From de4830ebc1be1f66221bcecdef53ce69612bbf2a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: eduardo-rodrigues <>
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2018 10:49:55 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Removal of orphan and/or obsolete tests in Phys/Tesla.

 Phys/Tesla/tests/options/ |  71 ------
 Phys/Tesla/tests/options/ |  61 -----
 .../tests/options/ |  90 -------
 Phys/Tesla/tests/options/    |  60 -----
 Phys/Tesla/tests/options/         |  28 ---
 Phys/Tesla/tests/options/  |   3 -
 Phys/Tesla/tests/options/  |   8 -
 .../tests/options/  | 238 ------------------
 Phys/Tesla/tests/options/         |  19 --
 Phys/Tesla/tests/options/  |   5 -
 Phys/Tesla/tests/options/  |   5 -
 .../tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/containers.qmt     |  40 ---
 .../Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/muontest.qmt |  29 ---
 .../Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/richtest.qmt |  29 ---
 .../qmtest/tesla.qms/sharedcontainers.qmt     |  35 ---
 .../qmtest/tesla.qms/tesla_step_oneline.qmt   |  27 --
 .../qmtest/tesla.qms/tesla_step_streams.qmt   |  27 --
 .../tesla.qms/tesla_step_streams_analyse.qmt  |  29 ---
 .../tesla.qms/tesla_step_streams_failure.qmt  |  32 ---
 Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/tistos.qmt  |  30 ---
 .../qmtest/tesla.qms/tuple_step_oneline.qmt   |  30 ---
 .../qmtest/tesla.qms/tuple_step_streams.qmt   |  30 ---
 22 files changed, 926 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 Phys/Tesla/tests/options/
 delete mode 100644 Phys/Tesla/tests/options/
 delete mode 100644 Phys/Tesla/tests/options/
 delete mode 100644 Phys/Tesla/tests/options/
 delete mode 100644 Phys/Tesla/tests/options/
 delete mode 100644 Phys/Tesla/tests/options/
 delete mode 100644 Phys/Tesla/tests/options/
 delete mode 100644 Phys/Tesla/tests/options/
 delete mode 100644 Phys/Tesla/tests/options/
 delete mode 100644 Phys/Tesla/tests/options/
 delete mode 100644 Phys/Tesla/tests/options/
 delete mode 100644 Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/containers.qmt
 delete mode 100644 Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/muontest.qmt
 delete mode 100644 Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/richtest.qmt
 delete mode 100644 Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/sharedcontainers.qmt
 delete mode 100644 Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/tesla_step_oneline.qmt
 delete mode 100644 Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/tesla_step_streams.qmt
 delete mode 100644 Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/tesla_step_streams_analyse.qmt
 delete mode 100644 Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/tesla_step_streams_failure.qmt
 delete mode 100644 Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/tistos.qmt
 delete mode 100644 Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/tuple_step_oneline.qmt
 delete mode 100644 Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/tuple_step_streams.qmt

diff --git a/Phys/Tesla/tests/options/ b/Phys/Tesla/tests/options/
deleted file mode 100644
index efa28de2b..000000000
--- a/Phys/Tesla/tests/options/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-from LHCbKernel.Configuration import *
-from Configurables import GaudiSequencer,RawEventJuggler
-from Configurables import DaVinci
-from Configurables import DecodeRawEvent
-from Configurables import DstConf
-from GaudiConf import IOHelper
-IOHelper().inputFiles( ["tesla_2015_TCK.dst"] , clear=True ) 
-import GaudiPython
-from Gaudi.Configuration import ApplicationMgr
-from Configurables import LoKiSvc
-from GaudiKernel import ROOT6WorkAroundEnabled
-if ROOT6WorkAroundEnabled('ROOT-7492'):
-    # trigger autoloading of LHCbKernel dictionary
-    GaudiPython.gbl.LHCb.LHCbID
-    # trigger autoloading of DigiEvent dictionary
-    GaudiPython.gbl.LHCb.CaloDigit
-gaudi = GaudiPython.AppMgr()
-TES = gaudi.evtsvc()
-from TurboStreamProd.helpers import *
-from TurboStreamProd import prodDict
-lines = streamLines(prodDict,version,'DiMuon',debug=True)
-lines += streamLines(prodDict,version,'Charm',debug=True)
-lines += streamLines(prodDict,version,'CharmSpec',debug=True)
-while True:
-    if not TES['DAQ/RawEvent']: break # probably end of file
-    for line in lines:
-        parts = TES["Turbo/"+line+"/Particles"]
-        if hasattr(parts,"__iter__"):
-            for p in parts:
-                if p.proto():
-                    if p.proto().muonPID():
-                        if p.proto().muonPID().IsMuon():
-                            ### MuonIDs should always point to muon segments and an ID track...
-                            if p.proto().track()!=p.proto().muonPID().idTrack():
-                                print "Failed to find ID track"
-                                passed=False
-                                break
-                            if p.proto().muonPID().muonTrack()==None:
-                                print "Failed to find muon track"
-                                passed=False
-                                break
-                            if p.proto().muonPID().muonTrack().type()!=7:
-                                print "Muon track is of wrong type"
-                                passed=False
-                                break
-                            n+=1
-        if passed==False:
-            break
-print "Analysed "+str(n)+" particles successfully"
diff --git a/Phys/Tesla/tests/options/ b/Phys/Tesla/tests/options/
deleted file mode 100644
index 403e0697d..000000000
--- a/Phys/Tesla/tests/options/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-from LHCbKernel.Configuration import *
-from Configurables import GaudiSequencer,RawEventJuggler
-from Configurables import DaVinci
-from Configurables import DecodeRawEvent
-from Configurables import DstConf
-from GaudiConf import IOHelper
-IOHelper().inputFiles( ["tesla_2015_TCK.dst"] , clear=True ) 
-import GaudiPython
-from Gaudi.Configuration import ApplicationMgr
-from Configurables import LoKiSvc
-from GaudiKernel import ROOT6WorkAroundEnabled
-if ROOT6WorkAroundEnabled('ROOT-7492'):
-    # trigger autoloading of LHCbKernel dictionary
-    GaudiPython.gbl.LHCb.LHCbID
-    # trigger autoloading of DigiEvent dictionary
-    GaudiPython.gbl.LHCb.CaloDigit
-gaudi = GaudiPython.AppMgr()
-TES = gaudi.evtsvc()
-from TurboStreamProd.helpers import *
-from TurboStreamProd import prodDict
-lines = streamLines(prodDict,version,'DiMuon',debug=True)
-lines += streamLines(prodDict,version,'Charm',debug=True)
-lines += streamLines(prodDict,version,'CharmSpec',debug=True)
-while True:
-    if not TES['DAQ/RawEvent']: break # probably end of file
-    for line in lines:
-        parts = TES["Turbo/"+line+"/Particles"]
-        if hasattr(parts,"__iter__"):
-            for p in parts:
-                if p.proto():
-                    if p.proto().track():
-                        ### Charged particle should have an associated RICH PID with track
-                        if p.proto().track()!=p.proto().richPID().track():
-                            passed=False
-                            break
-                        n+=1
-        if passed==False:
-            break
-print "Analysed "+str(n)+" particles successfully"
diff --git a/Phys/Tesla/tests/options/ b/Phys/Tesla/tests/options/
deleted file mode 100644
index afe242aef..000000000
--- a/Phys/Tesla/tests/options/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-from LHCbKernel.Configuration import *
-from Configurables import GaudiSequencer,RawEventJuggler
-from Configurables import DaVinci
-from Configurables import DecodeRawEvent
-from Configurables import DstConf
-from GaudiConf import IOHelper
-IOHelper().inputFiles( ["tesla_2015_TCK.dst"] , clear=True ) 
-import GaudiPython
-from Gaudi.Configuration import ApplicationMgr
-from Configurables import LoKiSvc
-from GaudiKernel import ROOT6WorkAroundEnabled
-if ROOT6WorkAroundEnabled('ROOT-7492'):
-    # trigger autoloading of LHCbKernel dictionary
-    GaudiPython.gbl.LHCb.LHCbID
-    # trigger autoloading of DigiEvent dictionary
-    GaudiPython.gbl.LHCb.CaloDigit
-gaudi = GaudiPython.AppMgr()
-tes = gaudi.evtsvc()
-vertLoc = "Turbo/Primary"
-protoLoc = "Turbo/Protos"
-trackLoc = "Turbo/Tracks"
-rpidLoc = "Turbo/RichPIDs"
-mpidLoc = "Turbo/MuonPIDs"
-hypoLoc = "Turbo/CaloHypos"
-clusterLoc = "Turbo/CaloClusters"
-from TurboStreamProd.helpers import *
-from TurboStreamProd import prodDict
-lines = streamLines(prodDict,version,'DiMuon',debug=True)
-lines += streamLines(prodDict,version,'Charm',debug=True)
-lines += streamLines(prodDict,version,'CharmSpec',debug=True)
-while True:
-    #
-    if not tes['/Event/DAQ/RawEvent']:
-        print "End of file"
-        break
-    #
-    n=0
-    for line in lines:
-        rep = tes["Hlt2/DecReports"].decReport(line+"Decision")
-        if rep:
-            n+=rep.decision()
-    if n==0:
-        continue
-    n_events+=1
-    n_vert+=tes[vertLoc].size()
-    n_proto+=tes[protoLoc].size()
-    n_track+=tes[trackLoc].size()
-    n_rpid+=tes[rpidLoc].size()
-    n_mpid+=tes[mpidLoc].size()
-    n_hypo+=tes[hypoLoc].size()
-    n_cluster+=tes[clusterLoc].size()
-print "Average size of PV container = "+str( float(n_vert)/float(n_events) )
-print "Average size of ProtoParticle container = "+str( float(n_proto)/float(n_events) )
-print "Average size of Track container = "+str( float(n_track)/float(n_events) )
-print "Average size of RICH PID container = "+str( float(n_rpid)/float(n_events) )
-print "Average size of Muon PID container = "+str( float(n_mpid)/float(n_events) )
-print "Average size of CaloHypo container = "+str( float(n_hypo)/float(n_events) )
-print "Average size of CaloCluster container = "+str( float(n_cluster)/float(n_events) )
diff --git a/Phys/Tesla/tests/options/ b/Phys/Tesla/tests/options/
deleted file mode 100644
index 44ff98368..000000000
--- a/Phys/Tesla/tests/options/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-from LHCbKernel.Configuration import *
-from Configurables import GaudiSequencer,RawEventJuggler
-from Configurables import DaVinci
-from Configurables import DecodeRawEvent
-from Configurables import DstConf
-from GaudiConf import IOHelper
-IOHelper().inputFiles( ["tesla_2015_TCK.dst"] , clear=True ) 
-import GaudiPython
-from Gaudi.Configuration import ApplicationMgr
-from Configurables import LoKiSvc
-from GaudiKernel import ROOT6WorkAroundEnabled
-if ROOT6WorkAroundEnabled('ROOT-7492'):
-    # trigger autoloading of LHCbKernel dictionary
-    GaudiPython.gbl.LHCb.LHCbID
-    # trigger autoloading of DigiEvent dictionary
-    GaudiPython.gbl.LHCb.CaloDigit
-gaudi = GaudiPython.AppMgr()
-TES = gaudi.evtsvc()
-tistostool= gaudi.toolsvc().create('TriggerTisTos',interface='ITriggerTisTos')
-triggerTisTosTool2 = gaudi.toolsvc().create('Hlt2TriggerTisTos', interface='ITriggerTisTos')
-hltline = "Hlt2DiMuonJPsiTurbo"
-nTOS = 0
-nDEC = 0
-while True:
-    if not TES['DAQ/RawEvent']: break # probably end of file
-    #parts = TES["Turbo/Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02PimPipTurbo/Particles"]
-    parts = TES["Turbo/"+hltline+"/Particles"]
-    if hasattr(parts,"__iter__"):
-        for p in parts:
-            if p.particleID().pid()==443:
-                #HLT2TISTOS = triggerTisTosTool2.triggerSelectionNames(p,hltline+"Decision",tistostool.kAnything,tistostool.kAnything,tistostool.kAnything,tistostool.kAnything)
-                #tos = triggerTisTosTool2.triggerTisTos().tos()
-                triggerTisTosTool2.setTriggerInput(hltline+"Decision")
-                tistostool.setOfflineInput(p)
-                triggerTisTosTool2.setOfflineInput(tistostool.offlineLHCbIDs())
-                tos = triggerTisTosTool2.tisTosTobTrigger().tos()
-                dec = triggerTisTosTool2.triggerTisTos().decision()
-                if dec:
-                    nDEC += 1
-                if tos:
-                    nTOS += 1
-print "# decisions = "+str(nDEC)
-print "# TOS = "+str(nTOS)
diff --git a/Phys/Tesla/tests/options/ b/Phys/Tesla/tests/options/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f9fe22a0..000000000
--- a/Phys/Tesla/tests/options/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-from Configurables import Tesla
-Tesla().Pack = True
-Tesla().InputType = "RAW"
-Tesla().DataType = '2016'
-Tesla().Simulation = False
-Tesla().Mode = 'Online'
-Tesla().VertRepLoc = 'Hlt2'
-Tesla().KillInputHlt2Reps = True
-Tesla().SplitRawEventInput = '0.4'
-Tesla().SplitRawEventOutput = '0.4'
-from Configurables import Tesla
-from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-from PRConfig import TestFileDB
-Tesla().EvtMax = 50
-Tesla().OutputLevel = 4
-# Timing table to make sure things work as intended
-from Configurables import AuditorSvc, LHCbTimingAuditor
-ApplicationMgr().AuditAlgorithms = 1
-if 'AuditorSvc' not in ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc:
-    ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc.append('AuditorSvc')
-AuditorSvc().Auditors.append(LHCbTimingAuditor(Enable = True))
-# Print algorithm name with 40 characters
-from Configurables import MessageSvc
-MessageSvc().Format = '% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M'
diff --git a/Phys/Tesla/tests/options/ b/Phys/Tesla/tests/options/
deleted file mode 100644
index f82fbe6fb..000000000
--- a/Phys/Tesla/tests/options/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-from Configurables import Tesla
-Tesla().TriggerLines =['Hlt2DiMuonJPsiTurbo']
-Tesla().EnableLineChecker = False
diff --git a/Phys/Tesla/tests/options/ b/Phys/Tesla/tests/options/
deleted file mode 100644
index c9942526f..000000000
--- a/Phys/Tesla/tests/options/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-import os
-from Configurables import Tesla
-Tesla().Streams = turbo_streams
-Tesla().IgnoredLines = [".*TurboCalib"]
-Tesla().EvtMax = 500
-import pickle
-pickle.dump( turbo_streams, open( "streams.p", "wb" ) )
diff --git a/Phys/Tesla/tests/options/ b/Phys/Tesla/tests/options/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a4f343fe..000000000
--- a/Phys/Tesla/tests/options/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-# Streaming dictionary
-turbo_streams = {
-    'DiMuon': {
-        'lines': [
-            'Hlt2DiMuonBTurbo',
-            'Hlt2DiMuonJPsiTurbo',
-            'Hlt2DiMuonPsi2STurbo',
-            'Hlt2ExoticaPrmptDiMuonSSTurbo',
-            'Hlt2ExoticaPrmptDiMuonTurbo',
-            'Hlt2DiMuonPsi2SLowPTTurbo',
-            'Hlt2ExoticaDiMuonNoIPTurbo',
-            #'Hlt2LFVPhiMuETurbo',
-            'Hlt2LFVPromptPhiMuETurbo',
-            'Hlt2LFVUpsilonMuETurbo',
-            'Hlt2PhiPhi2EETurbo',
-            'Hlt2PhiPromptPhi2EETurbo'
-            ],
-        'prescale': None
-    },
-    'Dp_Lcp_Dsp': {
-        'lines': [
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDp2KS0KS0KpTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDp2KS0KS0PipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDp2KS0KmKpPip_KS0DDTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDp2KS0KmKpPip_KS0LLTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDp2KS0KmPipPip_KS0DDTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDp2KS0KmPipPip_KS0LLTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDp2KS0KpKpPim_KS0DDTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDp2KS0KpKpPim_KS0LLTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDp2KS0KpPimPip_KS0DDTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDp2KS0KpPimPip_KS0LLTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDp2KS0Kp_KS0DDTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDp2KS0Kp_KS0LLTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDp2KS0PimPipPip_KS0DDTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDp2KS0PimPipPip_KS0LLTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDp2KS0Pip_KS0DDTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDp2KS0Pip_KS0LLTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDp2KmKmKpPipPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDp2KmKpPimPipPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDp2KmPimPipPipPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDpToKmKpKpTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDpToKmKpPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDpToKmPipPip_ForKPiAsymTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDpToKmPipPip_LTUNBTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDpToKpKpPimTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDpToKpPimPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDpToPimPipPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDsp2KS0KS0KpTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDsp2KS0KS0PipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDsp2KS0KmKpPip_KS0DDTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDsp2KS0KmKpPip_KS0LLTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDsp2KS0KmPipPip_KS0DDTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDsp2KS0KmPipPip_KS0LLTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDsp2KS0KpKpPim_KS0DDTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDsp2KS0KpKpPim_KS0LLTurbo',
-            #'Hlt2CharmHadDsp2KS0KpPimPip_KS0DDTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDsp2KS0KpPimPip_KS0LLTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDsp2KS0PimPipPip_KS0DDTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDsp2KS0PimPipPip_KS0LLTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDsp2KmKmKpPipPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDsp2KmKpPimPipPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDsp2KmPimPipPipPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDspToKmKpKpTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDspToKmKpPip_LTUNBTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDspToKmPipPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDspToKpKpPimTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDspToKpPimPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDspToPimPipPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadLcp2KS0KS0PpTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadLcp2LamKmKpPip_Lam2PpPimTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadLcp2LamKmPipPip_Lam2PpPimTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadLcp2LamKp_LamDDTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadLcp2LamKp_LamLLTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadLcp2LamPip_LamDDTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadLcp2LamPip_LamLLTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadLcpToPpKmKmPipPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadLcpToPpKmKpPimPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadLcpToPpKmKpTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadLcpToPpKmPimPipPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadLcpToPpKmPip_LTUNBTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadLcpToPpKpKpPimPimTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadLcpToPpKpPimPimPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadLcpToPpKpPimTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadLcpToPpPimPimPipPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadLcpToPpPimPipTurbo'
-        ],
-        'prescale': None
-    },
-    'Dstp_PR': {
-        'lines': [
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0KmKp_KS0DDTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0KmKp_KS0DD_LTUNBTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0KmKp_KS0LLTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0KmKp_KS0LL_LTUNBTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0KmPip_KS0DDTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0KmPip_KS0DD_LTUNBTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0KmPip_KS0LLTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0KmPip_KS0LL_LTUNBTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0KpPim_KS0DDTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0KpPim_KS0DD_LTUNBTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0KpPim_KS0LLTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0KpPim_KS0LL_LTUNBTurbo',
-            #'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0PimPip_KS0DDTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0PimPip_KS0DD_LTUNBTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0PimPip_KS0LLTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0PimPip_KS0LL_LTUNBTurbo'
-        ],
-        'prescaleVersion': 1,
-        'prescale': {
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0KmKp_KS0DDTurbo' : 0.1,
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0KmKp_KS0DD_LTUNBTurbo' : 0.1,
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0KmKp_KS0LLTurbo' : 0.1,
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0KmKp_KS0LL_LTUNBTurbo' : 0.1,
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0KmPip_KS0DDTurbo' : 0.1,
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0KmPip_KS0DD_LTUNBTurbo' : 0.1,
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0KmPip_KS0LLTurbo' : 0.1,
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0KmPip_KS0LL_LTUNBTurbo' : 0.1,
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0KpPim_KS0DDTurbo' : 0.1,
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0KpPim_KS0DD_LTUNBTurbo' : 0.1,
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0KpPim_KS0LLTurbo' : 0.1,
-            #'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0KpPim_KS0LL_LTUNBTurbo' : 0.1,
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0PimPip_KS0DDTurbo' : 0.1,
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0PimPip_KS0DD_LTUNBTurbo' : 0.1,
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0PimPip_KS0LLTurbo' : 0.1,
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0PimPip_KS0LL_LTUNBTurbo' : 0.1
-            }
-    },
-    'Dstp_two_Dstp_two_LTUNB_D0': {
-        'lines': [
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0KS0_KS0DDTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0KS0_KS0LLTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KS0KS0_KS0LL_KS0DDTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KmKpTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KmKp_LTUNBTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KmPip_LTUNBTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KpPimTurbo',
-            #'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KpPim_LTUNBTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02PimPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02PimPip_LTUNBTurbo',
-            'Hlt2SLB_B2D0Mu_D02KmKpTurbo',
-            'Hlt2SLB_B2D0Mu_D02KmPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2SLB_B2D0Mu_D02PimPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2SLB_B2DstMu_D02KmKpTurbo',
-            'Hlt2SLB_B2DstMu_D02KmPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2SLB_B2DstMu_D02PimPipTurbo'
-            ],
-        'prescale': None
-    },
-    'PR_park': {
-        'lines': [
-            'Hlt2CharmHadD02KmPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDpToKmPipPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDspToKmKpPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KmPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadLcpToPpKmPipTurbo'
-        ],
-        'prescaleVersion': 1,
-        'prescale': {
-            'Hlt2CharmHadD02KmPipTurbo' : 0.1,
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDpToKmPipPipTurbo' : 0.1,
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDspToKmKpPipTurbo' : 0.1,
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KmPipTurbo' : 0.1,
-            'Hlt2CharmHadLcpToPpKmPipTurbo' : 0.1
-            }
-    },
-    'Xiccp_Xic0_Xicp_Dstp_four_penta': {
-        'lines': [
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KmKmKpPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KmKpKpPimTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KmKpPimPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KmPimPipPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KpPimPimPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02PimPimPipPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadPentaToPhiPpPimTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadXic0ToPpKmKmPip_LTUNBTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadXiccp2D0PpKmPim_D02KmPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadXiccp2D0PpKmPip_D02KmPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadXiccp2D0PpKpPim_D02KmPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadXiccp2DpPpKm_Dp2KmPipPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadXiccp2DpPpKp_Dp2KmPipPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadXiccp2LcpKmPim_Lcp2PpKmPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadXiccp2LcpKmPip_Lcp2PpKmPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadXiccp2LcpKpPim_Lcp2PpKmPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadXiccp2Xic0Pim_Xic0ToPpKmKmPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadXiccp2Xic0Pip_Xic0ToPpKmKmPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadXiccp2XicpPimPim_Xicp2PpKmPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadXiccp2XicpPimPip_Xicp2PpKmPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadXiccpp2D0PpKmPimPip_D02KmPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadXiccpp2D0PpKmPipPip_D02KmPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadXiccpp2D0PpKpPimPip_D02KmPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadXiccpp2DpPpKmPim_Dp2KmPipPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadXiccpp2DpPpKmPip_Dp2KmPipPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadXiccpp2DpPpKpPip_Dp2KmPipPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadXiccpp2LcpKmPimPip_Lcp2PpKmPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadXiccpp2LcpKmPipPip_Lcp2PpKmPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadXiccpp2LcpKpPimPip_Lcp2PpKmPipTurbo',
-            #'Hlt2CharmHadXiccpp2Xic0PimPip_Xic0ToPpKmKmPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadXiccpp2Xic0PipPip_Xic0ToPpKmKmPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadXiccpp2XicpPim_Xicp2PpKmPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadXiccpp2XicpPip_Xicp2PpKmPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2TrackEff_D0ToKpiKaonProbeTurbo',
-            'Hlt2TrackEff_D0ToKpiPionProbeTurbo',
-            'Hlt2BottomoniumDiKstarTurbo',
-            'Hlt2LFVJpsiMuETurbo',
-            'Hlt2StrangeKPiPiPiTurbo'
-        ],
-        'prescale': None
-    },
-    'XimOmm_PR': {
-        'lines': [
-            'Hlt2CharmHadOmm2LamKm_DDDTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadOmm2LamKm_DDLTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadOmm2LamKm_LLLTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadXic0ToPpKmKmPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadXicpToPpKmPipTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadXim2LamPim_DDDTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadXim2LamPim_DDLTurbo',
-            'Hlt2CharmHadXim2LamPim_LLLTurbo'
-        ],
-        'prescaleVersion': 1,
-        'prescale': {
-            'Hlt2CharmHadOmm2LamKm_DDDTurbo' : 0.1,
-            'Hlt2CharmHadOmm2LamKm_DDLTurbo' : 0.1,
-            'Hlt2CharmHadOmm2LamKm_LLLTurbo' : 0.1,
-            'Hlt2CharmHadXic0ToPpKmKmPipTurbo' : 0.1,
-            #'Hlt2CharmHadXicpToPpKmPipTurbo' : 0.1,
-            'Hlt2CharmHadXim2LamPim_DDDTurbo' : 0.1,
-            'Hlt2CharmHadXim2LamPim_DDLTurbo' : 0.1,
-            'Hlt2CharmHadXim2LamPim_LLLTurbo' : 0.1
-            }
-    },
-from Configurables import Tesla
-Tesla().Streams = turbo_streams
-Tesla().IgnoredLines = [".*TurboCalib"]
diff --git a/Phys/Tesla/tests/options/ b/Phys/Tesla/tests/options/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1da06b269..000000000
--- a/Phys/Tesla/tests/options/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-from Configurables import DaVinci
-from Configurables import DecayTreeTuple
-Tuple = DecayTreeTuple("psi")
-Tuple.Decay = "J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-"
-Tuple.Inputs = [ '/Event/Turbo/Hlt2DiMuonJPsiTurbo/Particles']
-# Necessary DaVinci parameters #################
-DaVinci().Simulation   = False
-DaVinci().SkipEvents = 0
-DaVinci().EvtMax = -1
-DaVinci().Lumi = True
-DaVinci().TupleFile = 'DVTuples.root'
-DaVinci().PrintFreq = 10
-DaVinci().DataType      = '2016'
-DaVinci().UserAlgorithms = [] 
-DaVinci().UserAlgorithms += [Tuple]
-DaVinci().InputType = 'MDST'
-DaVinci().Turbo = True
diff --git a/Phys/Tesla/tests/options/ b/Phys/Tesla/tests/options/
deleted file mode 100644
index 21d75bb84..000000000
--- a/Phys/Tesla/tests/options/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-from GaudiConf import IOHelper
-from Configurables import DaVinci
-DaVinci().TupleFile = 'TupleStepOneLine.root'
-DaVinci().RootInTES = '/Event/Turbo'
diff --git a/Phys/Tesla/tests/options/ b/Phys/Tesla/tests/options/
deleted file mode 100644
index fab7702a6..000000000
--- a/Phys/Tesla/tests/options/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-from GaudiConf import IOHelper
-from Configurables import DaVinci
-DaVinci().TupleFile = 'TupleStepStreams.root'
-DaVinci().RootInTES = '/Event/DiMuon/Turbo'
diff --git a/Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/containers.qmt b/Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/containers.qmt
deleted file mode 100644
index 47db00bb1..000000000
--- a/Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/containers.qmt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE extension  PUBLIC '-//QM/2.3/Extension//EN'  ''>
-# ...................
-# Author: sbenson
-# Purpose: Check the TOS and decision efficiency on MC
-# Prerequisites: None
-# Common failure modes, severities and cures: 
-#               . SEVERE: Segfault or raised exception, stderr, nonzero return code
-#               . MAJOR: additional FATAL/ERROR messages always a major problem. no ERROR messages should ever be printed when running this test.
-#               . MINOR: additional WARNING messages, it is unclear how severe these may be, you will need to hunt down the cause and either fix the problem or suppress the warning.
-#               . EXPECTED: At the moment this test has a habit of timing out or being killed by some abort signal in finalize, but the output always looks fine.
-<extension class="GaudiTest.GaudiExeTest" kind="test">
-  <argument name="program"><text>python</text></argument>
-  <argument name="timeout"><integer>3600</integer></argument>
-  <argument name="args"><set>
-    <text>../options/</text>
-  </set></argument>
-  <argument name="validator"><text>
-block = """
-Particle Check ***********************************
-Average mass = 669.3
-Average container size = 3.6
-Track Check **************************************
-Average chi2 = 1.21
-Average container size = 2.4
-Vertex Check *************************************
-Average chi2 = 1.613
-Average container size = 1.2
-Proto Check **************************************
-Average DLLK = 31.318
-Average container size = 2.4
-findReferenceBlock(block, signature_offset = 3)
-  </text></argument>
diff --git a/Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/muontest.qmt b/Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/muontest.qmt
deleted file mode 100644
index 577035975..000000000
--- a/Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/muontest.qmt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE extension  PUBLIC '-//QM/2.3/Extension//EN'  ''>
-# ...................
-# Author: sbenson
-# Purpose: Check the TOS and decision 
-# Prerequisites: default_2015
-# Common failure modes, severities and cures: 
-#               . SEVERE: Segfault or raised exception, stderr, nonzero return code
-#               . MAJOR: additional FATAL/ERROR messages always a major problem. no ERROR messages should ever be printed when running this test.
-#               . MINOR: additional WARNING messages, it is unclear how severe these may be, you will need to hunt down the cause and either fix the problem or suppress the warning.
-#               . EXPECTED: At the moment this test has a habit of timing out or being killed by some abort signal in finalize, but the output always looks fine.
-<extension class="GaudiTest.GaudiExeTest" kind="test">
-  <argument name="program"><text>python</text></argument>
-  <argument name="timeout"><integer>3600</integer></argument>
-  <argument name="args"><set>
-    <text>../options/</text>
-  </set></argument>
-  <argument name="validator"><text>
-block = """
-Analysed 2591 particles successfully
-  </text></argument>
diff --git a/Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/richtest.qmt b/Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/richtest.qmt
deleted file mode 100644
index dea1037f8..000000000
--- a/Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/richtest.qmt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE extension  PUBLIC '-//QM/2.3/Extension//EN'  ''>
-# ...................
-# Author: sbenson
-# Purpose: Check the TOS and decision 
-# Prerequisites: default_2015
-# Common failure modes, severities and cures: 
-#               . SEVERE: Segfault or raised exception, stderr, nonzero return code
-#               . MAJOR: additional FATAL/ERROR messages always a major problem. no ERROR messages should ever be printed when running this test.
-#               . MINOR: additional WARNING messages, it is unclear how severe these may be, you will need to hunt down the cause and either fix the problem or suppress the warning.
-#               . EXPECTED: At the moment this test has a habit of timing out or being killed by some abort signal in finalize, but the output always looks fine.
-<extension class="GaudiTest.GaudiExeTest" kind="test">
-  <argument name="program"><text>python</text></argument>
-  <argument name="timeout"><integer>3600</integer></argument>
-  <argument name="args"><set>
-    <text>../options/</text>
-  </set></argument>
-  <argument name="validator"><text>
-block = """
-Analysed 28279 particles successfully
-  </text></argument>
diff --git a/Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/sharedcontainers.qmt b/Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/sharedcontainers.qmt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c5ea94c5..000000000
--- a/Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/sharedcontainers.qmt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE extension  PUBLIC '-//QM/2.3/Extension//EN'  ''>
-# ...................
-# Author: sbenson
-# Purpose: Check the TOS and decision efficiency on MC
-# Prerequisites: None
-# Common failure modes, severities and cures: 
-#               . SEVERE: Segfault or raised exception, stderr, nonzero return code
-#               . MAJOR: additional FATAL/ERROR messages always a major problem. no ERROR messages should ever be printed when running this test.
-#               . MINOR: additional WARNING messages, it is unclear how severe these may be, you will need to hunt down the cause and either fix the problem or suppress the warning.
-#               . EXPECTED: At the moment this test has a habit of timing out or being killed by some abort signal in finalize, but the output always looks fine.
-<extension class="GaudiTest.GaudiExeTest" kind="test">
-  <argument name="program"><text>python</text></argument>
-  <argument name="timeout"><integer>3600</integer></argument>
-  <argument name="args"><set>
-    <text>../options/</text>
-  </set></argument>
-  <argument name="validator"><text>
-block = """
-Average size of PV container = 2.01599147122
-Average size of ProtoParticle container = 7.45095948827
-Average size of Track container = 7.52132196162
-Average size of RICH PID container = 3.76759061834
-Average size of Muon PID container = 3.76759061834
-Average size of CaloHypo container = 8.03411513859
-Average size of CaloCluster container = 7.8710021322
-  </text></argument>
diff --git a/Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/tesla_step_oneline.qmt b/Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/tesla_step_oneline.qmt
deleted file mode 100644
index 820624c5e..000000000
--- a/Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/tesla_step_oneline.qmt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE extension  PUBLIC '-//QM/2.3/Extension//EN'  ''>
-# ...................
-# Author: mvesteri
-# Purpose: Run Tesla on 2016 TURBO stream raw data
-# Prerequisites: None
-# Common failure modes, severities and cures: 
-#               . SEVERE: Segfault or raised exception, stderr, nonzero return code
-#               . MAJOR: additional FATAL/ERROR messages always a major problem. no ERROR messages should ever be printed when running this test.
-#               . MINOR: additional WARNING messages, it is unclear how severe these may be, you will need to hunt down the cause and either fix the problem or suppress the warning.
-#               . EXPECTED: At the moment this test has a habit of timing out or being killed by some abort signal in finalize, but the output always looks fine.
-<extension class="GaudiTest.GaudiExeTest" kind="test">
-  <argument name="program"><text></text></argument>
-  <argument name="timeout"><integer>3600</integer></argument>
-  <argument name="args"><set>
-     <text>../options/</text>
-     <text>../options/</text>
-  </set></argument>
-<!--  <argument name="validator"><text>
-countErrorLines({"FATAL":0, "ERROR":0, "WARNING" :0})
-</text></argument> -->
diff --git a/Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/tesla_step_streams.qmt b/Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/tesla_step_streams.qmt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b0fe65ac..000000000
--- a/Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/tesla_step_streams.qmt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE extension  PUBLIC '-//QM/2.3/Extension//EN'  ''>
-# ...................
-# Author: mvesteri
-# Purpose: Run Tesla on 2016 TURBO stream raw data
-# Prerequisites: None
-# Common failure modes, severities and cures: 
-#               . SEVERE: Segfault or raised exception, stderr, nonzero return code
-#               . MAJOR: additional FATAL/ERROR messages always a major problem. no ERROR messages should ever be printed when running this test.
-#               . MINOR: additional WARNING messages, it is unclear how severe these may be, you will need to hunt down the cause and either fix the problem or suppress the warning.
-#               . EXPECTED: At the moment this test has a habit of timing out or being killed by some abort signal in finalize, but the output always looks fine.
-<extension class="GaudiTest.GaudiExeTest" kind="test">
-  <argument name="program"><text></text></argument>
-  <argument name="timeout"><integer>3600</integer></argument>
-  <argument name="args"><set>
-     <text>../options/</text>
-     <text>../options/</text>
-  </set></argument>
-<!--  <argument name="validator"><text>
-countErrorLines({"FATAL":0, "ERROR":0, "WARNING" :0})
-</text></argument> -->
diff --git a/Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/tesla_step_streams_analyse.qmt b/Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/tesla_step_streams_analyse.qmt
deleted file mode 100644
index ba7026adb..000000000
--- a/Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/tesla_step_streams_analyse.qmt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE extension  PUBLIC '-//QM/2.3/Extension//EN'  ''>
-# ...................
-# Author: sbenson
-# Purpose: Check the TOS and decision efficiency on MC
-# Prerequisites: None
-# Common failure modes, severities and cures: 
-#               . SEVERE: Segfault or raised exception, stderr, nonzero return code
-#               . MAJOR: additional FATAL/ERROR messages always a major problem. no ERROR messages should ever be printed when running this test.
-#               . MINOR: additional WARNING messages, it is unclear how severe these may be, you will need to hunt down the cause and either fix the problem or suppress the warning.
-#               . EXPECTED: At the moment this test has a habit of timing out or being killed by some abort signal in finalize, but the output always looks fine.
-<extension class="GaudiTest.GaudiExeTest" kind="test">
-  <argument name="program"><text>python</text></argument>
-  <argument name="timeout"><integer>3600</integer></argument>
-  <argument name="args"><set>
-    <text>../options/</text>
-  </set></argument>
-  <argument name="prerequisites"><set>
-    <tuple><text>Tesla.tesla_step_streams</text><enumeral>PASS</enumeral></tuple>
-  </set></argument>
-<argument name="validator"><text>
-countErrorLines({"FATAL":0, "ERROR":2, "WARNING" :0})
diff --git a/Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/tesla_step_streams_failure.qmt b/Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/tesla_step_streams_failure.qmt
deleted file mode 100644
index 002d68fc3..000000000
--- a/Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/tesla_step_streams_failure.qmt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE extension  PUBLIC '-//QM/2.3/Extension//EN'  ''>
-# ...................
-# Author: mvesteri
-# Purpose: Run Tesla on 2016 TURBO stream raw data and fail due to wrong configuration
-# Prerequisites: None
-# Common failure modes, severities and cures: 
-#               . SEVERE: Segfault or raised exception, stderr, nonzero return code
-#               . MAJOR: additional FATAL/ERROR messages always a major problem. no ERROR messages should ever be printed when running this test.
-#               . MINOR: additional WARNING messages, it is unclear how severe these may be, you will need to hunt down the cause and either fix the problem or suppress the warning.
-#               . EXPECTED: At the moment this test has a habit of timing out or being killed by some abort signal in finalize, but the output always looks fine.
-<extension class="GaudiTest.GaudiExeTest" kind="test">
-  <argument name="use_temp_dir"><enumeral>true</enumeral></argument>
-  <argument name="program"><text></text></argument>
-  <argument name="timeout"><integer>3600</integer></argument>
-  <argument name="args"><set>
-     <text>../options/</text>
-     <text>../options/</text>
-  </set></argument>
-  <argument name="validator"><text>
-TeslaLineChecker                          ERROR Someone made a boo-boo! Missing lines:
-  </text></argument>
-<argument name="exit_code"><integer>3</integer></argument>
diff --git a/Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/tistos.qmt b/Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/tistos.qmt
deleted file mode 100644
index f1baa26d5..000000000
--- a/Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/tistos.qmt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE extension  PUBLIC '-//QM/2.3/Extension//EN'  ''>
-# ...................
-# Author: sbenson
-# Purpose: Check the TOS and decision 
-# Prerequisites: default_2015
-# Common failure modes, severities and cures: 
-#               . SEVERE: Segfault or raised exception, stderr, nonzero return code
-#               . MAJOR: additional FATAL/ERROR messages always a major problem. no ERROR messages should ever be printed when running this test.
-#               . MINOR: additional WARNING messages, it is unclear how severe these may be, you will need to hunt down the cause and either fix the problem or suppress the warning.
-#               . EXPECTED: At the moment this test has a habit of timing out or being killed by some abort signal in finalize, but the output always looks fine.
-<extension class="GaudiTest.GaudiExeTest" kind="test">
-  <argument name="program"><text>python</text></argument>
-  <argument name="timeout"><integer>3600</integer></argument>
-  <argument name="args"><set>
-    <text>../options/</text>
-  </set></argument>
-  <argument name="validator"><text>
-block = """
-# decisions = 214
-# TOS = 214
-  </text></argument>
diff --git a/Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/tuple_step_oneline.qmt b/Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/tuple_step_oneline.qmt
deleted file mode 100644
index 777fa0e4c..000000000
--- a/Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/tuple_step_oneline.qmt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE extension  PUBLIC '-//QM/2.3/Extension//EN'  ''>
-# ...................
-# Author: mvesteri
-# Purpose: Run DaVinci ntuple making script on output of tesla.tesla_step_oneline
-# Prerequisites: None
-# Common failure modes, severities and cures: 
-#               . SEVERE: Segfault or raised exception, stderr, nonzero return code
-#               . MAJOR: additional FATAL/ERROR messages always a major problem. no ERROR messages should ever be printed when running this test.
-#               . MINOR: additional WARNING messages, it is unclear how severe these may be, you will need to hunt down the cause and either fix the problem or suppress the warning.
-#               . EXPECTED: At the moment this test has a habit of timing out or being killed by some abort signal in finalize, but the output always looks fine.
-<extension class="GaudiTest.GaudiExeTest" kind="test">
-  <argument name="program"><text></text></argument>
-  <argument name="timeout"><integer>3600</integer></argument>
-  <argument name="args"><set>
-     <text>../options/</text>
-     <text>../options/</text>
-  </set></argument>
- <argument name="prerequisites"><set>
-    <tuple><text>tesla.tesla_step_oneline</text><enumeral>PASS</enumeral></tuple>
-  </set></argument>
-<!--  <argument name="validator"><text>
-countErrorLines({"FATAL":0, "ERROR":0, "WARNING" :0})
-</text></argument> -->
diff --git a/Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/tuple_step_streams.qmt b/Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/tuple_step_streams.qmt
deleted file mode 100644
index a1bb30ba4..000000000
--- a/Phys/Tesla/tests/qmtest/tesla.qms/tuple_step_streams.qmt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE extension  PUBLIC '-//QM/2.3/Extension//EN'  ''>
-# ...................
-# Author: mvesteri
-# Purpose: Run DaVinci ntuple making script on output of tesla.tesla_step_streams
-# Prerequisites: None
-# Common failure modes, severities and cures: 
-#               . SEVERE: Segfault or raised exception, stderr, nonzero return code
-#               . MAJOR: additional FATAL/ERROR messages always a major problem. no ERROR messages should ever be printed when running this test.
-#               . MINOR: additional WARNING messages, it is unclear how severe these may be, you will need to hunt down the cause and either fix the problem or suppress the warning.
-#               . EXPECTED: At the moment this test has a habit of timing out or being killed by some abort signal in finalize, but the output always looks fine.
-<extension class="GaudiTest.GaudiExeTest" kind="test">
-  <argument name="program"><text></text></argument>
-  <argument name="timeout"><integer>3600</integer></argument>
-  <argument name="args"><set>
-     <text>../options/</text>
-     <text>../options/</text>
-  </set></argument>
- <argument name="prerequisites"><set>
-    <tuple><text>tesla.tesla_step_streams</text><enumeral>PASS</enumeral></tuple>
-  </set></argument>
-<!--  <argument name="validator"><text>
-countErrorLines({"FATAL":0, "ERROR":0, "WARNING" :0})
-</text></argument> -->