Neutron shield for Fiber Tracker in default geometry of upgrade in Gauss configurable and latest tags
Port merging of branch 'LHCBGAUSS-1219.FT-NeutronShield' into master (See merge request !192 (merged))
Also include changes to use latest database tags in example options (See merge request !188 (merged) + change of DDDB tag)
The new dbase tags are only compatible with LHCb > v42r4 and are:
- Particle Property Table update in 2017 (LHCBUCNDB-82)
- VP geometry update Plan A for cooling and support structures (LHCBUCNDB-81)
- FT Geometry Mod from EDMS 1792415 and avoid Rich2 Overlap (LHCBUCNDB-80)
- FT Neutron shield (LHCBUCNDB-70)
- Field Map from Magnetic Field Measurements in 2014 (LHCBUCNDB-79)
- FT conditions major update along with Geometry version v61 (LHCBUCNDB-77)
Edited by Gloria Corti