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Commit 469003ff authored by Ya Zhao's avatar Ya Zhao
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add python script used to compare two ReadoutMaps

parent 67be7b1d
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1 merge request!414add python script used to compare two ReadoutMaps
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# (c) Copyright 2020 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration #
# #
# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public #
# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". #
# #
# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization #
# or submit itself to any jurisdiction. #
# This script is used to compare two ReadoutMaps and print the difference
# usage:
# python <first map xml file> <second map xml file>
# example:
# python ReadoutMap_SFCAVERN_SF_20220922_142756_All-FixedOrder.xml outputFiles/SFCAVERN_SF_20230418/ReadoutMap.xml
import os
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
def get_SourceIDs_ChannelIDs(xmlfilename):
tree = ET.parse(xmlfilename)
root = tree.getroot()
for child in root:
if(child.tag == "condition"):
for subchild in child:
if( (subchild.tag == "paramVector") and (subchild.attrib["name"]=="sourceIDs") ):
text_SourceIDs = subchild.text
list_SourceIDs = text_SourceIDs.split()
if( (subchild.tag == "paramVector") and (subchild.attrib["name"]=="LinkMap") ):
text_ChannelIDs = subchild.text
list_ChannelIDs = text_ChannelIDs.split()
return list_SourceIDs, list_ChannelIDs
if (len(sys.argv) != 3):
print("ERROR: please check number of arguments.")
filename1 = sys.argv[1]
filename2 = sys.argv[2]
list_SourceIDs_1, list_ChannelIDs_1 = get_SourceIDs_ChannelIDs(filename1)
list_SourceIDs_2, list_ChannelIDs_2 = get_SourceIDs_ChannelIDs(filename2)
print("print some values...\n")
print(list_SourceIDs_1, " lenth = ", len(list_SourceIDs_1))
print(list_SourceIDs_2, " lenth = ", len(list_SourceIDs_2))
print("list_ChannelIDs_1: ", list_ChannelIDs_1[0:10], " ", list_ChannelIDs_1[-10:], " lenth = ", len(list_ChannelIDs_1))
print("list_ChannelIDs_2: ", list_ChannelIDs_2[0:10], " ", list_ChannelIDs_2[-10:], " lenth = ", len(list_ChannelIDs_2))
if( len(list_SourceIDs_1) != len(list_SourceIDs_2) ):
print("ERROR: the number of SourceIDs in first map is " + str(len(list_SourceIDs_1)) + ", in second map is " + str(len(list_SourceIDs_2)))
if( len(list_ChannelIDs_1) != len(list_ChannelIDs_2) ):
print("ERROR: the number of ChannelIDs in first map is " + str(len(list_ChannelIDs_1)) + ", in second map is " + str(len(list_ChannelIDs_2)))
count = 0
print("comparing SourceIDs...")
for i in range(len(list_SourceIDs_1)):
if( list_SourceIDs_1[i] != list_SourceIDs_2[i] ):
print("FOUND difference: index = "+str(i)+", value in first map = "+list_SourceIDs_1[i]+", value in second map = "+list_SourceIDs_2[i])
if count == 0:
print("no difference found")
count = 0
print("comparing ChannelIDs...")
for i in range(len(list_ChannelIDs_1)):
if( list_ChannelIDs_1[i] != list_ChannelIDs_2[i] ):
print("FOUND difference: index = "+str(i)+"(row="+str(i//24)+", column="+str(i%24)+"), value in first map = "+list_ChannelIDs_1[i]+", value in second map = "+list_ChannelIDs_2[i])
if count == 0:
print("no difference found")
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