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  • staider/DaVinci
  • oozcelik/DaVinci
  • yoyang/DaVinci
  • jonrob/DaVinci
  • lhcb/DaVinci
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with 791 additions and 45 deletions
# backup files
# build products
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ include(DaVinciDependencies)
# -- Subdirectories
......@@ -312,8 +312,7 @@ def alg_config():
# Sprucing filter
my_filter = add_filter("HDRFilter_B0DsK",
my_filter = add_filter("HDRFilter_B0DsK", f"HLT_PASS('{bd2dsk_line}')")
# FunTuple
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ variables_ds = FunctorCollection({
#associate FunctorCollection to field (branch) name
variables = {'ALL': variables_all, 'Ds': variables_ds}
filter_data = add_filter("SpruceFilter", f"HLT_PASS('{spruce_line}Decision')")
filter_data = add_filter("SpruceFilter", f"HLT_PASS('{spruce_line}')")
#Configure Funtuple algorithm
tuple_data = Funtuple(
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
Option file for testing the ParticleTaggerAlg algorithm and the related ThOr functors MAP_ARRAY and MAP_RANGE.
The job runs over a spruced sample and retrieves a set of B0 -> Ds K+ candidates. For each candidate the ParticleTaggerAlg
looks at the TES location defined via the 'make_long_pions_from_spruce' function and creates a 'one-to-many' relation map
relating all the available tracks to the B candidate of the events.
relating all the available tracks to the B candidate of the events.
Then the MAP_ARRAY functor takes in input this relation map and for each entry stores the output of an external functor (i.e F.P, F.PT)
in a vector via the MAP_RANGE functor.
......@@ -81,8 +81,7 @@ tuple_B0DsK = Funtuple(
filter_B0DsK = add_filter("HDRFilter_B0DsK",
filter_B0DsK = add_filter("HDRFilter_B0DsK", f"HLT_PASS('{bd2dsk_line}')")
options.annsvc_config = 'root://'
options.histo_file = 'DV-example-tagger-his.root'
......@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ from DaVinci import options
from DaVinci.truth_matching import configured_MCTruthAndBkgCatAlg
from DaVinci.algorithms import get_odin, get_decreports
d02kpi_data = force_location("/Event/HLT2/Hlt2CharmD0ToKmPipLine/Particles")
line_name = 'Hlt2CharmD0ToKmPipLine'
d02kpi_data = force_location(f"/Event/HLT2/{line_name}/Particles")
#get configured "MCTruthAndBkgCatAlg" algorithm for HLT2 output
mctruth = configured_MCTruthAndBkgCatAlg(
......@@ -40,10 +41,9 @@ collections = [
hlt2_line_names = ['Hlt2CharmD0ToKmPipLineDecision']
evt_collections = [
functorcollections.SelectionInfo("Hlt2", dec, hlt2_line_names)
functorcollections.SelectionInfo("Hlt2", dec, [line_name])
assert len(collections) + len(evt_collections) == len(
......@@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ my_tuple = Funtuple(
def main():
my_filter = add_filter("HDRFilter_D0Kpi",
my_filter = add_filter("HDRFilter_D0Kpi", f"HLT_PASS('{line_name}')")
return {"UserAlgs": [my_filter, my_tuple]}, []
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ from DaVinci.algorithms import add_filter
from DaVinci import options
from DaVinci.truth_matching import configured_MCTruthAndBkgCatAlg
from DaVinci.algorithms import get_odin, get_decreports
from FunTuple.functorcollections import SelectionInfo
options.process = 'Hlt2'
......@@ -66,11 +67,10 @@ variables = {
def main():
d02kpi_data = force_location(
line_name = 'Hlt2CharmD0ToKmPipLine'
d02kpi_data = force_location(f"/Event/HLT2/{line_name}/Particles")
my_filter = add_filter("HDRFilter_D0Kpi",
my_filter = add_filter("HDRFilter_D0Kpi", f"HLT_PASS('{line_name}')")
#get configured "MCTruthAndBkgCatAlg" algorithm for HLT2 output
mctruth = configured_MCTruthAndBkgCatAlg(
......@@ -105,23 +105,15 @@ def main():
odin = get_odin(options)
hlt2_dec = get_decreports("Hlt2", options)
#Since input is from this line should return 1 for decisions
hlt2_lines = ['Hlt2CharmD0ToKmPipLineDecision']
#define event level variables
evt_variables = FunctorCollection({
F.DECISIONS(Lines=hlt2_lines, DecReports=hlt2_dec),
evt_variables += SelectionInfo("Hlt2", hlt2_dec, [line_name])
#For now remove: The 'Hlt2' line decision tuples fine but breaks unit test with an error. (Why?)
#see linked issue here:
#define FunTuple instance
my_tuple = Funtuple(
......@@ -50,11 +50,10 @@ variables = {
def main():
d02kpi_data = force_location(
line_name = 'Hlt2CharmD0ToKmPipLine'
d02kpi_data = force_location(f"/Event/HLT2/{line_name}/Particles")
my_filter = add_filter("HDRFilter_D0Kpi",
my_filter = add_filter("HDRFilter_D0Kpi", f"HLT_PASS('{line_name}')")
my_tuple = Funtuple(
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ variables = {
def main():
filter_bs = add_filter("HDRFilter_Bs2JpsiPhi",
tuple_bs = Funtuple(
......@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ from PyConf.components import force_location
from DaVinci.algorithms import add_filter
from DaVinci import options
bd2dsk_line = force_location(
bd2dspi_line = force_location(
line_B0DsK = 'SpruceB2OC_BdToDsmK_DsmToHHH_FEST_Line'
line_B0Dspi = 'SpruceB2OC_BdToDsmPi_DsmToKpKmPim_Line'
bd2dsk_line = force_location(f"/Event/Spruce/{line_B0DsK}/Particles")
bd2dspi_line = force_location(f"/Event/Spruce/{line_B0Dspi}/Particles")
fields_dsk = {
'B0': "[B0 -> D_s- K+]CC",
......@@ -91,12 +91,9 @@ def main():
options.ntuple_file = "DV_example_sprucing_ntp.root"
options.histo_file = "DV_example_sprucing_his.root"
filter_B0DsK = add_filter(
filter_B0Dspi = add_filter(
filter_B0DsK = add_filter("HDRFilter_B0DsK", f"HLT_PASS('{line_B0DsK}')")
filter_B0Dspi = add_filter("HDRFilter_B0Dspi",
tools = []
algs = {
......@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ variables = {
def main():
B_data = force_location("/Event/Spruce/Spruce_Test_line/Particles")
line_name = 'Spruce_Test_line'
B_data = force_location(f"/Event/Spruce/{line_name}/Particles")
my_filter = add_filter("HDRFilter_B",
my_filter = add_filter("HDRFilter_B", f"HLT_PASS('{line_name}')")
#get configured "MCTruthAndBkgCatAlg" algorithm for HLT2 output
mctruth = configured_MCTruthAndBkgCatAlg(inputs=B_data)
# (c) Copyright 2001-2022 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration #
# #
# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public #
# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". #
# #
# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization #
# or submit itself to any jurisdiction. #
# About
The tutorials have originally been developed for the LHCb [starter-kit]( that took place in March 2022.
The tutorials are accompanied by [slides]( and [recordings](
Note that in the slides and recordings, the tutorials have been labelled differently to what is present here (the slides and recordings will be updated for the next `starterkit` lesson).
# Setup
To setup, either build your own [stack]( for DaVinci (WARNING: Takes a very long time to build. Only recommended if you are doing development work)
#Go to home or any directory of your choice
cd $HOME
#set up the stack
curl | python3 - stack
#compile DaVinci (DV) master
cd stack && make DaVinci
or use the `lb-dev` command i.e.
#Go to home or any directory of your choice
cd $HOME
#Note that you might run into trouble if DaVinci hasn't yet been built in the latest lhcb-head slot.
# You can check if it has been built or not here:
# In which case you can simply use the previous slot number e.g. "--nightly lhcb-head/3270".
lb-dev -c x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc11-opt --nightly lhcb-head DaVinci/HEAD --name DV
cd DV
git lb-use DaVinci
git lb-checkout DaVinci/master DaVinciTutorials
Let us setup the required paths to the DaVinci tutorials directory using the `stack` method (for `lb-dev` method change `DVPATH` accordingly)
#path to DaVinci (using stack method, for lb-dev method DVPATH="$HOME/DV")
#path to starterkit examples
In the lesson, we will be using the `Turbo` upgrade simulation sample analysing the decays of `Bs0->J/psi (-> mu+ mu-) phi (-> K+ K-)`.
The simulation samples can either be in the local directory or at CERN EOS.
Here our example DST file (`hlt2_passthrough_thor_lines.dst`) and accompanying configuration file (`hlt2_passthrough_thor_lines.tck.json`) are both at CERN EOS (see `jobopts.yaml` file).
<!--For the hands-on session, we will be using a 'Spruce' upgrade simulation sample analysing the decays of `Bc -> Bs0 pi+`. Simulation sample obtained from Spruce line output (`spruce_exclusive_BcToBspi.dst`) and configuration file (`spruce_exclusive.tck.json`) are also at CERN EOS (see `jobopts_spruce.yaml` file).-->
# Tutorial0: Running a simple DaVinci job
- Running the basic example using the [`click`]( based DaVinci configuration.
- Creating templates for `jobopts.yaml` and `dataprops.yaml`.
- Configuring DV job with `jobopts.yaml` and data properties using `dataprops.yaml`.
- Function that returns a sequence of user defined algorithms.
Command to run the tutorial:
$DVPATH/run davinci run-mc -i bs2jpsiphi_turbo dataprops.yaml -j jobopts.yaml --user_algorithms tutorial0_basic_DVjob:main
# Tutorial1: FunTuple basic ThOr functors and special field name
- Basic configuration of `FunTuple`.
- Defining a collection of `ThOr` functors (`FunctorCollection`).
- Configuring the `fields` attribute of `FunTuple`.
- Usage of special field name `ALL`.
- Inspecting C++ string representation of `ThOr` functors.
- Loading particles in the event from `.dst` onto Transient Event Store (TES) location.
- Usage of event filter (mainly to get over a technical hurdle).
Command to run the tutorial:
#see particle properties (for names, properties, etc)
$DVPATH/run dump_ParticleProperties -t Upgrade | tee ParticleTable.txt
#run example
$DVPATH/run davinci -i bs2jpsiphi_turbo dataprops.yaml -j jobopts.yaml --user_algorithms tutorial1_functors_specialfield:main
External links:
- Decay descriptors:
- `ThOr` documentation:
- [List]( of available `ThOr` functors.
# Tutorial2: LoKi functors
- Defining a collection of `LoKi` functors together with `ThOr` functors.
- Defining a LoKi preamble for a complex LoKi functor to be used in `FunctorCollection`.
Command to run the tutorial:
#run example
$DVPATH/run davinci -i bs2jpsiphi_turbo dataprops.yaml -j jobopts.yaml --user_algorithms tutorial2_LoKi:main
External links:
- `LoKi` official page:
- `LoKi` starter-kit page:
# Tutorial3: ThOr functors (Data dependence, arguments and return types)
- Loading primary vertices (PVs) onto TES, which is passed to data dependent `ThOr` functors in `FunTuple` e.g. `F.BPVIPCHI2(pvs)`.
- Functors returning three and four vectors e.g. `F.BPVFDVEC(pvs)` that returns `3-vector`.
- Usage of functors taking other arguments such as other functors `func` e.g. `F.CHILD(1,func)`, `F.SUM(func)`, `F.SUMCOMB(func,Indices)`, `F.MASSWITHHYPOTHESES(('K+', 'K-')`.
- Basic maths operators with functor returning scalars e.g. `CHILD_2(F.END_VZ) - F.END_VZ`, which returns difference in end vertex of child and mother.
Command to run the tutorial:
#run example
$DVPATH/run davinci -i bs2jpsiphi_turbo dataprops.yaml -j jobopts.yaml --user_algorithms tutorial3_ThOrfunctors:main
# Tutorial4: Usage of pre-defined `functorcollections`, storing trigger and event-level information
- Usage of pre-defined `functorcollections`, inspecting and manipulating them before loading it onto `FunTuple`.
- Exploring few simple methods of `FunctorCollection` class.
- Storing event-level information with `functorcollection` e.g. RunNumber, EventNumber, etc.
- Storing trigger (`Hlt1`, `Hlt2` and `Sprucing`) information with `functorcollection` e.g. line decisions, Trigger Configuration Key (TCK).
Command to run the tutorial:
#run example
$DVPATH/run davinci -i bs2jpsiphi_turbo dataprops.yaml -j jobopts.yaml --user_algorithms tutorial4_trigger_eventinfo:main
External links:
- The `Hlt1` decisions can be stored in similar way to `Hlt2` and `Spruce` (see example `option_trigger_decisions` in `DaVinciExamples` folder). For details, can also refer to the [talk]( (The talk mentions that to persist Hlt1 decisions, one needs to add few options to the Moore script).
- List of currently available `functorcollections` are [here]( and the planned ones are [here](
# Tutorial5: MC truth association and background category algorithm
- Configuring the MC association and background category algorithm (`MCTruthAndBkgCatAlg`) to build a relation table. For MC association, the table is essentially a map between reconstructed particles and "truth" particles (MCParticle).
- Usage of the relations table and `ThOr` functor handling such table (e.g. `F.MAP_INPUT(func, RelTable`) to get truth information and background category.
- Also explore `functorcollections` such as `MCKinematics`, `MCHierarchy`, etc.
Command to run the tutorial:
#run example
$DVPATH/run davinci -i bs2jpsiphi_turbo dataprops.yaml -j jobopts.yaml --user_algorithms tutorial5_MCTruth:main
# Tutorial6: Decay Tree Fitter (DTF) algorithm
- Configuring the Decay Tree Fitter algorithm (`DecayTreeFitterAlg`) to build a relation table i.e. map between the candidate and the refitted candidate.
- Usage of the relations table and `ThOr` functor (e.g. `F.MAP_INPUT(func, RelTable`) to get refitted information of the candidate.
- Defining different instances of DTF algorithm with mass constraints, primary vertex constraint.
Command to run the tutorial:
#run example
$DVPATH/run davinci -i bs2jpsiphi_turbo dataprops.yaml -j jobopts.yaml --user_algorithms tutorial6_DecayTreeFit:main
External links on decay tree fitter:
- Paper:
- Twiki :
- Starter-kit:
- Slides by Wouter:
# Tutorial7: Defining different instances of FunTuple when analysing outputs of multiple selection lines
- Defining different instances of FunTuple to return different `TDirectory` in the output ROOT file.
- Changes to the function returning user algorithm "sequence" to allow for this.
Command to run the tutorial:
#run example Turbo but with two decays
$DVPATH/run davinci -i bs2jpsiphi_turbo dataprops.yaml -j jobopts_turbo.yaml --user_algorithms tutorial7_multiple_sel_lines:main
\ No newline at end of file
# (c) Copyright 2021-2022 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration #
# #
# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public #
# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". #
# #
# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization #
# or submit itself to any jurisdiction. #
- 'root://'
data_type: Upgrade
input_type: DST
simulation: true
conddb_tag: sim-20180530-vc-md100
dddb_tag: dddb-20180815
\ No newline at end of file
# (c) Copyright 2021-2022 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration #
# #
# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public #
# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". #
# #
# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization #
# or submit itself to any jurisdiction. #
# Template job option YAML file.
# Best guesses are provided below for various options. Please adapt as per your needs.
annsvc_config: 'root://'
evt_max: -1
ntuple_file: 'ntuple_turbo.root'
enable_unpack: True
process: 'Turbo'
print_freq: 1
\ No newline at end of file
# (c) Copyright 2021-2022 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration #
# #
# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public #
# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". #
# #
# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization #
# or submit itself to any jurisdiction. #
# tutorial0_basic_DVjob: Running simple example of a DaVinci job.
# Run this with (assumes TUTORIALSPATH and DVPATH are already set, see
# - $DVPATH/run davinci run-mc -i bs2jpsiphi_turbo dataprops.yaml -j jobopts.yaml --user_algorithms tutorial0_basic_DVjob:main
from PyConf.Algorithms import PrintDecayTree
from PyConf.components import force_location
from DaVinci.algorithms import add_filter
#Import davinci options and overwrite "ntuple_file" option in "jobopts.yaml"
from DaVinci import options
options.ntuple_file = '' #no tuple written out
options.evt_max = 100
#Load data from dst onto a "temporary" TES (Transient Event Store) location for a given event cycle.
# We loop over the algorithms event-by-event, so for given event cycle, TES maps "path" to an "object".
# For the TES path checkout spruce_passthrough.tck.json or you can do a dst dump
# (see
# The TES location input to the algorithms must of type "PyConf.DataHandle" and not pure strings.
# Therefore we wrap the TES location string below with "force_location" wrapper class.
turbo_line = "Hlt2BsToJpsiPhi_JPsi2MuMu_PhiToKK_Line"
input_data = force_location(f"/Event/HLT2/{turbo_line}/Particles")
#Add a filter: We are not really filtering over particles, we are getting over a technical hurdle here.
# The hurdle being that if the event hasn't fired a HLT2 line then no TES location exists
# and therefore if any algorithm tries to look for this location, we run into a problem.
# Side step this issue with a filter, where:
# - 1st argument is a user defined name.
# - 2nd argument is the line decision (simply append "Decision" to your HLT2 line name (or inspect hlt2_starterkit.tck.json))
my_filter = add_filter("HDRFilter_SeeNoEvil", f"HLT_PASS('{turbo_line}')")
# Defining an algorithm. The alorithm here prints the decaytree
pdt = PrintDecayTree(name="PrintBsToJpsiPhi", Input=input_data)
def main():
#Define tools (no tools used here)
tools = []
#Define dictionary of algorithms: "algorithm sequence name" -> list of algorithms run sequentially. By default an algorithm is only run if the previous in sequence finds something.
algs = {"Alg": [my_filter, pdt]}
#Return them
return algs, tools
# (c) Copyright 2021-2022 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration #
# #
# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public #
# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". #
# #
# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization #
# or submit itself to any jurisdiction. #
# tutorial1_functors_specialfield: Tupling with LoKi and ThOr functors
# Run this with (assumes TUTORIALSPATH and DVPATH are already set, see
# - $DVPATH/run davinci run-mc -i bs2jpsiphi_turbo dataprops.yaml -j jobopts.yaml --user_algorithms tutorial1_functors_specialfield:main
#Import necessary packages and functions
from FunTuple import FunTuple_Particles as Funtuple
from FunTuple import FunctorCollection as FC
import Functors as F
from DaVinci.algorithms import add_filter
from PyConf.application import force_location
#Import davinci options and overwrite "ntuple_file" option in "jobopts.yaml"
from DaVinci import options
options.ntuple_file = 'tutorial1_functors_specialfield.root'
options.evt_max = 100
#Define a dictionary of "field name" -> "decay descriptor component".
# - For particle properties, names, etc checkout "ParticleTable.txt"
# that can be obtained via command "$DVPATH/run dump_ParticleProperties -t Upgrade | tee ParticleTable.txt".
# - For decay descriptor info see for example
# If your decay is self-tagged (which is the most common case) then you will need "[<decay-descriptor>]CC"
fields = {
"Bs": "B_s0 -> (J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-) (phi(1020) ->K+ K-)",
"Jpsi": "B_s0 -> ^(J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-) (phi(1020) ->K+ K-)",
"Phi": "B_s0 -> (J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-) ^(phi(1020) ->K+ K-)",
"Mup": "B_s0 -> (J/psi(1S) ->^mu+ mu-) (phi(1020) ->K+ K-)",
"Mum": "B_s0 -> (J/psi(1S) -> mu+ ^mu-) (phi(1020) ->K+ K-)",
"Kp": "B_s0 -> (J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-) (phi(1020) ->^K+ K-)",
"Km": "B_s0 -> (J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-) (phi(1020) ->K+ ^K-)",
#Define a collection of functors called FunctorCollection, which takes dictionary of "variable name" -> "ThOr" functor
# (Can also be a "LoKi" functor see next tutorial).
# For more info on ThOr see
# For list of ThOr functors see
# Here we define functor collection to be added to "ALL" fields (Bs, Jpsi, Phi, etc)
all_vars = FC({
"THOR_P": F.P, #ThOr momentum functor
"ID": F.
PARTICLE_ID, #Refer to "ParticleTable.txt" for particle ID (see above on how to get this file)
#define functors to be added only to Bs and Jpsi fields
bs_jpsi_fun = FC({"PT_THOR": F.PT, "PX": F.PX, "PY": F.PY})
#Define variables dictionary "field name" -> Collections of functor.
# "ALL" is a special field name that adds PT to all the fields defined above (i.e. Bs,Jpsi,Mup,Mum,Kp,Km)
variables = {
"ALL": all_vars,
"Bs": bs_jpsi_fun,
"Jpsi": bs_jpsi_fun,
#Inspect string representation of ThOr Functor
# This string representation is converted to C++ object
# using gcc or FunctorCache see
#Define the TES location (see previous example for explanation)
turbo_line = "Hlt2BsToJpsiPhi_JPsi2MuMu_PhiToKK_Line"
input_data = force_location(f"/Event/HLT2/{turbo_line}/Particles")
#Define a filter (see previous example for explaination)
my_filter = add_filter("HDRFilter_SeeNoEvil", f"HLT_PASS('{turbo_line}')")
#Define instance of FunTuple
mytuple = Funtuple(
"TDirectoryName", # name of directory in ROOT file
"TTreeName", # name of TTree
fields=fields, # dictionary of particle : decay descriptor
variables=variables, # dictionary of particle : variables to insert in TTree
inputs=input_data) # input data
def main():
#Define tools (no tools used here)
tools = []
#Define dictionary of algorithms: "algorithm sequence name" -> list of algorithms run sequentially
algs = {"Alg": [my_filter, mytuple]}
#Return them
return algs, tools
# (c) Copyright 2021-2022 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration #
# #
# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public #
# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". #
# #
# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization #
# or submit itself to any jurisdiction. #
# tutorial2_LoKi: Usage of LoKi functors together with ThOr
# Run this with (assumes TUTORIALSPATH and DVPATH are already set, see
# - $DVPATH/run davinci run-mc -i bs2jpsiphi_turbo dataprops.yaml -j jobopts.yaml --user_algorithms tutorial2_LoKi:main
from FunTuple import FunTuple_Particles as Funtuple
from FunTuple import FunctorCollection as FC
import Functors as F
from DaVinci.algorithms import add_filter
from PyConf.application import force_location
#Import davinci options and overwrite "ntuple_file" option in "jobopts.yaml"
from DaVinci import options
options.ntuple_file = 'tutorial2_LoKi.root'
options.evt_max = 100
#Define a dictionary of "field name" -> "decay descriptor component".
fields = {
"Bs": "B_s0 -> (J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-) (phi(1020) ->K+ K-)",
"Jpsi": "B_s0 -> ^(J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-) (phi(1020) ->K+ K-)",
"Phi": "B_s0 -> (J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-) ^(phi(1020) ->K+ K-)",
"Mup": "B_s0 -> (J/psi(1S) ->^mu+ mu-) (phi(1020) ->K+ K-)",
"Mum": "B_s0 -> (J/psi(1S) -> mu+ ^mu-) (phi(1020) ->K+ K-)",
"Kp": "B_s0 -> (J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-) (phi(1020) ->^K+ K-)",
"Km": "B_s0 -> (J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-) (phi(1020) ->K+ ^K-)",
#Define a collection of functors called FunctorCollection, which takes dictionary of "variable name" -> "LoKi" or "ThOr" functor
# For more info on ThOr see
# For list of ThOr functors see
# For information on LoKi functor see
mom_fun = FC({
"LOKI_PT": 'PT', #LoKi functor code is represented in a string
"LOKI_PX": 'PX',
#Define a LoKi preamble (Note that one can define preambles in ThOr using python lambda function see next tutorial or via FunctorComposition)
# i.e. rename a complex LoKi functor to a user deinfed name (e.g. TRACK_MAX_PT)
# This helps us to use "TRACK_MAX_PT" when constructing FunctorCollection
loki_preamble = ['TRACK_MAX_PT = MAXTREE(ISBASIC & HASTRACK, PT, -1)']
#define collections to be added to fields
max_pt_fun = FC({
) #ThOr (not equivalent, sum of pT of composites not basic). MAXTREE ThOr doesn't exist yet.
#Define variables dictionary "field name" -> Collections of functor.
variables = {
"ALL": mom_fun,
"Bs": max_pt_fun,
"Jpsi": max_pt_fun,
"Phi": max_pt_fun,
#Load data from dst onto a TES
turbo_line = "Hlt2BsToJpsiPhi_JPsi2MuMu_PhiToKK_Line"
input_data = force_location(f"/Event/HLT2/{turbo_line}/Particles")
#Add a filter
my_filter = add_filter("HDRFilter_SeeNoEvil", f"HLT_PASS('{turbo_line}')")
#Define instance of FunTuple
mytuple = Funtuple(
loki_preamble=loki_preamble, #optional argument
def main():
#Define tools (no tools used here)
tools = []
#Define dictionary of algorithms: "algorithm sequence name" -> list of algorithms run sequentially
algs = {"Alg": [my_filter, mytuple]}
#Return them
return algs, tools
# (c) Copyright 2021-2022 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration #
# #
# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public #
# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". #
# #
# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization #
# or submit itself to any jurisdiction. #
# tutorial3_ThOrfunctors: Usange of data dependent ThOr functors, arguments to ThOr functors and vector functors
# Run this with (assumes TUTORIALSPATH and DVPATH are already set, see
# - $DVPATH/run davinci run-mc -i bs2jpsiphi_turbo dataprops.yaml -j jobopts.yaml --user_algorithms tutorial3_ThOrfunctors:main
from FunTuple import FunTuple_Particles as Funtuple
from FunTuple import FunctorCollection as FC
import Functors as F
from DaVinci.algorithms import add_filter
from PyConf.application import force_location
from DaVinci.reco_objects import make_pvs_v2
#Import davinci options and overwrite "ntuple_file" option in "jobopts.yaml"
from DaVinci import options
options.ntuple_file = 'tutorial3_ThOrfunctors.root'
options.evt_max = 100
#Define a dictionary of "field name" -> "decay descriptor component".
# Can get daughter information from the head of the decay using F.CHILD functors see below.
fields = {
"Bs": "B_s0 -> (J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-) (phi(1020) ->K+ K-)",
"Phi": "B_s0 -> (J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-) ^(phi(1020) ->K+ K-)",
"Kp": "B_s0 -> (J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-) (phi(1020) ->^K+ K-)",
"Km": "B_s0 -> (J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-) (phi(1020) ->K+ ^K-)",
#Load PVs onto TES from data, like we did with input_data below
# Creating v2 reconstructed vertices to be used in the following functor
# For the time being there's a mix of legacy and v2 event classes. That will eventually be cleaned once the
# event model is fixed. In the meantime there are helper functions in DaVinci.
pvs = make_pvs_v2(process=options.process)
#Evaluate the impact parameter
all_vars = {}
#The ThOr functor F.BPVIPCHI2 is data dependent. It takes as input list of pvs.
#It calculates impact parameter chisq wrt best PV.
# - best PV is the PV which fits best the FD of the B candidate.
# - impact parameter chisq is the difference in the vertex-fit chisq of a given PV reconstructed with and w/o the track under consideration.
all_vars['BPVIPCHI2'] = F.BPVIPCHI2(pvs)
#define dictionary
bs_vars = {}
#Tupling vector functors
# Some functors could also return std::map<std::string, std::any> (e.g. F.DECISIONS(Lines=line_names, DecReports=dec_report))
bs_vars['BPVFDVEC_'] = F.BPVFDVEC(pvs) #Returns 3-vector
bs_vars['FOURMOM_P'] = F.FOURMOMENTUM #Returns 4-vector
#define some helpful lambda function to simplify syntax
# This is bit like LoKi preamble of renaming functors that we encountred in previous tutorial.
CHILD_1 = lambda func: F.CHILD(1, func)
CHILD_2 = lambda func: F.CHILD(2, func)
SUBCOMB_12 = lambda func: F.SUBCOMB(Functor=func, Indices=(1, 2))
#Store the ID of the two daughters of B_s0
bs_vars['jpsi_ID'] = CHILD_1(F.PARTICLE_ID)
bs_vars['phi_ID'] = CHILD_2(F.PARTICLE_ID)
bs_vars['Kp_ID'] = CHILD_2(CHILD_1(F.PARTICLE_ID))
#Calculate sum of pT of jpsi daughter tracks
bs_vars['jpsi_TRACKSUMPT'] = CHILD_1(F.SUM(F.PT))
#Calculate impact parameter of K+
bs_vars['Kp_BPVIP'] = CHILD_2(CHILD_1(F.BPVIP(pvs)))
#Calculate invariant mass of K+ and K- combination
bs_vars['phi_M_comb'] = CHILD_2(SUBCOMB_12(F.MASS))
#Calculate the difference in end vertex between phi and Bs
bs_vars['Delta_END_VZ_PhiBs0'] = CHILD_2(F.END_VZ) - F.END_VZ
#Calculate inv mass of K+pi- where the K- is given the mass hypothesis of pi-
bs_vars['phi_mass_kpi'] = CHILD_2(F.MASSWITHHYPOTHESES(('K+', 'pi-')))
#Calculate inv mass of K+K-
# There three functors for computing this i.e. F.MASS, CHILD_2(SUBCOMB_12(F.MASS)) and CHILD_2(F.MASSWITHHYPOTHESES(('K+', 'K-'))) but why?
# (see issue:
bs_vars['phi_mass_kk'] = CHILD_2(F.MASSWITHHYPOTHESES(('K+', 'K-')))
all_vars['M'] = F.MASS
#Define variables dictionary "field name" -> Collections of functor
variables = {
"ALL": FC(all_vars),
"Bs": FC(bs_vars),
#Load data from dst onto a TES
turbo_line = "Hlt2BsToJpsiPhi_JPsi2MuMu_PhiToKK_Line"
input_data = force_location(f"/Event/HLT2/{turbo_line}/Particles")
#Add a filter
my_filter = add_filter("HDRFilter_SeeNoEvil", f"HLT_PASS('{turbo_line}')")
#Define instance of FunTuple
mytuple = Funtuple(
def main():
#Define tools (no tools used here)
tools = []
#Define dictionary of algorithms: "algorithm sequence name" -> list of algorithms run sequentially
algs = {"Alg": [my_filter, mytuple]}
#Return them
return algs, tools
# (c) Copyright 2021-2022 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration #
# #
# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public #
# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". #
# #
# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization #
# or submit itself to any jurisdiction. #
# tutorial4_trigger_eventinfo: Usage of pre-defined FunctorCollection, storing trigger and event level information
# Run this with (assumes TUTORIALSPATH and DVPATH are already set, see
# - $DVPATH/run davinci run-mc -i bs2jpsiphi_turbo dataprops.yaml -j jobopts.yaml --user_algorithms tutorial4_trigger_eventinfo:main
from FunTuple import FunTuple_Particles as Funtuple
from FunTuple import FunctorCollection as FC
import Functors as F
from DaVinci.algorithms import add_filter
from PyConf.application import force_location
#Import davinci options and overwrite "ntuple_file" option in "jobopts.yaml"
from DaVinci import options
options.ntuple_file = 'tutorial4_trigger_eventinfo.root'
options.evt_max = 100
#Define a dictionary of "field name" -> "decay descriptor component".
fields = {"Bs": "B_s0 -> (J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-) (phi(1020) ->K+ K-)"}
#To help users, there are pre-defined FunctorCollections (Tuple-tool like objects for Run1/2 veterans) that you can import and inspect.
# Here we import a pre-defined FunctorCollection "Kinematics".
# One can call "print(help(Kinematics))" (you have to press "q" to exit after calling) to check the usage and their arguments.
# Functors that have data dependency will naturally induce data dependency on the functorcollections.
# To see what functor collections are available see:
from FunTuple.functorcollections import Kinematics
#Inspect whats in the collection by printing
kin = Kinematics()
#Define new collection
coll = FC({"ID": F.PARTICLE_ID})
#Add to existing collections (can also subtract two collections)
kin += coll
#Remove from collections
kin.pop(['PX', 'PT', 'PZ', 'PY', 'ENERGY'])
#Can also obtain a pure dictionary from collections via
# - kin.functor_dict (Contains both LoKi and ThOr)
# - kin.get_thor_functors()
# - kin.get_loki_functors()
) #empty dictionary since we have no LoKi functors in the collection
#Now import two other pre-defined FunctorCollections: SelectionInfo and EventInfo
# - SelectionInfo: Contains functors related to storing Hlt1, Hlt2 or Sprucing trigger line decision and Trigger Configuration Key (TCK).
# - EventInfo: Contains functors related to storing event information EVENTNUMBER, RUNNUMBER, GPSTIME, etc.
#As before you can call help with "print(help(EventInfo))" or "print(help(SelectionInfo))" (you have to press "q" to exit after calling)
from FunTuple.functorcollections import SelectionInfo, EventInfo
#Get event information like RUNNUMBER, EVENTNUMBER.
# These are stored in "LHCb::ODIN" C++ object which the ThOr functors take as input (like PVs in Example7), load it onto TES using "get_odin".
# The attribute extra_info is False by default, if set to "True" you get info on
# bunchcrossing id, ODIN TCK, GPS Time, etc
from DaVinci.algorithms import get_odin
odin = get_odin(options)
evtinfo = EventInfo(odin, extra_info=False)
#Get selection line decision and HlT2 TCK.
# These decisions are stored in "LHCb::HltDecReports" object, which the ThOr functors take as input (like PVs in Example7), load it onto TES using "get_decreports".
# The function "get_decreports" takes as input:
# - sel_type: Type of selection "Hlt2" or "Spruce"
# - line_names: list of line decision in this instance HLT2 line. Should return True for all since we are using the output of this line.
# The `Hlt1` decisions can be stored in similar way to `Hlt2` and `Spruce`
# (see example `option_trigger_decisions` in `DaVinciExamples` folder).
# For details, can also refer to the [talk](
# (The talk mentions that to persist Hlt1 decisions, one needs to add few options to the Moore script).
from DaVinci.algorithms import get_decreports
sel_type = "Hlt2" #User defined and will be used as prefix for TBranch in the root file
dec_report = get_decreports(sel_type, options)
turbo_line = "Hlt2BsToJpsiPhi_JPsi2MuMu_PhiToKK_Line"
turbo_line2 = "Hlt2BsToJpsiPhi_JPsi2ee_PhiToKK_Line"
line_names = [f'{turbo_line}Decision', f'{turbo_line2}']
selinfo = SelectionInfo(sel_type, dec_report, line_names)
#Define variables dictionary "field name" -> Collections of functor
variables = {"ALL": kin}
#Load data from dst onto a TES
input_data = force_location(f"/Event/HLT2/{turbo_line}/Particles")
#Add a filter
my_filter = add_filter("HDRFilter_SeeNoEvil", f"HLT_PASS('{turbo_line}')")
#Define instance of FunTuple
mytuple = Funtuple(
event_variables=evtinfo + selinfo,
def main():
#Define tools (no tools used here)
tools = []
#Define dictionary of algorithms: "algorithm sequence name" -> list of algorithms run sequentially
algs = {"Alg": [my_filter, mytuple]}
#Return them
return algs, tools