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[WIP]LHCBGAUSS-869: Energy List Iteration & Material and Particle Names in Titles

Kristian Alexander Zarebski requested to merge LHCBGAUSS-869 into Sim09

The original design of the test did not state the material and particle names within the titles for each histogram. As this test forms part of LHCbPR it is important to be able to distinguish them.

Furthermore it was realised that despite a list of energies being provided the plots were not created for each energy, this has now been fixed by adding the loop statement in Sim/SimChecks/options/

The changes have been tested using lhcb-sim09 and lhcb-gauss-dev and so are confirmed to work in master/Sim09, CMT/CMake.

Edited by Kristian Alexander Zarebski

Merge request reports
