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DaVinci Tutorials

The tutorials have originally been developed for the LHCb starter-kit that took place in March 2022. The tutorials are accompanied by slides and recordings. Note that in the slides and recordings, the tutorials have been labelled differently to what is present here (the slides and recordings will be updated for the next starterkit lesson).


Setup a DaVinci version:

lb-run DaVinci/<version> bash

Here <version> can also be latest, in which case the latest release is picked up. One can also setup DaVinci using the nightly builds:

lb-run --nightly=lhcb-head/<slot_number> DaVinci/HEAD bash

Here <slot_number> can be looked up at the nightlies webpage. The <slot_number> can also take values like Today or Yesterday, where either today's or yesterday's nightly build can be picked up accordingly.

Alternatively, if you need to make non-trivial changes build your own stack for DaVinci (WARNING: Takes a very long time to build and is not suited to virtual machines like lxplus)

# Go to home or any directory of your choice
cd $HOME
# Setup the "stack/" folder
curl | python3 - stack
# compile DaVinci (DV) master
cd stack
make DaVinci
DaVinci/run bash

In the lesson, we will be using the Turbo upgrade simulation sample analysing the decays of Bs0->J/psi (-> mu+ mu-) phi (-> K+ K-). The simulation samples can either be in the local directory or at CERN EOS. Here our example DST file (hlt2_passthrough_thor_lines.dst) and accompanying configuration file (hlt2_passthrough_thor_lines.tck.json) are both at CERN EOS (see jobopts.yaml file).

Tutorial0: Running a simple DaVinci job


  • Creating an options.yaml file that configures the job
  • Create a function that returns a sequence of user defined algorithms
  • Running the example using lbexec

Command to run the tutorial:

lbexec DaVinciTutorials.tutorial0_basic_DVjob:main "$DAVINCITUTORIALSROOT/options.yaml"

Tutorial1: FunTuple basic ThOr functors and special field name


  • Basic configuration of FunTuple.
  • Defining a collection of ThOr functors (FunctorCollection).
  • Configuring the fields attribute of FunTuple.
  • Usage of special field name ALL.
  • Inspecting C++ string representation of ThOr functors.
  • Loading particles in the event from .dst onto Transient Event Store (TES) location.
  • Usage of event filter (mainly to get over a technical hurdle).

To see particle properties (for names, properties, etc):

dump_ParticleProperties -t Upgrade | tee ParticleTable.txt

Command to run the tutorial:

lbexec DaVinciTutorials.tutorial1_functors_specialfield:main "$DAVINCITUTORIALSROOT/options.yaml"

External links:

Tutorial2: LoKi functors


  • Defining a collection of LoKi functors together with ThOr functors.
  • Defining a LoKi preamble for a complex LoKi functor to be used in FunctorCollection.

Command to run the tutorial:

lbexec DaVinciTutorials.tutorial2_LoKi:main "$DAVINCITUTORIALSROOT/options.yaml"

External links:

Tutorial3: ThOr functors (Data dependence, arguments and return types)


  • Loading primary vertices (PVs) onto TES, which is passed to data dependent ThOr functors in FunTuple e.g. F.BPVIPCHI2(pvs).
  • Functors returning three and four vectors e.g. F.BPVFDVEC(pvs) that returns 3-vector.
  • Usage of functors taking other arguments such as other functors func e.g. F.CHILD(1,func), F.SUM(func), F.SUMCOMB(func,Indices), F.MASSWITHHYPOTHESES(('K+', 'K-').
  • Basic maths operators with functor returning scalars e.g. CHILD_2(F.END_VZ) - F.END_VZ, which returns difference in end vertex of child and mother.

Command to run the tutorial:

lbexec DaVinciTutorials.tutorial3_ThOrfunctors:main "$DAVINCITUTORIALSROOT/options.yaml"

Tutorial4: Usage of pre-defined functorcollections, storing trigger and event-level information


  • Usage of pre-defined functorcollections, inspecting and manipulating them before loading it onto FunTuple.
  • Exploring few simple methods of FunctorCollection class.
  • Storing event-level information with functorcollection e.g. RunNumber, EventNumber, etc.
  • Storing trigger (Hlt1, Hlt2 and Sprucing) information with functorcollection e.g. line decisions, Trigger Configuration Key (TCK).

Command to run the tutorial:

lbexec DaVinciTutorials.tutorial4_trigger_eventinfo:main "$DAVINCITUTORIALSROOT/options.yaml"

External links:

  • The Hlt1 decisions can be stored in similar way to Hlt2 and Spruce (see example option_trigger_decisions in DaVinciExamples folder). For details, can also refer to the talk (The talk mentions that to persist Hlt1 decisions, one needs to add few options to the Moore script).
  • List of currently available functorcollections are here and the planned ones are here.

Tutorial5: MC truth association and background category algorithm


  • Configuring the MC association and background category algorithm (MCTruthAndBkgCatAlg) to build a relation table. For MC association, the table is essentially a map between reconstructed particles and "truth" particles (MCParticle).
  • Usage of the relations table and ThOr functor handling such table (e.g. F.MAP_INPUT(func, RelTable) to get truth information and background category.
  • Also explore functorcollections such as MCKinematics, MCHierarchy, etc.

Command to run the tutorial:

lbexec DaVinciTutorials.tutorial5_MCTruth:main "$DAVINCITUTORIALSROOT/options.yaml"

Tutorial6: Decay Tree Fitter (DTF) algorithm


  • Usage of Decay Tree Fitter (DecayTreeFitter) to store refitted quantities.
  • Defining different instances of DecayTreeFitter algorithm with mass constraints, primary vertex constraint.

Command to run the tutorial:

lbexec DaVinciTutorials.tutorial6_DecayTreeFit:main "$DAVINCITUTORIALSROOT/options.yaml"

External links on decay tree fitter:

Tutorial7: Defining different instances of FunTuple when analysing outputs of multiple selection lines


  • Defining different instances of FunTuple to return different TDirectory in the output ROOT file.
  • Changes to the function returning user algorithm "sequence" to allow for this.

Command to run the tutorial:

lbexec DaVinciTutorials.tutorial7_multiple_sel_lines:main "$DAVINCITUTORIALSROOT/options.yaml"