterSequence   |     1.485 |     1.349 |    0.007       8.7     1.47 |     101 |     0.136 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuB2PhiLine                         |     0.110 |     0.096 |    0.027       2.5     0.15 |    1000 |     0.097 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuB2PhiLinePreScaler               |     0.020 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuB2PhiLineFilterSequence          |     0.050 |     0.041 |    0.007       2.4     0.13 |    1000 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuB2PhiLineVOIDFilter             |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K_PhiB2XuMuNu                                    |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |     190 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhiKK_forB2XuMuNu                                |     0.157 |     0.059 |    0.035       0.7     0.06 |     127 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhiMu_forB2XuMuNu                                |     0.000 |     0.308 |    0.171       0.7     0.26 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XuMuNuB2PhiLine                                |     0.000 |     1.127 |    1.127       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuB2PhiLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuB2Phi_FakeMuLine                  |     0.220 |     0.170 |    0.015       5.9     0.52 |    1000 |     0.171 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuB2Phi_FakeMuLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuB2Phi_FakeMuLineFilterSequence   |     1.782 |     1.201 |    0.007       5.8     1.17 |     101 |     0.121 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuB2Phi_FakeMuLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     101 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhiMu_NoPIDmu_forB2XuMuNu                        |     0.000 |     0.541 |    0.162       0.9     0.36 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhiMu_NoPIDmu_forB2XuMuNu                        |     3.333 |     0.396 |    0.173       0.7     0.27 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XuMuNuB2Phi_FakeMuLine                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuB2Phi_FakeMuLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2RhoLine                        |     0.220 |     0.193 |    0.029       5.2     0.30 |    1000 |     0.194 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2RhoLine                        |     0.140 |     0.156 |    0.027       1.9     0.20 |    1000 |     0.157 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2RhoLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2RhoLineFilterSequence         |     0.110 |     0.124 |    0.007       5.0     0.28 |    1000 |     0.125 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2RhoLineVOIDFilter            |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuTightCuts_forB2XuMuNu                          |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     537 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Rho02PiPi_forB2XuMuNu                            |     0.059 |     0.259 |    0.109       4.7     0.38 |     167 |     0.043 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RhoMu_forB2XuMuNu                                |     0.000 |     0.134 |    0.051       1.7     0.30 |      30 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2RhoLineFilterSequence         |     0.090 |     0.100 |    0.007       1.7     0.18 |    1000 |     0.100 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2RhoLineVOIDFilter            |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuTightCuts_forB2XuMuNu                          |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     537 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Rho02PiPi_forB2XuMuNu                            |     0.179 |     0.179 |    0.097       0.8     0.08 |     167 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RhoMu_forB2XuMuNu                                |     0.333 |     0.115 |    0.050       1.2     0.21 |      30 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XuMuNuBu2RhoLine                               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2RhoLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2RhoWSLine                      |     0.240 |     0.136 |    0.030       1.9     0.18 |    1000 |     0.137 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2RhoWSLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2RhoWSLineFilterSequence       |     0.120 |     0.063 |    0.007       1.8     0.15 |    1000 |     0.063 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2RhoWSLineVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Rho02PiPiWS_forB2XuMuNu                          |     0.479 |     0.177 |    0.084       1.3     0.12 |     167 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RhoMuWS_forB2XuMuNu                              |     0.000 |     0.128 |    0.047       0.9     0.19 |      25 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XuMuNuBu2RhoWSLine                             |     0.000 |     0.591 |    0.591       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2RhoWSLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2RhoSBLine                      |     0.160 |     0.143 |    0.029       2.6     0.22 |    1000 |     0.144 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2RhoSBLinePreScaler            |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2RhoSBLineFilterSequence       |     0.080 |     0.075 |    0.008       2.5     0.20 |    1000 |     0.076 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2RhoSBLineVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Rho02PiPiSB_forB2XuMuNu                          |     0.239 |     0.196 |    0.079       1.2     0.12 |     167 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RhoMuSB_forB2XuMuNu                              |     0.000 |     0.111 |    0.047       1.5     0.20 |      54 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XuMuNuBu2RhoSBLine                             |     0.000 |     1.226 |    1.226       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2RhoWSLine                      |     0.100 |     0.115 |    0.026       4.4     0.19 |    1000 |     0.115 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2RhoWSLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2RhoWSLineFilterSequence       |     0.030 |     0.057 |    0.007       4.3     0.18 |    1000 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2RhoWSLineVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Rho02PiPiWS_forB2XuMuNu                          |     0.119 |     0.147 |    0.077       0.6     0.06 |     167 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RhoMuWS_forB2XuMuNu                              |     0.000 |     0.103 |    0.043       0.6     0.13 |      25 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XuMuNuBu2RhoWSLine                             |     0.000 |     0.487 |    0.487       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2RhoWSLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2RhoSBLine                      |     0.110 |     0.121 |    0.025       1.9     0.17 |    1000 |     0.121 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2RhoSBLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2RhoSBLineFilterSequence       |     0.070 |     0.064 |    0.006       1.8     0.16 |    1000 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2RhoSBLineVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Rho02PiPiSB_forB2XuMuNu                          |     0.299 |     0.169 |    0.072       0.7     0.09 |     167 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RhoMuSB_forB2XuMuNu                              |     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.041       0.8     0.11 |      54 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XuMuNuBu2RhoSBLine                             |     0.000 |     0.901 |    0.901       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2RhoSBLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2KshSSMu_SSMuminusLine          |     0.210 |     0.201 |    0.029       3.8     0.29 |    1000 |     0.201 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2KshSSMu_SSMuminusLine          |     0.130 |     0.173 |    0.026       2.5     0.24 |    1000 |     0.174 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2KshSSMu_SSMuminusLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2KshSSMu_SSMuminusLineFilterSeq|     0.140 |     0.135 |    0.006       3.7     0.28 |    1000 |     0.135 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2KshSSMu_SSMuminusLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Mu_forB2XuMuNu                                   |     0.018 |     0.016 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     537 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuMajorana_forB2XuMuNu                           |     0.102 |     0.024 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |     195 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KshMajoranaSSMu_forB2XuMuNu                      |     0.128 |     0.194 |    0.087       1.8     0.14 |     156 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XuMuNuBu2KshSSMu_SSMuminusLine                 |     0.196 |     0.085 |    0.044       1.2     0.17 |      51 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2KshSSMu_SSMuminusLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2KshOSMu_SSMuplusLine           |     0.140 |     0.131 |    0.026       2.4     0.18 |    1000 |     0.132 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2KshOSMu_SSMuplusLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2KshOSMu_SSMuplusLineFilterSequ|     0.080 |     0.064 |    0.007       2.4     0.16 |    1000 |     0.064 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2KshOSMu_SSMuplusLineVOIDFilte|     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KshMajoranaOSMu_forB2XuMuNu                      |     0.256 |     0.176 |    0.093       1.5     0.12 |     156 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XuMuNuBu2KshOSMu_SSMuplusLine                  |     0.250 |     0.073 |    0.043       0.6     0.09 |      40 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2KshSSMu_SSMuminusLineFilterSeq|     0.110 |     0.116 |    0.007       1.9     0.22 |    1000 |     0.116 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2KshSSMu_SSMuminusLineVOIDFilt|     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Mu_forB2XuMuNu                                   |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     537 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuMajorana_forB2XuMuNu                           |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |     195 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KshMajoranaSSMu_forB2XuMuNu                      |     0.192 |     0.159 |    0.084       0.7     0.06 |     156 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XuMuNuBu2KshSSMu_SSMuminusLine                 |     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.040       0.5     0.07 |      51 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2KshSSMu_SSMuminusLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2KshOSMu_SSMuplusLine           |     0.110 |     0.112 |    0.025       2.8     0.16 |    1000 |     0.113 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2KshOSMu_SSMuplusLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2KshOSMu_SSMuplusLineFilterSequ|     0.060 |     0.056 |    0.006       2.7     0.15 |    1000 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2KshOSMu_SSMuplusLineVOIDFilte|     0.020 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KshMajoranaOSMu_forB2XuMuNu                      |     0.192 |     0.154 |    0.079       1.8     0.14 |     156 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XuMuNuBu2KshOSMu_SSMuplusLine                  |     0.000 |     0.070 |    0.041       0.7     0.10 |      40 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBu2KshOSMu_SSMuplusLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KstarLine                      |     0.070 |     0.132 |    0.027       6.1     0.39 |    1000 |     0.133 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KstarLine                      |     0.060 |     0.114 |    0.026       5.2     0.33 |    1000 |     0.115 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KstarLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KstarLineFilterSequence       |     0.030 |     0.065 |    0.006       5.9     0.37 |    1000 |     0.065 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KstarLineVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KS02PiPi_forB2XuMuNu                             |     0.000 |     0.119 |    0.038       0.4     0.07 |      24 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Kstar_forB2XuMuNu                                |     0.833 |     0.395 |    0.166       1.9     0.49 |      12 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KstarMu_forB2XuMuNu                              |     0.000 |     0.209 |    0.061       1.3     0.36 |      12 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KstarLineFilterSequence       |     0.050 |     0.057 |    0.006       5.1     0.32 |    1000 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KstarLineVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KS02PiPi_forB2XuMuNu                             |     0.416 |     0.097 |    0.044       0.2     0.04 |      24 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Kstar_forB2XuMuNu                                |     0.000 |     0.294 |    0.176       0.9     0.21 |      12 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KstarMu_forB2XuMuNu                              |     0.000 |     0.150 |    0.068       0.6     0.14 |      12 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XuMuNuBs2KstarLine                             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KstarLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KstarSSLine                    |     0.090 |     0.081 |    0.027       1.9     0.08 |    1000 |     0.081 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KstarSSLine                    |     0.030 |     0.069 |    0.025       0.9     0.06 |    1000 |     0.070 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KstarSSLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KstarSSLineFilterSequence     |     0.020 |     0.014 |    0.007       1.1     0.04 |    1000 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KstarSSLineVOIDFilter        |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KstarMuSS_forB2XuMuNu                            |     0.000 |     0.150 |    0.052       0.8     0.21 |      12 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KstarSSLineFilterSequence     |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.8     0.04 |    1000 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KstarSSLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KstarMuSS_forB2XuMuNu                            |     0.000 |     0.148 |    0.053       0.6     0.14 |      12 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XuMuNuBs2KstarSSLine                           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XuMuNuBs2KstarSSLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB23MuNu_TriMuLine                         |     0.230 |     0.215 |    0.036       1.9     0.15 |    1000 |     0.216 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB23MuNu_TriMuLine                         |     0.180 |     0.174 |    0.031       1.4     0.13 |    1000 |     0.175 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB23MuNu_TriMuLinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB23MuNu_TriMuLineFilterSequence          |     0.130 |     0.130 |    0.007       1.8     0.14 |    1000 |     0.131 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB23MuNu_TriMuLineVOIDFilter             |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selection_B23MuNu_Muons                          |     0.057 |     0.045 |    0.005       0.2     0.02 |     692 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B23MuNu_TriMuLine                                |     0.072 |     0.066 |    0.043       1.6     0.09 |     274 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB23MuNu_TriMuLineFilterSequence          |     0.120 |     0.113 |    0.007       1.4     0.12 |    1000 |     0.114 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB23MuNu_TriMuLineVOIDFilter             |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selection_B23MuNu_Muons                          |     0.028 |     0.037 |    0.004       0.3     0.02 |     692 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B23MuNu_TriMuLine                                |     0.036 |     0.058 |    0.039       1.1     0.07 |     274 |     0.016 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB23MuNu_TriMuLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB23MuNu_TriFakeMuLine                     |     0.050 |     0.089 |    0.023       4.0     0.16 |    1000 |     0.089 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB23MuNu_TriFakeMuLinePreScaler           |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB23MuNu_TriFakeMuLineFilterSequence      |     0.000 |     1.392 |    0.223       3.8     1.09 |       8 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB23MuNu_TriFakeMuLineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selection_B23MuNu_FakeMuons                      |     0.000 |     0.195 |    0.096       0.3     0.05 |       8 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sel_B23MuNu_Jpsi                                 |     0.000 |     0.074 |    0.048       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB23MuNu_TriFakeMuLine                     |     0.070 |     0.073 |    0.020       2.7     0.12 |    1000 |     0.073 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB23MuNu_TriFakeMuLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB23MuNu_TriFakeMuLineFilterSequence      |     1.250 |     1.114 |    0.195       2.6     0.77 |       8 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB23MuNu_TriFakeMuLineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selection_B23MuNu_FakeMuons                      |     0.000 |     0.176 |    0.088       0.3     0.05 |       8 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sel_B23MuNu_Jpsi                                 |     0.000 |     0.065 |    0.059       0.1     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B23MuNu_TriFakeMuLine                            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB23MuNu_TriFakeMuLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamSemileptonic                        |     0.100 |     0.167 |    0.078       0.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.168 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamSemileptonic                        |     0.130 |     0.135 |    0.073       1.4     0.06 |    1000 |     0.136 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamSemileptonicPreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamSemileptonicFilterSequence         |     0.060 |     0.085 |    0.020       0.2     0.03 |    1000 |     0.085 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingStreamSeqSemileptonic                   |     0.060 |     0.077 |    0.013       0.2     0.03 |    1000 |     0.078 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamSemileptonicFilterSequence         |     0.060 |     0.065 |    0.015       1.2     0.04 |    1000 |     0.065 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingStreamSeqSemileptonic                   |     0.040 |     0.059 |    0.010       1.2     0.04 |    1000 |     0.059 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamSemileptonicPostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        StrippingSequenceStreamBhadronCompleteEvent          |    59.360 |    59.879 |    6.553    1576.5    70.09 |    1000 |    59.880 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingBadEventSequenceBhadronCompleteEvent       |     0.090 |     0.069 |    0.027       0.3     0.04 |    1000 |     0.069 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamBhadronCompleteEventBadEvent        |     0.090 |     0.063 |    0.022       0.3     0.04 |    1000 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        StrippingSequenceStreamBhadronCompleteEvent          |    52.630 |    52.563 |    5.610    1159.6    56.83 |    1000 |    52.564 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingBadEventSequenceBhadronCompleteEvent       |     0.070 |     0.058 |    0.024       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamBhadronCompleteEventBadEvent        |     0.070 |     0.053 |    0.021       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.054 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamBhadronCompleteEventBadEventPreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamBhadronCompleteEventBadEventFilterS|     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamBhadronCompleteEventBadEventFilterS|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamBhadronCompleteEventBadEventPostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingProtectedSequenceBhadronCompleteEvent      |    59.250 |    59.796 |    6.516    1576.4    70.07 |    1000 |    59.797 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTaggedJetsJetPairLine                     |    32.890 |    33.131 |    3.238    1494.1    54.58 |    1000 |    33.131 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTaggedJetsJetPairLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.7     0.02 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTaggedJetsJetPairLineFilterSequence      |    32.870 |    33.041 |    3.189    1494.0    54.57 |    1000 |    33.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingGoodEventConditionBhadronCompleteEvent  |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_BDTTagJets_Particles               |    32.830 |    32.978 |    3.169    1494.0    54.57 |    1000 |    32.979 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TaggedJetsJetPairLine                            |     0.072 |     0.076 |    0.031       4.4     0.26 |     277 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingProtectedSequenceBhadronCompleteEvent      |    52.560 |    52.494 |    5.576    1159.6    56.82 |    1000 |    52.494 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTaggedJetsJetPairLine                     |    29.680 |    29.725 |    2.731    1092.9    43.47 |    1000 |    29.726 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTaggedJetsJetPairLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTaggedJetsJetPairLineFilterSequence      |    29.580 |    29.662 |    2.698    1092.8    43.47 |    1000 |    29.662 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingGoodEventConditionBhadronCompleteEvent  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_BDTTagJets_Particles               |    29.530 |    29.611 |    2.687    1092.8    43.47 |    1000 |    29.612 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TaggedJetsJetPairLine                            |     0.072 |     0.059 |    0.033       3.3     0.20 |     277 |     0.016 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTaggedJetsJetPairLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTaggedJetsJetPairLineExclusiveDiJet       |     0.080 |     0.102 |    0.034       4.5     0.15 |    1000 |     0.103 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTaggedJetsJetPairLineExclusiveDiJetPreSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTaggedJetsJetPairLineExclusiveDiJetFilter|     0.020 |     0.041 |    0.009       4.3     0.14 |    1000 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingTaggedJetsJetPairLineExclusiveDiJetVOIDF|     0.010 |     0.021 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |    1000 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TaggedJetsJetPairLineExclusiveDiJet              |     0.116 |     0.085 |    0.026       4.2     0.45 |      86 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTaggedJetsJetPairLineExclusiveDiJet       |     0.100 |     0.094 |    0.027       9.7     0.32 |    1000 |     0.094 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTaggedJetsJetPairLineExclusiveDiJetPreSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTaggedJetsJetPairLineExclusiveDiJetFilter|     0.040 |     0.045 |    0.007       9.6     0.32 |    1000 |     0.045 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingTaggedJetsJetPairLineExclusiveDiJetVOIDF|     0.030 |     0.028 |    0.003       9.5     0.30 |    1000 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TaggedJetsJetPairLineExclusiveDiJet              |     0.000 |     0.070 |    0.023       3.3     0.35 |      86 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTaggedJetsJetPairLineExclusiveDiJetPostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTaggedJetsDiJetPairLine                   |     0.150 |     0.136 |    0.023      10.9     0.51 |    1000 |     0.137 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTaggedJetsDiJetPairLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTaggedJetsDiJetPairLineFilterSequence    |     0.100 |     0.071 |    0.002      10.7     0.48 |    1000 |     0.072 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelTaggedJetsDiJetNoPT                           |     0.072 |     0.058 |    0.023       3.3     0.21 |     277 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TaggedJetsDiJetPairLine                          |     0.000 |     0.816 |    0.031       6.0     1.87 |      11 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTaggedJetsDiJetPairLine                   |     0.060 |     0.100 |    0.021       4.2     0.25 |    1000 |     0.100 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTaggedJetsDiJetPairLinePreScaler         |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTaggedJetsDiJetPairLineFilterSequence    |     0.040 |     0.050 |    0.002       4.2     0.24 |    1000 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelTaggedJetsDiJetNoPT                           |     0.072 |     0.045 |    0.020       2.3     0.15 |     277 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TaggedJetsDiJetPairLine                          |     0.909 |     0.472 |    0.030       3.7     1.12 |      11 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTaggedJetsDiJetPairLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB0d2DstarTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines         |     0.200 |     0.158 |    0.041       9.7     0.44 |    1000 |     0.158 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB0d2DstarTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines         |     0.050 |     0.103 |    0.032       8.4     0.36 |    1000 |     0.104 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DstarTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesPreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DstarTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesFilterSe|     0.010 |     0.035 |    0.003       9.4     0.41 |    1000 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstarsForB2XTauNuAllLines                     |     0.000 |     0.085 |    0.017       0.2     0.05 |      23 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseDetachedTau3pi_Particles   |     1.480 |     1.360 |    0.150      15.9     1.67 |     581 |     0.790 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelB0d2DstarTauNu                                |     0.000 |     0.493 |    0.068       1.7     0.77 |       4 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B0d2DstarTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines                |     0.000 |     2.246 |    2.246       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DstarTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesPostScal|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB0d2DstarWSSlowTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines   |     0.570 |     0.605 |    0.031      16.0     0.63 |    1000 |     0.606 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DstarTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesFilterSe|     0.010 |     0.029 |    0.002       8.1     0.36 |    1000 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstarsForB2XTauNuAllLines                     |     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.012       0.1     0.03 |      23 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseDetachedTau3pi_Particles   |     1.204 |     1.257 |    0.122      12.6     1.53 |     581 |     0.731 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelB0d2DstarTauNu                                |     0.000 |     0.355 |    0.064       1.2     0.56 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B0d2DstarTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines                |     0.000 |     2.076 |    2.076       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DstarTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesPostScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB0d2DstarWSSlowTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines   |     0.510 |     0.512 |    0.027      11.7     0.48 |    1000 |     0.513 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DstarWSSlowTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesPr|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DstarWSSlowTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesFi|     0.490 |     0.517 |    0.002      15.8     0.62 |    1000 |     0.518 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseDstarWithD02KPiDCS_Particle|     0.462 |     0.506 |    0.187      15.8     0.56 |     974 |     0.493 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstarWSForB2XTauNuAllLines                    |     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.009       0.4     0.08 |      26 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelB0d2DstarWSSlowTauNu                          |     0.000 |     0.255 |    0.154       0.4     0.14 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DstarWSSlowTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesFi|     0.430 |     0.445 |    0.002      11.6     0.47 |    1000 |     0.446 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseDstarWithD02KPiDCS_Particle|     0.441 |     0.436 |    0.162      11.6     0.43 |     974 |     0.426 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstarWSForB2XTauNuAllLines                    |     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.010       0.2     0.05 |      26 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelB0d2DstarWSSlowTauNu                          |     0.000 |     0.170 |    0.129       0.2     0.06 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B0d2DstarWSSlowTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DstarWSSlowTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesPo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB0d2DstarTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLines       |     0.080 |     0.095 |    0.030       1.5     0.07 |    1000 |     0.096 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DstarTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLinesPreSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DstarTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLinesFilter|     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.002       1.4     0.05 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelB0d2DstarTauNuWS                              |     2.500 |     0.391 |    0.067       1.3     0.61 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB0d2DstarTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLines       |     0.100 |     0.079 |    0.026       1.2     0.05 |    1000 |     0.080 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DstarTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLinesPreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DstarTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLinesFilter|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.001       1.1     0.04 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelB0d2DstarTauNuWS                              |     0.000 |     0.305 |    0.064       1.0     0.48 |       4 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B0d2DstarTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLines              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DstarTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLinesPostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB0d2DstarTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLine|     0.080 |     0.088 |    0.026       4.4     0.14 |    1000 |     0.088 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DstarTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLin|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DstarTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLin|     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.002       4.1     0.39 |     110 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseDetachedTau3piNonPhys_Parti|    20.000 |    20.764 |    0.639      95.4    41.74 |       5 |     0.104 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelB0d2DstarTauNuNonPhysTau                      |     0.000 |     0.128 |    0.128       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB0d2DstarTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLine|     0.030 |     0.071 |    0.022       3.9     0.12 |    1000 |     0.072 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DstarTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLin|     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DstarTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLin|     0.090 |     0.036 |    0.002       3.7     0.35 |     110 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseDetachedTau3piNonPhys_Parti|     8.000 |     4.379 |    0.736      14.0     5.46 |       5 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelB0d2DstarTauNuNonPhysTau                      |     0.000 |     0.116 |    0.116       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B0d2DstarTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLines      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DstarTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB0d2DTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines             |     0.100 |     0.124 |    0.030       6.3     0.25 |    1000 |     0.125 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesPreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesFilterSequen|     0.050 |     0.042 |    0.002       6.1     0.24 |    1000 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDplusForB2XTauNuAllLines                      |     0.048 |     0.028 |    0.005       0.2     0.04 |     205 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelB0d2DTauNu                                    |     0.000 |     0.368 |    0.115       1.5     0.55 |       6 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B0d2DTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines                    |     0.000 |     1.058 |    0.744       1.4     0.44 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesPostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB0d2DTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLines           |     0.040 |     0.094 |    0.030       2.5     0.12 |    1000 |     0.095 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB0d2DTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines             |     0.090 |     0.105 |    0.026       5.0     0.22 |    1000 |     0.105 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesPreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesFilterSequen|     0.050 |     0.037 |    0.002       5.0     0.22 |    1000 |     0.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDplusForB2XTauNuAllLines                      |     0.048 |     0.022 |    0.005       0.1     0.03 |     205 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelB0d2DTauNu                                    |     0.000 |     0.267 |    0.102       0.9     0.30 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B0d2DTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines                    |     0.000 |     0.963 |    0.517       1.4     0.63 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesPostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB0d2DTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLines           |     0.070 |     0.078 |    0.026       2.5     0.11 |    1000 |     0.079 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLinesPreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLinesFilterSequ|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.002       2.4     0.11 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelB0d2DTauNuWS                                  |     0.000 |     0.314 |    0.101       1.2     0.42 |       6 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B0d2DTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLines                  |     0.000 |     1.359 |    0.880       1.8     0.68 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLinesFilterSequ|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.001       2.4     0.10 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelB0d2DTauNuWS                                  |     0.000 |     0.246 |    0.096       0.7     0.24 |       6 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B0d2DTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLines                  |     0.000 |     1.382 |    0.881       1.9     0.71 |       2 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLinesPostScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB0d2DTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLines   |     0.100 |     0.085 |    0.026       3.8     0.13 |    1000 |     0.086 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLinesPr|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLinesFi|     0.090 |     0.008 |    0.002       0.7     0.06 |     110 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB0d2DTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLines   |     0.080 |     0.066 |    0.022       1.0     0.05 |    1000 |     0.067 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLinesPr|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLinesFi|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.002       0.8     0.07 |     110 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelB0d2DTauNuNonPhysTau                          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B0d2DTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLines          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLinesPo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2D0TauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines             |     0.150 |     0.140 |    0.024      33.1     1.06 |    1000 |     0.141 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2D0TauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesPreScaler   |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2D0TauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesFilterSequen|     0.050 |     0.071 |    0.002      32.9     1.06 |    1000 |     0.071 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0ForB2XTauNuAllLines                         |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.004       0.7     0.05 |     250 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelBu2D0TauNu                                    |     0.000 |     0.884 |    0.180       2.1     1.10 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2D0TauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines                    |    10.000 |    12.207 |   12.207      12.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2D0TauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines             |     0.080 |     0.119 |    0.023      30.0     0.95 |    1000 |     0.119 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2D0TauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesPreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2D0TauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesFilterSequen|     0.040 |     0.060 |    0.002      29.8     0.95 |    1000 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0ForB2XTauNuAllLines                         |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.004       0.2     0.03 |     250 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelBu2D0TauNu                                    |     0.000 |     0.523 |    0.165       1.2     0.61 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2D0TauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines                    |    10.000 |    13.069 |   13.069      13.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2D0TauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesPostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2D0TauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLines           |     0.100 |     0.090 |    0.021      24.6     0.78 |    1000 |     0.090 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2D0TauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLinesPreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2D0TauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLinesFilterSequ|     0.030 |     0.030 |    0.002      24.4     0.77 |    1000 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelBu2D0TauNuWS                                  |     0.000 |     0.838 |    0.358       1.7     0.77 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2D0TauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLines                  |    20.000 |    22.116 |   22.116      22.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2D0TauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLines           |     0.080 |     0.081 |    0.020      26.8     0.85 |    1000 |     0.082 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2D0TauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLinesPreScaler |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2D0TauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLinesFilterSequ|     0.030 |     0.030 |    0.001      26.6     0.84 |    1000 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelBu2D0TauNuWS                                  |     0.000 |     0.628 |    0.162       1.2     0.55 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2D0TauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLines                  |    30.000 |    24.085 |   24.085      24.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.024 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2D0TauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLinesPostScaler|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2D0TauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLines   |     0.070 |     0.056 |    0.016       0.6     0.04 |    1000 |     0.056 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2D0TauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLinesPr|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.5     0.02 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2D0TauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLines   |     0.060 |     0.046 |    0.015       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2D0TauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLinesPr|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2D0TauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLinesFi|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      86 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelBu2D0TauNuNonPhysTau                          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2D0TauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLines          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2D0TauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLinesPo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2JpsiTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines           |     0.330 |     0.257 |    0.022       7.0     0.32 |    1000 |     0.257 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2JpsiTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesPreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2JpsiTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesFilterSequ|     0.260 |     0.190 |    0.002       6.9     0.31 |    1000 |     0.190 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseJpsi2MuMu_Particles        |     0.210 |     0.169 |    0.069       6.9     0.24 |    1000 |     0.169 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelJpsiForB2XTauNuAllLines                       |     0.200 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      50 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelBc2JpsiTauNu                                  |     0.000 |     0.430 |    0.060       1.4     0.62 |       4 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2JpsiTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines                  |     0.000 |     1.517 |    1.517       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2JpsiTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines           |     0.220 |     0.226 |    0.020       5.1     0.29 |    1000 |     0.226 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2JpsiTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesPreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2JpsiTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesFilterSequ|     0.190 |     0.164 |    0.001       5.1     0.25 |    1000 |     0.164 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseJpsi2MuMu_Particles        |     0.170 |     0.144 |    0.067       5.0     0.17 |    1000 |     0.144 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelJpsiForB2XTauNuAllLines                       |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      50 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelBc2JpsiTauNu                                  |     0.000 |     0.490 |    0.057       1.6     0.75 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2JpsiTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines                  |     0.000 |     1.334 |    1.334       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2JpsiTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesPostScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2JpsiTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLines |     0.180 |     0.158 |    0.016      95.6     3.02 |    1000 |     0.158 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2JpsiTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLines|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.6     0.02 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2JpsiTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLines|     0.947 |     1.007 |    0.002      95.4     9.79 |      95 |     0.096 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2JpsiTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLines |     0.070 |     0.068 |    0.016      14.2     0.45 |    1000 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2JpsiTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLines|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2JpsiTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLines|     0.210 |     0.150 |    0.002      14.0     1.44 |      95 |     0.014 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelBc2JpsiTauNuNonPhysTau                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2JpsiTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLines        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2JpsiTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLines|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines             |     0.110 |     0.109 |    0.021       9.9     0.48 |    1000 |     0.109 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesPreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesFilterSequen|     0.050 |     0.048 |    0.002       9.8     0.47 |    1000 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLcForB2XTauNuAllLines                         |     0.082 |     0.046 |    0.005       0.3     0.06 |     121 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLb2LcTauNu                                    |     0.000 |     0.479 |    0.188       1.5     0.49 |       6 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines                    |     0.000 |     4.406 |    3.048       5.8     1.92 |       2 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines             |     0.070 |     0.094 |    0.018       9.6     0.45 |    1000 |     0.095 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesPreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesFilterSequen|     0.040 |     0.043 |    0.002       9.5     0.44 |    1000 |     0.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLcForB2XTauNuAllLines                         |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.004       0.2     0.04 |     121 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLb2LcTauNu                                    |     0.000 |     0.331 |    0.164       0.8     0.26 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines                    |     0.000 |     4.083 |    2.781       5.4     1.84 |       2 |     0.008 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesPostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLines           |     0.030 |     0.069 |    0.021       6.9     0.23 |    1000 |     0.070 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLines           |     0.040 |     0.062 |    0.019       8.4     0.27 |    1000 |     0.062 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLinesPreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLinesFilterSequ|     0.020 |     0.012 |    0.002       6.8     0.22 |    1000 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLb2LcTauNuWS                                  |     1.666 |     0.325 |    0.136       0.8     0.23 |       6 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLines                  |    10.000 |     4.462 |    4.462       4.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLinesFilterSequ|     0.010 |     0.013 |    0.001       8.3     0.26 |    1000 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLb2LcTauNuWS                                  |     0.000 |     0.293 |    0.146       0.6     0.18 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLines                  |    10.000 |     5.293 |    5.293       5.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLinesPostScaler|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2pTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines              |     0.100 |     0.096 |    0.017       4.5     0.25 |    1000 |     0.097 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesPreScaler    |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesFilterSequenc|     0.301 |     0.213 |    0.002       4.4     0.51 |     199 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelpForB2XTauNuAllLines                          |     0.089 |     0.041 |    0.006       0.1     0.03 |     337 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLb2pTauNu                                     |     0.000 |     0.367 |    0.103       2.0     0.55 |      11 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2pTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines                     |     0.000 |     1.012 |    0.977       1.0     0.05 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesPostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2pTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLines            |     0.050 |     0.089 |    0.015       3.7     0.22 |    1000 |     0.089 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLinesPreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLinesFilterSeque|     0.099 |     0.179 |    0.002       3.6     0.43 |     202 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLb2pTauNuWS                                   |     0.000 |     0.298 |    0.114       1.4     0.37 |      12 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2pTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines              |     0.130 |     0.087 |    0.015       6.6     0.28 |    1000 |     0.087 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesPreScaler    |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesFilterSequenc|     0.402 |     0.200 |    0.002       5.8     0.55 |     199 |     0.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelpForB2XTauNuAllLines                          |     0.059 |     0.033 |    0.005       0.2     0.02 |     337 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLb2pTauNu                                     |     0.909 |     0.300 |    0.091       1.4     0.37 |      11 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2pTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines                     |     0.000 |     0.731 |    0.546       0.9     0.26 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesPostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2pTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLines            |     0.050 |     0.076 |    0.015       2.4     0.18 |    1000 |     0.077 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLinesPreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLinesFilterSeque|     0.049 |     0.154 |    0.002       2.3     0.36 |     202 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLb2pTauNuWS                                   |     0.000 |     0.265 |    0.110       1.3     0.32 |      12 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2pTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLines                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2pTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLinesPostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLines   |     0.050 |     0.057 |    0.016       4.1     0.13 |    1000 |     0.057 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLinesPr|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLinesFi|     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.002       3.9     0.39 |     101 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLb2LcTauNuNonPhysTau                          |     0.000 |     1.379 |    1.379       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLines   |     0.050 |     0.046 |    0.014       3.7     0.12 |    1000 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLinesPr|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLinesFi|     0.099 |     0.038 |    0.001       3.6     0.35 |     101 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLb2LcTauNuNonPhysTau                          |     0.000 |     1.157 |    1.157       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLines          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLinesPo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcTauNuInvVertForB2XTauNuAllLines      |     0.080 |     0.094 |    0.022      11.9     0.40 |    1000 |     0.095 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcTauNuInvVertForB2XTauNuAllLines      |     0.130 |     0.086 |    0.019      13.8     0.45 |    1000 |     0.087 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcTauNuInvVertForB2XTauNuAllLinesPreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcTauNuInvVertForB2XTauNuAllLinesFilte|     0.060 |     0.036 |    0.002      11.8     0.39 |    1000 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLcForLbInvVertB2XTauNuAllLines                |     0.165 |     0.033 |    0.003       0.2     0.04 |     121 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLb2LcTauNuInvVert                             |     1.250 |     0.179 |    0.072       0.6     0.18 |       8 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcTauNuInvVertForB2XTauNuAllLines             |    10.000 |     8.495 |    8.495       8.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcTauNuInvVertForB2XTauNuAllLinesPostS|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB0d2DstarTauNuInvVertForB2XTauNuAllLines  |     0.160 |     0.118 |    0.031       7.2     0.42 |    1000 |     0.119 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DstarTauNuInvVertForB2XTauNuAllLinesP|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DstarTauNuInvVertForB2XTauNuAllLinesF|     0.020 |     0.033 |    0.001       7.0     0.38 |    1000 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstarForB0dInvVertB2XTauNuAllLines            |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      23 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelB0d2DstarTauNuInvVert                         |     0.000 |     0.269 |    0.056       1.5     0.47 |       9 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B0d2DstarTauNuInvVertForB2XTauNuAllLines         |     3.333 |     2.571 |    0.872       4.9     2.09 |       3 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DstarTauNuInvVertForB2XTauNuAllLinesP|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2DsTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines             |     0.100 |     0.111 |    0.026      14.2     0.46 |    1000 |     0.111 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2DsTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesPreScaler   |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2DsTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesFilterSequen|     0.020 |     0.037 |    0.002      14.0     0.45 |    1000 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDsForB2XTauNuAllLines                         |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.004       0.2     0.04 |     175 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelBs2DsTauNu                                    |    10.000 |     1.681 |    1.681       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2DsTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines                    |     0.000 |     9.703 |    9.703       9.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2DsTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesPostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2DsTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLines           |     0.060 |     0.073 |    0.022       9.5     0.30 |    1000 |     0.074 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcTauNuInvVertForB2XTauNuAllLinesFilte|     0.070 |     0.035 |    0.001      13.6     0.44 |    1000 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLcForLbInvVertB2XTauNuAllLines                |     0.165 |     0.028 |    0.003       0.2     0.03 |     121 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLb2LcTauNuInvVert                             |     0.000 |     0.143 |    0.058       0.5     0.15 |       8 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcTauNuInvVertForB2XTauNuAllLines             |    10.000 |    10.254 |   10.254      10.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcTauNuInvVertForB2XTauNuAllLinesPostS|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB0d2DstarTauNuInvVertForB2XTauNuAllLines  |     0.130 |     0.095 |    0.025      10.8     0.45 |    1000 |     0.095 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DstarTauNuInvVertForB2XTauNuAllLinesP|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DstarTauNuInvVertForB2XTauNuAllLinesF|     0.040 |     0.034 |    0.001      10.7     0.45 |    1000 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstarForB0dInvVertB2XTauNuAllLines            |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      23 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelB0d2DstarTauNuInvVert                         |     0.000 |     0.152 |    0.061       0.5     0.15 |       9 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B0d2DstarTauNuInvVertForB2XTauNuAllLines         |     3.333 |     2.608 |    0.819       4.6     1.89 |       3 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DstarTauNuInvVertForB2XTauNuAllLinesP|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2DsTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines             |     0.080 |     0.097 |    0.023      14.2     0.45 |    1000 |     0.097 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2DsTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesPreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2DsTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesFilterSequen|     0.030 |     0.035 |    0.002      14.1     0.45 |    1000 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDsForB2XTauNuAllLines                         |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.004       0.1     0.03 |     175 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelBs2DsTauNu                                    |     0.000 |     1.187 |    1.187       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2DsTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines                    |    10.000 |    10.350 |   10.350      10.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2DsTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesPostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2DsTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLines           |     0.040 |     0.063 |    0.019       9.6     0.30 |    1000 |     0.063 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2DsTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLinesPreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2DsTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLinesFilterSequ|     0.010 |     0.012 |    0.001       9.4     0.30 |    1000 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelBs2DsTauNuWS                                  |     0.000 |     1.686 |    1.686       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2DsTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLines                  |     0.000 |     6.757 |    6.757       6.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2DsTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLinesFilterSequ|     0.010 |     0.012 |    0.001       9.5     0.30 |    1000 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelBs2DsTauNuWS                                  |    10.000 |     1.008 |    1.008       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2DsTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLines                  |     0.000 |     7.564 |    7.564       7.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2DsTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLinesPostScaler|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2DsTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLines   |     0.050 |     0.056 |    0.018       0.4     0.04 |    1000 |     0.057 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2DsTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLinesPr|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2DsTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLines   |     0.010 |     0.047 |    0.014       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2DsTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLinesPr|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2DsTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLinesFi|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      86 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelBs2DsTauNuNonPhysTau                          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2DsTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLines          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2DsTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLinesPo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB0d2DdoubleStarTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines   |     0.110 |     0.098 |    0.031      11.2     0.36 |    1000 |     0.098 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DdoubleStarTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesPr|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DdoubleStarTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesFi|     0.020 |     0.020 |    0.002      11.0     0.35 |    1000 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDdoubleStar2DstarPi                           |     0.000 |     0.441 |    0.196       1.0     0.25 |       9 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelB0d2DdoubleStarTauNu                          |     0.000 |     1.950 |    1.950       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B0d2DdoubleStarTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines          |    10.000 |     7.340 |    7.340       7.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DdoubleStarTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesPo|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB0d2DdoubleStarTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLines |     0.080 |     0.089 |    0.030       1.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.089 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB0d2DdoubleStarTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines   |     0.090 |     0.077 |    0.025       8.9     0.29 |    1000 |     0.078 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DdoubleStarTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesPr|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DdoubleStarTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesFi|     0.030 |     0.016 |    0.002       8.8     0.28 |    1000 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDdoubleStar2DstarPi                           |     1.111 |     0.364 |    0.186       0.9     0.22 |       9 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelB0d2DdoubleStarTauNu                          |     0.000 |     1.045 |    1.045       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B0d2DdoubleStarTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLines          |    10.000 |     6.655 |    6.655       6.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DdoubleStarTauNuForB2XTauNuAllLinesPo|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB0d2DdoubleStarTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLines |     0.060 |     0.072 |    0.027       1.0     0.04 |    1000 |     0.073 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DdoubleStarTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLines|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DdoubleStarTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLines|     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       1.7     0.05 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelB0d2DdoubleStarTauNuWS                        |     0.000 |     1.600 |    1.600       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DdoubleStarTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLines|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.9     0.03 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelB0d2DdoubleStarTauNuWS                        |     0.000 |     0.831 |    0.831       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B0d2DdoubleStarTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLines        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DdoubleStarTauNuWSForB2XTauNuAllLines|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB0d2DdoubleStarTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuA|     0.040 |     0.082 |    0.024       3.1     0.11 |    1000 |     0.083 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DdoubleStarTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNu|     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DdoubleStarTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNu|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.002       3.0     0.29 |     108 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelB0d2DdoubleStarTauNuNonPhysTau                |     0.000 |     0.903 |    0.903       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB0d2DdoubleStarTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuA|     0.060 |     0.069 |    0.021       2.5     0.09 |    1000 |     0.069 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DdoubleStarTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNu|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DdoubleStarTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNu|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.002       2.5     0.24 |     108 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelB0d2DdoubleStarTauNuNonPhysTau                |     0.000 |     0.601 |    0.601       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B0d2DdoubleStarTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNuAllLines|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB0d2DdoubleStarTauNuNonPhysTauForB2XTauNu|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.480 |     0.336 |    0.047      17.3     1.05 |    1000 |     0.336 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.320 |     0.282 |    0.037      20.0     0.97 |    1000 |     0.282 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter     |     0.070 |     0.026 |    0.011       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence |     0.592 |     0.499 |    0.014      17.0     1.55 |     405 |     0.202 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter    |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHBeauty2Charm   |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     267 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     267 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2HHHBeauty2Charm                           |     0.337 |     0.245 |    0.054       2.5     0.30 |     267 |     0.066 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                     |     3.750 |     3.882 |    0.582       9.7     2.95 |      16 |     0.062 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter  |     0.000 |     0.103 |    0.056       0.2     0.05 |      11 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine                       |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.471 |    0.160       1.1     0.41 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.309 |    0.085       0.7     0.30 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.299 |    0.083       0.7     0.30 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine          |     4.000 |     1.375 |    0.350       3.1     1.25 |       5 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.442 |    0.201       0.8     0.31 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.330 |     0.288 |    0.037      17.9     1.02 |    1000 |     0.289 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler     |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter    |     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence|     0.518 |     0.452 |    0.010      17.6     1.53 |     405 |     0.183 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHBeauty2Charm  |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     267 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     267 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2HHHBeauty2Charm                          |     0.262 |     0.198 |    0.051       1.9     0.26 |     267 |     0.053 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                    |     4.666 |     4.010 |    0.829       8.8     2.90 |      15 |     0.060 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter |     0.000 |     0.100 |    0.055       0.2     0.05 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine                      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.383 |    0.093       0.9     0.38 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.322 |    0.084       0.8     0.31 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.334 |    0.082       0.8     0.33 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine         |     2.000 |     1.380 |    0.391       3.1     1.27 |       5 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine         |     2.000 |     0.416 |    0.155       0.9     0.32 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2HHBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.180 |     0.124 |    0.036       6.1     0.22 |    1000 |     0.125 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       1.0     0.03 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter      |     0.020 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence  |     0.049 |     0.030 |    0.011       2.3     0.14 |     405 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter     |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter     |     0.030 |     0.018 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence |     0.469 |     0.450 |    0.011      19.8     1.47 |     405 |     0.182 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHBeauty2Charm   |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     267 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInputsBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     267 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2HHHBeauty2Charm                           |     0.224 |     0.204 |    0.051       2.1     0.24 |     267 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                     |     3.750 |     3.627 |    0.512      10.4     2.87 |      16 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter  |     0.000 |     0.089 |    0.047       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine                       |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.349 |    0.120       0.9     0.32 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.294 |    0.092       0.7     0.29 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.299 |    0.089       0.8     0.28 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     1.310 |    0.420       3.2     1.22 |       5 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine          |     2.000 |     0.360 |    0.163       0.7     0.26 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.200 |     0.253 |    0.033      16.2     0.88 |    1000 |     0.254 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter    |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence|     0.370 |     0.415 |    0.007      16.1     1.33 |     405 |     0.168 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHBeauty2Charm  |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     267 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     267 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2HHHBeauty2Charm                          |     0.187 |     0.169 |    0.049       1.9     0.21 |     267 |     0.045 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                    |     3.333 |     3.736 |    0.889       7.4     2.30 |      15 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter |     0.000 |     0.083 |    0.054       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine                      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine         |     2.000 |     0.341 |    0.123       0.8     0.31 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.313 |    0.098       0.8     0.32 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.313 |    0.095       0.8     0.32 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     1.306 |    0.379       3.1     1.20 |       5 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.352 |    0.137       0.7     0.27 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiD2HHHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2HHBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.070 |     0.097 |    0.031       2.3     0.10 |    1000 |     0.097 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence  |     0.024 |     0.025 |    0.009       2.2     0.14 |     405 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter     |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2HHBeauty2CharmLine                        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KD2HHBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.192 |    0.148       0.2     0.06 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KD2HHBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.129 |    0.090       0.2     0.06 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KD2HHBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.128 |    0.090       0.2     0.05 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KD2HHBeauty2CharmLine           |     5.000 |     0.604 |    0.544       0.7     0.08 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KD2HHBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.273 |    0.221       0.3     0.07 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.060 |     0.107 |    0.033       2.4     0.09 |    1000 |     0.108 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KD2HHBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.181 |    0.120       0.2     0.09 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KD2HHBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.133 |    0.096       0.2     0.05 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KD2HHBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.130 |    0.094       0.2     0.05 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KD2HHBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.611 |    0.533       0.7     0.11 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KD2HHBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.232 |    0.188       0.3     0.06 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.140 |     0.088 |    0.029       2.6     0.09 |    1000 |     0.089 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler      |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter     |     0.020 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.009       2.3     0.11 |     405 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter     |     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence |     0.024 |     0.019 |    0.008       2.5     0.12 |     405 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter    |     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine                       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.193 |    0.193       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.210 |    0.210       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.181 |    0.181       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.651 |    0.651       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.289 |    0.289       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.186 |    0.186       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.189 |    0.189       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.225 |    0.225       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.590 |    0.590       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine          |     0.000 |     0.689 |    0.689       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiNoIPD2KPIPIDBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.180 |     0.181 |    0.032      22.8     0.82 |    1000 |     0.182 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiNoIPD2KPIPIDBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.140 |     0.159 |    0.028      23.7     0.84 |    1000 |     0.159 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiNoIPD2KPIPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiNoIPD2KPIPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiNoIPD2KPIPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.197 |     0.209 |    0.009      22.6     1.27 |     405 |     0.085 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiNoIPD2KPIPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiNoIPD2KPIPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KPIPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |     102 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiNoIPD2KPIPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     102 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiNoIPD2KPIPIDBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.127 |    0.059       1.0     0.12 |     102 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiNoIPD2KPIPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     3.333 |     2.334 |    0.971       8.8     2.46 |       9 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiNoIPD2KPIPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.118 |    0.095       0.2     0.03 |       6 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiNoIPD2KPIPIDBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiNoIPD2KPIPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     2.500 |     0.530 |    0.195       1.1     0.38 |       4 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiNoIPD2KPIPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.403 |    0.208       0.9     0.30 |       4 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiNoIPD2KPIPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.393 |    0.180       0.9     0.31 |       4 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiNoIPD2KPIPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     1.896 |    0.577       4.0     1.48 |       4 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiNoIPD2KPIPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.446 |    0.278       0.8     0.24 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiNoIPD2KPIPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiNoIPD2KPIPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.197 |     0.198 |    0.008      23.5     1.30 |     405 |     0.080 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiNoIPD2KPIPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiNoIPD2KPIPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KPIPIDBeau|     0.098 |     0.034 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     102 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiNoIPD2KPIPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.002       0.1     0.01 |     102 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiNoIPD2KPIPIDBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.104 |    0.051       0.7     0.08 |     102 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiNoIPD2KPIPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     3.333 |     2.411 |    0.886       9.9     2.85 |       9 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiNoIPD2KPIPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.071       0.2     0.04 |       6 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiNoIPD2KPIPIDBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiNoIPD2KPIPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.489 |    0.209       1.0     0.34 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiNoIPD2KPIPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.375 |    0.176       0.8     0.29 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiNoIPD2KPIPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.381 |    0.170       0.8     0.29 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiNoIPD2KPIPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     5.000 |     1.842 |    0.599       3.7     1.34 |       4 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiNoIPD2KPIPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.450 |    0.262       0.8     0.24 |       4 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiNoIPD2KPIPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.290 |     0.180 |    0.035       8.3     0.49 |    1000 |     0.181 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.030 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.7     0.02 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.296 |     0.171 |    0.009       7.7     0.61 |     405 |     0.070 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPID|     0.075 |     0.018 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |     132 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.130 |     0.154 |    0.031       7.4     0.42 |    1000 |     0.154 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.148 |     0.165 |    0.008       7.2     0.62 |     405 |     0.067 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHCFPID|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |     132 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     132 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm                 |     0.000 |     0.111 |    0.052       1.4     0.13 |     132 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     2.000 |     1.748 |    0.818       2.8     0.70 |      10 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     1.666 |     0.117 |    0.071       0.2     0.04 |       6 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DPiNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.224 |    0.114       0.3     0.16 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DPiNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.163 |    0.120       0.2     0.06 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DPiNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.154 |    0.102       0.2     0.07 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DPiNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.841 |    0.713       1.0     0.18 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DPiNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.274 |    0.245       0.3     0.04 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2XicPiNoIPXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.130 |     0.142 |    0.031       5.9     0.34 |    1000 |     0.143 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2Charm                 |     0.075 |     0.123 |    0.050       3.7     0.33 |     132 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     2.000 |     1.726 |    0.975       2.8     0.66 |      10 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.091 |    0.040       0.1     0.04 |       6 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DPiNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.195 |    0.144       0.2     0.07 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DPiNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.140 |    0.108       0.2     0.05 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DPiNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.153 |    0.121       0.2     0.05 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DPiNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.879 |    0.651       1.1     0.32 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DPiNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.234 |    0.222       0.2     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiNoIPD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.001       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2XicPiNoIPXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.120 |     0.124 |    0.025       6.3     0.34 |    1000 |     0.125 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicPiNoIPXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicPiNoIPXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.020 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicPiNoIPXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.123 |     0.133 |    0.015       5.7     0.50 |     405 |     0.054 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2XicPiNoIPXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiNoIPXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PKPiBe|     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |      78 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicPiNoIPXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2F|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicPiNoIPXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilte|     0.148 |     0.122 |    0.014       6.1     0.50 |     405 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2XicPiNoIPXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiNoIPXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic2PKPiBe|     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |      78 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiNoIPXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      78 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiNoIPXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm                 |     0.128 |     0.113 |    0.058       0.6     0.09 |      78 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiNoIPXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     1.666 |     2.019 |    0.764       4.4     1.39 |       6 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiNoIPXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     3.333 |     0.101 |    0.076       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiNoIPXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2XicPiNoIPXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.386 |    0.386       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2XicPiNoIPXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.236 |    0.236       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2XicPiNoIPXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.215 |    0.215       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2XicPiNoIPXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.850 |    0.850       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2XicPiNoIPXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.311 |    0.311       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiNoIPXic2PKPiBeauty2Charm                 |     0.128 |     0.098 |    0.054       0.5     0.07 |      78 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiNoIPXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS           |     1.666 |     2.061 |    0.733       4.8     1.54 |       6 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiNoIPXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.079       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2XicPiNoIPXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2XicPiNoIPXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.336 |    0.336       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2XicPiNoIPXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.259 |    0.259       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2XicPiNoIPXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.220 |    0.220       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2XicPiNoIPXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.847 |    0.847       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2XicPiNoIPXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine|    10.000 |     0.241 |    0.241       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2XicPiNoIPXic2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2Xic0PiNoIPXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.100 |     0.086 |    0.026       1.0     0.08 |    1000 |     0.087 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiNoIPXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiNoIPXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiNoIPXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.024 |     0.030 |    0.011       0.9     0.07 |     405 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2Xic0PiNoIPXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiNoIPXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic02P|     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.033       0.1     0.01 |      12 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiNoIPXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopo|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiNoIPXic02PKKPiBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     0.141 |    0.074       0.6     0.16 |      12 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXib2Xic0PiNoIPXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.070 |     0.073 |    0.021       1.0     0.07 |    1000 |     0.073 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiNoIPXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiNoIPXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineH|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiNoIPXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineF|     0.074 |     0.025 |    0.009       0.8     0.06 |     405 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXib2Xic0PiNoIPXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiNoIPXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutXic02P|     0.833 |     0.038 |    0.023       0.1     0.01 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiNoIPXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopo|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiNoIPXic02PKKPiBeauty2Charm             |     0.000 |     0.128 |    0.057       0.6     0.15 |      12 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiNoIPXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiNoIPXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2Xic0PiNoIPXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -144084,65 +144344,65 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Xib2Xic0PiNoIPXic0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Xib2Xic0PiNoIPXic02PKKPiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Xib2Xic0PiNoIPXic02PKKPiBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXib2Xic0PiNoIPXic02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLineP|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcPiNoIPLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.180 |     0.158 |    0.025      27.1     0.95 |    1000 |     0.159 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiNoIPLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiNoIPLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiNoIPLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.148 |     0.206 |    0.011      26.9     1.47 |     405 |     0.084 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcPiNoIPLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiNoIPLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.014       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiNoIPLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      96 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiNoIPLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.058       0.6     0.08 |      96 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiNoIPLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     1.250 |     3.100 |    0.696       7.4     2.67 |       8 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiNoIPLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     2.500 |     0.172 |    0.073       0.3     0.09 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiNoIPLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2LcPiNoIPLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.671 |    0.082       1.3     0.83 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2LcPiNoIPLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.495 |    0.088       0.9     0.58 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2LcPiNoIPLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.458 |    0.071       0.8     0.55 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2LcPiNoIPLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     5.000 |     2.019 |    0.410       3.6     2.28 |       2 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2LcPiNoIPLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.540 |    0.142       0.9     0.56 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2LcPiNoIPLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.150 |     0.130 |    0.023      16.7     0.64 |    1000 |     0.130 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiNoIPLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiNoIPLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiNoIPLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.172 |     0.165 |    0.010      16.6     0.99 |     405 |     0.067 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingLb2LcPiNoIPLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiNoIPLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutLc2PKPiBeaut|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |      96 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiNoIPLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputs|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      96 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiNoIPLc2PKPiBeauty2Charm                   |     0.104 |     0.096 |    0.055       0.6     0.07 |      96 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiNoIPLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |     1.250 |     2.435 |    0.613       6.8     2.14 |       8 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiNoIPLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.046       0.2     0.05 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2LcPiNoIPLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2LcPiNoIPLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.407 |    0.130       0.7     0.39 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2LcPiNoIPLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.302 |    0.076       0.5     0.32 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2LcPiNoIPLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.312 |    0.068       0.6     0.35 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2LcPiNoIPLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     5.000 |     1.383 |    0.413       2.4     1.37 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2LcPiNoIPLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.362 |    0.180       0.5     0.26 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2LcPiNoIPLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiNoIPOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Ch|     0.110 |     0.124 |    0.025       9.5     0.46 |    1000 |     0.125 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiNoIPOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Ch|     0.170 |     0.105 |    0.022       9.6     0.44 |    1000 |     0.106 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiNoIPOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiNoIPOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2C|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiNoIPOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2C|     0.074 |     0.117 |    0.011       9.4     0.70 |     405 |     0.048 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiNoIPOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiNoIPOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmComb|     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.014       0.1     0.02 |      35 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiNoIPOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmComb|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      35 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiNoIPOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm    |     0.285 |     0.152 |    0.050       0.7     0.13 |      35 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiNoIPOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmTIST|     0.000 |     2.515 |    1.146       5.3     1.64 |       5 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiNoIPOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmB2CB|     0.000 |     0.116 |    0.082       0.2     0.03 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiNoIPOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Omegab2Omegac0PiNoIPOmegac02PKKPiBea|     0.000 |     0.360 |    0.305       0.4     0.08 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Omegab2Omegac0PiNoIPOmegac02PKKPiBea|     0.000 |     0.253 |    0.240       0.3     0.02 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Omegab2Omegac0PiNoIPOmegac02PKKPiBea|     0.000 |     0.252 |    0.238       0.3     0.02 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Omegab2Omegac0PiNoIPOmegac02PKKPiBea|     5.000 |     1.219 |    0.914       1.5     0.43 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Omegab2Omegac0PiNoIPOmegac02PKKPiBea|     0.000 |     0.318 |    0.266       0.4     0.07 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiNoIPOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2C|     0.040 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiNoIPOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2C|     0.098 |     0.103 |    0.009       9.5     0.67 |     405 |     0.042 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiNoIPOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiNoIPOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmComb|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |      35 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiNoIPOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmComb|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      35 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiNoIPOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2Charm    |     0.000 |     0.127 |    0.051       0.6     0.10 |      35 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiNoIPOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmTIST|     4.000 |     2.353 |    0.958       5.0     1.59 |       5 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiNoIPOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmB2CB|     0.000 |     0.087 |    0.061       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegab2Omegac0PiNoIPOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2CharmLine|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Omegab2Omegac0PiNoIPOmegac02PKKPiBea|     0.000 |     0.321 |    0.254       0.4     0.09 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Omegab2Omegac0PiNoIPOmegac02PKKPiBea|     0.000 |     0.273 |    0.267       0.3     0.01 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Omegab2Omegac0PiNoIPOmegac02PKKPiBea|     0.000 |     0.246 |    0.222       0.3     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Omegab2Omegac0PiNoIPOmegac02PKKPiBea|     0.000 |     1.215 |    0.917       1.5     0.42 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Omegab2Omegac0PiNoIPOmegac02PKKPiBea|     0.000 |     0.325 |    0.275       0.4     0.07 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegab2Omegac0PiNoIPOmegac02PKKPiBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2HHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.130 |     0.134 |    0.032      10.8     0.45 |    1000 |     0.135 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2HHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.160 |     0.105 |    0.027      10.5     0.39 |    1000 |     0.106 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2HHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLinePreSca|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2HHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2HHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.148 |     0.099 |    0.009      10.6     0.64 |     405 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2HHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2HHTIGHTBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KPITIGHTE|     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.009       0.1     0.02 |      37 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2HHTIGHTBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiPiPID|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      32 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2HHTIGHTBeauty2Charm                  |     0.625 |     0.228 |    0.061       1.4     0.27 |      32 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2HHTIGHTBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     0.000 |     2.915 |    2.830       3.0     0.09 |       3 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2HHTIGHTBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.158 |    0.145       0.2     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2HHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiPiPiD2HHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.489 |    0.489       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiPiPiD2HHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.294 |    0.294       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiPiPiD2HHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.308 |    0.308       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiPiPiD2HHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     1.526 |    1.526       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiPiPiD2HHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.401 |    0.401       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2HHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2HHHHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.060 |     0.122 |    0.033       2.0     0.13 |    1000 |     0.122 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2HHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2HHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLineFilter|     0.074 |     0.082 |    0.008      10.3     0.59 |     405 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2HHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2HHTIGHTBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KPITIGHTE|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |      37 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2HHTIGHTBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiPiPID|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      32 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2HHTIGHTBeauty2Charm                  |     0.000 |     0.166 |    0.054       1.1     0.20 |      32 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2HHTIGHTBeauty2CharmTISTOS            |     3.333 |     2.262 |    1.350       2.8     0.79 |       3 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2HHTIGHTBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.120       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiPiPiD2HHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLine              |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiPiPiD2HHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.492 |    0.492       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiPiPiD2HHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.300 |    0.300       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiPiPiD2HHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.244 |    0.244       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiPiPiD2HHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     1.472 |    1.472       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiPiPiD2HHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLine |     0.000 |     0.402 |    0.402       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiPiPiD2HHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2HHHHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.120 |     0.107 |    0.027       5.2     0.20 |    1000 |     0.108 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHHHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHHHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHHHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.010       1.9     0.16 |     405 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2HHHHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHHHTIGHTBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIGH|     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.023       0.2     0.02 |      45 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHHHTIGHTBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsB|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      45 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHHHTIGHTBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.176 |    0.060       1.7     0.25 |      45 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHHHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHHHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.024 |     0.055 |    0.009       1.2     0.15 |     405 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2HHHHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHHHTIGHTBeauty2CharmCombCutD2K3PIPIDTIGH|     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.020       0.1     0.01 |      45 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHHHTIGHTBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoInputsB|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      45 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHHHTIGHTBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.136 |    0.057       1.1     0.16 |      45 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHHHTIGHTBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHHHTIGHTBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2HHHHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -144152,81 +144412,81 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD2HHHHTIGHTB
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD2HHHHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD2HHHHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2HHHHTIGHTBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DsstarPiDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.270 |     0.259 |    0.039      15.8     0.83 |    1000 |     0.259 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DsstarPiDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Charm|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DsstarPiDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Charm|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DsstarPiDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Charm|     0.296 |     0.379 |    0.009      15.4     1.23 |     405 |     0.154 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DsstarPiDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstarPiDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |     231 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstarPiDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutP|     0.043 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |     231 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstarPiDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Charm        |     0.259 |     0.304 |    0.056      11.0     0.83 |     231 |     0.070 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstarPiDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS  |     2.857 |     3.262 |    0.976      10.8     3.40 |       7 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstarPiDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTB|     0.000 |     0.121 |    0.087       0.2     0.04 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstarPiDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DsstarPiDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2|     5.000 |     0.369 |    0.246       0.5     0.17 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DsstarPiDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.259 |    0.200       0.3     0.08 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DsstarPiDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.286 |    0.235       0.3     0.07 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DsstarPiDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     1.107 |    0.917       1.3     0.27 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DsstarPiDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     2.199 |    0.431       4.0     2.50 |       2 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DsstarPiDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.210 |     0.216 |    0.033      15.5     0.75 |    1000 |     0.217 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DsstarPiDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DsstarPiDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DsstarPiDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Charm|     0.345 |     0.329 |    0.008      15.2     1.13 |     405 |     0.134 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DsstarPiDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstarPiDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutD|     0.086 |     0.029 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |     231 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstarPiDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutP|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     231 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstarPiDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Charm        |     0.216 |     0.236 |    0.049       5.1     0.48 |     231 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstarPiDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS  |     7.142 |     3.380 |    1.164      11.3     3.56 |       7 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstarPiDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTB|     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.066       0.2     0.06 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstarPiDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DsstarPiDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.328 |    0.199       0.5     0.18 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DsstarPiDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.292 |    0.191       0.4     0.14 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DsstarPiDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     0.306 |    0.186       0.4     0.17 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DsstarPiDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2|     0.000 |     1.244 |    1.215       1.3     0.04 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DsstarPiDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2|     5.000 |     2.364 |    0.304       4.4     2.91 |       2 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DsstarPiDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DsstarKDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.220 |     0.253 |    0.038      19.5     0.91 |    1000 |     0.254 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DsstarKDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmLi|     0.130 |     0.221 |    0.034      16.5     0.81 |    1000 |     0.221 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DsstarKDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DsstarKDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DsstarKDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.296 |     0.364 |    0.009      19.3     1.37 |     405 |     0.148 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DsstarKDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DsstarKDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.123 |     0.334 |    0.008      16.2     1.23 |     405 |     0.135 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DsstarKDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstarKDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutDs|     0.086 |     0.031 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |     231 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstarKDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutK_|     0.044 |     0.013 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     225 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstarKDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Charm         |     0.088 |     0.207 |    0.051       4.4     0.42 |     225 |     0.047 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstarKDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS   |     4.285 |     4.512 |    0.975      11.7     4.06 |       7 |     0.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstarKDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBe|     0.000 |     0.120 |    0.075       0.2     0.05 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstarKDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DsstarKDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.594 |    0.238       1.0     0.50 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DsstarKDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2C|     5.000 |     0.506 |    0.182       0.8     0.46 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DsstarKDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.503 |    0.238       0.8     0.37 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DsstarKDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     2.346 |    1.247       3.4     1.55 |       2 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DsstarKDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.677 |    0.412       0.9     0.37 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DsstarKDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DDBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.200 |     0.177 |    0.038      18.0     0.60 |    1000 |     0.178 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter          |     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence      |     0.246 |     0.174 |    0.010      17.7     0.91 |     405 |     0.071 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDTIGHTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |     224 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDBeauty2Charm                                |     0.178 |     0.078 |    0.032       1.0     0.10 |     224 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDBeauty2CharmTISTOS                          |     5.000 |     4.111 |    2.294       5.9     2.57 |       2 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter       |     0.000 |     0.145 |    0.141       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDBeauty2CharmLine                            |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DDBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.644 |    0.644       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DDBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.447 |    0.447       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DDBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.471 |    0.471       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DDBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     3.012 |    3.012       3.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DDBeauty2CharmLine               |    10.000 |     2.482 |    2.482       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.100 |     0.147 |    0.039      17.7     0.60 |    1000 |     0.148 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter        |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence    |     0.074 |     0.104 |    0.009      17.5     0.93 |     405 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter       |     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |     240 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.016       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDBeauty2Charm                              |     0.000 |     0.218 |    0.055       1.7     0.38 |      20 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDBeauty2CharmTISTOS                        |     5.000 |     5.115 |    5.114       5.1     0.00 |       2 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter     |     0.000 |     0.140 |    0.115       0.2     0.04 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDBeauty2CharmLine                          |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DstDBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.761 |    0.761       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DstDBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.595 |    0.595       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstDBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.540 |    0.540       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstDBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     2.725 |    2.725       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstDBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.580 |    0.580       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.090 |     0.124 |    0.038       2.4     0.14 |    1000 |     0.125 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.049 |     0.043 |    0.009       1.8     0.14 |     405 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD2K3Pi2D0Pi|     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.028       0.1     0.01 |      27 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      27 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                       |     0.370 |     0.195 |    0.053       1.5     0.28 |      27 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstarKDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutDs|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |     231 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstarKDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmCombCutK_|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     225 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstarKDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2Charm         |     0.088 |     0.194 |    0.048       3.9     0.39 |     225 |     0.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstarKDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmTISTOS   |     2.857 |     4.445 |    1.248      13.1     4.21 |       7 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstarKDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBe|     0.000 |     0.109 |    0.066       0.2     0.04 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DsstarKDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DsstarKDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.485 |    0.182       0.8     0.43 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DsstarKDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.443 |    0.211       0.7     0.33 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DsstarKDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.459 |    0.242       0.7     0.31 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DsstarKDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     2.072 |    1.202       2.9     1.23 |       2 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DsstarKDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.523 |    0.310       0.7     0.30 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DsstarKDsstar2DGammaD2HHHBeauty2CharmL|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DDBeauty2CharmLine                     |     0.140 |     0.151 |    0.034      17.6     0.58 |    1000 |     0.151 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter          |     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence      |     0.172 |     0.160 |    0.008      17.5     0.89 |     405 |     0.065 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDTIGHTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |     224 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDBeauty2Charm                                |     0.044 |     0.070 |    0.029       0.9     0.10 |     224 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDBeauty2CharmTISTOS                          |    10.000 |     4.253 |    2.356       6.2     2.68 |       2 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter       |     0.000 |     0.111 |    0.110       0.1     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DDBeauty2CharmLine                            |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DDBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.599 |    0.599       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DDBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.462 |    0.462       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DDBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.467 |    0.467       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DDBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     2.885 |    2.885       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DDBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     2.361 |    2.361       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.150 |     0.126 |    0.033      18.3     0.62 |    1000 |     0.127 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter        |     0.030 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence    |     0.098 |     0.101 |    0.008      18.1     0.97 |     405 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmFil|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     240 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.500 |     0.026 |    0.014       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDBeauty2Charm                              |     0.000 |     0.179 |    0.051       1.2     0.26 |      20 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDBeauty2CharmTISTOS                        |     5.000 |     5.614 |    5.522       5.7     0.13 |       2 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter     |     0.000 |     0.166 |    0.126       0.2     0.06 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDBeauty2CharmLine                          |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DstDBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.747 |    0.747       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DstDBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.567 |    0.567       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstDBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.556 |    0.556       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstDBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     2.974 |    2.974       3.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstDBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.000 |     0.603 |    0.603       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.100 |     0.104 |    0.031       1.3     0.10 |    1000 |     0.104 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler  |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineFilterSeque|     0.024 |     0.041 |    0.008       1.2     0.12 |     405 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.6     0.05 |     405 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutDstarD2K3Pi2D0Pi|     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.023       0.1     0.02 |      27 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      27 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDD02K3PiBeauty2Charm                       |     0.000 |     0.160 |    0.054       1.1     0.20 |      27 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmTISTOS                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilt|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -144236,16 +144496,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstDD02K3PiBeau
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDD02K3PiBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.120 |     0.156 |    0.037       4.1     0.19 |    1000 |     0.157 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine             |     0.150 |     0.132 |    0.033       4.0     0.21 |    1000 |     0.133 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.049 |     0.119 |    0.009       3.9     0.25 |     405 |     0.048 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     149 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     148 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHBeauty2Charm                        |     0.135 |     0.127 |    0.049       1.3     0.14 |     148 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |     0.000 |     2.548 |    2.548       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.129 |    0.129       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter  |     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequen|     0.098 |     0.112 |    0.008       3.8     0.29 |     405 |     0.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter |     0.024 |     0.013 |    0.003       3.8     0.19 |     405 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHPIDBeauty2Cha|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     149 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiBeauty2Char|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     148 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHBeauty2Charm                        |     0.202 |     0.105 |    0.044       1.0     0.11 |     148 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHBeauty2CharmTISTOS                  |     0.000 |     2.441 |    2.441       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilte|     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.081       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02D0PiPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02D0PiPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02D0PiPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -144253,13 +144513,13 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02D0PiPiD2HHBeaut
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02D0PiPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02D0PiPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02D0PiPiD2HHBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.160 |     0.120 |    0.039       0.9     0.08 |    1000 |     0.121 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler       |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter      |     0.030 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence  |     0.049 |     0.027 |    0.009       0.8     0.06 |     405 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter     |     0.024 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.027       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstBeauty2Charm                            |     0.500 |     0.075 |    0.034       0.6     0.12 |      20 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DstDstBeauty2CharmLine                 |     0.160 |     0.099 |    0.034       0.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.100 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstBeauty2CharmLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filter      |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.8     0.02 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstBeauty2CharmLineFilterSequence  |     0.074 |     0.025 |    0.008       0.6     0.07 |     405 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DstDstBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFilter     |     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstBeauty2CharmCombCutDstar2D0PiPIDBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.025       0.1     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstBeauty2Charm                            |     0.500 |     0.069 |    0.032       0.5     0.11 |      20 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstBeauty2CharmTISTOS                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmFilter   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DstDstBeauty2CharmLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -144269,272 +144529,272 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DstDstBeauty2Ch
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DstDstBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DstDstBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DstDstBeauty2CharmLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.470 |     0.533 |    0.039     181.0     6.56 |    1000 |     0.534 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.962 |     1.054 |    0.010     180.6    10.26 |     405 |     0.427 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     240 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DKPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine         |     0.410 |     0.419 |    0.033     132.4     4.93 |    1000 |     0.420 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterSe|     0.839 |     0.829 |    0.008     132.2     7.71 |     405 |     0.336 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DKPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFil|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeaut|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     240 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2KPiPiPIDREA|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     163 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                    |     0.184 |     0.167 |    0.055       1.8     0.25 |     163 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |    38.333 |    39.495 |    6.310      93.9    34.74 |       6 |     0.237 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.234 |    0.122       0.4     0.12 |       6 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     2.000 |     1.719 |    0.436       5.7     2.23 |       5 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     1.439 |    0.340       5.2     2.11 |       5 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     4.000 |     1.594 |    0.377       5.5     2.20 |       5 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |    10.000 |    13.402 |    1.561      52.0    21.64 |       5 |     0.067 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     2.000 |     1.504 |    0.411       4.3     1.62 |       5 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.520 |     0.470 |    0.038     144.8     5.22 |    1000 |     0.470 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.020 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.7     0.02 |    1000 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     1.037 |     0.893 |    0.010     144.5     8.16 |     405 |     0.362 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeau|     0.041 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     240 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiPiPIDT|     0.095 |     0.019 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     209 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                   |     0.334 |     0.182 |    0.052       4.1     0.37 |     209 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |    28.571 |    28.713 |    3.562     107.0    38.94 |       7 |     0.201 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.180 |    0.100       0.3     0.08 |       6 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DPiPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     1.666 |     1.003 |    0.415       3.0     1.03 |       6 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DPiPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.874 |    0.205       2.9     1.05 |       6 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DPiPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     1.666 |     0.837 |    0.210       2.9     1.02 |       6 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DPiPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     5.000 |     5.459 |    1.582      16.3     5.76 |       6 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DPiPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     1.666 |     1.073 |    0.352       3.3     1.13 |       6 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.470 |     0.494 |    0.037      20.0     1.50 |    1000 |     0.494 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.888 |     0.964 |    0.037      19.7     2.19 |     405 |     0.391 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2KsHHLLPartialDBeauty2Charm              |     0.691 |     0.784 |    0.024      15.6     1.62 |     405 |     0.318 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2KsHHLLPartialDBeauty2Charm       |     0.617 |     0.706 |    0.020      13.5     1.42 |     405 |     0.286 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi-KS0LLPartialDBeauty2Charm   |     0.123 |     0.210 |    0.002       3.9     0.42 |     405 |     0.085 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi-KS0LLPartialDBeauty2Charm        |     0.320 |     0.454 |    0.109       2.8     0.38 |     125 |     0.057 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+K-KS0LLPartialDBeauty2Charm    |     0.296 |     0.172 |    0.001       3.7     0.37 |     405 |     0.070 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+K-KS0LLPartialDBeauty2Charm         |     0.640 |     0.348 |    0.072       2.4     0.31 |     125 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi-KS0LLPartialDBeauty2Charm    |     0.098 |     0.171 |    0.001       3.8     0.36 |     405 |     0.069 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi-KS0LLPartialDBeauty2Charm         |     0.240 |     0.337 |    0.067       2.2     0.28 |     125 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K-KS0LLPartialDBeauty2Charm     |     0.098 |     0.133 |    0.001       2.1     0.27 |     405 |     0.054 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K-KS0LLPartialDBeauty2Charm          |     0.160 |     0.268 |    0.057       1.6     0.22 |     125 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2KsHHLLPartialDBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      51 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KsHHLLPIDPartialDBeauty2CharmFilter            |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      51 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLL|     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.015       0.1     0.02 |      50 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      50 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.251 |    0.068       0.8     0.20 |      50 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     6.666 |     3.251 |    0.943       4.8     2.04 |       3 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.132 |    0.066       0.2     0.09 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.348 |    0.348       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.185 |    0.185       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.171 |    0.171       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     1.036 |    1.036       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLi|    10.000 |     4.505 |    4.505       4.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                    |     0.122 |     0.143 |    0.049       1.7     0.21 |     163 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS              |    28.333 |    28.989 |    4.464      62.2    25.07 |       6 |     0.174 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2CharmF|     0.000 |     0.171 |    0.090       0.3     0.09 |       6 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DKPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine                |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DKPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     2.000 |     1.593 |    0.413       5.8     2.35 |       5 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DKPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     2.000 |     1.496 |    0.324       5.6     2.29 |       5 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DKPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     1.565 |    0.281       6.0     2.49 |       5 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DKPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |    12.000 |    10.694 |    1.581      37.6    15.24 |       5 |     0.053 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DKPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine   |     0.000 |     1.168 |    0.392       3.1     1.11 |       5 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DKPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB02DPiPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine        |     0.360 |     0.340 |    0.033      64.0     3.02 |    1000 |     0.340 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2Fil|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineFilterS|     0.617 |     0.628 |    0.008      63.9     4.70 |     405 |     0.255 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB02DPiPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2HHHPIDBeau|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     240 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmCombCutX2PiPiPiPIDT|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |     209 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2Charm                   |     0.191 |     0.144 |    0.048       2.2     0.23 |     209 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmTISTOS             |    20.000 |    18.310 |    1.503      51.0    19.83 |       7 |     0.128 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Charm|     0.000 |     0.168 |    0.083       0.3     0.08 |       6 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B02DPiPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine               |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B02DPiPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     1.666 |     0.743 |    0.215       1.9     0.64 |       6 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B02DPiPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.660 |    0.201       1.8     0.59 |       6 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B02DPiPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     1.666 |     0.647 |    0.240       1.7     0.55 |       6 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B02DPiPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     1.666 |     3.853 |    1.588       9.4     3.03 |       6 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B02DPiPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLine  |     0.000 |     0.717 |    0.300       1.7     0.51 |       6 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB02DPiPiPiD2HHHPIDBeauty2CharmLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.400 |     0.432 |    0.031      13.7     1.22 |    1000 |     0.433 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.814 |     0.851 |    0.032      13.5     1.76 |     405 |     0.345 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.2     0.01 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2KsHHLLPartialDBeauty2Charm              |     0.641 |     0.704 |    0.021      10.0     1.35 |     405 |     0.285 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2KsHHLLPartialDBeauty2Charm       |     0.543 |     0.634 |    0.017       8.4     1.18 |     405 |     0.257 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi-KS0LLPartialDBeauty2Charm   |     0.123 |     0.180 |    0.002       2.6     0.35 |     405 |     0.073 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi-KS0LLPartialDBeauty2Charm        |     0.320 |     0.377 |    0.084       1.7     0.27 |     125 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+K-KS0LLPartialDBeauty2Charm    |     0.148 |     0.154 |    0.001       2.3     0.31 |     405 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+K-KS0LLPartialDBeauty2Charm         |     0.240 |     0.310 |    0.066       1.4     0.23 |     125 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi-KS0LLPartialDBeauty2Charm    |     0.123 |     0.154 |    0.001       2.2     0.30 |     405 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi-KS0LLPartialDBeauty2Charm         |     0.320 |     0.306 |    0.066       1.2     0.22 |     125 |     0.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K-KS0LLPartialDBeauty2Charm     |     0.148 |     0.120 |    0.001       1.8     0.23 |     405 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K-KS0LLPartialDBeauty2Charm          |     0.160 |     0.247 |    0.048       1.0     0.18 |     125 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2KsHHLLPartialDBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      51 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KsHHLLPIDPartialDBeauty2CharmFilter            |     0.196 |     0.015 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      51 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLL|     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |      50 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      50 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2Charm               |     0.200 |     0.217 |    0.063       0.8     0.17 |      50 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     0.000 |     2.500 |    0.925       5.1     2.25 |       3 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.057       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.173 |    0.173       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.130 |    0.130       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.108       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.848 |    0.848       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.186 |    0.186       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.520 |     0.546 |    0.033      24.9     1.58 |    1000 |     0.546 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLine    |     0.450 |     0.492 |    0.029      24.8     1.50 |    1000 |     0.492 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLineFil|     1.061 |     1.102 |    0.036      24.5     2.28 |     405 |     0.446 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2KsHHDDPartialDBeauty2Charm              |     0.962 |     0.897 |    0.024       8.6     1.33 |     405 |     0.364 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2KsHHDDPartialDBeauty2Charm       |     0.913 |     0.850 |    0.020       8.0     1.23 |     405 |     0.345 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi-KS0DDPartialDBeauty2Charm   |     0.222 |     0.256 |    0.002       3.2     0.39 |     405 |     0.104 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi-KS0DDPartialDBeauty2Charm        |     0.430 |     0.394 |    0.068       2.6     0.31 |     186 |     0.073 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+K-KS0DDPartialDBeauty2Charm    |     0.271 |     0.206 |    0.001       2.4     0.31 |     405 |     0.084 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+K-KS0DDPartialDBeauty2Charm         |     0.376 |     0.308 |    0.066       1.3     0.23 |     186 |     0.057 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi-KS0DDPartialDBeauty2Charm    |     0.172 |     0.205 |    0.001       2.2     0.31 |     405 |     0.083 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi-KS0DDPartialDBeauty2Charm         |     0.161 |     0.303 |    0.061       1.6     0.23 |     186 |     0.056 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K-KS0DDPartialDBeauty2Charm     |     0.246 |     0.163 |    0.001       1.2     0.23 |     405 |     0.066 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K-KS0DDPartialDBeauty2Charm          |     0.430 |     0.245 |    0.048       1.0     0.18 |     186 |     0.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2KsHHDDPartialDBeauty2Charm                    |     0.270 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      37 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KsHHDDPIDPartialDBeauty2CharmFilter            |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      37 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDD|     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.016       0.1     0.02 |      35 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      35 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2Charm               |     0.000 |     0.289 |    0.075       1.3     0.25 |      35 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     4.000 |     6.608 |    1.324      13.2     4.83 |       5 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.140 |    0.120       0.2     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLineHlt|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLineFil|     0.913 |     1.015 |    0.030      24.6     2.20 |     405 |     0.411 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLineVO|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D2KsHHDDPartialDBeauty2Charm              |     0.765 |     0.822 |    0.020       8.1     1.21 |     405 |     0.333 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D2KsHHDDPartialDBeauty2Charm       |     0.740 |     0.779 |    0.016       7.4     1.12 |     405 |     0.316 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+pi-KS0DDPartialDBeauty2Charm   |     0.222 |     0.222 |    0.002       2.5     0.33 |     405 |     0.090 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+pi-KS0DDPartialDBeauty2Charm        |     0.161 |     0.342 |    0.080       1.7     0.26 |     186 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2pi+K-KS0DDPartialDBeauty2Charm    |     0.197 |     0.188 |    0.001       2.3     0.28 |     405 |     0.076 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2pi+K-KS0DDPartialDBeauty2Charm         |     0.322 |     0.283 |    0.065       1.9     0.22 |     186 |     0.053 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+pi-KS0DDPartialDBeauty2Charm    |     0.197 |     0.199 |    0.001       4.3     0.34 |     405 |     0.081 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+pi-KS0DDPartialDBeauty2Charm         |     0.322 |     0.278 |    0.062       1.1     0.20 |     186 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:ProtoD2K+K-KS0DDPartialDBeauty2Charm     |     0.123 |     0.154 |    0.001       1.2     0.22 |     405 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               ProtoD2K+K-KS0DDPartialDBeauty2Charm          |     0.161 |     0.229 |    0.047       1.0     0.16 |     186 |     0.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D2KsHHDDPartialDBeauty2Charm                    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      37 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KsHHDDPIDPartialDBeauty2CharmFilter            |     0.270 |     0.014 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      37 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDD|     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.008       0.1     0.02 |      35 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmCombCutPiTopoIn|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      35 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2Charm               |     0.285 |     0.264 |    0.072       1.2     0.26 |      35 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmTISTOS         |     6.000 |     6.548 |    1.126      13.5     5.21 |       5 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2C|     0.000 |     0.128 |    0.127       0.1     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0PiD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLine           |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.777 |    0.777       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.622 |    0.622       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.577 |    0.577       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     2.290 |    2.290       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.746 |    0.746       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.170 |     0.154 |    0.035       9.3     0.40 |    1000 |     0.154 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.4     0.01 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.074 |     0.127 |    0.010       9.0     0.60 |     405 |     0.052 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLLP|     0.200 |     0.058 |    0.027       0.1     0.02 |      50 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      50 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.248 |    0.066       0.8     0.20 |      50 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     0.000 |     3.285 |    0.832       7.1     3.37 |       3 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.073 |    0.065       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.207 |    0.207       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.126       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.135 |    0.135       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.963 |    0.963       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.279 |    0.279       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0PiD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.751 |    0.751       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0PiD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLi|    10.000 |     0.648 |    0.648       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0PiD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.653 |    0.653       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0PiD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     2.238 |    2.238       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0PiD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLi|     0.000 |     0.706 |    0.706       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0PiD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLinePos|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.140 |     0.124 |    0.029       9.3     0.36 |    1000 |     0.124 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.148 |     0.100 |    0.008       9.1     0.54 |     405 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHLLP|     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.028       0.1     0.01 |      50 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      50 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2Charm                |     0.400 |     0.222 |    0.057       0.8     0.18 |      50 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     6.666 |     3.309 |    0.986       7.5     3.60 |       3 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.053       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.162 |    0.162       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.117 |    0.117       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.120 |    0.120       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.828 |    0.828       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.171 |    0.171       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHLLPartialDBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.170 |     0.170 |    0.034      18.2     0.86 |    1000 |     0.170 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.148 |     0.170 |    0.009      18.0     1.32 |     405 |     0.069 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDDP|     0.000 |     0.054 |    0.028       0.1     0.02 |      35 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      35 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2Charm                |     0.571 |     0.286 |    0.074       1.4     0.25 |      35 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     6.000 |     6.526 |    1.249      12.7     4.64 |       5 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.149 |    0.114       0.2     0.06 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.721 |    0.721       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.679 |    0.679       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.679 |    0.679       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLin|    10.000 |     2.193 |    2.193       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.733 |    0.733       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2TwoBaryonsB2PLambdabarDDLine            |     0.210 |     0.187 |    0.041       1.6     0.16 |    1000 |     0.187 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLine     |     0.210 |     0.151 |    0.029      18.9     0.84 |    1000 |     0.151 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLinePreS|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLineHlt2|     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLineFilt|     0.222 |     0.161 |    0.008      18.7     1.29 |     405 |     0.065 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     405 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmCombCutD2KsHHDDP|     0.571 |     0.051 |    0.018       0.1     0.02 |      35 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmCombCutKTopoInpu|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      35 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2Charm                |     0.000 |     0.278 |    0.053       1.0     0.25 |      35 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmTISTOS          |     6.000 |     6.292 |    1.022      12.5     4.94 |       5 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmB2CBBDTBeauty2Ch|     0.000 |     0.161 |    0.097       0.3     0.09 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2D0KD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLine            |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2D0KD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.614 |    0.614       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2D0KD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.620 |    0.620       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2D0KD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.673 |    0.673       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2D0KD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLin|    10.000 |     2.329 |    2.329       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2D0KD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLin|     0.000 |     0.730 |    0.730       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2D0KD2KSHHDDPartialDBeauty2CharmLinePost|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2TwoBaryonsB2PLambdabarDDLine            |     0.190 |     0.156 |    0.035       1.3     0.14 |    1000 |     0.156 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2TwoBaryonsB2PLambdabarDDLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2TwoBaryonsB2PLambdabarDDLineFilterSeque|     0.120 |     0.111 |    0.010       1.6     0.15 |    1000 |     0.112 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2TwoBaryonsB2PLambdabarDDLineVOIDFilter|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda0DDBLines                                  |     0.020 |     0.028 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |     493 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2TwoBaryonsB2PLambdabarDDLine                   |     0.000 |     0.102 |    0.061       1.4     0.10 |     197 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2TwoBaryonsB2PLambdabarDDLineFilterSeque|     0.050 |     0.093 |    0.009       1.2     0.13 |    1000 |     0.093 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2TwoBaryonsB2PLambdabarDDLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda0DDBLines                                  |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |     493 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2TwoBaryonsB2PLambdabarDDLine                   |     0.000 |     0.085 |    0.053       1.1     0.07 |     197 |     0.017 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2TwoBaryonsB2PLambdabarDDLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2TwoBaryonsB2PLambdabarLLLine            |     0.110 |     0.119 |    0.030       6.1     0.24 |    1000 |     0.119 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2TwoBaryonsB2PLambdabarLLLine            |     0.100 |     0.094 |    0.028       1.6     0.11 |    1000 |     0.094 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2TwoBaryonsB2PLambdabarLLLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2TwoBaryonsB2PLambdabarLLLineFilterSeque|     0.040 |     0.040 |    0.007       2.0     0.13 |    1000 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2TwoBaryonsB2PLambdabarLLLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda0LLBLines                                  |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.004       0.2     0.03 |      99 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2TwoBaryonsB2PLambdabarLLLine                   |     0.212 |     0.133 |    0.061       1.4     0.19 |      47 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2TwoBaryonsB2PLambdabarLLLineFilterSeque|     0.030 |     0.032 |    0.007       1.5     0.10 |    1000 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2TwoBaryonsB2PLambdabarLLLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda0LLBLines                                  |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.003       0.3     0.03 |      99 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2TwoBaryonsB2PLambdabarLLLine                   |     0.212 |     0.107 |    0.053       1.1     0.15 |      47 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2TwoBaryonsB2PLambdabarLLLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2TwoBaryonsB2PPbarLine                   |     0.330 |     0.250 |    0.026       5.5     0.20 |    1000 |     0.250 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2TwoBaryonsB2PPbarLine                   |     0.210 |     0.197 |    0.022       0.8     0.08 |    1000 |     0.197 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2TwoBaryonsB2PPbarLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2TwoBaryonsB2PPbarLineFilterSequence    |     0.250 |     0.190 |    0.002       5.4     0.19 |    1000 |     0.191 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2TwoBaryonsB2PPbarLine                          |     0.172 |     0.131 |    0.060       1.0     0.06 |     928 |     0.122 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2TwoBaryonsB2PPbarLineFilterSequence    |     0.140 |     0.150 |    0.001       0.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.151 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2TwoBaryonsB2PPbarLine                          |     0.064 |     0.102 |    0.047       0.8     0.04 |     928 |     0.095 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2TwoBaryonsB2PPbarLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2TwoBaryonsBs2LambdabarLambda            |     0.070 |     0.082 |    0.024       0.7     0.05 |    1000 |     0.083 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2TwoBaryonsBs2LambdabarLambda            |     0.070 |     0.068 |    0.021       0.7     0.04 |    1000 |     0.069 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2TwoBaryonsBs2LambdabarLambdaPreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2TwoBaryonsBs2LambdabarLambdaFilterSeque|     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.001       0.6     0.03 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2TwoBaryonsBs2LambdabarLambda                   |     0.000 |     0.143 |    0.046       0.6     0.17 |       9 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2TwoBaryonsBs2LambdabarLambdaFilterSeque|     0.020 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.6     0.02 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2TwoBaryonsBs2LambdabarLambda                   |     1.111 |     0.129 |    0.047       0.5     0.16 |       9 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2TwoBaryonsBs2LambdabarLambdaPostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2Charged2BodyB2Charged2BodyLine         |     0.150 |     0.254 |    0.024       1.1     0.11 |    1000 |     0.255 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHb2Charged2BodyB2Charged2BodyLine         |     0.230 |     0.214 |    0.020       3.2     0.12 |    1000 |     0.214 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2Charged2BodyB2Charged2BodyLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2Charged2BodyB2Charged2BodyLineFilterSe|     0.090 |     0.200 |    0.002       0.9     0.09 |    1000 |     0.201 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2Charged2BodyB2Charged2BodyLine                |     0.072 |     0.142 |    0.044       0.8     0.06 |     963 |     0.137 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2Charged2BodyB2Charged2BodyLineFilterSe|     0.200 |     0.168 |    0.002       0.6     0.07 |    1000 |     0.168 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hb2Charged2BodyB2Charged2BodyLine                |     0.114 |     0.116 |    0.041       0.6     0.04 |     963 |     0.112 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHb2Charged2BodyB2Charged2BodyLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGammaExclusiveBs2PhiGammaLine     |     0.190 |     0.281 |    0.022       5.9     0.44 |    1000 |     0.282 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammaExclusiveBs2PhiGammaLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammaExclusiveBs2PhiGammaLineFilt|     0.160 |     0.211 |    0.002       5.8     0.43 |    1000 |     0.212 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhotonSelBeauty2XGammaExclusive                  |     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |     972 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhiSelBeauty2XGammaExclusive                     |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.006       0.2     0.03 |     280 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGammaExclusiveBs2PhiGammaLine            |     0.000 |     0.296 |    0.052       1.6     0.45 |      11 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGammaExclusiveBs2PhiGammaLine     |     0.190 |     0.242 |    0.020       5.9     0.41 |    1000 |     0.242 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammaExclusiveBs2PhiGammaLinePreS|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammaExclusiveBs2PhiGammaLineFilt|     0.110 |     0.184 |    0.001       5.8     0.40 |    1000 |     0.184 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhotonSelBeauty2XGammaExclusive                  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     972 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhiSelBeauty2XGammaExclusive                     |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.006       0.2     0.02 |     280 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGammaExclusiveBs2PhiGammaLine            |     0.000 |     0.146 |    0.045       0.6     0.15 |      11 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammaExclusiveBs2PhiGammaLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGammaExclusiveBd2KstGammaLine     |     0.160 |     0.165 |    0.022      10.8     0.40 |    1000 |     0.165 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammaExclusiveBd2KstGammaLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammaExclusiveBd2KstGammaLineFilt|     0.130 |     0.098 |    0.002      10.7     0.40 |    1000 |     0.098 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KStarSelBeauty2XGammaExclusive                   |     0.038 |     0.027 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |     262 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGammaExclusiveBd2KstGammaLine            |     0.181 |     0.127 |    0.053       0.8     0.10 |      55 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGammaExclusiveBd2KstGammaLine     |     0.140 |     0.138 |    0.019       8.2     0.32 |    1000 |     0.139 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammaExclusiveBd2KstGammaLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammaExclusiveBd2KstGammaLineFilt|     0.090 |     0.083 |    0.001       8.2     0.31 |    1000 |     0.083 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KStarSelBeauty2XGammaExclusive                   |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |     262 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGammaExclusiveBd2KstGammaLine            |     0.000 |     0.101 |    0.048       0.5     0.07 |      55 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammaExclusiveBd2KstGammaLinePost|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSBs2PhiPhiLine                        |     0.550 |     0.446 |    0.022       3.6     0.32 |    1000 |     0.447 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2PhiPhiLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2PhiPhiLineFilterSequence         |     0.440 |     0.380 |    0.002       3.5     0.31 |    1000 |     0.381 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBs2PhiPhi_LoosePhi2KK                       |     0.226 |     0.211 |    0.063       1.5     0.13 |     971 |     0.206 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBs2PhiPhiLine                               |     0.028 |     0.049 |    0.030       1.3     0.07 |     346 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSBs2PhiPhiLine                        |     0.350 |     0.381 |    0.020       2.6     0.26 |    1000 |     0.381 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2PhiPhiLinePreScaler              |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2PhiPhiLineFilterSequence         |     0.300 |     0.326 |    0.001       2.5     0.25 |    1000 |     0.326 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBs2PhiPhi_LoosePhi2KK                       |     0.175 |     0.179 |    0.054       1.3     0.11 |     971 |     0.174 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBs2PhiPhiLine                               |     0.028 |     0.042 |    0.025       1.1     0.06 |     346 |     0.015 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2PhiPhiLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDetachedEEKPairLine                       |     3.470 |     3.488 |    0.030      56.2     6.22 |    1000 |     3.489 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDetachedEEKPairLine                       |     3.170 |     3.096 |    0.025      78.8     5.73 |    1000 |     3.096 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDetachedEEKPairLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDetachedEEKPairLineHlt1Filter            |     0.010 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDetachedEEKPairLineFilterSequence        |     4.518 |     4.528 |    0.011      55.9     6.78 |     748 |     3.387 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDetachedEEKPairLineVOIDFilter           |     0.013 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     748 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DetachedKaons_For_ElectronRecoEff                |     0.214 |     0.140 |    0.027       0.9     0.11 |     745 |     0.105 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdNoPIDsElectrons_Particles       |     4.521 |     4.593 |    0.124      47.6     5.00 |     575 |     2.641 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DetachedElectrons_For_ElectronRecoEff            |     0.087 |     0.110 |    0.025       0.7     0.08 |     570 |     0.063 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            EK_L0Selection                                   |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.012       0.0     0.01 |      73 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            EK_HLT1Selection                                 |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      47 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            EK_HLT2Selection                                 |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      47 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelKE_for_DetachedEKPair                         |     0.000 |     0.200 |    0.096       1.4     0.21 |      36 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDetachedEKPair_TriggerTos                     |     0.000 |     0.961 |    0.442       2.6     0.53 |      16 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForElectronRecoEffMakeVeloTracksGS               |    14.761 |    13.348 |    2.993      47.2     7.72 |      42 |     0.561 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForElectronRecoEffFastVelo                      |     5.000 |     3.561 |    0.748      27.0     3.88 |      42 |     0.150 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForElectronRecoEffInitSeedFit                   |     0.238 |     0.308 |    0.082       1.0     0.17 |      42 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForElectronRecoEffCopyVelo                      |     0.238 |     0.132 |    0.046       0.4     0.06 |      42 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForElectronRecoEffVeloRefitterAlg               |     8.571 |     8.994 |    2.011      24.0     4.48 |      42 |     0.378 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForElectronRecoEffVeloProtoMaker                |     0.714 |     0.284 |    0.073       2.8     0.41 |      42 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForElectronRecoEffSelAllVeloPartsVeloElectrons   |     0.625 |     0.160 |    0.079       0.3     0.05 |      16 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForElectronRecoEffSelVeloPartsVeloElectrons      |     0.000 |     0.313 |    0.173       0.7     0.14 |      16 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelEEK_for_DetachedEEKPair                       |     0.625 |     1.295 |    0.801       3.3     0.57 |      16 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDetachedEEKPairLineHlt1Filter            |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDetachedEEKPairLineFilterSequence        |     4.171 |     4.034 |    0.009      78.4     6.27 |     748 |     3.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDetachedEEKPairLineVOIDFilter           |     0.013 |     0.011 |    0.003       0.7     0.06 |     748 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DetachedKaons_For_ElectronRecoEff                |     0.161 |     0.122 |    0.024       0.6     0.09 |     745 |     0.091 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdNoPIDsElectrons_Particles       |     4.156 |     4.053 |    0.125      49.8     4.17 |     575 |     2.331 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DetachedElectrons_For_ElectronRecoEff            |     0.140 |     0.098 |    0.022       0.4     0.06 |     570 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            EK_L0Selection                                   |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      73 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            EK_HLT1Selection                                 |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      47 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            EK_HLT2Selection                                 |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      47 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelKE_for_DetachedEKPair                         |     0.000 |     0.140 |    0.065       0.6     0.09 |      36 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDetachedEKPair_TriggerTos                     |     1.250 |     0.838 |    0.410       2.5     0.50 |      16 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForElectronRecoEffMakeVeloTracksGS               |    11.904 |    11.703 |    2.689      38.0     6.64 |      42 |     0.492 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForElectronRecoEffFastVelo                      |     3.809 |     3.100 |    0.647      20.4     2.94 |      42 |     0.130 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForElectronRecoEffInitSeedFit                   |     0.238 |     0.284 |    0.075       0.9     0.15 |      42 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForElectronRecoEffCopyVelo                      |     0.000 |     0.103 |    0.055       0.3     0.04 |      42 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForElectronRecoEffVeloRefitterAlg               |     7.380 |     7.847 |    1.822      25.6     4.27 |      42 |     0.330 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForElectronRecoEffVeloProtoMaker                |     0.476 |     0.311 |    0.061       4.1     0.69 |      42 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForElectronRecoEffSelAllVeloPartsVeloElectrons   |     0.625 |     0.144 |    0.066       0.2     0.05 |      16 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForElectronRecoEffSelVeloPartsVeloElectrons      |     0.625 |     0.273 |    0.084       0.7     0.14 |      16 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelEEK_for_DetachedEEKPair                       |     0.625 |     1.211 |    0.539       3.3     0.69 |      16 |     0.019 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DetachedEEKPairLine                              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDetachedEEKPairLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDetachedMuMuKPairLine                     |     1.100 |     1.271 |    0.026      48.8     3.86 |    1000 |     1.271 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDetachedMuMuKPairLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDetachedMuMuKPairLineHlt1Filter          |     0.010 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDetachedMuMuKPairLineFilterSequence      |     1.336 |     1.566 |    0.008      48.5     4.37 |     748 |     1.172 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDetachedMuMuKPairLineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |     748 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DetachedMuons_For_ElectronRecoEff                |     0.052 |     0.078 |    0.020       0.3     0.04 |     570 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuK_L0Selection                                  |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     133 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuK_HLT1Selection                                |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      99 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuK_HLT2Selection                                |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      99 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelMuK_for_DetachedMuKPair                       |     0.000 |     0.186 |    0.067       2.4     0.28 |      69 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForElectronRecoEffSelAllVeloPartsVeloMuons       |     0.384 |     0.126 |    0.036       0.3     0.05 |      26 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForElectronRecoEffSelVeloPartsVeloMuons          |     0.000 |     0.434 |    0.134       1.0     0.25 |      26 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelMuMuK_for_DetachedMuMuKPair                   |     2.692 |     1.219 |    0.391       2.8     0.60 |      26 |     0.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDetachedMuMuKPair_TriggerTos                  |     0.000 |     0.976 |    0.976       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DetachedMuMuKPairLine                            |    10.000 |     2.593 |    2.593       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDetachedMuMuKPairLine                     |     1.120 |     1.075 |    0.023      42.5     3.13 |    1000 |     1.075 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDetachedMuMuKPairLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDetachedMuMuKPairLineHlt1Filter          |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDetachedMuMuKPairLineFilterSequence      |     1.443 |     1.330 |    0.009      42.3     3.54 |     748 |     0.995 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDetachedMuMuKPairLineVOIDFilter         |     0.013 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     748 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DetachedMuons_For_ElectronRecoEff                |     0.052 |     0.069 |    0.021       0.3     0.04 |     570 |     0.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuK_L0Selection                                  |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     133 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuK_HLT1Selection                                |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      99 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuK_HLT2Selection                                |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      99 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelMuK_for_DetachedMuKPair                       |     0.289 |     0.141 |    0.063       1.7     0.19 |      69 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForElectronRecoEffSelAllVeloPartsVeloMuons       |     0.000 |     0.102 |    0.031       0.3     0.05 |      26 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForElectronRecoEffSelVeloPartsVeloMuons          |     0.000 |     0.349 |    0.123       1.1     0.23 |      26 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelMuMuK_for_DetachedMuMuKPair                   |     0.384 |     0.988 |    0.358       2.6     0.52 |      26 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDetachedMuMuKPair_TriggerTos                  |     0.000 |     0.833 |    0.833       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DetachedMuMuKPairLine                            |    10.000 |     5.030 |    5.030       5.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDetachedMuMuKPairLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2dp_Line                                |     0.690 |     0.609 |    0.023       5.9     0.44 |    1000 |     0.609 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2dp_LinePreScaler                      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2dp_LineFilterSequence                 |     0.610 |     0.536 |    0.002       5.8     0.41 |    1000 |     0.536 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonForLb2dp                                     |     0.184 |     0.193 |    0.023       1.0     0.13 |     974 |     0.188 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtonForLb2dp                                   |     0.206 |     0.186 |    0.022       2.1     0.14 |     728 |     0.136 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2dp_Line                                       |     0.090 |     0.122 |    0.052       0.8     0.09 |     111 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2dp_Line                                |     0.520 |     0.525 |    0.022       4.6     0.39 |    1000 |     0.526 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2dp_LinePreScaler                      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.6     0.02 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2dp_LineFilterSequence                 |     0.470 |     0.461 |    0.002       4.0     0.35 |    1000 |     0.461 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonForLb2dp                                     |     0.184 |     0.160 |    0.022       0.9     0.11 |     974 |     0.156 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtonForLb2dp                                   |     0.178 |     0.167 |    0.019       3.3     0.16 |     728 |     0.122 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2dp_Line                                       |     0.090 |     0.099 |    0.049       0.6     0.06 |     111 |     0.011 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2dp_LinePostScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2dp_pipiLine                            |     0.100 |     0.150 |    0.023       6.8     0.33 |    1000 |     0.150 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2dp_pipiLinePreScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2dp_pipiLineFilterSequence             |     0.070 |     0.081 |    0.002       6.7     0.32 |    1000 |     0.081 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionForLb2dp                                     |     0.360 |     0.244 |    0.037       5.9     0.56 |     111 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2dp_pipiLine                                   |     0.102 |     0.233 |    0.117       1.4     0.17 |      98 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2dp_pipiLine                            |     0.100 |     0.121 |    0.020       2.3     0.20 |    1000 |     0.121 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2dp_pipiLinePreScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2dp_pipiLineFilterSequence             |     0.060 |     0.064 |    0.002       2.2     0.19 |    1000 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionForLb2dp                                     |     0.180 |     0.172 |    0.028       0.8     0.12 |     111 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2dp_pipiLine                                   |     0.204 |     0.197 |    0.101       0.9     0.12 |      98 |     0.019 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2dp_pipiLinePostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWeJetsLine                                |     1.240 |     1.469 |    0.060      24.8     2.47 |    1000 |     1.470 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWeJetsLine                                |     1.180 |     1.286 |    0.057      17.2     2.07 |    1000 |     1.286 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWeJetsLinePreScaler                      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWeJetsLineFilterSequence                 |     1.210 |     1.401 |    0.035      24.5     2.45 |    1000 |     1.402 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdAllNoPIDsElectrons_Particles    |     1.140 |     1.312 |    0.006      24.2     2.42 |    1000 |     1.313 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WeJets_W_tos                                     |     0.030 |     0.016 |    0.004       0.9     0.06 |     975 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdJets_Particles                  |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      49 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WeJetsLine                                       |     2.000 |     2.294 |    0.071       8.3     3.56 |       5 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWeJetsLineFilterSequence                 |     1.130 |     1.231 |    0.031      17.1     2.07 |    1000 |     1.232 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdAllNoPIDsElectrons_Particles    |     1.070 |     1.160 |    0.006      16.9     2.06 |    1000 |     1.161 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WeJets_W_tos                                     |     0.010 |     0.014 |    0.004       0.9     0.05 |     975 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdJets_Particles                  |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      49 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WeJetsLine                                       |     2.000 |     1.030 |    0.064       3.4     1.47 |       5 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWeJetsLinePostScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWeJetsTaggedLine                          |     0.090 |     0.143 |    0.023       6.0     0.24 |    1000 |     0.144 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWeJetsTaggedLinePreScaler                |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWeJetsTaggedLineFilterSequence           |     0.030 |     0.076 |    0.002       5.8     0.20 |    1000 |     0.076 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WeJets_W_notos                                   |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     975 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WeJetsTaggedLine                                 |     0.000 |     0.842 |    0.070       5.4     1.78 |       9 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWeJetsTaggedLine                          |     0.150 |     0.115 |    0.021       2.7     0.12 |    1000 |     0.116 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWeJetsTaggedLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWeJetsTaggedLineFilterSequence           |     0.130 |     0.063 |    0.002       2.6     0.10 |    1000 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WeJets_W_notos                                   |     0.041 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     975 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WeJetsTaggedLine                                 |     1.111 |     0.401 |    0.050       2.5     0.81 |       9 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWeJetsTaggedLinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Kpi0Line                                |     0.160 |     0.150 |    0.035       5.4     0.25 |    1000 |     0.151 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Kpi0Line                                |     0.170 |     0.119 |    0.032       3.2     0.18 |    1000 |     0.119 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Kpi0LinePreScaler                      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Kpi0LineL0DUFilter                     |     0.030 |     0.015 |    0.007       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Kpi0LineHlt1Filter                     |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     279 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Kpi0LineFilterSequence                 |     0.337 |     0.192 |    0.009       5.2     0.47 |     237 |     0.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Kpi0LineVOIDFilter                    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     237 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            filteredK                                        |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      97 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            filteredPi0s                                     |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      45 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Kpi0Line                                       |     0.344 |     0.252 |    0.056       4.7     0.86 |      29 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2Kpi0Line                          |     0.000 |     0.495 |    0.495       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2Kpi0Line                          |     0.000 |     0.309 |    0.309       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Kpi0Line                          |    10.000 |     0.342 |    0.342       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Kpi0Line                          |     0.000 |     0.265 |    0.265       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Kpi0Line                          |     0.000 |     0.175 |    0.175       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2Kpi0Line                          |     0.000 |     0.179 |    0.179       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_B2Kpi0Line                          |     0.000 |     0.264 |    0.264       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Kpi0LinePostScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2K0pi0Line                               |     0.160 |     0.102 |    0.026       3.4     0.12 |    1000 |     0.102 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2K0pi0LinePreScaler                     |     0.030 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2K0pi0LineL0DUFilter                    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2K0pi0LineHlt1Filter                    |     0.035 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |     279 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2K0pi0LineFilterSequence                |     0.113 |     0.046 |    0.008       3.3     0.21 |     265 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2K0pi0LineVOIDFilter                   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     265 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            filteredKS0                                      |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |      30 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2K0pi0Line                                      |     1.428 |     0.463 |    0.042       2.8     1.02 |       7 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Kpi0LineL0DUFilter                     |     0.010 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Kpi0LineHlt1Filter                     |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.2     0.01 |     279 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Kpi0LineFilterSequence                 |     0.168 |     0.165 |    0.008       3.0     0.32 |     237 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Kpi0LineVOIDFilter                    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     237 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            filteredK                                        |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      97 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            filteredPi0s                                     |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      45 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Kpi0Line                                       |     0.000 |     0.152 |    0.048       2.5     0.45 |      29 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2Kpi0Line                          |     0.000 |     0.234 |    0.234       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2Kpi0Line                          |     0.000 |     0.187 |    0.187       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2Kpi0Line                          |     0.000 |     0.166 |    0.166       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2Kpi0Line                          |     0.000 |     0.266 |    0.266       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2Kpi0Line                          |     0.000 |     0.170 |    0.170       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2Kpi0Line                          |     0.000 |     0.151 |    0.151       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_B2Kpi0Line                          |     0.000 |     0.160 |    0.160       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Kpi0LinePostScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2K0pi0Line                               |     0.050 |     0.086 |    0.025       3.7     0.13 |    1000 |     0.087 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2K0pi0LinePreScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2K0pi0LineL0DUFilter                    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2K0pi0LineHlt1Filter                    |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     279 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2K0pi0LineFilterSequence                |     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.008       3.6     0.23 |     265 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2K0pi0LineVOIDFilter                   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     265 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            filteredKS0                                      |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      30 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2K0pi0Line                                      |     0.000 |     0.505 |    0.043       3.1     1.14 |       7 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2K0pi0Line                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2K0pi0Line                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2K0pi0Line                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -144543,186 +144803,186 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2K0pi0Line
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2K0pi0Line                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_B2K0pi0Line                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2K0pi0LinePostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2GammaGamma_LLLine                      |     0.150 |     0.105 |    0.024      22.7     0.72 |    1000 |     0.105 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2GammaGamma_LLLine                      |     0.040 |     0.076 |    0.023       3.9     0.14 |    1000 |     0.077 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGamma_LLLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGamma_LLLineL0DUFilter           |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGamma_LLLineHlt2Filter           |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     279 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGamma_LLLineFilterSequence       |    20.000 |    22.470 |   22.470      22.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdAllLooseGammaLL_Particles       |     0.944 |     0.900 |    0.011      19.4     1.18 |     974 |     0.877 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhotonConvFilterLLBs2GammaGamma                  |     0.000 |     0.405 |    0.405       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhotonFilterBs2GammaGamma                        |     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.042       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2GammaGamma_LL                                 |    10.000 |    18.160 |   18.160      18.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGamma_LLLineL0DUFilter           |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGamma_LLLineHlt2Filter           |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.4     0.02 |     279 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGamma_LLLineFilterSequence       |     0.000 |     3.752 |    3.752       3.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdAllLooseGammaLL_Particles       |     0.780 |     0.774 |    0.010      15.9     1.05 |     974 |     0.754 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhotonConvFilterLLBs2GammaGamma                  |     0.000 |     0.073 |    0.073       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhotonFilterBs2GammaGamma                        |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2GammaGamma_LL                                 |     0.000 |     1.578 |    1.578       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2GammaGamma_LLLine                             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGamma_LLLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2GammaGamma_DDLine                      |     0.070 |     0.072 |    0.023       0.4     0.05 |    1000 |     0.073 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2GammaGamma_DDLine                      |     0.070 |     0.061 |    0.021       0.2     0.03 |    1000 |     0.061 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGamma_DDLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGamma_DDLineL0DUFilter           |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGamma_DDLineHlt2Filter           |     0.035 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     279 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGamma_DDLineL0DUFilter           |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGamma_DDLineHlt2Filter           |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     279 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGamma_DDLineFilterSequence       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdAllLooseGammaDD_Particles       |     0.585 |     0.474 |    0.029      21.5     0.81 |     974 |     0.462 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdAllLooseGammaDD_Particles       |     0.349 |     0.410 |    0.025      16.8     0.64 |     974 |     0.400 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhotonConvFilterDDBs2GammaGamma                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2GammaGamma_DD                                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2GammaGamma_DDLine                             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGamma_DDLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2GammaGamma_doubleLine                  |     0.120 |     0.073 |    0.023       0.5     0.05 |    1000 |     0.073 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2GammaGamma_doubleLine                  |     0.040 |     0.062 |    0.021       0.7     0.04 |    1000 |     0.062 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGamma_doubleLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGamma_doubleLineL0DUFilter       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGamma_doubleLineHlt2Filter       |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     279 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGamma_doubleLineL0DUFilter       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.5     0.02 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGamma_doubleLineHlt2Filter       |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.6     0.04 |     279 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGamma_doubleLineFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:MergedConversions                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:MergedConversions                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Phys_StdAllLooseGammaLL_Particles        |     0.071 |     0.082 |    0.002       6.9     0.46 |     974 |     0.080 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Phys_StdAllLooseGammaDD_Particles        |     0.154 |     0.148 |    0.003       5.2     0.33 |     974 |     0.144 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Phys_StdAllLooseGammaLL_Particles        |     0.112 |     0.073 |    0.002       7.2     0.43 |     974 |     0.072 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Phys_StdAllLooseGammaDD_Particles        |     0.092 |     0.117 |    0.002       1.7     0.25 |     974 |     0.114 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MergedConversions                               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2GammaGamma_double                             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2GammaGamma_doubleLine                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGamma_doubleLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2GammaGamma_NoConvLine                  |     0.080 |     0.072 |    0.023       0.5     0.05 |    1000 |     0.073 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2GammaGamma_NoConvLine                  |     0.040 |     0.060 |    0.019       0.3     0.04 |    1000 |     0.060 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGamma_NoConvLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGamma_NoConvLineL0DUFilter       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGamma_NoConvLineHlt1Filter       |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     279 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGamma_NoConvLineHlt2Filter       |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGamma_NoConvLineL0DUFilter       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGamma_NoConvLineHlt1Filter       |     0.035 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     279 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGamma_NoConvLineHlt2Filter       |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGamma_NoConvLineFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2GammaGamma_none                               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2GammaGamma_NoConvLine                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGamma_NoConvLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2GammaGammaWide_NoConvLine              |     0.070 |     0.072 |    0.022       0.5     0.05 |    1000 |     0.072 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2GammaGammaWide_NoConvLine              |     0.050 |     0.062 |    0.021       0.3     0.04 |    1000 |     0.062 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGammaWide_NoConvLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGammaWide_NoConvLineL0DUFilter   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGammaWide_NoConvLineHlt1Filter   |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     279 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGammaWide_NoConvLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGammaWide_NoConvLineL0DUFilter   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGammaWide_NoConvLineHlt1Filter   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     279 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGammaWide_NoConvLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGammaWide_NoConvLineFilterSequenc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2GammaGammaWide_none                           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2GammaGammaWide_NoConvLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2GammaGammaWide_NoConvLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHltQEEJetsJetSVLine                       |     0.070 |     0.034 |    0.022       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsJetSVLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsJetSVLineHlt2Filter            |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsJetSVLineFilterSequence        |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHltQEEJetsJetSVLine                       |     0.010 |     0.029 |    0.020       0.4     0.01 |    1000 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsJetSVLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsJetSVLineHlt2Filter            |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsJetSVLineFilterSequence        |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsJetSVLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVLowPtLine                |     0.010 |     0.026 |    0.018       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVLowPtLine                |     0.010 |     0.026 |    0.016       0.9     0.06 |    1000 |     0.027 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVLowPtLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVLowPtLineHlt2Filter     |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVLowPtLineHlt2Filter     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVLowPtLineFilterSequence |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVLowPtLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVHighPtLine               |     0.020 |     0.025 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVHighPtLine               |     0.010 |     0.020 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.021 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVHighPtLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVHighPtLineHlt2Filter    |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVHighPtLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVHighPtLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVMuLine                   |     0.030 |     0.025 |    0.017       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVHighPtLineHlt2Filter    |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVHighPtLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVHighPtLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVMuLine                   |     0.010 |     0.020 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.021 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVMuLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVMuLineHlt2Filter        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVMuLineFilterSequence    |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVMuLineHlt2Filter        |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVMuLineFilterSequence    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVMuLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVMuLowPtLine              |     0.030 |     0.025 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVMuLowPtLine              |     0.010 |     0.020 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.020 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVMuLowPtLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVMuLowPtLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVMuLowPtLineFilterSequenc|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVMuLowPtLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetMuMuLowPtLine              |     0.020 |     0.024 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVMuLowPtLineHlt2Filter   |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVMuLowPtLineFilterSequenc|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVMuLowPtLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetMuMuLowPtLine              |     0.020 |     0.020 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.020 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetMuMuLowPtLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetMuMuLowPtLineHlt2Filter   |     0.020 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetMuMuLowPtLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetMuMuLowPtLineFilterSequenc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetMuMuLowPtLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetMuMuLine                   |     0.010 |     0.025 |    0.018       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetMuMuLine                   |     0.020 |     0.020 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.021 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetMuMuLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetMuMuLineHlt2Filter        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetMuMuLineFilterSequence    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetMuMuLineHlt2Filter        |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetMuMuLineFilterSequence    |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetMuMuLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVSVLowPtLine              |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVSVLowPtLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVSVLowPtLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVSVLowPtLineFilterSequenc|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVSVLowPtLine              |     0.020 |     0.020 |    0.015       0.5     0.02 |    1000 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVSVLowPtLinePreScaler    |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVSVLowPtLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVSVLowPtLineFilterSequenc|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVSVLowPtLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVLine                     |     0.030 |     0.025 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVLineHlt2Filter          |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVLine                     |     0.020 |     0.020 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVLinePreScaler           |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVLineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVLineFilterSequence      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHltQEEJetsJetLowPtLine                    |     0.020 |     0.025 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsJetLowPtLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsJetLowPtLineHlt2Filter         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHltQEEJetsJetLowPtLine                    |     0.010 |     0.021 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsJetLowPtLinePreScaler          |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsJetLowPtLineHlt2Filter         |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsJetLowPtLineFilterSequence     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsJetLowPtLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVSVLine                   |     0.030 |     0.026 |    0.018       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVSVLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVSVLineHlt2Filter        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVSVLine                   |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVSVLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVSVLineHlt2Filter        |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVSVLineFilterSequence    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHltQEEJetsDiJetSVSVLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZVTOP_TauTau_Line                         |     3.500 |     3.324 |    0.025     121.8     9.00 |    1000 |     3.325 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZVTOP_TauTau_Line                         |     3.020 |     2.925 |    0.021     101.6     7.33 |    1000 |     2.926 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZVTOP_TauTau_LinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZVTOP_TauTau_LineFilterSequence          |     3.450 |     3.253 |    0.003     121.7     8.98 |    1000 |     3.254 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForZVTOP                                    |     0.114 |     0.075 |    0.023       0.3     0.04 |     963 |     0.072 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ZVTOP_IncTopoVtxFor                              |     3.269 |     3.056 |    0.029     120.4     9.09 |     939 |     2.870 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ZVTOP_TauFilter                                  |     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.015       0.5     0.04 |     167 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ZVTOP_TauTau_Line                                |     0.069 |     0.088 |    0.039       1.6     0.13 |     143 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZVTOP_TauTau_LineFilterSequence          |     2.980 |     2.869 |    0.002     101.4     7.32 |    1000 |     2.869 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForZVTOP                                    |     0.051 |     0.062 |    0.019       0.8     0.04 |     963 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ZVTOP_IncTopoVtxFor                              |     2.832 |     2.717 |    0.024     100.7     7.42 |     939 |     2.552 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ZVTOP_TauFilter                                  |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |     169 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ZVTOP_TauTau_Line                                |     0.069 |     0.064 |    0.039       1.1     0.09 |     144 |     0.009 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZVTOP_TauTau_LinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZVTOP_TauTauSS_Line                       |     0.070 |     0.084 |    0.021       2.2     0.11 |    1000 |     0.085 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZVTOP_TauTauSS_LinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZVTOP_TauTauSS_LineFilterSequence        |     0.010 |     0.026 |    0.001       2.0     0.10 |    1000 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ZVTOP_TauTauSS_Line                              |     0.000 |     0.059 |    0.033       1.4     0.12 |     143 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZVTOP_TauTauSS_LinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZVTOP_High_Line                           |     2.970 |     3.085 |    0.020     123.5     8.65 |    1000 |     3.086 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZVTOP_High_LinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZVTOP_High_LineFilterSequence            |     2.900 |     3.013 |    0.001     123.2     8.63 |    1000 |     3.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsHighForZVTOP                                |     0.000 |     0.070 |    0.016       5.3     0.17 |     963 |     0.068 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ZVTOP_IncTopoVtxHighFor                          |     2.726 |     2.856 |    0.010     122.1     8.76 |     939 |     2.682 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ZVTOP_High_Line                                  |     0.059 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     167 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZVTOP_TauTauSS_Line                       |     0.070 |     0.072 |    0.018       1.7     0.08 |    1000 |     0.072 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZVTOP_TauTauSS_LinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZVTOP_TauTauSS_LineFilterSequence        |     0.010 |     0.022 |    0.001       1.7     0.07 |    1000 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ZVTOP_TauTauSS_Line                              |     0.069 |     0.053 |    0.031       1.5     0.13 |     144 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZVTOP_TauTauSS_LinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZVTOP_High_Line                           |     2.870 |     2.762 |    0.017     102.1     7.27 |    1000 |     2.762 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZVTOP_High_LinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.001       3.2     0.10 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZVTOP_High_LineFilterSequence            |     2.820 |     2.702 |    0.001     101.9     7.25 |    1000 |     2.702 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsHighForZVTOP                                |     0.041 |     0.054 |    0.012       0.3     0.03 |     963 |     0.053 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ZVTOP_IncTopoVtxHighFor                          |     2.768 |     2.588 |    0.010     101.1     7.37 |     939 |     2.430 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ZVTOP_High_Line                                  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     169 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZVTOP_High_LinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DDphi_B2D0D0PhiLine                     |     0.140 |     0.162 |    0.031       2.1     0.18 |    1000 |     0.162 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDphi_B2D0D0PhiLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDphi_B2D0D0PhiLineFilterSequence      |     0.060 |     0.063 |    0.001       1.9     0.16 |    1000 |     0.063 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D02KPiForB2DDphi                                 |     0.080 |     0.045 |    0.007       0.2     0.03 |     248 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDphi_B2D0D0PhiLine                            |     0.000 |     0.096 |    0.053       0.3     0.04 |      65 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DDphi_B2D0D0PhiLine                     |     0.130 |     0.122 |    0.025       1.7     0.14 |    1000 |     0.123 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDphi_B2D0D0PhiLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDphi_B2D0D0PhiLineFilterSequence      |     0.040 |     0.051 |    0.002       1.5     0.13 |    1000 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D02KPiForB2DDphi                                 |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.006       0.1     0.02 |     248 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DDphi_B2D0D0PhiLine                            |     0.153 |     0.069 |    0.051       0.1     0.01 |      65 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DDphi_B2D0D0PhiLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWmuJetsLine                               |     0.150 |     0.140 |    0.031       6.8     0.24 |    1000 |     0.140 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWmuJetsLine                               |     0.110 |     0.119 |    0.027       5.0     0.18 |    1000 |     0.120 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWmuJetsLinePreScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWmuJetsLineFilterSequence                |     0.100 |     0.074 |    0.003       6.7     0.23 |    1000 |     0.075 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WmuJets_W_tos                                    |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.004       0.8     0.08 |     785 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WmuJetsLine                                      |     1.250 |     0.815 |    0.057       5.9     2.07 |       8 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWmuJetsLineFilterSequence                |     0.060 |     0.063 |    0.003       5.0     0.17 |    1000 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WmuJets_W_tos                                    |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.003       0.7     0.07 |     785 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WmuJetsLine                                      |     1.250 |     0.612 |    0.051       4.5     1.55 |       8 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWmuJetsLinePostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWmuJetsTaggedLine                         |     0.100 |     0.110 |    0.023       4.0     0.15 |    1000 |     0.110 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWmuJetsTaggedLine                         |     0.120 |     0.096 |    0.019       3.1     0.12 |    1000 |     0.096 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWmuJetsTaggedLinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWmuJetsTaggedLineFilterSequence          |     0.030 |     0.050 |    0.002       3.9     0.13 |    1000 |     0.050 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WmuJets_W_notos                                  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.3     0.01 |     785 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WmuJetsTaggedLine                                |     0.555 |     0.280 |    0.044       3.8     0.88 |      18 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWmuJetsTaggedLineFilterSequence          |     0.060 |     0.044 |    0.002       3.1     0.11 |    1000 |     0.045 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WmuJets_W_notos                                  |     0.012 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.3     0.01 |     785 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WmuJetsTaggedLine                                |     0.555 |     0.230 |    0.041       3.0     0.69 |      18 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWmuJetsTaggedLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2Ds1Gamma_Line                          |     0.170 |     0.162 |    0.027       3.1     0.25 |    1000 |     0.162 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2Ds1Gamma_Line                          |     0.150 |     0.136 |    0.022       2.4     0.21 |    1000 |     0.137 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2Ds1Gamma_LinePreScaler                |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2Ds1Gamma_LineFilterSequence           |     0.110 |     0.089 |    0.002       2.9     0.23 |    1000 |     0.089 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D0ForBc2Ds1Gamma                                 |     0.040 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     250 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ds1ForBc2Ds1Gamma                                |     0.240 |     0.142 |    0.070       1.4     0.11 |     166 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            GammaForBc2Ds1Gamma                              |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2Ds1Gamma_Line                                 |     0.000 |     0.712 |    0.094       1.3     0.87 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2Ds1Gamma_LineFilterSequence           |     0.090 |     0.077 |    0.002       2.2     0.19 |    1000 |     0.077 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D0ForBc2Ds1Gamma                                 |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     250 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ds1ForBc2Ds1Gamma                                |     0.301 |     0.109 |    0.061       0.8     0.06 |     166 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            GammaForBc2Ds1Gamma                              |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2Ds1Gamma_Line                                 |     0.000 |     0.809 |    0.083       1.5     1.03 |       2 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2Ds1Gamma_LinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2Ds1GammaWS_Line                        |     0.140 |     0.110 |    0.023       1.5     0.13 |    1000 |     0.110 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2Ds1GammaWS_Line                        |     0.080 |     0.095 |    0.021       1.1     0.11 |    1000 |     0.095 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2Ds1GammaWS_LinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2Ds1GammaWS_LineFilterSequence         |     0.060 |     0.039 |    0.001       1.4     0.11 |    1000 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ds1WSForBc2Ds1Gamma                              |     0.000 |     0.098 |    0.062       0.9     0.07 |     166 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2Ds1GammaWS_Line                               |     0.000 |     0.290 |    0.093       0.7     0.32 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2Ds1GammaWS_LineFilterSequence         |     0.020 |     0.034 |    0.001       1.0     0.09 |    1000 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ds1WSForBc2Ds1Gamma                              |     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.058       0.6     0.04 |     166 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2Ds1GammaWS_Line                               |     3.333 |     0.291 |    0.059       0.7     0.34 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2Ds1GammaWS_LinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamBhadronCompleteEvent                |     0.180 |     0.236 |    0.085       4.9     0.17 |    1000 |     0.237 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamBhadronCompleteEvent                |     0.190 |     0.170 |    0.067       0.8     0.05 |    1000 |     0.170 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamBhadronCompleteEventPreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamBhadronCompleteEventFilterSequence |     0.090 |     0.145 |    0.026       4.7     0.15 |    1000 |     0.146 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingStreamSeqBhadronCompleteEvent           |     0.080 |     0.137 |    0.018       4.7     0.15 |    1000 |     0.137 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamBhadronCompleteEventFilterSequence |     0.110 |     0.091 |    0.016       0.7     0.03 |    1000 |     0.092 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingStreamSeqBhadronCompleteEvent           |     0.110 |     0.084 |    0.009       0.2     0.03 |    1000 |     0.085 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamBhadronCompleteEventPostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |      47 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        StrippingSequenceStreamLeptonic                      |   173.740 |   173.619 |    7.655    2509.3   189.35 |    1000 |   173.620 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingBadEventSequenceLeptonic                   |     0.120 |     0.077 |    0.028       0.5     0.05 |    1000 |     0.078 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamLeptonicBadEvent                    |     0.110 |     0.072 |    0.024       0.5     0.04 |    1000 |     0.072 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        StrippingSequenceStreamLeptonic                      |   154.660 |   155.570 |    6.957    2188.4   169.85 |    1000 |   155.570 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingBadEventSequenceLeptonic                   |     0.070 |     0.066 |    0.024       0.6     0.04 |    1000 |     0.066 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamLeptonicBadEvent                    |     0.070 |     0.061 |    0.020       0.6     0.04 |    1000 |     0.061 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamLeptonicBadEventPreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamLeptonicBadEventFilterSequence     |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamLeptonicBadEventFilterSequence     |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamLeptonicBadEventPostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingProtectedSequenceLeptonic                  |   173.610 |   173.528 |    7.603    2509.1   189.32 |    1000 |   173.528 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTauMu_PhiLine                          |     0.290 |     0.263 |    0.037       3.0     0.26 |    1000 |     0.263 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_PhiLinePreScaler                |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_PhiLineFilterSequence           |     0.200 |     0.181 |    0.008       2.7     0.24 |    1000 |     0.182 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingGoodEventConditionLeptonic              |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2XTauMu_Phi_daughters                    |     0.307 |     0.262 |    0.013       2.2     0.24 |     293 |     0.077 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2XTauMu_Phi_daughters             |     0.307 |     0.255 |    0.008       2.2     0.24 |     293 |     0.075 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:PhiMuForB2XTauMu                         |     0.307 |     0.248 |    0.004       2.1     0.24 |     293 |     0.073 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Phi2KKforB2XTauMu                             |     0.048 |     0.081 |    0.038       0.8     0.09 |     208 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PhiMuForB2XTauMu                              |     2.500 |     0.412 |    0.097       1.3     0.59 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingProtectedSequenceLeptonic                  |   154.570 |   155.492 |    6.922    2188.3   169.83 |    1000 |   155.492 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTauMu_PhiLine                          |     0.260 |     0.219 |    0.030       1.7     0.20 |    1000 |     0.219 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_PhiLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_PhiLineFilterSequence           |     0.190 |     0.151 |    0.007       1.6     0.18 |    1000 |     0.151 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingGoodEventConditionLeptonic              |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2XTauMu_Phi_daughters                    |     0.341 |     0.216 |    0.012       1.5     0.17 |     293 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2XTauMu_Phi_daughters             |     0.307 |     0.209 |    0.008       1.5     0.17 |     293 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:PhiMuForB2XTauMu                         |     0.273 |     0.203 |    0.003       1.5     0.17 |     293 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Phi2KKforB2XTauMu                             |     0.096 |     0.057 |    0.034       0.7     0.05 |     208 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PhiMuForB2XTauMu                              |     0.000 |     0.327 |    0.093       1.0     0.46 |       4 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             B2XTauMu_Phi_daughters                          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTauMu_PhiLine                                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XTauMu_PhiLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -144739,30 +144999,30 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_B2XTauMu_PhiLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_B2XTauMu_PhiLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo13_B2XTauMu_PhiLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_PhiLinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTauMu_KLine                            |     0.280 |     0.231 |    0.026       9.5     0.51 |    1000 |     0.231 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTauMu_KLine                            |     0.190 |     0.195 |    0.022      10.0     0.42 |    1000 |     0.195 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_KLinePreScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_KLineFilterSequence             |     0.180 |     0.151 |    0.002       9.4     0.50 |    1000 |     0.152 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2XTauMu_K_daughters                      |     0.477 |     0.413 |    0.008       7.1     0.55 |     293 |     0.121 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2XTauMu_K_daughters               |     0.443 |     0.351 |    0.003       1.9     0.33 |     293 |     0.103 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             B2XTauMu_K_daughters                            |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      58 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTauMu_KLine                                   |     0.172 |     0.195 |    0.099       2.0     0.25 |      58 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XTauMu_KLine                      |     0.000 |     0.727 |    0.727       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XTauMu_KLine                      |     0.000 |     1.313 |    1.313       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XTauMu_KLine                      |     0.000 |     0.144 |    0.144       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2XTauMu_KLine                      |     0.000 |     0.524 |    0.524       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2XTauMu_KLine                      |     0.000 |     0.574 |    0.574       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2XTauMu_KLine                      |     0.000 |     2.555 |    2.555       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_B2XTauMu_KLine                      |     0.000 |     0.709 |    0.709       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_B2XTauMu_KLine                      |     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.110       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_B2XTauMu_KLine                      |     0.000 |     0.103 |    0.103       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_B2XTauMu_KLine                     |     0.000 |     0.088 |    0.088       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_B2XTauMu_KLine                     |     0.000 |     0.085 |    0.085       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_B2XTauMu_KLine                     |     0.000 |     0.091 |    0.091       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo13_B2XTauMu_KLine                     |     0.000 |     0.078 |    0.078       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_KLineFilterSequence             |     0.120 |     0.127 |    0.002       9.9     0.42 |    1000 |     0.128 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2XTauMu_K_daughters                      |     0.341 |     0.338 |    0.007       2.0     0.31 |     293 |     0.099 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2XTauMu_K_daughters               |     0.341 |     0.304 |    0.003       1.9     0.27 |     293 |     0.089 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             B2XTauMu_K_daughters                            |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      58 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTauMu_KLine                                   |     0.172 |     0.165 |    0.098       1.7     0.21 |      58 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XTauMu_KLine                      |     0.000 |     0.716 |    0.716       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XTauMu_KLine                      |     0.000 |     1.247 |    1.247       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XTauMu_KLine                      |     0.000 |     0.122 |    0.122       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2XTauMu_KLine                      |     0.000 |     1.147 |    1.147       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2XTauMu_KLine                      |     0.000 |     0.572 |    0.572       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2XTauMu_KLine                      |     0.000 |     2.560 |    2.560       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_B2XTauMu_KLine                      |     0.000 |     0.661 |    0.661       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_B2XTauMu_KLine                      |     0.000 |     0.116 |    0.116       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_B2XTauMu_KLine                      |     0.000 |     0.089 |    0.089       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_B2XTauMu_KLine                     |     0.000 |     0.097 |    0.097       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_B2XTauMu_KLine                     |     0.000 |     0.106 |    0.106       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_B2XTauMu_KLine                     |     0.000 |     0.104 |    0.104       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo13_B2XTauMu_KLine                     |     0.000 |     0.103 |    0.103       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_KLinePostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTauMu_Phi_3piLine                      |     0.080 |     0.083 |    0.025       0.5     0.04 |    1000 |     0.083 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTauMu_Phi_3piLine                      |     0.040 |     0.070 |    0.023       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.070 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_Phi_3piLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_Phi_3piLineFilterSequence       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_Phi_3piLineFilterSequence       |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTauMu_Phi_3piLine                             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XTauMu_Phi_3piLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XTauMu_Phi_3piLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -144778,11 +145038,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_B2XTauMu_Phi_3piL
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_B2XTauMu_Phi_3piLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo13_B2XTauMu_Phi_3piLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_Phi_3piLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTauMu_Phi_WSLine                       |     0.050 |     0.083 |    0.022       1.5     0.07 |    1000 |     0.083 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_Phi_WSLinePreScaler             |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_Phi_WSLineFilterSequence        |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.002       0.1     0.01 |     494 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2XTauMu_Phi_WS_daughters                 |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     157 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2XTauMu_Phi_WS_daughters          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     157 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTauMu_Phi_WSLine                       |     0.060 |     0.070 |    0.020       0.6     0.04 |    1000 |     0.070 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_Phi_WSLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_Phi_WSLineFilterSequence        |     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.002       0.4     0.02 |     494 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2XTauMu_Phi_WS_daughters                 |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     157 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2XTauMu_Phi_WS_daughters          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     157 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             B2XTauMu_Phi_WS_daughters                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTauMu_Phi_WSLine                              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XTauMu_Phi_WSLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -144799,13 +145059,13 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_B2XTauMu_Phi_WSLi
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_B2XTauMu_Phi_WSLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo13_B2XTauMu_Phi_WSLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_Phi_WSLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTauMu_K_WSLine                         |     0.120 |     0.094 |    0.020       2.1     0.12 |    1000 |     0.095 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_K_WSLinePreScaler               |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_K_WSLineFilterSequence          |     0.060 |     0.040 |    0.002       2.1     0.16 |     497 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2XTauMu_K_WS_daughters                   |     0.068 |     0.049 |    0.007       0.5     0.09 |     147 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2XTauMu_K_WS_daughters            |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     147 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             B2XTauMu_K_WS_daughters                         |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      30 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTauMu_K_WSLine                                |     0.000 |     0.200 |    0.090       1.4     0.24 |      30 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTauMu_K_WSLine                         |     0.060 |     0.080 |    0.018       1.0     0.10 |    1000 |     0.081 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_K_WSLinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_K_WSLineFilterSequence          |     0.040 |     0.034 |    0.002       0.9     0.12 |     497 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2XTauMu_K_WS_daughters                   |     0.068 |     0.044 |    0.006       0.4     0.08 |     147 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2XTauMu_K_WS_daughters            |     0.068 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     147 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             B2XTauMu_K_WS_daughters                         |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      30 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTauMu_K_WSLine                                |     0.333 |     0.155 |    0.086       0.7     0.10 |      30 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XTauMu_K_WSLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XTauMu_K_WSLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XTauMu_K_WSLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -144820,9 +145080,9 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_B2XTauMu_K_WSLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_B2XTauMu_K_WSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo13_B2XTauMu_K_WSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_K_WSLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTauMu_Phi_3pi_WSLine                   |     0.120 |     0.081 |    0.020       4.2     0.14 |    1000 |     0.082 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_Phi_3pi_WSLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.002       4.2     0.13 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_Phi_3pi_WSLineFilterSequence    |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     488 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTauMu_Phi_3pi_WSLine                   |     0.020 |     0.066 |    0.019       1.6     0.06 |    1000 |     0.067 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_Phi_3pi_WSLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       1.5     0.05 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_Phi_3pi_WSLineFilterSequence    |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |     488 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTauMu_Phi_3pi_WSLine                          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XTauMu_Phi_3pi_WSLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XTauMu_Phi_3pi_WSLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -144838,38 +145098,38 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_B2XTauMu_Phi_3pi_
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_B2XTauMu_Phi_3pi_WSLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo13_B2XTauMu_Phi_3pi_WSLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_Phi_3pi_WSLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_Line                     |     0.960 |     0.978 |    0.024      14.1     0.99 |    1000 |     0.979 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_LinePreScaler           |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_LineFilterSequence      |     0.890 |     0.899 |    0.002      13.8     0.96 |    1000 |     0.899 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackListBeauty2XGamma                           |     0.195 |     0.194 |    0.027       1.0     0.13 |     974 |     0.190 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DiTracksForRadiativeBBeauty2XGamma               |     0.159 |     0.151 |    0.039       0.8     0.09 |     938 |     0.142 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhotonSelBeauty2XGamma                           |     0.011 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     839 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_                                |     0.279 |     0.137 |    0.040       1.8     0.13 |     286 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_Hlt1TISTOS                      |     2.222 |     1.423 |    0.559       3.1     0.93 |       9 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_Line                            |     0.000 |     1.319 |    0.625       3.0     0.83 |       7 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGamma2pi_Line               |     0.000 |     0.445 |    0.320       0.7     0.20 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Beauty2XGamma2pi_Line               |     0.000 |     0.385 |    0.252       0.6     0.19 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Beauty2XGamma2pi_Line               |     0.000 |     0.348 |    0.219       0.6     0.19 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Beauty2XGamma2pi_Line               |     0.000 |     0.247 |    0.166       0.4     0.10 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Beauty2XGamma2pi_Line               |     0.000 |     0.097 |    0.064       0.2     0.05 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_Line                     |     0.880 |     0.839 |    0.022      13.6     0.85 |    1000 |     0.840 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_LinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_LineFilterSequence      |     0.810 |     0.771 |    0.002      13.3     0.83 |    1000 |     0.771 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackListBeauty2XGamma                           |     0.133 |     0.157 |    0.022       0.8     0.11 |     974 |     0.153 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DiTracksForRadiativeBBeauty2XGamma               |     0.117 |     0.124 |    0.035       0.7     0.08 |     938 |     0.117 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhotonSelBeauty2XGamma                           |     0.023 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     839 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_                                |     0.069 |     0.114 |    0.036       0.7     0.08 |     286 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_Hlt1TISTOS                      |     1.111 |     1.175 |    0.444       3.3     0.94 |       9 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_Line                            |     2.857 |     1.012 |    0.542       1.7     0.37 |       7 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGamma2pi_Line               |     3.333 |     0.391 |    0.267       0.6     0.19 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Beauty2XGamma2pi_Line               |     0.000 |     0.313 |    0.193       0.5     0.19 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Beauty2XGamma2pi_Line               |     0.000 |     0.343 |    0.255       0.5     0.13 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Beauty2XGamma2pi_Line               |     0.000 |     0.243 |    0.153       0.3     0.08 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Beauty2XGamma2pi_Line               |     0.000 |     0.475 |    0.064       0.7     0.36 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_LinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_gammagamma_Line          |     0.140 |     0.131 |    0.023       2.9     0.16 |    1000 |     0.132 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_gammagamma_LinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_gammagamma_LineFilterSeq|     0.050 |     0.054 |    0.002       2.9     0.14 |    1000 |     0.055 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_gammagamma_                     |     0.069 |     0.070 |    0.034       1.3     0.10 |     286 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_gammagamma_Hlt1TISTOS           |     0.000 |     0.635 |    0.635       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_gammagamma_Line                 |     0.000 |     1.536 |    1.536       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_gammagamma_Line          |     0.140 |     0.115 |    0.022       3.1     0.14 |    1000 |     0.115 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_gammagamma_LinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_gammagamma_LineFilterSeq|     0.070 |     0.049 |    0.001       3.0     0.13 |    1000 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_gammagamma_                     |     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.030       1.1     0.08 |     286 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_gammagamma_Hlt1TISTOS           |     0.000 |     0.633 |    0.633       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_gammagamma_Line                 |     0.000 |     1.586 |    1.586       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGamma2pi_gammagamma_Line    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Beauty2XGamma2pi_gammagamma_Line    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Beauty2XGamma2pi_gammagamma_Line    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Beauty2XGamma2pi_gammagamma_Line    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Beauty2XGamma2pi_gammagamma_Line    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_gammagamma_LinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_wCNVLL_Line              |     0.770 |     0.771 |    0.024      19.5     1.21 |    1000 |     0.771 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_wCNVLL_Line              |     0.710 |     0.661 |    0.021      16.0     1.05 |    1000 |     0.661 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_wCNVLL_LinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_wCNVLL_LineFilterSequenc|     0.680 |     0.695 |    0.002      19.4     1.19 |    1000 |     0.696 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ConvLLPhotonBeauty2XGamma                        |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |     197 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_wCNVLL_                         |     0.178 |     0.123 |    0.049       1.5     0.19 |      56 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_wCNVLL_LineFilterSequenc|     0.610 |     0.596 |    0.002      15.9     1.03 |    1000 |     0.596 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ConvLLPhotonBeauty2XGamma                        |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     197 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_wCNVLL_                         |     0.535 |     0.108 |    0.045       1.1     0.14 |      56 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_wCNVLL_Hlt1TISTOS               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_wCNVLL_Line                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGamma2pi_wCNVLL_Line        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -144878,11 +145138,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Beauty2XGamma2pi_w
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Beauty2XGamma2pi_wCNVLL_Line        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Beauty2XGamma2pi_wCNVLL_Line        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_wCNVLL_LinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_wCNVDD_Line              |     0.520 |     0.422 |    0.021      21.7     0.84 |    1000 |     0.423 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_wCNVDD_LinePreScaler    |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_wCNVDD_LineFilterSequenc|     0.440 |     0.349 |    0.002      21.5     0.82 |    1000 |     0.349 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ConvDDPhotonBeauty2XGamma                        |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |     117 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_wCNVDD_                         |     0.312 |     0.148 |    0.051       1.3     0.22 |      32 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_wCNVDD_Line              |     0.300 |     0.378 |    0.020      16.9     0.69 |    1000 |     0.378 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_wCNVDD_LinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_wCNVDD_LineFilterSequenc|     0.260 |     0.313 |    0.002      16.8     0.67 |    1000 |     0.314 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ConvDDPhotonBeauty2XGamma                        |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     117 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_wCNVDD_                         |     0.000 |     0.128 |    0.043       1.1     0.18 |      32 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_wCNVDD_Hlt1TISTOS               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_wCNVDD_Line                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGamma2pi_wCNVDD_Line        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -144891,64 +145151,64 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Beauty2XGamma2pi_w
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Beauty2XGamma2pi_wCNVDD_Line        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Beauty2XGamma2pi_wCNVDD_Line        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_wCNVDD_LinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGammapi_Ks0_Line                  |     0.560 |     0.507 |    0.022      23.1     1.17 |    1000 |     0.507 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGammapi_Ks0_Line                  |     0.390 |     0.452 |    0.021      26.7     1.12 |    1000 |     0.453 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammapi_Ks0_LinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammapi_Ks0_LineFilterSequence   |     0.490 |     0.429 |    0.002      22.9     1.14 |    1000 |     0.429 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:MergedKshorts                             |     0.092 |     0.115 |    0.008       1.1     0.11 |     974 |     0.112 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:MergedKshorts                      |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MergedKshorts                                   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     674 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KS0SelBeauty2XGamma                              |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     674 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Track_wKs0ForRadiativeBBeauty2XGamma             |     0.229 |     0.196 |    0.059       1.0     0.10 |     261 |     0.051 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGammapi_Ks0_                             |     0.208 |     0.160 |    0.053       0.8     0.11 |      96 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGammapi_Ks0_Hlt1TISTOS                   |     1.818 |     2.521 |    0.538       8.9     2.68 |      11 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGammapi_Ks0_Line                         |     4.000 |     2.857 |    1.141       7.1     2.46 |       5 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGammapi_Ks0_Line            |     0.000 |     1.117 |    1.117       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Beauty2XGammapi_Ks0_Line            |    10.000 |     1.015 |    1.015       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Beauty2XGammapi_Ks0_Line            |     0.000 |     0.995 |    0.995       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Beauty2XGammapi_Ks0_Line            |     0.000 |     0.812 |    0.812       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Beauty2XGammapi_Ks0_Line            |     0.000 |     0.312 |    0.312       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammapi_Ks0_LinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_Line                     |     0.520 |     0.675 |    0.022      18.7     1.32 |    1000 |     0.676 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammapi_Ks0_LineFilterSequence   |     0.360 |     0.386 |    0.002      26.6     1.11 |    1000 |     0.386 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:MergedKshorts                             |     0.071 |     0.101 |    0.007       1.6     0.10 |     974 |     0.099 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:MergedKshorts                      |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       1.4     0.04 |     974 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MergedKshorts                                   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     674 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KS0SelBeauty2XGamma                              |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     674 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Track_wKs0ForRadiativeBBeauty2XGamma             |     0.114 |     0.170 |    0.054       0.9     0.09 |     261 |     0.045 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGammapi_Ks0_                             |     0.208 |     0.144 |    0.047       0.8     0.11 |      96 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGammapi_Ks0_Hlt1TISTOS                   |     1.818 |     2.517 |    0.524      10.7     3.01 |      11 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGammapi_Ks0_Line                         |     2.000 |     2.442 |    1.011       6.9     2.50 |       5 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGammapi_Ks0_Line            |     0.000 |     0.568 |    0.568       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Beauty2XGammapi_Ks0_Line            |     0.000 |     0.423 |    0.423       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Beauty2XGammapi_Ks0_Line            |     0.000 |     0.474 |    0.474       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Beauty2XGammapi_Ks0_Line            |     0.000 |     0.324 |    0.324       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Beauty2XGammapi_Ks0_Line            |     0.000 |     0.673 |    0.673       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammapi_Ks0_LinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_Line                     |     0.550 |     0.599 |    0.020      18.6     1.19 |    1000 |     0.600 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_LinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_LineFilterSequence      |     0.460 |     0.588 |    0.002      18.5     1.29 |    1000 |     0.589 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TriTracks_NBodyDecay_ForRadiativeBBeauty2XGamma  |     0.287 |     0.377 |    0.033      13.5     0.72 |     938 |     0.354 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_                                |     0.068 |     0.139 |    0.050       1.4     0.15 |     147 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_Hlt1TISTOS                      |     2.307 |     1.600 |    0.369       4.3     1.27 |      13 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_Line                            |     4.545 |     2.200 |    0.672       5.8     1.58 |      11 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGamma3pi_Line               |     0.000 |     0.812 |    0.376       1.1     0.27 |       5 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Beauty2XGamma3pi_Line               |     2.000 |     0.641 |    0.243       1.0     0.28 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Beauty2XGamma3pi_Line               |     0.000 |     0.655 |    0.287       0.9     0.26 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Beauty2XGamma3pi_Line               |     0.000 |     0.482 |    0.217       0.7     0.19 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Beauty2XGamma3pi_Line               |     0.000 |     0.189 |    0.062       0.3     0.08 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_LineFilterSequence      |     0.530 |     0.531 |    0.002      18.5     1.17 |    1000 |     0.532 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TriTracks_NBodyDecay_ForRadiativeBBeauty2XGamma  |     0.309 |     0.349 |    0.026       7.8     0.64 |     938 |     0.327 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_                                |     0.136 |     0.119 |    0.046       0.9     0.12 |     147 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_Hlt1TISTOS                      |     0.000 |     1.474 |    0.354       4.9     1.36 |      13 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_Line                            |     1.818 |     1.836 |    0.546       4.9     1.40 |      11 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGamma3pi_Line               |     2.000 |     0.741 |    0.296       0.9     0.26 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Beauty2XGamma3pi_Line               |     0.000 |     0.663 |    0.273       0.9     0.25 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Beauty2XGamma3pi_Line               |     2.000 |     0.654 |    0.274       0.9     0.24 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Beauty2XGamma3pi_Line               |     0.000 |     0.441 |    0.213       0.6     0.16 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Beauty2XGamma3pi_Line               |     0.000 |     0.191 |    0.051       0.3     0.11 |       5 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_LinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_gammagamma_Line          |     0.060 |     0.114 |    0.023       2.2     0.14 |    1000 |     0.115 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_gammagamma_LinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_gammagamma_LineFilterSeq|     0.030 |     0.037 |    0.001       2.1     0.12 |    1000 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_gammagamma_                     |     0.136 |     0.085 |    0.046       0.8     0.08 |     147 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_gammagamma_Hlt1TISTOS           |     0.000 |     0.446 |    0.446       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_gammagamma_Line                 |     0.000 |     0.766 |    0.766       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_gammagamma_Line          |     0.100 |     0.097 |    0.021       2.0     0.11 |    1000 |     0.098 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_gammagamma_LinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_gammagamma_LineFilterSeq|     0.040 |     0.031 |    0.002       2.0     0.10 |    1000 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_gammagamma_                     |     0.204 |     0.074 |    0.040       0.6     0.07 |     147 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_gammagamma_Hlt1TISTOS           |     0.000 |     0.450 |    0.450       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_gammagamma_Line                 |     0.000 |     0.642 |    0.642       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGamma3pi_gammagamma_Line    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Beauty2XGamma3pi_gammagamma_Line    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Beauty2XGamma3pi_gammagamma_Line    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Beauty2XGamma3pi_gammagamma_Line    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Beauty2XGamma3pi_gammagamma_Line    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_gammagamma_LinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVLL_Line              |     0.140 |     0.118 |    0.023      26.1     0.84 |    1000 |     0.118 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVLL_Line              |     0.060 |     0.093 |    0.022      17.3     0.56 |    1000 |     0.094 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVLL_LinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVLL_LineFilterSequenc|     0.040 |     0.042 |    0.001      25.9     0.83 |    1000 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVLL_                         |     0.000 |     0.156 |    0.056       1.4     0.24 |      28 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVLL_Hlt1TISTOS               |     5.000 |     3.060 |    1.554       4.6     2.13 |       2 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVLL_Line                     |     0.000 |     4.220 |    1.529       6.9     3.81 |       2 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVLL_Line        |    10.000 |     6.635 |    6.635       6.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Beauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVLL_Line        |     0.000 |     1.289 |    1.289       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Beauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVLL_Line        |     0.000 |     1.087 |    1.087       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Beauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVLL_Line        |     0.000 |     1.141 |    1.141       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Beauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVLL_Line        |     0.000 |     0.321 |    0.321       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVLL_LineFilterSequenc|     0.020 |     0.031 |    0.001      17.2     0.56 |    1000 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVLL_                         |     0.000 |     0.118 |    0.046       0.6     0.11 |      28 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVLL_Hlt1TISTOS               |     5.000 |     2.800 |    1.576       4.0     1.73 |       2 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVLL_Line                     |     5.000 |     3.644 |    1.452       5.8     3.10 |       2 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVLL_Line        |     0.000 |     1.324 |    1.324       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Beauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVLL_Line        |     0.000 |     0.981 |    0.981       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Beauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVLL_Line        |     0.000 |     1.072 |    1.072       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Beauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVLL_Line        |     0.000 |     0.780 |    0.780       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Beauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVLL_Line        |     0.000 |     0.859 |    0.859       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVLL_LinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVDD_Line              |     0.090 |     0.083 |    0.022       1.6     0.09 |    1000 |     0.083 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVDD_LinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVDD_LineFilterSequenc|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.002       1.5     0.06 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVDD_                         |     0.000 |     0.207 |    0.071       1.4     0.33 |      15 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVDD_Line              |     0.060 |     0.069 |    0.020       1.4     0.07 |    1000 |     0.070 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVDD_LinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVDD_LineFilterSequenc|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.001       1.3     0.05 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVDD_                         |     0.000 |     0.189 |    0.046       1.1     0.27 |      15 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVDD_Hlt1TISTOS               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVDD_Line                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVDD_Line        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -144957,65 +145217,65 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Beauty2XGamma3pi_w
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Beauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVDD_Line        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Beauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVDD_Line        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_wCNVDD_LinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_pi0R_Line                |     0.650 |     0.709 |    0.024      16.5     1.06 |    1000 |     0.709 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_pi0R_LinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_pi0R_LineFilterSequence |     0.540 |     0.617 |    0.002      16.0     1.02 |    1000 |     0.618 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ResolvedPi0SelBeauty2XGamma                      |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     956 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DiTracks_wpi0_resolved_ForRadiativeBBeauty2XGamma|     0.218 |     0.250 |    0.038      12.4     0.55 |     640 |     0.160 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_pi0R_                           |     0.263 |     0.178 |    0.040       1.8     0.22 |     228 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_pi0R_Hlt1TISTOS                 |     1.818 |     1.308 |    0.422       4.2     1.22 |      11 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_pi0R_Line                       |     1.428 |     1.380 |    0.677       2.6     0.65 |       7 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGamma2pi_pi0R_Line          |     0.000 |     0.498 |    0.498       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Beauty2XGamma2pi_pi0R_Line          |     0.000 |     0.394 |    0.394       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Beauty2XGamma2pi_pi0R_Line          |     0.000 |     0.357 |    0.357       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Beauty2XGamma2pi_pi0R_Line          |     0.000 |     0.222 |    0.222       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Beauty2XGamma2pi_pi0R_Line          |     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.082       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_pi0R_Line                |     0.570 |     0.608 |    0.022      11.3     0.81 |    1000 |     0.608 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_pi0R_LinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_pi0R_LineFilterSequence |     0.510 |     0.536 |    0.002      11.2     0.80 |    1000 |     0.537 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ResolvedPi0SelBeauty2XGamma                      |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     956 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DiTracks_wpi0_resolved_ForRadiativeBBeauty2XGamma|     0.250 |     0.215 |    0.034       3.7     0.27 |     640 |     0.138 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_pi0R_                           |     0.131 |     0.172 |    0.037       2.5     0.24 |     228 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_pi0R_Hlt1TISTOS                 |     0.000 |     1.332 |    0.404       4.6     1.33 |      11 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_pi0R_Line                       |     1.428 |     1.475 |    0.681       3.1     0.83 |       7 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGamma2pi_pi0R_Line          |     0.000 |     0.389 |    0.389       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Beauty2XGamma2pi_pi0R_Line          |     0.000 |     0.363 |    0.363       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Beauty2XGamma2pi_pi0R_Line          |     0.000 |     0.320 |    0.320       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Beauty2XGamma2pi_pi0R_Line          |     0.000 |     0.194 |    0.194       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Beauty2XGamma2pi_pi0R_Line          |     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.060       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_pi0R_LinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_pi0M_Line                |     0.250 |     0.248 |    0.023      45.4     1.48 |    1000 |     0.249 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_pi0M_Line                |     0.210 |     0.202 |    0.021      20.0     0.73 |    1000 |     0.202 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_pi0M_LinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_pi0M_LineFilterSequence |     0.160 |     0.171 |    0.002      45.1     1.47 |    1000 |     0.171 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MergedPi0SelBeauty2XGamma                        |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     230 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DiTracks_wpi0_merged_ForRadiativeBBeauty2XGamma  |     0.124 |     0.167 |    0.040       0.8     0.10 |     161 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_pi0M_                           |     0.000 |     0.121 |    0.037       0.9     0.13 |     116 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_pi0M_Hlt1TISTOS                 |     6.000 |     5.549 |    0.648      22.2     9.33 |       5 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_pi0M_Line                       |     7.500 |     5.031 |    0.750      16.5     7.66 |       4 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGamma2pi_pi0M_Line          |     0.000 |     0.527 |    0.527       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Beauty2XGamma2pi_pi0M_Line          |     0.000 |     0.406 |    0.406       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Beauty2XGamma2pi_pi0M_Line          |     0.000 |     0.373 |    0.373       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Beauty2XGamma2pi_pi0M_Line          |     0.000 |     0.287 |    0.287       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Beauty2XGamma2pi_pi0M_Line          |     0.000 |     0.532 |    0.532       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_pi0M_LinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_Ks0_Line                 |     0.220 |     0.190 |    0.023      24.6     0.86 |    1000 |     0.191 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_pi0M_LineFilterSequence |     0.160 |     0.135 |    0.002      19.9     0.72 |    1000 |     0.136 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MergedPi0SelBeauty2XGamma                        |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     230 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DiTracks_wpi0_merged_ForRadiativeBBeauty2XGamma  |     0.248 |     0.146 |    0.037       0.7     0.08 |     161 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_pi0M_                           |     0.000 |     0.111 |    0.033       0.7     0.11 |     116 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_pi0M_Hlt1TISTOS                 |     4.000 |     2.557 |    0.535       7.8     3.02 |       5 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_pi0M_Line                       |     2.500 |     2.892 |    0.844       8.4     3.66 |       4 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGamma2pi_pi0M_Line          |     0.000 |     0.519 |    0.519       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Beauty2XGamma2pi_pi0M_Line          |     0.000 |     0.404 |    0.404       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Beauty2XGamma2pi_pi0M_Line          |     0.000 |     0.461 |    0.461       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Beauty2XGamma2pi_pi0M_Line          |     0.000 |     0.263 |    0.263       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Beauty2XGamma2pi_pi0M_Line          |     0.000 |     0.823 |    0.823       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_pi0M_LinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_Ks0_Line                 |     0.210 |     0.162 |    0.022       9.7     0.48 |    1000 |     0.162 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_Ks0_LinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_Ks0_LineFilterSequence  |     0.150 |     0.113 |    0.002      24.2     0.85 |    1000 |     0.114 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DiTracks_wKS0ForRadiativeBBeauty2XGamma          |     0.093 |     0.116 |    0.037       1.0     0.11 |     215 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_Ks0_                            |     0.243 |     0.154 |    0.049       0.8     0.17 |      41 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_Ks0_Hlt1TISTOS                  |     5.000 |     5.778 |    3.036       8.5     3.88 |       2 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_Ks0_Line                        |    10.000 |     6.095 |    3.239       9.0     4.04 |       2 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_Ks0_LineFilterSequence  |     0.140 |     0.096 |    0.002       9.6     0.47 |    1000 |     0.096 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DiTracks_wKS0ForRadiativeBBeauty2XGamma          |     0.279 |     0.106 |    0.032       0.8     0.08 |     215 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_Ks0_                            |     0.000 |     0.119 |    0.047       0.7     0.12 |      41 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_Ks0_Hlt1TISTOS                  |     0.000 |     2.882 |    2.615       3.1     0.38 |       2 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_Ks0_Line                        |    10.000 |     3.130 |    2.897       3.4     0.33 |       2 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGamma2pi_Ks0_Line           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Beauty2XGamma2pi_Ks0_Line           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Beauty2XGamma2pi_Ks0_Line           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Beauty2XGamma2pi_Ks0_Line           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Beauty2XGamma2pi_Ks0_Line           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_Ks0_LinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGammaphiOmega_2pipi0R_Line        |     0.510 |     0.317 |    0.024       7.0     0.46 |    1000 |     0.318 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGammaphiOmega_2pipi0R_Line        |     0.330 |     0.287 |    0.022       6.2     0.42 |    1000 |     0.288 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammaphiOmega_2pipi0R_LinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammaphiOmega_2pipi0R_LineFilterS|     0.340 |     0.235 |    0.002       6.8     0.44 |    1000 |     0.236 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DiTracks_wpi0_resolved_ForPhiOmegaBeauty2XGamma  |     0.171 |     0.123 |    0.041       2.9     0.15 |     640 |     0.079 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGammaphiOmega_2pipi0R_                   |     0.642 |     0.143 |    0.037       2.2     0.24 |     109 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGammaphiOmega_2pipi0R_Hlt1TISTOS         |     0.000 |     1.807 |    1.288       2.1     0.45 |       3 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGammaphiOmega_2pipi0R_Line               |     0.000 |     3.006 |    3.006       3.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammaphiOmega_2pipi0R_LineFilterS|     0.220 |     0.219 |    0.002       6.0     0.41 |    1000 |     0.220 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DiTracks_wpi0_resolved_ForPhiOmegaBeauty2XGamma  |     0.125 |     0.123 |    0.036       4.9     0.26 |     640 |     0.079 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGammaphiOmega_2pipi0R_                   |     0.000 |     0.128 |    0.037       1.2     0.16 |     109 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGammaphiOmega_2pipi0R_Hlt1TISTOS         |     0.000 |     1.489 |    1.135       2.2     0.57 |       3 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGammaphiOmega_2pipi0R_Line               |     0.000 |     1.446 |    1.446       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGammaphiOmega_2pipi0R_Line  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Beauty2XGammaphiOmega_2pipi0R_Line  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Beauty2XGammaphiOmega_2pipi0R_Line  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Beauty2XGammaphiOmega_2pipi0R_Line  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Beauty2XGammaphiOmega_2pipi0R_Line  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammaphiOmega_2pipi0R_LinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGammaphiOmega_2pipi0M_Line        |     0.130 |     0.117 |    0.022       1.9     0.16 |    1000 |     0.118 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGammaphiOmega_2pipi0M_Line        |     0.050 |     0.102 |    0.021       2.1     0.14 |    1000 |     0.103 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammaphiOmega_2pipi0M_LinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammaphiOmega_2pipi0M_LineFilterS|     0.030 |     0.043 |    0.002       1.8     0.14 |    1000 |     0.043 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DiTracks_wpi0_merged_ForPhiOmegaBeauty2XGamma    |     0.062 |     0.072 |    0.038       0.6     0.06 |     161 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGammaphiOmega_2pipi0M_                   |     0.000 |     0.125 |    0.040       1.4     0.29 |      22 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammaphiOmega_2pipi0M_LineFilterS|     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.002       1.7     0.12 |    1000 |     0.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DiTracks_wpi0_merged_ForPhiOmegaBeauty2XGamma    |     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.032       0.5     0.05 |     161 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGammaphiOmega_2pipi0M_                   |     0.000 |     0.085 |    0.036       0.6     0.13 |      22 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGammaphiOmega_2pipi0M_Hlt1TISTOS         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGammaphiOmega_2pipi0M_Line               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGammaphiOmega_2pipi0M_Line  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -145024,64 +145284,64 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Beauty2XGammaphiOm
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Beauty2XGammaphiOmega_2pipi0M_Line  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Beauty2XGammaphiOmega_2pipi0M_Line  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammaphiOmega_2pipi0M_LinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma4pi_Line                     |     0.520 |     0.584 |    0.023      30.6     1.52 |    1000 |     0.584 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma4pi_LinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma4pi_LineFilterSequence      |     0.440 |     0.505 |    0.002      30.2     1.50 |    1000 |     0.506 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            FourTracks_NBodyDecay_ForRadiativeBBeauty2XGamma |     0.394 |     0.403 |    0.032      29.1     1.39 |     938 |     0.379 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma4pi_                                |     0.204 |     0.153 |    0.038       0.7     0.15 |      49 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma4pi_Hlt1TISTOS                      |     2.500 |     1.803 |    0.425       3.8     1.58 |       4 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma4pi_Line                            |     0.000 |     1.535 |    0.703       2.3     0.82 |       3 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGamma4pi_Line               |     0.000 |     0.776 |    0.776       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Beauty2XGamma4pi_Line               |     0.000 |     0.624 |    0.624       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Beauty2XGamma4pi_Line               |    10.000 |     0.615 |    0.615       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Beauty2XGamma4pi_Line               |     0.000 |     0.426 |    0.426       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Beauty2XGamma4pi_Line               |     0.000 |     0.236 |    0.236       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma4pi_Line                     |     0.470 |     0.533 |    0.022      19.3     1.31 |    1000 |     0.533 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma4pi_LinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma4pi_LineFilterSequence      |     0.410 |     0.465 |    0.002      19.1     1.30 |    1000 |     0.466 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            FourTracks_NBodyDecay_ForRadiativeBBeauty2XGamma |     0.319 |     0.378 |    0.029      18.4     1.21 |     938 |     0.355 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma4pi_                                |     0.000 |     0.144 |    0.041       0.6     0.15 |      49 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma4pi_Hlt1TISTOS                      |     5.000 |     1.362 |    0.402       2.6     0.99 |       4 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma4pi_Line                            |     0.000 |     1.157 |    0.686       1.9     0.65 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGamma4pi_Line               |     0.000 |     0.668 |    0.668       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Beauty2XGamma4pi_Line               |     0.000 |     0.579 |    0.579       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Beauty2XGamma4pi_Line               |     0.000 |     0.586 |    0.586       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Beauty2XGamma4pi_Line               |     0.000 |     0.453 |    0.453       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Beauty2XGamma4pi_Line               |     0.000 |     0.172 |    0.172       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma4pi_LinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_Ks0_Line                 |     0.140 |     0.190 |    0.022      34.4     1.26 |    1000 |     0.190 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_Ks0_LinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_Ks0_LineFilterSequence  |     0.100 |     0.111 |    0.002      34.2     1.25 |    1000 |     0.112 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TriTracks_wKS0ForRadiativeBBeauty2XGamma         |     0.190 |     0.159 |    0.047       1.3     0.17 |     105 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_Ks0_                            |     0.500 |     0.188 |    0.053       1.2     0.24 |      20 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_Ks0_Hlt1TISTOS                  |     3.333 |     4.582 |    2.766       7.8     2.76 |       3 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_Ks0_Line                        |     6.666 |     6.940 |    2.950      14.5     6.55 |       3 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGamma3pi_Ks0_Line           |     3.333 |     1.046 |    0.671       1.6     0.46 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Beauty2XGamma3pi_Ks0_Line           |     3.333 |     0.949 |    0.589       1.5     0.51 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Beauty2XGamma3pi_Ks0_Line           |     0.000 |     0.844 |    0.624       1.2     0.29 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Beauty2XGamma3pi_Ks0_Line           |     0.000 |     0.683 |    0.399       1.0     0.30 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Beauty2XGamma3pi_Ks0_Line           |     0.000 |     0.263 |    0.213       0.3     0.04 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_Ks0_LinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_pi0R_Line                |     0.290 |     0.321 |    0.023      10.0     0.70 |    1000 |     0.321 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_pi0R_LinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_pi0R_LineFilterSequence |     0.230 |     0.242 |    0.002       9.7     0.68 |    1000 |     0.243 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TriTracks_wpi0_resolved_ForRadiativeBBeauty2XGamm|     0.213 |     0.263 |    0.049       6.3     0.45 |     328 |     0.086 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_pi0R_                           |     0.091 |     0.185 |    0.052       1.8     0.22 |     109 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_pi0R_Hlt1TISTOS                 |     0.000 |     1.596 |    0.587       2.3     0.89 |       3 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_pi0R_Line                       |     0.000 |     1.486 |    0.775       2.2     1.01 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGamma3pi_pi0R_Line          |     0.000 |     0.392 |    0.392       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Beauty2XGamma3pi_pi0R_Line          |     0.000 |     0.373 |    0.373       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Beauty2XGamma3pi_pi0R_Line          |     0.000 |     0.254 |    0.254       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Beauty2XGamma3pi_pi0R_Line          |     0.000 |     0.255 |    0.255       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Beauty2XGamma3pi_pi0R_Line          |     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.094       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_pi0R_LinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_pi0M_Line                |     0.170 |     0.232 |    0.023      66.7     2.39 |    1000 |     0.233 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_Ks0_Line                 |     0.240 |     0.178 |    0.021      28.9     1.26 |    1000 |     0.179 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_Ks0_LinePreScaler       |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_Ks0_LineFilterSequence  |     0.120 |     0.110 |    0.002      28.7     1.26 |    1000 |     0.110 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TriTracks_wKS0ForRadiativeBBeauty2XGamma         |     0.190 |     0.143 |    0.042       1.1     0.15 |     105 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_Ks0_                            |     0.500 |     0.178 |    0.044       0.7     0.18 |      20 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_Ks0_Hlt1TISTOS                  |    10.000 |     5.662 |    2.683       7.2     2.58 |       3 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_Ks0_Line                        |     6.666 |     5.875 |    2.768       7.6     2.70 |       3 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGamma3pi_Ks0_Line           |     0.000 |     1.134 |    0.660       1.4     0.41 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Beauty2XGamma3pi_Ks0_Line           |     0.000 |     1.006 |    0.604       1.3     0.36 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Beauty2XGamma3pi_Ks0_Line           |     0.000 |     1.003 |    0.631       1.3     0.33 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Beauty2XGamma3pi_Ks0_Line           |     3.333 |     0.753 |    0.396       1.0     0.33 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Beauty2XGamma3pi_Ks0_Line           |     0.000 |     0.331 |    0.213       0.5     0.16 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_Ks0_LinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_pi0R_Line                |     0.270 |     0.286 |    0.021       6.4     0.56 |    1000 |     0.286 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_pi0R_LinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_pi0R_LineFilterSequence |     0.240 |     0.218 |    0.002       6.4     0.54 |    1000 |     0.219 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TriTracks_wpi0_resolved_ForRadiativeBBeauty2XGamm|     0.426 |     0.241 |    0.044       3.7     0.36 |     328 |     0.079 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_pi0R_                           |     0.091 |     0.173 |    0.048       1.8     0.21 |     109 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_pi0R_Hlt1TISTOS                 |     3.333 |     1.535 |    0.402       2.4     1.04 |       3 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_pi0R_Line                       |     5.000 |     1.335 |    0.562       2.1     1.09 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGamma3pi_pi0R_Line          |     0.000 |     0.311 |    0.311       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Beauty2XGamma3pi_pi0R_Line          |     0.000 |     0.234 |    0.234       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Beauty2XGamma3pi_pi0R_Line          |     0.000 |     0.236 |    0.236       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Beauty2XGamma3pi_pi0R_Line          |     0.000 |     0.180 |    0.180       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Beauty2XGamma3pi_pi0R_Line          |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.047       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_pi0R_LinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_pi0M_Line                |     0.240 |     0.194 |    0.021      39.2     1.74 |    1000 |     0.195 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_pi0M_LinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_pi0M_LineFilterSequence |     0.110 |     0.160 |    0.002      66.5     2.39 |    1000 |     0.160 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TriTracks_wpi0_merged_ForRadiativeBBeauty2XGamma |     0.111 |     0.180 |    0.051       0.8     0.14 |      90 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_pi0M_                           |     0.000 |     0.148 |    0.049       0.8     0.14 |      57 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_pi0M_Hlt1TISTOS                 |    13.333 |    14.862 |    1.610      29.4    13.93 |       3 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_pi0M_Line                       |    13.333 |    12.110 |    1.606      23.0    10.68 |       3 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGamma3pi_pi0M_Line          |     0.000 |     1.790 |    1.493       2.1     0.42 |       2 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Beauty2XGamma3pi_pi0M_Line          |     0.000 |     1.472 |    1.206       1.7     0.38 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Beauty2XGamma3pi_pi0M_Line          |     0.000 |     1.565 |    1.206       1.9     0.51 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Beauty2XGamma3pi_pi0M_Line          |     0.000 |     1.135 |    0.856       1.4     0.39 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Beauty2XGamma3pi_pi0M_Line          |     0.000 |     0.361 |    0.352       0.4     0.01 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_pi0M_LineFilterSequence |     0.160 |     0.130 |    0.002      39.1     1.73 |    1000 |     0.131 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TriTracks_wpi0_merged_ForRadiativeBBeauty2XGamma |     0.111 |     0.158 |    0.044       0.7     0.12 |      90 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_pi0M_                           |     0.350 |     0.137 |    0.044       0.7     0.13 |      57 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_pi0M_Hlt1TISTOS                 |     6.666 |     9.509 |    1.489      15.0     7.10 |       3 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_pi0M_Line                       |    10.000 |     9.428 |    1.660      13.6     6.73 |       3 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGamma3pi_pi0M_Line          |     5.000 |     1.709 |    1.471       1.9     0.34 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Beauty2XGamma3pi_pi0M_Line          |     0.000 |     1.542 |    1.321       1.8     0.31 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Beauty2XGamma3pi_pi0M_Line          |     0.000 |     1.600 |    1.424       1.8     0.25 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Beauty2XGamma3pi_pi0M_Line          |     0.000 |     1.183 |    0.987       1.4     0.28 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Beauty2XGamma3pi_pi0M_Line          |     0.000 |     0.397 |    0.394       0.4     0.00 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_pi0M_LinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_2Ks_Line                 |     0.150 |     0.128 |    0.024       7.5     0.28 |    1000 |     0.128 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_2Ks_LinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_2Ks_LineFilterSequence  |     0.040 |     0.053 |    0.002       7.4     0.27 |    1000 |     0.053 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DiTracks_w2KS0ForRadiativeBBeauty2XGamma         |     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.034       0.5     0.06 |     212 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_2Ks_                            |     0.000 |     0.233 |    0.043       1.6     0.50 |       9 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_2Ks_Hlt1TISTOS                  |     0.000 |     5.883 |    5.883       5.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_2Ks_Line                 |     0.100 |     0.116 |    0.020       6.7     0.27 |    1000 |     0.116 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_2Ks_LinePreScaler       |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_2Ks_LineFilterSequence  |     0.070 |     0.052 |    0.001       6.5     0.25 |    1000 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DiTracks_w2KS0ForRadiativeBBeauty2XGamma         |     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.030       0.8     0.07 |     212 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_2Ks_                            |     0.000 |     0.208 |    0.050       1.3     0.41 |       9 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_2Ks_Hlt1TISTOS                  |     0.000 |     5.069 |    5.069       5.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_2Ks_Line                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGamma2pi_2Ks_Line           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Beauty2XGamma2pi_2Ks_Line           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -145089,38 +145349,38 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Beauty2XGamma2pi_2
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Beauty2XGamma2pi_2Ks_Line           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Beauty2XGamma2pi_2Ks_Line           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_2Ks_LinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGammapi_Lambda_Line               |     0.400 |     0.397 |    0.024       8.1     0.58 |    1000 |     0.397 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammapi_Lambda_LinePreScaler     |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammapi_Lambda_LineFilterSequence|     0.310 |     0.316 |    0.002       8.0     0.56 |    1000 |     0.317 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:MergedLambdas                             |     0.112 |     0.111 |    0.008       7.8     0.27 |     974 |     0.109 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:MergedLambdas                      |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     974 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MergedLambdas                                   |     0.018 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     545 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaSelBeauty2XGamma                           |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     545 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGammapi_Lambda_                          |     0.323 |     0.258 |    0.066       1.5     0.21 |     247 |     0.064 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGammapi_Lambda_Hlt1TISTOS                |     0.000 |     1.653 |    0.729       4.0     1.37 |       5 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGammapi_Lambda_Line                      |     0.000 |     0.887 |    0.887       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGammapi_Lambda_Line         |    10.000 |     1.057 |    1.057       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Beauty2XGammapi_Lambda_Line         |     0.000 |     0.913 |    0.913       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Beauty2XGammapi_Lambda_Line         |     0.000 |     0.875 |    0.875       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Beauty2XGammapi_Lambda_Line         |     0.000 |     0.577 |    0.577       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Beauty2XGammapi_Lambda_Line         |     0.000 |     0.121 |    0.121       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammapi_Lambda_LinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_Lambda_Line              |     0.110 |     0.151 |    0.024      11.2     0.40 |    1000 |     0.151 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGammapi_Lambda_Line               |     0.470 |     0.334 |    0.021       5.5     0.44 |    1000 |     0.334 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammapi_Lambda_LinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammapi_Lambda_LineFilterSequence|     0.380 |     0.265 |    0.002       5.4     0.42 |    1000 |     0.265 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:MergedLambdas                             |     0.092 |     0.091 |    0.007       0.9     0.10 |     974 |     0.089 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:MergedLambdas                      |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     974 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MergedLambdas                                   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     545 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaSelBeauty2XGamma                           |     0.018 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     545 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGammapi_Lambda_                          |     0.364 |     0.235 |    0.057       1.6     0.21 |     247 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGammapi_Lambda_Hlt1TISTOS                |     4.000 |     1.413 |    0.488       3.5     1.25 |       5 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGammapi_Lambda_Line                      |     0.000 |     0.745 |    0.745       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGammapi_Lambda_Line         |     0.000 |     0.635 |    0.635       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Beauty2XGammapi_Lambda_Line         |     0.000 |     0.487 |    0.487       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Beauty2XGammapi_Lambda_Line         |     0.000 |     0.501 |    0.501       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Beauty2XGammapi_Lambda_Line         |     0.000 |     0.314 |    0.314       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Beauty2XGammapi_Lambda_Line         |     0.000 |     0.642 |    0.642       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammapi_Lambda_LinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_Lambda_Line              |     0.110 |     0.134 |    0.021       9.6     0.36 |    1000 |     0.135 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_Lambda_LinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_Lambda_LineFilterSequenc|     0.030 |     0.073 |    0.002      11.0     0.39 |    1000 |     0.074 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_Lambda_                         |     0.055 |     0.186 |    0.053       1.5     0.20 |     180 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_Lambda_Hlt1TISTOS               |     5.000 |     2.504 |    0.753       4.3     2.48 |       2 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_Lambda_Line                     |     0.000 |     2.247 |    0.938       3.6     1.85 |       2 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_Lambda_LineFilterSequenc|     0.050 |     0.067 |    0.002       9.5     0.35 |    1000 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_Lambda_                         |     0.055 |     0.179 |    0.052       2.5     0.24 |     180 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_Lambda_Hlt1TISTOS               |     0.000 |     1.826 |    0.543       3.1     1.82 |       2 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma2pi_Lambda_Line                     |     5.000 |     2.074 |    0.872       3.3     1.70 |       2 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGamma2pi_Lambda_Line        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Beauty2XGamma2pi_Lambda_Line        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Beauty2XGamma2pi_Lambda_Line        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Beauty2XGamma2pi_Lambda_Line        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Beauty2XGamma2pi_Lambda_Line        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma2pi_Lambda_LinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_Lambda_Line              |     0.120 |     0.110 |    0.023       1.1     0.13 |    1000 |     0.111 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_Lambda_LinePreScaler    |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_Lambda_LineFilterSequenc|     0.050 |     0.033 |    0.002       1.0     0.11 |    1000 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_Lambda_                         |     0.416 |     0.147 |    0.060       0.8     0.13 |      96 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_Lambda_Line              |     0.050 |     0.097 |    0.020       1.4     0.12 |    1000 |     0.098 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_Lambda_LinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_Lambda_LineFilterSequenc|     0.020 |     0.031 |    0.002       1.1     0.10 |    1000 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_Lambda_                         |     0.104 |     0.138 |    0.055       0.8     0.12 |      96 |     0.013 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_Lambda_Hlt1TISTOS               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGamma3pi_Lambda_Line                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGamma3pi_Lambda_Line        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -145129,75 +145389,75 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Beauty2XGamma3pi_L
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Beauty2XGamma3pi_Lambda_Line        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Beauty2XGamma3pi_Lambda_Line        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGamma3pi_Lambda_LinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDoubleSLForRX_Line                        |     0.510 |     0.559 |    0.033       4.2     0.57 |    1000 |     0.559 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDoubleSLForRX_LinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDoubleSLForRX_LineFilterSequence         |     0.470 |     0.481 |    0.010       4.0     0.55 |    1000 |     0.482 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDoubleSLForRX_LineVOIDFilter            |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DoubleSLForRX_Kaons                              |     0.068 |     0.067 |    0.004       0.2     0.03 |     874 |     0.059 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:DoubleSLForRX_Leptons                     |     0.234 |     0.270 |    0.025       1.9     0.24 |     683 |     0.184 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:DoubleSLForRX_Leptons              |     0.175 |     0.207 |    0.021       1.1     0.15 |     683 |     0.141 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DoubleSLForRX_Electrons                  |     0.117 |     0.124 |    0.011       0.9     0.10 |     683 |     0.085 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_StdAllLooseElectrons_Particles  |     0.020 |     0.021 |    0.005       0.3     0.02 |     974 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DoubleSLForRX_Electrons                       |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |     666 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DoubleSLForRX_Muons                      |     0.029 |     0.072 |    0.002       0.6     0.08 |     683 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DoubleSLForRX_Muons                           |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.002       0.1     0.01 |     542 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DoubleSLForRX_Leptons                           |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     296 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DoubleSLForRX_D                                  |     0.067 |     0.139 |    0.066       3.3     0.20 |     296 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DoubleSLForRX_Pions                              |     0.000 |     0.166 |    0.032       0.4     0.09 |      85 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DoubleSLForRX_Line                               |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.069       1.5     0.16 |      85 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDoubleSLForRX_Line                        |     0.450 |     0.493 |    0.029       6.4     0.51 |    1000 |     0.493 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDoubleSLForRX_LinePreScaler              |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDoubleSLForRX_LineFilterSequence         |     0.390 |     0.422 |    0.009       6.2     0.50 |    1000 |     0.423 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDoubleSLForRX_LineVOIDFilter            |     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DoubleSLForRX_Kaons                              |     0.034 |     0.055 |    0.004       0.2     0.02 |     874 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:DoubleSLForRX_Leptons                     |     0.292 |     0.236 |    0.024       1.7     0.20 |     683 |     0.162 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:DoubleSLForRX_Leptons              |     0.175 |     0.182 |    0.019       1.1     0.13 |     683 |     0.125 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DoubleSLForRX_Electrons                  |     0.102 |     0.109 |    0.010       0.6     0.08 |     683 |     0.075 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_StdAllLooseElectrons_Particles  |     0.010 |     0.018 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     974 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DoubleSLForRX_Electrons                       |     0.045 |     0.025 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     666 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DoubleSLForRX_Muons                      |     0.058 |     0.063 |    0.002       0.5     0.06 |     683 |     0.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DoubleSLForRX_Muons                           |     0.036 |     0.014 |    0.002       0.1     0.01 |     542 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DoubleSLForRX_Leptons                           |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     296 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DoubleSLForRX_D                                  |     0.067 |     0.111 |    0.063       0.5     0.04 |     296 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DoubleSLForRX_Pions                              |     0.235 |     0.131 |    0.030       0.4     0.08 |      85 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DoubleSLForRX_Line                               |     0.000 |     0.104 |    0.063       1.4     0.15 |      85 |     0.009 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDoubleSLForRX_LinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingKshort2eePiPi_eeFromTracksLine            |     0.750 |     0.771 |    0.022      11.4     1.05 |    1000 |     0.772 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKshort2eePiPi_eeFromTracksLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKshort2eePiPi_eeFromTracksLineFilterSeque|     0.700 |     0.705 |    0.002      11.4     1.05 |    1000 |     0.705 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ElecsFromTracksForKshort2eePiPi                  |     0.401 |     0.372 |    0.025       8.5     0.72 |     772 |     0.288 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForKshort2eePiPi                            |     0.130 |     0.210 |    0.041       1.1     0.15 |     538 |     0.113 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Kshort2eePiPi_eeFromTracksLine                   |     0.130 |     0.088 |    0.037       0.9     0.08 |     538 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingKshort2eePiPi_eeFromTracksLine            |     0.550 |     0.682 |    0.019      11.2     0.94 |    1000 |     0.683 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKshort2eePiPi_eeFromTracksLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKshort2eePiPi_eeFromTracksLineFilterSeque|     0.500 |     0.626 |    0.001      11.2     0.93 |    1000 |     0.627 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ElecsFromTracksForKshort2eePiPi                  |     0.220 |     0.341 |    0.025       8.7     0.68 |     772 |     0.264 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForKshort2eePiPi                            |     0.260 |     0.175 |    0.039       0.8     0.12 |     538 |     0.094 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Kshort2eePiPi_eeFromTracksLine                   |     0.037 |     0.077 |    0.035       0.9     0.07 |     538 |     0.042 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKshort2eePiPi_eeFromTracksLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingKshort2eePiPi_eeFromTracks_TOSLine        |     1.100 |     1.027 |    0.021      19.6     1.52 |    1000 |     1.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKshort2eePiPi_eeFromTracks_TOSLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKshort2eePiPi_eeFromTracks_TOSLineFilterS|     0.970 |     0.940 |    0.001      19.5     1.49 |    1000 |     0.940 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ElecsFromTracksForKshort2eePiPi_soft             |     0.349 |     0.367 |    0.024       8.7     0.75 |     772 |     0.283 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForKshort2eePiPi_soft                       |     0.155 |     0.117 |    0.031       0.7     0.08 |     772 |     0.091 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Kshort2eePiPi_eeFromTracks_forTOS                |     0.272 |     0.276 |    0.041       9.1     0.60 |     771 |     0.213 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Kshort2eePiPi_eeFromTracks_TOSLine               |     1.818 |     1.208 |    0.769       1.9     0.39 |      11 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingKshort2eePiPi_eeFromTracks_TOSLine        |     0.980 |     0.887 |    0.020      17.6     1.23 |    1000 |     0.887 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKshort2eePiPi_eeFromTracks_TOSLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKshort2eePiPi_eeFromTracks_TOSLineFilterS|     0.920 |     0.815 |    0.002      17.6     1.21 |    1000 |     0.815 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ElecsFromTracksForKshort2eePiPi_soft             |     0.401 |     0.332 |    0.022       8.3     0.66 |     772 |     0.257 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForKshort2eePiPi_soft                       |     0.116 |     0.102 |    0.029       0.5     0.06 |     772 |     0.079 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Kshort2eePiPi_eeFromTracks_forTOS                |     0.194 |     0.217 |    0.039       4.3     0.34 |     771 |     0.168 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Kshort2eePiPi_eeFromTracks_TOSLine               |     0.000 |     1.096 |    0.627       2.0     0.51 |      11 |     0.012 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKshort2eePiPi_eeFromTracks_TOSLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKSFromTracksPrescaledL|     0.040 |     0.089 |    0.018       2.7     0.15 |    1000 |     0.090 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKSFromTracksPrescaled|     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKSFromTracksPrescaled|     0.000 |     0.166 |    0.002       2.6     0.44 |      87 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelJpsi2eeFromTracksForBd2JpsieeKS               |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     772 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:StdLooseKsMergedForBetaSBd2JpsieeKS       |     0.000 |     0.158 |    0.007       0.9     0.13 |      67 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:StdLooseKsMergedForBetaSBd2JpsieeKS|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      67 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             StdLooseKsMergedForBetaSBd2JpsieeKS             |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      58 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KsForBetaSBd2JpsieeKS                            |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      58 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKSFromTracksPrescaledLine    |     0.000 |     0.444 |    0.066       1.8     0.77 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKSFromTracksPrescaledL|     0.080 |     0.076 |    0.018       3.4     0.14 |    1000 |     0.076 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKSFromTracksPrescaled|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKSFromTracksPrescaled|     0.344 |     0.148 |    0.002       3.3     0.44 |      87 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelJpsi2eeFromTracksForBd2JpsieeKS               |     0.012 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     772 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:StdLooseKsMergedForBetaSBd2JpsieeKS       |     0.149 |     0.153 |    0.007       0.8     0.15 |      67 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:StdLooseKsMergedForBetaSBd2JpsieeKS|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      67 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             StdLooseKsMergedForBetaSBd2JpsieeKS             |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.002       0.6     0.08 |      58 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KsForBetaSBd2JpsieeKS                            |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      58 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKSFromTracksPrescaledLine    |     0.000 |     0.262 |    0.048       1.0     0.40 |       5 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKSFromTracksPrescaled|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKstarFromTracksPrescal|     0.100 |     0.127 |    0.017      20.0     0.89 |    1000 |     0.127 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKstarFromTracksPresca|     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKstarFromTracksPresca|     0.602 |     0.714 |    0.002      19.9     3.03 |      83 |     0.059 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Kstar2KpiForBetaSNoBiasBd2JpsieeKS               |     0.000 |     0.087 |    0.028       0.4     0.07 |      28 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKstarFromTracksPrescaledLine |     0.000 |     0.470 |    0.080       1.4     0.48 |       6 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKstarFromTracksPresca|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKSFromTracksDetachedLi|     0.170 |     0.171 |    0.023       3.5     0.26 |    1000 |     0.171 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKSFromTracksDetachedL|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKSFromTracksDetachedL|     0.080 |     0.096 |    0.002       3.2     0.24 |    1000 |     0.097 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bd2JpsiKSFromTracks                              |     0.000 |     0.109 |    0.042       1.4     0.20 |      45 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKSFromTracksDetachedLine     |     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.039       0.1     0.03 |       9 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKstarFromTracksPrescal|     0.120 |     0.114 |    0.015      18.9     0.87 |    1000 |     0.115 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKstarFromTracksPresca|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKstarFromTracksPresca|     0.722 |     0.698 |    0.002      18.8     2.96 |      83 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Kstar2KpiForBetaSNoBiasBd2JpsieeKS               |     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.023       0.3     0.06 |      28 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKstarFromTracksPrescaledLine |     0.000 |     0.420 |    0.096       1.3     0.42 |       6 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKstarFromTracksPresca|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKSFromTracksDetachedLi|     0.150 |     0.151 |    0.021       5.2     0.26 |    1000 |     0.152 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKSFromTracksDetachedL|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKSFromTracksDetachedL|     0.090 |     0.089 |    0.002       5.0     0.25 |    1000 |     0.090 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bd2JpsiKSFromTracks                              |     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.038       1.1     0.17 |      45 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKSFromTracksDetachedLine     |     0.000 |     0.083 |    0.035       0.2     0.04 |       9 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKSFromTracksDetachedL|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKSDetachedLine        |     0.650 |     0.522 |    0.022       9.8     0.67 |    1000 |     0.522 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKSDetachedLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKSDetachedLineFilterS|     0.590 |     0.442 |    0.002       9.7     0.64 |    1000 |     0.443 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseDiElectron_Particles       |     0.462 |     0.390 |    0.082       9.6     0.56 |     974 |     0.381 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelJpsi2eeForBd2JpsieeKS                         |     0.042 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     474 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bd2JpsiKS                                        |     0.000 |     0.085 |    0.042       0.8     0.10 |      49 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKSDetachedLine               |     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.025       0.1     0.02 |       9 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKSDetachedLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2MuNuControlLine                        |     0.120 |     0.090 |    0.017       8.4     0.28 |    1000 |     0.090 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKSDetachedLine        |     0.410 |     0.453 |    0.020       8.4     0.59 |    1000 |     0.453 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKSDetachedLinePreScal|     0.020 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKSDetachedLineFilterS|     0.340 |     0.383 |    0.002       8.3     0.56 |    1000 |     0.384 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseDiElectron_Particles       |     0.266 |     0.335 |    0.067       6.0     0.46 |     974 |     0.327 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelJpsi2eeForBd2JpsieeKS                         |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     474 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bd2JpsiKS                                        |     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.037       0.5     0.07 |      49 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKSDetachedLine               |     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.030       0.1     0.04 |       9 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKSDetachedLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2MuNuControlLine                        |     0.110 |     0.079 |    0.016       8.3     0.27 |    1000 |     0.080 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2MuNuControlLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2MuNuControlLineFilterSequence         |     0.833 |     0.808 |    0.180       8.3     1.62 |      24 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Bu2MuNuControlLine                        |     0.833 |     0.797 |    0.173       8.3     1.62 |      24 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Bu2MuNuControlLine                 |     0.833 |     0.787 |    0.167       8.3     1.62 |      24 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Phys_Bu2MuNu_MuForBu2MuNuControl_Particle|     0.833 |     0.779 |    0.160       8.3     1.62 |      24 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_Bu2MuNu_MuForBu2MuNuControl_Part|     0.833 |     0.769 |    0.153       8.3     1.62 |      24 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2MuNuControlLineFilterSequence         |     0.416 |     0.738 |    0.133       8.2     1.60 |      24 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Bu2MuNuControlLine                        |     0.416 |     0.729 |    0.127       8.2     1.60 |      24 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Bu2MuNuControlLine                 |     0.416 |     0.721 |    0.122       8.2     1.60 |      24 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Phys_Bu2MuNu_MuForBu2MuNuControl_Particle|     0.416 |     0.716 |    0.116       8.2     1.60 |      24 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_Bu2MuNu_MuForBu2MuNuControl_Part|     0.416 |     0.708 |    0.111       8.2     1.60 |      24 |     0.017 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Bu2MuNuControlLine                              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2MuNuControlLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2MuNuControlLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -145210,114 +145470,114 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bu2MuNuControlLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bu2MuNuControlLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_Bu2MuNuControlLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2MuNuControlLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2MuNuSignalLine                         |     0.500 |     0.534 |    0.032      89.2     4.10 |    1000 |     0.535 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2MuNuSignalLine                         |     0.430 |     0.463 |    0.030      66.3     3.54 |    1000 |     0.464 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2MuNuSignalLinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2MuNuSignalLineFilterSequence          |     0.420 |     0.449 |    0.010      89.1     4.09 |    1000 |     0.450 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2MuNuSignalLineVOIDFilter             |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.7     0.02 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Bu2MuNuSignalLine                         |     0.298 |     0.395 |    0.071      19.0     0.95 |     402 |     0.159 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Bu2MuNuSignalLine                  |     0.298 |     0.387 |    0.064      19.0     0.95 |     402 |     0.156 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Phys_Bu2MuNu_MuForBu2MuNu_Particles      |     0.298 |     0.380 |    0.059      19.0     0.95 |     402 |     0.153 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_Bu2MuNu_MuForBu2MuNu_Particles  |     0.298 |     0.374 |    0.053      18.9     0.95 |     402 |     0.150 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Bu2MuNuSignalLine                               |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2MuNuSignalLine                   |    38.333 |    38.027 |    8.541      74.7    24.22 |       6 |     0.228 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2MuNuSignalLine                   |     0.000 |     0.185 |    0.081       0.3     0.07 |       6 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bu2MuNuSignalLine                   |     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.038       0.1     0.03 |       6 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bu2MuNuSignalLine                   |     0.000 |     0.104 |    0.054       0.2     0.04 |       6 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bu2MuNuSignalLine                   |     1.666 |     1.522 |    0.468       4.9     1.66 |       6 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bu2MuNuSignalLine                   |     1.666 |     0.850 |    0.248       1.4     0.44 |       6 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bu2MuNuSignalLine                   |     1.666 |     0.918 |    0.217       1.4     0.45 |       6 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bu2MuNuSignalLine                   |     1.666 |     0.879 |    0.208       1.4     0.44 |       6 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bu2MuNuSignalLine                   |     0.000 |     0.895 |    0.245       1.4     0.45 |       6 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_Bu2MuNuSignalLine                  |     0.000 |     0.740 |    0.130       1.6     0.55 |       6 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2MuNuSignalLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDiMuonAndGammaForCharmAssociative         |     0.180 |     0.204 |    0.022       2.0     0.16 |    1000 |     0.204 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDiMuonAndGammaForCharmAssociativePreScale|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDiMuonAndGammaForCharmAssociativeFilterSe|     0.090 |     0.128 |    0.002       1.8     0.14 |    1000 |     0.128 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDiMuonForCharmAssociative                     |     0.025 |     0.073 |    0.047       1.6     0.06 |     785 |     0.058 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DiMuonAndGammaForCharmAssociative                |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.069       0.7     0.09 |      50 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2MuNuSignalLineFilterSequence          |     0.410 |     0.399 |    0.009      66.2     3.54 |    1000 |     0.399 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2MuNuSignalLineVOIDFilter             |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Bu2MuNuSignalLine                         |     0.373 |     0.340 |    0.062      15.7     0.79 |     402 |     0.137 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Bu2MuNuSignalLine                  |     0.323 |     0.332 |    0.057      15.7     0.79 |     402 |     0.134 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Phys_Bu2MuNu_MuForBu2MuNu_Particles      |     0.323 |     0.326 |    0.053      15.6     0.79 |     402 |     0.131 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_Bu2MuNu_MuForBu2MuNu_Particles  |     0.323 |     0.320 |    0.048      15.6     0.79 |     402 |     0.129 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Bu2MuNuSignalLine                               |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2MuNuSignalLine                   |    36.666 |    34.739 |    9.238      57.8    18.00 |       6 |     0.208 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2MuNuSignalLine                   |     0.000 |     0.122 |    0.069       0.2     0.03 |       6 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bu2MuNuSignalLine                   |     0.000 |     0.077 |    0.043       0.1     0.03 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bu2MuNuSignalLine                   |     0.000 |     0.083 |    0.039       0.1     0.03 |       6 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bu2MuNuSignalLine                   |     0.000 |     1.772 |    0.428       4.4     1.69 |       6 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bu2MuNuSignalLine                   |     5.000 |     0.731 |    0.234       1.3     0.36 |       6 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bu2MuNuSignalLine                   |     0.000 |     0.797 |    0.205       1.4     0.39 |       6 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bu2MuNuSignalLine                   |     1.666 |     0.742 |    0.204       1.3     0.39 |       6 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bu2MuNuSignalLine                   |     0.000 |     0.747 |    0.212       1.4     0.41 |       6 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_Bu2MuNuSignalLine                  |     0.000 |     0.616 |    0.128       1.1     0.38 |       6 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2MuNuSignalLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDiMuonAndGammaForCharmAssociative         |     0.170 |     0.172 |    0.021       1.2     0.11 |    1000 |     0.173 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDiMuonAndGammaForCharmAssociativePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDiMuonAndGammaForCharmAssociativeFilterSe|     0.100 |     0.109 |    0.002       1.1     0.10 |    1000 |     0.109 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDiMuonForCharmAssociative                     |     0.076 |     0.062 |    0.041       0.8     0.03 |     785 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DiMuonAndGammaForCharmAssociative                |     0.200 |     0.080 |    0.055       0.1     0.01 |      50 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDiMuonAndGammaForCharmAssociativePostScal|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDoubleDiMuonForCharmAssociative           |     0.060 |     0.086 |    0.021       4.9     0.16 |    1000 |     0.086 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDoubleDiMuonForCharmAssociativePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDoubleDiMuonForCharmAssociativeFilterSequ|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.002       4.8     0.15 |    1000 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DoubleDiMuonForCharmAssociative                  |     0.000 |     0.131 |    0.026       4.6     0.65 |      50 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDoubleDiMuonForCharmAssociativePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingChiAndDiMuonForCharmAssociative           |     0.080 |     0.081 |    0.022       2.8     0.11 |    1000 |     0.081 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDoubleDiMuonForCharmAssociative           |     0.080 |     0.070 |    0.020       1.2     0.06 |    1000 |     0.071 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDoubleDiMuonForCharmAssociativePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDoubleDiMuonForCharmAssociativeFilterSequ|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.001       1.2     0.04 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DoubleDiMuonForCharmAssociative                  |     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.025       1.1     0.15 |      50 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDoubleDiMuonForCharmAssociativePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingChiAndDiMuonForCharmAssociative           |     0.080 |     0.069 |    0.020       3.2     0.11 |    1000 |     0.070 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChiAndDiMuonForCharmAssociativePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChiAndDiMuonForCharmAssociativeFilterSequ|     0.010 |     0.011 |    0.002       2.7     0.10 |    1000 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDoubleDiMuonForCharmAssociative               |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.023       0.8     0.11 |      50 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelPreChiAndDiMuonForCharmAssociative            |     0.000 |     1.553 |    1.553       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ChiAndDiMuonForCharmAssociative                  |     0.000 |     0.088 |    0.088       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChiAndDiMuonForCharmAssociativeFilterSequ|     0.020 |     0.010 |    0.001       3.2     0.10 |    1000 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDoubleDiMuonForCharmAssociative               |     0.200 |     0.040 |    0.021       0.5     0.07 |      50 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelPreChiAndDiMuonForCharmAssociative            |     0.000 |     2.079 |    2.079       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ChiAndDiMuonForCharmAssociative                  |     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.072       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChiAndDiMuonForCharmAssociativePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDiChiForCharmAssociative                  |     0.030 |     0.083 |    0.021      10.9     0.35 |    1000 |     0.084 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDiChiForCharmAssociative                  |     0.060 |     0.071 |    0.020      10.5     0.33 |    1000 |     0.072 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDiChiForCharmAssociativePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDiChiForCharmAssociativeFilterSequence   |     0.010 |     0.013 |    0.002      10.8     0.34 |    1000 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelPreDiChiForCharmAssociative                   |    10.000 |     3.729 |    3.729       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DiChiForCharmAssociative                         |     0.000 |     0.355 |    0.355       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDiChiForCharmAssociativeFilterSequence   |     0.010 |     0.013 |    0.002      10.4     0.33 |    1000 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelPreDiChiForCharmAssociative                   |    10.000 |     3.485 |    3.485       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DiChiForCharmAssociative                         |     0.000 |     0.350 |    0.350       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDiChiForCharmAssociativePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDiMuonAndWForCharmAssociative             |     0.080 |     0.120 |    0.022       1.6     0.10 |    1000 |     0.121 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDiMuonAndWForCharmAssociativePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDiMuonAndWForCharmAssociativeFilterSequen|     0.010 |     0.051 |    0.002       0.6     0.05 |    1000 |     0.051 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelWForCharmAssociative                          |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     785 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDiMuonAndWForCharmAssociative             |     0.120 |     0.102 |    0.021       0.6     0.06 |    1000 |     0.103 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDiMuonAndWForCharmAssociativePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDiMuonAndWForCharmAssociativeFilterSequen|     0.040 |     0.045 |    0.002       0.3     0.04 |    1000 |     0.045 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelWForCharmAssociative                          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     785 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DiMuonAndWForCharmAssociative                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDiMuonAndWForCharmAssociativePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingChiAndWForCharmAssociative                |     0.090 |     0.079 |    0.021       6.1     0.20 |    1000 |     0.080 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChiAndWForCharmAssociativePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChiAndWForCharmAssociativeFilterSequence |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingChiAndWForCharmAssociative                |     0.070 |     0.068 |    0.019       0.7     0.06 |    1000 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChiAndWForCharmAssociativePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChiAndWForCharmAssociativeFilterSequence |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelPreChiAndWForCharmAssociative                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ChiAndWForCharmAssociative                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChiAndWForCharmAssociativePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2MajoMuDDLine                           |     1.180 |     1.112 |    0.030      17.6     2.18 |    1000 |     1.112 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2MajoMuDDLine                           |     0.930 |     0.954 |    0.029      16.8     1.76 |    1000 |     0.954 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2MajoMuDDLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2MajoMuDDLineFilterSequence            |     1.050 |     1.034 |    0.009      17.5     2.16 |    1000 |     1.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2MajoMuDDLineVOIDFilter               |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuforBu2MajoLep                                  |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |     537 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdNoPIDsDownPions_Particles       |     0.010 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |     974 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DownPiforBu2MajoLep                              |     0.059 |     0.063 |    0.004       0.3     0.05 |     334 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdNoPIDsDownElectrons_Particles   |     1.447 |     1.406 |    0.054      12.4     1.45 |     974 |     1.370 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DownEforBu2MajoLep                               |     0.158 |     0.178 |    0.029       4.5     0.29 |     316 |     0.057 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DownMajoforBu2MajoLepDD                          |     0.727 |     0.594 |    0.056       7.3     0.72 |     316 |     0.188 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2MajoMuDDLine                                  |     0.051 |     0.090 |    0.050       0.8     0.08 |     196 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2MajoMuDDLineFilterSequence            |     0.840 |     0.891 |    0.008      16.6     1.75 |    1000 |     0.891 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2MajoMuDDLineVOIDFilter               |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuforBu2MajoLep                                  |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     537 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdNoPIDsDownPions_Particles       |     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |     974 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DownPiforBu2MajoLep                              |     0.029 |     0.053 |    0.003       0.3     0.04 |     334 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdNoPIDsDownElectrons_Particles   |     1.057 |     1.255 |    0.038      10.1     1.17 |     974 |     1.222 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DownEforBu2MajoLep                               |     0.253 |     0.151 |    0.025       0.8     0.13 |     316 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DownMajoforBu2MajoLepDD                          |     0.791 |     0.534 |    0.051       3.7     0.60 |     316 |     0.169 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2MajoMuDDLine                                  |     0.051 |     0.076 |    0.046       0.6     0.05 |     196 |     0.015 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2MajoMuDDLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2MajoMuDDLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bu2MajoMuDDLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bu2MajoMuDDLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2MajoMuDDLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2MajoMuLLLine                           |     0.200 |     0.307 |    0.029       5.8     0.50 |    1000 |     0.308 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2MajoMuLLLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2MajoMuLLLineFilterSequence            |     0.160 |     0.232 |    0.008       5.7     0.49 |    1000 |     0.232 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2MajoMuLLLineVOIDFilter               |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.8     0.03 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PiforBu2MajoLep                                  |     0.029 |     0.066 |    0.020       0.3     0.04 |     335 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            EforBu2MajoLep                                   |     0.044 |     0.035 |    0.004       0.2     0.02 |     224 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MajoforBu2MajoLepLL                              |     0.222 |     0.197 |    0.075       1.0     0.12 |     180 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2MajoMuLLLine                                  |     0.153 |     0.086 |    0.048       1.3     0.12 |     130 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2MajoMuLLLine                     |     0.000 |     0.159 |    0.159       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2MajoMuLLLine                     |     0.000 |     0.397 |    0.397       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bu2MajoMuLLLine                     |     0.000 |     0.637 |    0.637       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bu2MajoMuLLLine                     |     0.000 |     1.586 |    1.586       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2MajoMuLLLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingKshort2MuMuMuMu_LongLine                  |     0.200 |     0.198 |    0.022       1.4     0.16 |    1000 |     0.198 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2MajoMuLLLine                           |     0.260 |     0.264 |    0.028       5.1     0.42 |    1000 |     0.264 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2MajoMuLLLinePreScaler                 |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2MajoMuLLLineFilterSequence            |     0.200 |     0.199 |    0.007       5.0     0.42 |    1000 |     0.199 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2MajoMuLLLineVOIDFilter               |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PiforBu2MajoLep                                  |     0.059 |     0.054 |    0.018       0.2     0.03 |     335 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            EforBu2MajoLep                                   |     0.044 |     0.029 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     224 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MajoforBu2MajoLepLL                              |     0.166 |     0.175 |    0.062       0.9     0.10 |     180 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2MajoMuLLLine                                  |     0.000 |     0.077 |    0.045       1.1     0.09 |     130 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2MajoMuLLLine                     |     0.000 |     0.133 |    0.133       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2MajoMuLLLine                     |     0.000 |     0.295 |    0.295       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bu2MajoMuLLLine                     |     0.000 |     0.653 |    0.653       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bu2MajoMuLLLine                     |    10.000 |     1.391 |    1.391       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2MajoMuLLLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingKshort2MuMuMuMu_LongLine                  |     0.220 |     0.174 |    0.020       1.2     0.14 |    1000 |     0.174 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKshort2MuMuMuMu_LongLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKshort2MuMuMuMu_LongLineFilterSequence   |     0.130 |     0.134 |    0.001       1.2     0.15 |    1000 |     0.134 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LongMuonsForKshort2MuMuMuMu                      |     0.038 |     0.027 |    0.004       0.2     0.02 |     785 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Kshort2MuMuMuMu_LongLine                         |     0.051 |     0.042 |    0.031       0.1     0.01 |     389 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKshort2MuMuMuMu_LongLineFilterSequence   |     0.160 |     0.118 |    0.002       1.1     0.12 |    1000 |     0.118 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LongMuonsForKshort2MuMuMuMu                      |     0.012 |     0.024 |    0.004       0.9     0.04 |     785 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Kshort2MuMuMuMu_LongLine                         |     0.102 |     0.038 |    0.026       0.1     0.01 |     389 |     0.015 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKshort2MuMuMuMu_LongLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingKshort2MuMuMuMu_DownLine                  |     0.390 |     0.384 |    0.021      14.6     0.60 |    1000 |     0.384 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingKshort2MuMuMuMu_DownLine                  |     0.320 |     0.318 |    0.019      11.5     0.47 |    1000 |     0.318 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKshort2MuMuMuMu_DownLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKshort2MuMuMuMu_DownLineFilterSequence   |     0.300 |     0.314 |    0.002      14.5     0.59 |    1000 |     0.314 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseDownMuons_Particles        |     0.225 |     0.259 |    0.038      14.4     0.55 |     974 |     0.253 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DownMuonsForKshort2MuMuMuMu                      |     0.027 |     0.018 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     363 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Kshort2MuMuMuMu_DownLine                         |     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.031       0.1     0.01 |     145 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKshort2MuMuMuMu_DownLineFilterSequence   |     0.250 |     0.260 |    0.001      11.4     0.46 |    1000 |     0.260 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseDownMuons_Particles        |     0.205 |     0.212 |    0.041      11.4     0.42 |     974 |     0.207 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DownMuonsForKshort2MuMuMuMu                      |     0.027 |     0.016 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     363 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Kshort2MuMuMuMu_DownLine                         |     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.029       0.1     0.01 |     145 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKshort2MuMuMuMu_DownLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTau2LambdaMuLine                          |     0.290 |     0.289 |    0.021       2.3     0.29 |    1000 |     0.289 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTau2LambdaMuLine                          |     0.280 |     0.249 |    0.019       2.0     0.24 |    1000 |     0.249 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTau2LambdaMuLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTau2LambdaMuLineFilterSequence           |     0.200 |     0.213 |    0.002       2.1     0.27 |    1000 |     0.214 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Tau2LambdaMuSelLambda                            |     0.285 |     0.257 |    0.136       0.9     0.10 |     525 |     0.135 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Tau2LambdaMuLine                                 |     0.000 |     0.152 |    0.083       1.4     0.17 |      57 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTau2LambdaMuLinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB23MuB23MuLine                            |     0.270 |     0.204 |    0.037       1.6     0.13 |    1000 |     0.204 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB23MuB23MuLinePreScaler                  |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB23MuB23MuLineFilterSequence             |     0.150 |     0.097 |    0.002       1.5     0.11 |    1000 |     0.098 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B23MuB23MuLine                                   |     0.167 |     0.102 |    0.069       1.4     0.07 |     537 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTau2LambdaMuLineFilterSequence           |     0.220 |     0.186 |    0.001       1.8     0.23 |    1000 |     0.186 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Tau2LambdaMuSelLambda                            |     0.266 |     0.219 |    0.123       0.7     0.06 |     525 |     0.115 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Tau2LambdaMuLine                                 |     0.000 |     0.135 |    0.077       1.1     0.14 |      57 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTau2LambdaMuLinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB23MuB23MuLine                            |     0.130 |     0.156 |    0.032       1.6     0.10 |    1000 |     0.157 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB23MuB23MuLinePreScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB23MuB23MuLineFilterSequence             |     0.080 |     0.084 |    0.001       1.5     0.09 |    1000 |     0.084 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B23MuB23MuLine                                   |     0.037 |     0.086 |    0.060       1.4     0.06 |     537 |     0.046 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B23MuB23MuLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B23MuB23MuLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B23MuB23MuLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -145327,23 +145587,23 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B23MuB23MuLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_B23MuB23MuLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_B23MuB23MuLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB23MuB23MuLinePostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB23MuB2MueeLine                           |     0.260 |     0.227 |    0.034      17.5     0.63 |    1000 |     0.227 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB23MuB2MueeLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB23MuB2MueeLineFilterSequence            |     0.120 |     0.121 |    0.002      17.3     0.56 |    1000 |     0.121 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B23MuB2MueeLine                                  |     0.182 |     0.157 |    0.090       1.6     0.09 |     383 |     0.060 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B23MuB2MueeLine                     |    10.000 |     1.087 |    1.087       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B23MuB2MueeLine                     |     0.000 |     1.017 |    1.017       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B23MuB2MueeLine                     |     0.000 |     0.991 |    0.991       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B23MuB2MueeLine                     |    10.000 |     6.911 |    6.911       6.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B23MuB2MueeLine                     |     0.000 |     1.839 |    1.839       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B23MuB2MueeLine                     |     0.000 |     0.958 |    0.958       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_B23MuB2MueeLine                     |     0.000 |     1.471 |    1.471       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_B23MuB2MueeLine                     |     0.000 |     0.418 |    0.418       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB23MuB2MueeLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB23MuB23PiLine                            |     0.390 |     0.317 |    0.032       1.4     0.14 |    1000 |     0.317 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB23MuB2MueeLine                           |     0.180 |     0.184 |    0.031      17.0     0.55 |    1000 |     0.185 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB23MuB2MueeLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB23MuB2MueeLineFilterSequence            |     0.080 |     0.108 |    0.002      16.9     0.55 |    1000 |     0.108 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B23MuB2MueeLine                                  |     0.078 |     0.134 |    0.084       0.9     0.05 |     383 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B23MuB2MueeLine                     |     0.000 |     1.003 |    1.003       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B23MuB2MueeLine                     |     0.000 |     1.036 |    1.036       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B23MuB2MueeLine                     |     0.000 |     1.034 |    1.034       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B23MuB2MueeLine                     |    10.000 |     7.204 |    7.204       7.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B23MuB2MueeLine                     |     0.000 |     1.690 |    1.690       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B23MuB2MueeLine                     |     0.000 |     0.929 |    0.929       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_B23MuB2MueeLine                     |     0.000 |     1.433 |    1.433       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_B23MuB2MueeLine                     |     0.000 |     0.408 |    0.408       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB23MuB2MueeLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB23MuB23PiLine                            |     0.240 |     0.268 |    0.028       0.9     0.10 |    1000 |     0.269 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB23MuB23PiLinePreScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB23MuB23PiLineFilterSequence             |     0.280 |     0.237 |    0.002       1.2     0.12 |    1000 |     0.238 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B23MuB23PiLine                                   |     0.186 |     0.168 |    0.070       1.1     0.08 |     963 |     0.163 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB23MuB23PiLineFilterSequence             |     0.170 |     0.206 |    0.002       0.8     0.09 |    1000 |     0.206 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B23MuB23PiLine                                   |     0.093 |     0.144 |    0.061       0.7     0.06 |     963 |     0.140 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B23MuB23PiLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B23MuB23PiLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B23MuB23PiLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -145353,41 +145613,41 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B23MuB23PiLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_B23MuB23PiLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_B23MuB23PiLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB23MuB23PiLinePostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonSameSignLine          |     0.170 |     0.128 |    0.021       5.1     0.24 |    1000 |     0.128 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonSameSignLine          |     0.100 |     0.113 |    0.019       2.8     0.20 |    1000 |     0.114 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonSameSignLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonSameSignLineFilterSeq|     0.283 |     0.424 |    0.102       5.0     0.63 |     106 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseDiMuonSameSign_Particles   |     0.320 |     0.382 |    0.076      18.7     0.87 |    1000 |     0.382 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonSameSignLine                 |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      47 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonSameSignLineFilterSeq|     0.471 |     0.383 |    0.088       2.8     0.47 |     106 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseDiMuonSameSign_Particles   |     0.420 |     0.320 |    0.073       9.9     0.60 |    1000 |     0.321 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonSameSignLine                 |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      47 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonSameSignLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonIncLine               |     0.080 |     0.068 |    0.016       4.0     0.14 |    1000 |     0.069 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonIncLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonIncLineFilterSequence|     0.666 |     0.195 |    0.004       3.8     0.69 |      30 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonIncLine                      |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonIncLine               |     0.040 |     0.055 |    0.015       1.5     0.06 |    1000 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonIncLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonIncLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.004       1.4     0.27 |      30 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonIncLine                      |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      13 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonIncLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonSameSignhighPTLine    |     0.360 |     0.444 |    0.024      20.2     0.91 |    1000 |     0.444 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonSameSignhighPTLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonSameSignhighPTLineFil|     0.300 |     0.382 |    0.003      20.0     0.90 |    1000 |     0.382 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonSameSignhighPTLine           |     0.023 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     421 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonSameSignhighPTLinePos|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonInchighPTLine         |     0.270 |     0.231 |    0.025      16.8     0.78 |    1000 |     0.231 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonSameSignhighPTLine    |     0.480 |     0.375 |    0.021      10.5     0.63 |    1000 |     0.376 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonSameSignhighPTLinePre|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonSameSignhighPTLineFil|     0.400 |     0.322 |    0.003      10.4     0.63 |    1000 |     0.322 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonSameSignhighPTLine           |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |     421 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonSameSignhighPTLinePos|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonInchighPTLine         |     0.220 |     0.185 |    0.021       9.9     0.55 |    1000 |     0.185 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonInchighPTLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonInchighPTLineFilterSe|     0.230 |     0.167 |    0.002      16.6     0.77 |    1000 |     0.167 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonInchighPTLine                |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     399 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonInchighPTLineFilterSe|     0.170 |     0.132 |    0.002       9.8     0.54 |    1000 |     0.132 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonInchighPTLine                |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     399 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonInchighPTLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonSameSignTISLine       |     3.370 |     3.393 |    0.024     117.0    10.27 |    1000 |     3.393 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonSameSignTISLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonSameSignTISLineFilter|     3.290 |     3.323 |    0.002     116.8    10.25 |    1000 |     3.323 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonSameSignTISLine              |     7.790 |     7.779 |    1.038     115.9    14.60 |     421 |     3.275 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonSameSignTISLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonIncTISLine            |     2.960 |     2.981 |    0.023      98.9     8.63 |    1000 |     2.982 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonIncTISLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonIncTISLineFilterSeque|     2.880 |     2.909 |    0.002      98.7     8.62 |    1000 |     2.910 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonIncTISLine                   |     7.117 |     7.176 |    1.012      98.2    12.40 |     399 |     2.863 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonSameSignTISLine       |     3.000 |     3.053 |    0.020      98.6     8.91 |    1000 |     3.054 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonSameSignTISLinePreSca|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonSameSignTISLineFilter|     2.930 |     2.997 |    0.002      98.4     8.90 |    1000 |     2.998 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonSameSignTISLine              |     6.840 |     7.020 |    0.979      98.0    12.59 |     421 |     2.956 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonSameSignTISLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonIncTISLine            |     2.800 |     2.731 |    0.019      95.0     8.09 |    1000 |     2.731 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonIncTISLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonIncTISLineFilterSeque|     2.750 |     2.674 |    0.002      94.8     8.08 |    1000 |     2.674 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonIncTISLine                   |     6.766 |     6.614 |    1.005      94.3    11.67 |     399 |     2.639 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDSTDiMuonDiMuonIncTISLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD23MuD23MuLine                            |     0.190 |     0.210 |    0.025       5.9     0.26 |    1000 |     0.210 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD23MuD23MuLinePreScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD23MuD23MuLineFilterSequence             |     0.130 |     0.134 |    0.002       5.9     0.24 |    1000 |     0.135 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D23MuD23MuLine                                   |     0.111 |     0.147 |    0.063       1.5     0.09 |     537 |     0.079 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD23MuD23MuLine                            |     0.170 |     0.155 |    0.021       0.9     0.11 |    1000 |     0.155 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD23MuD23MuLinePreScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD23MuD23MuLineFilterSequence             |     0.110 |     0.099 |    0.002       0.8     0.10 |    1000 |     0.100 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D23MuD23MuLine                                   |     0.093 |     0.109 |    0.059       0.7     0.05 |     537 |     0.059 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D23MuD23MuLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D23MuD23MuLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D23MuD23MuLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -145397,10 +145657,10 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D23MuD23MuLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D23MuD23MuLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D23MuD23MuLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD23MuD23MuLinePostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD23MuD2MueeLine                           |     0.170 |     0.177 |    0.024       1.6     0.17 |    1000 |     0.178 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD23MuD2MueeLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD23MuD2MueeLineFilterSequence            |     0.090 |     0.106 |    0.002       1.5     0.16 |    1000 |     0.107 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D23MuD2MueeLine                                  |     0.104 |     0.164 |    0.097       1.4     0.09 |     383 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD23MuD2MueeLine                           |     0.130 |     0.149 |    0.020       0.9     0.13 |    1000 |     0.149 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD23MuD2MueeLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD23MuD2MueeLineFilterSequence            |     0.080 |     0.090 |    0.001       0.9     0.12 |    1000 |     0.091 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D23MuD2MueeLine                                  |     0.104 |     0.137 |    0.087       0.7     0.05 |     383 |     0.053 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D23MuD2MueeLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D23MuD2MueeLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D23MuD2MueeLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -145410,10 +145670,10 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D23MuD2MueeLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D23MuD2MueeLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D23MuD2MueeLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD23MuD2MueeLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD23MuD23PiLine                            |     0.060 |     0.077 |    0.018       1.6     0.07 |    1000 |     0.077 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD23MuD23PiLinePreScaler                  |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD23MuD23PiLineFilterSequence             |     0.000 |     0.374 |    0.154       1.6     0.39 |      12 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D23MuD23PiLine                                   |     0.000 |     0.288 |    0.089       1.5     0.39 |      12 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD23MuD23PiLine                            |     0.040 |     0.064 |    0.016       0.9     0.05 |    1000 |     0.065 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD23MuD23PiLinePreScaler                  |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD23MuD23PiLineFilterSequence             |     0.000 |     0.268 |    0.149       0.9     0.20 |      12 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D23MuD23PiLine                                   |     0.000 |     0.196 |    0.090       0.8     0.20 |      12 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D23MuD23PiLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D23MuD23PiLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D23MuD23PiLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -145423,216 +145683,216 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D23MuD23PiLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D23MuD23PiLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D23MuD23PiLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD23MuD23PiLinePostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingKshort2PiPiMuMu_LongLine                  |     0.370 |     0.352 |    0.023       2.9     0.37 |    1000 |     0.353 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKshort2PiPiMuMu_LongLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKshort2PiPiMuMu_LongLineFilterSequence   |     0.300 |     0.284 |    0.002       2.7     0.36 |    1000 |     0.285 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LongMuonsForKshort2PiPiMuMu                      |     0.012 |     0.028 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |     785 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LongPionsForKshort2PiPiMuMu                      |     0.179 |     0.163 |    0.021       1.2     0.13 |     389 |     0.064 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Kshort2PiPiMuMu_LongLine                         |     0.025 |     0.063 |    0.044       0.4     0.02 |     389 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingKshort2PiPiMuMu_LongLine                  |     0.300 |     0.300 |    0.020       4.3     0.32 |    1000 |     0.300 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKshort2PiPiMuMu_LongLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKshort2PiPiMuMu_LongLineFilterSequence   |     0.230 |     0.242 |    0.002       4.3     0.31 |    1000 |     0.243 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LongMuonsForKshort2PiPiMuMu                      |     0.012 |     0.023 |    0.005       0.2     0.02 |     785 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LongPionsForKshort2PiPiMuMu                      |     0.102 |     0.129 |    0.019       0.6     0.09 |     389 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Kshort2PiPiMuMu_LongLine                         |     0.051 |     0.054 |    0.041       0.1     0.01 |     389 |     0.021 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKshort2PiPiMuMu_LongLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingKshort2PiPiMuMu_DownLine                  |     0.130 |     0.184 |    0.022       5.0     0.31 |    1000 |     0.185 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingKshort2PiPiMuMu_DownLine                  |     0.210 |     0.146 |    0.019       1.5     0.19 |    1000 |     0.146 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKshort2PiPiMuMu_DownLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKshort2PiPiMuMu_DownLineFilterSequence   |     0.100 |     0.109 |    0.002       4.9     0.30 |    1000 |     0.110 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DownMuonsForKshort2PiPiMuMu                      |     0.055 |     0.036 |    0.004       4.5     0.24 |     363 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DownPionsForKshort2PiPiMuMu                      |     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.023       0.3     0.05 |     145 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Kshort2PiPiMuMu_DownLine                         |     0.068 |     0.063 |    0.044       0.1     0.02 |     145 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKshort2PiPiMuMu_DownLineFilterSequence   |     0.130 |     0.085 |    0.002       1.4     0.18 |    1000 |     0.085 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DownMuonsForKshort2PiPiMuMu                      |     0.027 |     0.017 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     363 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DownPionsForKshort2PiPiMuMu                      |     0.275 |     0.067 |    0.015       0.3     0.04 |     145 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Kshort2PiPiMuMu_DownLine                         |     0.068 |     0.057 |    0.042       0.1     0.01 |     145 |     0.008 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKshort2PiPiMuMu_DownLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDiMuonAndWForPromptCharm                  |     0.160 |     0.125 |    0.022       1.1     0.10 |    1000 |     0.126 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDiMuonAndWForPromptCharmPreScaler        |     0.030 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDiMuonAndWForPromptCharmFilterSequence   |     0.070 |     0.055 |    0.002       1.1     0.06 |    1000 |     0.056 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelWForPromptCharm                               |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.9     0.03 |     785 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelMuonForPromptCharm                            |     0.012 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     785 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDiMuonForPromptCharm                          |     0.043 |     0.060 |    0.033       1.9     0.09 |     463 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDiMuonAndWForPromptCharm                  |     0.130 |     0.118 |    0.019       5.7     0.25 |    1000 |     0.118 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDiMuonAndWForPromptCharmPreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDiMuonAndWForPromptCharmFilterSequence   |     0.080 |     0.053 |    0.002       5.2     0.17 |    1000 |     0.054 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelWForPromptCharm                               |     0.012 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.8     0.03 |     785 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelMuonForPromptCharm                            |     0.012 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     785 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDiMuonForPromptCharm                          |     0.021 |     0.049 |    0.030       1.1     0.05 |     463 |     0.023 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DiMuonAndWForPromptCharm                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDiMuonAndWForPromptCharmPostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingChiAndWForPromptCharm                     |     0.070 |     0.081 |    0.022       0.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.081 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChiAndWForPromptCharmPreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChiAndWForPromptCharmFilterSequence      |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingChiAndWForPromptCharm                     |     0.090 |     0.068 |    0.020       0.3     0.04 |    1000 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChiAndWForPromptCharmPreScaler           |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChiAndWForPromptCharmFilterSequence      |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDiMuonAndWForPromptCharm                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelPreChiAndWForPromptCharm                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ChiAndWForPromptCharm                            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChiAndWForPromptCharmPostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDoubleDiMuonForPromptCharm                |     0.250 |     0.226 |    0.020       2.3     0.21 |    1000 |     0.227 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDoubleDiMuonForPromptCharmPreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDoubleDiMuonForPromptCharmFilterSequence |     0.150 |     0.150 |    0.001       2.2     0.18 |    1000 |     0.151 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DoubleDiMuonForPromptCharm                       |     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.029       0.1     0.01 |      38 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDoubleDiMuonForPromptCharm                |     0.190 |     0.187 |    0.020       1.5     0.15 |    1000 |     0.188 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDoubleDiMuonForPromptCharmPreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDoubleDiMuonForPromptCharmFilterSequence |     0.100 |     0.125 |    0.002       1.4     0.14 |    1000 |     0.126 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DoubleDiMuonForPromptCharm                       |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.025       0.4     0.06 |      38 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDoubleDiMuonForPromptCharmPostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTripleDiMuonForPromptCharm                |     0.070 |     0.081 |    0.022       0.9     0.06 |    1000 |     0.081 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTripleDiMuonForPromptCharm                |     0.070 |     0.071 |    0.019       4.1     0.13 |    1000 |     0.072 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTripleDiMuonForPromptCharmPreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTripleDiMuonForPromptCharmFilterSequence |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.002       0.4     0.02 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TripleDiMuonForPromptCharm                       |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.027       0.1     0.01 |      38 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTripleDiMuonForPromptCharmFilterSequence |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.001       0.3     0.02 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TripleDiMuonForPromptCharm                       |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.024       0.1     0.01 |      38 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTripleDiMuonForPromptCharmPostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XMuMu_Line                              |     6.340 |     6.316 |    0.038    1223.5    52.96 |    1000 |     6.316 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XMuMu_LinePreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XMuMu_LineFilterSequence               |     6.290 |     6.219 |    0.009    1223.2    52.95 |    1000 |     6.220 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XMuMu_LineVOIDFilter                  |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sel_B2XMuMu_DiMuon                               |     0.202 |     0.136 |    0.075       3.2     0.14 |     692 |     0.095 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Selection_B2XMuMu_daughters               |    95.263 |    95.315 |    1.868     770.4   154.13 |      57 |     5.433 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_B2XMuMu_daughters        |    88.947 |    88.973 |    1.531     721.1   143.88 |      57 |     5.072 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:B2XMuMu_PhiFilter                        |     7.368 |     7.687 |    0.250      52.0    10.10 |      57 |     0.438 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:B2XMuMu_PhiMerge                       |     4.210 |     4.012 |    0.241      21.1     4.83 |      57 |     0.229 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:B2XMuMu_PhiMerge                |     3.859 |     3.821 |    0.229      20.5     4.68 |      57 |     0.218 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2XMuMu_PhiSubMMZ_Sel                 |     3.157 |     3.622 |    0.205      19.9     4.57 |      57 |     0.206 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_StdAllNoPIDsPions        |     0.000 |     0.181 |    0.033       0.6     0.12 |      57 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_Rho                      |     0.701 |     0.600 |    0.055       3.3     0.53 |      57 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2XMuMu_PhiSubMMZ_Sel                      |     0.000 |     0.077 |    0.024       0.3     0.05 |      56 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2XMuMu_PhiSubMMP_Sel                 |     0.175 |     0.098 |    0.004       0.3     0.07 |      57 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2XMuMu_PhiSubMMP_Sel                      |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      56 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2XMuMu_PhiSubMMM_Sel                 |     0.526 |     0.079 |    0.002       0.3     0.06 |      57 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2XMuMu_PhiSubMMM_Sel                      |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      56 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                B2XMuMu_PhiMerge                             |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      56 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2XMuMu_PhiSub_Sel                            |     0.535 |     0.117 |    0.032       0.5     0.10 |      56 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2XMuMu_PhiFilter                             |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      56 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:B2XMuMu_KstarFilter                      |    13.859 |    12.435 |    0.054     118.2    19.70 |      57 |     0.709 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:B2XMuMu_KstarMerge                     |     4.736 |     4.766 |    0.042      39.6     7.02 |      57 |     0.272 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:B2XMuMu_KstarMerge              |     4.561 |     4.522 |    0.032      38.8     6.84 |      57 |     0.258 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2XMuMu_KstarSubMMZ_Sel               |     4.210 |     4.314 |    0.002      38.3     6.72 |      57 |     0.246 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2XMuMu_KstarSubMMZ_Sel                    |     0.714 |     0.224 |    0.023       1.1     0.29 |      56 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2XMuMu_KstarSubMMP_Sel               |     0.000 |     0.105 |    0.003       0.4     0.09 |      57 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2XMuMu_KstarSubMMP_Sel                    |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      56 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2XMuMu_KstarSubMMM_Sel               |     0.350 |     0.081 |    0.002       0.3     0.06 |      57 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2XMuMu_KstarSubMMM_Sel                    |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      56 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                B2XMuMu_KstarMerge                           |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      56 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2XMuMu_KstarSub_Sel                          |     0.000 |     0.199 |    0.041       1.1     0.18 |      56 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2XMuMu_KstarFilter                           |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.006       0.1     0.02 |      56 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_Rho                    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      57 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_rho2pipizero           |     2.982 |     4.055 |    0.031      29.8     5.60 |      57 |     0.231 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:Selection_B2XMuMu_pi0                  |     0.000 |     0.498 |    0.024       5.1     0.72 |      57 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_B2XMuMu_pi0           |     0.000 |     0.224 |    0.018       0.9     0.17 |      57 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_pi0resolved         |     0.000 |     0.186 |    0.005       0.9     0.15 |      57 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_pi0resolved              |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      55 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_pi0merged           |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.002       0.2     0.05 |      57 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XMuMu_Line                              |     5.620 |     5.583 |    0.034    1071.3    45.39 |    1000 |     5.584 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XMuMu_LinePreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XMuMu_LineFilterSequence               |     5.530 |     5.507 |    0.008    1071.2    45.39 |    1000 |     5.508 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XMuMu_LineVOIDFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sel_B2XMuMu_DiMuon                               |     0.158 |     0.111 |    0.064       0.6     0.04 |     692 |     0.077 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Selection_B2XMuMu_daughters               |    84.035 |    83.913 |    1.693     638.0   126.11 |      57 |     4.783 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_B2XMuMu_daughters        |    78.421 |    78.113 |    1.227     590.0   116.12 |      57 |     4.452 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:B2XMuMu_PhiFilter                        |     7.192 |     6.616 |    0.216      46.3     8.00 |      57 |     0.377 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:B2XMuMu_PhiMerge                       |     3.508 |     3.254 |    0.209      19.2     3.34 |      57 |     0.186 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:B2XMuMu_PhiMerge                |     3.508 |     3.079 |    0.204      18.6     3.23 |      57 |     0.176 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2XMuMu_PhiSubMMZ_Sel                 |     3.508 |     2.907 |    0.176      18.2     3.14 |      57 |     0.166 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_StdAllNoPIDsPions        |     0.175 |     0.147 |    0.029       0.4     0.09 |      57 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_Rho                      |     0.877 |     0.527 |    0.038       1.6     0.39 |      57 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2XMuMu_PhiSubMMZ_Sel                      |     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.015       0.3     0.05 |      56 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2XMuMu_PhiSubMMP_Sel                 |     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.004       0.2     0.06 |      57 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2XMuMu_PhiSubMMP_Sel                      |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      56 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2XMuMu_PhiSubMMM_Sel                 |     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.003       0.2     0.05 |      57 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2XMuMu_PhiSubMMM_Sel                      |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      56 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                B2XMuMu_PhiMerge                             |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      56 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2XMuMu_PhiSub_Sel                            |     0.178 |     0.106 |    0.019       0.7     0.12 |      56 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2XMuMu_PhiFilter                             |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      56 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:B2XMuMu_KstarFilter                      |    10.526 |    10.548 |    0.037      84.7    14.79 |      57 |     0.601 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:B2XMuMu_KstarMerge                     |     4.035 |     4.192 |    0.032      31.7     5.76 |      57 |     0.239 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:B2XMuMu_KstarMerge              |     3.859 |     3.976 |    0.028      30.9     5.60 |      57 |     0.227 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2XMuMu_KstarSubMMZ_Sel               |     3.859 |     3.799 |    0.002      30.5     5.49 |      57 |     0.217 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2XMuMu_KstarSubMMZ_Sel                    |     0.000 |     0.096 |    0.012       0.6     0.09 |      56 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2XMuMu_KstarSubMMP_Sel               |     0.000 |     0.089 |    0.002       0.5     0.08 |      57 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2XMuMu_KstarSubMMP_Sel                    |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      56 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2XMuMu_KstarSubMMM_Sel               |     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.003       0.3     0.05 |      57 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2XMuMu_KstarSubMMM_Sel                    |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      56 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                B2XMuMu_KstarMerge                           |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      56 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2XMuMu_KstarSub_Sel                          |     0.178 |     0.176 |    0.034       1.1     0.18 |      56 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2XMuMu_KstarFilter                           |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      56 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_Rho                    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      57 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_rho2pipizero           |     2.807 |     3.147 |    0.021      18.7     3.98 |      57 |     0.179 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:Selection_B2XMuMu_pi0                  |     0.350 |     0.336 |    0.015       1.0     0.24 |      57 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_B2XMuMu_pi0           |     0.350 |     0.181 |    0.012       0.6     0.12 |      57 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_pi0resolved         |     0.175 |     0.150 |    0.002       0.4     0.10 |      57 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_pi0resolved              |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      55 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_pi0merged           |     0.175 |     0.020 |    0.002       0.3     0.05 |      57 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_pi0merged                |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                Selection_B2XMuMu_pi0                        |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      47 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Selection_B2XMuMu_rho2pipizero                |     1.063 |     1.364 |    0.142       5.4     1.27 |      47 |     0.064 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:B2XMuMu_F2Filter                         |     6.842 |     6.533 |    0.046      46.0     9.24 |      57 |     0.372 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:B2XMuMu_F2Merge                        |     2.807 |     2.641 |    0.035      19.0     3.56 |      57 |     0.151 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:B2XMuMu_F2Merge                 |     2.631 |     2.450 |    0.024      18.4     3.43 |      57 |     0.140 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2XMuMu_F2SubMMZ_Sel                  |     2.631 |     2.247 |    0.003      17.9     3.30 |      57 |     0.128 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2XMuMu_F2SubMMZ_Sel                       |     0.357 |     0.071 |    0.017       0.3     0.06 |      56 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2XMuMu_F2SubMMP_Sel                  |     0.000 |     0.100 |    0.002       0.3     0.08 |      57 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2XMuMu_F2SubMMP_Sel                       |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      56 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2XMuMu_F2SubMMM_Sel                  |     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.002       0.3     0.07 |      57 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2XMuMu_F2SubMMM_Sel                       |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      56 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                B2XMuMu_F2Merge                              |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      56 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2XMuMu_F2Sub_Sel                             |     0.178 |     0.108 |    0.023       0.5     0.09 |      56 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2XMuMu_F2Filter                              |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      56 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_Kshort                 |     0.175 |     0.245 |    0.023       1.0     0.26 |      57 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:Selection_B2XMuMu_Kshort               |     0.175 |     0.235 |    0.019       1.0     0.26 |      57 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_B2XMuMu_Kshort        |     0.000 |     0.139 |    0.013       0.6     0.13 |      57 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_Ksdd                |     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.002       0.3     0.10 |      57 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_Ksdd                     |     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |      29 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_Ksll                |     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.003       0.4     0.08 |      57 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_Ksll                     |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |      14 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                Selection_B2XMuMu_Kshort                     |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      23 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_dzero                  |     0.175 |     0.111 |    0.002       2.0     0.29 |      57 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Selection_B2XMuMu_dzero                       |     0.588 |     0.195 |    0.026       1.7     0.39 |      17 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_StdAllNoPIDsKaons      |     0.175 |     0.369 |    0.120       1.2     0.21 |      57 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Selection_B2XMuMu_StdAllNoPIDsKaons           |     0.175 |     0.204 |    0.050       0.5     0.12 |      57 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_StdAllNoPIDsPions      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      57 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_Kstar2kspi             |     0.350 |     0.342 |    0.002       1.7     0.49 |      57 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Selection_B2XMuMu_Kstar2kspi                  |     0.869 |     0.559 |    0.181       1.4     0.34 |      23 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_Kstar2kpizero          |     2.280 |     2.508 |    0.003      16.9     3.59 |      57 |     0.143 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Selection_B2XMuMu_Kstar2kpizero               |     0.425 |     1.063 |    0.104       3.7     0.95 |      47 |     0.050 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Phys_StdLooseDplus2hhh_Particles         |     3.508 |     2.877 |    0.198      68.8     9.04 |      57 |     0.164 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_StdLooseDplus2hhh_Particles     |     2.070 |     2.348 |    0.136      68.7     4.73 |     314 |     0.737 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Phys_StdLooseDstarWithD02KPi_Particles   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      57 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_Lambda                 |     0.877 |     1.338 |    0.281      12.4     1.67 |      57 |     0.076 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:Selection_B2XMuMu_Lambda               |     0.877 |     1.330 |    0.271      12.4     1.67 |      57 |     0.076 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_B2XMuMu_Lambda        |     0.701 |     1.183 |    0.261      12.4     1.62 |      57 |     0.067 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_Lambdall            |     0.350 |     1.110 |    0.245      12.2     1.60 |      57 |     0.063 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  SelFilterPhys_StdVeryLooseLambdaLL_Particle|     0.175 |     0.958 |    0.239      12.2     1.57 |      57 |     0.055 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_Lambdall                 |     0.333 |     0.072 |    0.010       0.1     0.03 |      30 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_Lambdadd            |     0.350 |     0.058 |    0.003       0.4     0.09 |      57 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_Lambdadd                 |     0.476 |     0.036 |    0.005       0.1     0.03 |      21 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                Selection_B2XMuMu_Lambda                     |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      28 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:B2XMuMu_LambdastarFilter                 |    12.280 |    12.553 |    0.043     141.9    21.86 |      57 |     0.716 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:B2XMuMu_LambdastarMerge                |     5.263 |     4.634 |    0.034      36.6     6.70 |      57 |     0.264 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:B2XMuMu_LambdastarMerge         |     4.912 |     4.386 |    0.026      35.7     6.50 |      57 |     0.250 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2XMuMu_LambdastarSubMMZ_Sel          |     4.736 |     4.180 |    0.004      35.1     6.38 |      57 |     0.238 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2XMuMu_LambdastarSubMMZ_Sel               |     0.357 |     0.138 |    0.027       1.1     0.19 |      56 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2XMuMu_LambdastarSubMMP_Sel          |     0.175 |     0.103 |    0.003       0.4     0.08 |      57 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2XMuMu_LambdastarSubMMP_Sel               |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      56 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2XMuMu_LambdastarSubMMM_Sel          |     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.002       0.3     0.06 |      57 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2XMuMu_LambdastarSubMMM_Sel               |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      56 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                B2XMuMu_LambdastarMerge                      |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      56 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2XMuMu_LambdastarSub_Sel                     |     0.000 |     0.213 |    0.039       1.4     0.23 |      56 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2XMuMu_LambdastarFilter                      |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      56 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_pi0                    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      57 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_a1                     |     1.929 |     1.897 |    0.097      14.1     2.72 |      57 |     0.108 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Selection_B2XMuMu_a1                          |     1.929 |     1.652 |    0.032      12.7     2.52 |      57 |     0.094 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:B2XMuMu_K1_PickDecay                     |    15.614 |    16.111 |    0.003     195.1    36.48 |      57 |     0.918 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2XMuMu_a1k1_SubPIDAlg                        |     0.227 |     0.189 |    0.022       2.1     0.34 |      44 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2XMuMu_a1k1_SubPIDAlgp                       |     0.227 |     0.289 |    0.005       6.0     0.92 |      44 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2XMuMu_a1k1_SubPIDAlgm                       |     0.000 |     0.202 |    0.006       1.9     0.36 |      36 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2XMuMu_K1_PickDecay                          |     0.312 |     0.129 |    0.021       1.2     0.22 |      32 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:B2XMuMu_K2_PickDecay                     |    11.754 |    10.971 |    0.002     127.8    24.32 |      57 |     0.625 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2XMuMu_a1k2_SubPIDAlg                        |     0.227 |     0.214 |    0.019       2.4     0.41 |      44 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2XMuMu_a1k2_SubPIDAlgp                       |     0.000 |     0.097 |    0.005       0.8     0.14 |      44 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2XMuMu_a1k2_SubPIDAlgm                       |     0.000 |     0.140 |    0.006       1.1     0.25 |      36 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2XMuMu_K2_PickDecay                          |     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.014       0.6     0.11 |      32 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:B2XMuMu_K10_PickDecay                    |     1.052 |     0.570 |    0.002       3.0     0.92 |      57 |     0.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Selection_B2XMuMu_k10                         |     1.304 |     0.962 |    0.129       2.2     0.75 |      23 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2XMuMu_K10_PickDecay                         |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      14 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_k12omegak              |     4.736 |     5.356 |    0.024     120.3    16.54 |      57 |     0.305 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:Selection_B2XMuMu_pi0foromega          |     0.350 |     0.451 |    0.018       1.5     0.31 |      57 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_B2XMuMu_pi0foromega   |     0.350 |     0.233 |    0.012       0.7     0.15 |      57 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_pi0foromegaresolved |     0.350 |     0.196 |    0.003       0.6     0.13 |      57 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_pi0foromegaresolved      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      55 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_pi0foromegamerged   |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.002       0.3     0.05 |      57 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_pi0foromegamerged        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                Selection_B2XMuMu_pi0foromega                |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      54 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Selection_B2XMuMu_omega2pipipizero            |     0.370 |     0.448 |    0.045       2.6     0.46 |      54 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Selection_B2XMuMu_k12omegak                   |     0.789 |     1.079 |    0.096      12.3     2.12 |      38 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_k12omegaks             |     0.350 |     0.405 |    0.002       9.1     1.31 |      57 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Selection_B2XMuMu_k12omegaks                  |     0.500 |     0.276 |    0.053       1.5     0.34 |      20 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_Xi                     |     0.877 |     0.776 |    0.026       9.2     1.42 |      57 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:Selection_B2XMuMu_Xi                   |     0.877 |     0.769 |    0.022       9.2     1.42 |      57 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_B2XMuMu_Xi            |     0.701 |     0.709 |    0.017       8.9     1.34 |      57 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_XiLLL               |     0.526 |     0.362 |    0.002       2.4     0.56 |      57 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_LongXiPions              |     0.714 |     0.263 |    0.071       1.0     0.19 |      28 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_XiLLL                    |     0.434 |     0.215 |    0.066       1.8     0.35 |      23 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_XiDDL               |     0.175 |     0.203 |    0.002       6.8     0.92 |      57 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_XiDDL                    |     1.000 |     0.770 |    0.064       6.6     2.05 |      10 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_XiDDD               |     0.000 |     0.125 |    0.001       1.5     0.30 |      57 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_DownXiPions              |     0.000 |     0.128 |    0.032       0.2     0.05 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_XiDDD                    |     0.000 |     0.211 |    0.068       1.1     0.32 |      10 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                Selection_B2XMuMu_Xi                         |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_Omega                  |     1.754 |     1.646 |    0.025      47.4     6.31 |      57 |     0.094 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:Selection_B2XMuMu_Omega                |     1.754 |     1.638 |    0.020      47.4     6.31 |      57 |     0.093 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_B2XMuMu_Omega         |     1.754 |     1.549 |    0.015      47.0     6.25 |      57 |     0.088 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_OmegaLLL            |     0.350 |     0.334 |    0.001       2.1     0.49 |      57 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_LongOmegaKaons           |     0.000 |     0.187 |    0.052       0.5     0.09 |      28 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_OmegaLLL                 |     0.869 |     0.183 |    0.063       1.0     0.19 |      23 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_OmegaDDL            |     0.175 |     0.096 |    0.001       1.0     0.23 |      57 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_OmegaDDL                 |     0.000 |     0.181 |    0.061       0.7     0.20 |      10 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_OmegaDDD            |     1.228 |     1.103 |    0.002      45.3     6.02 |      57 |     0.063 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  SelFilterPhys_StdNoPIDsDownKaons_Particles |     7.000 |     5.625 |    0.276      44.1    13.55 |      10 |     0.056 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_DownOmegaKaons           |     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.033       0.2     0.04 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_OmegaDDD                 |     0.000 |     0.191 |    0.056       0.8     0.23 |      10 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                Selection_B2XMuMu_Omega                      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Selection_B2XMuMu_daughters                     |     0.000 |     0.061 |    0.006       0.9     0.15 |      57 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XMuMu_Line                                     |     1.929 |     1.430 |    0.470      13.0     1.84 |      57 |     0.082 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XMuMu_Line                        |    18.750 |    19.707 |    0.115     104.5    36.50 |       8 |     0.158 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XMuMu_Line                        |     6.250 |     3.984 |    0.296      27.0     9.32 |       8 |     0.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XMuMu_Line                        |     8.750 |     8.215 |    0.247      58.0    20.15 |       8 |     0.066 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2XMuMu_Line                        |    22.500 |    23.087 |    0.414     172.0    60.18 |       8 |     0.185 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XMuMu_LinePostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2MuMuGammaLine                          |     1.000 |     1.013 |    0.026     564.8    18.82 |    1000 |     1.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuGammaLinePreScaler                |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuGammaLineFilterSequence           |     0.880 |     0.939 |    0.002     564.6    18.81 |    1000 |     0.939 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2MuMuGammaLine                                 |     0.037 |     0.149 |    0.076       1.6     0.11 |     536 |     0.080 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bs2MuMuGammaLine                    |    46.666 |    48.945 |    3.401     128.9    69.48 |       3 |     0.147 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bs2MuMuGammaLine                    |     6.666 |     1.054 |    0.284       2.3     1.07 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bs2MuMuGammaLine                    |     0.000 |     1.051 |    0.426       1.9     0.75 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bs2MuMuGammaLine                    |    46.666 |    47.871 |    7.590     117.8    60.81 |       3 |     0.144 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bs2MuMuGammaLine                    |    53.333 |    52.685 |    8.112     131.1    68.15 |       3 |     0.158 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bs2MuMuGammaLine                    |   110.000 |   115.067 |   21.767     294.9   155.75 |       3 |     0.345 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuGammaLinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLc23MuLc23muLine                          |     0.150 |     0.158 |    0.021       1.8     0.13 |    1000 |     0.159 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLc23MuLc23muLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLc23MuLc23muLineFilterSequence           |     0.090 |     0.095 |    0.002       1.5     0.12 |    1000 |     0.096 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lc23MuLc23muLine                                 |     0.093 |     0.096 |    0.047       1.4     0.08 |     537 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                Selection_B2XMuMu_pi0                        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      47 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Selection_B2XMuMu_rho2pipizero                |     0.425 |     1.112 |    0.143       4.2     0.97 |      47 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:B2XMuMu_F2Filter                         |     5.789 |     5.655 |    0.030      43.4     7.58 |      57 |     0.322 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:B2XMuMu_F2Merge                        |     2.456 |     2.270 |    0.026      16.7     2.89 |      57 |     0.129 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:B2XMuMu_F2Merge                 |     2.456 |     2.104 |    0.020      16.1     2.78 |      57 |     0.120 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2XMuMu_F2SubMMZ_Sel                  |     2.456 |     1.929 |    0.003      15.7     2.69 |      57 |     0.110 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2XMuMu_F2SubMMZ_Sel                       |     0.000 |     0.055 |    0.009       0.3     0.05 |      56 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2XMuMu_F2SubMMP_Sel                  |     0.000 |     0.088 |    0.002       0.3     0.06 |      57 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2XMuMu_F2SubMMP_Sel                       |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      56 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2XMuMu_F2SubMMM_Sel                  |     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.004       0.2     0.05 |      57 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2XMuMu_F2SubMMM_Sel                       |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      56 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                B2XMuMu_F2Merge                              |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.002       0.0     0.01 |      56 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2XMuMu_F2Sub_Sel                             |     0.178 |     0.086 |    0.014       0.5     0.08 |      56 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2XMuMu_F2Filter                              |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      56 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_Kshort                 |     0.350 |     0.223 |    0.021       0.9     0.24 |      57 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:Selection_B2XMuMu_Kshort               |     0.350 |     0.216 |    0.015       0.9     0.24 |      57 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_B2XMuMu_Kshort        |     0.350 |     0.130 |    0.012       0.5     0.14 |      57 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_Ksdd                |     0.175 |     0.074 |    0.002       0.4     0.09 |      57 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_Ksdd                     |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |      29 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_Ksll                |     0.175 |     0.045 |    0.002       0.4     0.09 |      57 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_Ksll                     |     0.714 |     0.046 |    0.003       0.3     0.08 |      14 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                Selection_B2XMuMu_Kshort                     |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      23 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_dzero                  |     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.002       0.4     0.11 |      57 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Selection_B2XMuMu_dzero                       |     0.000 |     0.065 |    0.015       0.1     0.03 |      17 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_StdAllNoPIDsKaons      |     0.175 |     0.322 |    0.103       0.9     0.18 |      57 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Selection_B2XMuMu_StdAllNoPIDsKaons           |     0.175 |     0.173 |    0.034       0.6     0.12 |      57 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_StdAllNoPIDsPions      |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      57 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_Kstar2kspi             |     0.175 |     0.366 |    0.002       5.4     0.80 |      57 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Selection_B2XMuMu_Kstar2kspi                  |     0.434 |     0.639 |    0.146       5.0     0.99 |      23 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_Kstar2kpizero          |     3.333 |     2.579 |    0.003      18.1     3.80 |      57 |     0.147 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Selection_B2XMuMu_Kstar2kpizero               |     1.276 |     1.107 |    0.169       5.2     1.12 |      47 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Phys_StdLooseDplus2hhh_Particles         |     1.929 |     2.494 |    0.155      54.6     7.20 |      57 |     0.142 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_StdLooseDplus2hhh_Particles     |     1.910 |     2.149 |    0.148      54.5     4.18 |     314 |     0.675 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Phys_StdLooseDstarWithD02KPi_Particles   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      57 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_Lambda                 |     1.578 |     1.244 |    0.223      10.0     1.39 |      57 |     0.071 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:Selection_B2XMuMu_Lambda               |     1.578 |     1.237 |    0.218      10.0     1.39 |      57 |     0.071 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_B2XMuMu_Lambda        |     1.578 |     1.089 |    0.214      10.0     1.33 |      57 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_Lambdall            |     1.403 |     1.018 |    0.203       9.9     1.31 |      57 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  SelFilterPhys_StdVeryLooseLambdaLL_Particle|     1.052 |     0.865 |    0.198       9.9     1.27 |      57 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_Lambdall                 |     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.008       0.2     0.03 |      30 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_Lambdadd            |     0.175 |     0.053 |    0.003       0.3     0.08 |      57 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_Lambdadd                 |     0.476 |     0.032 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |      21 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                Selection_B2XMuMu_Lambda                     |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.004       0.3     0.05 |      28 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:B2XMuMu_LambdastarFilter                 |    11.228 |    11.512 |    0.035      91.4    15.58 |      57 |     0.656 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:B2XMuMu_LambdastarMerge                |     4.385 |     4.447 |    0.026      34.6     5.97 |      57 |     0.254 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:B2XMuMu_LambdastarMerge         |     4.385 |     4.218 |    0.021      33.8     5.80 |      57 |     0.240 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2XMuMu_LambdastarSubMMZ_Sel          |     4.210 |     4.029 |    0.004      33.3     5.70 |      57 |     0.230 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2XMuMu_LambdastarSubMMZ_Sel               |     0.178 |     0.099 |    0.016       0.6     0.10 |      56 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2XMuMu_LambdastarSubMMP_Sel          |     0.175 |     0.093 |    0.002       0.3     0.06 |      57 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2XMuMu_LambdastarSubMMP_Sel               |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      56 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:B2XMuMu_LambdastarSubMMM_Sel          |     0.000 |     0.078 |    0.002       0.3     0.06 |      57 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  B2XMuMu_LambdastarSubMMM_Sel               |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      56 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                B2XMuMu_LambdastarMerge                      |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |      56 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2XMuMu_LambdastarSub_Sel                     |     0.000 |     0.163 |    0.020       0.9     0.15 |      56 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2XMuMu_LambdastarFilter                      |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      56 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_pi0                    |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      57 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_a1                     |     1.052 |     1.667 |    0.084      12.1     2.23 |      57 |     0.095 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Selection_B2XMuMu_a1                          |     0.877 |     1.457 |    0.037      11.3     2.10 |      57 |     0.083 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:B2XMuMu_K1_PickDecay                     |    14.912 |    14.826 |    0.003     160.7    32.36 |      57 |     0.845 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2XMuMu_a1k1_SubPIDAlg                        |     0.227 |     0.187 |    0.021       2.1     0.35 |      44 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2XMuMu_a1k1_SubPIDAlgp                       |     0.227 |     0.388 |    0.006      11.9     1.79 |      44 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2XMuMu_a1k1_SubPIDAlgm                       |     0.277 |     0.160 |    0.006       1.6     0.29 |      36 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2XMuMu_K1_PickDecay                          |     0.312 |     0.106 |    0.018       0.9     0.17 |      32 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:B2XMuMu_K2_PickDecay                     |    10.877 |     9.555 |    0.002     103.3    19.78 |      57 |     0.545 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2XMuMu_a1k2_SubPIDAlg                        |     0.454 |     0.199 |    0.016       2.5     0.42 |      44 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2XMuMu_a1k2_SubPIDAlgp                       |     0.227 |     0.080 |    0.005       0.6     0.11 |      44 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2XMuMu_a1k2_SubPIDAlgm                       |     0.555 |     0.108 |    0.005       0.8     0.17 |      36 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2XMuMu_K2_PickDecay                          |     0.625 |     0.175 |    0.013       0.7     0.24 |      32 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:B2XMuMu_K10_PickDecay                    |     0.000 |     0.523 |    0.002       3.0     0.85 |      57 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Selection_B2XMuMu_k10                         |     0.000 |     0.866 |    0.129       2.3     0.69 |      23 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2XMuMu_K10_PickDecay                         |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      14 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_k12omegak              |     3.859 |     4.438 |    0.022     101.1    13.46 |      57 |     0.253 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:Selection_B2XMuMu_pi0foromega          |     0.350 |     0.419 |    0.015       1.1     0.25 |      57 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_B2XMuMu_pi0foromega   |     0.350 |     0.214 |    0.011       0.7     0.12 |      57 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_pi0foromegaresolved |     0.175 |     0.182 |    0.002       0.5     0.11 |      57 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_pi0foromegaresolved      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      55 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_pi0foromegamerged   |     0.175 |     0.021 |    0.002       0.3     0.05 |      57 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_pi0foromegamerged        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                Selection_B2XMuMu_pi0foromega                |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      54 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Selection_B2XMuMu_omega2pipipizero            |     0.370 |     0.402 |    0.053       2.5     0.41 |      54 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Selection_B2XMuMu_k12omegak                   |     0.789 |     0.951 |    0.078      11.5     1.90 |      38 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_k12omegaks             |     0.526 |     0.382 |    0.002       7.7     1.18 |      57 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Selection_B2XMuMu_k12omegaks                  |     0.500 |     0.215 |    0.049       0.7     0.20 |      20 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_Xi                     |     0.701 |     0.628 |    0.022       3.7     0.84 |      57 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:Selection_B2XMuMu_Xi                   |     0.701 |     0.622 |    0.019       3.7     0.84 |      57 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_B2XMuMu_Xi            |     0.526 |     0.571 |    0.015       3.5     0.77 |      57 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_XiLLL               |     0.350 |     0.337 |    0.002       2.9     0.52 |      57 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_LongXiPions              |     0.000 |     0.212 |    0.055       0.4     0.10 |      28 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_XiLLL                    |     0.434 |     0.230 |    0.056       2.3     0.46 |      23 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_XiDDL               |     0.175 |     0.114 |    0.002       1.9     0.33 |      57 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_XiDDL                    |     0.000 |     0.261 |    0.063       1.8     0.53 |      10 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_XiDDD               |     0.000 |     0.105 |    0.001       1.1     0.25 |      57 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_DownXiPions              |     0.000 |     0.112 |    0.026       0.2     0.05 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_XiDDD                    |     0.000 |     0.160 |    0.053       0.7     0.19 |      10 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                Selection_B2XMuMu_Xi                         |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_Omega                  |     1.052 |     1.155 |    0.021      23.4     3.19 |      57 |     0.066 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:Selection_B2XMuMu_Omega                |     1.052 |     1.148 |    0.017      23.3     3.19 |      57 |     0.065 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_B2XMuMu_Omega         |     1.052 |     1.063 |    0.013      23.0     3.13 |      57 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_OmegaLLL            |     0.350 |     0.317 |    0.001       1.7     0.44 |      57 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_LongOmegaKaons           |     0.000 |     0.173 |    0.051       0.3     0.08 |      28 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_OmegaLLL                 |     0.000 |     0.183 |    0.056       1.3     0.25 |      23 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_OmegaDDL            |     0.175 |     0.091 |    0.001       0.9     0.22 |      57 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_OmegaDDL                 |     1.000 |     0.169 |    0.058       0.7     0.20 |      10 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2XMuMu_OmegaDDD            |     0.526 |     0.640 |    0.001      21.4     2.89 |      57 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  SelFilterPhys_StdNoPIDsDownKaons_Particles |     2.000 |     3.050 |    0.491      20.3     6.12 |      10 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_DownOmegaKaons           |     0.000 |     0.083 |    0.028       0.1     0.03 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2XMuMu_OmegaDDD                 |     0.000 |     0.169 |    0.065       0.7     0.19 |      10 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                Selection_B2XMuMu_Omega                      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Selection_B2XMuMu_daughters                     |     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.004       0.9     0.15 |      57 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XMuMu_Line                                     |     1.754 |     1.364 |    0.429      12.7     1.95 |      57 |     0.078 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XMuMu_Line                        |    18.750 |    18.943 |    0.105     103.4    35.76 |       8 |     0.152 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XMuMu_Line                        |     3.750 |     3.730 |    0.196      26.0     9.00 |       8 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XMuMu_Line                        |    10.000 |     8.355 |    0.153      60.2    20.94 |       8 |     0.067 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2XMuMu_Line                        |    22.500 |    22.359 |    0.264     167.5    58.67 |       8 |     0.179 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XMuMu_LinePostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2MuMuGammaLine                          |     0.850 |     0.866 |    0.024     543.7    17.52 |    1000 |     0.867 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuGammaLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuGammaLineFilterSequence           |     0.810 |     0.805 |    0.002     543.6    17.52 |    1000 |     0.805 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2MuMuGammaLine                                 |     0.167 |     0.130 |    0.068       0.9     0.10 |     536 |     0.070 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bs2MuMuGammaLine                    |    30.000 |    27.110 |    1.920      66.1    34.24 |       3 |     0.081 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bs2MuMuGammaLine                    |     0.000 |     0.871 |    0.180       2.1     1.11 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bs2MuMuGammaLine                    |     0.000 |     0.790 |    0.240       1.8     0.84 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bs2MuMuGammaLine                    |    50.000 |    44.315 |    4.608     113.0    59.70 |       3 |     0.133 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bs2MuMuGammaLine                    |    46.666 |    49.847 |    6.370     126.2    66.30 |       3 |     0.150 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bs2MuMuGammaLine                    |   100.000 |   105.896 |   15.923     285.8   155.78 |       3 |     0.318 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuGammaLinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLc23MuLc23muLine                          |     0.130 |     0.138 |    0.020       3.9     0.16 |    1000 |     0.139 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLc23MuLc23muLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLc23MuLc23muLineFilterSequence           |     0.080 |     0.087 |    0.002       3.9     0.15 |    1000 |     0.087 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lc23MuLc23muLine                                 |     0.093 |     0.083 |    0.042       1.5     0.06 |     537 |     0.045 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lc23MuLc23muLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lc23MuLc23muLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lc23MuLc23muLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -145642,10 +145902,10 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Lc23MuLc23muLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Lc23MuLc23muLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Lc23MuLc23muLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLc23MuLc23muLinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLc23MuLc2mueeLine                         |     0.150 |     0.173 |    0.023       1.7     0.17 |    1000 |     0.174 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLc23MuLc2mueeLine                         |     0.100 |     0.152 |    0.020       1.3     0.14 |    1000 |     0.153 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLc23MuLc2mueeLinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLc23MuLc2mueeLineFilterSequence          |     0.080 |     0.109 |    0.002       1.6     0.16 |    1000 |     0.109 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lc23MuLc2mueeLine                                |     0.078 |     0.174 |    0.096       1.5     0.09 |     383 |     0.067 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLc23MuLc2mueeLineFilterSequence          |     0.060 |     0.098 |    0.002       1.2     0.14 |    1000 |     0.098 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lc23MuLc2mueeLine                                |     0.104 |     0.158 |    0.083       1.2     0.06 |     383 |     0.061 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lc23MuLc2mueeLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lc23MuLc2mueeLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lc23MuLc2mueeLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -145655,10 +145915,10 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Lc23MuLc2mueeLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Lc23MuLc2mueeLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Lc23MuLc2mueeLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLc23MuLc2mueeLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLc23MuLc2pmumuLine                        |     0.220 |     0.196 |    0.023       2.1     0.16 |    1000 |     0.196 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLc23MuLc2pmumuLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLc23MuLc2pmumuLineFilterSequence         |     0.190 |     0.134 |    0.002       2.0     0.15 |    1000 |     0.134 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lc23MuLc2pmumuLine                               |     0.266 |     0.166 |    0.103       1.9     0.09 |     525 |     0.087 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLc23MuLc2pmumuLine                        |     0.210 |     0.181 |    0.022       5.6     0.25 |    1000 |     0.182 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLc23MuLc2pmumuLinePreScaler              |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLc23MuLc2pmumuLineFilterSequence         |     0.100 |     0.128 |    0.002       5.5     0.25 |    1000 |     0.129 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lc23MuLc2pmumuLine                               |     0.114 |     0.157 |    0.091       5.5     0.25 |     525 |     0.083 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lc23MuLc2pmumuLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lc23MuLc2pmumuLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lc23MuLc2pmumuLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -145668,10 +145928,10 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Lc23MuLc2pmumuLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Lc23MuLc2pmumuLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Lc23MuLc2pmumuLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLc23MuLc2pmumuLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLc23MuLc2peeLine                          |     0.330 |     0.267 |    0.021       1.7     0.19 |    1000 |     0.267 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLc23MuLc2peeLine                          |     0.250 |     0.232 |    0.020       1.4     0.16 |    1000 |     0.232 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLc23MuLc2peeLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLc23MuLc2peeLineFilterSequence           |     0.230 |     0.203 |    0.002       1.6     0.18 |    1000 |     0.204 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lc23MuLc2peeLine                                 |     0.242 |     0.203 |    0.105       1.6     0.09 |     661 |     0.135 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLc23MuLc2peeLineFilterSequence           |     0.200 |     0.179 |    0.002       1.3     0.15 |    1000 |     0.179 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lc23MuLc2peeLine                                 |     0.196 |     0.178 |    0.090       1.2     0.06 |     661 |     0.118 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lc23MuLc2peeLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lc23MuLc2peeLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lc23MuLc2peeLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -145681,10 +145941,10 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Lc23MuLc2peeLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Lc23MuLc2peeLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Lc23MuLc2peeLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLc23MuLc2peeLinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLc23MuLc2pKpiLine                         |     0.050 |     0.075 |    0.016       0.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.075 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLc23MuLc2pKpiLinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLc23MuLc2pKpiLineFilterSequence          |     0.000 |     0.370 |    0.002       0.7     0.17 |      11 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lc23MuLc2pKpiLine                                |     0.000 |     0.316 |    0.217       0.5     0.10 |      10 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLc23MuLc2pKpiLine                         |     0.050 |     0.063 |    0.016       0.5     0.05 |    1000 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLc23MuLc2pKpiLinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLc23MuLc2pKpiLineFilterSequence          |     0.000 |     0.298 |    0.002       0.4     0.11 |      11 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lc23MuLc2pKpiLine                                |     0.000 |     0.247 |    0.187       0.3     0.05 |      10 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lc23MuLc2pKpiLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lc23MuLc2pKpiLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lc23MuLc2pKpiLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -145694,41 +145954,41 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Lc23MuLc2pKpiLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Lc23MuLc2pKpiLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Lc23MuLc2pKpiLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLc23MuLc2pKpiLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingMicroDiJetsLine                           |     0.160 |     0.216 |    0.015      12.5     0.55 |    1000 |     0.216 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDiJetsLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDiJetsLineFilterSequence            |     0.515 |     0.657 |    0.038      12.4     0.97 |     233 |     0.153 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_MDSTJets_Particles                 |     0.429 |     0.484 |    0.032      10.1     0.72 |     233 |     0.113 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MicroDiJetsLine                                  |     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.031       2.1     0.19 |     200 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingMicroDiJetsLine                           |     0.230 |     0.175 |    0.015       8.1     0.38 |    1000 |     0.176 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDiJetsLinePreScaler                 |     0.020 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDiJetsLineFilterSequence            |     0.815 |     0.525 |    0.040       8.0     0.62 |     233 |     0.122 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_MDSTJets_Particles                 |     0.686 |     0.398 |    0.035       6.5     0.50 |     233 |     0.093 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MicroDiJetsLine                                  |     0.050 |     0.056 |    0.030       1.5     0.14 |     200 |     0.011 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMicroDiJetsLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBd2KSLLX_eeLine                           |     0.190 |     0.177 |    0.034       5.2     0.27 |    1000 |     0.177 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBd2KSLLX_eeLine                           |     0.080 |     0.146 |    0.029       2.8     0.19 |    1000 |     0.147 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2KSLLX_eeLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2KSLLX_eeLineFilterSequence            |     0.100 |     0.091 |    0.009       2.9     0.20 |    1000 |     0.092 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBd2KSLLX_eeLineVOIDFilter               |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDiElectronForBd2KSLLX                         |     0.075 |     0.060 |    0.006       0.3     0.04 |     400 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:MergeBd2KSLLX_ee                          |     0.370 |     0.347 |    0.020       1.6     0.39 |      27 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:MergeBd2KSLLX_ee                   |     0.370 |     0.212 |    0.013       1.0     0.23 |      27 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KshortsLLForBd2KSLLX                     |     0.000 |     0.066 |    0.003       0.5     0.12 |      66 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KshortsLLForBd2KSLLX                          |     0.000 |     0.045 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |      18 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KshortsDDForBd2KSLLX                     |     0.151 |     0.091 |    0.002       0.5     0.10 |      66 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KshortsDDForBd2KSLLX                          |     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.005       0.1     0.03 |      37 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MergeBd2KSLLX_ee                                |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bd2KSLLX_eeLine                                  |     0.769 |     0.242 |    0.088       1.7     0.43 |      13 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2KSLLX_eeLineFilterSequence            |     0.050 |     0.079 |    0.008       2.7     0.18 |    1000 |     0.079 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBd2KSLLX_eeLineVOIDFilter               |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDiElectronForBd2KSLLX                         |     0.050 |     0.051 |    0.005       0.3     0.04 |     400 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:MergeBd2KSLLX_ee                          |     0.000 |     0.318 |    0.018       1.5     0.36 |      27 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:MergeBd2KSLLX_ee                   |     0.000 |     0.196 |    0.013       0.9     0.21 |      27 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KshortsLLForBd2KSLLX                     |     0.151 |     0.059 |    0.003       0.5     0.11 |      66 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KshortsLLForBd2KSLLX                          |     0.555 |     0.038 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |      18 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KshortsDDForBd2KSLLX                     |     0.000 |     0.129 |    0.002       3.6     0.44 |      66 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KshortsDDForBd2KSLLX                          |     0.000 |     0.121 |    0.004       3.4     0.55 |      37 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MergeBd2KSLLX_ee                                |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bd2KSLLX_eeLine                                  |     0.000 |     0.227 |    0.067       1.6     0.42 |      13 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2KSLLX_eeLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBd2KSLLX_mmLine                           |     0.160 |     0.157 |    0.031       6.9     0.29 |    1000 |     0.157 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2KSLLX_mmLinePreScaler                 |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2KSLLX_mmLineFilterSequence            |     0.060 |     0.068 |    0.008       6.7     0.27 |    1000 |     0.069 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBd2KSLLX_mmLineVOIDFilter               |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDiMuonsForBd2KSLLX                            |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.004       0.1     0.03 |     317 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:MergeBd2KSLLX_mm                          |     0.243 |     0.350 |    0.019       5.8     0.90 |      41 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:MergeBd2KSLLX_mm                   |     0.243 |     0.132 |    0.004       0.6     0.15 |      41 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MergeBd2KSLLX_mm                                |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      15 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bd2KSLLX_mmLine                                  |     0.666 |     0.254 |    0.054       2.1     0.52 |      15 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBd2KSLLX_mmLine                           |     0.130 |     0.128 |    0.027       4.3     0.20 |    1000 |     0.129 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2KSLLX_mmLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2KSLLX_mmLineFilterSequence            |     0.100 |     0.059 |    0.007       4.2     0.19 |    1000 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBd2KSLLX_mmLineVOIDFilter               |     0.020 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDiMuonsForBd2KSLLX                            |     0.094 |     0.026 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |     317 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:MergeBd2KSLLX_mm                          |     0.243 |     0.285 |    0.016       3.8     0.61 |      41 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:MergeBd2KSLLX_mm                   |     0.243 |     0.191 |    0.004       3.6     0.55 |      41 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MergeBd2KSLLX_mm                                |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      15 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bd2KSLLX_mmLine                                  |     0.000 |     0.171 |    0.040       1.3     0.30 |      15 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2KSLLX_mmLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2MuMuLinesBs2JPsiPhiLine                |     0.120 |     0.188 |    0.024       5.0     0.22 |    1000 |     0.189 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesBs2JPsiPhiLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesBs2JPsiPhiLineFilterSequence |     0.070 |     0.101 |    0.002       2.5     0.14 |    1000 |     0.102 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2MuMuLinesBs2JPsiPhiSelJpsi                    |     0.074 |     0.102 |    0.066       1.3     0.06 |     537 |     0.055 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2MuMuLinesBs2JPsiPhiSelPhi                     |     3.333 |     0.613 |    0.185       1.5     0.73 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2MuMuLinesBs2JPsiPhiLine                |     0.100 |     0.158 |    0.023       1.8     0.13 |    1000 |     0.159 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesBs2JPsiPhiLinePreScaler      |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesBs2JPsiPhiLineFilterSequence |     0.050 |     0.090 |    0.002       1.7     0.11 |    1000 |     0.091 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2MuMuLinesBs2JPsiPhiSelJpsi                    |     0.018 |     0.087 |    0.061       0.5     0.03 |     537 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2MuMuLinesBs2JPsiPhiSelPhi                     |     0.000 |     0.312 |    0.105       0.7     0.32 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2MuMuLinesBs2JPsiPhiLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bs2MuMuLinesBs2JPsiPhiLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bs2MuMuLinesBs2JPsiPhiLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -145739,39 +145999,39 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bs2MuMuLinesBs2JPs
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bs2MuMuLinesBs2JPsiPhiLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bs2MuMuLinesBs2JPsiPhiLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesBs2JPsiPhiLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2MuMuLinesBs2KKLTUBLine                 |     0.560 |     0.594 |    0.024     354.0    11.19 |    1000 |     0.595 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2MuMuLinesBs2KKLTUBLine                 |     0.530 |     0.554 |    0.022     346.1    10.94 |    1000 |     0.554 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesBs2KKLTUBLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesBs2KKLTUBLineFilterSequence  |     0.490 |     0.531 |    0.002     353.9    11.19 |    1000 |     0.531 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2MuMuLinesBs2KKLTUBLine                        |     0.072 |     0.105 |    0.052       1.0     0.08 |     969 |     0.103 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bs2MuMuLinesBs2KKLTUBLine           |   290.000 |   282.005 |  282.005     282.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.282 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bs2MuMuLinesBs2KKLTUBLine           |     0.000 |     0.489 |    0.489       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bs2MuMuLinesBs2KKLTUBLine           |     0.000 |     0.963 |    0.963       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bs2MuMuLinesBs2KKLTUBLine           |    10.000 |    15.340 |   15.340      15.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bs2MuMuLinesBs2KKLTUBLine           |    10.000 |     4.672 |    4.672       4.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bs2MuMuLinesBs2KKLTUBLine           |    10.000 |    12.020 |   12.020      12.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bs2MuMuLinesBs2KKLTUBLine           |    10.000 |    11.515 |   11.515      11.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bs2MuMuLinesBs2KKLTUBLine           |    10.000 |    12.186 |   12.186      12.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bs2MuMuLinesBs2KKLTUBLine           |    10.000 |    12.409 |   12.409      12.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesBs2KKLTUBLineFilterSequence  |     0.510 |     0.498 |    0.002     346.0    10.94 |    1000 |     0.498 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2MuMuLinesBs2KKLTUBLine                        |     0.103 |     0.088 |    0.049       0.6     0.05 |     969 |     0.086 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bs2MuMuLinesBs2KKLTUBLine           |   270.000 |   273.963 |  273.963     274.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.274 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bs2MuMuLinesBs2KKLTUBLine           |     0.000 |     0.425 |    0.425       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bs2MuMuLinesBs2KKLTUBLine           |     0.000 |     0.900 |    0.900       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bs2MuMuLinesBs2KKLTUBLine           |    20.000 |    14.071 |   14.071      14.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bs2MuMuLinesBs2KKLTUBLine           |     0.000 |     4.344 |    4.344       4.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bs2MuMuLinesBs2KKLTUBLine           |    10.000 |    11.677 |   11.677      11.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bs2MuMuLinesBs2KKLTUBLine           |    20.000 |    12.300 |   12.300      12.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bs2MuMuLinesBs2KKLTUBLine           |    10.000 |    12.600 |   12.600      12.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bs2MuMuLinesBs2KKLTUBLine           |    10.000 |    13.685 |   13.685      13.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesBs2KKLTUBLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2MuMuLinesNoMuIDLine                    |     0.960 |     0.999 |    0.023     249.3     7.97 |    1000 |     0.999 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesNoMuIDLinePreScaler          |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesNoMuIDLineFilterSequence     |     0.910 |     0.932 |    0.002     249.2     7.96 |    1000 |     0.932 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2MuMuLinesNoMuIDLine                           |     0.166 |     0.157 |    0.081       0.8     0.06 |     963 |     0.152 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bs2MuMuLinesNoMuIDLine              |   100.000 |   105.383 |  105.383     105.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.105 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bs2MuMuLinesNoMuIDLine              |     0.000 |     0.408 |    0.408       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bs2MuMuLinesNoMuIDLine              |    70.000 |    69.933 |   69.933      69.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.070 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bs2MuMuLinesNoMuIDLine              |     0.000 |     0.755 |    0.755       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bs2MuMuLinesNoMuIDLine              |    40.000 |    33.775 |   33.775      33.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bs2MuMuLinesNoMuIDLine              |     0.000 |     3.529 |    3.529       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bs2MuMuLinesNoMuIDLine              |    10.000 |     7.865 |    7.865       7.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bs2MuMuLinesNoMuIDLine              |     0.000 |     7.687 |    7.687       7.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bs2MuMuLinesNoMuIDLine              |    10.000 |     8.667 |    8.667       8.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_Bs2MuMuLinesNoMuIDLine             |    10.000 |     8.706 |    8.706       8.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesNoMuIDLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2MuMuLinesSSLine                        |     0.160 |     0.172 |    0.024       4.9     0.19 |    1000 |     0.173 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2MuMuLinesNoMuIDLine                    |     0.800 |     0.875 |    0.021     248.3     7.89 |    1000 |     0.876 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesNoMuIDLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesNoMuIDLineFilterSequence     |     0.790 |     0.822 |    0.002     248.2     7.89 |    1000 |     0.823 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2MuMuLinesNoMuIDLine                           |     0.176 |     0.136 |    0.067       1.1     0.05 |     963 |     0.131 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bs2MuMuLinesNoMuIDLine              |   100.000 |   104.014 |  104.014     104.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.104 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bs2MuMuLinesNoMuIDLine              |     0.000 |     0.376 |    0.376       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bs2MuMuLinesNoMuIDLine              |    60.000 |    66.566 |   66.566      66.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.067 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bs2MuMuLinesNoMuIDLine              |     0.000 |     0.615 |    0.615       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bs2MuMuLinesNoMuIDLine              |    30.000 |    37.171 |   37.171      37.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bs2MuMuLinesNoMuIDLine              |     0.000 |     2.948 |    2.948       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bs2MuMuLinesNoMuIDLine              |    10.000 |     7.519 |    7.519       7.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bs2MuMuLinesNoMuIDLine              |    10.000 |     7.500 |    7.500       7.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bs2MuMuLinesNoMuIDLine              |    10.000 |     8.969 |    8.969       9.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_Bs2MuMuLinesNoMuIDLine             |    10.000 |    10.147 |   10.147      10.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesNoMuIDLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2MuMuLinesSSLine                        |     0.130 |     0.144 |    0.021       0.9     0.09 |    1000 |     0.145 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesSSLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesSSLineFilterSequence         |     0.090 |     0.099 |    0.002       4.8     0.18 |    1000 |     0.100 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2MuMuLinesSSLine                               |     0.093 |     0.099 |    0.062       4.7     0.20 |     537 |     0.054 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesSSLineFilterSequence         |     0.060 |     0.084 |    0.001       0.9     0.08 |    1000 |     0.084 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2MuMuLinesSSLine                               |     0.074 |     0.081 |    0.056       0.8     0.03 |     537 |     0.044 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bs2MuMuLinesSSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bs2MuMuLinesSSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bs2MuMuLinesSSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -145783,25 +146043,25 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bs2MuMuLinesSSLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bs2MuMuLinesSSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_Bs2MuMuLinesSSLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesSSLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2MuMuLinesBd2JPsiKstLine                |     0.350 |     0.282 |    0.025     101.8     3.22 |    1000 |     0.283 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesBd2JPsiKstLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesBd2JPsiKstLineFilterSequence |     0.220 |     0.197 |    0.001     101.7     3.22 |    1000 |     0.198 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2MuMuLinesBd2JPsiKstSelJpsi                    |     0.074 |     0.087 |    0.059       0.6     0.03 |     537 |     0.047 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2MuMuLinesBd2JPsiKstSelKst                     |     0.000 |     1.218 |    0.359       1.7     0.75 |       3 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2MuMuLinesBd2JPsiKstLine                       |     3.333 |     0.977 |    0.063       1.7     0.83 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bs2MuMuLinesBd2JPsiKstLine          |     0.000 |     0.501 |    0.501       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bs2MuMuLinesBd2JPsiKstLine          |     0.000 |     0.658 |    0.658       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bs2MuMuLinesBd2JPsiKstLine          |    30.000 |    30.148 |   30.148      30.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bs2MuMuLinesBd2JPsiKstLine          |    10.000 |     3.924 |    3.924       3.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bs2MuMuLinesBd2JPsiKstLine          |    10.000 |     8.920 |    8.920       8.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bs2MuMuLinesBd2JPsiKstLine          |     0.000 |     9.296 |    9.296       9.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bs2MuMuLinesBd2JPsiKstLine          |    10.000 |    18.123 |   18.123      18.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bs2MuMuLinesBd2JPsiKstLine          |    20.000 |    11.002 |   11.002      11.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesBd2JPsiKstLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2MuMuLinesLTUBLine                      |     0.250 |     0.175 |    0.022       2.3     0.12 |    1000 |     0.175 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2MuMuLinesBd2JPsiKstLine                |     0.260 |     0.241 |    0.022      86.5     2.74 |    1000 |     0.241 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesBd2JPsiKstLinePreScaler      |     0.020 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesBd2JPsiKstLineFilterSequence |     0.180 |     0.171 |    0.001      86.3     2.73 |    1000 |     0.172 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2MuMuLinesBd2JPsiKstSelJpsi                    |     0.055 |     0.077 |    0.050       0.5     0.03 |     537 |     0.042 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2MuMuLinesBd2JPsiKstSelKst                     |     3.333 |     0.972 |    0.200       1.6     0.73 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2MuMuLinesBd2JPsiKstLine                       |     0.000 |     0.832 |    0.106       1.4     0.67 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bs2MuMuLinesBd2JPsiKstLine          |     0.000 |     0.404 |    0.404       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bs2MuMuLinesBd2JPsiKstLine          |     0.000 |     0.629 |    0.629       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bs2MuMuLinesBd2JPsiKstLine          |    30.000 |    31.291 |   31.291      31.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bs2MuMuLinesBd2JPsiKstLine          |     0.000 |     3.040 |    3.040       3.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bs2MuMuLinesBd2JPsiKstLine          |    10.000 |     7.825 |    7.825       7.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bs2MuMuLinesBd2JPsiKstLine          |    10.000 |     8.152 |    8.152       8.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bs2MuMuLinesBd2JPsiKstLine          |    10.000 |     8.385 |    8.385       8.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bs2MuMuLinesBd2JPsiKstLine          |    10.000 |     9.806 |    9.806       9.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesBd2JPsiKstLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2MuMuLinesLTUBLine                      |     0.150 |     0.151 |    0.022       1.4     0.08 |    1000 |     0.151 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesLTUBLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesLTUBLineFilterSequence       |     0.180 |     0.112 |    0.002       2.3     0.10 |    1000 |     0.112 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2MuMuLinesLTUBLine                             |     0.076 |     0.067 |    0.043       2.2     0.08 |     785 |     0.053 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesLTUBLineFilterSequence       |     0.090 |     0.099 |    0.002       1.3     0.07 |    1000 |     0.099 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2MuMuLinesLTUBLine                             |     0.038 |     0.058 |    0.040       1.3     0.05 |     785 |     0.046 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bs2MuMuLinesLTUBLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bs2MuMuLinesLTUBLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bs2MuMuLinesLTUBLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -145813,167 +146073,167 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bs2MuMuLinesLTUBLi
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bs2MuMuLinesLTUBLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_Bs2MuMuLinesLTUBLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesLTUBLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2MuMuLinesBu2JPsiKLine                  |     0.250 |     0.260 |    0.022      85.0     2.69 |    1000 |     0.260 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesBu2JPsiKLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesBu2JPsiKLineFilterSequence   |     0.200 |     0.177 |    0.001      84.8     2.68 |    1000 |     0.178 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2MuMuLinesBu2JPsiKSelJpsi                      |     0.074 |     0.089 |    0.059       0.6     0.04 |     537 |     0.048 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2MuMuLinesBu2JPsiKLine                         |     0.000 |     0.513 |    0.122       1.1     0.53 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bs2MuMuLinesBu2JPsiKLine            |     0.000 |     0.408 |    0.408       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bs2MuMuLinesBu2JPsiKLine            |     0.000 |     0.583 |    0.583       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bs2MuMuLinesBu2JPsiKLine            |    30.000 |    28.975 |   28.975      29.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bs2MuMuLinesBu2JPsiKLine            |     0.000 |     2.859 |    2.859       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bs2MuMuLinesBu2JPsiKLine            |    10.000 |    12.702 |   12.702      12.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bs2MuMuLinesBu2JPsiKLine            |    10.000 |    11.510 |   11.510      11.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bs2MuMuLinesBu2JPsiKLine            |    10.000 |    11.540 |   11.540      11.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bs2MuMuLinesBu2JPsiKLine            |    10.000 |    11.135 |   11.135      11.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesBu2JPsiKLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2LLK_eeLine                             |     0.750 |     0.685 |    0.032      90.4     5.07 |    1000 |     0.685 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2MuMuLinesBu2JPsiKLine                  |     0.210 |     0.221 |    0.021      67.1     2.13 |    1000 |     0.222 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesBu2JPsiKLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesBu2JPsiKLineFilterSequence   |     0.130 |     0.149 |    0.002      67.0     2.12 |    1000 |     0.149 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2MuMuLinesBu2JPsiKSelJpsi                      |     0.037 |     0.076 |    0.052       0.5     0.03 |     537 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2MuMuLinesBu2JPsiKLine                         |     0.000 |     0.474 |    0.122       1.0     0.48 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bs2MuMuLinesBu2JPsiKLine            |     0.000 |     0.315 |    0.315       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bs2MuMuLinesBu2JPsiKLine            |     0.000 |     0.565 |    0.565       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bs2MuMuLinesBu2JPsiKLine            |    30.000 |    29.579 |   29.579      29.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bs2MuMuLinesBu2JPsiKLine            |     0.000 |     2.757 |    2.757       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bs2MuMuLinesBu2JPsiKLine            |    10.000 |     7.351 |    7.351       7.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bs2MuMuLinesBu2JPsiKLine            |    10.000 |     7.594 |    7.594       7.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bs2MuMuLinesBu2JPsiKLine            |    10.000 |     7.526 |    7.526       7.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bs2MuMuLinesBu2JPsiKLine            |     0.000 |     8.313 |    8.313       8.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesBu2JPsiKLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2LLK_eeLine                             |     0.690 |     0.639 |    0.031      95.0     4.86 |    1000 |     0.639 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_eeLinePreScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_eeLineFilterSequence              |     0.630 |     0.599 |    0.008      90.2     5.07 |    1000 |     0.599 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2LLK_eeLineVOIDFilter                 |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDiElectronForBu2LLK                           |     0.150 |     0.062 |    0.006       0.8     0.06 |     400 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:MergeBu2LLK_ee                            |    21.363 |    20.205 |    3.013      88.4    20.74 |      22 |     0.445 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:MergeBu2LLK_ee                     |    19.090 |    18.818 |    2.703      85.6    19.51 |      22 |     0.414 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:PionsForBu2LLK                           |     0.291 |     0.254 |    0.073       0.8     0.13 |     137 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PionsForBu2LLK                                |     0.072 |     0.062 |    0.019       0.1     0.03 |     137 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KaonsForBu2LLK                           |     0.218 |     0.184 |    0.004       0.7     0.11 |     137 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KaonsForBu2LLK                                |     0.073 |     0.036 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |     136 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KstarsForBu2LLK                          |     1.080 |     1.207 |    0.004      23.4     1.84 |     879 |     1.062 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KstarsForBu2LLK                               |     0.483 |     0.514 |    0.020       3.6     0.49 |     868 |     0.446 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:PhisForBu2LLK                            |     0.523 |     0.531 |    0.003      13.8     1.09 |     879 |     0.467 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PhisForBu2LLK                                 |     0.037 |     0.065 |    0.004       1.1     0.07 |     798 |     0.052 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KshortsLLForBu2LLK                       |     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.002       0.7     0.13 |     137 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KshortsLLForBu2LLK                            |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |      45 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KshortsDDForBu2LLK                       |     0.072 |     0.108 |    0.002       0.7     0.13 |     137 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KshortsDDForBu2LLK                            |     0.125 |     0.033 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |      80 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LambdasLLForBu2LLK                       |     0.022 |     0.029 |    0.002       1.0     0.09 |     879 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LambdasLLForBu2LLK                            |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |      89 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LambdasDDForBu2LLK                       |     0.045 |     0.074 |    0.002       0.6     0.10 |     879 |     0.065 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LambdasDDForBu2LLK                            |     0.024 |     0.031 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |     412 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LambdastarsForBu2LLK                     |     8.248 |     8.152 |    0.082     224.9    15.17 |     879 |     7.166 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_StdLooseLambdastar2pK_Particles |     7.372 |     7.393 |    0.078     218.6    14.45 |     879 |     6.499 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LambdastarsForBu2LLK                          |     0.547 |     0.465 |    0.005       4.3     0.54 |     858 |     0.399 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KstarsPlusLLForBu2LLK                    |     0.145 |     0.302 |    0.002       9.7     0.93 |     137 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KstarsPlusLLForBu2LLK                         |     0.222 |     0.454 |    0.135       8.4     1.22 |      45 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KstarsPlusDDForBu2LLK                    |     0.145 |     0.303 |    0.002       2.2     0.37 |     137 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KstarsPlusDDForBu2LLK                         |     0.250 |     0.261 |    0.122       1.3     0.14 |      80 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:K1ForBu2LLK                              |     2.047 |     2.374 |    0.003      53.0     4.09 |     879 |     2.087 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               K1ForBu2LLK                                   |     1.631 |     1.894 |    0.051      39.2     3.04 |     846 |     1.603 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MergeBu2LLK_ee                                  |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      22 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2LLK_eeLine                                    |     0.454 |     0.500 |    0.311       1.7     0.30 |      22 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2LLK_eeLine                       |     0.000 |     1.291 |    1.291       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2LLK_eeLine                       |     0.000 |     1.900 |    1.900       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bu2LLK_eeLine                       |    10.000 |     1.723 |    1.723       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bu2LLK_eeLine                       |     0.000 |     1.614 |    1.614       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bu2LLK_eeLine                       |    40.000 |    41.345 |   41.345      41.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bu2LLK_eeLine                       |    10.000 |     5.617 |    5.617       5.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bu2LLK_eeLine                       |     0.000 |     0.505 |    0.505       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bu2LLK_eeLine                       |     0.000 |     0.478 |    0.478       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bu2LLK_eeLine                       |     0.000 |     0.451 |    0.451       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_Bu2LLK_eeLine                      |     0.000 |     0.543 |    0.543       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_Bu2LLK_eeLine                      |     0.000 |     0.484 |    0.484       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_Bu2LLK_eeLine                      |     0.000 |     0.452 |    0.452       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_eeLinePostScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2LLK_eeLine2                            |     0.600 |     0.651 |    0.031      88.0     4.54 |    1000 |     0.651 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_eeLineFilterSequence              |     0.590 |     0.567 |    0.007      94.9     4.86 |    1000 |     0.567 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2LLK_eeLineVOIDFilter                 |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDiElectronForBu2LLK                           |     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.005       0.3     0.04 |     400 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:MergeBu2LLK_ee                            |    21.818 |    20.139 |    1.961      93.1    21.56 |      22 |     0.443 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:MergeBu2LLK_ee                     |    20.454 |    18.982 |    1.698      90.2    20.75 |      22 |     0.418 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:PionsForBu2LLK                           |     0.145 |     0.221 |    0.086       1.7     0.16 |     137 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PionsForBu2LLK                                |     0.072 |     0.062 |    0.016       1.5     0.13 |     137 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KaonsForBu2LLK                           |     0.145 |     0.159 |    0.003       0.4     0.09 |     137 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KaonsForBu2LLK                                |     0.073 |     0.032 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     136 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KstarsForBu2LLK                          |     0.955 |     1.054 |    0.003      20.9     1.55 |     879 |     0.927 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KstarsForBu2LLK                               |     0.449 |     0.453 |    0.021       3.0     0.43 |     868 |     0.394 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:PhisForBu2LLK                            |     0.318 |     0.446 |    0.003       9.7     0.75 |     879 |     0.393 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PhisForBu2LLK                                 |     0.050 |     0.063 |    0.003       4.9     0.18 |     798 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KshortsLLForBu2LLK                       |     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.002       0.5     0.12 |     137 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KshortsLLForBu2LLK                            |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.014       0.1     0.01 |      45 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KshortsDDForBu2LLK                       |     0.072 |     0.096 |    0.002       0.4     0.11 |     137 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KshortsDDForBu2LLK                            |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |      80 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LambdasLLForBu2LLK                       |     0.022 |     0.025 |    0.002       1.0     0.08 |     879 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LambdasLLForBu2LLK                            |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.014       0.2     0.02 |      89 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LambdasDDForBu2LLK                       |     0.034 |     0.064 |    0.002       0.5     0.08 |     879 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LambdasDDForBu2LLK                            |     0.072 |     0.027 |    0.002       0.1     0.02 |     412 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LambdastarsForBu2LLK                     |     7.281 |     7.252 |    0.077     223.1    13.74 |     879 |     6.375 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_StdLooseLambdastar2pK_Particles |     6.757 |     6.583 |    0.071     218.1    13.14 |     879 |     5.787 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LambdastarsForBu2LLK                          |     0.303 |     0.413 |    0.005       4.2     0.48 |     858 |     0.355 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KstarsPlusLLForBu2LLK                    |     0.364 |     0.222 |    0.002       2.4     0.45 |     137 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KstarsPlusLLForBu2LLK                         |     0.000 |     0.248 |    0.112       1.5     0.21 |      45 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KstarsPlusDDForBu2LLK                    |     0.291 |     0.256 |    0.002       1.4     0.29 |     137 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KstarsPlusDDForBu2LLK                         |     0.125 |     0.208 |    0.093       0.7     0.08 |      80 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:K1ForBu2LLK                              |     2.218 |     2.188 |    0.003      46.9     3.75 |     879 |     1.923 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               K1ForBu2LLK                                   |     1.761 |     1.776 |    0.044      33.8     2.81 |     846 |     1.503 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MergeBu2LLK_ee                                  |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      22 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2LLK_eeLine                                    |     0.454 |     0.427 |    0.223       1.5     0.27 |      22 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2LLK_eeLine                       |     0.000 |     1.354 |    1.354       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2LLK_eeLine                       |     0.000 |     2.546 |    2.546       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bu2LLK_eeLine                       |     0.000 |     2.221 |    2.221       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bu2LLK_eeLine                       |     0.000 |     1.619 |    1.619       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bu2LLK_eeLine                       |    20.000 |    27.510 |   27.510      27.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bu2LLK_eeLine                       |     0.000 |     2.957 |    2.957       3.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bu2LLK_eeLine                       |     0.000 |     0.260 |    0.260       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bu2LLK_eeLine                       |     0.000 |     0.220 |    0.220       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bu2LLK_eeLine                       |     0.000 |     0.227 |    0.227       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_Bu2LLK_eeLine                      |     0.000 |     0.206 |    0.206       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_Bu2LLK_eeLine                      |     0.000 |     0.189 |    0.189       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_Bu2LLK_eeLine                      |     0.000 |     0.159 |    0.159       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_eeLinePostScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2LLK_eeLine2                            |     0.520 |     0.533 |    0.027      55.7     3.45 |    1000 |     0.534 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_eeLine2PreScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_eeLine2FilterSequence             |     0.530 |     0.567 |    0.007      87.8     4.53 |    1000 |     0.568 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2LLK_eeLine2VOIDFilter                |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDiElectronFromTracksForBu2LLK                 |     0.029 |     0.080 |    0.007       1.6     0.11 |     678 |     0.055 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:MergeBu2LLK_ee2                           |    10.000 |    10.555 |    0.328      62.3    16.62 |      32 |     0.338 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:MergeBu2LLK_ee2                    |     9.062 |     9.260 |    0.013      60.1    16.28 |      32 |     0.296 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MergeBu2LLK_ee2                                 |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      32 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2LLK_eeLine2                                   |     0.937 |     0.475 |    0.236       1.6     0.27 |      32 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2LLK_eeLine2                      |     0.000 |     2.623 |    2.623       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2LLK_eeLine2                      |     0.000 |     3.617 |    3.617       3.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bu2LLK_eeLine2                      |    10.000 |     3.723 |    3.723       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bu2LLK_eeLine2                      |     0.000 |     4.132 |    4.132       4.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bu2LLK_eeLine2                      |    60.000 |    54.813 |   54.813      54.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.055 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bu2LLK_eeLine2                      |     0.000 |     4.294 |    4.294       4.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bu2LLK_eeLine2                      |     0.000 |     0.389 |    0.389       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bu2LLK_eeLine2                      |     0.000 |     0.272 |    0.272       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bu2LLK_eeLine2                      |    10.000 |     0.298 |    0.298       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_Bu2LLK_eeLine2                     |     0.000 |     0.296 |    0.296       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_Bu2LLK_eeLine2                     |     0.000 |     0.285 |    0.285       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_Bu2LLK_eeLine2                     |     0.000 |     0.313 |    0.313       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_eeLine2PostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2LLK_mmLine                             |     1.990 |     2.008 |    0.029     284.1    15.40 |    1000 |     2.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_mmLinePreScaler                   |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_mmLineFilterSequence              |     1.940 |     1.924 |    0.008     283.8    15.39 |    1000 |     1.925 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2LLK_mmLineVOIDFilter                 |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDiMuonsForBu2LLK                              |     0.094 |     0.041 |    0.005       0.4     0.04 |     317 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:MergeBu2LLK_mm                            |    20.500 |    20.403 |    1.202     190.8    30.65 |      60 |     1.224 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:MergeBu2LLK_mm                     |    19.166 |    19.325 |    0.015     185.9    29.65 |      60 |     1.160 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MergeBu2LLK_mm                                  |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      60 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2LLK_mmLine                                    |     0.166 |     0.439 |    0.205       2.0     0.32 |      60 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2LLK_mmLine                       |     3.750 |     3.450 |    0.246      14.6     4.78 |       8 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2LLK_mmLine                       |     5.000 |     5.203 |    0.268      19.5     6.41 |       8 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bu2LLK_mmLine                       |     3.750 |     3.384 |    0.726       8.7     2.62 |       8 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bu2LLK_mmLine                       |     3.750 |     3.220 |    0.697      11.2     3.40 |       8 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bu2LLK_mmLine                       |    50.000 |    50.982 |    3.976     132.2    47.57 |       8 |     0.408 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bu2LLK_mmLine                       |     3.750 |     4.372 |    0.865      10.4     3.43 |       8 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bu2LLK_mmLine                       |     2.500 |     0.516 |    0.099       1.0     0.33 |       8 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bu2LLK_mmLine                       |     0.000 |     0.448 |    0.081       0.9     0.30 |       8 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bu2LLK_mmLine                       |     0.000 |     0.410 |    0.065       0.9     0.31 |       8 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_Bu2LLK_mmLine                      |     0.000 |     0.331 |    0.079       0.9     0.25 |       8 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_Bu2LLK_mmLine                      |     1.250 |     0.305 |    0.069       0.8     0.25 |       8 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_Bu2LLK_mmLine                      |     0.000 |     0.324 |    0.057       0.8     0.27 |       8 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_mmLinePostScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2LLK_meLine                             |     0.980 |     1.025 |    0.031     147.3     7.37 |    1000 |     1.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_eeLine2FilterSequence             |     0.410 |     0.464 |    0.007      55.6     3.45 |    1000 |     0.465 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2LLK_eeLine2VOIDFilter                |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDiElectronFromTracksForBu2LLK                 |     0.088 |     0.067 |    0.007       0.9     0.08 |     678 |     0.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:MergeBu2LLK_ee2                           |     8.437 |     9.251 |    0.241      54.0    14.61 |      32 |     0.296 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:MergeBu2LLK_ee2                    |     7.500 |     8.168 |    0.011      52.0    14.36 |      32 |     0.261 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MergeBu2LLK_ee2                                 |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      32 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2LLK_eeLine2                                   |     0.312 |     0.389 |    0.224       0.9     0.15 |      32 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2LLK_eeLine2                      |     0.000 |     1.403 |    1.403       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2LLK_eeLine2                      |     0.000 |     1.708 |    1.708       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bu2LLK_eeLine2                      |     0.000 |     2.015 |    2.015       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bu2LLK_eeLine2                      |     0.000 |     1.808 |    1.808       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bu2LLK_eeLine2                      |    30.000 |    26.792 |   26.792      26.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bu2LLK_eeLine2                      |     0.000 |     2.840 |    2.840       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bu2LLK_eeLine2                      |     0.000 |     0.264 |    0.264       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bu2LLK_eeLine2                      |     0.000 |     0.182 |    0.182       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bu2LLK_eeLine2                      |     0.000 |     0.188 |    0.188       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_Bu2LLK_eeLine2                     |     0.000 |     0.219 |    0.219       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_Bu2LLK_eeLine2                     |     0.000 |     0.204 |    0.204       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_Bu2LLK_eeLine2                     |     0.000 |     0.269 |    0.269       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_eeLine2PostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2LLK_mmLine                             |     1.620 |     1.727 |    0.025     227.6    13.41 |    1000 |     1.728 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_mmLinePreScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_mmLineFilterSequence              |     1.590 |     1.655 |    0.006     227.4    13.41 |    1000 |     1.655 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2LLK_mmLineVOIDFilter                 |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDiMuonsForBu2LLK                              |     0.031 |     0.034 |    0.005       0.7     0.04 |     317 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:MergeBu2LLK_mm                            |    16.000 |    16.921 |    0.975     146.3    23.62 |      60 |     1.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:MergeBu2LLK_mm                     |    15.333 |    16.043 |    0.012     141.8    22.74 |      60 |     0.963 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MergeBu2LLK_mm                                  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      60 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2LLK_mmLine                                    |     0.666 |     0.342 |    0.191       0.9     0.15 |      60 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2LLK_mmLine                       |     1.250 |     2.624 |    0.285       8.9     3.03 |       8 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2LLK_mmLine                       |     5.000 |     4.874 |    0.227      17.9     6.04 |       8 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bu2LLK_mmLine                       |     2.500 |     2.956 |    0.577       7.9     2.55 |       8 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bu2LLK_mmLine                       |     3.750 |     2.352 |    0.599       7.2     2.19 |       8 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bu2LLK_mmLine                       |    51.250 |    49.387 |    3.285     149.9    54.10 |       8 |     0.395 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bu2LLK_mmLine                       |     2.500 |     3.899 |    0.648       9.8     3.64 |       8 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bu2LLK_mmLine                       |     0.000 |     0.402 |    0.069       1.0     0.31 |       8 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bu2LLK_mmLine                       |     0.000 |     0.376 |    0.062       0.9     0.28 |       8 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bu2LLK_mmLine                       |     0.000 |     0.354 |    0.057       0.9     0.29 |       8 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_Bu2LLK_mmLine                      |     0.000 |     0.308 |    0.077       0.8     0.25 |       8 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_Bu2LLK_mmLine                      |     0.000 |     0.260 |    0.053       0.8     0.23 |       8 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_Bu2LLK_mmLine                      |     0.000 |     0.284 |    0.047       0.8     0.23 |       8 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_mmLinePostScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2LLK_meLine                             |     0.980 |     0.887 |    0.026     138.7     6.56 |    1000 |     0.888 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_meLinePreScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_meLineFilterSequence              |     0.930 |     0.942 |    0.007     147.2     7.36 |    1000 |     0.943 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2LLK_meLineVOIDFilter                 |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuEForBu2LLK                                     |     0.161 |     0.176 |    0.100       1.5     0.10 |     310 |     0.055 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelMuEForBu2LLK                                  |     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.061       0.2     0.04 |      43 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:MergeBu2LLK_me                            |     9.534 |    10.564 |    0.242      73.7    15.51 |      43 |     0.454 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:MergeBu2LLK_me                     |     8.372 |     9.397 |    0.012      70.6    15.16 |      43 |     0.404 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MergeBu2LLK_me                                  |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      43 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2LLK_meLine                                    |     0.697 |     0.455 |    0.228       1.5     0.24 |      43 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2LLK_meLine                       |     1.666 |     1.951 |    0.704       3.8     1.03 |       6 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2LLK_meLine                       |     3.333 |     3.702 |    1.899       7.1     1.81 |       6 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bu2LLK_meLine                       |     1.666 |     3.026 |    1.100       5.1     1.55 |       6 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bu2LLK_meLine                       |     3.333 |     2.256 |    0.880       3.2     0.94 |       6 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bu2LLK_meLine                       |    40.000 |    37.229 |    1.438      94.0    32.02 |       6 |     0.223 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bu2LLK_meLine                       |     0.000 |     3.232 |    0.737       5.9     1.88 |       6 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bu2LLK_meLine                       |     0.000 |     0.503 |    0.229       1.0     0.29 |       6 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bu2LLK_meLine                       |     0.000 |     0.403 |    0.150       0.8     0.23 |       6 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bu2LLK_meLine                       |     0.000 |     0.411 |    0.148       0.8     0.24 |       6 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_Bu2LLK_meLine                      |     0.000 |     0.336 |    0.201       0.5     0.11 |       6 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_Bu2LLK_meLine                      |     0.000 |     0.267 |    0.153       0.3     0.08 |       6 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_Bu2LLK_meLine                      |     1.666 |     0.284 |    0.138       0.4     0.09 |       6 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_meLinePostScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2LLK_meSSLine                           |     0.560 |     0.538 |    0.029      58.6     3.20 |    1000 |     0.539 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_meSSLinePreScaler                 |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_meSSLineFilterSequence            |     0.450 |     0.453 |    0.007      58.5     3.19 |    1000 |     0.453 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2LLK_meSSLineVOIDFilter               |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuESSForBu2LLK                                   |     0.032 |     0.156 |    0.098       0.7     0.06 |     310 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelMuESSForBu2LLK                                |     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.009       0.1     0.03 |      32 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:MergeBu2LLK_meSS                          |    10.344 |    10.275 |    0.484      43.1    12.10 |      29 |     0.298 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:MergeBu2LLK_meSS                   |     8.620 |     8.933 |    0.012      41.1    11.90 |      29 |     0.259 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MergeBu2LLK_meSS                                |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2LLK_meSSLine                                  |     0.689 |     0.493 |    0.253       1.9     0.30 |      29 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2LLK_meSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.677 |    0.360       0.9     0.29 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2LLK_meSSLine                     |     0.000 |     1.308 |    0.923       1.8     0.43 |       3 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bu2LLK_meSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.870 |    0.608       1.1     0.25 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bu2LLK_meSSLine                     |     3.333 |     0.706 |    0.450       0.9     0.23 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bu2LLK_meSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.538 |    0.316       0.7     0.20 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bu2LLK_meSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.562 |    0.322       0.8     0.23 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bu2LLK_meSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.308 |    0.195       0.5     0.14 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bu2LLK_meSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.303 |    0.189       0.5     0.14 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bu2LLK_meSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.301 |    0.174       0.5     0.15 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_Bu2LLK_meSSLine                    |     0.000 |     0.225 |    0.127       0.4     0.14 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_Bu2LLK_meSSLine                    |     0.000 |     0.229 |    0.084       0.4     0.19 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_Bu2LLK_meSSLine                    |     0.000 |     0.219 |    0.085       0.4     0.17 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_meSSLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2LLK_mtLine                             |     0.420 |     0.357 |    0.028      72.5     3.08 |    1000 |     0.357 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_meLineFilterSequence              |     0.880 |     0.817 |    0.006     138.6     6.55 |    1000 |     0.817 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2LLK_meLineVOIDFilter                 |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuEForBu2LLK                                     |     0.193 |     0.151 |    0.089       1.0     0.07 |     310 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelMuEForBu2LLK                                  |     0.697 |     0.092 |    0.051       0.1     0.03 |      43 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:MergeBu2LLK_me                            |     9.302 |     8.792 |    0.246      57.0    11.51 |      43 |     0.378 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:MergeBu2LLK_me                     |     7.674 |     7.648 |    0.012      54.2    11.22 |      43 |     0.329 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MergeBu2LLK_me                                  |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      43 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2LLK_meLine                                    |     0.930 |     0.387 |    0.224       1.3     0.17 |      43 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2LLK_meLine                       |     1.666 |     1.904 |    0.662       3.8     1.02 |       6 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2LLK_meLine                       |     3.333 |     3.105 |    1.068       7.2     2.14 |       6 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bu2LLK_meLine                       |     5.000 |     3.103 |    0.792       5.1     1.53 |       6 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bu2LLK_meLine                       |     1.666 |     2.200 |    0.746       3.3     0.99 |       6 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bu2LLK_meLine                       |    33.333 |    33.601 |    0.589      82.4    27.95 |       6 |     0.202 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bu2LLK_meLine                       |     1.666 |     3.162 |    0.499       6.3     2.05 |       6 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bu2LLK_meLine                       |     0.000 |     0.447 |    0.183       0.9     0.29 |       6 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bu2LLK_meLine                       |     0.000 |     0.419 |    0.147       0.9     0.27 |       6 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bu2LLK_meLine                       |     0.000 |     0.398 |    0.155       0.8     0.25 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_Bu2LLK_meLine                      |     0.000 |     0.316 |    0.159       0.4     0.10 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_Bu2LLK_meLine                      |     0.000 |     0.288 |    0.141       0.4     0.11 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_Bu2LLK_meLine                      |     1.666 |     0.285 |    0.131       0.4     0.11 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_meLinePostScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2LLK_meSSLine                           |     0.410 |     0.485 |    0.026      62.5     3.04 |    1000 |     0.486 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_meSSLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_meSSLineFilterSequence            |     0.360 |     0.415 |    0.006      62.3     3.04 |    1000 |     0.416 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2LLK_meSSLineVOIDFilter               |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuESSForBu2LLK                                   |     0.129 |     0.137 |    0.082       0.6     0.05 |     310 |     0.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelMuESSForBu2LLK                                |     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.009       0.1     0.03 |      32 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:MergeBu2LLK_meSS                          |     7.931 |     9.522 |    0.463      46.3    11.47 |      29 |     0.276 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:MergeBu2LLK_meSS                   |     7.586 |     8.271 |    0.010      44.3    11.25 |      29 |     0.240 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MergeBu2LLK_meSS                                |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2LLK_meSSLine                                  |     0.344 |     0.387 |    0.205       1.2     0.17 |      29 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2LLK_meSSLine                     |     3.333 |     0.684 |    0.359       1.0     0.34 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2LLK_meSSLine                     |     0.000 |     1.220 |    0.540       1.9     0.66 |       3 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bu2LLK_meSSLine                     |     3.333 |     0.915 |    0.632       1.1     0.25 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bu2LLK_meSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.621 |    0.370       0.9     0.26 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bu2LLK_meSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.526 |    0.413       0.8     0.20 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bu2LLK_meSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.475 |    0.288       0.7     0.22 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bu2LLK_meSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.334 |    0.175       0.5     0.17 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bu2LLK_meSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.298 |    0.153       0.5     0.19 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bu2LLK_meSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.302 |    0.173       0.5     0.16 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_Bu2LLK_meSSLine                    |     0.000 |     0.217 |    0.090       0.4     0.17 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_Bu2LLK_meSSLine                    |     0.000 |     0.214 |    0.097       0.4     0.16 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_Bu2LLK_meSSLine                    |     0.000 |     0.239 |    0.087       0.5     0.21 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_meSSLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2LLK_mtLine                             |     0.310 |     0.298 |    0.025      43.9     2.25 |    1000 |     0.299 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_mtLinePreScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_mtLineFilterSequence              |     0.290 |     0.277 |    0.006      72.2     3.07 |    1000 |     0.277 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2LLK_mtLineVOIDFilter                 |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuTauForBu2LLK                                   |     0.740 |     0.208 |    0.101       1.4     0.17 |      54 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelMuTauForBu2LLK                                |     0.000 |     0.097 |    0.009       0.2     0.07 |      23 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:MergeBu2LLK_mt                            |    11.111 |    12.280 |    0.402      67.2    18.06 |      18 |     0.221 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:MergeBu2LLK_mt                     |    11.111 |    11.944 |    0.004      65.9    17.86 |      18 |     0.215 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MergeBu2LLK_mt                                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      14 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2LLK_mtLine                                    |     0.000 |     0.582 |    0.229       2.3     0.61 |      14 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_mtLineFilterSequence              |     0.190 |     0.230 |    0.006      43.7     2.25 |    1000 |     0.230 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2LLK_mtLineVOIDFilter                 |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuTauForBu2LLK                                   |     0.000 |     0.165 |    0.089       0.8     0.10 |      54 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelMuTauForBu2LLK                                |     0.000 |     0.073 |    0.008       0.1     0.04 |      23 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:MergeBu2LLK_mt                            |     9.444 |    10.156 |    0.309      42.7    12.50 |      18 |     0.183 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:MergeBu2LLK_mt                     |     8.888 |     9.862 |    0.003      42.7    12.43 |      18 |     0.178 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MergeBu2LLK_mt                                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      14 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2LLK_mtLine                                    |     0.714 |     0.407 |    0.203       1.2     0.26 |      14 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2LLK_mtLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2LLK_mtLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bu2LLK_mtLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -145987,16 +146247,16 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_Bu2LLK_mtLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_Bu2LLK_mtLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_Bu2LLK_mtLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_mtLinePostScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2LLK_mtSSLine                           |     0.200 |     0.144 |    0.028       8.7     0.44 |    1000 |     0.144 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2LLK_mtSSLine                           |     0.120 |     0.127 |    0.024       8.1     0.43 |    1000 |     0.127 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_mtSSLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_mtSSLineFilterSequence            |     0.060 |     0.063 |    0.007       8.6     0.44 |    1000 |     0.064 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2LLK_mtSSLineVOIDFilter               |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuTauSSForBu2LLK                                 |     0.185 |     0.182 |    0.102       0.9     0.11 |      54 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelMuTauSSForBu2LLK                              |     0.769 |     0.088 |    0.009       0.2     0.05 |      13 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:MergeBu2LLK_mtSS                          |     0.909 |     1.830 |    0.102       7.3     2.58 |      11 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:MergeBu2LLK_mtSS                   |     0.909 |     1.468 |    0.003       7.0     2.61 |      11 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MergeBu2LLK_mtSS                                |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2LLK_mtSSLine                                  |     0.909 |     0.506 |    0.218       1.6     0.43 |      11 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_mtSSLineFilterSequence            |     0.050 |     0.059 |    0.006       8.0     0.42 |    1000 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2LLK_mtSSLineVOIDFilter               |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuTauSSForBu2LLK                                 |     0.185 |     0.154 |    0.092       0.6     0.09 |      54 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelMuTauSSForBu2LLK                              |     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.008       0.2     0.06 |      13 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:MergeBu2LLK_mtSS                          |     2.727 |     1.820 |    0.140       6.9     2.55 |      11 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:MergeBu2LLK_mtSS                   |     2.727 |     1.477 |    0.003       6.6     2.58 |      11 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MergeBu2LLK_mtSS                                |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2LLK_mtSSLine                                  |     0.909 |     0.396 |    0.222       0.9     0.23 |      11 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2LLK_mtSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2LLK_mtSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bu2LLK_mtSSLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -146010,271 +146270,271 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_Bu2LLK_mtSSLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_Bu2LLK_mtSSLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_Bu2LLK_mtSSLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_mtSSLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2LLK_eeLine3                            |     9.260 |     9.430 |    0.028     293.1    18.05 |    1000 |     9.430 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBu2LLK_eeLine3                            |     8.350 |     8.451 |    0.026     282.3    16.60 |    1000 |     8.451 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_eeLine3PreScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_eeLine3FilterSequence             |     9.160 |     9.321 |    0.007     292.8    18.02 |    1000 |     9.322 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2LLK_eeLine3VOIDFilter                |     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.002       5.5     0.17 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:MergeBu2LLK_ee3                           |     9.908 |    10.120 |    0.013     292.7    17.69 |     879 |     8.896 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:MergeBu2LLK_ee3                    |     9.101 |     9.457 |    0.007     284.8    17.02 |     879 |     8.313 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MergeBu2LLK_ee3                                 |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     754 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelPhotonForBu2LLK                               |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     203 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2LLK_eeLine3                                   |     0.000 |     0.246 |    0.106       1.5     0.20 |      63 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2LLK_eeLine3                      |     0.000 |     2.892 |    2.308       3.3     0.51 |       3 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2LLK_eeLine3                      |     6.666 |     5.071 |    3.750       6.1     1.20 |       3 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bu2LLK_eeLine3                      |     0.000 |     3.721 |    2.229       5.8     1.84 |       3 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bu2LLK_eeLine3                      |     3.333 |     2.470 |    1.805       3.7     1.06 |       3 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bu2LLK_eeLine3                      |    50.000 |    46.935 |   26.969      69.3    21.27 |       3 |     0.141 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bu2LLK_eeLine3                      |     0.000 |     3.842 |    2.700       5.6     1.56 |       3 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bu2LLK_eeLine3                      |     0.000 |     0.396 |    0.316       0.5     0.10 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bu2LLK_eeLine3                      |     0.000 |     0.324 |    0.233       0.4     0.10 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bu2LLK_eeLine3                      |     0.000 |     0.282 |    0.237       0.4     0.07 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_Bu2LLK_eeLine3                     |     0.000 |     0.279 |    0.212       0.3     0.06 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_Bu2LLK_eeLine3                     |     0.000 |     0.207 |    0.163       0.2     0.04 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_Bu2LLK_eeLine3                     |     0.000 |     0.201 |    0.145       0.2     0.05 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_eeLine3PostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSBs2JpsieePhiDetachedLine             |     0.280 |     0.305 |    0.024      14.9     0.64 |    1000 |     0.305 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2JpsieePhiDetachedLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2JpsieePhiDetachedLineFilterSequen|     0.170 |     0.219 |    0.002      14.7     0.63 |    1000 |     0.219 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelPhi2KKForBetaSBs2JpsieePhiDetached            |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     893 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelJpsi2eeForBetaSBs2JpsieePhiDetached           |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     176 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBs2JpsieePhiDetachedLine                    |     0.350 |     0.312 |    0.043       1.6     0.36 |      57 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_eeLine3FilterSequence             |     8.290 |     8.370 |    0.007     282.0    16.58 |    1000 |     8.370 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingBu2LLK_eeLine3VOIDFilter                |     0.020 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:MergeBu2LLK_ee3                           |     8.964 |     9.081 |    0.010     282.0    16.20 |     879 |     7.983 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:MergeBu2LLK_ee3                    |     8.384 |     8.490 |    0.005     276.1    15.63 |     879 |     7.464 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MergeBu2LLK_ee3                                 |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     754 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelPhotonForBu2LLK                               |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     203 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2LLK_eeLine3                                   |     0.000 |     0.211 |    0.106       1.3     0.17 |      63 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bu2LLK_eeLine3                      |     0.000 |     2.906 |    2.300       3.6     0.67 |       3 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bu2LLK_eeLine3                      |     6.666 |     4.639 |    3.688       5.5     0.92 |       3 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bu2LLK_eeLine3                      |     3.333 |     2.968 |    2.057       4.4     1.25 |       3 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Bu2LLK_eeLine3                      |     0.000 |     2.137 |    1.612       2.9     0.70 |       3 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Bu2LLK_eeLine3                      |    46.666 |    47.347 |   25.228      77.1    26.74 |       3 |     0.142 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_Bu2LLK_eeLine3                      |    10.000 |     3.653 |    2.492       5.2     1.42 |       3 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_Bu2LLK_eeLine3                      |     0.000 |     0.419 |    0.279       0.6     0.20 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bu2LLK_eeLine3                      |     0.000 |     0.340 |    0.275       0.4     0.09 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bu2LLK_eeLine3                      |     0.000 |     0.353 |    0.245       0.5     0.16 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_Bu2LLK_eeLine3                     |     0.000 |     0.268 |    0.182       0.3     0.08 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_Bu2LLK_eeLine3                     |     0.000 |     0.245 |    0.164       0.3     0.08 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_Bu2LLK_eeLine3                     |     0.000 |     0.241 |    0.175       0.3     0.06 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBu2LLK_eeLine3PostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSBs2JpsieePhiDetachedLine             |     0.260 |     0.249 |    0.020       5.0     0.40 |    1000 |     0.249 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2JpsieePhiDetachedLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2JpsieePhiDetachedLineFilterSequen|     0.190 |     0.178 |    0.002       4.9     0.39 |    1000 |     0.178 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelPhi2KKForBetaSBs2JpsieePhiDetached            |     0.011 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     893 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelJpsi2eeForBetaSBs2JpsieePhiDetached           |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     176 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBs2JpsieePhiDetachedLine                    |     0.877 |     0.260 |    0.042       1.4     0.31 |      57 |     0.015 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2JpsieePhiDetachedLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSBs2JpsieePhiFromTracksLine           |     0.240 |     0.258 |    0.021       3.4     0.35 |    1000 |     0.259 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSBs2JpsieePhiFromTracksLine           |     0.200 |     0.217 |    0.019       3.4     0.29 |    1000 |     0.217 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2JpsieePhiFromTracksLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2JpsieePhiFromTracksLineFilterSequ|     0.200 |     0.179 |    0.002       3.3     0.33 |    1000 |     0.180 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelPhi2KKForBetaSBs2JpsieePhiFromTracks          |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     893 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelJpsi2eeForBetaSBs2JpsieePhiFromTracks         |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.005       0.3     0.03 |     262 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBs2JpsieePhiFromTracksLine                  |     0.000 |     0.227 |    0.040       1.4     0.29 |      54 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2JpsieePhiFromTracksLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSBs2JpsieePhiLine                     |     0.090 |     0.096 |    0.018       1.8     0.12 |    1000 |     0.096 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2JpsieePhiLinePreScaler           |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2JpsieePhiLineFilterSequence      |     0.103 |     0.164 |    0.002       1.7     0.29 |      97 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelPhi2KKForBetaSBs2JpsieePhi                    |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      80 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelJpsi2eeForBetaSBs2JpsieePhi                   |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      22 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBs2JpsieePhiLine                            |     0.000 |     0.269 |    0.042       1.4     0.49 |       7 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2JpsieePhiLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XLL_mmLine                              |     1.740 |     1.762 |    0.036     531.8    18.79 |    1000 |     1.763 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XLL_mmLinePreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XLL_mmLineFilterSequence               |     1.640 |     1.653 |    0.008     531.6    18.78 |    1000 |     1.653 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XLL_mmLineVOIDFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2XLL_mmLine                              |     1.069 |     1.076 |    0.015     219.5     8.76 |     879 |     0.947 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2XLL_mmLine                       |     1.058 |     1.065 |    0.010     217.8     8.70 |     879 |     0.936 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:AllExceptJpsiB2XLL_mm                    |     1.035 |     1.047 |    0.002     217.8     8.69 |     879 |     0.921 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MuMuForB2XLL                                  |     0.216 |     0.150 |    0.060       1.4     0.09 |     461 |     0.070 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelMuMuForB2XLL                               |     0.294 |     0.089 |    0.041       0.2     0.03 |      34 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:MergeB2XLL_mm                          |    20.882 |    22.100 |    1.486     209.8    36.51 |      34 |     0.751 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:MergeB2XLL_mm                   |    20.000 |    20.516 |    1.196     198.7    34.56 |      34 |     0.698 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:KaonsForB2XLL                         |     0.234 |     0.207 |    0.004       0.9     0.13 |     298 |     0.062 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  KaonsForB2XLL                              |     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.004       0.2     0.02 |     296 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:PionsForB2XLL                         |     0.536 |     0.239 |    0.058       1.0     0.14 |     298 |     0.071 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  PionsForB2XLL                              |     0.268 |     0.063 |    0.013       0.2     0.03 |     298 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:KstarsForB2XLL                        |     0.838 |     0.961 |    0.044       5.8     0.82 |     298 |     0.287 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  KstarsForB2XLL                             |     0.536 |     0.585 |    0.018       3.6     0.56 |     298 |     0.174 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:RhosForB2XLL                          |     0.536 |     0.534 |    0.107       2.5     0.39 |     298 |     0.159 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  SelFilterPhys_StdLooseRho0_Particles       |     0.494 |     0.466 |    0.101      12.3     0.59 |     506 |     0.236 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  RhosForB2XLL                               |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     149 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:PhisForB2XLL                          |     0.201 |     0.189 |    0.002       1.0     0.15 |     298 |     0.056 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  PhisForB2XLL                               |     0.036 |     0.073 |    0.004       0.5     0.07 |     274 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Psi2SForB2XLL                         |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.004       1.7     0.11 |     298 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  JPsisForB2XLL                              |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.024       0.1     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Psi2SForB2XLL                              |     0.000 |     0.285 |    0.053       1.4     0.53 |       6 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtonsForB2XLL                       |     0.369 |     0.182 |    0.003       0.8     0.12 |     298 |     0.054 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtonsForB2XLL                            |     0.136 |     0.037 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |     293 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:DZerosForB2XLL                        |     0.134 |     0.066 |    0.003       0.7     0.12 |     298 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  DZerosForB2XLL                             |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |      89 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:DPlusForB2XLL                         |     1.879 |     2.169 |    0.003      23.7     3.14 |     298 |     0.647 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  DPlusForB2XLL                              |     0.216 |     0.106 |    0.023       1.4     0.14 |     231 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:DStarsForB2XLL                        |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.002       0.5     0.05 |     298 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  DStarsForB2XLL                             |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.026       0.1     0.02 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_OmegasForB2XLL_omega2pipipiz|     1.174 |     0.948 |    0.025       6.3     0.82 |     298 |     0.283 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  MERGED:Selection_PiZeros_pi0               |     0.604 |     0.471 |    0.018       2.6     0.34 |     298 |     0.141 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                   MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_PiZeros_pi0        |     0.402 |     0.253 |    0.014       1.6     0.19 |     298 |     0.076 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:Selection_PiZeros_pi0resolved      |     0.369 |     0.198 |    0.003       0.9     0.13 |     298 |     0.059 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     Selection_PiZeros_pi0resolved           |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     296 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:Selection_PiZeros_pi0merged        |     0.033 |     0.044 |    0.003       0.8     0.09 |     298 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2JpsieePhiFromTracksLineFilterSequ|     0.100 |     0.149 |    0.002       3.3     0.27 |    1000 |     0.150 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelPhi2KKForBetaSBs2JpsieePhiFromTracks          |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     893 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelJpsi2eeForBetaSBs2JpsieePhiFromTracks         |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.004       0.2     0.02 |     262 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBs2JpsieePhiFromTracksLine                  |     0.000 |     0.195 |    0.038       1.3     0.24 |      54 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2JpsieePhiFromTracksLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSBs2JpsieePhiLine                     |     0.090 |     0.081 |    0.015       1.8     0.09 |    1000 |     0.081 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2JpsieePhiLinePreScaler           |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2JpsieePhiLineFilterSequence      |     0.206 |     0.135 |    0.002       1.7     0.23 |      97 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelPhi2KKForBetaSBs2JpsieePhi                    |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      80 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelJpsi2eeForBetaSBs2JpsieePhi                   |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      22 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBs2JpsieePhiLine                            |     0.000 |     0.225 |    0.038       1.1     0.38 |       7 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2JpsieePhiLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XLL_mmLine                              |     1.670 |     1.586 |    0.032     486.9    17.14 |    1000 |     1.586 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XLL_mmLinePreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XLL_mmLineFilterSequence               |     1.580 |     1.502 |    0.007     486.7    17.14 |    1000 |     1.503 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XLL_mmLineVOIDFilter                  |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2XLL_mmLine                              |     1.058 |     0.974 |    0.013     185.9     7.73 |     879 |     0.857 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2XLL_mmLine                       |     1.046 |     0.962 |    0.009     183.7     7.66 |     879 |     0.846 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:AllExceptJpsiB2XLL_mm                    |     1.012 |     0.947 |    0.002     183.7     7.66 |     879 |     0.833 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MuMuForB2XLL                                  |     0.173 |     0.133 |    0.058       3.4     0.17 |     461 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelMuMuForB2XLL                               |     0.000 |     0.073 |    0.034       0.2     0.02 |      34 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:MergeB2XLL_mm                          |    20.882 |    20.030 |    0.816     176.2    31.61 |      34 |     0.681 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:MergeB2XLL_mm                   |    18.823 |    18.598 |    0.613     165.4    29.67 |      34 |     0.632 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:KaonsForB2XLL                         |     0.335 |     0.176 |    0.003       0.6     0.09 |     298 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  KaonsForB2XLL                              |     0.067 |     0.043 |    0.003       0.2     0.02 |     296 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:PionsForB2XLL                         |     0.134 |     0.205 |    0.069       0.8     0.11 |     298 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  PionsForB2XLL                              |     0.067 |     0.053 |    0.014       0.2     0.02 |     298 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:KstarsForB2XLL                        |     0.771 |     0.884 |    0.048       7.3     0.87 |     298 |     0.264 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  KstarsForB2XLL                             |     0.402 |     0.548 |    0.019       5.4     0.64 |     298 |     0.164 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:RhosForB2XLL                          |     0.436 |     0.466 |    0.104       2.3     0.32 |     298 |     0.139 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  SelFilterPhys_StdLooseRho0_Particles       |     0.434 |     0.397 |    0.099       8.2     0.41 |     506 |     0.201 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  RhosForB2XLL                               |     0.067 |     0.031 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     149 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:PhisForB2XLL                          |     0.201 |     0.169 |    0.002       1.2     0.14 |     298 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  PhisForB2XLL                               |     0.036 |     0.066 |    0.003       0.8     0.07 |     274 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Psi2SForB2XLL                         |     0.067 |     0.018 |    0.002       1.4     0.10 |     298 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  JPsisForB2XLL                              |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.019       0.1     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Psi2SForB2XLL                              |     1.666 |     0.257 |    0.059       1.2     0.45 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:ProtonsForB2XLL                       |     0.167 |     0.160 |    0.002       0.6     0.09 |     298 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  ProtonsForB2XLL                            |     0.068 |     0.034 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |     293 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:DZerosForB2XLL                        |     0.067 |     0.059 |    0.002       0.5     0.10 |     298 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  DZerosForB2XLL                             |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      89 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:DPlusForB2XLL                         |     1.845 |     2.003 |    0.002      32.7     3.18 |     298 |     0.597 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  DPlusForB2XLL                              |     0.043 |     0.096 |    0.017       1.3     0.13 |     231 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:DStarsForB2XLL                        |     0.033 |     0.010 |    0.002       0.5     0.04 |     298 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  DStarsForB2XLL                             |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.022       0.1     0.01 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_OmegasForB2XLL_omega2pipipiz|     1.107 |     0.866 |    0.021       6.4     0.76 |     298 |     0.258 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  MERGED:Selection_PiZeros_pi0               |     0.604 |     0.423 |    0.014       2.0     0.28 |     298 |     0.126 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                   MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_PiZeros_pi0        |     0.302 |     0.223 |    0.011       1.2     0.16 |     298 |     0.067 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:Selection_PiZeros_pi0resolved      |     0.268 |     0.176 |    0.002       0.9     0.11 |     298 |     0.053 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     Selection_PiZeros_pi0resolved           |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     296 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:Selection_PiZeros_pi0merged        |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.002       0.5     0.07 |     298 |     0.012 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     Selection_PiZeros_pi0merged             |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      84 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                   Selection_PiZeros_pi0                     |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     283 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_OmegasForB2XLL_omega2pipipizero  |     0.212 |     0.201 |    0.048       1.0     0.17 |     283 |     0.057 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:SelectionOff0Forf0(980)sForB2XLL      |     1.912 |     1.983 |    0.051      19.3     2.85 |     298 |     0.591 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  SelectionOff0Forf0(980)sForB2XLL           |     0.134 |     0.243 |    0.029       0.9     0.16 |     298 |     0.073 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:KStarPlusForB2XLL                     |     2.013 |     2.440 |    0.041      17.6     2.50 |     298 |     0.727 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  MERGED:KStarPlusForB2XLL                   |     1.979 |     2.432 |    0.036      17.6     2.50 |     298 |     0.725 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                   MERGEDINPUTS:KStarPlusForB2XLL            |     1.879 |     2.132 |    0.030      16.2     2.27 |     298 |     0.635 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:Selection_KStarPlus1ForB2XLL_Kstar2|     0.906 |     1.129 |    0.020      12.9     1.52 |     298 |     0.337 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     MERGED:Selection_KShorts_Kshort         |     0.302 |     0.358 |    0.016       2.1     0.36 |     298 |     0.107 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                      MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_KShorts_Kshort  |     0.201 |     0.210 |    0.012       1.0     0.20 |     298 |     0.063 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                       INPUT:Selection_KShorts_Ksdd          |     0.100 |     0.120 |    0.002       0.6     0.12 |     298 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                        Selection_KShorts_Ksdd               |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.004       0.2     0.02 |     193 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                       INPUT:Selection_KShorts_Ksll          |     0.100 |     0.078 |    0.003       0.9     0.13 |     298 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                        Selection_KShorts_Ksll               |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.015       0.1     0.02 |     102 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                      Selection_KShorts_Kshort               |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     198 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     Selection_KStarPlus1ForB2XLL_Kstar2kaonp|     0.303 |     0.327 |    0.103       1.1     0.19 |     198 |     0.065 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:Selection_KStarPlus2ForB2XLL_Kstar2|     0.906 |     0.989 |    0.003       8.3     1.11 |     298 |     0.295 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     Selection_KStarPlus2ForB2XLL_Kstar2kaonp|     0.555 |     0.459 |    0.102       7.9     0.56 |     270 |     0.124 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                   KStarPlusForB2XLL                         |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     254 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_DsPlusForB2XLL_DsPlus       |     1.107 |     1.110 |    0.003      13.0     1.86 |     298 |     0.331 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_DsPlusForB2XLL_DsPlus            |     0.462 |     0.529 |    0.046       5.7     0.74 |     281 |     0.149 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_DsStarForB2XLL_DsStar       |     3.389 |     3.419 |    0.002      83.1     8.23 |     298 |     1.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  SelFilterPhys_StdLoosePhotons_Particles    |     2.000 |     1.978 |    0.240      16.8     2.39 |     145 |     0.287 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_DsStarForB2XLL_DsStar            |     0.965 |     1.027 |    0.098       6.8     1.13 |     145 |     0.149 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_KpipiForB2XLL_kpipi         |     2.885 |     2.899 |    0.001      82.7     6.63 |     298 |     0.864 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_KpipiForB2XLL_kpipi              |     1.245 |     1.203 |    0.046      10.0     1.44 |     281 |     0.338 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_KSpipiForB2XLL_kspipi       |     1.342 |     1.283 |    0.001      29.1     2.86 |     298 |     0.383 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_KSpipiForB2XLL_kspipi            |     0.757 |     0.728 |    0.033       7.1     0.83 |     198 |     0.144 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MergeB2XLL_mm                                |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.005       0.3     0.05 |      34 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               AllExceptJpsiB2XLL_mm                         |     1.176 |     1.100 |    0.375       6.0     1.26 |      34 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:OnlyTheJpsiB2XLL_mm                      |     0.022 |     0.007 |    0.001       1.5     0.06 |     879 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               OnlyTheJpsiB2XLL_mm                           |     2.000 |     0.602 |    0.310       1.3     0.42 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             B2XLL_mmLine                                    |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XLL_mmLine                        |     1.428 |     2.116 |    0.095      11.1     4.03 |       7 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XLL_mmLine                        |     7.142 |     6.422 |    0.052      37.4    13.82 |       7 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XLL_mmLine                        |    12.857 |    11.867 |    0.042      67.2    24.86 |       7 |     0.083 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2XLL_mmLine                        |     5.714 |     3.507 |    0.122      17.4     6.35 |       7 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2XLL_mmLine                        |     7.142 |     6.672 |    0.261      33.9    12.39 |       7 |     0.047 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2XLL_mmLine                        |    62.857 |    65.841 |   25.417     141.2    44.17 |       7 |     0.461 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XLL_mmLinePostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XLL_meLine                              |     0.710 |     0.559 |    0.035      64.8     3.29 |    1000 |     0.559 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_OmegasForB2XLL_omega2pipipizero  |     0.282 |     0.183 |    0.043       0.8     0.16 |     283 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:SelectionOff0Forf0(980)sForB2XLL      |     1.711 |     1.819 |    0.059      24.0     2.77 |     298 |     0.542 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  SelectionOff0Forf0(980)sForB2XLL           |     0.201 |     0.221 |    0.028       1.2     0.16 |     298 |     0.066 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:KStarPlusForB2XLL                     |     2.449 |     2.198 |    0.035      14.4     2.17 |     298 |     0.655 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  MERGED:KStarPlusForB2XLL                   |     2.449 |     2.191 |    0.030      14.4     2.17 |     298 |     0.653 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                   MERGEDINPUTS:KStarPlusForB2XLL            |     2.013 |     1.916 |    0.026      13.5     1.98 |     298 |     0.571 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:Selection_KStarPlus1ForB2XLL_Kstar2|     0.906 |     1.013 |    0.017      10.8     1.27 |     298 |     0.302 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     MERGED:Selection_KShorts_Kshort         |     0.268 |     0.320 |    0.014       1.6     0.31 |     298 |     0.096 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                      MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_KShorts_Kshort  |     0.100 |     0.189 |    0.010       1.4     0.19 |     298 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                       INPUT:Selection_KShorts_Ksdd          |     0.067 |     0.108 |    0.002       1.2     0.12 |     298 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                        Selection_KShorts_Ksdd               |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |     193 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                       INPUT:Selection_KShorts_Ksll          |     0.033 |     0.071 |    0.002       0.5     0.11 |     298 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                        Selection_KShorts_Ksll               |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |     102 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                      Selection_KShorts_Kshort               |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     198 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     Selection_KStarPlus1ForB2XLL_Kstar2kaonp|     0.151 |     0.285 |    0.109       1.0     0.15 |     198 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                    INPUT:Selection_KStarPlus2ForB2XLL_Kstar2|     1.107 |     0.892 |    0.003      10.0     1.03 |     298 |     0.266 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                     Selection_KStarPlus2ForB2XLL_Kstar2kaonp|     0.407 |     0.403 |    0.102       1.8     0.31 |     270 |     0.109 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                   KStarPlusForB2XLL                         |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     254 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_DsPlusForB2XLL_DsPlus       |     1.006 |     1.044 |    0.003      13.3     1.67 |     298 |     0.311 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_DsPlusForB2XLL_DsPlus            |     0.640 |     0.504 |    0.043       4.3     0.68 |     281 |     0.142 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_DsStarForB2XLL_DsStar       |     3.221 |     3.159 |    0.002      85.8     7.51 |     298 |     0.942 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  SelFilterPhys_StdLoosePhotons_Particles    |     1.724 |     1.816 |    0.207      12.0     2.00 |     145 |     0.263 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_DsStarForB2XLL_DsStar            |     1.448 |     0.969 |    0.092       5.4     1.02 |     145 |     0.141 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_KpipiForB2XLL_kpipi         |     2.147 |     2.579 |    0.001      64.8     5.52 |     298 |     0.769 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_KpipiForB2XLL_kpipi              |     0.925 |     1.143 |    0.044       9.6     1.40 |     281 |     0.321 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_KSpipiForB2XLL_kspipi       |     1.208 |     1.147 |    0.001      31.8     2.70 |     298 |     0.342 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_KSpipiForB2XLL_kspipi            |     0.858 |     0.670 |    0.034       6.9     0.79 |     198 |     0.133 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MergeB2XLL_mm                                |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.004       0.3     0.05 |      34 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               AllExceptJpsiB2XLL_mm                         |     1.176 |     1.056 |    0.294       6.1     1.30 |      34 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:OnlyTheJpsiB2XLL_mm                      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.001       1.0     0.05 |     879 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               OnlyTheJpsiB2XLL_mm                           |     0.000 |     0.452 |    0.329       0.9     0.26 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             B2XLL_mmLine                                    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XLL_mmLine                        |     1.428 |     2.042 |    0.069      11.0     4.01 |       7 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XLL_mmLine                        |     7.142 |     5.897 |    0.039      33.9    12.52 |       7 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XLL_mmLine                        |    11.428 |    12.244 |    0.040      70.3    26.01 |       7 |     0.086 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2XLL_mmLine                        |     2.857 |     3.405 |    0.128      17.2     6.30 |       7 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2XLL_mmLine                        |     4.285 |     6.658 |    0.254      34.2    12.52 |       7 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2XLL_mmLine                        |    60.000 |    58.389 |   22.432     130.7    39.03 |       7 |     0.409 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XLL_mmLinePostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XLL_meLine                              |     0.440 |     0.489 |    0.029      63.9     3.11 |    1000 |     0.489 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XLL_meLinePreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XLL_meLineFilterSequence               |     0.560 |     0.454 |    0.006      64.6     3.28 |    1000 |     0.454 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XLL_meLineVOIDFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       1.1     0.03 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2XLL_meLine                              |     0.523 |     0.428 |    0.013      42.1     2.71 |     879 |     0.377 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2XLL_meLine                       |     0.511 |     0.420 |    0.009      42.1     2.70 |     879 |     0.370 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:AllExceptJpsiB2XLL_me                    |     0.443 |     0.389 |    0.001      42.1     2.61 |     879 |     0.343 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MuEForB2XLL                                   |     0.290 |     0.211 |    0.100       4.6     0.35 |     310 |     0.066 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelMuEForB2XLL                                |     0.000 |     0.093 |    0.009       0.1     0.03 |      19 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:MergeB2XLL_me                          |    11.666 |    11.513 |    0.395      39.9    12.27 |      18 |     0.207 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:MergeB2XLL_me                   |    11.111 |    10.404 |    0.026      37.9    11.81 |      18 |     0.187 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MergeB2XLL_me                                |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               AllExceptJpsiB2XLL_me                         |     3.333 |     1.090 |    0.391       2.7     0.78 |      18 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:OnlyTheJpsiB2XLL_me                      |     0.022 |     0.020 |    0.001      15.3     0.52 |     879 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               OnlyTheJpsiB2XLL_me                           |    20.000 |    14.542 |   14.542      14.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             B2XLL_meLine                                    |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XLL_meLine                        |     0.000 |     0.541 |    0.438       0.6     0.15 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XLL_meLine                        |     0.000 |     0.429 |    0.403       0.5     0.04 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XLL_meLine                        |     0.000 |     0.864 |    0.855       0.9     0.01 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2XLL_meLine                        |     0.000 |     0.454 |    0.388       0.5     0.09 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2XLL_meLine                        |     0.000 |     0.755 |    0.652       0.9     0.15 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2XLL_meLine                        |    25.000 |    25.842 |    0.378      51.3    36.01 |       2 |     0.052 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XLL_meLinePostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XLL_eeLine                              |    30.250 |    30.389 |    0.034     401.5    38.45 |    1000 |    30.390 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XLL_meLineFilterSequence               |     0.360 |     0.402 |    0.006      63.7     3.10 |    1000 |     0.402 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XLL_meLineVOIDFilter                  |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2XLL_meLine                              |     0.329 |     0.376 |    0.012      40.6     2.51 |     879 |     0.331 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2XLL_meLine                       |     0.318 |     0.370 |    0.008      40.6     2.51 |     879 |     0.326 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:AllExceptJpsiB2XLL_me                    |     0.295 |     0.353 |    0.001      40.6     2.49 |     879 |     0.311 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MuEForB2XLL                                   |     0.096 |     0.156 |    0.095       1.2     0.07 |     310 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelMuEForB2XLL                                |     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.008       0.1     0.03 |      19 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:MergeB2XLL_me                          |    11.666 |    11.289 |    0.312      38.4    11.83 |      18 |     0.203 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:MergeB2XLL_me                   |    10.555 |    10.266 |    0.014      36.5    11.39 |      18 |     0.185 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MergeB2XLL_me                                |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               AllExceptJpsiB2XLL_me                         |     0.555 |     0.718 |    0.346       1.9     0.44 |      18 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:OnlyTheJpsiB2XLL_me                      |     0.011 |     0.008 |    0.001       5.3     0.18 |     879 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               OnlyTheJpsiB2XLL_me                           |    10.000 |     5.106 |    5.106       5.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             B2XLL_meLine                                    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XLL_meLine                        |     0.000 |     0.362 |    0.235       0.5     0.18 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XLL_meLine                        |     0.000 |     0.400 |    0.392       0.4     0.01 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XLL_meLine                        |     0.000 |     0.836 |    0.804       0.9     0.05 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2XLL_meLine                        |     0.000 |     0.436 |    0.391       0.5     0.06 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2XLL_meLine                        |     0.000 |     0.765 |    0.561       1.0     0.29 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2XLL_meLine                        |    25.000 |    25.141 |    0.344      49.9    35.07 |       2 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XLL_meLinePostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XLL_eeLine                              |    27.630 |    27.840 |    0.029     417.1    34.83 |    1000 |    27.840 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XLL_eeLinePreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XLL_eeLineFilterSequence               |    30.150 |    30.242 |    0.008     401.1    38.41 |    1000 |    30.242 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XLL_eeLineVOIDFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2XLL_eeLine                              |    34.004 |    34.094 |    0.087     401.1    38.34 |     879 |    29.969 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2XLL_eeLine                       |    34.004 |    34.082 |    0.082     401.1    38.33 |     879 |    29.958 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:AllExceptJpsiB2XLL_ee                    |    33.959 |    34.058 |    0.065     401.1    38.29 |     879 |    29.937 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               EEForB2XLLeeSelection                         |    28.122 |    28.353 |    0.040     357.1    30.19 |     879 |    24.922 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelEEForB2XLL                                 |     0.156 |     0.121 |    0.009       1.0     0.10 |     832 |     0.101 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:MergeB2XLL_ee                          |    19.084 |    19.092 |    0.461     207.8    22.91 |     153 |     2.921 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:MergeB2XLL_ee                   |    17.581 |    17.768 |    0.039     201.9    21.98 |     153 |     2.719 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MergeB2XLL_ee                                |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |     153 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               AllExceptJpsiB2XLL_ee                         |     0.849 |     0.772 |    0.309       4.0     0.58 |     153 |     0.118 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:OnlyTheJpsiB2XLL_ee                      |     0.022 |     0.008 |    0.002       3.5     0.12 |     879 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XLL_eeLineFilterSequence               |    27.580 |    27.738 |    0.006     416.8    34.80 |    1000 |    27.738 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XLL_eeLineVOIDFilter                  |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2XLL_eeLine                              |    31.080 |    31.263 |    0.071     416.8    34.58 |     879 |    27.480 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2XLL_eeLine                       |    31.069 |    31.253 |    0.068     416.8    34.57 |     879 |    27.472 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:AllExceptJpsiB2XLL_ee                    |    31.058 |    31.238 |    0.058     416.8    34.57 |     879 |    27.458 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               EEForB2XLLeeSelection                         |    26.131 |    26.081 |    0.035     368.3    26.90 |     879 |    22.925 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelEEForB2XLL                                 |     0.096 |     0.102 |    0.008       1.3     0.09 |     832 |     0.085 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:MergeB2XLL_ee                          |    16.928 |    17.366 |    0.341     227.3    22.79 |     153 |     2.657 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:MergeB2XLL_ee                   |    15.882 |    16.205 |    0.018     220.1    21.94 |     153 |     2.479 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MergeB2XLL_ee                                |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |     153 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               AllExceptJpsiB2XLL_ee                         |     0.980 |     0.681 |    0.312       3.7     0.50 |     153 |     0.104 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:OnlyTheJpsiB2XLL_ee                      |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     879 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               OnlyTheJpsiB2XLL_ee                           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             B2XLL_eeLine                                    |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XLL_eeLine                        |     0.000 |     0.631 |    0.142       0.9     0.42 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XLL_eeLine                        |     0.000 |     1.100 |    0.494       1.4     0.53 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XLL_eeLine                        |     3.333 |     3.167 |    0.732       4.7     2.13 |       3 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2XLL_eeLine                        |     0.000 |     1.563 |    1.465       1.7     0.13 |       3 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2XLL_eeLine                        |     0.000 |     4.183 |    1.578       8.5     3.77 |       3 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2XLL_eeLine                        |    76.666 |    72.759 |   37.565     105.5    34.05 |       3 |     0.218 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XLL_eeLinePostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XLL_mmSSLine                            |     0.340 |     0.356 |    0.035      27.0     1.13 |    1000 |     0.356 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XLL_mmSSLinePreScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XLL_mmSSLineFilterSequence             |     0.220 |     0.243 |    0.008      26.9     1.13 |    1000 |     0.244 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XLL_mmSSLineVOIDFilter                |     0.020 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2XLL_mmSSLine                            |     0.204 |     0.227 |    0.015      17.8     0.81 |     879 |     0.200 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2XLL_mmSSLine                     |     0.193 |     0.218 |    0.010      17.8     0.81 |     879 |     0.192 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:AllExceptJpsiB2XLL_mmSS                  |     0.193 |     0.205 |    0.002      17.7     0.80 |     879 |     0.180 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MuMuSSForB2XLL                                |     0.130 |     0.173 |    0.070       1.5     0.08 |     461 |     0.080 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelMuMuSSForB2XLL                             |     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.056       0.2     0.04 |       9 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:MergeB2XLL_mmSS                        |     4.444 |     4.678 |    1.069      14.6     4.18 |       9 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:MergeB2XLL_mmSS                 |     3.333 |     2.624 |    0.038      13.3     4.28 |       9 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MergeB2XLL_mmSS                              |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.006       0.1     0.03 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               AllExceptJpsiB2XLL_mmSS                       |     2.222 |     1.050 |    0.370       2.9     0.92 |       9 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:OnlyTheJpsiB2XLL_mmSS                    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |     879 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             B2XLL_eeLine                                    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XLL_eeLine                        |     0.000 |     0.586 |    0.103       0.8     0.42 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XLL_eeLine                        |     3.333 |     1.022 |    0.425       1.4     0.53 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XLL_eeLine                        |     0.000 |     2.644 |    0.881       4.2     1.66 |       3 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2XLL_eeLine                        |     0.000 |     1.448 |    1.381       1.5     0.07 |       3 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2XLL_eeLine                        |     0.000 |     2.542 |    1.338       3.8     1.21 |       3 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2XLL_eeLine                        |    73.333 |    71.395 |   36.004     107.4    35.72 |       3 |     0.214 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XLL_eeLinePostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XLL_mmSSLine                            |     0.340 |     0.298 |    0.033      25.8     1.13 |    1000 |     0.299 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XLL_mmSSLinePreScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XLL_mmSSLineFilterSequence             |     0.190 |     0.207 |    0.008      25.7     1.12 |    1000 |     0.207 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XLL_mmSSLineVOIDFilter                |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2XLL_mmSSLine                            |     0.182 |     0.193 |    0.013      19.4     0.84 |     879 |     0.170 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2XLL_mmSSLine                     |     0.182 |     0.186 |    0.009      19.4     0.84 |     879 |     0.164 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:AllExceptJpsiB2XLL_mmSS                  |     0.182 |     0.174 |    0.002      19.4     0.84 |     879 |     0.154 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MuMuSSForB2XLL                                |     0.108 |     0.130 |    0.063       0.7     0.04 |     461 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelMuMuSSForB2XLL                             |     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.054       0.2     0.04 |       9 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:MergeB2XLL_mmSS                        |     3.333 |     4.322 |    0.598      16.7     5.23 |       9 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:MergeB2XLL_mmSS                 |     3.333 |     2.703 |    0.017      15.3     4.93 |       9 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MergeB2XLL_mmSS                              |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.006       0.1     0.02 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               AllExceptJpsiB2XLL_mmSS                       |     2.222 |     1.006 |    0.397       3.1     0.92 |       9 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:OnlyTheJpsiB2XLL_mmSS                    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |     879 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               OnlyTheJpsiB2XLL_mmSS                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             B2XLL_mmSSLine                                  |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XLL_mmSSLine                      |     0.000 |     1.186 |    1.186       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XLL_mmSSLine                      |     0.000 |     1.879 |    1.879       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XLL_mmSSLine                      |    10.000 |     5.408 |    5.408       5.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2XLL_mmSSLine                      |     0.000 |     2.310 |    2.310       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2XLL_mmSSLine                      |     0.000 |     5.150 |    5.150       5.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2XLL_mmSSLine                      |    10.000 |     3.546 |    3.546       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XLL_mmSSLinePostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XLL_meSSLine                            |     0.380 |     0.374 |    0.033      68.0     2.41 |    1000 |     0.375 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XLL_meSSLinePreScaler                  |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XLL_meSSLineFilterSequence             |     0.230 |     0.271 |    0.007      67.8     2.40 |    1000 |     0.271 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XLL_meSSLineVOIDFilter                |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2XLL_meSSLine                            |     0.250 |     0.276 |    0.015      67.8     2.51 |     879 |     0.243 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2XLL_meSSLine                     |     0.238 |     0.269 |    0.010      67.8     2.51 |     879 |     0.237 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:AllExceptJpsiB2XLL_meSS                  |     0.238 |     0.255 |    0.001      67.7     2.51 |     879 |     0.224 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MuESSForB2XLL                                 |     0.129 |     0.182 |    0.106       1.5     0.09 |     310 |     0.056 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelMuESSForB2XLL                              |     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.009       0.1     0.05 |      12 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:MergeB2XLL_meSS                        |    10.000 |    10.924 |    0.587      65.2    20.52 |      10 |     0.109 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:MergeB2XLL_meSS                 |     9.000 |     9.349 |    0.018      62.7    20.24 |      10 |     0.093 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MergeB2XLL_meSS                              |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               AllExceptJpsiB2XLL_meSS                       |     1.000 |     0.916 |    0.526       1.6     0.39 |      10 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:OnlyTheJpsiB2XLL_meSS                    |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |     879 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             B2XLL_mmSSLine                                  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XLL_mmSSLine                      |    10.000 |     1.121 |    1.121       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XLL_mmSSLine                      |     0.000 |     1.914 |    1.914       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XLL_mmSSLine                      |     0.000 |     5.353 |    5.353       5.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2XLL_mmSSLine                      |     0.000 |     2.139 |    2.139       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2XLL_mmSSLine                      |     0.000 |     5.066 |    5.066       5.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2XLL_mmSSLine                      |     0.000 |     3.329 |    3.329       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XLL_mmSSLinePostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XLL_meSSLine                            |     0.300 |     0.328 |    0.030      64.3     2.24 |    1000 |     0.328 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XLL_meSSLinePreScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XLL_meSSLineFilterSequence             |     0.240 |     0.240 |    0.007      64.1     2.23 |    1000 |     0.240 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XLL_meSSLineVOIDFilter                |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2XLL_meSSLine                            |     0.238 |     0.247 |    0.012      64.1     2.33 |     879 |     0.218 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2XLL_meSSLine                     |     0.227 |     0.241 |    0.009      64.1     2.33 |     879 |     0.212 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:AllExceptJpsiB2XLL_meSS                  |     0.227 |     0.230 |    0.001      64.1     2.33 |     879 |     0.202 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MuESSForB2XLL                                 |     0.193 |     0.157 |    0.108       0.8     0.05 |     310 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelMuESSForB2XLL                              |     0.000 |     0.085 |    0.010       0.2     0.05 |      12 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:MergeB2XLL_meSS                        |     9.000 |     9.906 |    0.503      61.4    19.10 |      10 |     0.099 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:MergeB2XLL_meSS                 |     9.000 |     8.447 |    0.014      58.9    18.79 |      10 |     0.084 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MergeB2XLL_meSS                              |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               AllExceptJpsiB2XLL_meSS                       |     1.000 |     0.888 |    0.462       1.5     0.39 |      10 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:OnlyTheJpsiB2XLL_meSS                    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |     879 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               OnlyTheJpsiB2XLL_meSS                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             B2XLL_meSSLine                                  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XLL_meSSLine                      |     0.000 |     0.573 |    0.573       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XLL_meSSLine                      |     0.000 |     0.801 |    0.801       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XLL_meSSLine                      |     0.000 |     1.678 |    1.678       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2XLL_meSSLine                      |     0.000 |     0.800 |    0.800       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2XLL_meSSLine                      |     0.000 |     1.357 |    1.357       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2XLL_meSSLine                      |     0.000 |     0.648 |    0.648       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XLL_meSSLinePostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XLL_eeSSLine                            |    28.980 |    29.088 |    0.034     440.6    40.18 |    1000 |    29.088 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             B2XLL_meSSLine                                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XLL_meSSLine                      |     0.000 |     0.529 |    0.529       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XLL_meSSLine                      |    10.000 |     0.733 |    0.733       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XLL_meSSLine                      |     0.000 |     1.504 |    1.504       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2XLL_meSSLine                      |     0.000 |     0.766 |    0.766       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2XLL_meSSLine                      |     0.000 |     1.375 |    1.375       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2XLL_meSSLine                      |     0.000 |     0.673 |    0.673       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XLL_meSSLinePostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XLL_eeSSLine                            |    26.630 |    26.674 |    0.030     400.2    34.83 |    1000 |    26.674 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XLL_eeSSLinePreScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XLL_eeSSLineFilterSequence             |    28.770 |    28.934 |    0.008     440.2    40.15 |    1000 |    28.934 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XLL_eeSSLineVOIDFilter                |     0.020 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2XLL_eeSSLine                            |    32.434 |    32.631 |    0.062     440.2    39.90 |     879 |    28.683 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2XLL_eeSSLine                     |    32.423 |    32.618 |    0.056     440.1    39.89 |     879 |    28.672 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:AllExceptJpsiB2XLL_eeSS                  |    32.400 |    32.595 |    0.046     440.1    39.89 |     879 |    28.652 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               EESSForB2XLLeeSelection                       |    27.531 |    27.666 |    0.018     400.1    31.58 |     879 |    24.319 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelEESSForB2XLL                               |     0.118 |     0.127 |    0.008       0.8     0.10 |     843 |     0.107 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:MergeB2XLL_eeSS                        |    14.275 |    14.451 |    0.235     177.0    26.46 |     145 |     2.096 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:MergeB2XLL_eeSS                 |    13.034 |    12.929 |    0.015     170.3    25.58 |     145 |     1.875 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MergeB2XLL_eeSS                              |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.004       0.3     0.03 |     145 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               AllExceptJpsiB2XLL_eeSS                       |     1.103 |     0.825 |    0.313       6.0     0.69 |     145 |     0.120 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:OnlyTheJpsiB2XLL_eeSS                    |     0.011 |     0.007 |    0.002       1.8     0.06 |     879 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               OnlyTheJpsiB2XLL_eeSS                         |     5.000 |     1.029 |    0.398       1.7     0.89 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             B2XLL_eeSSLine                                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XLL_eeSSLine                      |     2.500 |     0.533 |    0.333       0.7     0.21 |       4 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XLL_eeSSLine                      |     0.000 |     0.899 |    0.298       1.9     0.72 |       4 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XLL_eeSSLine                      |     0.000 |     2.358 |    0.827       4.3     1.59 |       4 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2XLL_eeSSLine                      |     2.500 |     0.887 |    0.373       1.6     0.55 |       4 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2XLL_eeSSLine                      |     0.000 |     1.874 |    0.733       2.8     1.09 |       4 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2XLL_eeSSLine                      |    52.500 |    50.088 |    0.193     140.2    66.25 |       4 |     0.200 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XLL_eeSSLinePostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingH24MuPromptLine                           |     0.380 |     0.312 |    0.024       5.9     0.34 |    1000 |     0.313 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingH24MuPromptLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingH24MuPromptLineFilterSequence            |     0.230 |     0.218 |    0.002       4.7     0.27 |    1000 |     0.218 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelA1H24MuPrompt                                 |     0.178 |     0.154 |    0.055       1.8     0.08 |     785 |     0.121 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            H24MuPromptLine                                  |     0.000 |     0.066 |    0.029       1.3     0.16 |      64 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ExtraInfo_StrippingH24MuPromptLine               |     0.000 |     2.443 |    1.662       2.9     0.68 |       3 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XLL_eeSSLineFilterSequence             |    26.560 |    26.566 |    0.007     399.9    34.79 |    1000 |    26.567 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2XLL_eeSSLineVOIDFilter                |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2XLL_eeSSLine                            |    29.954 |    29.972 |    0.053     399.8    34.23 |     879 |    26.346 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2XLL_eeSSLine                     |    29.931 |    29.962 |    0.048     399.8    34.22 |     879 |    26.337 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:AllExceptJpsiB2XLL_eeSS                  |    29.920 |    29.945 |    0.041     399.8    34.22 |     879 |    26.322 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               EESSForB2XLLeeSelection                       |    25.597 |    25.537 |    0.016     356.9    26.71 |     879 |    22.447 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelEESSForB2XLL                               |     0.142 |     0.108 |    0.008       0.6     0.09 |     843 |     0.092 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:MergeB2XLL_eeSS                        |    12.896 |    12.922 |    0.202     148.4    23.21 |     145 |     1.874 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:MergeB2XLL_eeSS                 |    11.517 |    11.571 |    0.014     143.1    22.52 |     145 |     1.678 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MergeB2XLL_eeSS                              |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.004       0.2     0.02 |     145 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               AllExceptJpsiB2XLL_eeSS                       |     0.413 |     0.708 |    0.294       6.0     0.60 |     145 |     0.103 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:OnlyTheJpsiB2XLL_eeSS                    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       1.3     0.05 |     879 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               OnlyTheJpsiB2XLL_eeSS                         |     0.000 |     0.776 |    0.379       1.2     0.56 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             B2XLL_eeSSLine                                  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XLL_eeSSLine                      |     0.000 |     0.412 |    0.234       0.6     0.15 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XLL_eeSSLine                      |     0.000 |     0.866 |    0.275       1.9     0.71 |       4 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XLL_eeSSLine                      |     2.500 |     2.177 |    0.751       3.9     1.44 |       4 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2XLL_eeSSLine                      |     0.000 |     0.787 |    0.318       1.3     0.46 |       4 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2XLL_eeSSLine                      |     2.500 |     1.725 |    0.666       2.6     1.02 |       4 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2XLL_eeSSLine                      |    47.500 |    44.168 |    0.193     124.8    58.90 |       4 |     0.177 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XLL_eeSSLinePostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingH24MuPromptLine                           |     0.300 |     0.257 |    0.021       5.3     0.27 |    1000 |     0.257 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingH24MuPromptLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingH24MuPromptLineFilterSequence            |     0.230 |     0.182 |    0.001       5.2     0.26 |    1000 |     0.183 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelA1H24MuPrompt                                 |     0.152 |     0.118 |    0.049       0.7     0.04 |     785 |     0.093 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            H24MuPromptLine                                  |     0.000 |     0.055 |    0.027       1.1     0.13 |      64 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ExtraInfo_StrippingH24MuPromptLine               |     3.333 |     2.708 |    2.144       3.2     0.54 |       3 |     0.008 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingH24MuPromptLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingH24MuSimpleLine                           |     0.240 |     0.247 |    0.021       8.7     0.43 |    1000 |     0.247 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingH24MuSimpleLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingH24MuSimpleLineFilterSequence            |     0.200 |     0.166 |    0.002       8.6     0.42 |    1000 |     0.167 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelA1H24MuSimple                                 |     0.076 |     0.074 |    0.042       1.1     0.05 |     785 |     0.058 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            H24MuSimpleLine                                  |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.028       0.9     0.09 |      96 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ExtraInfo_StrippingH24MuSimpleLine               |     7.500 |     4.258 |    2.469       6.1     2.05 |       4 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingH24MuSimpleLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingH24MuDetachedLine                         |     0.240 |     0.257 |    0.021       5.0     0.27 |    1000 |     0.258 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingH24MuSimpleLine                           |     0.250 |     0.212 |    0.021       5.9     0.32 |    1000 |     0.213 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingH24MuSimpleLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingH24MuSimpleLineFilterSequence            |     0.120 |     0.144 |    0.001       5.9     0.32 |    1000 |     0.144 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelA1H24MuSimple                                 |     0.089 |     0.063 |    0.039       0.6     0.03 |     785 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            H24MuSimpleLine                                  |     0.208 |     0.042 |    0.025       0.5     0.05 |      96 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ExtraInfo_StrippingH24MuSimpleLine               |     2.500 |     3.561 |    2.378       4.6     1.14 |       4 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingH24MuSimpleLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingH24MuDetachedLine                         |     0.230 |     0.234 |    0.020       4.6     0.29 |    1000 |     0.234 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingH24MuDetachedLinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingH24MuDetachedLineFilterSequence          |     0.170 |     0.173 |    0.002       4.9     0.26 |    1000 |     0.174 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelA1H24MuDetached                               |     0.101 |     0.114 |    0.046       2.1     0.09 |     785 |     0.090 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            H24MuDetachedLine                                |     0.161 |     0.069 |    0.028       1.7     0.22 |      62 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ExtraInfo_StrippingH24MuDetachedLine             |    10.000 |     3.775 |    3.619       3.9     0.22 |       2 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingH24MuDetachedLineFilterSequence          |     0.110 |     0.162 |    0.001       4.6     0.28 |    1000 |     0.163 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelA1H24MuDetached                               |     0.076 |     0.109 |    0.041       4.5     0.20 |     785 |     0.086 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            H24MuDetachedLine                                |     0.000 |     0.054 |    0.026       1.1     0.13 |      62 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ExtraInfo_StrippingH24MuDetachedLine             |     0.000 |     3.189 |    2.713       3.7     0.67 |       2 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingH24MuDetachedLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStripXib2XiGamma_LLL                      |     0.160 |     0.131 |    0.022       4.3     0.25 |    1000 |     0.131 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStripXib2XiGamma_LLLPreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStripXib2XiGamma_LLLFilterSequence       |     0.070 |     0.045 |    0.002       4.1     0.20 |    1000 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xi2L0pi_LLLHypb2L0HGammaL0pi                     |     0.202 |     0.168 |    0.055       1.9     0.19 |      99 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhotonsHypb2L0HGamma                             |     0.036 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     276 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XiGamma_LLLXiGamma                           |     2.000 |     0.650 |    0.056       3.0     1.32 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStripXib2XiGamma_LLL                      |     0.090 |     0.109 |    0.021       3.6     0.17 |    1000 |     0.110 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStripXib2XiGamma_LLLPreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStripXib2XiGamma_LLLFilterSequence       |     0.030 |     0.037 |    0.002       3.4     0.16 |    1000 |     0.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xi2L0pi_LLLHypb2L0HGammaL0pi                     |     0.101 |     0.141 |    0.059       1.5     0.15 |      99 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhotonsHypb2L0HGamma                             |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     276 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XiGamma_LLLXiGamma                           |     2.000 |     0.523 |    0.053       2.4     1.04 |       5 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StripXib2XiGamma_LLL                             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForStripXib2XiGamma_LLLMakeVeloTracksGS          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripXib2XiGamma_LLLFastVelo                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -146283,38 +146543,38 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripXib2XiGamma_LLLCopyVel
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripXib2XiGamma_LLLVeloRefitterAlg          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_StripXib2XiGamma_LLL                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStripXib2XiGamma_LLLPostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStripXib2XiGamma_DDD                      |     0.400 |     0.394 |    0.020      14.0     0.66 |    1000 |     0.395 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStripXib2XiGamma_DDD                      |     0.250 |     0.345 |    0.020      11.0     0.56 |    1000 |     0.346 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStripXib2XiGamma_DDDPreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStripXib2XiGamma_DDDFilterSequence       |     0.310 |     0.309 |    0.002      13.9     0.65 |    1000 |     0.310 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xi2L0pi_DDDHypb2L0HGammaL0pi                     |     0.283 |     0.283 |    0.060       1.5     0.20 |     493 |     0.140 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XiGamma_DDDXiGamma                           |     0.410 |     0.127 |    0.051       2.2     0.25 |      73 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StripXib2XiGamma_DDD                             |     1.111 |     1.494 |    0.624       2.4     0.48 |       9 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForStripXib2XiGamma_DDDMakeVeloTracksGS          |    20.000 |    11.548 |   11.548      11.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripXib2XiGamma_DDDFastVelo                 |    10.000 |     2.438 |    2.438       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripXib2XiGamma_DDDInitSeedFit              |     0.000 |     0.243 |    0.243       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripXib2XiGamma_DDDCopyVelo                 |     0.000 |     0.104 |    0.104       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripXib2XiGamma_DDDVeloRefitterAlg          |    10.000 |     8.722 |    8.722       8.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_StripXib2XiGamma_DDD                |     0.000 |     0.150 |    0.150       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStripXib2XiGamma_DDDPostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStripXib2XiGamma_DDL                      |     0.230 |     0.271 |    0.020      14.9     0.62 |    1000 |     0.272 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStripXib2XiGamma_DDDFilterSequence       |     0.220 |     0.276 |    0.001      10.9     0.55 |    1000 |     0.277 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xi2L0pi_DDDHypb2L0HGammaL0pi                     |     0.223 |     0.252 |    0.054       1.5     0.18 |     493 |     0.124 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XiGamma_DDDXiGamma                           |     0.000 |     0.107 |    0.048       1.7     0.19 |      73 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StripXib2XiGamma_DDD                             |     0.000 |     1.328 |    0.718       2.2     0.43 |       9 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForStripXib2XiGamma_DDDMakeVeloTracksGS          |    10.000 |     8.505 |    8.505       8.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripXib2XiGamma_DDDFastVelo                 |     0.000 |     2.131 |    2.131       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripXib2XiGamma_DDDInitSeedFit              |     0.000 |     0.236 |    0.236       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripXib2XiGamma_DDDCopyVelo                 |     0.000 |     0.088 |    0.088       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripXib2XiGamma_DDDVeloRefitterAlg          |    10.000 |     6.017 |    6.017       6.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_StripXib2XiGamma_DDD                |     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.110       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStripXib2XiGamma_DDDPostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStripXib2XiGamma_DDL                      |     0.240 |     0.236 |    0.020      12.5     0.49 |    1000 |     0.237 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStripXib2XiGamma_DDLPreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStripXib2XiGamma_DDLFilterSequence       |     0.170 |     0.194 |    0.002      14.8     0.61 |    1000 |     0.194 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xi2L0pi_DDLHypb2L0HGammaL0pi                     |     0.142 |     0.182 |    0.051       1.0     0.13 |     490 |     0.089 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XiGamma_DDLXiGamma                           |     0.000 |     0.222 |    0.051       3.7     0.66 |      31 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StripXib2XiGamma_DDL                             |     5.000 |     1.445 |    1.239       1.8     0.26 |       4 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForStripXib2XiGamma_DDLMakeVeloTracksGS          |    20.000 |    11.875 |   11.875      11.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripXib2XiGamma_DDLFastVelo                 |    10.000 |     3.469 |    3.469       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripXib2XiGamma_DDLInitSeedFit              |     0.000 |     0.342 |    0.342       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripXib2XiGamma_DDLCopyVelo                 |     0.000 |     0.125 |    0.125       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripXib2XiGamma_DDLVeloRefitterAlg          |    10.000 |     7.879 |    7.879       7.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_StripXib2XiGamma_DDL                |     0.000 |     0.122 |    0.122       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStripXib2XiGamma_DDLPostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStripOb2OGamma_LLL                        |     0.120 |     0.123 |    0.021       4.3     0.28 |    1000 |     0.124 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStripOb2OGamma_LLLPreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStripOb2OGamma_LLLFilterSequence         |     0.040 |     0.046 |    0.002       4.3     0.26 |    1000 |     0.047 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            O2L0K_LLLHypb2L0HGammaL0K                        |     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.052       1.4     0.13 |      99 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ob2OGamma_LLLOGamma                              |     0.000 |     0.284 |    0.055       2.8     0.72 |      14 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StripOb2OGamma_LLL                               |     3.333 |     0.927 |    0.568       1.2     0.32 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStripXib2XiGamma_DDLFilterSequence       |     0.220 |     0.168 |    0.002      12.4     0.48 |    1000 |     0.169 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xi2L0pi_DDLHypb2L0HGammaL0pi                     |     0.142 |     0.160 |    0.047       0.8     0.10 |     490 |     0.079 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xib2XiGamma_DDLXiGamma                           |     0.000 |     0.144 |    0.046       2.0     0.35 |      31 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StripXib2XiGamma_DDL                             |     5.000 |     1.236 |    1.084       1.4     0.15 |       4 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForStripXib2XiGamma_DDLMakeVeloTracksGS          |    10.000 |     9.900 |    9.900       9.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripXib2XiGamma_DDLFastVelo                 |     0.000 |     2.358 |    2.358       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripXib2XiGamma_DDLInitSeedFit              |     0.000 |     0.290 |    0.290       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripXib2XiGamma_DDLCopyVelo                 |     0.000 |     0.105 |    0.105       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripXib2XiGamma_DDLVeloRefitterAlg          |    10.000 |     7.091 |    7.091       7.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_StripXib2XiGamma_DDL                |     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.110       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStripXib2XiGamma_DDLPostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStripOb2OGamma_LLL                        |     0.110 |     0.108 |    0.020       4.9     0.26 |    1000 |     0.109 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStripOb2OGamma_LLLPreScaler              |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStripOb2OGamma_LLLFilterSequence         |     0.030 |     0.042 |    0.002       4.8     0.25 |    1000 |     0.042 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            O2L0K_LLLHypb2L0HGammaL0K                        |     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.043       0.9     0.09 |      99 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ob2OGamma_LLLOGamma                              |     0.714 |     0.322 |    0.046       3.4     0.88 |      14 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StripOb2OGamma_LLL                               |     0.000 |     0.890 |    0.563       1.1     0.29 |       3 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForStripOb2OGamma_LLLMakeVeloTracksGS            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripOb2OGamma_LLLFastVelo                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripOb2OGamma_LLLInitSeedFit                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -146322,26 +146582,26 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripOb2OGamma_LLLCopyVelo
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripOb2OGamma_LLLVeloRefitterAlg            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_StripOb2OGamma_LLL                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStripOb2OGamma_LLLPostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStripOb2OGamma_DDD                        |     0.910 |     0.941 |    0.022      32.3     1.79 |    1000 |     0.942 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStripOb2OGamma_DDDPreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStripOb2OGamma_DDDFilterSequence         |     0.840 |     0.860 |    0.001      32.1     1.77 |    1000 |     0.861 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseDownKaons_Particles        |     0.605 |     0.628 |    0.039      15.8     0.86 |     974 |     0.612 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            O2L0K_DDDHypb2L0HGammaL0K                        |     0.142 |     0.122 |    0.055       0.6     0.07 |     492 |     0.060 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ob2OGamma_DDDOGamma                              |     0.000 |     0.177 |    0.052       2.8     0.44 |      38 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StripOb2OGamma_DDD                               |     3.333 |     3.432 |    0.417      21.0     6.63 |       9 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForStripOb2OGamma_DDDMakeVeloTracksGS            |    15.000 |    14.792 |   10.987      16.5     2.58 |       4 |     0.059 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripOb2OGamma_DDDFastVelo                   |     5.000 |     3.013 |    1.529       4.1     1.08 |       4 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripOb2OGamma_DDDInitSeedFit                |     2.500 |     0.355 |    0.333       0.4     0.02 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripOb2OGamma_DDDCopyVelo                   |     0.000 |     0.152 |    0.148       0.2     0.01 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripOb2OGamma_DDDVeloRefitterAlg            |     7.500 |    11.212 |    8.915      12.6     1.59 |       4 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_StripOb2OGamma_DDD                  |     0.000 |     0.157 |    0.130       0.2     0.03 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStripOb2OGamma_DDDPostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStripOb2OGamma_DDL                        |     0.170 |     0.196 |    0.020       3.2     0.26 |    1000 |     0.197 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStripOb2OGamma_DDD                        |     1.010 |     0.821 |    0.020      18.9     1.30 |    1000 |     0.821 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStripOb2OGamma_DDDPreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStripOb2OGamma_DDDFilterSequence         |     0.900 |     0.751 |    0.002      18.8     1.28 |    1000 |     0.751 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseDownKaons_Particles        |     0.626 |     0.558 |    0.041      12.6     0.69 |     974 |     0.544 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            O2L0K_DDDHypb2L0HGammaL0K                        |     0.223 |     0.113 |    0.049       0.6     0.06 |     492 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ob2OGamma_DDDOGamma                              |     0.263 |     0.148 |    0.051       2.3     0.35 |      38 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StripOb2OGamma_DDD                               |     2.222 |     1.955 |    0.383      10.2     3.12 |       9 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForStripOb2OGamma_DDDMakeVeloTracksGS            |    10.000 |    11.233 |    8.315      14.6     3.10 |       4 |     0.045 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripOb2OGamma_DDDFastVelo                   |     2.500 |     2.630 |    1.436       4.1     1.20 |       4 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripOb2OGamma_DDDInitSeedFit                |     0.000 |     0.323 |    0.243       0.4     0.08 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripOb2OGamma_DDDCopyVelo                   |     0.000 |     0.101 |    0.080       0.1     0.02 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripOb2OGamma_DDDVeloRefitterAlg            |     7.500 |     8.127 |    6.050      10.0     1.87 |       4 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_StripOb2OGamma_DDD                  |     0.000 |     0.127 |    0.087       0.2     0.03 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStripOb2OGamma_DDDPostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStripOb2OGamma_DDL                        |     0.190 |     0.177 |    0.019       2.9     0.23 |    1000 |     0.178 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStripOb2OGamma_DDLPreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStripOb2OGamma_DDLFilterSequence         |     0.080 |     0.118 |    0.001       3.1     0.24 |    1000 |     0.119 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            O2L0K_DDLHypb2L0HGammaL0K                        |     0.061 |     0.090 |    0.046       0.7     0.05 |     485 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ob2OGamma_DDLOGamma                              |     0.000 |     0.176 |    0.052       2.4     0.45 |      27 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StripOb2OGamma_DDL                               |     0.000 |     1.080 |    0.846       1.3     0.23 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStripOb2OGamma_DDLFilterSequence         |     0.110 |     0.109 |    0.002       2.9     0.21 |    1000 |     0.109 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            O2L0K_DDLHypb2L0HGammaL0K                        |     0.123 |     0.082 |    0.044       0.6     0.05 |     485 |     0.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ob2OGamma_DDLOGamma                              |     0.000 |     0.158 |    0.049       2.2     0.40 |      27 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StripOb2OGamma_DDL                               |     0.000 |     0.972 |    0.844       1.1     0.13 |       3 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForStripOb2OGamma_DDLMakeVeloTracksGS            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripOb2OGamma_DDLFastVelo                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripOb2OGamma_DDLInitSeedFit                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -146349,252 +146609,252 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripOb2OGamma_DDLCopyVelo
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForStripOb2OGamma_DDLVeloRefitterAlg            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_StripOb2OGamma_DDL                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStripOb2OGamma_DDLPostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KLLXInclusive_InclKLLLine               |     0.540 |     0.469 |    0.040       4.9     0.54 |    1000 |     0.470 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KLLXInclusive_InclKLLLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KLLXInclusive_InclKLLLineFilterSequence|     0.410 |     0.359 |    0.009       4.8     0.51 |    1000 |     0.359 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KLLXInclusive_InclKLLLineVOIDFilter   |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Selection_B2KLLXInclusive_Leptons         |     0.449 |     0.391 |    0.033       3.6     0.44 |     801 |     0.314 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_B2KLLXInclusive_Leptons  |     0.411 |     0.369 |    0.028       3.0     0.40 |     801 |     0.296 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Sel_B2KLLXInclusiveDiMu                  |     0.287 |     0.284 |    0.020       2.6     0.35 |     801 |     0.228 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:Sel_B2KLLXInclusiveDiMu_Merged         |     0.187 |     0.210 |    0.015       1.8     0.24 |     801 |     0.168 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:Sel_B2KLLXInclusiveDiMu_Merged  |     0.124 |     0.150 |    0.010       1.0     0.14 |     801 |     0.120 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2KLLXInclusive_Muons       |     0.062 |     0.068 |    0.002       0.8     0.09 |     801 |     0.055 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2KLLXInclusive_Muons            |     0.025 |     0.030 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     399 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2KLLXInclusive_Electrons   |     0.024 |     0.071 |    0.002       0.8     0.09 |     801 |     0.057 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2KLLXInclusive_Electrons        |     0.019 |     0.016 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |     515 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                Sel_B2KLLXInclusiveDiMu_Merged               |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     281 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Sel_B2KLLXInclusiveDiMu                       |     0.142 |     0.082 |    0.049       1.6     0.09 |     281 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Sel_B2KLLXInclusive_electronfilter       |     0.124 |     0.075 |    0.002       0.8     0.08 |     801 |     0.060 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Sel_B2KLLXInclusive_electronfilter            |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |     600 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Selection_B2KLLXInclusive_Leptons               |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      62 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selection_B2KLLXInclusive_Kaons                  |     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.027       0.2     0.03 |      69 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KLLXInclusive_InclKLLLine                      |     0.294 |     0.173 |    0.093       1.4     0.22 |      34 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KLLXInclusive_InclKLLLine               |     0.500 |     0.408 |    0.036       5.3     0.48 |    1000 |     0.409 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KLLXInclusive_InclKLLLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KLLXInclusive_InclKLLLineFilterSequence|     0.420 |     0.321 |    0.008       5.2     0.46 |    1000 |     0.321 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KLLXInclusive_InclKLLLineVOIDFilter   |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Selection_B2KLLXInclusive_Leptons         |     0.449 |     0.353 |    0.030       4.0     0.40 |     801 |     0.283 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_B2KLLXInclusive_Leptons  |     0.424 |     0.332 |    0.026       3.1     0.36 |     801 |     0.267 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Sel_B2KLLXInclusiveDiMu                  |     0.362 |     0.259 |    0.018       2.6     0.31 |     801 |     0.208 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:Sel_B2KLLXInclusiveDiMu_Merged         |     0.212 |     0.192 |    0.014       2.0     0.22 |     801 |     0.154 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:Sel_B2KLLXInclusiveDiMu_Merged  |     0.149 |     0.137 |    0.010       1.2     0.13 |     801 |     0.110 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2KLLXInclusive_Muons       |     0.049 |     0.063 |    0.002       0.7     0.08 |     801 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2KLLXInclusive_Muons            |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     399 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2KLLXInclusive_Electrons   |     0.062 |     0.064 |    0.002       0.6     0.08 |     801 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2KLLXInclusive_Electrons        |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     515 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                Sel_B2KLLXInclusiveDiMu_Merged               |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     281 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Sel_B2KLLXInclusiveDiMu                       |     0.177 |     0.071 |    0.046       0.6     0.03 |     281 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Sel_B2KLLXInclusive_electronfilter       |     0.062 |     0.064 |    0.002       0.8     0.07 |     801 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Sel_B2KLLXInclusive_electronfilter            |     0.016 |     0.017 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     600 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Selection_B2KLLXInclusive_Leptons               |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      62 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selection_B2KLLXInclusive_Kaons                  |     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.021       0.1     0.02 |      69 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KLLXInclusive_InclKLLLine                      |     0.000 |     0.133 |    0.079       0.7     0.11 |      34 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KLLXInclusive_InclKLLLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KLLXInclusive_InclKLLLine_NoLeptonPID   |     0.130 |     0.145 |    0.024       8.9     0.47 |    1000 |     0.145 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KLLXInclusive_InclKLLLine_NoLeptonPIDPr|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KLLXInclusive_InclKLLLine_NoLeptonPIDFi|     1.250 |     2.029 |    0.009       8.7     2.30 |      24 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KLLXInclusive_InclKLLLine_NoLeptonPID   |     0.050 |     0.124 |    0.022       9.5     0.43 |    1000 |     0.125 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KLLXInclusive_InclKLLLine_NoLeptonPIDPr|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KLLXInclusive_InclKLLLine_NoLeptonPIDFi|     1.250 |     1.722 |    0.010       9.3     2.19 |      24 |     0.041 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KLLXInclusive_InclKLLLine_NoLeptonPIDV|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      24 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Selection_B2KLLXInclusive_LeptonsNoPID    |     1.666 |     2.248 |    0.244       7.5     1.88 |      18 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_B2KLLXInclusive_LeptonsNo|     1.666 |     2.064 |    0.239       6.7     1.67 |      18 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Sel_B2KLLXInclusiveDiMu_NoPID            |     1.666 |     1.873 |    0.229       6.2     1.53 |      18 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:Sel_B2KLLXInclusiveDiMu_NoPID_Merged   |     1.111 |     0.990 |    0.222       2.5     0.63 |      18 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:Sel_B2KLLXInclusiveDiMu_NoPID_Me|     1.111 |     0.705 |    0.218       1.6     0.39 |      18 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2KLLXInclusive_MuonsNoPID  |     0.555 |     0.326 |    0.060       0.8     0.20 |      18 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2KLLXInclusive_MuonsNoPID       |     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.024       0.2     0.04 |      18 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2KLLXInclusive_ElectronsNoP|     0.555 |     0.359 |    0.150       0.8     0.20 |      18 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2KLLXInclusive_ElectronsNoPID   |     0.000 |     0.061 |    0.004       0.2     0.03 |      18 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                Sel_B2KLLXInclusiveDiMu_NoPID_Merged         |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      17 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Sel_B2KLLXInclusiveDiMu_NoPID                 |     0.000 |     0.401 |    0.069       1.5     0.37 |      17 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Sel_B2KLLXInclusive_electronfilterNoPID  |     0.000 |     0.173 |    0.003       0.7     0.20 |      18 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Sel_B2KLLXInclusive_electronfilterNoPID       |     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.006       0.1     0.03 |      14 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Selection_B2KLLXInclusive_LeptonsNoPID          |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KLLXInclusive_InclKLLLine_NoLeptonPID          |     0.000 |     0.415 |    0.131       1.6     0.49 |       8 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Selection_B2KLLXInclusive_LeptonsNoPID    |     1.666 |     1.901 |    0.245       7.9     1.86 |      18 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_B2KLLXInclusive_LeptonsNo|     1.666 |     1.745 |    0.240       7.1     1.65 |      18 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Sel_B2KLLXInclusiveDiMu_NoPID            |     1.666 |     1.587 |    0.230       6.5     1.52 |      18 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:Sel_B2KLLXInclusiveDiMu_NoPID_Merged   |     1.111 |     0.812 |    0.226       2.2     0.48 |      18 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:Sel_B2KLLXInclusiveDiMu_NoPID_Me|     0.555 |     0.565 |    0.222       1.3     0.28 |      18 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2KLLXInclusive_MuonsNoPID  |     0.555 |     0.265 |    0.064       0.6     0.16 |      18 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2KLLXInclusive_MuonsNoPID       |     0.000 |     0.065 |    0.034       0.1     0.02 |      18 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_B2KLLXInclusive_ElectronsNoP|     0.000 |     0.286 |    0.118       0.6     0.15 |      18 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_B2KLLXInclusive_ElectronsNoPID   |     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |      18 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                Sel_B2KLLXInclusiveDiMu_NoPID_Merged         |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      17 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Sel_B2KLLXInclusiveDiMu_NoPID                 |     0.000 |     0.300 |    0.055       0.9     0.26 |      17 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Sel_B2KLLXInclusive_electronfilterNoPID  |     0.000 |     0.143 |    0.002       0.6     0.16 |      18 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Sel_B2KLLXInclusive_electronfilterNoPID       |     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.006       0.1     0.03 |      14 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Selection_B2KLLXInclusive_LeptonsNoPID          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KLLXInclusive_InclKLLLine_NoLeptonPID          |     0.000 |     0.349 |    0.100       1.2     0.36 |       8 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KLLXInclusive_InclKLLLine_NoLeptonPIDPo|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KLLXInclusive_InclKLLLine_NoHadronPID   |     0.060 |     0.094 |    0.021       2.0     0.09 |    1000 |     0.094 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KLLXInclusive_InclKLLLine_NoHadronPIDPr|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KLLXInclusive_InclKLLLine_NoHadronPIDFi|     0.169 |     0.078 |    0.009       1.8     0.28 |      59 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KLLXInclusive_InclKLLLine_NoHadronPID   |     0.130 |     0.086 |    0.020       3.9     0.14 |    1000 |     0.086 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KLLXInclusive_InclKLLLine_NoHadronPIDPr|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KLLXInclusive_InclKLLLine_NoHadronPIDFi|     0.169 |     0.068 |    0.008       1.6     0.23 |      59 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KLLXInclusive_InclKLLLine_NoHadronPIDV|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      59 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selection_B2KLLXInclusive_KaonsNoPID             |     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.043       0.1     0.03 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KLLXInclusive_InclKLLLine_NoHadronPID          |     0.000 |     0.489 |    0.118       1.4     0.61 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selection_B2KLLXInclusive_KaonsNoPID             |     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.044       0.1     0.02 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KLLXInclusive_InclKLLLine_NoHadronPID          |     2.500 |     0.416 |    0.108       1.2     0.55 |       4 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KLLXInclusive_InclKLLLine_NoHadronPIDPo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGammaNoBiasBs2PhiGammaLine        |     6.970 |     6.998 |    0.026     465.4    30.00 |    1000 |     6.999 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGammaNoBiasBs2PhiGammaLine        |     6.280 |     6.383 |    0.023     412.0    25.82 |    1000 |     6.384 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammaNoBiasBs2PhiGammaLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammaNoBiasBs2PhiGammaLineFilterS|     6.920 |     6.908 |    0.002     465.2    29.98 |    1000 |     6.908 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhotonSelBeauty2XGammaNoBias                     |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |     972 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhiSelBeauty2XGammaNoBias                        |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.009       0.2     0.03 |     269 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGammaNoBiasBs2PhiGamma                   |     0.334 |     0.326 |    0.071       4.6     0.45 |     269 |     0.088 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGammaNoBiasBs2PhiGammaLine               |    22.621 |    22.592 |    0.531     415.4    48.57 |     267 |     6.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammaNoBiasBs2PhiGammaLineFilterS|     6.210 |     6.311 |    0.002     411.9    25.81 |    1000 |     6.312 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhotonSelBeauty2XGammaNoBias                     |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     972 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhiSelBeauty2XGammaNoBias                        |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.007       0.2     0.02 |     269 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGammaNoBiasBs2PhiGamma                   |     0.260 |     0.295 |    0.067       3.7     0.40 |     269 |     0.079 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGammaNoBiasBs2PhiGammaLine               |    20.674 |    20.726 |    0.384     373.0    41.38 |     267 |     5.534 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGammaNoBiasBs2PhiGammaLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Beauty2XGammaNoBiasBs2PhiGammaLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammaNoBiasBs2PhiGammaLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGammaNoBiasBd2KstGammaLine        |     2.030 |     2.058 |    0.023     152.9     8.09 |    1000 |     2.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBeauty2XGammaNoBiasBd2KstGammaLine        |     1.830 |     1.886 |    0.022     119.0     7.24 |    1000 |     1.886 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammaNoBiasBd2KstGammaLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammaNoBiasBd2KstGammaLineFilterS|     1.960 |     1.968 |    0.001     152.6     8.08 |    1000 |     1.969 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KStarSelBeauty2XGammaNoBias                      |     0.039 |     0.054 |    0.007       0.8     0.15 |     251 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGammaNoBiasBd2KstGamma                   |     0.199 |     0.222 |    0.083       1.0     0.13 |     251 |     0.056 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGammaNoBiasBd2KstGammaLine               |     7.142 |     6.871 |    0.424     142.3    13.62 |     231 |     1.587 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammaNoBiasBd2KstGammaLineFilterS|     1.800 |     1.810 |    0.001     118.9     7.23 |    1000 |     1.811 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KStarSelBeauty2XGammaNoBias                      |     0.039 |     0.036 |    0.006       5.3     0.33 |     251 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGammaNoBiasBd2KstGamma                   |     0.239 |     0.174 |    0.073       0.8     0.11 |     251 |     0.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Beauty2XGammaNoBiasBd2KstGammaLine               |     6.233 |     6.388 |    0.393      98.1    11.58 |     231 |     1.476 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Beauty2XGammaNoBiasBd2KstGammaLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Beauty2XGammaNoBiasBd2KstGammaLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBeauty2XGammaNoBiasBd2KstGammaLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KpiX2MuMuDarkBosonLine                  |     0.350 |     0.320 |    0.035       2.8     0.33 |    1000 |     0.320 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KpiX2MuMuDarkBosonLine                  |     0.250 |     0.280 |    0.032       2.6     0.29 |    1000 |     0.280 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2MuMuDarkBosonLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2MuMuDarkBosonLineFilterSequence   |     0.220 |     0.222 |    0.008       2.7     0.31 |    1000 |     0.223 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KpiX2MuMuDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter      |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuXDarkBosonFilter                               |     0.063 |     0.041 |    0.004       0.2     0.03 |     785 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2MuMuDarkBosonSel                               |     0.097 |     0.064 |    0.034       1.6     0.08 |     409 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KBDarkBosonFilter                                |     0.071 |     0.085 |    0.015       0.5     0.06 |     278 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PiBDarkBosonFilter                               |     0.402 |     0.191 |    0.044       0.9     0.13 |     174 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KpiX2MuMuDarkBosonLine                         |     0.294 |     0.160 |    0.054       0.7     0.17 |      34 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2MuMuDarkBosonLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KpiX2MuMuSSDarkBosonLine                |     0.090 |     0.101 |    0.022       1.6     0.08 |    1000 |     0.101 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2MuMuSSDarkBosonLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2MuMuSSDarkBosonLineFilterSequence |     0.227 |     0.097 |    0.009       1.5     0.18 |      88 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KpiX2MuMuSSDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      88 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2MuMuSSDarkBosonSel                             |     0.142 |     0.072 |    0.034       1.4     0.17 |      70 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2MuMuDarkBosonLineFilterSequence   |     0.160 |     0.198 |    0.008       2.5     0.27 |    1000 |     0.198 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KpiX2MuMuDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter      |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuXDarkBosonFilter                               |     0.025 |     0.033 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |     785 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2MuMuDarkBosonSel                               |     0.073 |     0.054 |    0.031       0.5     0.04 |     409 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KBDarkBosonFilter                                |     0.107 |     0.075 |    0.012       0.3     0.04 |     278 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PiBDarkBosonFilter                               |     0.000 |     0.166 |    0.032       0.6     0.11 |     174 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KpiX2MuMuDarkBosonLine                         |     0.294 |     0.149 |    0.053       0.7     0.15 |      34 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2MuMuDarkBosonLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KpiX2MuMuSSDarkBosonLine                |     0.060 |     0.089 |    0.020       1.1     0.07 |    1000 |     0.090 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2MuMuSSDarkBosonLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2MuMuSSDarkBosonLineFilterSequence |     0.000 |     0.088 |    0.008       1.0     0.14 |      88 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KpiX2MuMuSSDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      88 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2MuMuSSDarkBosonSel                             |     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.034       0.9     0.11 |      70 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KpiX2MuMuSSDarkBosonLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2MuMuSSDarkBosonLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KX2MuMuDarkBosonLine                    |     0.100 |     0.123 |    0.035       1.3     0.08 |    1000 |     0.124 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KX2MuMuDarkBosonLine                    |     0.100 |     0.110 |    0.031       1.0     0.07 |    1000 |     0.111 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2MuMuDarkBosonLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2MuMuDarkBosonLineFilterSequence     |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.008       0.9     0.05 |    1000 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KX2MuMuDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.4     0.01 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KX2MuMuDarkBosonLine                           |     0.000 |     0.092 |    0.049       0.6     0.10 |      35 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2MuMuDarkBosonLineFilterSequence     |     0.030 |     0.022 |    0.007       1.0     0.05 |    1000 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KX2MuMuDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter        |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KX2MuMuDarkBosonLine                           |     0.285 |     0.106 |    0.046       0.9     0.16 |      35 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2MuMuDarkBosonLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KX2MuMuSSDarkBosonLine                  |     0.100 |     0.098 |    0.022       0.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.098 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2MuMuSSDarkBosonLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2MuMuSSDarkBosonLineFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.079 |    0.009       0.5     0.10 |      86 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KX2MuMuSSDarkBosonLine                  |     0.070 |     0.086 |    0.019       0.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.087 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2MuMuSSDarkBosonLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2MuMuSSDarkBosonLineFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.070 |    0.008       0.5     0.09 |      86 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KX2MuMuSSDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      86 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KX2MuMuSSDarkBosonLine                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2MuMuSSDarkBosonLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KpiX2PiPiDarkBosonLine                  |     0.230 |     0.200 |    0.021      13.6     0.60 |    1000 |     0.201 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2PiPiDarkBosonLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2PiPiDarkBosonLineFilterSequence   |     0.973 |     1.004 |    0.008      13.3     1.47 |     113 |     0.113 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KpiX2PiPiDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     113 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PiXDarkBosonFilter                               |     0.184 |     0.185 |    0.006       1.3     0.12 |     974 |     0.181 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PiPiDarkBosonSel                               |     0.109 |     0.099 |    0.033       0.7     0.07 |     819 |     0.081 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KpiX2PiPiDarkBosonLine                         |     0.277 |     0.396 |    0.063       5.1     0.88 |      36 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KpiX2PiPiDarkBosonLine                  |     0.190 |     0.164 |    0.019       7.1     0.39 |    1000 |     0.165 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2PiPiDarkBosonLinePreScaler        |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2PiPiDarkBosonLineFilterSequence   |     0.796 |     0.788 |    0.008       6.9     0.89 |     113 |     0.089 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KpiX2PiPiDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     113 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PiXDarkBosonFilter                               |     0.051 |     0.150 |    0.005       0.7     0.09 |     974 |     0.147 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PiPiDarkBosonSel                               |     0.061 |     0.084 |    0.032       0.6     0.06 |     819 |     0.069 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KpiX2PiPiDarkBosonLine                         |     0.277 |     0.269 |    0.058       3.0     0.51 |      36 |     0.010 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2PiPiDarkBosonLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KX2PiPiDarkBosonLine                    |     0.670 |     0.664 |    0.035       4.4     0.52 |    1000 |     0.664 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2PiPiDarkBosonLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2PiPiDarkBosonLineFilterSequence     |     0.550 |     0.571 |    0.008       4.2     0.50 |    1000 |     0.572 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KX2PiPiDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter        |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KBhardDarkBosonFilter                            |     0.070 |     0.073 |    0.024       0.3     0.04 |     282 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KX2PiPiDarkBosonLine                           |     0.106 |     0.087 |    0.048       1.4     0.11 |     187 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KX2PiPiDarkBosonLine                    |     0.600 |     0.583 |    0.030       4.5     0.46 |    1000 |     0.583 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2PiPiDarkBosonLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.001       3.7     0.12 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2PiPiDarkBosonLineFilterSequence     |     0.540 |     0.500 |    0.007       3.9     0.43 |    1000 |     0.501 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KX2PiPiDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.5     0.02 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KBhardDarkBosonFilter                            |     0.106 |     0.063 |    0.020       0.6     0.04 |     282 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KX2PiPiDarkBosonLine                           |     0.106 |     0.074 |    0.043       0.6     0.06 |     187 |     0.014 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2PiPiDarkBosonLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KX2PiPiSSDarkBosonLine                  |     0.140 |     0.112 |    0.022       2.0     0.13 |    1000 |     0.113 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2PiPiSSDarkBosonLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2PiPiSSDarkBosonLineFilterSequence   |     0.126 |     0.253 |    0.009       1.9     0.36 |      79 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KX2PiPiSSDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      79 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PiPiSSDarkBosonSel                             |     0.158 |     0.095 |    0.036       1.2     0.15 |      63 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KX2PiPiSSDarkBosonLine                         |     0.000 |     0.211 |    0.053       1.3     0.35 |      12 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KX2PiPiSSDarkBosonLine                  |     0.130 |     0.105 |    0.020       2.1     0.13 |    1000 |     0.106 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2PiPiSSDarkBosonLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2PiPiSSDarkBosonLineFilterSequence   |     0.253 |     0.272 |    0.007       2.1     0.33 |      79 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KX2PiPiSSDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      79 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2PiPiSSDarkBosonSel                             |     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.035       0.6     0.07 |      63 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KX2PiPiSSDarkBosonLine                         |     0.833 |     0.200 |    0.048       1.5     0.40 |      12 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2PiPiSSDarkBosonLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KpiX2KKDarkBosonLine                    |     0.170 |     0.199 |    0.021       4.9     0.36 |    1000 |     0.200 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2KKDarkBosonLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2KKDarkBosonLineFilterSequence     |     0.557 |     0.472 |    0.009       4.8     0.58 |     233 |     0.110 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KpiX2KKDarkBosonLine                    |     0.180 |     0.175 |    0.017       3.2     0.30 |    1000 |     0.176 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2KKDarkBosonLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2KKDarkBosonLineFilterSequence     |     0.472 |     0.414 |    0.009       3.0     0.46 |     233 |     0.096 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KpiX2KKDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     233 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KXDarkBosonFilter                                |     0.102 |     0.078 |    0.004       0.4     0.05 |     974 |     0.077 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2KKDarkBosonSel                                 |     0.082 |     0.067 |    0.034       1.5     0.06 |     723 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KpiX2KKDarkBosonLine                           |     0.384 |     0.276 |    0.063       2.0     0.42 |      26 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KXDarkBosonFilter                                |     0.030 |     0.068 |    0.004       0.4     0.04 |     974 |     0.067 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2KKDarkBosonSel                                 |     0.055 |     0.060 |    0.031       1.2     0.05 |     723 |     0.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KpiX2KKDarkBosonLine                           |     0.000 |     0.239 |    0.061       1.6     0.35 |      26 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2KKDarkBosonLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KX2KKDarkBosonLine                      |     0.420 |     0.424 |    0.035       3.9     0.40 |    1000 |     0.424 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KX2KKDarkBosonLine                      |     0.290 |     0.379 |    0.030       3.4     0.35 |    1000 |     0.380 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2KKDarkBosonLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2KKDarkBosonLineFilterSequence       |     0.320 |     0.327 |    0.007       3.7     0.38 |    1000 |     0.328 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KX2KKDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KX2KKDarkBosonLine                             |     0.082 |     0.093 |    0.047       1.3     0.12 |     121 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2KKDarkBosonLineFilterSequence       |     0.240 |     0.298 |    0.007       3.2     0.34 |    1000 |     0.298 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KX2KKDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KX2KKDarkBosonLine                             |     0.000 |     0.083 |    0.043       1.1     0.10 |     121 |     0.010 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2KKDarkBosonLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KX2KKSSDarkBosonLine                    |     0.090 |     0.120 |    0.022       3.0     0.16 |    1000 |     0.121 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2KKSSDarkBosonLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2KKSSDarkBosonLineFilterSequence     |     0.090 |     0.247 |    0.009       2.9     0.38 |     111 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KX2KKSSDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     111 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2KKSSDarkBosonSel                               |     0.116 |     0.081 |    0.037       1.4     0.15 |      86 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KX2KKSSDarkBosonLine                           |     0.000 |     0.240 |    0.052       2.1     0.53 |      14 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KX2KKSSDarkBosonLine                    |     0.090 |     0.107 |    0.019       1.9     0.13 |    1000 |     0.107 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2KKSSDarkBosonLinePreScaler          |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2KKSSDarkBosonLineFilterSequence     |     0.180 |     0.221 |    0.009       1.8     0.30 |     111 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KX2KKSSDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     111 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2KKSSDarkBosonSel                               |     0.116 |     0.071 |    0.033       1.2     0.12 |      86 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KX2KKSSDarkBosonLine                           |     0.000 |     0.154 |    0.049       1.1     0.26 |      14 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2KKSSDarkBosonLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KpiX2EEDarkBosonLine                    |     0.390 |     0.387 |    0.036       7.9     0.67 |    1000 |     0.388 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2EEDarkBosonLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2EEDarkBosonLineFilterSequence     |     0.340 |     0.293 |    0.009       7.8     0.66 |    1000 |     0.294 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KpiX2EEDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter        |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            OSFilterEEDarkBosonFilter                        |     0.064 |     0.106 |    0.005       1.6     0.16 |     772 |     0.082 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            OSEESubPIDDarkBosonSel                           |     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.027       0.1     0.01 |      80 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KpiX2EEDarkBosonLine                           |     0.263 |     0.225 |    0.062       1.5     0.27 |      76 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KpiX2EEDarkBosonLine                    |     0.440 |     0.350 |    0.031       5.6     0.60 |    1000 |     0.350 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2EEDarkBosonLinePreScaler          |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2EEDarkBosonLineFilterSequence     |     0.350 |     0.269 |    0.008       5.4     0.59 |    1000 |     0.270 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KpiX2EEDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            OSFilterEEDarkBosonFilter                        |     0.155 |     0.093 |    0.006       1.5     0.14 |     772 |     0.073 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            OSEESubPIDDarkBosonSel                           |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.020       0.1     0.02 |      80 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KpiX2EEDarkBosonLine                           |     0.394 |     0.192 |    0.059       0.9     0.20 |      76 |     0.015 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2EEDarkBosonLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KpiX2EESSDarkBosonLine                  |     0.510 |     0.455 |    0.021      40.1     2.28 |    1000 |     0.455 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2EESSDarkBosonLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2EESSDarkBosonLineFilterSequence   |     4.368 |     3.520 |    0.010      39.7     6.24 |     103 |     0.363 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KpiX2EESSDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     103 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            EESSDarkBosonSel                                 |     2.011 |     1.677 |    0.022      19.4     2.75 |     174 |     0.292 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SSFilterEEDarkBosonFilter                        |     0.144 |     0.091 |    0.009       0.9     0.14 |     138 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SSEESubPIDDarkBosonSel                           |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.012       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KpiX2EESSDarkBosonLine                  |     0.320 |     0.414 |    0.020      36.5     2.03 |    1000 |     0.414 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2EESSDarkBosonLinePreScaler        |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2EESSDarkBosonLineFilterSequence   |     2.621 |     3.221 |    0.008      36.2     5.52 |     103 |     0.332 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KpiX2EESSDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |     103 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            EESSDarkBosonSel                                 |     1.321 |     1.497 |    0.031      13.6     2.30 |     174 |     0.261 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SSFilterEEDarkBosonFilter                        |     0.000 |     0.079 |    0.007       0.8     0.10 |     138 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SSEESubPIDDarkBosonSel                           |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KpiX2EESSDarkBosonLine                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2EESSDarkBosonLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KX2EEDarkBosonLine                      |     0.100 |     0.129 |    0.035       1.0     0.09 |    1000 |     0.129 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KX2EEDarkBosonLine                      |     0.070 |     0.115 |    0.032       0.9     0.08 |    1000 |     0.115 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2EEDarkBosonLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2EEDarkBosonLineFilterSequence       |     0.040 |     0.032 |    0.008       0.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KX2EEDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter          |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KX2EEDarkBosonLine                             |     0.131 |     0.086 |    0.049       0.7     0.09 |      76 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2EEDarkBosonLineFilterSequence       |     0.030 |     0.030 |    0.008       0.7     0.07 |    1000 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KX2EEDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KX2EEDarkBosonLine                             |     0.131 |     0.078 |    0.044       0.5     0.07 |      76 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2EEDarkBosonLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KX2EESSDarkBosonLine                    |     0.390 |     0.407 |    0.022      64.1     2.84 |    1000 |     0.407 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2EESSDarkBosonLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2EESSDarkBosonLineFilterSequence     |     4.216 |     3.789 |    0.008      63.8     9.17 |      83 |     0.315 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KX2EESSDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      83 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KX2EESSDarkBosonLine                    |     0.410 |     0.352 |    0.021      35.5     2.05 |    1000 |     0.352 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2EESSDarkBosonLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2EESSDarkBosonLineFilterSequence     |     3.975 |     3.267 |    0.007      35.4     6.39 |      83 |     0.271 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KX2EESSDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      83 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KX2EESSDarkBosonLine                           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2EESSDarkBosonLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2JKDarkBosonLine                         |     0.260 |     0.259 |    0.037       1.8     0.21 |    1000 |     0.260 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2JKDarkBosonLine                         |     0.190 |     0.238 |    0.032       1.5     0.18 |    1000 |     0.239 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JKDarkBosonLinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JKDarkBosonLineFilterSequence          |     0.170 |     0.164 |    0.007       1.7     0.18 |    1000 |     0.165 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2JKDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter             |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuJDarkBosonFilter                               |     0.038 |     0.030 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |     785 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            J2MuMuDarkBosonSel                               |     0.058 |     0.054 |    0.035       1.4     0.07 |     343 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2JKDarkBosonLine                                |     0.000 |     0.385 |    0.061       1.2     0.54 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JKDarkBosonLineFilterSequence          |     0.110 |     0.155 |    0.007       1.3     0.16 |    1000 |     0.156 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2JKDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter             |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuJDarkBosonFilter                               |     0.050 |     0.032 |    0.004       0.7     0.06 |     785 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            J2MuMuDarkBosonSel                               |     0.029 |     0.047 |    0.032       0.5     0.03 |     343 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2JKDarkBosonLine                                |     0.000 |     0.226 |    0.060       0.6     0.26 |       4 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JKDarkBosonLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2JKstDarkBosonLine                       |     0.110 |     0.136 |    0.036       8.2     0.35 |    1000 |     0.137 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2JKstDarkBosonLine                       |     0.120 |     0.119 |    0.032      12.2     0.41 |    1000 |     0.120 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JKstDarkBosonLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JKstDarkBosonLineFilterSequence        |     0.020 |     0.027 |    0.008       8.1     0.31 |    1000 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2JKstDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter           |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseDetachedKst2Kpi_Particles  |     2.000 |     2.364 |    0.106       8.1     3.41 |       5 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KstDarkBosonFilter                               |     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.042       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2JKstDarkBosonLine                              |     0.000 |     1.468 |    1.468       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JKstDarkBosonLineFilterSequence        |     0.030 |     0.028 |    0.007      12.1     0.40 |    1000 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2JKstDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter           |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseDetachedKst2Kpi_Particles  |     2.000 |     3.067 |    0.181      12.1     5.14 |       5 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KstDarkBosonFilter                               |     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.038       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2JKstDarkBosonLine                              |     0.000 |     0.993 |    0.993       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JKstDarkBosonLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2L0Gamma                                |     0.250 |     0.204 |    0.028       4.7     0.30 |    1000 |     0.205 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2L0GammaPreScaler                      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2L0GammaL0DUFilter                     |     0.030 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2L0GammaFilterSequence                 |     0.311 |     0.189 |    0.036       4.5     0.37 |     545 |     0.103 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Photons_NonCnv                                   |     0.018 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     545 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:LooseLambda0                              |     0.031 |     0.126 |    0.017       3.1     0.23 |     322 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:LooseLambda0                       |     0.000 |     0.091 |    0.012       1.8     0.14 |     322 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LooseLambda0LL                           |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.002       1.8     0.12 |     322 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LooseLambda0LL                                |     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.004       0.2     0.05 |      34 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LooseLambda0DD                           |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.002       0.6     0.07 |     322 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LooseLambda0DD                                |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.003       0.4     0.03 |     173 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             LooseLambda0                                    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2L0Gamma                                       |     0.400 |     0.175 |    0.057       1.9     0.36 |      25 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2L0Gamma                          |     0.000 |     0.609 |    0.234       1.0     0.32 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2L0Gamma                          |     2.000 |     0.458 |    0.155       0.9     0.28 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2L0Gamma                          |     0.000 |     0.453 |    0.171       0.9     0.26 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2L0GammaPostScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2L0Gamma_Bd2KstGamma                    |     0.160 |     0.139 |    0.024       4.5     0.24 |    1000 |     0.139 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2L0Gamma                                |     0.190 |     0.180 |    0.026       4.5     0.25 |    1000 |     0.181 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2L0GammaPreScaler                      |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2L0GammaL0DUFilter                     |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2L0GammaFilterSequence                 |     0.146 |     0.168 |    0.030       4.4     0.30 |     545 |     0.092 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Photons_NonCnv                                   |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     545 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:LooseLambda0                              |     0.093 |     0.106 |    0.015       1.6     0.16 |     322 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:LooseLambda0                       |     0.062 |     0.077 |    0.010       0.8     0.10 |     322 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LooseLambda0LL                           |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.002       0.7     0.08 |     322 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LooseLambda0LL                                |     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.004       0.2     0.03 |      34 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LooseLambda0DD                           |     0.062 |     0.044 |    0.002       0.3     0.06 |     322 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LooseLambda0DD                                |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |     173 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             LooseLambda0                                    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2L0Gamma                                       |     0.000 |     0.160 |    0.053       1.5     0.30 |      25 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2L0Gamma                          |     0.000 |     0.473 |    0.273       0.9     0.28 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2L0Gamma                          |     2.000 |     0.380 |    0.207       0.9     0.27 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2L0Gamma                          |     0.000 |     0.384 |    0.186       0.9     0.27 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2L0GammaPostScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2L0Gamma_Bd2KstGamma                    |     0.120 |     0.119 |    0.021       2.1     0.16 |    1000 |     0.120 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2L0Gamma_Bd2KstGammaPreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2L0Gamma_Bd2KstGammaL0DUFilter         |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2L0Gamma_Bd2KstGammaFilterSequence     |     0.128 |     0.087 |    0.002       2.9     0.24 |     545 |     0.048 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LooseKstLL                                       |     0.197 |     0.095 |    0.004       0.7     0.08 |     203 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2L0Gamma_Bd2KstGamma                           |     0.000 |     0.133 |    0.052       1.1     0.19 |      31 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2L0Gamma_Bd2KstGamma              |     0.000 |     0.324 |    0.301       0.4     0.03 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2L0Gamma_Bd2KstGamma              |     0.000 |     0.250 |    0.211       0.3     0.04 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2L0Gamma_Bd2KstGamma              |     0.000 |     0.228 |    0.202       0.2     0.02 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2L0Gamma_Bd2KstGammaPostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2L0Gamma_Lb2L0Jpsi                      |     0.070 |     0.096 |    0.022      10.2     0.32 |    1000 |     0.097 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2L0Gamma_Lb2L0JpsiPreScaler            |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2L0Gamma_Lb2L0JpsiFilterSequence       |     0.010 |     0.018 |    0.002      10.0     0.32 |    1000 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2L0Gamma_Lb2L0Jpsi                             |    10.000 |     6.232 |    6.232       6.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2L0Gamma_Bd2KstGammaL0DUFilter         |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2L0Gamma_Bd2KstGammaFilterSequence     |     0.091 |     0.076 |    0.002       2.0     0.20 |     545 |     0.042 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LooseKstLL                                       |     0.098 |     0.077 |    0.004       0.4     0.05 |     203 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2L0Gamma_Bd2KstGamma                           |     0.645 |     0.107 |    0.047       1.0     0.16 |      31 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2L0Gamma_Bd2KstGamma              |     0.000 |     0.292 |    0.277       0.3     0.01 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2L0Gamma_Bd2KstGamma              |     0.000 |     0.249 |    0.238       0.3     0.01 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2L0Gamma_Bd2KstGamma              |     0.000 |     0.225 |    0.195       0.3     0.04 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2L0Gamma_Bd2KstGammaPostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2L0Gamma_Lb2L0Jpsi                      |     0.080 |     0.080 |    0.020       3.4     0.11 |    1000 |     0.081 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2L0Gamma_Lb2L0JpsiPreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2L0Gamma_Lb2L0JpsiFilterSequence       |     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.002       3.3     0.11 |    1000 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2L0Gamma_Lb2L0Jpsi                             |     0.000 |     1.320 |    1.320       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2L0Gamma_Lb2L0Jpsi                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2L0Gamma_Lb2L0Jpsi                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2L0Gamma_Lb2L0Jpsi                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2L0Gamma_Lb2L0JpsiPostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2L0Gamma_Bd2KstJpsi                     |     0.120 |     0.095 |    0.021       2.3     0.12 |    1000 |     0.096 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2L0Gamma_Bd2KstJpsiPreScaler           |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2L0Gamma_Bd2KstJpsiFilterSequence      |     0.050 |     0.017 |    0.002       2.3     0.11 |    1000 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2L0Gamma_Bd2KstJpsi                            |     5.000 |     1.010 |    0.125       1.9     1.25 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2L0Gamma_Bd2KstJpsi                     |     0.060 |     0.081 |    0.020       1.5     0.09 |    1000 |     0.082 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2L0Gamma_Bd2KstJpsiPreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2L0Gamma_Bd2KstJpsiFilterSequence      |     0.010 |     0.014 |    0.002       1.5     0.08 |    1000 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2L0Gamma_Bd2KstJpsi                            |     0.000 |     0.622 |    0.076       1.2     0.77 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2L0Gamma_Bd2KstJpsi               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2L0Gamma_Bd2KstJpsi               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2L0Gamma_Bd2KstJpsi               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2L0Gamma_Bd2KstJpsiPostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2L0GammaConverted                       |     0.420 |     0.454 |    0.021       8.9     0.72 |    1000 |     0.455 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLb2L0GammaConverted                       |     0.400 |     0.394 |    0.020       9.4     0.65 |    1000 |     0.394 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2L0GammaConvertedPreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2L0GammaConvertedFilterSequence        |     0.320 |     0.371 |    0.002       8.8     0.71 |    1000 |     0.371 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Photons_Cnv_Merge                         |     0.266 |     0.310 |    0.017       8.5     0.66 |     974 |     0.302 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Photons_Cnv_Merge                  |     0.225 |     0.240 |    0.012       8.2     0.65 |     974 |     0.234 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Photons_Cnv_Merge                               |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     392 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Photons_Cnv                                      |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     392 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2L0GammaConverted                              |     0.434 |     0.159 |    0.058       1.4     0.27 |      23 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2L0GammaConverted                 |     0.000 |     0.560 |    0.395       0.7     0.11 |       4 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2L0GammaConverted                 |     0.000 |     0.441 |    0.374       0.5     0.05 |       4 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2L0GammaConverted                 |     0.000 |     0.422 |    0.287       0.5     0.09 |       4 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2L0GammaConverted                 |     0.000 |     0.307 |    0.255       0.4     0.07 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2L0GammaConverted                 |     0.000 |     0.131 |    0.080       0.2     0.06 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2L0GammaConvertedFilterSequence        |     0.350 |     0.321 |    0.002       9.2     0.64 |    1000 |     0.322 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Photons_Cnv_Merge                         |     0.297 |     0.262 |    0.014       8.9     0.58 |     974 |     0.255 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Photons_Cnv_Merge                  |     0.236 |     0.199 |    0.010       8.6     0.57 |     974 |     0.194 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Photons_Cnv_Merge                               |     0.025 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     392 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Photons_Cnv                                      |     0.025 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     392 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2L0GammaConverted                              |     0.000 |     0.131 |    0.055       0.9     0.18 |      23 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lb2L0GammaConverted                 |     0.000 |     0.490 |    0.317       0.6     0.12 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lb2L0GammaConverted                 |     0.000 |     0.419 |    0.324       0.5     0.08 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lb2L0GammaConverted                 |     5.000 |     0.420 |    0.297       0.5     0.09 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lb2L0GammaConverted                 |     0.000 |     0.287 |    0.246       0.4     0.06 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lb2L0GammaConverted                 |     0.000 |     0.397 |    0.070       0.7     0.35 |       4 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLb2L0GammaConvertedPostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVTau2PhiMuLine                          |     0.360 |     0.312 |    0.022       4.8     0.21 |    1000 |     0.312 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVTau2PhiMuLine                          |     0.280 |     0.266 |    0.021       1.3     0.13 |    1000 |     0.267 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVTau2PhiMuLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVTau2PhiMuLineFilterSequence           |     0.260 |     0.222 |    0.002       2.0     0.12 |    1000 |     0.223 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVTau2PhiMuSelPhi                               |     0.148 |     0.142 |    0.064       0.7     0.04 |     941 |     0.134 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVTau2PhiMuLine                                 |     0.000 |     0.233 |    0.074       1.5     0.41 |      11 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVTau2PhiMuLineFilterSequence           |     0.210 |     0.192 |    0.002       1.2     0.10 |    1000 |     0.192 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVTau2PhiMuSelPhi                               |     0.138 |     0.118 |    0.060       0.6     0.04 |     941 |     0.111 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVTau2PhiMuLine                                 |     0.000 |     0.173 |    0.082       0.8     0.22 |      11 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVTau2PhiMuLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVTau2PhiMuLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVTau2PhiMuLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -146602,15 +146862,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVTau2PhiMuLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVTau2PhiMuLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVTau2PhiMuLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVTau2PhiMuLinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVTau2eMuMuLine                          |     0.220 |     0.183 |    0.022       1.2     0.16 |    1000 |     0.183 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVTau2eMuMuLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVTau2eMuMuLineFilterSequence           |     0.170 |     0.111 |    0.002       1.0     0.15 |    1000 |     0.111 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVTau2eMuMuLine                                 |     0.156 |     0.164 |    0.092       0.4     0.05 |     383 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVTau2eMuMuLine                          |     0.150 |     0.162 |    0.019       1.0     0.14 |    1000 |     0.163 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVTau2eMuMuLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVTau2eMuMuLineFilterSequence           |     0.100 |     0.100 |    0.002       0.8     0.14 |    1000 |     0.101 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVTau2eMuMuLine                                 |     0.104 |     0.151 |    0.089       0.6     0.04 |     383 |     0.058 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVTau2eMuMuLinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVB2eMuLine                              |     0.140 |     0.172 |    0.021       1.1     0.16 |    1000 |     0.173 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVB2eMuLine                              |     0.150 |     0.155 |    0.021       0.9     0.14 |    1000 |     0.155 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVB2eMuLinePreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVB2eMuLineFilterSequence               |     0.070 |     0.105 |    0.002       0.9     0.15 |    1000 |     0.106 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVB2eMuLine                                     |     0.104 |     0.160 |    0.106       0.8     0.05 |     383 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVB2eMuLineFilterSequence               |     0.090 |     0.096 |    0.001       0.7     0.13 |    1000 |     0.096 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVB2eMuLine                                     |     0.130 |     0.142 |    0.097       0.6     0.04 |     383 |     0.055 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVB2eMuLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVB2eMuLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVB2eMuLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -146618,47 +146878,47 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVB2eMuLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVB2eMuLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVB2eMuLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVB2eMuLinePostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVJPsi2eMuLine                           |     0.230 |     0.248 |    0.022      35.7     1.45 |    1000 |     0.249 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVJPsi2eMuLine                           |     0.280 |     0.223 |    0.021      25.9     1.16 |    1000 |     0.224 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVJPsi2eMuLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVJPsi2eMuLineFilterSequence            |     0.150 |     0.180 |    0.002      35.6     1.45 |    1000 |     0.180 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVJPsi2eMuLine                                  |     0.156 |     0.164 |    0.111       1.1     0.08 |     383 |     0.063 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVJPsi2eMuLine                     |     3.333 |     0.455 |    0.377       0.6     0.13 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVJPsi2eMuLine                     |     0.000 |     0.962 |    0.775       1.2     0.21 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVJPsi2eMuLine                     |     6.666 |     7.622 |    4.464       9.7     2.79 |       3 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVJPsi2eMuLine                     |    13.333 |    11.201 |    4.246      20.5     8.38 |       3 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVJPsi2eMuLine                     |     0.000 |     0.317 |    0.278       0.4     0.06 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVJPsi2eMuLine                     |     0.000 |     0.509 |    0.417       0.6     0.11 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_LFVJPsi2eMuLine                     |     0.000 |     0.757 |    0.285       1.1     0.42 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVJPsi2eMuLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVPromptJPsi2eMuLine                     |     0.160 |     0.202 |    0.037      10.1     0.35 |    1000 |     0.203 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVJPsi2eMuLineFilterSequence            |     0.190 |     0.160 |    0.001      25.8     1.15 |    1000 |     0.161 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVJPsi2eMuLine                                  |     0.208 |     0.157 |    0.102       0.9     0.09 |     383 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVJPsi2eMuLine                     |     0.000 |     0.387 |    0.278       0.6     0.16 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVJPsi2eMuLine                     |     0.000 |     1.017 |    0.727       1.2     0.25 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVJPsi2eMuLine                     |     6.666 |     7.775 |    4.122      10.0     3.19 |       3 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVJPsi2eMuLine                     |     6.666 |     6.867 |    3.988       8.7     2.53 |       3 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVJPsi2eMuLine                     |     0.000 |     0.270 |    0.176       0.4     0.12 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVJPsi2eMuLine                     |     0.000 |     0.466 |    0.346       0.6     0.13 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_LFVJPsi2eMuLine                     |     0.000 |     0.744 |    0.259       1.0     0.42 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVJPsi2eMuLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVPromptJPsi2eMuLine                     |     0.110 |     0.188 |    0.034      10.1     0.36 |    1000 |     0.189 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptJPsi2eMuLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptJPsi2eMuLineL0DUFilter          |     0.020 |     0.017 |    0.011       0.4     0.01 |    1000 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptJPsi2eMuLineFilterSequence      |     0.114 |     0.203 |    0.002      10.0     0.46 |     523 |     0.106 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVPromptJPsi2eMuLine                            |     0.088 |     0.182 |    0.112       1.5     0.09 |     340 |     0.062 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVPromptJPsi2eMuLine               |     0.000 |     0.191 |    0.191       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVPromptJPsi2eMuLine               |     0.000 |     0.526 |    0.526       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVPromptJPsi2eMuLine               |     0.000 |     3.896 |    3.896       3.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVPromptJPsi2eMuLine               |     0.000 |     3.861 |    3.861       3.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVPromptJPsi2eMuLine               |     0.000 |     0.120 |    0.120       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVPromptJPsi2eMuLine               |    10.000 |     0.265 |    0.265       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_LFVPromptJPsi2eMuLine               |     0.000 |     0.345 |    0.345       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptJPsi2eMuLineL0DUFilter          |     0.020 |     0.015 |    0.008       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptJPsi2eMuLineFilterSequence      |     0.133 |     0.194 |    0.002      10.0     0.48 |     523 |     0.102 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVPromptJPsi2eMuLine                            |     0.117 |     0.175 |    0.102       3.4     0.19 |     340 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVPromptJPsi2eMuLine               |     0.000 |     0.127 |    0.127       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVPromptJPsi2eMuLine               |     0.000 |     0.585 |    0.585       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVPromptJPsi2eMuLine               |    10.000 |     3.979 |    3.979       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVPromptJPsi2eMuLine               |     0.000 |     3.831 |    3.831       3.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVPromptJPsi2eMuLine               |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.115       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVPromptJPsi2eMuLine               |     0.000 |     0.250 |    0.250       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_LFVPromptJPsi2eMuLine               |     0.000 |     0.317 |    0.317       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptJPsi2eMuLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVJPsi2MuMuControlLine                   |     0.180 |     0.107 |    0.018      25.9     0.82 |    1000 |     0.107 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVJPsi2MuMuControlLinePreScaler         |     0.020 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVJPsi2MuMuControlLineFilterSequence    |     0.465 |     0.693 |    0.003      25.8     3.92 |      43 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVJPsi2MuMuControlLine                          |     0.000 |     0.173 |    0.077       1.6     0.32 |      21 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVJPsi2MuMuControlLine             |     0.000 |     0.426 |    0.426       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVJPsi2MuMuControlLine             |     0.000 |     1.922 |    1.922       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVJPsi2MuMuControlLine             |    10.000 |    10.500 |   10.500      10.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVJPsi2MuMuControlLine             |    10.000 |     8.857 |    8.857       8.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVJPsi2MuMuControlLine             |     0.000 |     0.305 |    0.305       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVJPsi2MuMuControlLine             |     0.000 |     0.310 |    0.310       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_LFVJPsi2MuMuControlLine             |     0.000 |     0.474 |    0.474       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVJPsi2MuMuControlLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVJPsi2eeControlLine                     |     0.050 |     0.076 |    0.016       0.5     0.06 |    1000 |     0.076 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVJPsi2eeControlLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVJPsi2eeControlLineFilterSequence      |     0.238 |     0.160 |    0.004       0.4     0.11 |      42 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVJPsi2eeControlLine                            |     0.000 |     0.118 |    0.079       0.3     0.03 |      31 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVJPsi2MuMuControlLine                   |     0.130 |     0.095 |    0.016      23.7     0.75 |    1000 |     0.096 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVJPsi2MuMuControlLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVJPsi2MuMuControlLineFilterSequence    |     0.465 |     0.639 |    0.002      23.7     3.60 |      43 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVJPsi2MuMuControlLine                          |     0.000 |     0.154 |    0.069       1.3     0.26 |      21 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVJPsi2MuMuControlLine             |     0.000 |     0.342 |    0.342       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVJPsi2MuMuControlLine             |     0.000 |     1.738 |    1.738       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVJPsi2MuMuControlLine             |    10.000 |     9.403 |    9.403       9.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVJPsi2MuMuControlLine             |    10.000 |     8.593 |    8.593       8.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVJPsi2MuMuControlLine             |     0.000 |     0.259 |    0.259       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVJPsi2MuMuControlLine             |     0.000 |     0.301 |    0.301       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_LFVJPsi2MuMuControlLine             |     0.000 |     0.402 |    0.402       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVJPsi2MuMuControlLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVJPsi2eeControlLine                     |     0.070 |     0.069 |    0.014       0.7     0.06 |    1000 |     0.069 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVJPsi2eeControlLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVJPsi2eeControlLineFilterSequence      |     0.000 |     0.158 |    0.004       0.4     0.11 |      42 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVJPsi2eeControlLine                            |     0.000 |     0.112 |    0.074       0.2     0.03 |      31 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVJPsi2eeControlLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVJPsi2eeControlLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVJPsi2eeControlLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -146667,11 +146927,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVJPsi2eeControlL
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVJPsi2eeControlLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_LFVJPsi2eeControlLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVJPsi2eeControlLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVPromptJPsi2MuMuControlLine             |     0.140 |     0.075 |    0.017       0.5     0.06 |    1000 |     0.076 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptJPsi2MuMuControlLinePreScaler   |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptJPsi2MuMuControlLineL0DUFilter  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      44 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptJPsi2MuMuControlLineFilterSequen|     0.800 |     0.153 |    0.003       0.3     0.11 |      25 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVPromptJPsi2MuMuControlLine                    |     0.000 |     0.119 |    0.078       0.2     0.03 |      18 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVPromptJPsi2MuMuControlLine             |     0.060 |     0.068 |    0.016       0.4     0.05 |    1000 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptJPsi2MuMuControlLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptJPsi2MuMuControlLineL0DUFilter  |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      44 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptJPsi2MuMuControlLineFilterSequen|     0.000 |     0.143 |    0.002       0.3     0.09 |      25 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVPromptJPsi2MuMuControlLine                    |     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.082       0.2     0.02 |      18 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVPromptJPsi2MuMuControlLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVPromptJPsi2MuMuControlLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVPromptJPsi2MuMuControlLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -146680,11 +146940,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVPromptJPsi2MuMu
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVPromptJPsi2MuMuControlLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_LFVPromptJPsi2MuMuControlLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptJPsi2MuMuControlLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVPromptJPsi2eeControlLine               |     0.040 |     0.079 |    0.016       1.6     0.08 |    1000 |     0.079 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptJPsi2eeControlLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptJPsi2eeControlLineL0DUFilter    |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      51 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptJPsi2eeControlLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.268 |    0.004       1.5     0.28 |      28 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVPromptJPsi2eeControlLine                      |     0.000 |     0.191 |    0.088       1.4     0.27 |      25 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVPromptJPsi2eeControlLine               |     0.110 |     0.071 |    0.015       2.3     0.09 |    1000 |     0.072 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptJPsi2eeControlLinePreScaler     |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptJPsi2eeControlLineL0DUFilter    |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      51 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptJPsi2eeControlLineFilterSequence|     0.357 |     0.258 |    0.004       2.2     0.39 |      28 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVPromptJPsi2eeControlLine                      |     0.000 |     0.195 |    0.078       2.1     0.40 |      25 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVPromptJPsi2eeControlLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVPromptJPsi2eeControlLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVPromptJPsi2eeControlLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -146693,60 +146953,60 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVPromptJPsi2eeCo
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVPromptJPsi2eeControlLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_LFVPromptJPsi2eeControlLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptJPsi2eeControlLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVPhi2eMuLine                            |     0.210 |     0.225 |    0.022      17.5     0.86 |    1000 |     0.226 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVPhi2eMuLine                            |     0.270 |     0.204 |    0.020      18.0     0.82 |    1000 |     0.204 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPhi2eMuLinePreScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPhi2eMuLineFilterSequence             |     0.150 |     0.158 |    0.002      17.4     0.86 |    1000 |     0.158 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVPhi2eMuLine                                   |     0.156 |     0.172 |    0.117       0.8     0.06 |     383 |     0.066 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVPhi2eMuLine                      |     0.000 |     0.225 |    0.216       0.2     0.01 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVPhi2eMuLine                      |     3.333 |     0.690 |    0.575       0.9     0.16 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVPhi2eMuLine                      |     6.666 |     6.004 |    4.347       7.2     1.48 |       3 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVPhi2eMuLine                      |     3.333 |     6.284 |    4.462       7.3     1.58 |       3 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVPhi2eMuLine                      |     0.000 |     0.200 |    0.182       0.2     0.03 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVPhi2eMuLine                      |     0.000 |     0.312 |    0.234       0.4     0.07 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_LFVPhi2eMuLine                      |     0.000 |     0.341 |    0.331       0.4     0.01 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPhi2eMuLinePostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVPromptPhi2eMuLine                      |     0.320 |     0.302 |    0.032      42.1     1.78 |    1000 |     0.302 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPhi2eMuLineFilterSequence             |     0.230 |     0.145 |    0.002      17.9     0.82 |    1000 |     0.146 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVPhi2eMuLine                                   |     0.313 |     0.154 |    0.105       0.6     0.04 |     383 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVPhi2eMuLine                      |     0.000 |     0.251 |    0.236       0.3     0.01 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVPhi2eMuLine                      |     3.333 |     0.769 |    0.619       1.0     0.23 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVPhi2eMuLine                      |     3.333 |     6.037 |    4.823       7.5     1.39 |       3 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVPhi2eMuLine                      |    10.000 |     5.646 |    4.276       7.2     1.49 |       3 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVPhi2eMuLine                      |     0.000 |     0.184 |    0.158       0.2     0.04 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVPhi2eMuLine                      |     0.000 |     0.270 |    0.224       0.3     0.05 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_LFVPhi2eMuLine                      |     0.000 |     0.284 |    0.264       0.3     0.02 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPhi2eMuLinePostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVPromptPhi2eMuLine                      |     0.260 |     0.275 |    0.028      38.9     1.62 |    1000 |     0.276 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptPhi2eMuLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptPhi2eMuLineL0DUFilter           |     0.020 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptPhi2eMuLineFilterSequence       |     0.439 |     0.408 |    0.002      42.0     2.45 |     523 |     0.214 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVPromptPhi2eMuLine                             |     0.147 |     0.172 |    0.110       0.8     0.07 |     340 |     0.059 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVPromptPhi2eMuLine                |     0.000 |     0.252 |    0.170       0.4     0.08 |       6 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVPromptPhi2eMuLine                |     1.666 |     0.833 |    0.425       1.9     0.53 |       6 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVPromptPhi2eMuLine                |    10.000 |     8.742 |    5.750      18.2     4.88 |       6 |     0.052 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVPromptPhi2eMuLine                |     8.333 |     8.758 |    5.702      17.6     4.56 |       6 |     0.053 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVPromptPhi2eMuLine                |     0.000 |     0.190 |    0.136       0.3     0.07 |       6 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVPromptPhi2eMuLine                |     1.666 |     0.384 |    0.207       0.9     0.25 |       6 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_LFVPromptPhi2eMuLine                |     0.000 |     0.556 |    0.309       1.4     0.41 |       6 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptPhi2eMuLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVPhi2MuMuControlLine                    |     0.190 |     0.197 |    0.022      26.1     0.83 |    1000 |     0.198 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptPhi2eMuLineL0DUFilter           |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptPhi2eMuLineFilterSequence       |     0.382 |     0.376 |    0.002      38.8     2.23 |     523 |     0.197 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVPromptPhi2eMuLine                             |     0.235 |     0.159 |    0.104       0.6     0.05 |     340 |     0.054 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVPromptPhi2eMuLine                |     0.000 |     0.254 |    0.150       0.4     0.10 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVPromptPhi2eMuLine                |     0.000 |     0.898 |    0.451       1.8     0.48 |       6 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVPromptPhi2eMuLine                |     8.333 |     8.129 |    4.888      16.7     4.39 |       6 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVPromptPhi2eMuLine                |     6.666 |     7.530 |    4.488      16.4     4.49 |       6 |     0.045 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVPromptPhi2eMuLine                |     0.000 |     0.146 |    0.111       0.2     0.04 |       6 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVPromptPhi2eMuLine                |     0.000 |     0.334 |    0.146       0.7     0.22 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_LFVPromptPhi2eMuLine                |     0.000 |     0.553 |    0.311       1.5     0.46 |       6 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptPhi2eMuLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVPhi2MuMuControlLine                    |     0.060 |     0.179 |    0.021      24.9     0.79 |    1000 |     0.180 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPhi2MuMuControlLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPhi2MuMuControlLineFilterSequence     |     0.120 |     0.130 |    0.002      26.0     0.83 |    1000 |     0.131 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVPhi2MuMuControlLine                           |     0.111 |     0.105 |    0.071       2.0     0.09 |     537 |     0.057 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVPhi2MuMuControlLine              |     0.000 |     0.500 |    0.500       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVPhi2MuMuControlLine              |    10.000 |     1.158 |    1.158       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVPhi2MuMuControlLine              |    10.000 |    10.204 |   10.204      10.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVPhi2MuMuControlLine              |    10.000 |    10.489 |   10.489      10.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVPhi2MuMuControlLine              |     0.000 |     0.320 |    0.320       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVPhi2MuMuControlLine              |     0.000 |     0.429 |    0.429       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_LFVPhi2MuMuControlLine              |     0.000 |     0.532 |    0.532       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPhi2MuMuControlLineFilterSequence     |     0.040 |     0.120 |    0.002      24.8     0.79 |    1000 |     0.120 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVPhi2MuMuControlLine                           |     0.018 |     0.094 |    0.065       0.6     0.03 |     537 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVPhi2MuMuControlLine              |     0.000 |     0.439 |    0.439       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVPhi2MuMuControlLine              |     0.000 |     1.058 |    1.058       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVPhi2MuMuControlLine              |    10.000 |     9.975 |    9.975      10.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVPhi2MuMuControlLine              |    10.000 |     9.952 |    9.952      10.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVPhi2MuMuControlLine              |     0.000 |     0.269 |    0.269       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVPhi2MuMuControlLine              |     0.000 |     0.398 |    0.398       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_LFVPhi2MuMuControlLine              |     0.000 |     0.452 |    0.452       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPhi2MuMuControlLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVPhi2eeControlLine                      |     0.310 |     0.267 |    0.022      30.1     1.25 |    1000 |     0.268 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPhi2eeControlLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPhi2eeControlLineFilterSequence       |     0.210 |     0.202 |    0.002      29.9     1.25 |    1000 |     0.202 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVPhi2eeControlLine                             |     0.119 |     0.117 |    0.074       1.3     0.06 |     672 |     0.079 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVPhi2eeControlLine                |     5.000 |     3.173 |    0.487       5.9     3.80 |       2 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVPhi2eeControlLine                |     0.000 |     1.190 |    1.105       1.3     0.12 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVPhi2eeControlLine                |    10.000 |     9.921 |    8.638      11.2     1.81 |       2 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVPhi2eeControlLine                |    10.000 |     9.055 |    8.905       9.2     0.21 |       2 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVPhi2eeControlLine                |     0.000 |     0.323 |    0.283       0.4     0.06 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVPhi2eeControlLine                |     0.000 |     0.605 |    0.409       0.8     0.28 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_LFVPhi2eeControlLine                |     5.000 |     0.649 |    0.330       1.0     0.45 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPhi2eeControlLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVPromptPhi2MuMuControlLine              |     0.160 |     0.154 |    0.030       1.5     0.11 |    1000 |     0.155 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVPhi2eeControlLine                      |     0.200 |     0.220 |    0.020      20.9     0.75 |    1000 |     0.221 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPhi2eeControlLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPhi2eeControlLineFilterSequence       |     0.150 |     0.163 |    0.002      20.8     0.75 |    1000 |     0.164 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVPhi2eeControlLine                             |     0.059 |     0.104 |    0.065       1.6     0.06 |     672 |     0.070 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVPhi2eeControlLine                |     0.000 |     0.261 |    0.137       0.4     0.18 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVPhi2eeControlLine                |     0.000 |     0.811 |    0.454       1.2     0.50 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVPhi2eeControlLine                |     5.000 |     6.004 |    4.505       7.5     2.12 |       2 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVPhi2eeControlLine                |     5.000 |     5.896 |    4.437       7.4     2.06 |       2 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVPhi2eeControlLine                |     0.000 |     0.181 |    0.086       0.3     0.13 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVPhi2eeControlLine                |     5.000 |     0.387 |    0.162       0.6     0.32 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_LFVPhi2eeControlLine                |     0.000 |     0.498 |    0.210       0.8     0.41 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPhi2eeControlLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVPromptPhi2MuMuControlLine              |     0.180 |     0.139 |    0.028       1.2     0.09 |    1000 |     0.140 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptPhi2MuMuControlLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptPhi2MuMuControlLineL0DUFilter   |     0.020 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptPhi2MuMuControlLineFilterSequenc|     0.133 |     0.125 |    0.002       1.4     0.11 |     523 |     0.066 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVPromptPhi2MuMuControlLine                     |     0.000 |     0.103 |    0.070       1.4     0.07 |     364 |     0.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptPhi2MuMuControlLineL0DUFilter   |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptPhi2MuMuControlLineFilterSequenc|     0.172 |     0.114 |    0.002       1.1     0.09 |     523 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVPromptPhi2MuMuControlLine                     |     0.164 |     0.092 |    0.064       1.1     0.05 |     364 |     0.034 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVPromptPhi2MuMuControlLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVPromptPhi2MuMuControlLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVPromptPhi2MuMuControlLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -146755,23 +147015,23 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVPromptPhi2MuMuC
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVPromptPhi2MuMuControlLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_LFVPromptPhi2MuMuControlLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptPhi2MuMuControlLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVPromptPhi2eeControlLine                |     0.200 |     0.262 |    0.019      23.5     1.53 |    1000 |     0.263 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptPhi2eeControlLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptPhi2eeControlLineL0DUFilter     |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.7     0.03 |     603 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptPhi2eeControlLineFilterSequence |     0.515 |     0.545 |    0.002      23.4     2.61 |     330 |     0.180 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVPromptPhi2eeControlLine                       |     0.103 |     0.122 |    0.074       1.5     0.09 |     290 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVPromptPhi2eeControlLine          |     0.000 |     0.251 |    0.137       0.3     0.07 |       7 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVPromptPhi2eeControlLine          |     1.428 |     0.848 |    0.330       1.5     0.40 |       7 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVPromptPhi2eeControlLine          |     5.714 |     7.015 |    2.867      10.9     2.60 |       7 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVPromptPhi2eeControlLine          |     5.714 |     7.007 |    2.768       9.8     2.42 |       7 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVPromptPhi2eeControlLine          |     1.428 |     0.187 |    0.086       0.3     0.06 |       7 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVPromptPhi2eeControlLine          |     0.000 |     0.375 |    0.193       0.6     0.16 |       7 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_LFVPromptPhi2eeControlLine          |     0.000 |     0.623 |    0.296       1.3     0.34 |       7 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptPhi2eeControlLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVB2eeLine                               |     0.250 |     0.207 |    0.023       4.7     0.20 |    1000 |     0.208 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVB2eeLinePreScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVB2eeLineFilterSequence                |     0.160 |     0.142 |    0.002       4.6     0.19 |    1000 |     0.143 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVB2eeLine                                      |     0.119 |     0.110 |    0.067       4.5     0.18 |     672 |     0.074 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVPromptPhi2eeControlLine                |     0.230 |     0.242 |    0.017      21.5     1.42 |    1000 |     0.243 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptPhi2eeControlLinePreScaler      |     0.020 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptPhi2eeControlLineL0DUFilter     |     0.033 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     603 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptPhi2eeControlLineFilterSequence |     0.484 |     0.509 |    0.002      21.5     2.43 |     330 |     0.168 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVPromptPhi2eeControlLine                       |     0.137 |     0.110 |    0.071       1.3     0.07 |     290 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVPromptPhi2eeControlLine          |     0.000 |     0.193 |    0.137       0.2     0.04 |       7 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVPromptPhi2eeControlLine          |     0.000 |     0.749 |    0.298       1.0     0.29 |       7 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVPromptPhi2eeControlLine          |     7.142 |     6.713 |    2.770       9.1     2.25 |       7 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVPromptPhi2eeControlLine          |     4.285 |     6.620 |    3.044       9.0     2.12 |       7 |     0.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVPromptPhi2eeControlLine          |     0.000 |     0.132 |    0.096       0.2     0.03 |       7 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVPromptPhi2eeControlLine          |     1.428 |     0.295 |    0.181       0.4     0.09 |       7 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_LFVPromptPhi2eeControlLine          |     1.428 |     0.485 |    0.302       0.8     0.17 |       7 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVPromptPhi2eeControlLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVB2eeLine                               |     0.190 |     0.183 |    0.020       0.9     0.11 |    1000 |     0.183 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVB2eeLinePreScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVB2eeLineFilterSequence                |     0.110 |     0.126 |    0.002       0.9     0.10 |    1000 |     0.127 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVB2eeLine                                      |     0.029 |     0.093 |    0.059       0.8     0.04 |     672 |     0.063 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVB2eeLine                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVB2eeLine                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVB2eeLine                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -146779,11 +147039,11 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVB2eeLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVB2eeLine                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVB2eeLine                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVB2eeLinePostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVB2heMuLine                             |     0.520 |     0.542 |    0.021       4.2     0.67 |    1000 |     0.542 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVB2heMuLine                             |     0.550 |     0.483 |    0.019       3.3     0.60 |    1000 |     0.484 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVB2heMuLinePreScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVB2heMuLineFilterSequence              |     0.460 |     0.467 |    0.001       4.0     0.67 |    1000 |     0.468 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdNoPIDsProtons_Particles         |     0.400 |     0.424 |    0.045       6.8     0.34 |     974 |     0.413 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVB2heMuLine                                    |     0.391 |     0.434 |    0.202       1.4     0.17 |     383 |     0.166 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVB2heMuLineFilterSequence              |     0.480 |     0.419 |    0.001       3.3     0.59 |    1000 |     0.419 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdNoPIDsProtons_Particles         |     0.359 |     0.367 |    0.044       4.8     0.23 |     974 |     0.358 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVB2heMuLine                                    |     0.469 |     0.394 |    0.208       1.3     0.13 |     383 |     0.151 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVB2heMuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVB2heMuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVB2heMuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -146792,15 +147052,15 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVB2heMuLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVB2heMuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_LFVB2heMuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVB2heMuLinePostScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVB2hMuLine                              |     0.430 |     0.408 |    0.022       7.9     0.47 |    1000 |     0.409 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVB2hMuLine                              |     0.270 |     0.361 |    0.019       5.8     0.36 |    1000 |     0.362 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVB2hMuLinePreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVB2hMuLineFilterSequence               |     0.380 |     0.334 |    0.002       7.8     0.44 |    1000 |     0.334 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVB2hMuLine                                     |     0.446 |     0.369 |    0.208       1.7     0.15 |     537 |     0.199 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVB2hMuLineFilterSequence               |     0.220 |     0.301 |    0.002       5.7     0.36 |    1000 |     0.301 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVB2hMuLine                                     |     0.242 |     0.335 |    0.191       0.9     0.10 |     537 |     0.180 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVB2hMuLinePostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVBu2KJPsieeLine                         |     0.200 |     0.230 |    0.021       3.9     0.23 |    1000 |     0.231 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVBu2KJPsieeLine                         |     0.220 |     0.193 |    0.021       1.3     0.13 |    1000 |     0.194 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVBu2KJPsieeLinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVBu2KJPsieeLineFilterSequence          |     0.100 |     0.137 |    0.001       3.8     0.17 |    1000 |     0.137 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVBu2KJPsiee                                    |     0.044 |     0.096 |    0.047       1.5     0.06 |     672 |     0.065 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVBu2KJPsieeLineFilterSequence          |     0.150 |     0.120 |    0.001       1.2     0.10 |    1000 |     0.120 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVBu2KJPsiee                                    |     0.089 |     0.086 |    0.045       1.1     0.04 |     672 |     0.058 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVBu2KJPsieeLine                                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVBu2KJPsieeLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVBu2KJPsieeLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -146809,85 +147069,85 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVBu2KJPsieeLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVBu2KJPsieeLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVBu2KJPsieeLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVBu2KJPsieeLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVB2hTauMuLine                           |     1.010 |     0.919 |    0.021      14.4     1.55 |    1000 |     0.920 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVB2hTauMuLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVB2hTauMuLineFilterSequence            |     0.890 |     0.841 |    0.001      14.2     1.54 |    1000 |     0.842 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVB2hTauMuLine                                  |     0.492 |     0.477 |    0.217       4.8     0.39 |     264 |     0.126 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVB2hTauMuLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVTau2MuEtaP2pipigLine                   |     0.700 |     0.800 |    0.023      11.4     1.05 |    1000 |     0.800 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVB2hTauMuLine                           |     0.690 |     0.835 |    0.020      13.3     1.40 |    1000 |     0.836 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVB2hTauMuLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVB2hTauMuLineFilterSequence            |     0.680 |     0.767 |    0.001      13.2     1.39 |    1000 |     0.768 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVB2hTauMuLine                                  |     0.378 |     0.414 |    0.209       3.5     0.24 |     264 |     0.109 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVB2hTauMuLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVTau2MuEtaP2pipigLine                   |     0.700 |     0.686 |    0.020       8.1     0.79 |    1000 |     0.686 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVTau2MuEtaP2pipigLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVTau2MuEtaP2pipigLineFilterSequence    |     0.580 |     0.712 |    0.002      11.1     1.02 |    1000 |     0.712 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            selEtap_gamma                                    |     0.155 |     0.253 |    0.067       1.2     0.15 |     962 |     0.244 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVTau2MuEtaP2pipigLine                          |     0.160 |     0.167 |    0.071       1.6     0.13 |     249 |     0.042 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVTau2MuEtaP2pipigLineFilterSequence    |     0.630 |     0.614 |    0.002       8.0     0.78 |    1000 |     0.615 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            selEtap_gamma                                    |     0.239 |     0.216 |    0.069       1.0     0.12 |     962 |     0.208 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVTau2MuEtaP2pipigLine                          |     0.160 |     0.150 |    0.068       0.7     0.09 |     249 |     0.037 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVTau2MuEtaP2pipigLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVTau2MuEtaP2pipigLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVTau2MuEtaP2pipigLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVTau2MuEtaP2pipipiLine                  |     1.150 |     0.994 |    0.022      19.0     1.29 |    1000 |     0.994 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVTau2MuEtaP2pipipiLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.6     0.02 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVTau2MuEtaP2pipipiLineFilterSequence   |     1.010 |     0.905 |    0.002      18.7     1.27 |    1000 |     0.906 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Pi0ForselEtap_pi0                         |     0.249 |     0.246 |    0.015       1.6     0.15 |     963 |     0.238 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Pi0ForselEtap_pi0                  |     0.020 |     0.015 |    0.009       0.2     0.01 |     963 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Phys_StdLooseMergedPi0_Particles         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Pi0ForselEtap_pi0                               |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     952 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            selEtap_pi0                                      |     0.262 |     0.254 |    0.051       2.5     0.21 |     952 |     0.242 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVTau2MuEtaP2pipipiLine                         |     0.109 |     0.174 |    0.089       1.2     0.14 |     182 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVTau2MuEtaP2pipipiLine                  |     0.820 |     0.888 |    0.019      15.6     1.10 |    1000 |     0.889 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVTau2MuEtaP2pipipiLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVTau2MuEtaP2pipipiLineFilterSequence   |     0.740 |     0.811 |    0.001      15.4     1.08 |    1000 |     0.811 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Pi0ForselEtap_pi0                         |     0.228 |     0.222 |    0.013       4.4     0.22 |     963 |     0.214 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Pi0ForselEtap_pi0                  |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |     963 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Phys_StdLooseMergedPi0_Particles         |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Pi0ForselEtap_pi0                               |     0.021 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     952 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            selEtap_pi0                                      |     0.262 |     0.231 |    0.053       4.2     0.21 |     952 |     0.220 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVTau2MuEtaP2pipipiLine                         |     0.219 |     0.158 |    0.070       1.3     0.13 |     182 |     0.029 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVTau2MuEtaP2pipipiLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVTau2MuEtaP2pipipiLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVTau2MuEtaP2pipipiLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVupsilon2eMuLine                        |     0.880 |     0.979 |    0.024      14.2     1.28 |    1000 |     0.980 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVupsilon2eMuLinePreScaler              |     0.020 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVupsilon2eMuLineFilterSequence         |     0.770 |     0.900 |    0.002      14.1     1.24 |    1000 |     0.900 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdTightElectrons_Particles        |     0.894 |     0.949 |    0.048      13.9     0.99 |     861 |     0.818 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVupsilon2eMuLine                               |     0.015 |     0.104 |    0.073       1.5     0.06 |     628 |     0.066 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVupsilon2eMuLine                  |     0.000 |     0.240 |    0.212       0.3     0.02 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVupsilon2eMuLine                  |     0.000 |     0.958 |    0.519       1.3     0.41 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVupsilon2eMuLine                  |     0.000 |     0.298 |    0.212       0.4     0.13 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVupsilon2eMuLine                  |     0.000 |     0.152 |    0.130       0.2     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVupsilon2eMuLine                  |     3.333 |     1.124 |    0.456       2.4     1.12 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVupsilon2eMuLine                  |     0.000 |     3.350 |    2.500       3.9     0.75 |       3 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVupsilon2eMuLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.002       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVupsilon2eeLine                         |     0.310 |     0.314 |    0.018      16.4     0.81 |    1000 |     0.314 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVupsilon2eeLinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVupsilon2eeLineFilterSequence          |     0.448 |     0.400 |    0.002      16.2     1.00 |     602 |     0.241 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVupsilon2eeLine                                |     0.131 |     0.070 |    0.047       1.4     0.06 |     532 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVupsilon2eeLine                   |     0.000 |     0.449 |    0.279       0.6     0.18 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVupsilon2eeLine                   |     6.666 |     1.618 |    1.148       2.4     0.65 |       3 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVupsilon2eeLine                   |     0.000 |     0.625 |    0.444       0.8     0.19 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVupsilon2eeLine                   |     0.000 |     0.353 |    0.173       0.5     0.16 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVupsilon2eeLine                   |     0.000 |     0.903 |    0.735       1.1     0.17 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVupsilon2eeLine                   |     6.666 |     5.137 |    3.608       6.7     1.55 |       3 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVupsilon2eeLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVD2piphi2eeLine                         |     0.430 |     0.432 |    0.023      78.6     3.56 |    1000 |     0.432 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVD2piphi2eeLinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVD2piphi2eeLineFilterSequence          |     0.290 |     0.345 |    0.002      78.5     3.56 |    1000 |     0.345 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVPhi2eeControlforD                             |     0.089 |     0.119 |    0.077       1.4     0.07 |     672 |     0.080 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVD2piphi2eeLine                                |     1.428 |     0.348 |    0.112       1.5     0.53 |       7 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVD2piphi2eeLine                   |     3.333 |     0.557 |    0.535       0.6     0.02 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVD2piphi2eeLine                   |     3.333 |     3.245 |    2.355       4.1     0.90 |       3 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVD2piphi2eeLine                   |    23.333 |    25.564 |   20.876      31.9     5.67 |       3 |     0.077 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVD2piphi2eeLine                   |    30.000 |    27.090 |   21.505      34.8     6.91 |       3 |     0.081 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVD2piphi2eeLine                   |     0.000 |     0.460 |    0.353       0.6     0.12 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVD2piphi2eeLine                   |     0.000 |     0.819 |    0.700       1.0     0.17 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_LFVD2piphi2eeLine                   |     3.333 |     1.486 |    1.412       1.6     0.09 |       3 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVupsilon2eMuLine                        |     0.920 |     0.841 |    0.020      11.5     1.02 |    1000 |     0.841 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVupsilon2eMuLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVupsilon2eMuLineFilterSequence         |     0.860 |     0.773 |    0.002      11.5     1.01 |    1000 |     0.774 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdTightElectrons_Particles        |     0.905 |     0.821 |    0.051      11.3     0.79 |     861 |     0.707 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVupsilon2eMuLine                               |     0.095 |     0.094 |    0.069       1.1     0.04 |     628 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVupsilon2eMuLine                  |     0.000 |     0.200 |    0.158       0.2     0.04 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVupsilon2eMuLine                  |     3.333 |     0.924 |    0.498       1.3     0.40 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVupsilon2eMuLine                  |     0.000 |     0.322 |    0.230       0.5     0.12 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVupsilon2eMuLine                  |     0.000 |     0.141 |    0.095       0.2     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVupsilon2eMuLine                  |     0.000 |     0.844 |    0.383       1.7     0.73 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVupsilon2eMuLine                  |     6.666 |     2.891 |    2.053       3.5     0.76 |       3 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVupsilon2eMuLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVupsilon2eeLine                         |     0.310 |     0.283 |    0.016      15.7     0.81 |    1000 |     0.284 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVupsilon2eeLinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVupsilon2eeLineFilterSequence          |     0.415 |     0.366 |    0.002      15.6     1.02 |     602 |     0.221 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVupsilon2eeLine                                |     0.075 |     0.061 |    0.043       1.1     0.05 |     532 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVupsilon2eeLine                   |     0.000 |     0.464 |    0.400       0.6     0.09 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVupsilon2eeLine                   |     6.666 |     1.864 |    1.333       2.5     0.56 |       3 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVupsilon2eeLine                   |     0.000 |     0.682 |    0.589       0.8     0.10 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVupsilon2eeLine                   |     0.000 |     0.300 |    0.226       0.4     0.07 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVupsilon2eeLine                   |     0.000 |     0.938 |    0.807       1.0     0.11 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVupsilon2eeLine                   |     6.666 |     5.453 |    4.406       6.7     1.14 |       3 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVupsilon2eeLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVD2piphi2eeLine                         |     0.390 |     0.390 |    0.020      69.6     3.30 |    1000 |     0.390 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVD2piphi2eeLinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVD2piphi2eeLineFilterSequence          |     0.300 |     0.315 |    0.002      69.5     3.30 |    1000 |     0.316 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVPhi2eeControlforD                             |     0.089 |     0.104 |    0.070       0.7     0.03 |     672 |     0.070 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVD2piphi2eeLine                                |     1.428 |     0.462 |    0.092       2.4     0.87 |       7 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVD2piphi2eeLine                   |     0.000 |     0.528 |    0.488       0.6     0.05 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVD2piphi2eeLine                   |     3.333 |     3.177 |    2.370       4.0     0.83 |       3 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVD2piphi2eeLine                   |    23.333 |    25.813 |   22.720      30.6     4.21 |       3 |     0.077 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVD2piphi2eeLine                   |    26.666 |    24.596 |   22.636      28.2     3.14 |       3 |     0.074 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVD2piphi2eeLine                   |     0.000 |     0.367 |    0.302       0.5     0.08 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVD2piphi2eeLine                   |     0.000 |     0.728 |    0.634       0.8     0.09 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_LFVD2piphi2eeLine                   |     0.000 |     1.271 |    1.008       1.5     0.24 |       3 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVD2piphi2eeLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVD2piphi2eMuLine                        |     0.340 |     0.319 |    0.023      74.6     2.73 |    1000 |     0.319 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVD2piphi2eMuLine                        |     0.280 |     0.289 |    0.020      67.8     2.53 |    1000 |     0.289 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVD2piphi2eMuLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVD2piphi2eMuLineFilterSequence         |     0.260 |     0.232 |    0.002      74.4     2.73 |    1000 |     0.233 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVPhi2eMuforD                                   |     0.156 |     0.169 |    0.114       1.3     0.08 |     383 |     0.065 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVD2piphi2eMuLine                               |     0.000 |     0.343 |    0.099       1.6     0.58 |       7 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVD2piphi2eMuLine                  |     0.000 |     0.452 |    0.375       0.5     0.11 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVD2piphi2eMuLine                  |     5.000 |     3.056 |    2.313       3.8     1.05 |       2 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVD2piphi2eMuLine                  |    25.000 |    26.120 |   18.737      33.5    10.44 |       2 |     0.052 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVD2piphi2eMuLine                  |    25.000 |    25.160 |   18.923      31.4     8.82 |       2 |     0.050 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVD2piphi2eMuLine                  |     0.000 |     0.379 |    0.277       0.5     0.14 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVD2piphi2eMuLine                  |     0.000 |     0.389 |    0.317       0.5     0.10 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_LFVD2piphi2eMuLine                  |     5.000 |     0.782 |    0.685       0.9     0.14 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVD2piphi2eMuLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVD2piphi2MuMuLine                       |     0.260 |     0.194 |    0.023       2.3     0.17 |    1000 |     0.195 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVD2piphi2MuMuLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVD2piphi2MuMuLineFilterSequence        |     0.130 |     0.109 |    0.002       2.1     0.14 |    1000 |     0.110 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVPhi2MuMuControlforD                           |     0.111 |     0.108 |    0.073       1.9     0.09 |     537 |     0.058 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVD2piphi2MuMuLine                              |     0.000 |     0.831 |    0.134       1.5     0.99 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVD2piphi2eMuLineFilterSequence         |     0.210 |     0.213 |    0.001      67.7     2.53 |    1000 |     0.213 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVPhi2eMuforD                                   |     0.182 |     0.151 |    0.105       0.7     0.04 |     383 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVD2piphi2eMuLine                               |     1.428 |     0.203 |    0.091       0.7     0.22 |       7 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVD2piphi2eMuLine                  |     0.000 |     0.373 |    0.337       0.4     0.05 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVD2piphi2eMuLine                  |     0.000 |     2.757 |    2.391       3.1     0.52 |       2 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVD2piphi2eMuLine                  |    25.000 |    24.557 |   18.928      30.2     7.96 |       2 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVD2piphi2eMuLine                  |    25.000 |    24.263 |   18.147      30.4     8.65 |       2 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVD2piphi2eMuLine                  |     0.000 |     0.324 |    0.254       0.4     0.10 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVD2piphi2eMuLine                  |     0.000 |     0.349 |    0.285       0.4     0.09 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_LFVD2piphi2eMuLine                  |     0.000 |     0.770 |    0.707       0.8     0.09 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVD2piphi2eMuLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVD2piphi2MuMuLine                       |     0.160 |     0.172 |    0.021       1.8     0.13 |    1000 |     0.172 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVD2piphi2MuMuLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVD2piphi2MuMuLineFilterSequence        |     0.080 |     0.096 |    0.001       1.8     0.11 |    1000 |     0.097 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVPhi2MuMuControlforD                           |     0.074 |     0.093 |    0.066       0.6     0.03 |     537 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVD2piphi2MuMuLine                              |     0.000 |     0.634 |    0.121       1.1     0.73 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVD2piphi2MuMuLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVD2piphi2MuMuLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVD2piphi2MuMuLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -146896,36 +147156,36 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVD2piphi2MuMuLin
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVD2piphi2MuMuLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_LFVD2piphi2MuMuLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVD2piphi2MuMuLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVD2piphi2eePromptLine                   |     2.090 |     2.075 |    0.017    1154.4    39.78 |    1000 |     2.075 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVD2piphi2eePromptLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVD2piphi2eePromptLineFilterSequence    |    10.994 |    11.013 |    0.002    1154.3    93.17 |     181 |     1.993 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVPromptPhi2eeControl                           |     0.287 |     0.153 |    0.079       1.4     0.12 |     174 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVD2piphi2eePromptLine                          |     0.000 |     0.887 |    0.464       1.9     0.52 |       6 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVD2piphi2eePromptLine             |     2.500 |     2.647 |    0.799       6.7     2.72 |       4 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVD2piphi2eePromptLine             |    25.000 |    24.709 |    5.100      61.5    25.17 |       4 |     0.099 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVD2piphi2eePromptLine             |   225.000 |   223.769 |   62.193     519.4   206.36 |       4 |     0.895 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVD2piphi2eePromptLine             |   222.500 |   222.256 |   66.992     537.8   216.25 |       4 |     0.889 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVD2piphi2eePromptLine             |     0.000 |     1.416 |    0.450       3.1     1.19 |       4 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVD2piphi2eePromptLine             |     2.500 |     3.367 |    1.272       8.2     3.25 |       4 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_LFVD2piphi2eePromptLine             |     5.000 |     6.413 |    3.117      14.0     5.14 |       4 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVD2piphi2eePromptLine                   |     1.950 |     1.997 |    0.016    1108.5    38.28 |    1000 |     1.997 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVD2piphi2eePromptLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVD2piphi2eePromptLineFilterSequence    |    10.441 |    10.641 |    0.002    1108.4    89.65 |     181 |     1.926 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVPromptPhi2eeControl                           |     0.057 |     0.137 |    0.068       1.3     0.10 |     174 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVD2piphi2eePromptLine                          |     0.000 |     0.981 |    0.371       2.9     0.93 |       6 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVD2piphi2eePromptLine             |     0.000 |     2.052 |    0.841       4.7     1.78 |       4 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVD2piphi2eePromptLine             |    22.500 |    21.817 |    5.588      51.3    20.28 |       4 |     0.087 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVD2piphi2eePromptLine             |   222.500 |   222.835 |   64.806     520.5   207.73 |       4 |     0.891 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVD2piphi2eePromptLine             |   215.000 |   211.064 |   65.401     504.3   200.70 |       4 |     0.844 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVD2piphi2eePromptLine             |     0.000 |     1.328 |    0.416       3.0     1.15 |       4 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVD2piphi2eePromptLine             |     2.500 |     3.308 |    1.329       8.0     3.13 |       4 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_LFVD2piphi2eePromptLine             |     5.000 |     6.304 |    3.073      13.7     5.02 |       4 |     0.025 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVD2piphi2eePromptLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVD2piphi2eMuPromptLine                  |     0.350 |     0.392 |    0.018      94.3     4.61 |    1000 |     0.392 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVD2piphi2eMuPromptLinePreScaler        |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVD2piphi2eMuPromptLineFilterSequence   |     1.324 |     1.331 |    0.002      94.2     9.48 |     234 |     0.312 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVPromptPhi2eMu                                 |     0.222 |     0.224 |    0.114       2.6     0.20 |     180 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVD2piphi2eMuPromptLine                         |     0.000 |     0.858 |    0.352       1.9     0.73 |       4 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVD2piphi2eMuPromptLine            |     0.000 |     0.447 |    0.371       0.5     0.07 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVD2piphi2eMuPromptLine            |     6.666 |     3.323 |    2.939       4.1     0.63 |       3 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVD2piphi2eMuPromptLine            |    36.666 |    36.878 |   33.649      40.2     3.28 |       3 |     0.111 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVD2piphi2eMuPromptLine            |    40.000 |    37.807 |   29.818      46.5     8.36 |       3 |     0.113 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVD2piphi2eMuPromptLine            |     0.000 |     0.469 |    0.318       0.7     0.21 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVD2piphi2eMuPromptLine            |     0.000 |     0.898 |    0.451       1.7     0.73 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_LFVD2piphi2eMuPromptLine            |     3.333 |     1.615 |    0.818       2.7     1.01 |       3 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVD2piphi2eMuPromptLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVD2piphi2MuMuPromptLine                 |     0.270 |     0.247 |    0.023       3.1     0.17 |    1000 |     0.248 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVD2piphi2MuMuPromptLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVD2piphi2MuMuPromptLineFilterSequence  |     0.150 |     0.157 |    0.002       0.8     0.11 |    1000 |     0.158 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVPromptPhi2MuMuControl                         |     0.127 |     0.113 |    0.071       0.7     0.04 |     785 |     0.089 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVD2piphi2eMuPromptLine                  |     0.310 |     0.342 |    0.017      81.0     4.06 |    1000 |     0.343 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVD2piphi2eMuPromptLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVD2piphi2eMuPromptLineFilterSequence   |     1.111 |     1.168 |    0.002      80.9     8.35 |     234 |     0.273 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVPromptPhi2eMu                                 |     0.277 |     0.193 |    0.108       1.2     0.10 |     180 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVD2piphi2eMuPromptLine                         |     0.000 |     0.842 |    0.432       1.9     0.69 |       4 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVD2piphi2eMuPromptLine            |     0.000 |     0.472 |    0.355       0.6     0.12 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVD2piphi2eMuPromptLine            |     0.000 |     3.482 |    3.034       3.8     0.39 |       3 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVD2piphi2eMuPromptLine            |    36.666 |    32.714 |   27.268      36.6     4.87 |       3 |     0.098 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVD2piphi2eMuPromptLine            |    30.000 |    32.432 |   26.561      36.5     5.22 |       3 |     0.097 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVD2piphi2eMuPromptLine            |     0.000 |     0.310 |    0.256       0.4     0.05 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVD2piphi2eMuPromptLine            |     0.000 |     0.550 |    0.432       0.8     0.20 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_LFVD2piphi2eMuPromptLine            |     3.333 |     1.600 |    0.810       2.9     1.11 |       3 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVD2piphi2eMuPromptLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVD2piphi2MuMuPromptLine                 |     0.230 |     0.216 |    0.022       0.8     0.11 |    1000 |     0.217 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVD2piphi2MuMuPromptLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVD2piphi2MuMuPromptLineFilterSequence  |     0.160 |     0.141 |    0.002       0.6     0.09 |    1000 |     0.142 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVPromptPhi2MuMuControl                         |     0.089 |     0.101 |    0.064       0.6     0.04 |     785 |     0.080 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVD2piphi2MuMuPromptLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVD2piphi2MuMuPromptLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVD2piphi2MuMuPromptLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -146935,245 +147195,245 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_LFVD2piphi2MuMuPro
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_LFVD2piphi2MuMuPromptLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_LFVD2piphi2MuMuPromptLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVD2piphi2MuMuPromptLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2JpsiMuLine                             |     0.160 |     0.145 |    0.027       1.7     0.12 |    1000 |     0.145 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2JpsiMuLinePreScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2JpsiMuLineFilterSequence              |     0.070 |     0.049 |    0.002       1.7     0.10 |    1000 |     0.050 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Jpsi2MuMuForBc2JpsiMu_SelP2MuMu                  |     0.025 |     0.016 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     399 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelMuonBc_Sel_Bc2JpsiMu                          |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2JpsiMuLine                                    |     0.000 |     0.196 |    0.054       1.3     0.36 |      11 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2JpsiMuLinePostScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSBu2JpsiKPrescaledLine                |     0.110 |     0.128 |    0.034       5.1     0.18 |    1000 |     0.128 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2JpsiMuLine                             |     0.190 |     0.122 |    0.024       1.2     0.11 |    1000 |     0.123 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2JpsiMuLinePreScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2JpsiMuLineFilterSequence              |     0.090 |     0.043 |    0.001       1.1     0.09 |    1000 |     0.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Jpsi2MuMuForBc2JpsiMu_SelP2MuMu                  |     0.025 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     399 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelMuonBc_Sel_Bc2JpsiMu                          |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2JpsiMuLine                                    |     0.000 |     0.145 |    0.060       0.8     0.22 |      11 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2JpsiMuLinePostScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.002       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSBu2JpsiKPrescaledLine                |     0.140 |     0.108 |    0.029       3.1     0.12 |    1000 |     0.109 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBu2JpsiKPrescaledLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBu2JpsiKPrescaledLineHlt2Filter     |     0.040 |     0.026 |    0.009       5.0     0.16 |    1000 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBu2JpsiKPrescaledLineFilterSequence |     0.769 |     0.464 |    0.010       1.8     0.52 |      13 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            NoIPKaonsForBetaSBetaS                           |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      32 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBu2JpsiKPrescaledLine                       |     2.000 |     0.352 |    0.059       1.4     0.56 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBu2JpsiKPrescaledLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSBs2JpsiPhiPrescaledLine              |     0.110 |     0.099 |    0.026       1.1     0.06 |    1000 |     0.100 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2JpsiPhiPrescaledLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2JpsiPhiPrescaledLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2JpsiPhiPrescaledLineFilterSequenc|     0.769 |     0.165 |    0.003       0.9     0.32 |      13 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Phi2KKForBetaSBetaS                              |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.005       0.1     0.03 |      30 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBs2JpsiPhiPrescaledLine                     |     0.000 |     0.240 |    0.071       0.6     0.29 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBu2JpsiKPrescaledLineHlt2Filter     |     0.040 |     0.016 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBu2JpsiKPrescaledLineFilterSequence |     0.000 |     0.496 |    0.004       3.0     0.78 |      13 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            NoIPKaonsForBetaSBetaS                           |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      32 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBu2JpsiKPrescaledLine                       |     0.000 |     0.587 |    0.056       2.6     1.12 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBu2JpsiKPrescaledLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSBs2JpsiPhiPrescaledLine              |     0.070 |     0.086 |    0.025       1.1     0.06 |    1000 |     0.087 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2JpsiPhiPrescaledLinePreScaler    |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2JpsiPhiPrescaledLineHlt2Filter   |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2JpsiPhiPrescaledLineFilterSequenc|     0.000 |     0.143 |    0.002       1.0     0.29 |      13 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Phi2KKForBetaSBetaS                              |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |      30 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBs2JpsiPhiPrescaledLine                     |     0.000 |     0.219 |    0.052       0.6     0.29 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2JpsiPhiPrescaledLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKstarPrescaledLine            |     0.070 |     0.112 |    0.026      14.1     0.45 |    1000 |     0.112 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKstarPrescaledLine            |     0.100 |     0.101 |    0.024      14.8     0.47 |    1000 |     0.102 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKstarPrescaledLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKstarPrescaledLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKstarPrescaledLineFilterSeque|     0.769 |     1.371 |    0.002      13.9     3.83 |      13 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Kstar2KpiForBetaSBetaS                           |     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.016       0.2     0.05 |      32 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBd2JpsiKstarPrescaledLine                   |     0.000 |     0.315 |    0.059       1.2     0.48 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKstarPrescaledLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKsPrescaledLine               |     0.060 |     0.098 |    0.025       1.6     0.08 |    1000 |     0.099 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKstarPrescaledLineHlt2Filter |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKstarPrescaledLineFilterSeque|     2.307 |     1.384 |    0.002      14.7     4.02 |      13 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Kstar2KpiForBetaSBetaS                           |     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.012       0.2     0.04 |      32 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBd2JpsiKstarPrescaledLine                   |     0.000 |     0.281 |    0.064       1.1     0.46 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKstarPrescaledLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKsPrescaledLine               |     0.070 |     0.086 |    0.024       1.3     0.06 |    1000 |     0.086 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKsPrescaledLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKsPrescaledLineHlt2Filter    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKsPrescaledLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.199 |    0.002       1.5     0.43 |      13 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:StdLooseKsMergedForBetaSBetaS             |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.009       0.5     0.11 |      32 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:StdLooseKsMergedForBetaSBetaS      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      32 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             StdLooseKsMergedForBetaSBetaS                   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KsForBetaSBetaS                                  |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.014       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBd2JpsiKsPrescaledLine                      |     0.000 |     0.465 |    0.052       1.3     0.70 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKsPrescaledLineHlt2Filter    |     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKsPrescaledLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.161 |    0.002       1.2     0.34 |      13 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:StdLooseKsMergedForBetaSBetaS             |     0.312 |     0.117 |    0.007       0.5     0.11 |      32 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:StdLooseKsMergedForBetaSBetaS      |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      32 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             StdLooseKsMergedForBetaSBetaS                   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KsForBetaSBetaS                                  |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.013       0.0     0.01 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBd2JpsiKsPrescaledLine                      |     0.000 |     0.339 |    0.042       0.9     0.51 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKsPrescaledLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKsLDDetachedLine              |     0.240 |     0.266 |    0.027      19.4     0.69 |    1000 |     0.267 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKsLDDetachedLine              |     0.290 |     0.226 |    0.024       6.2     0.34 |    1000 |     0.227 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKsLDDetachedLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKsLDDetachedLineFilterSequenc|     0.140 |     0.177 |    0.002      19.2     0.69 |    1000 |     0.178 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            NarrowJpsiForBetaSBetaS                          |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      32 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KsLDForBetaSBetaS                                |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.006       0.1     0.03 |      17 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bd2JpsiKSLDBetaS                                 |     0.000 |     0.159 |    0.046       1.4     0.34 |      14 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBd2JpsiKsLDDetachedLine                     |    20.000 |    13.899 |   13.899      13.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKsLDDetachedLineFilterSequenc|     0.230 |     0.147 |    0.002       6.1     0.33 |    1000 |     0.147 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            NarrowJpsiForBetaSBetaS                          |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      32 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KsLDForBetaSBetaS                                |     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.012       0.1     0.02 |      17 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bd2JpsiKSLDBetaS                                 |     0.714 |     0.123 |    0.041       1.0     0.26 |      14 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBd2JpsiKsLDDetachedLine                     |     0.000 |     3.878 |    3.878       3.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKsLDDetachedLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSBs2JpsiKstarWideLine                 |     0.150 |     0.118 |    0.024       7.1     0.27 |    1000 |     0.118 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2JpsiKstarWideLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2JpsiKstarWideLineFilterSequence  |     0.020 |     0.018 |    0.002       2.4     0.13 |    1000 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DetachedKstarWideListForBetaSBetaS               |     0.416 |     0.209 |    0.081       1.1     0.21 |      24 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBs2JpsiKstarWideLine                        |     0.000 |     0.172 |    0.055       0.7     0.17 |      12 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2JpsiKstarWideLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSLambdab2JpsiLambdaUnbiasedLine       |     0.070 |     0.098 |    0.023       2.0     0.10 |    1000 |     0.098 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSBs2JpsiKstarWideLine                 |     0.070 |     0.094 |    0.021       2.4     0.12 |    1000 |     0.094 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2JpsiKstarWideLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2JpsiKstarWideLineFilterSequence  |     0.020 |     0.015 |    0.002       2.3     0.12 |    1000 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DetachedKstarWideListForBetaSBetaS               |     0.000 |     0.189 |    0.069       1.2     0.23 |      24 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBs2JpsiKstarWideLine                        |     0.000 |     0.146 |    0.049       0.6     0.15 |      12 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2JpsiKstarWideLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSLambdab2JpsiLambdaUnbiasedLine       |     0.120 |     0.085 |    0.021       1.5     0.08 |    1000 |     0.085 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSLambdab2JpsiLambdaUnbiasedLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSLambdab2JpsiLambdaUnbiasedLineFilter|     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.002       2.0     0.08 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:StdLooseLambdaMergedForBetaSBetaS         |     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.009       0.3     0.09 |      26 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:StdLooseLambdaMergedForBetaSBetaS  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      26 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             StdLooseLambdaMergedForBetaSBetaS               |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      14 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaForBetaSBetaS                              |     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.008       0.7     0.19 |      14 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSLambdab2JpsiLambdaUnbiasedLine              |     0.000 |     0.372 |    0.060       1.6     0.68 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSLambdab2JpsiLambdaUnbiasedLineFilter|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.001       1.5     0.06 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:StdLooseLambdaMergedForBetaSBetaS         |     0.000 |     0.091 |    0.008       0.3     0.09 |      26 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:StdLooseLambdaMergedForBetaSBetaS  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      26 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             StdLooseLambdaMergedForBetaSBetaS               |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      14 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaForBetaSBetaS                              |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      14 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSLambdab2JpsiLambdaUnbiasedLine              |     0.000 |     0.260 |    0.052       1.1     0.46 |       5 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSLambdab2JpsiLambdaUnbiasedLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStrangeSLKs2PiMuNuLine                    |     0.320 |     0.427 |    0.023       2.2     0.27 |    1000 |     0.428 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLKs2PiMuNuLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLKs2PiMuNuLineFilterSequence     |     0.230 |     0.362 |    0.001       2.1     0.26 |    1000 |     0.363 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrangeSLKs2PiMuNuLine                           |     0.254 |     0.357 |    0.135       2.0     0.17 |     785 |     0.280 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStrangeSLKs2PiMuNuLine                    |     0.380 |     0.366 |    0.021       3.2     0.21 |    1000 |     0.367 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLKs2PiMuNuLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLKs2PiMuNuLineFilterSequence     |     0.320 |     0.308 |    0.001       3.1     0.21 |    1000 |     0.309 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrangeSLKs2PiMuNuLine                           |     0.292 |     0.293 |    0.117       0.8     0.10 |     785 |     0.231 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLKs2PiMuNuLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStrangeSLKs2PiPiMuNuLine                  |     0.370 |     0.347 |    0.020       1.7     0.21 |    1000 |     0.348 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLKs2PiPiMuNuLinePreScaler        |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLKs2PiPiMuNuLineFilterSequence   |     0.320 |     0.285 |    0.002       1.7     0.20 |    1000 |     0.286 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrangeSLKs2PiPiMuNuLine                         |     0.292 |     0.272 |    0.110       1.6     0.12 |     785 |     0.214 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStrangeSLKs2PiPiMuNuLine                  |     0.300 |     0.319 |    0.020       4.6     0.22 |    1000 |     0.320 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLKs2PiPiMuNuLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLKs2PiPiMuNuLineFilterSequence   |     0.260 |     0.264 |    0.001       4.6     0.21 |    1000 |     0.265 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrangeSLKs2PiPiMuNuLine                         |     0.280 |     0.253 |    0.110       4.5     0.18 |     785 |     0.199 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLKs2PiPiMuNuLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStrangeSLL02PMuNuLine                     |     0.330 |     0.242 |    0.019       4.7     0.20 |    1000 |     0.242 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStrangeSLL02PMuNuLine                     |     0.110 |     0.217 |    0.019       3.0     0.14 |    1000 |     0.217 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLL02PMuNuLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLL02PMuNuLineFilterSequence      |     0.240 |     0.182 |    0.002       4.6     0.19 |    1000 |     0.182 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrangeSLL02PMuNuLine                            |     0.157 |     0.148 |    0.079       4.5     0.16 |     762 |     0.113 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLL02PMuNuLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStrangeSLXi2L0MuNuLine                    |     0.370 |     0.428 |    0.020       1.6     0.20 |    1000 |     0.429 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLL02PMuNuLineFilterSequence      |     0.100 |     0.164 |    0.001       3.0     0.14 |    1000 |     0.165 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrangeSLL02PMuNuLine                            |     0.078 |     0.133 |    0.069       2.9     0.11 |     762 |     0.101 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLL02PMuNuLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStrangeSLXi2L0MuNuLine                    |     0.350 |     0.385 |    0.019       1.2     0.16 |    1000 |     0.386 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLXi2L0MuNuLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLXi2L0MuNuLineFilterSequence     |     0.270 |     0.342 |    0.002       1.6     0.17 |    1000 |     0.343 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            L02PPi_sel                                       |     0.247 |     0.278 |    0.109       1.5     0.12 |     928 |     0.259 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrangeSLXi2L0MuNuLine                           |     0.000 |     0.139 |    0.117       0.2     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLXi2L0MuNuLineFilterSequence     |     0.310 |     0.309 |    0.001       1.1     0.14 |    1000 |     0.310 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            L02PPi_sel                                       |     0.258 |     0.249 |    0.106       1.0     0.09 |     928 |     0.231 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrangeSLXi2L0MuNuLine                           |     0.000 |     0.208 |    0.124       0.3     0.12 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLXi2L0MuNuLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStrangeSLXi02SigmamunuLine                |     0.120 |     0.085 |    0.020       0.4     0.05 |    1000 |     0.085 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLXi02SigmamunuLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLXi02SigmamunuLineFilterSequence |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.4     0.01 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrangeSLXi02SigmamunuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.161 |    0.115       0.2     0.07 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStrangeSLXi02SigmamunuLine                |     0.050 |     0.076 |    0.019       0.4     0.04 |    1000 |     0.076 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLXi02SigmamunuLinePreScaler      |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLXi02SigmamunuLineFilterSequence |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.4     0.01 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrangeSLXi02SigmamunuLine                       |     0.000 |     0.130 |    0.084       0.2     0.07 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLXi02SigmamunuLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStrangeSLOmega2XiStarmunuLine             |     0.070 |     0.086 |    0.022       1.8     0.08 |    1000 |     0.087 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStrangeSLOmega2XiStarmunuLine             |     0.080 |     0.078 |    0.020       2.1     0.08 |    1000 |     0.078 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLOmega2XiStarmunuLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLOmega2XiStarmunuLineFilterSequen|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.002       1.7     0.06 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xi2LambdaPi_sel                                  |     0.000 |     0.788 |    0.298       1.6     0.72 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLOmega2XiStarmunuLineFilterSequen|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.002       2.0     0.07 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xi2LambdaPi_sel                                  |     0.000 |     0.900 |    0.367       1.9     0.89 |       3 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiStar2XiPi_sel                                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrangeSLOmega2XiStarmunuLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLOmega2XiStarmunuLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStrangeSLXi02Lambdapi0Line                |     0.080 |     0.085 |    0.022       0.9     0.06 |    1000 |     0.085 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLXi02Lambdapi0LinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLXi02Lambdapi0LineFilterSequence |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.8     0.04 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrangeSLXi02Lambdapi0Line                       |     0.000 |     0.406 |    0.286       0.6     0.19 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStrangeSLXi02Lambdapi0Line                |     0.120 |     0.075 |    0.018       0.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.076 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLXi02Lambdapi0LinePreScaler      |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLXi02Lambdapi0LineFilterSequence |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.001       0.7     0.04 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrangeSLXi02Lambdapi0Line                       |     0.000 |     0.372 |    0.233       0.6     0.22 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLXi02Lambdapi0LinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStrangeSLXi2LambdaPiLine                  |     0.110 |     0.078 |    0.020       0.4     0.05 |    1000 |     0.079 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStrangeSLXi2LambdaPiLine                  |     0.040 |     0.071 |    0.018       0.9     0.05 |    1000 |     0.071 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLXi2LambdaPiLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLXi2LambdaPiLineFilterSequence   |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLXi2LambdaPiLineFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrangeSLXi2LambdaPiLine                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLXi2LambdaPiLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStrangeSLOmega2Xi0PiLine                  |     0.060 |     0.083 |    0.021       2.9     0.11 |    1000 |     0.084 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLOmega2Xi0PiLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLOmega2Xi0PiLineFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.001       2.8     0.09 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xi02Lambdapi0_sel                                |     0.000 |     0.364 |    0.177       0.7     0.26 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrangeSLOmega2Xi0PiLine                         |     0.000 |     1.962 |    1.962       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStrangeSLOmega2Xi0PiLine                  |     0.110 |     0.082 |    0.018       6.1     0.23 |    1000 |     0.083 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLOmega2Xi0PiLinePreScaler        |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLOmega2Xi0PiLineFilterSequence   |     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.001       6.0     0.19 |    1000 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xi02Lambdapi0_sel                                |     0.000 |     0.357 |    0.157       0.6     0.23 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrangeSLOmega2Xi0PiLine                         |    10.000 |     5.169 |    5.169       5.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStrangeSLOmega2Xi0PiLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVExoticaPromptLine                      |     0.750 |     0.715 |    0.026     131.3     6.74 |    1000 |     0.716 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVExoticaPromptLine                      |     0.600 |     0.662 |    0.024     129.1     6.41 |    1000 |     0.663 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVExoticaPromptLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVExoticaPromptLineFilterSequence       |     0.650 |     0.648 |    0.003     131.2     6.73 |    1000 |     0.648 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVExoticaPromptLine                             |     0.144 |     0.141 |    0.080       1.1     0.07 |     760 |     0.107 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVExoticaPromptLine                |    73.333 |    74.389 |   27.728     128.2    44.48 |       6 |     0.446 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVExoticaPromptLine                |     3.333 |     0.536 |    0.357       0.7     0.14 |       6 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVExoticaPromptLine                |     0.000 |     0.404 |    0.257       0.6     0.13 |       6 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVExoticaPromptLine                |     0.000 |     0.442 |    0.184       0.8     0.21 |       6 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVExoticaPromptLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVExoticaSameSignPromptLine              |     0.320 |     0.288 |    0.019      71.9     2.81 |    1000 |     0.288 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVExoticaSameSignPromptLinePreScaler    |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVExoticaSameSignPromptLineFilterSequenc|     0.544 |     0.424 |    0.002      71.7     3.98 |     496 |     0.211 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVExoticaSameSignPromptLine                     |     0.185 |     0.130 |    0.072       1.6     0.09 |     378 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVExoticaSameSignPromptLine        |    55.000 |    57.821 |   49.814      65.8    11.32 |       2 |     0.116 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVExoticaSameSignPromptLine        |     5.000 |     1.048 |    0.614       1.5     0.61 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVExoticaSameSignPromptLine        |     0.000 |     0.835 |    0.548       1.1     0.41 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVExoticaSameSignPromptLine        |     0.000 |     0.849 |    0.372       1.3     0.67 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVExoticaSameSignPromptLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVExoticaDetachedLine                    |     0.310 |     0.354 |    0.023      55.4     2.15 |    1000 |     0.354 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVExoticaPromptLineFilterSequence       |     0.560 |     0.604 |    0.003     129.0     6.40 |    1000 |     0.605 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVExoticaPromptLine                             |     0.105 |     0.124 |    0.069       0.7     0.05 |     760 |     0.095 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVExoticaPromptLine                |    70.000 |    70.580 |   25.947     126.8    43.00 |       6 |     0.423 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVExoticaPromptLine                |     0.000 |     0.508 |    0.305       0.7     0.17 |       6 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVExoticaPromptLine                |     0.000 |     0.398 |    0.229       0.6     0.16 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVExoticaPromptLine                |     0.000 |     0.372 |    0.135       0.7     0.19 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVExoticaPromptLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVExoticaSameSignPromptLine              |     0.200 |     0.236 |    0.018      49.3     2.00 |    1000 |     0.236 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVExoticaSameSignPromptLinePreScaler    |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVExoticaSameSignPromptLineFilterSequenc|     0.302 |     0.337 |    0.002      49.2     2.83 |     496 |     0.168 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVExoticaSameSignPromptLine                     |     0.105 |     0.116 |    0.063       1.2     0.07 |     378 |     0.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVExoticaSameSignPromptLine        |    45.000 |    41.782 |   37.777      45.8     5.66 |       2 |     0.084 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVExoticaSameSignPromptLine        |     0.000 |     0.570 |    0.507       0.6     0.09 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVExoticaSameSignPromptLine        |     0.000 |     0.496 |    0.381       0.6     0.16 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVExoticaSameSignPromptLine        |     0.000 |     0.500 |    0.289       0.7     0.30 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVExoticaSameSignPromptLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVExoticaDetachedLine                    |     0.300 |     0.326 |    0.021      56.7     2.11 |    1000 |     0.326 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVExoticaDetachedLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVExoticaDetachedLineFilterSequence     |     0.260 |     0.288 |    0.002      55.3     2.14 |    1000 |     0.288 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVExoticaDetachedLine                           |     0.118 |     0.153 |    0.072       1.5     0.07 |     760 |     0.117 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVExoticaDetachedLine              |    45.000 |    45.566 |   37.339      53.8    11.63 |       2 |     0.091 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVExoticaDetachedLine              |     0.000 |     0.278 |    0.212       0.3     0.09 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVExoticaDetachedLine              |     0.000 |     0.187 |    0.132       0.2     0.08 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVExoticaDetachedLine              |     0.000 |     0.136 |    0.042       0.2     0.13 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVExoticaDetachedLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVExoticaSameSignDetachedLine            |     0.290 |     0.253 |    0.024       1.7     0.16 |    1000 |     0.254 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVExoticaSameSignDetachedLinePreScaler  |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVExoticaSameSignDetachedLineFilterSeque|     0.220 |     0.187 |    0.002       1.6     0.15 |    1000 |     0.187 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVExoticaSameSignDetachedLine                   |     0.171 |     0.145 |    0.069       1.5     0.07 |     760 |     0.111 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVExoticaDetachedLineFilterSequence     |     0.230 |     0.269 |    0.002      56.6     2.11 |    1000 |     0.269 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVExoticaDetachedLine                           |     0.118 |     0.139 |    0.066       1.1     0.05 |     760 |     0.106 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVExoticaDetachedLine              |    45.000 |    44.526 |   33.845      55.2    15.11 |       2 |     0.089 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVExoticaDetachedLine              |     0.000 |     0.208 |    0.152       0.3     0.08 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVExoticaDetachedLine              |     0.000 |     0.236 |    0.180       0.3     0.08 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVExoticaDetachedLine              |     0.000 |     0.128 |    0.060       0.2     0.10 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVExoticaDetachedLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLFVExoticaSameSignDetachedLine            |     0.220 |     0.229 |    0.021       1.3     0.13 |    1000 |     0.229 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVExoticaSameSignDetachedLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVExoticaSameSignDetachedLineFilterSeque|     0.170 |     0.171 |    0.002       1.2     0.12 |    1000 |     0.171 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LFVExoticaSameSignDetachedLine                   |     0.131 |     0.132 |    0.063       1.1     0.05 |     760 |     0.101 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_LFVExoticaSameSignDetachedLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_LFVExoticaSameSignDetachedLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_LFVExoticaSameSignDetachedLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_LFVExoticaSameSignDetachedLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLFVExoticaSameSignDetachedLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLine                 |     0.190 |     0.228 |    0.021       2.1     0.14 |    1000 |     0.229 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLineFilterSequence  |     0.110 |     0.166 |    0.002       2.0     0.13 |    1000 |     0.166 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLine                        |     0.078 |     0.127 |    0.066       1.9     0.08 |     762 |     0.097 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLine                 |     0.210 |     0.205 |    0.020       1.3     0.11 |    1000 |     0.206 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLineFilterSequence  |     0.150 |     0.150 |    0.002       1.3     0.10 |    1000 |     0.150 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLine                        |     0.144 |     0.112 |    0.059       1.2     0.05 |     762 |     0.086 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPEELine                   |     0.270 |     0.270 |    0.021       7.3     0.26 |    1000 |     0.271 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPEELine                   |     0.290 |     0.239 |    0.019       2.0     0.12 |    1000 |     0.240 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPEELinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPEELineFilterSequence    |     0.220 |     0.211 |    0.002       7.2     0.25 |    1000 |     0.211 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeSigmaPEELine                          |     0.110 |     0.135 |    0.057       7.1     0.24 |     901 |     0.122 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPEELineFilterSequence    |     0.230 |     0.187 |    0.002       1.9     0.11 |    1000 |     0.188 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeSigmaPEELine                          |     0.155 |     0.116 |    0.056       1.8     0.07 |     901 |     0.105 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeSigmaPEELine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeSigmaPEELine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeSigmaPEELine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPEELinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPEEDetLine                |     0.750 |     0.814 |    0.021      18.3     1.32 |    1000 |     0.815 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPEEDetLine                |     0.660 |     0.680 |    0.019      10.4     0.98 |    1000 |     0.681 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPEEDetLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPEEDetLineFilterSequence |     0.670 |     0.732 |    0.002      18.0     1.24 |    1000 |     0.732 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeDiElectronDetached                    |     0.338 |     0.371 |    0.014       5.2     0.48 |     974 |     0.362 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeSigmaPEEDetLine                       |     0.335 |     0.149 |    0.085       1.0     0.10 |     328 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeSigmaPEEDetLine          |     0.000 |     0.969 |    0.790       1.1     0.25 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeSigmaPEEDetLine          |     0.000 |     0.831 |    0.618       1.0     0.30 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeSigmaPEEDetLine          |     0.000 |     0.784 |    0.659       0.9     0.18 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPEEDetLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPEMuLine                  |     0.330 |     0.316 |    0.022       4.9     0.29 |    1000 |     0.316 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPEEDetLineFilterSequence |     0.590 |     0.613 |    0.002      10.4     0.98 |    1000 |     0.614 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeDiElectronDetached                    |     0.277 |     0.290 |    0.015       4.9     0.41 |     974 |     0.283 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeSigmaPEEDetLine                       |     0.091 |     0.131 |    0.076       0.8     0.07 |     328 |     0.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeSigmaPEEDetLine          |     0.000 |     0.923 |    0.763       1.1     0.23 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeSigmaPEEDetLine          |     5.000 |     0.805 |    0.682       0.9     0.17 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeSigmaPEEDetLine          |     0.000 |     0.871 |    0.785       1.0     0.12 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPEEDetLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPEMuLine                  |     0.320 |     0.281 |    0.019       4.9     0.22 |    1000 |     0.281 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPEMuLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPEMuLineFilterSequence   |     0.270 |     0.245 |    0.002       4.8     0.24 |    1000 |     0.245 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeSigmaPEMuLine                         |     0.215 |     0.214 |    0.120       2.0     0.12 |     742 |     0.159 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeSigmaPEMuLine            |     0.000 |     0.987 |    0.987       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeSigmaPEMuLine            |     0.000 |     0.881 |    0.881       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeSigmaPEMuLine            |     0.000 |     0.822 |    0.822       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPEMuLineFilterSequence   |     0.280 |     0.223 |    0.002       4.8     0.22 |    1000 |     0.223 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeSigmaPEMuLine                         |     0.229 |     0.195 |    0.105       2.0     0.11 |     742 |     0.145 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeSigmaPEMuLine            |     0.000 |     0.984 |    0.984       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeSigmaPEMuLine            |     0.000 |     0.937 |    0.937       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeSigmaPEMuLine            |     0.000 |     0.908 |    0.908       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPEMuLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuDetLine              |     0.250 |     0.239 |    0.021       3.1     0.19 |    1000 |     0.239 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuDetLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuDetLineFilterSequenc|     0.170 |     0.154 |    0.002       2.9     0.16 |    1000 |     0.155 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeDiMuonDetached                        |     0.127 |     0.094 |    0.043       1.3     0.05 |     785 |     0.074 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeSigmaPMuMuDetLine                     |     0.000 |     0.153 |    0.085       1.3     0.21 |      33 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuDetLine              |     0.210 |     0.212 |    0.019       1.5     0.14 |    1000 |     0.212 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuDetLinePreScaler    |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuDetLineFilterSequenc|     0.160 |     0.139 |    0.001       1.5     0.13 |    1000 |     0.139 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeDiMuonDetached                        |     0.063 |     0.084 |    0.039       0.6     0.04 |     785 |     0.066 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeSigmaPMuMuDetLine                     |     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.081       0.6     0.10 |      33 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeSigmaPMuMuDetLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeSigmaPMuMuDetLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeSigmaPMuMuDetLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuDetLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPPi0Line                  |     5.330 |     5.429 |    0.021     119.9    10.50 |    1000 |     5.430 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPPi0LinePreScaler        |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPPi0LineFilterSequence   |     5.190 |     5.340 |    0.001     119.8    10.48 |    1000 |     5.340 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Pi0ForRareStrangeSigmaPPi0                |     5.256 |     5.435 |    0.142     119.4    10.54 |     974 |     5.294 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Pi0ForRareStrangeSigmaPPi0         |     5.174 |     5.363 |    0.137     118.0    10.39 |     974 |     5.224 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Phys_StdLooseDalitzPi0_Particles         |     5.154 |     5.356 |    0.132     118.0    10.38 |     974 |     5.217 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_StdLooseDalitzPi0_Particles     |     5.154 |     5.347 |    0.126     117.9    10.38 |     974 |     5.208 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Pi0ForRareStrangeSigmaPPi0                      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     175 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeSigmaPPi0Line                         |     0.172 |     0.108 |    0.059       1.4     0.12 |     174 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPPi0Line                  |     5.000 |     4.966 |    0.019      94.0     9.06 |    1000 |     4.967 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPPi0LinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPPi0LineFilterSequence   |     4.950 |     4.891 |    0.001      94.0     9.04 |    1000 |     4.891 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Pi0ForRareStrangeSigmaPPi0                |     5.051 |     4.982 |    0.115      93.7     9.09 |     974 |     4.853 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Pi0ForRareStrangeSigmaPPi0         |     5.020 |     4.916 |    0.110      92.0     8.95 |     974 |     4.789 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Phys_StdLooseDalitzPi0_Particles         |     5.020 |     4.910 |    0.105      92.0     8.95 |     974 |     4.783 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_StdLooseDalitzPi0_Particles     |     5.020 |     4.903 |    0.100      92.0     8.95 |     974 |     4.776 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Pi0ForRareStrangeSigmaPPi0                      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     175 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeSigmaPPi0Line                         |     0.057 |     0.087 |    0.056       1.1     0.08 |     174 |     0.015 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeSigmaPPi0Line            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeSigmaPPi0Line            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeSigmaPPi0Line            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPPi0LinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPPi0CalLine               |     0.480 |     0.497 |    0.022       4.6     0.33 |    1000 |     0.498 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPPi0CalLine               |     0.480 |     0.429 |    0.018       3.1     0.24 |    1000 |     0.430 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPPi0CalLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPPi0CalLineFilterSequence|     0.450 |     0.432 |    0.002       4.5     0.32 |    1000 |     0.432 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Pi0ForRareStrangeSigmaPPi0Cal             |     0.184 |     0.239 |    0.009       4.0     0.19 |     974 |     0.234 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Pi0ForRareStrangeSigmaPPi0Cal      |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Pi0ForRareStrangeSigmaPPi0Cal                   |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     958 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeSigmaPPi0CalLine                      |     0.130 |     0.099 |    0.057       1.1     0.06 |     920 |     0.091 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeSigmaPPi0CalLine         |     0.000 |     0.431 |    0.382       0.5     0.06 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeSigmaPPi0CalLine         |     3.333 |     0.422 |    0.347       0.5     0.08 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeSigmaPPi0CalLine         |     0.000 |     0.367 |    0.338       0.4     0.05 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPPi0CalLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPEEDownLine               |     1.410 |     1.302 |    0.022      30.0     1.66 |    1000 |     1.302 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPEEDownLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPEEDownLineFilterSequence|     1.380 |     1.232 |    0.002      29.9     1.65 |    1000 |     1.233 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdNoPIDsDownProtons_Particles     |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     974 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeSigmaPEEDownLine                      |     0.248 |     0.212 |    0.064       2.3     0.16 |     966 |     0.205 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            For%sMakeVeloTracksGSRareStrangeSigmaPEEDown     |    13.333 |    14.510 |    8.298      24.3     8.61 |       3 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeSigmaPEEDownFastVelo              |     3.333 |     3.984 |    2.269       6.8     2.46 |       3 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeSigmaPEEDownInitSeedFit           |     0.000 |     0.381 |    0.221       0.6     0.23 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeSigmaPEEDownCopyVelo              |     0.000 |     0.155 |    0.101       0.2     0.07 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeSigmaPEEDownVeloRefitterAlg       |    10.000 |     9.934 |    5.653      16.6     5.85 |       3 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeSigmaPEEDownLine         |     0.000 |     0.640 |    0.487       0.9     0.22 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeSigmaPEEDownLine         |     0.000 |     0.486 |    0.378       0.7     0.17 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeSigmaPEEDownLine         |     0.000 |     0.494 |    0.358       0.7     0.18 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_RareStrangeSigmaPEEDownLine         |     3.333 |     0.125 |    0.112       0.2     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPEEDownLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLFVLine              |     0.250 |     0.237 |    0.022       1.8     0.14 |    1000 |     0.238 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLFVLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLFVLineFilterSequenc|     0.180 |     0.170 |    0.002       1.7     0.13 |    1000 |     0.171 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLFVLine                     |     0.144 |     0.132 |    0.062       1.7     0.08 |     762 |     0.101 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPPi0CalLineFilterSequence|     0.410 |     0.371 |    0.002       3.1     0.23 |    1000 |     0.372 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Pi0ForRareStrangeSigmaPPi0Cal             |     0.225 |     0.204 |    0.007       0.9     0.12 |     974 |     0.199 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Pi0ForRareStrangeSigmaPPi0Cal      |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Pi0ForRareStrangeSigmaPPi0Cal                   |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     958 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeSigmaPPi0CalLine                      |     0.119 |     0.085 |    0.053       0.6     0.04 |     920 |     0.079 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeSigmaPPi0CalLine         |     0.000 |     0.500 |    0.389       0.7     0.16 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeSigmaPPi0CalLine         |     0.000 |     0.441 |    0.362       0.5     0.10 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeSigmaPPi0CalLine         |     0.000 |     0.398 |    0.352       0.5     0.05 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPPi0CalLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPEEDownLine               |     1.140 |     1.188 |    0.020      29.3     1.52 |    1000 |     1.188 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPEEDownLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPEEDownLineFilterSequence|     1.100 |     1.130 |    0.001      29.2     1.51 |    1000 |     1.130 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdNoPIDsDownProtons_Particles     |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.003       3.9     0.13 |     974 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeSigmaPEEDownLine                      |     0.155 |     0.187 |    0.059       2.3     0.14 |     966 |     0.181 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            For%sMakeVeloTracksGSRareStrangeSigmaPEEDown     |    16.666 |    13.985 |    8.136      23.5     8.35 |       3 |     0.042 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeSigmaPEEDownFastVelo              |     6.666 |     3.972 |    2.399       6.8     2.46 |       3 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeSigmaPEEDownInitSeedFit           |     0.000 |     0.381 |    0.214       0.7     0.24 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeSigmaPEEDownCopyVelo              |     0.000 |     0.157 |    0.110       0.2     0.08 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeSigmaPEEDownVeloRefitterAlg       |    10.000 |     9.427 |    5.357      15.8     5.58 |       3 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeSigmaPEEDownLine         |     0.000 |     0.636 |    0.475       0.9     0.25 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeSigmaPEEDownLine         |     0.000 |     0.486 |    0.375       0.7     0.18 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeSigmaPEEDownLine         |     3.333 |     0.525 |    0.426       0.7     0.17 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_RareStrangeSigmaPEEDownLine         |     0.000 |     0.127 |    0.115       0.1     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPEEDownLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLFVLine              |     0.180 |     0.214 |    0.019       5.4     0.20 |    1000 |     0.215 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLFVLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLFVLineFilterSequenc|     0.140 |     0.156 |    0.001       5.3     0.19 |    1000 |     0.157 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLFVLine                     |     0.065 |     0.114 |    0.052       0.7     0.04 |     762 |     0.088 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLFVLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLFVLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLFVLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLFVLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLFVDownLine          |     0.060 |     0.096 |    0.018       1.7     0.09 |    1000 |     0.097 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLFVDownLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLFVDownLineFilterSeq|     0.082 |     0.107 |    0.002       1.7     0.20 |     121 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLFVDownLine                 |     0.243 |     0.161 |    0.079       1.6     0.23 |      41 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLFVDownLine          |     0.060 |     0.091 |    0.015       4.4     0.16 |    1000 |     0.091 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLFVDownLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLFVDownLineFilterSeq|     0.082 |     0.102 |    0.003       1.9     0.21 |     121 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLFVDownLine                 |     0.000 |     0.157 |    0.062       1.8     0.26 |      41 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            For%sMakeVeloTracksGSRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLFVDown|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLFVDownFastVelo         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLFVDownInitSeedFit      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -147184,10 +147444,10 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeSigmaPM
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLFVDownLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_RareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLFVDownLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuLFVDownLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuDownLine             |     0.160 |     0.164 |    0.023       1.5     0.14 |    1000 |     0.165 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuDownLine             |     0.140 |     0.147 |    0.020       1.4     0.13 |    1000 |     0.148 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuDownLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuDownLineFilterSequen|     0.090 |     0.090 |    0.002       1.5     0.13 |    1000 |     0.090 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeSigmaPMuMuDownLine                    |     0.137 |     0.124 |    0.061       1.4     0.09 |     363 |     0.045 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuDownLineFilterSequen|     0.090 |     0.082 |    0.002       1.3     0.12 |    1000 |     0.083 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeSigmaPMuMuDownLine                    |     0.137 |     0.114 |    0.061       1.2     0.08 |     363 |     0.041 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            For%sMakeVeloTracksGSRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuDown   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuDownFastVelo            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuDownInitSeedFit         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -147198,48 +147458,48 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeSigmaPM
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeSigmaPMuMuDownLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_RareStrangeSigmaPMuMuDownLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaPMuMuDownLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuLine                |     0.310 |     0.226 |    0.021      10.4     0.46 |    1000 |     0.227 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuLinePreScaler      |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuLineFilterSequence |     0.210 |     0.164 |    0.001      10.3     0.45 |    1000 |     0.165 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuLine                       |     0.101 |     0.094 |    0.040       1.1     0.06 |     785 |     0.074 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuLine          |     0.000 |     2.591 |    2.090       3.1     0.71 |       2 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuLine          |     5.000 |     2.354 |    1.849       2.9     0.71 |       2 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuLine          |     5.000 |     2.371 |    1.843       2.9     0.75 |       2 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuLine                |     0.190 |     0.200 |    0.020      12.1     0.43 |    1000 |     0.200 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuLineFilterSequence |     0.140 |     0.145 |    0.001      12.0     0.43 |    1000 |     0.146 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuLine                       |     0.063 |     0.084 |    0.036       0.9     0.05 |     785 |     0.066 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuLine          |     5.000 |     3.052 |    1.957       4.1     1.55 |       2 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuLine          |     0.000 |     2.535 |    1.791       3.3     1.05 |       2 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuLine          |    10.000 |     2.366 |    1.790       2.9     0.81 |       2 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuDownLine            |     0.260 |     0.174 |    0.023      22.0     0.71 |    1000 |     0.174 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuDownLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuDownLineFilterSeque|     0.100 |     0.092 |    0.002      21.9     0.70 |    1000 |     0.093 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuDownLine                   |     0.082 |     0.084 |    0.041       0.7     0.05 |     363 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            For%sMakeVeloTracksGSRareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuDown  |    20.000 |    18.790 |   18.790      18.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuDownFastVelo           |     0.000 |     4.248 |    4.248       4.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuDownInitSeedFit        |     0.000 |     0.450 |    0.450       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuDownCopyVelo           |     0.000 |     0.163 |    0.163       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuDownVeloRefitterAlg    |    20.000 |    13.867 |   13.867      13.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuDownLine      |     0.000 |     0.862 |    0.862       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuDownLine      |     0.000 |     0.644 |    0.644       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuDownLine      |     0.000 |     0.643 |    0.643       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_RareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuDownLine      |     0.000 |     0.174 |    0.174       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuDownLine            |     0.160 |     0.151 |    0.020      21.9     0.70 |    1000 |     0.151 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuDownLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuDownLineFilterSeque|     0.110 |     0.084 |    0.002      21.9     0.69 |    1000 |     0.085 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuDownLine                   |     0.082 |     0.074 |    0.036       0.6     0.03 |     363 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            For%sMakeVeloTracksGSRareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuDown  |    10.000 |    18.919 |   18.919      18.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuDownFastVelo           |     0.000 |     4.250 |    4.250       4.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuDownInitSeedFit        |     0.000 |     0.413 |    0.413       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuDownCopyVelo           |     0.000 |     0.146 |    0.146       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuDownVeloRefitterAlg    |    10.000 |    14.054 |   14.054      14.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuDownLine      |     0.000 |     0.798 |    0.798       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuDownLine      |     0.000 |     0.647 |    0.647       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuDownLine      |     0.000 |     0.637 |    0.637       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_RareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuDownLine      |     0.000 |     0.135 |    0.135       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeSigmaMuMuMuDownLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeKPiMuMuLine                    |     0.410 |     0.399 |    0.022       2.3     0.28 |    1000 |     0.400 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeKPiMuMuLine                    |     0.390 |     0.342 |    0.020       1.6     0.21 |    1000 |     0.343 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiMuMuLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiMuMuLineFilterSequence     |     0.360 |     0.333 |    0.002       1.7     0.26 |    1000 |     0.334 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeKPiMuMuLine                           |     0.356 |     0.326 |    0.109       1.6     0.19 |     785 |     0.256 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeKPiMuMuLine              |     0.000 |     0.364 |    0.364       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeKPiMuMuLine              |     0.000 |     0.322 |    0.322       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeKPiMuMuLine              |     0.000 |     0.313 |    0.313       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiMuMuLineFilterSequence     |     0.350 |     0.285 |    0.002       1.5     0.21 |    1000 |     0.286 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeKPiMuMuLine                           |     0.292 |     0.273 |    0.090       1.1     0.14 |     785 |     0.214 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeKPiMuMuLine              |     0.000 |     0.390 |    0.390       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeKPiMuMuLine              |     0.000 |     0.345 |    0.345       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeKPiMuMuLine              |     0.000 |     0.274 |    0.274       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiMuMuLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeKPiMuMuLFVLine                 |     0.340 |     0.358 |    0.022       1.8     0.23 |    1000 |     0.358 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiMuMuLFVLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiMuMuLFVLineFilterSequence  |     0.310 |     0.293 |    0.002       1.7     0.22 |    1000 |     0.294 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeKPiMuMuLFVLine                        |     0.305 |     0.282 |    0.091       1.6     0.15 |     785 |     0.222 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeKPiMuMuLFVLine                 |     0.280 |     0.325 |    0.020       1.4     0.19 |    1000 |     0.326 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiMuMuLFVLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiMuMuLFVLineFilterSequence  |     0.260 |     0.268 |    0.001       1.3     0.19 |    1000 |     0.269 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeKPiMuMuLFVLine                        |     0.203 |     0.256 |    0.081       1.1     0.12 |     785 |     0.201 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeKPiMuMuLFVLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeKPiMuMuLFVLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeKPiMuMuLFVLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiMuMuLFVLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeKPiMuMuLFVDownLine             |     0.170 |     0.199 |    0.022       1.2     0.18 |    1000 |     0.199 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiMuMuLFVDownLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiMuMuLFVDownLineFilterSequen|     0.140 |     0.120 |    0.002       1.0     0.17 |    1000 |     0.121 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeKPiMuMuLFVDownLine                    |     0.220 |     0.212 |    0.101       0.9     0.09 |     363 |     0.077 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeKPiMuMuLFVDownLine             |     0.200 |     0.182 |    0.020       3.8     0.19 |    1000 |     0.182 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiMuMuLFVDownLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiMuMuLFVDownLineFilterSequen|     0.130 |     0.113 |    0.001       3.7     0.19 |    1000 |     0.113 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeKPiMuMuLFVDownLine                    |     0.247 |     0.190 |    0.089       0.9     0.08 |     363 |     0.069 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            For%sMakeVeloTracksGSRareStrangeKPiMuMuLFVDown   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiMuMuLFVDownFastVelo            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiMuMuLFVDownInitSeedFit         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -147250,40 +147510,40 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeKPiMuMu
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeKPiMuMuLFVDownLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_RareStrangeKPiMuMuLFVDownLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiMuMuLFVDownLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeKPiEELine                      |     0.420 |     0.486 |    0.022       6.2     0.37 |    1000 |     0.486 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeKPiEELine                      |     0.430 |     0.428 |    0.020       3.2     0.25 |    1000 |     0.428 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEELinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEELineFilterSequence       |     0.390 |     0.416 |    0.001       6.1     0.32 |    1000 |     0.417 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeKPiEELine                             |     0.299 |     0.326 |    0.116       5.8     0.26 |     934 |     0.305 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeKPiEELine                |     0.000 |     0.671 |    0.551       0.9     0.19 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeKPiEELine                |     3.333 |     0.591 |    0.459       0.8     0.19 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeKPiEELine                |     0.000 |     0.552 |    0.454       0.7     0.17 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEELineFilterSequence       |     0.380 |     0.370 |    0.002       3.2     0.24 |    1000 |     0.371 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeKPiEELine                             |     0.299 |     0.286 |    0.099       3.1     0.18 |     934 |     0.268 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeKPiEELine                |     3.333 |     0.598 |    0.505       0.7     0.11 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeKPiEELine                |     0.000 |     0.595 |    0.476       0.8     0.16 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeKPiEELine                |     0.000 |     0.549 |    0.405       0.7     0.18 |       3 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEELinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeKPiEEDownLine                  |     0.460 |     0.544 |    0.022      23.8     1.19 |    1000 |     0.544 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeKPiEEDownLine                  |     0.430 |     0.499 |    0.020      21.9     1.13 |    1000 |     0.499 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEEDownLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEEDownLineFilterSequence   |     0.370 |     0.478 |    0.002      23.7     1.19 |    1000 |     0.478 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeKPiEEDownLine                         |     0.258 |     0.318 |    0.086       6.1     0.33 |     966 |     0.308 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            For%sMakeVeloTracksGSRareStrangeKPiEEDown        |    20.000 |    17.031 |   14.626      18.6     2.11 |       3 |     0.051 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiEEDownFastVelo                 |     0.000 |     4.671 |    3.394       6.1     1.35 |       3 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiEEDownInitSeedFit              |     3.333 |     0.426 |    0.317       0.5     0.10 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiEEDownCopyVelo                 |     3.333 |     0.132 |    0.127       0.1     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiEEDownVeloRefitterAlg          |    13.333 |    11.753 |   10.745      13.3     1.38 |       3 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeKPiEEDownLine            |     0.000 |     0.804 |    0.663       1.1     0.22 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeKPiEEDownLine            |     0.000 |     0.646 |    0.513       0.9     0.21 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeKPiEEDownLine            |     0.000 |     0.618 |    0.469       0.9     0.22 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_RareStrangeKPiEEDownLine            |     0.000 |     0.387 |    0.139       0.9     0.42 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEEDownLineFilterSequence   |     0.360 |     0.442 |    0.002      21.8     1.12 |    1000 |     0.443 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeKPiEEDownLine                         |     0.238 |     0.295 |    0.065       6.0     0.35 |     966 |     0.286 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            For%sMakeVeloTracksGSRareStrangeKPiEEDown        |    16.666 |    15.883 |   12.179      18.6     3.32 |       3 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiEEDownFastVelo                 |     6.666 |     4.486 |    3.127       5.9     1.41 |       3 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiEEDownInitSeedFit              |     0.000 |     0.407 |    0.321       0.5     0.08 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiEEDownCopyVelo                 |     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.104       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiEEDownVeloRefitterAlg          |    10.000 |    10.826 |    8.555      13.5     2.53 |       3 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeKPiEEDownLine            |     0.000 |     0.723 |    0.661       0.8     0.09 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeKPiEEDownLine            |     0.000 |     0.660 |    0.608       0.8     0.08 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeKPiEEDownLine            |     0.000 |     0.608 |    0.513       0.8     0.16 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_RareStrangeKPiEEDownLine            |     0.000 |     0.295 |    0.132       0.6     0.26 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEEDownLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeKPiEELFVLine                   |     0.440 |     0.460 |    0.021       4.3     0.29 |    1000 |     0.461 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeKPiEELFVLine                   |     0.380 |     0.419 |    0.021       4.4     0.26 |    1000 |     0.420 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEELFVLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEELFVLineFilterSequence    |     0.410 |     0.395 |    0.002       4.1     0.27 |    1000 |     0.395 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeKPiEELFVLine                          |     0.331 |     0.309 |    0.099       3.8     0.20 |     934 |     0.289 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeKPiEELFVLine             |     0.000 |     1.014 |    1.014       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeKPiEELFVLine             |     0.000 |     0.838 |    0.838       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeKPiEELFVLine             |     0.000 |     0.765 |    0.765       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEELFVLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeKPiEELFVDownLine               |     0.370 |     0.417 |    0.022       3.2     0.24 |    1000 |     0.418 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEELFVLineFilterSequence    |     0.320 |     0.360 |    0.001       4.3     0.25 |    1000 |     0.360 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeKPiEELFVLine                          |     0.224 |     0.276 |    0.095       1.8     0.15 |     934 |     0.258 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeKPiEELFVLine             |     0.000 |     0.848 |    0.848       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeKPiEELFVLine             |     0.000 |     0.798 |    0.798       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeKPiEELFVLine             |     0.000 |     0.748 |    0.748       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEELFVLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeKPiEELFVDownLine               |     0.430 |     0.382 |    0.021       3.3     0.21 |    1000 |     0.382 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEELFVDownLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEELFVDownLineFilterSequence|     0.350 |     0.352 |    0.002       3.1     0.22 |    1000 |     0.352 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeKPiEELFVDownLine                      |     0.207 |     0.251 |    0.073       3.0     0.19 |     966 |     0.243 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEELFVDownLineFilterSequence|     0.380 |     0.324 |    0.002       3.3     0.20 |    1000 |     0.325 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeKPiEELFVDownLine                      |     0.310 |     0.231 |    0.063       3.2     0.18 |     966 |     0.224 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            For%sMakeVeloTracksGSRareStrangeKPiEELFVDown     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiEELFVDownFastVelo              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiEELFVDownInitSeedFit           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -147294,40 +147554,40 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeKPiEELF
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeKPiEELFVDownLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_RareStrangeKPiEELFVDownLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEELFVDownLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVLine                  |     0.390 |     0.435 |    0.022       3.4     0.30 |    1000 |     0.436 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVLineFilterSequence   |     0.320 |     0.366 |    0.002       3.3     0.30 |    1000 |     0.366 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeKPiEMuLFVLine                         |     0.263 |     0.362 |    0.136       3.1     0.21 |     760 |     0.275 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeKPiEMuLFVLine            |     0.000 |     0.571 |    0.571       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeKPiEMuLFVLine            |     0.000 |     0.392 |    0.392       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVLine                  |     0.330 |     0.395 |    0.020       2.2     0.26 |    1000 |     0.395 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVLinePreScaler        |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVLineFilterSequence   |     0.310 |     0.333 |    0.002       2.1     0.25 |    1000 |     0.334 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeKPiEMuLFVLine                         |     0.328 |     0.329 |    0.124       1.9     0.17 |     760 |     0.250 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeKPiEMuLFVLine            |     0.000 |     0.480 |    0.480       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeKPiEMuLFVLine            |     0.000 |     0.393 |    0.393       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeKPiEMuLFVLine            |     0.000 |     0.440 |    0.440       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVDownLine              |     0.330 |     0.272 |    0.021      19.7     0.70 |    1000 |     0.272 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVDownLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVDownLineFilterSequenc|     0.190 |     0.184 |    0.002      19.6     0.66 |    1000 |     0.185 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeKPiEMuLFVDownLine                     |     0.385 |     0.317 |    0.119       2.0     0.19 |     363 |     0.115 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            For%sMakeVeloTracksGSRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVDown    |    20.000 |    15.957 |   15.957      16.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVDownFastVelo             |    10.000 |     2.504 |    2.504       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVDownInitSeedFit          |     0.000 |     0.653 |    0.653       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVDownCopyVelo             |     0.000 |     0.251 |    0.251       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVDownVeloRefitterAlg      |    10.000 |    12.473 |   12.473      12.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeKPiEMuLFVDownLine        |     0.000 |     0.849 |    0.849       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeKPiEMuLFVDownLine        |     0.000 |     0.634 |    0.634       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeKPiEMuLFVDownLine        |     0.000 |     0.632 |    0.632       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_RareStrangeKPiEMuLFVDownLine        |     0.000 |     0.165 |    0.165       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVDownLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVSSLine                |     0.460 |     0.438 |    0.022       2.7     0.31 |    1000 |     0.438 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVDownLine              |     0.210 |     0.250 |    0.020      22.1     0.74 |    1000 |     0.250 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVDownLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVDownLineFilterSequenc|     0.120 |     0.178 |    0.001      22.0     0.74 |    1000 |     0.179 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeKPiEMuLFVDownLine                     |     0.110 |     0.295 |    0.119       1.3     0.16 |     363 |     0.107 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            For%sMakeVeloTracksGSRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVDown    |    20.000 |    18.586 |   18.586      18.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVDownFastVelo             |     0.000 |     2.746 |    2.746       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVDownInitSeedFit          |     0.000 |     0.463 |    0.463       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVDownCopyVelo             |     0.000 |     0.150 |    0.150       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVDownVeloRefitterAlg      |    20.000 |    15.167 |   15.167      15.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeKPiEMuLFVDownLine        |     0.000 |     0.805 |    0.805       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeKPiEMuLFVDownLine        |     0.000 |     0.619 |    0.619       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeKPiEMuLFVDownLine        |     0.000 |     0.664 |    0.664       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_RareStrangeKPiEMuLFVDownLine        |     0.000 |     0.157 |    0.157       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVDownLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVSSLine                |     0.460 |     0.399 |    0.021       3.0     0.27 |    1000 |     0.399 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVSSLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVSSLineFilterSequence |     0.400 |     0.369 |    0.002       2.4     0.30 |    1000 |     0.370 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeKPiEMuLFVSSLine                       |     0.394 |     0.363 |    0.149       2.1     0.19 |     760 |     0.276 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVSSLineFilterSequence |     0.390 |     0.339 |    0.002       2.9     0.26 |    1000 |     0.339 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeKPiEMuLFVSSLine                       |     0.381 |     0.338 |    0.125       2.8     0.20 |     760 |     0.257 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeKPiEMuLFVSSLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeKPiEMuLFVSSLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeKPiEMuLFVSSLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVSSLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVSSDownLine            |     0.140 |     0.246 |    0.022       1.7     0.25 |    1000 |     0.247 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVSSDownLine            |     0.300 |     0.224 |    0.019       1.4     0.22 |    1000 |     0.224 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVSSDownLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVSSDownLineFilterSeque|     0.070 |     0.164 |    0.002       1.4     0.24 |    1000 |     0.165 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeKPiEMuLFVSSDownLine                   |     0.110 |     0.315 |    0.128       1.3     0.16 |     363 |     0.115 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVSSDownLineFilterSeque|     0.200 |     0.152 |    0.002       1.4     0.22 |    1000 |     0.152 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeKPiEMuLFVSSDownLine                   |     0.413 |     0.290 |    0.111       1.3     0.14 |     363 |     0.106 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            For%sMakeVeloTracksGSRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVSSDown  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVSSDownFastVelo           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVSSDownInitSeedFit        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -147338,54 +147598,54 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeKPiEMuL
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeKPiEMuLFVSSDownLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_RareStrangeKPiEMuLFVSSDownLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiEMuLFVSSDownLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeKPiPiPiLine                    |     0.100 |     0.091 |    0.017       2.8     0.12 |    1000 |     0.092 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiPiPiLinePreScaler          |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiPiPiLineFilterSequence     |     0.666 |     0.591 |    0.172       2.7     0.65 |      15 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeKPiPiPiLine                           |     0.666 |     0.465 |    0.123       2.5     0.61 |      15 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeKPiPiPiLine                    |     0.080 |     0.081 |    0.015       1.5     0.08 |    1000 |     0.081 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiPiPiLinePreScaler          |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiPiPiLineFilterSequence     |     0.000 |     0.440 |    0.171       1.5     0.34 |      15 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeKPiPiPiLine                           |     0.000 |     0.346 |    0.137       1.4     0.33 |      15 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeKPiPiPiLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeKPiPiPiLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeKPiPiPiLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiPiPiLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeKPiPiPiMassMeasLine            |     0.390 |     0.432 |    0.022       7.9     0.41 |    1000 |     0.432 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeKPiPiPiMassMeasLine            |     0.470 |     0.402 |    0.020      10.4     0.44 |    1000 |     0.402 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiPiPiMassMeasLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiPiPiMassMeasLineFilterSeque|     0.330 |     0.368 |    0.002       7.8     0.40 |    1000 |     0.368 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeKPiPiPiMassMeasLine                   |     0.287 |     0.272 |    0.067       4.0     0.25 |     974 |     0.266 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeKPiPiPiMassMeasLine      |     0.000 |     1.168 |    0.352       2.1     0.85 |       4 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeKPiPiPiMassMeasLine      |     0.000 |     0.942 |    0.210       1.9     0.76 |       4 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeKPiPiPiMassMeasLine      |     0.000 |     0.921 |    0.201       1.7     0.71 |       4 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiPiPiMassMeasLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeKPiMuMuDownLine                |     0.200 |     0.211 |    0.021      18.9     0.62 |    1000 |     0.211 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiMuMuDownLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiMuMuDownLineFilterSequence |     0.140 |     0.132 |    0.002      18.8     0.61 |    1000 |     0.132 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeKPiMuMuDownLine                       |     0.192 |     0.193 |    0.091       1.4     0.11 |     363 |     0.070 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            For%sMakeVeloTracksGSRareStrangeKPiMuMuDown      |    20.000 |    15.460 |   15.460      15.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiMuMuDownFastVelo               |    10.000 |     2.567 |    2.567       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiMuMuDownInitSeedFit            |     0.000 |     0.517 |    0.517       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiMuMuDownCopyVelo               |     0.000 |     0.162 |    0.162       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiMuMuDownVeloRefitterAlg        |    10.000 |    12.149 |   12.149      12.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeKPiMuMuDownLine          |     0.000 |     0.829 |    0.829       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeKPiMuMuDownLine          |     0.000 |     0.644 |    0.644       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeKPiMuMuDownLine          |     0.000 |     0.653 |    0.653       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_RareStrangeKPiMuMuDownLine          |     0.000 |     0.154 |    0.154       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiPiPiMassMeasLineFilterSeque|     0.410 |     0.340 |    0.002      10.3     0.42 |    1000 |     0.340 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeKPiPiPiMassMeasLine                   |     0.338 |     0.248 |    0.060       2.6     0.21 |     974 |     0.242 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeKPiPiPiMassMeasLine      |     0.000 |     1.222 |    0.273       2.7     1.10 |       4 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeKPiPiPiMassMeasLine      |     2.500 |     1.076 |    0.252       2.3     0.95 |       4 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeKPiPiPiMassMeasLine      |     2.500 |     1.116 |    0.230       2.5     1.04 |       4 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiPiPiMassMeasLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeKPiMuMuDownLine                |     0.140 |     0.192 |    0.019      20.8     0.67 |    1000 |     0.193 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiMuMuDownLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiMuMuDownLineFilterSequence |     0.110 |     0.123 |    0.002      20.7     0.67 |    1000 |     0.123 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeKPiMuMuDownLine                       |     0.137 |     0.174 |    0.088       0.7     0.08 |     363 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            For%sMakeVeloTracksGSRareStrangeKPiMuMuDown      |    20.000 |    17.231 |   17.231      17.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiMuMuDownFastVelo               |    10.000 |     2.486 |    2.486       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiMuMuDownInitSeedFit            |     0.000 |     0.590 |    0.590       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiMuMuDownCopyVelo               |     0.000 |     0.144 |    0.144       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiMuMuDownVeloRefitterAlg        |    10.000 |    13.955 |   13.955      14.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeKPiMuMuDownLine          |     0.000 |     0.794 |    0.794       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeKPiMuMuDownLine          |     0.000 |     0.664 |    0.664       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeKPiMuMuDownLine          |     0.000 |     0.661 |    0.661       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_RareStrangeKPiMuMuDownLine          |     0.000 |     0.163 |    0.163       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiMuMuDownLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeKPiPiPiDownLine                |     0.160 |     0.170 |    0.017      28.1     1.18 |    1000 |     0.170 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiPiPiDownLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiPiPiDownLineFilterSequence |     0.707 |     0.916 |    0.002      28.0     3.65 |      99 |     0.091 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeKPiPiPiDownLine                       |     0.106 |     0.250 |    0.064       1.5     0.26 |      94 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            For%sMakeVeloTracksGSRareStrangeKPiPiPiDown      |    20.000 |    16.967 |   10.175      23.2     6.53 |       3 |     0.051 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiPiPiDownFastVelo               |     6.666 |     4.245 |    2.350       6.4     2.04 |       3 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiPiPiDownInitSeedFit            |     0.000 |     0.455 |    0.276       0.6     0.16 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiPiPiDownCopyVelo               |     0.000 |     0.145 |    0.115       0.2     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiPiPiDownVeloRefitterAlg        |    13.333 |    12.063 |    7.355      16.0     4.36 |       3 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeKPiPiPiDownLine          |     0.000 |     0.852 |    0.562       1.3     0.41 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeKPiPiPiDownLine          |     0.000 |     0.664 |    0.388       1.1     0.40 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeKPiPiPiDownLine          |     0.000 |     0.628 |    0.366       1.0     0.37 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_RareStrangeKPiPiPiDownLine          |     0.000 |     0.143 |    0.106       0.2     0.05 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiPiPiDownLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeKPiPiPiMassMeasDownLine        |     0.440 |     0.370 |    0.024       4.4     0.29 |    1000 |     0.371 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeKPiPiPiDownLine                |     0.130 |     0.155 |    0.015      24.4     1.07 |    1000 |     0.155 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiPiPiDownLinePreScaler      |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiPiPiDownLineFilterSequence |     1.010 |     0.859 |    0.002      24.3     3.32 |      99 |     0.085 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeKPiPiPiDownLine                       |     0.425 |     0.240 |    0.060       2.1     0.28 |      94 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            For%sMakeVeloTracksGSRareStrangeKPiPiPiDown      |    20.000 |    15.527 |   10.691      19.7     4.55 |       3 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiPiPiDownFastVelo               |     3.333 |     4.166 |    2.782       6.0     1.69 |       3 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiPiPiDownInitSeedFit            |     3.333 |     0.385 |    0.271       0.5     0.12 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiPiPiDownCopyVelo               |     0.000 |     0.123 |    0.100       0.2     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiPiPiDownVeloRefitterAlg        |    13.333 |    10.811 |    7.471      13.0     2.93 |       3 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeKPiPiPiDownLine          |     0.000 |     0.713 |    0.485       1.2     0.38 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeKPiPiPiDownLine          |     0.000 |     0.616 |    0.398       1.0     0.37 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeKPiPiPiDownLine          |     0.000 |     0.607 |    0.345       1.0     0.34 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_RareStrangeKPiPiPiDownLine          |     0.000 |     0.136 |    0.093       0.2     0.06 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiPiPiDownLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeKPiPiPiMassMeasDownLine        |     0.400 |     0.342 |    0.021       5.1     0.28 |    1000 |     0.342 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiPiPiMassMeasDownLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiPiPiMassMeasDownLineFilterS|     0.370 |     0.306 |    0.002       4.3     0.28 |    1000 |     0.307 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeKPiPiPiMassMeasDownLine               |     0.269 |     0.225 |    0.046       2.0     0.23 |     966 |     0.217 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiPiPiMassMeasDownLineFilterS|     0.360 |     0.286 |    0.002       5.0     0.27 |    1000 |     0.286 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeKPiPiPiMassMeasDownLine               |     0.289 |     0.208 |    0.046       2.1     0.22 |     966 |     0.201 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            For%sMakeVeloTracksGSRareStrangeKPiPiPiMassMeasDo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiPiPiMassMeasDownFastVelo       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForRareStrangeKPiPiPiMassMeasDownInitSeedFit    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -147396,295 +147656,295 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeKPiPiPi
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeKPiPiPiMassMeasDownLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_RareStrangeKPiPiPiMassMeasDownLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeKPiPiPiMassMeasDownLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangePhiKMuLine                     |     0.170 |     0.098 |    0.018       6.7     0.23 |    1000 |     0.099 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangePhiKMuLinePreScaler           |     0.020 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangePhiKMuLineFilterSequence      |     1.818 |     1.068 |    0.003       6.6     1.96 |      11 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangePhiKMuLine                            |     0.000 |     0.294 |    0.084       1.5     0.44 |       9 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangePhiKMuLine               |    10.000 |     1.366 |    0.549       2.2     1.16 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangePhiKMuLine               |     0.000 |     1.118 |    0.433       1.8     0.97 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangePhiKMuLine               |     0.000 |     1.121 |    0.428       1.8     0.98 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangePhiKMuLine                     |     0.080 |     0.091 |    0.015       9.9     0.32 |    1000 |     0.092 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangePhiKMuLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangePhiKMuLineFilterSequence      |     0.909 |     1.325 |    0.003       9.8     2.88 |      11 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangePhiKMuLine                            |     0.000 |     0.276 |    0.077       1.2     0.35 |       9 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangePhiKMuLine               |     5.000 |     1.687 |    0.467       2.9     1.73 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangePhiKMuLine               |     0.000 |     1.577 |    0.451       2.7     1.59 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangePhiKMuLine               |     0.000 |     1.636 |    0.394       2.9     1.76 |       2 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangePhiKMuLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeLambdaPPiLine                  |     0.060 |     0.080 |    0.016       2.2     0.11 |    1000 |     0.080 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeLambdaPPiLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeLambdaPPiLineFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.803 |    0.253       2.2     0.71 |       8 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeLambdaPPiLine                         |     0.000 |     0.489 |    0.185       1.5     0.44 |       8 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeLambdaPPiLine            |     0.000 |     0.513 |    0.513       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeLambdaPPiLine            |     0.000 |     0.432 |    0.432       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeLambdaPPiLine            |     0.000 |     0.376 |    0.376       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeLambdaPPiLine                  |     0.020 |     0.072 |    0.014       2.3     0.11 |    1000 |     0.073 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeLambdaPPiLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeLambdaPPiLineFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.854 |    0.212       2.2     0.78 |       8 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeLambdaPPiLine                         |     0.000 |     0.416 |    0.160       1.3     0.38 |       8 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeLambdaPPiLine            |     0.000 |     0.548 |    0.548       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeLambdaPPiLine            |     0.000 |     0.412 |    0.412       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeLambdaPPiLine            |     0.000 |     0.444 |    0.444       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeLambdaPPiLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeLambdaPPiEELine                |     0.250 |     0.256 |    0.022       2.4     0.29 |    1000 |     0.257 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeLambdaPPiEELinePreScaler      |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeLambdaPPiEELineFilterSequence |     0.190 |     0.178 |    0.002       2.3     0.29 |    1000 |     0.178 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeLambdaPPiEELine                       |     0.335 |     0.391 |    0.153       2.2     0.22 |     328 |     0.128 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingRareStrangeLambdaPPiEELine                |     0.160 |     0.223 |    0.019       2.1     0.25 |    1000 |     0.224 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeLambdaPPiEELinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeLambdaPPiEELineFilterSequence |     0.090 |     0.156 |    0.002       2.0     0.24 |    1000 |     0.157 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RareStrangeLambdaPPiEELine                       |     0.243 |     0.341 |    0.146       1.9     0.18 |     328 |     0.112 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_RareStrangeLambdaPPiEELine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_RareStrangeLambdaPPiEELine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_RareStrangeLambdaPPiEELine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingRareStrangeLambdaPPiEELinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTau23MuTau23MuLine                        |     0.480 |     0.463 |    0.021      23.1     0.81 |    1000 |     0.463 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTau23MuTau23MuLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTau23MuTau23MuLineFilterSequence         |     0.430 |     0.390 |    0.002      22.9     0.77 |    1000 |     0.391 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Tau23MuTau23MuLine                               |     0.266 |     0.240 |    0.052       4.8     0.18 |     974 |     0.234 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Tau23MuTau23MuLine                  |     6.666 |     1.543 |    0.365       3.7     1.85 |       3 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Tau23MuTau23MuLine                  |     0.000 |     0.553 |    0.108       1.4     0.71 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Tau23MuTau23MuLine                  |     3.333 |     6.984 |    3.010      14.9     6.86 |       3 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTau23MuTau23MuLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTau23MuDs2PhiPiLine                       |     0.210 |     0.216 |    0.021       1.7     0.16 |    1000 |     0.217 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTau23MuDs2PhiPiLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTau23MuDs2PhiPiLineFilterSequence        |     0.130 |     0.144 |    0.002       1.6     0.16 |    1000 |     0.145 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Tau23MuDs2PhiPiLine                              |     0.093 |     0.158 |    0.084       1.5     0.08 |     537 |     0.085 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTau23MuTau23MuLine                        |     0.540 |     0.395 |    0.019      15.4     0.54 |    1000 |     0.395 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTau23MuTau23MuLinePreScaler              |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTau23MuTau23MuLineFilterSequence         |     0.440 |     0.338 |    0.002      15.3     0.53 |    1000 |     0.338 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Tau23MuTau23MuLine                               |     0.256 |     0.208 |    0.044       3.8     0.14 |     974 |     0.203 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Tau23MuTau23MuLine                  |     0.000 |     0.837 |    0.299       1.7     0.78 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Tau23MuTau23MuLine                  |     0.000 |     0.418 |    0.115       0.9     0.45 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Tau23MuTau23MuLine                  |     6.666 |     5.602 |    2.926      10.8     4.52 |       3 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTau23MuTau23MuLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTau23MuDs2PhiPiLine                       |     0.220 |     0.193 |    0.018       1.4     0.14 |    1000 |     0.194 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTau23MuDs2PhiPiLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTau23MuDs2PhiPiLineFilterSequence        |     0.170 |     0.129 |    0.001       1.4     0.13 |    1000 |     0.130 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Tau23MuDs2PhiPiLine                              |     0.223 |     0.141 |    0.078       1.3     0.07 |     537 |     0.076 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Tau23MuDs2PhiPiLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Tau23MuDs2PhiPiLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Tau23MuDs2PhiPiLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTau23MuDs2PhiPiLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTau23MuTau2PMuMuLine                      |     0.370 |     0.229 |    0.020       8.0     0.43 |    1000 |     0.229 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTau23MuTau2PMuMuLine                      |     0.230 |     0.189 |    0.019       7.0     0.25 |    1000 |     0.190 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTau23MuTau2PMuMuLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTau23MuTau2PMuMuLineFilterSequence       |     0.280 |     0.160 |    0.001       7.9     0.42 |    1000 |     0.160 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Tau23MuTau2PMuMuLine                             |     0.323 |     0.183 |    0.101       6.4     0.38 |     525 |     0.096 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Tau23MuTau2PMuMuLine                |     0.000 |     0.742 |    0.742       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Tau23MuTau2PMuMuLine                |     0.000 |     0.639 |    0.639       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Tau23MuTau2PMuMuLine                |    10.000 |     5.425 |    5.425       5.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTau23MuTau2PMuMuLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTau23MuTau25MuLine                        |     0.150 |     0.166 |    0.021       5.2     0.20 |    1000 |     0.167 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTau23MuTau2PMuMuLineFilterSequence       |     0.160 |     0.129 |    0.001       7.0     0.25 |    1000 |     0.129 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Tau23MuTau2PMuMuLine                             |     0.209 |     0.138 |    0.085       0.6     0.04 |     525 |     0.073 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Tau23MuTau2PMuMuLine                |     0.000 |     0.745 |    0.745       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Tau23MuTau2PMuMuLine                |     0.000 |     0.411 |    0.411       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Tau23MuTau2PMuMuLine                |     0.000 |     5.165 |    5.165       5.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTau23MuTau2PMuMuLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTau23MuTau25MuLine                        |     0.090 |     0.146 |    0.019       3.1     0.14 |    1000 |     0.146 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTau23MuTau25MuLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTau23MuTau25MuLineFilterSequence         |     0.100 |     0.100 |    0.002       5.1     0.19 |    1000 |     0.100 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Tau23MuTau25MuLine                               |     0.130 |     0.090 |    0.043       4.9     0.22 |     537 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTau23MuTau25MuLineFilterSequence         |     0.040 |     0.086 |    0.001       3.1     0.13 |    1000 |     0.087 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Tau23MuTau25MuLine                               |     0.018 |     0.075 |    0.041       3.0     0.13 |     537 |     0.041 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTau23MuTau25MuLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0PrescaledLine            |     0.180 |     0.159 |    0.030      22.7     0.73 |    1000 |     0.160 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0PrescaledLinePreScaler  |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0PrescaledLineHlt2Filter |     0.032 |     0.022 |    0.007       0.2     0.01 |     310 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0PrescaledLineFilterSeque|     8.000 |     5.372 |    0.004      22.5     9.77 |       5 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PIDKaonsForJpsipKB2JpsiHH                        |     0.384 |     0.040 |    0.010       0.1     0.02 |      26 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PIDpionsForJpsippiB2JpsiHH                       |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.009       0.1     0.02 |      26 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Unbiasedf02HHForJpsiHHB2JpsiHH                   |     0.000 |     3.139 |    1.826       4.5     1.86 |       2 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0PrescaledLine                   |     5.000 |     0.644 |    0.616       0.7     0.04 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0PrescaledLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2JpsiKstarLine                  |     0.600 |     0.600 |    0.033      79.3     4.18 |    1000 |     0.601 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0PrescaledLine            |     0.130 |     0.127 |    0.026      22.9     0.74 |    1000 |     0.128 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0PrescaledLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0PrescaledLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |     310 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0PrescaledLineFilterSeque|     4.000 |     5.395 |    0.004      22.8     9.90 |       5 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PIDKaonsForJpsipKB2JpsiHH                        |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      26 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PIDpionsForJpsippiB2JpsiHH                       |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |      26 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Unbiasedf02HHForJpsiHHB2JpsiHH                   |     0.000 |     2.838 |    1.514       4.2     1.87 |       2 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0PrescaledLine                   |     0.000 |     0.595 |    0.444       0.7     0.21 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0PrescaledLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2JpsiKstarLine                  |     0.480 |     0.530 |    0.029      84.4     3.89 |    1000 |     0.530 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2JpsiKstarLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2JpsiKstarLineFilterSequence   |     0.520 |     0.484 |    0.002      79.1     4.17 |    1000 |     0.484 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            NarrowDetachedJpsiForJpsiHHB2JpsiHH              |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      32 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DetachedKstarListForJpsiHHB2JpsiHH               |     2.307 |     2.121 |    0.194       6.9     2.13 |      26 |     0.055 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2JpsiKstarB2JpsiHH                             |     8.461 |     8.318 |    0.062      56.9    11.99 |      26 |     0.216 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2JpsiHHBs2JpsiKstarLine                         |     0.000 |     1.409 |    1.116       1.8     0.25 |       5 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2JpsiKstarLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2JpsiHHLb2JpsipHLine                     |     0.220 |     0.200 |    0.032      13.8     0.72 |    1000 |     0.201 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2JpsiKstarLineFilterSequence   |     0.430 |     0.429 |    0.002      84.2     3.88 |    1000 |     0.429 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            NarrowDetachedJpsiForJpsiHHB2JpsiHH              |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      32 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DetachedKstarListForJpsiHHB2JpsiHH               |     1.153 |     1.829 |    0.215       6.5     1.82 |      26 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2JpsiKstarB2JpsiHH                             |     7.692 |     7.809 |    0.078      60.9    12.40 |      26 |     0.203 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2JpsiHHBs2JpsiKstarLine                         |     2.000 |     1.153 |    0.828       1.6     0.34 |       5 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2JpsiKstarLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2JpsiHHLb2JpsipHLine                     |     0.180 |     0.184 |    0.028      13.8     0.75 |    1000 |     0.185 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JpsiHHLb2JpsipHLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JpsiHHLb2JpsipHLineFilterSequence      |     0.080 |     0.087 |    0.002      13.6     0.71 |    1000 |     0.087 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PIDprotonsForJpsipKB2JpsiHH                      |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.009       0.1     0.03 |      26 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda02pHForJpsiHHB2JpsiHH                      |     1.153 |     0.760 |    0.184       2.2     0.53 |      26 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2JpsipKB2JpsiHH                                |     1.428 |     1.495 |    0.056      10.2     2.39 |      21 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2JpsiHHLb2JpsipHLine                            |     0.000 |     0.944 |    0.847       1.0     0.08 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JpsiHHLb2JpsipHLineFilterSequence      |     0.050 |     0.085 |    0.002      13.7     0.74 |    1000 |     0.086 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PIDprotonsForJpsipKB2JpsiHH                      |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.009       0.1     0.02 |      26 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda02pHForJpsiHHB2JpsiHH                      |     0.769 |     0.730 |    0.236       2.8     0.58 |      26 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lb2JpsipKB2JpsiHH                                |     0.952 |     1.423 |    0.052      10.2     2.33 |      21 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2JpsiHHLb2JpsipHLine                            |     0.000 |     0.995 |    0.714       1.2     0.26 |       3 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JpsiHHLb2JpsipHLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bu2eeKLine                       |     0.610 |     0.659 |    0.028      26.5     1.22 |    1000 |     0.659 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bu2eeKLine                       |     0.550 |     0.601 |    0.026      19.7     1.08 |    1000 |     0.602 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bu2eeKLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bu2eeKLineFilterSequence        |     0.530 |     0.552 |    0.002      26.2     1.20 |    1000 |     0.552 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelDiElectron                            |     0.077 |     0.126 |    0.008       2.3     0.16 |     772 |     0.097 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelKaons                                 |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     558 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelBu2eeK                                |     0.215 |     0.148 |    0.050       1.4     0.12 |     465 |     0.069 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDT_Bu2eeKLine                              |     0.975 |     0.663 |    0.282       3.1     0.48 |      41 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2LLXBDT_Bu2eeKLine                 |     0.000 |     0.496 |    0.260       0.8     0.30 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2LLXBDT_Bu2eeKLine                 |     0.000 |     1.043 |    0.707       1.5     0.43 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LLXBDT_Bu2eeKLine                 |     3.333 |     0.907 |    0.603       1.3     0.37 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LLXBDT_Bu2eeKLine                 |     0.000 |     1.215 |    0.375       1.8     0.74 |       3 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LLXBDT_Bu2eeKLine                 |     3.333 |     6.518 |    5.574       7.5     0.96 |       3 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2LLXBDT_Bu2eeKLine                 |     3.333 |     1.278 |    0.925       1.8     0.44 |       3 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bu2eeKLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bu2mumuKLine                     |     0.330 |     0.295 |    0.029      15.9     0.68 |    1000 |     0.296 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bu2mumuKLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bu2mumuKLineFilterSequence      |     0.220 |     0.184 |    0.002      15.7     0.66 |    1000 |     0.185 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelDiMuon                                |     0.050 |     0.056 |    0.005       0.5     0.05 |     399 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelBu2mumuK                              |     0.138 |     0.119 |    0.049       0.7     0.07 |     216 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDT_Bu2mumuKLine                            |     0.769 |     0.930 |    0.375       1.6     0.41 |      13 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2LLXBDT_Bu2mumuKLine               |     0.000 |     0.387 |    0.327       0.4     0.09 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2LLXBDT_Bu2mumuKLine               |     0.000 |     0.622 |    0.472       0.8     0.21 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LLXBDT_Bu2mumuKLine               |     0.000 |     0.779 |    0.755       0.8     0.03 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LLXBDT_Bu2mumuKLine               |     0.000 |     0.637 |    0.518       0.8     0.17 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LLXBDT_Bu2mumuKLine               |     5.000 |     4.202 |    2.202       6.2     2.83 |       2 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2LLXBDT_Bu2mumuKLine               |     0.000 |     1.212 |    0.984       1.4     0.32 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bu2mumuKLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKstarLine                   |     0.520 |     0.511 |    0.030      40.1     1.53 |    1000 |     0.511 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKstarLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKstarLineFilterSequence    |     0.360 |     0.399 |    0.002      39.9     1.52 |    1000 |     0.399 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelKstar                                 |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     500 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelBd2eeKstar                            |     0.209 |     0.181 |    0.050       2.8     0.24 |     429 |     0.078 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKstarLine                          |     0.847 |     0.931 |    0.320       5.2     0.96 |      59 |     0.055 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKstarLine             |     0.000 |     0.454 |    0.396       0.5     0.08 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKstarLine             |     0.000 |     1.207 |    1.163       1.3     0.06 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKstarLine             |     5.000 |     1.538 |    0.973       2.1     0.80 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKstarLine             |     0.000 |     0.723 |    0.638       0.8     0.12 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKstarLine             |    10.000 |    11.360 |    7.704      15.0     5.17 |       2 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKstarLine             |     5.000 |     2.403 |    1.357       3.4     1.48 |       2 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bu2eeKLineFilterSequence        |     0.510 |     0.506 |    0.001      19.5     1.07 |    1000 |     0.507 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelDiElectron                            |     0.129 |     0.107 |    0.006       2.1     0.14 |     772 |     0.083 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelKaons                                 |     0.017 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     558 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelBu2eeK                                |     0.150 |     0.125 |    0.048       0.8     0.10 |     465 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDT_Bu2eeKLine                              |     0.731 |     0.682 |    0.296       1.7     0.45 |      41 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2LLXBDT_Bu2eeKLine                 |     0.000 |     0.423 |    0.350       0.5     0.09 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2LLXBDT_Bu2eeKLine                 |     3.333 |     0.850 |    0.779       1.0     0.09 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LLXBDT_Bu2eeKLine                 |     3.333 |     0.876 |    0.695       1.2     0.25 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LLXBDT_Bu2eeKLine                 |     0.000 |     0.703 |    0.506       1.0     0.24 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LLXBDT_Bu2eeKLine                 |     3.333 |     6.822 |    5.181       8.4     1.60 |       3 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2LLXBDT_Bu2eeKLine                 |     3.333 |     1.189 |    1.009       1.5     0.29 |       3 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bu2eeKLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bu2mumuKLine                     |     0.320 |     0.261 |    0.025      12.1     0.55 |    1000 |     0.262 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bu2mumuKLinePreScaler           |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bu2mumuKLineFilterSequence      |     0.250 |     0.165 |    0.001      11.9     0.54 |    1000 |     0.165 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelDiMuon                                |     0.075 |     0.051 |    0.005       0.5     0.05 |     399 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelBu2mumuK                              |     0.138 |     0.103 |    0.046       0.6     0.06 |     216 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDT_Bu2mumuKLine                            |     1.538 |     0.989 |    0.276       1.8     0.58 |      13 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2LLXBDT_Bu2mumuKLine               |     0.000 |     0.356 |    0.277       0.4     0.11 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2LLXBDT_Bu2mumuKLine               |     5.000 |     0.566 |    0.382       0.8     0.26 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LLXBDT_Bu2mumuKLine               |     0.000 |     0.660 |    0.558       0.8     0.14 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LLXBDT_Bu2mumuKLine               |     0.000 |     0.602 |    0.513       0.7     0.13 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LLXBDT_Bu2mumuKLine               |     0.000 |     2.998 |    1.926       4.1     1.52 |       2 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2LLXBDT_Bu2mumuKLine               |     0.000 |     0.846 |    0.695       1.0     0.21 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bu2mumuKLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKstarLine                   |     0.460 |     0.461 |    0.026      41.7     1.49 |    1000 |     0.461 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKstarLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKstarLineFilterSequence    |     0.340 |     0.363 |    0.001      41.5     1.49 |    1000 |     0.363 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelKstar                                 |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     500 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelBd2eeKstar                            |     0.186 |     0.163 |    0.044       2.3     0.21 |     429 |     0.070 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKstarLine                          |     0.677 |     0.755 |    0.285       2.8     0.53 |      59 |     0.045 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKstarLine             |     0.000 |     0.406 |    0.378       0.4     0.04 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKstarLine             |     0.000 |     1.137 |    1.117       1.2     0.03 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKstarLine             |     0.000 |     1.365 |    0.894       1.8     0.67 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKstarLine             |     0.000 |     0.655 |    0.636       0.7     0.03 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKstarLine             |    10.000 |    10.462 |    7.420      13.5     4.30 |       2 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKstarLine             |     0.000 |     2.196 |    1.232       3.2     1.36 |       2 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKstarLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKstarLine                 |     0.180 |     0.266 |    0.028      15.6     0.75 |    1000 |     0.266 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKstarLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKstarLineFilterSequence  |     0.090 |     0.154 |    0.002      15.4     0.74 |    1000 |     0.154 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelBd2mumuKstar                          |     0.103 |     0.129 |    0.048       0.7     0.09 |     194 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKstarLine                        |     0.000 |     1.244 |    0.356       4.5     1.04 |      15 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKstarLine           |     5.000 |     0.426 |    0.397       0.5     0.04 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKstarLine           |     0.000 |     0.582 |    0.439       0.7     0.20 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKstarLine           |     0.000 |     1.030 |    1.008       1.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKstarLine           |     5.000 |     0.891 |    0.823       1.0     0.10 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKstarLine           |     0.000 |     4.302 |    3.061       5.5     1.76 |       2 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKstarLine           |     0.000 |     1.247 |    1.145       1.4     0.14 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKstarLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKsLine                      |     0.760 |     0.721 |    0.030      25.9     1.22 |    1000 |     0.722 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKsLinePreScaler            |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKsLineFilterSequence       |     0.660 |     0.606 |    0.002      25.7     1.19 |    1000 |     0.606 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2LLXBDTSelKs                             |     0.996 |     0.968 |    0.148       6.8     0.70 |     562 |     0.544 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2LLXBDTSelKs                      |     0.854 |     0.795 |    0.140       5.8     0.49 |     562 |     0.447 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:B2LLXBDTSelKsDD                          |     0.160 |     0.122 |    0.002       1.3     0.13 |     562 |     0.069 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2LLXBDTSelKsDD                               |     0.026 |     0.021 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     384 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:B2LLXBDTSelKsLL                          |     0.676 |     0.661 |    0.130       5.6     0.41 |     562 |     0.372 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2LLXBDTSelPions4LP                           |     0.302 |     0.209 |    0.038       5.1     0.24 |     562 |     0.118 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2LLXBDTSelKsLL                               |     0.071 |     0.100 |    0.039       0.7     0.06 |     558 |     0.056 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             B2LLXBDTSelKs                                   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     397 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelBd2eeKs                               |     0.115 |     0.087 |    0.035       0.8     0.07 |     346 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKsLine                             |     2.500 |     1.260 |    0.355       3.7     0.96 |      20 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKsLine                |     0.000 |     0.584 |    0.584       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKsLine                |     0.000 |     1.590 |    1.590       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKsLine                |     0.000 |     1.165 |    1.165       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKsLine                |     0.000 |     1.104 |    1.104       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKsLine                |    20.000 |    14.367 |   14.367      14.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKsLine                |     0.000 |     2.315 |    2.315       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKsLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKsLine                    |     0.250 |     0.304 |    0.030      36.6     1.51 |    1000 |     0.304 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKsLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKsLineFilterSequence     |     0.160 |     0.183 |    0.002      36.2     1.49 |    1000 |     0.184 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelBd2mumuKs                             |     0.128 |     0.080 |    0.040       0.6     0.06 |     156 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKsLine                           |     0.000 |     1.680 |    0.547       2.2     0.59 |       6 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKsLine              |     5.000 |     0.840 |    0.718       1.0     0.17 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKsLine              |     0.000 |     1.662 |    1.536       1.8     0.18 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKsLine              |     0.000 |     2.413 |    1.985       2.8     0.61 |       2 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKsLine              |     5.000 |     1.694 |    1.597       1.8     0.14 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKsLine              |    15.000 |    13.242 |   10.778      15.7     3.49 |       2 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKsLine              |     0.000 |     3.567 |    2.803       4.3     1.08 |       2 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKsLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bs2eePhiLine                     |     0.450 |     0.434 |    0.031      29.6     1.15 |    1000 |     0.435 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKstarLine                 |     0.270 |     0.234 |    0.026      13.5     0.61 |    1000 |     0.235 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKstarLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKstarLineFilterSequence  |     0.160 |     0.134 |    0.001      13.4     0.61 |    1000 |     0.134 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelBd2mumuKstar                          |     0.309 |     0.121 |    0.044       0.7     0.09 |     194 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKstarLine                        |     0.000 |     1.047 |    0.295       4.5     1.02 |      15 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKstarLine           |     0.000 |     0.311 |    0.254       0.4     0.08 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKstarLine           |     0.000 |     0.497 |    0.279       0.7     0.31 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKstarLine           |     0.000 |     0.818 |    0.733       0.9     0.12 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKstarLine           |     0.000 |     0.789 |    0.668       0.9     0.17 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKstarLine           |    10.000 |     3.781 |    2.328       5.2     2.05 |       2 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKstarLine           |     0.000 |     1.023 |    0.795       1.3     0.32 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKstarLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKsLine                      |     0.580 |     0.636 |    0.026      25.3     1.07 |    1000 |     0.637 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKsLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKsLineFilterSequence       |     0.500 |     0.537 |    0.001      25.2     1.05 |    1000 |     0.537 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2LLXBDTSelKs                             |     0.747 |     0.858 |    0.085       5.0     0.51 |     562 |     0.482 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2LLXBDTSelKs                      |     0.640 |     0.712 |    0.080       4.8     0.39 |     562 |     0.400 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:B2LLXBDTSelKsDD                          |     0.106 |     0.108 |    0.002       0.5     0.10 |     562 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2LLXBDTSelKsDD                               |     0.026 |     0.017 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     384 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:B2LLXBDTSelKsLL                          |     0.533 |     0.594 |    0.072       4.6     0.33 |     562 |     0.334 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2LLXBDTSelPions4LP                           |     0.142 |     0.175 |    0.027       0.7     0.10 |     562 |     0.099 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2LLXBDTSelKsLL                               |     0.053 |     0.086 |    0.035       0.6     0.05 |     558 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             B2LLXBDTSelKs                                   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     397 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelBd2eeKs                               |     0.115 |     0.077 |    0.032       0.6     0.06 |     346 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKsLine                             |     1.000 |     0.856 |    0.331       1.6     0.47 |      20 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKsLine                |     0.000 |     0.592 |    0.592       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKsLine                |    10.000 |     1.639 |    1.639       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKsLine                |     0.000 |     1.219 |    1.219       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKsLine                |     0.000 |     0.916 |    0.916       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKsLine                |    10.000 |    14.877 |   14.877      14.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKsLine                |    10.000 |     2.385 |    2.385       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bd2eeKsLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKsLine                    |     0.190 |     0.247 |    0.026      23.2     1.03 |    1000 |     0.247 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKsLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKsLineFilterSequence     |     0.120 |     0.147 |    0.002      23.0     1.03 |    1000 |     0.148 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelBd2mumuKs                             |     0.128 |     0.071 |    0.036       0.5     0.05 |     156 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKsLine                           |     0.000 |     0.911 |    0.327       1.2     0.31 |       6 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKsLine              |     0.000 |     0.606 |    0.535       0.7     0.10 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKsLine              |     0.000 |     1.093 |    0.804       1.4     0.41 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKsLine              |     5.000 |     1.525 |    1.350       1.7     0.25 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKsLine              |     0.000 |     1.079 |    0.878       1.3     0.28 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKsLine              |    10.000 |    10.043 |    9.624      10.5     0.59 |       2 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKsLine              |     0.000 |     2.483 |    2.364       2.6     0.17 |       2 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bd2mumuKsLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bs2eePhiLine                     |     0.410 |     0.376 |    0.026      19.1     0.82 |    1000 |     0.376 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bs2eePhiLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bs2eePhiLineFilterSequence      |     0.350 |     0.322 |    0.002      29.3     1.14 |    1000 |     0.323 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelPhi                                   |     0.184 |     0.102 |    0.006       1.6     0.12 |     541 |     0.055 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelBs2eePhi                              |     0.190 |     0.130 |    0.041       1.8     0.18 |     315 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDT_Bs2eePhiLine                            |     1.176 |     1.054 |    0.305       3.4     0.85 |      34 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2LLXBDT_Bs2eePhiLine               |     0.000 |     0.426 |    0.426       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2LLXBDT_Bs2eePhiLine               |     0.000 |     2.380 |    2.380       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LLXBDT_Bs2eePhiLine               |     0.000 |     1.667 |    1.667       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LLXBDT_Bs2eePhiLine               |     0.000 |     0.566 |    0.566       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LLXBDT_Bs2eePhiLine               |    10.000 |    12.694 |   12.694      12.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2LLXBDT_Bs2eePhiLine               |    10.000 |     6.845 |    6.845       6.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bs2eePhiLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bs2mumuPhiLine                   |     0.240 |     0.234 |    0.028      21.2     0.91 |    1000 |     0.234 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bs2mumuPhiLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bs2mumuPhiLineFilterSequence    |     0.130 |     0.120 |    0.002      21.0     0.90 |    1000 |     0.120 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelBs2mumuPhi                            |     0.197 |     0.148 |    0.041       2.1     0.24 |     152 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDT_Bs2mumuPhiLine                          |     0.000 |     1.370 |    0.976       1.8     0.37 |       7 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2LLXBDT_Bs2mumuPhiLine             |     0.000 |     0.750 |    0.364       1.1     0.55 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2LLXBDT_Bs2mumuPhiLine             |     0.000 |     0.903 |    0.820       1.0     0.12 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LLXBDT_Bs2mumuPhiLine             |     5.000 |     1.429 |    1.394       1.5     0.05 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LLXBDT_Bs2mumuPhiLine             |     0.000 |     0.628 |    0.625       0.6     0.00 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LLXBDT_Bs2mumuPhiLine             |    10.000 |     9.726 |    8.831      10.6     1.27 |       2 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2LLXBDT_Bs2mumuPhiLine             |     0.000 |     2.179 |    1.883       2.5     0.42 |       2 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bs2eePhiLineFilterSequence      |     0.330 |     0.279 |    0.002      19.0     0.81 |    1000 |     0.280 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelPhi                                   |     0.110 |     0.087 |    0.005       0.9     0.10 |     541 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelBs2eePhi                              |     0.190 |     0.115 |    0.034       1.9     0.15 |     315 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDT_Bs2eePhiLine                            |     1.176 |     0.712 |    0.284       1.7     0.34 |      34 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2LLXBDT_Bs2eePhiLine               |     0.000 |     0.409 |    0.409       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2LLXBDT_Bs2eePhiLine               |     0.000 |     1.318 |    1.318       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LLXBDT_Bs2eePhiLine               |     0.000 |     1.245 |    1.245       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LLXBDT_Bs2eePhiLine               |     0.000 |     0.553 |    0.553       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LLXBDT_Bs2eePhiLine               |    10.000 |    10.184 |   10.184      10.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2LLXBDT_Bs2eePhiLine               |     0.000 |     2.123 |    2.123       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bs2eePhiLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bs2mumuPhiLine                   |     0.180 |     0.201 |    0.027      21.9     0.88 |    1000 |     0.201 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bs2mumuPhiLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bs2mumuPhiLineFilterSequence    |     0.090 |     0.101 |    0.002      21.8     0.87 |    1000 |     0.101 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelBs2mumuPhi                            |     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.034       1.2     0.11 |     152 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDT_Bs2mumuPhiLine                          |     0.000 |     1.158 |    0.398       1.8     0.47 |       7 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2LLXBDT_Bs2mumuPhiLine             |     0.000 |     0.392 |    0.338       0.4     0.08 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2LLXBDT_Bs2mumuPhiLine             |     0.000 |     0.847 |    0.743       1.0     0.15 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LLXBDT_Bs2mumuPhiLine             |     0.000 |     1.730 |    1.282       2.2     0.63 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LLXBDT_Bs2mumuPhiLine             |     0.000 |     0.575 |    0.561       0.6     0.02 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LLXBDT_Bs2mumuPhiLine             |    10.000 |    10.042 |    8.784      11.3     1.78 |       2 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2LLXBDT_Bs2mumuPhiLine             |     5.000 |     2.463 |    1.905       3.0     0.79 |       2 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Bs2mumuPhiLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LLXBDT_Lb2eeLambdaLine                  |     0.630 |     0.640 |    0.030      42.9     1.77 |    1000 |     0.641 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Lb2eeLambdaLinePreScaler        |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Lb2eeLambdaLineFilterSequence   |     0.520 |     0.526 |    0.002      42.7     1.76 |    1000 |     0.526 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2LLXBDTSelLambda                         |     0.693 |     0.709 |    0.022       4.4     0.60 |     562 |     0.399 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2LLXBDTSelLambda                  |     0.622 |     0.564 |    0.016       3.1     0.41 |     562 |     0.317 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:B2LLXBDTSelLambdaDD                      |     0.142 |     0.109 |    0.003       0.9     0.14 |     562 |     0.061 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2LLXBDTSelLambdaDD                           |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     325 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:B2LLXBDTSelLambdaLL                      |     0.480 |     0.443 |    0.003       2.5     0.32 |     562 |     0.249 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2LLXBDTSelProtons                            |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.5     0.02 |     556 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2LLXBDTSelLambdaLL                           |     0.075 |     0.112 |    0.054       0.6     0.06 |     528 |     0.059 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             B2LLXBDTSelLambda                               |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     293 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelLb2eeLambda                           |     0.192 |     0.113 |    0.046       1.6     0.11 |     260 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDT_Lb2eeLambdaLine                         |     1.363 |     1.378 |    0.273       4.6     1.21 |      22 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2LLXBDT_Lb2eeLambdaLine            |     0.000 |     0.579 |    0.522       0.6     0.08 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2LLXBDT_Lb2eeLambdaLine            |     0.000 |     1.049 |    0.941       1.2     0.15 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LLXBDT_Lb2eeLambdaLine            |     0.000 |     1.487 |    1.302       1.7     0.26 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LLXBDT_Lb2eeLambdaLine            |     0.000 |     1.085 |    0.885       1.3     0.28 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LLXBDT_Lb2eeLambdaLine            |    20.000 |    21.600 |   13.146      30.1    11.96 |       2 |     0.043 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2LLXBDT_Lb2eeLambdaLine            |    10.000 |     3.035 |    1.935       4.1     1.56 |       2 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Lb2eeLambdaLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuLambdaLine                |     0.200 |     0.230 |    0.029      20.4     0.73 |    1000 |     0.230 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuLambdaLinePreScaler      |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuLambdaLineFilterSequence |     0.100 |     0.116 |    0.002      20.2     0.72 |    1000 |     0.116 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelLb2mumuLambda                         |     0.169 |     0.151 |    0.050       1.1     0.21 |     118 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuLambdaLine                       |     0.000 |     1.570 |    0.344       2.8     1.15 |       4 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuLambdaLine          |     0.000 |     0.509 |    0.509       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuLambdaLine          |     0.000 |     1.097 |    1.097       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuLambdaLine          |    10.000 |     1.775 |    1.775       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuLambdaLine          |     0.000 |     1.018 |    1.018       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuLambdaLine          |    10.000 |     8.380 |    8.380       8.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuLambdaLine          |     0.000 |     1.980 |    1.980       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuLambdaLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LLXBDT_Lb2eePKLine                      |     0.930 |     0.848 |    0.030      22.6     1.99 |    1000 |     0.848 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Lb2eePKLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Lb2eePKLineFilterSequence       |     0.780 |     0.735 |    0.002      22.4     1.97 |    1000 |     0.735 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelLambdastar                            |     0.325 |     0.180 |    0.050       2.9     0.17 |     522 |     0.094 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelLb2eePK                               |     0.218 |     0.252 |    0.048       4.0     0.41 |     321 |     0.081 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDT_Lb2eePKLine                             |     0.681 |     0.981 |    0.300       6.7     0.89 |      88 |     0.086 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2LLXBDT_Lb2eePKLine                |     0.000 |     0.425 |    0.174       0.9     0.28 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2LLXBDT_Lb2eePKLine                |     0.000 |     0.649 |    0.426       1.0     0.21 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LLXBDT_Lb2eePKLine                |     2.000 |     1.089 |    0.762       1.7     0.38 |       5 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LLXBDT_Lb2eePKLine                |     2.000 |     0.954 |    0.583       1.8     0.53 |       5 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LLXBDT_Lb2eePKLine                |     2.000 |     5.931 |    5.379       6.9     0.58 |       5 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2LLXBDT_Lb2eePKLine                |     0.000 |     1.114 |    1.000       1.4     0.16 |       5 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Lb2eePKLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuPKLine                    |     0.460 |     0.342 |    0.032      34.1     1.56 |    1000 |     0.343 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuPKLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuPKLineFilterSequence     |     0.240 |     0.225 |    0.002      33.9     1.55 |    1000 |     0.226 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelLb2mumuPK                             |     0.069 |     0.195 |    0.053       1.2     0.18 |     143 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuPKLine                           |     1.481 |     1.351 |    0.386       2.6     0.76 |      27 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuPKLine              |     0.000 |     0.482 |    0.402       0.6     0.10 |       4 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuPKLine              |     2.500 |     0.915 |    0.328       1.7     0.55 |       4 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuPKLine              |     0.000 |     1.228 |    0.963       1.5     0.27 |       4 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuPKLine              |     2.500 |     0.926 |    0.729       1.3     0.27 |       4 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuPKLine              |    10.000 |    10.843 |    7.510      18.0     4.91 |       4 |     0.043 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuPKLine              |     0.000 |     2.334 |    1.394       4.2     1.25 |       4 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuPKLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamLeptonic                            |     0.530 |     0.454 |    0.107       1.5     0.14 |    1000 |     0.455 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamLeptonicPreScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamLeptonicFilterSequence             |     0.330 |     0.318 |    0.017       0.8     0.10 |    1000 |     0.318 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingStreamSeqLeptonic                       |     0.310 |     0.308 |    0.011       0.7     0.09 |    1000 |     0.308 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamLeptonicPostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |     206 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        StrippingSequenceStreamDimuon                        |    17.290 |    17.745 |    2.443     597.4    29.03 |    1000 |    17.745 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingBadEventSequenceDimuon                     |     0.030 |     0.107 |    0.028       1.1     0.08 |    1000 |     0.108 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamDimuonBadEvent                      |     0.030 |     0.101 |    0.024       1.1     0.08 |    1000 |     0.102 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamDimuonBadEventPreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamDimuonBadEventFilterSequence       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LLXBDT_Lb2eeLambdaLine                  |     0.490 |     0.556 |    0.026      36.5     1.45 |    1000 |     0.556 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Lb2eeLambdaLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Lb2eeLambdaLineFilterSequence   |     0.400 |     0.452 |    0.001      36.4     1.42 |    1000 |     0.452 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2LLXBDTSelLambda                         |     0.604 |     0.632 |    0.016       3.2     0.45 |     562 |     0.356 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2LLXBDTSelLambda                  |     0.516 |     0.504 |    0.011       2.3     0.30 |     562 |     0.283 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:B2LLXBDTSelLambdaDD                      |     0.088 |     0.097 |    0.002       0.7     0.11 |     562 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2LLXBDTSelLambdaDD                           |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     325 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:B2LLXBDTSelLambdaLL                      |     0.409 |     0.397 |    0.003       1.9     0.25 |     562 |     0.223 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2LLXBDTSelProtons                            |     0.017 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     556 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               B2LLXBDTSelLambdaLL                           |     0.113 |     0.101 |    0.051       0.6     0.05 |     528 |     0.054 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             B2LLXBDTSelLambda                               |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     293 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelLb2eeLambda                           |     0.038 |     0.097 |    0.043       1.2     0.08 |     260 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDT_Lb2eeLambdaLine                         |     0.454 |     0.573 |    0.279       1.3     0.25 |      22 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2LLXBDT_Lb2eeLambdaLine            |     0.000 |     0.529 |    0.436       0.6     0.13 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2LLXBDT_Lb2eeLambdaLine            |     0.000 |     0.975 |    0.843       1.1     0.19 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LLXBDT_Lb2eeLambdaLine            |     5.000 |     2.085 |    1.886       2.3     0.28 |       2 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LLXBDT_Lb2eeLambdaLine            |     0.000 |     1.097 |    0.932       1.3     0.23 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LLXBDT_Lb2eeLambdaLine            |    15.000 |    15.846 |    8.911      22.8     9.81 |       2 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2LLXBDT_Lb2eeLambdaLine            |     0.000 |     2.943 |    1.572       4.3     1.94 |       2 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Lb2eeLambdaLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuLambdaLine                |     0.180 |     0.194 |    0.027      18.2     0.63 |    1000 |     0.195 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuLambdaLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuLambdaLineFilterSequence |     0.080 |     0.094 |    0.002      18.0     0.62 |    1000 |     0.095 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelLb2mumuLambda                         |     0.000 |     0.092 |    0.047       0.7     0.08 |     118 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuLambdaLine                       |     0.000 |     0.710 |    0.278       1.0     0.31 |       4 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuLambdaLine          |    10.000 |     0.700 |    0.700       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuLambdaLine          |     0.000 |     1.100 |    1.100       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuLambdaLine          |     0.000 |     1.755 |    1.755       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuLambdaLine          |     0.000 |     1.013 |    1.013       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuLambdaLine          |    10.000 |     7.981 |    7.981       8.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuLambdaLine          |     0.000 |     1.809 |    1.809       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuLambdaLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LLXBDT_Lb2eePKLine                      |     0.700 |     0.737 |    0.027      20.1     1.60 |    1000 |     0.737 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Lb2eePKLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Lb2eePKLineFilterSequence       |     0.660 |     0.639 |    0.002      19.9     1.59 |    1000 |     0.640 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelLambdastar                            |     0.076 |     0.162 |    0.048       1.7     0.13 |     522 |     0.085 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelLb2eePK                               |     0.186 |     0.228 |    0.045       4.1     0.38 |     321 |     0.073 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDT_Lb2eePKLine                             |     1.136 |     0.830 |    0.263       7.1     0.87 |      88 |     0.073 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2LLXBDT_Lb2eePKLine                |     2.000 |     0.301 |    0.175       0.4     0.08 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2LLXBDT_Lb2eePKLine                |     0.000 |     0.545 |    0.378       0.7     0.15 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LLXBDT_Lb2eePKLine                |     4.000 |     0.758 |    0.612       1.0     0.18 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LLXBDT_Lb2eePKLine                |     0.000 |     0.641 |    0.488       1.0     0.23 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LLXBDT_Lb2eePKLine                |     4.000 |     5.152 |    3.658       6.3     0.95 |       5 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2LLXBDT_Lb2eePKLine                |     0.000 |     1.049 |    0.928       1.3     0.15 |       5 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Lb2eePKLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuPKLine                    |     0.290 |     0.293 |    0.027      30.9     1.43 |    1000 |     0.293 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuPKLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuPKLineFilterSequence     |     0.220 |     0.191 |    0.002      30.7     1.43 |    1000 |     0.192 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDTSelLb2mumuPK                             |     0.069 |     0.175 |    0.046       1.1     0.16 |     143 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuPKLine                           |     0.740 |     0.804 |    0.347       1.7     0.46 |      27 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuPKLine              |     5.000 |     0.450 |    0.328       0.6     0.12 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuPKLine              |     2.500 |     0.912 |    0.337       1.7     0.59 |       4 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuPKLine              |     0.000 |     1.151 |    0.896       1.4     0.20 |       4 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuPKLine              |     0.000 |     0.925 |    0.830       1.1     0.15 |       4 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuPKLine              |    10.000 |    10.228 |    6.778      16.5     4.37 |       4 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuPKLine              |     0.000 |     2.252 |    1.354       3.8     1.10 |       4 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2LLXBDT_Lb2mumuPKLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamLeptonic                            |     0.360 |     0.351 |    0.105       4.5     0.16 |    1000 |     0.351 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamLeptonicPreScaler                  |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamLeptonicFilterSequence             |     0.260 |     0.232 |    0.010       0.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.232 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingStreamSeqLeptonic                       |     0.250 |     0.224 |    0.004       0.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.225 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamLeptonicPostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |     206 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        StrippingSequenceStreamDimuon                        |    27.130 |    27.545 |    2.449    9804.1   310.66 |    1000 |    27.546 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingBadEventSequenceDimuon                     |     0.120 |     0.089 |    0.026       0.4     0.04 |    1000 |     0.090 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamDimuonBadEvent                      |     0.120 |     0.084 |    0.022       0.4     0.04 |    1000 |     0.084 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamDimuonBadEventPreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamDimuonBadEventFilterSequence       |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamDimuonBadEventPostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingProtectedSequenceDimuon                    |    17.260 |    17.624 |    2.405     597.3    29.01 |    1000 |    17.624 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTauMu_KstLine                          |     0.360 |     0.394 |    0.045      96.4     3.09 |    1000 |     0.394 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_KstLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_KstLineFilterSequence           |     0.300 |     0.287 |    0.008      96.1     3.08 |    1000 |     0.287 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingGoodEventConditionDimuon                |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2XTauMu_Kst_daughters                    |     0.648 |     0.583 |    0.012       6.2     0.72 |     293 |     0.171 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2XTauMu_Kst_daughters             |     0.546 |     0.548 |    0.007       5.4     0.62 |     293 |     0.161 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Kst0MuForB2XTauMu                        |     0.546 |     0.541 |    0.002       5.4     0.62 |     293 |     0.159 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PiforB2XTauMu                                 |     0.192 |     0.124 |    0.032       1.3     0.17 |     208 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Kst02KPiforB2XTauMu                           |     0.048 |     0.130 |    0.075       1.4     0.13 |     205 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Kst0MuForB2XTauMu                             |     0.000 |     0.159 |    0.074       1.4     0.21 |      40 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             B2XTauMu_Kst_daughters                          |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      14 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTauMu_KstLine                                 |     0.714 |     0.671 |    0.104       6.5     1.69 |      14 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XTauMu_KstLine                    |     0.000 |     5.678 |    5.678       5.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XTauMu_KstLine                    |    20.000 |    19.003 |   19.003      19.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XTauMu_KstLine                    |     0.000 |     0.792 |    0.792       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2XTauMu_KstLine                    |    10.000 |     3.702 |    3.702       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2XTauMu_KstLine                    |     0.000 |     4.398 |    4.398       4.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2XTauMu_KstLine                    |    40.000 |    36.075 |   36.075      36.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_B2XTauMu_KstLine                    |    10.000 |     8.505 |    8.505       8.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_B2XTauMu_KstLine                    |     0.000 |     0.817 |    0.817       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_B2XTauMu_KstLine                    |     0.000 |     0.657 |    0.657       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_B2XTauMu_KstLine                   |     0.000 |     0.642 |    0.642       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_B2XTauMu_KstLine                   |     0.000 |     0.604 |    0.604       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_B2XTauMu_KstLine                   |     0.000 |     0.534 |    0.534       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo13_B2XTauMu_KstLine                   |     0.000 |     0.559 |    0.559       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_KstLinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTauMu_Kst_WSLine                       |     0.070 |     0.126 |    0.028       5.3     0.19 |    1000 |     0.126 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_Kst_WSLinePreScaler             |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_Kst_WSLineFilterSequence        |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.002       2.1     0.12 |     513 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2XTauMu_Kst_WS_daughters                 |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.006       0.5     0.07 |     146 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2XTauMu_Kst_WS_daughters          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     146 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             B2XTauMu_Kst_WS_daughters                       |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTauMu_Kst_WSLine                              |     0.000 |     0.408 |    0.110       1.6     0.60 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingProtectedSequenceDimuon                    |    27.000 |    27.446 |    2.414    9804.0   310.66 |    1000 |    27.446 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTauMu_KstLine                          |     0.350 |     0.327 |    0.035      81.8     2.61 |    1000 |     0.327 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_KstLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.5     0.02 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_KstLineFilterSequence           |     0.240 |     0.233 |    0.007      81.7     2.60 |    1000 |     0.234 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingGoodEventConditionDimuon                |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2XTauMu_Kst_daughters                    |     0.511 |     0.473 |    0.009       4.6     0.54 |     293 |     0.139 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2XTauMu_Kst_daughters             |     0.477 |     0.453 |    0.006       3.9     0.49 |     293 |     0.133 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Kst0MuForB2XTauMu                        |     0.477 |     0.448 |    0.002       3.9     0.49 |     293 |     0.131 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PiforB2XTauMu                                 |     0.144 |     0.073 |    0.032       0.2     0.03 |     208 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Kst02KPiforB2XTauMu                           |     0.000 |     0.102 |    0.067       1.1     0.08 |     205 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Kst0MuForB2XTauMu                             |     0.000 |     0.142 |    0.066       1.2     0.17 |      40 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             B2XTauMu_Kst_daughters                          |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      14 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTauMu_KstLine                                 |     0.000 |     0.229 |    0.091       1.3     0.32 |      14 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XTauMu_KstLine                    |     0.000 |     5.397 |    5.397       5.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XTauMu_KstLine                    |    10.000 |    18.825 |   18.825      18.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XTauMu_KstLine                    |    10.000 |     0.720 |    0.720       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_B2XTauMu_KstLine                    |     0.000 |     3.565 |    3.565       3.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_B2XTauMu_KstLine                    |     0.000 |     4.161 |    4.161       4.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_B2XTauMu_KstLine                    |    30.000 |    27.892 |   27.892      27.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_B2XTauMu_KstLine                    |    10.000 |     6.807 |    6.807       6.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_B2XTauMu_KstLine                    |     0.000 |     0.637 |    0.637       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_B2XTauMu_KstLine                    |     0.000 |     0.607 |    0.607       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_B2XTauMu_KstLine                   |     0.000 |     0.603 |    0.603       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_B2XTauMu_KstLine                   |     0.000 |     0.572 |    0.572       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_B2XTauMu_KstLine                   |     0.000 |     0.494 |    0.494       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo13_B2XTauMu_KstLine                   |     0.000 |     0.530 |    0.530       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_KstLinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTauMu_Kst_WSLine                       |     0.150 |     0.107 |    0.023       1.8     0.09 |    1000 |     0.108 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_Kst_WSLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_Kst_WSLineFilterSequence        |     0.038 |     0.017 |    0.002       1.7     0.11 |     513 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2XTauMu_Kst_WS_daughters                 |     0.136 |     0.023 |    0.006       0.5     0.08 |     146 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2XTauMu_Kst_WS_daughters          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |     146 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             B2XTauMu_Kst_WS_daughters                       |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTauMu_Kst_WSLine                              |     0.000 |     0.323 |    0.094       1.2     0.42 |       6 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XTauMu_Kst_WSLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XTauMu_Kst_WSLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XTauMu_Kst_WSLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -147699,17 +147959,17 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_B2XTauMu_Kst_WSLi
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_B2XTauMu_Kst_WSLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo13_B2XTauMu_Kst_WSLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_Kst_WSLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTauMu_K_3piLine                        |     0.140 |     0.129 |    0.031       2.3     0.14 |    1000 |     0.130 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTauMu_K_3piLine                        |     0.140 |     0.114 |    0.027       2.1     0.13 |    1000 |     0.115 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_K_3piLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_K_3piLineFilterSequence         |     0.020 |     0.018 |    0.002       2.2     0.13 |    1000 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2XTauMu_K_3pi_daughters                  |     0.215 |     0.086 |    0.015       1.4     0.26 |      93 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2XTauMu_K_3pi_daughters           |     0.107 |     0.051 |    0.011       0.9     0.14 |      93 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KMuOSFor_KB2XTauMu                       |     0.107 |     0.019 |    0.003       0.5     0.07 |      93 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KMuOSFor_KB2XTauMu                            |     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.031       0.1     0.02 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_K_3piLineFilterSequence         |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.002       2.0     0.12 |    1000 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2XTauMu_K_3pi_daughters                  |     0.000 |     0.077 |    0.013       1.4     0.24 |      93 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2XTauMu_K_3pi_daughters           |     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.010       0.8     0.13 |      93 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KMuOSFor_KB2XTauMu                       |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.002       0.4     0.06 |      93 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KMuOSFor_KB2XTauMu                            |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.030       0.1     0.02 |       4 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KMuSSFor_KB2XTauMu                       |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.001       0.6     0.09 |      93 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KMuSSFor_KB2XTauMu                            |     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.012       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             B2XTauMu_K_3pi_daughters                        |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTauMu_K_3piLine                               |     0.000 |     0.443 |    0.135       1.6     0.58 |       6 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KMuSSFor_KB2XTauMu                            |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.018       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             B2XTauMu_K_3pi_daughters                        |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTauMu_K_3piLine                               |     0.000 |     0.342 |    0.161       1.1     0.37 |       6 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XTauMu_K_3piLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XTauMu_K_3piLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XTauMu_K_3piLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -147724,13 +147984,13 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_B2XTauMu_K_3piLin
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_B2XTauMu_K_3piLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo13_B2XTauMu_K_3piLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_K_3piLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTauMu_K_3pi_WSLine                     |     0.160 |     0.111 |    0.024       2.8     0.11 |    1000 |     0.112 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_K_3pi_WSLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_K_3pi_WSLineFilterSequence      |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.002       2.6     0.13 |     514 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2XTauMu_K_3pi_WS_daughters               |     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.006       0.8     0.14 |      40 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2XTauMu_K_3pi_WSLine                     |     0.060 |     0.098 |    0.021       2.4     0.09 |    1000 |     0.099 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_K_3pi_WSLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_K_3pi_WSLineFilterSequence      |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.001       2.2     0.11 |     514 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:B2XTauMu_K_3pi_WS_daughters               |     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.006       0.9     0.15 |      40 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:B2XTauMu_K_3pi_WS_daughters        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             B2XTauMu_K_3pi_WS_daughters                     |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTauMu_K_3pi_WSLine                            |     0.000 |     0.873 |    0.268       1.5     0.86 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             B2XTauMu_K_3pi_WS_daughters                     |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2XTauMu_K_3pi_WSLine                            |     0.000 |     0.611 |    0.238       1.0     0.53 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_WSLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_WSLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_WSLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -147745,141 +148005,141 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_WS
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_WSLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo13_B2XTauMu_K_3pi_WSLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2XTauMu_K_3pi_WSLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibcXibc2LcJpsi                           |     0.100 |     0.112 |    0.018       9.7     0.38 |    1000 |     0.113 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcXibc2LcJpsiPreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcXibc2LcJpsiFilterSequence            |     0.049 |     0.122 |    0.012       9.6     0.84 |     202 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibcXibc2LcJpsiVOIDFilter               |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     202 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcJpsiMuonFilterSelection                      |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.016       0.0     0.01 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcLcSelection                                  |     2.500 |     3.808 |    1.316       7.2     2.90 |       4 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcXibc2LcJpsi                                  |     0.000 |     0.452 |    0.112       1.1     0.57 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXibcXibc2LcJpsi                           |     0.090 |     0.101 |    0.017       7.3     0.29 |    1000 |     0.102 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcXibc2LcJpsiPreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcXibc2LcJpsiFilterSequence            |     0.148 |     0.098 |    0.009       7.2     0.64 |     202 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingXibcXibc2LcJpsiVOIDFilter               |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     202 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcJpsiMuonFilterSelection                      |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.017       0.0     0.01 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcLcSelection                                  |     2.500 |     2.975 |    1.264       5.2     2.01 |       4 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XibcXibc2LcJpsi                                  |     0.000 |     0.292 |    0.079       0.7     0.34 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXibcXibc2LcJpsiPostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKstarFromTracksDetache|     0.100 |     0.113 |    0.020       3.0     0.18 |    1000 |     0.114 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKstarFromTracksDetach|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKstarFromTracksDetach|     0.101 |     0.064 |    0.002       2.8     0.27 |     393 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Kstar2KpiForBetaSBd2JpsieeKS                     |     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.043       0.3     0.05 |      25 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bd2JpsieeKstarFromTracksBd2JpsieeKS              |     0.000 |     0.542 |    0.096       1.4     0.77 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKstarFromTracksDetache|     0.130 |     0.106 |    0.017       2.5     0.19 |    1000 |     0.107 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKstarFromTracksDetach|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKstarFromTracksDetach|     0.076 |     0.062 |    0.002       2.3     0.27 |     393 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Kstar2KpiForBetaSBd2JpsieeKS                     |     0.400 |     0.080 |    0.040       0.3     0.05 |      25 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bd2JpsieeKstarFromTracksBd2JpsieeKS              |     0.000 |     0.423 |    0.073       1.1     0.60 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKstarFromTracksDetachedLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBd2JpsieeKstarFromTracksDetach|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBu2JpsieeKFromTracksDetachedLin|     0.080 |     0.101 |    0.020       2.8     0.12 |    1000 |     0.101 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBu2JpsieeKFromTracksDetachedLi|     0.020 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBu2JpsieeKFromTracksDetachedLi|     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.002       2.7     0.22 |     185 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsForBetaSBd2JpsieeKS                         |     0.000 |     0.073 |    0.023       0.1     0.04 |       9 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2JpsieeKFromTracksBd2JpsieeKS                  |     0.000 |     0.287 |    0.094       1.5     0.51 |       8 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bd2JpsieeKSBu2JpsieeKFromTracksDetachedLine      |     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.041       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBu2JpsieeKFromTracksDetachedLi|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHeavyBaryonXib2JpsiXi                     |     0.110 |     0.126 |    0.023       2.9     0.20 |    1000 |     0.126 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBu2JpsieeKFromTracksDetachedLin|     0.070 |     0.090 |    0.018       2.4     0.09 |    1000 |     0.090 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBu2JpsieeKFromTracksDetachedLi|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBu2JpsieeKFromTracksDetachedLi|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.002       2.3     0.19 |     185 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsForBetaSBd2JpsieeKS                         |     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.032       0.1     0.03 |       9 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2JpsieeKFromTracksBd2JpsieeKS                  |     0.000 |     0.242 |    0.069       1.3     0.41 |       8 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bd2JpsieeKSBu2JpsieeKFromTracksDetachedLine      |     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.038       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBd2JpsieeKSBu2JpsieeKFromTracksDetachedLi|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHeavyBaryonXib2JpsiXi                     |     0.110 |     0.111 |    0.021       2.5     0.17 |    1000 |     0.112 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHeavyBaryonXib2JpsiXiPreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHeavyBaryonXib2JpsiXiFilterSequence      |     0.030 |     0.030 |    0.002       2.8     0.19 |    1000 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MassConstrainedJpsiForHeavyBaryonsHeavyBaryon    |     0.312 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      32 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:MergedPionsForHeavyBaryon                 |     0.000 |     0.220 |    0.096       0.4     0.10 |      26 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:MergedPionsForHeavyBaryon          |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |      26 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Phys_StdAllLoosePions_Particles          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Phys_StdNoPIDsDownPions_Particles        |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |     974 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MergedPionsForHeavyBaryon                       |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      26 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForHeavyBaryon                              |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.010       0.1     0.02 |      26 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:StdLooseLambdaMergedForHeavyBaryon        |     0.000 |     0.107 |    0.010       0.3     0.10 |      26 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:StdLooseLambdaMergedForHeavyBaryon |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      26 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             StdLooseLambdaMergedForHeavyBaryon              |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      14 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaForHeavyBaryon                             |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      14 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ximinus2LambdaPiHeavyBaryon                      |     2.500 |     0.774 |    0.343       1.8     0.67 |       4 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            HeavyBaryonXib2JpsiXi                            |     0.000 |     0.657 |    0.657       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHeavyBaryonXib2JpsiXiFilterSequence      |     0.030 |     0.027 |    0.002       2.4     0.17 |    1000 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MassConstrainedJpsiForHeavyBaryonsHeavyBaryon    |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      32 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:MergedPionsForHeavyBaryon                 |     0.384 |     0.214 |    0.090       0.7     0.13 |      26 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:MergedPionsForHeavyBaryon          |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |      26 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Phys_StdAllLoosePions_Particles          |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Phys_StdNoPIDsDownPions_Particles        |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MergedPionsForHeavyBaryon                       |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      26 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForHeavyBaryon                              |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      26 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:StdLooseLambdaMergedForHeavyBaryon        |     0.000 |     0.085 |    0.008       0.2     0.08 |      26 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:StdLooseLambdaMergedForHeavyBaryon |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      26 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             StdLooseLambdaMergedForHeavyBaryon              |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      14 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaForHeavyBaryon                             |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      14 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ximinus2LambdaPiHeavyBaryon                      |     2.500 |     0.597 |    0.196       1.3     0.53 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            HeavyBaryonXib2JpsiXi                            |     0.000 |     0.589 |    0.589       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHeavyBaryonXib2JpsiXiPostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHeavyBaryonXibzero2JpsiXistar             |     0.080 |     0.096 |    0.023       1.2     0.06 |    1000 |     0.096 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHeavyBaryonXibzero2JpsiXistar             |     0.060 |     0.086 |    0.021       1.2     0.06 |    1000 |     0.086 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHeavyBaryonXibzero2JpsiXistarPreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHeavyBaryonXibzero2JpsiXistarFilterSequen|     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       1.1     0.04 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            HeavyBaryonXibzero2JpsiXistar                    |    10.000 |     0.996 |    0.996       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHeavyBaryonXibzero2JpsiXistarFilterSequen|     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.001       1.1     0.03 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            HeavyBaryonXibzero2JpsiXistar                    |     0.000 |     0.988 |    0.988       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHeavyBaryonXibzero2JpsiXistarPostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHeavyBaryonOmegab2JpsiOmega               |     0.130 |     0.105 |    0.022       1.5     0.11 |    1000 |     0.105 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHeavyBaryonOmegab2JpsiOmegaPreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHeavyBaryonOmegab2JpsiOmegaFilterSequence|     0.020 |     0.014 |    0.002       1.4     0.09 |    1000 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:MergedKaonsForHeavyBaryon                 |     0.000 |     0.190 |    0.093       0.4     0.07 |      26 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:MergedKaonsForHeavyBaryon          |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |      26 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Phys_StdAllLooseKaons_Particles          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.5     0.02 |     974 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Phys_StdLooseDownKaons_Particles         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MergedKaonsForHeavyBaryon                       |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      26 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsForHeavyBaryon                              |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      26 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegaminus2LambdaKHeavyBaryon                    |     2.500 |     0.431 |    0.220       1.0     0.35 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHeavyBaryonOmegab2JpsiOmega               |     0.090 |     0.095 |    0.020       1.3     0.09 |    1000 |     0.096 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHeavyBaryonOmegab2JpsiOmegaPreScaler     |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHeavyBaryonOmegab2JpsiOmegaFilterSequence|     0.010 |     0.013 |    0.001       1.2     0.08 |    1000 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:MergedKaonsForHeavyBaryon                 |     0.000 |     0.187 |    0.103       0.5     0.08 |      26 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:MergedKaonsForHeavyBaryon          |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |      26 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Phys_StdAllLooseKaons_Particles          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Phys_StdLooseDownKaons_Particles         |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MergedKaonsForHeavyBaryon                       |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      26 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsForHeavyBaryon                              |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      26 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegaminus2LambdaKHeavyBaryon                    |     0.000 |     0.369 |    0.195       0.7     0.26 |       4 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            HeavyBaryonOmegab2JpsiOmega                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHeavyBaryonOmegab2JpsiOmegaPostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingExoticaDisplDiMuonLine                    |     0.220 |     0.250 |    0.023       4.4     0.26 |    1000 |     0.250 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDisplDiMuonLinePreScaler          |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDisplDiMuonLineFilterSequence     |     0.120 |     0.154 |    0.002       4.2     0.20 |    1000 |     0.154 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SharedDiMuonNoIP                                 |     0.063 |     0.083 |    0.046       4.0     0.16 |     785 |     0.065 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ExoticaDisplDiMuonLine                           |     0.000 |     0.061 |    0.020       0.2     0.05 |      44 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingExoticaDisplDiMuonLine                    |     0.270 |     0.215 |    0.020       5.7     0.22 |    1000 |     0.216 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDisplDiMuonLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDisplDiMuonLineFilterSequence     |     0.160 |     0.129 |    0.001       1.1     0.11 |    1000 |     0.129 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SharedDiMuonNoIP                                 |     0.089 |     0.064 |    0.045       0.6     0.03 |     785 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ExoticaDisplDiMuonLine                           |     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.018       0.1     0.03 |      44 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDisplDiMuonLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingExoticaDisplDiMuonHighMassLine            |     0.080 |     0.105 |    0.022       1.2     0.07 |    1000 |     0.105 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDisplDiMuonHighMassLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDisplDiMuonHighMassLineFilterSeque|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.002       1.0     0.05 |    1000 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ExoticaDisplDiMuonHighMassLine                   |     0.000 |     0.065 |    0.022       0.8     0.12 |      44 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingExoticaDisplDiMuonHighMassLine            |     0.140 |     0.095 |    0.022       0.7     0.06 |    1000 |     0.096 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDisplDiMuonHighMassLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDisplDiMuonHighMassLineFilterSeque|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.001       0.5     0.03 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ExoticaDisplDiMuonHighMassLine                   |     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.019       0.3     0.05 |      44 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDisplDiMuonHighMassLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingExoticaDisplDiMuonNoPointLine             |     0.060 |     0.089 |    0.018       0.6     0.05 |    1000 |     0.089 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDisplDiMuonNoPointLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingExoticaDisplDiMuonNoPointLine             |     0.120 |     0.080 |    0.017       0.4     0.04 |    1000 |     0.080 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDisplDiMuonNoPointLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDisplDiMuonNoPointLineFilterSequen|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.01 |      90 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ExoticaDisplDiMuonNoPointLine                    |     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.041       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ExoticaDisplDiMuonNoPointLine                    |     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.056       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDisplDiMuonNoPointLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingExoticaDisplDiMuonNoPointRLine            |     0.090 |     0.101 |    0.022       0.6     0.06 |    1000 |     0.101 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingExoticaDisplDiMuonNoPointRLine            |     0.090 |     0.090 |    0.021       0.5     0.05 |    1000 |     0.090 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDisplDiMuonNoPointRLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDisplDiMuonNoPointRLineFilterSeque|     0.010 |     0.011 |    0.002       0.4     0.04 |    1000 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ExoticaDisplDiMuonNoPointRLine                   |     0.000 |     0.045 |    0.020       0.1     0.03 |      44 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDisplDiMuonNoPointRLineFilterSeque|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.002       0.4     0.03 |    1000 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ExoticaDisplDiMuonNoPointRLine                   |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.019       0.1     0.02 |      44 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDisplDiMuonNoPointRLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingFullDSTDiMuonPsi2MuMuTOSLine              |     1.810 |     1.775 |    0.024      74.8     4.63 |    1000 |     1.775 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingFullDSTDiMuonPsi2MuMuTOSLine              |     1.550 |     1.552 |    0.023      69.8     4.26 |    1000 |     1.552 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonPsi2MuMuTOSLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonPsi2MuMuTOSLineFilterSequenc|     1.720 |     1.690 |    0.003      74.6     4.62 |    1000 |     1.691 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            FullDSTDiMuonPsi2MuMuTOSLine                     |     4.235 |     4.120 |    0.357      74.2     6.51 |     399 |     1.644 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonPsi2MuMuTOSLineFilterSequenc|     1.450 |     1.479 |    0.003      69.6     4.26 |    1000 |     1.479 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            FullDSTDiMuonPsi2MuMuTOSLine                     |     3.609 |     3.607 |    0.289      69.2     6.08 |     399 |     1.439 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonPsi2MuMuTOSLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingFullDSTDiMuonJpsi2MuMuTOSLine             |     0.120 |     0.158 |    0.031       6.0     0.33 |    1000 |     0.159 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonJpsi2MuMuTOSLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonJpsi2MuMuTOSLineFilterSequen|     0.060 |     0.063 |    0.003       5.7     0.33 |    1000 |     0.063 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            FullDSTDiMuonJpsi2MuMuTOSLine                    |     1.200 |     0.981 |    0.210       5.4     0.92 |      50 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonJpsi2MuMuTOSLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingFullDSTDiMuonPsi2MuMuDetachedLine         |     0.110 |     0.138 |    0.027       0.8     0.10 |    1000 |     0.139 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingFullDSTDiMuonJpsi2MuMuTOSLine             |     0.150 |     0.141 |    0.028       4.2     0.27 |    1000 |     0.141 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonJpsi2MuMuTOSLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonJpsi2MuMuTOSLineFilterSequen|     0.080 |     0.056 |    0.002       4.1     0.27 |    1000 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            FullDSTDiMuonJpsi2MuMuTOSLine                    |     1.000 |     0.893 |    0.201       3.8     0.71 |      50 |     0.045 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonJpsi2MuMuTOSLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingFullDSTDiMuonPsi2MuMuDetachedLine         |     0.100 |     0.120 |    0.024       0.7     0.08 |    1000 |     0.120 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonPsi2MuMuDetachedLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonPsi2MuMuDetachedLineFilterSe|     0.040 |     0.058 |    0.002       0.6     0.09 |    1000 |     0.059 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            FullDSTDiMuonPsi2MuMuDetachedLine                |     0.025 |     0.040 |    0.017       0.5     0.03 |     399 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonPsi2MuMuDetachedLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingFullDSTDiMuonJpsi2MuMuDetachedLine        |     0.110 |     0.100 |    0.022       0.6     0.06 |    1000 |     0.101 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonPsi2MuMuDetachedLineFilterSe|     0.060 |     0.049 |    0.002       0.6     0.07 |    1000 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            FullDSTDiMuonPsi2MuMuDetachedLine                |     0.050 |     0.029 |    0.013       0.2     0.02 |     399 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonPsi2MuMuDetachedLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingFullDSTDiMuonJpsi2MuMuDetachedLine        |     0.110 |     0.090 |    0.020       0.6     0.05 |    1000 |     0.091 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonJpsi2MuMuDetachedLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonJpsi2MuMuDetachedLineFilterS|     0.020 |     0.009 |    0.001       0.4     0.03 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            FullDSTDiMuonJpsi2MuMuDetachedLine               |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.012       0.1     0.02 |      50 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonJpsi2MuMuDetachedLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingFullDSTDiMuonDiMuonNoPVLine               |     0.100 |     0.110 |    0.031       0.9     0.06 |    1000 |     0.111 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonJpsi2MuMuDetachedLineFilterS|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.001       0.5     0.03 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            FullDSTDiMuonJpsi2MuMuDetachedLine               |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      50 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonJpsi2MuMuDetachedLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingFullDSTDiMuonDiMuonNoPVLine               |     0.200 |     0.097 |    0.032       0.5     0.05 |    1000 |     0.098 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonDiMuonNoPVLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonDiMuonNoPVLineFilterSequence|     0.010 |     0.015 |    0.009       0.6     0.02 |    1000 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingFullDSTDiMuonDiMuonNoPVLineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.6     0.02 |    1000 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonDiMuonNoPVLineFilterSequence|     0.020 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingFullDSTDiMuonDiMuonNoPVLineVOIDFilter   |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            FullDSTDiMuonDiMuonNoPVLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonDiMuonNoPVLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingFullDSTDiMuonDiMuonHighMassLine           |     0.150 |     0.123 |    0.022       0.7     0.08 |    1000 |     0.123 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonDiMuonHighMassLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonDiMuonHighMassLineFilterSequ|     0.040 |     0.044 |    0.002       0.5     0.07 |    1000 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            FullDSTDiMuonDiMuonHighMassLine                  |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     399 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonDiMuonHighMassLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingFullDSTDiMuonDiMuonHighMassSameSignLine   |     0.110 |     0.097 |    0.018       3.4     0.12 |    1000 |     0.098 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonDiMuonHighMassSameSignLinePr|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonDiMuonHighMassSameSignLineFi|     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.003       0.5     0.07 |     177 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            FullDSTDiMuonDiMuonHighMassSameSignLine          |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.005       0.2     0.02 |      69 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingFullDSTDiMuonDiMuonHighMassLine           |     0.140 |     0.117 |    0.022       5.6     0.22 |    1000 |     0.118 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonDiMuonHighMassLinePreScaler |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonDiMuonHighMassLineFilterSequ|     0.050 |     0.040 |    0.002       1.6     0.07 |    1000 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            FullDSTDiMuonDiMuonHighMassLine                  |     0.025 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     399 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonDiMuonHighMassLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingFullDSTDiMuonDiMuonHighMassSameSignLine   |     0.140 |     0.090 |    0.017       0.9     0.08 |    1000 |     0.090 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonDiMuonHighMassSameSignLinePr|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonDiMuonHighMassSameSignLineFi|     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.003       0.4     0.06 |     177 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            FullDSTDiMuonDiMuonHighMassSameSignLine          |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      69 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDSTDiMuonDiMuonHighMassSameSignLinePo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingA1MuMuLine                                |     0.210 |     0.180 |    0.047       0.9     0.10 |    1000 |     0.180 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingA1MuMuLinePreScaler                      |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingA1MuMuLineFilterSequence                 |     0.020 |     0.041 |    0.002       0.5     0.06 |    1000 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            A1MuMuLine                                       |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     399 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingA1MuMuLine                                |     0.160 |     0.138 |    0.040       0.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.138 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingA1MuMuLinePreScaler                      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingA1MuMuLineFilterSequence                 |     0.040 |     0.037 |    0.002       0.4     0.05 |    1000 |     0.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            A1MuMuLine                                       |     0.025 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |     399 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingA1MuMuLinePostScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingA1MuMuSameSignLine                        |     0.200 |     0.168 |    0.049       0.8     0.09 |    1000 |     0.169 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingA1MuMuSameSignLine                        |     0.090 |     0.149 |    0.044       1.3     0.09 |    1000 |     0.150 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingA1MuMuSameSignLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingA1MuMuSameSignLineFilterSequence         |     0.040 |     0.053 |    0.003       0.6     0.08 |    1000 |     0.054 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            A1MuMuSameSignLine                               |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     421 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingA1MuMuSameSignLineFilterSequence         |     0.030 |     0.051 |    0.002       1.0     0.08 |    1000 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            A1MuMuSameSignLine                               |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     421 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingA1MuMuSameSignLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2JpsiHBDTLine                           |     0.250 |     0.194 |    0.035       7.3     0.37 |    1000 |     0.194 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBc2JpsiHBDTLine                           |     0.110 |     0.178 |    0.032       5.4     0.32 |    1000 |     0.178 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2JpsiHBDTLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2JpsiHBDTLineFilterSequence            |     0.100 |     0.087 |    0.003       7.2     0.36 |    1000 |     0.088 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Jpsi2MuMuForBc2JpsiHBDT_SelP2MuMu                |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     399 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelPion_Sel_Bc2JpsiHBDT                          |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      27 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sel_Bc2JpsiHBDT                                  |     0.740 |     0.560 |    0.068       3.3     0.66 |      27 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2JpsiHBDTLine                                  |     1.111 |     1.518 |    0.506       5.9     1.68 |       9 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2JpsiHBDTLineFilterSequence            |     0.070 |     0.077 |    0.002       5.3     0.30 |    1000 |     0.078 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Jpsi2MuMuForBc2JpsiHBDT_SelP2MuMu                |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     399 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelPion_Sel_Bc2JpsiHBDT                          |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      27 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sel_Bc2JpsiHBDT                                  |     0.740 |     0.497 |    0.058       2.7     0.56 |      27 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bc2JpsiHBDTLine                                  |     0.000 |     1.232 |    0.411       4.2     1.15 |       9 |     0.011 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBc2JpsiHBDTLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2MuMuLinesWideMassLine                  |     0.240 |     0.217 |    0.024       1.0     0.15 |    1000 |     0.218 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesWideMassLinePreScaler        |     0.020 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesWideMassLineFilterSequence   |     0.140 |     0.138 |    0.002       0.8     0.14 |    1000 |     0.138 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2MuMuLinesWideMassLine                         |     0.148 |     0.151 |    0.083       0.7     0.06 |     537 |     0.081 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBs2MuMuLinesWideMassLine                  |     0.170 |     0.185 |    0.023       1.2     0.12 |    1000 |     0.186 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesWideMassLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesWideMassLineFilterSequence   |     0.130 |     0.114 |    0.002       0.9     0.12 |    1000 |     0.114 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2MuMuLinesWideMassLine                         |     0.130 |     0.114 |    0.074       0.6     0.04 |     537 |     0.061 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Bs2MuMuLinesWideMassLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Bs2MuMuLinesWideMassLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Bs2MuMuLinesWideMassLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -147891,126 +148151,126 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_Bs2MuMuLinesWideMa
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_Bs2MuMuLinesWideMassLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_Bs2MuMuLinesWideMassLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBs2MuMuLinesWideMassLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingKs2PiPiForRnSLine                         |     0.080 |     0.094 |    0.018       2.2     0.09 |    1000 |     0.094 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKs2PiPiForRnSLinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKs2PiPiForRnSLineFilterSequence          |     3.333 |     1.011 |    0.414       2.1     0.96 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForRnS                                      |     0.000 |     0.096 |    0.075       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ks2PiPiForRnSLine                                |     3.333 |     0.596 |    0.109       1.5     0.79 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingKs2PiPiForRnSLine                         |     0.090 |     0.087 |    0.016       2.3     0.09 |    1000 |     0.087 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKs2PiPiForRnSLinePreScaler               |     0.020 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKs2PiPiForRnSLineFilterSequence          |     3.333 |     0.990 |    0.374       2.2     1.05 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForRnS                                      |     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.048       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ks2PiPiForRnSLine                                |     3.333 |     0.610 |    0.105       1.6     0.87 |       3 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKs2PiPiForRnSLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingK0s2MuMuLine                              |     0.190 |     0.291 |    0.022       1.9     0.24 |    1000 |     0.291 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2MuMuLinePreScaler                    |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2MuMuLineFilterSequence               |     0.140 |     0.215 |    0.002       1.7     0.22 |    1000 |     0.215 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuonsForRnS                                      |     0.025 |     0.043 |    0.017       0.2     0.02 |     785 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K0s2MuMuLine                                     |     0.048 |     0.089 |    0.058       0.6     0.04 |     410 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingK0s2MuMuLine                              |     0.210 |     0.262 |    0.020       2.3     0.21 |    1000 |     0.262 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2MuMuLinePreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2MuMuLineFilterSequence               |     0.160 |     0.193 |    0.002       2.1     0.20 |    1000 |     0.194 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuonsForRnS                                      |     0.012 |     0.035 |    0.016       0.2     0.02 |     785 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K0s2MuMuLine                                     |     0.097 |     0.083 |    0.053       0.8     0.06 |     410 |     0.034 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_K0s2MuMuLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2MuMuLinePostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingK0s2MuMuSBLine                            |     0.230 |     0.172 |    0.016      74.7     2.36 |    1000 |     0.172 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2MuMuSBLinePreScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2MuMuSBLineFilterSequence             |     1.100 |     0.844 |    0.002      74.6     7.45 |     100 |     0.084 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K0s2MuMuSBLine                                   |     0.227 |     0.113 |    0.060       1.4     0.20 |      44 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_K0s2MuMuSBLine                      |    90.000 |    74.113 |   74.113      74.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.074 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2MuMuSBLinePostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingK0s2Mu3eLine                              |     0.400 |     0.375 |    0.022       6.9     0.60 |    1000 |     0.375 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingK0s2MuMuSBLine                            |     0.100 |     0.164 |    0.015      75.0     2.37 |    1000 |     0.164 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2MuMuSBLinePreScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2MuMuSBLineFilterSequence             |     0.800 |     0.844 |    0.002      74.9     7.48 |     100 |     0.084 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K0s2MuMuSBLine                                   |     0.227 |     0.102 |    0.051       1.1     0.16 |      44 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_K0s2MuMuSBLine                      |    70.000 |    74.427 |   74.427      74.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.074 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2MuMuSBLinePostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingK0s2Mu3eLine                              |     0.360 |     0.333 |    0.020       8.3     0.54 |    1000 |     0.334 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2Mu3eLinePreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2Mu3eLineFilterSequence               |     0.260 |     0.285 |    0.001       6.7     0.58 |    1000 |     0.286 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ElectronsForRnS                                  |     0.044 |     0.050 |    0.020       5.3     0.20 |     672 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelEMuForRnS                                     |     0.054 |     0.127 |    0.050       0.6     0.08 |     182 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDiElectronsForRnS                             |     0.048 |     0.068 |    0.032       1.5     0.08 |     411 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K0s2Mu3eLine                                     |     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.051       1.3     0.21 |      32 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2Mu3eLineFilterSequence               |     0.300 |     0.253 |    0.002       8.1     0.52 |    1000 |     0.253 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ElectronsForRnS                                  |     0.014 |     0.035 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |     672 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelEMuForRnS                                     |     0.109 |     0.106 |    0.046       0.6     0.06 |     182 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDiElectronsForRnS                             |     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.029       1.1     0.06 |     411 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K0s2Mu3eLine                                     |     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.046       1.1     0.18 |      32 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_K0s2Mu3eLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2Mu3eLinePostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingK0s2eMuLine                               |     0.170 |     0.133 |    0.022       1.1     0.12 |    1000 |     0.134 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingK0s2eMuLine                               |     0.130 |     0.119 |    0.020       1.3     0.11 |    1000 |     0.119 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2eMuLinePreScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2eMuLineFilterSequence                |     0.070 |     0.047 |    0.002       0.9     0.11 |    1000 |     0.047 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K0s2eMuLine                                      |     0.329 |     0.074 |    0.047       0.5     0.05 |     182 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2eMuLineFilterSequence                |     0.060 |     0.042 |    0.001       1.0     0.10 |    1000 |     0.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K0s2eMuLine                                      |     0.054 |     0.064 |    0.042       0.5     0.04 |     182 |     0.012 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_K0s2eMuLine                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2eMuLinePostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingK0s24eLine                                |     0.240 |     0.169 |    0.021       2.3     0.19 |    1000 |     0.169 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s24eLinePreScaler                      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s24eLineFilterSequence                 |     0.130 |     0.078 |    0.001       2.1     0.18 |    1000 |     0.079 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K0s24eLine                                       |     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.028       1.4     0.17 |      74 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingK0s24eLine                                |     0.140 |     0.150 |    0.020       1.8     0.17 |    1000 |     0.151 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s24eLinePreScaler                      |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s24eLineFilterSequence                 |     0.040 |     0.071 |    0.001       1.8     0.15 |    1000 |     0.071 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K0s24eLine                                       |     0.270 |     0.061 |    0.026       0.9     0.14 |      74 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s24eLinePostScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTriggerTestLine                           |     0.140 |     0.157 |    0.020       0.9     0.12 |    1000 |     0.158 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTriggerTestLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTriggerTestLineFilterSequence            |     0.060 |     0.083 |    0.002       0.7     0.11 |    1000 |     0.084 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TriggerTestLine                                  |     0.073 |     0.069 |    0.037       0.6     0.04 |     410 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTriggerTestLine                           |     0.120 |     0.142 |    0.019       1.1     0.11 |    1000 |     0.142 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTriggerTestLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTriggerTestLineFilterSequence            |     0.080 |     0.075 |    0.001       0.9     0.10 |    1000 |     0.076 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TriggerTestLine                                  |     0.024 |     0.061 |    0.035       0.6     0.04 |     410 |     0.025 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_TriggerTestLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTriggerTestLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine1                  |     0.270 |     0.287 |    0.042      18.9     0.93 |    1000 |     0.287 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine1                  |     0.210 |     0.240 |    0.038      15.0     0.73 |    1000 |     0.241 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine1PreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine1Hlt1Filter       |     0.010 |     0.020 |    0.009       0.4     0.01 |    1000 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine1Hlt2Filter       |     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine1FilterSequence   |     0.120 |     0.156 |    0.002      18.8     0.90 |    1000 |     0.157 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTJpsi_SelFilterLongPartsMu          |     0.018 |     0.019 |    0.006       0.3     0.02 |     537 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTJpsiMinus_SelHlt1Jpsi              |     0.000 |     0.334 |    0.083       0.9     0.16 |      45 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTJpsiMinus_SelHlt2Jpsi              |     0.000 |     0.493 |    0.241       1.6     0.22 |      45 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTLongJpsiMinus_chargeFilterLongMu   |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTJpsi_SelMakeMuonTT                 |    28.333 |    31.122 |    4.226     137.5    52.32 |       6 |     0.187 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTJpsi_SelMuonTTPParts               |     0.000 |     0.795 |    0.155       2.8     1.14 |       5 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             TrackEffMuonTTJpsi_SelMuonTTPPartsPPMaker       |     0.000 |     0.595 |    0.056       2.7     1.16 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             TrackEffMuonTTJpsi_SelMuonTTPPartsCombDLLs      |     0.000 |     0.176 |    0.085       0.3     0.08 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTJpsi_SelMuonTTParts                |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.016       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTMuonTTJpsiPlus_chargeFilterMuonTT  |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine1                         |     0.000 |     0.933 |    0.158       2.4     1.27 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine1PostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine2                  |     0.310 |     0.318 |    0.037     143.7     4.57 |    1000 |     0.319 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine1Hlt1Filter       |     0.040 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine1Hlt2Filter       |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine1FilterSequence   |     0.120 |     0.135 |    0.002      14.9     0.73 |    1000 |     0.136 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTJpsi_SelFilterLongPartsMu          |     0.037 |     0.016 |    0.005       0.3     0.02 |     537 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTJpsiMinus_SelHlt1Jpsi              |     0.222 |     0.277 |    0.082       0.7     0.13 |      45 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTJpsiMinus_SelHlt2Jpsi              |     0.444 |     0.440 |    0.218       1.5     0.19 |      45 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTLongJpsiMinus_chargeFilterLongMu   |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTJpsi_SelMakeMuonTT                 |    15.000 |    19.495 |    3.542      78.9    29.28 |       6 |     0.117 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTJpsi_SelMuonTTPParts               |     0.000 |     0.618 |    0.140       2.3     0.91 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             TrackEffMuonTTJpsi_SelMuonTTPPartsPPMaker       |     0.000 |     0.462 |    0.038       2.1     0.93 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             TrackEffMuonTTJpsi_SelMuonTTPPartsCombDLLs      |     0.000 |     0.139 |    0.089       0.2     0.04 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTJpsi_SelMuonTTParts                |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.013       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTMuonTTJpsiPlus_chargeFilterMuonTT  |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine1                         |     0.000 |     0.513 |    0.137       1.2     0.63 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine1PostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine2                  |     0.180 |     0.237 |    0.033      84.6     2.70 |    1000 |     0.238 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine2PreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine2Hlt1Filter       |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine2Hlt2Filter       |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine2FilterSequence   |     0.190 |     0.204 |    0.002     143.6     4.57 |    1000 |     0.204 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTJpsiPlus_SelHlt1Jpsi               |     0.222 |     0.162 |    0.058       0.6     0.10 |      45 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTJpsiPlus_SelHlt2Jpsi               |     0.444 |     0.384 |    0.170       1.2     0.17 |      45 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTLongJpsiPlus_chargeFilterLongMu    |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTMuonTTJpsiMinus_chargeFilterMuonTT |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine2                         |     0.000 |     0.453 |    0.099       1.1     0.53 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine2PostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_UpsilonLine1               |     0.210 |     0.224 |    0.020      19.1     0.64 |    1000 |     0.224 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_UpsilonLine1PreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_UpsilonLine1FilterSequence|     0.070 |     0.143 |    0.001      19.0     0.63 |    1000 |     0.143 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTUpsilonZ_SelFilterLongPartsMuUpsilo|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |     785 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTUpsilonMinus_SelHlt1Upsilon        |     0.420 |     0.405 |    0.054      18.9     1.71 |     119 |     0.048 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTUpsilonMinus_SelHlt2Upsilon        |     0.000 |     0.112 |    0.050       0.5     0.11 |      25 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine2Hlt1Filter       |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine2Hlt2Filter       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine2FilterSequence   |     0.080 |     0.137 |    0.002      84.5     2.70 |    1000 |     0.137 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTJpsiPlus_SelHlt1Jpsi               |     0.222 |     0.144 |    0.052       0.3     0.07 |      45 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTJpsiPlus_SelHlt2Jpsi               |     0.000 |     0.342 |    0.170       0.6     0.09 |      45 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTLongJpsiPlus_chargeFilterLongMu    |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTMuonTTJpsiMinus_chargeFilterMuonTT |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine2                         |     0.000 |     0.308 |    0.068       0.7     0.33 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine2PostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_UpsilonLine1               |     0.200 |     0.199 |    0.019      14.5     0.50 |    1000 |     0.200 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_UpsilonLine1PreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_UpsilonLine1FilterSequence|     0.100 |     0.126 |    0.002      14.4     0.49 |    1000 |     0.126 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTUpsilonZ_SelFilterLongPartsMuUpsilo|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     785 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTUpsilonMinus_SelHlt1Upsilon        |     0.252 |     0.331 |    0.053      14.3     1.30 |     119 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTUpsilonMinus_SelHlt2Upsilon        |     0.000 |     0.121 |    0.041       0.4     0.10 |      25 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTLongUpsilonMinus_chargeFilterLongMu|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTMuonTTUpsilonPlus_chargeFilterMuonT|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTT_UpsilonLine1                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_UpsilonLine1PostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_UpsilonLine2               |     0.210 |     0.120 |    0.020       2.0     0.15 |    1000 |     0.121 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_UpsilonLine2               |     0.160 |     0.108 |    0.018       2.0     0.14 |    1000 |     0.109 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_UpsilonLine2PreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_UpsilonLine2FilterSequence|     0.060 |     0.038 |    0.002       1.8     0.13 |    1000 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTUpsilonPlus_SelHlt1Upsilon         |     0.252 |     0.141 |    0.044       0.8     0.12 |     119 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTUpsilonPlus_SelHlt2Upsilon         |     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.041       0.5     0.11 |      25 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_UpsilonLine2FilterSequence|     0.070 |     0.035 |    0.001       1.7     0.12 |    1000 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTUpsilonPlus_SelHlt1Upsilon         |     0.336 |     0.123 |    0.040       0.7     0.10 |     119 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTUpsilonPlus_SelHlt2Upsilon         |     0.000 |     0.116 |    0.040       0.4     0.10 |      25 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTLongUpsilonPlus_chargeFilterLongMu |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTMuonTTUpsilonMinus_chargeFilterMuon|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTT_UpsilonLine2                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_UpsilonLine2PostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_ZLine1                     |     0.210 |     0.151 |    0.022      17.8     0.65 |    1000 |     0.151 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_ZLine1PreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_ZLine1FilterSequence      |     0.100 |     0.066 |    0.001      17.7     0.65 |    1000 |     0.067 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTZMinus_SelHlt1Z                    |     0.336 |     0.137 |    0.037       0.8     0.12 |     119 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTZMinus_SelHlt2Z                    |     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.045       0.5     0.11 |      25 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTLongZMinus_chargeFilterLongMu      |     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.012       0.1     0.06 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTZ_SelMakeMuonTT                    |     6.666 |     6.442 |    2.543      11.6     4.66 |       3 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTZ_SelMuonTTPParts                  |     5.000 |     2.786 |    0.285       5.3     3.54 |       2 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             TrackEffMuonTTZ_SelMuonTTPPartsPPMaker          |     5.000 |     2.572 |    0.043       5.1     3.58 |       2 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             TrackEffMuonTTZ_SelMuonTTPPartsCombDLLs         |     0.000 |     0.191 |    0.158       0.2     0.05 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTZ_SelMuonTTParts                   |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.019       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTMuonTTZPlus_chargeFilterMuonTT     |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTT_ZLine1                            |     0.000 |     1.473 |    1.473       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_ZLine1                     |     0.160 |     0.128 |    0.019       7.6     0.36 |    1000 |     0.128 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_ZLine1PreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_ZLine1FilterSequence      |     0.060 |     0.050 |    0.001       7.5     0.35 |    1000 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTZMinus_SelHlt1Z                    |     0.168 |     0.122 |    0.038       0.7     0.10 |     119 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTZMinus_SelHlt2Z                    |     0.000 |     0.109 |    0.047       0.5     0.10 |      25 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTLongZMinus_chargeFilterLongMu      |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTZ_SelMakeMuonTT                    |     3.333 |     3.375 |    1.922       4.6     1.37 |       3 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTZ_SelMuonTTPParts                  |     0.000 |     1.768 |    0.230       3.3     2.18 |       2 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             TrackEffMuonTTZ_SelMuonTTPPartsPPMaker          |     0.000 |     1.590 |    0.039       3.1     2.19 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             TrackEffMuonTTZ_SelMuonTTPPartsCombDLLs         |     0.000 |     0.158 |    0.139       0.2     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTZ_SelMuonTTParts                   |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.013       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTMuonTTZPlus_chargeFilterMuonTT     |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTT_ZLine1                            |     0.000 |     0.946 |    0.946       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_ZLine1PostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_ZLine2                     |     0.100 |     0.118 |    0.020       2.8     0.17 |    1000 |     0.119 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_ZLine2                     |     0.080 |     0.107 |    0.018       2.0     0.14 |    1000 |     0.107 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_ZLine2PreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_ZLine2FilterSequence      |     0.020 |     0.038 |    0.002       2.6     0.14 |    1000 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTZPlus_SelHlt1Z                     |     0.084 |     0.137 |    0.036       0.9     0.12 |     119 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTZPlus_SelHlt2Z                     |     0.400 |     0.130 |    0.044       0.7     0.15 |      25 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTLongZPlus_chargeFilterLongMu       |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.013       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_ZLine2FilterSequence      |     0.020 |     0.034 |    0.001       1.8     0.12 |    1000 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTZPlus_SelHlt1Z                     |     0.084 |     0.121 |    0.039       0.7     0.10 |     119 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTZPlus_SelHlt2Z                     |     0.000 |     0.109 |    0.038       0.5     0.11 |      25 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTLongZPlus_chargeFilterLongMu       |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTMuonTTZMinus_chargeFilterMuonTT    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTT_ZLine2                            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_ZLine2PostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_BJpsiKLine1                |     0.270 |     0.425 |    0.020      10.3     0.52 |    1000 |     0.426 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_BJpsiKLine1PreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_BJpsiKLine1FilterSequence |     0.230 |     0.344 |    0.002      10.2     0.49 |    1000 |     0.344 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTBJpsiK_SelFilterLongPartsK         |     0.021 |     0.036 |    0.005       0.7     0.03 |     941 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTBJpsiK_SelHlt2BJpsiKK              |     0.219 |     0.280 |    0.049       9.9     0.49 |     501 |     0.141 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_BJpsiKLine1                |     0.350 |     0.383 |    0.018       7.3     0.45 |    1000 |     0.383 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_BJpsiKLine1PreScaler      |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_BJpsiKLine1FilterSequence |     0.290 |     0.308 |    0.002       7.2     0.43 |    1000 |     0.309 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTBJpsiK_SelFilterLongPartsK         |     0.053 |     0.028 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |     941 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTBJpsiK_SelHlt2BJpsiKK              |     0.239 |     0.258 |    0.044       7.0     0.42 |     501 |     0.129 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTBJpsiKMinus_SelHlt1Jpsi            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTBJpsiKMinus_SelHlt2BJpsiKMu        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTLongBJpsiKMinus_chargeFilterLongMu |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -148019,9 +148279,9 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTT_MakeJpsiMuMuForB
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTT_MakeBJpsiKTrackEff1               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTT_BJpsiKLine1                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_BJpsiKLine1PostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_BJpsiKLine2                |     0.090 |     0.089 |    0.019       0.7     0.06 |    1000 |     0.090 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_BJpsiKLine2                |     0.070 |     0.080 |    0.018       0.5     0.05 |    1000 |     0.080 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_BJpsiKLine2PreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_BJpsiKLine2FilterSequence |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_BJpsiKLine2FilterSequence |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTBJpsiKPlus_SelHlt1Jpsi             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTBJpsiKPlus_SelHlt2BJpsiKMu         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTTLongBJpsiKPlus_chargeFilterLongMu  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -148030,214 +148290,293 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTT_MakeJpsiMuMuForB
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTT_MakeBJpsiKTrackEff2               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffMuonTT_BJpsiKLine2                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_BJpsiKLine2PostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB24MuLine                       |     0.170 |     0.207 |    0.036       3.1     0.17 |    1000 |     0.208 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB24MuLinePreScaler             |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB24MuLineFilterSequence        |     0.100 |     0.113 |    0.001       0.8     0.12 |    1000 |     0.113 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2MuMuMuMuB24MuLine                              |     0.074 |     0.107 |    0.047       0.3     0.04 |     537 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB24MuLine                       |     0.180 |     0.179 |    0.028       1.2     0.13 |    1000 |     0.180 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB24MuLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB24MuLineFilterSequence        |     0.110 |     0.099 |    0.001       0.8     0.10 |    1000 |     0.100 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2MuMuMuMuB24MuLine                              |     0.074 |     0.090 |    0.043       0.2     0.02 |     537 |     0.048 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB24MuLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB23MuPiLine                     |     0.290 |     0.339 |    0.029       5.6     0.32 |    1000 |     0.339 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB23MuPiLine                     |     0.370 |     0.295 |    0.027       3.9     0.27 |    1000 |     0.295 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB23MuPiLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB23MuPiLineFilterSequence      |     0.210 |     0.247 |    0.002       4.6     0.30 |    1000 |     0.247 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2MuMuMuMuB23MuPiLine                            |     0.335 |     0.347 |    0.123       4.4     0.25 |     537 |     0.187 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB23MuPiLineFilterSequence      |     0.250 |     0.213 |    0.001       3.8     0.26 |    1000 |     0.214 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2MuMuMuMuB23MuPiLine                            |     0.316 |     0.285 |    0.094       2.4     0.17 |     537 |     0.153 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB23MuPiLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2MuMuMuMuD24MuLine                       |     0.230 |     0.218 |    0.029       7.2     0.43 |    1000 |     0.219 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2MuMuMuMuD24MuLinePreScaler             |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2MuMuMuMuD24MuLineFilterSequence        |     0.140 |     0.127 |    0.002       7.0     0.42 |    1000 |     0.127 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2MuMuMuMuD24MuLine                              |     0.111 |     0.124 |    0.045       6.8     0.46 |     537 |     0.067 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2MuMuMuMuD24MuLine                       |     0.120 |     0.172 |    0.027       1.4     0.11 |    1000 |     0.173 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2MuMuMuMuD24MuLinePreScaler             |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.7     0.02 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2MuMuMuMuD24MuLineFilterSequence        |     0.050 |     0.094 |    0.001       1.2     0.10 |    1000 |     0.094 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2MuMuMuMuD24MuLine                              |     0.093 |     0.080 |    0.041       1.0     0.05 |     537 |     0.043 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2MuMuMuMuD24MuLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB2DetachedDimuonsLine           |     0.130 |     0.213 |    0.029       1.7     0.18 |    1000 |     0.214 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB2DetachedDimuonsLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB2DetachedDimuonsLineFilterSequ|     0.060 |     0.108 |    0.002       1.5     0.16 |    1000 |     0.108 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2MuMuMuMuDetachedDimuons                        |     0.037 |     0.060 |    0.032       0.5     0.04 |     537 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2MuMuMuMuB2DetachedDimuonsLine                  |     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.027       1.2     0.13 |      88 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB2DetachedDimuonsLine           |     0.160 |     0.195 |    0.026       4.4     0.21 |    1000 |     0.195 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB2DetachedDimuonsLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB2DetachedDimuonsLineFilterSequ|     0.100 |     0.099 |    0.001       1.5     0.14 |    1000 |     0.099 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2MuMuMuMuDetachedDimuons                        |     0.037 |     0.052 |    0.029       0.5     0.03 |     537 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2MuMuMuMuB2DetachedDimuonsLine                  |     0.113 |     0.048 |    0.024       1.3     0.13 |      88 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB2DetachedDimuonsLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB2JpsiKmumuLine                 |     0.120 |     0.221 |    0.028       4.3     0.22 |    1000 |     0.222 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB2JpsiKmumuLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB2JpsiKmumuLineFilterSequence  |     0.080 |     0.113 |    0.001       4.1     0.20 |    1000 |     0.113 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2MuMuMuMuJpsi                                   |     0.018 |     0.098 |    0.043       4.0     0.19 |     537 |     0.053 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2MuMuMuMuB2JpsiKmumuLine                        |     0.000 |     0.337 |    0.147       0.9     0.22 |      10 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB2JpsiKmumuLine                 |     0.170 |     0.194 |    0.026       1.3     0.14 |    1000 |     0.194 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB2JpsiKmumuLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB2JpsiKmumuLineFilterSequence  |     0.100 |     0.098 |    0.001       1.1     0.12 |    1000 |     0.099 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2MuMuMuMuJpsi                                   |     0.111 |     0.079 |    0.040       0.6     0.03 |     537 |     0.042 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2MuMuMuMuB2JpsiKmumuLine                        |     0.000 |     0.293 |    0.160       0.6     0.15 |      10 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB2JpsiKmumuLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB2JpsiPhimumuLine               |     0.060 |     0.126 |    0.028       2.7     0.13 |    1000 |     0.126 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB2JpsiPhimumuLine               |     0.120 |     0.109 |    0.026       1.3     0.08 |    1000 |     0.109 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB2JpsiPhimumuLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB2JpsiPhimumuLineFilterSequence|     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.002       1.6     0.08 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2MuMuMuMuPhi                                    |     1.000 |     0.432 |    0.113       1.5     0.42 |      10 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2MuMuMuMuB2JpsiPhimumuLine                      |     0.000 |     0.179 |    0.145       0.2     0.05 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB2JpsiPhimumuLineFilterSequence|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.001       1.2     0.06 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2MuMuMuMuPhi                                    |     1.000 |     0.308 |    0.085       0.9     0.23 |      10 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2MuMuMuMuB2JpsiPhimumuLine                      |     0.000 |     0.141 |    0.119       0.2     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB2JpsiPhimumuLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB2DetachedDimuonAndJpsiLine     |     0.200 |     0.228 |    0.028       2.7     0.19 |    1000 |     0.228 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB2DetachedDimuonAndJpsiLine     |     0.230 |     0.206 |    0.027       4.4     0.20 |    1000 |     0.206 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB2DetachedDimuonAndJpsiLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB2DetachedDimuonAndJpsiLineFilt|     0.100 |     0.118 |    0.001       2.6     0.16 |    1000 |     0.119 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2MuMuMuMuJpsiWide                               |     0.074 |     0.090 |    0.041       0.9     0.05 |     537 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2MuMuMuMuB2DetachedDimuonAndJpsiLine            |     0.212 |     0.088 |    0.038       2.0     0.28 |      47 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB2DetachedDimuonAndJpsiLineFilt|     0.120 |     0.108 |    0.001       1.3     0.13 |    1000 |     0.108 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2MuMuMuMuJpsiWide                               |     0.111 |     0.081 |    0.039       0.6     0.03 |     537 |     0.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2MuMuMuMuB2DetachedDimuonAndJpsiLine            |     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.035       1.0     0.14 |      47 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2MuMuMuMuB2DetachedDimuonAndJpsiLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingChiCJPsiGammaConvChibLine                 |     0.130 |     0.147 |    0.026       1.4     0.11 |    1000 |     0.148 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChiCJPsiGammaConvChibLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChiCJPsiGammaConvChibLineFilterSequence  |     0.070 |     0.047 |    0.001       1.0     0.08 |    1000 |     0.048 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ChiCJPsiGammaConvUpsilon_SelMuMu                 |     0.050 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     399 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdAllTightGammaDD_Particles       |     2.000 |     2.833 |    0.220      24.9     7.74 |      10 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingChiCJPsiGammaConvChibLine                 |     0.110 |     0.131 |    0.023       1.1     0.09 |    1000 |     0.131 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChiCJPsiGammaConvChibLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChiCJPsiGammaConvChibLineFilterSequence  |     0.040 |     0.042 |    0.001       0.6     0.06 |    1000 |     0.042 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ChiCJPsiGammaConvUpsilon_SelMuMu                 |     0.050 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     399 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdAllTightGammaDD_Particles       |     3.000 |     2.958 |    0.143      26.8     8.37 |      10 |     0.030 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ChiCJPsiGammaConvGammaEE_SelGamma                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ChiCJPsiGammaConvChibLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChiCJPsiGammaConvChibLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingChiCJPsiGammaConvChicLine                 |     0.170 |     0.168 |    0.023      25.2     0.80 |    1000 |     0.169 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChiCJPsiGammaConvChicLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChiCJPsiGammaConvChicLineFilterSequence  |     0.090 |     0.073 |    0.002      25.0     0.79 |    1000 |     0.073 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ChiCJPsiGammaConvJPsi_SelMuMu                    |     0.025 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     399 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingChiCJPsiGammaConvChicLine                 |     0.140 |     0.151 |    0.021      27.0     0.86 |    1000 |     0.152 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChiCJPsiGammaConvChicLinePreScaler       |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChiCJPsiGammaConvChicLineFilterSequence  |     0.050 |     0.068 |    0.002      26.9     0.85 |    1000 |     0.069 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ChiCJPsiGammaConvJPsi_SelMuMu                    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     399 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ChiCJPsiGammaConvChicLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChiCJPsiGammaConvChicLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KpiX2MuMuDDDarkBosonLine                |     0.280 |     0.253 |    0.040       6.0     0.35 |    1000 |     0.253 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KpiX2MuMuDDDarkBosonLine                |     0.240 |     0.219 |    0.035       3.9     0.27 |    1000 |     0.219 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2MuMuDDDarkBosonLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2MuMuDDDarkBosonLineFilterSequence |     0.140 |     0.133 |    0.010       5.0     0.27 |    1000 |     0.134 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KpiX2MuMuDDDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter    |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuDXDarkBosonFilter                              |     0.027 |     0.034 |    0.004       0.2     0.02 |     363 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2MuMuDDDarkBosonSel                             |     0.041 |     0.062 |    0.034       1.5     0.10 |     241 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KpiX2MuMuDDDarkBosonLine                       |     0.000 |     0.376 |    0.081       1.5     0.63 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2MuMuDDDarkBosonLineFilterSequence |     0.100 |     0.117 |    0.009       3.6     0.23 |    1000 |     0.118 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KpiX2MuMuDDDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter    |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       3.6     0.11 |    1000 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuDXDarkBosonFilter                              |     0.027 |     0.028 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |     363 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2MuMuDDDarkBosonSel                             |     0.041 |     0.054 |    0.032       1.1     0.07 |     241 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KpiX2MuMuDDDarkBosonLine                       |     0.000 |     0.279 |    0.061       1.1     0.47 |       5 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2MuMuDDDarkBosonLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KpiX2MuMuDDSSDarkBosonLine              |     0.170 |     0.189 |    0.038       3.2     0.21 |    1000 |     0.189 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KpiX2MuMuDDSSDarkBosonLine              |     0.130 |     0.167 |    0.034       2.0     0.17 |    1000 |     0.167 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2MuMuDDSSDarkBosonLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2MuMuDDSSDarkBosonLineFilterSequenc|     0.060 |     0.069 |    0.008       3.0     0.19 |    1000 |     0.070 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KpiX2MuMuDDSSDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter  |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2MuMuSSDDDarkBosonSel                           |     0.041 |     0.060 |    0.034       1.4     0.09 |     241 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KpiX2MuMuDDSSDarkBosonLine                     |     0.000 |     0.283 |    0.064       1.3     0.40 |      12 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2MuMuDDSSDarkBosonLineFilterSequenc|     0.050 |     0.063 |    0.007       2.0     0.16 |    1000 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KpiX2MuMuDDSSDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter  |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            X2MuMuSSDDDarkBosonSel                           |     0.041 |     0.054 |    0.032       0.6     0.05 |     241 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KpiX2MuMuDDSSDarkBosonLine                     |     0.000 |     0.197 |    0.067       0.8     0.22 |      12 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KpiX2MuMuDDSSDarkBosonLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KX2MuMuDDDarkBosonLine                  |     0.100 |     0.136 |    0.039       0.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.137 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KX2MuMuDDDarkBosonLine                  |     0.150 |     0.122 |    0.035       2.4     0.09 |    1000 |     0.123 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2MuMuDDDarkBosonLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2MuMuDDDarkBosonLineFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.008       0.7     0.03 |    1000 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KX2MuMuDDDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KX2MuMuDDDarkBosonLine                         |     0.000 |     0.187 |    0.065       0.6     0.24 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2MuMuDDDarkBosonLineFilterSequence   |     0.010 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.7     0.02 |    1000 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KX2MuMuDDDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter      |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KX2MuMuDDDarkBosonLine                         |     0.000 |     0.160 |    0.059       0.5     0.21 |       5 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2MuMuDDDarkBosonLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KX2MuMuDDSSDarkBosonLine                |     0.110 |     0.133 |    0.038       0.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.134 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2KX2MuMuDDSSDarkBosonLine                |     0.140 |     0.118 |    0.034       0.7     0.06 |    1000 |     0.119 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2MuMuDDSSDarkBosonLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2MuMuDDSSDarkBosonLineFilterSequence |     0.010 |     0.015 |    0.008       0.7     0.04 |    1000 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KX2MuMuDDSSDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter    |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KX2MuMuDDSSDarkBosonLine                       |     0.000 |     0.127 |    0.049       0.6     0.16 |      12 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2MuMuDDSSDarkBosonLineFilterSequence |     0.010 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.6     0.03 |    1000 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2KX2MuMuDDSSDarkBosonLineVOIDFilter    |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2KX2MuMuDDSSDarkBosonLine                       |     0.000 |     0.119 |    0.052       0.5     0.13 |      12 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2KX2MuMuDDSSDarkBosonLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiPi0DetachedLine               |     0.100 |     0.128 |    0.027       1.6     0.12 |    1000 |     0.128 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiPi0DetachedLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiPi0DetachedLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.002       1.5     0.09 |    1000 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSNarrowJpsiForBetaSPi0                       |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.007       0.1     0.03 |      32 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSResolvedPi0ForBetaS                         |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBd2JpsiPi0R                                 |     0.000 |     0.424 |    0.175       1.0     0.35 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBd2JpsiPi0DetachedLine                      |     0.000 |     0.276 |    0.276       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine1                     |     0.650 |     0.610 |    0.039      54.5     2.57 |    1000 |     0.611 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine1PreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine1Hlt1Filter          |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine1Hlt2Filter          |     0.020 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine1FilterSequence      |     0.550 |     0.501 |    0.002      54.3     2.56 |    1000 |     0.501 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffVeloMuonLongJpsiBoth_longFilterLongMu    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     537 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffVeloMuonLongJpsiMinus_chargeFilterLongMu |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     358 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TisTosFilter1JpsiforTrackEffVeloMuon_SelHlt1Jpsi |     0.474 |     0.315 |    0.048       2.9     0.31 |     358 |     0.113 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TisTosFilter2JpsiforTrackEffVeloMuon_SelHlt2Jpsi |     0.363 |     0.459 |    0.161       3.5     0.36 |     358 |     0.165 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            VeloMuonTrackingForTrackEffVeloMuon_Jpsi         |   623.333 |   672.000 |    6.536    9726.3  2504.83 |      15 |    10.080 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             TrackEffVeloMuon_JpsiFastVelo                   |     3.333 |     3.745 |    1.008       8.6     2.25 |      15 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             TrackEffVeloMuon_Jpsipreve                      |     1.333 |     0.148 |    0.053       0.3     0.08 |      15 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             TrackEffVeloMuon_JpsiMuonStandalone             |     0.000 |     0.208 |    0.094       0.7     0.14 |      15 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             VeloMuonBuilderTrackEffVeloMuon_Jpsi            |   618.666 |   667.851 |    5.103    9716.6  2503.30 |      15 |    10.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffVeloMuon_JpsiProtoPSeq                   |     1.333 |     0.735 |    0.058       9.9     2.54 |      15 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             TrackEffVeloMuon_JpsiProtoPMaker                |     1.333 |     0.724 |    0.052       9.9     2.53 |      15 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffVeloMuon_JpsiSelVeloMuonParts            |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      15 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffVeloMuonMuonVeloJpsiPlus_chargeFilterVelo|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffVeloMuonLine1                            |     0.000 |     0.709 |    0.193       1.2     0.73 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine1PostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine2                     |     9.550 |    10.237 |    0.030    9739.4   307.98 |    1000 |    10.237 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine2PreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine2Hlt1Filter          |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine2Hlt2Filter          |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine2FilterSequence      |     9.430 |    10.139 |    0.002    9739.0   307.97 |    1000 |    10.139 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffVeloMuonLongJpsiPlus_chargeFilterLongMu  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |     358 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffVeloMuonMuonVeloJpsiMinus_chargeFilterVel|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffVeloMuonLine2                            |     0.000 |     0.185 |    0.065       0.7     0.22 |       7 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine2PostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonZLine1                    |     0.090 |     0.134 |    0.018       7.3     0.27 |    1000 |     0.134 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonZLine1PreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonZLine1FilterSequence     |     0.010 |     0.056 |    0.001       7.3     0.26 |    1000 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffVeloMuonLongZBoth_longFilterLongMu       |     0.018 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     537 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffVeloMuonLongZMinus_chargeFilterLongMu    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TisTosFilter1ZforTrackEffVeloMuon_SelHlt1Jpsi    |     0.000 |     0.145 |    0.145       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TisTosFilter2ZforTrackEffVeloMuon_SelHlt2Jpsi    |     0.000 |     0.223 |    0.223       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            VeloMuonTrackingForTrackEffVeloMuon_Z            |     0.000 |     6.523 |    6.523       6.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             TrackEffVeloMuon_ZFastVelo                      |     0.000 |     3.751 |    3.751       3.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             TrackEffVeloMuon_Zpreve                         |     0.000 |     0.517 |    0.517       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             TrackEffVeloMuon_ZMuonStandalone                |     0.000 |     2.020 |    2.020       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             VeloMuonBuilderTrackEffVeloMuon_Z               |     0.000 |     0.196 |    0.196       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffVeloMuon_ZProtoPSeq                      |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.033       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             TrackEffVeloMuon_ZProtoPMaker                   |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffVeloMuon_ZSelVeloMuonParts               |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffVeloMuonMuonVeloZPlus_chargeFilterVeloMuo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffVeloMuonZLine1                           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonZLine1PostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonZLine2                    |     0.090 |     0.077 |    0.017       0.5     0.05 |    1000 |     0.078 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonZLine2PreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonZLine2FilterSequence     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffVeloMuonLongZPlus_chargeFilterLongMu     |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffVeloMuonMuonVeloZMinus_chargeFilterVeloMu|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffVeloMuonZLine2                           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonZLine2PostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonUpsilonLine1              |     0.480 |     0.489 |    0.017       6.8     0.75 |    1000 |     0.489 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonUpsilonLine1PreScaler    |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonUpsilonLine1FilterSequenc|     0.440 |     0.415 |    0.001       6.6     0.73 |    1000 |     0.416 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffVeloMuonLongUpsilonBoth_longFilterLongMu |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     537 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffVeloMuonLongUpsilonMinus_chargeFilterLong|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     453 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TisTosFilter1UpsilonforTrackEffVeloMuon_SelHlt1Jp|     0.220 |     0.285 |    0.046       2.9     0.31 |     453 |     0.129 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TisTosFilter2UpsilonforTrackEffVeloMuon_SelHlt2Jp|     0.463 |     0.408 |    0.138       3.0     0.31 |     453 |     0.185 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            VeloMuonTrackingForTrackEffVeloMuon_Upsilon      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             TrackEffVeloMuon_UpsilonFastVelo                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             TrackEffVeloMuon_Upsilonpreve                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             TrackEffVeloMuon_UpsilonMuonStandalone          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             VeloMuonBuilderTrackEffVeloMuon_Upsilon         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffVeloMuon_UpsilonProtoPSeq                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             TrackEffVeloMuon_UpsilonProtoPMaker             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffVeloMuon_UpsilonSelVeloMuonParts         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffVeloMuonMuonVeloUpsilonPlus_chargeFilterV|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffVeloMuonUpsilonLine1                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonUpsilonLine1PostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonUpsilonLine2              |     0.260 |     0.271 |    0.018       9.3     0.50 |    1000 |     0.272 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonUpsilonLine2PreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonUpsilonLine2FilterSequenc|     0.200 |     0.197 |    0.001       8.8     0.48 |    1000 |     0.197 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffVeloMuonLongUpsilonPlus_chargeFilterLongM|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     453 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffVeloMuonMuonVeloUpsilonMinus_chargeFilter|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffVeloMuonUpsilonLine2                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonUpsilonLine2PostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiPi0DetachedLine               |     0.100 |     0.097 |    0.024       1.1     0.08 |    1000 |     0.098 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiPi0DetachedLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiPi0DetachedLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.002       0.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSNarrowJpsiForBetaSPi0                       |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |      32 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSResolvedPi0ForBetaS                         |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBd2JpsiPi0R                                 |     0.000 |     0.286 |    0.143       0.5     0.16 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBd2JpsiPi0DetachedLine                      |     0.000 |     0.183 |    0.183       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiPi0DetachedLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSBu2JpsiKDetachedLine                 |     0.160 |     0.124 |    0.025       3.7     0.18 |    1000 |     0.125 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBu2JpsiKDetachedLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBu2JpsiKDetachedLineFilterSequence  |     0.020 |     0.024 |    0.001       3.6     0.17 |    1000 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2JpsiKBetaS                                    |     0.312 |     0.143 |    0.061       0.8     0.13 |      32 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBu2JpsiKDetachedLine                        |     0.000 |     0.626 |    0.245       2.9     0.93 |       8 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBu2JpsiKDetachedLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKstarDetachedLine             |     0.270 |     0.259 |    0.024      42.2     1.90 |    1000 |     0.260 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSBu2JpsiKDetachedLine                 |     0.110 |     0.112 |    0.022       3.4     0.17 |    1000 |     0.112 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBu2JpsiKDetachedLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBu2JpsiKDetachedLineFilterSequence  |     0.010 |     0.022 |    0.002       3.4     0.16 |    1000 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bu2JpsiKBetaS                                    |     0.000 |     0.122 |    0.051       0.7     0.11 |      32 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBu2JpsiKDetachedLine                        |     0.000 |     0.585 |    0.253       2.4     0.75 |       8 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBu2JpsiKDetachedLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKstarDetachedLine             |     0.210 |     0.236 |    0.021      38.6     1.84 |    1000 |     0.237 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKstarDetachedLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKstarDetachedLineFilterSequen|     0.140 |     0.150 |    0.002      42.1     1.88 |    1000 |     0.150 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bd2JpsiKstarBetaS                                |     0.344 |     0.127 |    0.049       0.7     0.13 |      29 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBd2JpsiKstarDetachedLine                    |     0.000 |     1.155 |    0.421       3.7     1.16 |       7 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKstarDetachedLineFilterSequen|     0.140 |     0.142 |    0.001      38.4     1.83 |    1000 |     0.143 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bd2JpsiKstarBetaS                                |     0.000 |     0.096 |    0.049       0.5     0.09 |      29 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBd2JpsiKstarDetachedLine                    |     1.428 |     0.804 |    0.399       2.2     0.65 |       7 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKstarDetachedLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSBs2JpsiPhiDetachedLine               |     0.180 |     0.121 |    0.023       5.2     0.20 |    1000 |     0.121 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSBs2JpsiPhiDetachedLine               |     0.120 |     0.107 |    0.022       3.5     0.15 |    1000 |     0.107 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2JpsiPhiDetachedLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2JpsiPhiDetachedLineFilterSequence|     0.030 |     0.020 |    0.001       5.1     0.19 |    1000 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2JpsiPhiBetaS                                  |     0.588 |     0.122 |    0.043       0.6     0.14 |      17 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBs2JpsiPhiDetachedLine                      |     2.000 |     1.053 |    0.027       3.9     1.59 |       5 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2JpsiPhiDetachedLineFilterSequence|     0.010 |     0.017 |    0.002       3.4     0.14 |    1000 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2JpsiPhiBetaS                                  |     0.000 |     0.100 |    0.038       0.5     0.12 |      17 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBs2JpsiPhiDetachedLine                      |     0.000 |     0.792 |    0.037       2.6     1.05 |       5 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBs2JpsiPhiDetachedLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSJpsi2MuMuLine                        |     0.120 |     0.098 |    0.019       0.7     0.06 |    1000 |     0.099 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSJpsi2MuMuLinePreScaler              |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSJpsi2MuMuLineHlt2Filter             |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      47 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSJpsi2MuMuLine                        |     0.140 |     0.087 |    0.019       0.5     0.05 |    1000 |     0.088 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSJpsi2MuMuLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSJpsi2MuMuLineHlt2Filter             |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      47 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSJpsi2MuMuLineFilterSequence         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:BetaSJpsi2MuMuLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:BetaSJpsi2MuMuLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Phys_StdMassConstrainedJpsi2MuMu_Particle|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             BetaSJpsi2MuMuLine                              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSJpsi2MuMuLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKsDetachedLine                |     0.090 |     0.123 |    0.025       6.4     0.22 |    1000 |     0.123 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKsDetachedLine                |     0.150 |     0.112 |    0.023       4.1     0.18 |    1000 |     0.112 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKsDetachedLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKsDetachedLineFilterSequence |     0.020 |     0.020 |    0.002       6.3     0.22 |    1000 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bd2JpsiKSBetaS                                   |     0.000 |     0.103 |    0.049       0.6     0.13 |      16 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBd2JpsiKsDetachedLine                       |     0.000 |     5.676 |    5.676       5.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKsDetachedLineFilterSequence |     0.060 |     0.016 |    0.002       4.0     0.14 |    1000 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bd2JpsiKSBetaS                                   |     0.625 |     0.091 |    0.042       0.6     0.13 |      16 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetaSBd2JpsiKsDetachedLine                       |     0.000 |     3.212 |    3.212       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetaSBd2JpsiKsDetachedLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Lambda0MuBu2LambdaSSMuLine              |     0.510 |     0.425 |    0.039       5.5     0.60 |    1000 |     0.426 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Lambda0MuBu2LambdaSSMuLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Lambda0MuBu2LambdaSSMuLineFilterSequenc|     0.400 |     0.310 |    0.008       4.5     0.56 |    1000 |     0.311 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Lambda0MuBu2LambdaSSMuLineVOIDFilter  |     0.030 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Muon_forB2Lambda0Mu                              |     0.018 |     0.031 |    0.006       0.1     0.02 |     537 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Selection_B2Lambda0Mu_LambdaMajoranaSSMu  |     0.827 |     0.659 |    0.191       3.0     0.48 |     278 |     0.183 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_B2Lambda0Mu_LambdaMajoran|     0.755 |     0.552 |    0.185       2.4     0.34 |     278 |     0.154 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LambdaMajoranaSSMu_forB2Lambda0Mu        |     0.575 |     0.442 |    0.172       1.6     0.23 |     278 |     0.123 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LambdaMajoranaSSMu_forB2Lambda0Mu             |     0.323 |     0.253 |    0.110       1.1     0.11 |     278 |     0.071 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:downLambdaMajoranaSSMu_forB2Lambda0Mu    |     0.143 |     0.097 |    0.004       1.8     0.22 |     278 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               downMuon_forB2Lambda0Mu                       |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     105 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               downLambdaMajoranaSSMu_forB2Lambda0Mu         |     0.000 |     0.310 |    0.150       1.5     0.29 |      20 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Selection_B2Lambda0Mu_LambdaMajoranaSSMu        |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      87 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Lambda0MuBu2LambdaSSMuLine                     |     0.000 |     0.092 |    0.054       1.4     0.14 |      87 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2Lambda0MuBu2LambdaSSMuLine              |     0.300 |     0.384 |    0.037       6.6     0.54 |    1000 |     0.385 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Lambda0MuBu2LambdaSSMuLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.5     0.01 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Lambda0MuBu2LambdaSSMuLineFilterSequenc|     0.250 |     0.286 |    0.008       6.4     0.52 |    1000 |     0.287 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2Lambda0MuBu2LambdaSSMuLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Muon_forB2Lambda0Mu                              |     0.037 |     0.028 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |     537 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Selection_B2Lambda0Mu_LambdaMajoranaSSMu  |     0.323 |     0.616 |    0.194       6.0     0.54 |     278 |     0.171 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_B2Lambda0Mu_LambdaMajoran|     0.287 |     0.505 |    0.189       4.3     0.37 |     278 |     0.141 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LambdaMajoranaSSMu_forB2Lambda0Mu        |     0.251 |     0.387 |    0.177       1.3     0.16 |     278 |     0.108 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LambdaMajoranaSSMu_forB2Lambda0Mu             |     0.143 |     0.219 |    0.121       0.8     0.07 |     278 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:downLambdaMajoranaSSMu_forB2Lambda0Mu    |     0.035 |     0.106 |    0.004       3.9     0.31 |     278 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               downMuon_forB2Lambda0Mu                       |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.005       0.6     0.08 |     105 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               downLambdaMajoranaSSMu_forB2Lambda0Mu         |     0.000 |     0.299 |    0.148       1.6     0.31 |      20 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Selection_B2Lambda0Mu_LambdaMajoranaSSMu        |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      87 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2Lambda0MuBu2LambdaSSMuLine                     |     0.229 |     0.075 |    0.049       0.7     0.07 |      87 |     0.007 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2Lambda0MuBu2LambdaSSMuLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0Line                     |     0.130 |     0.184 |    0.034      10.3     0.54 |    1000 |     0.185 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0LinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0LineFilterSequence      |     0.050 |     0.060 |    0.002      10.2     0.53 |    1000 |     0.060 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Detachedf02pipiForJpsiHHB2JpsiHH                 |     0.384 |     0.462 |    0.124       1.2     0.30 |      26 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2Jpsif0B2JpsiHH                                |     0.454 |     0.702 |    0.041       7.1     1.49 |      22 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0Line                            |     0.000 |     0.853 |    0.844       0.9     0.01 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0LinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0KaonLine                 |     0.200 |     0.238 |    0.031      21.8     1.06 |    1000 |     0.239 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0KaonLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0KaonLineFilterSequence  |     0.120 |     0.120 |    0.002      21.6     1.05 |    1000 |     0.120 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Detachedf02KKForJpsiHHB2JpsiHH                   |     0.769 |     0.540 |    0.078       1.7     0.53 |      26 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2Jpsif0KKB2JpsiHH                              |     2.307 |     1.906 |    0.040      15.7     3.22 |      26 |     0.050 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0KaonLine                        |     5.000 |     1.110 |    0.921       1.3     0.27 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0KaonLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0wsLine                   |     0.230 |     0.176 |    0.031      10.1     0.50 |    1000 |     0.176 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0wsLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0wsLineFilterSequence    |     0.070 |     0.056 |    0.002       9.9     0.49 |    1000 |     0.057 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Detachedf02wspipiForJpsiHHB2JpsiHH               |     0.384 |     0.466 |    0.112       1.2     0.33 |      26 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2Jpsif0wsB2JpsiHH                              |     0.909 |     0.706 |    0.044       6.9     1.46 |      22 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0Line                     |     0.160 |     0.167 |    0.032      10.5     0.52 |    1000 |     0.167 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0LinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0LineFilterSequence      |     0.040 |     0.056 |    0.002      10.3     0.52 |    1000 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Detachedf02pipiForJpsiHHB2JpsiHH                 |     0.000 |     0.403 |    0.118       1.0     0.25 |      26 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2Jpsif0B2JpsiHH                                |     0.454 |     0.648 |    0.043       6.7     1.42 |      22 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0Line                            |     0.000 |     0.779 |    0.752       0.8     0.04 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0LinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0KaonLine                 |     0.270 |     0.224 |    0.029      22.0     1.01 |    1000 |     0.224 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0KaonLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0KaonLineFilterSequence  |     0.150 |     0.112 |    0.001      21.9     1.00 |    1000 |     0.113 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Detachedf02KKForJpsiHHB2JpsiHH                   |     0.384 |     0.487 |    0.093       1.6     0.47 |      26 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2Jpsif0KKB2JpsiHH                              |     2.692 |     1.750 |    0.037      15.8     3.12 |      26 |     0.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0KaonLine                        |     0.000 |     1.479 |    1.326       1.6     0.22 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0KaonLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0wsLine                   |     0.170 |     0.156 |    0.028      10.5     0.47 |    1000 |     0.156 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0wsLinePreScaler         |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0wsLineFilterSequence    |     0.060 |     0.051 |    0.002      10.3     0.46 |    1000 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Detachedf02wspipiForJpsiHHB2JpsiHH               |     0.384 |     0.380 |    0.129       1.0     0.24 |      26 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bs2Jpsif0wsB2JpsiHH                              |     0.909 |     0.682 |    0.038       6.9     1.46 |      22 |     0.015 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0wsLine                          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2JpsiHHBs2Jpsif0wsLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingK0s2PiPiMuMuLine                          |     1.310 |     1.348 |    0.027      88.1     3.85 |    1000 |     1.349 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2PiPiMuMuLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2PiPiMuMuLineFilterSequence           |     1.190 |     1.262 |    0.002      87.8     3.81 |    1000 |     1.263 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuonsForK0s2XXMuMu                               |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.3     0.01 |     785 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForK0s2XXMuMu                               |     0.154 |     0.178 |    0.028       1.2     0.11 |     777 |     0.139 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K0s2PiPiMuMuLine                                 |     0.928 |     0.973 |    0.049      85.2     4.14 |     765 |     0.745 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingK0s2PiPiMuMuLine                          |     1.250 |     1.223 |    0.025      61.9     3.20 |    1000 |     1.224 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2PiPiMuMuLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2PiPiMuMuLineFilterSequence           |     1.150 |     1.151 |    0.001      61.8     3.19 |    1000 |     1.152 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuonsForK0s2XXMuMu                               |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     785 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForK0s2XXMuMu                               |     0.077 |     0.153 |    0.025       6.2     0.24 |     777 |     0.119 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K0s2PiPiMuMuLine                                 |     0.915 |     0.892 |    0.045      60.6     3.48 |     765 |     0.683 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_K0s2PiPiMuMuLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2PiPiMuMuLinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingK0s2PiPiMuMuLFVLine                       |     0.560 |     0.626 |    0.023      30.3     1.82 |    1000 |     0.627 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2PiPiMuMuLFVLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2PiPiMuMuLFVLineFilterSequence        |     0.530 |     0.550 |    0.002      30.1     1.81 |    1000 |     0.550 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K0s2PiPiMuMuLFVLine                              |     0.522 |     0.579 |    0.049      29.7     2.01 |     765 |     0.444 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingK0s2PiPiMuMuLFVLine                       |     0.560 |     0.577 |    0.021      30.3     1.71 |    1000 |     0.577 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2PiPiMuMuLFVLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2PiPiMuMuLFVLineFilterSequence        |     0.510 |     0.511 |    0.002      30.2     1.70 |    1000 |     0.511 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K0s2PiPiMuMuLFVLine                              |     0.470 |     0.528 |    0.044      30.0     1.90 |     765 |     0.404 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_K0s2PiPiMuMuLFVLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2PiPiMuMuLFVLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingK0s2PiPiMuMuSSLine                        |     0.770 |     0.767 |    0.019     263.4     8.77 |    1000 |     0.767 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2PiPiMuMuSSLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2PiPiMuMuSSLineFilterSequence         |     2.962 |     3.112 |    0.002     263.2    18.70 |     216 |     0.672 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K0s2PiPiMuMuSSLine                               |     2.397 |     2.515 |    0.059      52.6     7.26 |     171 |     0.430 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_K0s2PiPiMuMuSSLine                  |   210.000 |   215.125 |  215.125     215.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.215 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingK0s2PiPiMuMuSSLine                        |     0.720 |     0.704 |    0.018     222.3     7.52 |    1000 |     0.705 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2PiPiMuMuSSLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2PiPiMuMuSSLineFilterSequence         |     2.870 |     2.850 |    0.002     222.2    16.00 |     216 |     0.616 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K0s2PiPiMuMuSSLine                               |     2.456 |     2.424 |    0.055      52.5     7.07 |     171 |     0.415 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_K0s2PiPiMuMuSSLine                  |   180.000 |   174.485 |  174.485     174.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.174 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2PiPiMuMuSSLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingK0s2MuMuMuMuLine                          |     0.970 |     0.976 |    0.022     482.5    15.48 |    1000 |     0.976 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2MuMuMuMuLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2MuMuMuMuLineFilterSequence           |     0.910 |     0.904 |    0.002     482.4    15.48 |    1000 |     0.905 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K0s2MuMuMuMuLine                                 |     0.476 |     0.430 |    0.031      67.2     3.05 |     777 |     0.335 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_K0s2MuMuMuMuLine                    |   460.000 |   475.698 |  475.698     475.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.476 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingK0s2MuMuMuMuLine                          |     0.900 |     0.884 |    0.022     427.1    13.69 |    1000 |     0.885 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2MuMuMuMuLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2MuMuMuMuLineFilterSequence           |     0.840 |     0.816 |    0.002     427.0    13.68 |    1000 |     0.817 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K0s2MuMuMuMuLine                                 |     0.463 |     0.396 |    0.029      53.0     2.61 |     777 |     0.308 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_K0s2MuMuMuMuLine                    |   410.000 |   420.342 |  420.342     420.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.420 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2MuMuMuMuLinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingK0s2MuMuMuMuSSLine                        |     0.600 |     0.532 |    0.018     160.2     5.94 |    1000 |     0.533 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2MuMuMuMuSSLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2MuMuMuMuSSLineFilterSequence         |     1.213 |     1.172 |    0.002     160.1     9.60 |     379 |     0.444 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K0s2MuMuMuMuSSLine                               |     0.815 |     0.902 |    0.037      82.3     5.80 |     282 |     0.254 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_K0s2MuMuMuMuSSLine                  |   160.000 |   153.830 |  153.830     153.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.154 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingK0s2MuMuMuMuSSLine                        |     0.570 |     0.506 |    0.017     156.6     5.73 |    1000 |     0.506 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2MuMuMuMuSSLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2MuMuMuMuSSLineFilterSequence         |     1.213 |     1.126 |    0.002     156.5     9.27 |     379 |     0.427 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K0s2MuMuMuMuSSLine                               |     0.921 |     0.862 |    0.036      76.0     5.40 |     282 |     0.243 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_K0s2MuMuMuMuSSLine                  |   150.000 |   150.158 |  150.158     150.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.150 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingK0s2MuMuMuMuSSLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamDimuon                              |     0.210 |     0.202 |    0.074       0.7     0.07 |    1000 |     0.202 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamDimuonPreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamDimuonFilterSequence               |     0.100 |     0.095 |    0.015       0.4     0.04 |    1000 |     0.096 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingStreamSeqDimuon                         |     0.090 |     0.086 |    0.008       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.087 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamDimuonPostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |      28 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        StrippingSequenceStreamCharm                         |    85.610 |    85.815 |    8.337     629.7    59.71 |    1000 |    85.816 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingBadEventSequenceCharm                      |     0.120 |     0.105 |    0.028       0.4     0.05 |    1000 |     0.106 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamCharmBadEvent                       |     0.090 |     0.099 |    0.023       0.4     0.05 |    1000 |     0.099 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamCharmBadEventPreScaler             |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamCharmBadEventFilterSequence        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamDimuon                              |     0.160 |     0.166 |    0.075       0.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.167 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamDimuonPreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamDimuonFilterSequence               |     0.070 |     0.070 |    0.010       0.5     0.03 |    1000 |     0.070 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingStreamSeqDimuon                         |     0.060 |     0.062 |    0.004       0.3     0.02 |    1000 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamDimuonPostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        StrippingSequenceStreamCharm                         |    76.710 |    76.862 |    7.645     482.3    49.85 |    1000 |    76.863 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingBadEventSequenceCharm                      |     0.080 |     0.096 |    0.026       1.1     0.06 |    1000 |     0.096 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamCharmBadEvent                       |     0.050 |     0.090 |    0.022       1.1     0.06 |    1000 |     0.091 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamCharmBadEventPreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamCharmBadEventFilterSequence        |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamCharmBadEventPostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingProtectedSequenceCharm                     |    85.490 |    85.697 |    8.275     629.4    59.67 |    1000 |    85.697 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KSSLine                         |     0.460 |     0.412 |    0.033       4.5     0.44 |    1000 |     0.413 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KSSLinePreScaler               |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KSSLineFilterSequence          |     0.360 |     0.327 |    0.008       4.3     0.42 |    1000 |     0.328 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingGoodEventConditionCharm                 |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuonsForD2XMuMuSS                                |     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.005       0.7     0.03 |     537 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsForD2XMuMuSS                                |     0.074 |     0.041 |    0.005       0.3     0.02 |     941 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_KSSLine                                |     0.042 |     0.079 |    0.051       1.3     0.07 |     468 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingProtectedSequenceCharm                     |    76.630 |    76.755 |    7.597     482.1    49.82 |    1000 |    76.755 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KSSLine                         |     0.390 |     0.367 |    0.032       3.7     0.37 |    1000 |     0.367 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KSSLinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KSSLineFilterSequence          |     0.330 |     0.292 |    0.007       3.5     0.36 |    1000 |     0.292 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingGoodEventConditionCharm                 |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuonsForD2XMuMuSS                                |     0.018 |     0.031 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     537 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsForD2XMuMuSS                                |     0.074 |     0.035 |    0.005       0.4     0.02 |     941 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_KSSLine                                |     0.085 |     0.069 |    0.048       0.8     0.05 |     468 |     0.033 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_KSSLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_KSSLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_KSSLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -148251,45 +148590,45 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_KSSLine
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_KSSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_KSSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KSSLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KOSLine                         |     0.160 |     0.211 |    0.023      17.9     0.61 |    1000 |     0.212 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KOSLinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KOSLineFilterSequence          |     0.080 |     0.122 |    0.002      17.7     0.57 |    1000 |     0.123 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_KOSLine                                |     0.021 |     0.072 |    0.046       0.7     0.05 |     468 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_KOSLine                   |     0.000 |     0.627 |    0.627       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_KOSLine                   |     0.000 |     0.905 |    0.905       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_KOSLine                   |     0.000 |     1.115 |    1.115       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2XMuMuSS_KOSLine                   |    10.000 |     1.001 |    1.001       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2XMuMuSS_KOSLine                   |     0.000 |     0.895 |    0.895       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D2XMuMuSS_KOSLine                   |     0.000 |     0.568 |    0.568       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D2XMuMuSS_KOSLine                   |     0.000 |     0.472 |    0.472       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D2XMuMuSS_KOSLine                   |     0.000 |     0.412 |    0.412       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_D2XMuMuSS_KOSLine                   |     0.000 |     0.438 |    0.438       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_KOSLine                  |    10.000 |     7.612 |    7.612       7.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_KOSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.170 |    0.170       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_KOSLine                  |     0.000 |     1.613 |    1.613       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KOSLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K_EE_OSLine                     |     0.480 |     0.468 |    0.023       7.0     0.40 |    1000 |     0.468 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KOSLine                         |     0.170 |     0.192 |    0.023      16.8     0.55 |    1000 |     0.192 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KOSLinePreScaler               |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KOSLineFilterSequence          |     0.060 |     0.114 |    0.002      16.7     0.54 |    1000 |     0.114 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_KOSLine                                |     0.042 |     0.065 |    0.042       0.6     0.04 |     468 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_KOSLine                   |     0.000 |     0.605 |    0.605       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_KOSLine                   |     0.000 |     0.877 |    0.877       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_KOSLine                   |     0.000 |     1.059 |    1.059       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2XMuMuSS_KOSLine                   |     0.000 |     0.910 |    0.910       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2XMuMuSS_KOSLine                   |     0.000 |     0.927 |    0.927       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D2XMuMuSS_KOSLine                   |     0.000 |     0.539 |    0.539       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D2XMuMuSS_KOSLine                   |     0.000 |     0.425 |    0.425       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D2XMuMuSS_KOSLine                   |     0.000 |     0.431 |    0.431       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_D2XMuMuSS_KOSLine                   |     0.000 |     0.415 |    0.415       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_KOSLine                  |    10.000 |     7.108 |    7.108       7.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_KOSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.105 |    0.105       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_KOSLine                  |     0.000 |     1.558 |    1.558       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KOSLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K_EE_OSLine                     |     0.400 |     0.425 |    0.021       6.6     0.38 |    1000 |     0.425 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K_EE_OSLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K_EE_OSLineFilterSequence      |     0.410 |     0.387 |    0.001       6.9     0.38 |    1000 |     0.388 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ElectronsForD2XMuMuSS                            |     0.107 |     0.061 |    0.005       0.4     0.03 |     934 |     0.058 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_OSLine                            |     0.064 |     0.084 |    0.048       0.7     0.06 |     620 |     0.052 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_OSLine               |     0.000 |     0.251 |    0.251       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_OSLine               |     0.000 |     0.413 |    0.413       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_OSLine               |     0.000 |     0.370 |    0.370       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_OSLine               |     0.000 |     0.242 |    0.242       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_OSLine               |    10.000 |     0.326 |    0.326       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_OSLine               |     0.000 |     0.202 |    0.202       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_OSLine               |     0.000 |     0.233 |    0.233       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_OSLine               |     0.000 |     0.211 |    0.211       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_OSLine               |     0.000 |     0.222 |    0.222       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_OSLine              |     0.000 |     2.447 |    2.447       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K_EE_OSLineFilterSequence      |     0.330 |     0.354 |    0.002       6.5     0.37 |    1000 |     0.355 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ElectronsForD2XMuMuSS                            |     0.032 |     0.049 |    0.004       0.3     0.03 |     934 |     0.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_OSLine                            |     0.064 |     0.082 |    0.046       4.3     0.18 |     620 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_OSLine               |     0.000 |     0.235 |    0.235       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_OSLine               |     0.000 |     0.384 |    0.384       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_OSLine               |     0.000 |     0.359 |    0.359       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_OSLine               |     0.000 |     0.259 |    0.259       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_OSLine               |     0.000 |     0.289 |    0.289       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_OSLine               |     0.000 |     0.238 |    0.238       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_OSLine               |     0.000 |     0.171 |    0.171       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_OSLine               |     0.000 |     0.153 |    0.153       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_OSLine               |     0.000 |     0.188 |    0.188       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_OSLine              |    10.000 |     2.403 |    2.403       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_OSLine              |     0.000 |     0.054 |    0.054       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_OSLine              |     0.000 |     0.546 |    0.546       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K_EE_OSLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K_EMu_OSLine                    |     0.210 |     0.185 |    0.024       1.3     0.16 |    1000 |     0.186 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K_EMu_OSLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K_EMu_OSLineFilterSequence     |     0.090 |     0.093 |    0.002       1.2     0.15 |    1000 |     0.093 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_K_EMu_OSLine                           |     0.030 |     0.093 |    0.059       0.6     0.06 |     331 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_OSLine              |     0.000 |     0.497 |    0.497       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K_EE_OSLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K_EMu_OSLine                    |     0.150 |     0.174 |    0.022       1.6     0.16 |    1000 |     0.174 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K_EMu_OSLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K_EMu_OSLineFilterSequence     |     0.090 |     0.089 |    0.002       1.2     0.14 |    1000 |     0.090 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_K_EMu_OSLine                           |     0.090 |     0.089 |    0.055       0.7     0.06 |     331 |     0.030 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_K_EMu_OSLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_K_EMu_OSLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_K_EMu_OSLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -148303,10 +148642,10 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_K_EMu_O
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_K_EMu_OSLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_K_EMu_OSLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K_EMu_OSLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_OSLine                    |     0.150 |     0.182 |    0.022       2.5     0.18 |    1000 |     0.183 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_OSLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_OSLineFilterSequence     |     0.070 |     0.094 |    0.002       2.4     0.17 |    1000 |     0.094 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_OSLine                           |     0.060 |     0.090 |    0.058       0.6     0.05 |     331 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_OSLine                    |     0.160 |     0.168 |    0.021       3.7     0.18 |    1000 |     0.168 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_OSLinePreScaler          |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_OSLineFilterSequence     |     0.060 |     0.086 |    0.002       1.2     0.14 |    1000 |     0.086 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_OSLine                           |     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.051       0.6     0.05 |     331 |     0.028 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_OSLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_OSLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_OSLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -148320,166 +148659,166 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_O
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_OSLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_OSLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_OSLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K_EE_SSLine                     |     0.260 |     0.228 |    0.022      10.1     0.39 |    1000 |     0.229 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K_EE_SSLine                     |     0.250 |     0.207 |    0.021      10.9     0.36 |    1000 |     0.207 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K_EE_SSLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K_EE_SSLineFilterSequence      |     0.150 |     0.150 |    0.002      10.0     0.38 |    1000 |     0.150 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_SSLine                            |     0.129 |     0.072 |    0.044       0.6     0.05 |     620 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_SSLine               |     0.000 |     0.249 |    0.249       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_SSLine               |     0.000 |     0.309 |    0.309       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_SSLine               |     0.000 |     0.569 |    0.569       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_SSLine               |     0.000 |     0.487 |    0.487       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_SSLine               |     0.000 |     0.467 |    0.467       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_SSLine               |     0.000 |     0.414 |    0.414       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_SSLine               |     0.000 |     0.320 |    0.320       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_SSLine               |     0.000 |     0.316 |    0.316       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_SSLine               |     0.000 |     0.354 |    0.354       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     4.166 |    4.166       4.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.098 |    0.098       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.874 |    0.874       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K_EE_SSLineFilterSequence      |     0.130 |     0.136 |    0.002      10.8     0.36 |    1000 |     0.137 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_SSLine                            |     0.096 |     0.066 |    0.040       0.5     0.04 |     620 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_SSLine               |     0.000 |     0.297 |    0.297       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_SSLine               |     0.000 |     0.390 |    0.390       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_SSLine               |     0.000 |     0.643 |    0.643       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_SSLine               |     0.000 |     0.496 |    0.496       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_SSLine               |     0.000 |     0.507 |    0.507       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_SSLine               |     0.000 |     0.436 |    0.436       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_SSLine               |     0.000 |     0.355 |    0.355       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_SSLine               |     0.000 |     0.318 |    0.318       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_SSLine               |     0.000 |     0.387 |    0.387       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_SSLine              |    10.000 |     4.302 |    4.302       4.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.099       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.965 |    0.965       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K_EE_SSLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_SSLine                    |     0.160 |     0.193 |    0.022      11.3     0.39 |    1000 |     0.194 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_SSLine                    |     0.090 |     0.176 |    0.020      10.9     0.37 |    1000 |     0.177 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_SSLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_SSLineFilterSequence     |     0.080 |     0.104 |    0.002      11.1     0.38 |    1000 |     0.104 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_SSLine                           |     0.181 |     0.092 |    0.056       0.6     0.05 |     331 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.470 |    0.470       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.510 |    0.510       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.609 |    0.609       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.526 |    0.526       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.489 |    0.489       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.493 |    0.493       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.344 |    0.344       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.438 |    0.438       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.470 |    0.470       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_SSLine             |    10.000 |     4.023 |    4.023       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_SSLine             |     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.108       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_SSLine             |     0.000 |     0.778 |    0.778       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_SSLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiSSLine                        |     0.360 |     0.351 |    0.024      17.6     0.63 |    1000 |     0.352 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiSSLinePreScaler              |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiSSLineFilterSequence         |     0.220 |     0.266 |    0.002      17.5     0.63 |    1000 |     0.267 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForD2XMuMuSS                                |     0.049 |     0.069 |    0.016       0.4     0.03 |     808 |     0.056 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_PiSSLine                               |     0.020 |     0.077 |    0.051       1.3     0.06 |     495 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_PiSSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.433 |    0.433       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_PiSSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.684 |    0.684       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_PiSSLine                  |     0.000 |     1.009 |    1.009       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2XMuMuSS_PiSSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.812 |    0.812       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2XMuMuSS_PiSSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.794 |    0.794       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D2XMuMuSS_PiSSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.498 |    0.498       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D2XMuMuSS_PiSSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.417 |    0.417       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D2XMuMuSS_PiSSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.405 |    0.405       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_D2XMuMuSS_PiSSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.431 |    0.431       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_PiSSLine                 |    10.000 |     7.610 |    7.610       7.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_PiSSLine                 |     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.099       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_PiSSLine                 |     0.000 |     2.153 |    2.153       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiSSLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiOSLine                        |     0.280 |     0.215 |    0.023      20.9     0.67 |    1000 |     0.215 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiOSLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiOSLineFilterSequence         |     0.190 |     0.131 |    0.002      20.7     0.67 |    1000 |     0.132 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_PiOSLine                               |     0.080 |     0.074 |    0.047       0.6     0.05 |     495 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_PiOSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.604 |    0.604       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_PiOSLine                  |     0.000 |     1.012 |    1.012       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_PiOSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.957 |    0.957       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2XMuMuSS_PiOSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.815 |    0.815       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2XMuMuSS_PiOSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.800 |    0.800       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D2XMuMuSS_PiOSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.677 |    0.677       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D2XMuMuSS_PiOSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.581 |    0.581       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D2XMuMuSS_PiOSLine                  |    10.000 |     0.575 |    0.575       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_D2XMuMuSS_PiOSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.526 |    0.526       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_PiOSLine                 |    10.000 |     9.570 |    9.570       9.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_PiOSLine                 |     0.000 |     0.250 |    0.250       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_PiOSLine                 |     0.000 |     1.655 |    1.655       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiOSLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLine                    |     0.370 |     0.374 |    0.023      47.6     1.66 |    1000 |     0.374 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLineFilterSequence     |     0.290 |     0.292 |    0.002      47.4     1.65 |    1000 |     0.293 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLine                           |     0.156 |     0.092 |    0.047       0.9     0.08 |     637 |     0.059 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLine              |     0.000 |     1.820 |    0.983       2.7     1.18 |       2 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLine              |     5.000 |     2.007 |    1.184       2.8     1.16 |       2 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLine              |     0.000 |     1.590 |    1.066       2.1     0.74 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLine              |     0.000 |     1.488 |    0.969       2.0     0.73 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLine              |     0.000 |     1.478 |    0.944       2.0     0.76 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLine              |    10.000 |     1.183 |    0.823       1.5     0.51 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLine              |     0.000 |     0.994 |    0.665       1.3     0.47 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLine              |     0.000 |     0.966 |    0.632       1.3     0.47 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLine              |     0.000 |     0.966 |    0.637       1.3     0.47 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLine             |    15.000 |    16.220 |    8.803      23.6    10.49 |       2 |     0.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLine             |     0.000 |     0.233 |    0.164       0.3     0.10 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLine             |     5.000 |     3.076 |    1.942       4.2     1.60 |       2 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLine                   |     0.230 |     0.232 |    0.023      20.1     0.79 |    1000 |     0.232 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_SSLineFilterSequence     |     0.060 |     0.097 |    0.001      10.9     0.37 |    1000 |     0.097 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_SSLine                           |     0.030 |     0.082 |    0.053       0.5     0.04 |     331 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.435 |    0.435       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.498 |    0.498       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.630 |    0.630       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.532 |    0.532       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.544 |    0.544       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.465 |    0.465       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.370 |    0.370       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.401 |    0.401       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.381 |    0.381       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_SSLine             |     0.000 |     3.902 |    3.902       3.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_SSLine             |     0.000 |     0.105 |    0.105       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_SSLine             |     0.000 |     0.788 |    0.788       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_SSLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiSSLine                        |     0.340 |     0.318 |    0.021      17.4     0.61 |    1000 |     0.318 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiSSLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiSSLineFilterSequence         |     0.300 |     0.243 |    0.002      17.3     0.61 |    1000 |     0.244 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForD2XMuMuSS                                |     0.111 |     0.058 |    0.016       0.2     0.03 |     808 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_PiSSLine                               |     0.060 |     0.069 |    0.047       0.5     0.04 |     495 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_PiSSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.408 |    0.408       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_PiSSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.525 |    0.525       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_PiSSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.976 |    0.976       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2XMuMuSS_PiSSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.860 |    0.860       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2XMuMuSS_PiSSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.917 |    0.917       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D2XMuMuSS_PiSSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.517 |    0.517       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D2XMuMuSS_PiSSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.440 |    0.440       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D2XMuMuSS_PiSSLine                  |    10.000 |     0.466 |    0.466       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_D2XMuMuSS_PiSSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.417 |    0.417       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_PiSSLine                 |     0.000 |     7.494 |    7.494       7.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_PiSSLine                 |     0.000 |     0.096 |    0.096       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_PiSSLine                 |    10.000 |     2.180 |    2.180       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiSSLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiOSLine                        |     0.230 |     0.195 |    0.020      19.2     0.62 |    1000 |     0.196 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiOSLinePreScaler              |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiOSLineFilterSequence         |     0.110 |     0.122 |    0.002      19.1     0.61 |    1000 |     0.123 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_PiOSLine                               |     0.040 |     0.066 |    0.043       0.5     0.04 |     495 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_PiOSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.520 |    0.520       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_PiOSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.956 |    0.956       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_PiOSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.951 |    0.951       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2XMuMuSS_PiOSLine                  |    10.000 |     0.838 |    0.838       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2XMuMuSS_PiOSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.878 |    0.878       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D2XMuMuSS_PiOSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.687 |    0.687       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D2XMuMuSS_PiOSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.621 |    0.621       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D2XMuMuSS_PiOSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.589 |    0.589       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_D2XMuMuSS_PiOSLine                  |     0.000 |     0.644 |    0.644       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_PiOSLine                 |    10.000 |     8.265 |    8.265       8.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_PiOSLine                 |     0.000 |     0.172 |    0.172       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_PiOSLine                 |     0.000 |     1.560 |    1.560       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiOSLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLine                    |     0.360 |     0.343 |    0.019      49.6     1.72 |    1000 |     0.343 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLineFilterSequence     |     0.260 |     0.271 |    0.002      49.5     1.72 |    1000 |     0.271 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLine                           |     0.109 |     0.082 |    0.042       0.6     0.07 |     637 |     0.053 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLine              |     0.000 |     1.811 |    0.984       2.6     1.17 |       2 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLine              |     5.000 |     2.092 |    1.229       3.0     1.22 |       2 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLine              |     5.000 |     1.778 |    1.201       2.4     0.82 |       2 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLine              |     0.000 |     1.681 |    1.176       2.2     0.71 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLine              |     0.000 |     1.692 |    1.127       2.3     0.80 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLine              |     0.000 |     1.285 |    0.879       1.7     0.57 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLine              |     0.000 |     1.177 |    0.791       1.6     0.55 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLine              |     5.000 |     1.194 |    0.767       1.6     0.60 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLine              |     0.000 |     1.115 |    0.777       1.5     0.48 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLine             |    15.000 |    16.449 |    9.008      23.9    10.52 |       2 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLine             |     0.000 |     0.253 |    0.190       0.3     0.09 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLine             |     5.000 |     2.896 |    1.604       4.2     1.83 |       2 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLine                   |     0.230 |     0.208 |    0.020      18.8     0.74 |    1000 |     0.209 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLineFilterSequence    |     0.120 |     0.136 |    0.002      20.0     0.78 |    1000 |     0.136 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLine                          |     0.089 |     0.113 |    0.061       0.9     0.08 |     337 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLine             |     0.000 |     0.459 |    0.338       0.6     0.17 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLine             |     0.000 |     0.714 |    0.403       1.0     0.44 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLine             |     5.000 |     0.979 |    0.935       1.0     0.06 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLine             |     0.000 |     0.770 |    0.727       0.8     0.06 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLine             |     0.000 |     0.797 |    0.780       0.8     0.02 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLine             |     5.000 |     0.702 |    0.666       0.7     0.05 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLine             |     0.000 |     0.591 |    0.557       0.6     0.05 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLine             |     0.000 |     0.562 |    0.529       0.6     0.05 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLine             |     0.000 |     0.601 |    0.588       0.6     0.02 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLine            |     5.000 |     6.332 |    3.928       8.7     3.40 |       2 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLine            |     0.000 |     0.161 |    0.150       0.2     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLine            |     5.000 |     1.362 |    1.054       1.7     0.44 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLine                   |     0.250 |     0.233 |    0.022      19.8     0.84 |    1000 |     0.233 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLineFilterSequence    |     0.140 |     0.138 |    0.002      19.6     0.82 |    1000 |     0.138 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLine                          |     0.178 |     0.106 |    0.059       0.8     0.07 |     337 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLine             |     0.000 |     0.568 |    0.566       0.6     0.00 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLine             |     0.000 |     0.839 |    0.764       0.9     0.11 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLine             |     0.000 |     1.000 |    0.995       1.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLine             |     5.000 |     0.862 |    0.860       0.9     0.00 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLine             |     0.000 |     0.837 |    0.813       0.9     0.03 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLine             |     5.000 |     0.758 |    0.609       0.9     0.21 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLine             |     0.000 |     0.608 |    0.400       0.8     0.29 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLine             |     0.000 |     0.627 |    0.436       0.8     0.27 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLine             |     0.000 |     0.588 |    0.381       0.8     0.29 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLine            |     5.000 |     7.049 |    6.346       7.8     0.99 |       2 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLine            |     0.000 |     0.181 |    0.134       0.2     0.07 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLine            |     0.000 |     1.434 |    1.119       1.8     0.45 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_SSLine                    |     0.200 |     0.237 |    0.022      13.7     0.46 |    1000 |     0.238 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLineFilterSequence    |     0.120 |     0.126 |    0.001      18.7     0.74 |    1000 |     0.127 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLine                          |     0.089 |     0.097 |    0.054       0.6     0.05 |     337 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLine             |     0.000 |     0.432 |    0.314       0.6     0.17 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLine             |     0.000 |     0.630 |    0.371       0.9     0.37 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLine             |     0.000 |     0.872 |    0.846       0.9     0.04 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLine             |     0.000 |     0.790 |    0.723       0.9     0.09 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLine             |     5.000 |     0.804 |    0.748       0.9     0.08 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLine             |     0.000 |     0.660 |    0.644       0.7     0.02 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLine             |     0.000 |     0.599 |    0.590       0.6     0.01 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLine             |     0.000 |     0.604 |    0.575       0.6     0.04 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLine             |     0.000 |     0.597 |    0.596       0.6     0.00 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLine            |    10.000 |     5.838 |    3.726       7.9     2.99 |       2 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLine            |     0.000 |     0.145 |    0.141       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLine            |     0.000 |     1.288 |    1.051       1.5     0.34 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLine                   |     0.170 |     0.214 |    0.021      21.7     0.94 |    1000 |     0.215 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLinePreScaler         |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLineFilterSequence    |     0.090 |     0.132 |    0.001      21.6     0.94 |    1000 |     0.133 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLine                          |     0.029 |     0.092 |    0.054       0.6     0.05 |     337 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLine             |     0.000 |     0.720 |    0.557       0.9     0.23 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLine             |     0.000 |     1.122 |    0.819       1.4     0.43 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLine             |     0.000 |     1.294 |    0.971       1.6     0.46 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLine             |     0.000 |     0.886 |    0.861       0.9     0.04 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLine             |     0.000 |     1.065 |    0.907       1.2     0.22 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLine             |    10.000 |     1.024 |    0.915       1.1     0.15 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLine             |     0.000 |     0.859 |    0.853       0.9     0.01 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLine             |     0.000 |     0.907 |    0.845       1.0     0.09 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLine             |     0.000 |     1.006 |    0.951       1.1     0.08 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLine            |    10.000 |     7.063 |    6.228       7.9     1.18 |       2 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLine            |     0.000 |     0.161 |    0.115       0.2     0.07 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLine            |     0.000 |     1.436 |    1.114       1.8     0.46 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_SSLine                    |     0.220 |     0.213 |    0.021      13.3     0.44 |    1000 |     0.214 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_SSLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_SSLineFilterSequence     |     0.140 |     0.159 |    0.001      13.6     0.45 |    1000 |     0.159 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_SSLine                           |     0.062 |     0.079 |    0.046       0.9     0.06 |     637 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_SSLineFilterSequence     |     0.120 |     0.144 |    0.002      13.2     0.43 |    1000 |     0.144 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_SSLine                           |     0.015 |     0.071 |    0.044       0.5     0.04 |     637 |     0.045 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.308 |    0.308       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.400 |    0.400       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.845 |    0.845       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.772 |    0.772       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.745 |    0.745       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.358 |    0.358       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.784 |    0.784       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.788 |    0.788       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.768 |    0.768       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.657 |    0.657       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.581 |    0.581       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.579 |    0.579       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.610 |    0.610       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_SSLine             |    10.000 |     3.863 |    3.863       3.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_SSLine             |     0.000 |     0.175 |    0.175       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_SSLine             |     0.000 |     1.111 |    1.111       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_SSLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLine                   |     0.240 |     0.231 |    0.022      16.7     0.75 |    1000 |     0.231 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLineFilterSequence    |     0.110 |     0.140 |    0.002      16.5     0.74 |    1000 |     0.140 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLine                          |     0.029 |     0.107 |    0.058       0.6     0.06 |     337 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLine             |     0.000 |     0.395 |    0.345       0.5     0.05 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLine             |     0.000 |     0.536 |    0.475       0.6     0.05 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLine             |     0.000 |     0.755 |    0.641       0.9     0.16 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLine             |     0.000 |     0.617 |    0.503       0.8     0.16 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLine             |     0.000 |     0.608 |    0.503       0.8     0.17 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLine             |     0.000 |     0.484 |    0.413       0.5     0.07 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLine             |     0.000 |     0.382 |    0.356       0.4     0.04 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLine             |     0.000 |     0.405 |    0.343       0.5     0.06 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLine             |     3.333 |     0.397 |    0.366       0.4     0.04 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLine            |     6.666 |     5.419 |    4.137       7.0     1.47 |       3 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLine            |     0.000 |     0.097 |    0.092       0.1     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLine            |     0.000 |     1.220 |    0.727       1.9     0.62 |       3 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiCalLine                       |     0.200 |     0.129 |    0.019       9.8     0.40 |    1000 |     0.129 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiCalLinePreScaler             |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiCalLineFilterSequence        |     2.857 |     3.698 |    0.936       9.6     3.22 |       7 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsAsMuonsForD2XMuMuSS                         |     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.049       0.2     0.05 |       7 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            preD2XMuMuSS_PiCal                               |     0.000 |     0.547 |    0.121       2.1     0.68 |       7 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_PiCalLine                              |     0.000 |     0.404 |    0.068       1.4     0.44 |       7 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.594 |    0.594       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.590 |    0.590       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_SSLine              |     0.000 |     0.590 |    0.590       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_SSLine             |     0.000 |     3.652 |    3.652       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_SSLine             |     0.000 |     0.201 |    0.201       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_SSLine             |     0.000 |     1.036 |    1.036       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_SSLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLine                   |     0.220 |     0.214 |    0.021      16.4     0.74 |    1000 |     0.214 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLinePreScaler         |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLineFilterSequence    |     0.130 |     0.133 |    0.001      16.3     0.74 |    1000 |     0.133 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLine                          |     0.118 |     0.100 |    0.056       1.4     0.09 |     337 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLine             |     0.000 |     0.385 |    0.332       0.4     0.05 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLine             |     0.000 |     0.499 |    0.425       0.6     0.07 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLine             |     0.000 |     0.709 |    0.524       0.9     0.20 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLine             |     3.333 |     0.716 |    0.555       0.9     0.20 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLine             |     0.000 |     0.673 |    0.540       0.9     0.17 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLine             |     0.000 |     0.481 |    0.448       0.5     0.04 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLine             |     3.333 |     0.409 |    0.389       0.4     0.02 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLine             |     0.000 |     0.401 |    0.380       0.4     0.02 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLine             |     0.000 |     0.387 |    0.364       0.4     0.03 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLine            |     3.333 |     5.317 |    3.882       6.9     1.53 |       3 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLine            |     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.086       0.1     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLine            |     0.000 |     1.242 |    0.760       1.9     0.62 |       3 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiCalLine                       |     0.110 |     0.113 |    0.018       7.9     0.32 |    1000 |     0.114 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiCalLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiCalLineFilterSequence        |     2.857 |     3.017 |    0.963       7.8     2.41 |       7 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsAsMuonsForD2XMuMuSS                         |     0.000 |     0.066 |    0.042       0.1     0.03 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            preD2XMuMuSS_PiCal                               |     0.000 |     0.329 |    0.111       0.8     0.22 |       7 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_PiCalLine                              |     0.000 |     0.251 |    0.060       0.6     0.19 |       7 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_PiCalLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_PiCalLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_PiCalLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -148493,12 +148832,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_PiCalLi
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_PiCalLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_PiCalLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiCalLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K2PiLine                        |     0.110 |     0.099 |    0.017       2.0     0.09 |    1000 |     0.099 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K2PiLinePreScaler              |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K2PiLineFilterSequence         |     0.000 |     1.939 |    1.939       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            HadFor3bodyCSAndForD2XMuMuSS                     |     0.000 |     0.161 |    0.098       0.3     0.07 |       4 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsFor3bodyCSAndForD2XMuMuSS                   |     0.000 |     0.133 |    0.046       0.3     0.08 |      19 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_K2PiLine                               |     0.000 |     1.422 |    1.422       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K2PiLine                        |     0.050 |     0.087 |    0.016       1.7     0.07 |    1000 |     0.087 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K2PiLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K2PiLineFilterSequence         |     0.000 |     1.609 |    1.609       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            HadFor3bodyCSAndForD2XMuMuSS                     |     0.000 |     0.151 |    0.102       0.2     0.06 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsFor3bodyCSAndForD2XMuMuSS                   |     0.000 |     0.122 |    0.040       0.3     0.07 |      19 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_K2PiLine                               |     0.000 |     1.121 |    1.121       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_K2PiLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_K2PiLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_K2PiLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -148512,10 +148851,10 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_K2PiLin
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_K2PiLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_K2PiLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K2PiLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_2KPiLine                        |     0.070 |     0.100 |    0.017       4.3     0.16 |    1000 |     0.101 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_2KPiLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_2KPiLineFilterSequence         |     0.000 |     2.340 |    0.829       4.1     1.68 |       3 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_2KPiLine                               |     0.000 |     1.562 |    0.181       3.0     1.39 |       3 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_2KPiLine                        |     0.090 |     0.090 |    0.015       4.4     0.16 |    1000 |     0.091 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_2KPiLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_2KPiLineFilterSequence         |     3.333 |     2.465 |    0.815       4.3     1.78 |       3 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_2KPiLine                               |     0.000 |     1.683 |    0.171       3.2     1.52 |       3 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_2KPiLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_2KPiLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_2KPiLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -148529,80 +148868,80 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_2KPiLin
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_2KPiLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_2KPiLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_2KPiLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KKLine                          |     0.530 |     0.419 |    0.022       3.1     0.40 |    1000 |     0.419 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KKLine                          |     0.460 |     0.382 |    0.022       4.9     0.37 |    1000 |     0.383 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KKLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KKLineFilterSequence           |     0.400 |     0.335 |    0.002       2.9     0.39 |    1000 |     0.335 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuonsForhhmumuAndForD2XMuMuSS                    |     0.038 |     0.033 |    0.004       0.2     0.02 |     785 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsForhhmumuAndForD2XMuMuSS                    |     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.007       0.7     0.07 |     450 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_KKLine                                 |     0.067 |     0.072 |    0.049       1.7     0.08 |     444 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KKLineFilterSequence           |     0.380 |     0.308 |    0.002       4.8     0.36 |    1000 |     0.309 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuonsForhhmumuAndForD2XMuMuSS                    |     0.038 |     0.034 |    0.004       4.6     0.16 |     785 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsForhhmumuAndForD2XMuMuSS                    |     0.111 |     0.069 |    0.008       0.4     0.05 |     450 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_KKLine                                 |     0.067 |     0.064 |    0.045       0.7     0.04 |     444 |     0.029 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KKLinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiPiLine                        |     0.290 |     0.349 |    0.023       2.5     0.36 |    1000 |     0.350 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiPiLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiPiLineFilterSequence         |     0.210 |     0.261 |    0.001       2.3     0.36 |    1000 |     0.262 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForForhhmumuAndForD2XMuMuSS                 |     0.177 |     0.151 |    0.027       0.9     0.11 |     451 |     0.069 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_PiPiLine                               |     0.133 |     0.080 |    0.046       1.0     0.07 |     451 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiPiLine                        |     0.240 |     0.313 |    0.022       1.8     0.31 |    1000 |     0.313 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiPiLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiPiLineFilterSequence         |     0.180 |     0.236 |    0.001       1.6     0.30 |    1000 |     0.237 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForForhhmumuAndForD2XMuMuSS                 |     0.155 |     0.128 |    0.024       0.5     0.08 |     451 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_PiPiLine                               |     0.044 |     0.072 |    0.043       0.8     0.06 |     451 |     0.033 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiPiLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KPiLine                         |     0.150 |     0.202 |    0.021       1.3     0.17 |    1000 |     0.203 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KPiLine                         |     0.220 |     0.184 |    0.022       0.9     0.14 |    1000 |     0.185 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KPiLinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KPiLineFilterSequence          |     0.090 |     0.115 |    0.002       1.1     0.16 |    1000 |     0.116 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_KPiLine                                |     0.000 |     0.091 |    0.060       0.8     0.06 |     444 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KPiLineFilterSequence          |     0.130 |     0.105 |    0.001       0.8     0.14 |    1000 |     0.106 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_KPiLine                                |     0.045 |     0.081 |    0.056       0.6     0.04 |     444 |     0.036 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KPiLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KKPiPiLine                      |     0.160 |     0.120 |    0.017      10.1     0.34 |    1000 |     0.120 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KKPiPiLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KKPiPiLineFilterSequence       |     1.428 |     2.367 |    0.082       9.9     3.42 |       7 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            HadFor4bodyCSAndForD2XMuMuSS                     |     0.555 |     0.149 |    0.045       0.4     0.08 |      18 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsFor4bodyCSAndForD2XMuMuSS                   |     0.000 |     0.275 |    0.049       0.9     0.31 |      23 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_KKPiPiLine                             |     1.666 |     1.762 |    0.095       7.8     3.03 |       6 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KKPiPiLine                      |     0.110 |     0.105 |    0.017       8.5     0.28 |    1000 |     0.106 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KKPiPiLinePreScaler            |     0.020 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KKPiPiLineFilterSequence       |     0.000 |     1.991 |    0.083       8.4     2.91 |       7 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            HadFor4bodyCSAndForD2XMuMuSS                     |     0.000 |     0.120 |    0.042       0.4     0.07 |      18 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsFor4bodyCSAndForD2XMuMuSS                   |     0.000 |     0.109 |    0.053       0.4     0.07 |      23 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_KKPiPiLine                             |     0.000 |     1.577 |    0.095       7.1     2.75 |       6 |     0.009 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KKPiPiLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K3PiLine                        |     0.090 |     0.118 |    0.017       4.5     0.26 |    1000 |     0.119 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K3PiLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K3PiLineFilterSequence         |     0.909 |     1.712 |    0.476       4.1     1.21 |      11 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_K3PiLine                               |     0.000 |     0.888 |    0.088       2.9     0.94 |      11 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K3PiLine                        |     0.110 |     0.102 |    0.017       3.9     0.19 |    1000 |     0.102 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K3PiLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K3PiLineFilterSequence         |     3.636 |     1.475 |    0.509       3.8     1.06 |      11 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_K3PiLine                               |     1.818 |     0.799 |    0.078       2.7     0.87 |      11 |     0.009 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_K3PiLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiPiPiPiLine                    |     0.080 |     0.100 |    0.016       2.0     0.10 |    1000 |     0.100 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiPiPiPiLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiPiPiPiLineFilterSequence     |     0.000 |     0.978 |    0.368       1.9     0.63 |       6 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_PiPiPiPiLine                           |     0.000 |     0.333 |    0.051       1.5     0.55 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiPiPiPiLine                    |     0.090 |     0.092 |    0.017       4.7     0.16 |    1000 |     0.093 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiPiPiPiLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiPiPiPiLineFilterSequence     |     1.666 |     1.169 |    0.334       4.6     1.69 |       6 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_PiPiPiPiLine                           |     0.000 |     0.803 |    0.050       4.2     1.69 |       6 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiPiPiPiLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuLine               |     0.420 |     0.439 |    0.022      29.1     0.98 |    1000 |     0.439 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuLinePreScaler     |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuLineFilterSequence|     0.330 |     0.341 |    0.002      28.9     0.94 |    1000 |     0.341 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtonsForD2XMuMuSS                              |     0.032 |     0.050 |    0.004       0.3     0.03 |     928 |     0.047 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuLine                      |     0.085 |     0.079 |    0.052       0.7     0.05 |     466 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuLine         |     0.000 |     1.066 |    1.066       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuLine         |     0.000 |     0.872 |    0.872       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuLine         |     0.000 |     1.378 |    1.378       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuLine         |     0.000 |     0.941 |    0.941       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuLine         |     0.000 |     1.547 |    1.547       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuLine         |     0.000 |     1.352 |    1.352       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuLine         |     0.000 |     1.264 |    1.264       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuLine         |     0.000 |     1.193 |    1.193       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuLine         |     0.000 |     1.134 |    1.134       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuLine        |    10.000 |    10.978 |   10.978      11.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuLine        |     0.000 |     0.178 |    0.178       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuLine        |    10.000 |     2.776 |    2.776       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEELine                 |     0.240 |     0.253 |    0.021      13.4     0.56 |    1000 |     0.254 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEELinePreScaler       |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEELineFilterSequence  |     0.170 |     0.169 |    0.002      13.2     0.55 |    1000 |     0.170 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEELine                        |     0.147 |     0.086 |    0.045       1.1     0.08 |     612 |     0.053 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEELine           |     0.000 |     0.470 |    0.315       0.6     0.22 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEELine           |     0.000 |     0.496 |    0.323       0.7     0.24 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEELine           |     0.000 |     0.604 |    0.586       0.6     0.03 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEELine           |     5.000 |     0.722 |    0.603       0.8     0.17 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEELine           |     0.000 |     0.561 |    0.547       0.6     0.02 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEELine           |     0.000 |     0.456 |    0.443       0.5     0.02 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEELine           |     0.000 |     0.436 |    0.434       0.4     0.00 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEELine           |     0.000 |     0.387 |    0.387       0.4     0.00 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEELine           |     0.000 |     0.435 |    0.434       0.4     0.00 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEELine          |     0.000 |     4.524 |    3.869       5.2     0.93 |       2 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEELine          |     0.000 |     0.100 |    0.083       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEELine          |    10.000 |     0.945 |    0.824       1.1     0.17 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuLine               |     0.420 |     0.390 |    0.023      16.9     0.64 |    1000 |     0.391 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuLineFilterSequence|     0.340 |     0.313 |    0.002      16.8     0.64 |    1000 |     0.313 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtonsForD2XMuMuSS                              |     0.043 |     0.043 |    0.004       0.2     0.02 |     928 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuLine                      |     0.128 |     0.069 |    0.048       0.6     0.04 |     466 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuLine         |     0.000 |     0.571 |    0.571       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuLine         |     0.000 |     0.767 |    0.767       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuLine         |     0.000 |     1.015 |    1.015       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuLine         |     0.000 |     0.956 |    0.956       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuLine         |     0.000 |     0.932 |    0.932       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuLine         |     0.000 |     0.539 |    0.539       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuLine         |     0.000 |     0.458 |    0.458       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuLine         |     0.000 |     0.462 |    0.462       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuLine         |    10.000 |     0.465 |    0.465       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuLine        |     0.000 |     6.974 |    6.974       7.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuLine        |     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.113       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuLine        |     0.000 |     1.551 |    1.551       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEELine                 |     0.200 |     0.232 |    0.023      13.6     0.55 |    1000 |     0.233 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEELinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEELineFilterSequence  |     0.100 |     0.157 |    0.002      13.5     0.55 |    1000 |     0.158 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEELine                        |     0.032 |     0.075 |    0.045       0.7     0.05 |     612 |     0.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEELine           |     0.000 |     0.435 |    0.248       0.6     0.26 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEELine           |     0.000 |     0.510 |    0.344       0.7     0.24 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEELine           |     0.000 |     0.650 |    0.604       0.7     0.07 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEELine           |     0.000 |     0.560 |    0.497       0.6     0.09 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEELine           |     0.000 |     0.567 |    0.510       0.6     0.08 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEELine           |     0.000 |     0.490 |    0.460       0.5     0.04 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEELine           |     5.000 |     0.485 |    0.466       0.5     0.03 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEELine           |     0.000 |     0.430 |    0.383       0.5     0.07 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEELine           |     0.000 |     0.473 |    0.473       0.5     0.00 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEELine          |     5.000 |     4.515 |    4.007       5.0     0.72 |       2 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEELine          |     0.000 |     0.097 |    0.075       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEELine          |     0.000 |     0.936 |    0.841       1.0     0.13 |       2 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEELinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEMuLine                |     0.160 |     0.190 |    0.022       1.2     0.17 |    1000 |     0.191 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEMuLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEMuLineFilterSequence |     0.080 |     0.097 |    0.001       1.0     0.16 |    1000 |     0.097 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEMuLine                       |     0.120 |     0.099 |    0.059       0.7     0.06 |     331 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEMuLine                |     0.190 |     0.174 |    0.022       0.9     0.15 |    1000 |     0.174 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEMuLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEMuLineFilterSequence |     0.110 |     0.091 |    0.002       0.8     0.14 |    1000 |     0.092 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEMuLine                       |     0.090 |     0.089 |    0.057       0.6     0.05 |     331 |     0.030 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEMuLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEMuLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEMuLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -148616,10 +148955,10 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEMuLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEMuLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEMuLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuELine                |     0.210 |     0.186 |    0.023       1.4     0.17 |    1000 |     0.186 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuELinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuELineFilterSequence |     0.110 |     0.095 |    0.002       1.2     0.16 |    1000 |     0.095 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuELine                       |     0.060 |     0.093 |    0.060       0.6     0.05 |     331 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuELine                |     0.220 |     0.171 |    0.023       2.2     0.16 |    1000 |     0.171 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuELinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuELineFilterSequence |     0.130 |     0.090 |    0.002       2.0     0.15 |    1000 |     0.090 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuELine                       |     0.090 |     0.083 |    0.055       0.6     0.04 |     331 |     0.028 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuELine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuELine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuELine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -148633,72 +148972,72 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuELine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuELine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuELinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEMuSSLine              |     0.230 |     0.183 |    0.023       1.1     0.16 |    1000 |     0.184 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEMuSSLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEMuSSLineFilterSequenc|     0.140 |     0.093 |    0.002       0.9     0.15 |    1000 |     0.094 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEMuSSLine                     |     0.120 |     0.091 |    0.060       0.6     0.05 |     331 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEMuSSLine              |     0.120 |     0.169 |    0.024       0.9     0.14 |    1000 |     0.170 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEMuSSLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEMuSSLineFilterSequenc|     0.050 |     0.087 |    0.002       0.8     0.14 |    1000 |     0.087 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEMuSSLine                     |     0.060 |     0.083 |    0.055       0.6     0.04 |     331 |     0.028 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PEMuSSLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuSSLine             |     0.180 |     0.190 |    0.023       1.5     0.15 |    1000 |     0.191 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuSSLine             |     0.160 |     0.173 |    0.023       0.8     0.13 |    1000 |     0.174 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuSSLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuSSLineFilterSequen|     0.100 |     0.106 |    0.001       1.4     0.14 |    1000 |     0.106 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuSSLine                    |     0.107 |     0.071 |    0.047       1.4     0.07 |     466 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuSSLineFilterSequen|     0.070 |     0.097 |    0.002       0.6     0.12 |    1000 |     0.098 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuSSLine                    |     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.044       0.5     0.04 |     466 |     0.029 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PMuMuSSLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PPiPiLine               |     0.100 |     0.137 |    0.018      16.9     0.58 |    1000 |     0.137 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PPiPiLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PPiPiLineFilterSequence|     1.875 |     2.320 |    0.004      16.8     4.07 |      16 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtonsFor3bodyCSAndForD2XMuMuSS                 |     0.000 |     0.173 |    0.072       0.4     0.09 |      15 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PPiPiLine                      |     0.666 |     0.349 |    0.075       1.3     0.39 |      15 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PPiPiLine         |     0.000 |     0.331 |    0.165       0.5     0.24 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PPiPiLine         |     0.000 |     0.424 |    0.255       0.6     0.24 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PPiPiLine         |     0.000 |     0.560 |    0.286       0.8     0.39 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PPiPiLine         |     0.000 |     0.521 |    0.287       0.8     0.33 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PPiPiLine         |     0.000 |     0.453 |    0.208       0.7     0.35 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PPiPiLine         |     0.000 |     0.494 |    0.289       0.7     0.29 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PPiPiLine         |     5.000 |     0.398 |    0.252       0.5     0.21 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PPiPiLine         |     0.000 |     0.415 |    0.250       0.6     0.23 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PPiPiLine         |     0.000 |     0.303 |    0.183       0.4     0.17 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PPiPiLine        |     0.000 |     3.381 |    1.031       5.7     3.32 |       2 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PPiPiLine        |     0.000 |     0.137 |    0.074       0.2     0.09 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PPiPiLine        |     0.000 |     0.848 |    0.326       1.4     0.74 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PPiPiLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PKPiLine                |     0.150 |     0.142 |    0.017       9.7     0.43 |    1000 |     0.142 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PKPiLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PKPiLineFilterSequence |     0.404 |     0.483 |    0.002       9.5     1.26 |      99 |     0.048 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PKPiLine                       |     0.113 |     0.153 |    0.065       1.3     0.16 |      88 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PKPiLine          |     0.000 |     0.210 |    0.162       0.3     0.07 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PKPiLine          |     0.000 |     0.272 |    0.108       0.4     0.23 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PKPiLine          |     0.000 |     0.506 |    0.444       0.6     0.09 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PKPiLine          |     0.000 |     0.438 |    0.430       0.4     0.01 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PKPiLine          |     0.000 |     1.155 |    1.101       1.2     0.08 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PKPiLine          |     0.000 |     0.356 |    0.306       0.4     0.07 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PKPiLine          |     0.000 |     0.454 |    0.282       0.6     0.24 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PKPiLine          |     0.000 |     0.390 |    0.292       0.5     0.14 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PKPiLine          |     0.000 |     0.272 |    0.255       0.3     0.02 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PKPiLine         |     5.000 |     2.439 |    2.415       2.5     0.03 |       2 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PKPiLine         |     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.075       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PKPiLine         |     0.000 |     0.616 |    0.613       0.6     0.00 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PKPiLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiMuMuCalLine                   |     0.260 |     0.212 |    0.022      14.0     0.46 |    1000 |     0.213 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PPiPiLine               |     0.140 |     0.124 |    0.017      14.0     0.49 |    1000 |     0.125 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PPiPiLinePreScaler     |     0.020 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PPiPiLineFilterSequence|     1.875 |     2.043 |    0.002      13.9     3.39 |      16 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtonsFor3bodyCSAndForD2XMuMuSS                 |     0.000 |     0.138 |    0.053       0.3     0.07 |      15 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PPiPiLine                      |     0.666 |     0.307 |    0.068       1.1     0.35 |      15 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PPiPiLine         |     0.000 |     0.278 |    0.133       0.4     0.21 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PPiPiLine         |     0.000 |     0.344 |    0.227       0.5     0.17 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PPiPiLine         |     0.000 |     0.530 |    0.314       0.7     0.31 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PPiPiLine         |     0.000 |     0.429 |    0.220       0.6     0.30 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PPiPiLine         |     0.000 |     0.421 |    0.213       0.6     0.29 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PPiPiLine         |     5.000 |     0.403 |    0.302       0.5     0.14 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PPiPiLine         |     5.000 |     0.317 |    0.201       0.4     0.16 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PPiPiLine         |     0.000 |     0.309 |    0.189       0.4     0.17 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PPiPiLine         |     0.000 |     0.331 |    0.210       0.5     0.17 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PPiPiLine        |     0.000 |     3.080 |    0.995       5.2     2.95 |       2 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PPiPiLine        |     0.000 |     0.083 |    0.062       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PPiPiLine        |     0.000 |     0.717 |    0.349       1.1     0.52 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PPiPiLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PKPiLine                |     0.090 |     0.126 |    0.016       8.0     0.37 |    1000 |     0.127 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PKPiLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PKPiLineFilterSequence |     0.505 |     0.426 |    0.002       7.9     1.09 |      99 |     0.042 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PKPiLine                       |     0.113 |     0.123 |    0.058       0.6     0.10 |      88 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PKPiLine          |     0.000 |     0.213 |    0.158       0.3     0.08 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PKPiLine          |     0.000 |     0.293 |    0.126       0.5     0.24 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PKPiLine          |     0.000 |     0.477 |    0.468       0.5     0.01 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PKPiLine          |     0.000 |     0.424 |    0.420       0.4     0.01 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PKPiLine          |     0.000 |     0.416 |    0.409       0.4     0.01 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PKPiLine          |     0.000 |     0.368 |    0.318       0.4     0.07 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PKPiLine          |     0.000 |     0.352 |    0.316       0.4     0.05 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PKPiLine          |     0.000 |     0.313 |    0.240       0.4     0.10 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PKPiLine          |     0.000 |     0.342 |    0.300       0.4     0.06 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PKPiLine         |     5.000 |     2.333 |    2.185       2.5     0.21 |       2 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PKPiLine         |     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.074       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PKPiLine         |     0.000 |     0.590 |    0.529       0.7     0.09 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_Lambdac2PKPiLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiMuMuCalLine                   |     0.180 |     0.198 |    0.022      14.6     0.48 |    1000 |     0.198 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiMuMuCalLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiMuMuCalLineFilterSequence    |     0.150 |     0.129 |    0.002      13.9     0.46 |    1000 |     0.129 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_PiMuMuCalLine                          |     0.020 |     0.073 |    0.048       0.9     0.05 |     495 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_PiMuMuCalLine             |    10.000 |     0.427 |    0.427       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_PiMuMuCalLine             |     0.000 |     0.702 |    0.702       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_PiMuMuCalLine             |     0.000 |     0.975 |    0.975       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2XMuMuSS_PiMuMuCalLine             |     0.000 |     0.736 |    0.736       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2XMuMuSS_PiMuMuCalLine             |     0.000 |     0.772 |    0.772       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D2XMuMuSS_PiMuMuCalLine             |     0.000 |     1.408 |    1.408       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D2XMuMuSS_PiMuMuCalLine             |     0.000 |     0.320 |    0.320       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D2XMuMuSS_PiMuMuCalLine             |     0.000 |     0.368 |    0.368       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_D2XMuMuSS_PiMuMuCalLine             |     0.000 |     0.340 |    0.340       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_PiMuMuCalLine            |    10.000 |     5.153 |    5.153       5.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_PiMuMuCalLine            |     0.000 |     0.070 |    0.070       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_PiMuMuCalLine            |     0.000 |     1.117 |    1.117       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiMuMuCalLineFilterSequence    |     0.100 |     0.122 |    0.002      14.6     0.47 |    1000 |     0.122 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_PiMuMuCalLine                          |     0.040 |     0.067 |    0.044       0.6     0.04 |     495 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_PiMuMuCalLine             |     0.000 |     0.442 |    0.442       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_PiMuMuCalLine             |     0.000 |     0.786 |    0.786       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_PiMuMuCalLine             |     0.000 |     0.883 |    0.883       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2XMuMuSS_PiMuMuCalLine             |     0.000 |     0.791 |    0.791       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2XMuMuSS_PiMuMuCalLine             |     0.000 |     0.750 |    0.750       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D2XMuMuSS_PiMuMuCalLine             |    10.000 |     1.177 |    1.177       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D2XMuMuSS_PiMuMuCalLine             |     0.000 |     0.353 |    0.353       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D2XMuMuSS_PiMuMuCalLine             |     0.000 |     0.386 |    0.386       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_D2XMuMuSS_PiMuMuCalLine             |     0.000 |     0.397 |    0.397       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_PiMuMuCalLine            |     0.000 |     6.026 |    6.026       6.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_PiMuMuCalLine            |     0.000 |     0.066 |    0.066       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_PiMuMuCalLine            |     0.000 |     1.036 |    1.036       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiMuMuCalLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiEMuCalLine                    |     0.160 |     0.188 |    0.022       1.1     0.17 |    1000 |     0.189 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiEMuCalLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiEMuCalLineFilterSequence     |     0.080 |     0.098 |    0.002       0.9     0.16 |    1000 |     0.099 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_PiEMuCalLine                           |     0.029 |     0.103 |    0.059       0.6     0.06 |     337 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiEMuCalLine                    |     0.150 |     0.175 |    0.022       1.6     0.16 |    1000 |     0.176 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiEMuCalLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiEMuCalLineFilterSequence     |     0.070 |     0.094 |    0.002       1.4     0.15 |    1000 |     0.095 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_PiEMuCalLine                           |     0.118 |     0.094 |    0.057       0.6     0.05 |     337 |     0.032 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_PiEMuCalLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_PiEMuCalLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_PiEMuCalLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -148712,27 +149051,27 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_PiEMuCa
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_PiEMuCalLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_PiEMuCalLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiEMuCalLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiEECalLine                     |     0.220 |     0.238 |    0.022      11.0     0.38 |    1000 |     0.239 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiEECalLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiEECalLineFilterSequence      |     0.170 |     0.156 |    0.001      10.9     0.37 |    1000 |     0.157 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_PiEECalLine                            |     0.062 |     0.081 |    0.047       1.0     0.06 |     637 |     0.052 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_PiEECalLine               |     0.000 |     0.221 |    0.221       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_PiEECalLine               |     0.000 |     0.387 |    0.387       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_PiEECalLine               |     0.000 |     1.593 |    1.593       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2XMuMuSS_PiEECalLine               |     0.000 |     0.614 |    0.614       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2XMuMuSS_PiEECalLine               |     0.000 |     0.573 |    0.573       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D2XMuMuSS_PiEECalLine               |     0.000 |     0.340 |    0.340       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D2XMuMuSS_PiEECalLine               |     0.000 |     0.306 |    0.306       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D2XMuMuSS_PiEECalLine               |     0.000 |     0.271 |    0.271       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_D2XMuMuSS_PiEECalLine               |     0.000 |     0.264 |    0.264       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_PiEECalLine              |     0.000 |     4.044 |    4.044       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_PiEECalLine              |     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.072       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiEECalLine                     |     0.210 |     0.225 |    0.023       9.7     0.35 |    1000 |     0.226 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiEECalLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiEECalLineFilterSequence      |     0.150 |     0.150 |    0.001       9.7     0.35 |    1000 |     0.151 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_PiEECalLine                            |     0.078 |     0.075 |    0.043       0.6     0.05 |     637 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_PiEECalLine               |     0.000 |     0.217 |    0.217       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_PiEECalLine               |     0.000 |     0.330 |    0.330       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_PiEECalLine               |     0.000 |     0.681 |    0.681       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2XMuMuSS_PiEECalLine               |     0.000 |     0.544 |    0.544       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2XMuMuSS_PiEECalLine               |    10.000 |     0.586 |    0.586       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_D2XMuMuSS_PiEECalLine               |     0.000 |     0.344 |    0.344       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_D2XMuMuSS_PiEECalLine               |     0.000 |     0.310 |    0.310       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo8_D2XMuMuSS_PiEECalLine               |     0.000 |     0.268 |    0.268       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo9_D2XMuMuSS_PiEECalLine               |     0.000 |     0.248 |    0.248       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_PiEECalLine              |     0.000 |     3.864 |    3.864       3.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_PiEECalLine              |     0.000 |     0.077 |    0.077       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_PiEECalLine              |     0.000 |     0.914 |    0.914       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiEECalLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KMuMuCalLine                    |     0.300 |     0.219 |    0.023       1.1     0.14 |    1000 |     0.220 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_PiEECalLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KMuMuCalLine                    |     0.090 |     0.203 |    0.023       6.1     0.22 |    1000 |     0.203 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KMuMuCalLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KMuMuCalLineFilterSequence     |     0.210 |     0.131 |    0.002       0.9     0.13 |    1000 |     0.132 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_KMuMuCalLine                           |     0.085 |     0.068 |    0.046       0.7     0.04 |     468 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KMuMuCalLineFilterSequence     |     0.080 |     0.124 |    0.002       6.0     0.22 |    1000 |     0.124 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_KMuMuCalLine                           |     0.042 |     0.074 |    0.042       5.8     0.27 |     468 |     0.035 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_KMuMuCalLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_KMuMuCalLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_KMuMuCalLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -148746,10 +149085,10 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_KMuMuCa
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_KMuMuCalLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_KMuMuCalLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KMuMuCalLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KEMuCalLine                     |     0.250 |     0.188 |    0.022       1.1     0.16 |    1000 |     0.188 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KEMuCalLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KEMuCalLineFilterSequence      |     0.120 |     0.095 |    0.002       1.0     0.15 |    1000 |     0.095 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_KEMuCalLine                            |     0.120 |     0.096 |    0.057       0.9     0.08 |     331 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KEMuCalLine                     |     0.190 |     0.172 |    0.021       0.9     0.14 |    1000 |     0.173 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KEMuCalLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KEMuCalLineFilterSequence      |     0.100 |     0.087 |    0.002       0.7     0.14 |    1000 |     0.088 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_KEMuCalLine                            |     0.090 |     0.081 |    0.052       0.6     0.04 |     331 |     0.027 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_KEMuCalLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_KEMuCalLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_KEMuCalLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -148763,10 +149102,10 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_KEMuCal
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_KEMuCalLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_KEMuCalLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KEMuCalLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KEECalLine                      |     0.110 |     0.219 |    0.022       1.3     0.15 |    1000 |     0.219 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KEECalLine                      |     0.200 |     0.201 |    0.023       1.2     0.13 |    1000 |     0.201 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KEECalLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KEECalLineFilterSequence       |     0.060 |     0.136 |    0.002       1.1     0.14 |    1000 |     0.136 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_KEECalLine                             |     0.016 |     0.070 |    0.047       0.7     0.04 |     620 |     0.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KEECalLineFilterSequence       |     0.130 |     0.127 |    0.002       1.2     0.12 |    1000 |     0.127 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2XMuMuSS_KEECalLine                             |     0.112 |     0.064 |    0.042       0.5     0.03 |     620 |     0.040 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2XMuMuSS_KEECalLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2XMuMuSS_KEECalLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2XMuMuSS_KEECalLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -148780,927 +149119,927 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo10_D2XMuMuSS_KEECalL
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo11_D2XMuMuSS_KEECalLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo12_D2XMuMuSS_KEECalLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2XMuMuSS_KEECalLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2HHHHDstarD2PiPiPiPiLine            |     0.470 |     0.456 |    0.022       4.2     0.28 |    1000 |     0.456 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2HHHHDstarD2PiPiPiPiLine            |     0.480 |     0.388 |    0.021       1.9     0.18 |    1000 |     0.388 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2HHHHDstarD2PiPiPiPiLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2HHHHDstarD2PiPiPiPiLineFilterSeque|     0.370 |     0.353 |    0.002       4.1     0.25 |    1000 |     0.354 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2HHHHD2PiPiPiPi                            |     0.301 |     0.260 |    0.097       4.0     0.17 |     963 |     0.250 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2HHHHDstarD2PiPiPiPiLine                   |     0.000 |     0.577 |    0.147       2.0     0.79 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2HHHHDstarD2PiPiPiPiLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2HHHHDstarD2KKKPiLine               |     0.510 |     0.515 |    0.022       4.7     0.30 |    1000 |     0.516 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2HHHHDstarD2KKKPiLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2HHHHDstarD2KKKPiLineFilterSequence|     0.400 |     0.405 |    0.001       3.9     0.26 |    1000 |     0.406 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2HHHHD2KKKPi                               |     0.186 |     0.226 |    0.104       1.8     0.11 |     963 |     0.218 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2HHHHDstarD2PiPiPiPiLineFilterSeque|     0.350 |     0.295 |    0.001       1.8     0.15 |    1000 |     0.296 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2HHHHD2PiPiPiPi                            |     0.290 |     0.211 |    0.088       1.7     0.11 |     963 |     0.204 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2HHHHDstarD2PiPiPiPiLine                   |     0.000 |     0.284 |    0.106       0.9     0.34 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2HHHHDstarD2PiPiPiPiLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2HHHHDstarD2KKKPiLine               |     0.500 |     0.454 |    0.021       2.1     0.19 |    1000 |     0.455 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2HHHHDstarD2KKKPiLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2HHHHDstarD2KKKPiLineFilterSequence|     0.400 |     0.359 |    0.001       2.0     0.17 |    1000 |     0.359 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2HHHHD2KKKPi                               |     0.207 |     0.201 |    0.090       1.5     0.08 |     963 |     0.194 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2HHHHDstarD2KKKPiLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2HHHHDstarD2KKKPiLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2HHHHDstarD2KKPiPiLine              |     0.460 |     0.429 |    0.023       2.6     0.23 |    1000 |     0.430 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2HHHHDstarD2KKPiPiLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2HHHHDstarD2KKPiPiLineFilterSequenc|     0.320 |     0.324 |    0.002       2.4     0.19 |    1000 |     0.324 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2HHHHD2KKPiPi                              |     0.218 |     0.218 |    0.101       1.3     0.11 |     963 |     0.211 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2HHHHDstarD2KKPiPiLine                     |     0.000 |     0.267 |    0.115       1.0     0.34 |       6 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2HHHHDstarD2KKPiPiLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2HHHHDstarD2KPiPiPiLine             |     0.430 |     0.487 |    0.023       5.4     0.33 |    1000 |     0.488 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2HHHHDstarD2KPiPiPiLinePreScaler   |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2HHHHDstarD2KPiPiPiLineFilterSequen|     0.330 |     0.382 |    0.002       5.2     0.29 |    1000 |     0.382 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2HHHHD2KPiPiPi                             |     0.228 |     0.265 |    0.097       2.2     0.18 |     963 |     0.256 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2HHHHDstarD2KPiPiPiLine                    |     0.000 |     0.183 |    0.071       0.7     0.16 |      22 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2HHHHDstarD2KPiPiPiLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingNeutralCBaryonsXic02LambdaKS0Line         |     0.420 |     0.454 |    0.022       4.8     0.58 |    1000 |     0.454 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingNeutralCBaryonsXic02LambdaKS0LinePreScale|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingNeutralCBaryonsXic02LambdaKS0LineFilterSe|     0.330 |     0.344 |    0.002       4.1     0.53 |    1000 |     0.345 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:LambdaForNeutralCBaryons                  |     0.308 |     0.292 |    0.030       3.2     0.38 |     974 |     0.284 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:LambdaForNeutralCBaryons           |     0.287 |     0.264 |    0.026       3.2     0.35 |     974 |     0.257 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LambdaLLForNeutralCBaryons               |     0.071 |     0.068 |    0.010       2.0     0.20 |     974 |     0.067 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:StdLooseLLLambdaForNeutralCBaryons     |     0.051 |     0.043 |    0.006       1.6     0.13 |     974 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:StdLooseLLLambdaForNeutralCBaryo|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                StdLooseLLLambdaForNeutralCBaryons           |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      99 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LambdaLLForNeutralCBaryons                    |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.009       0.2     0.03 |      99 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LambdaDDForNeutralCBaryons               |     0.205 |     0.185 |    0.010       2.6     0.26 |     974 |     0.181 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:StdLooseDDLambdaForNeutralCBaryons     |     0.102 |     0.118 |    0.006       2.4     0.17 |     974 |     0.115 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:StdLooseDDLambdaForNeutralCBaryo|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                StdLooseDDLambdaForNeutralCBaryons           |     0.020 |     0.011 |    0.003       0.8     0.07 |     493 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LambdaDDForNeutralCBaryons                    |     0.060 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     493 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             LambdaForNeutralCBaryons                        |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      81 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:KS0ForNeutralCBaryons                     |     0.246 |     0.567 |    0.036       2.2     0.47 |      81 |     0.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:KS0ForNeutralCBaryons              |     0.246 |     0.488 |    0.031       2.2     0.39 |      81 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KS0LLForNeutralCBaryons                  |     0.000 |     0.201 |    0.012       1.2     0.27 |      81 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:StdLooseLLKS0ForNeutralCBaryons        |     0.000 |     0.104 |    0.007       0.8     0.14 |      81 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:StdLooseLLKS0ForNeutralCBaryons |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      81 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2HHHHDstarD2KKPiPiLine              |     0.380 |     0.391 |    0.022       2.6     0.18 |    1000 |     0.392 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2HHHHDstarD2KKPiPiLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2HHHHDstarD2KKPiPiLineFilterSequenc|     0.300 |     0.296 |    0.001       2.5     0.15 |    1000 |     0.297 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2HHHHD2KKPiPi                              |     0.176 |     0.197 |    0.085       1.0     0.09 |     963 |     0.190 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2HHHHDstarD2KKPiPiLine                     |     1.666 |     0.293 |    0.092       1.2     0.43 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2HHHHDstarD2KKPiPiLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2HHHHDstarD2KPiPiPiLine             |     0.350 |     0.431 |    0.023       2.5     0.22 |    1000 |     0.431 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2HHHHDstarD2KPiPiPiLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2HHHHDstarD2KPiPiPiLineFilterSequen|     0.270 |     0.336 |    0.002       2.4     0.19 |    1000 |     0.336 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2HHHHD2KPiPiPi                             |     0.207 |     0.232 |    0.081       1.2     0.12 |     963 |     0.223 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2HHHHDstarD2KPiPiPiLine                    |     0.000 |     0.139 |    0.065       0.6     0.10 |      22 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2HHHHDstarD2KPiPiPiLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingNeutralCBaryonsXic02LambdaKS0Line         |     0.320 |     0.403 |    0.022       8.5     0.54 |    1000 |     0.403 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingNeutralCBaryonsXic02LambdaKS0LinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingNeutralCBaryonsXic02LambdaKS0LineFilterSe|     0.290 |     0.307 |    0.001       8.3     0.52 |    1000 |     0.308 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:LambdaForNeutralCBaryons                  |     0.205 |     0.254 |    0.029       3.9     0.32 |     974 |     0.248 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:LambdaForNeutralCBaryons           |     0.195 |     0.227 |    0.024       3.0     0.27 |     974 |     0.222 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LambdaLLForNeutralCBaryons               |     0.061 |     0.060 |    0.010       1.8     0.17 |     974 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:StdLooseLLLambdaForNeutralCBaryons     |     0.041 |     0.037 |    0.006       1.0     0.10 |     974 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:StdLooseLLLambdaForNeutralCBaryo|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                StdLooseLLLambdaForNeutralCBaryons           |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      99 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LambdaLLForNeutralCBaryons                    |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.008       0.1     0.02 |      99 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LambdaDDForNeutralCBaryons               |     0.133 |     0.159 |    0.009       1.2     0.19 |     974 |     0.156 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:StdLooseDDLambdaForNeutralCBaryons     |     0.071 |     0.100 |    0.005       0.7     0.11 |     974 |     0.097 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:StdLooseDDLambdaForNeutralCBaryo|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                StdLooseDDLambdaForNeutralCBaryons           |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     493 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LambdaDDForNeutralCBaryons                    |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     493 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             LambdaForNeutralCBaryons                        |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      81 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:KS0ForNeutralCBaryons                     |     0.864 |     0.569 |    0.030       3.7     0.57 |      81 |     0.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:KS0ForNeutralCBaryons              |     0.864 |     0.487 |    0.026       2.8     0.46 |      81 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KS0LLForNeutralCBaryons                  |     0.246 |     0.212 |    0.010       1.6     0.30 |      81 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:StdLooseLLKS0ForNeutralCBaryons        |     0.123 |     0.114 |    0.006       0.8     0.16 |      81 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:StdLooseLLKS0ForNeutralCBaryons |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      81 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                StdLooseLLKS0ForNeutralCBaryons              |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      33 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KS0LLForNeutralCBaryons                       |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.018       0.0     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KS0DDForNeutralCBaryons                  |     0.246 |     0.274 |    0.011       1.1     0.21 |      81 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:StdLooseDDKS0ForNeutralCBaryons        |     0.000 |     0.160 |    0.006       0.8     0.12 |      81 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KS0LLForNeutralCBaryons                       |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.016       0.0     0.01 |      33 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KS0DDForNeutralCBaryons                  |     0.617 |     0.264 |    0.009       1.2     0.22 |      81 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:StdLooseDDKS0ForNeutralCBaryons        |     0.493 |     0.149 |    0.006       0.7     0.12 |      81 |     0.012 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:StdLooseDDKS0ForNeutralCBaryons |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      81 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                StdLooseDDKS0ForNeutralCBaryons              |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      65 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KS0DDForNeutralCBaryons                       |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      65 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             KS0ForNeutralCBaryons                           |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      25 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            NeutralCBaryonsXic02LambdaKS0Line                |     0.000 |     0.159 |    0.059       1.4     0.26 |      25 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                StdLooseDDKS0ForNeutralCBaryons              |     0.153 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      65 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KS0DDForNeutralCBaryons                       |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |      65 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             KS0ForNeutralCBaryons                           |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      25 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            NeutralCBaryonsXic02LambdaKS0Line                |     0.000 |     0.134 |    0.055       1.2     0.23 |      25 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingNeutralCBaryonsXic02LambdaKS0LinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingNeutralCBaryonsXic02LambdaKpiLine         |     0.210 |     0.229 |    0.022       4.8     0.48 |    1000 |     0.229 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingNeutralCBaryonsXic02LambdaKpiLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingNeutralCBaryonsXic02LambdaKpiLineFilterSe|     0.140 |     0.130 |    0.002       4.5     0.48 |    1000 |     0.130 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:LongKaonsForNeutralCBaryons               |     0.195 |     0.187 |    0.013       1.2     0.13 |     974 |     0.183 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:LongKaonsForNeutralCBaryons        |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.5     0.02 |     974 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             LongKaonsForNeutralCBaryons                     |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     969 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            GoodLongKaonsForNeutralCBaryons                  |     0.010 |     0.014 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     969 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:LongPionsForNeutralCBaryons               |     0.308 |     0.225 |    0.056       1.2     0.14 |     974 |     0.219 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:LongPionsForNeutralCBaryons        |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             LongPionsForNeutralCBaryons                     |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     974 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            GoodLongPionsForNeutralCBaryons                  |     0.030 |     0.028 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     974 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            NeutralCBaryonsXic02LambdaKpiLine                |     0.493 |     0.452 |    0.165       1.8     0.25 |      81 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingNeutralCBaryonsXic02LambdaKpiLine         |     0.280 |     0.209 |    0.020       5.3     0.45 |    1000 |     0.210 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingNeutralCBaryonsXic02LambdaKpiLinePreScale|     0.020 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingNeutralCBaryonsXic02LambdaKpiLineFilterSe|     0.150 |     0.119 |    0.002       5.2     0.44 |    1000 |     0.119 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:LongKaonsForNeutralCBaryons               |     0.123 |     0.180 |    0.011       8.5     0.31 |     974 |     0.176 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:LongKaonsForNeutralCBaryons        |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             LongKaonsForNeutralCBaryons                     |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.3     0.01 |     969 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            GoodLongKaonsForNeutralCBaryons                  |     0.020 |     0.013 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     969 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:LongPionsForNeutralCBaryons               |     0.215 |     0.199 |    0.055       0.8     0.10 |     974 |     0.195 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:LongPionsForNeutralCBaryons        |     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             LongPionsForNeutralCBaryons                     |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            GoodLongPionsForNeutralCBaryons                  |     0.010 |     0.021 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     974 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            NeutralCBaryonsXic02LambdaKpiLine                |     0.370 |     0.370 |    0.150       1.4     0.20 |      81 |     0.030 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingNeutralCBaryonsXic02LambdaKpiLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingNeutralCBaryonsXic02XipiLine              |     1.070 |     0.951 |    0.022       7.4     0.68 |    1000 |     0.952 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingNeutralCBaryonsXic02XipiLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingNeutralCBaryonsXic02XipiLineFilterSequenc|     0.990 |     0.837 |    0.002       4.7     0.59 |    1000 |     0.838 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Ximinus2LambdaPiNeutralCBaryons           |     0.513 |     0.436 |    0.037       4.6     0.40 |     974 |     0.425 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Ximinus2LambdaPiNeutralCBaryons    |     0.482 |     0.424 |    0.032       4.6     0.39 |     974 |     0.414 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Ximinus2LambdaPiLLLNeutralCBaryons       |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.002       1.6     0.09 |     974 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Ximinus2LambdaPiLLLNeutralCBaryons            |     0.000 |     0.349 |    0.151       1.5     0.27 |      23 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Ximinus2LambdaPiDDLNeutralCBaryons       |     0.020 |     0.032 |    0.002       1.2     0.12 |     974 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Ximinus2LambdaPiDDLNeutralCBaryons            |     0.166 |     0.274 |    0.126       1.0     0.15 |      60 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Ximinus2LambdaPiDDDNeutralCBaryons       |     0.451 |     0.361 |    0.016       2.5     0.29 |     974 |     0.352 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:DownstreamPionsForNeutralCBaryons      |     0.246 |     0.170 |    0.011       1.0     0.12 |     974 |     0.166 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:DownstreamPionsForNeutralCBaryon|     0.020 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                DownstreamPionsForNeutralCBaryons            |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     966 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               GoodDownstreamPionsForNeutralCBaryons         |     0.020 |     0.011 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     966 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Ximinus2LambdaPiDDDNeutralCBaryons            |     0.500 |     0.226 |    0.113       0.7     0.11 |      60 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingNeutralCBaryonsXic02XipiLine              |     0.970 |     0.853 |    0.021       4.2     0.51 |    1000 |     0.854 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingNeutralCBaryonsXic02XipiLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingNeutralCBaryonsXic02XipiLineFilterSequenc|     0.820 |     0.755 |    0.002       4.1     0.48 |    1000 |     0.756 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Ximinus2LambdaPiNeutralCBaryons           |     0.451 |     0.395 |    0.034       2.9     0.34 |     974 |     0.385 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Ximinus2LambdaPiNeutralCBaryons    |     0.451 |     0.384 |    0.029       2.9     0.32 |     974 |     0.375 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Ximinus2LambdaPiLLLNeutralCBaryons       |     0.020 |     0.017 |    0.002       1.5     0.09 |     974 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Ximinus2LambdaPiLLLNeutralCBaryons            |     0.000 |     0.332 |    0.126       0.9     0.17 |      23 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Ximinus2LambdaPiDDLNeutralCBaryons       |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.002       0.9     0.11 |     974 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Ximinus2LambdaPiDDLNeutralCBaryons            |     0.000 |     0.246 |    0.120       0.7     0.13 |      60 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Ximinus2LambdaPiDDDNeutralCBaryons       |     0.410 |     0.326 |    0.014       1.9     0.23 |     974 |     0.318 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:DownstreamPionsForNeutralCBaryons      |     0.205 |     0.154 |    0.010       0.8     0.09 |     974 |     0.151 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:DownstreamPionsForNeutralCBaryon|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                DownstreamPionsForNeutralCBaryons            |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     966 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               GoodDownstreamPionsForNeutralCBaryons         |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     966 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Ximinus2LambdaPiDDDNeutralCBaryons            |     0.666 |     0.194 |    0.095       0.6     0.10 |      60 |     0.012 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Ximinus2LambdaPiNeutralCBaryons                 |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ximinus2LambdaPiSelectionNeutralCBaryons         |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      13 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            NeutralCBaryonsXic02XipiLine                     |     0.000 |     0.256 |    0.083       0.8     0.19 |      13 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingNeutralCBaryonsXic02XipiLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingNeutralCBaryonsXic02XiKLine               |     0.400 |     0.439 |    0.022       3.2     0.33 |    1000 |     0.439 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingNeutralCBaryonsXic02XiKLinePreScaler     |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingNeutralCBaryonsXic02XiKLineFilterSequence|     0.290 |     0.332 |    0.001       2.6     0.28 |    1000 |     0.333 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            NeutralCBaryonsXic02XiKLine                      |     0.000 |     0.221 |    0.067       0.8     0.23 |      13 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ximinus2LambdaPiSelectionNeutralCBaryons         |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            NeutralCBaryonsXic02XipiLine                     |     0.000 |     0.220 |    0.069       0.7     0.16 |      13 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingNeutralCBaryonsXic02XipiLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingNeutralCBaryonsXic02XiKLine               |     0.310 |     0.404 |    0.020       9.2     0.39 |    1000 |     0.404 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingNeutralCBaryonsXic02XiKLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingNeutralCBaryonsXic02XiKLineFilterSequence|     0.230 |     0.308 |    0.001       8.9     0.37 |    1000 |     0.309 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            NeutralCBaryonsXic02XiKLine                      |     0.000 |     0.170 |    0.056       0.6     0.15 |      13 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingNeutralCBaryonsXic02XiKLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingNeutralCBaryonsOmegac02OmegapiLine        |     0.620 |     0.521 |    0.021       8.5     0.50 |    1000 |     0.522 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingNeutralCBaryonsOmegac02OmegapiLine        |     0.480 |     0.464 |    0.021       3.3     0.33 |    1000 |     0.464 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingNeutralCBaryonsOmegac02OmegapiLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingNeutralCBaryonsOmegac02OmegapiLineFilterS|     0.520 |     0.416 |    0.002       8.4     0.46 |    1000 |     0.416 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Omegaminus2LambdaKNeutralCBaryons         |     0.523 |     0.411 |    0.032       4.4     0.38 |     974 |     0.400 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Omegaminus2LambdaKNeutralCBaryons  |     0.513 |     0.404 |    0.027       4.4     0.37 |     974 |     0.394 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Omegaminus2LambdaKLLLNeutralCBaryons     |     0.030 |     0.012 |    0.002       1.4     0.07 |     974 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Omegaminus2LambdaKLLLNeutralCBaryons          |     0.869 |     0.224 |    0.107       1.2     0.23 |      23 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Omegaminus2LambdaKDDLNeutralCBaryons     |     0.030 |     0.026 |    0.002       1.7     0.11 |     974 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Omegaminus2LambdaKDDLNeutralCBaryons          |     0.166 |     0.172 |    0.097       0.7     0.09 |      60 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Omegaminus2LambdaKDDDNeutralCBaryons     |     0.420 |     0.351 |    0.012       2.8     0.31 |     974 |     0.343 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:DownstreamKaonsForNeutralCBaryons      |     0.174 |     0.192 |    0.008       1.4     0.15 |     974 |     0.187 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:DownstreamKaonsForNeutralCBaryon|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                DownstreamKaonsForNeutralCBaryons            |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     951 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               GoodDownstreamKaonsForNeutralCBaryons         |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     951 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Omegaminus2LambdaKDDDNeutralCBaryons          |     0.200 |     0.138 |    0.086       0.6     0.08 |      50 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingNeutralCBaryonsOmegac02OmegapiLineFilterS|     0.390 |     0.368 |    0.001       3.0     0.30 |    1000 |     0.369 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Omegaminus2LambdaKNeutralCBaryons         |     0.400 |     0.369 |    0.030       3.0     0.29 |     974 |     0.360 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Omegaminus2LambdaKNeutralCBaryons  |     0.379 |     0.363 |    0.027       3.0     0.28 |     974 |     0.354 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Omegaminus2LambdaKLLLNeutralCBaryons     |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.001       0.8     0.05 |     974 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Omegaminus2LambdaKLLLNeutralCBaryons          |     0.000 |     0.173 |    0.103       0.6     0.11 |      23 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Omegaminus2LambdaKDDLNeutralCBaryons     |     0.010 |     0.023 |    0.001       0.8     0.08 |     974 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Omegaminus2LambdaKDDLNeutralCBaryons          |     0.000 |     0.154 |    0.089       0.6     0.08 |      60 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Omegaminus2LambdaKDDDNeutralCBaryons     |     0.369 |     0.317 |    0.012       2.2     0.23 |     974 |     0.310 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:DownstreamKaonsForNeutralCBaryons      |     0.236 |     0.174 |    0.009       0.8     0.11 |     974 |     0.170 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:DownstreamKaonsForNeutralCBaryon|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.002       0.2     0.01 |     974 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                DownstreamKaonsForNeutralCBaryons            |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     951 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               GoodDownstreamKaonsForNeutralCBaryons         |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     951 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Omegaminus2LambdaKDDDNeutralCBaryons          |     0.000 |     0.119 |    0.077       0.6     0.08 |      50 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Omegaminus2LambdaKNeutralCBaryons               |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegaminus2LambdaKSelectionNeutralCBaryons       |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            NeutralCBaryonsOmegac02OmegapiLine               |     3.333 |     2.341 |    0.192       6.5     3.62 |       3 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Omegaminus2LambdaKSelectionNeutralCBaryons       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            NeutralCBaryonsOmegac02OmegapiLine               |     0.000 |     0.491 |    0.136       1.1     0.55 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingNeutralCBaryonsOmegac02OmegapiLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetacHHHXic2PKKLine                       |     0.650 |     0.732 |    0.027       6.7     0.60 |    1000 |     0.732 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetacHHHXic2PKKLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetacHHHXic2PKKLineFilterSequence        |     0.540 |     0.636 |    0.002       6.3     0.58 |    1000 |     0.637 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsforBetacHHH                                 |     0.020 |     0.043 |    0.004       0.2     0.03 |     963 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtonsforBetacHHH                               |     0.010 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     963 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetacHHHXic2PKKLine                              |     0.072 |     0.087 |    0.055       0.6     0.04 |     553 |     0.048 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_BetacHHHXic2PKKLine                 |     0.000 |     0.343 |    0.242       0.4     0.09 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_BetacHHHXic2PKKLine                 |     0.000 |     0.206 |    0.172       0.3     0.04 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_BetacHHHXic2PKKLine                 |     0.000 |     0.195 |    0.127       0.3     0.07 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_BetacHHHXic2PKKLine                 |     0.000 |     0.191 |    0.139       0.2     0.05 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_BetacHHHXic2PKKLine                 |     0.000 |     0.209 |    0.167       0.2     0.04 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetacHHHXic2PKKLine                       |     0.670 |     0.646 |    0.026       4.5     0.45 |    1000 |     0.646 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetacHHHXic2PKKLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetacHHHXic2PKKLineFilterSequence        |     0.590 |     0.564 |    0.002       4.4     0.44 |    1000 |     0.564 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsforBetacHHH                                 |     0.062 |     0.037 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |     963 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtonsforBetacHHH                               |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.4     0.01 |     963 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetacHHHXic2PKKLine                              |     0.072 |     0.073 |    0.051       0.5     0.03 |     553 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_BetacHHHXic2PKKLine                 |     0.000 |     0.279 |    0.164       0.4     0.10 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_BetacHHHXic2PKKLine                 |     0.000 |     0.214 |    0.137       0.3     0.10 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_BetacHHHXic2PKKLine                 |     0.000 |     0.211 |    0.153       0.3     0.06 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_BetacHHHXic2PKKLine                 |     0.000 |     0.284 |    0.140       0.4     0.13 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_BetacHHHXic2PKKLine                 |     0.000 |     0.232 |    0.111       0.4     0.15 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetacHHHXic2PKKLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetacHHHBetac2LcKS0Line                   |     0.490 |     0.476 |    0.024       9.0     0.70 |    1000 |     0.476 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetacHHHBetac2LcKS0LinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetacHHHBetac2LcKS0LineFilterSequence    |     0.370 |     0.362 |    0.002       8.9     0.68 |    1000 |     0.362 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsforBetacHHH                                 |     0.000 |     0.059 |    0.005       0.3     0.03 |     553 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:KS0forBetacHHH                            |     0.216 |     0.202 |    0.018       2.9     0.28 |     553 |     0.112 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:KS0forBetacHHH                     |     0.108 |     0.158 |    0.012       1.3     0.18 |     553 |     0.088 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KS0LLForBetacHHH                         |     0.018 |     0.061 |    0.003       1.2     0.12 |     553 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KS0LLForBetacHHH                              |     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |     161 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KS0DDForBetacHHH                         |     0.054 |     0.086 |    0.002       0.7     0.09 |     553 |     0.048 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KS0DDForBetacHHH                              |     0.027 |     0.031 |    0.003       0.2     0.03 |     360 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetacHHHBetac2LcKS0Line                   |     0.390 |     0.409 |    0.024       8.2     0.49 |    1000 |     0.409 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetacHHHBetac2LcKS0LinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetacHHHBetac2LcKS0LineFilterSequence    |     0.260 |     0.307 |    0.002       8.1     0.48 |    1000 |     0.308 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsforBetacHHH                                 |     0.054 |     0.051 |    0.004       0.3     0.02 |     553 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:KS0forBetacHHH                            |     0.144 |     0.173 |    0.016       1.6     0.20 |     553 |     0.096 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:KS0forBetacHHH                     |     0.126 |     0.138 |    0.011       0.9     0.14 |     553 |     0.077 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KS0LLForBetacHHH                         |     0.054 |     0.053 |    0.002       0.6     0.09 |     553 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KS0LLForBetacHHH                              |     0.062 |     0.033 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |     161 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KS0DDForBetacHHH                         |     0.054 |     0.076 |    0.002       0.4     0.07 |     553 |     0.042 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KS0DDForBetacHHH                              |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.003       0.2     0.02 |     360 |     0.009 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             KS0forBetacHHH                                  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      69 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetacHHHBetac2LcKS0Line                          |     0.144 |     0.135 |    0.078       1.5     0.18 |      69 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_BetacHHHBetac2LcKS0Line             |     0.000 |     0.655 |    0.291       1.2     0.42 |       4 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_BetacHHHBetac2LcKS0Line             |     0.000 |     0.602 |    0.352       1.1     0.34 |       4 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_BetacHHHBetac2LcKS0Line             |     0.000 |     0.645 |    0.424       1.1     0.31 |       4 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_BetacHHHBetac2LcKS0Line             |     0.000 |     0.641 |    0.401       1.1     0.31 |       4 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_BetacHHHBetac2LcKS0Line             |     0.000 |     0.668 |    0.367       1.3     0.40 |       4 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetacHHHBetac2LcKS0LinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetacHHHBetacLb1Line                      |     0.160 |     0.176 |    0.025      19.5     0.72 |    1000 |     0.177 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetacHHHBetacLb1LinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetacHHHBetacLb1LineFilterSequence       |     0.040 |     0.058 |    0.002      19.5     0.72 |    1000 |     0.059 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetacHHHBetacLb1Line                             |     0.289 |     0.174 |    0.073       1.4     0.28 |      69 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_BetacHHHBetacLb1Line                |     0.000 |     2.637 |    1.881       3.4     1.07 |       2 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_BetacHHHBetacLb1Line                |     0.000 |     2.381 |    1.549       3.2     1.18 |       2 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_BetacHHHBetacLb1Line                |     5.000 |     2.195 |    1.189       3.2     1.42 |       2 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_BetacHHHBetacLb1Line                |     0.000 |     2.187 |    1.170       3.2     1.44 |       2 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_BetacHHHBetacLb1Line                |     5.000 |     2.177 |    1.146       3.2     1.46 |       2 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetacHHHBetacLb1LinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetacHHHBetacLb2Line                      |     0.180 |     0.142 |    0.025       2.0     0.13 |    1000 |     0.142 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetacHHHBetacLb2LinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetacHHHBetacLb2LineFilterSequence       |     0.010 |     0.028 |    0.001       1.9     0.12 |    1000 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetacHHHBetacLb2Line                             |     0.144 |     0.129 |    0.074       1.7     0.20 |      69 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetacHHHBetac2LcKS0Line                          |     0.289 |     0.110 |    0.073       1.1     0.12 |      69 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_BetacHHHBetac2LcKS0Line             |     0.000 |     0.564 |    0.200       1.2     0.45 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_BetacHHHBetac2LcKS0Line             |     0.000 |     0.528 |    0.176       1.1     0.44 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_BetacHHHBetac2LcKS0Line             |     0.000 |     0.524 |    0.214       1.1     0.43 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_BetacHHHBetac2LcKS0Line             |     0.000 |     0.509 |    0.160       1.1     0.44 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_BetacHHHBetac2LcKS0Line             |     0.000 |     0.496 |    0.159       1.1     0.43 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetacHHHBetac2LcKS0LinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetacHHHBetacLb1Line                      |     0.100 |     0.162 |    0.025      21.9     0.75 |    1000 |     0.163 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetacHHHBetacLb1LinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetacHHHBetacLb1LineFilterSequence       |     0.050 |     0.055 |    0.001      21.8     0.75 |    1000 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetacHHHBetacLb1Line                             |     0.000 |     0.160 |    0.066       1.7     0.28 |      69 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_BetacHHHBetacLb1Line                |     5.000 |     2.637 |    1.673       3.6     1.36 |       2 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_BetacHHHBetacLb1Line                |     5.000 |     2.264 |    1.136       3.4     1.60 |       2 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_BetacHHHBetacLb1Line                |     0.000 |     2.280 |    1.199       3.4     1.53 |       2 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_BetacHHHBetacLb1Line                |     0.000 |     2.323 |    1.149       3.5     1.66 |       2 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_BetacHHHBetacLb1Line                |     5.000 |     2.349 |    1.181       3.5     1.65 |       2 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetacHHHBetacLb1LinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBetacHHHBetacLb2Line                      |     0.140 |     0.125 |    0.023       1.8     0.10 |    1000 |     0.125 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetacHHHBetacLb2LinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetacHHHBetacLb2LineFilterSequence       |     0.010 |     0.023 |    0.002       1.7     0.09 |    1000 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BetacHHHBetacLb2Line                             |     0.000 |     0.106 |    0.063       1.5     0.18 |      69 |     0.007 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_BetacHHHBetacLb2Line                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_BetacHHHBetacLb2Line                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_BetacHHHBetacLb2Line                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_BetacHHHBetacLb2Line                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_BetacHHHBetacLb2Line                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBetacHHHBetacLb2LinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCharm2PPXHc2PPLine                        |     0.500 |     0.525 |    0.025       2.8     0.35 |    1000 |     0.526 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharm2PPXHc2PPLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharm2PPXHc2PPLineFilterSequence         |     0.420 |     0.433 |    0.002       2.6     0.33 |    1000 |     0.433 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtonsForCharm2PPX                              |     0.205 |     0.190 |    0.005       1.2     0.12 |     974 |     0.185 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Charm2PPXHc2PPLine                               |     0.109 |     0.079 |    0.039       1.5     0.08 |     455 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharm2PPXHc2PPLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCharm2PPXHc2PPKPiLine                     |     0.570 |     0.617 |    0.024      14.2     0.85 |    1000 |     0.618 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCharm2PPXHc2PPLine                        |     0.450 |     0.464 |    0.024       1.8     0.28 |    1000 |     0.465 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharm2PPXHc2PPLinePreScaler              |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharm2PPXHc2PPLineFilterSequence         |     0.360 |     0.383 |    0.002       1.6     0.27 |    1000 |     0.384 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtonsForCharm2PPX                              |     0.143 |     0.161 |    0.004       1.1     0.11 |     974 |     0.157 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Charm2PPXHc2PPLine                               |     0.000 |     0.066 |    0.036       1.1     0.06 |     455 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharm2PPXHc2PPLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCharm2PPXHc2PPKPiLine                     |     0.720 |     0.561 |    0.023       8.2     0.69 |    1000 |     0.561 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharm2PPXHc2PPKPiLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharm2PPXHc2PPKPiLineFilterSequence      |     0.470 |     0.521 |    0.002      13.9     0.84 |    1000 |     0.521 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsForCharm2PPX                                |     0.109 |     0.184 |    0.034       1.0     0.12 |     455 |     0.084 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForCharm2PPX                                |     0.131 |     0.176 |    0.031       1.0     0.11 |     455 |     0.080 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Charm2PPXHc2PPKPiLine                            |     0.270 |     0.200 |    0.065      10.2     0.59 |     444 |     0.089 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharm2PPXHc2PPKPiLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCharm2PPXHc2PPKLine                       |     0.250 |     0.213 |    0.024       6.6     0.27 |    1000 |     0.214 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharm2PPXHc2PPKLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharm2PPXHc2PPKLineFilterSequence        |     0.090 |     0.113 |    0.001       1.5     0.17 |    1000 |     0.114 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Charm2PPXHc2PPKLine                              |     0.022 |     0.092 |    0.047       1.2     0.09 |     445 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharm2PPXHc2PPKPiLineFilterSequence      |     0.620 |     0.472 |    0.002       8.1     0.69 |    1000 |     0.472 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsForCharm2PPX                                |     0.197 |     0.163 |    0.025       0.6     0.10 |     455 |     0.074 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForCharm2PPX                                |     0.219 |     0.159 |    0.026       0.7     0.10 |     455 |     0.073 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Charm2PPXHc2PPKPiLine                            |     0.360 |     0.171 |    0.060       6.1     0.41 |     444 |     0.076 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharm2PPXHc2PPKPiLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCharm2PPXHc2PPKLine                       |     0.160 |     0.186 |    0.021       1.1     0.15 |    1000 |     0.187 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharm2PPXHc2PPKLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharm2PPXHc2PPKLineFilterSequence        |     0.100 |     0.103 |    0.001       1.0     0.14 |    1000 |     0.103 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Charm2PPXHc2PPKLine                              |     0.067 |     0.083 |    0.044       0.9     0.08 |     445 |     0.037 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharm2PPXHc2PPKLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCharm2PPXHc2PPKPiPiLine                   |     0.600 |     0.635 |    0.025     127.2     4.77 |    1000 |     0.635 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCharm2PPXHc2PPKPiPiLine                   |     0.430 |     0.507 |    0.021      72.8     3.07 |    1000 |     0.508 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharm2PPXHc2PPKPiPiLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharm2PPXHc2PPKPiPiLineFilterSequence    |     0.510 |     0.538 |    0.002     127.0     4.76 |    1000 |     0.539 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Charm2PPXHc2PPKPiPiLine                          |     1.013 |     1.022 |    0.061     125.6     7.02 |     444 |     0.454 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharm2PPXHc2PPKPiPiLineFilterSequence    |     0.380 |     0.424 |    0.001      72.7     3.07 |    1000 |     0.424 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Charm2PPXHc2PPKPiPiLine                          |     0.698 |     0.787 |    0.055      72.4     4.53 |     444 |     0.350 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharm2PPXHc2PPKPiPiLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCharm2PPXHs2PPPiLine                      |     0.200 |     0.219 |    0.024       2.1     0.21 |    1000 |     0.219 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCharm2PPXHs2PPPiLine                      |     0.200 |     0.193 |    0.023       1.1     0.15 |    1000 |     0.194 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharm2PPXHs2PPPiLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharm2PPXHs2PPPiLineFilterSequence       |     0.110 |     0.124 |    0.002       1.9     0.19 |    1000 |     0.125 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Charm2PPXHs2PPPiLine                             |     0.066 |     0.110 |    0.046       1.7     0.15 |     453 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharm2PPXHs2PPPiLineFilterSequence       |     0.090 |     0.111 |    0.001       1.1     0.15 |    1000 |     0.111 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Charm2PPXHs2PPPiLine                             |     0.088 |     0.095 |    0.042       0.9     0.10 |     453 |     0.043 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharm2PPXHs2PPPiLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCharm2PPXHs2PPPiDownLine                  |     0.630 |     0.555 |    0.024      10.1     0.66 |    1000 |     0.555 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCharm2PPXHs2PPPiDownLine                  |     0.400 |     0.465 |    0.021       2.4     0.35 |    1000 |     0.466 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharm2PPXHs2PPPiDownLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharm2PPXHs2PPPiDownLineFilterSequence   |     0.500 |     0.455 |    0.002       8.5     0.58 |    1000 |     0.455 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DownProtonsForCharm2PPX                          |     0.144 |     0.088 |    0.004       0.7     0.06 |     966 |     0.085 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DownPionsForCharm2PPX                            |     0.129 |     0.093 |    0.021       7.9     0.37 |     462 |     0.043 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Charm2PPXHs2PPPiDownLine                         |     0.153 |     0.112 |    0.049       7.9     0.37 |     457 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharm2PPXHs2PPPiDownLineFilterSequence   |     0.350 |     0.385 |    0.002       2.3     0.35 |    1000 |     0.385 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DownProtonsForCharm2PPX                          |     0.041 |     0.073 |    0.004       0.4     0.05 |     966 |     0.071 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DownPionsForCharm2PPX                            |     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.017       0.4     0.04 |     462 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Charm2PPXHs2PPPiDownLine                         |     0.087 |     0.081 |    0.047       0.6     0.06 |     457 |     0.037 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharm2PPXHs2PPPiDownLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControlLine       |     2.660 |     2.753 |    0.021      88.7     7.09 |    1000 |     2.753 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControlLinePreSca|     0.020 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControlLineFilter|     5.069 |     5.181 |    0.002      88.5     9.24 |     507 |     2.627 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D02hhhhForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControl |     4.634 |     4.732 |    0.422      74.8     7.13 |     492 |     2.328 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D02hhhhForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuC|     4.552 |     4.668 |    0.417      74.7     7.04 |     492 |     2.297 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02K3PiForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControl|     1.280 |     1.452 |    0.145      22.4     2.29 |     492 |     0.715 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02K3PiForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControl     |     1.138 |     1.315 |    0.110      21.8     2.23 |     492 |     0.647 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02K3PiConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuCon|     0.020 |     0.061 |    0.003       7.5     0.40 |     492 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02K3PiConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControl |     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.017       1.2     0.22 |      29 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02FourPiForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuContr|     0.589 |     0.681 |    0.064       9.6     0.95 |     492 |     0.335 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02FourPiForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControl   |     0.589 |     0.569 |    0.040       9.1     0.91 |     492 |     0.280 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02FourPiConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuC|     0.020 |     0.020 |    0.002       1.6     0.12 |     492 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02FourPiConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuContro|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.010       0.1     0.02 |      15 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KKPiPiForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuContr|     1.178 |     1.095 |    0.085      20.4     1.68 |     492 |     0.539 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02KKPiPiForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControl   |     1.036 |     0.972 |    0.061      19.0     1.61 |     492 |     0.478 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KKPiPiConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuC|     0.081 |     0.050 |    0.003       6.0     0.39 |     492 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02KKPiPiConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuContro|     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.015       0.2     0.05 |      14 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02Pi3KForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControl|     1.280 |     1.243 |    0.085      22.2     1.95 |     492 |     0.612 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02Pi3KForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControl     |     1.138 |     1.118 |    0.062      21.6     1.90 |     492 |     0.550 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02Pi3KConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuCon|     0.060 |     0.011 |    0.002       1.6     0.09 |     492 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02Pi3KConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControl |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.019       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D02hhhhForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControl       |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      37 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControlLine              |     0.540 |     0.412 |    0.091       4.3     0.76 |      37 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_DstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControlLine |     2.631 |     2.565 |    0.191       9.9     2.69 |      19 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_DstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControlLine |     2.105 |     2.407 |    0.118      10.4     2.74 |      19 |     0.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_DstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControlLine |     2.105 |     2.406 |    0.137      10.0     2.67 |      19 |     0.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_DstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControlLine |     3.157 |     2.376 |    0.148       9.8     2.66 |      19 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_DstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControlLine |     1.578 |     2.416 |    0.127      10.1     2.69 |      19 |     0.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControlLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      19 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2KShhKKLLLine                       |     0.280 |     0.268 |    0.033       3.8     0.37 |    1000 |     0.268 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KShhKKLLLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KShhKKLLLineFilterSequence        |     0.130 |     0.148 |    0.010       3.3     0.32 |    1000 |     0.149 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDstarD2KShhKKLLLineVOIDFilter           |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KsLLForDstarD2KShh                               |     0.037 |     0.032 |    0.013       0.2     0.02 |     269 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KForDstarD2KShh                                  |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     322 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KSKKLLForDstarD2KShh                           |     0.069 |     0.087 |    0.050       1.3     0.11 |     144 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControlLine       |     2.630 |     2.434 |    0.019      69.6     5.93 |    1000 |     2.434 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControlLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControlLineFilter|     5.009 |     4.592 |    0.002      69.4     7.67 |     507 |     2.328 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D02hhhhForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControl |     4.674 |     4.218 |    0.407      67.9     6.16 |     492 |     2.076 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D02hhhhForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuC|     4.654 |     4.166 |    0.402      67.9     6.10 |     492 |     2.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02K3PiForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControl|     1.239 |     1.303 |    0.115      22.2     2.03 |     492 |     0.641 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02K3PiForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControl     |     1.138 |     1.183 |    0.084      21.6     2.00 |     492 |     0.582 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02K3PiConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuCon|     0.020 |     0.045 |    0.003       4.4     0.25 |     492 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02K3PiConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControl |     0.000 |     0.055 |    0.014       0.7     0.13 |      29 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02FourPiForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuContr|     0.833 |     0.607 |    0.055       9.0     0.82 |     492 |     0.299 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02FourPiForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControl   |     0.731 |     0.510 |    0.035       8.7     0.80 |     492 |     0.251 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02FourPiConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuC|     0.040 |     0.016 |    0.002       1.1     0.08 |     492 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02FourPiConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuContro|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      15 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KKPiPiForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuContr|     0.995 |     0.986 |    0.090      15.4     1.37 |     492 |     0.485 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02KKPiPiForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControl   |     0.894 |     0.876 |    0.069      14.9     1.34 |     492 |     0.431 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KKPiPiConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuC|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.003       3.7     0.21 |     492 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02KKPiPiConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuContro|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.012       0.1     0.03 |      14 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02Pi3KForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControl|     1.463 |     1.133 |    0.085      21.3     1.78 |     492 |     0.558 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02Pi3KForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControl     |     1.341 |     1.028 |    0.064      20.8     1.76 |     492 |     0.506 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02Pi3KConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuCon|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.003       1.6     0.09 |     492 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02Pi3KConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControl |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.020       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D02hhhhForDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControl       |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      37 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControlLine              |     0.270 |     0.316 |    0.082       4.1     0.65 |      37 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_DstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControlLine |     1.052 |     2.115 |    0.155       6.6     2.09 |      19 |     0.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_DstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControlLine |     3.157 |     2.237 |    0.116       9.3     2.55 |      19 |     0.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_DstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControlLine |     2.631 |     2.088 |    0.112       6.8     2.14 |      19 |     0.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_DstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControlLine |     1.052 |     2.051 |    0.113       6.7     2.15 |      19 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_DstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControlLine |     2.105 |     2.080 |    0.142       6.6     2.19 |      19 |     0.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuControlLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |      19 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2KShhKKLLLine                       |     0.190 |     0.229 |    0.030       2.7     0.29 |    1000 |     0.230 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KShhKKLLLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KShhKKLLLineFilterSequence        |     0.140 |     0.128 |    0.009       2.2     0.26 |    1000 |     0.128 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDstarD2KShhKKLLLineVOIDFilter           |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KsLLForDstarD2KShh                               |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |     269 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KForDstarD2KShh                                  |     0.031 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     322 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KSKKLLForDstarD2KShh                           |     0.138 |     0.073 |    0.046       0.6     0.06 |     144 |     0.011 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KShhKKLLLine                              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KShhKKLLLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2KShhKPLLLine                       |     0.320 |     0.216 |    0.030       5.3     0.33 |    1000 |     0.216 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KShhKPLLLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KShhKPLLLineFilterSequence        |     0.130 |     0.103 |    0.008       5.1     0.31 |    1000 |     0.103 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDstarD2KShhKPLLLineVOIDFilter           |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PForDstarD2KShh                                  |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     323 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KSKPLLForDstarD2KShh                           |     0.069 |     0.146 |    0.071       0.7     0.11 |     144 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KShhKPLLLine                              |     5.000 |     1.278 |    0.446       2.1     1.18 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KShhKPLLLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2KShhPPLLLine                       |     0.120 |     0.181 |    0.030       2.0     0.20 |    1000 |     0.181 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KShhPPLLLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       1.4     0.05 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KShhPPLLLineFilterSequence        |     0.080 |     0.066 |    0.007       2.0     0.16 |    1000 |     0.067 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDstarD2KShhPPLLLineVOIDFilter           |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KSPPLLForDstarD2KShh                           |     0.186 |     0.112 |    0.047       0.7     0.09 |     161 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KShhPPLLLine                              |     0.000 |     0.498 |    0.143       1.5     0.57 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2KShhKPLLLine                       |     0.220 |     0.193 |    0.030       3.1     0.27 |    1000 |     0.193 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KShhKPLLLinePreScaler             |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KShhKPLLLineFilterSequence        |     0.100 |     0.092 |    0.007       3.0     0.25 |    1000 |     0.092 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDstarD2KShhKPLLLineVOIDFilter           |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PForDstarD2KShh                                  |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |     323 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KSKPLLForDstarD2KShh                           |     0.138 |     0.125 |    0.066       0.6     0.08 |     144 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KShhKPLLLine                              |     5.000 |     0.846 |    0.239       1.5     0.86 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KShhKPLLLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2KShhPPLLLine                       |     0.140 |     0.158 |    0.029       1.9     0.17 |    1000 |     0.158 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KShhPPLLLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KShhPPLLLineFilterSequence        |     0.030 |     0.059 |    0.007       1.9     0.15 |    1000 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDstarD2KShhPPLLLineVOIDFilter           |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KSPPLLForDstarD2KShh                           |     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.042       0.6     0.07 |     161 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KShhPPLLLine                              |     0.000 |     0.483 |    0.139       1.5     0.57 |       5 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KShhPPLLLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2KShhKKDDLine                       |     0.270 |     0.280 |    0.030       4.0     0.32 |    1000 |     0.281 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KShhKKDDLinePreScaler             |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KShhKKDDLineFilterSequence        |     0.190 |     0.171 |    0.007       3.7     0.29 |    1000 |     0.172 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDstarD2KShhKKDDLineVOIDFilter           |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KsDDForDstarD2KShh                               |     0.051 |     0.023 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |     581 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KSKKDDForDstarD2KShh                           |     0.173 |     0.091 |    0.046       1.5     0.12 |     173 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KShhKKDDLine                              |     0.000 |     0.985 |    0.325       1.6     0.93 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2KShhKKDDLine                       |     0.240 |     0.249 |    0.029       2.4     0.26 |    1000 |     0.249 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KShhKKDDLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KShhKKDDLineFilterSequence        |     0.150 |     0.153 |    0.007       2.4     0.24 |    1000 |     0.153 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDstarD2KShhKKDDLineVOIDFilter           |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KsDDForDstarD2KShh                               |     0.017 |     0.018 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |     581 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KSKKDDForDstarD2KShh                           |     0.115 |     0.078 |    0.045       0.6     0.07 |     173 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KShhKKDDLine                              |     0.000 |     0.860 |    0.403       1.3     0.65 |       2 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KShhKKDDLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2KShhKPDDLine                       |     0.200 |     0.219 |    0.030       2.7     0.27 |    1000 |     0.219 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KShhKPDDLinePreScaler             |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KShhKPDDLineFilterSequence        |     0.120 |     0.106 |    0.007       2.6     0.25 |    1000 |     0.107 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDstarD2KShhKPDDLineVOIDFilter           |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KSKPDDForDstarD2KShh                           |     0.173 |     0.164 |    0.069       0.8     0.12 |     173 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KShhKPDDLine                              |     0.000 |     0.365 |    0.099       0.9     0.29 |       6 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KShhKPDDLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2KShhPPDDLine                       |     0.250 |     0.197 |    0.029       4.4     0.25 |    1000 |     0.197 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2KShhKPDDLine                       |     0.200 |     0.199 |    0.027       3.0     0.25 |    1000 |     0.200 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KShhKPDDLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KShhKPDDLineFilterSequence        |     0.120 |     0.098 |    0.007       2.9     0.24 |    1000 |     0.099 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDstarD2KShhKPDDLineVOIDFilter           |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KSKPDDForDstarD2KShh                           |     0.173 |     0.148 |    0.062       0.9     0.11 |     173 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KShhKPDDLine                              |     0.000 |     0.373 |    0.102       0.7     0.25 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KShhKPDDLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2KShhPPDDLine                       |     0.190 |     0.174 |    0.028       1.9     0.18 |    1000 |     0.174 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KShhPPDDLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KShhPPDDLineFilterSequence        |     0.130 |     0.081 |    0.007       2.7     0.20 |    1000 |     0.082 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDstarD2KShhPPDDLineVOIDFilter           |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KSPPDDForDstarD2KShh                           |     0.155 |     0.145 |    0.044       0.8     0.12 |     193 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KShhPPDDLine                              |     0.666 |     0.320 |    0.107       2.1     0.49 |      15 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KShhPPDDLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCcbar2PhiPhiLine                          |     0.800 |     0.852 |    0.025      19.2     1.12 |    1000 |     0.852 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiPhiLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiPhiLineFilterSequence           |     0.660 |     0.740 |    0.002      19.0     1.12 |    1000 |     0.740 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhiForCcbar2Phi                                  |     0.049 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     201 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TisPhiForCcbar2Phi_SelTisTos                     |     0.285 |     0.609 |    0.273       1.6     0.29 |      70 |     0.043 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ccbar2PhiPhiLine                                 |     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.032       1.4     0.17 |      58 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KShhPPDDLineFilterSequence        |     0.110 |     0.075 |    0.007       1.9     0.17 |    1000 |     0.075 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDstarD2KShhPPDDLineVOIDFilter           |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KSPPDDForDstarD2KShh                           |     0.207 |     0.131 |    0.038       0.7     0.10 |     193 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KShhPPDDLine                              |     0.000 |     0.239 |    0.101       1.4     0.32 |      15 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KShhPPDDLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCcbar2PhiPhiLine                          |     0.760 |     0.741 |    0.022       7.6     0.82 |    1000 |     0.741 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiPhiLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiPhiLineFilterSequence           |     0.680 |     0.640 |    0.001       7.5     0.82 |    1000 |     0.640 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhiForCcbar2Phi                                  |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     201 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TisPhiForCcbar2Phi_SelTisTos                     |     0.571 |     0.533 |    0.238       1.7     0.25 |      70 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ccbar2PhiPhiLine                                 |     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.031       0.9     0.11 |      58 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiPhiLinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCcbar2PhiKKDetachedLine                   |     0.280 |     0.260 |    0.024       5.9     0.42 |    1000 |     0.260 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiKKDetachedLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiKKDetachedLineFilterSequence    |     0.110 |     0.139 |    0.002       5.7     0.39 |    1000 |     0.140 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DetachedPhiForCcbar2Phi                          |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     215 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonForCcbar2Phi                                 |     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.023       0.2     0.03 |      39 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ccbar2PhiKKDetachedLine                          |     0.000 |     0.182 |    0.077       1.4     0.23 |      33 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCcbar2PhiKKDetachedLine                   |     0.170 |     0.220 |    0.022       3.9     0.33 |    1000 |     0.221 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiKKDetachedLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiKKDetachedLineFilterSequence    |     0.070 |     0.120 |    0.002       3.8     0.32 |    1000 |     0.120 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DetachedPhiForCcbar2Phi                          |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     215 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonForCcbar2Phi                                 |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.026       0.1     0.02 |      39 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ccbar2PhiKKDetachedLine                          |     0.303 |     0.138 |    0.074       0.8     0.12 |      33 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiKKDetachedLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCcbar2PhiBs2JpsiPhiLine                   |     0.120 |     0.126 |    0.026       1.0     0.09 |    1000 |     0.126 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiBs2JpsiPhiLinePreScaler         |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiBs2JpsiPhiLineFilterSequence    |     0.010 |     0.012 |    0.002       0.7     0.06 |    1000 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DetachedJpsi2PhiKKCcbar2Phi                      |     0.303 |     0.120 |    0.058       0.6     0.10 |      33 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCcbar2PhiBs2JpsiPhiLine                   |     0.130 |     0.112 |    0.022       0.7     0.07 |    1000 |     0.112 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiBs2JpsiPhiLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiBs2JpsiPhiLineFilterSequence    |     0.010 |     0.011 |    0.002       0.6     0.05 |    1000 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DetachedJpsi2PhiKKCcbar2Phi                      |     0.000 |     0.106 |    0.057       0.5     0.08 |      33 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ccbar2PhiBs2JpsiPhiLine                          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiBs2JpsiPhiLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCcbar2PhiB2JpsiKLine                      |     0.060 |     0.117 |    0.024       0.6     0.06 |    1000 |     0.117 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCcbar2PhiB2JpsiKLine                      |     0.100 |     0.113 |    0.023      11.6     0.37 |    1000 |     0.114 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiB2JpsiKLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiB2JpsiKLineFilterSequence       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiB2JpsiKLineFilterSequence       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LooseKaonForCcbar2Phi                            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ccbar2PhiB2JpsiKLine                             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiB2JpsiKLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCcbar2PhiPiPiDetachedLine                 |     0.120 |     0.134 |    0.024       2.3     0.14 |    1000 |     0.135 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCcbar2PhiPiPiDetachedLine                 |     0.120 |     0.119 |    0.024       1.3     0.11 |    1000 |     0.120 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiPiPiDetachedLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiPiPiDetachedLineFilterSequence  |     0.020 |     0.022 |    0.001       1.5     0.11 |    1000 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionForCcbar2Phi                                 |     0.000 |     0.055 |    0.026       0.2     0.03 |      39 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ccbar2PhiPiPiDetachedLine                        |     0.666 |     0.141 |    0.069       0.7     0.11 |      30 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiPiPiDetachedLineFilterSequence  |     0.030 |     0.020 |    0.001       1.2     0.10 |    1000 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionForCcbar2Phi                                 |     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.023       0.2     0.03 |      39 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ccbar2PhiPiPiDetachedLine                        |     0.333 |     0.123 |    0.077       0.8     0.12 |      30 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiPiPiDetachedLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCcbar2PhiBs2TriPhiLine                    |     0.110 |     0.121 |    0.025       0.7     0.07 |    1000 |     0.122 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCcbar2PhiBs2TriPhiLine                    |     0.130 |     0.108 |    0.023       0.7     0.06 |    1000 |     0.109 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiBs2TriPhiLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiBs2TriPhiLineFilterSequence     |     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.002       0.5     0.04 |    1000 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ccbar2PhiBs2TriPhiLine                           |     0.256 |     0.041 |    0.030       0.1     0.01 |      39 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiBs2TriPhiLineFilterSequence     |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.002       0.6     0.04 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ccbar2PhiBs2TriPhiLine                           |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.027       0.1     0.01 |      39 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiBs2TriPhiLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2EtaHD2PiEtaPPGLine                      |     0.420 |     0.377 |    0.032       5.9     0.47 |    1000 |     0.378 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2EtaHD2PiEtaPPGLine                      |     0.330 |     0.317 |    0.031       3.6     0.36 |    1000 |     0.318 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2PiEtaPPGLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2PiEtaPPGLineHlt2Filter           |     0.010 |     0.027 |    0.009       0.5     0.02 |    1000 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2PiEtaPPGLineFilterSequence       |     0.555 |     0.557 |    0.183       4.0     0.47 |     414 |     0.231 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaHEtaPPG                                     |     0.434 |     0.308 |    0.132       1.3     0.13 |     414 |     0.128 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaHD2PiEtaPPGLine                             |     0.000 |     0.403 |    0.137       2.8     0.50 |      40 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2PiEtaPPGLineHlt2Filter           |     0.050 |     0.017 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2PiEtaPPGLineFilterSequence       |     0.410 |     0.479 |    0.163       3.5     0.38 |     414 |     0.198 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaHEtaPPG                                     |     0.169 |     0.253 |    0.115       0.7     0.08 |     414 |     0.105 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaHD2PiEtaPPGLine                             |     0.500 |     0.338 |    0.138       2.3     0.38 |      40 |     0.014 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2PiEtaPPGLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2EtaHD2PiEta3HMLine                      |     0.150 |     0.173 |    0.029       4.4     0.22 |    1000 |     0.174 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2PiEta3HMLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2PiEta3HMLineHlt2Filter           |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2PiEta3HMLineFilterSequence       |     0.096 |     0.102 |    0.004       2.0     0.21 |     414 |     0.043 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaHEta3HM                                     |     0.102 |     0.233 |    0.135       0.8     0.09 |      98 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaHD2PiEta3HMLine                             |    10.000 |     1.517 |    1.517       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2EtaHD2PiEta3HMLine                      |     0.160 |     0.156 |    0.026       4.4     0.20 |    1000 |     0.156 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2PiEta3HMLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2PiEta3HMLineHlt2Filter           |     0.030 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2PiEta3HMLineFilterSequence       |     0.072 |     0.096 |    0.003       2.0     0.19 |     414 |     0.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaHEta3HM                                     |     0.204 |     0.224 |    0.123       0.8     0.10 |      98 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaHD2PiEta3HMLine                             |     0.000 |     1.322 |    1.322       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2PiEta3HMLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2EtaHD2PiEta3HRLine                      |     0.360 |     0.307 |    0.027       5.3     0.38 |    1000 |     0.307 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2EtaHD2PiEta3HRLine                      |     0.250 |     0.278 |    0.026       4.8     0.35 |    1000 |     0.278 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2PiEta3HRLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2PiEta3HRLineHlt2Filter           |     0.020 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2PiEta3HRLineFilterSequence       |     0.700 |     0.447 |    0.004       5.2     0.42 |     414 |     0.185 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaHEta3HR                                     |     0.317 |     0.237 |    0.123       0.7     0.09 |     409 |     0.097 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaHD2PiEta3HRLine                             |     1.363 |     0.516 |    0.143       4.0     0.83 |      22 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2PiEta3HRLineHlt2Filter           |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2PiEta3HRLineFilterSequence       |     0.483 |     0.410 |    0.003       4.6     0.40 |     414 |     0.170 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaHEta3HR                                     |     0.220 |     0.214 |    0.115       0.7     0.07 |     409 |     0.088 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaHD2PiEta3HRLine                             |     0.454 |     0.432 |    0.141       3.4     0.70 |      22 |     0.010 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2PiEta3HRLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2EtaHD2KEtaPPGLine                       |     0.140 |     0.164 |    0.029       7.1     0.30 |    1000 |     0.165 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2EtaHD2KEtaPPGLine                       |     0.080 |     0.140 |    0.026       4.1     0.19 |    1000 |     0.141 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2KEtaPPGLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2KEtaPPGLineHlt2Filter            |     0.020 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2KEtaPPGLineFilterSequence        |     0.048 |     0.069 |    0.004       4.2     0.29 |     414 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaHD2KEtaPPGLine                              |     0.500 |     0.459 |    0.132       3.9     0.65 |      40 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2KEtaPPGLineHlt2Filter            |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2KEtaPPGLineFilterSequence        |     0.024 |     0.066 |    0.003       4.1     0.28 |     414 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaHD2KEtaPPGLine                              |     0.250 |     0.430 |    0.143       3.7     0.64 |      40 |     0.017 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2KEtaPPGLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2EtaHD2KEta3HMLine                       |     0.080 |     0.130 |    0.026       4.8     0.16 |    1000 |     0.131 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2EtaHD2KEta3HMLine                       |     0.190 |     0.117 |    0.025       4.8     0.16 |    1000 |     0.118 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2KEta3HMLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2KEta3HMLineHlt2Filter            |     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2KEta3HMLineFilterSequence        |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.9     0.04 |     414 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaHD2KEta3HMLine                              |     0.000 |     0.747 |    0.747       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2KEta3HMLineHlt2Filter            |     0.040 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2KEta3HMLineFilterSequence        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       1.0     0.05 |     414 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaHD2KEta3HMLine                              |     0.000 |     0.852 |    0.852       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2KEta3HMLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2EtaHD2KEta3HRLine                       |     0.140 |     0.143 |    0.028       3.4     0.17 |    1000 |     0.144 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2KEta3HRLinePreScaler             |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2KEta3HRLineHlt2Filter            |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2KEta3HRLineFilterSequence        |     0.072 |     0.044 |    0.003       3.3     0.22 |     414 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaHD2KEta3HRLine                              |     0.909 |     0.488 |    0.138       2.9     0.61 |      22 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2KEta3HRLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_KK                            |     0.260 |     0.260 |    0.071       2.4     0.20 |    1000 |     0.260 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2EtaHD2KEta3HRLine                       |     0.070 |     0.127 |    0.025       3.2     0.15 |    1000 |     0.128 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2KEta3HRLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2KEta3HRLineHlt2Filter            |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2KEta3HRLineFilterSequence        |     0.048 |     0.043 |    0.003       3.1     0.22 |     414 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaHD2KEta3HRLine                              |     0.454 |     0.484 |    0.165       2.6     0.59 |      22 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaHD2KEta3HRLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_KK                            |     0.180 |     0.212 |    0.060       4.7     0.20 |    1000 |     0.213 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_KKPreScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_KKHlt1Filter                 |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_KKHlt2Filter                 |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_KKFilterSequence             |     0.090 |     0.075 |    0.010       2.1     0.16 |    1000 |     0.075 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_KKVOIDFilter                |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmSelForD0_KKB2DMuNuX                         |     0.128 |     0.077 |    0.036       1.9     0.13 |     233 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_D0_KK                                   |     1.250 |     0.296 |    0.063       1.5     0.48 |       8 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_KKPostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_PiPi                          |     0.260 |     0.253 |    0.071      10.0     0.38 |    1000 |     0.253 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_PiPiPreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_PiPiHlt1Filter               |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_PiPiHlt2Filter               |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_PiPiFilterSequence           |     0.070 |     0.083 |    0.008       2.7     0.20 |    1000 |     0.083 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_PiPiVOIDFilter              |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.6     0.02 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmSelForD0_PiPiB2DMuNuX                       |     0.082 |     0.091 |    0.034       1.5     0.11 |     242 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_D0_PiPi                                 |     0.555 |     0.213 |    0.063       1.1     0.30 |      18 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_KKHlt1Filter                 |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_KKHlt2Filter                 |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_KKFilterSequence             |     0.080 |     0.063 |    0.009       1.6     0.13 |    1000 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_KKVOIDFilter                |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmSelForD0_KKB2DMuNuX                         |     0.042 |     0.058 |    0.031       0.5     0.04 |     233 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_D0_KK                                   |     0.000 |     0.229 |    0.066       1.1     0.37 |       8 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_KKPostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_PiPi                          |     0.140 |     0.216 |    0.061       3.6     0.20 |    1000 |     0.216 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_PiPiPreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_PiPiHlt1Filter               |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_PiPiHlt2Filter               |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_PiPiFilterSequence           |     0.020 |     0.072 |    0.008       1.7     0.15 |    1000 |     0.072 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_PiPiVOIDFilter              |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmSelForD0_PiPiB2DMuNuX                       |     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.033       0.9     0.07 |     242 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2DMuNuX_D0_PiPi                                 |     0.555 |     0.131 |    0.061       0.7     0.14 |      18 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2DMuNuX_D0_PiPiPostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2Pi0HD2PiPi0EEGLine                      |     0.310 |     0.317 |    0.039      13.9     0.68 |    1000 |     0.318 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2Pi0HD2PiPi0EEGLine                      |     0.310 |     0.282 |    0.033       8.4     0.49 |    1000 |     0.283 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2Pi0HD2PiPi0EEGLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2Pi0HD2PiPi0EEGLineHlt2Filter           |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2Pi0HD2PiPi0EEGLineFilterSequence       |     0.388 |     0.454 |    0.004      13.6     0.97 |     412 |     0.187 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2Pi0HPi0EEG                                     |     0.116 |     0.116 |    0.043       4.8     0.27 |     343 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2Pi0HD2PiPi0EEGLine                             |     0.689 |     0.548 |    0.170       9.9     1.27 |      58 |     0.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2Pi0HD2PiPi0EEGLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2Pi0HD2KPi0EEGLine                       |     0.130 |     0.169 |    0.029       8.9     0.33 |    1000 |     0.169 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2Pi0HD2PiPi0EEGLineHlt2Filter           |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2Pi0HD2PiPi0EEGLineFilterSequence       |     0.364 |     0.385 |    0.003       8.3     0.66 |     412 |     0.159 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2Pi0HPi0EEG                                     |     0.087 |     0.090 |    0.043       1.3     0.09 |     343 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2Pi0HD2PiPi0EEGLine                             |     0.172 |     0.412 |    0.146       5.6     0.71 |      58 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2Pi0HD2PiPi0EEGLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2Pi0HD2KPi0EEGLine                       |     0.160 |     0.153 |    0.025       6.8     0.29 |    1000 |     0.153 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2Pi0HD2KPi0EEGLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2Pi0HD2KPi0EEGLineHlt2Filter            |     0.020 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2Pi0HD2KPi0EEGLineFilterSequence        |     0.169 |     0.106 |    0.002       8.4     0.49 |     412 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2Pi0HD2KPi0EEGLine                              |     0.344 |     0.480 |    0.149       7.2     0.92 |      58 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2Pi0HD2KPi0EEGLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2Pi0HDst2D0PiEEGLine                     |     0.100 |     0.153 |    0.029       8.6     0.29 |    1000 |     0.153 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2Pi0HD2KPi0EEGLineHlt2Filter            |     0.030 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2Pi0HD2KPi0EEGLineFilterSequence        |     0.072 |     0.085 |    0.002       4.7     0.30 |     412 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2Pi0HD2KPi0EEGLine                              |     0.172 |     0.371 |    0.130       4.2     0.53 |      58 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2Pi0HD2KPi0EEGLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2Pi0HDst2D0PiEEGLine                     |     0.110 |     0.135 |    0.025       8.1     0.27 |    1000 |     0.136 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2Pi0HDst2D0PiEEGLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2Pi0HDst2D0PiEEGLineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2Pi0HDst2D0PiEEGLineFilterSequence      |     0.048 |     0.065 |    0.002       8.5     0.44 |     412 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2Pi0HD02Pi0Pi0EEG                               |     0.172 |     0.221 |    0.058       6.8     0.90 |      58 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2Pi0HDst2D0PiEEGLine                            |     0.000 |     0.842 |    0.842       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2Pi0HDst2D0PiEEGLineHlt2Filter          |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2Pi0HDst2D0PiEEGLineFilterSequence      |     0.097 |     0.059 |    0.002       8.0     0.41 |     412 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2Pi0HD02Pi0Pi0EEG                               |     0.172 |     0.198 |    0.053       6.4     0.84 |      58 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2Pi0HDst2D0PiEEGLine                            |     0.000 |     0.769 |    0.769       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2Pi0HDst2D0PiEEGLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2KKPi0KSDDLine        |     0.780 |     0.747 |    0.027       4.3     0.69 |    1000 |     0.748 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2KKPi0KSDDLine        |     0.660 |     0.669 |    0.025       4.9     0.59 |    1000 |     0.669 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2KKPi0KSDDLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2KKPi0KSDDLineFilterS|     0.710 |     0.632 |    0.002       4.0     0.64 |    1000 |     0.633 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:SelAllPi0sForDstarD2KSHHPi0               |     0.519 |     0.461 |    0.016       3.3     0.41 |     963 |     0.444 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:SelAllPi0sForDstarD2KSHHPi0        |     0.342 |     0.270 |    0.012       2.1     0.22 |     963 |     0.261 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelPi0ResolvedforDstarD2KSHHPi0          |     0.301 |     0.217 |    0.002       1.2     0.16 |     963 |     0.209 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelPi0ResolvedforDstarD2KSHHPi0               |     0.021 |     0.017 |    0.005       0.2     0.01 |     950 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelPi0MergedforDstarD2KSHHPi0            |     0.041 |     0.042 |    0.002       0.9     0.09 |     963 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelPi0MergedforDstarD2KSHHPi0                 |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     230 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             SelAllPi0sForDstarD2KSHHPi0                     |     0.015 |     0.006 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     646 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelKSDDForDstarD2KSHHPi0                         |     0.049 |     0.019 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     404 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KSHHPi0D2KKPi0KSDD                        |     0.274 |     0.281 |    0.154       1.0     0.12 |     255 |     0.072 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2KKPi0KSDDLineFilterS|     0.560 |     0.568 |    0.002       4.7     0.56 |    1000 |     0.568 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:SelAllPi0sForDstarD2KSHHPi0               |     0.456 |     0.414 |    0.014       2.7     0.34 |     963 |     0.399 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:SelAllPi0sForDstarD2KSHHPi0        |     0.290 |     0.240 |    0.010       1.6     0.18 |     963 |     0.232 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelPi0ResolvedforDstarD2KSHHPi0          |     0.238 |     0.191 |    0.002       0.9     0.13 |     963 |     0.185 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelPi0ResolvedforDstarD2KSHHPi0               |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     950 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelPi0MergedforDstarD2KSHHPi0            |     0.051 |     0.039 |    0.002       0.7     0.08 |     963 |     0.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelPi0MergedforDstarD2KSHHPi0                 |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     230 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             SelAllPi0sForDstarD2KSHHPi0                     |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     646 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelKSDDForDstarD2KSHHPi0                         |     0.024 |     0.015 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     404 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KSHHPi0D2KKPi0KSDD                        |     0.156 |     0.237 |    0.129       0.8     0.08 |     255 |     0.061 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2KKPi0KSDDLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2KKPi0KSDDLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2KKPi0KSLLLine        |     0.150 |     0.237 |    0.025       2.8     0.32 |    1000 |     0.237 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2KKPi0KSLLLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2KKPi0KSLLLineFilterS|     0.100 |     0.118 |    0.001       2.3     0.30 |    1000 |     0.118 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelKSLLForDstarD2KSHHPi0                         |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.014       0.1     0.01 |     184 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KSHHPi0D2KKPi0KSLL                        |     0.259 |     0.258 |    0.135       1.0     0.11 |     154 |     0.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2KKPi0KSLLLine        |     0.240 |     0.212 |    0.023       2.2     0.28 |    1000 |     0.212 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2KKPi0KSLLLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2KKPi0KSLLLineFilterS|     0.160 |     0.108 |    0.001       1.9     0.26 |    1000 |     0.108 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelKSLLForDstarD2KSHHPi0                         |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.011       0.1     0.01 |     184 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KSHHPi0D2KKPi0KSLL                        |     0.389 |     0.230 |    0.112       0.7     0.08 |     154 |     0.035 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2KKPi0KSLLLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2KKPi0KSLLLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2KPiPi0KSDDLine       |     0.250 |     0.251 |    0.024       6.2     0.33 |    1000 |     0.252 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2KPiPi0KSDDLine       |     0.290 |     0.219 |    0.022       1.7     0.23 |    1000 |     0.220 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2KPiPi0KSDDLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2KPiPi0KSDDLineFilter|     0.090 |     0.130 |    0.001       1.6     0.24 |    1000 |     0.131 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KSHHPi0D2KPiPi0KSDD                       |     0.156 |     0.314 |    0.147       1.0     0.14 |     255 |     0.080 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2KPiPi0KSDDLineFilter|     0.180 |     0.117 |    0.002       1.4     0.21 |    1000 |     0.117 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KSHHPi0D2KPiPi0KSDD                       |     0.509 |     0.279 |    0.137       0.8     0.11 |     255 |     0.071 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2KPiPi0KSDDLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2KPiPi0KSDDLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2KPiPi0KSLLLine       |     0.170 |     0.199 |    0.023       2.9     0.26 |    1000 |     0.199 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2KPiPi0KSLLLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2KPiPi0KSLLLineFilter|     0.050 |     0.086 |    0.001       2.8     0.23 |    1000 |     0.086 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KSHHPi0D2KPiPi0KSLL                       |     0.324 |     0.317 |    0.144       2.4     0.21 |     154 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2KPiPi0KSLLLine              |     0.000 |     1.534 |    1.534       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2KPiPi0KSLLLine       |     0.180 |     0.179 |    0.020       2.7     0.22 |    1000 |     0.179 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2KPiPi0KSLLLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2KPiPi0KSLLLineFilter|     0.060 |     0.078 |    0.001       2.6     0.20 |    1000 |     0.078 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KSHHPi0D2KPiPi0KSLL                       |     0.129 |     0.280 |    0.133       0.9     0.10 |     154 |     0.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2KPiPi0KSLLLine              |     0.000 |     1.136 |    1.136       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2KPiPi0KSLLLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2PiPiPi0KSDDLine      |     0.280 |     0.240 |    0.024       7.0     0.33 |    1000 |     0.240 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2PiPiPi0KSDDLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2PiPiPi0KSDDLineFilte|     0.110 |     0.118 |    0.001       2.7     0.23 |    1000 |     0.118 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KSHHPi0D2PiPiPi0KSDD                      |     0.352 |     0.262 |    0.123       0.8     0.11 |     255 |     0.067 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2PiPiPi0KSDDLine             |     0.000 |     1.399 |    1.399       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2PiPiPi0KSDDLine      |     0.220 |     0.210 |    0.022       4.1     0.24 |    1000 |     0.210 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2PiPiPi0KSDDLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2PiPiPi0KSDDLineFilte|     0.120 |     0.108 |    0.002       4.0     0.22 |    1000 |     0.109 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KSHHPi0D2PiPiPi0KSDD                      |     0.235 |     0.235 |    0.124       0.7     0.09 |     255 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2PiPiPi0KSDDLine             |     0.000 |     2.522 |    2.522       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2PiPiPi0KSDDLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2PiPiPi0KSLLLine      |     0.190 |     0.193 |    0.023       3.0     0.24 |    1000 |     0.193 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2PiPiPi0KSLLLine      |     0.140 |     0.173 |    0.021       2.6     0.21 |    1000 |     0.173 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2PiPiPi0KSLLLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2PiPiPi0KSLLLineFilte|     0.090 |     0.080 |    0.001       2.9     0.22 |    1000 |     0.081 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KSHHPi0D2PiPiPi0KSLL                      |     0.324 |     0.271 |    0.132       1.7     0.15 |     154 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2PiPiPi0KSLLLine             |     2.500 |     0.495 |    0.093       1.6     0.73 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2PiPiPi0KSLLLineFilte|     0.050 |     0.074 |    0.002       2.5     0.19 |    1000 |     0.074 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KSHHPi0D2PiPiPi0KSLL                      |     0.194 |     0.246 |    0.131       1.3     0.11 |     154 |     0.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2PiPiPi0KSLLLine             |     0.000 |     0.391 |    0.083       1.2     0.54 |       4 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2KSHHPi0DstarD2PiPiPi0KSLLLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD02KpiForPromptCharm                      |     0.260 |     0.317 |    0.022       3.5     0.42 |    1000 |     0.318 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD02KpiForPromptCharmPreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD02KpiForPromptCharmFilterSequence       |     0.560 |     0.668 |    0.002       3.2     0.47 |     321 |     0.214 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelKaonForPromptCharm                            |     0.084 |     0.062 |    0.008       0.5     0.03 |     943 |     0.059 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelPionForPromptCharm                            |     0.062 |     0.060 |    0.007       0.2     0.03 |     961 |     0.058 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D02KpiForPromptCharm                             |     0.115 |     0.099 |    0.056       0.6     0.05 |     260 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD02KpiForPromptCharm                      |     0.310 |     0.280 |    0.018       4.6     0.36 |    1000 |     0.281 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD02KpiForPromptCharmPreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD02KpiForPromptCharmFilterSequence       |     0.529 |     0.593 |    0.002       4.5     0.42 |     321 |     0.191 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelKaonForPromptCharm                            |     0.031 |     0.051 |    0.006       0.2     0.02 |     943 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelPionForPromptCharm                            |     0.062 |     0.051 |    0.006       0.3     0.02 |     961 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D02KpiForPromptCharm                             |     0.038 |     0.081 |    0.047       0.5     0.04 |     260 |     0.021 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD02KpiForPromptCharmPostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarForPromptCharm                       |     0.550 |     0.603 |    0.024       4.9     0.49 |    1000 |     0.604 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarForPromptCharm                       |     0.420 |     0.543 |    0.022       4.3     0.43 |    1000 |     0.543 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarForPromptCharmPreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarForPromptCharmFilterSequence        |     0.440 |     0.493 |    0.002       4.7     0.46 |    1000 |     0.493 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD02KpiForPromptCharm                          |     0.063 |     0.092 |    0.047       3.1     0.12 |     786 |     0.073 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarForPromptCharm                              |     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.061       0.7     0.12 |      26 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarForPromptCharmFilterSequence        |     0.340 |     0.445 |    0.002       4.2     0.40 |    1000 |     0.445 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD02KpiForPromptCharm                          |     0.076 |     0.083 |    0.043       3.8     0.15 |     786 |     0.066 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarForPromptCharm                              |     0.000 |     0.096 |    0.056       0.4     0.08 |      26 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarForPromptCharmPostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDForPromptCharm                           |     0.140 |     0.185 |    0.019       2.2     0.18 |    1000 |     0.185 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDForPromptCharmPreScaler                 |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDForPromptCharmFilterSequence            |     0.174 |     0.213 |    0.001       1.9     0.22 |     401 |     0.085 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DForPromptCharm                                  |     0.032 |     0.112 |    0.046       1.4     0.13 |     307 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDForPromptCharmPostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDsForPromptCharm                          |     0.210 |     0.183 |    0.018       3.4     0.18 |    1000 |     0.183 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDsForPromptCharmPreScaler                |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDsForPromptCharmFilterSequence           |     0.189 |     0.184 |    0.002       3.3     0.21 |     475 |     0.087 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DsForPromptCharm                                 |     0.083 |     0.078 |    0.042       0.8     0.06 |     360 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDsForPromptCharmPostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLambdaCForPromptCharm                     |     0.410 |     0.431 |    0.024       4.6     0.40 |    1000 |     0.432 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdaCForPromptCharmPreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdaCForPromptCharmFilterSequence      |     0.300 |     0.327 |    0.001       4.4     0.37 |    1000 |     0.327 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelProtonForPromptCharm                          |     0.074 |     0.039 |    0.006       0.2     0.02 |     938 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelpreLambdaCForPromptCharm                      |     0.064 |     0.098 |    0.057       0.6     0.05 |     464 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaCForPromptCharm                            |     0.000 |     0.091 |    0.049       0.2     0.04 |      20 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdaCForPromptCharmPostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLambdaCLooseChi2IPForPromptCharm          |     0.140 |     0.105 |    0.018       0.7     0.06 |    1000 |     0.105 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdaCLooseChi2IPForPromptCharmPreScaler|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdaCLooseChi2IPForPromptCharmFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.002       0.6     0.04 |     200 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaCLooseChi2IPForPromptCharm                 |     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.063       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDForPromptCharm                           |     0.120 |     0.163 |    0.017       1.4     0.13 |    1000 |     0.164 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDForPromptCharmPreScaler                 |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDForPromptCharmFilterSequence            |     0.099 |     0.186 |    0.002       1.3     0.15 |     401 |     0.075 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DForPromptCharm                                  |     0.065 |     0.091 |    0.041       1.3     0.08 |     307 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDForPromptCharmPostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDsForPromptCharm                          |     0.160 |     0.160 |    0.017       0.8     0.12 |    1000 |     0.161 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDsForPromptCharmPreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDsForPromptCharmFilterSequence           |     0.210 |     0.160 |    0.001       0.7     0.12 |     475 |     0.076 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DsForPromptCharm                                 |     0.083 |     0.069 |    0.038       0.6     0.04 |     360 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDsForPromptCharmPostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLambdaCForPromptCharm                     |     0.400 |     0.392 |    0.022       2.7     0.33 |    1000 |     0.393 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdaCForPromptCharmPreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdaCForPromptCharmFilterSequence      |     0.320 |     0.298 |    0.002       2.6     0.30 |    1000 |     0.299 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelProtonForPromptCharm                          |     0.063 |     0.034 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |     938 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelpreLambdaCForPromptCharm                      |     0.043 |     0.086 |    0.049       0.6     0.04 |     464 |     0.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaCForPromptCharm                            |     0.000 |     0.073 |    0.035       0.1     0.03 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdaCForPromptCharmPostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLambdaCLooseChi2IPForPromptCharm          |     0.080 |     0.096 |    0.016       0.7     0.05 |    1000 |     0.097 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdaCLooseChi2IPForPromptCharmPreScaler|     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdaCLooseChi2IPForPromptCharmFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.002       0.6     0.05 |     200 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaCLooseChi2IPForPromptCharm                 |     0.000 |     0.077 |    0.057       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdaCLooseChi2IPForPromptCharmPostScale|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLambdaC2pKKForPromptCharm                 |     0.230 |     0.202 |    0.023       1.5     0.17 |    1000 |     0.203 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLambdaC2pKKForPromptCharm                 |     0.230 |     0.185 |    0.021       1.2     0.14 |    1000 |     0.186 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdaC2pKKForPromptCharmPreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdaC2pKKForPromptCharmFilterSequence  |     0.120 |     0.117 |    0.002       1.4     0.15 |    1000 |     0.117 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaC2pKKForPromptCharm                        |     0.127 |     0.076 |    0.042       1.4     0.07 |     469 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdaC2pKKForPromptCharmFilterSequence  |     0.150 |     0.109 |    0.002       1.2     0.14 |    1000 |     0.109 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaC2pKKForPromptCharm                        |     0.149 |     0.069 |    0.039       1.1     0.06 |     469 |     0.033 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdaC2pKKForPromptCharmPostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingSigmaCForPromptCharm                      |     0.090 |     0.125 |    0.022       4.2     0.20 |    1000 |     0.125 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingSigmaCForPromptCharm                      |     0.080 |     0.110 |    0.019       2.4     0.12 |    1000 |     0.110 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSigmaCForPromptCharmPreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSigmaCForPromptCharmFilterSequence       |     0.030 |     0.019 |    0.002       4.0     0.19 |    1000 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLambdaCForPromptCharm                         |     0.000 |     0.083 |    0.040       0.2     0.04 |      20 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SigmaCForPromptCharm                             |     2.000 |     0.577 |    0.099       2.2     0.90 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSigmaCForPromptCharmPostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLambdaCstarForPromptCharm                 |     0.120 |     0.115 |    0.023       2.8     0.14 |    1000 |     0.116 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdaCstarForPromptCharmPreScaler       |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdaCstarForPromptCharmFilterSequence  |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.002       2.6     0.11 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaCstarForPromptCharm                        |     0.000 |     0.630 |    0.063       2.3     0.93 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdaCstarForPromptCharmPostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingOmegaCstarForPromptCharm                  |     0.080 |     0.115 |    0.022       3.6     0.17 |    1000 |     0.116 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegaCstarForPromptCharmPreScaler        |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegaCstarForPromptCharmFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.002       3.4     0.16 |    1000 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelPromptKaonForPromptCharm                      |     0.000 |     0.078 |    0.042       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            OmegaCstarForPromptCharm                         |     0.000 |     0.527 |    0.081       2.0     0.84 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegaCstarForPromptCharmPostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXiCstarstar2LambdaCPiKForPromptCharm      |     0.100 |     0.111 |    0.022       4.6     0.21 |    1000 |     0.111 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSigmaCForPromptCharmFilterSequence       |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.002       2.2     0.10 |    1000 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLambdaCForPromptCharm                         |     0.000 |     0.074 |    0.034       0.1     0.03 |      20 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SigmaCForPromptCharm                             |     0.000 |     0.234 |    0.087       0.6     0.23 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSigmaCForPromptCharmPostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLambdaCstarForPromptCharm                 |     0.110 |     0.099 |    0.020       1.5     0.07 |    1000 |     0.100 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdaCstarForPromptCharmPreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdaCstarForPromptCharmFilterSequence  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.001       1.4     0.05 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaCstarForPromptCharm                        |     0.000 |     0.250 |    0.057       0.7     0.25 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdaCstarForPromptCharmPostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingOmegaCstarForPromptCharm                  |     0.120 |     0.103 |    0.021       1.9     0.10 |    1000 |     0.103 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegaCstarForPromptCharmPreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegaCstarForPromptCharmFilterSequence   |     0.020 |     0.009 |    0.002       1.8     0.09 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelPromptKaonForPromptCharm                      |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.021       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            OmegaCstarForPromptCharm                         |     0.000 |     0.205 |    0.069       0.6     0.22 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegaCstarForPromptCharmPostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXiCstarstar2LambdaCPiKForPromptCharm      |     0.120 |     0.101 |    0.020       3.5     0.15 |    1000 |     0.102 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiCstarstar2LambdaCPiKForPromptCharmPreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiCstarstar2LambdaCPiKForPromptCharmFilte|     0.050 |     0.014 |    0.002       4.4     0.20 |    1000 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiCstarstar2LambdaCPiKForPromptCharm             |     2.000 |     0.821 |    0.102       2.8     1.16 |       5 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiCstarstar2LambdaCPiKForPromptCharmPostS|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXic02LcPiForPromptCharm                   |     0.130 |     0.108 |    0.022       1.8     0.12 |    1000 |     0.109 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiCstarstar2LambdaCPiKForPromptCharmFilte|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.001       2.5     0.10 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiCstarstar2LambdaCPiKForPromptCharm             |     0.000 |     0.369 |    0.092       0.9     0.33 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiCstarstar2LambdaCPiKForPromptCharmPostS|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXic02LcPiForPromptCharm                   |     0.100 |     0.097 |    0.019       1.1     0.08 |    1000 |     0.098 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXic02LcPiForPromptCharmPreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXic02LcPiForPromptCharmFilterSequence    |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.001       1.6     0.10 |    1000 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xic02LcPiForPromptCharm                          |     0.000 |     0.258 |    0.068       1.5     0.32 |      20 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXic02LcPiForPromptCharmPostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingChiAndCharmForPromptCharm                 |     0.190 |     0.129 |    0.026       1.2     0.11 |    1000 |     0.129 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChiAndCharmForPromptCharmPreScaler       |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChiAndCharmForPromptCharmFilterSequence  |     0.050 |     0.020 |    0.002       1.0     0.08 |    1000 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:PromptCharmForPromptCharm                 |     0.585 |     0.497 |    0.038      10.2     0.58 |     974 |     0.485 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:PromptCharmForPromptCharm          |     0.564 |     0.469 |    0.034       8.1     0.48 |     974 |     0.457 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelD02KpiForPromptCharm                  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDstarForPromptCharm                   |     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.001       1.1     0.06 |     974 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDstarForPromptCharm                        |     0.384 |     0.117 |    0.064       0.7     0.12 |      26 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDsForPromptCharm                      |     0.287 |     0.198 |    0.001       4.9     0.21 |     974 |     0.194 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDsForPromptCharm                           |     0.127 |     0.090 |    0.041       4.6     0.17 |     786 |     0.071 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDForPromptCharm                       |     0.236 |     0.198 |    0.001       1.3     0.16 |     974 |     0.193 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDForPromptCharm                            |     0.089 |     0.099 |    0.038       1.0     0.06 |     786 |     0.078 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelLambdaCForPromptCharm                 |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelSigmaCForPromptCharm                  |     0.020 |     0.010 |    0.001       3.4     0.14 |     974 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelSigmaCForPromptCharm                       |     0.000 |     0.563 |    0.092       2.2     0.90 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelLambdaCstarForPromptCharm             |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.001       2.5     0.11 |     974 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelLambdaCstarForPromptCharm                  |     2.000 |     0.631 |    0.058       2.3     0.94 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             PromptCharmForPromptCharm                       |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      44 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXic02LcPiForPromptCharmFilterSequence    |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.002       1.0     0.07 |    1000 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Xic02LcPiForPromptCharm                          |     0.000 |     0.188 |    0.057       0.9     0.18 |      20 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXic02LcPiForPromptCharmPostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingChiAndCharmForPromptCharm                 |     0.140 |     0.117 |    0.025       3.4     0.14 |    1000 |     0.117 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChiAndCharmForPromptCharmPreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChiAndCharmForPromptCharmFilterSequence  |     0.020 |     0.018 |    0.002       1.0     0.08 |    1000 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:PromptCharmForPromptCharm                 |     0.441 |     0.435 |    0.033       5.9     0.37 |     974 |     0.424 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:PromptCharmForPromptCharm          |     0.410 |     0.412 |    0.029       4.7     0.31 |     974 |     0.401 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelD02KpiForPromptCharm                  |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDstarForPromptCharm                   |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.001       0.6     0.05 |     974 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDstarForPromptCharm                        |     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.062       0.5     0.09 |      26 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDsForPromptCharm                      |     0.184 |     0.178 |    0.001       0.9     0.13 |     974 |     0.173 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDsForPromptCharm                           |     0.050 |     0.075 |    0.035       0.6     0.04 |     786 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDForPromptCharm                       |     0.184 |     0.176 |    0.001       0.8     0.12 |     974 |     0.172 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDForPromptCharm                            |     0.063 |     0.086 |    0.035       0.5     0.04 |     786 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelLambdaCForPromptCharm                 |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelSigmaCForPromptCharm                  |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.001       1.7     0.07 |     974 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelSigmaCForPromptCharm                       |     0.000 |     0.247 |    0.075       0.7     0.26 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelLambdaCstarForPromptCharm             |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.001       1.4     0.05 |     974 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelLambdaCstarForPromptCharm                  |     0.000 |     0.248 |    0.050       0.7     0.26 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             PromptCharmForPromptCharm                       |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      44 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDiMuonAndCharmForPromptCharm                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelPreChiAndCharmForPromptCharm                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ChiAndCharmForPromptCharm                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChiAndCharmForPromptCharmPostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCharmAndWForPromptCharm                   |     0.130 |     0.124 |    0.027       6.0     0.20 |    1000 |     0.124 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCharmAndWForPromptCharm                   |     0.150 |     0.110 |    0.025       0.6     0.05 |    1000 |     0.110 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharmAndWForPromptCharmPreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharmAndWForPromptCharmFilterSequence    |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharmAndWForPromptCharmFilterSequence    |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.001       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmAndWForPromptCharm                          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharmAndWForPromptCharmPostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDiMuonAndCharmForPromptCharm              |     0.130 |     0.118 |    0.026       0.5     0.06 |    1000 |     0.119 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDiMuonAndCharmForPromptCharm              |     0.060 |     0.107 |    0.023       0.3     0.05 |    1000 |     0.107 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDiMuonAndCharmForPromptCharmPreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDiMuonAndCharmForPromptCharmFilterSequenc|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDiMuonAndCharmForPromptCharmFilterSequenc|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DiMuonAndCharmForPromptCharm                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDiMuonAndCharmForPromptCharmPostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDiCharmForPromptCharm                     |     0.760 |     0.631 |    0.025      12.0     0.74 |    1000 |     0.632 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDiCharmForPromptCharm                     |     0.520 |     0.554 |    0.022       6.9     0.49 |    1000 |     0.554 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDiCharmForPromptCharmPreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDiCharmForPromptCharmFilterSequence      |     0.600 |     0.512 |    0.002      11.8     0.72 |    1000 |     0.513 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DiCharmForPromptCharm                            |     0.681 |     0.631 |    0.466       2.6     0.34 |      44 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDiCharmForPromptCharmPostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTriCharmForPromptCharm                    |     0.210 |     0.258 |    0.023       7.4     0.70 |    1000 |     0.258 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTriCharmForPromptCharmPreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTriCharmForPromptCharmFilterSequence     |     0.130 |     0.146 |    0.002       7.3     0.70 |    1000 |     0.147 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TriCharmForPromptCharm                           |     2.727 |     3.094 |    2.550       7.0     0.89 |      44 |     0.136 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDiCharmForPromptCharmFilterSequence      |     0.430 |     0.447 |    0.001       6.8     0.48 |    1000 |     0.448 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DiCharmForPromptCharm                            |     0.227 |     0.565 |    0.493       1.0     0.10 |      44 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDiCharmForPromptCharmPostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTriCharmForPromptCharm                    |     0.180 |     0.245 |    0.020       7.1     0.69 |    1000 |     0.246 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTriCharmForPromptCharmPreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTriCharmForPromptCharmFilterSequence     |     0.130 |     0.145 |    0.002       7.0     0.69 |    1000 |     0.146 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TriCharmForPromptCharm                           |     2.727 |     3.002 |    2.466       6.7     0.68 |      44 |     0.132 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTriCharmForPromptCharmPostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDiMuonAndDiCharmForPromptCharm            |     0.110 |     0.113 |    0.024       0.6     0.06 |    1000 |     0.114 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDiMuonAndDiCharmForPromptCharm            |     0.150 |     0.103 |    0.021       0.6     0.05 |    1000 |     0.104 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDiMuonAndDiCharmForPromptCharmPreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDiMuonAndDiCharmForPromptCharmFilterSeque|     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDiMuonAndDiCharmForPromptCharmFilterSeque|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DiMuonAndDiCharmForPromptCharm                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDiMuonAndDiCharmForPromptCharmPostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDoubleDiMuonAndCharmForPromptCharm        |     0.150 |     0.115 |    0.026       0.5     0.06 |    1000 |     0.116 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDoubleDiMuonAndCharmForPromptCharm        |     0.100 |     0.109 |    0.022       3.8     0.13 |    1000 |     0.110 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDoubleDiMuonAndCharmForPromptCharmPreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDoubleDiMuonAndCharmForPromptCharmFilterS|     0.020 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDoubleDiMuonAndCharmForPromptCharmFilterS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DoubleDiMuonAndCharmForPromptCharm               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDoubleDiMuonAndCharmForPromptCharmPostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD02KKForPromptCharm                       |     0.180 |     0.232 |    0.025       1.4     0.14 |    1000 |     0.232 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD02KKForPromptCharmPreScaler             |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD02KKForPromptCharmFilterSequence        |     0.140 |     0.152 |    0.001       1.1     0.12 |    1000 |     0.153 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D02KKForPromptCharm                              |     0.037 |     0.054 |    0.034       0.5     0.03 |     798 |     0.043 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD02KKForPromptCharmPostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD02pipiForPromptCharm                     |     0.340 |     0.300 |    0.026       6.2     0.26 |    1000 |     0.300 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD02KKForPromptCharm                       |     0.140 |     0.211 |    0.022       1.1     0.11 |    1000 |     0.211 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD02KKForPromptCharmPreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD02KKForPromptCharmFilterSequence        |     0.100 |     0.139 |    0.001       1.0     0.10 |    1000 |     0.140 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D02KKForPromptCharm                              |     0.050 |     0.047 |    0.032       0.6     0.03 |     798 |     0.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD02KKForPromptCharmPostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD02pipiForPromptCharm                     |     0.210 |     0.262 |    0.023       1.1     0.13 |    1000 |     0.262 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD02pipiForPromptCharmPreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD02pipiForPromptCharmFilterSequence      |     0.230 |     0.223 |    0.002       6.1     0.24 |    1000 |     0.224 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D02pipiForPromptCharm                            |     0.075 |     0.060 |    0.031       1.4     0.06 |     928 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD02pipiForPromptCharmFilterSequence      |     0.140 |     0.194 |    0.001       1.0     0.12 |    1000 |     0.195 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D02pipiForPromptCharm                            |     0.053 |     0.051 |    0.028       0.9     0.03 |     928 |     0.048 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD02pipiForPromptCharmPostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarCPForPromptCharm                     |     0.470 |     0.440 |    0.024       3.1     0.28 |    1000 |     0.441 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarCPForPromptCharmPreScaler           |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarCPForPromptCharmFilterSequence      |     0.320 |     0.327 |    0.002       2.7     0.23 |    1000 |     0.328 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:SelD02CPForPromptCharm                    |     0.308 |     0.325 |    0.015       2.4     0.21 |     974 |     0.317 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:SelD02CPForPromptCharm             |     0.297 |     0.317 |    0.010       2.4     0.21 |     974 |     0.309 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelD02KKForPromptCharm                   |     0.102 |     0.147 |    0.002       1.1     0.11 |     974 |     0.143 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelD02KKForPromptCharm                        |     0.037 |     0.045 |    0.030       0.5     0.02 |     798 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelD02pipiForPromptCharm                 |     0.174 |     0.159 |    0.001       1.2     0.11 |     974 |     0.155 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelD02pipiForPromptCharm                      |     0.032 |     0.048 |    0.025       0.6     0.03 |     928 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             SelD02CPForPromptCharm                          |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarCPForPromptCharm                            |     1.111 |     0.259 |    0.086       1.4     0.43 |       9 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarCPForPromptCharmPostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCcbar2PpbarLine                           |     0.550 |     0.466 |    0.060      20.9     0.86 |    1000 |     0.467 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PpbarLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       1.0     0.03 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PpbarLineFilterSequence            |     0.430 |     0.357 |    0.009      20.6     0.86 |    1000 |     0.358 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingCcbar2PpbarLineVOIDFilter               |     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdTightProtons_Particles          |     1.392 |     1.405 |    0.033      24.8     1.65 |     905 |     1.272 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ccbar2PpbarLine                                  |     0.028 |     0.080 |    0.055       1.3     0.07 |     355 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PpbarLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBbbar2PhiPhiLine                          |     0.300 |     0.315 |    0.035       6.4     0.58 |    1000 |     0.315 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBbbar2PhiPhiLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBbbar2PhiPhiLineFilterSequence           |     0.150 |     0.186 |    0.002       6.2     0.57 |    1000 |     0.186 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhiForBbbar2PhiPhi                               |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     201 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TisPhiForBbbar2PhiPhi_SelTisTos                  |     0.468 |     0.736 |    0.187       4.5     0.68 |     128 |     0.094 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bbbar2PhiPhiLine                                 |     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.031       1.3     0.13 |     104 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarCPForPromptCharm                     |     0.460 |     0.414 |    0.022       5.3     0.31 |    1000 |     0.415 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarCPForPromptCharmPreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarCPForPromptCharmFilterSequence      |     0.340 |     0.308 |    0.001       5.2     0.27 |    1000 |     0.309 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:SelD02CPForPromptCharm                    |     0.338 |     0.307 |    0.014       5.2     0.25 |     974 |     0.299 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:SelD02CPForPromptCharm             |     0.328 |     0.299 |    0.009       5.2     0.24 |     974 |     0.292 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelD02KKForPromptCharm                   |     0.225 |     0.145 |    0.002       4.9     0.19 |     974 |     0.142 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelD02KKForPromptCharm                        |     0.075 |     0.042 |    0.028       0.5     0.03 |     798 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelD02pipiForPromptCharm                 |     0.092 |     0.144 |    0.001       0.7     0.08 |     974 |     0.141 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelD02pipiForPromptCharm                      |     0.043 |     0.044 |    0.023       0.5     0.03 |     928 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             SelD02CPForPromptCharm                          |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarCPForPromptCharm                            |     0.000 |     0.216 |    0.069       1.2     0.36 |       9 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarCPForPromptCharmPostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCcbar2PpbarLine                           |     0.300 |     0.427 |    0.051      12.5     0.70 |    1000 |     0.427 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PpbarLinePreScaler                 |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PpbarLineFilterSequence            |     0.160 |     0.328 |    0.008      12.4     0.70 |    1000 |     0.328 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingCcbar2PpbarLineVOIDFilter               |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdTightProtons_Particles          |     1.116 |     1.268 |    0.032      15.7     1.34 |     905 |     1.148 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ccbar2PpbarLine                                  |     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.047       1.2     0.06 |     355 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PpbarLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingBbbar2PhiPhiLine                          |     0.320 |     0.275 |    0.031       7.6     0.53 |    1000 |     0.275 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBbbar2PhiPhiLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBbbar2PhiPhiLineFilterSequence           |     0.200 |     0.163 |    0.002       7.1     0.52 |    1000 |     0.164 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhiForBbbar2PhiPhi                               |     0.049 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     201 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TisPhiForBbbar2PhiPhi_SelTisTos                  |     0.937 |     0.647 |    0.161       6.3     0.75 |     128 |     0.083 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Bbbar2PhiPhiLine                                 |     0.000 |     0.045 |    0.030       0.6     0.06 |     104 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingBbbar2PhiPhiLinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2EtaEEGHD2PiEtaEEGLine                   |     0.200 |     0.182 |    0.037      12.9     0.56 |    1000 |     0.182 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaEEGHD2PiEtaEEGLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaEEGHD2PiEtaEEGLineHlt2Filter        |     0.020 |     0.016 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaEEGHD2PiEtaEEGLineFilterSequence    |     2.666 |     3.035 |    0.353      12.7     3.42 |      15 |     0.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaEEGHEtaEEG                                  |     0.666 |     0.431 |    0.116       1.9     0.55 |      15 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaEEGHD2PiEtaEEGLine                          |     0.000 |     0.829 |    0.202       4.6     1.24 |      13 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaEEGHD2PiEtaEEGLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2EtaEEGHD2KEtaEEGLine                    |     0.120 |     0.135 |    0.029       4.6     0.19 |    1000 |     0.136 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2EtaEEGHD2PiEtaEEGLine                   |     0.140 |     0.162 |    0.033      13.0     0.52 |    1000 |     0.163 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaEEGHD2PiEtaEEGLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaEEGHD2PiEtaEEGLineHlt2Filter        |     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaEEGHD2PiEtaEEGLineFilterSequence    |     1.333 |     2.754 |    0.162      12.8     3.31 |      15 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaEEGHEtaEEG                                  |     0.666 |     0.331 |    0.077       1.9     0.46 |      15 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaEEGHD2PiEtaEEGLine                          |     0.000 |     0.715 |    0.157       3.8     1.05 |      13 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaEEGHD2PiEtaEEGLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2EtaEEGHD2KEtaEEGLine                    |     0.070 |     0.122 |    0.026       4.3     0.17 |    1000 |     0.122 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaEEGHD2KEtaEEGLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaEEGHD2KEtaEEGLineHlt2Filter         |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaEEGHD2KEtaEEGLineFilterSequence     |     2.000 |     0.834 |    0.005       4.5     1.17 |      15 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaEEGHD2KEtaEEGLine                           |     1.538 |     0.710 |    0.163       4.0     1.09 |      13 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaEEGHD2KEtaEEGLineHlt2Filter         |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaEEGHD2KEtaEEGLineFilterSequence     |     1.333 |     0.746 |    0.003       4.2     1.09 |      15 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaEEGHD2KEtaEEGLine                           |     1.538 |     0.636 |    0.146       3.7     1.03 |      13 |     0.008 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaEEGHD2KEtaEEGLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2PhiHD2PiPhi3HMLine                      |     0.130 |     0.182 |    0.029       4.5     0.24 |    1000 |     0.183 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2PhiHD2PiPhi3HMLine                      |     0.170 |     0.170 |    0.026       7.9     0.32 |    1000 |     0.170 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2PhiHD2PiPhi3HMLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2PhiHD2PiPhi3HMLineHlt2Filter           |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2PhiHD2PiPhi3HMLineFilterSequence       |     0.119 |     0.129 |    0.005       4.3     0.31 |     419 |     0.054 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2PhiHPhi3HM                                     |     0.101 |     0.310 |    0.163       1.1     0.13 |      99 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2PhiHD2PiPhi3HMLine                             |     5.000 |     1.836 |    0.172       3.5     2.35 |       2 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2PhiHD2PiPhi3HMLineHlt2Filter           |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2PhiHD2PiPhi3HMLineFilterSequence       |     0.143 |     0.128 |    0.004       7.7     0.46 |     419 |     0.054 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2PhiHPhi3HM                                     |     0.404 |     0.254 |    0.145       0.7     0.08 |      99 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2PhiHD2PiPhi3HMLine                             |     5.000 |     1.906 |    0.168       3.6     2.46 |       2 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2PhiHD2PiPhi3HMLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2PhiHD2PiPhi3HRLine                      |     0.410 |     0.370 |    0.029       6.3     0.53 |    1000 |     0.370 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2PhiHD2PiPhi3HRLinePreScaler            |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2PhiHD2PiPhi3HRLineHlt2Filter           |     0.020 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2PhiHD2PiPhi3HRLineFilterSequence       |     0.572 |     0.574 |    0.004       6.1     0.62 |     419 |     0.241 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2PhiHPhi3HR                                     |     0.314 |     0.296 |    0.131       1.1     0.13 |     414 |     0.123 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2PhiHD2PiPhi3HRLine                             |     0.526 |     0.634 |    0.127       3.6     0.83 |      38 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2PhiHD2PiPhi3HRLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2PhiHD2KPhi3HMLine                       |     0.140 |     0.137 |    0.029       4.4     0.15 |    1000 |     0.137 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2PhiHD2KPhi3HMLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2PhiHD2KPhi3HMLineHlt2Filter            |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2PhiHD2KPhi3HMLineFilterSequence        |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.003       4.3     0.21 |     419 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2PhiHD2KPhi3HMLine                              |     0.000 |     2.119 |    0.221       4.0     2.68 |       2 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2PhiHD2PiPhi3HRLine                      |     0.330 |     0.312 |    0.024       5.5     0.43 |    1000 |     0.313 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2PhiHD2PiPhi3HRLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2PhiHD2PiPhi3HRLineHlt2Filter           |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2PhiHD2PiPhi3HRLineFilterSequence       |     0.548 |     0.484 |    0.003       5.3     0.52 |     419 |     0.203 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2PhiHPhi3HR                                     |     0.241 |     0.242 |    0.121       0.7     0.08 |     414 |     0.100 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2PhiHD2PiPhi3HRLine                             |     0.263 |     0.368 |    0.124       2.9     0.53 |      38 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2PhiHD2PiPhi3HRLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2PhiHD2KPhi3HMLine                       |     0.150 |     0.122 |    0.026       2.7     0.10 |    1000 |     0.123 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2PhiHD2KPhi3HMLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2PhiHD2KPhi3HMLineHlt2Filter            |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2PhiHD2KPhi3HMLineFilterSequence        |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.003       2.7     0.13 |     419 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2PhiHD2KPhi3HMLine                              |     0.000 |     1.297 |    0.143       2.5     1.63 |       2 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2PhiHD2KPhi3HMLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2PhiHD2KPhi3HRLine                       |     0.100 |     0.157 |    0.029       4.8     0.25 |    1000 |     0.158 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2PhiHD2KPhi3HRLine                       |     0.170 |     0.143 |    0.025       5.0     0.24 |    1000 |     0.144 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2PhiHD2KPhi3HRLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2PhiHD2KPhi3HRLineHlt2Filter            |     0.020 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2PhiHD2KPhi3HRLineFilterSequence        |     0.047 |     0.081 |    0.004       4.7     0.37 |     419 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2PhiHD2KPhi3HRLine                              |     0.263 |     0.563 |    0.130       4.1     0.85 |      38 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2PhiHD2KPhi3HRLineHlt2Filter            |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2PhiHD2KPhi3HRLineFilterSequence        |     0.119 |     0.076 |    0.003       4.9     0.36 |     419 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2PhiHD2KPhi3HRLine                              |     0.789 |     0.533 |    0.121       4.3     0.85 |      38 |     0.020 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2PhiHD2KPhi3HRLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLc2L0LLpi_pPiPiLine                       |     1.100 |     1.092 |    0.025      30.4     1.37 |    1000 |     1.093 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLc2L0LLpi_pPiPiLine                       |     0.950 |     0.957 |    0.022      13.0     0.84 |    1000 |     0.957 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLc2L0LLpi_pPiPiLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLc2L0LLpi_pPiPiLineFilterSequence        |     0.980 |     0.990 |    0.003      30.0     1.35 |    1000 |     0.990 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lc2L0LLpiSelPiminus                              |     0.287 |     0.198 |    0.007       1.4     0.13 |     974 |     0.193 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lc2L0LLpiSelProtons                              |     0.010 |     0.038 |    0.006       0.7     0.03 |     926 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lc2L0LLpiSelLambda02pPi                          |     0.080 |     0.117 |    0.056       1.5     0.10 |     868 |     0.102 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lc2L0LLpiSelPions                                |     0.141 |     0.180 |    0.046       1.0     0.12 |     141 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lc2L0LLpi_pPiPiLine                              |     0.212 |     0.101 |    0.058       1.4     0.12 |     141 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lc2L0LLpi_pPiPiLine                 |     0.000 |     0.862 |    0.186       2.1     0.79 |       7 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lc2L0LLpi_pPiPiLine                 |     4.285 |     1.936 |    0.343       4.6     1.76 |       7 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lc2L0LLpi_pPiPiLine                 |     0.000 |     0.677 |    0.190       1.6     0.51 |       7 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lc2L0LLpi_pPiPiLine                 |     0.000 |     0.473 |    0.105       1.2     0.41 |       7 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lc2L0LLpi_pPiPiLine                 |     1.428 |     0.489 |    0.119       1.3     0.41 |       7 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLc2L0LLpi_pPiPiLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_PartReco_Line        |     0.580 |     0.487 |    0.032      29.7     1.13 |    1000 |     0.487 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLc2L0LLpi_pPiPiLineFilterSequence        |     0.870 |     0.866 |    0.002      12.8     0.83 |    1000 |     0.866 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lc2L0LLpiSelPiminus                              |     0.123 |     0.160 |    0.004       0.9     0.11 |     974 |     0.156 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lc2L0LLpiSelProtons                              |     0.032 |     0.034 |    0.006       0.4     0.02 |     926 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lc2L0LLpiSelLambda02pPi                          |     0.103 |     0.104 |    0.051       4.6     0.16 |     868 |     0.091 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lc2L0LLpiSelPions                                |     0.212 |     0.156 |    0.032       0.6     0.09 |     141 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lc2L0LLpi_pPiPiLine                              |     0.070 |     0.084 |    0.050       0.6     0.06 |     141 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Lc2L0LLpi_pPiPiLine                 |     0.000 |     0.498 |    0.200       1.0     0.34 |       7 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_Lc2L0LLpi_pPiPiLine                 |     1.428 |     1.021 |    0.302       2.2     0.70 |       7 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_Lc2L0LLpi_pPiPiLine                 |     2.857 |     0.352 |    0.167       0.7     0.20 |       7 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_Lc2L0LLpi_pPiPiLine                 |     0.000 |     0.314 |    0.144       0.7     0.18 |       7 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_Lc2L0LLpi_pPiPiLine                 |     0.000 |     0.283 |    0.106       0.6     0.17 |       7 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLc2L0LLpi_pPiPiLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_PartReco_Line        |     0.460 |     0.430 |    0.030      25.0     1.00 |    1000 |     0.430 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_PartReco_LinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_PartReco_LineFilterS|     0.420 |     0.358 |    0.002      29.5     1.12 |    1000 |     0.358 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            threepart_B2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi                   |     0.258 |     0.195 |    0.079       1.0     0.08 |     928 |     0.181 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            pifromSigmamm_B2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi               |     0.000 |     0.153 |    0.062       0.5     0.10 |      26 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            fourpartB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi                     |     1.000 |     0.283 |    0.080       1.5     0.41 |      10 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_PartReco_Line               |     8.571 |     7.373 |    1.157      23.2     7.33 |       7 |     0.052 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_PartReco_LinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_PartRecoWS_Line      |     0.120 |     0.146 |    0.031       3.9     0.17 |    1000 |     0.146 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_PartRecoWS_LinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_PartRecoWS_LineFilte|     0.010 |     0.015 |    0.001       3.7     0.16 |    1000 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            fourpartWSB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi                   |     0.000 |     0.245 |    0.096       0.7     0.18 |      10 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_PartRecoWS_Line             |     0.000 |     1.667 |    1.065       2.6     0.79 |       3 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_PartReco_LineFilterS|     0.350 |     0.321 |    0.002      24.7     0.99 |    1000 |     0.322 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            threepart_B2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi                   |     0.226 |     0.167 |    0.074       0.7     0.05 |     928 |     0.155 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            pifromSigmamm_B2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi               |     0.000 |     0.127 |    0.052       0.5     0.09 |      26 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            fourpartB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi                     |     1.000 |     0.232 |    0.087       1.0     0.27 |      10 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_PartReco_Line               |     5.714 |     6.582 |    1.202      19.9     6.30 |       7 |     0.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_PartReco_LinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_PartRecoWS_Line      |     0.100 |     0.134 |    0.029       3.5     0.15 |    1000 |     0.134 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_PartRecoWS_LinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_PartRecoWS_LineFilte|     0.010 |     0.014 |    0.001       3.4     0.14 |    1000 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            fourpartWSB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi                   |     0.000 |     0.218 |    0.078       0.7     0.18 |      10 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_PartRecoWS_Line             |     0.000 |     1.506 |    1.098       2.3     0.70 |       3 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_PartRecoWS_LinePostS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_PartRecoWS_SC_Line   |     0.340 |     0.419 |    0.030      10.2     0.51 |    1000 |     0.419 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_PartRecoWS_SC_LinePr|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_PartRecoWS_SC_LineFi|     0.270 |     0.297 |    0.001      10.0     0.49 |    1000 |     0.297 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            threepartWS_SC_B2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi              |     0.150 |     0.175 |    0.072       0.8     0.06 |     928 |     0.163 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            fourpartWS_SCB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi                |     0.000 |     0.258 |    0.081       1.4     0.38 |      11 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_PartRecoWS_SC_Line          |     6.666 |     5.559 |    3.031       7.2     2.22 |       3 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_PartRecoWS_SC_LinePo|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Closed_Line          |     0.090 |     0.151 |    0.030       4.9     0.24 |    1000 |     0.151 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_PartRecoWS_SC_Line   |     0.280 |     0.373 |    0.029      10.2     0.45 |    1000 |     0.373 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_PartRecoWS_SC_LinePr|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_PartRecoWS_SC_LineFi|     0.140 |     0.266 |    0.002      10.0     0.44 |    1000 |     0.267 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            threepartWS_SC_B2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi              |     0.075 |     0.154 |    0.068       0.7     0.05 |     928 |     0.144 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            fourpartWS_SCB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi                |     0.000 |     0.178 |    0.072       0.8     0.20 |      11 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_PartRecoWS_SC_Line          |     3.333 |     5.085 |    3.164       6.7     1.78 |       3 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_PartRecoWS_SC_LinePo|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Closed_Line          |     0.140 |     0.128 |    0.028       1.9     0.11 |    1000 |     0.129 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Closed_LinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Closed_LineFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.001       2.5     0.12 |    1000 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sigmacmm2LcpiB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi                |     0.000 |     0.546 |    0.127       1.6     0.62 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Closed_Line                 |     0.000 |     0.414 |    0.069       1.4     0.66 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Closed_LineFilterSeq|     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.002       1.8     0.10 |    1000 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sigmacmm2LcpiB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi                |     0.000 |     0.322 |    0.106       0.8     0.30 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Closed_Line                 |     2.500 |     0.334 |    0.058       1.1     0.54 |       4 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Closed_LinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Neutral_Closed_Line  |     0.450 |     0.431 |    0.032       5.9     0.43 |    1000 |     0.432 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Neutral_Closed_Line  |     0.360 |     0.385 |    0.028       5.1     0.35 |    1000 |     0.386 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Neutral_Closed_LineP|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Neutral_Closed_LineF|     0.320 |     0.308 |    0.002       5.5     0.40 |    1000 |     0.309 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            threepartSc0_B2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi                |     0.161 |     0.181 |    0.075       5.0     0.17 |     928 |     0.168 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sigmac02LcpiB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi                 |     3.333 |     0.434 |    0.084       1.7     0.44 |      15 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Neutral_Closed_Line         |     0.000 |     0.163 |    0.064       0.6     0.18 |      11 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Neutral_Closed_LineF|     0.280 |     0.279 |    0.002       5.0     0.34 |    1000 |     0.279 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            threepartSc0_B2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi                |     0.172 |     0.162 |    0.063       4.4     0.16 |     928 |     0.151 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sigmac02LcpiB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi                 |     0.000 |     0.309 |    0.075       1.1     0.26 |      15 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Neutral_Closed_Line         |     0.000 |     0.161 |    0.065       0.6     0.18 |      11 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Neutral_Closed_LineP|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Closed_Line_FourPart |     0.230 |     0.188 |    0.030      21.7     0.81 |    1000 |     0.189 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Closed_Line_FourPart |     0.160 |     0.181 |    0.029      21.6     0.87 |    1000 |     0.182 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Closed_Line_FourPart|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Closed_Line_FourPart|     0.050 |     0.055 |    0.002      21.5     0.80 |    1000 |     0.055 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            fourpartB2ppipiSigmacmm_LcpiTOS                  |     7.142 |     6.652 |    1.104      20.0     6.35 |       7 |     0.047 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Closed_Line_FourPart        |     0.000 |     0.224 |    0.211       0.2     0.02 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Closed_Line_FourPart|     0.050 |     0.058 |    0.002      21.4     0.85 |    1000 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            fourpartB2ppipiSigmacmm_LcpiTOS                  |     7.142 |     6.922 |    1.154      20.0     6.61 |       7 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Closed_Line_FourPart        |     0.000 |     0.269 |    0.199       0.4     0.11 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Closed_Line_FourPart|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Closed_Line_FourPart_|     0.170 |     0.138 |    0.032       2.9     0.12 |    1000 |     0.139 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Closed_Line_FourPart_|     0.130 |     0.124 |    0.029       2.7     0.11 |    1000 |     0.125 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Closed_Line_FourPart|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Closed_Line_FourPart|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.002       2.6     0.10 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            fourpartWSB2ppipiSigmacmm_LcpiTOS                |     0.000 |     1.526 |    1.062       2.4     0.74 |       3 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Closed_Line_FourPart|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.001       2.6     0.10 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            fourpartWSB2ppipiSigmacmm_LcpiTOS                |     0.000 |     1.509 |    1.054       2.3     0.73 |       3 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Closed_Line_FourPart_WS     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Closed_Line_FourPart|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Closed_Line_FourPart_|     0.080 |     0.155 |    0.029       9.9     0.39 |    1000 |     0.156 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Closed_Line_FourPart_|     0.120 |     0.139 |    0.027       9.4     0.37 |    1000 |     0.139 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Closed_Line_FourPart|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Closed_Line_FourPart|     0.020 |     0.023 |    0.002       9.7     0.38 |    1000 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            fourpartWS_SCB2ppipiSigmacmm_LcpiTOS             |     6.666 |     5.163 |    2.958       6.7     1.95 |       3 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Closed_Line_FourPart_WS_SC  |     0.000 |     1.696 |    1.696       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Closed_Line_FourPart|     0.020 |     0.022 |    0.002       9.2     0.36 |    1000 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            fourpartWS_SCB2ppipiSigmacmm_LcpiTOS             |     6.666 |     5.054 |    3.069       6.3     1.74 |       3 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            B2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Closed_Line_FourPart_WS_SC  |     0.000 |     1.673 |    1.673       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingB2ppipiSigmacmm_Lcpi_Closed_Line_FourPart|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCC2DDcontrolLine                          |     3.820 |     3.990 |    0.027     188.8     9.44 |    1000 |     3.990 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCC2DDcontrolLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCC2DDcontrolLineFilterSequence           |     3.730 |     3.858 |    0.001     188.6     9.42 |    1000 |     3.858 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:CC2DDcontrolMergedDSelection              |     3.778 |     3.880 |    0.032     188.6     9.42 |     974 |     3.779 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:CC2DDcontrolMergedDSelection       |     3.716 |     3.816 |    0.027     188.5     9.35 |     974 |     3.718 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D0ForCC2DDcontrol                        |     0.492 |     0.500 |    0.003       5.3     0.35 |     974 |     0.488 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D0ForCC2DDcontrol                             |     0.329 |     0.348 |    0.087       4.6     0.23 |     971 |     0.338 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DpForCC2DDcontrol                        |     0.554 |     0.553 |    0.002      21.1     0.85 |     974 |     0.539 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DpForCC2DDcontrol                             |     0.422 |     0.420 |    0.067      19.2     0.77 |     971 |     0.408 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DsForCC2DDcontrol                        |     0.770 |     0.588 |    0.001      21.1     1.03 |     974 |     0.573 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DsForCC2DDcontrol                             |     0.576 |     0.454 |    0.065      20.2     0.98 |     971 |     0.442 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LcForCC2DDcontrol                        |     0.533 |     0.571 |    0.003       8.2     0.53 |     974 |     0.557 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LcForCC2DDcontrol                             |     0.433 |     0.431 |    0.090       7.2     0.46 |     969 |     0.418 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:XcForCC2DDcontrol                        |     1.324 |     1.559 |    0.001     179.5     7.59 |     974 |     1.519 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               XcForCC2DDcontrol                             |     1.207 |     1.425 |    0.088     179.0     7.57 |     969 |     1.381 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             CC2DDcontrolMergedDSelection                    |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     126 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CC2DDcontrolLine                                 |     0.317 |     0.316 |    0.232       2.3     0.19 |     126 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCC2DDcontrolLinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCcbar2LstLstLine                          |     0.920 |     0.800 |    0.025       7.4     0.73 |    1000 |     0.800 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2LstLstLinePreScaler                |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2LstLstLineFilterSequence           |     0.780 |     0.684 |    0.002       7.0     0.69 |    1000 |     0.685 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DetachedProtonForLstCcbar2LstLst                 |     0.010 |     0.015 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     963 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DetachedKaonForLstCcbar2LstLst                   |     0.012 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     793 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DetachedLstForCcbar2LstLst                       |     0.153 |     0.092 |    0.050       0.6     0.05 |     782 |     0.072 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ccbar2LstLstLine                                 |     0.068 |     0.087 |    0.035       2.3     0.21 |     147 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2LstLstLinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCcbar2PhiPhiPiPiLine                      |     0.200 |     0.200 |    0.025       6.6     0.32 |    1000 |     0.200 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiPhiPiPiLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiPhiPiPiLineFilterSequence       |     0.090 |     0.073 |    0.002       2.9     0.24 |    1000 |     0.073 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhiForCcbar2PhiPhiPiPi                           |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |     215 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ccbar2PhiPhiPiPiSelPions                         |     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.017       0.2     0.03 |      55 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ccbar2PhiPhiPiPiLine                             |     0.181 |     0.063 |    0.045       0.1     0.02 |      55 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCC2DDcontrolLine                          |     3.790 |     3.660 |    0.026     188.1     8.97 |    1000 |     3.661 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCC2DDcontrolLinePreScaler                |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCC2DDcontrolLineFilterSequence           |     3.690 |     3.546 |    0.002     187.9     8.96 |    1000 |     3.547 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:CC2DDcontrolMergedDSelection              |     3.737 |     3.562 |    0.028     187.9     8.97 |     974 |     3.470 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:CC2DDcontrolMergedDSelection       |     3.644 |     3.504 |    0.023     187.8     8.91 |     974 |     3.413 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D0ForCC2DDcontrol                        |     0.503 |     0.426 |    0.002       2.4     0.19 |     974 |     0.415 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D0ForCC2DDcontrol                             |     0.278 |     0.292 |    0.078       1.5     0.12 |     971 |     0.284 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DpForCC2DDcontrol                        |     0.564 |     0.496 |    0.001      10.0     0.53 |     974 |     0.484 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DpForCC2DDcontrol                             |     0.432 |     0.373 |    0.067       9.1     0.49 |     971 |     0.363 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DsForCC2DDcontrol                        |     0.667 |     0.526 |    0.001      11.9     0.74 |     974 |     0.513 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DsForCC2DDcontrol                             |     0.494 |     0.406 |    0.062      11.3     0.71 |     971 |     0.395 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LcForCC2DDcontrol                        |     0.472 |     0.519 |    0.002       7.7     0.50 |     974 |     0.506 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LcForCC2DDcontrol                             |     0.330 |     0.390 |    0.085       7.1     0.45 |     969 |     0.378 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:XcForCC2DDcontrol                        |     1.416 |     1.507 |    0.001     178.7     7.61 |     974 |     1.468 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               XcForCC2DDcontrol                             |     1.320 |     1.386 |    0.085     178.4     7.61 |     969 |     1.343 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             CC2DDcontrolMergedDSelection                    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     126 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CC2DDcontrolLine                                 |     0.079 |     0.336 |    0.212       7.1     0.63 |     126 |     0.042 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCC2DDcontrolLinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCcbar2LstLstLine                          |     0.770 |     0.717 |    0.023       6.8     0.62 |    1000 |     0.718 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2LstLstLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2LstLstLineFilterSequence           |     0.650 |     0.617 |    0.002       6.5     0.60 |    1000 |     0.617 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DetachedProtonForLstCcbar2LstLst                 |     0.010 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     963 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DetachedKaonForLstCcbar2LstLst                   |     0.012 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     793 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DetachedLstForCcbar2LstLst                       |     0.089 |     0.081 |    0.048       0.5     0.04 |     782 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ccbar2LstLstLine                                 |     0.068 |     0.074 |    0.033       1.5     0.14 |     147 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2LstLstLinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCcbar2PhiPhiPiPiLine                      |     0.150 |     0.169 |    0.023       1.8     0.19 |    1000 |     0.170 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiPhiPiPiLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiPhiPiPiLineFilterSequence       |     0.060 |     0.062 |    0.001       1.6     0.18 |    1000 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhiForCcbar2PhiPhiPiPi                           |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |     215 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ccbar2PhiPhiPiPiSelPions                         |     0.000 |     0.055 |    0.017       0.1     0.03 |      55 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ccbar2PhiPhiPiPiLine                             |     0.181 |     0.055 |    0.042       0.1     0.01 |      55 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiPhiPiPiLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLine            |     0.660 |     0.567 |    0.031      25.8     1.49 |    1000 |     0.567 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLine            |     0.470 |     0.491 |    0.029      16.0     1.18 |    1000 |     0.492 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter |     0.050 |     0.019 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLineFilterSeque|     1.108 |     1.029 |    0.011      25.5     2.09 |     415 |     0.427 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuXHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter|     0.048 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.3     0.02 |     415 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelMuforCharmFromBSemi                           |     0.079 |     0.032 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |     252 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:SelAllKaonsAndPionsForCharmFromBSemi      |     1.225 |     0.948 |    0.206       3.6     0.58 |     155 |     0.147 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:SelAllKaonsAndPionsForCharmFromBSem|     0.774 |     0.608 |    0.110       2.2     0.37 |     155 |     0.094 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelKforCharmFromBSemi                    |     0.516 |     0.270 |    0.003       1.0     0.18 |     155 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelKforCharmFromBSemi                         |     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.008       0.2     0.03 |     150 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelPiforCharmFromBSemi                   |     0.258 |     0.324 |    0.067       1.2     0.19 |     155 |     0.050 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelPiforCharmFromBSemi                        |     0.129 |     0.056 |    0.015       0.2     0.03 |     155 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter |     0.010 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |    1000 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLineFilterSeque|     0.819 |     0.910 |    0.010      15.9     1.66 |     415 |     0.378 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuXHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelMuforCharmFromBSemi                           |     0.039 |     0.026 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |     252 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:SelAllKaonsAndPionsForCharmFromBSemi      |     0.774 |     0.852 |    0.236       2.6     0.43 |     155 |     0.132 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:SelAllKaonsAndPionsForCharmFromBSem|     0.387 |     0.540 |    0.140       1.7     0.27 |     155 |     0.084 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelKforCharmFromBSemi                    |     0.129 |     0.236 |    0.003       0.8     0.14 |     155 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelKforCharmFromBSemi                         |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.006       0.1     0.02 |     150 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelPiforCharmFromBSemi                   |     0.258 |     0.293 |    0.080       0.9     0.14 |     155 |     0.045 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelPiforCharmFromBSemi                        |     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.014       0.2     0.03 |     155 |     0.007 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             SelAllKaonsAndPionsForCharmFromBSemi            |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     155 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0ToHH_SEED_forCharmFromBSemi                 |     0.064 |     0.212 |    0.063       1.5     0.16 |     155 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:SelAllPi0sForCharmFromBSemi               |     0.714 |     0.744 |    0.047       2.2     0.53 |      84 |     0.063 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:SelAllPi0sForCharmFromBSemi        |     0.357 |     0.381 |    0.023       1.1     0.26 |      84 |     0.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelPi0ResolvedforCharmFromBSemi          |     0.357 |     0.315 |    0.005       1.0     0.21 |      84 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelPi0ResolvedforCharmFromBSemi               |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     100 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelPi0MergedforCharmFromBSemi            |     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.003       0.5     0.12 |      84 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelPi0MergedforCharmFromBSemi                 |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      19 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             SelAllPi0sForCharmFromBSemi                     |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      58 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelCharmDToHHPi0ForCharmFromBSemi                |     0.526 |     0.363 |    0.053       3.0     0.63 |      57 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuXHHPi0CharmFromBSemi                    |     0.000 |     0.255 |    0.072       0.8     0.23 |      14 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0MuXHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLine                   |    20.000 |    15.883 |   15.883      15.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0MergedLLCharmFromBSemiLine|     0.110 |     0.148 |    0.026       3.1     0.23 |    1000 |     0.149 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0ToHH_SEED_forCharmFromBSemi                 |     0.258 |     0.174 |    0.059       0.7     0.10 |     155 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:SelAllPi0sForCharmFromBSemi               |     0.357 |     0.695 |    0.017       2.1     0.50 |      84 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:SelAllPi0sForCharmFromBSemi        |     0.000 |     0.348 |    0.011       1.1     0.25 |      84 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelPi0ResolvedforCharmFromBSemi          |     0.000 |     0.283 |    0.003       0.9     0.19 |      84 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelPi0ResolvedforCharmFromBSemi               |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     100 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelPi0MergedforCharmFromBSemi            |     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.002       0.5     0.12 |      84 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelPi0MergedforCharmFromBSemi                 |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      19 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             SelAllPi0sForCharmFromBSemi                     |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      58 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelCharmDToHHPi0ForCharmFromBSemi                |     0.350 |     0.319 |    0.056       2.5     0.54 |      57 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuXHHPi0CharmFromBSemi                    |     0.000 |     0.158 |    0.068       0.6     0.14 |      14 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0MuXHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLine                   |    10.000 |     8.386 |    8.386       8.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0MergedLLCharmFromBSemiLine|     0.180 |     0.132 |    0.023       2.7     0.19 |    1000 |     0.132 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0MergedLLCharmFromBSemiLin|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0MergedLLCharmFromBSemiLin|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.8     0.02 |    1000 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0MergedLLCharmFromBSemiLin|     0.048 |     0.084 |    0.009       2.9     0.30 |     415 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0MergedLLCharmFromBSemiLi|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelKsLLforCharmFromBSemi                         |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      38 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelPilooseforCharmFromBSemi                      |     0.192 |     0.085 |    0.031       0.2     0.05 |      52 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD02KsPiPiPi0MergedLLforCharmFromBSemi         |     0.000 |     0.462 |    0.081       1.3     0.53 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0MergedLLCharmFromBSemiLin|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0MergedLLCharmFromBSemiLin|     0.048 |     0.073 |    0.008       2.6     0.26 |     415 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0MergedLLCharmFromBSemiLi|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelKsLLforCharmFromBSemi                         |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |      38 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelPilooseforCharmFromBSemi                      |     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.029       0.3     0.04 |      52 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD02KsPiPiPi0MergedLLforCharmFromBSemi         |     0.000 |     0.395 |    0.075       1.2     0.45 |       5 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0MergedLLCharmFromBSemi        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0MergedLLCharmFromBSemiLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0MergedLLCharmFromBSemiLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0MergedDDCharmFromBSemiLine|     0.170 |     0.150 |    0.025       4.5     0.23 |    1000 |     0.150 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0MergedDDCharmFromBSemiLine|     0.160 |     0.135 |    0.022       4.8     0.23 |    1000 |     0.136 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0MergedDDCharmFromBSemiLin|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0MergedDDCharmFromBSemiLin|     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0MergedDDCharmFromBSemiLin|     0.024 |     0.098 |    0.009       4.3     0.30 |     415 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0MergedDDCharmFromBSemiLi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelKsDDforCharmFromBSemi                         |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      83 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD02KsPiPiPi0MergedDDforCharmFromBSemi         |     0.000 |     0.222 |    0.070       0.7     0.20 |       8 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0MergedDDCharmFromBSemi        |    10.000 |     1.261 |    1.261       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0MergedDDCharmFromBSemiLin|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0MergedDDCharmFromBSemiLin|     0.144 |     0.093 |    0.008       4.6     0.31 |     415 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0MergedDDCharmFromBSemiLi|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelKsDDforCharmFromBSemi                         |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      83 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD02KsPiPiPi0MergedDDforCharmFromBSemi         |     0.000 |     0.211 |    0.067       0.6     0.19 |       8 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0MergedDDCharmFromBSemi        |    10.000 |     0.886 |    0.886       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0MergedDDCharmFromBSemiLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0MergedDDCharmFromBSemiLin|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedLLCharmFromBSemiLi|     0.130 |     0.153 |    0.025      17.7     0.59 |    1000 |     0.154 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedLLCharmFromBSemiLi|     0.100 |     0.122 |    0.022       7.7     0.27 |    1000 |     0.123 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedLLCharmFromBSemiL|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedLLCharmFromBSemiL|     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedLLCharmFromBSemiL|     0.096 |     0.086 |    0.009      16.5     0.83 |     415 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedLLCharmFromBSemi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD02KsPiPiPi0ResolvedLLforCharmFromBSemi       |     0.526 |     0.518 |    0.096       3.2     0.79 |      19 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedLLCharmFromBSemi      |     0.000 |     2.320 |    2.320       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedLLCharmFromBSemiL|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedLLCharmFromBSemiL|     0.024 |     0.058 |    0.008       7.5     0.40 |     415 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedLLCharmFromBSemi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD02KsPiPiPi0ResolvedLLforCharmFromBSemi       |     0.000 |     0.353 |    0.079       1.3     0.39 |      19 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedLLCharmFromBSemi      |     0.000 |     1.005 |    1.005       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedLLCharmFromBSemiLine     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedLLCharmFromBSemiL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedDDCharmFromBSemiLi|     0.180 |     0.148 |    0.023      20.8     0.67 |    1000 |     0.148 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedDDCharmFromBSemiLi|     0.090 |     0.134 |    0.021      21.3     0.68 |    1000 |     0.135 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedDDCharmFromBSemiL|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedDDCharmFromBSemiL|     0.020 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedDDCharmFromBSemiL|     0.120 |     0.098 |    0.008      20.7     1.03 |     415 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedDDCharmFromBSemi|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD02KsPiPiPi0ResolvedDDforCharmFromBSemi       |     0.000 |     0.296 |    0.084       0.9     0.25 |      21 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedDDCharmFromBSemi      |     0.000 |     1.342 |    1.342       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedDDCharmFromBSemiLine     |    20.000 |    14.022 |   14.022      14.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedDDCharmFromBSemiL|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedDDCharmFromBSemiL|     0.072 |     0.093 |    0.007      21.2     1.05 |     415 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedDDCharmFromBSemi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD02KsPiPiPi0ResolvedDDforCharmFromBSemi       |     0.000 |     0.319 |    0.066       1.7     0.38 |      21 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedDDCharmFromBSemi      |     0.000 |     0.974 |    0.974       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedDDCharmFromBSemiLine     |    20.000 |    13.772 |   13.772      13.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedDDCharmFromBSemiL|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiLLCharmFromBSemiLine         |     0.140 |     0.138 |    0.025       9.7     0.37 |    1000 |     0.138 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiLLCharmFromBSemiLine         |     0.150 |     0.123 |    0.023       9.2     0.31 |    1000 |     0.123 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiLLCharmFromBSemiLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiLLCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filt|     0.020 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiLLCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSe|     0.120 |     0.073 |    0.009       9.5     0.54 |     415 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiLLCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filt|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiLLCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSe|     0.072 |     0.062 |    0.008       9.1     0.47 |     415 |     0.026 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiLLCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.6     0.03 |     415 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD02KsPiPiLLforCharmFromBSemi                  |     0.400 |     0.197 |    0.055       1.4     0.28 |      25 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuXKsPiPiLLCharmFromBSemi                 |     5.000 |     1.038 |    0.139       1.9     1.27 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0MuXKsPiPiLLCharmFromBSemiLine                |    10.000 |     6.740 |    6.740       6.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiLLCharmFromBSemiLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiDDCharmFromBSemiLine         |     0.130 |     0.133 |    0.025       3.1     0.19 |    1000 |     0.133 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiDDCharmFromBSemiLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiDDCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiDDCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSe|     0.072 |     0.060 |    0.009       2.9     0.25 |     415 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiDDCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFil|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD02KsPiPiDDforCharmFromBSemi                  |     0.333 |     0.180 |    0.060       1.4     0.24 |      30 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuXKsPiPiDDCharmFromBSemi                 |     0.000 |     0.465 |    0.095       1.8     0.72 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD02KsPiPiLLforCharmFromBSemi                  |     0.800 |     0.165 |    0.055       1.1     0.21 |      25 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuXKsPiPiLLCharmFromBSemi                 |     0.000 |     0.349 |    0.130       0.6     0.31 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0MuXKsPiPiLLCharmFromBSemiLine                |    10.000 |     6.472 |    6.472       6.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiLLCharmFromBSemiLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiDDCharmFromBSemiLine         |     0.110 |     0.123 |    0.022       4.5     0.23 |    1000 |     0.123 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiDDCharmFromBSemiLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiDDCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filt|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.004       1.2     0.04 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiDDCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSe|     0.096 |     0.061 |    0.008       4.2     0.32 |     415 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiDDCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD02KsPiPiDDforCharmFromBSemi                  |     0.000 |     0.161 |    0.057       1.1     0.20 |      30 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuXKsPiPiDDCharmFromBSemi                 |     0.000 |     0.702 |    0.090       2.9     1.22 |       5 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0MuXKsPiPiDDCharmFromBSemiLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsPiPiDDCharmFromBSemiLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXKsKKLLCharmFromBSemiLine           |     0.150 |     0.132 |    0.025       2.0     0.16 |    1000 |     0.133 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXKsKKLLCharmFromBSemiLine           |     0.180 |     0.119 |    0.022       1.6     0.14 |    1000 |     0.119 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsKKLLCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsKKLLCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter|     0.030 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsKKLLCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequ|     0.048 |     0.058 |    0.008       1.6     0.20 |     415 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuXKsKKLLCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelKlooseforCharmFromBSemi                       |     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.026       0.2     0.04 |      52 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD02KsKKLLforCharmFromBSemi                    |     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.054       0.6     0.12 |      25 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsKKLLCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter|     0.040 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsKKLLCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequ|     0.072 |     0.052 |    0.007       1.3     0.18 |     415 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuXKsKKLLCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilte|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.2     0.01 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelKlooseforCharmFromBSemi                       |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.019       0.1     0.02 |      52 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD02KsKKLLforCharmFromBSemi                    |     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.047       0.6     0.10 |      25 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuXKsKKLLCharmFromBSemi                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0MuXKsKKLLCharmFromBSemiLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsKKLLCharmFromBSemiLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXKsKKDDCharmFromBSemiLine           |     0.190 |     0.137 |    0.024       4.1     0.20 |    1000 |     0.137 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsKKDDCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsKKDDCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter|     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsKKDDCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequ|     0.096 |     0.069 |    0.009       3.8     0.27 |     415 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXKsKKDDCharmFromBSemiLine           |     0.050 |     0.120 |    0.022       3.6     0.18 |    1000 |     0.121 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsKKDDCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsKKDDCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsKKDDCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequ|     0.024 |     0.059 |    0.008       3.4     0.24 |     415 |     0.025 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuXKsKKDDCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilte|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD02KsKKDDforCharmFromBSemi                    |     0.333 |     0.130 |    0.047       1.3     0.23 |      30 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuXKsKKDDCharmFromBSemi                   |     0.000 |     1.392 |    1.392       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD02KsKKDDforCharmFromBSemi                    |     0.000 |     0.107 |    0.048       1.1     0.19 |      30 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuXKsKKDDCharmFromBSemi                   |     0.000 |     0.781 |    0.781       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0MuXKsKKDDCharmFromBSemiLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsKKDDCharmFromBSemiLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXKsKPiLLCharmFromBSemiLine          |     0.140 |     0.135 |    0.025       5.6     0.22 |    1000 |     0.136 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXKsKPiLLCharmFromBSemiLine          |     0.130 |     0.113 |    0.022       2.5     0.13 |    1000 |     0.113 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsKPiLLCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsKPiLLCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.016 |    0.005       1.4     0.08 |    1000 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsKPiLLCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.008       5.2     0.28 |     415 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsKPiLLCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsKPiLLCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSeq|     0.048 |     0.044 |    0.008       2.3     0.16 |     415 |     0.018 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuXKsKPiLLCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD02KsKPiLLforCharmFromBSemi                   |     0.000 |     0.191 |    0.082       0.8     0.17 |      25 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuXKsKPiLLCharmFromBSemi                  |     0.000 |     1.866 |    1.866       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD02KsKPiLLforCharmFromBSemi                   |     0.400 |     0.179 |    0.069       0.6     0.14 |      25 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuXKsKPiLLCharmFromBSemi                  |     0.000 |     0.611 |    0.611       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0MuXKsKPiLLCharmFromBSemiLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsKPiLLCharmFromBSemiLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXKsKPiDDCharmFromBSemiLine          |     0.160 |     0.137 |    0.023      13.3     0.44 |    1000 |     0.137 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXKsKPiDDCharmFromBSemiLine          |     0.160 |     0.134 |    0.021      17.3     0.57 |    1000 |     0.135 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsKPiDDCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsKPiDDCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsKPiDDCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSeq|     0.096 |     0.079 |    0.008      13.1     0.67 |     415 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuXKsKPiDDCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilt|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD02KsKPiDDforCharmFromBSemi                   |     0.000 |     0.164 |    0.073       0.9     0.15 |      30 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuXKsKPiDDCharmFromBSemi                  |     0.000 |     0.564 |    0.120       1.3     0.68 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0MuXKsKPiDDCharmFromBSemiLine                 |    10.000 |     8.829 |    8.829       8.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsKPiDDCharmFromBSemiLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXKsKsCharmFromBSemiLine             |     0.500 |     0.498 |    0.024      13.0     1.24 |    1000 |     0.499 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsKsCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsKsCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsKsCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequen|     0.987 |     0.943 |    0.009      12.6     1.72 |     415 |     0.392 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuXKsKsCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:SelMergedAllKsLooseForCharmFromBSemi      |     2.322 |     2.301 |    0.147      12.0     1.86 |     155 |     0.357 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:SelMergedAllKsLooseForCharmFromBSem|     2.000 |     1.964 |    0.143      10.5     1.59 |     155 |     0.305 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelKsLU_PosLongForCharmFromBSemi         |     0.838 |     0.598 |    0.004       6.0     0.60 |     155 |     0.093 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelKsLU_PosLongForCharmFromBSemi              |     0.324 |     0.334 |    0.048       1.9     0.27 |     154 |     0.052 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelKsLU_NegLongForCharmFromBSemi         |     0.387 |     0.492 |    0.002       2.3     0.36 |     155 |     0.076 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelKsLU_NegLongForCharmFromBSemi              |     0.324 |     0.285 |    0.038       1.4     0.24 |     154 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelKsLLForCharmFromBSemi                 |     0.709 |     0.841 |    0.065       6.5     0.84 |     155 |     0.131 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelKsLLForCharmFromBSemi                      |     0.580 |     0.606 |    0.034       5.7     0.71 |     155 |     0.094 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelKsDDforCharmFromBSemi                 |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     155 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             SelMergedAllKsLooseForCharmFromBSemi            |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     101 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD02KsKsforCharmFromBSemi                      |     0.099 |     0.065 |    0.030       0.9     0.09 |     101 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuXKsKsCharmFromBSemi                     |     3.333 |     0.590 |    0.081       1.5     0.80 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsKPiDDCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsKPiDDCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSeq|     0.144 |     0.089 |    0.007      17.1     0.87 |     415 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuXKsKPiDDCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD02KsKPiDDforCharmFromBSemi                   |     0.333 |     0.156 |    0.067       0.6     0.12 |      30 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuXKsKPiDDCharmFromBSemi                  |     6.666 |     1.106 |    0.142       2.9     1.53 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0MuXKsKPiDDCharmFromBSemiLine                 |    10.000 |    11.521 |   11.521      11.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsKPiDDCharmFromBSemiLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXKsKsCharmFromBSemiLine             |     0.360 |     0.446 |    0.021       7.7     1.03 |    1000 |     0.446 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsKsCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsKsCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsKsCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequen|     0.722 |     0.841 |    0.008       7.4     1.42 |     415 |     0.349 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuXKsKsCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:SelMergedAllKsLooseForCharmFromBSemi      |     1.677 |     2.017 |    0.139       6.9     1.34 |     155 |     0.313 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:SelMergedAllKsLooseForCharmFromBSem|     1.290 |     1.705 |    0.135       6.0     1.14 |     155 |     0.264 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelKsLU_PosLongForCharmFromBSemi         |     0.387 |     0.491 |    0.004       3.7     0.40 |     155 |     0.076 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelKsLU_PosLongForCharmFromBSemi              |     0.259 |     0.266 |    0.039       1.0     0.18 |     154 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelKsLU_NegLongForCharmFromBSemi         |     0.258 |     0.439 |    0.002       1.5     0.28 |     155 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelKsLU_NegLongForCharmFromBSemi              |     0.194 |     0.247 |    0.031       1.1     0.19 |     154 |     0.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelKsLLForCharmFromBSemi                 |     0.645 |     0.750 |    0.070       4.7     0.64 |     155 |     0.116 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelKsLLForCharmFromBSemi                      |     0.516 |     0.512 |    0.039       2.5     0.47 |     155 |     0.079 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelKsDDforCharmFromBSemi                 |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |     155 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             SelMergedAllKsLooseForCharmFromBSemi            |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     101 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD02KsKsforCharmFromBSemi                      |     0.099 |     0.055 |    0.027       0.6     0.06 |     101 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuXKsKsCharmFromBSemi                     |     0.000 |     0.652 |    0.094       1.7     0.89 |       3 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0MuXKsKsCharmFromBSemiLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKsKsCharmFromBSemiLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXPiPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLine        |     0.250 |     0.228 |    0.025       9.1     0.53 |    1000 |     0.229 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXPiPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLine        |     0.180 |     0.198 |    0.022       5.4     0.40 |    1000 |     0.199 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXPiPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXPiPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Fil|     0.020 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXPiPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLineFilterS|     0.337 |     0.283 |    0.008       8.1     0.72 |     415 |     0.118 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuXPiPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelX_to_PiPi_forCharmFromBSemi                   |     0.193 |     0.164 |    0.059       1.3     0.12 |     155 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:SelAllGammasForCharmFromBSemi             |     1.666 |     0.810 |    0.095       6.7     1.00 |      54 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:SelAllGammasForCharmFromBSemi      |     0.740 |     0.513 |    0.087       6.0     0.82 |      54 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelGammaForCharmFromBSemi                |     0.555 |     0.345 |    0.063       5.5     0.73 |      54 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelGammaForCharmFromBSemi                     |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      54 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXPiPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Fil|     0.020 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXPiPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLineFilterS|     0.168 |     0.243 |    0.007       5.3     0.55 |     415 |     0.101 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuXPiPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelX_to_PiPi_forCharmFromBSemi                   |     0.193 |     0.142 |    0.052       0.7     0.08 |     155 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:SelAllGammasForCharmFromBSemi             |     0.185 |     0.665 |    0.080       2.4     0.55 |      54 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:SelAllGammasForCharmFromBSemi      |     0.185 |     0.393 |    0.075       1.4     0.30 |      54 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelGammaForCharmFromBSemi                |     0.185 |     0.226 |    0.058       0.6     0.13 |      54 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelGammaForCharmFromBSemi                     |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      54 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelGammaResLLForCharmFromBSemi           |     0.000 |     0.100 |    0.003       0.5     0.15 |      54 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelGammaResLLForCharmFromBSemi                |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |      20 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelGammaResDDForCharmFromBSemi           |     0.185 |     0.050 |    0.003       0.6     0.12 |      54 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelGammaResDDForCharmFromBSemi                |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             SelAllGammasForCharmFromBSemi                   |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      28 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0_to_PiPiGamma_forCharmFromBSemi             |     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.045       1.4     0.28 |      23 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuXPiPiGammaCharmFromBSemi                |     0.000 |     0.723 |    0.723       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelGammaResLLForCharmFromBSemi                |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      20 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelGammaResDDForCharmFromBSemi           |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.003       0.7     0.13 |      54 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelGammaResDDForCharmFromBSemi                |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             SelAllGammasForCharmFromBSemi                   |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      28 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0_to_PiPiGamma_forCharmFromBSemi             |     0.000 |     0.107 |    0.044       1.2     0.23 |      23 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuXPiPiGammaCharmFromBSemi                |     0.000 |     0.551 |    0.551       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0MuXPiPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXPiPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXKPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLine         |     0.170 |     0.181 |    0.025       5.2     0.32 |    1000 |     0.181 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXKPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLine         |     0.180 |     0.159 |    0.022       2.8     0.25 |    1000 |     0.159 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLinePreScale|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filt|     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSe|     0.144 |     0.172 |    0.008       4.7     0.42 |     415 |     0.072 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuXKPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelX_to_KPi_forCharmFromBSemi                    |     0.087 |     0.156 |    0.075       0.8     0.10 |     114 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0_to_KPiGamma_forCharmFromBSemi              |     0.000 |     0.145 |    0.054       0.9     0.23 |      12 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuXKPiGammaCharmFromBSemi                 |     0.000 |     0.490 |    0.210       0.8     0.40 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSe|     0.216 |     0.147 |    0.007       2.6     0.34 |     415 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuXKPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFil|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelX_to_KPi_forCharmFromBSemi                    |     0.175 |     0.126 |    0.070       0.5     0.06 |     114 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0_to_KPiGamma_forCharmFromBSemi              |     0.000 |     0.109 |    0.055       0.6     0.14 |      12 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuXKPiGammaCharmFromBSemi                 |     0.000 |     0.355 |    0.116       0.6     0.34 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0MuXKPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXKKGammaCharmFromBSemiLine          |     0.100 |     0.147 |    0.024       2.1     0.17 |    1000 |     0.148 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXKKGammaCharmFromBSemiLine          |     0.130 |     0.136 |    0.023       1.7     0.14 |    1000 |     0.137 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKKGammaCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKKGammaCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKKGammaCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSeq|     0.048 |     0.098 |    0.008       1.9     0.19 |     415 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKKGammaCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.5     0.02 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKKGammaCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSeq|     0.048 |     0.086 |    0.008       1.6     0.15 |     415 |     0.036 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuXKKGammaCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelX_to_KK_forCharmFromBSemi                     |     0.087 |     0.088 |    0.056       0.6     0.06 |     114 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0_to_KKGamma_forCharmFromBSemi               |     0.000 |     1.410 |    1.410       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelX_to_KK_forCharmFromBSemi                     |     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.050       0.5     0.05 |     114 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0_to_KKGamma_forCharmFromBSemi               |     0.000 |     1.100 |    1.100       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuXKKGammaCharmFromBSemi                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0MuXKKGammaCharmFromBSemiLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXKKGammaCharmFromBSemiLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXK3PiCharmFromBSemiLine             |     0.140 |     0.182 |    0.026      22.7     0.74 |    1000 |     0.182 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuXK3PiCharmFromBSemiLine             |     0.150 |     0.167 |    0.023      24.3     0.78 |    1000 |     0.167 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXK3PiCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler   |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXK3PiCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter  |     0.020 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXK3PiCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequen|     0.120 |     0.178 |    0.008      22.5     1.12 |     415 |     0.074 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuXK3PiCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter |     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sel_D0_to_K3Pi_forCharmFromBSemi                 |     0.087 |     0.125 |    0.045       0.7     0.09 |     114 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuXK3PiCharmFromBSemi                     |     0.000 |     0.258 |    0.067       1.0     0.35 |       7 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0MuXK3PiCharmFromBSemiLine                    |    10.000 |     6.130 |    6.130       6.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_b2D0MuXK3PiCharmFromBSemiLine       |     0.000 |     2.199 |    2.199       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_b2D0MuXK3PiCharmFromBSemiLine       |     0.000 |     2.235 |    2.235       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_b2D0MuXK3PiCharmFromBSemiLine       |    10.000 |     2.797 |    2.797       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_b2D0MuXK3PiCharmFromBSemiLine       |     0.000 |     3.018 |    3.018       3.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_b2D0MuXK3PiCharmFromBSemiLine       |     0.000 |     1.447 |    1.447       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXK3PiCharmFromBSemiLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuX4PiCharmFromBSemiLine              |     0.170 |     0.162 |    0.025       3.3     0.21 |    1000 |     0.162 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXK3PiCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXK3PiCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequen|     0.192 |     0.167 |    0.008      24.1     1.20 |     415 |     0.070 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuXK3PiCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sel_D0_to_K3Pi_forCharmFromBSemi                 |     0.175 |     0.108 |    0.042       0.6     0.07 |     114 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuXK3PiCharmFromBSemi                     |     0.000 |     0.160 |    0.066       0.5     0.17 |       7 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0MuXK3PiCharmFromBSemiLine                    |    10.000 |     6.157 |    6.157       6.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_b2D0MuXK3PiCharmFromBSemiLine       |     0.000 |     2.260 |    2.260       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_b2D0MuXK3PiCharmFromBSemiLine       |     0.000 |     2.017 |    2.017       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_b2D0MuXK3PiCharmFromBSemiLine       |    10.000 |     6.156 |    6.156       6.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_b2D0MuXK3PiCharmFromBSemiLine       |     0.000 |     2.207 |    2.207       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_b2D0MuXK3PiCharmFromBSemiLine       |    10.000 |     1.246 |    1.246       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuXK3PiCharmFromBSemiLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuX4PiCharmFromBSemiLine              |     0.180 |     0.145 |    0.022       2.7     0.17 |    1000 |     0.146 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuX4PiCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuX4PiCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuX4PiCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequenc|     0.144 |     0.132 |    0.009       3.1     0.24 |     415 |     0.055 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuX4PiCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sel_D0_to_4Pi_forCharmFromBSemi                  |     0.000 |     0.106 |    0.030       1.1     0.11 |     155 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuX4PiCharmFromBSemi                      |     5.000 |     0.917 |    0.128       1.7     1.12 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuX4PiCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter   |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuX4PiCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequenc|     0.096 |     0.115 |    0.007       2.4     0.19 |     415 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuX4PiCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sel_D0_to_4Pi_forCharmFromBSemi                  |     0.064 |     0.091 |    0.030       0.6     0.07 |     155 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuX4PiCharmFromBSemi                      |     0.000 |     0.627 |    0.109       1.1     0.73 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0MuX4PiCharmFromBSemiLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_b2D0MuX4PiCharmFromBSemiLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_b2D0MuX4PiCharmFromBSemiLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -149708,12 +150047,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_b2D0MuX4PiCharmFro
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_b2D0MuX4PiCharmFromBSemiLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_b2D0MuX4PiCharmFromBSemiLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuX4PiCharmFromBSemiLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuX2K2PiCharmFromBSemiLine            |     0.140 |     0.153 |    0.024       2.0     0.18 |    1000 |     0.154 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuX2K2PiCharmFromBSemiLine            |     0.130 |     0.133 |    0.022       1.7     0.14 |    1000 |     0.134 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuX2K2PiCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuX2K2PiCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuX2K2PiCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSeque|     0.120 |     0.111 |    0.009       1.8     0.20 |     415 |     0.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuX2K2PiCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter|     0.048 |     0.013 |    0.003       0.7     0.07 |     415 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sel_D0_to_2K2Pi_forCharmFromBSemi                |     0.087 |     0.087 |    0.041       1.5     0.14 |     114 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuX2K2PiCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuX2K2PiCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSeque|     0.096 |     0.088 |    0.008       1.5     0.15 |     415 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuX2K2PiCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sel_D0_to_2K2Pi_forCharmFromBSemi                |     0.087 |     0.070 |    0.039       1.2     0.11 |     114 |     0.008 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuX2K2PiCharmFromBSemi                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0MuX2K2PiCharmFromBSemiLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_b2D0MuX2K2PiCharmFromBSemiLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -149722,12 +150061,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_b2D0MuX2K2PiCharmF
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_b2D0MuX2K2PiCharmFromBSemiLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_b2D0MuX2K2PiCharmFromBSemiLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuX2K2PiCharmFromBSemiLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuX3KPiCharmFromBSemiLine             |     0.130 |     0.149 |    0.024       1.6     0.17 |    1000 |     0.149 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2D0MuX3KPiCharmFromBSemiLine             |     0.100 |     0.132 |    0.021       1.3     0.13 |    1000 |     0.133 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuX3KPiCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuX3KPiCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter  |     0.010 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.8     0.03 |    1000 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuX3KPiCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequen|     0.072 |     0.099 |    0.008       1.3     0.17 |     415 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuX3KPiCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sel_D0_to_3KPi_forCharmFromBSemi                 |     0.000 |     0.074 |    0.041       0.8     0.07 |     114 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuX3KPiCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuX3KPiCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequen|     0.144 |     0.086 |    0.008       1.0     0.14 |     415 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2D0MuX3KPiCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sel_D0_to_3KPi_forCharmFromBSemi                 |     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.037       0.7     0.06 |     114 |     0.007 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuX3KPiCharmFromBSemi                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2D0MuX3KPiCharmFromBSemiLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_b2D0MuX3KPiCharmFromBSemiLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -149736,292 +150075,292 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_b2D0MuX3KPiCharmFr
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_b2D0MuX3KPiCharmFromBSemiLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_b2D0MuX3KPiCharmFromBSemiLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2D0MuX3KPiCharmFromBSemiLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuXHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLine         |     0.160 |     0.169 |    0.024      24.8     0.86 |    1000 |     0.169 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuXHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLine         |     0.200 |     0.144 |    0.022      13.9     0.54 |    1000 |     0.145 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filt|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLineFilterSe|     0.144 |     0.150 |    0.008      24.6     1.30 |     415 |     0.063 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DstarMuXHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelConjugateD0ForDstarD0ToHHPi0ForCharmFromBSemi |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |      14 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstarD0ToHHPi0ForCharmFromBSemi               |     0.000 |     0.302 |    0.097       1.0     0.24 |      14 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DstarMuXHHPi0CharmFromBSemi                 |     0.000 |     0.288 |    0.127       0.8     0.25 |       7 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DstarMuXHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLine                |    20.000 |    17.714 |   17.714      17.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0MergedLLCharmFromBSemiL|     0.080 |     0.112 |    0.024       0.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.112 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLineFilterSe|     0.168 |     0.116 |    0.007      13.7     0.81 |     415 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DstarMuXHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelConjugateD0ForDstarD0ToHHPi0ForCharmFromBSemi |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |      14 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstarD0ToHHPi0ForCharmFromBSemi               |     0.000 |     0.226 |    0.087       0.7     0.15 |      14 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DstarMuXHHPi0CharmFromBSemi                 |     0.000 |     0.221 |    0.127       0.7     0.20 |       7 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DstarMuXHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLine                |    10.000 |     9.759 |    9.759       9.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0MergedLLCharmFromBSemiL|     0.070 |     0.099 |    0.021       0.5     0.06 |    1000 |     0.100 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0MergedLLCharmFromBSemi|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0MergedLLCharmFromBSemi|     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.7     0.02 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0MergedLLCharmFromBSemi|     0.024 |     0.013 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     415 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0MergedLLCharmFromBSem|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0MergedLLCharmFromBSemi|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0MergedLLCharmFromBSemi|     0.024 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0MergedLLCharmFromBSem|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstarPiPiPi0MergedLLForCharmFromBSemi         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0MergedLLCharmFromBSemi     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0MergedLLCharmFromBSemiLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0MergedLLCharmFromBSemi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0MergedDDCharmFromBSemiL|     0.120 |     0.112 |    0.024       2.0     0.09 |    1000 |     0.112 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0MergedDDCharmFromBSemi|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0MergedDDCharmFromBSemi|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0MergedDDCharmFromBSemi|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.008       1.8     0.09 |     415 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0MergedDDCharmFromBSem|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstarPiPiPi0MergedDDForCharmFromBSemi         |     0.000 |     1.445 |    1.445       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0MergedDDCharmFromBSemiL|     0.110 |     0.099 |    0.021       1.5     0.07 |    1000 |     0.100 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0MergedDDCharmFromBSemi|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0MergedDDCharmFromBSemi|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0MergedDDCharmFromBSemi|     0.048 |     0.014 |    0.008       1.3     0.06 |     415 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0MergedDDCharmFromBSem|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstarPiPiPi0MergedDDForCharmFromBSemi         |     0.000 |     0.931 |    0.931       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0MergedDDCharmFromBSemi     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0MergedDDCharmFromBSemiLine    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0MergedDDCharmFromBSemi|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedLLCharmFromBSem|     0.120 |     0.121 |    0.024      11.2     0.36 |    1000 |     0.122 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedLLCharmFromBSe|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedLLCharmFromBSe|     0.030 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedLLCharmFromBSe|     0.024 |     0.039 |    0.009      10.8     0.53 |     415 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedLLCharmFromBS|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstarPiPiPi0ResolvedLLForCharmFromBSemi       |     0.000 |     3.056 |    3.056       3.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedLLCharmFromBSemi   |    10.000 |     2.191 |    2.191       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedLLCharmFromBSem|     0.070 |     0.104 |    0.021       4.8     0.16 |    1000 |     0.105 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedLLCharmFromBSe|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedLLCharmFromBSe|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedLLCharmFromBSe|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.008       4.6     0.22 |     415 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedLLCharmFromBS|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstarPiPiPi0ResolvedLLForCharmFromBSemi       |     0.000 |     1.132 |    1.132       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedLLCharmFromBSemi   |     0.000 |     0.733 |    0.733       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedLLCharmFromBSemiLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedLLCharmFromBSe|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedDDCharmFromBSem|     0.110 |     0.110 |    0.022       1.5     0.08 |    1000 |     0.111 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedDDCharmFromBSe|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedDDCharmFromBSe|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedDDCharmFromBSe|     0.024 |     0.015 |    0.008       1.2     0.06 |     415 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedDDCharmFromBSem|     0.060 |     0.100 |    0.021       1.2     0.06 |    1000 |     0.100 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedDDCharmFromBSe|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedDDCharmFromBSe|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedDDCharmFromBSe|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       1.0     0.05 |     415 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedDDCharmFromBS|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstarPiPiPi0ResolvedDDForCharmFromBSemi       |    10.000 |     0.918 |    0.918       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstarPiPiPi0ResolvedDDForCharmFromBSemi       |     0.000 |     0.717 |    0.717       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedDDCharmFromBSemi   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedDDCharmFromBSemiLine  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiPi0ResolvedDDCharmFromBSe|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiLLCharmFromBSemiLine      |     0.130 |     0.118 |    0.026       6.4     0.21 |    1000 |     0.119 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiLLCharmFromBSemiLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiLLCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2F|     0.020 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiLLCharmFromBSemiLineFilte|     0.048 |     0.028 |    0.009       6.0     0.29 |     415 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiLLCharmFromBSemiLineVOID|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstarPiPiLLForCharmFromBSemi                  |     0.000 |     0.983 |    0.139       1.8     1.19 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DstarMuXKsPiPiLLCharmFromBSemi              |     0.000 |     1.660 |    1.660       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiLLCharmFromBSemiLine      |     0.080 |     0.102 |    0.022       2.9     0.10 |    1000 |     0.103 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiLLCharmFromBSemiLinePreSc|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiLLCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiLLCharmFromBSemiLineFilte|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.008       2.7     0.13 |     415 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiLLCharmFromBSemiLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstarPiPiLLForCharmFromBSemi                  |     0.000 |     0.444 |    0.112       0.8     0.47 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DstarMuXKsPiPiLLCharmFromBSemi              |     0.000 |     0.666 |    0.666       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DstarMuXKsPiPiLLCharmFromBSemiLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiLLCharmFromBSemiLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiDDCharmFromBSemiLine      |     0.120 |     0.121 |    0.024       2.3     0.13 |    1000 |     0.121 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiDDCharmFromBSemiLine      |     0.130 |     0.106 |    0.022       2.2     0.11 |    1000 |     0.107 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiDDCharmFromBSemiLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiDDCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiDDCharmFromBSemiLineFilte|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.007       2.1     0.12 |     415 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiDDCharmFromBSemiLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstarPiPiDDForCharmFromBSemi                  |     0.000 |     0.285 |    0.107       0.9     0.35 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DstarMuXKsPiPiDDCharmFromBSemi              |     0.000 |     0.723 |    0.723       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiDDCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2F|     0.030 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.7     0.05 |    1000 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiDDCharmFromBSemiLineFilte|     0.048 |     0.020 |    0.007       2.0     0.11 |     415 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiDDCharmFromBSemiLineVOID|     0.048 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstarPiPiDDForCharmFromBSemi                  |     0.000 |     0.201 |    0.100       0.5     0.18 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DstarMuXKsPiPiDDCharmFromBSemi              |     0.000 |     0.535 |    0.535       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DstarMuXKsPiPiDDCharmFromBSemiLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsPiPiDDCharmFromBSemiLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKKLLCharmFromBSemiLine        |     0.100 |     0.115 |    0.024       4.8     0.16 |    1000 |     0.115 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKKLLCharmFromBSemiLine        |     0.090 |     0.103 |    0.022       2.8     0.10 |    1000 |     0.104 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKKLLCharmFromBSemiLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKKLLCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKKLLCharmFromBSemiLineFilterS|     0.048 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.1     0.00 |     415 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKKLLCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFi|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKKLLCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Fil|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKKLLCharmFromBSemiLineFilterS|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.3     0.02 |     415 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKKLLCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFi|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.3     0.02 |     415 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstarKKLLForCharmFromBSemi                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DstarMuXKsKKLLCharmFromBSemi                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DstarMuXKsKKLLCharmFromBSemiLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKKLLCharmFromBSemiLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKKDDCharmFromBSemiLine        |     0.150 |     0.109 |    0.023       1.3     0.08 |    1000 |     0.110 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKKDDCharmFromBSemiLine        |     0.120 |     0.098 |    0.021       1.1     0.07 |    1000 |     0.099 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKKDDCharmFromBSemiLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKKDDCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Fil|     0.030 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKKDDCharmFromBSemiLineFilterS|     0.024 |     0.014 |    0.007       1.1     0.05 |     415 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKKDDCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFi|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstarKKDDForCharmFromBSemi                    |     0.000 |     0.742 |    0.742       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKKDDCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Fil|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKKDDCharmFromBSemiLineFilterS|     0.072 |     0.014 |    0.007       0.9     0.05 |     415 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKKDDCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFi|     0.048 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.4     0.02 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstarKKDDForCharmFromBSemi                    |    10.000 |     0.639 |    0.639       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DstarMuXKsKKDDCharmFromBSemi                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DstarMuXKsKKDDCharmFromBSemiLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKKDDCharmFromBSemiLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKPiLLCharmFromBSemiLine       |     0.100 |     0.136 |    0.024      25.6     0.81 |    1000 |     0.136 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKPiLLCharmFromBSemiLine       |     0.130 |     0.111 |    0.021      11.6     0.37 |    1000 |     0.111 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKPiLLCharmFromBSemiLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKPiLLCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKPiLLCharmFromBSemiLineFilter|     0.048 |     0.073 |    0.009      25.3     1.24 |     415 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKPiLLCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Fi|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKPiLLCharmFromBSemiLineFilter|     0.072 |     0.038 |    0.007      11.5     0.56 |     415 |     0.016 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKPiLLCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstarKPiLLForCharmFromBSemi                   |     0.000 |     1.763 |    1.763       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DstarMuXKsKPiLLCharmFromBSemi               |     0.000 |     1.807 |    1.807       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DstarMuXKsKPiLLCharmFromBSemiLine              |    20.000 |    17.450 |   17.450      17.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstarKPiLLForCharmFromBSemi                   |     0.000 |     0.643 |    0.643       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DstarMuXKsKPiLLCharmFromBSemi               |     0.000 |     0.641 |    0.641       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DstarMuXKsKPiLLCharmFromBSemiLine              |    10.000 |     8.283 |    8.283       8.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKPiLLCharmFromBSemiLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKPiDDCharmFromBSemiLine       |     0.110 |     0.130 |    0.025      18.1     0.58 |    1000 |     0.131 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKPiDDCharmFromBSemiLine       |     0.090 |     0.113 |    0.022      13.0     0.41 |    1000 |     0.113 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKPiDDCharmFromBSemiLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKPiDDCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Fi|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKPiDDCharmFromBSemiLineFilter|     0.024 |     0.062 |    0.008      17.8     0.88 |     415 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKPiDDCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Fi|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKPiDDCharmFromBSemiLineFilter|     0.024 |     0.047 |    0.007      12.8     0.63 |     415 |     0.020 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKPiDDCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstarKPiDDForCharmFromBSemi                   |     0.000 |     0.466 |    0.163       1.1     0.51 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DstarMuXKsKPiDDCharmFromBSemi               |     0.000 |     0.883 |    0.186       1.6     0.99 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DstarMuXKsKPiDDCharmFromBSemiLine              |    10.000 |    12.874 |   12.874      12.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKPiDDCharmFromBSemiLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuXK3PiCharmFromBSemiLine          |     0.110 |     0.125 |    0.025       4.7     0.22 |    1000 |     0.126 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstarKPiDDForCharmFromBSemi                   |     0.000 |     0.347 |    0.158       0.6     0.24 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DstarMuXKsKPiDDCharmFromBSemi               |     0.000 |     0.790 |    0.160       1.4     0.89 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DstarMuXKsKPiDDCharmFromBSemiLine              |    10.000 |     8.834 |    8.834       8.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKPiDDCharmFromBSemiLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuXK3PiCharmFromBSemiLine          |     0.100 |     0.114 |    0.022       4.4     0.19 |    1000 |     0.115 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXK3PiCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXK3PiCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXK3PiCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSeq|     0.072 |     0.048 |    0.007       4.5     0.31 |     415 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXK3PiCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXK3PiCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSeq|     0.024 |     0.043 |    0.008       4.2     0.28 |     415 |     0.018 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DstarMuXK3PiCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelConjugateD0ForDstar_K3PiForCharmFromBSemi     |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.019       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstar_K3PiForCharmFromBSemi                   |     0.000 |     0.299 |    0.101       0.9     0.29 |       7 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DstarMuXK3PiCharmFromBSemi                  |     0.000 |     0.719 |    0.173       1.3     0.77 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelConjugateD0ForDstar_K3PiForCharmFromBSemi     |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.013       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstar_K3PiForCharmFromBSemi                   |     0.000 |     0.214 |    0.098       0.6     0.17 |       7 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DstarMuXK3PiCharmFromBSemi                  |     0.000 |     0.375 |    0.134       0.6     0.34 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DstarMuXK3PiCharmFromBSemiLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXK3PiCharmFromBSemiLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuX4PiCharmFromBSemiLine           |     0.180 |     0.141 |    0.025      21.4     0.75 |    1000 |     0.142 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuX4PiCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuX4PiCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter|     0.020 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuX4PiCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequ|     0.096 |     0.087 |    0.008      21.1     1.15 |     415 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuX4PiCharmFromBSemiLine           |     0.100 |     0.111 |    0.022       8.3     0.28 |    1000 |     0.111 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuX4PiCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuX4PiCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuX4PiCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequ|     0.048 |     0.035 |    0.007       8.0     0.41 |     415 |     0.015 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DstarMuX4PiCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelConjugateD0ForDstar_4PiForCharmFromBSemi      |     5.000 |     0.031 |    0.022       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstar_4PiForCharmFromBSemi                    |     5.000 |     1.320 |    0.337       2.3     1.39 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DstarMuX4PiCharmFromBSemi                   |    20.000 |    16.615 |   16.615      16.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelConjugateD0ForDstar_4PiForCharmFromBSemi      |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstar_4PiForCharmFromBSemi                    |     5.000 |     0.592 |    0.237       0.9     0.50 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DstarMuX4PiCharmFromBSemi                   |    10.000 |     4.071 |    4.071       4.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DstarMuX4PiCharmFromBSemiLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuX4PiCharmFromBSemiLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuX2K2PiCharmFromBSemiLine         |     0.140 |     0.114 |    0.026       1.0     0.08 |    1000 |     0.114 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuX2K2PiCharmFromBSemiLine         |     0.090 |     0.100 |    0.022       0.4     0.06 |    1000 |     0.101 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuX2K2PiCharmFromBSemiLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuX2K2PiCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filt|     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.5     0.02 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuX2K2PiCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSe|     0.024 |     0.013 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     415 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuX2K2PiCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filt|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuX2K2PiCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSe|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.1     0.00 |     415 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DstarMuX2K2PiCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelConjugateD0ForDstar_2K2PiForCharmFromBSemi    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstar_2K2PiForCharmFromBSemi                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DstarMuX2K2PiCharmFromBSemi                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DstarMuX2K2PiCharmFromBSemiLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuX2K2PiCharmFromBSemiLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuX3KPiCharmFromBSemiLine          |     0.080 |     0.112 |    0.025       0.5     0.07 |    1000 |     0.112 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuX3KPiCharmFromBSemiLine          |     0.140 |     0.104 |    0.021       4.6     0.15 |    1000 |     0.105 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuX3KPiCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuX3KPiCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuX3KPiCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSeq|     0.048 |     0.013 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |     415 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DstarMuX3KPiCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilt|     0.048 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuX3KPiCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filte|     0.020 |     0.012 |    0.004       4.4     0.14 |    1000 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuX3KPiCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DstarMuX3KPiCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelConjugateD0ForDstar_3KPiForCharmFromBSemi     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstar_3KPiForCharmFromBSemi                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DstarMuX3KPiCharmFromBSemi                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DstarMuX3KPiCharmFromBSemiLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuX3KPiCharmFromBSemiLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKsCharmFromBSemiLine          |     0.110 |     0.124 |    0.026       4.6     0.23 |    1000 |     0.124 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKsCharmFromBSemiLine          |     0.070 |     0.111 |    0.022       4.2     0.20 |    1000 |     0.111 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKsCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKsCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKsCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSeq|     0.048 |     0.041 |    0.009       4.3     0.33 |     415 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKsCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKsCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.008       3.9     0.29 |     415 |     0.015 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKsCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelConjugateD0ForDstar_KsKs_ForCharmFromBSemi    |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.024       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstar_KsKs_ForCharmFromBSemi                  |     0.000 |     0.696 |    0.218       1.6     0.78 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DstarMuXKsKsCharmFromBSemi                  |     0.000 |     0.380 |    0.085       0.8     0.40 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelConjugateD0ForDstar_KsKs_ForCharmFromBSemi    |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstar_KsKs_ForCharmFromBSemi                  |     0.000 |     0.431 |    0.187       0.9     0.41 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DstarMuXKsKsCharmFromBSemi                  |     0.000 |     0.344 |    0.090       0.7     0.35 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DstarMuXKsKsCharmFromBSemiLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKsKsCharmFromBSemiLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuXPiPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLine     |     0.120 |     0.116 |    0.025       2.7     0.11 |    1000 |     0.116 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuXPiPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLine     |     0.110 |     0.103 |    0.023       1.9     0.08 |    1000 |     0.104 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXPiPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXPiPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXPiPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLineFilt|     0.024 |     0.019 |    0.009       2.5     0.12 |     415 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DstarMuXPiPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelConjugateD0ForDstar_PiPiGammaForCharmFromBSemi|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstar_PiPiGammaForCharmFromBSemi              |    10.000 |     1.316 |    1.316       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXPiPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2|     0.030 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.5     0.02 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXPiPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLineFilt|     0.024 |     0.016 |    0.007       1.7     0.08 |     415 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DstarMuXPiPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelConjugateD0ForDstar_PiPiGammaForCharmFromBSemi|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstar_PiPiGammaForCharmFromBSemi              |    10.000 |     0.653 |    0.653       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DstarMuXPiPiGammaCharmFromBSemi             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DstarMuXPiPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXPiPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuXKPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLine      |     0.120 |     0.118 |    0.025       4.0     0.17 |    1000 |     0.119 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLinePreSc|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLineFilte|     0.024 |     0.029 |    0.008       3.8     0.23 |     415 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DstarMuXKPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLineVOID|     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelConjugateD0ForDstar_KPiGammaForCharmFromBSemi |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstar_KPiGammaForCharmFromBSemi               |     0.000 |     0.602 |    0.248       1.0     0.50 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DstarMuXKPiGammaCharmFromBSemi              |     0.000 |     0.407 |    0.147       0.7     0.37 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuXKPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLine      |     0.150 |     0.111 |    0.022       3.7     0.20 |    1000 |     0.112 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLinePreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.5     0.02 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLineFilte|     0.024 |     0.027 |    0.008       3.2     0.22 |     415 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DstarMuXKPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLineVOID|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelConjugateD0ForDstar_KPiGammaForCharmFromBSemi |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstar_KPiGammaForCharmFromBSemi               |     0.000 |     0.427 |    0.230       0.6     0.28 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DstarMuXKPiGammaCharmFromBSemi              |     0.000 |     0.350 |    0.128       0.6     0.31 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DstarMuXKPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKPiGammaCharmFromBSemiLinePostS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuXKKGammaCharmFromBSemiLine       |     0.090 |     0.110 |    0.026       0.5     0.07 |    1000 |     0.110 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DstarMuXKKGammaCharmFromBSemiLine       |     0.090 |     0.100 |    0.022       0.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.100 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKKGammaCharmFromBSemiLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKKGammaCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Fi|     0.020 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKKGammaCharmFromBSemiLineFilter|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKKGammaCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Fi|     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKKGammaCharmFromBSemiLineFilter|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DstarMuXKKGammaCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelConjugateD0ForDstar_KKGammaForCharmFromBSemi  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstar_KKGammaForCharmFromBSemi                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DstarMuXKKGammaCharmFromBSemi               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DstarMuXKKGammaCharmFromBSemiLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DstarMuXKKGammaCharmFromBSemiLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DpMuXKKPiDCSCharmFromBSemiLine          |     0.130 |     0.155 |    0.024       4.6     0.24 |    1000 |     0.156 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DpMuXKKPiDCSCharmFromBSemiLine          |     0.080 |     0.139 |    0.022       5.7     0.25 |    1000 |     0.139 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXKKPiDCSCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXKKPiDCSCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXKKPiDCSCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSeq|     0.144 |     0.121 |    0.008       4.4     0.32 |     415 |     0.050 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DpMuXKKPiDCSCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDs2KKPiDCSforCharmFromBSemi                   |     0.263 |     0.110 |    0.055       1.2     0.12 |     114 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DsMuXKKPiDCSCharmFromBSemi                  |     5.000 |     0.914 |    0.184       1.6     1.03 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DpMuXKKPiDCSCharmFromBSemiLine                 |     0.000 |     2.917 |    2.917       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXKKPiDCSCharmFromBSemiLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DpMuXKKKCharmFromBSemiLine              |     0.150 |     0.139 |    0.025       1.2     0.14 |    1000 |     0.140 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXKKPiDCSCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filte|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXKKPiDCSCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSeq|     0.096 |     0.108 |    0.007       5.6     0.35 |     415 |     0.045 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DpMuXKKPiDCSCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDs2KKPiDCSforCharmFromBSemi                   |     0.087 |     0.077 |    0.051       0.5     0.05 |     114 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DsMuXKKPiDCSCharmFromBSemi                  |     0.000 |     1.354 |    0.170       2.5     1.67 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DpMuXKKPiDCSCharmFromBSemiLine                 |    10.000 |     3.873 |    3.873       3.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXKKPiDCSCharmFromBSemiLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DpMuXKKKCharmFromBSemiLine              |     0.130 |     0.130 |    0.021       3.8     0.17 |    1000 |     0.130 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXKKKCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXKKKCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter   |     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXKKKCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequenc|     0.072 |     0.081 |    0.008       0.8     0.13 |     415 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DpMuXKKKCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDs2KKKforCharmFromBSemi                       |     0.175 |     0.063 |    0.037       0.7     0.08 |     114 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXKKKCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXKKKCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequenc|     0.072 |     0.076 |    0.007       0.7     0.12 |     415 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DpMuXKKKCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter  |     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDs2KKKforCharmFromBSemi                       |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.034       0.6     0.06 |     114 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DsMuXKKKCharmFromBSemi                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DpMuXKKKCharmFromBSemiLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXKKKCharmFromBSemiLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DpMuXKsKCharmFromBSemiLine              |     0.120 |     0.146 |    0.025       2.7     0.19 |    1000 |     0.147 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXKsKCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXKsKCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter   |     0.020 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXKsKCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequenc|     0.096 |     0.094 |    0.008       2.5     0.23 |     415 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DpMuXKsKCharmFromBSemiLine              |     0.060 |     0.129 |    0.021       1.8     0.15 |    1000 |     0.129 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXKsKCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXKsKCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter   |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXKsKCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequenc|     0.024 |     0.080 |    0.007       1.7     0.19 |     415 |     0.033 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DpMuXKsKCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDs2KsKforCharmFromBSemi                       |     0.266 |     0.145 |    0.051       1.1     0.17 |      75 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DsMuXKsKCharmFromBSemi                      |     0.000 |     0.508 |    0.120       1.6     0.75 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDs2KsKforCharmFromBSemi                       |     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.045       0.6     0.10 |      75 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DsMuXKsKCharmFromBSemi                      |     0.000 |     0.372 |    0.117       1.1     0.50 |       4 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DpMuXKsKCharmFromBSemiLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXKsKCharmFromBSemiLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DpMuXKsPiCharmFromBSemiLine             |     0.150 |     0.170 |    0.024       3.2     0.26 |    1000 |     0.171 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DpMuXKsPiCharmFromBSemiLine             |     0.150 |     0.149 |    0.021       2.3     0.21 |    1000 |     0.149 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXKsPiCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXKsPiCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter  |     0.020 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.7     0.05 |    1000 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXKsPiCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequen|     0.144 |     0.142 |    0.009       2.8     0.32 |     415 |     0.059 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DpMuXKsPiCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDs2KsPiforCharmFromBSemi                      |     0.198 |     0.194 |    0.050       0.9     0.17 |     101 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DsMuXKsPiCharmFromBSemi                     |     0.000 |     0.224 |    0.080       1.4     0.35 |      13 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXKsPiCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter  |     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.4     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXKsPiCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequen|     0.048 |     0.124 |    0.008       2.0     0.26 |     415 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DpMuXKsPiCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDs2KsPiforCharmFromBSemi                      |     0.198 |     0.156 |    0.049       0.6     0.12 |     101 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DsMuXKsPiCharmFromBSemi                     |     0.000 |     0.193 |    0.069       1.3     0.35 |      13 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DpMuXKsPiCharmFromBSemiLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXKsPiCharmFromBSemiLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DpMuXHMuMuCharmFromBSemiLine            |     0.130 |     0.162 |    0.026       2.1     0.19 |    1000 |     0.162 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DpMuXHMuMuCharmFromBSemiLine            |     0.090 |     0.146 |    0.022       1.7     0.16 |    1000 |     0.146 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXHMuMuCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXHMuMuCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXHMuMuCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSeque|     0.120 |     0.132 |    0.008       2.0     0.21 |     415 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXHMuMuCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXHMuMuCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSeque|     0.072 |     0.120 |    0.008       1.5     0.17 |     415 |     0.050 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DpMuXHMuMuCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDs2HMuMuforCharmFromBSemi                     |     0.129 |     0.102 |    0.068       1.7     0.13 |     155 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DsMuXHMuMuCharmFromBSemi                    |     0.000 |     1.339 |    1.339       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDs2HMuMuforCharmFromBSemi                     |     0.064 |     0.091 |    0.062       1.1     0.08 |     155 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2DsMuXHMuMuCharmFromBSemi                    |     0.000 |     0.878 |    0.878       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DpMuXHMuMuCharmFromBSemiLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXHMuMuCharmFromBSemiLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DpMuXHHHKsCharmFromBSemiLine            |     0.240 |     0.229 |    0.026      11.1     0.57 |    1000 |     0.230 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DpMuXHHHKsCharmFromBSemiLine            |     0.180 |     0.194 |    0.023      10.6     0.47 |    1000 |     0.194 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXHHHKsCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXHHHKsCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXHHHKsCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSeque|     0.337 |     0.271 |    0.008      10.8     0.75 |     415 |     0.112 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DpMuXHHHKsCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter|     0.024 |     0.014 |    0.002       4.2     0.21 |     415 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDToHHH_SEED                                   |     0.387 |     0.288 |    0.079       2.4     0.34 |     155 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelCharmDToHHHKsForCharmFromBSemi                |     0.000 |     0.483 |    0.052       5.7     1.23 |      22 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuX_HHHKsCharmFromBSemi                   |     5.000 |     0.327 |    0.060       0.6     0.38 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXHHHKsCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.4     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXHHHKsCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSeque|     0.192 |     0.234 |    0.008      10.3     0.66 |     415 |     0.097 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DpMuXHHHKsCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDToHHH_SEED                                   |     0.193 |     0.251 |    0.075       2.2     0.30 |     155 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelCharmDToHHHKsForCharmFromBSemi                |     0.909 |     0.422 |    0.051       4.7     1.02 |      22 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuX_HHHKsCharmFromBSemi                   |     0.000 |     0.364 |    0.069       0.7     0.42 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DpMuXHHHKsCharmFromBSemiLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXHHHKsCharmFromBSemiLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DpMuXHHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLine           |     0.170 |     0.178 |    0.025      22.9     0.85 |    1000 |     0.179 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2DpMuXHHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLine           |     0.170 |     0.156 |    0.022      16.0     0.64 |    1000 |     0.156 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXHHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXHHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXHHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequ|     0.216 |     0.169 |    0.008      22.5     1.28 |     415 |     0.070 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DpMuXHHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilte|     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelCharmDToHHHPi0ForCharmFromBSemi               |     0.344 |     1.231 |    0.048      15.3     2.94 |      29 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuX_HHHPi0CharmFromBSemi                  |     0.000 |     0.395 |    0.071       2.1     0.71 |       8 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXHHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter|     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.5     0.02 |    1000 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXHHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequ|     0.192 |     0.139 |    0.008      15.7     0.96 |     415 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2DpMuXHHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilte|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelCharmDToHHHPi0ForCharmFromBSemi               |     2.068 |     0.964 |    0.050       9.6     2.03 |      29 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2D0MuX_HHHPi0CharmFromBSemi                  |     0.000 |     0.197 |    0.073       0.7     0.23 |       8 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2DpMuXHHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2DpMuXHHHPi0CharmFromBSemiLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2LcMuXL0PiCharmFromBSemiLine             |     0.130 |     0.170 |    0.024       6.2     0.38 |    1000 |     0.170 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2LcMuXL0PiCharmFromBSemiLine             |     0.120 |     0.140 |    0.022       2.5     0.20 |    1000 |     0.140 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXL0PiCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXL0PiCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXL0PiCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequen|     0.096 |     0.139 |    0.008       6.0     0.51 |     415 |     0.058 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2LcMuXL0PiCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:SelAllLambdaForCharmFromBSemi             |     0.193 |     0.247 |    0.018       5.4     0.54 |     155 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:SelAllLambdaForCharmFromBSemi      |     0.064 |     0.174 |    0.013       5.0     0.44 |     155 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelLambdaLLforCharmFromBSemi             |     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.003       1.8     0.17 |     155 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelLambdaLLforCharmFromBSemi                  |     0.000 |     0.088 |    0.025       0.8     0.18 |      17 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelLambdaDDforCharmFromBSemi             |     0.064 |     0.118 |    0.002       5.0     0.41 |     155 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelLambdaDDforCharmFromBSemi                  |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |      67 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             SelAllLambdaForCharmFromBSemi                   |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      26 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLc2LambdaPiforCharmFromBSemi                  |     0.000 |     0.325 |    0.061       4.8     0.95 |      26 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXL0PiCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter  |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXL0PiCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequen|     0.072 |     0.104 |    0.008       2.2     0.27 |     415 |     0.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2LcMuXL0PiCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:SelAllLambdaForCharmFromBSemi             |     0.129 |     0.195 |    0.014       1.7     0.29 |     155 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:SelAllLambdaForCharmFromBSemi      |     0.064 |     0.126 |    0.010       0.8     0.16 |     155 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelLambdaLLforCharmFromBSemi             |     0.064 |     0.038 |    0.002       0.8     0.11 |     155 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelLambdaLLforCharmFromBSemi                  |     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.021       0.1     0.02 |      17 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelLambdaDDforCharmFromBSemi             |     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.002       0.4     0.11 |     155 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelLambdaDDforCharmFromBSemi                  |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      67 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             SelAllLambdaForCharmFromBSemi                   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      26 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLc2LambdaPiforCharmFromBSemi                  |     0.000 |     0.106 |    0.060       0.6     0.11 |      26 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2Lc2L0PiMuXCharmFromBSemi                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2LcMuXL0PiCharmFromBSemiLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXL0PiCharmFromBSemiLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2LcMuXL0KCharmFromBSemiLine              |     0.100 |     0.120 |    0.025       1.1     0.09 |    1000 |     0.121 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXL0KCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXL0KCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXL0KCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequenc|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.008       0.8     0.08 |     415 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2LcMuXL0KCharmFromBSemiLine              |     0.150 |     0.114 |    0.023       5.0     0.17 |    1000 |     0.114 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXL0KCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXL0KCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter   |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXL0KCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequenc|     0.048 |     0.026 |    0.007       0.7     0.07 |     415 |     0.011 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2LcMuXL0KCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLc2LambdaKforCharmFromBSemi                   |     0.000 |     0.103 |    0.054       0.7     0.13 |      22 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLc2LambdaKforCharmFromBSemi                   |     0.454 |     0.091 |    0.049       0.6     0.11 |      22 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2Lc2L0KMuXCharmFromBSemi                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2LcMuXL0KCharmFromBSemiLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXL0KCharmFromBSemiLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2LcMuXpKsCharmFromBSemiLine              |     0.220 |     0.167 |    0.024       2.5     0.24 |    1000 |     0.168 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpKsCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpKsCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter   |     0.020 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpKsCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequenc|     0.192 |     0.152 |    0.009       2.3     0.30 |     415 |     0.063 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2LcMuXpKsCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelProtonforCharmFromBSemi                       |     0.136 |     0.066 |    0.011       0.2     0.03 |     146 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            selLc2pKsforCharmFromBSemi                       |     0.238 |     0.114 |    0.054       1.4     0.21 |      42 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2LcMuXpKsCharmFromBSemi                      |     0.000 |     0.477 |    0.073       0.9     0.57 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2LcMuXpKsCharmFromBSemiLine              |     0.200 |     0.147 |    0.021       2.1     0.19 |    1000 |     0.147 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpKsCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler    |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpKsCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter   |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpKsCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequenc|     0.144 |     0.127 |    0.007       1.9     0.23 |     415 |     0.053 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2LcMuXpKsCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelProtonforCharmFromBSemi                       |     0.068 |     0.052 |    0.007       0.3     0.03 |     146 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            selLc2pKsforCharmFromBSemi                       |     0.476 |     0.081 |    0.049       0.6     0.09 |      42 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2LcMuXpKsCharmFromBSemi                      |     0.000 |     0.324 |    0.065       0.6     0.37 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2LcMuXpKsCharmFromBSemiLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpKsCharmFromBSemiLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2LcMuXCharmFromBSemiLine                 |     0.130 |     0.137 |    0.024       2.1     0.16 |    1000 |     0.138 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2LcMuXCharmFromBSemiLine                 |     0.180 |     0.124 |    0.022       2.0     0.14 |    1000 |     0.125 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter      |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequence  |     0.120 |     0.071 |    0.009       1.8     0.18 |     415 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2LcMuXCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter     |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLc2PKPiforCharmFromBSemi                      |     0.350 |     0.111 |    0.065       0.7     0.08 |      57 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2LcMuXCharmFromBSemi                         |    10.000 |     0.677 |    0.677       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequence  |     0.120 |     0.062 |    0.008       1.8     0.15 |     415 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2LcMuXCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter     |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLc2PKPiforCharmFromBSemi                      |     0.350 |     0.091 |    0.063       0.5     0.06 |      57 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2LcMuXCharmFromBSemi                         |     0.000 |     0.619 |    0.619       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2LcMuXCharmFromBSemiLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_b2LcMuXCharmFromBSemiLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_b2LcMuXCharmFromBSemiLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -150031,30 +150370,30 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_b2LcMuXCharmFromBS
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_b2LcMuXCharmFromBSemiLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_b2LcMuXCharmFromBSemiLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXCharmFromBSemiLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2LcMuXDCSCharmFromBSemiLine              |     0.100 |     0.150 |    0.024      16.2     0.53 |    1000 |     0.150 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXDCSCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXDCSCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXDCSCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequenc|     0.024 |     0.105 |    0.009      16.1     0.80 |     415 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2LcMuXDCSCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLc2PKPiDCSforCharmFromBSemi                   |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.068       0.9     0.12 |      57 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2LcDCSMuXCharmFromBSemi                      |     0.000 |     1.430 |    1.430       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2LcMuXDCSCharmFromBSemiLine                     |     0.000 |     3.022 |    3.022       3.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_b2LcMuXDCSCharmFromBSemiLine        |     0.000 |     1.366 |    1.366       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_b2LcMuXDCSCharmFromBSemiLine        |     0.000 |     1.191 |    1.191       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_b2LcMuXDCSCharmFromBSemiLine        |     0.000 |     1.194 |    1.194       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_b2LcMuXDCSCharmFromBSemiLine        |     0.000 |     1.244 |    1.244       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_b2LcMuXDCSCharmFromBSemiLine        |     0.000 |     1.283 |    1.283       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_b2LcMuXDCSCharmFromBSemiLine        |     0.000 |     1.244 |    1.244       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_b2LcMuXDCSCharmFromBSemiLine        |     0.000 |     0.647 |    0.647       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2LcMuXDCSCharmFromBSemiLine              |     0.220 |     0.138 |    0.020      20.3     0.65 |    1000 |     0.139 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXDCSCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler    |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXDCSCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter   |     0.030 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXDCSCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequenc|     0.072 |     0.105 |    0.007      20.1     0.99 |     415 |     0.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2LcMuXDCSCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLc2PKPiDCSforCharmFromBSemi                   |     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.064       0.5     0.06 |      57 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2LcDCSMuXCharmFromBSemi                      |    10.000 |     3.385 |    3.385       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2LcMuXDCSCharmFromBSemiLine                     |     0.000 |     3.768 |    3.768       3.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_b2LcMuXDCSCharmFromBSemiLine        |     0.000 |     1.565 |    1.565       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_b2LcMuXDCSCharmFromBSemiLine        |    10.000 |     1.442 |    1.442       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_b2LcMuXDCSCharmFromBSemiLine        |     0.000 |     1.375 |    1.375       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_b2LcMuXDCSCharmFromBSemiLine        |     0.000 |     1.464 |    1.464       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_b2LcMuXDCSCharmFromBSemiLine        |     0.000 |     1.473 |    1.473       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_b2LcMuXDCSCharmFromBSemiLine        |     0.000 |     1.491 |    1.491       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_b2LcMuXDCSCharmFromBSemiLine        |     0.000 |     0.750 |    0.750       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXDCSCharmFromBSemiLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2LcMuXpPiPiCharmFromBSemiLine            |     0.320 |     0.188 |    0.024       2.8     0.27 |    1000 |     0.189 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2LcMuXpPiPiCharmFromBSemiLine            |     0.140 |     0.171 |    0.022       1.6     0.23 |    1000 |     0.172 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpPiPiCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpPiPiCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpPiPiCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSeque|     0.337 |     0.199 |    0.008       2.2     0.32 |     415 |     0.083 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2LcMuXpPiPiCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelPiTightforCharmFromBSemi                      |     0.258 |     0.072 |    0.024       0.3     0.04 |     155 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLc2pPiPiforCharmFromBSemi                     |     0.000 |     0.107 |    0.057       0.6     0.08 |      60 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2Lc2pPiPiMuXCharmFromBSemi                   |     0.000 |     1.220 |    1.220       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpPiPiCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpPiPiCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSeque|     0.096 |     0.180 |    0.008       1.3     0.27 |     415 |     0.075 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2LcMuXpPiPiCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelPiTightforCharmFromBSemi                      |     0.000 |     0.059 |    0.020       0.2     0.03 |     155 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLc2pPiPiforCharmFromBSemi                     |     0.000 |     0.092 |    0.055       0.5     0.06 |      60 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2Lc2pPiPiMuXCharmFromBSemi                   |     0.000 |     0.555 |    0.555       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2LcMuXpPiPiCharmFromBSemiLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_b2LcMuXpPiPiCharmFromBSemiLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_b2LcMuXpPiPiCharmFromBSemiLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -150064,12 +150403,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_b2LcMuXpPiPiCharmF
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_b2LcMuXpPiPiCharmFromBSemiLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_b2LcMuXpPiPiCharmFromBSemiLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpPiPiCharmFromBSemiLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2LcMuXpKKCharmFromBSemiLine              |     0.130 |     0.131 |    0.025       1.6     0.13 |    1000 |     0.131 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2LcMuXpKKCharmFromBSemiLine              |     0.150 |     0.119 |    0.022       1.0     0.11 |    1000 |     0.120 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpKKCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpKKCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter   |     0.030 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpKKCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequenc|     0.048 |     0.058 |    0.009       1.1     0.13 |     415 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2LcMuXpKKCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLc2pKKforCharmFromBSemi                       |     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.053       0.6     0.08 |      57 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpKKCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpKKCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequenc|     0.096 |     0.055 |    0.008       0.7     0.12 |     415 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2LcMuXpKKCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter  |     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLc2pKKforCharmFromBSemi                       |     0.175 |     0.079 |    0.049       0.6     0.07 |      57 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2Lc2pKKMuXCharmFromBSemi                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2LcMuXpKKCharmFromBSemiLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_b2LcMuXpKKCharmFromBSemiLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -150080,13 +150419,13 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_b2LcMuXpKKCharmFro
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_b2LcMuXpKKCharmFromBSemiLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_b2LcMuXpKKCharmFromBSemiLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpKKCharmFromBSemiLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2LcMuXpMuMuCharmFromBSemiLine            |     0.180 |     0.134 |    0.025       2.7     0.16 |    1000 |     0.135 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2LcMuXpMuMuCharmFromBSemiLine            |     0.130 |     0.125 |    0.021       1.7     0.14 |    1000 |     0.125 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpMuMuCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpMuMuCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpMuMuCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSeque|     0.048 |     0.070 |    0.009       2.5     0.19 |     415 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2LcMuXpMuMuCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLc2pMuMuforCharmFromBSemi                     |     0.000 |     0.128 |    0.069       0.6     0.09 |      61 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2Lc2pMuMuXCharmFromBSemi                     |    10.000 |     1.678 |    1.678       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpMuMuCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter |     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpMuMuCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSeque|     0.096 |     0.069 |    0.008       1.5     0.17 |     415 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2LcMuXpMuMuCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLc2pMuMuforCharmFromBSemi                     |     0.327 |     0.108 |    0.065       0.5     0.06 |      61 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2Lc2pMuMuXCharmFromBSemi                     |     0.000 |     0.929 |    0.929       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2LcMuXpMuMuCharmFromBSemiLine                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_b2LcMuXpMuMuCharmFromBSemiLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_b2LcMuXpMuMuCharmFromBSemiLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -150096,13 +150435,13 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_b2LcMuXpMuMuCharmF
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_b2LcMuXpMuMuCharmFromBSemiLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_b2LcMuXpMuMuCharmFromBSemiLine      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpMuMuCharmFromBSemiLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2LcMuXpEECharmFromBSemiLine              |     0.150 |     0.139 |    0.025      10.5     0.35 |    1000 |     0.140 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpEECharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpEECharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpEECharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequenc|     0.096 |     0.082 |    0.009       9.9     0.51 |     415 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2LcMuXpEECharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter  |     0.024 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLc2pEEforCharmFromBSemi                       |     0.204 |     0.141 |    0.073       0.7     0.14 |      49 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2Lc2pEEXCharmFromBSemi                       |     0.000 |     7.768 |    7.768       7.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2LcMuXpEECharmFromBSemiLine              |     0.160 |     0.118 |    0.021       2.8     0.14 |    1000 |     0.118 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpEECharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler    |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpEECharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter   |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpEECharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequenc|     0.096 |     0.055 |    0.008       2.6     0.17 |     415 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2LcMuXpEECharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter  |     0.048 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLc2pEEforCharmFromBSemi                       |     0.204 |     0.109 |    0.069       0.5     0.08 |      49 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2Lc2pEEXCharmFromBSemi                       |     0.000 |     1.096 |    1.096       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2LcMuXpEECharmFromBSemiLine                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_b2LcMuXpEECharmFromBSemiLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_b2LcMuXpEECharmFromBSemiLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -150112,12 +150451,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_b2LcMuXpEECharmFro
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_b2LcMuXpEECharmFromBSemiLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_b2LcMuXpEECharmFromBSemiLine        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpEECharmFromBSemiLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2LcMuXpEMuCharmFromBSemiLine             |     0.140 |     0.138 |    0.025       6.4     0.24 |    1000 |     0.138 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpEMuCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpEMuCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.5     0.02 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpEMuCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequen|     0.024 |     0.061 |    0.008       1.1     0.15 |     415 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2LcMuXpEMuCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.3     0.02 |     415 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLc2pEMuforCharmFromBSemi                      |     0.000 |     0.151 |    0.083       0.7     0.12 |      49 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2LcMuXpEMuCharmFromBSemiLine             |     0.060 |     0.117 |    0.022       1.1     0.12 |    1000 |     0.118 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpEMuCharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpEMuCharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpEMuCharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequen|     0.024 |     0.053 |    0.008       0.8     0.12 |     415 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2LcMuXpEMuCharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter |     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLc2pEMuforCharmFromBSemi                      |     0.000 |     0.127 |    0.080       0.6     0.08 |      49 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2Lc2pEMuXCharmFromBSemi                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2LcMuXpEMuCharmFromBSemiLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_b2LcMuXpEMuCharmFromBSemiLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -150128,12 +150467,12 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_b2LcMuXpEMuCharmFr
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_b2LcMuXpEMuCharmFromBSemiLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_b2LcMuXpEMuCharmFromBSemiLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpEMuCharmFromBSemiLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2LcMuXpMuECharmFromBSemiLine             |     0.110 |     0.128 |    0.024       1.4     0.14 |    1000 |     0.129 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          Strippingb2LcMuXpMuECharmFromBSemiLine             |     0.090 |     0.117 |    0.022       1.0     0.11 |    1000 |     0.117 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpMuECharmFromBSemiLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpMuECharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpMuECharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequen|     0.048 |     0.059 |    0.009       1.0     0.14 |     415 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2LcMuXpMuECharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLc2pMuEforCharmFromBSemi                      |     0.408 |     0.140 |    0.083       0.6     0.10 |      49 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpMuECharmFromBSemiLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpMuECharmFromBSemiLineFilterSequen|     0.048 |     0.052 |    0.008       0.9     0.12 |     415 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Strippingb2LcMuXpMuECharmFromBSemiLineVOIDFilter |     0.024 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     415 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLc2pMuEforCharmFromBSemi                      |     0.000 |     0.128 |    0.079       0.8     0.10 |      49 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Selb2Lc2pMuEXCharmFromBSemi                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            b2LcMuXpMuECharmFromBSemiLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_b2LcMuXpMuECharmFromBSemiLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -150144,410 +150483,410 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_b2LcMuXpMuECharmFr
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo6_b2LcMuXpMuECharmFromBSemiLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo7_b2LcMuXpMuECharmFromBSemiLine       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           Strippingb2LcMuXpMuECharmFromBSemiLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDst2PiD0EEGDst2PiD0EEGLine                |     0.070 |     0.135 |    0.035       4.0     0.19 |    1000 |     0.135 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDst2PiD0EEGDst2PiD0EEGLine                |     0.100 |     0.114 |    0.030       3.8     0.18 |    1000 |     0.115 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDst2PiD0EEGDst2PiD0EEGLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDst2PiD0EEGDst2PiD0EEGLineHlt2Filter     |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDst2PiD0EEGDst2PiD0EEGLineFilterSequence |     0.000 |     1.973 |    0.306       3.8     1.72 |       5 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dst2PiD0EEGD0EEG                                 |     0.000 |     0.491 |    0.140       1.5     0.60 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dst2PiD0EEGDst2PiD0EEGLine                       |     0.000 |     0.458 |    0.147       0.8     0.31 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDst2PiD0EEGDst2PiD0EEGLineHlt2Filter     |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDst2PiD0EEGDst2PiD0EEGLineFilterSequence |     4.000 |     1.912 |    0.206       3.7     1.69 |       5 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dst2PiD0EEGD0EEG                                 |     2.000 |     0.387 |    0.097       1.3     0.50 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dst2PiD0EEGDst2PiD0EEGLine                       |     0.000 |     0.464 |    0.145       0.8     0.34 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDst2PiD0EEGDst2PiD0EEGLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDst2PiD0EEGDst2PiD0EELine                 |     0.120 |     0.130 |    0.028       6.2     0.21 |    1000 |     0.131 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDst2PiD0EEGDst2PiD0EELine                 |     0.120 |     0.114 |    0.026       1.7     0.07 |    1000 |     0.114 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDst2PiD0EEGDst2PiD0EELinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDst2PiD0EEGDst2PiD0EELineHlt2Filter      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDst2PiD0EEGDst2PiD0EELineFilterSequence  |     2.000 |     0.735 |    0.404       1.9     0.63 |       5 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dst2PiD0EEGD0EE                                  |     0.000 |     0.425 |    0.282       0.8     0.24 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dst2PiD0EEGDst2PiD0EELine                        |    10.000 |     0.654 |    0.654       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDst2PiD0EEGDst2PiD0EELineHlt2Filter      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDst2PiD0EEGDst2PiD0EELineFilterSequence  |     2.000 |     0.637 |    0.275       1.6     0.55 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dst2PiD0EEGD0EE                                  |     2.000 |     0.357 |    0.158       0.7     0.23 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Dst2PiD0EEGDst2PiD0EELine                        |     0.000 |     0.572 |    0.572       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDst2PiD0EEGDst2PiD0EELinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2RSSSLine                  |     0.860 |     0.696 |    0.027       6.1     0.34 |    1000 |     0.696 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2RSSSLine                  |     0.480 |     0.579 |    0.025       5.1     0.29 |    1000 |     0.579 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2RSSSLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2RSSSLineFilterSequence   |     0.660 |     0.575 |    0.003       5.8     0.30 |    1000 |     0.576 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2KPiSSSel                             |     0.544 |     0.455 |    0.119       5.5     0.24 |     974 |     0.443 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptDst2D2RSSSLine                         |     0.000 |     0.551 |    0.081       1.5     0.81 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2RSSSLineFilterSequence   |     0.390 |     0.471 |    0.003       5.0     0.27 |    1000 |     0.471 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2KPiSSSel                             |     0.266 |     0.362 |    0.101       4.8     0.23 |     974 |     0.353 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptDst2D2RSSSLine                         |     0.000 |     0.430 |    0.073       1.1     0.61 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2RSSSLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2KKSSLine                  |     0.300 |     0.429 |    0.025       5.1     0.23 |    1000 |     0.429 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2KKSSLinePreScaler        |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2KKSSLineFilterSequence   |     0.260 |     0.308 |    0.002       2.0     0.13 |    1000 |     0.308 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2KKSSSel                              |     0.112 |     0.200 |    0.071       1.4     0.07 |     974 |     0.195 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptDst2D2KKSSLine                         |     0.000 |     1.425 |    1.425       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2KKSSLine                  |     0.400 |     0.392 |    0.023       2.0     0.15 |    1000 |     0.392 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2KKSSLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2KKSSLineFilterSequence   |     0.340 |     0.286 |    0.001       1.9     0.11 |    1000 |     0.286 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2KKSSSel                              |     0.277 |     0.184 |    0.068       1.0     0.06 |     974 |     0.179 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptDst2D2KKSSLine                         |     0.000 |     1.391 |    1.391       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2KKSSLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2PiPiSSLine                |     0.340 |     0.427 |    0.025       2.5     0.19 |    1000 |     0.427 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2PiPiSSLinePreScaler      |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2PiPiSSLineFilterSequence |     0.250 |     0.309 |    0.001       2.4     0.15 |    1000 |     0.310 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2PiPiSSSel                            |     0.133 |     0.204 |    0.069       1.5     0.08 |     974 |     0.199 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptDst2D2PiPiSSLine                       |     0.000 |     1.771 |    1.771       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2PiPiSSLine                |     0.470 |     0.392 |    0.023       2.3     0.15 |    1000 |     0.392 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2PiPiSSLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2PiPiSSLineFilterSequence |     0.330 |     0.286 |    0.002       2.2     0.12 |    1000 |     0.287 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2PiPiSSSel                            |     0.225 |     0.186 |    0.068       1.1     0.07 |     974 |     0.182 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptDst2D2PiPiSSLine                       |     0.000 |     1.595 |    1.595       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2PiPiSSLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2hhPromptD2KPiTISLine                    |     0.490 |     0.572 |    0.027      11.0     0.48 |    1000 |     0.572 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptD2KPiTISLinePreScaler          |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptD2KPiTISLineFilterSequence     |     0.400 |     0.451 |    0.002      10.6     0.45 |    1000 |     0.451 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2KPiTISSel                            |     0.297 |     0.316 |    0.081       5.9     0.22 |     974 |     0.308 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2KPiTISD2hhHlt1TOS                    |     1.250 |     0.790 |    0.359       2.8     0.59 |      16 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2KPiTISLine                           |     0.000 |     1.090 |    0.370       2.6     0.85 |       6 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptD2KPiTISLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2hhPromptD2KKTISLine                     |     0.490 |     0.429 |    0.025       2.4     0.20 |    1000 |     0.430 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2hhPromptD2KPiTISLine                    |     0.580 |     0.524 |    0.024       4.8     0.33 |    1000 |     0.525 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptD2KPiTISLinePreScaler          |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptD2KPiTISLineFilterSequence     |     0.460 |     0.415 |    0.002       4.7     0.31 |    1000 |     0.416 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2KPiTISSel                            |     0.369 |     0.285 |    0.080       1.7     0.11 |     974 |     0.278 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2KPiTISD2hhHlt1TOS                    |     0.000 |     0.681 |    0.378       1.4     0.30 |      16 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2KPiTISLine                           |     0.000 |     0.858 |    0.357       1.5     0.44 |       6 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptD2KPiTISLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2hhPromptD2KKTISLine                     |     0.520 |     0.393 |    0.024       2.4     0.17 |    1000 |     0.393 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptD2KKTISLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptD2KKTISLineFilterSequence      |     0.330 |     0.310 |    0.002       2.2     0.16 |    1000 |     0.311 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2KKTISSel                             |     0.154 |     0.197 |    0.067       1.1     0.08 |     974 |     0.193 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2KKTISD2hhHlt1TOS                     |     0.000 |     0.675 |    0.251       1.2     0.32 |       7 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2KKTISLine                            |     0.000 |     0.292 |    0.292       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptD2KKTISLineFilterSequence      |     0.360 |     0.286 |    0.001       2.2     0.14 |    1000 |     0.287 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2KKTISSel                             |     0.236 |     0.180 |    0.066       0.7     0.06 |     974 |     0.176 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2KKTISD2hhHlt1TOS                     |     0.000 |     0.654 |    0.354       1.3     0.34 |       7 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2KKTISLine                            |     0.000 |     0.474 |    0.474       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptD2KKTISLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2hhPromptD2PiPiTISLine                   |     0.580 |     0.455 |    0.026       8.1     0.48 |    1000 |     0.456 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2hhPromptD2PiPiTISLine                   |     0.340 |     0.390 |    0.024       3.4     0.17 |    1000 |     0.391 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptD2PiPiTISLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptD2PiPiTISLineFilterSequence    |     0.330 |     0.319 |    0.002       7.7     0.32 |    1000 |     0.320 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2PiPiTISSel                           |     0.164 |     0.209 |    0.065       7.5     0.25 |     974 |     0.204 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2PiPiTISD2hhHlt1TOS                   |     5.000 |     1.012 |    0.531       1.5     0.68 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2PiPiTISLine                          |     0.000 |     0.853 |    0.581       1.1     0.38 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptD2PiPiTISLineFilterSequence    |     0.300 |     0.283 |    0.002       3.3     0.14 |    1000 |     0.284 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2PiPiTISSel                           |     0.195 |     0.182 |    0.061       0.8     0.06 |     974 |     0.177 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2PiPiTISD2hhHlt1TOS                   |     0.000 |     0.748 |    0.329       1.2     0.59 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2PiPiTISLine                          |     5.000 |     0.677 |    0.389       1.0     0.41 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptD2PiPiTISLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2hhPromptD2KPiLine                       |     0.310 |     0.274 |    0.021       5.4     0.29 |    1000 |     0.275 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptD2KPiLinePreScaler             |     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptD2KPiLineFilterSequence        |     0.435 |     0.429 |    0.002       5.1     0.30 |     390 |     0.168 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2KPiLine                              |     0.291 |     0.307 |    0.091       1.6     0.14 |     378 |     0.116 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2hhPromptD2KPiLine                       |     0.270 |     0.246 |    0.021       1.1     0.20 |    1000 |     0.246 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptD2KPiLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptD2KPiLineFilterSequence        |     0.410 |     0.382 |    0.002       1.0     0.14 |     390 |     0.149 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2KPiLine                              |     0.291 |     0.279 |    0.087       0.9     0.10 |     378 |     0.106 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptD2KPiLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2hhPromptD2KKLine                        |     0.420 |     0.397 |    0.025       7.5     0.27 |    1000 |     0.398 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptD2KKLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptD2KKLineFilterSequence         |     0.330 |     0.313 |    0.002       7.3     0.25 |    1000 |     0.314 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2KKLine                               |     0.236 |     0.204 |    0.064       6.7     0.22 |     974 |     0.199 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2hhPromptD2KKLine                        |     0.340 |     0.356 |    0.024       1.0     0.12 |    1000 |     0.357 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptD2KKLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptD2KKLineFilterSequence         |     0.270 |     0.284 |    0.002       0.9     0.10 |    1000 |     0.284 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2KKLine                               |     0.195 |     0.180 |    0.061       0.8     0.06 |     974 |     0.176 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptD2KKLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2hhPromptD2PiPiLine                      |     0.410 |     0.381 |    0.025       1.4     0.15 |    1000 |     0.381 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptD2PiPiLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptD2PiPiLineFilterSequence       |     0.350 |     0.297 |    0.002       1.3     0.13 |    1000 |     0.298 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2PiPiLine                             |     0.236 |     0.195 |    0.063       1.3     0.08 |     974 |     0.191 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptD2PiPiLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2RSLine                    |     0.450 |     0.552 |    0.024       6.3     0.34 |    1000 |     0.552 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2RSLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2RSLineFilterSequence     |     0.340 |     0.432 |    0.001       6.1     0.31 |    1000 |     0.432 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2KPiSel                               |     0.277 |     0.308 |    0.077       3.6     0.17 |     974 |     0.300 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptDst2D2RSLine                           |     0.000 |     0.209 |    0.071       1.4     0.33 |      16 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2hhPromptD2PiPiLine                      |     0.370 |     0.358 |    0.025       3.5     0.17 |    1000 |     0.359 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptD2PiPiLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptD2PiPiLineFilterSequence       |     0.260 |     0.280 |    0.001       1.4     0.12 |    1000 |     0.281 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2PiPiLine                             |     0.205 |     0.184 |    0.063       1.2     0.08 |     974 |     0.179 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptD2PiPiLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.002       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2RSLine                    |     0.510 |     0.506 |    0.023       5.2     0.25 |    1000 |     0.506 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2RSLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2RSLineFilterSequence     |     0.410 |     0.396 |    0.001       4.5     0.21 |    1000 |     0.396 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2KPiSel                               |     0.287 |     0.285 |    0.081       4.4     0.17 |     974 |     0.278 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptDst2D2RSLine                           |     0.625 |     0.174 |    0.075       1.0     0.23 |      16 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2RSLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2WSLine                    |     0.500 |     0.547 |    0.025       3.6     0.25 |    1000 |     0.547 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2WSLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2WSLineFilterSequence     |     0.400 |     0.423 |    0.002       3.3     0.21 |    1000 |     0.423 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD0WSSel                                |     0.338 |     0.306 |    0.078       1.3     0.13 |     974 |     0.299 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptDst2D2WSLine                           |     0.000 |     0.131 |    0.064       0.6     0.14 |      16 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2WSLine                    |     0.430 |     0.512 |    0.023       5.9     0.26 |    1000 |     0.512 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2WSLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2WSLineFilterSequence     |     0.360 |     0.400 |    0.002       5.8     0.24 |    1000 |     0.401 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD0WSSel                                |     0.308 |     0.290 |    0.088       5.6     0.20 |     974 |     0.283 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptDst2D2WSLine                           |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.062       0.5     0.11 |      16 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2WSLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2KKLine                    |     0.310 |     0.426 |    0.024       2.0     0.19 |    1000 |     0.426 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2KKLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2KKLineFilterSequence     |     0.240 |     0.308 |    0.001       1.9     0.14 |    1000 |     0.308 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2KKSel                                |     0.164 |     0.197 |    0.066       1.1     0.07 |     974 |     0.192 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptDst2D2KKLine                           |     0.000 |     0.280 |    0.074       1.3     0.47 |       7 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2KKLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2PiPiLine                  |     0.370 |     0.427 |    0.024       2.1     0.19 |    1000 |     0.427 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2PiPiLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2PiPiLineFilterSequence   |     0.310 |     0.307 |    0.001       2.0     0.14 |    1000 |     0.308 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2PiPiSel                              |     0.184 |     0.201 |    0.072       1.4     0.08 |     974 |     0.196 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptDst2D2PiPiLine                         |     5.000 |     0.801 |    0.118       1.5     0.97 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2KKLine                    |     0.380 |     0.400 |    0.023       4.6     0.21 |    1000 |     0.400 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2KKLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2KKLineFilterSequence     |     0.230 |     0.292 |    0.001       4.5     0.19 |    1000 |     0.293 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2KKSel                                |     0.154 |     0.184 |    0.061       0.8     0.07 |     974 |     0.180 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptDst2D2KKLine                           |     0.000 |     0.297 |    0.076       1.4     0.49 |       7 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2KKLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2PiPiLine                  |     0.330 |     0.402 |    0.024       4.7     0.21 |    1000 |     0.403 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2PiPiLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2PiPiLineFilterSequence   |     0.220 |     0.294 |    0.002       4.6     0.19 |    1000 |     0.294 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptD2PiPiSel                              |     0.143 |     0.190 |    0.061       1.5     0.09 |     974 |     0.186 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhPromptDst2D2PiPiLine                         |     0.000 |     0.612 |    0.096       1.1     0.73 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhPromptDst2D2PiPiLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_Line              |     1.140 |     0.998 |    0.036      24.9     1.39 |    1000 |     0.999 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_LinePreScaler    |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_LineFilterSequenc|     1.030 |     0.867 |    0.010      24.7     1.34 |    1000 |     0.868 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_LineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForDstarD0ToHHPi0                           |     0.041 |     0.013 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     963 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsForDstarD0ToHHPi0                           |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     941 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelKstDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_                   |     0.173 |     0.153 |    0.058       5.8     0.22 |     751 |     0.115 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi0RForDstarD0ToHHPi0                            |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     280 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0DstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_                    |     0.074 |     0.121 |    0.051       1.2     0.11 |     134 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SlowpionsForDstarD0ToHHPi0                       |     0.145 |     0.175 |    0.040       0.8     0.10 |     137 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_                   |     0.000 |     0.143 |    0.069       0.6     0.11 |      55 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_Line                     |     5.000 |     3.748 |    0.741      18.5     5.33 |      10 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_Line              |     0.900 |     0.879 |    0.033      23.1     1.19 |    1000 |     0.880 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_LinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_LineFilterSequenc|     0.820 |     0.769 |    0.009      22.9     1.16 |    1000 |     0.769 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_LineVOIDFilter  |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForDstarD0ToHHPi0                           |     0.010 |     0.014 |    0.004       3.8     0.12 |     963 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsForDstarD0ToHHPi0                           |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     941 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelKstDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_                   |     0.159 |     0.127 |    0.053       0.5     0.06 |     751 |     0.096 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi0RForDstarD0ToHHPi0                            |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.2     0.01 |     280 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0DstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_                    |     0.149 |     0.109 |    0.045       0.7     0.08 |     134 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SlowpionsForDstarD0ToHHPi0                       |     0.218 |     0.149 |    0.030       0.4     0.08 |     137 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_                   |     0.000 |     0.118 |    0.062       0.5     0.07 |      55 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_Line                     |     4.000 |     3.566 |    0.690      17.1     4.90 |      10 |     0.036 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_LinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_R_Line             |     0.550 |     0.628 |    0.031      16.3     1.07 |    1000 |     0.629 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_R_LinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_R_LineFilterSequen|     0.430 |     0.507 |    0.007      16.1     1.04 |    1000 |     0.507 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_R_LineVOIDFilter |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelKstDstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_R_                  |     0.128 |     0.112 |    0.034       0.8     0.08 |     937 |     0.105 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0DstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_R_                   |     0.114 |     0.119 |    0.049       1.4     0.11 |     175 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstDstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_R_                  |     0.289 |     0.139 |    0.065       1.5     0.17 |      69 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_R_Line                    |     2.222 |     2.905 |    1.089      10.0     2.98 |       9 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_R_LinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_KKpi0_R_Line               |     0.330 |     0.339 |    0.033      16.9     0.63 |    1000 |     0.340 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_KKpi0_R_LinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_KKpi0_R_LineFilterSequence|     0.210 |     0.217 |    0.007      16.8     0.61 |    1000 |     0.217 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_KKpi0_R_LineVOIDFilter   |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelKstDstarD0ToHHPi0_KKpi0_R_                    |     0.013 |     0.065 |    0.034       1.1     0.06 |     764 |     0.050 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0DstarD0ToHHPi0_KKpi0_R_                     |     0.416 |     0.174 |    0.053       1.6     0.31 |      24 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstDstarD0ToHHPi0_KKpi0_R_                    |     1.000 |     0.204 |    0.085       0.8     0.23 |      10 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD0ToHHPi0_KKpi0_R_Line                      |    10.000 |     7.202 |    2.965      11.4     5.99 |       2 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_R_Line             |     0.570 |     0.567 |    0.031      10.3     0.88 |    1000 |     0.568 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_R_LinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_R_LineFilterSequen|     0.510 |     0.458 |    0.007      10.0     0.86 |    1000 |     0.458 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_R_LineVOIDFilter |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelKstDstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_R_                  |     0.074 |     0.095 |    0.033       0.6     0.06 |     937 |     0.090 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0DstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_R_                   |     0.057 |     0.103 |    0.045       0.5     0.06 |     175 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstDstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_R_                  |     0.000 |     0.131 |    0.066       1.7     0.19 |      69 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_R_Line                    |     2.222 |     2.196 |    1.157       4.9     1.29 |       9 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_R_LinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_KKpi0_R_Line               |     0.290 |     0.313 |    0.030      15.9     0.60 |    1000 |     0.314 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_KKpi0_R_LinePreScaler     |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_KKpi0_R_LineFilterSequence|     0.150 |     0.200 |    0.007      15.7     0.58 |    1000 |     0.200 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_KKpi0_R_LineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelKstDstarD0ToHHPi0_KKpi0_R_                    |     0.039 |     0.057 |    0.033       0.5     0.03 |     764 |     0.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0DstarD0ToHHPi0_KKpi0_R_                     |     0.000 |     0.142 |    0.051       1.2     0.22 |      24 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstDstarD0ToHHPi0_KKpi0_R_                    |     1.000 |     0.169 |    0.075       0.6     0.15 |      10 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD0ToHHPi0_KKpi0_R_Line                      |    10.000 |     6.808 |    3.437      10.2     4.77 |       2 |     0.014 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_KKpi0_R_LinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_M_Line              |     0.390 |     0.418 |    0.032       8.7     0.53 |    1000 |     0.419 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_M_LinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_M_LineFilterSequenc|     0.310 |     0.282 |    0.007       8.1     0.43 |    1000 |     0.282 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_M_LineVOIDFilter  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelKstDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_M_                   |     0.133 |     0.128 |    0.052       1.1     0.07 |     751 |     0.096 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi0MForDstarD0ToHHPi0                            |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      65 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0DstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_M_                    |     0.000 |     0.119 |    0.052       1.4     0.25 |      30 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_M_                   |     0.000 |     0.624 |    0.076       2.0     0.93 |       4 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_M_Line                     |    10.000 |     4.074 |    4.074       4.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_M_Line              |     0.420 |     0.368 |    0.029       4.3     0.32 |    1000 |     0.369 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_M_LinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_M_LineFilterSequenc|     0.290 |     0.253 |    0.007       3.9     0.27 |    1000 |     0.254 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_M_LineVOIDFilter  |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelKstDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_M_                   |     0.173 |     0.116 |    0.048       0.6     0.05 |     751 |     0.087 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi0MForDstarD0ToHHPi0                            |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      65 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0DstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_M_                    |     0.333 |     0.094 |    0.048       0.9     0.15 |      30 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_M_                   |     0.000 |     0.345 |    0.075       1.1     0.49 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_M_Line                     |     0.000 |     1.114 |    1.114       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_M_LinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_M_Line             |     0.270 |     0.419 |    0.033       8.8     0.44 |    1000 |     0.420 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_M_LinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_M_LineFilterSequen|     0.200 |     0.290 |    0.008       4.4     0.31 |    1000 |     0.290 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_M_LineVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelKstDstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_M_                  |     0.042 |     0.101 |    0.035       0.7     0.07 |     937 |     0.095 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0DstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_M_                   |     0.232 |     0.097 |    0.049       1.1     0.16 |      43 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstDstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_M_                  |     0.000 |     0.321 |    0.077       1.3     0.50 |       6 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_M_Line                    |     0.000 |     1.126 |    1.126       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_M_Line             |     0.380 |     0.378 |    0.030       4.8     0.31 |    1000 |     0.379 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_M_LinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_M_LineFilterSequen|     0.290 |     0.269 |    0.007       4.4     0.28 |    1000 |     0.270 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_M_LineVOIDFilter |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelKstDstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_M_                  |     0.085 |     0.092 |    0.032       0.7     0.06 |     937 |     0.087 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0DstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_M_                   |     0.232 |     0.079 |    0.045       0.6     0.08 |      43 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstDstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_M_                  |     0.000 |     0.307 |    0.085       1.3     0.49 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_M_Line                    |    10.000 |     1.067 |    1.067       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_pipipi0_M_LinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_KKpi0_M_Line               |     0.360 |     0.305 |    0.034       6.8     0.31 |    1000 |     0.305 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_KKpi0_M_LinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_KKpi0_M_LineFilterSequence|     0.240 |     0.184 |    0.007       6.6     0.28 |    1000 |     0.185 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_KKpi0_M_LineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.002       0.4     0.01 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelKstDstarD0ToHHPi0_KKpi0_M_                    |     0.104 |     0.063 |    0.035       1.1     0.06 |     764 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0DstarD0ToHHPi0_KKpi0_M_                     |     0.000 |     0.385 |    0.063       1.8     0.70 |       6 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstDstarD0ToHHPi0_KKpi0_M_                    |     0.000 |     5.574 |    5.574       5.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_KKpi0_M_Line               |     0.310 |     0.280 |    0.031       4.6     0.23 |    1000 |     0.281 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_KKpi0_M_LinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_KKpi0_M_LineFilterSequence|     0.210 |     0.169 |    0.007       4.4     0.20 |    1000 |     0.170 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_KKpi0_M_LineVOIDFilter   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelKstDstarD0ToHHPi0_KKpi0_M_                    |     0.078 |     0.062 |    0.030       4.2     0.15 |     764 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0DstarD0ToHHPi0_KKpi0_M_                     |     0.000 |     0.252 |    0.054       1.2     0.44 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstDstarD0ToHHPi0_KKpi0_M_                    |     0.000 |     0.975 |    0.975       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD0ToHHPi0_KKpi0_M_Line                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_KKpi0_M_LinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_WIDEMASS_Line     |     0.580 |     0.548 |    0.033      12.3     0.94 |    1000 |     0.549 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_WIDEMASS_LinePreS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_WIDEMASS_LineFilt|     0.480 |     0.421 |    0.008      12.2     0.91 |    1000 |     0.422 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_WIDEMASS_LineVOI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelKstDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_WIDEMASS_          |     0.159 |     0.108 |    0.046       1.1     0.06 |     751 |     0.081 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi0R_WIDEMASS_ForDstarD0ToHHPi0                  |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     136 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0DstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_WIDEMASS_           |     0.000 |     0.117 |    0.052       0.7     0.08 |     136 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_WIDEMASS_          |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.064       0.6     0.08 |      75 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_WIDEMASS_Line            |     3.750 |     3.046 |    0.647       6.7     2.31 |       8 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_WIDEMASS_LinePost|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingPhiToKSKS_PhiToKKLine                     |     0.110 |     0.120 |    0.020       4.9     0.17 |    1000 |     0.121 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPhiToKSKS_PhiToKKLinePreScaler           |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.4     0.01 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPhiToKSKS_PhiToKKLineFilterSequence      |     0.000 |     2.579 |    0.423       4.7     3.05 |       2 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingPhiToKSKS_PhiToKKLineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsForPhiToKSKS                                |     0.000 |     0.182 |    0.026       0.8     0.33 |       6 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sel_PhiToKSKS_PhiToKK                            |     0.000 |     1.587 |    0.055       3.1     2.17 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_WIDEMASS_Line     |     0.400 |     0.500 |    0.031      12.6     0.82 |    1000 |     0.501 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_WIDEMASS_LinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_WIDEMASS_LineFilt|     0.330 |     0.389 |    0.008      12.5     0.81 |    1000 |     0.389 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_WIDEMASS_LineVOI|     0.020 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelKstDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_WIDEMASS_          |     0.066 |     0.097 |    0.044       0.5     0.04 |     751 |     0.073 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi0R_WIDEMASS_ForDstarD0ToHHPi0                  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     136 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0DstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_WIDEMASS_           |     0.000 |     0.105 |    0.047       0.6     0.06 |     136 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_WIDEMASS_          |     0.000 |     0.100 |    0.058       0.5     0.06 |      75 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_WIDEMASS_Line            |     3.750 |     2.860 |    0.647       6.9     2.16 |       8 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD0ToHHPi0_Kpipi0_R_WIDEMASS_LinePost|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingPhiToKSKS_PhiToKKLine                     |     0.100 |     0.106 |    0.017       2.4     0.09 |    1000 |     0.106 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPhiToKSKS_PhiToKKLinePreScaler           |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPhiToKSKS_PhiToKKLineFilterSequence      |     0.000 |     1.348 |    0.443       2.3     1.28 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingPhiToKSKS_PhiToKKLineVOIDFilter         |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsForPhiToKSKS                                |     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.031       0.1     0.02 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sel_PhiToKSKS_PhiToKK                            |     0.000 |     0.810 |    0.044       1.6     1.08 |       2 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhiToKSKS_PhiToKKLine                            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPhiToKSKS_PhiToKKLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingPhiToKSKS_PhiToMuMuLine                   |     0.100 |     0.106 |    0.017       3.3     0.12 |    1000 |     0.107 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPhiToKSKS_PhiToMuMuLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPhiToKSKS_PhiToMuMuLineFilterSequence    |     0.000 |     0.496 |    0.024       2.6     0.88 |       8 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingPhiToKSKS_PhiToMuMuLineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |       8 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuonsForPhiToKSKS                                |     0.000 |     0.167 |    0.007       0.9     0.35 |       6 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sel_PhiToKSKS_PhiToMuMu                          |     0.000 |     0.087 |    0.041       0.2     0.06 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingPhiToKSKS_PhiToMuMuLine                   |     0.060 |     0.094 |    0.015       1.2     0.06 |    1000 |     0.094 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPhiToKSKS_PhiToMuMuLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPhiToKSKS_PhiToMuMuLineFilterSequence    |     0.000 |     0.259 |    0.012       1.0     0.32 |       8 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingPhiToKSKS_PhiToMuMuLineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       8 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuonsForPhiToKSKS                                |     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.006       0.1     0.04 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sel_PhiToKSKS_PhiToMuMu                          |     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.036       0.1     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhiToKSKS_PhiToMuMuLine                          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPhiToKSKS_PhiToMuMuLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingPhiToKSKS_JPsiToKKLine                    |     0.120 |     0.103 |    0.017       1.7     0.09 |    1000 |     0.104 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingPhiToKSKS_JPsiToKKLine                    |     0.090 |     0.095 |    0.015       2.7     0.10 |    1000 |     0.096 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPhiToKSKS_JPsiToKKLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPhiToKSKS_JPsiToKKLineFilterSequence     |     0.000 |     0.660 |    0.101       1.6     0.67 |       4 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPhiToKSKS_JPsiToKKLineFilterSequence     |     0.000 |     0.948 |    0.224       2.6     1.09 |       4 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingPhiToKSKS_JPsiToKKLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sel_PhiToKSKS_JPsiToKK                           |     0.000 |     0.474 |    0.041       1.3     0.72 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sel_PhiToKSKS_JPsiToKK                           |     0.000 |     0.787 |    0.041       2.2     1.22 |       3 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhiToKSKS_JPsiToKKLine                           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPhiToKSKS_JPsiToKKLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingPhiToKSKS_JPsiToKsKsLine                  |     0.420 |     0.422 |    0.032       4.6     0.48 |    1000 |     0.423 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingPhiToKSKS_JPsiToKsKsLine                  |     0.560 |     0.385 |    0.028       3.7     0.41 |    1000 |     0.385 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPhiToKSKS_JPsiToKsKsLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPhiToKSKS_JPsiToKsKsLineFilterSequence   |     0.300 |     0.310 |    0.009       4.4     0.44 |    1000 |     0.310 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingPhiToKSKS_JPsiToKsKsLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:KsForPhiToKSKS                            |     0.246 |     0.242 |    0.015       2.6     0.32 |     974 |     0.237 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:KsForPhiToKSKS                     |     0.174 |     0.162 |    0.012       1.4     0.18 |     974 |     0.158 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KsLLForPhiToKSKS                         |     0.071 |     0.062 |    0.002       1.0     0.12 |     974 |     0.061 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KsLLForPhiToKSKS                              |     0.074 |     0.029 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |     269 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KsDDForPhiToKSKS                         |     0.102 |     0.089 |    0.002       0.9     0.10 |     974 |     0.088 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KsDDForPhiToKSKS                              |     0.017 |     0.017 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     582 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             KsForPhiToKSKS                                  |     0.036 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     271 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sel_PhiToKSKS_JPsiToKsKs                         |     0.036 |     0.049 |    0.028       1.8     0.11 |     271 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhiToKSKS_JPsiToKsKsLine                         |     0.000 |     2.008 |    0.685       3.3     1.87 |       2 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPhiToKSKS_JPsiToKsKsLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingPhiToKSKS_D0ToKsKsLine                    |     0.120 |     0.127 |    0.017       6.4     0.22 |    1000 |     0.128 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPhiToKSKS_JPsiToKsKsLineFilterSequence   |     0.390 |     0.283 |    0.007       3.6     0.38 |    1000 |     0.283 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingPhiToKSKS_JPsiToKsKsLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:KsForPhiToKSKS                            |     0.318 |     0.223 |    0.013       2.4     0.28 |     974 |     0.218 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:KsForPhiToKSKS                     |     0.246 |     0.148 |    0.010       1.7     0.16 |     974 |     0.145 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KsLLForPhiToKSKS                         |     0.102 |     0.056 |    0.002       0.7     0.11 |     974 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KsLLForPhiToKSKS                              |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     269 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KsDDForPhiToKSKS                         |     0.143 |     0.082 |    0.002       1.2     0.10 |     974 |     0.080 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KsDDForPhiToKSKS                              |     0.051 |     0.014 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     582 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             KsForPhiToKSKS                                  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     271 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sel_PhiToKSKS_JPsiToKsKs                         |     0.073 |     0.043 |    0.027       1.0     0.06 |     271 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhiToKSKS_JPsiToKsKsLine                         |     0.000 |     1.468 |    0.671       2.3     1.13 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPhiToKSKS_JPsiToKsKsLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingPhiToKSKS_D0ToKsKsLine                    |     0.060 |     0.117 |    0.016       5.9     0.20 |    1000 |     0.118 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPhiToKSKS_D0ToKsKsLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPhiToKSKS_D0ToKsKsLineFilterSequence     |     0.132 |     0.095 |    0.008       6.2     0.43 |     226 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingPhiToKSKS_D0ToKsKsLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     226 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sel_PhiToKSKS_D0ToKsKs                           |     0.158 |     0.061 |    0.027       1.4     0.18 |      63 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhiToKSKS_D0ToKsKsLine                           |     0.000 |     4.238 |    4.238       4.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPhiToKSKS_D0ToKsKsLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingPhiToKSKS_EtaCToLLLine                    |     0.320 |     0.368 |    0.031       6.5     0.47 |    1000 |     0.369 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPhiToKSKS_D0ToKsKsLineFilterSequence     |     0.088 |     0.088 |    0.008       5.8     0.39 |     226 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingPhiToKSKS_D0ToKsKsLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     226 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sel_PhiToKSKS_D0ToKsKs                           |     0.158 |     0.048 |    0.023       0.8     0.10 |      63 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhiToKSKS_D0ToKsKsLine                           |    10.000 |     3.937 |    3.937       3.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPhiToKSKS_D0ToKsKsLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingPhiToKSKS_EtaCToLLLine                    |     0.320 |     0.324 |    0.027       4.3     0.35 |    1000 |     0.324 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPhiToKSKS_EtaCToLLLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPhiToKSKS_EtaCToLLLineFilterSequence     |     0.180 |     0.248 |    0.008       4.0     0.40 |    1000 |     0.248 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingPhiToKSKS_EtaCToLLLineVOIDFilter        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:LambdasForPhiToKSKS                       |     0.112 |     0.194 |    0.016       2.9     0.30 |     974 |     0.190 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:LambdasForPhiToKSKS                |     0.071 |     0.129 |    0.012       1.8     0.17 |     974 |     0.126 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LambdaLLForPhiToKSKS                     |     0.010 |     0.031 |    0.002       1.0     0.10 |     974 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LambdaLLForPhiToKSKS                          |     0.101 |     0.039 |    0.014       0.1     0.02 |      99 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LambdaDDForPhiToKSKS                     |     0.041 |     0.088 |    0.002       0.9     0.12 |     974 |     0.086 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LambdaDDForPhiToKSKS                          |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     493 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             LambdasForPhiToKSKS                             |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     198 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sel_PhiToKSKS_EtaCToLL                           |     0.101 |     0.056 |    0.036       0.6     0.05 |     198 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhiToKSKS_EtaCToLLLine                           |     0.000 |     2.538 |    2.538       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPhiToKSKS_EtaCToLLLineFilterSequence     |     0.220 |     0.221 |    0.007       4.2     0.33 |    1000 |     0.222 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingPhiToKSKS_EtaCToLLLineVOIDFilter        |     0.020 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:LambdasForPhiToKSKS                       |     0.123 |     0.174 |    0.014       1.7     0.24 |     974 |     0.169 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:LambdasForPhiToKSKS                |     0.082 |     0.114 |    0.010       1.0     0.13 |     974 |     0.111 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LambdaLLForPhiToKSKS                     |     0.020 |     0.026 |    0.002       0.7     0.08 |     974 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LambdaLLForPhiToKSKS                          |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |      99 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LambdaDDForPhiToKSKS                     |     0.061 |     0.079 |    0.002       0.5     0.10 |     974 |     0.077 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LambdaDDForPhiToKSKS                          |     0.020 |     0.021 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     493 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             LambdasForPhiToKSKS                             |     0.050 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     198 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Sel_PhiToKSKS_EtaCToLL                           |     0.202 |     0.047 |    0.033       0.5     0.03 |     198 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhiToKSKS_EtaCToLLLine                           |     0.000 |     2.627 |    2.627       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingPhiToKSKS_EtaCToLLLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCcbar2LstLambdaLine                       |     0.860 |     0.868 |    0.030      10.0     0.91 |    1000 |     0.868 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2LstLambdaLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2LstLambdaLineFilterSequence        |     0.730 |     0.743 |    0.002       9.6     0.87 |    1000 |     0.743 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DetachedProtonForLstCcbar2LstLambda              |     0.010 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     963 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DetachedKaonForLstCcbar2LstLambda                |     0.025 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     793 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DetachedLstForCcbar2LstLambda                    |     0.063 |     0.099 |    0.050       1.2     0.06 |     782 |     0.078 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:MergedLambdaForJpsiCcbar2LstLambda        |     0.544 |     0.391 |    0.024       3.0     0.52 |     147 |     0.057 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:MergedLambdaForJpsiCcbar2LstLambda |     0.408 |     0.257 |    0.018       1.6     0.27 |     147 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LambdaLLForCcbar2LstLambda               |     0.068 |     0.058 |    0.003       1.0     0.16 |     147 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LambdaLLForCcbar2LstLambda                    |     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.006       0.1     0.03 |      26 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LambdaDDForCcbar2LstLambda               |     0.068 |     0.101 |    0.002       0.5     0.12 |     147 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LambdaDDForCcbar2LstLambda                    |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |      87 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LambdaLDForCcbar2LstLambda               |     0.204 |     0.082 |    0.003       1.0     0.13 |     147 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LambdaLDForCcbar2LstLambda                    |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.004       0.2     0.02 |      68 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCcbar2LstLambdaLine                       |     0.820 |     0.770 |    0.027       7.0     0.68 |    1000 |     0.770 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2LstLambdaLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2LstLambdaLineFilterSequence        |     0.650 |     0.655 |    0.002       6.8     0.65 |    1000 |     0.655 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DetachedProtonForLstCcbar2LstLambda              |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     963 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DetachedKaonForLstCcbar2LstLambda                |     0.025 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     793 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DetachedLstForCcbar2LstLambda                    |     0.115 |     0.086 |    0.047       1.5     0.07 |     782 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:MergedLambdaForJpsiCcbar2LstLambda        |     0.476 |     0.330 |    0.023       2.7     0.39 |     147 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:MergedLambdaForJpsiCcbar2LstLambda |     0.272 |     0.224 |    0.017       1.5     0.22 |     147 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LambdaLLForCcbar2LstLambda               |     0.136 |     0.050 |    0.003       1.0     0.13 |     147 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LambdaLLForCcbar2LstLambda                    |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.006       0.1     0.02 |      26 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LambdaDDForCcbar2LstLambda               |     0.068 |     0.087 |    0.002       0.4     0.09 |     147 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LambdaDDForCcbar2LstLambda                    |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |      87 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LambdaLDForCcbar2LstLambda               |     0.068 |     0.073 |    0.002       0.5     0.11 |     147 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LambdaLDForCcbar2LstLambda                    |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |      68 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MergedLambdaForJpsiCcbar2LstLambda              |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      41 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ccbar2LstLambdaLine                              |     0.000 |     0.190 |    0.056       2.0     0.31 |      41 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ccbar2LstLambdaLine                              |     0.243 |     0.129 |    0.050       1.5     0.22 |      41 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2LstLambdaLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLambdac2L0DDpiLambdac2Lambda0PiLLLine     |     0.230 |     0.203 |    0.026       5.9     0.39 |    1000 |     0.204 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2L0DDpiLambdac2Lambda0PiLLLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2L0DDpiLambdac2Lambda0PiLLLineFilt|     0.090 |     0.077 |    0.002       5.3     0.34 |    1000 |     0.077 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda0LLForLambdac2L0DDpi                       |     0.202 |     0.073 |    0.017       4.3     0.43 |      99 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForLambdac2L0DDpi                           |     0.090 |     0.086 |    0.039       0.6     0.04 |     330 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambdac2L0DDpiLambdac2Lambda0PiLLLine            |     0.158 |     0.116 |    0.058       0.9     0.11 |      63 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLambdac2L0DDpiLambdac2Lambda0PiLLLine     |     0.170 |     0.174 |    0.023       3.1     0.24 |    1000 |     0.174 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2L0DDpiLambdac2Lambda0PiLLLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2L0DDpiLambdac2Lambda0PiLLLineFilt|     0.070 |     0.063 |    0.001       2.9     0.24 |    1000 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda0LLForLambdac2L0DDpi                       |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.013       0.1     0.01 |      99 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForLambdac2L0DDpi                           |     0.000 |     0.066 |    0.028       0.2     0.02 |     330 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambdac2L0DDpiLambdac2Lambda0PiLLLine            |     0.158 |     0.097 |    0.051       0.7     0.08 |      63 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2L0DDpiLambdac2Lambda0PiLLLinePost|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLambdac2L0DDpiLambdac2Lambda0PiDDLine     |     0.450 |     0.350 |    0.023       3.0     0.41 |    1000 |     0.350 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLambdac2L0DDpiLambdac2Lambda0PiDDLine     |     0.290 |     0.312 |    0.021       2.0     0.34 |    1000 |     0.312 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2L0DDpiLambdac2Lambda0PiDDLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2L0DDpiLambdac2Lambda0PiDDLineFilt|     0.320 |     0.243 |    0.002       2.9     0.40 |    1000 |     0.244 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda0DDForLambdac2L0DDpi                       |     0.060 |     0.019 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     493 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambdac2L0DDpiLambdac2Lambda0PiDDLine            |     0.139 |     0.088 |    0.053       0.6     0.04 |     286 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2L0DDpiLambdac2Lambda0PiDDLinePost|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCcbar2PpbarExclusiveLine                  |     0.140 |     0.138 |    0.035       0.5     0.06 |    1000 |     0.139 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PpbarExclusiveLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PpbarExclusiveLineFilterSequence   |     0.010 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingCcbar2PpbarExclusiveLineVOIDFilter      |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ccbar2PpbarExclusiveLine                         |     0.000 |     0.132 |    0.132       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2L0DDpiLambdac2Lambda0PiDDLineFilt|     0.200 |     0.220 |    0.001       1.9     0.34 |    1000 |     0.221 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda0DDForLambdac2L0DDpi                       |     0.020 |     0.016 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     493 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambdac2L0DDpiLambdac2Lambda0PiDDLine            |     0.034 |     0.079 |    0.052       0.5     0.03 |     286 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2L0DDpiLambdac2Lambda0PiDDLinePost|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCcbar2PpbarExclusiveLine                  |     0.100 |     0.127 |    0.034       0.7     0.05 |    1000 |     0.127 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PpbarExclusiveLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PpbarExclusiveLineFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingCcbar2PpbarExclusiveLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ccbar2PpbarExclusiveLine                         |     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.090       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PpbarExclusiveLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2HHBDTLine                               |     0.390 |     0.417 |    0.028       6.8     0.35 |    1000 |     0.418 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHBDTLinePreScaler                     |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHBDTLineFilterSequence                |     0.230 |     0.290 |    0.002       5.2     0.26 |    1000 |     0.291 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHBDT                                          |     0.166 |     0.153 |    0.051       1.3     0.08 |     963 |     0.148 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHBDTLine                                      |     0.000 |     0.370 |    0.114       4.6     0.83 |      29 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2HHBDTLine                               |     0.300 |     0.358 |    0.026       2.5     0.20 |    1000 |     0.358 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHBDTLinePreScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHBDTLineFilterSequence                |     0.250 |     0.251 |    0.002       2.2     0.17 |    1000 |     0.252 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHBDT                                          |     0.134 |     0.126 |    0.046       0.8     0.06 |     963 |     0.122 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHBDTLine                                      |     0.344 |     0.211 |    0.100       1.2     0.20 |      29 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHBDTLinePostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      23 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDStD0PiWithD2HHBDTLine                    |     0.200 |     0.148 |    0.027       3.1     0.17 |    1000 |     0.149 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDStD0PiWithD2HHBDTLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDStD0PiWithD2HHBDTLineFilterSequence     |     0.030 |     0.021 |    0.001       3.0     0.15 |    1000 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DStD0PiWithD2HHBDTLine                           |     1.304 |     0.501 |    0.207       2.9     0.54 |      23 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDStD0PiWithD2HHBDTLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarPromptWithD02HHLLLine                |     7.400 |     7.425 |    0.026      70.6     7.52 |    1000 |     7.425 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarPromptWithD02HHLLLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarPromptWithD02HHLLLineFilterSequence |     7.260 |     7.264 |    0.001      70.0     7.47 |    1000 |     7.264 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D02hhllForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL          |     7.402 |     7.420 |    0.129      70.0     7.45 |     974 |     7.227 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D02hhllForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL   |     7.392 |     7.391 |    0.119      69.9     7.40 |     974 |     7.199 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KPiForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL          |     0.451 |     0.428 |    0.002       5.2     0.34 |     974 |     0.418 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02KPiForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL               |     0.421 |     0.394 |    0.154       2.2     0.20 |     783 |     0.309 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KPiConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL      |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDStD0PiWithD2HHBDTLine                    |     0.150 |     0.140 |    0.025       3.8     0.18 |    1000 |     0.141 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDStD0PiWithD2HHBDTLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDStD0PiWithD2HHBDTLineFilterSequence     |     0.020 |     0.020 |    0.001       1.8     0.13 |    1000 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DStD0PiWithD2HHBDTLine                           |     0.434 |     0.439 |    0.181       1.3     0.24 |      23 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDStD0PiWithD2HHBDTLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarPromptWithD02HHLLLine                |     6.900 |     6.726 |    0.024      61.8     6.33 |    1000 |     6.726 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarPromptWithD02HHLLLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarPromptWithD02HHLLLineFilterSequence |     6.780 |     6.600 |    0.002      61.6     6.30 |    1000 |     6.601 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:D02hhllForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL          |     6.909 |     6.743 |    0.107      61.6     6.27 |     974 |     6.568 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:D02hhllForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL   |     6.899 |     6.716 |    0.104      61.5     6.23 |     974 |     6.542 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KPiForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL          |     0.277 |     0.368 |    0.002       1.4     0.24 |     974 |     0.359 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02KPiForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL               |     0.217 |     0.336 |    0.139       1.3     0.16 |     783 |     0.263 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KPiConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL      |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02KPiConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KPiSSForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL        |     2.659 |     2.739 |    0.001      58.5     5.15 |     974 |     2.668 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_StdAllLooseMuPion_Particles     |     2.848 |     2.989 |    0.150      56.5     5.27 |     783 |     2.341 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02KPiSSForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL             |     0.488 |     0.395 |    0.152       2.4     0.26 |     573 |     0.226 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KPiSSConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KPiSSForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL        |     2.556 |     2.463 |    0.001      39.7     4.04 |     974 |     2.399 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelFilterPhys_StdAllLooseMuPion_Particles     |     2.796 |     2.696 |    0.148      38.6     4.07 |     783 |     2.112 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02KPiSSForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL             |     0.366 |     0.343 |    0.142       1.9     0.20 |     573 |     0.197 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KPiSSConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL    |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02KPiSSConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KPi_EE_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL      |     0.533 |     0.518 |    0.003       8.0     0.42 |     974 |     0.505 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02KPi_EE_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL           |     0.386 |     0.399 |    0.128       7.9     0.38 |     932 |     0.373 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KPi_EE_ConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.001       0.6     0.03 |     974 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02KPi_EE_ConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL       |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.019       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KPi_EMu_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL     |     0.379 |     0.436 |    0.001       2.8     0.34 |     974 |     0.425 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02KPi_EMu_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL          |     0.289 |     0.412 |    0.165       2.7     0.23 |     759 |     0.313 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KPi_EMu_ConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.001       0.6     0.02 |     974 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02KPi_EMu_ConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL      |     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.064       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KPi_MuE_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL     |     0.441 |     0.432 |    0.001       5.2     0.38 |     974 |     0.422 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02KPi_MuE_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL          |     0.421 |     0.403 |    0.155       3.0     0.23 |     759 |     0.306 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KPi_MuE_ConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.001       1.5     0.05 |     974 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02KPi_MuE_ConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL      |     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.033       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KKForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL           |     0.277 |     0.254 |    0.001       6.9     0.27 |     974 |     0.248 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02KKForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL                |     0.191 |     0.191 |    0.095       2.0     0.11 |     783 |     0.150 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KKConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KPi_EE_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL      |     0.585 |     0.483 |    0.002      14.4     0.59 |     974 |     0.471 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02KPi_EE_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL           |     0.461 |     0.364 |    0.099      14.1     0.53 |     932 |     0.339 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KPi_EE_ConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.001       0.6     0.03 |     974 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02KPi_EE_ConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL       |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.015       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KPi_EMu_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL     |     0.390 |     0.401 |    0.001       4.8     0.33 |     974 |     0.391 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02KPi_EMu_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL          |     0.395 |     0.380 |    0.134       4.6     0.27 |     759 |     0.289 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KPi_EMu_ConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.001       0.6     0.02 |     974 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02KPi_EMu_ConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL      |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.036       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KPi_MuE_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL     |     0.420 |     0.396 |    0.001       5.1     0.32 |     974 |     0.386 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02KPi_MuE_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL          |     0.382 |     0.376 |    0.150       5.0     0.25 |     759 |     0.285 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KPi_MuE_ConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.001       0.8     0.03 |     974 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02KPi_MuE_ConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL      |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.021       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KKForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL           |     0.184 |     0.225 |    0.001       0.9     0.14 |     974 |     0.220 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02KKForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL                |     0.114 |     0.171 |    0.085       0.8     0.07 |     783 |     0.135 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KKConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL       |     0.020 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02KKConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KK_EE_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL       |     0.462 |     0.320 |    0.002       2.5     0.18 |     974 |     0.312 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02KK_EE_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL            |     0.311 |     0.209 |    0.076       2.3     0.13 |     932 |     0.195 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KK_EE_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL       |     0.318 |     0.295 |    0.001       4.2     0.19 |     974 |     0.288 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02KK_EE_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL            |     0.236 |     0.191 |    0.068       4.0     0.16 |     932 |     0.179 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KK_EE_ConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02KK_EE_ConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KK_EMu_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL      |     0.328 |     0.300 |    0.002       4.3     0.25 |     974 |     0.293 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02KK_EMu_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL           |     0.289 |     0.254 |    0.130       4.0     0.17 |     759 |     0.193 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KK_EMu_ConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KK_EMu_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL      |     0.266 |     0.277 |    0.001       2.1     0.19 |     974 |     0.270 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02KK_EMu_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL           |     0.184 |     0.230 |    0.119       1.9     0.11 |     759 |     0.175 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KK_EMu_ConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02KK_EMu_ConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KK_MuE_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL      |     0.266 |     0.301 |    0.001       4.6     0.26 |     974 |     0.294 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02KK_MuE_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL           |     0.184 |     0.251 |    0.120       1.7     0.12 |     759 |     0.191 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KK_MuE_ConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KK_MuE_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL      |     0.277 |     0.281 |    0.001       3.9     0.25 |     974 |     0.274 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02KK_MuE_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL           |     0.184 |     0.229 |    0.117       1.3     0.10 |     759 |     0.174 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02KK_MuE_ConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02KK_MuE_ConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02PiPiForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL         |     0.328 |     0.307 |    0.001       6.8     0.30 |     974 |     0.300 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02PiPiForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL              |     0.280 |     0.254 |    0.105       1.4     0.14 |     785 |     0.200 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02PiPiConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL     |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.001       0.8     0.03 |     974 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02PiPiConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL          |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02PiPi_EE_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL     |     0.297 |     0.408 |    0.001       6.1     0.34 |     974 |     0.398 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02PiPi_EE_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL          |     0.214 |     0.296 |    0.076       6.0     0.31 |     934 |     0.277 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02PiPi_EE_ConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL |     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.001       1.2     0.04 |     974 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02PiPi_EE_ConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL      |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.024       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02PiPi_EMu_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL    |     0.369 |     0.372 |    0.001       5.5     0.34 |     974 |     0.363 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02PiPi_EMu_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL         |     0.315 |     0.329 |    0.142       3.6     0.21 |     760 |     0.250 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02PiPi_EMu_ConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.001       1.0     0.04 |     974 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02PiPi_EMu_ConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL     |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02PiPi_MuE_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL    |     0.359 |     0.364 |    0.002       1.8     0.27 |     974 |     0.355 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02PiPi_MuE_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL         |     0.315 |     0.329 |    0.132       1.4     0.17 |     760 |     0.250 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02PiPi_MuE_ConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.001       0.9     0.03 |     974 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02PiPi_MuE_ConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL     |     0.000 |     0.055 |    0.055       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D02hhllForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL                |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      14 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarPromptWithD02HHLLLine                       |     0.000 |     0.296 |    0.117       1.5     0.36 |      14 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_DstarPromptWithD02HHLLLine          |     2.000 |     0.722 |    0.436       1.3     0.37 |       5 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_DstarPromptWithD02HHLLLine          |     0.000 |     0.588 |    0.320       1.2     0.36 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_DstarPromptWithD02HHLLLine          |     2.000 |     0.564 |    0.298       1.0     0.29 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_DstarPromptWithD02HHLLLine          |     0.000 |     0.584 |    0.303       1.2     0.37 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_DstarPromptWithD02HHLLLine          |     2.000 |     0.603 |    0.287       1.2     0.39 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02PiPiForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL         |     0.308 |     0.278 |    0.001       1.3     0.19 |     974 |     0.271 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02PiPiForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL              |     0.305 |     0.230 |    0.094       1.2     0.11 |     785 |     0.181 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02PiPiConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL     |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.001       0.7     0.02 |     974 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02PiPiConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL          |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02PiPi_EE_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL     |     0.472 |     0.395 |    0.001      10.8     0.51 |     974 |     0.385 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02PiPi_EE_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL          |     0.396 |     0.287 |    0.066      10.6     0.48 |     934 |     0.268 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02PiPi_EE_ConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.001       1.2     0.04 |     974 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02PiPi_EE_ConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL      |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02PiPi_EMu_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL    |     0.308 |     0.341 |    0.001       6.6     0.32 |     974 |     0.333 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02PiPi_EMu_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL         |     0.250 |     0.307 |    0.134       6.4     0.27 |     760 |     0.233 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02PiPi_EMu_ConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.001       0.9     0.03 |     974 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02PiPi_EMu_ConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL     |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02PiPi_MuE_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL    |     0.390 |     0.334 |    0.001       1.8     0.24 |     974 |     0.326 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02PiPi_MuE_ForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL         |     0.355 |     0.301 |    0.124       1.6     0.16 |     760 |     0.229 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D02PiPi_MuE_ConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.001       0.7     0.02 |     974 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D02PiPi_MuE_ConjForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL     |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.032       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             D02hhllForDstarPromptWithD02HHLL                |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      14 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarPromptWithD02HHLLLine                       |     0.000 |     0.199 |    0.097       0.7     0.15 |      14 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_DstarPromptWithD02HHLLLine          |     2.000 |     0.653 |    0.390       1.1     0.32 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_DstarPromptWithD02HHLLLine          |     0.000 |     0.606 |    0.369       1.1     0.32 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_DstarPromptWithD02HHLLLine          |     4.000 |     0.563 |    0.345       1.0     0.28 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_DstarPromptWithD02HHLLLine          |     0.000 |     0.549 |    0.304       1.0     0.31 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_DstarPromptWithD02HHLLLine          |     0.000 |     0.555 |    0.348       0.9     0.26 |       5 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarPromptWithD02HHLLLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0PiLLLine        |     0.150 |     0.194 |    0.024       3.8     0.30 |    1000 |     0.195 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0PiLLLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0PiLLLineFilterS|     0.060 |     0.072 |    0.002       3.5     0.29 |    1000 |     0.072 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda0LLForLambdac2V0H                          |     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.019       0.1     0.02 |      99 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForLambdac2V0H                              |     0.030 |     0.052 |    0.003       0.2     0.02 |     330 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0PiLLLine               |     0.172 |     0.121 |    0.058       1.6     0.20 |      58 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0PiLLLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0PiDDLine        |     0.370 |     0.344 |    0.023       3.5     0.39 |    1000 |     0.345 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0PiDDLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0PiDDLineFilterS|     0.230 |     0.240 |    0.002       3.3     0.39 |    1000 |     0.240 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda0DDForLambdac2V0H                          |     0.040 |     0.027 |    0.004       0.4     0.02 |     493 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0PiDDLine               |     0.073 |     0.086 |    0.055       1.2     0.07 |     273 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0PiLLLine        |     0.200 |     0.174 |    0.024       3.3     0.24 |    1000 |     0.175 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0PiLLLinePreScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0PiLLLineFilterS|     0.040 |     0.061 |    0.002       3.1     0.23 |    1000 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda0LLForLambdac2V0H                          |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |      99 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForLambdac2V0H                              |     0.090 |     0.046 |    0.005       0.5     0.03 |     330 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0PiLLLine               |     0.172 |     0.094 |    0.054       1.0     0.13 |      58 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0PiLLLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0PiDDLine        |     0.310 |     0.317 |    0.022       4.2     0.36 |    1000 |     0.318 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0PiDDLinePreScal|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0PiDDLineFilterS|     0.220 |     0.222 |    0.002       4.1     0.36 |    1000 |     0.223 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda0DDForLambdac2V0H                          |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     493 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0PiDDLine               |     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.052       1.8     0.11 |     273 |     0.022 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0PiDDLinePostSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0KLLLine         |     0.080 |     0.151 |    0.023       2.1     0.17 |    1000 |     0.152 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0KLLLinePreScale|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0KLLLineFilterSe|     0.040 |     0.036 |    0.002       1.8     0.16 |    1000 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsForLambdac2V0H                              |     0.030 |     0.037 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |     327 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0KLLLine                |     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.056       0.6     0.08 |      52 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0KLLLine         |     0.100 |     0.138 |    0.022       1.6     0.13 |    1000 |     0.139 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0KLLLinePreScale|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0KLLLineFilterSe|     0.030 |     0.031 |    0.001       1.4     0.13 |    1000 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsForLambdac2V0H                              |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     327 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0KLLLine                |     0.384 |     0.085 |    0.051       0.5     0.07 |      52 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0KLLLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0KDDLine         |     0.250 |     0.229 |    0.023       8.1     0.34 |    1000 |     0.229 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0KDDLine         |     0.110 |     0.203 |    0.021       1.3     0.20 |    1000 |     0.203 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0KDDLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0KDDLineFilterSe|     0.120 |     0.122 |    0.002       7.8     0.33 |    1000 |     0.123 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0KDDLine                |     0.177 |     0.109 |    0.051       7.3     0.48 |     225 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0KDDLineFilterSe|     0.070 |     0.108 |    0.001       1.2     0.20 |    1000 |     0.108 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0KDDLine                |     0.088 |     0.070 |    0.046       0.5     0.03 |     225 |     0.016 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2Lambda0KDDLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2pKS0LLLine             |     0.190 |     0.251 |    0.022       2.4     0.32 |    1000 |     0.251 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2pKS0LLLine             |     0.210 |     0.234 |    0.021       2.3     0.29 |    1000 |     0.235 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2pKS0LLLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2pKS0LLLineFilterSequen|     0.110 |     0.140 |    0.002       2.3     0.30 |    1000 |     0.140 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KS0LLForLambdac2V0H                              |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.004       0.5     0.03 |     269 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtonsForLambdac2V0H                            |     0.061 |     0.040 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |     489 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambdac2V0HLambdac2pKS0LLLine                    |     0.224 |     0.084 |    0.052       1.4     0.14 |      89 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2pKS0LLLineFilterSequen|     0.110 |     0.131 |    0.001       2.0     0.28 |    1000 |     0.131 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KS0LLForLambdac2V0H                              |     0.037 |     0.023 |    0.004       0.5     0.03 |     269 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtonsForLambdac2V0H                            |     0.040 |     0.034 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |     489 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambdac2V0HLambdac2pKS0LLLine                    |     0.112 |     0.077 |    0.050       1.1     0.12 |      89 |     0.007 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2pKS0LLLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2pKS0DDLine             |     0.420 |     0.297 |    0.022       2.3     0.28 |    1000 |     0.297 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2pKS0DDLine             |     0.240 |     0.270 |    0.022       1.6     0.24 |    1000 |     0.270 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2pKS0DDLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2pKS0DDLineFilterSequen|     0.320 |     0.188 |    0.002       2.1     0.26 |    1000 |     0.188 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KS0DDForLambdac2V0H                              |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     582 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambdac2V0HLambdac2pKS0DDLine                    |     0.074 |     0.084 |    0.051       1.5     0.13 |     134 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2pKS0DDLineFilterSequen|     0.170 |     0.172 |    0.001       1.4     0.23 |    1000 |     0.173 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KS0DDForLambdac2V0H                              |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.003       0.0     0.01 |     582 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambdac2V0HLambdac2pKS0DDLine                    |     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.046       0.6     0.05 |     134 |     0.009 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLambdac2V0HLambdac2pKS0DDLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2HHHPi0D2PiPiPiPi0RLine                  |     0.480 |     0.472 |    0.025       2.6     0.42 |    1000 |     0.472 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2HHHPi0D2PiPiPiPi0RLine                  |     0.390 |     0.422 |    0.024       2.1     0.35 |    1000 |     0.422 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHPi0D2PiPiPiPi0RLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHPi0D2PiPiPiPi0RLineFilterSequence   |     0.330 |     0.364 |    0.002       2.3     0.41 |    1000 |     0.365 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi0RForD2HHHPi0                                  |     0.021 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     950 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHHPi0D2PiPiPiPi0RLine                         |     0.342 |     0.304 |    0.101       1.5     0.17 |     380 |     0.116 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHPi0D2PiPiPiPi0RLineFilterSequence   |     0.270 |     0.327 |    0.001       2.0     0.34 |    1000 |     0.327 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi0RForD2HHHPi0                                  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     950 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHHPi0D2PiPiPiPi0RLine                         |     0.184 |     0.262 |    0.101       1.2     0.13 |     380 |     0.100 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHPi0D2PiPiPiPi0RLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2HHHPi0D2PiPiPiPi0MLine                  |     0.260 |     0.276 |    0.026       8.0     0.39 |    1000 |     0.276 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHPi0D2PiPiPiPi0MLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHPi0D2PiPiPiPi0MLineFilterSequence   |     0.150 |     0.149 |    0.002       1.9     0.30 |    1000 |     0.150 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi0MForD2HHHPi0                                  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     230 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHHPi0D2PiPiPiPi0MLine                         |     0.260 |     0.282 |    0.130       1.5     0.15 |     230 |     0.065 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2HHHPi0D2PiPiPiPi0MLine                  |     0.230 |     0.245 |    0.023       1.8     0.26 |    1000 |     0.245 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHPi0D2PiPiPiPi0MLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHPi0D2PiPiPiPi0MLineFilterSequence   |     0.160 |     0.135 |    0.002       1.7     0.26 |    1000 |     0.136 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi0MForD2HHHPi0                                  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     230 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHHPi0D2PiPiPiPi0MLine                         |     0.434 |     0.249 |    0.104       0.7     0.10 |     230 |     0.057 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHPi0D2PiPiPiPi0MLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2HHHPi0D2KPiPiPi0RLine                   |     0.290 |     0.309 |    0.026       2.0     0.29 |    1000 |     0.309 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2HHHPi0D2KPiPiPi0RLine                   |     0.260 |     0.280 |    0.024       3.7     0.26 |    1000 |     0.281 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHPi0D2KPiPiPi0RLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHPi0D2KPiPiPi0RLineFilterSequence    |     0.170 |     0.189 |    0.002       1.6     0.28 |    1000 |     0.190 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHHPi0D2KPiPiPi0RLine                          |     0.289 |     0.307 |    0.113       1.1     0.16 |     380 |     0.117 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHPi0D2KPiPiPi0RLineFilterSequence    |     0.190 |     0.173 |    0.001       1.3     0.24 |    1000 |     0.174 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHHPi0D2KPiPiPi0RLine                          |     0.289 |     0.278 |    0.098       1.0     0.13 |     380 |     0.106 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHPi0D2KPiPiPi0RLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2HHHPi0D2KPiPiPi0MLine                   |     0.270 |     0.235 |    0.025       2.4     0.23 |    1000 |     0.236 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2HHHPi0D2KPiPiPi0MLine                   |     0.150 |     0.221 |    0.024       5.0     0.25 |    1000 |     0.222 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHPi0D2KPiPiPi0MLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHPi0D2KPiPiPi0MLineFilterSequence    |     0.100 |     0.116 |    0.002       2.1     0.23 |    1000 |     0.116 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHHPi0D2KPiPiPi0MLine                          |     0.347 |     0.304 |    0.124       1.1     0.15 |     230 |     0.070 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHPi0D2KPiPiPi0MLineFilterSequence    |     0.090 |     0.111 |    0.001       4.9     0.26 |    1000 |     0.111 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHHPi0D2KPiPiPi0MLine                          |     0.173 |     0.281 |    0.113       0.9     0.13 |     230 |     0.065 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHPi0D2KPiPiPi0MLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2HHHPi0D2KKPiPi0RLine                    |     0.320 |     0.284 |    0.026       1.5     0.25 |    1000 |     0.284 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2HHHPi0D2KKPiPi0RLine                    |     0.290 |     0.258 |    0.022       1.4     0.21 |    1000 |     0.258 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHPi0D2KKPiPi0RLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHPi0D2KKPiPi0RLineFilterSequence     |     0.160 |     0.171 |    0.002       1.3     0.24 |    1000 |     0.171 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHHPi0D2KKPiPi0RLine                           |     0.342 |     0.264 |    0.115       1.0     0.12 |     380 |     0.101 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHPi0D2KKPiPi0RLineFilterSequence     |     0.180 |     0.156 |    0.001       1.2     0.21 |    1000 |     0.157 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHHPi0D2KKPiPi0RLine                           |     0.263 |     0.236 |    0.096       0.9     0.10 |     380 |     0.090 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHPi0D2KKPiPi0RLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2HHHPi0D2KKPiPi0MLine                    |     0.140 |     0.225 |    0.026       4.4     0.24 |    1000 |     0.225 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHPi0D2KKPiPi0MLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHPi0D2KKPiPi0MLineFilterSequence     |     0.040 |     0.103 |    0.001       1.2     0.20 |    1000 |     0.104 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHHPi0D2KKPiPi0MLine                           |     0.130 |     0.261 |    0.115       1.0     0.12 |     230 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2HHHPi0D2KKPiPi0MLine                    |     0.150 |     0.203 |    0.023       1.3     0.18 |    1000 |     0.204 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHPi0D2KKPiPi0MLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHPi0D2KKPiPi0MLineFilterSequence     |     0.070 |     0.095 |    0.001       1.2     0.18 |    1000 |     0.096 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHHPi0D2KKPiPi0MLine                           |     0.173 |     0.237 |    0.121       1.0     0.10 |     230 |     0.055 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHPi0D2KKPiPi0MLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02pipiBox                |     0.130 |     0.152 |    0.034       0.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.153 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02pipiBox                |     0.090 |     0.134 |    0.030       0.5     0.05 |    1000 |     0.134 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02pipiBoxPreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02pipiBoxHlt2Filter     |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.007       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02pipiBoxHlt2Filter     |     0.010 |     0.014 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.015 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02pipiBoxFilterSequence |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD02xxseq_D02pipiforTag_selection            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD02xxDst2PiD02pipiBox                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -150556,72 +150895,72 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_DstarD02xxDst2PiD0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02pipiBox          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02pipiBox          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02pipiBoxPostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02mumuBox                |     0.140 |     0.135 |    0.029       5.3     0.17 |    1000 |     0.135 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02mumuBoxPreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02mumuBoxHlt2Filter     |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02mumuBoxFilterSequence |    10.000 |     5.185 |    5.185       5.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD02xxseq_D02mumuforTag_selection            |    10.000 |     3.428 |    3.428       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD02xxDst2PiD02mumuBox                       |     0.000 |     0.823 |    0.823       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02mumuBox                |     0.160 |     0.122 |    0.025       3.6     0.12 |    1000 |     0.123 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02mumuBoxPreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02mumuBoxHlt2Filter     |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02mumuBoxFilterSequence |    10.000 |     3.452 |    3.452       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD02xxseq_D02mumuforTag_selection            |     0.000 |     1.172 |    1.172       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD02xxDst2PiD02mumuBox                       |    10.000 |     0.745 |    0.745       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02mumuBox          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02mumuBox          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02mumuBox          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02mumuBox          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02mumuBoxPostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02KpiBox                 |     0.130 |     0.136 |    0.029       6.0     0.20 |    1000 |     0.137 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02KpiBoxPreScaler       |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02KpiBoxHlt2Filter      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02KpiBoxFilterSequence  |     0.000 |     5.828 |    5.828       5.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD02xxseq_D02KpiforTag_selection             |     0.000 |     2.047 |    2.047       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD02xxDst2PiD02KpiBox                        |     0.000 |     1.223 |    1.223       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02KpiBox                 |     0.130 |     0.129 |    0.026       4.8     0.20 |    1000 |     0.129 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02KpiBoxPreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02KpiBoxHlt2Filter      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02KpiBoxFilterSequence  |     0.000 |     3.783 |    3.783       3.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD02xxseq_D02KpiforTag_selection             |     0.000 |     1.312 |    1.312       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD02xxDst2PiD02KpiBox                        |     0.000 |     0.899 |    0.899       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02KpiBox           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02KpiBox           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02KpiBox           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02KpiBox           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02KpiBoxPostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02emuBox                 |     0.790 |     0.932 |    0.026       7.3     0.88 |    1000 |     0.933 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02emuBox                 |     0.860 |     0.848 |    0.025       5.4     0.74 |    1000 |     0.848 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02emuBoxPreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02emuBoxFilterSequence  |     0.720 |     0.808 |    0.002       7.0     0.87 |    1000 |     0.809 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD02xxseq_D02emuforTag_selection             |     0.171 |     0.172 |    0.080       0.9     0.07 |     758 |     0.131 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD02xxDst2PiD02emuBox                        |     0.000 |     2.091 |    0.250       5.6     3.08 |       3 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02emuBox           |     0.000 |     0.813 |    0.813       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02emuBox           |     0.000 |     0.703 |    0.703       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02emuBox           |     0.000 |     0.592 |    0.592       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02emuBox           |     0.000 |     0.668 |    0.668       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02emuBoxPostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02KmuBox                 |     0.160 |     0.142 |    0.028       2.9     0.12 |    1000 |     0.143 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02KmuBoxPreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02KmuBoxHlt2Filter      |     0.030 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.7     0.02 |    1000 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02KmuBoxFilterSequence  |     1.250 |     0.841 |    0.005       2.7     0.87 |       8 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD02xxseq_D02KmuforTag_selection             |     0.000 |     0.422 |    0.161       1.6     0.52 |       7 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD02xxDst2PiD02KmuBox                        |     0.000 |     0.506 |    0.269       0.9     0.26 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02emuBoxFilterSequence  |     0.740 |     0.737 |    0.002       5.3     0.74 |    1000 |     0.737 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD02xxseq_D02emuforTag_selection             |     0.211 |     0.150 |    0.073       0.8     0.05 |     758 |     0.114 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD02xxDst2PiD02emuBox                        |     0.000 |     1.108 |    0.223       2.8     1.42 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02emuBox           |     0.000 |     1.104 |    1.104       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02emuBox           |     0.000 |     0.663 |    0.663       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02emuBox           |     0.000 |     0.687 |    0.687       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02emuBox           |     0.000 |     0.678 |    0.678       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02emuBoxPostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02KmuBox                 |     0.190 |     0.139 |    0.026       4.7     0.18 |    1000 |     0.140 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02KmuBoxPreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02KmuBoxHlt2Filter      |     0.010 |     0.013 |    0.004       4.4     0.14 |    1000 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02KmuBoxFilterSequence  |     0.000 |     0.828 |    0.007       2.3     0.78 |       8 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD02xxseq_D02KmuforTag_selection             |     0.000 |     0.378 |    0.139       1.3     0.41 |       7 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD02xxDst2PiD02KmuBox                        |     0.000 |     0.543 |    0.395       0.8     0.16 |       4 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02KmuBox           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02KmuBox           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02KmuBox           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02KmuBox           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02KmuBoxPostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02mumu_untagged_Box      |     0.130 |     0.135 |    0.027       3.1     0.15 |    1000 |     0.136 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02mumu_untagged_Box      |     0.150 |     0.125 |    0.024       4.0     0.13 |    1000 |     0.125 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02mumu_untagged_BoxPreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02mumu_untagged_BoxHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02mumu_untagged_BoxFilte|    10.000 |     2.987 |    2.987       3.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD02xxDst2PiD02mumu_untagged_Box             |     0.000 |     0.776 |    0.776       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02mumu_untagged_Box|     0.000 |     0.391 |    0.391       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02mumu_untagged_Box|     0.000 |     0.420 |    0.420       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02mumu_untagged_Box|    10.000 |     0.351 |    0.351       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02mumu_untagged_Box|     0.000 |     0.348 |    0.348       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02mumu_untagged_BoxHlt2F|     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02mumu_untagged_BoxFilte|    10.000 |     3.839 |    3.839       3.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD02xxDst2PiD02mumu_untagged_Box             |     0.000 |     0.824 |    0.824       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02mumu_untagged_Box|     0.000 |     0.436 |    0.436       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02mumu_untagged_Box|     0.000 |     0.632 |    0.632       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02mumu_untagged_Box|     0.000 |     0.612 |    0.612       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02mumu_untagged_Box|     0.000 |     0.423 |    0.423       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02mumu_untagged_BoxPostS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kmu_untagged_Box       |     0.130 |     0.134 |    0.022       2.8     0.14 |    1000 |     0.134 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kmu_untagged_BoxPreSca|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kmu_untagged_BoxHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     511 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kmu_untagged_BoxFilter|     0.000 |     1.814 |    0.299       2.7     1.31 |       3 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kmu_untagged_Box              |     0.000 |     0.413 |    0.182       0.8     0.36 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kmu_untagged_Box |     0.000 |     0.418 |    0.380       0.5     0.05 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kmu_untagged_Box |     0.000 |     0.343 |    0.293       0.4     0.07 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kmu_untagged_Box |     0.000 |     0.386 |    0.316       0.5     0.10 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kmu_untagged_Box |     0.000 |     0.348 |    0.290       0.4     0.08 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kmu_untagged_Box       |     0.170 |     0.120 |    0.019       3.2     0.14 |    1000 |     0.121 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kmu_untagged_BoxPreSca|     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kmu_untagged_BoxHlt2Fi|     0.019 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     511 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kmu_untagged_BoxFilter|     3.333 |     1.991 |    0.263       3.1     1.52 |       3 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kmu_untagged_Box              |     0.000 |     0.385 |    0.161       0.7     0.31 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kmu_untagged_Box |     0.000 |     0.455 |    0.363       0.5     0.13 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kmu_untagged_Box |     0.000 |     0.423 |    0.308       0.5     0.16 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kmu_untagged_Box |     0.000 |     0.366 |    0.326       0.4     0.06 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kmu_untagged_Box |     0.000 |     0.427 |    0.317       0.5     0.16 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kmu_untagged_BoxPostSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02pipi_untagged_Box      |     0.150 |     0.128 |    0.027       0.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.128 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02pipi_untagged_Box      |     0.150 |     0.118 |    0.024       0.4     0.05 |    1000 |     0.118 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02pipi_untagged_BoxPreSc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02pipi_untagged_BoxHlt2F|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02pipi_untagged_BoxHlt2F|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02pipi_untagged_BoxFilte|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD02xxDst2PiD02pipi_untagged_Box             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02pipi_untagged_Box|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -150629,588 +150968,588 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_DstarD02xxDst2PiD0
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02pipi_untagged_Box|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02pipi_untagged_Box|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02pipi_untagged_BoxPostS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kpi_untagged_Box       |     0.180 |     0.135 |    0.028       5.1     0.17 |    1000 |     0.136 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kpi_untagged_Box       |     0.140 |     0.122 |    0.025       3.5     0.12 |    1000 |     0.122 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kpi_untagged_BoxPreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kpi_untagged_BoxHlt2Fi|     0.020 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kpi_untagged_BoxFilter|    10.000 |     4.853 |    4.853       4.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kpi_untagged_Box              |     0.000 |     1.320 |    1.320       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kpi_untagged_Box |     0.000 |     0.654 |    0.654       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kpi_untagged_Box |    10.000 |     0.565 |    0.565       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kpi_untagged_Box |     0.000 |     0.673 |    0.673       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kpi_untagged_Box |     0.000 |     0.689 |    0.689       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kpi_untagged_BoxPostSc|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingKKPiPiDetachedLine                        |     0.830 |     0.864 |    0.024       8.3     0.61 |    1000 |     0.865 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kpi_untagged_BoxHlt2Fi|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kpi_untagged_BoxFilter|     0.000 |     3.419 |    3.419       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kpi_untagged_Box              |     0.000 |     0.775 |    0.775       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kpi_untagged_Box |     0.000 |     0.511 |    0.511       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kpi_untagged_Box |     0.000 |     0.488 |    0.488       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kpi_untagged_Box |     0.000 |     0.446 |    0.446       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_DstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kpi_untagged_Box |     0.000 |     0.482 |    0.482       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD02xxDst2PiD02Kpi_untagged_BoxPostSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingKKPiPiDetachedLine                        |     0.820 |     0.771 |    0.023       4.5     0.48 |    1000 |     0.771 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKKPiPiDetachedLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKKPiPiDetachedLineFilterSequence         |     0.740 |     0.778 |    0.002       8.1     0.59 |    1000 |     0.778 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KKPiPiSelDetachedKaons                           |     0.082 |     0.073 |    0.005       0.8     0.04 |     974 |     0.072 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KKPiPiDetachedSelPions                           |     0.088 |     0.135 |    0.019       0.6     0.08 |     794 |     0.107 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KKPiPiDetachedLine                               |     0.063 |     0.093 |    0.048       1.7     0.10 |     792 |     0.074 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKKPiPiDetachedLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDsGammaForExcitedDsSpectroscopyLine       |     0.560 |     0.497 |    0.035      15.6     0.57 |    1000 |     0.497 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDsGammaForExcitedDsSpectroscopyLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDsGammaForExcitedDsSpectroscopyLineFilter|     0.440 |     0.378 |    0.010      15.4     0.55 |    1000 |     0.378 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDsGammaForExcitedDsSpectroscopyLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdVeryTightDsplus2KKPi_Particles  |     0.435 |     0.364 |    0.121      15.4     0.52 |     941 |     0.343 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DsForExcitedDsSpectroscopy                       |     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.012       0.9     0.16 |      33 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DsstarForExcitedDsSpectroscopy                   |     3.333 |     0.611 |    0.135       1.5     0.79 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DsGammaForExcitedDsSpectroscopyLine              |     0.000 |     0.260 |    0.044       0.7     0.36 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKKPiPiDetachedLineFilterSequence         |     0.770 |     0.694 |    0.002       4.4     0.47 |    1000 |     0.695 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KKPiPiSelDetachedKaons                           |     0.071 |     0.057 |    0.004       0.3     0.03 |     974 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KKPiPiDetachedSelPions                           |     0.125 |     0.114 |    0.020       0.4     0.07 |     794 |     0.091 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KKPiPiDetachedLine                               |     0.037 |     0.081 |    0.045       1.2     0.08 |     792 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingKKPiPiDetachedLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDsGammaForExcitedDsSpectroscopyLine       |     0.420 |     0.451 |    0.032      11.2     0.45 |    1000 |     0.451 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDsGammaForExcitedDsSpectroscopyLinePreSca|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDsGammaForExcitedDsSpectroscopyLineFilter|     0.280 |     0.342 |    0.009      11.1     0.43 |    1000 |     0.343 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDsGammaForExcitedDsSpectroscopyLineVOIDF|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdVeryTightDsplus2KKPi_Particles  |     0.255 |     0.333 |    0.113      11.1     0.40 |     941 |     0.314 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DsForExcitedDsSpectroscopy                       |     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.010       0.2     0.06 |      33 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DsstarForExcitedDsSpectroscopy                   |     0.000 |     0.388 |    0.116       0.9     0.42 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DsGammaForExcitedDsSpectroscopyLine              |     0.000 |     0.248 |    0.040       0.7     0.35 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDsGammaForExcitedDsSpectroscopyLinePostSc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDsstGammaForExcitedDsSpectroscopyLine     |     0.200 |     0.152 |    0.033       5.9     0.23 |    1000 |     0.153 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDsstGammaForExcitedDsSpectroscopyLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDsstGammaForExcitedDsSpectroscopyLineFilt|     0.040 |     0.022 |    0.008       5.8     0.22 |    1000 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDsstGammaForExcitedDsSpectroscopyLineVOI|     0.030 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi0VetoDsgForExcitedDsSpectroscopy               |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DsggForExcitedDsSpectroscopy                     |     0.000 |     0.806 |    0.142       1.9     0.99 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DsstGammaForExcitedDsSpectroscopyLine            |     0.000 |     0.059 |    0.023       0.1     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDsstGammaForExcitedDsSpectroscopyLinePost|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2HHHKsD2KPiPiKsDDLine                    |     0.380 |     0.331 |    0.026       2.2     0.34 |    1000 |     0.331 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHKsD2KPiPiKsDDLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHKsD2KPiPiKsDDLineFilterSequence     |     0.250 |     0.214 |    0.002       2.0     0.33 |    1000 |     0.214 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KSDDForD2HHHKs                                   |     0.034 |     0.034 |    0.004       0.2     0.02 |     581 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHHKsD2KPiPiKsDDLine                           |     0.452 |     0.360 |    0.145       1.5     0.20 |     199 |     0.072 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDsstGammaForExcitedDsSpectroscopyLine     |     0.110 |     0.139 |    0.030       5.4     0.21 |    1000 |     0.139 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDsstGammaForExcitedDsSpectroscopyLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDsstGammaForExcitedDsSpectroscopyLineFilt|     0.010 |     0.021 |    0.008       5.3     0.20 |    1000 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingDsstGammaForExcitedDsSpectroscopyLineVOI|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi0VetoDsgForExcitedDsSpectroscopy               |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.014       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DsggForExcitedDsSpectroscopy                     |     0.000 |     0.582 |    0.185       1.3     0.59 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DsstGammaForExcitedDsSpectroscopyLine            |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.024       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDsstGammaForExcitedDsSpectroscopyLinePost|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2HHHKsD2KPiPiKsDDLine                    |     0.400 |     0.298 |    0.024       2.1     0.29 |    1000 |     0.298 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHKsD2KPiPiKsDDLinePreScaler          |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHKsD2KPiPiKsDDLineFilterSequence     |     0.270 |     0.193 |    0.002       2.0     0.29 |    1000 |     0.193 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KSDDForD2HHHKs                                   |     0.017 |     0.028 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |     581 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHHKsD2KPiPiKsDDLine                           |     0.402 |     0.317 |    0.134       1.0     0.16 |     199 |     0.063 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2HHHKsD2KPiPiKsDDLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2HHHKsD2KPiPiKsDDLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2HHHKsD2KPiPiKsDDLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2HHHKsD2KPiPiKsDDLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2HHHKsD2KPiPiKsDDLine              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHKsD2KPiPiKsDDLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2HHHKsD2KPiPiKsLLLine                    |     0.210 |     0.292 |    0.025      11.1     0.55 |    1000 |     0.292 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2HHHKsD2KPiPiKsLLLine                    |     0.180 |     0.266 |    0.024      11.1     0.54 |    1000 |     0.266 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHKsD2KPiPiKsLLLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHKsD2KPiPiKsLLLineFilterSequence     |     0.120 |     0.166 |    0.002      10.9     0.55 |    1000 |     0.166 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KSLLForD2HHHKs                                   |     0.037 |     0.045 |    0.005       0.2     0.02 |     269 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHHKsD2KPiPiKsLLLine                           |     0.285 |     0.388 |    0.149       1.7     0.22 |     140 |     0.054 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2HHHKsD2KPiPiKsLLLine              |     0.000 |     1.484 |    1.295       1.7     0.27 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2HHHKsD2KPiPiKsLLLine              |    10.000 |     1.429 |    1.322       1.5     0.15 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2HHHKsD2KPiPiKsLLLine              |     0.000 |     1.286 |    1.141       1.4     0.21 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2HHHKsD2KPiPiKsLLLine              |     0.000 |     1.292 |    1.141       1.4     0.21 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2HHHKsD2KPiPiKsLLLine              |     0.000 |     1.081 |    0.936       1.2     0.21 |       2 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHKsD2KPiPiKsLLLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2HHHKsD2PiPiPiKsDDLine                   |     0.170 |     0.219 |    0.026       1.5     0.21 |    1000 |     0.219 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHKsD2KPiPiKsLLLineFilterSequence     |     0.110 |     0.155 |    0.001      11.0     0.54 |    1000 |     0.155 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KSLLForD2HHHKs                                   |     0.037 |     0.036 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     269 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHHKsD2KPiPiKsLLLine                           |     0.142 |     0.345 |    0.144       0.9     0.14 |     140 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2HHHKsD2KPiPiKsLLLine              |     5.000 |     1.488 |    1.367       1.6     0.17 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2HHHKsD2KPiPiKsLLLine              |     0.000 |     1.363 |    1.260       1.5     0.15 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2HHHKsD2KPiPiKsLLLine              |     5.000 |     1.392 |    1.234       1.5     0.22 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2HHHKsD2KPiPiKsLLLine              |     0.000 |     1.422 |    1.363       1.5     0.08 |       2 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2HHHKsD2KPiPiKsLLLine              |     0.000 |     1.104 |    0.956       1.3     0.21 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHKsD2KPiPiKsLLLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2HHHKsD2PiPiPiKsDDLine                   |     0.100 |     0.199 |    0.025       1.4     0.18 |    1000 |     0.199 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHKsD2PiPiPiKsDDLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHKsD2PiPiPiKsDDLineFilterSequence    |     0.030 |     0.096 |    0.002       1.3     0.21 |    1000 |     0.096 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHHKsD2PiPiPiKsDDLine                          |     0.150 |     0.285 |    0.115       1.1     0.16 |     199 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHKsD2PiPiPiKsDDLineFilterSequence    |     0.060 |     0.089 |    0.001       1.3     0.19 |    1000 |     0.089 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHHKsD2PiPiPiKsDDLine                          |     0.150 |     0.260 |    0.107       1.1     0.14 |     199 |     0.052 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2HHHKsD2PiPiPiKsDDLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2HHHKsD2PiPiPiKsDDLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2HHHKsD2PiPiPiKsDDLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2HHHKsD2PiPiPiKsDDLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2HHHKsD2PiPiPiKsDDLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHKsD2PiPiPiKsDDLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2HHHKsD2PiPiPiKsLLLine                   |     0.270 |     0.201 |    0.026       2.0     0.20 |    1000 |     0.201 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHKsD2PiPiPiKsLLLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHKsD2PiPiPiKsLLLineFilterSequence    |     0.110 |     0.076 |    0.002       2.0     0.20 |    1000 |     0.077 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHHKsD2PiPiPiKsLLLine                          |     0.500 |     0.317 |    0.122       1.9     0.18 |     140 |     0.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2HHHKsD2PiPiPiKsLLLine                   |     0.210 |     0.181 |    0.023       1.3     0.18 |    1000 |     0.182 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHKsD2PiPiPiKsLLLinePreScaler         |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHKsD2PiPiPiKsLLLineFilterSequence    |     0.100 |     0.072 |    0.002       1.1     0.18 |    1000 |     0.072 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHHKsD2PiPiPiKsLLLine                          |     0.571 |     0.290 |    0.120       1.0     0.13 |     140 |     0.041 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2HHHKsD2PiPiPiKsLLLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2HHHKsD2PiPiPiKsLLLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2HHHKsD2PiPiPiKsLLLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2HHHKsD2PiPiPiKsLLLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2HHHKsD2PiPiPiKsLLLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHKsD2PiPiPiKsLLLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2HHHKsD2KKPiKsDDLine                     |     0.180 |     0.218 |    0.024       1.4     0.20 |    1000 |     0.218 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHKsD2KKPiKsDDLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHKsD2KKPiKsDDLineFilterSequence      |     0.100 |     0.096 |    0.002       1.3     0.20 |    1000 |     0.096 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHHKsD2KKPiKsDDLine                            |     0.301 |     0.283 |    0.135       1.2     0.15 |     199 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2HHHKsD2KKPiKsDDLine                     |     0.150 |     0.196 |    0.023       1.4     0.17 |    1000 |     0.197 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHKsD2KKPiKsDDLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHKsD2KKPiKsDDLineFilterSequence      |     0.060 |     0.086 |    0.001       1.3     0.18 |    1000 |     0.086 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHHKsD2KKPiKsDDLine                            |     0.251 |     0.247 |    0.117       1.1     0.11 |     199 |     0.049 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2HHHKsD2KKPiKsDDLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2HHHKsD2KKPiKsDDLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2HHHKsD2KKPiKsDDLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2HHHKsD2KKPiKsDDLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2HHHKsD2KKPiKsDDLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHKsD2KKPiKsDDLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2HHHKsD2KKPiKsLLLine                     |     0.150 |     0.194 |    0.026       1.9     0.19 |    1000 |     0.194 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHKsD2KKPiKsLLLinePreScaler           |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHKsD2KKPiKsLLLineFilterSequence      |     0.060 |     0.070 |    0.002       1.8     0.18 |    1000 |     0.071 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHHKsD2KKPiKsLLLine                            |     0.142 |     0.276 |    0.140       1.7     0.17 |     140 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2HHHKsD2KKPiKsLLLine                     |     0.150 |     0.179 |    0.024       2.6     0.19 |    1000 |     0.180 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHKsD2KKPiKsLLLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHKsD2KKPiKsLLLineFilterSequence      |     0.060 |     0.068 |    0.002       2.5     0.19 |    1000 |     0.069 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2HHHKsD2KKPiKsLLLine                            |     0.142 |     0.265 |    0.127       2.4     0.21 |     140 |     0.037 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_D2HHHKsD2KKPiKsLLLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo2_D2HHHKsD2KKPiKsLLLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo3_D2HHHKsD2KKPiKsLLLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo4_D2HHHKsD2KKPiKsLLLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo5_D2HHHKsD2KKPiKsLLLine               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2HHHKsD2KKPiKsLLLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2PiEtaPrimePPGLine            |     0.430 |     0.363 |    0.034       6.0     0.43 |    1000 |     0.363 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2PiEtaPrimePPGLine            |     0.300 |     0.318 |    0.030       3.7     0.35 |    1000 |     0.319 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2PiEtaPrimePPGLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2PiEtaPrimePPGLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2PiEtaPrimePPGLineFilterSeque|     0.547 |     0.540 |    0.200       5.7     0.46 |     402 |     0.217 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaPrimeHEtaPrimePPG                           |     0.273 |     0.284 |    0.137       1.3     0.13 |     402 |     0.115 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaPrimeHD2PiEtaPrimePPGLine                   |     0.937 |     0.458 |    0.157       3.5     0.69 |      32 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2PiEtaPrimePPGLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2PiEtaPrime3HRLine            |     2.930 |     3.062 |    0.031     230.6    11.45 |    1000 |     3.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2PiEtaPrimePPGLineHlt2Filter |     0.010 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2PiEtaPrimePPGLineFilterSeque|     0.323 |     0.467 |    0.180       3.5     0.37 |     402 |     0.188 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaPrimeHEtaPrimePPG                           |     0.149 |     0.233 |    0.117       0.9     0.08 |     402 |     0.094 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaPrimeHD2PiEtaPrimePPGLine                   |     0.000 |     0.394 |    0.147       2.8     0.52 |      32 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2PiEtaPrimePPGLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2PiEtaPrime3HRLine            |     2.870 |     2.846 |    0.027     213.8    10.68 |    1000 |     2.846 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2PiEtaPrime3HRLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2PiEtaPrime3HRLineHlt2Filter |     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2PiEtaPrime3HRLineFilterSeque|     6.940 |     7.231 |    0.296     230.3    17.14 |     402 |     2.907 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseResolvedEta_Particles      |     6.741 |     6.673 |    0.127     229.2    17.06 |     402 |     2.683 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaPrimeHEtaPrime3HR                           |     0.099 |     0.294 |    0.117       0.8     0.12 |     402 |     0.118 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaPrimeHD2PiEtaPrime3HRLine                   |     0.000 |     1.275 |    0.203       3.9     1.36 |       7 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2PiEtaPrime3HRLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2PiEtaPrime3HRLineFilterSeque|     6.840 |     6.754 |    0.305     213.5    15.99 |     402 |     2.715 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseResolvedEta_Particles      |     6.293 |     6.249 |    0.132     212.7    15.93 |     402 |     2.512 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaPrimeHEtaPrime3HR                           |     0.149 |     0.255 |    0.111       1.1     0.11 |     402 |     0.103 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaPrimeHD2PiEtaPrime3HRLine                   |     4.285 |     1.121 |    0.206       3.1     1.09 |       7 |     0.008 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2PiEtaPrime3HRLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2KEtaPrimePPGLine             |     0.100 |     0.176 |    0.031       4.6     0.23 |    1000 |     0.176 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2KEtaPrimePPGLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2KEtaPrimePPGLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2KEtaPrimePPGLineFilterSequen|     0.024 |     0.076 |    0.004       4.3     0.33 |     402 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaPrimeHD2KEtaPrimePPGLine                    |     0.312 |     0.600 |    0.155       3.2     0.72 |      32 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2KEtaPrimePPGLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2KEtaPrime3HRLine             |     0.160 |     0.160 |    0.030       7.8     0.31 |    1000 |     0.161 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2KEtaPrime3HRLinePreScaler   |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2KEtaPrime3HRLineHlt2Filter  |     0.020 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2KEtaPrime3HRLineFilterSequen|     0.049 |     0.045 |    0.003       7.6     0.47 |     402 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaPrimeHD2KEtaPrime3HRLine                    |     2.857 |     1.823 |    0.232       7.2     2.57 |       7 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2KEtaPrimePPGLine             |     0.190 |     0.156 |    0.027       2.9     0.18 |    1000 |     0.157 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2KEtaPrimePPGLinePreScaler   |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2KEtaPrimePPGLineHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |    1000 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2KEtaPrimePPGLineFilterSequen|     0.099 |     0.065 |    0.003       2.8     0.26 |     402 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaPrimeHD2KEtaPrimePPGLine                    |     0.937 |     0.506 |    0.151       2.6     0.54 |      32 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2KEtaPrimePPGLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2KEtaPrime3HRLine             |     0.090 |     0.143 |    0.025       5.5     0.23 |    1000 |     0.143 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2KEtaPrime3HRLinePreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2KEtaPrime3HRLineHlt2Filter  |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2KEtaPrime3HRLineFilterSequen|     0.024 |     0.036 |    0.003       5.3     0.34 |     402 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2EtaPrimeHD2KEtaPrime3HRLine                    |     0.000 |     1.317 |    0.211       3.7     1.48 |       7 |     0.009 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2EtaPrimeHD2KEtaPrime3HRLinePostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamCharm                               |     0.510 |     0.483 |    0.129       7.8     0.26 |    1000 |     0.484 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamCharm                               |     0.360 |     0.366 |    0.091       1.0     0.09 |    1000 |     0.366 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamCharmPreScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamCharmFilterSequence                |     0.400 |     0.334 |    0.013       7.5     0.25 |    1000 |     0.334 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingStreamSeqCharm                          |     0.390 |     0.317 |    0.006       0.9     0.10 |    1000 |     0.317 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamCharmFilterSequence                |     0.240 |     0.232 |    0.010       0.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.233 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingStreamSeqCharm                          |     0.220 |     0.225 |    0.005       0.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.225 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamCharmPostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |     166 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        StrippingSequenceStreamEW                            |    37.460 |    37.557 |    3.906     329.4    32.72 |    1000 |    37.557 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingBadEventSequenceEW                         |     0.200 |     0.128 |    0.030       0.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.129 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamEWBadEvent                          |     0.180 |     0.122 |    0.025       0.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.122 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamEWBadEventPreScaler                |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamEWBadEventFilterSequence           |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        StrippingSequenceStreamEW                            |    34.120 |    34.036 |    3.670     322.9    30.09 |    1000 |    34.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingBadEventSequenceEW                         |     0.060 |     0.118 |    0.027       3.1     0.11 |    1000 |     0.119 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamEWBadEvent                          |     0.050 |     0.113 |    0.023       3.1     0.11 |    1000 |     0.114 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamEWBadEventPreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamEWBadEventFilterSequence           |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamEWBadEventPostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingProtectedSequenceEW                        |    37.260 |    37.414 |    3.787     329.0    32.68 |    1000 |    37.414 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDY2MuMuLine1                              |     0.100 |     0.128 |    0.027       1.6     0.09 |    1000 |     0.129 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2MuMuLine1PreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2MuMuLine1FilterSequence               |     0.156 |     0.182 |    0.009       1.5     0.19 |      64 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingGoodEventConditionEW                    |     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DY2MuMuLine1                                     |     0.000 |     0.105 |    0.051       1.4     0.19 |      52 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingProtectedSequenceEW                        |    34.040 |    33.906 |    3.635     322.6    30.06 |    1000 |    33.906 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDY2MuMuLine1                              |     0.140 |     0.116 |    0.024       1.0     0.07 |    1000 |     0.117 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2MuMuLine1PreScaler                    |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2MuMuLine1FilterSequence               |     0.312 |     0.168 |    0.008       0.9     0.13 |      64 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingGoodEventConditionEW                    |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.003       4.2     0.13 |    1000 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DY2MuMuLine1                                     |     0.192 |     0.087 |    0.051       0.9     0.11 |      52 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2MuMuLine1PostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDY2MuMuLine1Hlt                           |     0.100 |     0.125 |    0.020       4.8     0.16 |    1000 |     0.125 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2MuMuLine1HltPreScaler                 |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2MuMuLine1HltHlt2Filter                |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      95 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDY2MuMuLine1Hlt                           |     0.120 |     0.109 |    0.020       0.4     0.05 |    1000 |     0.110 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2MuMuLine1HltPreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2MuMuLine1HltHlt2Filter                |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      95 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2MuMuLine1HltFilterSequence            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DY2MuMuLine1Hlt                                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2MuMuLine1HltPostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDY2MuMuLine2                              |     0.150 |     0.153 |    0.020       1.6     0.11 |    1000 |     0.154 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2MuMuLine2PreScaler                    |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2MuMuLine2FilterSequence               |     0.112 |     0.164 |    0.004       0.9     0.12 |     266 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DY2MuMuLine2                                     |     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.047       0.2     0.02 |     211 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDY2MuMuLine2                              |     0.190 |     0.143 |    0.019       5.5     0.19 |    1000 |     0.144 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2MuMuLine2PreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2MuMuLine2FilterSequence               |     0.187 |     0.146 |    0.004       0.4     0.09 |     266 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DY2MuMuLine2                                     |     0.047 |     0.058 |    0.042       0.1     0.01 |     211 |     0.012 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2MuMuLine2PostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDY2MuMuLine2Hlt                           |     0.120 |     0.131 |    0.019       1.6     0.08 |    1000 |     0.131 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2MuMuLine2HltPreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2MuMuLine2HltHlt2Filter                |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |     512 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2MuMuLine2HltFilterSequence            |     0.000 |     0.530 |    0.142       1.5     0.66 |       4 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DY2MuMuLine2Hlt                                  |     0.000 |     0.434 |    0.072       1.4     0.65 |       4 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2MuMuLine2HltPostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDY2MuMuLine3                              |     0.340 |     0.245 |    0.025       1.8     0.14 |    1000 |     0.245 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2MuMuLine3PreScaler                    |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2MuMuLine3FilterSequence               |     0.200 |     0.158 |    0.002       1.7     0.12 |    1000 |     0.158 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DY2MuMuLine3                                     |     0.076 |     0.071 |    0.042       1.5     0.07 |     785 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDY2MuMuLine2Hlt                           |     0.090 |     0.123 |    0.019       3.7     0.14 |    1000 |     0.124 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2MuMuLine2HltPreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2MuMuLine2HltHlt2Filter                |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     512 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2MuMuLine2HltFilterSequence            |     0.000 |     0.585 |    0.153       1.8     0.84 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DY2MuMuLine2Hlt                                  |     0.000 |     0.452 |    0.065       1.6     0.75 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2MuMuLine2HltPostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDY2MuMuLine3                              |     0.260 |     0.222 |    0.025       4.4     0.17 |    1000 |     0.223 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2MuMuLine3PreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2MuMuLine3FilterSequence               |     0.160 |     0.144 |    0.002       4.3     0.16 |    1000 |     0.145 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DY2MuMuLine3                                     |     0.089 |     0.058 |    0.038       1.1     0.04 |     785 |     0.046 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2MuMuLine3PostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDY2MuMuLine4                              |     0.200 |     0.224 |    0.023       6.0     0.22 |    1000 |     0.224 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDY2MuMuLine4                              |     0.270 |     0.197 |    0.021       1.5     0.10 |    1000 |     0.198 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2MuMuLine4PreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2MuMuLine4FilterSequence               |     0.110 |     0.139 |    0.002       5.8     0.20 |    1000 |     0.139 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DY2MuMuLine4                                     |     0.063 |     0.055 |    0.037       0.6     0.03 |     785 |     0.043 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2MuMuLine4PostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ02eeLine                                 |     0.340 |     0.276 |    0.022       4.7     0.19 |    1000 |     0.277 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02eeLinePreScaler                       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02eeLineFilterSequence                  |     0.240 |     0.204 |    0.002       0.9     0.10 |    1000 |     0.205 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z02eeLine                                        |     0.092 |     0.077 |    0.053       0.8     0.03 |     974 |     0.075 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2MuMuLine4FilterSequence               |     0.150 |     0.122 |    0.001       1.3     0.09 |    1000 |     0.123 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DY2MuMuLine4                                     |     0.101 |     0.048 |    0.034       1.1     0.04 |     785 |     0.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2MuMuLine4PostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ02eeLine                                 |     0.250 |     0.249 |    0.020       1.3     0.11 |    1000 |     0.250 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02eeLinePreScaler                       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02eeLineFilterSequence                  |     0.170 |     0.187 |    0.001       1.2     0.10 |    1000 |     0.188 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z02eeLine                                        |     0.051 |     0.069 |    0.044       1.1     0.05 |     974 |     0.068 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02eeLinePostScaler                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ02eeSSLine                               |     0.230 |     0.244 |    0.020       1.0     0.12 |    1000 |     0.245 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02eeSSLinePreScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02eeSSLineFilterSequence                |     0.180 |     0.179 |    0.001       0.8     0.09 |    1000 |     0.179 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z02eeSSLine                                      |     0.071 |     0.064 |    0.043       0.2     0.02 |     974 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ02eeSSLine                               |     0.270 |     0.224 |    0.019       0.8     0.10 |    1000 |     0.225 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02eeSSLinePreScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02eeSSLineFilterSequence                |     0.210 |     0.164 |    0.002       0.6     0.07 |    1000 |     0.164 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z02eeSSLine                                      |     0.071 |     0.057 |    0.039       0.2     0.01 |     974 |     0.056 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02eeSSLinePostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDY2eeLine3                                |     0.350 |     0.267 |    0.026       1.8     0.13 |    1000 |     0.268 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2eeLine3PreScaler                      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.4     0.02 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2eeLine3FilterSequence                 |     0.270 |     0.184 |    0.001       1.6     0.11 |    1000 |     0.184 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DY2eeLine3                                       |     0.082 |     0.068 |    0.044       1.4     0.05 |     974 |     0.067 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDY2eeLine3                                |     0.220 |     0.246 |    0.024       1.5     0.12 |    1000 |     0.246 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2eeLine3PreScaler                      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2eeLine3FilterSequence                 |     0.140 |     0.174 |    0.001       1.4     0.10 |    1000 |     0.174 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DY2eeLine3                                       |     0.071 |     0.061 |    0.040       1.2     0.04 |     974 |     0.060 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2eeLine3PostScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDY2eeLine4                                |     0.240 |     0.273 |    0.024       5.7     0.21 |    1000 |     0.274 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2eeLine4PreScaler                      |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2eeLine4FilterSequence                 |     0.180 |     0.187 |    0.002       0.9     0.10 |    1000 |     0.187 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DY2eeLine4                                       |     0.051 |     0.065 |    0.044       0.6     0.03 |     974 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDY2eeLine4                                |     0.200 |     0.244 |    0.023       0.9     0.10 |    1000 |     0.245 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2eeLine4PreScaler                      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2eeLine4FilterSequence                 |     0.150 |     0.172 |    0.002       0.8     0.08 |    1000 |     0.172 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DY2eeLine4                                       |     0.061 |     0.058 |    0.040       0.5     0.03 |     974 |     0.057 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDY2eeLine4PostScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingExoticaDisplPhiPhiLine                    |    11.110 |    11.140 |    0.024     218.1    20.57 |    1000 |    11.140 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingExoticaDisplPhiPhiLine                    |    10.440 |    10.363 |    0.023     203.8    19.27 |    1000 |    10.364 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDisplPhiPhiLinePreScaler          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDisplPhiPhiLineFilterSequence     |    11.060 |    11.029 |    0.002     217.8    20.55 |    1000 |    11.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ExoticaDisplPhiPhiLine                           |    12.183 |    12.196 |    0.365     217.4    21.33 |     893 |    10.892 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDisplPhiPhiLineFilterSequence     |    10.240 |    10.277 |    0.001     203.6    19.25 |    1000 |    10.278 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ExoticaDisplPhiPhiLine                           |    11.366 |    11.370 |    0.271     203.3    19.99 |     893 |    10.154 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDisplPhiPhiLinePostScaler         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingExoticaRHNuLine                           |     0.140 |     0.141 |    0.020       0.9     0.10 |    1000 |     0.141 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaRHNuLinePreScaler                 |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaRHNuLineFilterSequence            |     0.312 |     0.330 |    0.002       0.7     0.16 |      32 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SharedRHNu                                       |     0.256 |     0.243 |    0.082       8.4     0.35 |     781 |     0.190 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingExoticaRHNuLine                           |     0.190 |     0.124 |    0.018       0.7     0.08 |    1000 |     0.125 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaRHNuLinePreScaler                 |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaRHNuLineFilterSequence            |     0.625 |     0.290 |    0.002       0.5     0.12 |      32 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SharedRHNu                                       |     0.115 |     0.174 |    0.077       1.1     0.07 |     781 |     0.136 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ExoticaRHNuLine                                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaRHNuLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingExoticaRHNuHighMassLine                   |     0.390 |     0.419 |    0.025       9.2     0.41 |    1000 |     0.419 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaRHNuHighMassLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaRHNuHighMassLineFilterSequence    |     0.270 |     0.290 |    0.002       9.0     0.38 |    1000 |     0.291 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ExoticaRHNuHighMassLine                          |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingExoticaRHNuHighMassLine                   |     0.330 |     0.343 |    0.024       1.3     0.19 |    1000 |     0.343 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaRHNuHighMassLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaRHNuHighMassLineFilterSequence    |     0.190 |     0.229 |    0.002       1.2     0.16 |    1000 |     0.229 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ExoticaRHNuHighMassLine                          |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaRHNuHighMassLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingExoticaDiRHNuLine                         |     0.150 |     0.134 |    0.025       1.6     0.08 |    1000 |     0.135 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDiRHNuLinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDiRHNuLineFilterSequence          |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.002       1.5     0.05 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ExoticaDiRHNuLine                                |     0.000 |     0.168 |    0.034       1.3     0.39 |      11 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingExoticaDiRHNuLine                         |     0.110 |     0.123 |    0.023       1.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.124 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDiRHNuLinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDiRHNuLineFilterSequence          |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.001       1.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ExoticaDiRHNuLine                                |     0.000 |     0.188 |    0.031       1.6     0.48 |      11 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDiRHNuLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingExoticaQuadMuonNoIPLine                   |     0.160 |     0.151 |    0.025       5.4     0.20 |    1000 |     0.152 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingExoticaQuadMuonNoIPLine                   |     0.120 |     0.131 |    0.024       4.5     0.16 |    1000 |     0.131 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaQuadMuonNoIPLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaQuadMuonNoIPLineFilterSequence    |     0.020 |     0.014 |    0.002       1.5     0.06 |    1000 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ExoticaQuadMuonNoIPLine                          |     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.031       1.3     0.19 |      44 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaQuadMuonNoIPLineFilterSequence    |     0.010 |     0.013 |    0.002       1.6     0.06 |    1000 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ExoticaQuadMuonNoIPLine                          |     0.227 |     0.067 |    0.029       1.4     0.21 |      44 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaQuadMuonNoIPLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingExoticaDisplDiELine                       |     0.330 |     0.435 |    0.024      12.3     0.69 |    1000 |     0.435 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDisplDiELinePreScaler             |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDisplDiELineFilterSequence        |     0.180 |     0.315 |    0.001      12.2     0.68 |    1000 |     0.315 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SharedDiENoIP                                    |     0.032 |     0.071 |    0.044       1.6     0.06 |     934 |     0.067 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ExoticaDisplDiELine                              |     0.657 |     1.151 |    0.234       9.7     1.38 |      76 |     0.088 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingExoticaDisplDiELine                       |     0.350 |     0.398 |    0.023      13.1     0.65 |    1000 |     0.398 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDisplDiELinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDisplDiELineFilterSequence        |     0.290 |     0.290 |    0.001      13.0     0.65 |    1000 |     0.290 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SharedDiENoIP                                    |     0.053 |     0.063 |    0.039       0.7     0.03 |     934 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ExoticaDisplDiELine                              |     1.447 |     1.065 |    0.241      10.3     1.39 |      76 |     0.081 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDisplDiELinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingExoticaDisplDiEHighMassLine               |     0.290 |     0.228 |    0.025       9.8     0.52 |    1000 |     0.228 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDisplDiEHighMassLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDisplDiEHighMassLineFilterSequence|     0.130 |     0.100 |    0.001       9.7     0.52 |    1000 |     0.100 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ExoticaDisplDiEHighMassLine                      |     1.578 |     1.104 |    0.210       9.4     1.38 |      76 |     0.084 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingExoticaDisplDiEHighMassLine               |     0.170 |     0.211 |    0.023      11.2     0.51 |    1000 |     0.212 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDisplDiEHighMassLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDisplDiEHighMassLineFilterSequence|     0.110 |     0.095 |    0.001      11.0     0.51 |    1000 |     0.096 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ExoticaDisplDiEHighMassLine                      |     1.315 |     1.057 |    0.245      10.6     1.39 |      76 |     0.080 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingExoticaDisplDiEHighMassLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultL2pPiLine                          |     0.030 |     0.047 |    0.026       0.2     0.02 |    1000 |     0.048 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultL2pPiLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultL2pPiLineHlt2Filter               |     0.020 |     0.016 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultL2pPiLine                          |     0.050 |     0.039 |    0.024       0.5     0.02 |    1000 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultL2pPiLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultL2pPiLineHlt2Filter               |     0.010 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.013 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultL2pPiLineFilterSequence           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultL2pPiLinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultD2KPiLine                          |     0.050 |     0.035 |    0.021       5.1     0.16 |    1000 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultD2KPiLine                          |     0.010 |     0.024 |    0.018       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.024 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultD2KPiLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultD2KPiLineHlt2Filter               |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultD2KPiLineHlt2Filter               |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultD2KPiLineFilterSequence           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultD2KPiLinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultD2KPiPiLine                        |     0.020 |     0.030 |    0.020       1.2     0.04 |    1000 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultD2KPiPiLine                        |     0.010 |     0.025 |    0.017       0.5     0.02 |    1000 |     0.025 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultD2KPiPiLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultD2KPiPiLineHlt2Filter             |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultD2KPiPiLineHlt2Filter             |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultD2KPiPiLineFilterSequence         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultD2KPiPiLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultD2KKPiLine                         |     0.030 |     0.028 |    0.020       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultD2KKPiLinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultD2KKPiLineHlt2Filter              |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultD2KKPiLine                         |     0.030 |     0.024 |    0.018       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultD2KKPiLinePreScaler               |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultD2KKPiLineHlt2Filter              |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultD2KKPiLineFilterSequence          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultD2KKPiLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultD2K3PiLine                         |     0.040 |     0.028 |    0.020       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultD2K3PiLinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultD2K3PiLineHlt2Filter              |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultD2K3PiLine                         |     0.040 |     0.022 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultD2K3PiLinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultD2K3PiLineHlt2Filter              |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultD2K3PiLineFilterSequence          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultD2K3PiLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultChiC2HHLine                        |     0.020 |     0.027 |    0.020       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultChiC2HHLine                        |     0.020 |     0.025 |    0.018       1.1     0.04 |    1000 |     0.025 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultChiC2HHLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultChiC2HHLineHlt2Filter             |     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultChiC2HHLineHlt2Filter             |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       1.1     0.03 |    1000 |     0.007 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultChiC2HHLineFilterSequence         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultChiC2HHLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultChiC2HHHHLine                      |     0.040 |     0.029 |    0.021       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultChiC2HHHHLinePreScaler            |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultChiC2HHHHLineHlt2Filter           |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultChiC2HHHHLine                      |     0.020 |     0.023 |    0.018       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultChiC2HHHHLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultChiC2HHHHLineHlt2Filter           |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultChiC2HHHHLineFilterSequence       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultChiC2HHHHLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultChiC2PPLine                        |     0.060 |     0.029 |    0.020       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultChiC2PPLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultChiC2PPLineHlt2Filter             |     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultChiC2PPLine                        |     0.050 |     0.024 |    0.018       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultChiC2PPLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultChiC2PPLineHlt2Filter             |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultChiC2PPLineFilterSequence         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultChiC2PPLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultLMR2HHLine                         |     0.060 |     0.033 |    0.020       4.8     0.15 |    1000 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultLMR2HHLine                         |     0.030 |     0.023 |    0.018       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.024 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultLMR2HHLinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultLMR2HHLineHlt2Filter              |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultLMR2HHLineHlt2Filter              |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultLMR2HHLineFilterSequence          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultLMR2HHLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultLMR2HHHHLine                       |     0.010 |     0.028 |    0.019       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultLMR2HHHHLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultLMR2HHHHLineHlt2Filter            |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultLMR2HHHHLine                       |     0.010 |     0.022 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultLMR2HHHHLinePreScaler             |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultLMR2HHHHLineHlt2Filter            |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultLMR2HHHHLineFilterSequence        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultLMR2HHHHLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultHadron_noTrFiltLine                |     0.060 |     0.029 |    0.020       0.7     0.02 |    1000 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultHadron_noTrFiltLine                |     0.020 |     0.024 |    0.017       1.3     0.04 |    1000 |     0.025 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultHadron_noTrFiltLinePreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultHadron_noTrFiltLineHlt2Filter     |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultHadron_noTrFiltLineHlt2Filter     |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultHadron_noTrFiltLineFilterSequence |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultHadron_noTrFiltLinePostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultDiMuonLine                         |     0.040 |     0.029 |    0.021       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultDiMuonLine                         |     0.010 |     0.024 |    0.018       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.025 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultDiMuonLinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultDiMuonLineHlt2Filter              |     0.030 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultDiMuonLineHlt2Filter              |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultDiMuonLineFilterSequence          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultDiMuonLinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultDiMuon_PSLine                      |     0.010 |     0.025 |    0.018       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultDiMuon_PSLine                      |     0.030 |     0.021 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.022 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultDiMuon_PSLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultDiMuon_PSLineHlt2Filter           |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultDiMuon_PSLineHlt2Filter           |     0.020 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultDiMuon_PSLineFilterSequence       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultDiMuon_PSLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultMuonLine                           |     0.010 |     0.025 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultMuonLine                           |     0.010 |     0.021 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.021 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultMuonLinePreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultMuonLineHlt2Filter                |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultMuonLineHlt2Filter                |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultMuonLineFilterSequence            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultMuonLinePostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultDiElectronLine                     |     0.050 |     0.028 |    0.019       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultDiElectronLinePreScaler           |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultDiElectronLineHlt2Filter          |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultDiElectronLine                     |     0.010 |     0.023 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultDiElectronLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultDiElectronLineHlt2Filter          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultDiElectronLineFilterSequence      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultDiElectronLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultDiElectron_noTrFiltLine            |     0.020 |     0.026 |    0.019       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultDiElectron_noTrFiltLine            |     0.020 |     0.023 |    0.017       0.5     0.02 |    1000 |     0.023 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultDiElectron_noTrFiltLinePreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultDiElectron_noTrFiltLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultDiElectron_noTrFiltLineHlt2Filter |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultDiElectron_noTrFiltLineFilterSeque|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultDiElectron_noTrFiltLinePostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultDiPhotonLine                       |     0.010 |     0.027 |    0.019       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultDiPhotonLine                       |     0.070 |     0.023 |    0.018       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.024 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultDiPhotonLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultDiPhotonLineHlt2Filter            |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultDiPhotonLineHlt2Filter            |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultDiPhotonLineFilterSequence        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultDiPhotonLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultDiPhoton_HighMassLine              |     0.020 |     0.032 |    0.020       4.3     0.14 |    1000 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultDiPhoton_HighMassLine              |     0.010 |     0.023 |    0.017       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.023 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultDiPhoton_HighMassLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultDiPhoton_HighMassLineHlt2Filter   |     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.003       4.2     0.13 |    1000 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultDiPhoton_HighMassLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultDiPhoton_HighMassLineFilterSequenc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultDiPhoton_HighMassLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultPi0Line                            |     0.040 |     0.025 |    0.018       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultPi0LinePreScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultPi0LineHlt2Filter                 |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultPi0Line                            |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultPi0LinePreScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultPi0LineHlt2Filter                 |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultPi0LineFilterSequence             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultPi0LinePostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultNonBeamBeamNoBiasLine              |     0.010 |     0.025 |    0.018       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultNonBeamBeamNoBiasLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultNonBeamBeamNoBiasLineHlt2Filter   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultNonBeamBeamNoBiasLine              |     0.020 |     0.022 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultNonBeamBeamNoBiasLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultNonBeamBeamNoBiasLineHlt2Filter   |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultNonBeamBeamNoBiasLineFilterSequenc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultNonBeamBeamNoBiasLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHlt1NoBiasNonBeamBeamLine                 |     0.030 |     0.032 |    0.022       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHlt1NoBiasNonBeamBeamLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHlt1NoBiasNonBeamBeamLineHlt1Filter      |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHlt1NoBiasNonBeamBeamLine                 |     0.020 |     0.029 |    0.021       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHlt1NoBiasNonBeamBeamLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHlt1NoBiasNonBeamBeamLineHlt1Filter      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHlt1NoBiasNonBeamBeamLineFilterSequence  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHlt1NoBiasNonBeamBeamLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHlt2PassThroughLine                       |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.019       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHlt2PassThroughLine                       |     0.030 |     0.025 |    0.019       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.025 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHlt2PassThroughLinePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHlt2PassThroughLineHlt2Filter            |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHlt2PassThroughLineFilterSequence        |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHlt2PassThroughLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultBXTYPELine                         |     0.030 |     0.038 |    0.023       0.2     0.02 |    1000 |     0.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHlt2PassThroughLineHlt2Filter            |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHlt2PassThroughLineFilterSequence        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHlt2PassThroughLinePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLowMultBXTYPELine                         |     0.040 |     0.032 |    0.020       0.2     0.02 |    1000 |     0.032 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultBXTYPELinePreScaler               |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultBXTYPELineODINFilter              |     0.030 |     0.015 |    0.006       0.2     0.02 |    1000 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultBXTYPELineODINFilter              |     0.010 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.013 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultBXTYPELineFilterSequence          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLowMultBXTYPELinePostScaler              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingA2MuMuLine                                |     0.360 |     0.319 |    0.062       5.6     0.27 |    1000 |     0.319 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingA2MuMuLinePreScaler                      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingA2MuMuLineFilterSequence                 |     0.170 |     0.150 |    0.004       5.3     0.26 |    1000 |     0.150 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            A2MuMuLine                                       |     0.038 |     0.060 |    0.036       5.2     0.20 |     785 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingA2MuMuLine                                |     0.280 |     0.252 |    0.055       3.8     0.15 |    1000 |     0.253 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingA2MuMuLinePreScaler                      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingA2MuMuLineFilterSequence                 |     0.130 |     0.129 |    0.003       1.3     0.09 |    1000 |     0.129 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            A2MuMuLine                                       |     0.038 |     0.047 |    0.034       1.2     0.04 |     785 |     0.037 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingA2MuMuLinePostScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDitauHHnoisoLine                          |     0.150 |     0.166 |    0.037       5.0     0.27 |    1000 |     0.166 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauHHnoisoLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauHHnoisoLineFilterSequence           |     0.000 |     1.301 |    0.003       4.8     1.22 |      22 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:DitauHHnoisoLine                          |     0.000 |     1.353 |    0.420       4.7     1.22 |      21 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:DitauHHnoisoLine                   |     0.000 |     1.344 |    0.415       4.7     1.22 |      21 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_h1h1_os_noiso                   |     0.000 |     1.146 |    0.398       4.0     0.96 |      21 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:TauNoiso                               |     1.149 |     1.158 |    0.180      11.5     1.02 |     974 |     1.128 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:TauNoiso                        |     1.006 |     1.008 |    0.174       9.6     0.86 |     974 |     0.982 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:SelTauNoiso_e                         |     0.246 |     0.180 |    0.038       0.9     0.10 |     974 |     0.175 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  SelTauNoiso_e                              |     0.061 |     0.046 |    0.007       0.4     0.02 |     974 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:SelTauNoiso_mu                        |     0.041 |     0.090 |    0.002       1.0     0.09 |     974 |     0.088 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  SelTauNoiso_mu                             |     0.012 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     785 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:SelTauNoiso_h1                        |     0.123 |     0.171 |    0.023       4.7     0.19 |     974 |     0.167 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  SelTauNoiso_h1                             |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.005       0.8     0.03 |     974 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:SelTauNoiso_h3                        |     0.585 |     0.547 |    0.096       8.1     0.69 |     974 |     0.534 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  SelTauNoiso_h3                             |     0.379 |     0.366 |    0.072       7.3     0.46 |     974 |     0.357 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                TauNoiso                                     |     0.022 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     444 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_h1h1_os_noiso                        |     0.000 |     0.178 |    0.039       1.3     0.41 |       9 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_h3h3_os_noiso                   |     0.000 |     0.085 |    0.002       0.6     0.15 |      21 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_h3h3_os_noiso                        |     0.000 |     0.093 |    0.032       0.5     0.17 |       9 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_h1h3_os_noiso                   |     0.000 |     0.092 |    0.002       0.6     0.14 |      21 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_h1h3_os_noiso                        |     0.000 |     0.107 |    0.045       0.5     0.15 |       9 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDitauHHnoisoLine                          |     0.080 |     0.157 |    0.034       4.9     0.26 |    1000 |     0.158 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauHHnoisoLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauHHnoisoLineFilterSequence           |     0.454 |     1.259 |    0.004       4.7     1.17 |      22 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:DitauHHnoisoLine                          |     0.476 |     1.311 |    0.392       4.7     1.16 |      21 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:DitauHHnoisoLine                   |     0.476 |     1.302 |    0.387       4.7     1.16 |      21 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_h1h1_os_noiso                   |     0.000 |     1.105 |    0.373       3.9     0.91 |      21 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:TauNoiso                               |     0.995 |     1.044 |    0.177       9.7     0.88 |     974 |     1.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:TauNoiso                        |     0.852 |     0.909 |    0.172       9.1     0.77 |     974 |     0.886 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:SelTauNoiso_e                         |     0.133 |     0.158 |    0.034       0.7     0.08 |     974 |     0.154 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  SelTauNoiso_e                              |     0.061 |     0.033 |    0.006       0.1     0.02 |     974 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:SelTauNoiso_mu                        |     0.041 |     0.084 |    0.002       0.6     0.07 |     974 |     0.082 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  SelTauNoiso_mu                             |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     785 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:SelTauNoiso_h1                        |     0.082 |     0.150 |    0.020       5.2     0.19 |     974 |     0.147 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  SelTauNoiso_h1                             |     0.010 |     0.019 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     974 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:SelTauNoiso_h3                        |     0.564 |     0.499 |    0.091       8.3     0.65 |     974 |     0.486 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  SelTauNoiso_h3                             |     0.390 |     0.328 |    0.065       7.5     0.44 |     974 |     0.320 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                TauNoiso                                     |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     444 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_h1h1_os_noiso                        |     0.000 |     0.155 |    0.035       1.0     0.32 |       9 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_h3h3_os_noiso                   |     0.000 |     0.085 |    0.002       0.5     0.13 |      21 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_h3h3_os_noiso                        |     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.032       0.5     0.14 |       9 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_h1h3_os_noiso                   |     0.476 |     0.095 |    0.001       0.5     0.14 |      21 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_h1h3_os_noiso                        |     1.111 |     0.104 |    0.044       0.5     0.14 |       9 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DitauHHnoisoLine                                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_DitauHHnoisoLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauHHnoisoLinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDitauEXnoisoLine                          |     0.260 |     0.175 |    0.022      10.3     0.49 |    1000 |     0.176 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDitauEXnoisoLine                          |     0.110 |     0.154 |    0.020      10.7     0.44 |    1000 |     0.154 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauEXnoisoLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauEXnoisoLineFilterSequence           |     2.857 |     2.144 |    0.361      10.2     2.29 |      21 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:DitauEXnoisoLine                          |     2.857 |     2.133 |    0.355      10.2     2.29 |      21 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:DitauEXnoisoLine                   |     2.857 |     2.122 |    0.350      10.2     2.29 |      21 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_ee_os_noiso                     |     2.857 |     1.713 |    0.326       9.6     2.06 |      21 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_ee_os_noiso                          |     0.769 |     0.135 |    0.036       1.2     0.32 |      13 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_eh3_os_noiso                    |     0.000 |     0.146 |    0.002       0.8     0.18 |      21 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_eh3_os_noiso                         |     0.000 |     0.109 |    0.046       0.6     0.16 |      13 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_eh1_os_noiso                    |     0.000 |     0.130 |    0.001       0.6     0.15 |      21 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_eh1_os_noiso                         |     0.000 |     0.092 |    0.045       0.5     0.12 |      13 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_emu_os_noiso                    |     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.002       1.4     0.19 |      69 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_emu_os_noiso                         |     0.000 |     0.103 |    0.046       1.2     0.21 |      30 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauEXnoisoLineFilterSequence           |     1.428 |     2.062 |    0.360      10.5     2.28 |      21 |     0.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:DitauEXnoisoLine                          |     1.428 |     2.054 |    0.354      10.5     2.28 |      21 |     0.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:DitauEXnoisoLine                   |     1.428 |     2.045 |    0.350      10.5     2.28 |      21 |     0.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_ee_os_noiso                     |     0.952 |     1.634 |    0.320       9.9     2.08 |      21 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_ee_os_noiso                          |     0.000 |     0.138 |    0.037       1.2     0.33 |      13 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_eh3_os_noiso                    |     0.476 |     0.134 |    0.002       0.7     0.15 |      21 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_eh3_os_noiso                         |     0.769 |     0.090 |    0.041       0.5     0.13 |      13 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_eh1_os_noiso                    |     0.000 |     0.130 |    0.002       0.6     0.14 |      21 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_eh1_os_noiso                         |     0.000 |     0.089 |    0.041       0.5     0.12 |      13 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_emu_os_noiso                    |     0.000 |     0.111 |    0.002       1.1     0.18 |      69 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_emu_os_noiso                         |     0.000 |     0.096 |    0.044       1.0     0.18 |      30 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DitauEXnoisoLine                                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_DitauEXnoisoLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauEXnoisoLinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDitauHHLine                               |     1.560 |     1.658 |    0.030      16.8     1.62 |    1000 |     1.658 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDitauHHLine                               |     1.520 |     1.480 |    0.027      17.2     1.37 |    1000 |     1.481 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauHHLinePreScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauHHLineFilterSequence                |     1.500 |     1.516 |    0.002      16.7     1.58 |    1000 |     1.517 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:DitauHHLine                               |     1.519 |     1.548 |    0.020      16.7     1.58 |     974 |     1.508 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:DitauHHLine                        |     1.519 |     1.541 |    0.016      16.6     1.58 |     974 |     1.502 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_h1h3_os                         |     1.427 |     1.499 |    0.002      16.6     1.54 |     974 |     1.461 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               TauInfo                                       |     0.292 |     0.455 |    0.078       7.5     0.55 |     444 |     0.202 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               TauIso                                        |     0.045 |     0.100 |    0.027       0.8     0.08 |     444 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_h1h3_os                              |     0.000 |     0.125 |    0.055       1.6     0.27 |      33 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_h1h1_os                         |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.001       0.8     0.04 |     974 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_h1h1_os                              |     0.000 |     0.059 |    0.028       0.7     0.12 |      33 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_h3h3_os                         |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.001       2.3     0.08 |     974 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_h3h3_os                              |     0.000 |     0.121 |    0.028       2.0     0.37 |      33 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauHHLineFilterSequence                |     1.390 |     1.355 |    0.002      17.0     1.34 |    1000 |     1.355 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:DitauHHLine                               |     1.416 |     1.383 |    0.018      17.0     1.34 |     974 |     1.348 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:DitauHHLine                        |     1.416 |     1.378 |    0.014      17.0     1.34 |     974 |     1.342 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_h1h3_os                         |     1.365 |     1.347 |    0.001      17.0     1.33 |     974 |     1.313 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               TauInfo                                       |     0.472 |     0.406 |    0.065       7.8     0.54 |     444 |     0.181 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               TauIso                                        |     0.112 |     0.088 |    0.022       0.5     0.06 |     444 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_h1h3_os                              |     0.303 |     0.095 |    0.053       1.0     0.16 |      33 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_h1h1_os                         |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.001       0.5     0.03 |     974 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_h1h1_os                              |     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.027       0.5     0.07 |      33 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_h3h3_os                         |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.001       1.6     0.06 |     974 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_h3h3_os                              |     0.000 |     0.087 |    0.025       1.5     0.26 |      33 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DitauHHLine                                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_DitauHHLine                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauHHLinePostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDitauMXnoisoLine                          |     0.060 |     0.149 |    0.021       3.6     0.19 |    1000 |     0.149 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauMXnoisoLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauMXnoisoLineFilterSequence           |     0.200 |     0.408 |    0.003       3.4     0.71 |      50 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:DitauMXnoisoLine                          |     0.208 |     0.416 |    0.024       3.4     0.72 |      48 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:DitauMXnoisoLine                   |     0.208 |     0.408 |    0.019       3.4     0.71 |      48 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_h3mu_os_noiso                   |     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.001       0.7     0.14 |      48 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_h3mu_os_noiso                        |     0.000 |     0.091 |    0.050       0.6     0.13 |      17 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_h1mu_os_noiso                   |     0.000 |     0.111 |    0.001       1.7     0.27 |      48 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_h1mu_os_noiso                        |     0.000 |     0.165 |    0.047       1.4     0.34 |      17 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_mumu_os_noiso                   |     0.208 |     0.079 |    0.001       0.7     0.14 |      48 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_mumu_os_noiso                        |     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.030       0.5     0.12 |      17 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDitauMXnoisoLine                          |     0.110 |     0.135 |    0.018       3.0     0.17 |    1000 |     0.136 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauMXnoisoLinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauMXnoisoLineFilterSequence           |     0.200 |     0.369 |    0.002       2.9     0.62 |      50 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:DitauMXnoisoLine                          |     0.208 |     0.378 |    0.020       2.8     0.62 |      48 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:DitauMXnoisoLine                   |     0.208 |     0.372 |    0.016       2.8     0.62 |      48 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_h3mu_os_noiso                   |     0.208 |     0.083 |    0.001       0.6     0.13 |      48 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_h3mu_os_noiso                        |     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.047       0.5     0.10 |      17 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_h1mu_os_noiso                   |     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.001       1.2     0.21 |      48 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_h1mu_os_noiso                        |     0.000 |     0.130 |    0.044       1.0     0.24 |      17 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_mumu_os_noiso                   |     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.001       0.5     0.12 |      48 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_mumu_os_noiso                        |     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.028       0.4     0.10 |      17 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DitauMXnoisoLine                                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_DitauMXnoisoLine                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauMXnoisoLinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDitauEXLine                               |     0.200 |     0.201 |    0.026       2.8     0.17 |    1000 |     0.202 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDitauEXLine                               |     0.160 |     0.182 |    0.025       2.2     0.16 |    1000 |     0.183 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauEXLinePreScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauEXLineFilterSequence                |     0.070 |     0.064 |    0.002       2.7     0.16 |    1000 |     0.064 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:DitauEXLine                               |     0.051 |     0.058 |    0.023       2.7     0.16 |     974 |     0.057 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:DitauEXLine                        |     0.051 |     0.052 |    0.019       2.6     0.16 |     974 |     0.051 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_ee_os                           |     0.020 |     0.010 |    0.001       0.8     0.04 |     974 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_ee_os                                |     0.303 |     0.068 |    0.034       0.7     0.12 |      33 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_eh3_os                          |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.001       0.6     0.04 |     974 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_eh3_os                               |     0.000 |     0.074 |    0.042       0.5     0.09 |      33 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_emu_os                          |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.001       0.6     0.04 |     974 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_emu_os                               |     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.041       0.5     0.08 |      33 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_eh1_os                          |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.001       0.6     0.04 |     974 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_eh1_os                               |     0.000 |     0.073 |    0.043       0.6     0.09 |      33 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauEXLineFilterSequence                |     0.070 |     0.056 |    0.002       2.1     0.15 |    1000 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:DitauEXLine                               |     0.061 |     0.051 |    0.021       2.1     0.15 |     974 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:DitauEXLine                        |     0.061 |     0.046 |    0.017       2.1     0.15 |     974 |     0.045 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_ee_os                           |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.001       0.5     0.04 |     974 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_ee_os                                |     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.031       0.4     0.07 |      33 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_eh3_os                          |     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.001       0.5     0.04 |     974 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_eh3_os                               |     0.303 |     0.064 |    0.039       0.5     0.07 |      33 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_emu_os                          |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.001       0.5     0.03 |     974 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_emu_os                               |     0.000 |     0.061 |    0.037       0.4     0.07 |      33 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_eh1_os                          |     0.041 |     0.008 |    0.001       0.6     0.04 |     974 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_eh1_os                               |     0.606 |     0.071 |    0.037       0.5     0.08 |      33 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DitauEXLine                                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_DitauEXLine                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauEXLinePostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDitauEXssnoisoLine                        |     0.130 |     0.135 |    0.021       3.4     0.14 |    1000 |     0.135 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauEXssnoisoLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauEXssnoisoLineFilterSequence         |     1.666 |     0.648 |    0.038       3.3     0.94 |      12 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:DitauEXssnoisoLine                        |     1.666 |     0.638 |    0.034       3.3     0.94 |      12 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:DitauEXssnoisoLine                 |     1.666 |     0.628 |    0.030       3.3     0.94 |      12 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_eh1_ss_noiso                    |     0.833 |     0.217 |    0.001       1.4     0.39 |      12 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_eh1_ss_noiso                         |     0.000 |     0.275 |    0.055       1.3     0.49 |       6 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_ee_ss_noiso                     |     0.000 |     0.132 |    0.001       0.7     0.21 |      12 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_ee_ss_noiso                          |     0.000 |     0.142 |    0.038       0.6     0.24 |       6 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_eh3_ss_noiso                    |     0.833 |     0.127 |    0.002       0.6     0.18 |      12 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_eh3_ss_noiso                         |     1.666 |     0.128 |    0.049       0.5     0.18 |       6 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_emu_ss_noiso                    |     0.166 |     0.100 |    0.001       0.9     0.17 |      60 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_emu_ss_noiso                         |     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.047       0.5     0.10 |      24 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDitauEXssnoisoLine                        |     0.130 |     0.126 |    0.020       2.8     0.12 |    1000 |     0.126 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauEXssnoisoLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauEXssnoisoLineFilterSequence         |     0.000 |     0.575 |    0.026       2.7     0.79 |      12 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:DitauEXssnoisoLine                        |     0.000 |     0.568 |    0.021       2.7     0.79 |      12 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:DitauEXssnoisoLine                 |     0.000 |     0.559 |    0.018       2.7     0.79 |      12 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_eh1_ss_noiso                    |     0.000 |     0.183 |    0.001       1.1     0.31 |      12 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_eh1_ss_noiso                         |     0.000 |     0.225 |    0.061       1.0     0.39 |       6 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_ee_ss_noiso                     |     0.000 |     0.116 |    0.002       0.5     0.16 |      12 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_ee_ss_noiso                          |     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.036       0.4     0.16 |       6 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_eh3_ss_noiso                    |     0.000 |     0.121 |    0.001       0.5     0.17 |      12 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_eh3_ss_noiso                         |     0.000 |     0.121 |    0.047       0.5     0.18 |       6 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_emu_ss_noiso                    |     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.001       0.5     0.12 |      60 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_emu_ss_noiso                         |     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.043       0.5     0.08 |      24 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DitauEXssnoisoLine                              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauEXssnoisoLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDitauHHssnoisoLine                        |     0.130 |     0.130 |    0.020       6.1     0.20 |    1000 |     0.131 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauHHssnoisoLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauHHssnoisoLineFilterSequence         |     0.666 |     0.624 |    0.031       6.0     1.51 |      15 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:DitauHHssnoisoLine                        |     0.666 |     0.613 |    0.023       5.9     1.51 |      15 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:DitauHHssnoisoLine                 |     0.666 |     0.586 |    0.018       5.7     1.44 |      15 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_h1h3_ss_noiso                   |     0.000 |     0.219 |    0.003       2.1     0.54 |      15 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_h1h3_ss_noiso                        |     0.000 |     0.271 |    0.060       1.2     0.45 |       6 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_h1h1_ss_noiso                   |     0.666 |     0.135 |    0.002       1.2     0.30 |      15 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_h1h1_ss_noiso                        |     0.000 |     0.219 |    0.035       1.1     0.41 |       6 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_h3h3_ss_noiso                   |     0.000 |     0.212 |    0.002       2.3     0.59 |      15 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_h3h3_ss_noiso                        |     0.000 |     0.218 |    0.034       1.1     0.41 |       6 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DitauHHssnoisoLine                              |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauHHssnoisoLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDitauMXLine                               |     0.160 |     0.189 |    0.027       2.1     0.14 |    1000 |     0.189 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDitauHHssnoisoLine                        |     0.120 |     0.120 |    0.019       5.4     0.19 |    1000 |     0.120 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauHHssnoisoLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauHHssnoisoLineFilterSequence         |     0.000 |     0.537 |    0.024       5.3     1.35 |      15 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:DitauHHssnoisoLine                        |     0.000 |     0.528 |    0.018       5.3     1.35 |      15 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:DitauHHssnoisoLine                 |     0.000 |     0.505 |    0.014       5.1     1.28 |      15 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_h1h3_ss_noiso                   |     0.000 |     0.194 |    0.002       1.9     0.48 |      15 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_h1h3_ss_noiso                        |     0.000 |     0.235 |    0.062       1.1     0.40 |       6 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_h1h1_ss_noiso                   |     0.000 |     0.109 |    0.001       1.0     0.26 |      15 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_h1h1_ss_noiso                        |     0.000 |     0.185 |    0.032       0.9     0.36 |       6 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_h3h3_ss_noiso                   |     0.000 |     0.187 |    0.001       2.1     0.54 |      15 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_h3h3_ss_noiso                        |     0.000 |     0.202 |    0.033       0.9     0.37 |       6 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DitauHHssnoisoLine                              |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauHHssnoisoLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDitauMXLine                               |     0.110 |     0.171 |    0.025       2.2     0.13 |    1000 |     0.171 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauMXLinePreScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauMXLineFilterSequence                |     0.040 |     0.052 |    0.002       2.0     0.12 |    1000 |     0.053 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:DitauMXLine                               |     0.041 |     0.045 |    0.020       2.0     0.12 |     974 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:DitauMXLine                        |     0.030 |     0.040 |    0.015       2.0     0.12 |     974 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_h3mu_os                         |     0.010 |     0.011 |    0.001       0.7     0.05 |     974 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_h3mu_os                              |     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.048       0.6     0.10 |      33 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_mumu_os                         |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.001       0.7     0.04 |     974 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_mumu_os                              |     0.000 |     0.055 |    0.026       0.7     0.11 |      33 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_h1mu_os                         |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.001       0.6     0.04 |     974 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_h1mu_os                              |     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.041       0.5     0.09 |      33 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauMXLineFilterSequence                |     0.050 |     0.047 |    0.002       1.9     0.12 |    1000 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:DitauMXLine                               |     0.051 |     0.041 |    0.017       1.9     0.12 |     974 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:DitauMXLine                        |     0.051 |     0.036 |    0.013       1.9     0.12 |     974 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_h3mu_os                         |     0.020 |     0.010 |    0.001       0.8     0.05 |     974 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_h3mu_os                              |     0.606 |     0.078 |    0.045       0.5     0.08 |      33 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_mumu_os                         |     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.001       0.7     0.04 |     974 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_mumu_os                              |     0.303 |     0.050 |    0.025       0.5     0.08 |      33 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_h1mu_os                         |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.001       0.5     0.04 |     974 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_h1mu_os                              |     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.036       0.5     0.07 |      33 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DitauMXLine                                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_DitauMXLine                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauMXLinePostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDitauMXssnoisoLine                        |     0.140 |     0.145 |    0.021       4.3     0.21 |    1000 |     0.146 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauMXssnoisoLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauMXssnoisoLineFilterSequence         |     0.816 |     0.458 |    0.002       3.8     0.75 |      49 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:DitauMXssnoisoLine                        |     0.833 |     0.458 |    0.022       3.7     0.76 |      48 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:DitauMXssnoisoLine                 |     0.833 |     0.451 |    0.019       3.7     0.76 |      48 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_h1mu_ss_noiso                   |     0.208 |     0.137 |    0.001       1.4     0.27 |      48 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_h1mu_ss_noiso                        |     0.555 |     0.145 |    0.047       1.3     0.28 |      18 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_mumu_ss_noiso                   |     0.000 |     0.097 |    0.001       0.9     0.18 |      48 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_mumu_ss_noiso                        |     0.000 |     0.078 |    0.033       0.5     0.11 |      18 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_h3mu_ss_noiso                   |     0.416 |     0.100 |    0.001       0.9     0.17 |      48 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_h3mu_ss_noiso                        |     0.555 |     0.088 |    0.046       0.5     0.11 |      18 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDitauMXssnoisoLine                        |     0.100 |     0.134 |    0.018       2.5     0.16 |    1000 |     0.134 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauMXssnoisoLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauMXssnoisoLineFilterSequence         |     0.408 |     0.362 |    0.002       2.2     0.53 |      49 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:DitauMXssnoisoLine                        |     0.416 |     0.363 |    0.021       2.2     0.53 |      48 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:DitauMXssnoisoLine                 |     0.416 |     0.358 |    0.017       2.2     0.53 |      48 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_h1mu_ss_noiso                   |     0.000 |     0.100 |    0.001       0.7     0.16 |      48 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_h1mu_ss_noiso                        |     0.000 |     0.092 |    0.049       0.6     0.13 |      18 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_mumu_ss_noiso                   |     0.208 |     0.083 |    0.001       0.6     0.14 |      48 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_mumu_ss_noiso                        |     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.032       0.5     0.11 |      18 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelDitau_h3mu_ss_noiso                   |     0.208 |     0.082 |    0.001       0.6     0.13 |      48 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelDitau_h3mu_ss_noiso                        |     0.555 |     0.075 |    0.041       0.5     0.11 |      18 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DitauMXssnoisoLine                              |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDitauMXssnoisoLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingSingleTrackTISLine                        |     0.140 |     0.129 |    0.018       0.8     0.08 |    1000 |     0.129 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSingleTrackTISLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSingleTrackTISLineFilterSequence         |     0.074 |     0.130 |    0.038       0.4     0.06 |     135 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SingleTrackTISNoPIDs                             |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     132 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingSingleTrackTISLine                        |     0.100 |     0.126 |    0.016       5.2     0.18 |    1000 |     0.126 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSingleTrackTISLinePreScaler              |     0.020 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSingleTrackTISLineFilterSequence         |     0.074 |     0.133 |    0.029       0.5     0.06 |     135 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SingleTrackTISNoPIDs                             |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     132 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SingleTrackTISHlt1TIS                            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SingleTrackTISLine                               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSingleTrackTISLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingSingleTrackTISLowLine                     |     0.100 |     0.106 |    0.016       0.6     0.06 |    1000 |     0.107 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSingleTrackTISLowLinePreScaler           |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSingleTrackTISLowLineFilterSequence      |     0.000 |     0.179 |    0.085       0.3     0.08 |       7 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SingleTrackTISNoPIDsLow                          |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingSingleTrackTISLowLine                     |     0.090 |     0.098 |    0.015       0.6     0.05 |    1000 |     0.099 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSingleTrackTISLowLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSingleTrackTISLowLineFilterSequence      |     0.000 |     0.179 |    0.074       0.3     0.08 |       7 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SingleTrackTISNoPIDsLow                          |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |       7 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SingleTrackTISHlt1TISLow                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SingleTrackTISLowLine                            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSingleTrackTISLowLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWRareDecayW2PionGammaLine                 |     0.230 |     0.231 |    0.022       3.1     0.19 |    1000 |     0.231 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWRareDecayW2PionGammaLine                 |     0.210 |     0.208 |    0.020       2.5     0.13 |    1000 |     0.208 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWRareDecayW2PionGammaLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWRareDecayW2PionGammaLineFilterSequence  |     0.140 |     0.123 |    0.002       2.9     0.15 |    1000 |     0.124 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhotonHighPTSelWRareDecay                        |     0.010 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.8     0.03 |     972 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsHighPTSelWRareDecay                         |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.006       0.1     0.03 |      13 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WRareDecayW2PionGammaLine                        |     0.000 |     0.759 |    0.143       1.4     0.87 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWRareDecayW2PionGammaLineFilterSequence  |     0.120 |     0.112 |    0.002       2.3     0.10 |    1000 |     0.112 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhotonHighPTSelWRareDecay                        |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.3     0.01 |     972 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsHighPTSelWRareDecay                         |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.006       0.1     0.02 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WRareDecayW2PionGammaLine                        |     5.000 |     0.649 |    0.131       1.2     0.73 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_WRareDecayW2PionGammaLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWRareDecayW2PionGammaLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWRareDecayW2KaonGammaLine                 |     0.120 |     0.117 |    0.022       1.5     0.08 |    1000 |     0.117 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWRareDecayW2KaonGammaLinePreScaler       |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWRareDecayW2KaonGammaLineFilterSequence  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.002       1.4     0.05 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsHighPTSelWRareDecay                         |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |      13 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WRareDecayW2KaonGammaLine                        |     0.000 |     0.416 |    0.117       0.7     0.42 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWRareDecayW2KaonGammaLine                 |     0.100 |     0.114 |    0.020       4.5     0.20 |    1000 |     0.115 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWRareDecayW2KaonGammaLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWRareDecayW2KaonGammaLineFilterSequence  |     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.002       4.4     0.15 |    1000 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsHighPTSelWRareDecay                         |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WRareDecayW2KaonGammaLine                        |     0.000 |     0.374 |    0.096       0.7     0.39 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_WRareDecayW2KaonGammaLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWRareDecayW2KaonGammaLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWRareDecayW2KstPGammaLine                 |     0.100 |     0.147 |    0.021       6.1     0.34 |    1000 |     0.148 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWRareDecayW2KstPGammaLine                 |     0.170 |     0.137 |    0.020       5.4     0.33 |    1000 |     0.137 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWRareDecayW2KstPGammaLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWRareDecayW2KstPGammaLineFilterSequence  |     0.030 |     0.038 |    0.002       5.9     0.33 |    1000 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:KstPSelWRareDecay                         |     2.307 |     2.651 |    1.012       5.9     1.26 |      13 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:KstPSelWRareDecay                  |     2.307 |     2.641 |    1.002       5.8     1.26 |      13 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KstPSel1WRareDecay                       |     0.769 |     1.154 |    0.031       3.2     0.88 |      13 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:Selection_KSSelWRareDecay_Kshort       |     0.769 |     0.573 |    0.026       1.5     0.45 |      13 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_KSSelWRareDecay_Kshort|     0.769 |     0.328 |    0.017       0.9     0.26 |      13 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_KSSelWRareDecay_Ksdd        |     0.000 |     0.173 |    0.003       0.5     0.15 |      13 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_KSSelWRareDecay_Ksdd             |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |       9 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_KSSelWRareDecay_Ksll        |     0.769 |     0.139 |    0.002       0.4     0.17 |      13 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_KSSelWRareDecay_Ksll             |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.026       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                Selection_KSSelWRareDecay_Kshort             |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PionsSelWRareDecay                            |     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.055       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KstPSel1WRareDecay                            |     0.000 |     0.253 |    0.131       0.8     0.20 |      10 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KstPSel2WRareDecay                       |     1.538 |     1.471 |    0.113       2.8     0.76 |      13 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KaonsSelWRareDecay                            |     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.028       0.1     0.03 |      13 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:Pion0SelWRareDecay                     |     0.000 |     0.634 |    0.199       1.3     0.30 |      12 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:Pion0SelWRareDecay              |     0.000 |     0.367 |    0.153       0.8     0.17 |      12 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_Pion0SelWRareDecay_pi0resolv|     0.000 |     0.255 |    0.131       0.4     0.10 |      12 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWRareDecayW2KstPGammaLineFilterSequence  |     0.060 |     0.036 |    0.001       5.2     0.32 |    1000 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:KstPSelWRareDecay                         |     4.615 |     2.616 |    1.043       5.2     1.07 |      13 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:KstPSelWRareDecay                  |     4.615 |     2.608 |    1.038       5.2     1.07 |      13 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KstPSel1WRareDecay                       |     3.076 |     1.110 |    0.038       2.7     0.80 |      13 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:Selection_KSSelWRareDecay_Kshort       |     1.538 |     0.549 |    0.029       1.3     0.41 |      13 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:Selection_KSSelWRareDecay_Kshort|     0.769 |     0.316 |    0.019       0.8     0.26 |      13 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_KSSelWRareDecay_Ksdd        |     0.000 |     0.164 |    0.003       0.4     0.14 |      13 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_KSSelWRareDecay_Ksdd             |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_KSSelWRareDecay_Ksll        |     0.769 |     0.139 |    0.003       0.4     0.16 |      13 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_KSSelWRareDecay_Ksll             |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.024       0.0     0.01 |       6 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                Selection_KSSelWRareDecay_Kshort             |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PionsSelWRareDecay                            |     0.000 |     0.073 |    0.044       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KstPSel1WRareDecay                            |     0.000 |     0.234 |    0.118       0.7     0.18 |      10 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:KstPSel2WRareDecay                       |     1.538 |     1.475 |    0.126       2.5     0.64 |      13 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KaonsSelWRareDecay                            |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.028       0.1     0.02 |      13 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:Pion0SelWRareDecay                     |     0.000 |     0.674 |    0.224       1.2     0.25 |      12 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:Pion0SelWRareDecay              |     0.000 |     0.380 |    0.210       0.7     0.14 |      12 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_Pion0SelWRareDecay_pi0resolv|     0.000 |     0.258 |    0.161       0.4     0.08 |      12 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_Pion0SelWRareDecay_pi0resolved   |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      12 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_Pion0SelWRareDecay_pi0merged|     0.000 |     0.097 |    0.003       0.4     0.10 |      12 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_Pion0SelWRareDecay_pi0merged     |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                Pion0SelWRareDecay                           |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KstPSel2WRareDecay                            |     1.818 |     0.561 |    0.223       2.0     0.48 |      11 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                 INPUT:Selection_Pion0SelWRareDecay_pi0merged|     0.000 |     0.105 |    0.003       0.3     0.10 |      12 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                  Selection_Pion0SelWRareDecay_pi0merged     |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       7 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                Pion0SelWRareDecay                           |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               KstPSel2WRareDecay                            |     0.909 |     0.536 |    0.191       1.5     0.35 |      11 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             KstPSelWRareDecay                               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WRareDecayW2KstPGammaLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWRareDecayW2KstPGammaLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWRareDecayW2RhoGammaLine                  |     0.250 |     0.183 |    0.021      19.9     0.98 |    1000 |     0.184 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWRareDecayW2RhoGammaLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWRareDecayW2RhoGammaLineFilterSequence   |     0.080 |     0.075 |    0.001      19.7     0.97 |    1000 |     0.075 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseRhoPlus_Particles          |     5.384 |     4.356 |    0.374      19.5     5.25 |      13 |     0.057 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RhoSelWRareDecay                                 |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WRareDecayW2RhoGammaLine                         |    10.000 |    13.062 |   13.062      13.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWRareDecayW2RhoGammaLine                  |     0.180 |     0.161 |    0.019      14.2     0.67 |    1000 |     0.162 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWRareDecayW2RhoGammaLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWRareDecayW2RhoGammaLineFilterSequence   |     0.060 |     0.057 |    0.001      14.1     0.65 |    1000 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_StdLooseRhoPlus_Particles          |     4.615 |     3.931 |    0.320      14.0     3.96 |      13 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RhoSelWRareDecay                                 |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WRareDecayW2RhoGammaLine                         |     0.000 |     1.035 |    1.035       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWRareDecayW2RhoGammaLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWRareDecayW2DpGammaLine                   |     0.240 |     0.275 |    0.022       6.8     0.30 |    1000 |     0.275 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWRareDecayW2DpGammaLinePreScaler         |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWRareDecayW2DpGammaLineFilterSequence    |     0.150 |     0.164 |    0.001       6.5     0.27 |    1000 |     0.165 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhotonSelWRareDecay                              |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     972 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DpSelWRareDecay                                  |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      64 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WRareDecayW2DpGammaLine                          |     0.000 |     0.761 |    0.160       1.9     0.98 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWRareDecayW2DpGammaLine                   |     0.290 |     0.241 |    0.020       2.8     0.18 |    1000 |     0.241 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWRareDecayW2DpGammaLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWRareDecayW2DpGammaLineFilterSequence    |     0.170 |     0.143 |    0.001       2.7     0.14 |    1000 |     0.144 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhotonSelWRareDecay                              |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     972 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DpSelWRareDecay                                  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      64 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WRareDecayW2DpGammaLine                          |     0.000 |     0.638 |    0.091       1.7     0.93 |       3 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_WRareDecayW2DpGammaLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWRareDecayW2DpGammaLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWRareDecayW2DsGammaLine                   |     0.180 |     0.128 |    0.021       2.1     0.11 |    1000 |     0.128 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWRareDecayW2DsGammaLinePreScaler         |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWRareDecayW2DsGammaLineFilterSequence    |     0.020 |     0.017 |    0.001       2.0     0.09 |    1000 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DsSelWRareDecay                                  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      67 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WRareDecayW2DsGammaLine                          |     0.000 |     0.602 |    0.153       1.5     0.74 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWRareDecayW2DsGammaLine                   |     0.090 |     0.116 |    0.020       1.8     0.10 |    1000 |     0.117 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWRareDecayW2DsGammaLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWRareDecayW2DsGammaLineFilterSequence    |     0.010 |     0.015 |    0.002       1.7     0.08 |    1000 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DsSelWRareDecay                                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      67 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WRareDecayW2DsGammaLine                          |     0.000 |     0.473 |    0.116       1.2     0.61 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_WRareDecayW2DsGammaLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWRareDecayW2DsGammaLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWRareDecayW2BuGammaLine                   |     0.060 |     0.124 |    0.020       2.3     0.13 |    1000 |     0.124 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWRareDecayW2BuGammaLine                   |     0.050 |     0.113 |    0.020       1.9     0.12 |    1000 |     0.113 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWRareDecayW2BuGammaLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWRareDecayW2BuGammaLineFilterSequence    |     0.020 |     0.014 |    0.002       2.2     0.12 |    1000 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BuSelWRareDecay                                  |     2.000 |     0.884 |    0.223       2.0     0.53 |      10 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWRareDecayW2BuGammaLineFilterSequence    |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.002       1.8     0.10 |    1000 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            BuSelWRareDecay                                  |     0.000 |     0.769 |    0.192       1.7     0.45 |      10 |     0.008 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WRareDecayW2BuGammaLine                          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_WRareDecayW2BuGammaLine             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWRareDecayW2BuGammaLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingA2MuMuSameSignLine                        |     0.360 |     0.298 |    0.060       6.1     0.24 |    1000 |     0.298 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingA2MuMuSameSignLine                        |     0.300 |     0.230 |    0.049       1.3     0.10 |    1000 |     0.231 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingA2MuMuSameSignLinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingA2MuMuSameSignLineFilterSequence         |     0.200 |     0.144 |    0.003       1.6     0.11 |    1000 |     0.144 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            A2MuMuSameSignLine                               |     0.050 |     0.063 |    0.039       1.4     0.06 |     785 |     0.050 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingA2MuMuSameSignLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingConvPhotonLowPt                           |     0.140 |     0.144 |    0.038       2.0     0.09 |    1000 |     0.145 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingConvPhotonLowPtPreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       1.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingConvPhotonLowPtODINFilter                |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     109 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingConvPhotonLowPtHlt2Filter                |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |     109 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingA2MuMuSameSignLineFilterSequence         |     0.170 |     0.128 |    0.002       1.2     0.09 |    1000 |     0.128 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            A2MuMuSameSignLine                               |     0.089 |     0.051 |    0.037       1.1     0.04 |     785 |     0.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingA2MuMuSameSignLinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingConvPhotonLowPt                           |     0.130 |     0.137 |    0.035       3.4     0.11 |    1000 |     0.137 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingConvPhotonLowPtPreScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingConvPhotonLowPtODINFilter                |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     109 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingConvPhotonLowPtHlt2Filter                |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     109 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingConvPhotonLowPtFilterSequence            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:ConvPhotonLowPt                           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:ConvPhotonLowPt                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
@@ -151222,1521 +151561,1521 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PreSelConvPhotonLowPtDD
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelConvPhotonLowPtDD                          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ConvPhotonLowPt                                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingConvPhotonLowPtPostScaler                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingConvPhotonHighPt                          |     0.130 |     0.148 |    0.024      11.2     0.36 |    1000 |     0.149 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingConvPhotonHighPt                          |     0.200 |     0.137 |    0.023      11.2     0.35 |    1000 |     0.137 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingConvPhotonHighPtPreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingConvPhotonHighPtODINFilter               |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     247 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingConvPhotonHighPtHlt2Filter               |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     247 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingConvPhotonHighPtFilterSequence           |    10.000 |    10.970 |   10.970      11.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:ConvPhotonHighPt                          |    10.000 |    10.956 |   10.956      11.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:ConvPhotonHighPt                   |    10.000 |    10.942 |   10.942      10.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelConvPhotonHighPtLL                    |     0.000 |     0.379 |    0.379       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PreSelConvPhotonHighPtLL                      |     0.000 |     0.293 |    0.293       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingConvPhotonHighPtODINFilter               |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     247 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingConvPhotonHighPtHlt2Filter               |     0.040 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     247 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingConvPhotonHighPtFilterSequence           |    10.000 |    10.955 |   10.955      11.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:ConvPhotonHighPt                          |    10.000 |    10.931 |   10.931      10.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:ConvPhotonHighPt                   |    10.000 |    10.913 |   10.913      10.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelConvPhotonHighPtLL                    |     0.000 |     0.514 |    0.514       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PreSelConvPhotonHighPtLL                      |     0.000 |     0.361 |    0.361       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelConvPhotonHighPtLL                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelConvPhotonHighPtDD                    |    10.000 |    10.543 |   10.543      10.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PreSelConvPhotonHighPtDD                      |    10.000 |     9.918 |    9.918       9.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelConvPhotonHighPtDD                         |     0.000 |     0.109 |    0.109       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:SelConvPhotonHighPtDD                    |    10.000 |    10.373 |   10.373      10.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               PreSelConvPhotonHighPtDD                      |    10.000 |     9.302 |    9.302       9.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               SelConvPhotonHighPtDD                         |     0.000 |     0.160 |    0.160       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ConvPhotonHighPt                                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingConvPhotonHighPtPostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2GammaGammaLine               |     0.300 |     0.300 |    0.024       2.5     0.22 |    1000 |     0.301 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2GammaGammaLine               |     0.300 |     0.277 |    0.023       1.7     0.19 |    1000 |     0.277 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2GammaGammaLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2GammaGammaLineFilterSequence|     0.210 |     0.204 |    0.003       2.2     0.20 |    1000 |     0.204 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2GammaGammaLineFilterSequence|     0.170 |     0.192 |    0.002       1.4     0.18 |    1000 |     0.192 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhotonSelZ0RareDecay                             |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     972 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z0RareDecayZ2GammaGammaLine                      |     0.033 |     0.048 |    0.030       1.2     0.07 |     297 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z0RareDecayZ2GammaGammaLine                      |     0.101 |     0.041 |    0.027       0.8     0.04 |     297 |     0.012 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Z0RareDecayZ2GammaGammaLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2GammaGammaLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2Pi0GammaLine                 |     0.330 |     0.371 |    0.021       8.5     0.58 |    1000 |     0.372 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2Pi0GammaLine                 |     0.300 |     0.345 |    0.019       3.4     0.47 |    1000 |     0.345 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2Pi0GammaLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2Pi0GammaLineFilterSequence  |     0.280 |     0.276 |    0.002       8.4     0.58 |    1000 |     0.277 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Pion0SelMy                                |     0.523 |     0.630 |    0.017       8.0     0.49 |     974 |     0.614 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Pion0SelMy                         |     0.256 |     0.340 |    0.012       7.3     0.33 |     974 |     0.332 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Selection_Pion0SelMy_pi0resolved         |     0.195 |     0.273 |    0.002       1.5     0.17 |     974 |     0.267 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Selection_Pion0SelMy_pi0resolved              |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     956 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Selection_Pion0SelMy_pi0merged           |     0.041 |     0.056 |    0.002       6.9     0.24 |     974 |     0.055 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Selection_Pion0SelMy_pi0merged                |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     230 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Pion0SelMy                                      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     890 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z0RareDecayZ2Pi0GammaLine                        |     0.035 |     0.054 |    0.036       0.7     0.05 |     285 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2Pi0GammaLineFilterSequence  |     0.240 |     0.253 |    0.001       3.2     0.47 |    1000 |     0.254 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Pion0SelMy                                |     0.533 |     0.577 |    0.014       2.7     0.36 |     974 |     0.562 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Pion0SelMy                         |     0.205 |     0.300 |    0.010       1.7     0.20 |     974 |     0.292 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Selection_Pion0SelMy_pi0resolved         |     0.174 |     0.245 |    0.002       1.0     0.14 |     974 |     0.239 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Selection_Pion0SelMy_pi0resolved              |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     956 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Selection_Pion0SelMy_pi0merged           |     0.020 |     0.045 |    0.002       0.7     0.09 |     974 |     0.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Selection_Pion0SelMy_pi0merged                |     0.043 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     230 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Pion0SelMy                                      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     890 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z0RareDecayZ2Pi0GammaLine                        |     0.105 |     0.048 |    0.033       0.5     0.04 |     285 |     0.014 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Z0RareDecayZ2Pi0GammaLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2Pi0GammaLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2Pi0Pi0Line                   |     0.410 |     0.630 |    0.020       4.3     0.51 |    1000 |     0.630 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2Pi0Pi0Line                   |     0.520 |     0.588 |    0.019       9.7     0.53 |    1000 |     0.588 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2Pi0Pi0LinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2Pi0Pi0LineFilterSequence    |     0.380 |     0.560 |    0.001       4.1     0.49 |    1000 |     0.561 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z0RareDecayZ2Pi0Pi0Line                          |     0.044 |     0.043 |    0.023       0.8     0.04 |     890 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2Pi0Pi0LineFilterSequence    |     0.460 |     0.525 |    0.002       9.6     0.52 |    1000 |     0.526 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z0RareDecayZ2Pi0Pi0Line                          |     0.033 |     0.037 |    0.022       0.5     0.02 |     890 |     0.034 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Z0RareDecayZ2Pi0Pi0Line             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2Pi0Pi0LinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2RhoGammaLine                 |     0.220 |     0.253 |    0.021      12.4     0.50 |    1000 |     0.254 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2RhoGammaLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2RhoGammaLineFilterSequence  |     0.150 |     0.142 |    0.002      12.3     0.49 |    1000 |     0.143 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RhoSelZ0RareDecay                                |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     133 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z0RareDecayZ2RhoGammaLine                        |     0.000 |     0.454 |    0.082       1.5     0.71 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2RhoGammaLine                 |     0.270 |     0.224 |    0.020       8.3     0.37 |    1000 |     0.224 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2RhoGammaLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2RhoGammaLineFilterSequence  |     0.180 |     0.123 |    0.001       8.3     0.36 |    1000 |     0.123 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RhoSelZ0RareDecay                                |     0.075 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |     133 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z0RareDecayZ2RhoGammaLine                        |     0.000 |     0.356 |    0.072       1.2     0.55 |       4 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Z0RareDecayZ2RhoGammaLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2RhoGammaLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2OmegaGammaLine               |     0.200 |     0.254 |    0.021       4.6     0.38 |    1000 |     0.255 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2OmegaGammaLine               |     0.220 |     0.234 |    0.020       4.5     0.35 |    1000 |     0.234 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2OmegaGammaLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2OmegaGammaLineFilterSequence|     0.130 |     0.143 |    0.002       4.3     0.34 |    1000 |     0.144 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            OmegaSelZ0RareDecay                              |     0.280 |     0.324 |    0.045       3.9     0.43 |     285 |     0.093 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z0RareDecayZ2OmegaGammaLine                      |     0.000 |     0.522 |    0.064       1.4     0.77 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2OmegaGammaLineFilterSequence|     0.110 |     0.135 |    0.002       4.2     0.33 |    1000 |     0.135 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            OmegaSelZ0RareDecay                              |     0.140 |     0.305 |    0.042       3.7     0.43 |     285 |     0.087 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z0RareDecayZ2OmegaGammaLine                      |     0.000 |     0.424 |    0.073       1.1     0.59 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Z0RareDecayZ2OmegaGammaLine         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2OmegaGammaLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2KstGammaLine                 |     0.240 |     0.215 |    0.021       0.9     0.13 |    1000 |     0.216 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2KstGammaLine                 |     0.170 |     0.196 |    0.019       0.8     0.11 |    1000 |     0.196 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2KstGammaLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2KstGammaLineFilterSequence  |     0.090 |     0.109 |    0.002       0.7     0.08 |    1000 |     0.109 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhotonHighSelZ0RareDecay                         |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.6     0.02 |     972 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KStarSelZ0RareDecay                              |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2KstGammaLineFilterSequence  |     0.100 |     0.101 |    0.002       0.6     0.07 |    1000 |     0.102 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhotonHighSelZ0RareDecay                         |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     972 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KStarSelZ0RareDecay                              |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z0RareDecayZ2KstGammaLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Z0RareDecayZ2KstGammaLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2KstGammaLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2PhiGammaLine                 |     0.140 |     0.147 |    0.020       1.3     0.12 |    1000 |     0.147 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2PhiGammaLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2PhiGammaLineFilterSequence  |     0.030 |     0.040 |    0.001       1.2     0.08 |    1000 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhiSelZ0RareDecay                                |     0.035 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     280 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z0RareDecayZ2PhiGammaLine                        |     0.000 |     0.828 |    0.828       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2PhiGammaLine                 |     0.220 |     0.136 |    0.018       3.6     0.15 |    1000 |     0.137 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2PhiGammaLinePreScaler       |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2PhiGammaLineFilterSequence  |     0.020 |     0.037 |    0.001       0.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PhiSelZ0RareDecay                                |     0.035 |     0.010 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     280 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z0RareDecayZ2PhiGammaLine                        |     0.000 |     0.553 |    0.553       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Z0RareDecayZ2PhiGammaLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2PhiGammaLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2D0GammaLine                  |     0.100 |     0.127 |    0.020       4.1     0.15 |    1000 |     0.127 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2D0GammaLine                  |     0.080 |     0.111 |    0.019       1.0     0.08 |    1000 |     0.111 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2D0GammaLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2D0GammaLineFilterSequence   |     0.010 |     0.015 |    0.002       0.7     0.05 |    1000 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2D0GammaLineFilterSequence   |     0.010 |     0.014 |    0.001       0.5     0.05 |    1000 |     0.014 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D0SelZ0RareDecay                                 |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      85 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z0RareDecayZ2D0GammaLine                         |     0.000 |     0.117 |    0.117       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z0RareDecayZ2D0GammaLine                         |     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.081       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Z0RareDecayZ2D0GammaLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2D0GammaLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2QONGammaLine                 |     0.160 |     0.127 |    0.020       1.4     0.10 |    1000 |     0.127 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2QONGammaLine                 |     0.110 |     0.115 |    0.019       0.9     0.08 |    1000 |     0.115 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2QONGammaLinePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2QONGammaLineFilterSequence  |     0.040 |     0.021 |    0.001       1.1     0.06 |    1000 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            QniumSelZ0RareDecay                              |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.007       0.6     0.06 |     113 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2QONGammaLineFilterSequence  |     0.010 |     0.018 |    0.001       0.7     0.05 |    1000 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            QniumSelZ0RareDecay                              |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     113 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z0RareDecayZ2QONGammaLine                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_Z0RareDecayZ2QONGammaLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ0RareDecayZ2QONGammaLinePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingW2nH3HLine                                |     0.290 |     0.272 |    0.034       5.2     0.20 |    1000 |     0.272 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingW2nH3HLine                                |     0.250 |     0.237 |    0.031       1.1     0.09 |    1000 |     0.238 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingW2nH3HLinePreScaler                      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingW2nH3HLineFilterSequence                 |     0.180 |     0.195 |    0.012       1.4     0.10 |    1000 |     0.195 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            W2nH3HLine                                       |     0.082 |     0.084 |    0.052       1.4     0.05 |     975 |     0.082 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingW2nH3HLineFilterSequence                 |     0.200 |     0.173 |    0.011       1.0     0.07 |    1000 |     0.173 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            W2nH3HLine                                       |     0.020 |     0.069 |    0.050       1.0     0.03 |     975 |     0.068 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingW2nH3HLinePostScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingW2nH3HWSLine                              |     0.290 |     0.255 |    0.023       4.9     0.24 |    1000 |     0.256 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingW2nH3HWSLine                              |     0.300 |     0.223 |    0.019       1.2     0.09 |    1000 |     0.223 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingW2nH3HWSLinePreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingW2nH3HWSLineFilterSequence               |     0.200 |     0.182 |    0.002       4.8     0.22 |    1000 |     0.183 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            W2nH3HWSLine                                     |     0.071 |     0.069 |    0.043       4.5     0.15 |     975 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingW2nH3HWSLineFilterSequence               |     0.230 |     0.159 |    0.002       1.1     0.07 |    1000 |     0.159 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            W2nH3HWSLine                                     |     0.061 |     0.058 |    0.040       1.1     0.03 |     975 |     0.057 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingW2nH3HWSLinePostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingW2nH5HLine                                |     0.340 |     0.253 |    0.021       4.6     0.22 |    1000 |     0.254 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingW2nH5HLine                                |     0.330 |     0.225 |    0.020       1.1     0.10 |    1000 |     0.226 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingW2nH5HLinePreScaler                      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingW2nH5HLineFilterSequence                 |     0.230 |     0.182 |    0.002       4.4     0.21 |    1000 |     0.182 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            W2nH5HLine                                       |     0.112 |     0.072 |    0.042       4.1     0.14 |     975 |     0.071 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingW2nH5HLineFilterSequence                 |     0.270 |     0.162 |    0.002       1.0     0.09 |    1000 |     0.162 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            W2nH5HLine                                       |     0.143 |     0.061 |    0.040       0.9     0.05 |     975 |     0.060 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingW2nH5HLinePostScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingW2nH5HWSLine                              |     0.310 |     0.245 |    0.021       1.3     0.12 |    1000 |     0.245 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingW2nH5HWSLine                              |     0.130 |     0.226 |    0.020       1.4     0.11 |    1000 |     0.226 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingW2nH5HWSLinePreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingW2nH5HWSLineFilterSequence               |     0.240 |     0.174 |    0.002       1.2     0.10 |    1000 |     0.174 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            W2nH5HWSLine                                     |     0.082 |     0.067 |    0.041       0.9     0.06 |     975 |     0.066 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingW2nH5HWSLineFilterSequence               |     0.110 |     0.161 |    0.002       1.2     0.09 |    1000 |     0.161 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            W2nH5HWSLine                                     |     0.020 |     0.061 |    0.038       1.0     0.05 |     975 |     0.060 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingW2nH5HWSLinePostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingW2nH7HLine                                |     0.460 |     0.353 |    0.022      24.4     1.35 |    1000 |     0.354 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingW2nH7HLinePreScaler                      |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingW2nH7HLineFilterSequence                 |     0.340 |     0.280 |    0.002      24.3     1.34 |    1000 |     0.281 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            W2nH7HLine                                       |     0.174 |     0.175 |    0.043      23.9     1.34 |     975 |     0.171 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingW2nH7HLine                                |     0.210 |     0.332 |    0.019      24.5     1.30 |    1000 |     0.332 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingW2nH7HLinePreScaler                      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingW2nH7HLineFilterSequence                 |     0.180 |     0.267 |    0.002      24.3     1.29 |    1000 |     0.267 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            W2nH7HLine                                       |     0.123 |     0.169 |    0.039      24.0     1.29 |     975 |     0.165 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingW2nH7HLinePostScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingW2nH7HWSLine                              |     0.350 |     0.361 |    0.020      29.6     1.48 |    1000 |     0.362 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingW2nH7HWSLinePreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingW2nH7HWSLineFilterSequence               |     0.270 |     0.291 |    0.002      29.4     1.47 |    1000 |     0.291 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            W2nH7HWSLine                                     |     0.174 |     0.186 |    0.042      29.0     1.47 |     975 |     0.182 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingW2nH7HWSLine                              |     0.360 |     0.338 |    0.020      29.1     1.46 |    1000 |     0.339 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingW2nH7HWSLinePreScaler                    |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingW2nH7HWSLineFilterSequence               |     0.270 |     0.275 |    0.002      29.0     1.45 |    1000 |     0.276 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            W2nH7HWSLine                                     |     0.205 |     0.178 |    0.039      28.6     1.46 |     975 |     0.174 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingW2nH7HWSLinePostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingInclQQ                                    |     0.170 |     0.148 |    0.022      12.9     0.49 |    1000 |     0.149 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingInclQQPreScaler                          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingInclQQHlt2Filter                         |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      30 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingInclQQFilterSequence                     |     1.818 |     2.156 |    0.105      12.7     4.22 |      11 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            InclQQ                                           |     1.818 |     2.009 |    0.004      12.2     4.14 |      11 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingInclQQ                                    |     0.180 |     0.130 |    0.023      12.9     0.41 |    1000 |     0.130 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingInclQQPreScaler                          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingInclQQHlt2Filter                         |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      30 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingInclQQFilterSequence                     |     1.818 |     1.558 |    0.161      12.7     3.72 |      11 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            InclQQ                                           |     1.818 |     1.403 |    0.013      12.3     3.63 |      11 |     0.015 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingInclQQPostScaler                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXiminusLLLStrangeBaryons                  |     0.160 |     0.165 |    0.040       1.6     0.13 |    1000 |     0.165 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXiminusLLLStrangeBaryons                  |     0.170 |     0.146 |    0.036       1.4     0.10 |    1000 |     0.147 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiminusLLLStrangeBaryonsPreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiminusLLLStrangeBaryonsHlt1Filter       |     0.020 |     0.023 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiminusLLLStrangeBaryonsFilterSequence   |     0.138 |     0.290 |    0.002       1.5     0.33 |      72 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForLambdaStrangeBaryons                     |     0.000 |     0.142 |    0.039       0.3     0.07 |      46 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtonsForLambdaLooseStrangeBaryons              |     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.014       0.2     0.03 |      29 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda2pPiLStrangeBaryons                        |     0.000 |     0.132 |    0.054       1.3     0.24 |      26 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiminusLLLStrangeBaryonsHlt1Filter       |     0.010 |     0.015 |    0.006       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiminusLLLStrangeBaryonsFilterSequence   |     0.277 |     0.231 |    0.002       1.3     0.28 |      72 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForLambdaStrangeBaryons                     |     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.037       0.3     0.05 |      46 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtonsForLambdaLooseStrangeBaryons              |     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.014       0.1     0.03 |      29 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda2pPiLStrangeBaryons                        |     0.384 |     0.109 |    0.051       1.1     0.21 |      26 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForXiStrangeBaryons                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiminusLLLStrangeBaryons                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiminusLLLStrangeBaryonsPostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXiminusDDDStrangeBaryons                  |     0.100 |     0.140 |    0.030       2.4     0.14 |    1000 |     0.141 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXiminusDDDStrangeBaryons                  |     0.090 |     0.129 |    0.027       3.1     0.15 |    1000 |     0.130 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiminusDDDStrangeBaryonsPreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiminusDDDStrangeBaryonsHlt1Filter       |     0.010 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiminusDDDStrangeBaryonsFilterSequence   |     0.138 |     0.288 |    0.002       2.3     0.40 |      72 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForLambdaDStrangeBaryons                    |     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.016       0.2     0.03 |      42 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtonsForLambdaDStrangeBaryons                  |     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |      40 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda2pPiDStrangeBaryons                        |     0.000 |     0.150 |    0.053       1.5     0.24 |      38 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForXiDDStrangeBaryons                       |     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.023       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiminusDDDStrangeBaryons                         |     0.000 |     0.772 |    0.065       1.5     1.00 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiminusDDDStrangeBaryonsHlt1Filter       |     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiminusDDDStrangeBaryonsFilterSequence   |     0.138 |     0.247 |    0.002       2.0     0.34 |      72 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForLambdaDStrangeBaryons                    |     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.015       0.1     0.03 |      42 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtonsForLambdaDStrangeBaryons                  |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |      40 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda2pPiDStrangeBaryons                        |     0.000 |     0.122 |    0.048       1.2     0.19 |      38 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForXiDDStrangeBaryons                       |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.023       0.1     0.04 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiminusDDDStrangeBaryons                         |     0.000 |     0.631 |    0.058       1.2     0.81 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiminusDDDStrangeBaryonsPostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXiminusDDLStrangeBaryons                  |     0.120 |     0.121 |    0.031       1.2     0.07 |    1000 |     0.121 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiminusDDLStrangeBaryonsPreScaler        |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiminusDDLStrangeBaryonsHlt1Filter       |     0.020 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiminusDDLStrangeBaryonsFilterSequence   |     0.138 |     0.020 |    0.002       1.1     0.13 |      72 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForXiDLStrangeBaryons                       |     0.000 |     0.075 |    0.025       0.1     0.07 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiminusDDLStrangeBaryons                         |     0.000 |     0.741 |    0.741       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiminusDDLStrangeBaryonsPostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingOmegaminusLLLStrangeBaryons               |     0.130 |     0.131 |    0.033       0.7     0.07 |    1000 |     0.132 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegaminusLLLStrangeBaryonsPreScaler     |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegaminusLLLStrangeBaryonsHlt1Filter    |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegaminusLLLStrangeBaryonsFilterSequence|     0.416 |     0.066 |    0.002       0.6     0.11 |      72 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda2pPiLOmegaStrangeBaryons                   |     0.769 |     0.090 |    0.051       0.6     0.10 |      26 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsForOmegaStrangeBaryons                      |     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.040       0.1     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXiminusDDLStrangeBaryons                  |     0.060 |     0.110 |    0.026       1.1     0.06 |    1000 |     0.111 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiminusDDLStrangeBaryonsPreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiminusDDLStrangeBaryonsHlt1Filter       |     0.010 |     0.011 |    0.004       1.0     0.03 |    1000 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiminusDDLStrangeBaryonsFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.001       1.0     0.12 |      72 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForXiDLStrangeBaryons                       |     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.021       0.1     0.06 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiminusDDLStrangeBaryons                         |     0.000 |     0.649 |    0.649       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiminusDDLStrangeBaryonsPostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingOmegaminusLLLStrangeBaryons               |     0.060 |     0.119 |    0.029       0.6     0.06 |    1000 |     0.119 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegaminusLLLStrangeBaryonsPreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegaminusLLLStrangeBaryonsHlt1Filter    |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegaminusLLLStrangeBaryonsFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.002       0.6     0.10 |      72 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda2pPiLOmegaStrangeBaryons                   |     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.051       0.5     0.09 |      26 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsForOmegaStrangeBaryons                      |     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.038       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            OmegaminusLLLStrangeBaryons                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegaminusLLLStrangeBaryonsPostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingOmegaminusDDDStrangeBaryons               |     0.170 |     0.138 |    0.032       1.4     0.09 |    1000 |     0.138 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingOmegaminusDDDStrangeBaryons               |     0.160 |     0.130 |    0.028       2.2     0.10 |    1000 |     0.130 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegaminusDDDStrangeBaryonsPreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegaminusDDDStrangeBaryonsHlt1Filter    |     0.010 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegaminusDDDStrangeBaryonsFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.002       1.4     0.20 |      72 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda2pPiDOmegaStrangeBaryons                   |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.051       0.7     0.11 |      38 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsForOmegaDStrangeBaryons                     |     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.032       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            OmegaminusDDDStrangeBaryons                      |     0.000 |     0.437 |    0.070       0.8     0.52 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegaminusDDDStrangeBaryonsHlt1Filter    |     0.010 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegaminusDDDStrangeBaryonsFilterSequence|     0.277 |     0.111 |    0.002       1.2     0.17 |      72 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda2pPiDOmegaStrangeBaryons                   |     0.526 |     0.103 |    0.047       0.6     0.10 |      38 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsForOmegaDStrangeBaryons                     |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.022       0.1     0.02 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            OmegaminusDDDStrangeBaryons                      |     0.000 |     0.341 |    0.065       0.6     0.39 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegaminusDDDStrangeBaryonsPostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingOmegaminusDDLStrangeBaryons               |     0.100 |     0.137 |    0.031       7.2     0.23 |    1000 |     0.137 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegaminusDDLStrangeBaryonsPreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegaminusDDLStrangeBaryonsHlt1Filter    |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegaminusDDLStrangeBaryonsFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.002       0.8     0.10 |      72 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            OmegaminusDDLStrangeBaryons                      |     0.000 |     0.613 |    0.613       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingOmegaminusDDLStrangeBaryons               |     0.140 |     0.119 |    0.029       0.8     0.05 |    1000 |     0.120 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegaminusDDLStrangeBaryonsPreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegaminusDDLStrangeBaryonsHlt1Filter    |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegaminusDDLStrangeBaryonsFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.002       0.7     0.08 |      72 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            OmegaminusDDLStrangeBaryons                      |     0.000 |     0.521 |    0.521       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegaminusDDLStrangeBaryonsPostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ02nH2HLine                               |     0.200 |     0.251 |    0.023       2.2     0.12 |    1000 |     0.251 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ02nH2HLine                               |     0.250 |     0.237 |    0.021       4.0     0.15 |    1000 |     0.237 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH2HLinePreScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH2HLineFilterSequence                |     0.180 |     0.181 |    0.003       2.1     0.10 |    1000 |     0.181 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z02nH2HLine                                      |     0.041 |     0.069 |    0.047       2.0     0.07 |     975 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH2HLineFilterSequence                |     0.150 |     0.174 |    0.002       3.9     0.14 |    1000 |     0.175 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z02nH2HLine                                      |     0.061 |     0.067 |    0.044       3.7     0.13 |     975 |     0.066 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH2HLinePostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ02nH2HWSLine                             |     0.200 |     0.237 |    0.021       0.8     0.10 |    1000 |     0.238 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH2HWSLinePreScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH2HWSLineFilterSequence              |     0.130 |     0.168 |    0.002       0.6     0.08 |    1000 |     0.168 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z02nH2HWSLine                                    |     0.020 |     0.061 |    0.040       0.6     0.02 |     975 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ02nH2HWSLine                             |     0.230 |     0.223 |    0.020       2.0     0.10 |    1000 |     0.224 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH2HWSLinePreScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH2HWSLineFilterSequence              |     0.170 |     0.160 |    0.002       1.9     0.09 |    1000 |     0.161 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z02nH2HWSLine                                    |     0.082 |     0.056 |    0.037       0.5     0.02 |     975 |     0.055 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH2HWSLinePostScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ02nH4HLine                               |     0.230 |     0.240 |    0.021       7.5     0.26 |    1000 |     0.240 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ02nH4HLine                               |     0.230 |     0.215 |    0.019       2.5     0.11 |    1000 |     0.216 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH4HLinePreScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH4HLineFilterSequence                |     0.150 |     0.166 |    0.002       1.2     0.09 |    1000 |     0.166 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z02nH4HLine                                      |     0.030 |     0.059 |    0.038       1.0     0.04 |     975 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH4HLineFilterSequence                |     0.150 |     0.154 |    0.002       2.4     0.10 |    1000 |     0.155 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z02nH4HLine                                      |     0.071 |     0.053 |    0.035       0.6     0.02 |     975 |     0.052 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH4HLinePostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ02nH4HWSLine                             |     0.270 |     0.237 |    0.020       0.9     0.10 |    1000 |     0.237 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH4HWSLinePreScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH4HWSLineFilterSequence              |     0.170 |     0.168 |    0.002       0.7     0.08 |    1000 |     0.169 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z02nH4HWSLine                                    |     0.071 |     0.062 |    0.041       0.6     0.03 |     975 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ02nH4HWSLine                             |     0.260 |     0.219 |    0.019       0.7     0.09 |    1000 |     0.220 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH4HWSLinePreScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH4HWSLineFilterSequence              |     0.150 |     0.157 |    0.002       0.7     0.07 |    1000 |     0.158 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z02nH4HWSLine                                    |     0.071 |     0.056 |    0.037       0.6     0.02 |     975 |     0.055 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH4HWSLinePostScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ02nH6HLine                               |     0.200 |     0.246 |    0.020       2.5     0.17 |    1000 |     0.246 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ02nH6HLine                               |     0.160 |     0.227 |    0.018       2.6     0.17 |    1000 |     0.227 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH6HLinePreScaler                     |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH6HLineFilterSequence                |     0.130 |     0.176 |    0.002       2.4     0.15 |    1000 |     0.177 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z02nH6HLine                                      |     0.071 |     0.070 |    0.039       2.2     0.12 |     975 |     0.069 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH6HLineFilterSequence                |     0.120 |     0.164 |    0.002       2.5     0.16 |    1000 |     0.165 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z02nH6HLine                                      |     0.030 |     0.064 |    0.034       2.3     0.13 |     975 |     0.063 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH6HLinePostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ02nH6HWSLine                             |     0.190 |     0.264 |    0.021       4.9     0.30 |    1000 |     0.265 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH6HWSLinePreScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH6HWSLineFilterSequence              |     0.160 |     0.192 |    0.002       4.8     0.27 |    1000 |     0.193 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z02nH6HWSLine                                    |     0.082 |     0.085 |    0.040       4.5     0.25 |     975 |     0.084 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ02nH6HWSLine                             |     0.270 |     0.241 |    0.018       4.8     0.27 |    1000 |     0.241 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH6HWSLinePreScaler                   |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH6HWSLineFilterSequence              |     0.190 |     0.178 |    0.002       4.7     0.26 |    1000 |     0.178 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z02nH6HWSLine                                    |     0.123 |     0.078 |    0.037       4.5     0.25 |     975 |     0.077 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH6HWSLinePostScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ02nH8HLine                               |     0.460 |     0.508 |    0.020      74.8     3.63 |    1000 |     0.509 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH8HLinePreScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH8HLineFilterSequence                |     0.400 |     0.441 |    0.002      74.5     3.63 |    1000 |     0.441 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z02nH8HLine                                      |     0.297 |     0.333 |    0.039      74.0     3.64 |     975 |     0.326 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ02nH8HLine                               |     0.460 |     0.472 |    0.019      66.9     3.42 |    1000 |     0.472 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH8HLinePreScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH8HLineFilterSequence                |     0.390 |     0.410 |    0.002      66.7     3.42 |    1000 |     0.411 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z02nH8HLine                                      |     0.307 |     0.316 |    0.034      66.4     3.45 |     975 |     0.309 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH8HLinePostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ02nH8HWSLine                             |     0.940 |     0.798 |    0.020     148.2     7.39 |    1000 |     0.799 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH8HWSLinePreScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH8HWSLineFilterSequence              |     0.810 |     0.726 |    0.002     148.0     7.38 |    1000 |     0.726 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z02nH8HWSLine                                    |     0.697 |     0.631 |    0.041     147.7     7.46 |     975 |     0.616 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ02nH8HWSLine                             |     0.730 |     0.764 |    0.019     139.5     7.08 |    1000 |     0.765 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH8HWSLinePreScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH8HWSLineFilterSequence              |     0.680 |     0.701 |    0.002     139.4     7.08 |    1000 |     0.701 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z02nH8HWSLine                                    |     0.584 |     0.611 |    0.038     139.0     7.15 |     975 |     0.596 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02nH8HWSLinePostScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ02MuMuLine                               |     0.260 |     0.197 |    0.020       1.5     0.12 |    1000 |     0.197 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingZ02MuMuLine                               |     0.240 |     0.185 |    0.019       3.8     0.15 |    1000 |     0.185 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02MuMuLinePreScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02MuMuLineFilterSequence                |     0.200 |     0.124 |    0.002       1.4     0.10 |    1000 |     0.125 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z02MuMuLine                                      |     0.076 |     0.044 |    0.030       1.3     0.05 |     785 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02MuMuLineFilterSequence                |     0.120 |     0.118 |    0.002       3.7     0.14 |    1000 |     0.119 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Z02MuMuLine                                      |     0.025 |     0.042 |    0.028       3.5     0.13 |     785 |     0.034 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingZ02MuMuLinePostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLLP2MuXHighPTHighIPMuonLine               |     0.140 |     0.157 |    0.033       5.0     0.17 |    1000 |     0.158 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingLLP2MuXHighPTHighIPMuonLine               |     0.190 |     0.133 |    0.030       0.9     0.06 |    1000 |     0.134 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLLP2MuXHighPTHighIPMuonLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLLP2MuXHighPTHighIPMuonLineL0DUFilter    |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.008       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLLP2MuXHighPTHighIPMuonLineHlt1Filter    |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |     311 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLLP2MuXHighPTHighIPMuonLineHlt2Filter    |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLLP2MuXHighPTHighIPMuonLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.124 |    0.062       0.3     0.06 |      12 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LLP2MuXHighPTHighIPMuonLine                      |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.005       0.1     0.03 |      12 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLLP2MuXHighPTHighIPMuonLineL0DUFilter    |     0.020 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLLP2MuXHighPTHighIPMuonLineHlt1Filter    |     0.032 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     311 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLLP2MuXHighPTHighIPMuonLineHlt2Filter    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLLP2MuXHighPTHighIPMuonLineFilterSequence|     0.000 |     0.121 |    0.051       0.2     0.05 |      12 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LLP2MuXHighPTHighIPMuonLine                      |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |      12 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingLLP2MuXHighPTHighIPMuonLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWMuControl10Line                          |     0.150 |     0.116 |    0.019       0.5     0.06 |    1000 |     0.116 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuControl10LinePreScaler                |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuControl10LineHlt2Filter               |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      14 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuControl10LineFilterSequence           |     0.000 |     0.250 |    0.165       0.3     0.12 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WMuControl10Line                                 |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuControl10LinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWMuControl4800Line                        |     0.180 |     0.116 |    0.016       0.5     0.06 |    1000 |     0.117 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuControl4800LinePreScaler              |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuControl4800LineHlt2Filter             |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |     415 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWMuControl10Line                          |     0.100 |     0.106 |    0.018       0.3     0.05 |    1000 |     0.107 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuControl10LinePreScaler                |     0.020 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuControl10LineHlt2Filter               |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      14 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuControl10LineFilterSequence           |     0.000 |     0.157 |    0.157       0.2     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WMuControl10Line                                 |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuControl10LinePostScaler               |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWMuControl4800Line                        |     0.080 |     0.104 |    0.016       0.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.105 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuControl4800LinePreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuControl4800LineHlt2Filter             |     0.024 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.1     0.00 |     415 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuControl4800LineFilterSequence         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WMuControl4800Line                               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuControl4800LinePostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWMuLine                                   |     0.160 |     0.167 |    0.023       0.7     0.10 |    1000 |     0.167 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuLinePreScaler                         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuLineFilterSequence                    |     0.080 |     0.094 |    0.003       0.6     0.08 |    1000 |     0.095 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WMuLine                                          |     0.012 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     785 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWMuLine                                   |     0.130 |     0.154 |    0.021       0.8     0.08 |    1000 |     0.154 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuLinePreScaler                         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuLineFilterSequence                    |     0.080 |     0.088 |    0.002       0.7     0.07 |    1000 |     0.089 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WMuLine                                          |     0.012 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     785 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuLinePostScaler                        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWMuLowLine                                |     0.100 |     0.112 |    0.016       0.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.112 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWMuLowLine                                |     0.100 |     0.103 |    0.016       0.4     0.05 |    1000 |     0.103 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuLowLinePreScaler                      |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuLowLineFilterSequence                 |     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.002       0.6     0.08 |     104 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuLowLineFilterSequence                 |     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.002       0.3     0.06 |     104 |     0.007 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WMuLowLine                                       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      78 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuLowLinePostScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWMuSingleTrackNoBiasLine                  |     0.090 |     0.124 |    0.034       0.5     0.06 |    1000 |     0.125 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuLowLinePostScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWMuSingleTrackNoBiasLine                  |     0.150 |     0.119 |    0.032       6.1     0.19 |    1000 |     0.120 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuSingleTrackNoBiasLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuSingleTrackNoBiasLineHlt1Filter       |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuSingleTrackNoBiasLineFilterSequence   |     0.138 |     0.066 |    0.003       0.2     0.04 |      72 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WMuSingleTrackNoBiasLine                         |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      47 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuSingleTrackNoBiasLineHlt1Filter       |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuSingleTrackNoBiasLineFilterSequence   |     0.277 |     0.054 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |      72 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WMuSingleTrackNoBiasLine                         |     0.212 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      47 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuSingleTrackNoBiasLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWMuSingleTrackNoBiasLinePS                |     0.140 |     0.108 |    0.018       0.5     0.06 |    1000 |     0.109 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuSingleTrackNoBiasLinePSPreScaler      |     0.020 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWMuSingleTrackNoBiasLinePS                |     0.040 |     0.100 |    0.017       0.3     0.05 |    1000 |     0.101 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuSingleTrackNoBiasLinePSPreScaler      |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuSingleTrackNoBiasLinePSHlt1Filter     |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     189 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuSingleTrackNoBiasLinePSFilterSequence |     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.004       0.2     0.04 |      11 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WMuSingleTrackNoBiasLinePS                       |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       9 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuSingleTrackNoBiasLinePSFilterSequence |     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.003       0.1     0.03 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WMuSingleTrackNoBiasLinePS                       |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       9 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuSingleTrackNoBiasLinePSPostScaler     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWMuNoMuID                                 |     0.080 |     0.118 |    0.025       0.5     0.06 |    1000 |     0.118 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWMuNoMuID                                 |     0.130 |     0.108 |    0.023       0.3     0.05 |    1000 |     0.109 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuNoMuIDPreScaler                       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuNoMuIDHlt2Filter                      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuNoMuIDHlt2Filter                      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuNoMuIDFilterSequence                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WMuNoMuID                                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuNoMuIDPostScaler                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWMuHighIPLine                             |     0.260 |     0.167 |    0.022       0.8     0.10 |    1000 |     0.168 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWMuHighIPLine                             |     0.230 |     0.153 |    0.021       0.6     0.08 |    1000 |     0.153 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuHighIPLinePreScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuHighIPLineFilterSequence              |     0.120 |     0.094 |    0.002       0.7     0.08 |    1000 |     0.094 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WMuHighIPLine                                    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     785 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuHighIPLinePostScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWMuIsoLine                                |     0.170 |     0.195 |    0.022       1.2     0.13 |    1000 |     0.196 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuIsoLinePreScaler                      |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuIsoLineFilterSequence                 |     0.060 |     0.089 |    0.002       1.0     0.09 |    1000 |     0.090 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WMuIsoLine                                       |     0.012 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     785 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_WMuIsoLine                          |     0.000 |     0.184 |    0.101       0.3     0.12 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WMuIsoFilter                                     |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.017       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_WMuIsoFilter                        |     0.000 |     0.218 |    0.073       0.4     0.21 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuIsoLinePostScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingFullDiJetsLine                            |     0.120 |     0.130 |    0.024       4.2     0.15 |    1000 |     0.131 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDiJetsLinePreScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDiJetsLineFilterSequence             |     0.000 |     0.354 |    0.012       4.0     0.85 |      21 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            FullDiJetsLine                                   |     0.000 |     0.258 |    0.034       3.3     0.81 |      16 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuHighIPLineFilterSequence              |     0.110 |     0.087 |    0.002       0.4     0.07 |    1000 |     0.087 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WMuHighIPLine                                    |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     785 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuHighIPLinePostScaler                  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWMuIsoLine                                |     0.130 |     0.183 |    0.021       1.0     0.11 |    1000 |     0.183 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuIsoLinePreScaler                      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuIsoLineFilterSequence                 |     0.100 |     0.085 |    0.002       0.9     0.07 |    1000 |     0.085 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WMuIsoLine                                       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     785 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_WMuIsoLine                          |     0.000 |     0.156 |    0.077       0.3     0.12 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WMuIsoFilter                                     |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.015       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_WMuIsoFilter                        |     0.000 |     0.200 |    0.105       0.3     0.14 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWMuIsoLinePostScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingFullDiJetsLine                            |     0.090 |     0.117 |    0.024       2.9     0.10 |    1000 |     0.118 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDiJetsLinePreScaler                  |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDiJetsLineFilterSequence             |     0.000 |     0.272 |    0.011       2.9     0.60 |      21 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            FullDiJetsLine                                   |     0.000 |     0.219 |    0.031       2.8     0.68 |      16 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingFullDiJetsLinePostScaler                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingMuMuSSLine1                               |     0.170 |     0.132 |    0.019       1.5     0.09 |    1000 |     0.132 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMuMuSSLine1PreScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMuMuSSLine1FilterSequence                |     0.185 |     0.159 |    0.003       1.4     0.15 |     108 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuMuSSLine1                                      |     0.000 |     0.074 |    0.044       1.3     0.14 |      89 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingMuMuSSLine1                               |     0.130 |     0.122 |    0.018       2.0     0.09 |    1000 |     0.123 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMuMuSSLine1PreScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMuMuSSLine1FilterSequence                |     0.277 |     0.152 |    0.002       1.9     0.19 |     108 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuMuSSLine1                                      |     0.112 |     0.073 |    0.043       1.8     0.18 |      89 |     0.007 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMuMuSSLine1PostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingMuMuSSLine2                               |     0.230 |     0.231 |    0.022       5.9     0.22 |    1000 |     0.232 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingMuMuSSLine2                               |     0.200 |     0.204 |    0.022       1.3     0.10 |    1000 |     0.205 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMuMuSSLine2PreScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMuMuSSLine2FilterSequence                |     0.130 |     0.151 |    0.002       5.8     0.21 |    1000 |     0.151 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuMuSSLine2                                      |     0.063 |     0.069 |    0.038       5.6     0.21 |     785 |     0.054 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMuMuSSLine2FilterSequence                |     0.120 |     0.131 |    0.002       1.3     0.09 |    1000 |     0.132 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuMuSSLine2                                      |     0.012 |     0.053 |    0.035       1.1     0.04 |     785 |     0.042 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMuMuSSLine2PostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingMuMuSSLine3                               |     0.200 |     0.219 |    0.021       3.6     0.17 |    1000 |     0.220 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingMuMuSSLine3                               |     0.220 |     0.195 |    0.020       0.9     0.09 |    1000 |     0.195 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMuMuSSLine3PreScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMuMuSSLine3FilterSequence                |     0.140 |     0.136 |    0.001       2.3     0.12 |    1000 |     0.136 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuMuSSLine3                                      |     0.063 |     0.052 |    0.036       0.7     0.03 |     785 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMuMuSSLine3PostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingMuMuSSLine4                               |     0.210 |     0.215 |    0.022       2.2     0.13 |    1000 |     0.215 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMuMuSSLine4PreScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMuMuSSLine4FilterSequence                |     0.150 |     0.134 |    0.002       2.1     0.12 |    1000 |     0.135 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuMuSSLine4                                      |     0.038 |     0.050 |    0.034       0.6     0.03 |     785 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMuMuSSLine3FilterSequence                |     0.160 |     0.122 |    0.001       0.7     0.08 |    1000 |     0.123 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuMuSSLine3                                      |     0.127 |     0.046 |    0.033       0.6     0.02 |     785 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMuMuSSLine3PostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingMuMuSSLine4                               |     0.160 |     0.196 |    0.021       1.0     0.10 |    1000 |     0.197 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMuMuSSLine4PreScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMuMuSSLine4FilterSequence                |     0.100 |     0.124 |    0.001       0.9     0.09 |    1000 |     0.124 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuMuSSLine4                                      |     0.050 |     0.045 |    0.033       0.5     0.02 |     785 |     0.036 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingMuMuSSLine4PostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingSbarSCorrelationsPhiLine                  |     0.180 |     0.120 |    0.019       0.5     0.06 |    1000 |     0.121 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSbarSCorrelationsPhiLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSbarSCorrelationsPhiLineHlt1Filter       |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.008       0.3     0.04 |      49 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSbarSCorrelationsPhiLineFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingSbarSCorrelationsPhiLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KForSbarSCorrelations                            |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingSbarSCorrelationsPhiLine                  |     0.090 |     0.109 |    0.016       0.3     0.05 |    1000 |     0.110 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSbarSCorrelationsPhiLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSbarSCorrelationsPhiLineHlt1Filter       |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      49 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSbarSCorrelationsPhiLineFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingSbarSCorrelationsPhiLineVOIDFilter      |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KForSbarSCorrelations                            |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SbarSCorrelationsPhiLine                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSbarSCorrelationsPhiLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingSbarSCorrelationsF2Line                   |     0.130 |     0.162 |    0.047       1.6     0.14 |    1000 |     0.163 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingSbarSCorrelationsF2Line                   |     0.190 |     0.145 |    0.042       1.3     0.11 |    1000 |     0.145 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSbarSCorrelationsF2LinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSbarSCorrelationsF2LineHlt1Filter        |     0.030 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSbarSCorrelationsF2LineFilterSequence    |     0.138 |     0.343 |    0.011       1.4     0.36 |      72 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingSbarSCorrelationsF2LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      72 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PiForSbarSCorrelations                           |     0.000 |     0.121 |    0.034       0.3     0.07 |      46 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtonForSbarSCorrelations                       |     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.019       0.2     0.04 |      33 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaSbarSCorrelations                          |     0.000 |     0.111 |    0.053       0.6     0.11 |      33 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdabarSbarSCorrelations                       |     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.049       0.6     0.09 |      33 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSbarSCorrelationsF2LineHlt1Filter        |     0.010 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSbarSCorrelationsF2LineFilterSequence    |     0.833 |     0.284 |    0.008       1.2     0.30 |      72 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingSbarSCorrelationsF2LineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      72 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PiForSbarSCorrelations                           |     0.434 |     0.093 |    0.031       0.3     0.05 |      46 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtonForSbarSCorrelations                       |     0.303 |     0.085 |    0.016       0.2     0.05 |      33 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaSbarSCorrelations                          |     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.051       0.5     0.09 |      33 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdabarSbarSCorrelations                       |     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.045       0.5     0.09 |      33 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SbarSCorrelationsF2Line                          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSbarSCorrelationsF2LinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingSbarSCorrelationsLambdaCplusLine          |     0.140 |     0.133 |    0.042       0.6     0.06 |    1000 |     0.134 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingSbarSCorrelationsLambdaCplusLine          |     0.120 |     0.122 |    0.038       0.4     0.05 |    1000 |     0.123 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSbarSCorrelationsLambdaCplusLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSbarSCorrelationsLambdaCplusLineHlt1Filte|     0.010 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSbarSCorrelationsLambdaCplusLineFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      72 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingSbarSCorrelationsLambdaCplusLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      72 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSbarSCorrelationsLambdaCplusLineHlt1Filte|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSbarSCorrelationsLambdaCplusLineFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |      72 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingSbarSCorrelationsLambdaCplusLineVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      72 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SbarSCorrelationsLambdaCplusLine                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSbarSCorrelationsLambdaCplusLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingSbarSCorrelationsLambdaCminusLine         |     0.110 |     0.138 |    0.039       0.9     0.08 |    1000 |     0.138 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSbarSCorrelationsLambdaCminusLinePreScale|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSbarSCorrelationsLambdaCminusLineHlt1Filt|     0.010 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSbarSCorrelationsLambdaCminusLineFilterSe|     0.000 |     0.102 |    0.008       0.8     0.14 |      72 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingSbarSCorrelationsLambdaCminusLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      72 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingSbarSCorrelationsLambdaCminusLine         |     0.070 |     0.125 |    0.036       0.9     0.06 |    1000 |     0.126 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSbarSCorrelationsLambdaCminusLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSbarSCorrelationsLambdaCminusLineHlt1Filt|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSbarSCorrelationsLambdaCminusLineFilterSe|     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.007       0.7     0.13 |      72 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingSbarSCorrelationsLambdaCminusLineVOIDFil|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      72 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SbarSCorrelationsLambdaCminusLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingSbarSCorrelationsLambdaCminusLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXiminusLLLNoPIDStrangeBaryonsNoPID        |     0.120 |     0.144 |    0.030       1.5     0.12 |    1000 |     0.145 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiminusLLLNoPIDStrangeBaryonsNoPIDPreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiminusLLLNoPIDStrangeBaryonsNoPIDHlt1Fil|     0.010 |     0.012 |    0.004       0.5     0.02 |    1000 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiminusLLLNoPIDStrangeBaryonsNoPIDFilterS|     0.416 |     0.259 |    0.002       1.2     0.31 |      72 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForLambdaStrangeBaryonsNoPID                |     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.018       0.2     0.04 |      46 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtonsForLambdaNoPIDStrangeBaryonsNoPID         |     0.000 |     0.085 |    0.017       0.2     0.04 |      29 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda2pPiLStrangeBaryonsNoPID                   |     0.000 |     0.097 |    0.051       0.5     0.09 |      29 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingXiminusLLLNoPIDStrangeBaryonsNoPID        |     0.090 |     0.133 |    0.028       1.3     0.11 |    1000 |     0.133 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiminusLLLNoPIDStrangeBaryonsNoPIDPreScal|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiminusLLLNoPIDStrangeBaryonsNoPIDHlt1Fil|     0.010 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.6     0.02 |    1000 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiminusLLLNoPIDStrangeBaryonsNoPIDFilterS|     0.138 |     0.236 |    0.002       1.2     0.29 |      72 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForLambdaStrangeBaryonsNoPID                |     0.217 |     0.067 |    0.019       0.2     0.04 |      46 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ProtonsForLambdaNoPIDStrangeBaryonsNoPID         |     0.000 |     0.074 |    0.015       0.2     0.03 |      29 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda2pPiLStrangeBaryonsNoPID                   |     0.000 |     0.091 |    0.048       0.6     0.10 |      29 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForXiStrangeBaryonsNoPID                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XiminusLLLNoPIDStrangeBaryonsNoPID               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingXiminusLLLNoPIDStrangeBaryonsNoPIDPostSca|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingOmegaminusLLLNoPIDStrangeBaryonsNoPID     |     0.170 |     0.135 |    0.033       1.3     0.08 |    1000 |     0.135 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingOmegaminusLLLNoPIDStrangeBaryonsNoPID     |     0.150 |     0.122 |    0.031       0.7     0.06 |    1000 |     0.123 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegaminusLLLNoPIDStrangeBaryonsNoPIDPreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegaminusLLLNoPIDStrangeBaryonsNoPIDHlt1|     0.020 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegaminusLLLNoPIDStrangeBaryonsNoPIDFilt|     0.277 |     0.077 |    0.001       0.7     0.12 |      72 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda2pPiLOmegaStrangeBaryonsNoPID              |     0.344 |     0.097 |    0.052       0.6     0.10 |      29 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegaminusLLLNoPIDStrangeBaryonsNoPIDHlt1|     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegaminusLLLNoPIDStrangeBaryonsNoPIDFilt|     0.138 |     0.069 |    0.002       0.6     0.11 |      72 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda2pPiLOmegaStrangeBaryonsNoPID              |     0.000 |     0.088 |    0.045       0.6     0.10 |      29 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsForOmegaStrangeBaryonsNoPID                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            OmegaminusLLLNoPIDStrangeBaryonsNoPID            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingOmegaminusLLLNoPIDStrangeBaryonsNoPIDPost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWeLine                                    |     0.220 |     0.231 |    0.022       1.1     0.12 |    1000 |     0.231 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWeLinePreScaler                          |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWeLineFilterSequence                     |     0.090 |     0.159 |    0.002       0.9     0.09 |    1000 |     0.160 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WeLine                                           |     0.010 |     0.034 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |     974 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWeLinePostScaler                         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWeLowLine                                 |     0.130 |     0.118 |    0.016       0.9     0.08 |    1000 |     0.119 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWeLine                                    |     0.370 |     0.204 |    0.022       0.7     0.10 |    1000 |     0.205 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWeLinePreScaler                          |     0.020 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWeLineFilterSequence                     |     0.220 |     0.139 |    0.001       0.5     0.07 |    1000 |     0.139 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WeLine                                           |     0.041 |     0.023 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     974 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWeLinePostScaler                         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |       4 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingWeLowLine                                 |     0.140 |     0.108 |    0.015       0.6     0.06 |    1000 |     0.108 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWeLowLinePreScaler                       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWeLowLineFilterSequence                  |     0.652 |     0.145 |    0.002       0.9     0.11 |      92 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WeLowLine                                        |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |      88 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWeLowLineFilterSequence                  |     0.217 |     0.128 |    0.002       0.5     0.07 |      92 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            WeLowLine                                        |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      88 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingWeLowLinePostScaler                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDisplVerticesSinglePS                     |     0.100 |     0.138 |    0.026       4.9     0.21 |    1000 |     0.139 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDisplVerticesSinglePSPreScaler           |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDisplVerticesSinglePSFilterSequence      |     0.000 |     2.873 |    1.607       4.7     1.48 |       4 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterRec_Track_Best                          |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.1     0.00 |     974 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesVeloGEC                             |     1.314 |     1.609 |    0.095      87.3     2.84 |     974 |     1.568 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesVeloFilteredTracks                  |     0.872 |     0.861 |    0.105       7.8     0.66 |     974 |     0.839 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesWithVeloVertexing                   |     0.319 |     0.343 |    0.063       3.4     0.29 |     969 |     0.332 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesWithVeloCandidates                  |     0.187 |     0.194 |    0.044       2.4     0.15 |     960 |     0.187 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesSinglePS                            |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDisplVerticesSinglePS                     |     0.080 |     0.122 |    0.024       4.4     0.19 |    1000 |     0.123 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDisplVerticesSinglePSPreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDisplVerticesSinglePSFilterSequence      |     2.500 |     2.637 |    1.520       4.3     1.31 |       4 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterRec_Track_Best                          |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     974 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesVeloGEC                             |     1.529 |     1.372 |    0.105      67.6     2.21 |     974 |     1.337 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesVeloFilteredTracks                  |     0.544 |     0.765 |    0.110       5.7     0.58 |     974 |     0.746 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesWithVeloVertexing                   |     0.381 |     0.325 |    0.039       4.1     0.29 |     969 |     0.315 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesWithVeloCandidates                  |     0.166 |     0.174 |    0.033       2.4     0.12 |     960 |     0.168 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesSinglePS                            |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_DisplVerticesSinglePS               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDisplVerticesSinglePSPostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDisplVerticesJetSingleLowMass             |     1.570 |     1.779 |    0.025      94.6     3.57 |    1000 |     1.779 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDisplVerticesJetSingleLowMassPreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDisplVerticesJetSingleLowMassFilterSequen|     2.739 |     3.195 |    0.002      94.4     4.44 |     511 |     1.633 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesJetSingleLowMassSelectionVertices   |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      80 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesJetSingleLowMassSelectionJets       |     0.000 |     3.797 |    0.432      12.8     6.02 |       4 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDisplVerticesJetSingleLowMass             |     1.450 |     1.527 |    0.023      73.7     2.85 |    1000 |     1.527 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDisplVerticesJetSingleLowMassPreScaler   |     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDisplVerticesJetSingleLowMassFilterSequen|     2.661 |     2.746 |    0.002      73.6     3.48 |     511 |     1.403 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesJetSingleLowMassSelectionVertices   |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      80 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesJetSingleLowMassSelectionJets       |     2.500 |     1.389 |    0.409       3.3     1.35 |       4 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesJetSingleLowMass                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_DisplVerticesJetSingleLowMass       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDisplVerticesJetSingleLowMassPostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDisplVerticesJetSingleHighMass            |     1.570 |     1.655 |    0.028      15.9     1.93 |    1000 |     1.655 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDisplVerticesJetSingleHighMassPreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDisplVerticesJetSingleHighMassFilterSeque|     1.380 |     1.500 |    0.002      15.6     1.90 |    1000 |     1.500 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesJetSingleHighMassSelectionVertices  |     0.060 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     165 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesJetSingleHighMassSelectionJets      |     2.000 |     2.964 |    0.358       7.6     3.03 |       5 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDisplVerticesJetSingleHighMass            |     1.560 |     1.468 |    0.028      13.5     1.71 |    1000 |     1.468 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDisplVerticesJetSingleHighMassPreScaler  |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDisplVerticesJetSingleHighMassFilterSeque|     1.430 |     1.336 |    0.002      13.3     1.70 |    1000 |     1.336 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesJetSingleHighMassSelectionVertices  |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     165 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesJetSingleHighMassSelectionJets      |     2.000 |     1.682 |    0.327       4.0     1.42 |       5 |     0.008 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesJetSingleHighMass                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_DisplVerticesJetSingleHighMass      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDisplVerticesJetSingleHighMassPostScaler |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDisplVerticesJetHltSingleLowMass          |     0.150 |     0.184 |    0.023      29.3     0.93 |    1000 |     0.184 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDisplVerticesJetHltSingleLowMassPreScaler|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDisplVerticesJetHltSingleLowMassFilterSeq|     0.363 |     0.362 |    0.003      29.1     2.77 |     110 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesHltCandidates                       |     0.204 |     0.220 |    0.063      25.1     1.79 |     196 |     0.043 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DisplVerticesHlt2CandFilterTCK0x001c0028-0x002f0|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |     196 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              DisplVerticesHlt2DecisionFilterTCK0x001c0028-0x|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |     196 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDisplVerticesJetHltSingleLowMass          |     0.110 |     0.159 |    0.023      21.5     0.68 |    1000 |     0.159 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDisplVerticesJetHltSingleLowMassPreScaler|     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDisplVerticesJetHltSingleLowMassFilterSeq|     0.181 |     0.269 |    0.002      21.4     2.03 |     110 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesHltCandidates                       |     0.051 |     0.145 |    0.053      14.5     1.03 |     196 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DisplVerticesHlt2CandFilterTCK0x001c0028-0x002f0|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |     196 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              DisplVerticesHlt2DecisionFilterTCK0x001c0028-0x|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     196 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              DisplVerticesHltConverter0x001c0028-0x002f002c |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DisplVerticesHlt2CandFilterTCK0x00340032-0x00730|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     196 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DisplVerticesHlt2CandFilterTCK0x00340032-0x00730|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     196 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              DisplVerticesHlt2DecisionFilterTCK0x00340032-0x|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     196 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              DisplVerticesHltConverter0x00340032-0x00730035 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DisplVerticesHlt2CandFilterTCK0x00750037-0x007b0|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |     196 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              DisplVerticesHlt2DecisionFilterTCK0x00750037-0x|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     196 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DisplVerticesHlt2CandFilterTCK0x00750037-0x007b0|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     196 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              DisplVerticesHlt2DecisionFilterTCK0x00750037-0x|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     196 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              DisplVerticesHltConverter0x00750037-0x007b0038 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DisplVerticesHlt2CandFilterTCK0x007e0039-0x00970|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |     196 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              DisplVerticesHlt2DecisionFilterTCK0x007e0039-0x|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     196 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DisplVerticesHlt2CandFilterTCK0x007e0039-0x00970|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     196 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              DisplVerticesHlt2DecisionFilterTCK0x007e0039-0x|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     196 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              DisplVerticesHltConverter0x007e0039-0x0097003d |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DisplVerticesHlt2CandFilterTCK0x00990042-0x40000|     0.153 |     0.147 |    0.014      25.0     1.79 |     196 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              DisplVerticesHlt2DecisionFilterTCK0x00990042-0x|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |     196 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              DisplVerticesHltConverter0x00990042-0x40000000 |    20.000 |    24.883 |   24.883      24.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_DisplVerticesHlt2Cand_Particles    |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.033       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesHltVeloGEC                          |     0.000 |     0.179 |    0.179       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesHlt2CandVertices                    |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesJetHltSingleLowMassSelectionHltJets |    10.000 |     3.493 |    3.493       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DisplVerticesHlt2CandFilterTCK0x00990042-0x40000|     0.051 |     0.089 |    0.011      14.4     1.03 |     196 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              DisplVerticesHlt2DecisionFilterTCK0x00990042-0x|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |     196 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              DisplVerticesHltConverter0x00990042-0x40000000 |    10.000 |    14.320 |   14.320      14.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelFilterPhys_DisplVerticesHlt2Cand_Particles    |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.030       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesHltVeloGEC                          |     0.000 |     0.266 |    0.266       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesHlt2CandVertices                    |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.038       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesJetHltSingleLowMassSelectionHltJets |    10.000 |     6.290 |    6.290       6.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesJetHltSingleLowMass                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_DisplVerticesJetHltSingleLowMass    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDisplVerticesJetHltSingleLowMassPostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDisplVerticesJetHltSingleHighMass         |     0.150 |     0.143 |    0.022       0.7     0.08 |    1000 |     0.144 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDisplVerticesJetHltSingleHighMass         |     0.100 |     0.136 |    0.021       6.1     0.20 |    1000 |     0.136 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDisplVerticesJetHltSingleHighMassPreScale|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDisplVerticesJetHltSingleHighMassFilterSe|     0.099 |     0.089 |    0.002       0.2     0.04 |     101 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDisplVerticesJetHltSingleHighMassFilterSe|     0.099 |     0.070 |    0.002       0.2     0.03 |     101 |     0.007 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesJetHltSingleHighMassSelectionHltJets|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesJetHltSingleHighMass                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_DisplVerticesJetHltSingleHighMass   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDisplVerticesJetHltSingleHighMassPostScal|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDisplVerticesDouble                       |     0.210 |     0.190 |    0.030       0.9     0.12 |    1000 |     0.190 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDisplVerticesDouble                       |     0.160 |     0.174 |    0.027       1.0     0.10 |    1000 |     0.174 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDisplVerticesDoublePreScaler             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDisplVerticesDoubleFilterSequence        |     0.090 |     0.055 |    0.003       0.7     0.11 |    1000 |     0.055 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesDouble                              |     0.060 |     0.080 |    0.046       0.3     0.03 |     165 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDisplVerticesDoubleFilterSequence        |     0.060 |     0.049 |    0.002       0.9     0.10 |    1000 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesDouble                              |     0.060 |     0.064 |    0.044       0.7     0.05 |     165 |     0.011 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            RelatedInfo1_DisplVerticesDouble                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDisplVerticesDoublePostScaler            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDisplVerticesHLTPS                        |     0.060 |     0.047 |    0.017       0.7     0.04 |    1000 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDisplVerticesHLTPS                        |     0.010 |     0.038 |    0.017       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.039 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDisplVerticesHLTPSPreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDisplVerticesHLTPSFilterSequence         |     0.049 |     0.061 |    0.002       0.2     0.02 |     203 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesHLTPS                               |     0.051 |     0.056 |    0.037       0.2     0.02 |     195 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DisplVerticesHLTPSHlt2FilterTCK0x001c0028-0x002f|     0.051 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     195 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DisplVerticesHLTPSHlt2FilterTCK0x00340032-0x0073|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     195 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DisplVerticesHLTPSHlt2FilterTCK0x00750037-0x007b|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     195 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DisplVerticesHLTPSHlt2FilterTCK0x007e0039-0x0097|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     195 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DisplVerticesHLTPSHlt2FilterTCK0x00990042-0x4000|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |     195 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDisplVerticesHLTPSFilterSequence         |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.001       0.1     0.01 |     203 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DisplVerticesHLTPS                               |     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.031       0.1     0.01 |     195 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DisplVerticesHLTPSHlt2FilterTCK0x001c0028-0x002f|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     195 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DisplVerticesHLTPSHlt2FilterTCK0x00340032-0x0073|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     195 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DisplVerticesHLTPSHlt2FilterTCK0x00750037-0x007b|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     195 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DisplVerticesHLTPSHlt2FilterTCK0x007e0039-0x0097|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     195 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             DisplVerticesHLTPSHlt2FilterTCK0x00990042-0x4000|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     195 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDisplVerticesHLTPSPostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamEW                                  |     0.320 |     0.322 |    0.115       0.9     0.09 |    1000 |     0.322 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamEW                                  |     0.210 |     0.242 |    0.107       0.7     0.06 |    1000 |     0.243 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamEWPreScaler                        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamEWFilterSequence                   |     0.190 |     0.191 |    0.015       0.7     0.05 |    1000 |     0.192 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingStreamSeqEW                             |     0.190 |     0.182 |    0.009       0.6     0.05 |    1000 |     0.183 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamEWPostScaler                       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        StrippingSequenceStreamCharmCompleteEvent            |    27.410 |    27.430 |    2.111     391.0    25.29 |    1000 |    27.431 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingBadEventSequenceCharmCompleteEvent         |     0.180 |     0.147 |    0.031       7.3     0.28 |    1000 |     0.147 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamCharmCompleteEventBadEvent          |     0.170 |     0.134 |    0.026       4.7     0.16 |    1000 |     0.134 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamCharmCompleteEventBadEventPreScaler|     0.020 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamCharmCompleteEventBadEventFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamEWFilterSequence                   |     0.100 |     0.121 |    0.011       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.122 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingStreamSeqEW                             |     0.100 |     0.115 |    0.006       0.3     0.03 |    1000 |     0.115 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamEWPostScaler                       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        StrippingSequenceStreamCharmCompleteEvent            |    24.780 |    24.962 |    2.103     311.7    21.55 |    1000 |    24.963 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingBadEventSequenceCharmCompleteEvent         |     0.100 |     0.124 |    0.029       1.0     0.06 |    1000 |     0.125 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamCharmCompleteEventBadEvent          |     0.080 |     0.119 |    0.024       0.9     0.06 |    1000 |     0.119 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamCharmCompleteEventBadEventPreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamCharmCompleteEventBadEventFilterSeq|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamCharmCompleteEventBadEventPostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingProtectedSequenceCharmCompleteEvent        |    27.210 |    27.269 |    2.055     390.6    25.24 |    1000 |    27.270 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingChargedHyperonsXiminus2LambdaPi           |     0.990 |     0.873 |    0.040       6.6     0.62 |    1000 |     0.874 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChargedHyperonsXiminus2LambdaPiPreScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChargedHyperonsXiminus2LambdaPiFilterSequ|     0.870 |     0.726 |    0.007       6.3     0.57 |    1000 |     0.727 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingGoodEventConditionCharmCompleteEvent    |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Ximinus2LambdaPiChargedHyperons           |     0.872 |     0.729 |    0.021       6.3     0.56 |     974 |     0.710 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Ximinus2LambdaPiChargedHyperons    |     0.841 |     0.722 |    0.016       6.3     0.56 |     974 |     0.703 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Ximinus2LambdaPiDDDChargedHyperons       |     0.841 |     0.716 |    0.013       6.3     0.56 |     974 |     0.698 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:DownstreamPionsForChargedHyperons      |     0.215 |     0.242 |    0.008       1.4     0.14 |     974 |     0.236 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:DownstreamPionsForChargedHyperon|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.3     0.01 |     974 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                DownstreamPionsForChargedHyperons            |     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     966 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               GoodDownstreamPionsForChargedHyperons         |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     966 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:StdLooseDDLambdaForChargedHyperons     |     0.154 |     0.129 |    0.007       1.2     0.16 |     970 |     0.126 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:StdLooseDDLambdaForChargedHypero|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     970 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                StdLooseDDLambdaForChargedHyperons           |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.7     0.03 |     493 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LambdaDDForChargedHyperons                    |     0.040 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |     493 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Ximinus2LambdaPiDDDChargedHyperons            |     0.333 |     0.267 |    0.158       1.5     0.18 |      60 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Ximinus2LambdaPiChargedHyperons                 |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ChargedHyperonsXiminus2LambdaPi                  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingProtectedSequenceCharmCompleteEvent        |    24.660 |    24.827 |    2.061     311.3    21.52 |    1000 |    24.827 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingChargedHyperonsXiminus2LambdaPi           |     0.840 |     0.792 |    0.039       4.8     0.52 |    1000 |     0.792 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChargedHyperonsXiminus2LambdaPiPreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChargedHyperonsXiminus2LambdaPiFilterSequ|     0.710 |     0.658 |    0.007       4.7     0.48 |    1000 |     0.659 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingGoodEventConditionCharmCompleteEvent    |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Ximinus2LambdaPiChargedHyperons           |     0.698 |     0.661 |    0.019       4.7     0.47 |     974 |     0.645 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Ximinus2LambdaPiChargedHyperons    |     0.687 |     0.651 |    0.015       3.0     0.45 |     974 |     0.634 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Ximinus2LambdaPiDDDChargedHyperons       |     0.667 |     0.645 |    0.011       3.0     0.45 |     974 |     0.629 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:DownstreamPionsForChargedHyperons      |     0.195 |     0.214 |    0.007       1.2     0.11 |     974 |     0.209 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:DownstreamPionsForChargedHyperon|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                DownstreamPionsForChargedHyperons            |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     966 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               GoodDownstreamPionsForChargedHyperons         |     0.041 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |     966 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:StdLooseDDLambdaForChargedHyperons     |     0.072 |     0.117 |    0.006       0.7     0.13 |     970 |     0.114 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:StdLooseDDLambdaForChargedHypero|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |     970 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                StdLooseDDLambdaForChargedHyperons           |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     493 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LambdaDDForChargedHyperons                    |     0.020 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.5     0.02 |     493 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Ximinus2LambdaPiDDDChargedHyperons            |     0.333 |     0.208 |    0.110       1.2     0.13 |      60 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Ximinus2LambdaPiChargedHyperons                 |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ChargedHyperonsXiminus2LambdaPi                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChargedHyperonsXiminus2LambdaPiPostScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingChargedHyperonsOmegaminus2LambdaK         |     1.110 |     1.063 |    0.032       7.3     0.72 |    1000 |     1.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingChargedHyperonsOmegaminus2LambdaK         |     0.960 |     0.973 |    0.031       5.4     0.58 |    1000 |     0.974 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChargedHyperonsOmegaminus2LambdaKPreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChargedHyperonsOmegaminus2LambdaKFilterSe|     0.990 |     0.916 |    0.002       7.1     0.65 |    1000 |     0.916 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Omegaminus2LambdaKChargedHyperons         |     1.016 |     0.933 |    0.033       7.1     0.64 |     974 |     0.909 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Omegaminus2LambdaKChargedHyperons  |     1.016 |     0.926 |    0.029       7.1     0.64 |     974 |     0.903 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Omegaminus2LambdaKDDLChargedHyperons     |     0.626 |     0.519 |    0.012       6.7     0.40 |     974 |     0.506 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:LongKaonsForChargedHyperons            |     0.318 |     0.241 |    0.007       4.4     0.19 |     974 |     0.235 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChargedHyperonsOmegaminus2LambdaKFilterSe|     0.900 |     0.841 |    0.002       5.0     0.54 |    1000 |     0.841 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:Omegaminus2LambdaKChargedHyperons         |     0.913 |     0.857 |    0.033       5.0     0.53 |     974 |     0.835 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:Omegaminus2LambdaKChargedHyperons  |     0.903 |     0.851 |    0.028       4.9     0.53 |     974 |     0.830 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Omegaminus2LambdaKDDLChargedHyperons     |     0.492 |     0.468 |    0.010       2.6     0.27 |     974 |     0.457 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:LongKaonsForChargedHyperons            |     0.164 |     0.221 |    0.006       1.3     0.11 |     974 |     0.215 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:LongKaonsForChargedHyperons     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                LongKaonsForChargedHyperons                  |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     969 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               GoodLongKaonsForChargedHyperons               |     0.020 |     0.020 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     969 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Omegaminus2LambdaKDDLChargedHyperons          |     0.333 |     0.183 |    0.100       1.5     0.17 |      60 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Omegaminus2LambdaKDDDChargedHyperons     |     0.390 |     0.397 |    0.011       2.0     0.30 |     974 |     0.387 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:DownstreamKaonsForChargedHyperons      |     0.205 |     0.217 |    0.007       1.2     0.15 |     974 |     0.212 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:DownstreamKaonsForChargedHyperon|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                DownstreamKaonsForChargedHyperons            |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     951 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               GoodDownstreamKaonsForChargedHyperons         |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     951 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Omegaminus2LambdaKDDDChargedHyperons          |     0.000 |     0.196 |    0.109       1.4     0.23 |      32 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                LongKaonsForChargedHyperons                  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     969 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               GoodLongKaonsForChargedHyperons               |     0.010 |     0.015 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     969 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Omegaminus2LambdaKDDLChargedHyperons          |     0.000 |     0.151 |    0.096       1.1     0.13 |      60 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:Omegaminus2LambdaKDDDChargedHyperons     |     0.410 |     0.373 |    0.009       4.1     0.28 |     974 |     0.364 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               MERGED:DownstreamKaonsForChargedHyperons      |     0.184 |     0.200 |    0.006       1.1     0.13 |     974 |     0.195 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                MERGEDINPUTS:DownstreamKaonsForChargedHyperon|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO                DownstreamKaonsForChargedHyperons            |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     951 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               GoodDownstreamKaonsForChargedHyperons         |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |     951 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               Omegaminus2LambdaKDDDChargedHyperons          |     0.000 |     0.180 |    0.102       1.3     0.20 |      32 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             Omegaminus2LambdaKChargedHyperons               |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ChargedHyperonsOmegaminus2LambdaK                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingChargedHyperonsOmegaminus2LambdaKPostScal|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KKGammaLine           |     0.570 |     0.592 |    0.030       9.6     0.43 |    1000 |     0.592 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KKGammaLinePreScaler |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KKGammaLineFilterSequ|     0.440 |     0.453 |    0.002       9.2     0.39 |    1000 |     0.453 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaHHForD2KKGamma                      |     0.249 |     0.275 |    0.081       1.8     0.11 |     963 |     0.265 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            GammaForDstarD2XGamma                            |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     293 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaD2KKGamma                           |     0.303 |     0.106 |    0.044       1.3     0.22 |      33 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaDstarD2KKGammaSel                   |     5.000 |     2.910 |    0.099       5.7     3.98 |       2 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KKGammaLine           |     0.480 |     0.501 |    0.028       4.0     0.29 |    1000 |     0.502 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KKGammaLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.5     0.02 |    1000 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KKGammaLineFilterSequ|     0.380 |     0.376 |    0.002       3.9     0.26 |    1000 |     0.376 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaHHForD2KKGamma                      |     0.238 |     0.215 |    0.067       3.7     0.14 |     963 |     0.208 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            GammaForDstarD2XGamma                            |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     293 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaD2KKGamma                           |     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.040       1.1     0.18 |      33 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaDstarD2KKGammaSel                   |     0.000 |     0.649 |    0.104       1.2     0.77 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaDstarD2KKGammaDstarHlt1TOS          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaDstarD2KKGammaLine                  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KKGammaLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KKGamma_CNVDDLine     |     0.110 |     0.152 |    0.028       2.6     0.11 |    1000 |     0.153 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KKGamma_CNVDDLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KKGamma_CNVDDLineFilt|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.001       2.4     0.08 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CNVGammaDDForDstarD2XGamma                       |     0.163 |     0.013 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |      61 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaD2KKGamma_CNVDD                     |     0.000 |     0.623 |    0.048       1.8     1.00 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KKGamma_CNVDDLine     |     0.120 |     0.140 |    0.027       1.6     0.08 |    1000 |     0.140 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KKGamma_CNVDDLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KKGamma_CNVDDLineFilt|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.002       1.5     0.06 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CNVGammaDDForDstarD2XGamma                       |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      61 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaD2KKGamma_CNVDD                     |     0.000 |     0.391 |    0.048       1.1     0.59 |       3 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaDstarD2KKGamma_CNVDDSel             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaDstarD2KKGamma_CNVDDDstarHlt1TOS    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaDstarD2KKGamma_CNVDDLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KKGamma_CNVDDLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KKGamma_CNVLLLine     |     0.140 |     0.152 |    0.025       3.5     0.15 |    1000 |     0.153 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KKGamma_CNVLLLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KKGamma_CNVLLLineFilt|     0.010 |     0.011 |    0.002       3.2     0.12 |    1000 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CNVGammaLLForDstarD2XGamma                       |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      97 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaD2KKGamma_CNVLL                     |     0.000 |     0.582 |    0.056       1.4     0.75 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaDstarD2KKGamma_CNVLLSel             |    10.000 |     1.409 |    1.409       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KKGamma_CNVLLLine     |     0.150 |     0.143 |    0.025       5.7     0.21 |    1000 |     0.143 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KKGamma_CNVLLLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KKGamma_CNVLLLineFilt|     0.020 |     0.013 |    0.001       5.5     0.20 |    1000 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CNVGammaLLForDstarD2XGamma                       |     0.103 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      97 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaD2KKGamma_CNVLL                     |     3.333 |     1.696 |    0.047       4.9     2.77 |       3 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaDstarD2KKGamma_CNVLLSel             |    10.000 |     1.391 |    1.391       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaDstarD2KKGamma_CNVLLDstarHlt1TOS    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaDstarD2KKGamma_CNVLLLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KKGamma_CNVLLLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2PiPiGammaLine         |     0.460 |     0.585 |    0.025       7.5     0.50 |    1000 |     0.586 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2PiPiGammaLine         |     0.620 |     0.517 |    0.025       3.0     0.35 |    1000 |     0.518 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2PiPiGammaLinePreScale|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2PiPiGammaLineFilterSe|     0.360 |     0.446 |    0.002       7.1     0.43 |    1000 |     0.446 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaHHForD2PiPiGamma                    |     0.186 |     0.215 |    0.063       1.5     0.11 |     963 |     0.207 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaD2PiPiGamma                         |     0.103 |     0.075 |    0.039       1.3     0.13 |      97 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaDstarD2PiPiGammaSel                 |     0.000 |     0.445 |    0.097       1.9     0.73 |       6 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2PiPiGammaLineFilterSe|     0.440 |     0.395 |    0.001       2.7     0.32 |    1000 |     0.395 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaHHForD2PiPiGamma                    |     0.280 |     0.185 |    0.056       0.8     0.08 |     963 |     0.179 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaD2PiPiGamma                         |     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.039       0.7     0.07 |      97 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaDstarD2PiPiGammaSel                 |     0.000 |     0.289 |    0.079       1.2     0.43 |       6 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaDstarD2PiPiGammaDstarHlt1TOS        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaDstarD2PiPiGammaLine                |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2PiPiGammaLinePostScal|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2PiPiGamma_CNVDDLine   |     0.160 |     0.158 |    0.025       2.5     0.13 |    1000 |     0.158 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2PiPiGamma_CNVDDLinePr|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2PiPiGamma_CNVDDLineFi|     0.010 |     0.016 |    0.002       2.3     0.10 |    1000 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaD2PiPiGamma_CNVDD                   |     0.000 |     0.285 |    0.047       2.0     0.63 |       9 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2PiPiGamma_CNVDDLine   |     0.170 |     0.149 |    0.025       3.8     0.16 |    1000 |     0.149 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2PiPiGamma_CNVDDLinePr|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2PiPiGamma_CNVDDLineFi|     0.020 |     0.014 |    0.001       1.6     0.08 |    1000 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaD2PiPiGamma_CNVDD                   |     0.000 |     0.173 |    0.038       1.1     0.35 |       9 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaDstarD2PiPiGamma_CNVDDSel           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaDstarD2PiPiGamma_CNVDDDstarHlt1TOS  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaDstarD2PiPiGamma_CNVDDLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2PiPiGamma_CNVDDLinePo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2PiPiGamma_CNVLLLine   |     0.130 |     0.163 |    0.025       2.2     0.15 |    1000 |     0.164 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2PiPiGamma_CNVLLLine   |     0.110 |     0.151 |    0.025       2.0     0.13 |    1000 |     0.152 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2PiPiGamma_CNVLLLinePr|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2PiPiGamma_CNVLLLineFi|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.002       2.0     0.13 |    1000 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaD2PiPiGamma_CNVLL                   |     0.000 |     0.177 |    0.043       1.8     0.38 |      22 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2PiPiGamma_CNVLLLineFi|     0.030 |     0.023 |    0.001       1.9     0.12 |    1000 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaD2PiPiGamma_CNVLL                   |     0.000 |     0.158 |    0.041       1.7     0.37 |      22 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaDstarD2PiPiGamma_CNVLLSel           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaDstarD2PiPiGamma_CNVLLDstarHlt1TOS  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaDstarD2PiPiGamma_CNVLLLine          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2PiPiGamma_CNVLLLinePo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KPiGammaLine          |     0.500 |     0.591 |    0.026       5.4     0.43 |    1000 |     0.592 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KPiGammaLinePreScaler|     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KPiGammaLineFilterSeq|     0.400 |     0.449 |    0.002       4.0     0.36 |    1000 |     0.450 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaHHForD2KPiGamma                     |     0.228 |     0.238 |    0.073       1.5     0.12 |     963 |     0.229 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaD2KPiGamma                          |     0.240 |     0.088 |    0.046       1.3     0.14 |      83 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaDstarD2KPiGammaSel                  |     0.000 |     0.371 |    0.084       1.4     0.55 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaDstarD2KPiGammaDstarHlt1TOS         |     0.000 |     0.669 |    0.651       0.7     0.03 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaDstarD2KPiGammaLine                 |     0.000 |     0.654 |    0.609       0.7     0.06 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KPiGammaLine          |     0.430 |     0.536 |    0.024       3.2     0.34 |    1000 |     0.537 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KPiGammaLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KPiGammaLineFilterSeq|     0.340 |     0.412 |    0.001       3.1     0.31 |    1000 |     0.413 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaHHForD2KPiGamma                     |     0.197 |     0.213 |    0.072       1.3     0.09 |     963 |     0.206 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaD2KPiGamma                          |     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.045       1.1     0.11 |      83 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaDstarD2KPiGammaSel                  |     0.000 |     0.296 |    0.083       1.1     0.44 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaDstarD2KPiGammaDstarHlt1TOS         |     0.000 |     0.695 |    0.680       0.7     0.02 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaDstarD2KPiGammaLine                 |     0.000 |     0.680 |    0.641       0.7     0.06 |       2 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KPiGammaLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KPiGamma_CNVDDLine    |     0.160 |     0.155 |    0.025       2.4     0.12 |    1000 |     0.156 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KPiGamma_CNVDDLinePre|     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KPiGamma_CNVDDLineFil|     0.020 |     0.013 |    0.002       2.2     0.09 |    1000 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaD2KPiGamma_CNVDD                    |     0.000 |     0.163 |    0.050       1.4     0.34 |      15 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KPiGamma_CNVDDLine    |     0.100 |     0.144 |    0.024       2.1     0.11 |    1000 |     0.144 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KPiGamma_CNVDDLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KPiGamma_CNVDDLineFil|     0.010 |     0.012 |    0.001       1.9     0.09 |    1000 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaD2KPiGamma_CNVDD                    |     0.000 |     0.132 |    0.045       1.1     0.27 |      15 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaDstarD2KPiGamma_CNVDDSel            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaDstarD2KPiGamma_CNVDDDstarHlt1TOS   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaDstarD2KPiGamma_CNVDDLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KPiGamma_CNVDDLinePos|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KPiGamma_CNVLLLine    |     0.160 |     0.154 |    0.025       2.3     0.12 |    1000 |     0.154 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KPiGamma_CNVLLLine    |     0.120 |     0.142 |    0.024       1.8     0.10 |    1000 |     0.142 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KPiGamma_CNVLLLinePre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KPiGamma_CNVLLLineFil|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.002       2.1     0.09 |    1000 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaD2KPiGamma_CNVLL                    |     0.000 |     0.145 |    0.050       0.6     0.17 |      11 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaDstarD2KPiGamma_CNVLLSel            |     0.000 |     1.076 |    1.076       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KPiGamma_CNVLLLineFil|     0.020 |     0.014 |    0.001       1.6     0.08 |    1000 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaD2KPiGamma_CNVLL                    |     0.000 |     0.118 |    0.048       0.5     0.14 |      11 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaDstarD2KPiGamma_CNVLLSel            |     0.000 |     0.555 |    0.555       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaDstarD2KPiGamma_CNVLLDstarHlt1TOS   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2XGammaDstarD2KPiGamma_CNVLLLine           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2XGammaDstarD2KPiGamma_CNVLLLinePos|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2pimuLine                                |     0.370 |     0.360 |    0.038       6.0     0.47 |    1000 |     0.360 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2pimuLine                                |     0.410 |     0.330 |    0.035       6.0     0.42 |    1000 |     0.331 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2pimuLinePreScaler                      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2pimuLineFilterSequence                 |     0.270 |     0.222 |    0.011       5.9     0.45 |    1000 |     0.223 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingD2pimuLineVOIDFilter                    |     0.020 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Mu_forD2HMuNu                                    |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     537 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi_forD2HMuNu                                    |     0.040 |     0.031 |    0.006       0.2     0.02 |     496 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0_forD2pimu                                  |     0.000 |     0.119 |    0.057       1.6     0.17 |      94 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            pis_forD2HMuNu                                   |     0.232 |     0.153 |    0.042       0.6     0.09 |      43 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstD2pimu                                     |     0.000 |     0.387 |    0.128       1.5     0.56 |       6 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2pimuLine                                       |     0.000 |     1.597 |    0.912       2.4     0.63 |       4 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2pimuLineFilterSequence                 |     0.240 |     0.204 |    0.009       5.9     0.40 |    1000 |     0.204 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingD2pimuLineVOIDFilter                    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Mu_forD2HMuNu                                    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     537 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi_forD2HMuNu                                    |     0.060 |     0.027 |    0.006       0.1     0.02 |     496 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0_forD2pimu                                  |     0.106 |     0.098 |    0.053       1.1     0.11 |      94 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            pis_forD2HMuNu                                   |     0.000 |     0.119 |    0.038       0.3     0.06 |      43 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstD2pimu                                     |     0.000 |     0.302 |    0.080       1.3     0.49 |       6 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2pimuLine                                       |     5.000 |     1.390 |    0.882       2.0     0.51 |       4 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2pimuLinePostScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2KmuLine                                 |     0.190 |     0.156 |    0.026       3.3     0.19 |    1000 |     0.157 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2KmuLinePreScaler                       |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2KmuLineFilterSequence                  |     0.186 |     0.166 |    0.009       3.2     0.50 |     107 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingD2KmuLineVOIDFilter                     |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     107 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K_forD2HMuNu                                     |     0.040 |     0.023 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |     488 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0_forD2Kmu                                   |     0.000 |     0.247 |    0.060       1.5     0.45 |      10 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstD2Kmu                                      |     0.000 |     0.312 |    0.065       0.7     0.37 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KmuLine                                        |     0.000 |     1.672 |    1.672       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2KmuLine                                 |     0.110 |     0.150 |    0.025       3.9     0.20 |    1000 |     0.151 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2KmuLinePreScaler                       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2KmuLineFilterSequence                  |     0.000 |     0.158 |    0.008       3.7     0.51 |     107 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingD2KmuLineVOIDFilter                     |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     107 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K_forD2HMuNu                                     |     0.040 |     0.021 |    0.004       0.6     0.03 |     488 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0_forD2Kmu                                   |     0.000 |     0.248 |    0.056       1.7     0.51 |      10 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstD2Kmu                                      |     0.000 |     0.281 |    0.066       0.6     0.32 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KmuLine                                        |     0.000 |     2.022 |    2.022       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2KmuLinePostScaler                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2piELine                                 |     0.520 |     0.435 |    0.038      15.3     0.72 |    1000 |     0.436 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2piELinePreScaler                       |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2piELineFilterSequence                  |     0.350 |     0.296 |    0.009      15.2     0.70 |    1000 |     0.296 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingD2piELineVOIDFilter                     |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Electron_forD2HMuNu                              |     0.014 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     672 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0_forD2piE                                   |     0.067 |     0.121 |    0.055       1.5     0.13 |     149 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstD2piE                                      |     0.714 |     0.216 |    0.066       1.5     0.38 |      14 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2piELine                                        |     4.000 |     4.287 |    1.572      11.9     4.41 |       5 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2piELine                                 |     0.420 |     0.395 |    0.035       9.0     0.57 |    1000 |     0.396 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2piELinePreScaler                       |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2piELineFilterSequence                  |     0.310 |     0.269 |    0.008       8.9     0.55 |    1000 |     0.270 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingD2piELineVOIDFilter                     |     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Electron_forD2HMuNu                              |     0.014 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     672 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0_forD2piE                                   |     0.067 |     0.102 |    0.050       0.6     0.07 |     149 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstD2piE                                      |     0.000 |     0.172 |    0.067       1.1     0.28 |      14 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2piELine                                        |     0.000 |     2.907 |    0.998       5.3     1.84 |       5 |     0.015 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2piELinePostScaler                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2KELine                                  |     0.120 |     0.157 |    0.024       4.3     0.20 |    1000 |     0.157 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2KELine                                  |     0.120 |     0.146 |    0.022       5.5     0.20 |    1000 |     0.147 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2KELinePreScaler                        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2KELineFilterSequence                   |     0.102 |     0.140 |    0.009       2.7     0.39 |      98 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingD2KELineVOIDFilter                      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      98 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0_forD2KE                                    |     0.000 |     0.255 |    0.065       1.5     0.42 |      11 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstD2KE                                       |    10.000 |     0.720 |    0.720       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2KELineFilterSequence                   |     0.000 |     0.163 |    0.008       5.3     0.58 |      98 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingD2KELineVOIDFilter                      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      98 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0_forD2KE                                    |     0.000 |     0.448 |    0.066       3.7     1.08 |      11 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstD2KE                                       |     0.000 |     0.835 |    0.835       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KELine                                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2KELinePostScaler                       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2pimuSSLine                              |     0.220 |     0.210 |    0.037      11.3     0.41 |    1000 |     0.211 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2pimuSSLinePreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2pimuSSLineFilterSequence               |     0.080 |     0.065 |    0.008      11.1     0.40 |    1000 |     0.065 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingD2pimuSSLineVOIDFilter                  |     0.020 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0_forD2pimuSS                                |     0.319 |     0.113 |    0.052       1.4     0.15 |      94 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstD2pimuSS                                   |     0.000 |     0.498 |    0.084       1.5     0.70 |       4 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2pimuSSLine                                     |     0.000 |     4.747 |    2.030       7.5     3.84 |       2 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2pimuSSLine                              |     0.190 |     0.204 |    0.034      10.3     0.47 |    1000 |     0.204 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2pimuSSLinePreScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2pimuSSLineFilterSequence               |     0.040 |     0.068 |    0.008      10.1     0.46 |    1000 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingD2pimuSSLineVOIDFilter                  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0_forD2pimuSS                                |     0.000 |     0.098 |    0.050       1.2     0.12 |      94 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstD2pimuSS                                   |     0.000 |     0.406 |    0.071       1.3     0.61 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2pimuSSLine                                     |     5.000 |     3.614 |    1.134       6.1     3.51 |       2 |     0.007 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2pimuSSLinePostScaler                   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2KmuSSLine                               |     0.240 |     0.232 |    0.035       4.1     0.30 |    1000 |     0.233 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2KmuSSLine                               |     0.220 |     0.219 |    0.034       4.0     0.28 |    1000 |     0.220 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2KmuSSLinePreScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2KmuSSLineFilterSequence                |     0.080 |     0.088 |    0.007       4.0     0.28 |    1000 |     0.089 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingD2KmuSSLineVOIDFilter                   |     0.020 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0_forD2KmuSS                                 |     0.136 |     0.100 |    0.054       0.7     0.08 |      73 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstD2KmuSS                                    |     0.000 |     0.235 |    0.069       0.7     0.26 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KmuSSLine                                      |     0.000 |     1.339 |    0.758       1.8     0.43 |       4 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2KmuSSLineFilterSequence                |     0.090 |     0.083 |    0.007       3.9     0.26 |    1000 |     0.083 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingD2KmuSSLineVOIDFilter                   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0_forD2KmuSS                                 |     0.136 |     0.086 |    0.046       0.6     0.07 |      73 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstD2KmuSS                                    |     0.000 |     0.222 |    0.068       0.7     0.25 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KmuSSLine                                      |     0.000 |     1.350 |    0.803       1.7     0.39 |       4 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2KmuSSLinePostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2piESSLine                               |     0.240 |     0.235 |    0.035       5.3     0.33 |    1000 |     0.236 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2piESSLinePreScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2piESSLineFilterSequence                |     0.090 |     0.089 |    0.007       5.2     0.32 |    1000 |     0.089 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingD2piESSLineVOIDFilter                   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0_forD2piESS                                 |     0.134 |     0.116 |    0.053       1.5     0.13 |     149 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstD2piESS                                    |     0.000 |     0.217 |    0.061       1.3     0.36 |      11 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2piESSLine                                      |     5.000 |     1.916 |    0.771       3.4     1.19 |       4 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2piESSLine                               |     0.310 |     0.214 |    0.034       6.1     0.32 |    1000 |     0.214 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2piESSLinePreScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2piESSLineFilterSequence                |     0.100 |     0.079 |    0.007       6.0     0.31 |    1000 |     0.080 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingD2piESSLineVOIDFilter                   |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0_forD2piESS                                 |     0.134 |     0.100 |    0.048       1.6     0.13 |     149 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstD2piESS                                    |     0.000 |     0.145 |    0.061       0.6     0.15 |      11 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2piESSLine                                      |     2.500 |     2.088 |    0.791       4.0     1.41 |       4 |     0.008 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2piESSLinePostScaler                    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2KESSLine                                |     0.330 |     0.247 |    0.034       5.9     0.34 |    1000 |     0.248 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2KESSLine                                |     0.300 |     0.223 |    0.034       4.4     0.25 |    1000 |     0.224 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2KESSLinePreScaler                      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2KESSLineFilterSequence                 |     0.130 |     0.104 |    0.007       5.6     0.32 |    1000 |     0.104 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingD2KESSLineVOIDFilter                    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0_forD2KESS                                  |     0.181 |     0.112 |    0.049       0.8     0.11 |     110 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstD2KESS                                     |     0.000 |     0.394 |    0.060       1.5     0.62 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KESSLine                                       |     5.000 |     2.328 |    1.546       3.1     1.11 |       2 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2KESSLineFilterSequence                 |     0.090 |     0.091 |    0.007       4.3     0.24 |    1000 |     0.092 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingD2KESSLineVOIDFilter                    |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0_forD2KESS                                  |     0.272 |     0.094 |    0.050       1.0     0.09 |     110 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstD2KESS                                     |     0.000 |     0.219 |    0.058       0.7     0.29 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KESSLine                                       |     0.000 |     1.161 |    0.840       1.5     0.45 |       2 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2KESSLinePostScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V2H_Lambdac2XiKpiLLLLine               |     0.310 |     0.310 |    0.027       7.1     0.61 |    1000 |     0.311 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V2H_Lambdac2XiKpiLLLLine               |     0.210 |     0.278 |    0.028       5.7     0.52 |    1000 |     0.279 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V2H_Lambdac2XiKpiLLLLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V2H_Lambdac2XiKpiLLLLineFilterSequence|     0.110 |     0.160 |    0.001       6.6     0.57 |    1000 |     0.160 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:StdLooseLLLambdaForHc2V2H                 |     0.030 |     0.049 |    0.007       1.5     0.14 |     974 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:StdLooseLLLambdaForHc2V2H          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             StdLooseLLLambdaForHc2V2H                       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      99 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaLLForHc2V2H                                |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      99 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda0LLForHc2V2H                               |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.020       0.2     0.02 |      73 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForHc2V2H                                   |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     414 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XimLLLForHc2V2H                                  |     0.566 |     0.280 |    0.133       1.6     0.22 |      53 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsForHc2V2H                                   |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      98 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V2H_Lambdac2XiKpiLLLLineFilterSequence|     0.110 |     0.144 |    0.002       5.3     0.50 |    1000 |     0.144 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:StdLooseLLLambdaForHc2V2H                 |     0.020 |     0.044 |    0.006       1.9     0.13 |     974 |     0.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:StdLooseLLLambdaForHc2V2H          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             StdLooseLLLambdaForHc2V2H                       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      99 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaLLForHc2V2H                                |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      99 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda0LLForHc2V2H                               |     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.012       0.7     0.08 |      73 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForHc2V2H                                   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     414 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XimLLLForHc2V2H                                  |     0.377 |     0.216 |    0.114       1.4     0.17 |      53 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsForHc2V2H                                   |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      98 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V2H_Lambdac2XiKpiLLLLine                      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V2H_Lambdac2XiKpiLLLLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V2H_Lambdac2XiKpiDDDLine               |     0.850 |     0.883 |    0.024       6.6     1.05 |    1000 |     0.883 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V2H_Lambdac2XiKpiDDDLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V2H_Lambdac2XiKpiDDDLineFilterSequence|     0.610 |     0.748 |    0.002       6.4     1.03 |    1000 |     0.748 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:StdLooseDDLambdaForHc2V2H                 |     0.112 |     0.148 |    0.006       1.2     0.18 |     974 |     0.145 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:StdLooseDDLambdaForHc2V2H          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             StdLooseDDLambdaForHc2V2H                       |     0.040 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     493 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaDDForHc2V2H                                |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     493 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda0DDForHc2V2H                               |     0.060 |     0.026 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     493 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DownPionsForHc2V2H                               |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     379 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XimDDDForHc2V2H                                  |     0.158 |     0.293 |    0.128       1.4     0.15 |     379 |     0.111 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V2H_Lambdac2XiKpiDDDLine                      |     0.000 |     0.150 |    0.072       1.4     0.15 |      82 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V2H_Lambdac2XiKpiDDDLine               |     0.760 |     0.796 |    0.025       6.0     0.90 |    1000 |     0.797 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V2H_Lambdac2XiKpiDDDLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V2H_Lambdac2XiKpiDDDLineFilterSequence|     0.580 |     0.669 |    0.001       5.9     0.88 |    1000 |     0.669 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:StdLooseDDLambdaForHc2V2H                 |     0.112 |     0.128 |    0.006       0.9     0.14 |     974 |     0.125 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:StdLooseDDLambdaForHc2V2H          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             StdLooseDDLambdaForHc2V2H                       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     493 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaDDForHc2V2H                                |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     493 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda0DDForHc2V2H                               |     0.020 |     0.021 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     493 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DownPionsForHc2V2H                               |     0.026 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     379 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XimDDDForHc2V2H                                  |     0.237 |     0.240 |    0.105       0.9     0.10 |     379 |     0.091 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V2H_Lambdac2XiKpiDDDLine                      |     0.000 |     0.120 |    0.070       0.6     0.06 |      82 |     0.010 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V2H_Lambdac2XiKpiDDDLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V2H_Lambdac2XiKpiDDLLine               |     0.400 |     0.383 |    0.025       5.0     0.43 |    1000 |     0.383 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V2H_Lambdac2XiKpiDDLLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V2H_Lambdac2XiKpiDDLLineFilterSequence|     0.190 |     0.239 |    0.002       3.3     0.38 |    1000 |     0.239 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XimDDLForHc2V2H                                  |     0.159 |     0.186 |    0.093       0.8     0.07 |     376 |     0.070 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V2H_Lambdac2XiKpiDDLLine                      |     0.000 |     0.217 |    0.096       2.0     0.43 |      20 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V2H_Lambdac2XiKpiDDLLine               |     0.400 |     0.351 |    0.024       4.4     0.39 |    1000 |     0.351 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V2H_Lambdac2XiKpiDDLLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V2H_Lambdac2XiKpiDDLLineFilterSequence|     0.270 |     0.219 |    0.001       4.2     0.35 |    1000 |     0.219 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XimDDLForHc2V2H                                  |     0.212 |     0.164 |    0.091       0.7     0.06 |     376 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V2H_Lambdac2XiKpiDDLLine                      |     0.500 |     0.157 |    0.085       1.1     0.22 |      20 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V2H_Lambdac2XiKpiDDLLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V2H_Xic2XipipiLLLLine                  |     0.150 |     0.145 |    0.024       0.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.145 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V2H_Xic2XipipiLLLLinePreScaler        |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V2H_Xic2XipipiLLLLineFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V2H_Xic2XipipiLLLLine                  |     0.110 |     0.134 |    0.024       0.4     0.05 |    1000 |     0.135 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V2H_Xic2XipipiLLLLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V2H_Xic2XipipiLLLLineFilterSequence   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V2H_Xic2XipipiLLLLine                         |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V2H_Xic2XipipiLLLLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V2H_Xic2XipipiDDDLine                  |     0.160 |     0.169 |    0.025       1.1     0.12 |    1000 |     0.169 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V2H_Xic2XipipiDDDLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V2H_Xic2XipipiDDDLineFilterSequence   |     0.050 |     0.034 |    0.002       1.0     0.11 |    1000 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V2H_Xic2XipipiDDDLine                         |     0.243 |     0.128 |    0.052       0.8     0.12 |      82 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V2H_Xic2XipipiDDDLine                  |     0.170 |     0.157 |    0.024       0.9     0.10 |    1000 |     0.157 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V2H_Xic2XipipiDDDLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V2H_Xic2XipipiDDDLineFilterSequence   |     0.050 |     0.031 |    0.001       0.8     0.10 |    1000 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V2H_Xic2XipipiDDDLine                         |     0.243 |     0.104 |    0.050       0.6     0.07 |      82 |     0.009 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V2H_Xic2XipipiDDDLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V2H_Xic2XipipiDDLLine                  |     0.200 |     0.151 |    0.024       2.4     0.11 |    1000 |     0.152 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V2H_Xic2XipipiDDLLine                  |     0.110 |     0.139 |    0.023       2.5     0.10 |    1000 |     0.140 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V2H_Xic2XipipiDDLLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V2H_Xic2XipipiDDLLineFilterSequence   |     0.040 |     0.012 |    0.002       2.2     0.09 |    1000 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V2H_Xic2XipipiDDLLine                         |     1.000 |     0.205 |    0.075       2.0     0.42 |      20 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V2H_Xic2XipipiDDLLineFilterSequence   |     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.001       0.7     0.05 |    1000 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V2H_Xic2XipipiDDLLine                         |     0.000 |     0.116 |    0.061       0.6     0.11 |      20 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V2H_Xic2XipipiDDLLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V02H_Xic2LambdaPiPiLLLine              |     0.310 |     0.268 |    0.026       5.8     0.48 |    1000 |     0.268 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V02H_Xic2LambdaPiPiLLLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V02H_Xic2LambdaPiPiLLLineFilterSequenc|     0.110 |     0.129 |    0.002       5.6     0.47 |    1000 |     0.130 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:StdLooseLLLambdaForHc2V02H                |     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.006       1.3     0.14 |     974 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:StdLooseLLLambdaForHc2V02H         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             StdLooseLLLambdaForHc2V02H                      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      99 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaLLForHc2V02H                               |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.007       0.1     0.02 |      99 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda0LLForHc2V02H                              |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      49 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForHc2V02H                                  |     0.048 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     205 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V02H_Xic2LambdaPiPiLLLine                     |     0.238 |     0.212 |    0.063       2.1     0.32 |      42 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V02H_Xic2LambdaPiPiLLLine              |     0.170 |     0.241 |    0.025       4.8     0.41 |    1000 |     0.242 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V02H_Xic2LambdaPiPiLLLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V02H_Xic2LambdaPiPiLLLineFilterSequenc|     0.100 |     0.115 |    0.001       4.6     0.40 |    1000 |     0.115 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:StdLooseLLLambdaForHc2V02H                |     0.030 |     0.041 |    0.005       1.0     0.11 |     974 |     0.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:StdLooseLLLambdaForHc2V02H         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             StdLooseLLLambdaForHc2V02H                      |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      99 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaLLForHc2V02H                               |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.006       0.1     0.02 |      99 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda0LLForHc2V02H                              |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      49 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForHc2V02H                                  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.4     0.03 |     205 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V02H_Xic2LambdaPiPiLLLine                     |     0.000 |     0.138 |    0.053       0.6     0.09 |      42 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V02H_Xic2LambdaPiPiLLLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V02H_Xic2LambdaPiPiDDLine              |     0.530 |     0.501 |    0.024       3.6     0.56 |    1000 |     0.501 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V02H_Xic2LambdaPiPiDDLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V02H_Xic2LambdaPiPiDDLineFilterSequenc|     0.410 |     0.374 |    0.001       3.5     0.55 |    1000 |     0.374 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:StdLooseDDLambdaForHc2V02H                |     0.143 |     0.135 |    0.006       0.9     0.16 |     974 |     0.132 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V02H_Xic2LambdaPiPiDDLine              |     0.420 |     0.470 |    0.023       3.5     0.51 |    1000 |     0.471 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V02H_Xic2LambdaPiPiDDLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V02H_Xic2LambdaPiPiDDLineFilterSequenc|     0.330 |     0.353 |    0.001       3.3     0.51 |    1000 |     0.354 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:StdLooseDDLambdaForHc2V02H                |     0.133 |     0.128 |    0.005       0.7     0.14 |     974 |     0.125 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:StdLooseDDLambdaForHc2V02H         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             StdLooseDDLambdaForHc2V02H                      |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     493 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaDDForHc2V02H                               |     0.020 |     0.019 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     493 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda0DDForHc2V02H                              |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     195 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V02H_Xic2LambdaPiPiDDLine                     |     0.119 |     0.129 |    0.053       0.9     0.08 |     168 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             StdLooseDDLambdaForHc2V02H                      |     0.020 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     493 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaDDForHc2V02H                               |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     493 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda0DDForHc2V02H                              |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     195 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V02H_Xic2LambdaPiPiDDLine                     |     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.044       0.6     0.05 |     168 |     0.018 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V02H_Xic2LambdaPiPiDDLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V02H_Xic2LambdaKPiLLLine               |     0.260 |     0.181 |    0.025       6.1     0.28 |    1000 |     0.181 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V02H_Xic2LambdaKPiLLLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V02H_Xic2LambdaKPiLLLineFilterSequence|     0.040 |     0.038 |    0.001       3.2     0.20 |    1000 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsForHc2V02H                                  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     205 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V02H_Xic2LambdaKPiLLLine                      |     0.238 |     0.200 |    0.076       2.3     0.34 |      42 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V02H_Xic2LambdaKPiLLLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V02H_Xic2LambdaKPiDDLine               |     0.260 |     0.231 |    0.022       1.7     0.25 |    1000 |     0.232 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V02H_Xic2LambdaKPiDDLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V02H_Xic2LambdaKPiDDLineFilterSequence|     0.150 |     0.104 |    0.001       1.7     0.25 |    1000 |     0.104 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V02H_Xic2LambdaKPiDDLine                      |     0.178 |     0.124 |    0.060       1.5     0.11 |     168 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V02H_Xic2LambdaKPiLLLine               |     0.230 |     0.162 |    0.023       1.9     0.16 |    1000 |     0.163 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V02H_Xic2LambdaKPiLLLinePreScaler     |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V02H_Xic2LambdaKPiLLLineFilterSequence|     0.050 |     0.033 |    0.001       1.7     0.16 |    1000 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsForHc2V02H                                  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     205 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V02H_Xic2LambdaKPiLLLine                      |     0.000 |     0.138 |    0.062       0.7     0.10 |      42 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V02H_Xic2LambdaKPiLLLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V02H_Xic2LambdaKPiDDLine               |     0.270 |     0.218 |    0.022       1.6     0.23 |    1000 |     0.219 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V02H_Xic2LambdaKPiDDLinePreScaler     |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V02H_Xic2LambdaKPiDDLineFilterSequence|     0.100 |     0.099 |    0.001       1.4     0.23 |    1000 |     0.099 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V02H_Xic2LambdaKPiDDLine                      |     0.178 |     0.112 |    0.060       0.6     0.06 |     168 |     0.019 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V02H_Xic2LambdaKPiDDLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffD0ToKPi_PionProbe                 |     0.170 |     0.198 |    0.030      19.6     0.75 |    1000 |     0.198 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffD0ToKPi_PionProbe                 |     0.240 |     0.161 |    0.030      11.6     0.44 |    1000 |     0.162 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToKPi_PionProbePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToKPi_PionProbeHlt1Filter      |     0.030 |     0.019 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToKPi_PionProbeHlt2Filter      |     0.013 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.4     0.01 |     748 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToKPi_PionProbeFilterSequence  |    15.000 |    15.807 |   12.422      19.2     4.79 |       2 |     0.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLongKaonsForTrackEffD0ToKPi                   |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToKPiMakeVeloProtosGS               |     0.000 |     1.425 |    0.282       2.6     1.62 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForTrackEffD0ToKPiVeloProtoMaker                |     0.000 |     1.410 |    0.262       2.6     1.62 |       2 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToKPiSelAllVeloPartsVeloPions       |     0.000 |     0.154 |    0.131       0.2     0.03 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToKPiSelVeloPartsVeloPions          |     0.000 |     0.413 |    0.267       0.6     0.21 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0forTrackEffD0ToKPi_PionProbe                |     0.000 |     0.474 |    0.239       0.7     0.33 |       2 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstarforTrackEffD0ToKPi_PionProbe             |     0.000 |     0.832 |    0.832       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelTOSDstarforTrackEffD0ToKPi_PionProbe_TriggerTo|    10.000 |     6.021 |    6.021       6.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToKPi_PionProbeHlt1Filter      |     0.010 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToKPi_PionProbeHlt2Filter      |     0.013 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     748 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToKPi_PionProbeFilterSequence  |    10.000 |     9.463 |    7.373      11.6     2.96 |       2 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLongKaonsForTrackEffD0ToKPi                   |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToKPiMakeVeloProtosGS               |     0.000 |     1.167 |    0.160       2.2     1.42 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForTrackEffD0ToKPiVeloProtoMaker                |     0.000 |     1.153 |    0.145       2.2     1.43 |       2 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToKPiSelAllVeloPartsVeloPions       |     0.000 |     0.093 |    0.084       0.1     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToKPiSelVeloPartsVeloPions          |     0.000 |     0.256 |    0.232       0.3     0.03 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0forTrackEffD0ToKPi_PionProbe                |     0.000 |     0.394 |    0.100       0.7     0.42 |       2 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstarforTrackEffD0ToKPi_PionProbe             |    10.000 |     0.810 |    0.810       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelTOSDstarforTrackEffD0ToKPi_PionProbe_TriggerTo|     0.000 |     5.671 |    5.671       5.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffD0ToKPi_PionProbe                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToKPi_PionProbePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffD0ToKPi_KaonProbe                 |     0.190 |     0.160 |    0.025      24.1     0.76 |    1000 |     0.161 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToKPi_KaonProbePreScaler       |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToKPi_KaonProbeHlt1Filter      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToKPi_KaonProbeHlt2Filter      |     0.013 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     748 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToKPi_KaonProbeFilterSequence  |    15.000 |    11.926 |    0.064      23.8    16.78 |       2 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLongPionsForTrackEffD0ToKPi                   |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToKPiSelAllVeloPartsVeloKaons       |     0.000 |     0.179 |    0.179       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToKPiSelVeloPartsVeloKaons          |     0.000 |     0.370 |    0.370       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0forTrackEffD0ToKPi_KaonProbe                |     0.000 |     2.038 |    2.038       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffD0ToKPi_KaonProbe                 |     0.120 |     0.143 |    0.025       9.2     0.34 |    1000 |     0.144 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToKPi_KaonProbePreScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToKPi_KaonProbeHlt1Filter      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToKPi_KaonProbeHlt2Filter      |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     748 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToKPi_KaonProbeFilterSequence  |     5.000 |     4.557 |    0.081       9.0     6.33 |       2 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLongPionsForTrackEffD0ToKPi                   |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToKPiSelAllVeloPartsVeloKaons       |     0.000 |     0.103 |    0.103       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToKPiSelVeloPartsVeloKaons          |     0.000 |     0.175 |    0.175       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0forTrackEffD0ToKPi_KaonProbe                |    10.000 |     1.659 |    1.659       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstarforTrackEffD0ToKPi_KaonProbe             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelTOSDstarforTrackEffD0ToKPi_KaonProbe_TriggerTo|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffD0ToKPi_KaonProbe                        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToKPi_KaonProbePostScaler      |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCcbar2PpbarDetachedLine                   |     1.260 |     1.375 |    0.043      26.1     1.72 |    1000 |     1.375 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PpbarDetachedLinePreScaler         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PpbarDetachedLineFilterSequence    |     1.090 |     1.264 |    0.010      25.8     1.69 |    1000 |     1.265 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingCcbar2PpbarDetachedLineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ccbar2PpbarDetachedLine                          |     0.057 |     0.139 |    0.065       2.5     0.11 |     868 |     0.121 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCcbar2PpbarDetachedLine                   |     1.180 |     1.224 |    0.043      16.5     1.45 |    1000 |     1.224 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PpbarDetachedLinePreScaler         |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PpbarDetachedLineFilterSequence    |     1.020 |     1.127 |    0.009      16.3     1.43 |    1000 |     1.128 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingCcbar2PpbarDetachedLineVOIDFilter       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ccbar2PpbarDetachedLine                          |     0.103 |     0.113 |    0.060       2.4     0.09 |     868 |     0.099 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PpbarDetachedLinePostScaler        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0to3p|     0.700 |     0.663 |    0.040      15.7     1.10 |    1000 |     0.664 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0to3|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0to3|     0.550 |     0.515 |    0.008      15.5     1.06 |    1000 |     0.516 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0to|     0.010 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuforCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy                  |     0.018 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     537 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SlowpiforCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy              |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     294 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelMuPiRSForCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy           |     0.136 |     0.188 |    0.056       1.6     0.12 |     294 |     0.055 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PiforCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy                  |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |     199 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0To3piRSForCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy        |     0.329 |     0.214 |    0.040       1.5     0.24 |     182 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelBtoDstarMuD0to3pi_RSForCharmFromBSemiForHadron|     0.000 |     0.101 |    0.055       0.6     0.09 |      38 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelBtoDstarMuD0to3pi_RSForCharmFromBSemiForHadron|     0.000 |     4.389 |    4.389       4.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0to3piRS    |    10.000 |     4.339 |    4.339       4.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0to3p|     0.670 |     0.615 |    0.041      14.9     1.01 |    1000 |     0.616 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0to3|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0to3|     0.510 |     0.480 |    0.009      14.7     0.99 |    1000 |     0.480 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0to|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MuforCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy                  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     537 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SlowpiforCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy              |     0.068 |     0.026 |    0.005       4.3     0.25 |     294 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelMuPiRSForCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy           |     0.034 |     0.148 |    0.047       0.8     0.06 |     294 |     0.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PiforCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy                  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     199 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0To3piRSForCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy        |     0.219 |     0.187 |    0.036       1.4     0.20 |     182 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelBtoDstarMuD0to3pi_RSForCharmFromBSemiForHadron|     0.263 |     0.093 |    0.052       0.6     0.09 |      38 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelBtoDstarMuD0to3pi_RSForCharmFromBSemiForHadron|    10.000 |     3.982 |    3.982       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0to3piRS    |     0.000 |     4.360 |    4.360       4.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0to3|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0to3p|     0.150 |     0.217 |    0.026       4.9     0.36 |    1000 |     0.217 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0to3|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0to3|     0.196 |     0.320 |    0.009       4.6     0.68 |     204 |     0.065 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0to|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     204 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelMuPiWSForCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy           |     0.285 |     0.302 |    0.093       1.5     0.21 |     105 |     0.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0To3piWSForCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy        |     0.250 |     0.308 |    0.056       1.4     0.33 |      40 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelBtoDstarMuD0to3pi_WSForCharmFromBSemiForHadron|     0.000 |     0.320 |    0.063       1.8     0.59 |       8 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0to3p|     0.200 |     0.197 |    0.026       2.9     0.31 |    1000 |     0.197 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0to3|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0to3|     0.490 |     0.299 |    0.008       2.8     0.60 |     204 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0to|     0.049 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     204 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelMuPiWSForCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy           |     0.571 |     0.257 |    0.087       1.1     0.14 |     105 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0To3piWSForCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy        |     0.250 |     0.284 |    0.052       1.4     0.28 |      40 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelBtoDstarMuD0to3pi_WSForCharmFromBSemiForHadron|     0.000 |     0.215 |    0.061       1.1     0.35 |       8 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelBtoDstarMuD0to3pi_WSForCharmFromBSemiForHadron|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0to3piWS    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0to3|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0toK2|     0.310 |     0.333 |    0.039      14.6     0.70 |    1000 |     0.334 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0toK|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0toK|     0.180 |     0.181 |    0.008      13.6     0.66 |    1000 |     0.181 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0to|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KforCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy                   |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     192 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0ToK2piRSForCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy       |     0.131 |     0.231 |    0.063       2.1     0.24 |     152 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelBtoDstarMuD0toK2pi_RSForCharmFromBSemiForHadro|     0.250 |     0.121 |    0.052       1.4     0.20 |      40 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0toK2|     0.290 |     0.303 |    0.038       7.2     0.50 |    1000 |     0.304 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0toK|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0toK|     0.160 |     0.159 |    0.008       7.0     0.47 |    1000 |     0.160 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0to|     0.010 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KforCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy                   |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     192 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0ToK2piRSForCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy       |     0.197 |     0.213 |    0.061       2.1     0.23 |     152 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelBtoDstarMuD0toK2pi_RSForCharmFromBSemiForHadro|     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.051       1.1     0.16 |      40 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelBtoDstarMuD0toK2pi_RSForCharmFromBSemiForHadro|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0toK2piRS   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0toK|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0toK2|     0.250 |     0.230 |    0.025       6.2     0.47 |    1000 |     0.231 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0toK|     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0toK|     0.410 |     0.443 |    0.009       5.7     0.95 |     195 |     0.086 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0toK2|     0.150 |     0.208 |    0.025       3.4     0.37 |    1000 |     0.209 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0toK|     0.010 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0toK|     0.205 |     0.379 |    0.008       3.3     0.74 |     195 |     0.074 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0to|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     195 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0ToK2piWSForCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy       |     0.909 |     0.485 |    0.090       2.3     0.49 |      44 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelBtoDstarMuD0toK2pi_WSForCharmFromBSemiForHadro|     0.000 |     0.254 |    0.078       1.8     0.49 |      12 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0ToK2piWSForCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy       |     0.227 |     0.438 |    0.093       2.3     0.46 |      44 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelBtoDstarMuD0toK2pi_WSForCharmFromBSemiForHadro|     0.000 |     0.186 |    0.064       1.1     0.30 |      12 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelBtoDstarMuD0toK2pi_WSForCharmFromBSemiForHadro|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0toK2piWS   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_B2DstarMuD0toK|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_LbToLcStarMuLcT|     0.270 |     0.385 |    0.037      10.4     0.67 |    1000 |     0.385 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_LbToLcStarMuLc|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_LbToLcStarMuLc|     0.170 |     0.238 |    0.009      10.1     0.64 |    1000 |     0.239 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_LbToLcStarMuL|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelPiPiRSForCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy           |     0.034 |     0.101 |    0.038       0.7     0.06 |     294 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelMuPiPiRSForCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy         |     0.000 |     0.158 |    0.049       1.0     0.22 |     130 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLcToKpiRSForCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy        |     0.476 |     0.175 |    0.062       0.6     0.13 |      21 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLbRSForCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy             |     0.769 |     0.678 |    0.056       8.0     2.21 |      13 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_LbToLcStarMuLcT|     0.360 |     0.361 |    0.038       8.6     0.63 |    1000 |     0.362 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_LbToLcStarMuLc|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_LbToLcStarMuLc|     0.200 |     0.218 |    0.008       7.6     0.57 |    1000 |     0.219 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_LbToLcStarMuL|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelPiPiRSForCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy           |     0.136 |     0.087 |    0.036       0.6     0.05 |     294 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelMuPiPiRSForCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy         |     0.153 |     0.091 |    0.047       0.6     0.05 |     130 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLcToKpiRSForCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy        |     0.000 |     0.158 |    0.063       0.6     0.11 |      21 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLbRSForCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy             |     0.000 |     0.259 |    0.055       2.5     0.68 |      13 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLbRSForCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_Hlt1TOS     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_LbToLcStarMuLcToKpiRS |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_LbToLcStarMuLc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_LbToLcStarMuLcT|     0.280 |     0.207 |    0.024       4.9     0.37 |    1000 |     0.208 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_LbToLcStarMuLc|     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_LbToLcStarMuLc|     0.434 |     0.355 |    0.009       4.8     0.77 |     184 |     0.065 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_LbToLcStarMuLcT|     0.150 |     0.190 |    0.024       4.6     0.32 |    1000 |     0.191 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_LbToLcStarMuLc|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_LbToLcStarMuLc|     0.380 |     0.307 |    0.008       4.4     0.67 |     184 |     0.057 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_LbToLcStarMuL|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     184 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelPiPiWSForCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy           |     0.178 |     0.164 |    0.047       1.4     0.18 |      56 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelMuPiPiWSForCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy         |     0.285 |     0.172 |    0.051       1.4     0.22 |      35 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLcToKpiWSForCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy        |     1.000 |     0.326 |    0.117       1.6     0.44 |      10 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLbWSForCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy             |     0.000 |     1.078 |    0.065       3.1     1.74 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelPiPiWSForCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy           |     0.000 |     0.138 |    0.042       1.1     0.14 |      56 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelMuPiPiWSForCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy         |     0.571 |     0.127 |    0.052       0.7     0.10 |      35 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLcToKpiWSForCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy        |     0.000 |     0.312 |    0.131       1.3     0.37 |      10 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLbWSForCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy             |     0.000 |     0.513 |    0.074       1.4     0.75 |       3 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLbWSForCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_Hlt1TOS     |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_LbToLcStarMuLcToKpiWS |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCharmFromBSemiForHadronAsy_LbToLcStarMuLc|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2hhhFTCalib_KKPLine                      |     0.160 |     0.149 |    0.024       0.9     0.08 |    1000 |     0.149 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhhFTCalib_KKPLinePreScaler            |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhhFTCalib_KKPLineFilterSequence       |     0.101 |     0.059 |    0.008       0.6     0.11 |     198 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingD2hhhFTCalib_KKPLineVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.2     0.02 |     198 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhhFTCalib_KKPLine                             |     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.036       0.3     0.05 |      38 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2hhhFTCalib_KKPLine                      |     0.130 |     0.146 |    0.023       4.5     0.15 |    1000 |     0.146 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhhFTCalib_KKPLinePreScaler            |     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.002       4.4     0.14 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhhFTCalib_KKPLineFilterSequence       |     0.050 |     0.053 |    0.008       0.5     0.09 |     198 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingD2hhhFTCalib_KKPLineVOIDFilter          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     198 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2hhhFTCalib_KKPLine                             |     0.263 |     0.059 |    0.030       0.3     0.04 |      38 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2hhhFTCalib_KKPLinePostScaler           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2hhGammaCalibDstarD2KKGammaLine     |     0.500 |     0.505 |    0.028       4.0     0.35 |    1000 |     0.505 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2hhGammaCalibDstarD2KKGammaLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2hhGammaCalibDstarD2KKGammaLineFilt|     0.360 |     0.363 |    0.002       3.7     0.30 |    1000 |     0.364 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2hhGammaCalibHHForD2KKGamma                |     0.176 |     0.198 |    0.067       1.0     0.08 |     963 |     0.191 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            GammaForDstarD2hhGammaCalib                      |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      91 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2hhGammaCalibD2KKGamma                     |     1.764 |     0.551 |    0.187       1.8     0.41 |      17 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2hhGammaCalibDstarD2KKGammaSel             |     0.000 |     0.522 |    0.124       1.5     0.68 |       4 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2hhGammaCalibDstarD2KKGammaLine     |     0.290 |     0.443 |    0.028       3.5     0.27 |    1000 |     0.444 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2hhGammaCalibDstarD2KKGammaLinePreS|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2hhGammaCalibDstarD2KKGammaLineFilt|     0.200 |     0.317 |    0.002       3.3     0.24 |    1000 |     0.318 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2hhGammaCalibHHForD2KKGamma                |     0.124 |     0.165 |    0.062       0.7     0.05 |     963 |     0.160 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            GammaForDstarD2hhGammaCalib                      |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      91 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2hhGammaCalibD2KKGamma                     |     0.588 |     0.395 |    0.133       0.8     0.19 |      17 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2hhGammaCalibDstarD2KKGammaSel             |     0.000 |     0.571 |    0.110       1.3     0.58 |       4 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2hhGammaCalibDstarD2KKGammaDstarHlt1TOS    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2hhGammaCalibDstarD2KKGammaLine            |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2hhGammaCalibDstarD2KKGammaLinePost|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2hhGammaCalibDstarD2KPiGammaLine    |     0.600 |     0.620 |    0.026      19.8     0.87 |    1000 |     0.620 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingDstarD2hhGammaCalibDstarD2KPiGammaLine    |     0.590 |     0.572 |    0.027      16.1     0.84 |    1000 |     0.573 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2hhGammaCalibDstarD2KPiGammaLinePre|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2hhGammaCalibDstarD2KPiGammaLineFil|     0.460 |     0.481 |    0.002      19.6     0.86 |    1000 |     0.482 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2hhGammaCalibHHForD2KPiGamma               |     0.259 |     0.210 |    0.071       1.5     0.10 |     963 |     0.203 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2hhGammaCalibD2KPiGamma                    |     0.126 |     0.392 |    0.132       2.6     0.32 |      79 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2hhGammaCalibDstarD2KPiGammaSel            |     0.454 |     0.302 |    0.088       3.5     0.72 |      22 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2hhGammaCalibDstarD2KPiGammaDstarHlt1TOS   |     2.500 |     1.902 |    0.666       4.5     1.47 |       8 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2hhGammaCalibDstarD2KPiGammaLine           |     2.857 |     2.006 |    0.676       5.0     1.70 |       7 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2hhGammaCalibDstarD2KPiGammaLinePos|     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V3H_Xic2XimPiPiPiLLLLine               |     0.170 |     0.291 |    0.026       7.0     0.51 |    1000 |     0.292 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2hhGammaCalibDstarD2KPiGammaLineFil|     0.440 |     0.445 |    0.002      15.9     0.83 |    1000 |     0.446 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2hhGammaCalibHHForD2KPiGamma               |     0.197 |     0.185 |    0.070       1.0     0.07 |     963 |     0.179 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2hhGammaCalibD2KPiGamma                    |     0.253 |     0.370 |    0.096       2.6     0.32 |      79 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2hhGammaCalibDstarD2KPiGammaSel            |     0.454 |     0.189 |    0.070       1.2     0.24 |      22 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2hhGammaCalibDstarD2KPiGammaDstarHlt1TOS   |     1.250 |     1.846 |    0.541       4.0     1.39 |       8 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DstarD2hhGammaCalibDstarD2KPiGammaLine           |     1.428 |     2.036 |    0.734       4.1     1.44 |       7 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingDstarD2hhGammaCalibDstarD2KPiGammaLinePos|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V3H_Xic2XimPiPiPiLLLLine               |     0.300 |     0.270 |    0.026       4.0     0.45 |    1000 |     0.270 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V3H_Xic2XimPiPiPiLLLLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V3H_Xic2XimPiPiPiLLLLineFilterSequence|     0.090 |     0.143 |    0.001       6.2     0.49 |    1000 |     0.144 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:StdLooseLLLambdaForHc2V3H                 |     0.051 |     0.046 |    0.007       1.8     0.13 |     974 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:StdLooseLLLambdaForHc2V3H          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             StdLooseLLLambdaForHc2V3H                       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      99 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaLLForHc2V3H                                |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      99 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForHc2V3H                                   |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     530 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XimLLLForHc2V3H                                  |     0.136 |     0.224 |    0.117       1.7     0.20 |      73 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V3H_Xic2XimPiPiPiLLLLine                      |     0.000 |     0.283 |    0.108       0.7     0.28 |       4 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V3H_Xic2XimPiPiPiLLLLineFilterSequence|     0.180 |     0.134 |    0.001       3.6     0.44 |    1000 |     0.135 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:StdLooseLLLambdaForHc2V3H                 |     0.061 |     0.042 |    0.006       1.0     0.11 |     974 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:StdLooseLLLambdaForHc2V3H          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             StdLooseLLLambdaForHc2V3H                       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      99 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaLLForHc2V3H                                |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      99 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForHc2V3H                                   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     530 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XimLLLForHc2V3H                                  |     0.273 |     0.201 |    0.114       1.7     0.19 |      73 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V3H_Xic2XimPiPiPiLLLLine                      |     0.000 |     0.271 |    0.095       0.7     0.29 |       4 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V3H_Xic2XimPiPiPiLLLLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V3H_Xic2XimPiPiPiDDLLine               |     0.780 |     0.755 |    0.024       7.0     0.80 |    1000 |     0.755 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V3H_Xic2XimPiPiPiDDLLinePreScaler     |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V3H_Xic2XimPiPiPiDDLLineFilterSequence|     0.640 |     0.615 |    0.002       6.8     0.77 |    1000 |     0.615 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:StdLooseDDLambdaForHc2V3H                 |     0.123 |     0.141 |    0.006       1.0     0.17 |     974 |     0.138 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:StdLooseDDLambdaForHc2V3H          |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             StdLooseDDLambdaForHc2V3H                       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     493 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaDDForHc2V3H                                |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     493 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XimDDLForHc2V3H                                  |     0.367 |     0.201 |    0.093       1.2     0.09 |     490 |     0.098 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V3H_Xic2XimPiPiPiDDLLine                      |     0.204 |     0.127 |    0.067       1.2     0.16 |      49 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V3H_Xic2XimPiPiPiDDLLine               |     0.720 |     0.695 |    0.025       7.3     0.71 |    1000 |     0.696 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V3H_Xic2XimPiPiPiDDLLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V3H_Xic2XimPiPiPiDDLLineFilterSequence|     0.590 |     0.567 |    0.001       7.0     0.69 |    1000 |     0.567 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:StdLooseDDLambdaForHc2V3H                 |     0.133 |     0.131 |    0.006       0.8     0.15 |     974 |     0.128 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:StdLooseDDLambdaForHc2V3H          |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             StdLooseDDLambdaForHc2V3H                       |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     493 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaDDForHc2V3H                                |     0.020 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     493 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XimDDLForHc2V3H                                  |     0.102 |     0.175 |    0.084       0.7     0.06 |     490 |     0.086 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V3H_Xic2XimPiPiPiDDLLine                      |     0.000 |     0.111 |    0.060       0.9     0.12 |      49 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V3H_Xic2XimPiPiPiDDLLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V3H_Xic2XimPiPiPiDDDLine               |     0.460 |     0.533 |    0.023       5.8     0.56 |    1000 |     0.533 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V3H_Xic2XimPiPiPiDDDLine               |     0.520 |     0.496 |    0.024       6.1     0.52 |    1000 |     0.497 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V3H_Xic2XimPiPiPiDDDLinePreScaler     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V3H_Xic2XimPiPiPiDDDLineFilterSequence|     0.320 |     0.397 |    0.002       3.9     0.52 |    1000 |     0.397 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DownPionsForHc2V3H                               |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     493 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XimDDDForHc2V3H                                  |     0.141 |     0.251 |    0.103       2.0     0.15 |     493 |     0.124 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V3H_Xic2XimPiPiPiDDDLine                      |     0.085 |     0.131 |    0.059       1.4     0.14 |     117 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V3H_Xic2XimPiPiPiDDDLineFilterSequence|     0.400 |     0.374 |    0.001       5.9     0.51 |    1000 |     0.374 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DownPionsForHc2V3H                               |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     493 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            XimDDDForHc2V3H                                  |     0.202 |     0.233 |    0.088       4.1     0.25 |     493 |     0.115 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V3H_Xic2XimPiPiPiDDDLine                      |     0.000 |     0.118 |    0.056       1.2     0.11 |     117 |     0.014 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V3H_Xic2XimPiPiPiDDDLinePostScaler    |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingKaon4Body          |     1.110 |     1.134 |    0.031      75.4     5.99 |    1000 |     1.134 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingKaon4BodyPreScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingKaon4BodyHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.017 |    0.008       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingKaon4BodyFilterSeq|     4.597 |     4.641 |    0.084      75.0    12.34 |     211 |     0.979 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingKaon4BodyVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     211 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLongPionsForTrackEffD0ToK3Pi                  |     0.047 |     0.013 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |     211 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingKaon4BodySelKst        |     0.285 |     0.276 |    0.046       2.4     0.31 |     210 |     0.058 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiMakeVeloTracksGS              |    14.857 |    14.101 |    4.457      99.0    11.65 |      70 |     0.987 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiFastVelo                     |     3.571 |     2.501 |    0.654      16.7     2.05 |      70 |     0.175 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiInitSeedFit                  |     0.285 |     0.347 |    0.125       1.9     0.23 |      70 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiCopyVelo                     |     0.000 |     0.149 |    0.067       0.6     0.09 |      70 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiVeloRefitterAlg              |    10.428 |    10.762 |    3.374      79.0     9.26 |      70 |     0.753 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiVeloProtoMaker               |     0.571 |     0.280 |    0.099       2.6     0.30 |      70 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiSelAllVeloPartsVeloKaons      |     0.000 |     0.154 |    0.072       0.3     0.06 |      24 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiSelVeloPartsVeloKaons         |     0.833 |     0.591 |    0.139       2.6     0.56 |      24 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingKaon4BodySelD0         |     4.583 |     4.715 |    0.873      13.0     3.83 |      24 |     0.113 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingKaon4BodySelDstarf     |     5.000 |     4.682 |    0.455      17.8     6.30 |       8 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingKaon4Body          |     1.040 |     1.017 |    0.029      63.5     5.38 |    1000 |     1.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingKaon4BodyPreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingKaon4BodyHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingKaon4BodyFilterSeq|     4.075 |     4.154 |    0.069      63.2    11.09 |     211 |     0.877 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingKaon4BodyVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     211 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLongPionsForTrackEffD0ToK3Pi                  |     0.047 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     211 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingKaon4BodySelKst        |     0.238 |     0.246 |    0.047       1.7     0.26 |     210 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiMakeVeloTracksGS              |    11.714 |    11.560 |    4.001      53.2     6.60 |      70 |     0.809 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiFastVelo                     |     2.428 |     2.200 |    0.564      11.1     1.42 |      70 |     0.154 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiInitSeedFit                  |     0.428 |     0.313 |    0.121       1.2     0.16 |      70 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiCopyVelo                     |     0.285 |     0.118 |    0.051       0.7     0.08 |      70 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiVeloRefitterAlg              |     8.285 |     8.661 |    3.079      39.6     4.87 |      70 |     0.606 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiVeloProtoMaker               |     0.285 |     0.221 |    0.085       3.0     0.35 |      70 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiSelAllVeloPartsVeloKaons      |     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.070       0.2     0.04 |      24 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiSelVeloPartsVeloKaons         |     1.250 |     0.432 |    0.127       1.2     0.31 |      24 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingKaon4BodySelD0         |     2.916 |     4.518 |    0.867      14.4     3.85 |      24 |     0.108 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingKaon4BodySelDstarf     |     3.750 |     4.699 |    0.436      17.9     6.35 |       8 |     0.038 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingKaon4Body                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingKaon4BodyPostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingPion4Body          |     1.100 |     0.971 |    0.026     127.5     6.28 |    1000 |     0.971 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingPion4Body          |     0.830 |     0.881 |    0.023      97.6     5.50 |    1000 |     0.882 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingPion4BodyPreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingPion4BodyHlt2Filte|     0.030 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingPion4BodyFilterSeq|     4.360 |     3.932 |    0.014     126.8    13.18 |     211 |     0.830 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingPion4BodyVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     211 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLongKaonsForTrackEffD0ToK3Pi                  |     0.047 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     210 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingPion4BodySelKst        |     0.263 |     0.242 |    0.068       1.3     0.22 |     190 |     0.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiSelAllVeloPartsVeloPions      |     0.000 |     0.162 |    0.070       0.3     0.06 |      24 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiSelVeloPartsVeloPions         |     0.000 |     0.381 |    0.117       1.3     0.36 |      24 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingPion4BodySelD0         |     6.666 |     6.069 |    0.913      45.2     9.17 |      24 |     0.146 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingPion4BodySelDstarf     |    12.666 |    11.339 |    0.343      66.8    19.75 |      15 |     0.170 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingPion4BodyHlt2Filte|     0.010 |     0.011 |    0.004       2.7     0.09 |    1000 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingPion4BodyFilterSeq|     3.507 |     3.569 |    0.042      97.4    11.53 |     211 |     0.753 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingPion4BodyVOIDFilt|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     211 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelLongKaonsForTrackEffD0ToK3Pi                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     210 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingPion4BodySelKst        |     0.105 |     0.214 |    0.062       1.2     0.18 |     190 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiSelAllVeloPartsVeloPions      |     0.416 |     0.132 |    0.050       0.2     0.05 |      24 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiSelVeloPartsVeloPions         |     0.416 |     0.286 |    0.085       0.9     0.24 |      24 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingPion4BodySelD0         |     5.833 |     5.361 |    0.889      29.9     6.49 |      24 |     0.129 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingPion4BodySelDstarf     |    10.000 |    10.951 |    0.325      69.9    19.72 |      15 |     0.164 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingPion4Body                 |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingPion4BodyPostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingProton             |     1.880 |     1.833 |    0.024     226.6    10.32 |    1000 |     1.834 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingProton             |     1.610 |     1.625 |    0.022     209.0     9.05 |    1000 |     1.626 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingProtonPreScaler   |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingProtonHlt2Filter  |     0.010 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingProtonFilterSequen|     8.293 |     8.034 |    0.011     226.1    21.29 |     211 |     1.695 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingProtonVOIDFilter |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     211 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingProtonSelKst           |     0.157 |     0.164 |    0.058       1.2     0.13 |     190 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiSelAllVeloPartsVeloProtons    |     0.181 |     0.181 |    0.062       0.6     0.10 |      55 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiSelVeloPartsVeloProtons       |     0.727 |     0.453 |    0.103       1.2     0.33 |      55 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingProtonSelD0            |     2.545 |     2.269 |    0.210      18.9     3.04 |      55 |     0.125 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingProtonSelDstarf        |    10.000 |     9.655 |    0.334      44.2    12.94 |      22 |     0.212 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingProton                    |     0.000 |     2.347 |    2.347       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingProtonHlt2Filter  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingProtonFilterSequen|     7.251 |     7.110 |    0.010     208.5    18.67 |     211 |     1.500 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingProtonVOIDFilter |     0.047 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     211 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingProtonSelKst           |     0.052 |     0.139 |    0.056       0.7     0.07 |     190 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiSelAllVeloPartsVeloProtons    |     0.181 |     0.141 |    0.050       0.6     0.08 |      55 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiSelVeloPartsVeloProtons       |     0.545 |     0.342 |    0.086       0.9     0.23 |      55 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingProtonSelD0            |     2.181 |     1.881 |    0.156       9.4     1.80 |      55 |     0.104 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            ForTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingProtonSelDstarf        |    10.000 |     9.348 |    0.276      44.5    12.93 |      22 |     0.206 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingProton                    |    10.000 |     1.980 |    1.980       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingProtonPostScaler  |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingPion4BodyMatchLong |     0.110 |     0.143 |    0.026       0.7     0.07 |    1000 |     0.143 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingPion4BodyMatchLong|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingPion4BodyMatchLong|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingPion4BodyMatchLong|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |     211 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingPion4BodyMatchLon|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     211 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingPion4BodyMatchLong |     0.100 |     0.129 |    0.024       0.4     0.06 |    1000 |     0.130 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingPion4BodyMatchLong|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingPion4BodyMatchLong|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingPion4BodyMatchLong|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |     211 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingPion4BodyMatchLon|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     211 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelForTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingPion4BodySelDstarTOS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingPion4BodyMatchLong        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingPion4BodyMatchLong|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingKaon4BodyMatchLong |     0.160 |     0.139 |    0.025       1.5     0.08 |    1000 |     0.139 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingKaon4BodyMatchLong |     0.130 |     0.128 |    0.022       0.5     0.06 |    1000 |     0.128 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingKaon4BodyMatchLong|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingKaon4BodyMatchLong|     0.010 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingKaon4BodyMatchLong|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |     211 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingKaon4BodyMatchLon|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     211 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingKaon4BodyMatchLong|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingKaon4BodyMatchLong|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |     211 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingKaon4BodyMatchLon|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     211 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelForTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingKaon4BodySelDstarTOS|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingKaon4BodyMatchLong        |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingKaon4BodyMatchLong|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingProtonMatchLong    |     0.130 |     0.140 |    0.025       2.3     0.09 |    1000 |     0.141 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingProtonMatchLong    |     0.160 |     0.132 |    0.024       2.2     0.10 |    1000 |     0.133 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingProtonMatchLongPre|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingProtonMatchLongHlt|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingProtonMatchLongFil|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.011       2.1     0.14 |     211 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingProtonMatchLongHlt|     0.010 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingProtonMatchLongFil|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.010       2.1     0.14 |     211 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingProtonMatchLongVO|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     211 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelForTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingProtonSelDstarTOS_Tr|     0.000 |     1.879 |    1.879       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelForTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingProtonSelDstarTOS_Tr|     0.000 |     1.847 |    1.847       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            TrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingProtonMatchLong           |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingTrackEffD0ToK3PiMissingProtonMatchLongPos|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCC2DDLine                                 |     3.170 |     3.174 |    0.033      65.1     3.54 |    1000 |     3.174 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCC2DDLine                                 |     3.040 |     2.896 |    0.033      82.5     3.63 |    1000 |     2.897 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCC2DDLinePreScaler                       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCC2DDLineFilterSequence                  |     3.000 |     3.004 |    0.002      64.9     3.50 |    1000 |     3.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:CC2DDMergedDSelection                     |     3.008 |     3.019 |    0.036      64.9     3.46 |     974 |     2.941 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:CC2DDMergedDSelection              |     2.977 |     2.960 |    0.030      64.9     3.40 |     974 |     2.884 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D0ForCC2DD                               |     0.492 |     0.532 |    0.003       9.1     0.43 |     974 |     0.518 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D0ForCC2DD                                    |     0.350 |     0.363 |    0.084       8.4     0.38 |     971 |     0.353 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DpForCC2DD                               |     0.533 |     0.498 |    0.002       9.0     0.45 |     974 |     0.485 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DpForCC2DD                                    |     0.370 |     0.343 |    0.068       8.8     0.40 |     971 |     0.333 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DsForCC2DD                               |     0.420 |     0.466 |    0.002       5.5     0.36 |     974 |     0.454 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DsForCC2DD                                    |     0.247 |     0.313 |    0.066       4.9     0.30 |     971 |     0.305 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LcForCC2DD                               |     0.533 |     0.550 |    0.003       9.1     0.45 |     974 |     0.536 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LcForCC2DD                                    |     0.443 |     0.382 |    0.090       8.7     0.37 |     969 |     0.370 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:XcForCC2DD                               |     0.924 |     0.885 |    0.002      58.2     2.49 |     974 |     0.863 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               XcForCC2DD                                    |     0.722 |     0.724 |    0.088      57.9     2.45 |     969 |     0.702 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             CC2DDMergedDSelection                           |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     100 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CC2DDLine                                        |     0.400 |     0.302 |    0.232       2.1     0.20 |     100 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCC2DDLinePostScaler                      |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCcbar2PhiPhiDetachedLine                  |     0.250 |     0.208 |    0.033       3.4     0.19 |    1000 |     0.208 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCC2DDLineFilterSequence                  |     2.920 |     2.753 |    0.002      82.2     3.61 |    1000 |     2.754 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:CC2DDMergedDSelection                     |     2.926 |     2.770 |    0.028      82.2     3.58 |     974 |     2.698 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:CC2DDMergedDSelection              |     2.854 |     2.714 |    0.023      82.2     3.54 |     974 |     2.644 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:D0ForCC2DD                               |     0.544 |     0.448 |    0.002       1.9     0.18 |     974 |     0.437 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               D0ForCC2DD                                    |     0.350 |     0.294 |    0.084       0.9     0.11 |     971 |     0.286 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DpForCC2DD                               |     0.410 |     0.444 |    0.002       3.5     0.29 |     974 |     0.433 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DpForCC2DD                                    |     0.288 |     0.300 |    0.066       3.0     0.24 |     971 |     0.292 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:DsForCC2DD                               |     0.503 |     0.436 |    0.002       4.0     0.34 |     974 |     0.425 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               DsForCC2DD                                    |     0.381 |     0.289 |    0.063       3.6     0.28 |     971 |     0.281 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:LcForCC2DD                               |     0.503 |     0.500 |    0.002       5.0     0.33 |     974 |     0.488 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               LcForCC2DD                                    |     0.330 |     0.345 |    0.088       3.8     0.26 |     969 |     0.335 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO              INPUT:XcForCC2DD                               |     0.862 |     0.857 |    0.001      75.7     2.87 |     974 |     0.836 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO               XcForCC2DD                                    |     0.712 |     0.712 |    0.091      75.3     2.86 |     969 |     0.690 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             CC2DDMergedDSelection                           |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     100 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            CC2DDLine                                        |     0.200 |     0.279 |    0.221       1.3     0.12 |     100 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCC2DDLinePostScaler                      |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       2 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingCcbar2PhiPhiDetachedLine                  |     0.220 |     0.192 |    0.031       3.6     0.18 |    1000 |     0.193 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiPhiDetachedLinePreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiPhiDetachedLineFilterSequence   |     0.060 |     0.057 |    0.002       3.1     0.17 |    1000 |     0.057 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DetachedPhiForCcbar2PhiDetached                  |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.006       0.1     0.01 |     215 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ccbar2PhiPhiDetachedLine                         |     0.256 |     0.089 |    0.030       1.8     0.28 |      39 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiPhiDetachedLineFilterSequence   |     0.040 |     0.050 |    0.001       1.9     0.13 |    1000 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            DetachedPhiForCcbar2PhiDetached                  |     0.046 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     215 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Ccbar2PhiPhiDetachedLine                         |     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.029       1.2     0.19 |      39 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingCcbar2PhiPhiDetachedLinePostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2KPiPi0_PartRecoLine                     |     0.480 |     0.444 |    0.031       8.0     0.63 |    1000 |     0.444 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingD2KPiPi0_PartRecoLine                     |     0.550 |     0.414 |    0.029       6.8     0.61 |    1000 |     0.415 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2KPiPi0_PartRecoLinePreScaler           |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2KPiPi0_PartRecoLineFilterSequence      |     0.330 |     0.300 |    0.002       7.4     0.59 |    1000 |     0.300 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Electron_forD2KPiPi0_PartReco                    |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     672 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K_forD2KPiPi0_PartReco                           |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |     224 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi_forD2KPiPi0_PartReco                          |     0.141 |     0.035 |    0.006       0.1     0.02 |     141 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0_forD2KPiPi0_PartReco                       |     0.327 |     0.146 |    0.073       2.1     0.19 |     122 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            pis_forD2KPiPi0_PartReco                         |     0.000 |     0.130 |    0.051       0.2     0.06 |       9 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstD2KPiPi0_PartReco                          |     0.000 |     0.253 |    0.067       1.4     0.44 |       9 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KPiPi0_PartRecoLine                            |    10.000 |     2.042 |    2.042       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2KPiPi0_PartRecoLineFilterSequence      |     0.400 |     0.283 |    0.002       6.6     0.58 |    1000 |     0.283 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Electron_forD2KPiPi0_PartReco                    |     0.014 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     672 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            K_forD2KPiPi0_PartReco                           |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |     224 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Pi_forD2KPiPi0_PartReco                          |     0.070 |     0.032 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     141 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelD0_forD2KPiPi0_PartReco                       |     0.000 |     0.117 |    0.067       0.6     0.06 |     122 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            pis_forD2KPiPi0_PartReco                         |     0.000 |     0.114 |    0.061       0.2     0.06 |       9 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            SelDstD2KPiPi0_PartReco                          |     1.111 |     0.203 |    0.062       1.1     0.34 |       9 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            D2KPiPi0_PartRecoLine                            |    10.000 |     2.872 |    2.872       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingD2KPiPi0_PartRecoLinePostScaler          |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V03H_Lambdac2Lambda3PiLLLine           |     0.350 |     0.301 |    0.029       5.4     0.54 |    1000 |     0.302 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V03H_Lambdac2Lambda3PiLLLine           |     0.200 |     0.280 |    0.028       4.9     0.49 |    1000 |     0.280 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V03H_Lambdac2Lambda3PiLLLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V03H_Lambdac2Lambda3PiLLLineFilterSequ|     0.240 |     0.152 |    0.001       5.1     0.52 |    1000 |     0.152 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:StdLooseLLLambdaForHc2V03H                |     0.061 |     0.046 |    0.006       1.1     0.12 |     974 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:StdLooseLLLambdaForHc2V03H         |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V03H_Lambdac2Lambda3PiLLLineFilterSequ|     0.110 |     0.139 |    0.002       4.5     0.47 |    1000 |     0.140 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:StdLooseLLLambdaForHc2V03H                |     0.041 |     0.043 |    0.006       1.0     0.12 |     974 |     0.042 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:StdLooseLLLambdaForHc2V03H         |     0.010 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             StdLooseLLLambdaForHc2V03H                      |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |      99 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaLLForHc2V03H                               |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      99 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda0LLForHc2V03H                              |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.018       0.1     0.02 |      73 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForHc2V03H                                  |     0.024 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     414 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V03H_Lambdac2Lambda3PiLLLine                  |     1.132 |     0.182 |    0.072       1.9     0.25 |      53 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V03H_Lambdac2Lambda3PiLLLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V03H_Lambdac2Lambda3PiDDLine           |     0.640 |     0.751 |    0.025       4.3     0.80 |    1000 |     0.752 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaLLForHc2V03H                               |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      99 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda0LLForHc2V03H                              |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.012       0.1     0.02 |      73 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            PionsForHc2V03H                                  |     0.024 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     414 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V03H_Lambdac2Lambda3PiLLLine                  |     0.188 |     0.130 |    0.054       0.8     0.10 |      53 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V03H_Lambdac2Lambda3PiLLLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V03H_Lambdac2Lambda3PiDDLine           |     0.590 |     0.700 |    0.025       4.5     0.72 |    1000 |     0.700 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V03H_Lambdac2Lambda3PiDDLinePreScaler |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V03H_Lambdac2Lambda3PiDDLineFilterSequ|     0.500 |     0.629 |    0.002       4.1     0.79 |    1000 |     0.629 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:StdLooseDDLambdaForHc2V03H                |     0.123 |     0.145 |    0.006       1.0     0.17 |     974 |     0.142 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:StdLooseDDLambdaForHc2V03H         |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             StdLooseDDLambdaForHc2V03H                      |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     493 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaDDForHc2V03H                               |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     493 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda0DDForHc2V03H                              |     0.020 |     0.025 |    0.005       0.1     0.01 |     493 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V03H_Lambdac2Lambda3PiDDLine                  |     0.106 |     0.158 |    0.053       1.5     0.15 |     376 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V03H_Lambdac2Lambda3PiDDLineFilterSequ|     0.520 |     0.586 |    0.001       4.3     0.72 |    1000 |     0.586 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            MERGED:StdLooseDDLambdaForHc2V03H                |     0.112 |     0.134 |    0.005       1.0     0.15 |     974 |     0.131 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             MERGEDINPUTS:StdLooseDDLambdaForHc2V03H         |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO             StdLooseDDLambdaForHc2V03H                      |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |     493 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            LambdaDDForHc2V03H                               |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     493 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Lambda0DDForHc2V03H                              |     0.020 |     0.029 |    0.005       0.6     0.06 |     493 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V03H_Lambdac2Lambda3PiDDLine                  |     0.079 |     0.119 |    0.045       0.6     0.05 |     376 |     0.045 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V03H_Lambdac2Lambda3PiDDLinePostScaler|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V03H_Lambdac2LambdaK2PiLLLine          |     0.070 |     0.192 |    0.026       2.6     0.23 |    1000 |     0.193 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V03H_Lambdac2LambdaK2PiLLLine          |     0.210 |     0.174 |    0.024       1.8     0.18 |    1000 |     0.175 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V03H_Lambdac2LambdaK2PiLLLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V03H_Lambdac2LambdaK2PiLLLineFilterSeq|     0.010 |     0.047 |    0.001       2.5     0.21 |    1000 |     0.047 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsForHc2V03H                                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     414 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V03H_Lambdac2LambdaK2PiLLLine                 |     0.188 |     0.162 |    0.073       1.9     0.25 |      53 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V03H_Lambdac2LambdaK2PiLLLineFilterSeq|     0.060 |     0.041 |    0.002       1.7     0.17 |    1000 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            KaonsForHc2V03H                                  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     414 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V03H_Lambdac2LambdaK2PiLLLine                 |     0.000 |     0.121 |    0.065       0.9     0.11 |      53 |     0.006 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V03H_Lambdac2LambdaK2PiLLLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V03H_Lambdac2LambdaK2PiDDLine          |     0.380 |     0.361 |    0.026       2.1     0.35 |    1000 |     0.362 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V03H_Lambdac2LambdaK2PiDDLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V03H_Lambdac2LambdaK2PiDDLineFilterSeq|     0.250 |     0.239 |    0.001       1.9     0.35 |    1000 |     0.239 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V03H_Lambdac2LambdaK2PiDDLine                 |     0.212 |     0.129 |    0.060       1.5     0.09 |     376 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V03H_Lambdac2LambdaK2PiDDLine          |     0.240 |     0.340 |    0.024       4.0     0.33 |    1000 |     0.341 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V03H_Lambdac2LambdaK2PiDDLinePreScaler|     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V03H_Lambdac2LambdaK2PiDDLineFilterSeq|     0.160 |     0.226 |    0.001       3.9     0.34 |    1000 |     0.226 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V03H_Lambdac2LambdaK2PiDDLine                 |     0.106 |     0.116 |    0.061       1.4     0.07 |     376 |     0.044 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V03H_Lambdac2LambdaK2PiDDLinePostScale|     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V03H_Xic2LambdaK2PiLLLine              |     0.150 |     0.171 |    0.025       2.0     0.15 |    1000 |     0.172 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V03H_Xic2LambdaK2PiLLLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V03H_Xic2LambdaK2PiLLLineFilterSequenc|     0.010 |     0.030 |    0.002       1.8     0.14 |    1000 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V03H_Xic2LambdaK2PiLLLine                     |     0.000 |     0.178 |    0.066       1.6     0.24 |      53 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V03H_Xic2LambdaK2PiLLLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V03H_Xic2LambdaK2PiDDLine              |     0.220 |     0.262 |    0.025       1.4     0.20 |    1000 |     0.262 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V03H_Xic2LambdaK2PiLLLine              |     0.130 |     0.159 |    0.025       1.2     0.11 |    1000 |     0.159 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V03H_Xic2LambdaK2PiLLLinePreScaler    |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V03H_Xic2LambdaK2PiLLLineFilterSequenc|     0.020 |     0.026 |    0.002       1.0     0.11 |    1000 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V03H_Xic2LambdaK2PiLLLine                     |     0.188 |     0.127 |    0.058       0.9     0.12 |      53 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V03H_Xic2LambdaK2PiLLLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingHc2V03H_Xic2LambdaK2PiDDLine              |     0.190 |     0.246 |    0.024       4.5     0.22 |    1000 |     0.247 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V03H_Xic2LambdaK2PiDDLinePreScaler    |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V03H_Xic2LambdaK2PiDDLineFilterSequenc|     0.090 |     0.138 |    0.002       1.3     0.20 |    1000 |     0.139 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V03H_Xic2LambdaK2PiDDLine                     |     0.026 |     0.122 |    0.057       1.1     0.07 |     376 |     0.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V03H_Xic2LambdaK2PiDDLineFilterSequenc|     0.150 |     0.134 |    0.001       4.4     0.23 |    1000 |     0.135 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            Hc2V03H_Xic2LambdaK2PiDDLine                     |     0.159 |     0.113 |    0.050       0.8     0.06 |     376 |     0.043 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingHc2V03H_Xic2LambdaK2PiDDLinePostScaler   |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamCharmCompleteEvent                  |     0.220 |     0.227 |    0.072       0.8     0.07 |    1000 |     0.227 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamCharmCompleteEvent                  |     0.120 |     0.190 |    0.071       0.6     0.06 |    1000 |     0.191 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamCharmCompleteEventPreScaler        |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamCharmCompleteEventFilterSequence   |     0.080 |     0.088 |    0.011       0.2     0.03 |    1000 |     0.089 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingStreamSeqCharmCompleteEvent             |     0.070 |     0.080 |    0.004       0.2     0.02 |    1000 |     0.081 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamCharmCompleteEventFilterSequence   |     0.060 |     0.064 |    0.008       0.2     0.02 |    1000 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingStreamSeqCharmCompleteEvent             |     0.050 |     0.057 |    0.003       0.2     0.02 |    1000 |     0.058 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamCharmCompleteEventPostScaler       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        StrippingSequenceStreamFTAG                          |     0.210 |     0.264 |    0.090       3.4     0.14 |    1000 |     0.264 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingBadEventSequenceFTAG                       |     0.170 |     0.147 |    0.030       3.3     0.12 |    1000 |     0.147 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamFTAGBadEvent                        |     0.150 |     0.140 |    0.026       3.3     0.12 |    1000 |     0.141 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamFTAGBadEventPreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.002 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamFTAGBadEventFilterSequence         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        StrippingSequenceStreamFTAG                          |     0.220 |     0.234 |    0.078       0.8     0.08 |    1000 |     0.234 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingBadEventSequenceFTAG                       |     0.140 |     0.133 |    0.028       0.5     0.06 |    1000 |     0.134 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamFTAGBadEvent                        |     0.130 |     0.127 |    0.024       0.5     0.05 |    1000 |     0.128 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamFTAGBadEventPreScaler              |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamFTAGBadEventFilterSequence         |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamFTAGBadEventPostScaler             |     0.000 |     0.000 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |       0 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingProtectedSequenceFTAG                      |     0.040 |     0.106 |    0.050       0.7     0.04 |    1000 |     0.107 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamFTAG                                |     0.040 |     0.082 |    0.033       0.7     0.04 |    1000 |     0.082 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO         StrippingProtectedSequenceFTAG                      |     0.080 |     0.090 |    0.043       0.7     0.04 |    1000 |     0.091 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO          StrippingStreamFTAG                                |     0.060 |     0.072 |    0.031       0.6     0.03 |    1000 |     0.072 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamFTAGPreScaler                      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamFTAGFilterSequence                 |     0.010 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingStreamSeqFTAG                           |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamFTAGFilterSequence                 |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO            StrippingStreamSeqFTAG                           |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO           StrippingStreamFTAGPostScaler                     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       BTaggingSequence                                      |    72.139 |    72.345 |    4.707    3597.1   232.40 |     444 |    32.121 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        BTag_Global                                          |    52.522 |    52.796 |    2.151    3527.6   226.15 |     444 |    23.442 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO      StrippingTCK                                           |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO      MyDSTWriterMainSeq                                     |   138.190 |   139.038 |    0.073    3412.0   327.91 |    1000 |   139.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       DSTWriterBhadron                                      |    89.700 |    90.129 |    0.006    2767.2   252.06 |    1000 |    90.129 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        FSROutputStreamBhadron_OStream                       |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyPrimaryVertices_Bhadron                          |     0.062 |     0.096 |    0.048       4.1     0.32 |     161 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        FindDuplicates_Bhadron                               |     2.919 |     2.517 |    0.099     131.3    11.95 |     161 |     0.405 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyParticles_Bhadron                                |   101.428 |   101.421 |   12.110     370.6    65.99 |     161 |    16.329 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyFlavourTags_Bhadron                              |    96.894 |    97.260 |   10.535     258.3    62.38 |     161 |    15.659 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2RelInfo_Bhadron                                |   100.807 |   101.095 |   10.664     660.6    74.28 |     161 |    16.276 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2PV_Particle2VertexRelations_Bhadron            |   117.142 |   117.411 |   16.542     398.4    69.15 |     161 |    18.903 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackFullStripReps                                    |     0.360 |     0.304 |    0.190       1.8     0.17 |     444 |     0.135 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackTkClusters_Bhadron                               |     2.236 |     2.721 |    0.113     156.0    12.19 |     161 |     0.438 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPsAndVs_Bhadron                                  |    31.490 |    31.047 |    3.191     709.6    61.54 |     161 |     4.999 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackChargedProtos_Bhadron                            |     0.496 |     0.306 |    0.129       1.2     0.13 |     161 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackNeutralProtos_Bhadron                            |     0.062 |     0.125 |    0.012       0.6     0.14 |     161 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloElectrons_Bhadron                            |     0.124 |     0.242 |    0.010       0.7     0.10 |     161 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPhotons_Bhadron                              |     0.248 |     0.241 |    0.009       0.9     0.12 |     161 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloMergedPi0s_Bhadron                           |     0.062 |     0.039 |    0.005       0.4     0.08 |     161 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSplitPhotons_Bhadron                         |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.005       0.5     0.08 |     161 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalClusters_Bhadron                             |     0.062 |     0.135 |    0.010       1.1     0.18 |     161 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackHcalClusters_Bhadron                             |     0.062 |     0.014 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |     161 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalSplitClusters_Bhadron                        |     0.062 |     0.031 |    0.008       0.4     0.08 |     161 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalDigits_Bhadron                           |     0.248 |     0.126 |    0.008       0.6     0.16 |     161 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsDigits_Bhadron                            |     0.000 |     0.116 |    0.006       0.6     0.15 |     161 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSpdDigits_Bhadron                            |     0.124 |     0.111 |    0.006       0.6     0.15 |     161 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalADCs_Bhadron                             |     0.062 |     0.130 |    0.007       0.8     0.17 |     161 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsADCs_Bhadron                              |     0.062 |     0.116 |    0.006       0.6     0.15 |     161 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackRichPIDs_Bhadron                                 |     0.186 |     0.257 |    0.105       0.7     0.10 |     161 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonPIDs_Bhadron                                 |     0.372 |     0.250 |    0.103       0.7     0.10 |     161 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPVs_Bhadron                                      |     0.124 |     0.247 |    0.098       0.9     0.11 |     161 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackBestTracks_Bhadron                               |     0.186 |     0.305 |    0.141       1.5     0.15 |     161 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonTracks_Bhadron                               |     0.124 |     0.134 |    0.010       0.7     0.15 |     161 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        EmptyNodeCleaner_Bhadron                             |     0.124 |     0.173 |    0.082       0.4     0.06 |     161 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        FixInputCopyStream                                   |     0.180 |     0.163 |    0.015       3.6     0.31 |     444 |     0.072 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        KillTESAddresses_Bhadron                             |     0.434 |     0.482 |    0.209       1.4     0.19 |     161 |     0.078 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        Bhadron_OStream                                      |     4.596 |     5.647 |    1.947     114.1    10.56 |     161 |     0.909 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       DSTWriterSemileptonic                                 |     2.120 |     2.141 |    0.006     149.6    12.09 |    1000 |     2.141 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       BTaggingSequence                                      |    66.441 |    66.658 |    3.728    3382.5   214.53 |     444 |    29.596 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        BTag_Global                                          |    48.806 |    48.684 |    1.727    3301.9   208.22 |     444 |    21.616 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO      StrippingTCK                                           |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO      MyDSTWriterMainSeq                                     |   126.510 |   127.192 |    0.065    3262.7   301.25 |    1000 |   127.192 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       DSTWriterBhadron                                      |    82.170 |    82.357 |    0.006    2606.0   231.38 |    1000 |    82.358 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        FSROutputStreamBhadron_OStream                       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyPrimaryVertices_Bhadron                          |     0.062 |     0.071 |    0.037       2.0     0.16 |     161 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        FindDuplicates_Bhadron                               |     2.236 |     2.117 |    0.071     100.4     9.72 |     161 |     0.341 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyParticles_Bhadron                                |    92.670 |    92.934 |   12.331     380.1    58.69 |     161 |    14.962 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyFlavourTags_Bhadron                              |    89.378 |    88.901 |   10.964     263.2    54.33 |     161 |    14.313 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2RelInfo_Bhadron                                |    91.055 |    91.607 |   11.443     534.6    64.92 |     161 |    14.749 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2PV_Particle2VertexRelations_Bhadron            |   106.335 |   106.022 |   16.792     342.7    60.05 |     161 |    17.070 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackFullStripReps                                    |     0.180 |     0.210 |    0.085       1.1     0.09 |     444 |     0.093 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackTkClusters_Bhadron                               |     1.677 |     2.177 |    0.098     104.5     8.15 |     161 |     0.351 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPsAndVs_Bhadron                                  |    29.689 |    29.442 |    3.165     687.7    60.46 |     161 |     4.740 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackChargedProtos_Bhadron                            |     0.186 |     0.258 |    0.106       0.7     0.10 |     161 |     0.042 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackNeutralProtos_Bhadron                            |     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.010       0.6     0.13 |     161 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloElectrons_Bhadron                            |     0.372 |     0.230 |    0.007       0.7     0.09 |     161 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPhotons_Bhadron                              |     0.186 |     0.219 |    0.010       0.6     0.09 |     161 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloMergedPi0s_Bhadron                           |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.004       0.5     0.08 |     161 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSplitPhotons_Bhadron                         |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.004       0.5     0.08 |     161 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalClusters_Bhadron                             |     0.186 |     0.118 |    0.009       0.7     0.15 |     161 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackHcalClusters_Bhadron                             |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |     161 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalSplitClusters_Bhadron                        |     0.062 |     0.028 |    0.007       0.5     0.08 |     161 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalDigits_Bhadron                           |     0.124 |     0.117 |    0.007       0.7     0.15 |     161 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsDigits_Bhadron                            |     0.062 |     0.109 |    0.006       0.5     0.14 |     161 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSpdDigits_Bhadron                            |     0.062 |     0.101 |    0.006       0.6     0.13 |     161 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalADCs_Bhadron                             |     0.000 |     0.116 |    0.006       0.7     0.15 |     161 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsADCs_Bhadron                              |     0.062 |     0.108 |    0.005       0.6     0.14 |     161 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackRichPIDs_Bhadron                                 |     0.248 |     0.232 |    0.101       0.5     0.08 |     161 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonPIDs_Bhadron                                 |     0.186 |     0.233 |    0.093       0.8     0.09 |     161 |     0.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPVs_Bhadron                                      |     0.186 |     0.225 |    0.107       0.7     0.09 |     161 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackBestTracks_Bhadron                               |     0.124 |     0.273 |    0.124       0.8     0.10 |     161 |     0.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonTracks_Bhadron                               |     0.248 |     0.121 |    0.008       0.5     0.13 |     161 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        EmptyNodeCleaner_Bhadron                             |     0.372 |     0.139 |    0.068       0.4     0.05 |     161 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        FixInputCopyStream                                   |     0.202 |     0.116 |    0.016       2.1     0.22 |     444 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        KillTESAddresses_Bhadron                             |     0.310 |     0.421 |    0.207       1.0     0.13 |     161 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        Bhadron_OStream                                      |     5.031 |     4.661 |    1.578      75.0     8.03 |     161 |     0.751 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       DSTWriterSemileptonic                                 |     1.880 |     1.932 |    0.005      91.5    10.65 |    1000 |     1.932 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        FSRInputCopyStreamSemileptonic_OStream               |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        FindDuplicates_Semileptonic                          |     0.000 |     0.182 |    0.055       0.6     0.10 |      40 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyParticles_Semileptonic                           |     7.750 |     7.902 |    1.053      23.5     5.50 |      40 |     0.316 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyFlavourTags_Semileptonic                         |     8.500 |     7.749 |    1.120      27.5     5.69 |      40 |     0.310 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2RelInfo_Semileptonic                           |     7.000 |     7.715 |    0.914      25.1     5.64 |      40 |     0.309 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2PV_Particle2VertexRelations_Semileptonic       |    10.500 |     9.628 |    1.408      34.7     7.04 |      40 |     0.385 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackTkClusters_Semileptonic                          |     1.500 |     1.465 |    0.317       3.8     0.67 |      40 |     0.059 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPsAndVs_Semileptonic                             |     3.250 |     3.295 |    0.850       9.1     1.89 |      40 |     0.132 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackChargedProtos_Semileptonic                       |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.012       0.0     0.01 |      40 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackNeutralProtos_Semileptonic                       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloElectrons_Semileptonic                       |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      40 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPhotons_Semileptonic                         |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloMergedPi0s_Semileptonic                      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSplitPhotons_Semileptonic                    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalClusters_Semileptonic                        |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.009       0.0     0.01 |      40 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackHcalClusters_Semileptonic                        |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalSplitClusters_Semileptonic                   |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalDigits_Semileptonic                      |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsDigits_Semileptonic                       |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSpdDigits_Semileptonic                       |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalADCs_Semileptonic                        |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      40 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsADCs_Semileptonic                         |     0.250 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |      40 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackRichPIDs_Semileptonic                            |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        FindDuplicates_Semileptonic                          |     0.250 |     0.146 |    0.034       0.6     0.10 |      40 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyParticles_Semileptonic                           |     6.500 |     7.090 |    0.990      15.3     4.36 |      40 |     0.284 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyFlavourTags_Semileptonic                         |     6.500 |     6.828 |    0.933      16.1     4.36 |      40 |     0.273 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2RelInfo_Semileptonic                           |     7.750 |     7.118 |    0.904      16.4     4.65 |      40 |     0.285 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2PV_Particle2VertexRelations_Semileptonic       |     8.000 |     8.770 |    1.437      24.7     5.34 |      40 |     0.351 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackTkClusters_Semileptonic                          |     1.250 |     1.273 |    0.295       3.4     0.65 |      40 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPsAndVs_Semileptonic                             |     2.750 |     2.857 |    0.679       7.2     1.53 |      40 |     0.114 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackChargedProtos_Semileptonic                       |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackNeutralProtos_Semileptonic                       |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloElectrons_Semileptonic                       |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPhotons_Semileptonic                         |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloMergedPi0s_Semileptonic                      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |      40 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSplitPhotons_Semileptonic                    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalClusters_Semileptonic                        |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackHcalClusters_Semileptonic                        |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalSplitClusters_Semileptonic                   |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalDigits_Semileptonic                      |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsDigits_Semileptonic                       |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSpdDigits_Semileptonic                       |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalADCs_Semileptonic                        |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      40 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsADCs_Semileptonic                         |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackRichPIDs_Semileptonic                            |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonPIDs_Semileptonic                            |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPVs_Semileptonic                                 |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      40 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPVs_Semileptonic                                 |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackBestTracks_Semileptonic                          |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonTracks_Semileptonic                          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        EmptyNodeCleaner_Semileptonic                        |     0.250 |     0.033 |    0.018       0.1     0.01 |      40 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        KillTESAddresses_Semileptonic                        |     0.250 |     0.517 |    0.224       1.3     0.27 |      40 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        Semileptonic_OStream                                 |     5.250 |     6.121 |    1.061      19.5     5.84 |      40 |     0.245 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       DSTWriterBhadronCompleteEvent                         |     2.900 |     2.935 |    0.005     231.5    15.53 |    1000 |     2.936 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonTracks_Semileptonic                          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      40 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        EmptyNodeCleaner_Semileptonic                        |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.017       0.1     0.01 |      40 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        KillTESAddresses_Semileptonic                        |     0.500 |     0.441 |    0.224       0.7     0.14 |      40 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        Semileptonic_OStream                                 |     5.250 |     5.624 |    0.839      19.3     5.73 |      40 |     0.225 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       DSTWriterBhadronCompleteEvent                         |     2.730 |     2.761 |    0.004     235.4    14.97 |    1000 |     2.761 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        FSRInputCopyStreamBhadronCompleteEvent_OStream       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        FindDuplicates_BhadronCompleteEvent                  |     0.000 |     0.494 |    0.007       4.3     0.83 |      47 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyParticles_BhadronCompleteEvent                   |     7.234 |     8.552 |    1.770      25.2     5.25 |      47 |     0.402 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyFlavourTags_BhadronCompleteEvent                 |     8.510 |     7.819 |    1.250      18.2     4.79 |      47 |     0.367 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2RelInfo_BhadronCompleteEvent                   |     9.148 |     9.290 |    1.580      45.6     7.83 |      47 |     0.437 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2PV_Particle2VertexRelations_BhadronCompleteEven|    10.425 |    10.277 |    2.264      37.0     7.18 |      47 |     0.483 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackTkClusters_BhadronCompleteEvent                  |     1.489 |     1.663 |    0.397       4.4     0.87 |      47 |     0.078 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPsAndVs_BhadronCompleteEvent                     |     5.957 |     6.420 |    0.619      47.8     8.16 |      47 |     0.302 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackChargedProtos_BhadronCompleteEvent               |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.013       0.1     0.01 |      47 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackNeutralProtos_BhadronCompleteEvent               |     0.212 |     0.035 |    0.004       0.5     0.09 |      47 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloElectrons_BhadronCompleteEvent               |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      47 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPhotons_BhadronCompleteEvent                 |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.004       0.4     0.08 |      47 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloMergedPi0s_BhadronCompleteEvent              |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.2     0.03 |      47 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSplitPhotons_BhadronCompleteEvent            |     0.212 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.2     0.03 |      47 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalClusters_BhadronCompleteEvent                |     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.009       0.5     0.10 |      47 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackHcalClusters_BhadronCompleteEvent                |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      47 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalSplitClusters_BhadronCompleteEvent           |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.2     0.03 |      47 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalDigits_BhadronCompleteEvent              |     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.008       0.4     0.10 |      47 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsDigits_BhadronCompleteEvent               |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.007       0.4     0.09 |      47 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSpdDigits_BhadronCompleteEvent               |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.007       0.5     0.10 |      47 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalADCs_BhadronCompleteEvent                |     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.007       0.5     0.10 |      47 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsADCs_BhadronCompleteEvent                 |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.007       0.4     0.10 |      47 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackRichPIDs_BhadronCompleteEvent                    |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      47 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonPIDs_BhadronCompleteEvent                    |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      47 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPVs_BhadronCompleteEvent                         |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      47 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackBestTracks_BhadronCompleteEvent                  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      47 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonTracks_BhadronCompleteEvent                  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      47 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        EmptyNodeCleaner_BhadronCompleteEvent                |     0.425 |     0.043 |    0.015       0.1     0.02 |      47 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        KillTESAddresses_BhadronCompleteEvent                |     0.638 |     0.496 |    0.274       1.0     0.15 |      47 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        BhadronCompleteEvent_OStream                         |     7.446 |     8.477 |    1.778      28.6     6.75 |      47 |     0.398 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       DSTWriterLeptonic                                     |    21.450 |    21.721 |    0.005     550.8    54.41 |    1000 |    21.721 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        FindDuplicates_BhadronCompleteEvent                  |     0.212 |     0.461 |    0.005       4.2     0.82 |      47 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyParticles_BhadronCompleteEvent                   |     7.234 |     7.877 |    1.240      21.9     5.18 |      47 |     0.370 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyFlavourTags_BhadronCompleteEvent                 |     7.446 |     7.529 |    1.032      21.3     5.02 |      47 |     0.354 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2RelInfo_BhadronCompleteEvent                   |     9.148 |     9.302 |    1.042      53.4     8.90 |      47 |     0.437 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2PV_Particle2VertexRelations_BhadronCompleteEven|     9.361 |     9.762 |    1.505      34.6     6.25 |      47 |     0.459 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackTkClusters_BhadronCompleteEvent                  |     2.127 |     1.354 |    0.279       3.4     0.74 |      47 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPsAndVs_BhadronCompleteEvent                     |     5.531 |     5.637 |    0.340      49.6     8.09 |      47 |     0.265 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackChargedProtos_BhadronCompleteEvent               |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |      47 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackNeutralProtos_BhadronCompleteEvent               |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.004       0.5     0.09 |      47 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloElectrons_BhadronCompleteEvent               |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      47 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPhotons_BhadronCompleteEvent                 |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.003       0.5     0.08 |      47 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloMergedPi0s_BhadronCompleteEvent              |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |      47 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSplitPhotons_BhadronCompleteEvent            |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.003       0.1     0.02 |      47 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalClusters_BhadronCompleteEvent                |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.007       0.5     0.09 |      47 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackHcalClusters_BhadronCompleteEvent                |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      47 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalSplitClusters_BhadronCompleteEvent           |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.006       0.1     0.02 |      47 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalDigits_BhadronCompleteEvent              |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.007       0.5     0.09 |      47 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsDigits_BhadronCompleteEvent               |     0.212 |     0.032 |    0.006       0.5     0.09 |      47 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSpdDigits_BhadronCompleteEvent               |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.006       0.5     0.08 |      47 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalADCs_BhadronCompleteEvent                |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.007       0.5     0.08 |      47 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsADCs_BhadronCompleteEvent                 |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.006       0.5     0.09 |      47 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackRichPIDs_BhadronCompleteEvent                    |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      47 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonPIDs_BhadronCompleteEvent                    |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      47 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPVs_BhadronCompleteEvent                         |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      47 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackBestTracks_BhadronCompleteEvent                  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      47 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonTracks_BhadronCompleteEvent                  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      47 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        EmptyNodeCleaner_BhadronCompleteEvent                |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.012       0.1     0.02 |      47 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        KillTESAddresses_BhadronCompleteEvent                |     1.063 |     0.456 |    0.227       1.0     0.17 |      47 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        BhadronCompleteEvent_OStream                         |     7.446 |     7.745 |    1.313      24.0     6.23 |      47 |     0.364 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       DSTWriterLeptonic                                     |    19.690 |    20.106 |    0.005     649.4    51.81 |    1000 |    20.107 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        FSROutputStreamLeptonic_OStream                      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyPrimaryVertices_Leptonic                         |     0.097 |     0.073 |    0.044       0.3     0.02 |     206 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        FindDuplicates_Leptonic                              |     1.213 |     2.193 |    0.018     369.2    25.72 |     206 |     0.452 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyParticles_Leptonic                               |    16.456 |    16.622 |    3.361      73.0    11.76 |     206 |     3.424 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyFlavourTags_Leptonic                             |    14.902 |    14.263 |    2.465      51.1    10.56 |     206 |     2.938 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2RelInfo_Leptonic                               |    15.436 |    15.825 |    2.309     164.2    16.01 |     206 |     3.260 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2PV_Particle2VertexRelations_Leptonic           |    19.077 |    18.795 |    3.722      75.3    12.34 |     206 |     3.872 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackTkClusters_Leptonic                              |     1.359 |     1.257 |    0.062       5.5     1.03 |     206 |     0.259 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPsAndVs_Leptonic                                 |    16.213 |    16.130 |    2.981      92.7    12.37 |     206 |     3.323 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackChargedProtos_Leptonic                           |     0.145 |     0.254 |    0.107       0.7     0.09 |     206 |     0.052 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackNeutralProtos_Leptonic                           |     0.145 |     0.074 |    0.012       1.2     0.12 |     206 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloElectrons_Leptonic                           |     0.097 |     0.204 |    0.007       0.7     0.09 |     206 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPhotons_Leptonic                             |     0.097 |     0.199 |    0.011       0.8     0.10 |     206 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloMergedPi0s_Leptonic                          |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.005       0.5     0.05 |     206 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSplitPhotons_Leptonic                        |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.005       0.5     0.05 |     206 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalClusters_Leptonic                            |     0.097 |     0.063 |    0.009       0.5     0.11 |     206 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackHcalClusters_Leptonic                            |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |     206 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalSplitClusters_Leptonic                       |     0.048 |     0.019 |    0.008       0.5     0.05 |     206 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalDigits_Leptonic                          |     0.048 |     0.064 |    0.008       0.5     0.11 |     206 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsDigits_Leptonic                           |     0.097 |     0.061 |    0.006       0.8     0.11 |     206 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSpdDigits_Leptonic                           |     0.048 |     0.051 |    0.006       0.5     0.10 |     206 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalADCs_Leptonic                            |     0.145 |     0.062 |    0.007       0.6     0.11 |     206 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsADCs_Leptonic                             |     0.048 |     0.058 |    0.006       0.5     0.10 |     206 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackRichPIDs_Leptonic                                |     0.194 |     0.216 |    0.103       0.8     0.09 |     206 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonPIDs_Leptonic                                |     0.097 |     0.216 |    0.016       0.7     0.09 |     206 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPVs_Leptonic                                     |     0.242 |     0.205 |    0.087       0.7     0.09 |     206 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackBestTracks_Leptonic                              |     0.291 |     0.248 |    0.115       1.0     0.10 |     206 |     0.051 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonTracks_Leptonic                              |     0.194 |     0.148 |    0.009       1.1     0.14 |     206 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        EmptyNodeCleaner_Leptonic                            |     0.291 |     0.169 |    0.063       1.2     0.09 |     206 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        KillTESAddresses_Leptonic                            |     0.291 |     0.406 |    0.199       1.4     0.17 |     206 |     0.084 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        Leptonic_OStream                                     |     2.524 |     2.873 |    1.028      37.4     3.55 |     206 |     0.592 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       DSTWriterDimuon                                       |     1.140 |     1.150 |    0.005     138.3     8.41 |    1000 |     1.150 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyPrimaryVertices_Leptonic                         |     0.048 |     0.067 |    0.035       0.7     0.08 |     206 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        FindDuplicates_Leptonic                              |     1.116 |     2.586 |    0.014     466.4    32.49 |     206 |     0.533 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyParticles_Leptonic                               |    15.485 |    15.256 |    2.761      70.1    10.63 |     206 |     3.143 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyFlavourTags_Leptonic                             |    13.834 |    13.528 |    2.243      48.7     9.72 |     206 |     2.787 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2RelInfo_Leptonic                               |    14.126 |    14.596 |    2.245     144.2    14.17 |     206 |     3.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2PV_Particle2VertexRelations_Leptonic           |    16.844 |    17.099 |    3.562      54.0    10.45 |     206 |     3.523 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackTkClusters_Leptonic                              |     1.504 |     1.108 |    0.037       6.9     0.95 |     206 |     0.228 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPsAndVs_Leptonic                                 |    14.271 |    14.758 |    2.603     102.2    12.22 |     206 |     3.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackChargedProtos_Leptonic                           |     0.194 |     0.220 |    0.095       0.6     0.08 |     206 |     0.045 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackNeutralProtos_Leptonic                           |     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.010       0.4     0.09 |     206 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloElectrons_Leptonic                           |     0.339 |     0.189 |    0.007       0.5     0.08 |     206 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPhotons_Leptonic                             |     0.242 |     0.181 |    0.008       0.5     0.08 |     206 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloMergedPi0s_Leptonic                          |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.005       0.4     0.04 |     206 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSplitPhotons_Leptonic                        |     0.048 |     0.013 |    0.004       0.4     0.05 |     206 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalClusters_Leptonic                            |     0.097 |     0.058 |    0.008       0.4     0.10 |     206 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackHcalClusters_Leptonic                            |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.1     0.01 |     206 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalSplitClusters_Leptonic                       |     0.048 |     0.016 |    0.007       0.4     0.04 |     206 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalDigits_Leptonic                          |     0.048 |     0.056 |    0.007       0.4     0.10 |     206 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsDigits_Leptonic                           |     0.048 |     0.053 |    0.006       0.4     0.09 |     206 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSpdDigits_Leptonic                           |     0.000 |     0.045 |    0.006       0.4     0.09 |     206 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalADCs_Leptonic                            |     0.097 |     0.057 |    0.006       0.4     0.10 |     206 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsADCs_Leptonic                             |     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.006       0.4     0.09 |     206 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackRichPIDs_Leptonic                                |     0.242 |     0.198 |    0.091       0.4     0.06 |     206 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonPIDs_Leptonic                                |     0.242 |     0.200 |    0.016       0.4     0.07 |     206 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPVs_Leptonic                                     |     0.194 |     0.189 |    0.085       0.4     0.07 |     206 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackBestTracks_Leptonic                              |     0.194 |     0.234 |    0.112       0.7     0.08 |     206 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonTracks_Leptonic                              |     0.291 |     0.139 |    0.009       0.6     0.11 |     206 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        EmptyNodeCleaner_Leptonic                            |     0.097 |     0.131 |    0.056       0.3     0.04 |     206 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        KillTESAddresses_Leptonic                            |     0.291 |     0.375 |    0.191       0.8     0.12 |     206 |     0.077 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        Leptonic_OStream                                     |     2.427 |     2.489 |    0.847      38.3     3.47 |     206 |     0.513 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       DSTWriterDimuon                                       |     1.120 |     1.116 |    0.005     118.6     7.45 |    1000 |     1.117 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        FSRInputCopyStreamDimuon_OStream                     |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        FindDuplicates_Dimuon                                |     0.000 |     0.118 |    0.038       0.3     0.08 |      28 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyParticles_Dimuon                                 |     3.571 |     4.307 |    1.033      20.8     4.29 |      28 |     0.121 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyFlavourTags_Dimuon                               |     5.000 |     4.182 |    0.757      25.2     5.01 |      28 |     0.117 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2RelInfo_Dimuon                                 |     5.357 |     4.298 |    0.804      21.5     5.00 |      28 |     0.120 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2PV_Particle2VertexRelations_Dimuon             |     3.571 |     5.265 |    1.153      25.9     5.28 |      28 |     0.147 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackTkClusters_Dimuon                                |     2.142 |     1.947 |    0.428       5.7     1.25 |      28 |     0.055 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPsAndVs_Dimuon                                   |     5.000 |     5.066 |    1.380      25.3     5.02 |      28 |     0.142 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackChargedProtos_Dimuon                             |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.013       0.1     0.01 |      28 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackNeutralProtos_Dimuon                             |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      28 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloElectrons_Dimuon                             |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      28 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPhotons_Dimuon                               |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      28 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloMergedPi0s_Dimuon                            |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      28 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSplitPhotons_Dimuon                          |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      28 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalClusters_Dimuon                              |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |      28 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackHcalClusters_Dimuon                              |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      28 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalSplitClusters_Dimuon                         |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      28 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalDigits_Dimuon                            |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |      28 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsDigits_Dimuon                             |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      28 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSpdDigits_Dimuon                             |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      28 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalADCs_Dimuon                              |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      28 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsADCs_Dimuon                               |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      28 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackRichPIDs_Dimuon                                  |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      28 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonPIDs_Dimuon                                  |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      28 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPVs_Dimuon                                       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      28 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackBestTracks_Dimuon                                |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      28 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonTracks_Dimuon                                |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      28 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        EmptyNodeCleaner_Dimuon                              |     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.022       0.1     0.02 |      28 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        KillTESAddresses_Dimuon                              |     0.357 |     0.380 |    0.205       0.7     0.13 |      28 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        Dimuon_OStream                                       |     9.285 |    10.388 |    1.656      33.4     7.91 |      28 |     0.291 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       DSTWriterCharm                                        |    19.430 |    19.473 |    0.005     460.1    56.76 |    1000 |    19.474 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        FindDuplicates_Dimuon                                |     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.030       0.3     0.06 |      29 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyParticles_Dimuon                                 |     4.827 |     4.396 |    1.025      12.8     3.22 |      29 |     0.127 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyFlavourTags_Dimuon                               |     4.137 |     4.017 |    0.817      13.5     3.29 |      29 |     0.117 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2RelInfo_Dimuon                                 |     3.448 |     4.246 |    0.851      21.7     4.32 |      29 |     0.123 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2PV_Particle2VertexRelations_Dimuon             |     5.172 |     5.074 |    1.276      17.2     3.92 |      29 |     0.147 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackTkClusters_Dimuon                                |     1.034 |     1.585 |    0.390       5.0     1.02 |      29 |     0.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPsAndVs_Dimuon                                   |     5.172 |     4.831 |    1.145      24.3     4.86 |      29 |     0.140 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackChargedProtos_Dimuon                             |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackNeutralProtos_Dimuon                             |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloElectrons_Dimuon                             |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPhotons_Dimuon                               |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloMergedPi0s_Dimuon                            |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSplitPhotons_Dimuon                          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalClusters_Dimuon                              |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackHcalClusters_Dimuon                              |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalSplitClusters_Dimuon                         |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalDigits_Dimuon                            |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsDigits_Dimuon                             |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSpdDigits_Dimuon                             |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalADCs_Dimuon                              |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsADCs_Dimuon                               |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackRichPIDs_Dimuon                                  |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonPIDs_Dimuon                                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPVs_Dimuon                                       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackBestTracks_Dimuon                                |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonTracks_Dimuon                                |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      29 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        EmptyNodeCleaner_Dimuon                              |     0.344 |     0.044 |    0.019       0.1     0.02 |      29 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        KillTESAddresses_Dimuon                              |     0.000 |     0.357 |    0.215       0.8     0.14 |      29 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        Dimuon_OStream                                       |     8.965 |     9.245 |    2.217      26.7     6.70 |      29 |     0.268 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       DSTWriterCharm                                        |    17.600 |    17.657 |    0.004     390.0    50.20 |    1000 |    17.658 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        FSROutputStreamCharm_OStream                         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyPrimaryVertices_Charm                            |     0.120 |     0.073 |    0.048       0.2     0.02 |     166 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        FindDuplicates_Charm                                 |     0.421 |     0.428 |    0.065      13.6     1.13 |     166 |     0.071 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyParticles_Charm                                  |    19.277 |    20.209 |    2.321      79.9    16.33 |     166 |     3.355 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyFlavourTags_Charm                                |    18.493 |    18.681 |    1.631      82.9    16.97 |     166 |     3.101 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2RelInfo_Charm                                  |    19.457 |    19.025 |    2.010     122.7    17.57 |     166 |     3.158 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2PV_Particle2VertexRelations_Charm              |    22.771 |    22.424 |    3.272      95.8    17.32 |     166 |     3.723 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackTkClusters_Charm                                 |     0.602 |     0.703 |    0.086       3.3     0.67 |     166 |     0.117 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPsAndVs_Charm                                    |    10.963 |    11.473 |    0.442      46.1     8.51 |     166 |     1.905 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackChargedProtos_Charm                              |     0.361 |     0.251 |    0.069       0.6     0.10 |     166 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackNeutralProtos_Charm                              |     0.180 |     0.071 |    0.011       0.6     0.10 |     166 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloElectrons_Charm                              |     0.240 |     0.204 |    0.008       0.6     0.10 |     166 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPhotons_Charm                                |     0.120 |     0.199 |    0.010       0.6     0.09 |     166 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloMergedPi0s_Charm                             |     0.120 |     0.027 |    0.006       0.5     0.06 |     166 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSplitPhotons_Charm                           |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.005       0.3     0.04 |     166 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalClusters_Charm                               |     0.060 |     0.066 |    0.010       0.4     0.10 |     166 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackHcalClusters_Charm                               |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |     166 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalSplitClusters_Charm                          |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.008       0.4     0.04 |     166 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalDigits_Charm                             |     0.060 |     0.068 |    0.008       0.7     0.12 |     166 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsDigits_Charm                              |     0.180 |     0.059 |    0.006       0.4     0.10 |     166 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSpdDigits_Charm                              |     0.060 |     0.053 |    0.006       0.4     0.09 |     166 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalADCs_Charm                               |     0.120 |     0.062 |    0.007       0.4     0.10 |     166 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsADCs_Charm                                |     0.000 |     0.059 |    0.006       0.4     0.10 |     166 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackRichPIDs_Charm                                   |     0.421 |     0.218 |    0.077       0.6     0.08 |     166 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonPIDs_Charm                                   |     0.120 |     0.218 |    0.081       0.6     0.09 |     166 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPVs_Charm                                        |     0.120 |     0.209 |    0.061       0.6     0.09 |     166 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackBestTracks_Charm                                 |     0.301 |     0.251 |    0.074       0.6     0.10 |     166 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonTracks_Charm                                 |     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.009       0.5     0.12 |     166 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        EmptyNodeCleaner_Charm                               |     0.060 |     0.122 |    0.039       0.3     0.04 |     166 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        KillTESAddresses_Charm                               |     0.481 |     0.422 |    0.143       1.6     0.19 |     166 |     0.070 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        Charm_OStream                                        |     2.108 |     2.162 |    0.831      25.8     2.88 |     166 |     0.359 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       DSTWriterEW                                           |     0.600 |     0.617 |    0.005      70.6     5.01 |    1000 |     0.618 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyPrimaryVertices_Charm                            |     0.060 |     0.061 |    0.036       0.7     0.06 |     166 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        FindDuplicates_Charm                                 |     0.662 |     0.342 |    0.038       9.0     0.80 |     166 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyParticles_Charm                                  |    17.469 |    18.185 |    1.848      63.7    13.47 |     166 |     3.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyFlavourTags_Charm                                |    16.807 |    16.841 |    1.577      64.8    13.43 |     166 |     2.796 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2RelInfo_Charm                                  |    17.228 |    17.628 |    1.637      72.7    14.42 |     166 |     2.926 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2PV_Particle2VertexRelations_Charm              |    20.903 |    20.619 |    2.967      71.0    14.63 |     166 |     3.423 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackTkClusters_Charm                                 |     0.843 |     0.633 |    0.054       6.5     0.74 |     166 |     0.105 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPsAndVs_Charm                                    |    10.361 |    10.553 |    0.637      38.8     7.71 |     166 |     1.752 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackChargedProtos_Charm                              |     0.301 |     0.241 |    0.074       4.0     0.31 |     166 |     0.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackNeutralProtos_Charm                              |     0.120 |     0.060 |    0.009       0.4     0.09 |     166 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloElectrons_Charm                              |     0.180 |     0.193 |    0.006       0.5     0.09 |     166 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPhotons_Charm                                |     0.120 |     0.187 |    0.004       0.5     0.08 |     166 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloMergedPi0s_Charm                             |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.005       0.3     0.04 |     166 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSplitPhotons_Charm                           |     0.060 |     0.013 |    0.004       0.3     0.04 |     166 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalClusters_Charm                               |     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.008       0.4     0.10 |     166 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackHcalClusters_Charm                               |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |     166 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalSplitClusters_Charm                          |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.007       0.3     0.04 |     166 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalDigits_Charm                             |     0.060 |     0.058 |    0.007       0.4     0.10 |     166 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsDigits_Charm                              |     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.006       0.8     0.10 |     166 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSpdDigits_Charm                              |     0.060 |     0.051 |    0.005       0.5     0.09 |     166 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalADCs_Charm                               |     0.060 |     0.057 |    0.006       0.4     0.10 |     166 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsADCs_Charm                                |     0.060 |     0.055 |    0.006       0.4     0.09 |     166 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackRichPIDs_Charm                                   |     0.361 |     0.206 |    0.086       0.8     0.09 |     166 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonPIDs_Charm                                   |     0.240 |     0.202 |    0.070       0.5     0.08 |     166 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPVs_Charm                                        |     0.180 |     0.194 |    0.055       0.8     0.09 |     166 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackBestTracks_Charm                                 |     0.120 |     0.229 |    0.072       0.5     0.09 |     166 |     0.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonTracks_Charm                                 |     0.120 |     0.093 |    0.008       1.2     0.14 |     166 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        EmptyNodeCleaner_Charm                               |     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.037       0.2     0.03 |     166 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        KillTESAddresses_Charm                               |     0.240 |     0.387 |    0.157       1.0     0.16 |     166 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        Charm_OStream                                        |     2.349 |     2.021 |    0.637      23.7     2.64 |     166 |     0.336 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       DSTWriterEW                                           |     0.530 |     0.499 |    0.004      57.8     4.05 |    1000 |     0.500 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        FSRInputCopyStreamEW_OStream                         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        FindDuplicates_EW                                    |     0.000 |     0.153 |    0.011       1.3     0.28 |      18 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyParticles_EW                                     |     3.888 |     3.899 |    1.139      13.0     3.16 |      18 |     0.070 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyFlavourTags_EW                                   |     2.777 |     3.031 |    0.798       8.3     2.22 |      18 |     0.055 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2RelInfo_EW                                     |     1.666 |     2.735 |    0.660       7.2     1.72 |      18 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2PV_Particle2VertexRelations_EW                 |     4.444 |     4.529 |    1.241      10.5     2.83 |      18 |     0.082 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackTkClusters_EW                                    |     2.777 |     2.230 |    0.808       5.2     1.24 |      18 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPsAndVs_EW                                       |     2.222 |     4.251 |    1.708       9.4     1.80 |      18 |     0.077 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackChargedProtos_EW                                 |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.012       0.0     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackNeutralProtos_EW                                 |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloElectrons_EW                                 |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPhotons_EW                                   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloMergedPi0s_EW                                |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSplitPhotons_EW                              |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalClusters_EW                                  |     0.555 |     0.013 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackHcalClusters_EW                                  |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalSplitClusters_EW                             |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalDigits_EW                                |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsDigits_EW                                 |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSpdDigits_EW                                 |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalADCs_EW                                  |     0.555 |     0.013 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsADCs_EW                                   |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackRichPIDs_EW                                      |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonPIDs_EW                                      |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPVs_EW                                           |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackBestTracks_EW                                    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonTracks_EW                                    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        EmptyNodeCleaner_EW                                  |     0.000 |     0.073 |    0.049       0.1     0.02 |      18 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        KillTESAddresses_EW                                  |     0.555 |     0.307 |    0.169       0.6     0.09 |      18 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        EW_OStream                                           |    10.000 |     8.224 |    1.352      23.3     7.13 |      18 |     0.148 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       DSTWriterCharmCompleteEvent                           |     0.530 |     0.537 |    0.005      78.7     5.20 |    1000 |     0.537 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        FindDuplicates_EW                                    |     0.555 |     0.131 |    0.005       1.3     0.30 |      18 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyParticles_EW                                     |     2.222 |     2.976 |    1.040       7.9     1.79 |      18 |     0.054 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyFlavourTags_EW                                   |     3.333 |     2.571 |    0.761       8.1     1.79 |      18 |     0.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2RelInfo_EW                                     |     2.777 |     2.572 |    0.673       8.5     1.92 |      18 |     0.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2PV_Particle2VertexRelations_EW                 |     3.888 |     3.609 |    1.490       9.5     2.02 |      18 |     0.065 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackTkClusters_EW                                    |     2.222 |     1.688 |    0.510       3.3     0.71 |      18 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPsAndVs_EW                                       |     1.666 |     3.488 |    1.250       6.3     1.31 |      18 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackChargedProtos_EW                                 |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackNeutralProtos_EW                                 |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloElectrons_EW                                 |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPhotons_EW                                   |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloMergedPi0s_EW                                |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSplitPhotons_EW                              |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalClusters_EW                                  |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackHcalClusters_EW                                  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalSplitClusters_EW                             |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalDigits_EW                                |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsDigits_EW                                 |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSpdDigits_EW                                 |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalADCs_EW                                  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsADCs_EW                                   |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackRichPIDs_EW                                      |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonPIDs_EW                                      |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPVs_EW                                           |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackBestTracks_EW                                    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonTracks_EW                                    |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      18 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        EmptyNodeCleaner_EW                                  |     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.033       0.1     0.02 |      18 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        KillTESAddresses_EW                                  |     0.555 |     0.269 |    0.166       0.4     0.06 |      18 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        EW_OStream                                           |     7.777 |     6.978 |    1.239      23.8     6.89 |      18 |     0.126 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       DSTWriterCharmCompleteEvent                           |     0.510 |     0.478 |    0.004      65.4     4.53 |    1000 |     0.479 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        FSRInputCopyStreamCharmCompleteEvent_OStream         |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        FindDuplicates_CharmCompleteEvent                    |     0.769 |     0.189 |    0.074       0.5     0.14 |      13 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyParticles_CharmCompleteEvent                     |     5.384 |     4.839 |    1.276      10.2     2.93 |      13 |     0.063 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyFlavourTags_CharmCompleteEvent                   |     4.615 |     4.509 |    0.915      11.3     3.37 |      13 |     0.059 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2RelInfo_CharmCompleteEvent                     |     3.846 |     5.082 |    0.892      14.0     4.14 |      13 |     0.066 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2PV_Particle2VertexRelations_CharmCompleteEvent |     6.153 |     6.241 |    1.586      12.8     3.77 |      13 |     0.081 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackTkClusters_CharmCompleteEvent                    |     2.307 |     1.382 |    0.794       2.4     0.51 |      13 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPsAndVs_CharmCompleteEvent                       |     3.076 |     3.057 |    1.255       5.8     1.62 |      13 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackChargedProtos_CharmCompleteEvent                 |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.014       0.1     0.01 |      13 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackNeutralProtos_CharmCompleteEvent                 |     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.005       0.2     0.07 |      13 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloElectrons_CharmCompleteEvent                 |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPhotons_CharmCompleteEvent                   |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.004       0.2     0.07 |      13 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloMergedPi0s_CharmCompleteEvent                |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        FindDuplicates_CharmCompleteEvent                    |     0.000 |     0.158 |    0.069       0.5     0.14 |      13 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyParticles_CharmCompleteEvent                     |     4.615 |     4.661 |    1.278      10.1     2.83 |      13 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyFlavourTags_CharmCompleteEvent                   |     6.153 |     4.199 |    0.955      10.0     3.10 |      13 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2RelInfo_CharmCompleteEvent                     |     3.846 |     4.739 |    0.962      11.0     3.61 |      13 |     0.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2PV_Particle2VertexRelations_CharmCompleteEvent |     6.153 |     5.634 |    1.767      10.8     3.34 |      13 |     0.073 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackTkClusters_CharmCompleteEvent                    |     2.307 |     1.115 |    0.498       2.1     0.45 |      13 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPsAndVs_CharmCompleteEvent                       |     0.769 |     2.661 |    1.250       5.5     1.35 |      13 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackChargedProtos_CharmCompleteEvent                 |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackNeutralProtos_CharmCompleteEvent                 |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.004       0.2     0.07 |      13 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloElectrons_CharmCompleteEvent                 |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPhotons_CharmCompleteEvent                   |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.004       0.2     0.07 |      13 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloMergedPi0s_CharmCompleteEvent                |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      13 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSplitPhotons_CharmCompleteEvent              |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalClusters_CharmCompleteEvent                  |     0.000 |     0.059 |    0.010       0.2     0.07 |      13 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackHcalClusters_CharmCompleteEvent                  |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalSplitClusters_CharmCompleteEvent             |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalDigits_CharmCompleteEvent                |     0.000 |     0.059 |    0.008       0.2     0.07 |      13 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsDigits_CharmCompleteEvent                 |     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.007       0.2     0.07 |      13 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSpdDigits_CharmCompleteEvent                 |     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.007       0.2     0.06 |      13 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalADCs_CharmCompleteEvent                  |     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.008       0.2     0.07 |      13 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsADCs_CharmCompleteEvent                   |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.007       0.2     0.06 |      13 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackRichPIDs_CharmCompleteEvent                      |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonPIDs_CharmCompleteEvent                      |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPVs_CharmCompleteEvent                           |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      13 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackBestTracks_CharmCompleteEvent                    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonTracks_CharmCompleteEvent                    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        EmptyNodeCleaner_CharmCompleteEvent                  |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.025       0.1     0.02 |      13 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        KillTESAddresses_CharmCompleteEvent                  |     0.000 |     0.492 |    0.264       1.6     0.35 |      13 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CharmCompleteEvent_OStream                           |     8.461 |     8.968 |    2.241      23.9     7.24 |      13 |     0.117 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       DSTWriterFTAG                                         |     0.280 |     0.290 |    0.005      56.9     3.00 |    1000 |     0.290 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalClusters_CharmCompleteEvent                  |     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.008       0.2     0.07 |      13 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackHcalClusters_CharmCompleteEvent                  |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalSplitClusters_CharmCompleteEvent             |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalDigits_CharmCompleteEvent                |     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.007       0.2     0.07 |      13 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsDigits_CharmCompleteEvent                 |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.006       0.2     0.07 |      13 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSpdDigits_CharmCompleteEvent                 |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.006       0.2     0.06 |      13 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalADCs_CharmCompleteEvent                  |     0.000 |     0.054 |    0.007       0.2     0.07 |      13 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsADCs_CharmCompleteEvent                   |     0.000 |     0.054 |    0.006       0.2     0.08 |      13 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackRichPIDs_CharmCompleteEvent                      |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonPIDs_CharmCompleteEvent                      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPVs_CharmCompleteEvent                           |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackBestTracks_CharmCompleteEvent                    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonTracks_CharmCompleteEvent                    |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        EmptyNodeCleaner_CharmCompleteEvent                  |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.021       0.0     0.01 |      13 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        KillTESAddresses_CharmCompleteEvent                  |     0.000 |     0.373 |    0.238       0.6     0.12 |      13 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CharmCompleteEvent_OStream                           |    10.769 |     7.530 |    2.859      17.3     5.09 |      13 |     0.098 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO       DSTWriterFTAG                                         |     0.240 |     0.247 |    0.004      42.4     2.52 |    1000 |     0.248 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        FSRInputCopyStreamFTAG_OStream                       |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.000       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        FindDuplicates_FTAG                                  |     0.000 |     0.176 |    0.043       0.6     0.16 |      11 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyParticles_FTAG                                   |     0.000 |     0.563 |    0.251       1.0     0.27 |      11 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyFlavourTags_FTAG                                 |     0.000 |     0.495 |    0.199       1.0     0.29 |      11 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2RelInfo_FTAG                                   |     1.818 |     0.643 |    0.140       3.2     0.88 |      11 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2PV_Particle2VertexRelations_FTAG               |     0.909 |     1.725 |    0.546       2.7     0.75 |      11 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackTkClusters_FTAG                                  |     2.727 |     1.530 |    0.642       3.5     0.77 |      11 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPsAndVs_FTAG                                     |     5.454 |     5.473 |    1.882      13.4     3.15 |      11 |     0.060 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackChargedProtos_FTAG                               |     0.909 |     0.031 |    0.014       0.1     0.02 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackNeutralProtos_FTAG                               |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloElectrons_FTAG                               |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPhotons_FTAG                                 |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloMergedPi0s_FTAG                              |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSplitPhotons_FTAG                            |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalClusters_FTAG                                |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackHcalClusters_FTAG                                |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalSplitClusters_FTAG                           |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalDigits_FTAG                              |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsDigits_FTAG                               |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSpdDigits_FTAG                               |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalADCs_FTAG                                |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsADCs_FTAG                                 |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackRichPIDs_FTAG                                    |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonPIDs_FTAG                                    |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPVs_FTAG                                         |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackBestTracks_FTAG                                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonTracks_FTAG                                  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        EmptyNodeCleaner_FTAG                                |     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.026       0.1     0.03 |      11 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        KillTESAddresses_FTAG                                |     0.909 |     0.571 |    0.304       0.9     0.19 |      11 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        FTAG_OStream                                         |    10.000 |    13.316 |    3.433      42.8    12.27 |      11 |     0.146 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        FindDuplicates_FTAG                                  |     0.000 |     0.148 |    0.040       0.6     0.15 |      11 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyParticles_FTAG                                   |     0.000 |     0.462 |    0.235       1.0     0.26 |      11 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyFlavourTags_FTAG                                 |     0.000 |     0.486 |    0.205       1.2     0.30 |      11 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2RelInfo_FTAG                                   |     0.909 |     0.651 |    0.141       3.1     0.87 |      11 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        CopyP2PV_Particle2VertexRelations_FTAG               |     0.000 |     1.499 |    0.418       2.8     0.78 |      11 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackTkClusters_FTAG                                  |     3.636 |     1.279 |    0.446       3.0     0.79 |      11 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPsAndVs_FTAG                                     |     3.636 |     4.643 |    1.947      13.0     3.36 |      11 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackChargedProtos_FTAG                               |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackNeutralProtos_FTAG                               |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloElectrons_FTAG                               |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPhotons_FTAG                                 |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloMergedPi0s_FTAG                              |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSplitPhotons_FTAG                            |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalClusters_FTAG                                |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackHcalClusters_FTAG                                |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackEcalSplitClusters_FTAG                           |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalDigits_FTAG                              |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsDigits_FTAG                               |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloSpdDigits_FTAG                               |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloEcalADCs_FTAG                                |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackCaloPrsADCs_FTAG                                 |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackRichPIDs_FTAG                                    |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonPIDs_FTAG                                    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackPVs_FTAG                                         |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackBestTracks_FTAG                                  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        PackMuonTracks_FTAG                                  |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        EmptyNodeCleaner_FTAG                                |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |      11 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        KillTESAddresses_FTAG                                |     1.818 |     0.468 |    0.304       1.0     0.21 |      11 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO        FTAG_OStream                                         |    10.000 |    11.347 |    1.793      34.0    10.29 |      11 |     0.125 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO     MonitoringSequence                                      |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO   LumiSeq                                                   |     0.020 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.5     0.02 |    1000 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO    EventAccount                                             |     0.010 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            UnpackRecVertex                                |     1.770 |     1.714 |    0.142      44.7     5.57 |    1000 |     1.715 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             unpackFittedVeloTracks                        |     1.344 |     1.331 |    0.105      44.3     5.38 |     974 |     1.297 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdNoPIDsPions                                 |     0.164 |     0.169 |    0.013      10.1     0.35 |     974 |     0.165 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdAllNoPIDsPions                              |     0.150 |     0.148 |    0.003       3.2     0.11 |    1000 |     0.148 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            UnpackChargedProtosSeq                         |     8.570 |     8.447 |    0.294     121.3    15.60 |    1000 |     8.447 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             UnpackChargedProtos                           |     1.310 |     1.376 |    0.078      22.7     4.01 |    1000 |     1.377 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             ProtoParticleCombDLLs                         |     7.250 |     7.051 |    0.202     113.3    14.07 |    1000 |     7.052 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *              CheckChargedProtosExist                      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.2     0.01 |    1000 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *              ChargedProtoPAddMuon                         |     6.440 |     6.366 |    0.093      90.0    13.65 |    1000 |     6.367 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *              ChargedProtoPAddRich                         |     0.580 |     0.527 |    0.084      41.6     1.53 |    1000 |     0.527 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *              ChargedProtoPCombDLL                         |     0.180 |     0.117 |    0.003       0.7     0.06 |    1000 |     0.118 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               UnpackMuonPIDSeq                            |     0.250 |     0.220 |    0.072      13.7     0.49 |    1000 |     0.220 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *                UnpackMuonPIDs                             |     0.190 |     0.197 |    0.058      13.6     0.49 |    1000 |     0.198 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *                CheckMuonPIDs                              |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               UnpackTrack                                 |     6.290 |     6.191 |    0.090      89.6    13.59 |    1000 |     6.192 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               UnpackRichPIDSeq                            |     0.370 |     0.347 |    0.068       6.1     0.80 |    1000 |     0.347 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *                UnpackRichPIDs                             |     0.350 |     0.325 |    0.051       6.1     0.80 |    1000 |     0.326 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *                CheckRichPIDs                              |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseAllPhotons                             |     2.170 |     2.092 |    0.042      66.7     6.13 |    1000 |     2.093 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             UnpackNeutralProtos                           |     0.940 |     0.910 |    0.032      26.7     3.37 |    1000 |     0.910 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             UnpackPhotons                                 |     0.651 |     0.718 |    0.051      40.9     3.76 |     982 |     0.706 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseResolvedPi0                            |     0.020 |     0.016 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |    1000 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLoosePi02gg                                 |     1.070 |     1.089 |    0.009      18.8     1.16 |    1000 |     1.090 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseMergedPi0                              |     0.080 |     0.027 |    0.005       0.7     0.03 |    1000 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdTightDetachedTau3pi                         |     0.328 |     0.270 |    0.100       3.6     0.20 |     974 |     0.264 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLoosePions                                  |     0.143 |     0.124 |    0.006       0.8     0.08 |     974 |     0.121 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdAllLoosePions                               |     0.112 |     0.181 |    0.017       0.9     0.10 |     974 |     0.177 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseMuons                                  |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.004       0.3     0.02 |     974 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdAllLooseMuons                               |     0.060 |     0.083 |    0.003       0.9     0.06 |    1000 |     0.083 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdLooseKaons                               |     0.041 |     0.065 |    0.004       0.6     0.05 |     974 |     0.064 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdAllLooseKaons                            |     0.112 |     0.116 |    0.012       0.6     0.07 |     974 |     0.113 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdLooseProtons                             |     0.082 |     0.071 |    0.003       4.9     0.16 |     974 |     0.070 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdAllLooseProtons                          |     0.112 |     0.109 |    0.009       0.6     0.07 |     974 |     0.107 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *                  StdLooseKsDD                             |     0.492 |     0.450 |    0.048      52.3     1.68 |     974 |     0.439 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *                  StdNoPIDsDownPions                       |     0.080 |     0.055 |    0.002       1.0     0.05 |    1000 |     0.056 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *                  StdLooseKsLL                             |     0.123 |     0.148 |    0.037       1.4     0.08 |     974 |     0.145 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *                  StdLooseLambdaDD                         |     0.338 |     0.306 |    0.062       5.5     0.25 |     974 |     0.299 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *                  StdNoPIDsDownProtons                     |     0.020 |     0.054 |    0.002       0.8     0.05 |    1000 |     0.054 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *                  StdLooseLambdaLL                         |     0.174 |     0.187 |    0.058       1.5     0.10 |     974 |     0.183 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdLooseD02KPi                              |     0.143 |     0.126 |    0.047       4.6     0.18 |     974 |     0.124 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdLooseDplus2KPiPi                         |     0.256 |     0.260 |    0.042       5.9     0.40 |     974 |     0.254 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdLooseDsplus2KKPi                         |     0.195 |     0.245 |    0.039       9.1     0.50 |     974 |     0.240 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdLooseLambdac2PKPi                        |     0.123 |     0.177 |    0.057       4.5     0.26 |     974 |     0.173 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdLooseDetachedPhi2KK                      |     0.092 |     0.110 |    0.027       1.5     0.08 |     974 |     0.108 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdLooseDiMuon                              |     0.110 |     0.086 |    0.028       1.9     0.13 |    1000 |     0.087 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdLooseDstarWithD02KPi                     |     0.051 |     0.074 |    0.040       1.4     0.06 |     974 |     0.073 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdAllLooseANNProtons                          |     0.082 |     0.139 |    0.013       0.6     0.08 |     974 |     0.136 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *           Hlt1DecReportsDecoder                           |     0.090 |     0.461 |    0.031     416.2    13.16 |    1000 |     0.462 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *           Hlt2DecReportsDecoder                           |     1.510 |     1.561 |    0.175    1330.0    42.05 |    1000 |     1.562 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdTightMuons                                  |     0.051 |     0.102 |    0.013       1.0     0.07 |     974 |     0.100 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdNoPIDsKaons                                 |     0.143 |     0.137 |    0.006       0.7     0.09 |     974 |     0.134 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdAllNoPIDsKaons                              |     0.112 |     0.118 |    0.016       1.0     0.07 |     974 |     0.116 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdNoPIDsUpPions                            |     0.061 |     0.087 |    0.010       0.8     0.05 |     974 |     0.086 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdNoPIDsUpKaons                            |     0.172 |     0.074 |    0.015       0.2     0.03 |     405 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdAllNoPIDsProtons                            |     0.200 |     0.173 |    0.002       1.8     0.10 |    1000 |     0.174 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseANNProtons                             |     0.102 |     0.144 |    0.008       1.3     0.09 |     974 |     0.141 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdTightPhi2KK                                 |     0.082 |     0.082 |    0.042       0.7     0.05 |     974 |     0.080 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdTightKaons                                  |     0.164 |     0.166 |    0.017       0.8     0.07 |     974 |     0.163 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseANNKaons                               |     0.041 |     0.075 |    0.004       0.5     0.05 |     974 |     0.074 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdAllLooseANNKaons                            |     0.277 |     0.189 |    0.028       5.0     0.18 |     974 |     0.184 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseANNPions                               |     0.102 |     0.109 |    0.007       1.4     0.08 |     974 |     0.107 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdAllLooseANNPions                            |     0.184 |     0.140 |    0.016       1.1     0.08 |     974 |     0.137 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdLooseDplus2KKPi                          |     0.246 |     0.271 |    0.050      10.1     0.53 |     974 |     0.265 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseKstar2Kpi                              |     1.652 |     1.717 |    0.057      22.4     2.02 |     956 |     1.642 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdDiElectronFromTracks                        |     3.501 |     3.495 |    0.022      67.6     4.91 |     974 |     3.405 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             UnpackElectrons                               |     0.527 |     0.620 |    0.090      12.3     1.63 |     966 |     0.599 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseLambdaLD                               |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseLambdaLDpDown                          |     0.359 |     0.282 |    0.105       1.5     0.13 |     974 |     0.276 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseLambdaLDpLong                          |     0.174 |     0.226 |    0.059       1.4     0.13 |     974 |     0.221 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *           L0DUFromRaw                                     |     0.510 |     0.346 |    0.232      15.7     0.50 |    1000 |     0.346 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            UnpackMuonTracks                               |     0.409 |     0.345 |    0.039       2.2     0.36 |     610 |     0.211 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            L0DecReportsMaker                              |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.020       0.4     0.02 |     489 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            L0SelReportsMaker                              |     3.169 |     3.402 |    0.458    1333.7    60.28 |     489 |     1.664 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             L0MuonFromRaw                                 |     0.163 |     0.294 |    0.190       8.8     0.41 |     489 |     0.144 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             L0CaloFromRaw                                 |     0.061 |     0.145 |    0.083       4.5     0.27 |     489 |     0.071 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseElectrons                              |     0.041 |     0.048 |    0.004       0.5     0.03 |     974 |     0.048 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdAllLooseElectrons                           |     0.646 |     0.780 |    0.015      21.7     0.89 |     974 |     0.760 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             StdVeryLooseAllPhotons                        |     0.307 |     0.241 |    0.029       1.1     0.10 |     975 |     0.235 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdAllNoPIDsMuons                              |     0.150 |     0.135 |    0.003       0.6     0.07 |    1000 |     0.135 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdMassConstrainedJpsi2MuMu                    |     0.041 |     0.069 |    0.043       3.4     0.12 |     974 |     0.068 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdNoPIDsMuons                                 |     0.112 |     0.132 |    0.005       0.9     0.09 |     974 |     0.129 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            BDTTagJets                                     |     0.600 |     0.548 |    0.004      21.4     0.89 |    1000 |     0.548 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdJets                                        |    11.130 |    11.137 |    0.883     119.5    12.70 |    1000 |    11.138 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            PFParticles                                    |    19.550 |    19.619 |    1.738     349.9    19.91 |    1000 |    19.619 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             VeloProtoPMaker                               |     0.400 |     0.383 |    0.026      37.9     2.79 |    1000 |     0.384 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             HcalClusterization                            |     0.690 |     0.684 |    0.213      26.6     0.86 |    1000 |     0.684 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             HcalCov                                       |     0.130 |     0.135 |    0.024       3.1     0.10 |    1000 |     0.135 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             Hcal2TrackMatching                            |     5.270 |     5.328 |    0.060      48.8     6.29 |    1000 |     5.329 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             PF                                            |    12.980 |    13.038 |    1.239     272.0    13.50 |    1000 |    13.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *              HcalZSup                                     |     0.270 |     0.250 |    0.118       3.7     0.15 |    1000 |     0.251 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *              InHCAL                                       |     0.450 |     0.525 |    0.022       8.0     0.42 |    1000 |     0.525 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *              V0FromDstMaker                               |     0.400 |     0.409 |    0.115      12.8     0.44 |    1000 |     0.409 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               UnpackTwoProngVertex                        |     0.220 |     0.223 |    0.048       1.7     0.14 |    1000 |     0.224 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *              ClusterReco                                  |     6.570 |     6.923 |    0.451      43.0     4.90 |    1000 |     6.924 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               CaloDigits                                  |     1.260 |     1.334 |    0.361       9.6     0.60 |    1000 |     1.335 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *                SpdFromRaw                                 |     0.260 |     0.237 |    0.057       2.0     0.11 |    1000 |     0.238 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *                PrsFromRaw                                 |     0.250 |     0.356 |    0.045       8.3     0.33 |    1000 |     0.357 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *                EcalZSup                                   |     0.740 |     0.714 |    0.236       4.1     0.27 |    1000 |     0.714 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               CaloDigitFilter                             |     0.260 |     0.208 |    0.041       7.4     0.32 |    1000 |     0.209 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               EcalClust                                   |     1.150 |     1.212 |    0.014       7.8     0.84 |    1000 |     1.213 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               EcalShare                                   |     3.540 |     3.845 |    0.004      26.7     3.37 |    1000 |     3.846 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               EcalCovar                                   |     0.310 |     0.277 |    0.003       1.2     0.18 |    1000 |     0.278 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *              ClusterMatch                                 |     3.770 |     3.380 |    0.040      55.9     5.09 |    1000 |     3.380 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               InECAL                                      |     0.400 |     0.301 |    0.014       2.7     0.20 |    1000 |     0.301 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             createODIN                                    |     0.020 |     0.034 |    0.021       0.5     0.02 |    1000 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             UnpackMCParticles                             |     0.034 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.2     0.01 |     858 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseDstarWithD02KPiDCS                     |     0.041 |     0.080 |    0.039       0.7     0.04 |     974 |     0.078 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseD02KPiDCS                              |     0.195 |     0.165 |    0.057       1.3     0.09 |     974 |     0.162 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseJpsi2MuMu                              |     0.100 |     0.057 |    0.033       1.6     0.07 |    1000 |     0.058 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdNoPIDsElectrons                             |     0.121 |     0.178 |    0.038       0.9     0.13 |     575 |     0.103 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdAllNoPIDsElectrons                          |     2.100 |     2.111 |    0.003      15.6     1.79 |    1000 |     2.111 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdAllLooseGammaLL                             |     0.677 |     0.668 |    0.009       8.8     0.83 |     974 |     0.651 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdAllLooseGammaDD                             |     0.349 |     0.289 |    0.016       5.2     0.37 |     974 |     0.282 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseDiElectron                             |     0.184 |     0.115 |    0.036       2.2     0.11 |     974 |     0.112 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               Bu2MuNu_MuForBu2MuNu                        |     0.024 |     0.020 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |     402 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdTightANNMuons                            |     0.024 |     0.085 |    0.015       0.3     0.04 |     416 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdNoPIDsDownElectrons                         |     0.472 |     0.515 |    0.006       5.8     0.47 |     974 |     0.502 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseDownMuons                              |     0.082 |     0.068 |    0.006       4.3     0.14 |     974 |     0.066 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseDiMuonSameSign                         |     0.080 |     0.104 |    0.037       1.4     0.13 |    1000 |     0.104 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdLoosePhi2KK                              |     0.462 |     0.414 |    0.028       6.7     0.59 |     974 |     0.403 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdLooseLambdastar2pK                       |     1.467 |     1.585 |    0.042      14.3     1.66 |     879 |     1.394 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseDownKaons                              |     0.051 |     0.089 |    0.006       0.5     0.04 |     974 |     0.087 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdNoPIDsProtons                               |     0.143 |     0.154 |    0.005       0.8     0.09 |     974 |     0.150 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseDetachedTau3pi                         |     1.135 |     1.101 |    0.091      14.8     1.54 |     581 |     0.640 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdTightElectrons                              |     0.360 |     0.485 |    0.011       4.4     0.41 |     861 |     0.418 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdLooseDalitzPi0                           |     0.626 |     0.685 |    0.034      25.5     1.42 |     974 |     0.668 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdDiElectronGamma                          |     1.960 |     1.984 |    0.014      40.5     3.64 |     974 |     1.933 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            Hlt1SelReportsDecoder                          |     0.195 |     0.152 |    0.035       7.1     0.24 |     921 |     0.140 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            Hlt2SelReportsDecoder                          |     0.270 |     0.282 |    0.037      10.6     0.50 |     851 |     0.241 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdTightProtons                                |     0.132 |     0.157 |    0.003       0.6     0.07 |     905 |     0.143 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdAllLooseMuPion                           |     0.574 |     0.541 |    0.096       7.6     0.50 |     783 |     0.424 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdVeryTightDsplus2KKPi                        |     0.106 |     0.120 |    0.072       1.5     0.07 |     941 |     0.113 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseResolvedEta                            |     0.074 |     0.054 |    0.009       1.1     0.08 |     402 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseEta2gg                                 |     1.844 |     1.880 |    0.123      10.2     1.41 |     526 |     0.989 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            createBothVeloClusters                         |     0.995 |     1.266 |    0.238       4.4     0.55 |     974 |     1.234 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             UnpackMergedPi0s                              |     0.169 |     0.166 |    0.058       1.1     0.10 |     768 |     0.128 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             UnpackSplitPhotons                            |     0.273 |     0.170 |    0.045       1.3     0.18 |     768 |     0.131 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdVeryLooseDetachedKst2Kpi                    |     0.139 |     0.228 |    0.051       1.3     0.16 |     790 |     0.181 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseRho0                                   |     0.197 |     0.189 |    0.038       1.6     0.12 |     506 |     0.096 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *                  StdLooseDplus2hhh                        |     1.273 |     1.344 |    0.087      28.7     2.13 |     314 |     0.422 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *                  StdLoosePhotons                          |     0.206 |     0.149 |    0.055       0.3     0.05 |     145 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        createTTClusters                                   |     0.982 |     1.044 |    0.208       4.1     0.48 |     448 |     0.468 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        createITClusters                                   |     0.652 |     0.714 |    0.133       3.1     0.39 |     291 |     0.208 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseKsLD                                   |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |     372 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseKsLD_NegLong                           |     0.134 |     0.244 |    0.081       1.6     0.13 |     372 |     0.091 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseKsLD_PosLong                           |     0.241 |     0.207 |    0.061       1.4     0.12 |     372 |     0.077 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            MDSTJets                                       |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     233 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        TaggingParticles                                   |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.016       0.1     0.01 |      87 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        TaggingElectrons                                   |     0.459 |     0.715 |    0.075       2.2     0.42 |      87 |     0.062 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        TaggingMuons                                       |     0.229 |     0.155 |    0.043       0.4     0.08 |      87 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        TaggingPions                                       |     0.229 |     0.279 |    0.055       0.9     0.16 |      87 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        Tag_StdD02KPi                                      |     0.344 |     0.205 |    0.085       1.3     0.14 |      87 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        Tag_CharmKaonList                                  |     0.344 |     0.203 |    0.065       0.5     0.09 |      87 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        Tag_CharmPionList                                  |     0.229 |     0.152 |    0.052       0.4     0.06 |      87 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        Tag_StdD02KPiPiPi                                  |     0.344 |     0.429 |    0.123       3.5     0.47 |      87 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        Tag_StdD02KPiPi0                                   |     1.494 |     1.547 |    0.075      14.6     2.36 |      87 |     0.135 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        Tag_CharmPi0List                                   |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      87 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        Tag_StdDp2KPiPi                                    |     0.114 |     0.253 |    0.053       1.4     0.26 |      87 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        Tag_StdD2KPipart                                   |     0.574 |     0.241 |    0.120       1.3     0.15 |      87 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        Tag_CharmTightKaonList                             |     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.008       0.2     0.03 |      87 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        Tag_StdD2Kepart                                    |     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.061       1.4     0.14 |      87 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        Tag_CharmElecList                                  |     0.229 |     0.225 |    0.071       0.5     0.09 |      87 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        Tag_StdD2Kmupart                                   |     0.000 |     0.116 |    0.059       1.2     0.14 |      87 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        Tag_CharmMuonList                                  |     0.000 |     0.182 |    0.054       0.5     0.08 |      87 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        Tag_StdLambdaC2PKPi                                |     0.114 |     0.196 |    0.069       1.9     0.26 |      87 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        Tag_CharmProtonList                                |     0.000 |     0.167 |    0.057       0.4     0.07 |      87 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        PrsFromRawAdc                                      |     0.526 |     0.314 |    0.158       1.5     0.16 |     133 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        EcalAdcZSup                                        |     0.676 |     0.702 |    0.368       2.2     0.25 |     133 |     0.093 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdJetsNoJetIDBanDaughtersPrompt               |    28.333 |    28.410 |   13.416      59.6    18.67 |       6 |     0.170 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdJetsNoJetIDNoBan                            |    23.750 |    23.714 |    3.514      69.5    18.50 |      16 |     0.379 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *                  StdVeryLooseLambdaLL                     |     0.000 |     0.531 |    0.131       1.6     0.33 |      57 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            MuonRec                                        |     1.481 |     0.765 |    0.121       4.0     0.75 |      27 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               Bu2MuNu_MuForBu2MuNuControl                 |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |      24 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdJetsNoJetIDBanDaughtersDetached             |    15.000 |    18.584 |   10.999      26.2    10.73 |       2 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        SplitClusterReco                                   |     1.578 |     1.771 |    0.474       5.7     1.34 |      19 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *         SplitClustersRec                                  |     1.578 |     1.742 |    0.448       5.7     1.33 |      19 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdAllTightGammaDD                             |     0.000 |     0.213 |    0.077       0.5     0.13 |      10 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdJetsNoJetIDBanSignal                        |    15.000 |    15.826 |    3.728      26.6     8.48 |       6 |     0.095 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseDetachedKst2Kpi                        |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.006       0.1     0.04 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *                  StdNoPIDsDownKaons                       |     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.043       0.2     0.03 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdJetsNoJetIDBanDaughtersSameSignPrompt       |    35.000 |    33.279 |   18.777      47.8    20.51 |       2 |     0.067 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            createTTLiteClusters                           |     1.111 |     1.044 |    0.149       7.7     2.50 |       9 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseRhoPlus                                |     0.769 |     0.515 |    0.081       1.7     0.46 |      13 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseDetachedTau3piNonPhys                  |     4.000 |     2.539 |    0.408       6.3     2.25 |       5 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdJetsNoJetIDBanMuonsDef                      |    20.000 |    18.069 |   18.069      18.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdJetsNoJetIDAddBDef                          |    20.000 |    21.746 |   21.746      21.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLoosePi02gee                                |     6.666 |     4.568 |    0.806      12.0     6.40 |       3 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLoosePi024e                                 |     3.333 |     1.174 |    0.058       3.4     1.93 |       3 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdJetsNoJetIDBanMuonsKKLTUB                   |    70.000 |    67.789 |   67.789      67.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.068 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdJetsNoJetIDAddBKKLTUB                       |    70.000 |    75.634 |   75.634      75.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.076 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdTightPions                                  |     0.000 |     0.170 |    0.170       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO   LumiSeq                                                   |     0.020 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO    EventAccount                                             |     0.000 |     0.001 |    0.001       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            UnpackRecVertex                                |     1.180 |     1.464 |    0.089      38.7     5.03 |    1000 |     1.465 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             unpackFittedVeloTracks                        |     1.026 |     1.186 |    0.069      38.5     4.96 |     974 |     1.156 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdNoPIDsPions                                 |     0.102 |     0.138 |    0.008       5.3     0.18 |     974 |     0.135 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdAllNoPIDsPions                              |     0.070 |     0.120 |    0.003       3.6     0.12 |    1000 |     0.121 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            UnpackChargedProtosSeq                         |     7.820 |     7.713 |    0.285      91.1    14.38 |    1000 |     7.713 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             UnpackChargedProtos                           |     1.300 |     1.264 |    0.068      20.6     3.82 |    1000 |     1.265 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             ProtoParticleCombDLLs                         |     6.500 |     6.435 |    0.200      77.4    12.97 |    1000 |     6.436 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *              CheckChargedProtosExist                      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.1     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *              ChargedProtoPAddMuon                         |     5.810 |     5.865 |    0.087      74.9    12.80 |    1000 |     5.866 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *              ChargedProtoPAddRich                         |     0.550 |     0.437 |    0.079      13.7     0.89 |    1000 |     0.437 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *              ChargedProtoPCombDLL                         |     0.130 |     0.105 |    0.003       0.5     0.05 |    1000 |     0.106 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               UnpackMuonPIDSeq                            |     0.140 |     0.173 |    0.068       1.5     0.22 |    1000 |     0.173 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *                UnpackMuonPIDs                             |     0.140 |     0.156 |    0.054       1.4     0.22 |    1000 |     0.156 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *                CheckMuonPIDs                              |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               UnpackTrack                                 |     5.800 |     5.796 |    0.068      74.6    12.93 |    1000 |     5.796 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               UnpackRichPIDSeq                            |     0.350 |     0.304 |    0.057       6.2     0.78 |    1000 |     0.305 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *                UnpackRichPIDs                             |     0.320 |     0.287 |    0.046       6.2     0.77 |    1000 |     0.288 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *                CheckRichPIDs                              |     0.010 |     0.004 |    0.002       0.0     0.00 |    1000 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseAllPhotons                             |     1.860 |     1.876 |    0.024      62.7     5.81 |    1000 |     1.877 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             UnpackNeutralProtos                           |     0.810 |     0.838 |    0.031      24.4     3.24 |    1000 |     0.838 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             UnpackPhotons                                 |     0.702 |     0.659 |    0.036      37.7     3.62 |     982 |     0.648 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseResolvedPi0                            |     0.010 |     0.019 |    0.004       3.4     0.15 |    1000 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLoosePi02gg                                 |     1.110 |     0.995 |    0.008      17.2     1.03 |    1000 |     0.996 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseMergedPi0                              |     0.030 |     0.021 |    0.004       0.5     0.02 |    1000 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdTightDetachedTau3pi                         |     0.195 |     0.212 |    0.084       3.7     0.15 |     974 |     0.207 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLoosePions                                  |     0.102 |     0.110 |    0.006       0.6     0.07 |     974 |     0.108 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdAllLoosePions                               |     0.184 |     0.143 |    0.014       0.9     0.07 |     974 |     0.140 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseMuons                                  |     0.030 |     0.019 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     974 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdAllLooseMuons                               |     0.060 |     0.071 |    0.002       0.5     0.04 |    1000 |     0.072 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdLooseKaons                               |     0.030 |     0.058 |    0.003       0.5     0.05 |     974 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdAllLooseKaons                            |     0.082 |     0.102 |    0.009       0.5     0.06 |     974 |     0.099 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdLooseProtons                             |     0.092 |     0.058 |    0.003       0.5     0.05 |     974 |     0.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdAllLooseProtons                          |     0.082 |     0.098 |    0.005       1.2     0.07 |     974 |     0.096 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *                  StdLooseKsDD                             |     0.410 |     0.384 |    0.041      32.1     1.05 |     974 |     0.374 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *                  StdNoPIDsDownPions                       |     0.040 |     0.046 |    0.002       3.3     0.11 |    1000 |     0.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *                  StdLooseKsLL                             |     0.123 |     0.126 |    0.035       0.9     0.05 |     974 |     0.124 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *                  StdLooseLambdaDD                         |     0.195 |     0.263 |    0.054       1.2     0.15 |     974 |     0.256 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *                  StdNoPIDsDownProtons                     |     0.030 |     0.044 |    0.002       0.2     0.03 |    1000 |     0.045 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *                  StdLooseLambdaLL                         |     0.112 |     0.162 |    0.051       1.3     0.08 |     974 |     0.158 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdLooseD02KPi                              |     0.082 |     0.106 |    0.039       2.0     0.08 |     974 |     0.103 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdLooseDplus2KPiPi                         |     0.256 |     0.239 |    0.037       5.4     0.37 |     974 |     0.233 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdLooseDsplus2KKPi                         |     0.215 |     0.228 |    0.036       9.8     0.48 |     974 |     0.222 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdLooseLambdac2PKPi                        |     0.164 |     0.158 |    0.050       4.3     0.23 |     974 |     0.155 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdLooseDetachedPhi2KK                      |     0.051 |     0.093 |    0.026       1.2     0.06 |     974 |     0.091 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdLooseDiMuon                              |     0.090 |     0.070 |    0.024       1.1     0.09 |    1000 |     0.070 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdLooseDstarWithD02KPi                     |     0.030 |     0.064 |    0.037       1.2     0.05 |     974 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdAllLooseANNProtons                          |     0.123 |     0.110 |    0.009       0.4     0.05 |     974 |     0.108 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *           Hlt1DecReportsDecoder                           |     0.080 |     0.685 |    0.026     649.0    20.52 |    1000 |     0.686 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *           Hlt2DecReportsDecoder                           |     1.330 |     1.407 |    0.163    1196.4    37.83 |    1000 |     1.408 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdTightMuons                                  |     0.112 |     0.087 |    0.010       4.6     0.18 |     974 |     0.085 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdNoPIDsKaons                                 |     0.092 |     0.118 |    0.004       0.6     0.08 |     974 |     0.116 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdAllNoPIDsKaons                              |     0.071 |     0.094 |    0.013       0.4     0.05 |     974 |     0.092 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdNoPIDsUpPions                            |     0.071 |     0.065 |    0.005       0.7     0.03 |     974 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdNoPIDsUpKaons                            |     0.148 |     0.053 |    0.006       0.2     0.02 |     405 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdAllNoPIDsProtons                            |     0.120 |     0.128 |    0.002       0.8     0.06 |    1000 |     0.128 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseANNProtons                             |     0.092 |     0.117 |    0.005       0.7     0.08 |     974 |     0.114 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdTightPhi2KK                                 |     0.071 |     0.070 |    0.039       0.6     0.04 |     974 |     0.069 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdTightKaons                                  |     0.143 |     0.128 |    0.018       0.4     0.06 |     974 |     0.125 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseANNKaons                               |     0.051 |     0.068 |    0.004       0.4     0.05 |     974 |     0.066 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdAllLooseANNKaons                            |     0.133 |     0.138 |    0.018       0.6     0.06 |     974 |     0.135 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseANNPions                               |     0.092 |     0.103 |    0.006       3.2     0.12 |     974 |     0.101 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdAllLooseANNPions                            |     0.123 |     0.122 |    0.014       0.6     0.06 |     974 |     0.119 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdLooseDplus2KKPi                          |     0.215 |     0.239 |    0.048       9.2     0.45 |     974 |     0.233 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseKstar2Kpi                              |     1.527 |     1.526 |    0.055      20.1     1.76 |     956 |     1.459 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdDiElectronFromTracks                        |     2.997 |     3.064 |    0.017      45.3     3.96 |     974 |     2.985 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             UnpackElectrons                               |     0.672 |     0.559 |    0.062       8.8     1.54 |     966 |     0.540 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseLambdaLD                               |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     974 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseLambdaLDpDown                          |     0.215 |     0.238 |    0.087       1.0     0.09 |     974 |     0.232 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseLambdaLDpLong                          |     0.246 |     0.198 |    0.058       1.0     0.10 |     974 |     0.193 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *           L0DUFromRaw                                     |     0.280 |     0.293 |    0.199      17.6     0.59 |    1000 |     0.293 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            UnpackMuonTracks                               |     0.316 |     0.295 |    0.036       1.9     0.34 |     663 |     0.196 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            L0DecReportsMaker                              |     0.061 |     0.030 |    0.019       0.4     0.02 |     489 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            L0SelReportsMaker                              |     2.944 |     3.091 |    0.384    1237.1    55.92 |     489 |     1.512 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             L0MuonFromRaw                                 |     0.286 |     0.251 |    0.157       7.4     0.38 |     489 |     0.123 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             L0CaloFromRaw                                 |     0.102 |     0.120 |    0.075       3.7     0.18 |     489 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseElectrons                              |     0.082 |     0.041 |    0.004       0.4     0.03 |     974 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdAllLooseElectrons                           |     0.687 |     0.664 |    0.010      12.9     0.65 |     974 |     0.647 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             StdVeryLooseAllPhotons                        |     0.225 |     0.198 |    0.016       0.5     0.07 |     975 |     0.193 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdAllNoPIDsMuons                              |     0.120 |     0.101 |    0.003       0.6     0.05 |    1000 |     0.101 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdMassConstrainedJpsi2MuMu                    |     0.061 |     0.060 |    0.040       2.8     0.09 |     974 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdNoPIDsMuons                                 |     0.112 |     0.115 |    0.005       0.5     0.07 |     974 |     0.113 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            BDTTagJets                                     |     0.360 |     0.468 |    0.003      15.6     0.70 |    1000 |     0.468 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdJets                                        |    10.080 |    10.124 |    0.864     136.8    11.59 |    1000 |    10.125 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            PFParticles                                    |    17.810 |    17.729 |    1.615     304.8    18.94 |    1000 |    17.730 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             VeloProtoPMaker                               |     0.420 |     0.345 |    0.024      37.9     2.82 |    1000 |     0.345 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             HcalClusterization                            |     0.630 |     0.579 |    0.187      16.3     0.55 |    1000 |     0.580 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             HcalCov                                       |     0.070 |     0.123 |    0.022       1.5     0.06 |    1000 |     0.124 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             Hcal2TrackMatching                            |     5.070 |     4.979 |    0.053      86.3     5.95 |    1000 |     4.980 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             PF                                            |    11.550 |    11.658 |    1.146     217.3    13.01 |    1000 |    11.659 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *              HcalZSup                                     |     0.180 |     0.208 |    0.102       2.1     0.08 |    1000 |     0.209 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *              InHCAL                                       |     0.460 |     0.447 |    0.020       4.4     0.30 |    1000 |     0.447 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *              V0FromDstMaker                               |     0.300 |     0.335 |    0.095       6.0     0.27 |    1000 |     0.336 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               UnpackTwoProngVertex                        |     0.130 |     0.182 |    0.039       1.3     0.13 |    1000 |     0.182 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *              ClusterReco                                  |     6.150 |     6.222 |    0.419      29.9     4.28 |    1000 |     6.222 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               CaloDigits                                  |     0.920 |     1.129 |    0.333       6.0     0.40 |    1000 |     1.129 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *                SpdFromRaw                                 |     0.160 |     0.192 |    0.053       0.8     0.08 |    1000 |     0.193 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *                PrsFromRaw                                 |     0.210 |     0.294 |    0.041       4.3     0.19 |    1000 |     0.295 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *                EcalZSup                                   |     0.510 |     0.621 |    0.221       1.7     0.20 |    1000 |     0.621 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               CaloDigitFilter                             |     0.160 |     0.153 |    0.036       6.7     0.21 |    1000 |     0.153 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               EcalClust                                   |     1.030 |     1.082 |    0.013       5.8     0.73 |    1000 |     1.083 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               EcalShare                                   |     3.670 |     3.606 |    0.004      20.3     3.07 |    1000 |     3.607 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               EcalCovar                                   |     0.310 |     0.217 |    0.003       1.1     0.12 |    1000 |     0.217 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *              ClusterMatch                                 |     3.340 |     3.264 |    0.035     196.1     7.67 |    1000 |     3.265 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               InECAL                                      |     0.290 |     0.227 |    0.014       1.9     0.15 |    1000 |     0.227 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             createODIN                                    |     0.040 |     0.026 |    0.017       0.3     0.01 |    1000 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             UnpackMCParticles                             |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.2     0.01 |     858 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseDstarWithD02KPiDCS                     |     0.082 |     0.070 |    0.037       0.6     0.03 |     974 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseD02KPiDCS                              |     0.133 |     0.136 |    0.055       0.9     0.07 |     974 |     0.133 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseJpsi2MuMu                              |     0.050 |     0.048 |    0.030       1.2     0.04 |    1000 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdNoPIDsElectrons                             |     0.191 |     0.158 |    0.033       0.8     0.11 |     575 |     0.091 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdAllNoPIDsElectrons                          |     1.880 |     1.865 |    0.002      13.3     1.50 |    1000 |     1.866 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdAllLooseGammaLL                             |     0.585 |     0.571 |    0.009       8.2     0.77 |     974 |     0.557 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdAllLooseGammaDD                             |     0.205 |     0.244 |    0.015       4.0     0.29 |     974 |     0.238 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseDiElectron                             |     0.051 |     0.096 |    0.033       0.8     0.08 |     974 |     0.094 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               Bu2MuNu_MuForBu2MuNu                        |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.003       0.1     0.01 |     402 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdTightANNMuons                            |     0.120 |     0.064 |    0.012       1.3     0.07 |     416 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdNoPIDsDownElectrons                         |     0.379 |     0.436 |    0.005       2.8     0.34 |     974 |     0.425 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseDownMuons                              |     0.051 |     0.045 |    0.006       0.7     0.03 |     974 |     0.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseDiMuonSameSign                         |     0.120 |     0.087 |    0.032       1.1     0.10 |    1000 |     0.088 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdLoosePhi2KK                              |     0.318 |     0.364 |    0.026       7.0     0.54 |     974 |     0.355 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdLooseLambdastar2pK                       |     1.524 |     1.427 |    0.040      14.9     1.52 |     879 |     1.255 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseDownKaons                              |     0.071 |     0.063 |    0.006       0.2     0.03 |     974 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdNoPIDsProtons                               |     0.133 |     0.130 |    0.006       0.6     0.08 |     974 |     0.127 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseDetachedTau3pi                         |     0.929 |     1.034 |    0.078      11.9     1.44 |     581 |     0.601 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdTightElectrons                              |     0.418 |     0.402 |    0.011       2.3     0.35 |     861 |     0.346 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdLooseDalitzPi0                           |     0.646 |     0.634 |    0.031      25.4     1.32 |     974 |     0.618 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdDiElectronGamma                          |     1.940 |     1.810 |    0.012      40.8     3.22 |     974 |     1.763 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            Hlt1SelReportsDecoder                          |     0.159 |     0.123 |    0.025       5.6     0.19 |     941 |     0.116 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            Hlt2SelReportsDecoder                          |     0.316 |     0.232 |    0.015       6.8     0.37 |     885 |     0.206 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdTightProtons                                |     0.077 |     0.112 |    0.003       0.3     0.05 |     905 |     0.102 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               StdAllLooseMuPion                           |     0.625 |     0.486 |    0.089       4.0     0.41 |     783 |     0.381 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdVeryTightDsplus2KKPi                        |     0.063 |     0.104 |    0.065       1.4     0.06 |     941 |     0.099 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseResolvedEta                            |     0.024 |     0.041 |    0.007       0.2     0.03 |     402 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseEta2gg                                 |     1.825 |     1.770 |    0.079       9.8     1.35 |     526 |     0.931 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            createBothVeloClusters                         |     1.211 |     1.101 |    0.213       4.1     0.47 |     974 |     1.073 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             UnpackMergedPi0s                              |     0.130 |     0.138 |    0.053       1.5     0.10 |     768 |     0.106 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *             UnpackSplitPhotons                            |     0.156 |     0.154 |    0.037       1.7     0.17 |     768 |     0.119 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdVeryLooseDetachedKst2Kpi                    |     0.202 |     0.191 |    0.045       1.3     0.13 |     790 |     0.151 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseRho0                                   |     0.158 |     0.151 |    0.030       0.9     0.09 |     506 |     0.077 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *                  StdLooseDplus2hhh                        |     1.401 |     1.268 |    0.084      21.2     1.96 |     314 |     0.398 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *                  StdLoosePhotons                          |     0.206 |     0.120 |    0.048       0.2     0.03 |     145 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        createTTClusters                                   |     1.071 |     0.921 |    0.176       5.6     0.44 |     448 |     0.413 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        createITClusters                                   |     0.515 |     0.638 |    0.109       5.1     0.40 |     291 |     0.186 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseKsLD                                   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |     372 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseKsLD_NegLong                           |     0.241 |     0.213 |    0.074       3.7     0.21 |     372 |     0.080 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseKsLD_PosLong                           |     0.215 |     0.180 |    0.056       0.8     0.09 |     372 |     0.067 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            MDSTJets                                       |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |     233 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        TaggingParticles                                   |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.010       0.1     0.01 |      87 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        TaggingElectrons                                   |     0.344 |     0.564 |    0.052       1.9     0.35 |      87 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        TaggingMuons                                       |     0.229 |     0.139 |    0.040       0.5     0.07 |      87 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        TaggingPions                                       |     0.344 |     0.230 |    0.049       0.5     0.10 |      87 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        Tag_StdD02KPi                                      |     0.229 |     0.159 |    0.064       1.0     0.11 |      87 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        Tag_CharmKaonList                                  |     0.229 |     0.164 |    0.057       0.9     0.10 |      87 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        Tag_CharmPionList                                  |     0.000 |     0.134 |    0.051       0.4     0.06 |      87 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        Tag_StdD02KPiPiPi                                  |     0.459 |     0.397 |    0.113       3.6     0.49 |      87 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        Tag_StdD02KPiPi0                                   |     1.264 |     1.437 |    0.062      14.6     2.49 |      87 |     0.125 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        Tag_CharmPi0List                                   |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.009       0.1     0.01 |      87 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        Tag_StdDp2KPiPi                                    |     0.344 |     0.232 |    0.050       1.3     0.23 |      87 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        Tag_StdD2KPipart                                   |     0.229 |     0.215 |    0.109       1.0     0.14 |      87 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        Tag_CharmTightKaonList                             |     0.114 |     0.047 |    0.006       0.1     0.02 |      87 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        Tag_StdD2Kepart                                    |     0.000 |     0.096 |    0.056       1.2     0.12 |      87 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        Tag_CharmElecList                                  |     0.459 |     0.207 |    0.070       0.8     0.10 |      87 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        Tag_StdD2Kmupart                                   |     0.344 |     0.094 |    0.053       1.0     0.10 |      87 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        Tag_CharmMuonList                                  |     0.000 |     0.153 |    0.057       0.4     0.06 |      87 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        Tag_StdLambdaC2PKPi                                |     0.229 |     0.178 |    0.063       1.9     0.24 |      87 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        Tag_CharmProtonList                                |     0.000 |     0.150 |    0.055       0.3     0.06 |      87 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        PrsFromRawAdc                                      |     0.375 |     0.269 |    0.118       1.1     0.14 |     133 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        EcalAdcZSup                                        |     0.827 |     0.604 |    0.353       1.2     0.15 |     133 |     0.080 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdJetsNoJetIDBanDaughtersPrompt               |    28.333 |    26.438 |   12.282      55.0    16.92 |       6 |     0.159 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdJetsNoJetIDNoBan                            |    24.375 |    22.596 |    3.679      70.7    18.01 |      16 |     0.362 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *                  StdVeryLooseLambdaLL                     |     0.701 |     0.473 |    0.128       1.4     0.27 |      57 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            MuonRec                                        |     0.740 |     0.570 |    0.098       3.2     0.56 |      27 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *               Bu2MuNu_MuForBu2MuNuControl                 |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.004       0.1     0.01 |      24 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdJetsNoJetIDBanDaughtersDetached             |    20.000 |    18.611 |   10.013      27.2    12.16 |       2 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *        SplitClusterReco                                   |     1.578 |     1.402 |    0.435       3.9     0.86 |      19 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *         SplitClustersRec                                  |     1.578 |     1.385 |    0.417       3.9     0.87 |      19 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdAllTightGammaDD                             |     0.000 |     0.173 |    0.044       0.4     0.13 |      10 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdJetsNoJetIDBanSignal                        |    16.666 |    14.037 |    4.358      25.6     6.86 |       6 |     0.084 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseDetachedKst2Kpi                        |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.006       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *                  StdNoPIDsDownKaons                       |     0.000 |     0.077 |    0.029       0.2     0.04 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdJetsNoJetIDBanDaughtersSameSignPrompt       |    30.000 |    27.367 |   18.367      36.4    12.73 |       2 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            createTTLiteClusters                           |     1.111 |     0.584 |    0.108       3.9     1.23 |       9 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseRhoPlus                                |     0.000 |     0.504 |    0.067       1.3     0.41 |      13 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLooseDetachedTau3piNonPhys                  |     6.000 |     1.599 |    0.401       2.6     0.80 |       5 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdJetsNoJetIDBanMuonsDef                      |    20.000 |    19.431 |   19.431      19.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdJetsNoJetIDAddBDef                          |    20.000 |    20.643 |   20.643      20.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLoosePi02gee                                |     3.333 |     2.657 |    0.540       6.7     3.48 |       3 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdLoosePi024e                                 |     0.000 |     0.476 |    0.032       1.4     0.77 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdJetsNoJetIDBanMuonsKKLTUB                   |    60.000 |    67.797 |   67.797      67.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdJetsNoJetIDAddBKKLTUB                       |    70.000 |    70.907 |   70.907      70.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.071 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO *            StdTightPions                                  |     0.000 |     0.150 |    0.150       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER              INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ToolSvc.DaVinci::ParticleTr...SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
 ToolSvc.DaVinci::ParticleTr...SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 42       Message = 'Error from StateProvider::state [RelatedInfo4_Bu2rho0rhoPlusResolvedLine]'
 ToolSvc.TrackStateProvider    SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Number of states added"                        |       974 |      72055 |     73.978 |     52.419 |      0.0000 |      350.00 |
- | "Number of tracks seen"                         |      1001 |     101593 |     101.49 |     67.097 |      0.0000 |      628.00 |
+ | "Number of states added"                        |       974 |      72056 |     73.979 |     52.418 |      0.0000 |      350.00 |
+ | "Number of tracks seen"                         |      1001 |     101607 |     101.51 |     67.105 |      0.0000 |      628.00 |
 ToolSvc.LoKi::PVReFitter      SUCCESS Number of counters : 10
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "#delta-R"                                      |     19219 |   2.953736 | 0.00015369 |  0.0043942 |   -0.055815 |     0.14614 |
@@ -153350,8 +153689,8 @@ ToolSvc.LoKi::DistanceCalcu...SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 3        Message = 'distanc
 *****Chrono*****                 INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 *****Chrono*****                 INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
 *****Chrono*****                 INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-DetailedMaterialLocator          INFO Time User   : Tot= 1.17  [s] Ave/Min/Max=0.00013(+-0.00175)/    0/ 0.13  [s] #=9027
-ChronoStatSvc                    INFO Time User   : Tot= 13.3[min]                                             #=  1
+DetailedMaterialLocator          INFO Time User   : Tot= 9.71  [s] Ave/Min/Max=0.00105(+-0.0711)/    0/ 6.66  [s] #=9285
+ChronoStatSvc                    INFO Time User   : Tot=   12[min]                                             #=  1
 *****Chrono*****                 INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ChronoStatSvc.finalize()         INFO  Service finalized successfully
 ApplicationMgr                   INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully