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Utilise GaussGeo in Gauss Configurable

Dmitry Popov requested to merge replace_gigageo_with_gaussgeo_in_gauss into master

This MR provides GaussGeo support in Gauss Configurable and makes it the default mechanism for geometry conversion. For the moment GiGaGeo is still present and can be used instead of GaussGeo by toggling the UseGaussGeo option.

The MR introduces an internal list _listOfGeoObjects_ for geo items, it is populated by Gauss and then applied either to GaussGeo or to GiGaGeo via GiGaInputStream. Also some cleanup in routines was done to remove the unused variables (GiGaInputStream and GiGaGeo related).

The MR also adds a set of GaussCalo options for compatibility with GaussGeo, because they utilise GiGaInputStream directly to manipulate the geo items.

Also this MR introduces geo figures conversion counters in GaussGeo.

Edited by Gloria Corti

Merge request reports