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Use the correct Magnet current/polarity condition name

Merged Marco Clemencic requested to merge use-correct-magnet-cond into master
2 unresolved threads
+ 393
* (c) Copyright 2022 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration *
* *
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public *
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". *
* *
* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
#pragma once
#include <Core/GeometryTools.h>
#include <Core/crc.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <map>
#include <openssl/md5.h>
#include <openssl/sha.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <TClass.h>
#include <TGeoBBox.h>
#include <TGeoBoolNode.h>
#include <TGeoCompositeShape.h>
#include <TGeoCone.h>
#include <TGeoNode.h>
#include <TGeoPcon.h>
#include <TGeoShape.h>
#include <TGeoSphere.h>
#include <TGeoTorus.h>
#include <TGeoTrd1.h>
#include <TGeoTrd2.h>
#include <TGeoTube.h>
using lhcb::geometrytools::discretize_angle;
using lhcb::geometrytools::discretize_length;
using lhcb::geometrytools::discretize_rotmatrix;
using lhcb::geometrytools::discretize_vec;
namespace lhcb::Detector::checksum {
* Accumulators that can be used to gather information about the geometry
class AccumulatorCrc {
using ret = long;
void accumulate( long value ) { m_accumulator = lhcb::Detector::crc::checksum_long( m_accumulator, value ); }
void accumulate( std::string value ) {
auto str = value.c_str();
for ( size_t i = 0; i < value.length(); i++ ) {
m_accumulator = lhcb::Detector::crc::checksum_long( m_accumulator, (long)str[i] );
long result() { return m_accumulator; }
long m_accumulator = 0;
class AccumulatorStr {
using ret = std::string;
AccumulatorStr() {}
void accumulate( long value ) { m_accumulator << value << "."; }
void accumulate( std::string value ) { m_accumulator << value << "."; }
std::string result() { return m_accumulator.str(); }
std::stringstream m_accumulator;
class AccumulatorSha256 {
using ret = std::string;
AccumulatorSha256() {
if ( !SHA256_Init( &context ) ) { throw new std::exception(); }
void accumulate( long value ) { SHA256_Update( &context, (unsigned char*)&value, 4 ); }
void accumulate( std::string value ) { SHA256_Update( &context, (unsigned char*)value.c_str(), value.length() ); }
std::string result() {
unsigned char md[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
if ( !SHA256_Final( md, &context ) ) { throw new std::exception(); }
std::stringstream shastr;
shastr << std::hex << std::setfill( '0' );
for ( const auto& byte : md ) { shastr << std::setw( 2 ) << (int)byte; }
return shastr.str();
SHA256_CTX context;
class AccumulatorMd5 {
using ret = std::string;
AccumulatorMd5() {
if ( !MD5_Init( &context ) ) { throw new std::exception(); }
void accumulate( long value ) { MD5_Update( &context, (unsigned char*)&value, 4 ); }
void accumulate( std::string value ) { MD5_Update( &context, (unsigned char*)value.c_str(), value.length() ); }
std::string result() {
unsigned char md[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH];
if ( !MD5_Final( md, &context ) ) { throw new std::exception(); }
std::stringstream shastr;
shastr << std::hex << std::setfill( '0' );
for ( const auto& byte : md ) { shastr << std::setw( 2 ) << (int)byte; }
return shastr.str();
MD5_CTX context;
* Checksum methos for the various shapes used in the LHCb description
template <typename T>
void checksum_shape( T& accumulator, const TGeoShape* shape );
template <typename T>
void checksum_shape( T& accumulator, TGeoCompositeShape* shape );
template <typename T>
void checksum_shape( T& accumulator, TGeoBBox* shape );
template <typename T>
void checksum_shape( T& accumulator, TGeoShape* shape );
template <typename T>
void checksum_shape( T& accumulator, TGeoTubeSeg* sh );
template <typename T>
void checksum_shape( T& accumulator, TGeoShapeAssembly* sh );
template <typename T>
void checksum_shape( T& accumulator, TGeoConeSeg* sh );
template <typename T>
void checksum_shape( T& accumulator, TGeoPcon* sh );
template <typename T>
void checksum_shape( T& accumulator, TGeoTrap* sh );
template <typename T>
void checksum_shape( T& accumulator, TGeoCtub* sh );
template <typename T>
void checksum_shape( T& accumulator, TGeoSphere* sh );
template <typename T>
void checksum_shape( T& accumulator, TGeoTorus* sh );
template <typename T>
void checksum_matrix( T& accumulator, TGeoMatrix* m ) {
const Double_t* tr = m->GetTranslation();
const Double_t* rot = m->GetRotationMatrix();
for ( int i = 0; i < 9; i++ ) { accumulator.accumulate( discretize_rotmatrix( rot[i] ) ); }
for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { accumulator.accumulate( discretize_length( tr[i] ) ); }
template <typename T>
void checksum_cstring( T& accumulator, const char* str ) {
accumulator.accumulate( str );
template <typename T>
void checksum_shape( T& accumulator, TGeoCompositeShape* sh ) {
const TGeoBoolNode* boolean = sh->GetBoolNode();
TGeoBoolNode::EGeoBoolType oper = boolean->GetBooleanOperator();
TGeoMatrix* left_matrix = boolean->GetLeftMatrix();
TGeoMatrix* right_matrix = boolean->GetRightMatrix();
TGeoShape* left_solid = boolean->GetLeftShape();
TGeoShape* right_solid = boolean->GetRightShape();
accumulator.accumulate( (long)oper );
checksum_shape( accumulator, left_solid );
checksum_shape( accumulator, right_solid );
checksum_matrix( accumulator, left_matrix );
checksum_matrix( accumulator, right_matrix );
template <typename T>
void checksum_shape( T& accumulator, TGeoBBox* shape ) {
accumulator.accumulate( discretize_length( shape->GetDX() ) );
accumulator.accumulate( discretize_length( shape->GetDY() ) );
accumulator.accumulate( discretize_length( shape->GetDZ() ) );
template <typename T>
void checksum_shape( T& accumulator, TGeoTubeSeg* sh ) {
std::array<long, 6> vals{discretize_length( sh->GetRmin() ), discretize_length( sh->GetRmax() ),
discretize_length( sh->GetDz() ), discretize_angle( sh->GetPhi1() ),
discretize_angle( sh->GetPhi2() )};
std::for_each( vals.begin(), vals.end(), [&accumulator]( long value ) { accumulator.accumulate( value ); } );
template <typename T>
void checksum_shape( T& accumulator, TGeoShapeAssembly* sh ) {
std::array<long, 3> vals{discretize_length( sh->GetDX() ), discretize_length( sh->GetDY() ),
discretize_length( sh->GetDZ() )};
std::for_each( vals.begin(), vals.end(), [&accumulator]( long value ) { accumulator.accumulate( value ); } );
template <typename T>
void checksum_shape( T& accumulator, TGeoConeSeg* sh ) {
std::array<long, 7> vals{discretize_length( sh->GetDz() ), discretize_length( sh->GetRmin1() ),
discretize_length( sh->GetRmax1() ), discretize_length( sh->GetRmin2() ),
discretize_length( sh->GetRmax2() ), discretize_angle( sh->GetPhi1() ),
discretize_angle( sh->GetPhi2() )};
std::for_each( vals.begin(), vals.end(), [&accumulator]( long value ) { accumulator.accumulate( value ); } );
template <typename T>
void checksum_shape( T& accumulator, TGeoPcon* sh ) {
std::vector<long> pars{discretize_angle( sh->GetPhi1() ), discretize_angle( sh->GetDphi() ), long( sh->GetNz() )};
pars.reserve( 3 + 3 * sh->GetNz() );
for ( Int_t i = 0; i < sh->GetNz(); ++i ) {
pars.emplace_back( discretize_length( sh->GetZ( i ) ) );
pars.emplace_back( discretize_length( sh->GetRmin( i ) ) );
pars.emplace_back( discretize_length( sh->GetRmax( i ) ) );
std::for_each( pars.begin(), pars.end(), [&accumulator]( long value ) { accumulator.accumulate( value ); } );
template <typename T>
void checksum_shape( T& accumulator, TGeoTrd2* sh ) {
std::array<long, 5> vals{discretize_length( sh->GetDx1() ), discretize_length( sh->GetDx2() ),
discretize_length( sh->GetDy1() ), discretize_length( sh->GetDy2() ),
discretize_length( sh->GetDz() )};
std::for_each( vals.begin(), vals.end(), [&accumulator]( long value ) { accumulator.accumulate( value ); } );
template <typename T>
void checksum_shape( T& accumulator, TGeoTrap* sh ) {
std::vector<long> vals{
discretize_length( sh->GetDz() ), discretize_angle( sh->GetTheta() ), discretize_angle( sh->GetPhi() ),
discretize_length( sh->GetH1() ), discretize_length( sh->GetBl1() ), discretize_length( sh->GetTl1() ),
discretize_angle( sh->GetAlpha1() ), discretize_length( sh->GetH2() ), discretize_length( sh->GetBl2() ),
discretize_length( sh->GetTl2() ), discretize_angle( sh->GetAlpha2() )};
std::for_each( vals.begin(), vals.end(), [&accumulator]( long value ) { accumulator.accumulate( value ); } );
template <typename T>
void checksum_shape( T& accumulator, TGeoCone* sh ) {
std::vector<long> vals{discretize_length( sh->GetDz() ), discretize_length( sh->GetRmin1() ),
discretize_length( sh->GetRmax1() ), discretize_length( sh->GetRmin2() ),
discretize_length( sh->GetRmax2() )};
std::for_each( vals.begin(), vals.end(), [&accumulator]( long value ) { accumulator.accumulate( value ); } );
template <typename T>
void checksum_shape( T& accumulator, TGeoSphere* sh ) {
std::vector<long> vals{discretize_length( sh->GetRmin() ), discretize_length( sh->GetRmax() ),
discretize_angle( sh->GetTheta1() ), discretize_angle( sh->GetTheta2() ),
discretize_angle( sh->GetPhi1() ), discretize_angle( sh->GetPhi2() )};
std::for_each( vals.begin(), vals.end(), [&accumulator]( long value ) { accumulator.accumulate( value ); } );
template <typename T>
void checksum_shape( T& accumulator, TGeoCtub* sh ) {
const Double_t* lo = sh->GetNlow();
const Double_t* hi = sh->GetNhigh();
std::vector<long> vals{discretize_length( sh->GetRmin() ),
discretize_length( sh->GetRmax() ),
discretize_length( sh->GetDz() ),
discretize_angle( sh->GetPhi1() ),
discretize_angle( sh->GetPhi2() ),
discretize_vec( lo[0] ),
discretize_vec( lo[1] ),
discretize_vec( lo[2] ),
discretize_vec( hi[0] ),
discretize_vec( hi[1] ),
discretize_vec( hi[2] )};
std::for_each( vals.begin(), vals.end(), [&accumulator]( long value ) { accumulator.accumulate( value ); } );
template <typename T>
void checksum_shape( T& accumulator, TGeoTorus* sh ) {
std::vector<long> vals{discretize_length( sh->GetR() ), discretize_length( sh->GetRmin() ),
discretize_length( sh->GetRmax() ), discretize_angle( sh->GetPhi1() ),
discretize_angle( sh->GetDphi() )};
std::for_each( vals.begin(), vals.end(), [&accumulator]( long value ) { accumulator.accumulate( value ); } );
* Code to do the indirection from TGeoShape* to the detailed shape
template <typename T>
void checksum_shape( T& accumulator, TGeoShape* shape ) {
if ( !shape ) { throw std::invalid_argument( "null shape" ); }
TClass* cl = shape->IsA();
if ( cl == TGeoBBox::Class() )
return checksum_shape( accumulator, static_cast<TGeoBBox*>( shape ) );
else if ( cl == TGeoCompositeShape::Class() )
return checksum_shape( accumulator, static_cast<TGeoCompositeShape*>( shape ) );
else if ( cl == TGeoTubeSeg::Class() )
return checksum_shape( accumulator, static_cast<TGeoTubeSeg*>( shape ) );
else if ( cl == TGeoShapeAssembly::Class() )
return checksum_shape( accumulator, static_cast<TGeoShapeAssembly*>( shape ) );
else if ( cl == TGeoConeSeg::Class() )
return checksum_shape( accumulator, static_cast<TGeoConeSeg*>( shape ) );
else if ( cl == TGeoTrd2::Class() )
return checksum_shape( accumulator, static_cast<TGeoTrd2*>( shape ) );
else if ( cl == TGeoPcon::Class() )
return checksum_shape( accumulator, static_cast<TGeoPcon*>( shape ) );
else if ( cl == TGeoTrap::Class() )
return checksum_shape( accumulator, static_cast<TGeoTrap*>( shape ) );
else if ( cl == TGeoCone::Class() )
return checksum_shape( accumulator, static_cast<TGeoCone*>( shape ) );
else if ( cl == TGeoSphere::Class() )
return checksum_shape( accumulator, static_cast<TGeoSphere*>( shape ) );
else if ( cl == TGeoCtub::Class() )
return checksum_shape( accumulator, static_cast<TGeoCtub*>( shape ) );
else if ( cl == TGeoTorus::Class() )
return checksum_shape( accumulator, static_cast<TGeoTorus*>( shape ) );
else {
throw std::runtime_error( "Failed to access dimensions for shape of type " + std::string( cl->GetName() ) );
* Tools to iterate over the geometry tree
template <typename T>
void checksum_node( T& accumulator, TGeoNode* node ) {
// Checksum the position of the node
checksum_matrix( accumulator, node->GetMatrix() );
// Checksum of the medium and material
TGeoMedium* medium = node->GetMedium();
checksum_cstring( accumulator, medium->GetName() );
TGeoMaterial* material = medium->GetMaterial();
checksum_cstring( accumulator, material->GetName() );
// And now the shape
checksum_shape( accumulator, node->GetVolume()->GetShape() );
template <typename ACC>
std::map<std::string, typename ACC::ret> geometry_checksum( TGeoNode* node, int maxlevel ) {
std::map<std::string, typename ACC::ret> checksums;
// callback to compute the checkum of a node and its children checksums
auto compute_checksum =
[&checksums, maxlevel ]( TGeoNode * n, const lhcb::geometrytools::nodeMap<typename ACC::ret>& daughters,
std::string path, int level ) -> typename ACC::ret {
// Checksum of the node itself
ACC accumulator;
checksum_node( accumulator, n );
for ( auto d : daughters ) {
typename ACC::ret tcheck = d.second;
accumulator.accumulate( tcheck );
if ( level < maxlevel ) { checksums.emplace( path, accumulator.result() ); }
return accumulator.result();
lhcb::geometrytools::traverse( node, compute_checksum );
return checksums;
* Methods usable by clients
auto geometry_crc = geometry_checksum<AccumulatorCrc>;
auto geometry_sha256 = geometry_checksum<AccumulatorSha256>;
auto geometry_md5 = geometry_checksum<AccumulatorMd5>;
} // namespace lhcb::Detector::checksum