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Fix bug in FT module addressing

Roel Aaij requested to merge fix_ft_module_bug into master

id.mat() was used instead of id.module()

With this the HLT1 tracking efficiencies start to look much better:

long_validator validation:
TrackChecker output                               :       865/    10981   7.88% ghosts
for P>3GeV,Pt>0.5GeV                              :       865/    10981   7.88% ghosts
01_long                                           :      9259/    57970  15.97% ( 15.40%),       535 (  5.46%) clones, pur  99.71%, hit eff  96.92%
02_long_P>5GeV                                    :      9172/    37115  24.71% ( 23.80%),       533 (  5.49%) clones, pur  99.71%, hit eff  96.94%
03_long_strange                                   :       181/     2940   6.16% (  6.21%),         4 (  2.16%) clones, pur  99.76%, hit eff  96.55%
04_long_strange_P>5GeV                            :       180/     1401  12.85% ( 13.55%),         4 (  2.17%) clones, pur  99.76%, hit eff  96.53%
05_long_fromB                                     :        10/       53  18.87% ( 19.37%),         0 (  0.00%) clones, pur 100.00%, hit eff  97.50%
06_long_fromB_P>5GeV                              :        10/       29  34.48% ( 38.19%),         0 (  0.00%) clones, pur 100.00%, hit eff  97.50%
07_long_electrons                                 :        92/     4393   2.09% (  1.84%),         4 (  4.17%) clones, pur  98.85%, hit eff  96.00%
08_long_electrons_P>5GeV                          :        92/     2190   4.20% (  4.44%),         4 (  4.17%) clones, pur  98.85%, hit eff  96.00%
09_long_fromB_electrons                           :         1/       11   9.09% (  3.57%),         0 (  0.00%) clones, pur 100.00%, hit eff 100.00%
10_long_fromB_electrons_P>5GeV                    :         1/        6  16.67% ( 10.00%),         0 (  0.00%) clones, pur 100.00%, hit eff 100.00%
long_P>5GeV_AND_Pt>1GeV                           :      6847/     8057  84.98% ( 87.77%),       423 (  5.82%) clones, pur  99.71%, hit eff  97.52%
long_fromB_P>5GeV_AND_Pt>1GeV                     :         9/       11  81.82% ( 85.00%),         0 (  0.00%) clones, pur 100.00%, hit eff  98.15%
11_noVelo_UT                                      :         0/     6777   0.00% (  0.00%),         0 (  0.00%) clones, pur   -nan%, hit eff   -nan%
12_noVelo_UT_P>5GeV                               :         0/     2776   0.00% (  0.00%),         0 (  0.00%) clones, pur   -nan%, hit eff   -nan%
13_long_PT>2GeV                                   :      1375/     1538  89.40% ( 90.41%),        83 (  5.69%) clones, pur  99.71%, hit eff  97.74%
14_long_from_B_PT>2GeV                            :         2/        2 100.00% (100.00%),         0 (  0.00%) clones, pur 100.00%, hit eff 100.00%
15_long_strange_P>5GeV                            :       180/     1401  12.85% ( 13.55%),         4 (  2.17%) clones, pur  99.76%, hit eff  96.53%
16_long_strange_P>5GeV_PT>500MeV                  :       180/      530  33.96% ( 34.21%),         4 (  2.17%) clones, pur  99.76%, hit eff  96.53%

/cc @ldufour @gligorov @jonrob

Edited by Roel Aaij

Merge request reports
