As I mentioned at our live chat you can put up any algorithm in a workflow, expecially if you create that whole workflow yourself. Of course DaVinci is prepared in a way to make it as easy as possible to the typical user ... For the sake of example look at this trivial snipped under, which I added precisely to show that a DaVinci job can be anything that is allowed for a Gaudi job given the information on the input file and the code available via the dependent libraries.
Whether or not what you want to do is the best way for the job, we can certainly create a snippet. For a start you should then write down the ParticleCombiner workflow part (sequencers are deprecated) ...
The problem with HLT2 output is only related to the MC particle and relations, as long as you use functors that don't need them, like THOR_MASS, the job should work.
Hi @peilian, do you now have an example that works for you of inserting a ParticleCombiner instance, based on the examples hinted at above? Then we can close this.
Hi @pkoppenb@erodrigu@dfazzini sorry for coming back late. I just found some time to try this out.
The script is running but I got long error about the PV upacking UnpackParticlesAndVertices INFO Unknown objec: Container type 6+210 key 4281. See log in /afs/
Any idea about how to fix this? Thanks!
You could find my example and script here: /afs/, running with command DaVinci/run davinci run-mc --inputfiledb B2JpsiK b2jpsik_data.yaml --joboptfile b2jpsik_opts.yaml --user_algorithms ntuple_b2jpsik:main.
In addition, while import ParticleCombiner from DaVinci.standard_particle, I realized that this is still using LoKi. Maybe ThOr based Combiner needs to be added?
Hi. Not, really, I don't think we will need most of them in DaVinci given what the standard user will be doing in ntupling jobs. I duplicated those files from Moore a while back because we needed them to be able to work on the new DaVinci and, most importantly, test it with what was available from online. But I always said it was a temporary measure. To be discussed more extensively next year but IMO many of these helpers, which are now largely duplicated from Moore to DaVinci, should be moved out of Moore if not Moore specific and made available to both online and offline. Analysis is probably a good place. This is no different from what we asked to be done for PyConf, now in LHCb. Some bits may still stay in Moore and that's OK. But I would really push towards no duplication offline versus online, and that should include helpers as well as framework building blocks.
In other words, lets try and sort the "issue" at source and avoid hacky and/or temporary solutions as we approach commissioning times next year.
Hello @peilian, is this "issue" still worth keeping open? I had the impression that it was all about an example in the end. Otherwise can you update here what is missing? Advance thanks.
OK, sounds good. Note that if you did not find an example of what you need in DaVinciExamples then we could/should add one based on your options file to improve on "example coverage".
Hi @erodrigu@amathad@dfazzini@pkoppenb I finally come back to this issue. I have prepared the option file with upfront ParticleCombinerWithPVs algorithm to make additional particles, however I have problem to unpack the reconstructed info with errors below. The *.tck.json (/afs/ file has path /Event/Rec/Vertex/Primary or /Event/HLT2/pRec/Vertex/Primary but not /Event/pRec/Vertex/Primary. How could I let the unpacker know the correct path? I am currently using the upfront_reconstruction from here
Thanks in advance.
You could find the option file: /afs/ and other inputs in the same folder.
HLTControlFlowMgr FATAL Failed event detected on s: 0 e: 0UnpackRecVertices ERROR Cannot retrieve /Event/pRec/Vertex/Primary from transient store.UnpackRecVertices ERROR Maximum number of errors ( 'ErrorMax':1) reached.HLTControlFlowMgr FATAL Event failed in Node UnpackRecVertex/UnpackRecVerticesUnpackBestTracks ERROR Cannot retrieve /Event/pRec/Track/Best from transient store.UnpackBestTracks ERROR Maximum number of errors ( 'ErrorMax':1) reached.HLTControlFlowMgr FATAL Event failed in Node UnpackTrack/UnpackBestTracksUnpackMuonTracks ERROR Cannot retrieve /Event/pRec/Track/Muon from transient store.UnpackMuonTracks ERROR Maximum number of errors ( 'ErrorMax':1) reached.HLTControlFlowMgr FATAL Event failed in Node UnpackTrack/UnpackMuonTracksUnpackNeutralProtos#1 ERROR Cannot retrieve /Event/pRec/ProtoP/Neutrals from transient store.UnpackNeutralProtos#1 ERROR Maximum number of errors ( 'ErrorMax':1) reached.HLTControlFlowMgr FATAL Event failed in Node UnpackProtoParticle/UnpackNeutralProtos#1UnpackChargedProtos#1 ERROR Cannot retrieve /Event/pRec/ProtoP/Charged from transient store.UnpackChargedProtos#1 ERROR Maximum number of errors ( 'ErrorMax':1) reached.HLTControlFlowMgr FATAL Event failed in Node UnpackProtoParticle/UnpackChargedProtos#1UnpackChargedProtos#1 ERROR Cannot retrieve /Event/pRec/ProtoP/Charged from transient store.UnpackChargedProtos#1 ERROR Maximum number of errors ( 'ErrorMax':1) reached.HLTControlFlowMgr FATAL Event failed in Node FunTupleBase_Particles/Phi_TupleUnpackChargedProtos#1 ERROR Cannot retrieve /Event/pRec/ProtoP/Charged from transient store.UnpackChargedProtos#1 ERROR Maximum number of errors ( 'ErrorMax':1) reached.HLTControlFlowMgr FATAL Event failed in Node FunTupleBase_Particles/Tuple
@ldufour proposes an example doing spectroscopy with extra tracks (at Need to check if we have a file that actually contains such information.
Hi @pkoppenb , looking at your error message it seems to me that it could be a mismatch in the process value between the DV options.process (maybe set to 'Spruce') and your option file where you are passing process="HLT2". Can this be the case?
If all the files are in a public location I can try to run the job.
I had a look at the code. The problem seems to be related to the fact that all the functions in reco_objects (as upfront_reconstruction and make_pvs) assume process='Spruce' as default.
So you need to explicitly configure the process value when you invoke them, e.g.: pvs=pvs(process=process) L50.