Draft: Codex-beta
Add the new Codex-beta detector to master
Validated by
Core Software -
CODEX-beta DD4HEP Description
This merge request adds the new Codex-beta detector to the master branch. The changes include the following:
Modified files: - 'CMakeList.txt'
- compact/common/Regions/detector.xml : Added CodexRegion (D1-barrack location)
- compact/common/global/common.xml : Included CB, CBID(130)
- compact/run3/2024.Q1.2-v00.00/path.xml : Included CB in path
- compact/run3/2024.Q1.2-v00.00/checksums :
- compact/run3/2024.Q1.2-v00.00/LHCb.xml : CB
- compact/run3/trunk/path.xml : Included CB in path
- compact/run3/trunk/LHCb.xml
- compact/run3/trunk/checksums
Added files: - XML description of the geometry in trunk and 2024-v00.00/
- compact/components/CB/trunk/CB.xml
- compact/components/CB/trunk/conditions.xml
- compact/components/CB/trunk/detector.xml
- compact/components/CB/trunk/parameters.xml
- compact/components/CB/2024-v00.00/CB.xml
- compact/components/CB/2024-v00.00/conditions.xml
- compact/components/CB/2024-v00.00/detector.xml
- compact/components/CB/2024-v00.00/parameters.xml
- Detector/CB: Geometry, ConditionLoader and DeIOV classes
- Detector/CB/include/Detector/CB/CBChannelID.h : ChannelID for CODEX-beta
- Detector/CB/include/Detector/CB/CBConstants.h : Constanats file
- DD4HEP Geometry:
- Detector/CB/src/CODEXb_geo.cpp
- Condition Handling:
- Detector/CB/include/Detector/CB/DeCBConditionCalls.h
- Detector/CB/src/DeCBConditionCalls.cpp
- Detector/CB/src/CB_Cond.cpp
- DeIOV Classes:
- Detector/CB/include/Detector/CB/DeCB.h
- Detector/CB/include/Detector/CB/DeCBFace.h
- Detector/CB/include/Detector/CB/DeCBGasGap.h
- Detector/CB/include/Detector/CB/DeCBTriplet.h
- Detector/CB/src/DeCB.cpp
- Detector/CB/src/DeCBFace.cpp
- Detector/CB/src/DeCBGasGap.cpp
- Detector/CB/src/DeCBHandles.cpp
- Detector/CB/src/DeCBTriplet.cpp
- Test Conditions
- tests/ConditionsIOV/Conditions/CB/global.yml
Edited by Andras Burucs
Merge request reports
Filter activity
added 77 commits
a66e5b4e...08bf8501 - 65 commits from branch
- 08bf8501...ccd7f045 - 2 earlier commits
- 907728be - Fixes
- 4db06b38 - Fixed formatting
- e14150d1 - Fixes
- bd61f966 - pre-commit fixes
- adf0bc0f - Fixes
- b06053a8 - Fixes
- c3f2584c - Fixes
- 1c4618bc - Unused Variable Changes
- 3d9cb7dc - Unused de variable
- 1212760c - New CheckSums
Toggle commit list-
a66e5b4e...08bf8501 - 65 commits from branch
added 8 commits
3f8254ed...d974c423 - 6 commits from branch
- ec69aa93 - Rebase
- 75f8bab2 - Your commit message
3f8254ed...d974c423 - 6 commits from branch
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