diff --git a/DaVinciExamples/example_data/Spruce_Run251342.yaml b/DaVinciExamples/example_data/Spruce_Run251342.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..23b19d3e0739517d627571da1d9f6d76c6c91e33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DaVinciExamples/example_data/Spruce_Run251342.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ - root://eoslhcb.cern.ch//eos/lhcb/wg/dpa/wp1/data/Run251342/spruce_all_lines_data.dst
+data_type: Upgrade
+input_type: ROOT
+simulation: True
+evt_max : -1
+ntuple_file: "Spruce_DV_Ks_example.root"
+input_raw_format: 0.5
+process: Spruce
+dddb_tag : 'upgrade/master'
+conddb_tag : 'md_VP_SciFi_macromicrosurvey_from20220923'
+python_logging_level: 3
+output_level: 3
+print_freq: 100
diff --git a/DaVinciExamples/python/DaVinciExamples/tupling/option_davinci_tupling_from_data.py b/DaVinciExamples/python/DaVinciExamples/tupling/option_davinci_tupling_from_data.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..36664d186a404c4a5fb90ac33fdacab047c3ca2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DaVinciExamples/python/DaVinciExamples/tupling/option_davinci_tupling_from_data.py
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# (c) Copyright 2022 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration           #
+#                                                                             #
+# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
+# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
+#                                                                             #
+# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
+# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
+# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
+from FunTuple import FunctorCollection
+from FunTuple import FunTuple_Particles as Funtuple
+from FunTuple.functorcollections import Kinematics
+from DaVinci.algorithms import add_filter
+from DaVinci import Options, make_config
+from PyConf.reading import get_particles, get_pvs
+import Functors as F
+from FunTuple.functorcollections import EventInfo
+from PyConf.application import metainfo_repos
+def main(options: Options):
+    #
+    # Input line
+    #
+    line_KS2PiPi = "SpruceCommissioning_KsToPimPip_LL"
+    particles_KS2PiPi = get_particles(
+        f"/Event/Spruce/{line_KS2PiPi}/Particles")
+    fields_KS2PiPi = {
+        'KS': "KS0 -> pi+ pi-",
+        'pip': "KS0 -> ^pi+ pi-",
+        'pim': "KS0 -> pi+ ^pi-"
+    }
+    v2_pvs = get_pvs()
+    #
+    # Variables for Ks.
+    # BPVLTIME sometimes gets the right solution, sometimes nan and sometimes nonsense.
+    # Reported as Rec#421.
+    #
+    variables = FunctorCollection({
+        "BPVFDCHI2": F.BPVFDCHI2(v2_pvs),
+        "BPVFD": F.BPVFD(v2_pvs),
+        'BPVLTIME': F.BPVLTIME(v2_pvs),
+        'BPVIP': F.BPVIP(v2_pvs),
+        'BPVIPCHI2': F.BPVIPCHI2(v2_pvs),
+        'CHI2': F.CHI2,
+        'END_VX': F.END_VX,
+        'END_VY': F.END_VY,
+        'END_VZ': F.END_VZ,
+        'BPVX': F.BPVX(v2_pvs),
+        'BPVY': F.BPVY(v2_pvs),
+        'BPVZ': F.BPVZ(v2_pvs),
+    })
+    #FunTuple: make functor collection from the imported functor library Kinematics
+    variables_all = Kinematics()
+    #
+    # Variables for pions. Just a technical test of functors.
+    # PID is uncalibrated and many PID variables return 0.
+    # PROBNN_D and PROBNN_MU presently returns nan.
+    #
+    all_vars = {}
+    all_vars['PID_E'] = F.PID_E
+    all_vars['PID_K'] = F.PID_K
+    all_vars['PID_MU'] = F.PID_MU
+    all_vars['PID_P'] = F.PID_P
+    all_vars['PID_PI'] = F.PID_PI
+    # POD
+    all_vars['PROBNN_D'] = F.PROBNN_D
+    all_vars['PROBNN_E'] = F.PROBNN_E
+    all_vars['PROBNN_GHOST'] = F.PROBNN_GHOST
+    all_vars['PROBNN_K'] = F.PROBNN_K
+    all_vars['PROBNN_MU'] = F.PROBNN_MU
+    all_vars['PROBNN_P'] = F.PROBNN_P
+    all_vars['PROBNN_PI'] = F.PROBNN_PI
+    variables_extra = FunctorCollection(all_vars)
+    #FunTuple: associate functor collections to field (branch) name
+    variables_KS2PiPi = {
+        'ALL': variables_all,  #adds variables to all fields
+        'KS': variables,
+        'pip': variables_extra,
+        'pim': variables_extra
+    }
+    #
+    # Event variables
+    #
+    evt_vars = EventInfo(extra_info=True)
+    evt_vars['PV_SIZE'] = F.SIZE(v2_pvs)
+    tuple_KS2PiPi = Funtuple(
+        name="Tuple_KS2PiPi",
+        tuple_name="DecayTree",
+        fields=fields_KS2PiPi,
+        variables=variables_KS2PiPi,
+        event_variables=evt_vars,
+        inputs=particles_KS2PiPi)
+    filter_KS2PiPi = add_filter("HDRFilter_KS2PiPi",
+                                f"HLT_PASS('{line_KS2PiPi}')")
+    algs = {"KS2PiPi": [filter_KS2PiPi, tuple_KS2PiPi]}
+    return make_config(options, algs)
+./run lbexec DaVinciExamples.tupling.option_davinci_tupling_from_data:main DaVinciExamples/example_data/Spruce_Run251342.yaml
diff --git a/DaVinciExamples/tests/qmtest/tupling.qms/test_davinci_tupling_from_data.qmt b/DaVinciExamples/tests/qmtest/tupling.qms/test_davinci_tupling_from_data.qmt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..22bc7faf6c63653b7aa43b28fb5dd0824ba9be48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DaVinciExamples/tests/qmtest/tupling.qms/test_davinci_tupling_from_data.qmt
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+# (c) Copyright 2022 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration           #
+#                                                                             #
+# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
+# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
+#                                                                             #
+# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
+# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
+# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
+<!DOCTYPE extension  PUBLIC '-//QM/2.3/Extension//EN'  'http://www.codesourcery.com/qm/dtds/2.3/-//qm/2.3/extension//en.dtd'>
+<extension class="GaudiTest.GaudiExeTest" kind="test">
+  <argument name="program"><text>lbexec</text></argument>
+  <argument name="args"><set>
+    <text>DaVinciExamples.tupling.option_davinci_tupling_from_data:main</text>
+  </set></argument>
+  <argument name="options_yaml_fn"><text>$DAVINCIEXAMPLESROOT/example_data/Spruce_Run251342.yaml</text></argument>
+  <argument name="reference"><text>../refs/test_davinci_tupling_from_data.ref</text></argument>
+  <argument name="error_reference"><text>../refs/empty.ref</text></argument>
+  <argument name="validator"><text>
+from DaVinciTests.QMTest.DaVinciExclusions import preprocessor, counter_preprocessor
+validateWithReference(preproc = preprocessor, counter_preproc = counter_preprocessor)
+countErrorLines({"FATAL":0, "ERROR":0})
+  </text></argument>
+  <argument name="validator"><text>
+findReferenceBlock("""Tuple_KS2PiPi                       SUCCESS Booked 1 N-Tuples and 0 Event Tag Collections"""
+, stdout, result, causes, signature_offset = 0)
+import sys, os, glob
+from ROOT import TFile
+#open the TFile and TTree
+ntuple = './Spruce_DV_Ks_example.root'
+if not os.path.isfile(ntuple): raise Exception(f"File: {ntuple} does not exist!")
+f      = TFile.Open(ntuple)
+t_B    = f.Get('Tuple_KS2PiPi/DecayTree')
+b_names= [b.GetName() for b in t_B.GetListOfLeaves()]
+if not b_names: raise Exception(f"File: {ntuple} does not contain any branches. Please check.")
+print('Test successfully completed!')
+os.system(f"rm {ntuple}")
+countErrorLines({"FATAL":0, "ERROR":0})
+  </text></argument>
diff --git a/DaVinciExamples/tests/refs/test_davinci_tupling_from_data.ref b/DaVinciExamples/tests/refs/test_davinci_tupling_from_data.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..484be0f4b7cedb3a6fec391e75948880e970b045
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DaVinciExamples/tests/refs/test_davinci_tupling_from_data.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS 
+                                                   Welcome to DaVinci_Tests version 0
+                                          running on lxplus700.cern.ch on Thu Nov 10 20:07:10 2022
+ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
+ToolSvc.GitDDDB                        INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/git-conddb/DDDB.git'
+ToolSvc.GitDDDB                        INFO using commit 'upgrade/master' corresponding to 183db2b407a65b09956f91577b0b3ed38cb27f9e
+ToolSvc.GitSIMCOND                     INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/lhcb/git-conddb/SIMCOND.git'
+ToolSvc.GitSIMCOND                     INFO using commit 'upgrade/md_VP_SciFi_macromicrosurvey_from20220923' corresponding to 5860a8cfe486f8b938c9a197c1e7c50d4c067aab
+DetectorPersistencySvc                 INFO Added successfully Conversion service:XmlCnvSvc
+DetectorDataSvc                     SUCCESS Detector description database: git:/lhcb.xml
+EventClockSvc.FakeEventTime            INFO Event times generated from 0 with steps of 0
+EventClockSvc.FakeEventTime            INFO Run numbers generated from 0 every 0 events
+MagneticFieldGridReader INFO  Opened magnetic field file:  /cvmfs/lhcbdev.cern.ch/nightlies/lhcb-head/3411/DBASE/FieldMap/v5r7/cdf//field.v5r0.c1.down.cdf
+MagneticFieldGridReader INFO  Opened magnetic field file:  /cvmfs/lhcbdev.cern.ch/nightlies/lhcb-head/3411/DBASE/FieldMap/v5r7/cdf//field.v5r0.c2.down.cdf
+MagneticFieldGridReader INFO  Opened magnetic field file:  /cvmfs/lhcbdev.cern.ch/nightlies/lhcb-head/3411/DBASE/FieldMap/v5r7/cdf//field.v5r0.c3.down.cdf
+MagneticFieldGridReader INFO  Opened magnetic field file:  /cvmfs/lhcbdev.cern.ch/nightlies/lhcb-head/3411/DBASE/FieldMap/v5r7/cdf//field.v5r0.c4.down.cdf
+MagneticFieldSvc                       INFO Map scaled by factor 1 with polarity internally used: -1 signed relative current: -1
+NTupleSvc                              INFO Added stream file:Spruce_DV_Ks_example.root as FILE1
+HLTControlFlowMgr                      INFO Start initialization
+RootHistSvc                            INFO Writing ROOT histograms to: Spruce_DV_Ks_example.root
+HistogramPersistencySvc                INFO Added successfully Conversion service:RootHistSvc
+FSROutputStreamDstWriter               INFO Data source: EventDataSvc output: SVC='Gaudi::RootCnvSvc'
+HiveDataBrokerSvc                   WARNING non-reentrant algorithm: RecordStream/FSROutputStreamDstWriter
+HLTControlFlowMgr                      INFO Concurrency level information:
+HLTControlFlowMgr                      INFO  o Number of events slots: 1
+HLTControlFlowMgr                      INFO  o TBB thread pool size:  'ThreadPoolSize':1
+HLTControlFlowMgr                      INFO ---> End of Initialization. This took 15338 ms
+ApplicationMgr                         INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully
+FunctorFactory                         INFO Reusing functor library: "/tmp/pkoppenb/FunctorJitLib_0xaeaf010b513474cc_0x17f546e4b765be9.so"
+DeFTDetector                           INFO Current FT geometry version =   64
+ApplicationMgr                         INFO Application Manager Started successfully
+EventPersistencySvc                    INFO Added successfully Conversion service:RootCnvSvc
+EventSelector                          INFO Stream:EventSelector.DataStreamTool_1 Def:DATAFILE='/eos/lhcb/wg/dpa/wp1/data/Run251342/spruce_all_lines_data.dst' SVC='Gaudi::RootEvtSelector' OPT='READ' IgnoreChecksum='YES'
+HLTControlFlowMgr                      INFO Will measure time between events 10 and 2147483647 (stop might be some events later)
+HLTControlFlowMgr                      INFO Starting loop on events
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 1. Record number within stream 1: 1
+RFileCnv                               INFO opening Root file "Spruce_DV_Ks_example.root" for writing
+RCWNTupleCnv                           INFO Booked TTree with ID: DecayTree "DecayTree" in directory Spruce_DV_Ks_example.root:/Tuple_KS2PiPi
+HLTControlFlowMgr                      INFO Timing started at: 20:09:00
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 101. Record number within stream 1: 101
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 201. Record number within stream 1: 201
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 301. Record number within stream 1: 301
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 401. Record number within stream 1: 401
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 501. Record number within stream 1: 501
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 601. Record number within stream 1: 601
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 701. Record number within stream 1: 701
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 801. Record number within stream 1: 801
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 901. Record number within stream 1: 901
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 1001. Record number within stream 1: 1001
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 1101. Record number within stream 1: 1101
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 1201. Record number within stream 1: 1201
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 1301. Record number within stream 1: 1301
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 1401. Record number within stream 1: 1401
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 1501. Record number within stream 1: 1501
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 1601. Record number within stream 1: 1601
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 1701. Record number within stream 1: 1701
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 1801. Record number within stream 1: 1801
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 1901. Record number within stream 1: 1901
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 2001. Record number within stream 1: 2001
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 2101. Record number within stream 1: 2101
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 2201. Record number within stream 1: 2201
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 2301. Record number within stream 1: 2301
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 2401. Record number within stream 1: 2401
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 2501. Record number within stream 1: 2501
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 2601. Record number within stream 1: 2601
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 2701. Record number within stream 1: 2701
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 2801. Record number within stream 1: 2801
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 2901. Record number within stream 1: 2901
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 3001. Record number within stream 1: 3001
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 3101. Record number within stream 1: 3101
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 3201. Record number within stream 1: 3201
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 3301. Record number within stream 1: 3301
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 3401. Record number within stream 1: 3401
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 3501. Record number within stream 1: 3501
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 3601. Record number within stream 1: 3601
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 3701. Record number within stream 1: 3701
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 3801. Record number within stream 1: 3801
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 3901. Record number within stream 1: 3901
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 4001. Record number within stream 1: 4001
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 4101. Record number within stream 1: 4101
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 4201. Record number within stream 1: 4201
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 4301. Record number within stream 1: 4301
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 4401. Record number within stream 1: 4401
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 4501. Record number within stream 1: 4501
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 4601. Record number within stream 1: 4601
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 4701. Record number within stream 1: 4701
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 4801. Record number within stream 1: 4801
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 4901. Record number within stream 1: 4901
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 5001. Record number within stream 1: 5001
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 5101. Record number within stream 1: 5101
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 5201. Record number within stream 1: 5201
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 5301. Record number within stream 1: 5301
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 5401. Record number within stream 1: 5401
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 5501. Record number within stream 1: 5501
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 5601. Record number within stream 1: 5601
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 5701. Record number within stream 1: 5701
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 5801. Record number within stream 1: 5801
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 5901. Record number within stream 1: 5901
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 6001. Record number within stream 1: 6001
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 6101. Record number within stream 1: 6101
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 6201. Record number within stream 1: 6201
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 6301. Record number within stream 1: 6301
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 6401. Record number within stream 1: 6401
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 6501. Record number within stream 1: 6501
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 6601. Record number within stream 1: 6601
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 6701. Record number within stream 1: 6701
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 6801. Record number within stream 1: 6801
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 6901. Record number within stream 1: 6901
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 7001. Record number within stream 1: 7001
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 7101. Record number within stream 1: 7101
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 7201. Record number within stream 1: 7201
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 7301. Record number within stream 1: 7301
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 7401. Record number within stream 1: 7401
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 7501. Record number within stream 1: 7501
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 7601. Record number within stream 1: 7601
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 7701. Record number within stream 1: 7701
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 7801. Record number within stream 1: 7801
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 7901. Record number within stream 1: 7901
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 8001. Record number within stream 1: 8001
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 8101. Record number within stream 1: 8101
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 8201. Record number within stream 1: 8201
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 8301. Record number within stream 1: 8301
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 8401. Record number within stream 1: 8401
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 8501. Record number within stream 1: 8501
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 8601. Record number within stream 1: 8601
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 8701. Record number within stream 1: 8701
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 8801. Record number within stream 1: 8801
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 8901. Record number within stream 1: 8901
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 9001. Record number within stream 1: 9001
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 9101. Record number within stream 1: 9101
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 9201. Record number within stream 1: 9201
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 9301. Record number within stream 1: 9301
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 9401. Record number within stream 1: 9401
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 9501. Record number within stream 1: 9501
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 9601. Record number within stream 1: 9601
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 9701. Record number within stream 1: 9701
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 9801. Record number within stream 1: 9801
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 9901. Record number within stream 1: 9901
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 10001. Record number within stream 1: 10001
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 10101. Record number within stream 1: 10101
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 10201. Record number within stream 1: 10201
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 10301. Record number within stream 1: 10301
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 10401. Record number within stream 1: 10401
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 10501. Record number within stream 1: 10501
+HLTControlFlowMgr                      INFO No more events in event selection 
+HLTControlFlowMgr                      INFO ---> Loop over 10593 Events Finished -  WSS 1447.29, timed 10583 Events: 59954 ms, Evts/s = 176.519
+HDRFilter_KS2PiPi                      INFO Number of counters : 1
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ |*"#passed"                                       |     10593 |      10593 |( 100.0000 +-  0.000000)% |
+ParticleUnpacker                       INFO Number of counters : 2
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "# Linked BufferData"                           |     63558 |5.026234e+07 |     790.81 |
+ | "# UnpackedData"                                |     21186 |    3026271 |     142.84 |
+RecVertexUnpacker                      INFO Number of counters : 1
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "# UnpackedData"                                |     21186 |    1684358 |     79.503 |
+ToolSvc.HltFactory                     INFO Number of counters : 1
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "# loaded from PYTHON"                          |         1 |
+Tuple_KS2PiPi                          INFO Number of counters : 8
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "# events with multiple candidates for field KS"|      1658 |
+ | "# events with multiple candidates for field pim"|      1658 |
+ | "# events with multiple candidates for field pip"|      1658 |
+ | "# non-empty events for field KS"               |     10593 |
+ | "# non-empty events for field pim"              |     10593 |
+ | "# non-empty events for field pip"              |     10593 |
+ | "# processed events"                            |     10593 |
+ | "Lifetime fit did not converge. Aborting."      |     11985 |
+ApplicationMgr                         INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
+FSROutputStreamDstWriter               INFO Set up File Summary Record
+FSROutputStreamDstWriter               INFO Events output: 1
+Tuple_KS2PiPi                       SUCCESS Booked 1 N-Tuples and 0 Event Tag Collections
+Tuple_KS2PiPi                       SUCCESS List of booked N-Tuples in directory "FILE1/Tuple_KS2PiPi"
+Tuple_KS2PiPi                       SUCCESS  ID=DecayTree     Title="DecayTree"                               #items=64 {BUNCHCROSSING_ID,BUNCHCROSSING_TYPE,EVENTNUMBER,GPSTIME,ODINTCK,PV_SIZE,RUNNUMBER}
+HLTControlFlowMgr                      INFO Memory pool: used 0.00530577 +/- 3.58757e-05 MiB (min: 0, max: 0) in 1 +/- 0 blocks (allocated >once in 0 +/- 0% events). Allocated capacity was 10 +/- 0 MiB (min: 10, max: 10) and 85.6539 +/- 0.578745 (min: 68, max: 1348) requests were served
+HLTControlFlowMgr                      INFO Timing table:
+HLTControlFlowMgr                      INFO 
+ | Name of Algorithm                               | Execution Count | Total Time / s  | Avg. Time / us   |
+ | Sum of all Algorithms                           |           10593 |          58.840 |         5554.620 |
+ | "Tuple_KS2PiPi"                                 |           10593 |          46.918 |         4429.155 |
+ | "Gaudi__Hive__FetchDataFromFile#6"              |           10593 |           8.517 |          804.063 |
+ | "ParticleUnpacker"                              |           10593 |           1.875 |          177.029 |
+ | "HltPackedBufferDecoder"                        |           10593 |           0.555 |           52.380 |
+ | "SpruceDecReportsDecoder"                       |           10593 |           0.275 |           25.947 |
+ | "RecVertexUnpacker"                             |           10593 |           0.220 |           20.735 |
+ | "RecV1ToPVConverter"                            |           10593 |           0.089 |            8.382 |
+ | "reserveIOV"                                    |           10593 |           0.072 |            6.834 |
+ | "HDRFilter_KS2PiPi"                             |           10593 |           0.072 |            6.753 |
+ | "createODIN#1"                                  |           10593 |           0.063 |            5.912 |
+ | "LHCb__UnpackRawEvent#2"                        |           10593 |           0.060 |            5.700 |
+ | "DummyEventTime"                                |           10593 |           0.053 |            4.961 |
+ | "LHCb__UnpackRawEvent#1"                        |           10593 |           0.042 |            3.933 |
+ | "FSROutputStreamDstWriter"                      |           10593 |           0.030 |            2.829 |
+HLTControlFlowMgr                      INFO StateTree: CFNode   #executed  #passed
+LAZY_AND: DaVinci                         #=10593   Sum=10593       Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+ NONLAZY_OR: FileSummaryRecords           #=10593   Sum=10593       Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+  LAZY_AND: GenFSR                        #=10593   Sum=10593       Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+   RecordStream/FSROutputStreamDstWriter  #=10593   Sum=10593       Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+ NONLAZY_OR: UserAnalysis                 #=10593   Sum=10593       Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+  LAZY_AND: KS2PiPi                       #=10593   Sum=10593       Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+   LoKi__HDRFilter/HDRFilter_KS2PiPi      #=10593   Sum=10593       Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+   FunTupleBase_Particles/Tuple_KS2PiPi   #=10593   Sum=10593       Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+HLTControlFlowMgr                      INFO Histograms converted successfully according to request.
+ToolSvc                                INFO Removing all tools created by ToolSvc
+RootCnvSvc                             INFO Disconnected data IO:F145EF36-60DF-11ED-B616-FA163EF28092 [/eos/lhcb/wg/dpa/wp1/data/Run251342/spruce_all_lines_data.dst]
+RFileCnv                               INFO dumping contents of /NTUPLES/FILE1
+TFile: name=Spruce_DV_Ks_example.root, title=Gaudi Trees, option=CREATE
+*Tree    :DecayTree : DecayTree                                              *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total =         5063226 bytes  File  Size =    1904952 *
+*        :          : Tree compression factor =   2.65                       *
+*Br    0 :BUNCHCROSSING_ID : BUNCHCROSSING_ID/s                              *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=      27651 bytes  File Size  =      17612 *
+*Baskets :        1 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.54     *
+*Br    1 :BUNCHCROSSING_TYPE : BUNCHCROSSING_TYPE/b                          *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=      14144 bytes  File Size  =        186 *
+*Baskets :        1 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=  73.15     *
+*Br    2 :EVENTNUMBER : EVENTNUMBER/l                                        *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=     108989 bytes  File Size  =      30100 *
+*Baskets :        4 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   3.60     *
+*Br    3 :GPSTIME   : GPSTIME/l                                              *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=     108957 bytes  File Size  =      17253 *
+*Baskets :        4 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   6.29     *
+*Br    4 :ODINTCK   : ODINTCK/i                                              *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=      54723 bytes  File Size  =        458 *
+*Baskets :        2 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression= 118.38     *
+*Br    5 :PV_SIZE   : PV_SIZE/I                                              *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=      54723 bytes  File Size  =       7525 *
+*Baskets :        2 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   7.21     *
+*Br    6 :RUNNUMBER : RUNNUMBER/i                                            *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=      54735 bytes  File Size  =        504 *
+*Baskets :        2 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression= 107.58     *
+*Br    7 :KS_BPVFDCHI2 : KS_BPVFDCHI2/F                                      *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=      54753 bytes  File Size  =      38649 *
+*Baskets :        2 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.40     *
+*Br    8 :KS_BPVFD  : KS_BPVFD/F                                             *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=      54729 bytes  File Size  =      38065 *
+*Baskets :        2 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.42     *
+*Br    9 :KS_BPVLTIME : KS_BPVLTIME/F                                        *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=      54747 bytes  File Size  =      33566 *
+*Baskets :        2 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.62     *
+*Br   10 :KS_BPVIP  : KS_BPVIP/F                                             *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=      54729 bytes  File Size  =      37885 *
+*Baskets :        2 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.43     *
+*Br   11 :KS_BPVIPCHI2 : KS_BPVIPCHI2/F                                      *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=      54753 bytes  File Size  =      38541 *
+*Baskets :        2 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.41     *
+*Br   12 :KS_CHI2   : KS_CHI2/D                                              *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=     108957 bytes  File Size  =      51357 *
+*Baskets :        4 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   2.11     *
+*Br   13 :KS_END_VX : KS_END_VX/F                                            *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=      54735 bytes  File Size  =      34409 *
+*Baskets :        2 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.58     *
+*Br   14 :KS_END_VY : KS_END_VY/F                                            *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=      54735 bytes  File Size  =      35940 *
+*Baskets :        2 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.51     *
+*Br   15 :KS_END_VZ : KS_END_VZ/F                                            *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=      54735 bytes  File Size  =      38864 *
+*Baskets :        2 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.40     *
+*Br   16 :KS_BPVX   : KS_BPVX/F                                              *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=      54723 bytes  File Size  =      26175 *
+*Baskets :        2 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   2.07     *
+*Br   17 :KS_BPVY   : KS_BPVY/F                                              *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=      54723 bytes  File Size  =      27618 *
+*Baskets :        2 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.96     *
+*Br   18 :KS_BPVZ   : KS_BPVZ/F                                              *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=      54723 bytes  File Size  =      33235 *
+*Baskets :        2 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.63     *
+*Br   19 :KS_M      : KS_M/D                                                 *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=     108933 bytes  File Size  =      75135 *
+*Baskets :        4 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.44     *
+*Br   20 :KS_P      : KS_P/F                                                 *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=      54705 bytes  File Size  =      37389 *
+*Baskets :        2 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.45     *
+*Br   21 :KS_PT     : KS_PT/F                                                *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=      54711 bytes  File Size  =      37069 *
+*Baskets :        2 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.46     *
+*Br   22 :KS_PX     : KS_PX/F                                                *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=      54711 bytes  File Size  =      36833 *
+*Baskets :        2 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.47     *
+*Br   23 :KS_PY     : KS_PY/F                                                *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=      54711 bytes  File Size  =      36863 *
+*Baskets :        2 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.47     *
+*Br   24 :KS_PZ     : KS_PZ/F                                                *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=      54711 bytes  File Size  =      37317 *
+*Baskets :        2 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.45     *
+*Br   25 :KS_ENERGY : KS_ENERGY/F                                            *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=      54735 bytes  File Size  =      37374 *
+*Baskets :        2 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.45     *
+*Br   26 :pip_PID_E : pip_PID_E/D                                            *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=     108973 bytes  File Size  =      47006 *
+*Baskets :        4 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   2.31     *
+*Br   27 :pip_PID_K : pip_PID_K/D                                            *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=     108973 bytes  File Size  =        925 *
+*Baskets :        4 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression= 117.24     *
+*Br   28 :pip_PID_MU : pip_PID_MU/D                                          *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=     108981 bytes  File Size  =      49101 *
+*Baskets :        4 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   2.21     *
+*Br   29 :pip_PID_P : pip_PID_P/D                                            *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=     108973 bytes  File Size  =        925 *
+*Baskets :        4 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression= 117.24     *
+*Br   30 :pip_PID_PI : pip_PID_PI/D                                          *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=     108981 bytes  File Size  =        929 *
+*Baskets :        4 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression= 116.74     *
+*Br   31 :pip_PROBNN_D : pip_PROBNN_D/D                                      *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=     108997 bytes  File Size  =       1087 *
+*Baskets :        4 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=  99.78     *
+*Br   32 :pip_PROBNN_E : pip_PROBNN_E/D                                      *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=     108997 bytes  File Size  =      46829 *
+*Baskets :        4 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   2.32     *
+*Br   33 :pip_PROBNN_GHOST : pip_PROBNN_GHOST/D                              *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=     109029 bytes  File Size  =      36554 *
+*Baskets :        4 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   2.97     *
+*Br   34 :pip_PROBNN_K : pip_PROBNN_K/D                                      *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=     108997 bytes  File Size  =      46807 *
+*Baskets :        4 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   2.32     *
+*Br   35 :pip_PROBNN_MU : pip_PROBNN_MU/D                                    *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=     109005 bytes  File Size  =       2619 *
+*Baskets :        4 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=  41.41     *
+*Br   36 :pip_PROBNN_P : pip_PROBNN_P/D                                      *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=     108997 bytes  File Size  =      46847 *
+*Baskets :        4 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   2.32     *
+*Br   37 :pip_PROBNN_PI : pip_PROBNN_PI/D                                    *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=     109005 bytes  File Size  =      48338 *
+*Baskets :        4 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   2.24     *
+*Br   38 :pip_M     : pip_M/D                                                *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=     108941 bytes  File Size  =      14024 *
+*Baskets :        4 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   7.73     *
+*Br   39 :pip_P     : pip_P/F                                                *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=      54711 bytes  File Size  =      36085 *
+*Baskets :        2 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.50     *
+*Br   40 :pip_PT    : pip_PT/F                                               *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=      54717 bytes  File Size  =      35953 *
+*Baskets :        2 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.51     *
+*Br   41 :pip_PX    : pip_PX/F                                               *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=      54717 bytes  File Size  =      34715 *
+*Baskets :        2 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.56     *
+*Br   42 :pip_PY    : pip_PY/F                                               *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=      54717 bytes  File Size  =      34970 *
+*Baskets :        2 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.55     *
+*Br   43 :pip_PZ    : pip_PZ/F                                               *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=      54717 bytes  File Size  =      35845 *
+*Baskets :        2 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.51     *
+*Br   44 :pip_ENERGY : pip_ENERGY/F                                          *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=      54741 bytes  File Size  =      36094 *
+*Baskets :        2 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.50     *
+*Br   45 :pim_PID_E : pim_PID_E/D                                            *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=     108973 bytes  File Size  =      43229 *
+*Baskets :        4 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   2.51     *
+*Br   46 :pim_PID_K : pim_PID_K/D                                            *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=     108973 bytes  File Size  =        925 *
+*Baskets :        4 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression= 117.24     *
+*Br   47 :pim_PID_MU : pim_PID_MU/D                                          *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=     108981 bytes  File Size  =      43726 *
+*Baskets :        4 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   2.48     *
+*Br   48 :pim_PID_P : pim_PID_P/D                                            *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=     108973 bytes  File Size  =        925 *
+*Baskets :        4 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression= 117.24     *
+*Br   49 :pim_PID_PI : pim_PID_PI/D                                          *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=     108981 bytes  File Size  =        929 *
+*Baskets :        4 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression= 116.74     *
+*Br   50 :pim_PROBNN_D : pim_PROBNN_D/D                                      *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=     108997 bytes  File Size  =       1087 *
+*Baskets :        4 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=  99.78     *
+*Br   51 :pim_PROBNN_E : pim_PROBNN_E/D                                      *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=     108997 bytes  File Size  =      45803 *
+*Baskets :        4 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   2.37     *
+*Br   52 :pim_PROBNN_GHOST : pim_PROBNN_GHOST/D                              *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=     109029 bytes  File Size  =      35867 *
+*Baskets :        4 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   3.02     *
+*Br   53 :pim_PROBNN_K : pim_PROBNN_K/D                                      *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=     108997 bytes  File Size  =      45754 *
+*Baskets :        4 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   2.37     *
+*Br   54 :pim_PROBNN_MU : pim_PROBNN_MU/D                                    *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=     109005 bytes  File Size  =       2632 *
+*Baskets :        4 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=  41.21     *
+*Br   55 :pim_PROBNN_P : pim_PROBNN_P/D                                      *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=     108997 bytes  File Size  =      45952 *
+*Baskets :        4 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   2.36     *
+*Br   56 :pim_PROBNN_PI : pim_PROBNN_PI/D                                    *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=     109005 bytes  File Size  =      46969 *
+*Baskets :        4 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   2.31     *
+*Br   57 :pim_M     : pim_M/D                                                *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=     108941 bytes  File Size  =      14539 *
+*Baskets :        4 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   7.46     *
+*Br   58 :pim_P     : pim_P/F                                                *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=      54711 bytes  File Size  =      35222 *
+*Baskets :        2 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.54     *
+*Br   59 :pim_PT    : pim_PT/F                                               *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=      54717 bytes  File Size  =      35149 *
+*Baskets :        2 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.54     *
+*Br   60 :pim_PX    : pim_PX/F                                               *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=      54717 bytes  File Size  =      34293 *
+*Baskets :        2 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.58     *
+*Br   61 :pim_PY    : pim_PY/F                                               *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=      54717 bytes  File Size  =      34585 *
+*Baskets :        2 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.57     *
+*Br   62 :pim_PZ    : pim_PZ/F                                               *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=      54717 bytes  File Size  =      35214 *
+*Baskets :        2 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.54     *
+*Br   63 :pim_ENERGY : pim_ENERGY/F                                          *
+*Entries :    13515 : Total  Size=      54741 bytes  File Size  =      35206 *
+*Baskets :        2 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.54     *
+NTupleSvc                              INFO NTuples saved successfully
+ApplicationMgr                         INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
+ApplicationMgr                         INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully