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Include back in master MPChannelID and MPVolumeID

Merged Renato Quagliani requested to merge rquaglia_run5_addbackChannelID_VolumeID into master
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+ 168
* (c) Copyright 2000-2019 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration *
* *
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public *
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". *
* *
* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <cassert>
#include <climits>
#include <cstdint>
#include <exception>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <utility>
namespace LHCb::Detector {
/** @brief a faked MIGHTY tracker channel ID
* This class encodes a MIGHTY tracker channel ID. It has the following
* features:
* - It uses the MCKey of the particle.
* - There is no physical meaning to the LHCBID
class MPChannelID final {
/// Bitmasks
enum struct Mask : unsigned {
key = 0x1ffff, // 00011111111111111111 -> 131071
layer = 0x20000, // 00100000000000000000
station = 0xc0000, // 11000000000000000000
uniqueLayer = layer | station,
template <Mask m>
[[nodiscard]] static constexpr unsigned int extract( unsigned int i ) {
constexpr auto b =
__builtin_ctz( static_cast<unsigned int>( m ) ); // FIXME: C++20 replace __builtin_ctz with std::countr_zero
return ( i & static_cast<unsigned int>( m ) ) >> b;
template <Mask m>
[[nodiscard]] static constexpr unsigned int shift( unsigned int i ) {
constexpr auto b =
__builtin_ctz( static_cast<unsigned int>( m ) ); // FIXME: C++20 replace __builtin_ctz with std::countr_zero
auto v = ( i << static_cast<unsigned int>( b ) );
assert( extract<m>( v ) == i );
return v;
template <Mask m, typename T>
[[nodiscard]] static constexpr unsigned int shift( T i ) {
return shift<m>( to_unsigned( i ) );
enum struct StationID : unsigned int {};
[[nodiscard]] friend constexpr unsigned int to_unsigned( StationID id ) { return static_cast<unsigned>( id ); }
enum struct LayerID : unsigned int {};
[[nodiscard]] friend constexpr unsigned int to_unsigned( LayerID id ) { return static_cast<unsigned>( id ); }
template <typename IDtype>
struct to_ID_t {
constexpr std::vector<IDtype> operator()( const std::vector<int>& v ) const {
std::vector<IDtype> ret;
ret.reserve( v.size() );
std::transform( v.begin(), v.end(), std::back_inserter( ret ),
[]( int a ) { return IDtype{static_cast<unsigned int>( a )}; } );
return ret;
static constexpr auto to_stationID = to_ID_t<StationID>{};
static constexpr auto to_layerID = to_ID_t<LayerID>{};
/// Default Constructor
constexpr MPChannelID() = default;
/// Constructor from int
constexpr explicit MPChannelID( unsigned int id ) : m_channelID{id} {}
/// Explicit constructor from the geometrical location and key
constexpr MPChannelID( unsigned int station, unsigned int layer, unsigned int key )
: MPChannelID{shift<Mask::station>( station ) | shift<Mask::layer>( layer ) |
shift<Mask::key>( key )} {}
// Operator overload, to cast channel ID to unsigned int. Used by linkers where the key (channel id) is an int
constexpr operator unsigned int() const { return m_channelID; }
/// Comparison equality
constexpr friend bool operator==( MPChannelID lhs, MPChannelID rhs ) { return lhs.channelID() == rhs.channelID(); }
/// Comparison <
constexpr friend bool operator<( MPChannelID lhs, MPChannelID rhs ) { return lhs.channelID() < rhs.channelID(); }
/// Comparison >
constexpr friend bool operator>( MPChannelID lhs, MPChannelID rhs ) { return rhs < lhs; }
/// Increment the channelID
constexpr MPChannelID& advance() {
return *this;
/// Retrieve const MP Channel ID
[[nodiscard]] constexpr unsigned int channelID() const { return m_channelID; }
/// Retrieve MCKey of particle
[[nodiscard]] constexpr unsigned int key() const { return extract<Mask::key>( m_channelID ); }
/// Retrieve Layer id
[[nodiscard]] constexpr LayerID layer() const { return LayerID{extract<Mask::layer>( m_channelID )}; }
/// Retrieve Station id
[[nodiscard]] constexpr StationID station() const { return StationID{extract<Mask::station>( m_channelID )}; }
/// Retrieve unique layer
[[nodiscard]] constexpr unsigned int globalLayerID() const { return extract<Mask::uniqueLayer>( m_channelID ); }
/// Retrieve global station index [0..2]
[[nodiscard]] constexpr unsigned int globalStationIdx() const {
assert( to_unsigned( station() ) != 0 &&
"Trying to get the station idx of a station 0! This typically happens when having a kInvalidChannel." );
return to_unsigned( station() ) - 1;
/// Retrieve global layer index [0..11]
[[nodiscard]] constexpr unsigned int globalLayerIdx() const {
return ( 2 * globalStationIdx() + to_unsigned( layer() ) );
/// Retrieve local layer Index
[[nodiscard]] constexpr unsigned int localLayerIdx() const { return to_unsigned( layer() ); }
// /// Retrieve channelID for monitoring
// [[nodiscard]] constexpr unsigned int key() const {
// return to_unsigned( key() );
// }
friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& s, const MPChannelID& obj ) {
return s << "{ MPChannelID : "
<< " key =" << obj.key() << " layer=" << to_unsigned( obj.layer() )
<< " station=" << to_unsigned( obj.station() ) << " }";
/// Operator overload, to cast channel ID to std::string
friend std::string toString( const MPChannelID& id ) {
return fmt::format( "T{}L{}K{}", to_unsigned( id.station() ), to_unsigned( id.layer() ), id.key() );
/// Operator overload, to cast channel ID to std::string
std::string toString() const {
return fmt::format( "T{}L{}K{}", to_unsigned( station() ), to_unsigned( layer() ), key() );
unsigned int m_channelID{0}; /// MP Channel ID
}; // class MPChannelID
} // namespace std