diff --git a/Sim/SimChecks/options/RadLength/RadLengthAna_FullGeo.py b/Sim/SimChecks/options/RadLength/RadLengthAna_FullGeo.py
index a2b6f4480ec268b4f31e54fcdd8ff2ffa6c5964f..a0362d37c04185ca07952043ecd96bfac2e99e43 100644
--- a/Sim/SimChecks/options/RadLength/RadLengthAna_FullGeo.py
+++ b/Sim/SimChecks/options/RadLength/RadLengthAna_FullGeo.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 ## and the radiation lenght tool is activated.                                 ##
 ## In order for this to work you also need Gauss-Job.py and MaterialEvalGun.py ##
 ##                                                                             ##
-##  @author : K.Zarebski                                                       ##
+##  @author : K.Zarebski, L. Pescatore                                         ##
 ##  @date   : last modified on 2017-10-06                                      ##
diff --git a/Sim/SimChecks/options/RadLength/RadLengthAna_NoVELO.py b/Sim/SimChecks/options/RadLength/RadLengthAna_NoVELO.py
index f40d9b8353bcabc908fd5b1e44a56ad870abde98..f4c694cd6bab62d0841fcf59cc7e5dd8dece77d7 100644
--- a/Sim/SimChecks/options/RadLength/RadLengthAna_NoVELO.py
+++ b/Sim/SimChecks/options/RadLength/RadLengthAna_NoVELO.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 ## and the radiation lenght tool is activated.                                 ##
 ## In order for this to work you also need Gauss-Job.py and MaterialEvalGun.py ##
 ##                                                                             ##
-##  @author : K.Zarebski                                                       ##
+##  @author : L. Pescatore, K.Zarebski                                         ##
 ##  @date   : last modified on 2017-10-06                                      ##
diff --git a/Sim/SimChecks/options/RadLength/RadLengthAna_VELO.py b/Sim/SimChecks/options/RadLength/RadLengthAna_VELO.py
index 1c0db9fb578dd1aaf5d5623a885c69729865f43d..bce07e8fb575d93bee510da3d6f9efdfb32fc8e7 100644
--- a/Sim/SimChecks/options/RadLength/RadLengthAna_VELO.py
+++ b/Sim/SimChecks/options/RadLength/RadLengthAna_VELO.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 ## and the radiation lenght tool is activated.                                 ##
 ## In order for this to work you also need Gauss-Job.py and MaterialEvalGun.py ##
 ##                                                                             ##
-##  @author : K.Zarebski                                                       ##
+##  @author : L. Pescatore K.Zarebski                                          ##
 ##  @date   : last modified on 2017-06-09                                      ##
diff --git a/Sim/SimChecks/options/Target/MakeEvents.py b/Sim/SimChecks/options/Target/MakeEvents.py
index 18f94e09d4b7cf36d6077798a127e45114656293..2331c0f68623ebe01f352f41259489a36e55747c 100644
--- a/Sim/SimChecks/options/Target/MakeEvents.py
+++ b/Sim/SimChecks/options/Target/MakeEvents.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 ##  which can be passed options for target materials, particle guns,           ##
 ##  thickness of the target and energy.                                        ##
 ##                                                                             ##
-##  @author   :  Kristian Zarebski                                             ##
+##  @author   :  Luca Pescatore, Kristian Zarebski                             ##
 ##  @date     :  last modified 2018-02-16                                      ##
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import os
 import re
 import subprocess
-from Target.TargetCreateEvents import RunTargetJobs
 from argparse import ArgumentParser
@@ -40,6 +39,9 @@ parser.add_argument("--thicknessList", default="[1]", dest="thickness", help="Sp
 parser.add_argument("--pgunList", default="['p', 'pbar', 'Kplus', 'Kminus','Piplus, 'Piminus']", dest="pguns", help="Specify the particle gun")
 parser.add_argument("--use-gauss-geo", dest="gauss_geo", default=False, action='store_true', help='Use GaussGeo instead of GigaGeo for geometry initialisation if option available in Gauss version')
 parser.add_argument("--use-giga-geo", dest="giga_geo", default=False, action='store_true', help='Use GiGaGeo instead of GaussGeo for geometry initialisation if option available in Gauss version')
+parser.add_argument("--plot-only", dest="plot", default=False, action='store_true', help='Perform plotting only')
 opts = parser.parse_args()
 energies = getArgsNum(opts.energies)
 models = getArgsChar(opts.physList)
@@ -47,20 +49,24 @@ materials = getArgsChar(opts.materials)   # 'Al' 'Be' 'Si'
 thicks = getArgsNum(opts.thickness)    # in mm 1, 5, 10 (only)
 pguns = getArgsChar(opts.pguns)       # Available: 'Piminus' 'Piplus' 'Kminus' 'Kplus' 'p' 'pbar'
-gauss_geo_opts = ''
-if opts.gauss_geo:
-  gauss_geo_opts = 'from Configurables import Gauss; Gauss().UseGaussGeo = True'
-elif opts.giga_geo:
-  gauss_geo_opts = 'from Configurables import Gauss; Gauss().UseGaussGeo = False'
-RunTargetJobs(output_directory, models, pguns, energies, materials, thicks, use_gauss_geo=gauss_geo_opts)
+if not opts.plot:
+    print("Running Test")
+    gauss_geo_opts = ''
+    if opts.gauss_geo:
+      gauss_geo_opts = 'from Configurables import Gauss; Gauss().UseGaussGeo = True'
+    elif opts.giga_geo:
+      gauss_geo_opts = 'from Configurables import Gauss; Gauss().UseGaussGeo = False'
+    from Target.TargetCreateEvents import RunTargetJobs
+    RunTargetJobs(output_directory, models, pguns, energies, materials, thicks, use_gauss_geo=gauss_geo_opts)
 from ROOT import *
 from Target.TargetPlots import Plot
-file_ = TFile(os.path.join(output_directory, "ROOTFiles/TargetsPlots.root"))
+file_ = TFile.Open(os.path.join(output_directory, "ROOTFiles/TargetsPlots.root"))
 dataTree = file_.Get("summaryTree")
 subprocess.check_call("mkdir -p {}/Kaons".format(output_directory), shell=True)
@@ -79,7 +85,7 @@ for e in energies:
 for t in thicks:
     for p in plots:
-        Plot(dataTree, "energy", p, output_directory, models, pguns, materials, 2, t, True)
+        Plot(dataTree, "energy", p, output_directory, models, pguns, materials, 2, t)
         if "p" in pguns and "pbar" in pguns:
             Plot(dataTree, "energy", p, os.path.join(output_directory, "Protons"), models, ["p", "pbar"], materials, 2, t, True)
         if "Kplus" in pguns and "Kminus" in pguns:
diff --git a/Sim/SimChecks/python/RadLengthMakePlots.py b/Sim/SimChecks/python/RadLengthMakePlots.py
index 6e5b6285ffa3c4ac43396b171e281c962ee1e16e..645c151fb31a6184c5bfd7def325265e692c6767 100644
--- a/Sim/SimChecks/python/RadLengthMakePlots.py
+++ b/Sim/SimChecks/python/RadLengthMakePlots.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ## Python script for creation of plots as part of Radiation Length tests       ##
 ##                                                                             ##
-##  @author : K. Zarebski                                                      ##
+##  @author : L. Pescatore, K. Zarebski                                        ##
 ##  @date   : last modified on 2018-05-29                                      ##
diff --git a/Sim/SimChecks/python/Target/TargetCreateEvents.py b/Sim/SimChecks/python/Target/TargetCreateEvents.py
index 103983f55d8073d738f258cfc0decfa270ef3aea..a2bbdf3f23d8eb245cf195370341218f81bfd512 100644
--- a/Sim/SimChecks/python/Target/TargetCreateEvents.py
+++ b/Sim/SimChecks/python/Target/TargetCreateEvents.py
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
-# Option file to run hadronic cross section checks with multiple targets.
-# For moreusage informations: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCb/TargetStudy
-# Last modified: Kristian Zarebski, 02/02/2017
+# Option file to run hadronic cross section checks with multiple targets.           #
+# For moreusage informations: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCb/TargetStudy #
+#                                                                                   #
+# @author  :  L. Pescatore, K. Zarebski                                             #
+# @date    :  Last modified 2018-07-25                                              #
 import sys
 import os
diff --git a/Sim/SimChecks/python/Target/TargetPlots.py b/Sim/SimChecks/python/Target/TargetPlots.py
index b3976fa6534bd873546aff5b75c97525e64b1810..46b6d9b8ab95351fd5c5602672146c1f2375a41b 100644
--- a/Sim/SimChecks/python/Target/TargetPlots.py
+++ b/Sim/SimChecks/python/Target/TargetPlots.py
@@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
-# Option file to run hadronic cross section checks with multiple targets.
-# For moreusage informations: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCb/TargetStudy
-# Last modified: Kristian Zarebski, 02/02/2017
-from string import find
-from ROOT import *
+# Option file to run hadronic cross section checks with multiple targets.           #
+# For moreusage informations: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCb/TargetStudy #
+#                                                                                   #
+# @author : L. Pescatore, K. Zarebski                                               #
+# @date   : Last modified 2018-07-25                                                #
+import ROOT
 from Target.TargetSummary import Plotter, doMultiHistos
 from array import array
 from copy import *
 import os
+import logging
 vardef = {"TOTAL": "xsec", "INEL": "inel_xsec", "EL": "el_xsec",
         "MULTI_NCH": "multiNCh", "MULTI_NCH_NOGAMMA": "multiNCh_nogamma",
@@ -43,19 +45,31 @@ mat_names = {'Al' : 'Aluminium', 'Be' : 'Beryllium', 'Si' : 'Silicon'}
 part_latex = {'Piminus' : '#pi^{-}', 'Piplus' : '#pi^{+}', 'p' : 'p^{+}', 'pbar' : 'p^{-}',
               'Kplus' : 'K^{+}', 'Kminus' : 'K^{-}'}
-def Plot(dataTree, xvar, finalPlot, outputPath, models=[], pguns=[], materials=[], E0=-1, Dx=-1, plotData=False, makePDFs=False):
-    gROOT.SetBatch(True)
+class ROOTException(Exception):
+     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+         message = '{} Failed.\nINFO: {}'.format(*args)
+         Exception.__init__(self, message)
+def Plot(dataTree, xvar, finalPlot, outputPath, models=[], pguns=[], materials=[], E0=-1, Dx=-1, plotData=False, makePDFs=False, debug=False):
+    ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(True)
+    _logger = logging.getLogger('TARGETPLOTS')
+    if debug:
+        _logger.setLevel('DEBUG')
     plotterDict = Plotter()
-    leg = TLegend(0.10, 0.1, 0.9, 0.9)
+    leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.10, 0.1, 0.9, 0.9)
     fPlot = finalPlot.replace("RATIO_", "").replace("ASYM_", "")
     var = vardef[fPlot]
-    if(find(finalPlot, "RATIO") > -1 or find(finalPlot, "ASYM") > -1):
+    if any(i in finalPlot for i in ['RATIO', 'ASYM']):
         mystr = " in " + str(Dx) + " mm"
         if(xvar == "thickness"):
@@ -89,6 +103,7 @@ def Plot(dataTree, xvar, finalPlot, outputPath, models=[], pguns=[], materials=[
             ratiotxt.write("\\multicolumn{2}{c}{ratio " + str(plotterDict._all_pguns[pguns[pg + 1]].GetLatex("$")) + "/" + str(plotterDict._all_pguns[pguns[pg]].GetLatex("$")) + "} \\\\ \\hline \n")
             nm = 0
             for m in models:
+                _logger.debug("Creating {}: {} vs {} Graphs for:\n\tPgun: {}\n\tModel: {}\n\tMaterial: {}\n\tEnergy={}GeV\tThickness={}mm".format(finalPlot, xvar, var, pguns[pg], m, materials, E0, Dx))
                 ratiotxt.write("\\multicolumn{2}{c}{ " + m + "} \\\\ \\hline \n")
@@ -103,40 +118,44 @@ def Plot(dataTree, xvar, finalPlot, outputPath, models=[], pguns=[], materials=[
                 dataTree.Draw(">>" + varexp, select, "entrylist")
-                list = gDirectory.Get(varexp)
-                entries = list.GetN()
-                dataTree.SetEntryList(list)
-                errx = array('d', [0.] * entries)
+                entry_list = ROOT.gDirectory.Get(varexp)
+                entries = entry_list.GetN()
+                dataTree.SetEntryList(entry_list)
-                has_error = (find(finalPlot, "MULTI") > -1 or find(finalPlot, "TOTAL") > -1 or find(finalPlot, "INEL") > -1 or find(finalPlot, "EL") > -1)
+                _logger.debug("Retrieving Entry List of Size "+str(entries))
+                values = {'xerr' : array('d', [0.] * entries), 'R' : array('d', []), 'Rerr' : array('d', [])}
-                if entries == 0:
-                    print "No entries selected!"
-                    print "Selection used: " + select
-                    continue
+                has_error = any(i in finalPlot for i in ['MULTI', 'TOTAL', 'INEL', 'EL'])
+                try:
+                    assert entries != 0
+                except AssertionError:
+                    _logger.error("No entries selected! Selection used: {}\nGot value: entries={}\nAborting...".format(entries, select))
+                    raise AssertionError 
-                        dataTree.Draw(xvar + ":" + var + ":" + var + "_err", "", "colz")
-                        gr = TGraphErrors(entries, dataTree.GetV1(), dataTree.GetV2(), errx, dataTree.GetV3())
+                        values['y1'] = array('d', [dataTree.GetEntry(entry_list.GetEntry(i)) and getattr(dataTree, var) for i in xrange(entries)])
+                        values['x'] = array('d', [dataTree.GetEntry(entry_list.GetEntry(i)) and getattr(dataTree, xvar) for i in xrange(entries)])
+                        values['y1err'] = array('d', [dataTree.GetEntry(entry_list.GetEntry(i)) and getattr(dataTree, var+'_err') for i in xrange(entries)])
+                        gr = ROOT.TGraphErrors(entries, values['x'],
+                                                        values['y1'],
+                                                        values['xerr'],
+                                                        values['y1err'])
-			print("ERROR: Could not generate Graph: '{}+/-{} vs {}+/-{}'".format(xvar, var, errx, var+'_err' ))
-			continue
+			_logger.error("Could not generate Graph: '{}+/-{} vs {}+/-{}'".format(xvar, '0', var, var+'_err' ))
+			raise ROOTException('ROOT.TGraphErrors', 'x={}\nxerr={}\ny1={}\ny1err={}'.format(values['x'], values['xerr'], values['y1'], values['y1err']))
-                    	dataTree.Draw(xvar + ":" + var)
-                    	gr = TGraphErrors(entries, dataTree.GetV1(), dataTree.GetV2())
+                        values['y1'] = array('d', [dataTree.GetEntry(entry_list.GetEntry(i)) and getattr(dataTree, var) for i in xrange(entries)])
+                        values['x'] = array('d', [dataTree.GetEntry(entry_list.GetEntry(i)) and getattr(dataTree, xvar) for i in xrange(entries)])
+                    	gr = ROOT.TGraphErrors(entries, values['x'], values['y1'])
-			 print("ERROR: Could not generate Graph: '{} vs {}'".format(xvar, var))
-			 continue
-                ty1 = dataTree.GetV2()
-                terry1 = dataTree.GetV3()
-                y1 = []
-                erry1 = []
-                for i in range(0, entries):
-                    y1.append(ty1[i])
-                    if has_error:
-                        erry1.append(terry1[i])
+			_logger.error("Could not generate Graph: '{} vs {}'".format(xvar, var))
+			raise ROOTException('ROOT.TGraphErrors', 'x={}\ny1={}'.format(values['x'], values['y1']))
                 varexp = "h_" + str(pg + 1) + m
                 select = select_template.format(mod=ord(m[0]), mat=ord(materials[0][0]), part=plotterDict._all_pguns[pguns[pg + 1]]._pdgID)
@@ -146,61 +165,77 @@ def Plot(dataTree, xvar, finalPlot, outputPath, models=[], pguns=[], materials=[
                 elif(xvar == "thickness"):
                     select += " && energy == " + str(E0)
                 dataTree.Draw(">>" + varexp, select, "entrylist")
-                list2 = gDirectory.Get(varexp)
-                dataTree.SetEntryList(list2)
+                entry_list = ROOT.gDirectory.Get(varexp)
+                entries = entry_list.GetN()
+                _logger.debug("Retrieving Entry List of Size "+str(entries))
+                dataTree.SetEntryList(entry_list)
-                        dataTree.Draw(xvar + ":" + var + ":" + var + "_err")
-                        gr = TGraphErrors(entries, dataTree.GetV1(), dataTree.GetV2(), errx, dataTree.GetV3())
+                        values['y2'] = array('d', [dataTree.GetEntry(entry_list.GetEntry(i)) and getattr(dataTree, var) for i in xrange(entries)])
+                        values['x'] = array('d', [dataTree.GetEntry(entry_list.GetEntry(i)) and getattr(dataTree, xvar) for i in xrange(entries)])
+                        values['y2err'] = array('d', [dataTree.GetEntry(entry_list.GetEntry(i)) and getattr(dataTree, var+'_err') for i in xrange(entries)])
+                        gr = ROOT.TGraphErrors(entries, values['x'], values['y2'], values['xerr'], values['y2err'])
-			print("ERROR: Could not generate Graph: '{}+/-{} vs {}+/-{}'".format(xvar, var, errx, var+'_err' ))
-			continue
+			_logger.error("Could not generate Graph: '{}+/-{} vs {}+/-{}'".format(xvar, '0', var, var+'_err' ))
+			raise ROOTException('ROOT.TGraphErrors', 'x={}\nxerr={}\ny2={}\ny2err={}'.format(values['x'], values['xerr'], values['y1'], values['y1err']))
-                    	dataTree.Draw(xvar + ":" + var)
-                    	gr = TGraphErrors(entries, dataTree.GetV1(), dataTree.GetV2())
+                        values['y2'] = array('d', [dataTree.GetEntry(entry_list.GetEntry(i)) and getattr(dataTree, var) for i in xrange(entries)])
+                        values['x'] = array('d', [dataTree.GetEntry(entry_list.GetEntry(i)) and getattr(dataTree, xvar) for i in xrange(entries)])
+                    	gr = ROOT.TGraphErrors(entries, values['x'], values['y2'])
-			print("ERROR: Could not generate Graph: '{} vs {}'".format(xvar, var))
-			continue
-                tx = dataTree.GetV1()
-                ty2 = dataTree.GetV2()
-                terry2 = dataTree.GetV3()
-                x = []
-                y2 = []
-                erry2 = []
-                for i in range(0, entries):
-                    y2.append(ty2[i])
-                    if has_error:
-                        erry2.append(terry2[i])
-                    x.append(tx[i])
+			_logger.error("Could not generate Graph: 'x={} vs y2={}'".format(xvar, var))
+			raise ROOTException('ROOT.TGraphErrors', '{}\n{}'.format(values['x'], values['y1']))
+                try:
+                    assert len(values['x']) == len(values['y1']) and len(values['x']) == len(values['y2']) and len(values['x']) == entries
+                except AssertionError:
+                    _logger.error("Array sizes for x, y1, y2 are incompatible")
+                    raise AssertionError
-                y = []
-                erry = []
                 for ee in range(0, entries):
-                    ratiotxt.write(str(x[ee]))
-                    if(find(finalPlot, "RATIO") > -1):
-                        y.append(y2[ee] / y1[ee])
+                    ratiotxt.write(str(values['x'][ee]))
+                    if 'RATIO' in finalPlot:
+                        try:
+                            values['R'].append(values['y2'][ee] / values['y1'][ee])
+                        except ZeroDivisionError:
+                            _logger.error("Attempted to Divide by a Zero\nCalculation y2/y1:"+
+                            "\n\ty2={}\n\ty1={}\nSelection: {}".format(values['y2'],values['y1'], select)+
+                            "\nThese values are obtained using GetV1(), GetV2() etc.")
+                            raise ZeroDivisionError
-                        #y.append(100*TMath.Abs(y1[ee] - y2[ee])/(2. - y1[ee] - y2[ee]))
-                        y.append(100 * TMath.Abs(y1[ee] - y2[ee]) / 2.)
+                        values['R'].append(100 * ROOT.TMath.Abs(values['y1'][ee] - values['y2'][ee]) / 2.)
-                    if(len(erry1) > 0):
-                        totErr2 = TMath.Power(erry1[ee] / y1[ee], 2) + TMath.Power(erry2[ee] / y2[ee], 2)
-                        erry.append(y[ee] * TMath.Sqrt(totErr2))
-                        ratiotxt.write(' & $ {0:4.2} \\pm {1:4.2} $ \\\\ \n'.format(y[ee], erry[ee]))
+                    if has_error:
+                        try:
+                            totErr2 = ROOT.TMath.Power(values['y1err'][ee] / values['y1'][ee], 2) + ROOT.TMath.Power(values['y2err'][ee] / values['y2'][ee], 2)
+                        except ZeroDivisionError:
+                            _logger.error("Attempted to Divide by a Zero\nCalculation y1err/y1+y2err/y2:"+
+                            "\n\ty1err={}\n\ty1={}\n\ty2err={}\n\ty2={}.\n\tSelection: {}".format(values['y1err'],
+                             values['y1'], values['y2err'], values['y2'], select)+
+                            "\nThese values are obtained using GetV1(), GetV2() etc.")
+                            raise ZeroDivisionError
+                        values['Rerr'].append(values['R'][ee] * ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(totErr2))
+                        ratiotxt.write(' & $ {0:4.2} \\pm {1:4.2} $ \\\\ \n'.format(values['R'][ee], values['Rerr'][ee]))
-                        ratiotxt.write(' & $ {0:4.2} $ \\\\ \n'.format(y[ee]))
+                        ratiotxt.write(' & $ {0:4.2} $ \\\\ \n'.format(values['R'][ee]))
-                if(len(erry) > 1):
-                    gr = TGraphErrors(entries, array('d', x), array('d', y), array('d', errx), array('d', erry))
+                if has_error:
+                    gr = ROOT.TGraphErrors(entries, values['x'], values['R'], values['xerr'], values['Rerr'])
-                    gr = TGraphErrors(entries, array('d', x), array('d', y))
+                    gr = ROOT.TGraphErrors(entries, values['x'], values['R'])
                 gr.SetMarkerColor(colors[pg / 2])
                 gr.SetMarkerStyle(20 + nm)
@@ -210,15 +245,15 @@ def Plot(dataTree, xvar, finalPlot, outputPath, models=[], pguns=[], materials=[
                     label += " (" + m + ")"
                 leg.AddEntry(gr, label, "P")
-                if(plotData and (find(finalPlot, "TOTAL") > -1 or find(finalPlot, "INEL") > -1) and find(finalPlot, "RATIO") > -1):
+                if plotData and any(i in finalPlot for i in ['TOTAL', 'INEL', 'RATIO']):
                     grPDG = 0
                     if(plotterDict._all_pguns[pguns[pg]].GetName() == "p" and plotterDict._all_pguns[pguns[pg + 1]].GetName() == "pbar"):
-                        grPDG = TGraphErrors(5, array('d', pdgenergies), array('d', pdgRatios_p))
+                        grPDG = ROOT.TGraphErrors(5, array('d', pdgenergies), array('d', pdgRatios_p))
                     elif(plotterDict._all_pguns[pguns[pg]].GetName() == "Piplus" and plotterDict._all_pguns[pguns[pg + 1]].GetName() == "Piminus"):
-                        grPDG = TGraphErrors(5, array('d', pdgenergies), array('d', pdgRatios_pi))
+                        grPDG = ROOT.TGraphErrors(5, array('d', pdgenergies), array('d', pdgRatios_pi))
                     elif(plotterDict._all_pguns[pguns[pg]].GetName() == "Kplus" and plotterDict._all_pguns[pguns[pg + 1]].GetName() == "Kminus"):
-                        grPDG = TGraphErrors(5, array('d', pdgenergies), array('d', pdgRatios_K))
+                        grPDG = ROOT.TGraphErrors(5, array('d', pdgenergies), array('d', pdgRatios_K))
                     if grPDG:
                         if(len(pguns) > 2):
@@ -241,9 +276,9 @@ def Plot(dataTree, xvar, finalPlot, outputPath, models=[], pguns=[], materials=[
-        c = TCanvas()
-        leg_pad = TPad("leg_pad", "", 0.73, 0, 1., 1.)
-        gr_pad = TPad("gr_pad", "", 0.03, 0, 0.8, 1.)
+        c = ROOT.TCanvas()
+        leg_pad = ROOT.TPad("leg_pad", "", 0.73, 0, 1., 1.)
+        gr_pad = ROOT.TPad("gr_pad", "", 0.03, 0, 0.8, 1.)
@@ -251,7 +286,7 @@ def Plot(dataTree, xvar, finalPlot, outputPath, models=[], pguns=[], materials=[
         os.system("mkdir -p {}/ROOTGraphs".format(outputPath))
         output_rootFile = os.path.join(outputPath, "ROOTGraphs/{}".format(finalPlot + mystr.replace(" ", "_") + ".root"))
-        out_file = TFile.Open(output_rootFile, "recreate")
+        out_file = ROOT.TFile.Open(output_rootFile, "recreate")
 	ratio_title_y = '#sigma^{{{group}}}_{{antipart}}/#sigma^{{{group}}}_{{part}}'
@@ -259,7 +294,7 @@ def Plot(dataTree, xvar, finalPlot, outputPath, models=[], pguns=[], materials=[
         for gg in grs:
-            if(finalPlot.find("RATIO") > -1):
+            if 'RATIO' in finalPlot:
 		if 'INEL' in finalPlot:
             	elif 'TOTAL' in finalPlot:
@@ -296,9 +331,9 @@ def Plot(dataTree, xvar, finalPlot, outputPath, models=[], pguns=[], materials=[
-        c = TCanvas()
-        leg_pad = TPad("leg_pad", "", 0.73, 0, 1., 1.)
-        gr_pad = TPad("gr_pad", "", 0.03, 0, 0.8, 1.)
+        c = ROOT.TCanvas()
+        leg_pad = ROOT.TPad("leg_pad", "", 0.73, 0, 1., 1.)
+        gr_pad = ROOT.TPad("gr_pad", "", 0.03, 0, 0.8, 1.)
         mystr = " in " + str(Dx) + " mm"
@@ -368,22 +403,22 @@ def Plot(dataTree, xvar, finalPlot, outputPath, models=[], pguns=[], materials=[
         COMPASTot_pbar_y = [x * PintOverSigmaFactor for x in COMPASTot_pbar_sigma]
         COMPASTot_pbar_yErr = [x * PintOverSigmaFactor for x in COMPASTot_pbar_sigmaErr]
-        COMPAS_p_gr = TGraphErrors(6, array('d', COMPAS_p_x), array('d', COMPAS_p_y), array('d', [0.] * 6), array('d', COMPAS_p_yErr))
-        COMPAS_pbar_gr = TGraphErrors(6, array('d', COMPAS_pbar_x), array('d', COMPAS_pbar_y), array('d', [0.] * 6), array('d', COMPAS_pbar_yErr))
+        COMPAS_p_gr = ROOT.TGraphErrors(6, array('d', COMPAS_p_x), array('d', COMPAS_p_y), array('d', [0.] * 6), array('d', COMPAS_p_yErr))
+        COMPAS_pbar_gr = ROOT.TGraphErrors(6, array('d', COMPAS_pbar_x), array('d', COMPAS_pbar_y), array('d', [0.] * 6), array('d', COMPAS_pbar_yErr))
-        COMPASTot_p_gr = TGraphErrors(4, array('d', COMPASTot_p_x), array('d', COMPASTot_p_y), array('d', [0.] * 4), array('d', COMPASTot_p_yErr))
-        COMPASTot_pbar_gr = TGraphErrors(2, array('d', COMPASTot_pbar_x), array('d', COMPASTot_pbar_y), array('d', [0.] * 2), array('d', COMPASTot_pbar_yErr))
+        COMPASTot_p_gr = ROOT.TGraphErrors(4, array('d', COMPASTot_p_x), array('d', COMPASTot_p_y), array('d', [0.] * 4), array('d', COMPASTot_p_yErr))
+        COMPASTot_pbar_gr = ROOT.TGraphErrors(2, array('d', COMPASTot_pbar_x), array('d', COMPASTot_pbar_y), array('d', [0.] * 2), array('d', COMPASTot_pbar_yErr))
-        COMPAS_inBe_p_gr = TGraphErrors(6, array('d', COMPAS_inBe_p_x), array('d', COMPAS_inBe_p_y), array('d', [0.] * 6), array('d', COMPAS_inBe_p_yErr))
-        COMPAS_inBe_pbar_gr = TGraphErrors(5, array('d', COMPAS_inBe_pbar_x), array('d', COMPAS_inBe_pbar_y), array('d', [0.] * 5), array('d', COMPAS_inBe_pbar_yErr))
+        COMPAS_inBe_p_gr = ROOT.TGraphErrors(6, array('d', COMPAS_inBe_p_x), array('d', COMPAS_inBe_p_y), array('d', [0.] * 6), array('d', COMPAS_inBe_p_yErr))
+        COMPAS_inBe_pbar_gr = ROOT.TGraphErrors(5, array('d', COMPAS_inBe_pbar_x), array('d', COMPAS_inBe_pbar_y), array('d', [0.] * 5), array('d', COMPAS_inBe_pbar_yErr))
@@ -392,13 +427,15 @@ def Plot(dataTree, xvar, finalPlot, outputPath, models=[], pguns=[], materials=[
         #Plotting Gauss values
         n0 = 0
         nh = 0
-        for model in models:
+        for n0, model in enumerate(models):
             for material in materials:
                 n2 = 0
                 for pg in pguns:
+                    _logger.debug("Creating {}: {} vs {} Graphs for:\n\tModel: {}\n\tMaterial: {}".format(finalPlot, xvar, var, model, material))
+                    gr = None
                     varexp = "h_" + str(nh)
                     nh += 1
@@ -408,30 +445,41 @@ def Plot(dataTree, xvar, finalPlot, outputPath, models=[], pguns=[], materials=[
                     elif(xvar == "thickness"):
                         select += " && energy == " + str(E0)
                     dataTree.Draw(">>" + varexp, select, "entrylist")
-                    list = gDirectory.Get(varexp)
-                    entries = list.GetN()
-                    dataTree.SetEntryList(list)
+                    entry_list = ROOT.gDirectory.Get(varexp)
+                    entries = entry_list.GetN()
+                    dataTree.SetEntryList(entry_list)
+                    _logger.debug("Retrieving Entry List of Size "+str(entries))
-                    errx = array('d', [0.] * entries)
-                    gr = 0
+                    values = {'xerr' : array('d', [0.] * entries)}
                     if(finalPlot == "MULTI" or finalPlot == "TOTAL" or finalPlot == "INEL" or finalPlot == "EL"):
                              dataTree.Draw(xvar + ":" + var + ":" + var + "_err", "", "colz")
-                             gr = TGraphErrors(entries, dataTree.GetV1(), dataTree.GetV2(), errx, dataTree.GetV3())
+                             values['y'] = array('d', [dataTree.GetEntry(entry_list.GetEntry(i)) and getattr(dataTree, var) for i in xrange(entries)])
+                             values['x'] = array('d', [dataTree.GetEntry(entry_list.GetEntry(i)) and getattr(dataTree, xvar) for i in xrange(entries)])
+                             values['yerr'] = array('d', [dataTree.GetEntry(entry_list.GetEntry(i)) and getattr(dataTree, var+'_err') for i in xrange(entries)])
+                             gr = ROOT.TGraphErrors(entries, values['x'], values['y'], values['xerr'], values['yerr'])
-                             print("ERROR: Could not generate Graph: '{}+/-{} vs {}+/-{}'".format(xvar, var, errx, var+'_err' ))
-			     continue
+                             _logger.error("Could not generate Graph: '{}+/-{} vs {}+/-{}'".format(xvar, '0', var, var+'_err' ))
+                             raise ROOTException('TGraphErrors','')
-                             dataTree.Draw(xvar + ":" + var)
-                             gr = TGraphErrors(entries, dataTree.GetV1(), dataTree.GetV2())
+                             values['y'] = array('d', [dataTree.GetEntry(entry_list.GetEntry(i)) and getattr(dataTree, var) for i in xrange(entries)])
+                             values['x'] = array('d', [dataTree.GetEntry(entry_list.GetEntry(i)) and getattr(dataTree, xvar) for i in xrange(entries)])
+                             gr = ROOT.TGraphErrors(entries, values['x'], values['y'])
-                             print("ERROR: Could not generate Graph: '{} vs {}'".format(xvar, var))
-			     continue
+                             _logger.error("Could not generate Graph: '{} vs {}'".format(xvar, var))
+                             raise ROOTException('TGraphErrors','')
                     if(nh % 2 == 0):
                         gr.SetMarkerColor(colors[int(nh / 2. - 1)])
@@ -456,7 +504,7 @@ def Plot(dataTree, xvar, finalPlot, outputPath, models=[], pguns=[], materials=[
                     if plotData and n0 == len(models) - 1 and materials[0] == "Al":
-                        if find(finalPlot, "TOTAL") > -1:
+                        if 'TOTAL' in finalPlot:
                             if plotterDict._all_pguns[pg].GetName() == "p":
                                 COMPASTot_p_gr.SetMarkerColor(4)  # colors[int(nh/2.-1)])
@@ -465,7 +513,7 @@ def Plot(dataTree, xvar, finalPlot, outputPath, models=[], pguns=[], materials=[
                                 COMPASTot_pbar_gr.SetMarkerColor(4)  # colors[int(nh/2.-1)])
                                 leg.AddEntry(COMPASTot_pbar_gr, "COMPAS #bar{p} total in Al", "P")
-                        elif find(finalPlot, "INEL") > -1:
+                        elif 'INEL' in finalPlot:
                             if plotterDict._all_pguns[pg].GetName() == "p":
                                 COMPAS_p_gr.SetMarkerColor(4)  # colors[int(nh/2.-1)])
@@ -474,7 +522,7 @@ def Plot(dataTree, xvar, finalPlot, outputPath, models=[], pguns=[], materials=[
                                 COMPAS_pbar_gr.SetMarkerColor(4)  # colors[int(nh/2.-1)])
                                 leg.AddEntry(COMPAS_pbar_gr, "COMPAS #bar{p} inel in Al", "P")
-                    elif plotData and n0 == len(models) - 1 and materials[0] == "Be" and find(finalPlot, "INEL") > -1:
+                    elif plotData and n0 == len(models) - 1 and materials[0] == "Be" and 'INEL' in finalPlot:
                         if plotterDict._all_pguns[pg].GetName() == "p":
                             COMPAS_inBe_p_gr.SetMarkerColor(4)  # colors[int(nh/2.-1)])
@@ -486,14 +534,14 @@ def Plot(dataTree, xvar, finalPlot, outputPath, models=[], pguns=[], materials=[
             n0 += 1
-        gStyle.SetOptStat(0)
+        ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0)
         if(xvar == "energy"):
         os.system("mkdir -p {}/ROOTGraphs".format(outputPath))
         output_rootFile = os.path.join(outputPath, "ROOTGraphs/{}".format(finalPlot + mystr.replace(" ", "_") + ".root"))
-        out_file = TFile.Open(output_rootFile, "recreate")
+        out_file = ROOT.TFile.Open(output_rootFile, "recreate")
         ngg = 0
         for gg in grs:
@@ -530,10 +578,10 @@ def Plot(dataTree, xvar, finalPlot, outputPath, models=[], pguns=[], materials=[
                     gg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.00001, 0.0025)
                     gg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.00001, 0.025)
-            elif(find(finalPlot, "MULTI") > -1):
+            elif 'MULTI' in finalPlot:
                 gg.GetYaxis().SetTitle("< Multi >")
                 gg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 40.)
-            elif(find(finalPlot, "PERC") > -1):
+            elif 'PERC' in finalPlot:
                 gg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 100.)
@@ -577,8 +625,8 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     #pguns = ["pbar","p"]
     path = "/afs/cern.ch/work/p/pluca/TargetOutput"
-    file = TFile(path + "/TargetsPlots.root")
-    dataTree = file.Get("summaryTree")
+    file_in = ROOT.TFile.Open(path + "/TargetsPlots.root")
+    dataTree = file_in.Get("summaryTree")
     os.system("mkdir -p " + path + "/Kaons")
     os.system("mkdir -p " + path + "/Protons")
diff --git a/Sim/SimChecks/python/Target/TargetSetup.py b/Sim/SimChecks/python/Target/TargetSetup.py
index c3ae8888b39b049b72a28e29d36b03ebb4944afd..9b29cb394881f123946f976992f28ad4bb981a1d 100755
--- a/Sim/SimChecks/python/Target/TargetSetup.py
+++ b/Sim/SimChecks/python/Target/TargetSetup.py
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+## Option file to define geometry reader and geometry conditions                     ##
+##                                                                                   ##
+##  @authors : L. Pescatore, K. Zarebski                                             ##
+##  @date    : last modified 2018-07-16                                              ##
 from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 from Gauss.Configuration import *
diff --git a/Sim/SimChecks/python/Target/TargetSummary.py b/Sim/SimChecks/python/Target/TargetSummary.py
index d6eab6946dd9b0e7a98c1e9d822725d376d00ede..0b5c94cdad03b9587b8c923fe2dba6bb132c623d 100644
--- a/Sim/SimChecks/python/Target/TargetSummary.py
+++ b/Sim/SimChecks/python/Target/TargetSummary.py
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
-# Option file to run hadronic cross section checks with multiple targets.
-# For moreusage informations: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCb/TargetStudy
-# Last modified: Kristian Zarebski, 01/02/2017
+# Option file to run hadronic cross section checks with multiple targets.           #
+# For moreusage informations: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCb/TargetStudy #
+#                                                                                   #
+# @author  :  L. Pescatore, K. Zarebski                                             #
+# @date    :  Last modified 2018-07-25                                              #
 from string import *
 from ROOT import *
diff --git a/Sim/SimChecks/scripts/rad_length_scan.py b/Sim/SimChecks/scripts/rad_length_scan.py
index 78e9ac842c85a89b9d1aaa44483292849d0f4178..5576e3513d019fb727c36dd6fc0460c5d38557f0 100644
--- a/Sim/SimChecks/scripts/rad_length_scan.py
+++ b/Sim/SimChecks/scripts/rad_length_scan.py
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 ##                                                                             ##
 ## Twiki at: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCb/RadLengthStudies        ##
 ##                                                                             ##
-##  @author : K.Zarebski                                                       ##
+##  @author : L. Pescatore, K.Zarebski                                         ##
 ##  @date   : last modified on 2018-05-29                                      ##
diff --git a/Sim/SimChecks/scripts/rad_length_scan_velo_z.py b/Sim/SimChecks/scripts/rad_length_scan_velo_z.py
index d85fccb43a8f7820032adec7f505302de84d78bd..0399fb298c28dcbd96fd9c213b5cd9743683b556 100644
--- a/Sim/SimChecks/scripts/rad_length_scan_velo_z.py
+++ b/Sim/SimChecks/scripts/rad_length_scan_velo_z.py
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 ##                                                                             ##
 ## Twiki at: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCb/RadLengthStudies        ##
 ##                                                                             ##
-##  @author : K.Zarebski                                                       ##
+##  @author : L. Pescatore, K.Zarebski                                         ##
 ##  @date   : last modified on 2018-05-29                                      ##