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Commit e8fb131d authored by Eduardo Rodrigues's avatar Eduardo Rodrigues
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Merge branch 'dev-flavtag-testupdate-2017' into '2017-patches'

Update FlavourTagging qmtest Files for 2017-patches

See merge request !234
parents 6afc7ba5 e6e0cdd4
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2 merge requests!526Draft: S29r2p2 cache,!234Update FlavourTagging qmtest Files for 2017-patches
Example Options for BTagging algorithm
@author Marco Musy, Kevin Heinicke
@date 2010-09-29, 2018-05-03
from Gaudi.Configuration import *
import GaudiPython
from Configurables import GaudiSequencer
# some selections
from Configurables import CheatedSelection, BDecayTool, MCDecayFinder
from GaudiKernel import ROOT6WorkAroundEnabled
if ROOT6WorkAroundEnabled('ROOT-7492'):
# trigger autoloading of LHCbKernel dictionary
# trigger autoloading of DigiEvent dictionary
myDecay = '[B+ -> (J/psi(1S) => mu+ mu- ) K+]cc'
cheatsel = CheatedSelection("CheatedSelection")
cheatsel.Inputs = [ "Phys/TaggingPions" ]
cheatsel.AssociatorInputData = [ "Phys/CheatedSelection/Particles" ]
cheatsel.OutputLevel = 5
cheatsel.addTool( BDecayTool )
cheatsel.BDecayTool.addTool( MCDecayFinder )
cheatsel.BDecayTool.MCDecayFinder.Decay = myDecay
# setup tagging
location = "Phys/CheatedSelection"
from Configurables import BTagging, BTaggingTool, BTaggingChecker
from FlavourTagging.Tunings import applyTuning
tag = BTagging("BTagging")
tag.Inputs = [ location ]
#tag.OutputLevel = 5
tag.addTool( BDecayTool )
tag.BDecayTool.addTool( MCDecayFinder )
tag.BDecayTool.MCDecayFinder.Decay = myDecay
tag.addTool( BTaggingTool )
applyTuning(tag.BTaggingTool, 'TestTuning')
tag.BTaggingTool.AssocPVCriterion = 'PVbyIP' # needed by CheatedSelection
# Flavour tagging Checker
tagcheck = BTaggingChecker("BTaggingChecker")
tagcheck.Inputs = [ location ]
tagcheck.TagsLocation = location+"/FlavourTags"
# tagcheck.OutputLevel = DEBUG
tagcheck.addTool( BDecayTool )
tagcheck.BDecayTool.addTool( MCDecayFinder )
tagcheck.BDecayTool.MCDecayFinder.Decay = myDecay
MessageSvc().Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
# standard configuration
from Configurables import DaVinci
DaVinci().EvtMax = 1000 # Number of events
DaVinci().SkipEvents = 0 # Events to skip
DaVinci().PrintFreq = 100
DaVinci().DataType = "2012"
DaVinci().CondDBtag = 'sim-20121025-vc-mu100'
DaVinci().DDDBtag = "dddb-20120831"
DaVinci().Simulation = True
from Configurables import StoreExplorerAlg, PrintDecayTree
PrintDecayTree().Inputs = [ location ]
DaVinci().MoniSequence = [
] # The algorithms
#from GaudiConf import IOHelper
#IOHelper().inputFiles(['PFN:root://']) # Bu2JpsiK
importOptions( '$PRCONFIGOPTS/DaVinci/FlavourTagging/' )
appMgr = GaudiPython.AppMgr() DaVinci().EvtMax )
......@@ -4,34 +4,29 @@
<argument name="program"><text>python</text></argument>
<argument name="timeout"><integer>3600</integer></argument>
<argument name="args"><set>
<argument name="validator"><text>
BTagging SUCCESS #ERRORS = 1 Message = 'Tagging Tool returned error.'
BTaggingChecker INFO =======================================================
BTaggingChecker INFO WARNING: The following numbers do not represent the correct tagging powers.
BTaggingChecker INFO Category EFF. Etag Wrong TF r w
BTaggingChecker INFO 1 Category 2.4+-1.6 14+-1.9 29+-6.6 34 14
BTaggingChecker INFO 2 Category 0.77+-0.92 11+-1.7 37+-7.8 24 14
BTaggingChecker INFO 3 Category 2.1+-1.2 4.1+-1.1 14+-9.4 12 2
BTaggingChecker INFO 4 Category 1.6+-1 2.6+-0.86 11+-10 8 1
BTaggingChecker INFO 5 Category 1.5+-0.65 1.5+-0.65 0+-0 5 0
BTaggingChecker INFO ---------------------------------------------------------
BTaggingChecker INFO ** OS muon 0.87+-0.91 3.5+-0.99 25+-12 9 3
BTaggingChecker INFO ** OS elec 1.3+-0.94 2.3+-0.81 12+-12 7 1
BTaggingChecker INFO ** OS kaon 2.4+-1.6 13+-1.8 28+-6.8 31 12
BTaggingChecker INFO ** SS kaon 0.15+-0.4 2.3+-0.81 62+-17 3 5
BTaggingChecker INFO ** SS pion 1.4+-1.2 7.3+-1.4 28+-9 18 7
BTaggingChecker INFO ** VertexCh 3.9+-1.9 17+-2 26+-5.7 43 15
BTaggingChecker INFO ** OS nnetkaon 3.2+-1.8 21+-2.2 31+-5.4 50 22
BTaggingChecker INFO ** SS nnetkaon 1.2+-1.2 15+-2 64+-6.6 19 34
BTaggingChecker INFO ** OS Charm 1.3+-0.94 2.3+-0.81 12+-12 7 1
BTaggingChecker INFO ** OS muon 0.874636+-0.909124 3.49854+-0.992118 25+-12.5 9 3
BTaggingChecker INFO ** OS elec 1.31195+-0.937816 2.33236+-0.814941 12.5+-11.6927 7 1
BTaggingChecker INFO ** OS kaon 2.33884+-1.53195 13.1195+-1.82294 28.8889+-6.7566 32 13
BTaggingChecker INFO ** SS kaon 0.374844+-0.649362 8.16327+-1.4784 60.7143+-9.22962 11 17
BTaggingChecker INFO ** SS pion 1.41108+-1.18357 7.28863+-1.4036 28+-8.97998 18 7
BTaggingChecker INFO ** VertexCh 3.4842+-1.85224 17.7843+-2.06466 27.8689+-5.74058 44 17
BTaggingChecker INFO ** OS nnetkaon 2.1026+-1.53339 44.0233+-2.68039 39.0728+-3.97059 92 59
BTaggingChecker INFO ** SS nnetkaon 0.419301+-0.696782 51.895+-2.69781 54.4944+-3.73249 81 97
BTaggingChecker INFO ** OS Charm 0.874636+-0.909124 3.49854+-0.992118 25+-12.5 9 3
BTaggingChecker INFO ---------------------------------------------------------
BTaggingChecker INFO Tagging efficiency = 33 +/- 2.5 %
BTaggingChecker INFO Wrong Tag fraction = 25 +/- 4.2 %
BTaggingChecker INFO EFFECTIVE COMB. TE = 8.3 +/- 2.5 % (Total events= 343)
BTaggingChecker SUCCESS =========================================================
BTaggingChecker INFO Tagging efficiency = 0 +/- 0 %
BTaggingChecker INFO Wrong Tag fraction = -nan +/- -nan %
BTaggingChecker INFO EFFECTIVE COMB. TE = 0 +/- 0 % (Total events= 343)
""", stdout, result, causes, signature_offset = 1)
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