Draft: UP geometry added in compact/component and run5 LHCb.xml added
- New U2 UT added as the name of "UP"
- pixel chips modelled in compact/component/UP/trunk
- Geometry implemented in Detector/UP/src/UP_geo.cpp
- New channelID for HV CMOS modified in Detector/UP/include/Detector/UPChannelID.h
- Run with LHCb with the new UPDet
- Run with Gauss to know the new detector.
- Fix formatting failures in CI pipeline --done!
- Dummy conditions need to be added to lhcb-conditions-database to align with what is being pointed to in compact/components/trunk/UP/conditions.xml --done! with merge request lhcb-conddb/lhcb-conditions-database!112 (closed)
Run with LHCb!4349 (closed) and Gauss!1022 (closed)
Validated by
Core Software -
Merge request reports
Please do not tick mark when you create a MR. It is for the responsibles of CoreSoftware, Simulation and RTA to do so after they did all appropriate checks.
We will look into this once !428 (merged) is merged as there are clearly conflict with
at the moment that you selected as target.mentioned in merge request Gauss!1022 (closed)
mentioned in merge request LHCb!4349 (closed)
Just as a comment, the name U2UT seems to generate confusion. Indeed what it should reflect it what it is in term of detector.
To give you an example the name evolution for the VELO has been the following:
- Run1 & 2: Velo
- Run3 & 4: VP, i.e. Velo Pixel for that is different, the envelope for example still has the name Velo because it did not change
- Run5: VT, i.e. Velo TimePix again because the readout will be different as well as the sensors
So why don't you call the new UT for Run5 "UP" or "UPT", i.e. Upstream Pixel (Tracker) ?
added Upgrade2 label
added UT label
- Resolved by Ji Peng
@gcorti Hi, I am trying to rebase the project onto master, but there are lots of conflicts. The log file is at '/afs/cern.ch/user/p/pengj/public/rebase_onto_master.log' I developed the "UP" code based on branch 'future_upgrades_structure_rebase', tested by @mexu , which I think has been merged into master and was deleted rencently. So could you tell me how to solve these conflicts or any experts I can ask?
added 30 commits
1ec73413...21479c83 - 29 commits from branch
- 09a5facf - reset master and add our modifications
1ec73413...21479c83 - 29 commits from branch