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Support for Turbo MC microDST productions for Stripping26

Alex Pearce requested to merge turbo-mdst-v41r2p3-patches into DV4Strip26

This MR aims to add !54 (merged) and Phys!93 (merged) to the DV4Strip26 branch, intended for microDST productions. The fixes are related to discussions in LHCBGAUSS-1006 and LHCBGAUSS-1040.

Summary: Tesla now has a new configuration flag, FilterMC, that filters a subset of the input MC objects and clones them into Turbo-specific locations. After filtering, Tesla creates new relations tables using the MC objects from the filtered locations, allowing the input container of MC objects to be killed, saving disk space. (The killing is usually done in the Stripping step.)

I've also included the effective concatenation of LHCb!571 (merged) and Analysis!108 (merged), fixing a bug in the BackgroundCategory tool so that quarks are correctly identified. (It is a feature of the microDST cloners that quarks in the signal decay process are cloned, but their decay vertices are not, and the BackgroundCategory tool throws an exception when it finds a signal particle with no decay vertex.)

Merge request reports
